T' ,w . it k mi: u , On Thursday the 4 th Inst., hy tho Kct. J. P. Khindel, Mr. Jonw Hovfmaw, of Shnmokin, to Miss Ki.it. ah snt VotoiiT of Roaring Creek. On Sunday the 7th inst , by tho same, Mr. Wx. Litssliukh to Miss As.i lUu, lioth of Union County. PRICK CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxlheimcr, Wheat1! 80 60 40 25 S 100 10 25 12J 75 200 8 10 Kris, Con, Oath, Pohk, Flaxsi-kii, UnTTsn, ItKFSWAT, . Taliow, Duitu Applks, - PnACIO.S, FtAX, Hkcklgd Flax, S1CKXESS. THERE ore many persons that we tl:iily behold, whose countenances and frail limbs denote nfllic Ibn' which w-e find has principally originated from neglect of proper rernadics nt the commencement of lickncs. At first the patient complain of bile on the stomach attended with sickness, cottivewss, AfC, he neglects to procure proper medicine; nt lenlh he ;ompl,iin of pain in the side mid stomach with lour eructations; his rippctite becomes impaired, lis rest troublesome, his mind harassed, iind all hings around him appear not in their proper station. 'Ic still neglects liinis. lt', when in all probability he disease may at lentil be so fast sealed, that no ncdical aid will replace him nr;ain. At the first Hack of aickncsR there should bo " no time lost" n ir.icuring Dr Harlich's nutpnexn sTtiKNn-rii-sio AFKittKNT pills, which immediately re loves bite from the stomach, ohviatff Costivoncss. rmove disorders in the head' invigorate the mihd, Irengthcn the body, improve tl.o memory, and en vcu the imagina'ion ; thus restoring llio body -to its proper function". Principle Oilier, No. 1'J, NORTH ElfiHTH tut, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMEB. VV A R RANTED lEras Clock, for si:s, J7 QUAL fur lime to any snl.l by Cluck Ped I2i Ian for 2.r, for sale bv March 13. H. B. MANSER. CREDITORS TAKE NOTK.'E, That we have J applied to the Court of Common Plcns of Nnr-nmherl-iitd County. for the bent-lit of tho laws ide for the relief of the insolvent di btois; and jt the Judges of the said Court have appointed first Monday of April next to hear us and our editors ot the Court House in Sunbury, when id where you may attend if you think proper. JOSEPH MKRPIIV, March 13. JOHN P. RAV. hereby given to the creditors of Albert Am merman, to appear in the Court of Common as of Northumberland county, on the first day next term, and show cause, if any they have, y the proceeds of the Kale of his real estate, sold Henry Oosslcr, Esq., sheiilVof Nor humberbind lily, should not be applied to the payment of the jmcnt of Mary Dunham. SAMUEL D. JORDAN, .larch 2J, 1811. J'rult'y. LIST OF CAUSES R trial in the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland County, to bo held ot Sun- IT' , the first Monday of Ap'il, 16-1 1, being the 5th. ph Trego vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. M.irlin A. Sloik, .l.uk.-an Ncshit, R. II. H.inimond, Salomon Mt-ngas, Henry Blown, Shipuian V flrcenough John Filbert, Martin Weaver, et a! , J icoh Whccljiid, Hugh Bellas :luist eV Noshit ieiyge Lauranro lamer for Roush Vm. Henderson Si me ale, nd'm of Filbert bim'th of Penn'a. .trough of Milton adt-r for Badger iugh Hellas mdrew Tinbrook, . hn Undent urn et al. ;titcl A, Rebcr 'homns Perry lary Weeks i.ilomon Dunklel cger leniy Ma-ser Vrn. A. T.loyJ lenry H. Burr Vnlhony M'Donough iV. C. Livingston . Lyon cfc Co. Solomon Mentis Sharles W. Richards Vui. Siiipman . W. Johnson v.j. Lwiri Dcvvait, vs. D.iuul Fiyinire et al., vs. Alexander El-len vial., vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. Joliti Vincent, Frederick Dauchman, Bverlv Haas, Pile r & Welz. I, J icob Si-asho!., vs. John Voungman, v. John B. Boyd, vs. John Fitpatriik, vs. John Meek Icy, vs. Hogh Bellas, vs. (irorge Oyster, vs. John 1). Cowdori, v-. (lustavua Ross et al., vs. Richard Re.nhaw tl al. Slhnakci, Dunn & Co. vs. John Smith, onrad Raver vs. Daviil A ice, vs (ioss rV Hdeman, vs. William Haas, vs. Richards & Kitchen, v, John Cau', vs, Patrick II ain s. y, vs. John (i'av. lon.ilhan Pursel licha.l Fullmer hn D. Cowdcn Charles L. Barnc laoob Di ttz lacoh lloutl SAMUEL V. JORDAN, Prothonotary's Olbee, I'ruth'y. Sunbuiy, Maic.i 1, Is 1 1 . j IlSSOlll1lll f I'ai tlKMSllip. 'plIE undersigned having dissolved partnership, - wish to give notice to those indebted in the old inoks to make payment so. .11, as 1111 loiigrr indul ;ence will be given. For m l'.! nn nt, call nl tbe ,'oun lry, a the books wiil rema'ii yet awhile in ll.c lands of the late firm for settlement. OEORtiE ROHRUACH, JACOB ROHRUACH, Feb. 27. 3t DANIEL KOHRBACH. ticorgt llornUtrgcr'u Iltlute. "WJOTICB i hereby given, that the Regi-ter of the county of Noiiliumbfrl.iud, hs lids day granted letters lestnin.-iilar , to the subscribers, up.01 the est.ilc ot Cieorge lloinli.-rer, t f t.'oal towiishif, in the siid county. All er-ons having demands or claim ngaiust the suid ilect'deiit, are requested to make known thu smie In Ihein without delay. (JEOUUE I.liNO. THOMAS HEN.MNOER. Feb. 22 6t. Adui's. Danitl hiisv's IMato. A.TOTICE is hereby given, thai letters of admin- 1 ' istra'ion on the estate of Daniel Kase, lato of JIuh township, NoriliuinlieriaiiJ county, deed., have been grunted by the Register of said county to lie suWriher. All those indebted to the abovs es tate will make payment, and those having c'aiins will present their accounts on Ine .mm ami oil March. 1611, at the late icsidence of deceased. I E PER K ASE. S IT N n U It Y (iEORGE ROHUBACH & BROTHERS WISH to Infirm their Customers nnd the pub lic generally, that they lave erected an En gine, nnd are enabled to do a more extensive I usi nes than heretofore, nnd aro ready to mi.ko nil kinds of callings commonly cast at Foundry r, viz: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and rLOUOH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they will dispose of as cheap as they can he bought elsewhere. Old Iron and Country produce will b taken in i xehangn for castings. GEORGE ROHRUACH, JACOH ROHRUACH, Feb. 27. WILLIAM KOHRBACH. ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. P. St J. II. FRXCK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADLNG & PHOIllTCK COMMISSION M KU II A NTS, jYu. 2'J7, Market street, five ihurs above Srventi, l'lULAHELVUlA, OFFER for sale, nt the lowed mvket prices, a geneial nssortment of Teas, Cuffirx, Sugar, Mtihimrs, Wines, l.iimtrs. Spices, 'lohiifrn, Ac. CinirTr Piioin cr received nnd sold on comnii.-i-sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to call and cxnuine our stock, In fore purchasing ilsrwhere. M r. h int ; wishirg their gonds c ..Heeled in this city, by L nving nn order, will have them prompt'y I'orw.iideJ, by the most expcdiiious line.-'. Edwin r. rnrcK, John ii. thick. Feb. 6, 1811. Iy. Appiicatiou FOR AN INCORPORATION. THE members nf the " GOOD INTENT FIRE COMPANY" of Sunburv, in pursuance of un order of the Court of Common Plea of Northum berland County, hereby pie notiii, that tiny have made application to the said c.-nit to be incorporated agreeably to the piox iions of the net of Assembly upon the subject, having exhibi'ed to the said cmnt an instrument of writing, specifying the object, ar ticles, conditions, name and style of the said nssoci ation, which has been approved of by the aid court, and fihd with the prothoiiotarv thereof; nnd that a charter of incorporation will lie granted to llio said I compiny, nt the next term of i-aid court, to be hl- I den al Sunbuiy,uu ihe first Monday of April next, unless sulhcicnt reason be shown to I he contrary. WM. L. DE WART. Sunbury, Feb. fi, 1811. 3 l'rcst. FEW Copios o(Tlif t'nion Choral tlttr imnij)," consisting of Sarr d Muse, withtiei man and English lints to each un.e. By II. C, Eyer. For s.i'c l y January 30. II. B. MASSER, In t!ic Mi'IhiIhou Court of Pli-nt for fhr Slate of l'imtj 1 vwiiirt. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA : I,. S. Davphis Coi:ntv, ss. The Commonwealth of 1 ennsylvania. vs. The persons claiming ti tlo to, or interest in ilu. llill f.i prrptntuuto tot limuiiv. vera) tiaets nt land set forth in the Bill, whereof the following is an ul str.ict. T a term of the "Nicholson (ourt of Picas for the State of Pennsylvania," convened in the Borough of Harrislmrg, Pa.. Jan. 20, A. D. IS11, in pursuance of an arl entitled "An act to so lie the estates of John Nicholson and Peter Baynton," passed April Kith, A. D. 18-10. Upon Iho petition presented and filed in our court by Robetl Orr, John Dungan and William Primrose Esis , Com missioners appointed ns provided in the act afore said repiesonting "that whereas it nppcars from the records in llio office of the Sccrelniy of the Land Oflice in Pennsvlvani.i, that William P. Brady np- plied for, nnd look out of the I.mil ( Hike aforesa.d, J Iifteen wa:r. iiils, nil bfaiing ilate Aov. is, l'J.J. in the name of John liready, 'J'homas Hamilton, Wil liam P. Bieady, John B.iyd, Will am W1U011, Ben jamin F. Young, William (iray, Willi.un Cook, Esq , John t'owden. Bernard Hubby, Thomas (iiaut, Alexander Hun'er, Samuel Sett James Hepburn, John Carat u; and also t'.ie five f. 'Tow ing warrants, all I earing date March 11, l'l'Jl, in the nanu s of Thomas Ree.-c, Thumas (irnul, rvim uel Scott, Thomas ILimilton, Jeremiah Jackson, for four bundled acres ouch, adjoining inch other in .1...:. . ... t... .. I.,r,,.. 1 ;.. V.,.ll.,,.l,...t ,,..t l lie, 1 1 ' yjfi a Millie i'iui i, iiiu. 111 u in .ii-iniMiiti- iiauu County, as desciilied nnd Ml for.h in the ceililicates I unuextd to said petition, liuin'.ertd 12,"(81 ; and whereas it np-cats by n rereij I in the office nt tht Secretary of the Land Ollice, uf..rcsaid, dated June 2, 1791, a certificate whtreof is also to sa d petition annexed, that William P. Biady aid into the Laud Ollice aforesaid JL200 in specie, lor sa.d twenty liacts, ninoiinling ill nil to 8000 "acres, together with X10 ollice fees; and whereas it also appear by the certificates of tho said William P. ll:a.lv, legally exerut. d und acknonlt dgid, bearing date August 13, IS'.jS, the same whereof is unne.xed to the petition, thut the twenty warrants ab.,ve nn n- lioiit'd were nil paid by the said William P. Brady, ns s the ngent of, and lor the use and benefit of John iichols. 11, Esq., for the sole use and benefit of suid Nichol Nichols, n, and was paid for with money placed in his hands for that purpose, nllhough from the b- oks in said Land Office, it (appears that said il laoi P. ' B'ady received c r. dil for Ibe (.urcbase n one) of said , warrants. The p. titioners further iep resent, that: the said William P. Brady, the witness which the petitioners have for proof of the f u ts stated in the above bill, is now vi iy aged and ii.finn, the petition ers therelore pray the t'ouit that a rule may be 1 gr imed before said I'ouit to take ihe testiin.iiiv ol tho suiJ William P. Hi nly, nmv of ihe county nf 1 In liana, and state of Peulis Ivania, touching Hie aforesaid twenty tracts i f land, on duo not.te there- I id to all peisons uitt-resied, thut the tame w II tie ; entered of record in said court at H.urisbuig, and iM-rpcluatcd ngieeably to tlie diitction of the Con- slilution of this Commonwealth, and the jets id ! A-semly in such case made und provided, mid to i ni .ke such Inula r rule a. 1! ordeis her. in us to the j Couit s h jII st em just und proper, Wliereup -n, January 20, IS II, tin. foregoing pe- ! tition being read in qn t'01 t, and the r lideuie j of the prisons interested in the lauds theriiu men- i lioned not being known, the Cuuat order and iliitet ' Ihat a iule be entirnl to ull parti., ,n persons inte- . rested in said lands, to shew Cause before tbi- curt : to he he'd at ll'ur.t.ourg on the mc.ohI Monday of April next, v.hy the Usliuuuiy sh.dl iu,t thou and thiro he peip. mated ns applied I'. 11 111 raid a liliun, and the couit further order that a ropy of llio said rule and order he publ.shed in one- daily newspaper in the city if Philud. Iphia, one day in iaeli wtik, foe six weeks su.cesM.cly, and once a week for the same period in a weekly newspaper printed in Nor thunilurland County, (wheie Hie land lies,) prior to the said second Monday in Apiil next. Witness tho II n. Joseph B. Anthony, Jud;;e of our said Court at the borough of llanisbuig, this Iwentieth day ot January, A. D. one thou sand eight hundicd and forty. one. Jan. 30 6w II C. HlCKoK, CI rk. II. H.IM(IHIII1IIJIUII BRAD Y'S HOTEL. niwii.u:, c om mihi ot ty, I'l'llKl.) 1 VMIllU. THE RUBRCRIBEIt respectfully Informs the public, that he has removed from the town of Cuttnivina to Danville, and that ho has purchased in that place, the large and Cuiumodiuu 11 11 1 V It M O t'SHi at Tns conwrn op mill amp mahrkt itihuti, C Opposite the Court-Haute,) J" ' ' v Which he his fitted up br the erection fr.;'ilW of ADDI I IONAI. BUILDINtiS. nnd SJJSlW extensive STABLING, for the K.'trr. Jxxs.tainmrnt of TrarcHctx end Virittirf. Ho is now prepared to accommodate nil who may fivor him with a call, nnd he would state that no thing in his power shall be left 1 inlone, to render hi-t customer comfortable nnd happy while under his care. Hisriccoinmodntions nre ample, nnd his room furnished in mfidcrn style, nnd the proprietor is de termined I'm1 his eilal.lishmf nt idiall Miiin nt:d keep up with the growing reputation and impoitant e of llio town in which it is looted. H.s Tahlk wil be supplied with every luxury of tho senson, and the best and choicest rcrirty the market can tiffirrd. His H tn will be stredi'h alt the lies! urticles that can be furnished by our cities, and the whole will be such ns to give sa;w faclion to every one. Well knowing- that nn rn'ightene.l public will nlways judge f. r themselves, ho feel confident thu ihev will favor him with their pntronnge. SAMUEL A. BR ADV. D.invill,', Jan. 30. T ti o in a s IS ii n k c 1 1 , No. 2i8, Haiti ioni: Sriir.KT, .1 few wars u-cst of llotwdtf. BALTIMORE. THOLESA1.L DEALER in taimls, I!ut- L . . I L. I . .. I Ions, (ierinan and Fancy (Jo.ids. and Im porter of Patent Mid Shoe 1 breads, spool Colti.n, Suspenders, Tupes, nnd almost ecry description of Small Articles. Country Vereh.iiits and Dealt rs in gei:einl, nre tesj-t'tlfully inviitd to call nnd cx.i lirne for t'.em-elves. Jan. 30. ly ;ii.i.i;n oi jisoi. Importers nnd Healers in Foreign 1 In ni ware, Corner tf Pratt and Light sh., BALTIMORE. C10UNTRV MERCHANTS. i,nd others, R'o J respectfully invited to c ill and examine their St"ck of tin Is. Jan HO. Iv 2m Si I Z T, Cr.OSi: DECKED FLAT, about I? feet lonr, ami II feet wiile, wait an iron pin in tlm stern lilm-k. went ail rift from tlie premises of the subscriber, near Sunbury. A reasona ble reward will lie given to any one taking it tip, and notifying t!;c subscri ber at Sunburv. 'IIENUY MASS EE, Jan. 2'A, 1R1. ' " NOTICS" "I S hi rtliy given, that interest will lie charged I v the subscriber, cn nil accounts for lime, that have been standing longer than six months, nnd that hert after this rule will be strictly adhered to. All persons indebted, arc icipicstcj (j call nnd settle their accounts. sEASHOLTZ TIERGSTRESSER. Sunburv. Jan. 2:1. 1 I. tf. .UcrcliaiiT Aolicr. VT a meeting of the Merchants of the b irouh of Sunbury, on the tith inst., the following was unanimously adepted : Whereas no un;f.irm rule exists among the mer chants of this pi ice, in regard to the tharge of inte rest on book accounts, therefore lifsdlrrd. That interest will be charged nn all accounts that have been st Hiding longer than six months, and that hereafter all i.ccounts in our books will lie I alaneed every year, and that interest will be charged on all balances that averac moie than six months standing. li'stilnd. That the subscribers will slrictly sd- , . the ncwypneM of this place heie to the a oe lule, nnd lti.it notice ol the same HENRY VOX I'll ELM ER, JOHN YOUNO, JOHN BOCAR, II. B. MASTER. PENJ. HENDRICKS, .1 A COI1 RHAWN. ,1m. 2. flin. ERSONS indebted to tho late Iimii of II. B. Mavser tV Co, nre rgain requested torn II nnd settle, before lluir accounts are placed in the bunds mngistrn'.c lor colleition. H. B. MASSER, Jan. HI. 111. H. MASSER. S hereby given to ull w tioui it may concern that I have purchr-sed at Constable's Sale, in Au- go.-la township, N 01 thuinl erlanii county. One Munt lc 'lock, which was sold as the pr. pc rty ol James rarnswoith, and that I hae luaiitd the same to the taid James duiing inv pleasuie. FI RMAN FARNsWOIJTH. Au2usta, D.c. 2:!. 1I0. 2mlTiVJ2, Lr J m j 17"' Chri.-ttnas end Ntv Ytai's , - Bull'iloe Rubes. Uif.s. iuc in sheets. For s- i y 11. 1J. M.: Decunber 21, 110. C"i UM ELASTIC shots, a Ui-o utsoit H ment. .'.pcrin Oil, be-t quality If oks, i.f nil deserip'i in. Silks, blaek and coloured. Si-iir Carpeting. Ctt .11 (.'urpet. Carpet t'h on, of nil colors. Sad.ileiy.a g.-neial aai.irtmeiit. Ebplic Springs. I '0.11 II Laiiij.s, t'ani ig 1 B mils, Bras Joints, Brass Dashers. Put. nl Leather. Just received and for silo, nl the store of ji. n. MA.sann, November 1 I, 1S0 tf REsII Cranburies, ju.-t it-c.-ived and for sale H. B. MASSER. November 1 I. 1S10. if "W UST Received Meiino, Br.K he, and Chen. Te V Shawls. Sea Oiler, Seal and Sealetle Cap. A lsre, assortment of Dark Chinixes. French and English Merinoes, Vc. For sale ut Ihe More of H. H. MASS fill, November 7, 1M0. INFORMATION WANTED. ANY person having any iiiformalioii roncerning - Bryan Sluvhy, a native of Delimit, acd Irom 19 to 22, of fine complexion, will cooler a favor by informing his biotlnr, Rodjer Mieeliv, by letter 1 diiecird lo Harrisburg. I's. , u h iim i nn,.,, jufm H SIIABZOKZN COAL. ! a very Miiierinr quality, can bn had nt any time, by application to the subscribers, in lots t Milt purehaseis. They keep large, eg?, broken, nnd line cuul, lit fur burning lime. J.H. PURDV &. Co. unbury, Sept. 2(i. tf. UllOVKltli:s. f,c?h supply of Groceries just received nnd f .r sile by HENRV YO.VTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1S10. tf. t.Ifl OllS, f,csh simply of Brandy, Gin, Pint, l.i-bon, 'J'ei triir-, Muleira and Mieny Wines, just received and f.ir sale dv I! E.N BY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12. 18-10. IT. .Tf I Af,.V.V,A n. iv nssorlinclit of 7-1, 7-8 nr d .1-1 yard wid" isl i jnt rrreivi-d nnd for sale by HENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12. Is 10 if. f A new n-soiliiiei.t ol Calicoes just riicivcJ and f.ir sale bv ilENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sei.t. 1 2, 1 s 10 if. tt(t. .A good assortment of Bar Iron, jiist received ni.d fr pnle bv HENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12. 18 10. tf. S.Hs'i 2.VI Inii r 1st nnd satks ol Suit, just received air. lor sale I v HENRY YOXTHI.MER. Sept. 12, IS 10. tf. C!.lH US. A general assort men I i f Cloths and Casi.iiiieir.', c..nrta:it v on hand ot the store ol HENRY YOXTIIIMER. sept. ::, ism. 'f. iT'OK.T, KYF, ftttt.V and nil oil.er kinds ol (ttain arid See.U Wld be t ikrn at the higli- c. t pne s ill 1 Xcliaio;e I or g " s nt me snor 01 HENRY YOXniIMl. R. ,Tt. H is so --'f. MACKEREL---A lew b.itreU of M .ckerel for sj'e nt bnv p, 1 e by Sept. 12. 1M.. II. 11, M.VSSER. IRISH SALMON'. Ol the I est qual.ty. con stantly 1 11 hand and for sale bv fcept. 12, is 10. 11 B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. Fiist quality Madiem Wine, f.ir stle low by Sept. 12, 1SUI. H. B. MASSER. FOURTH PROOF BRANDS. A guiun. article alw.ivs on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12," IS It). II. B. MANSER. HOI. LAM) (SIN, Ol the best quality alwiys nn hand and f ir sa'e l y Sept. 12. 1SS0. II. B. M ANSER. ""LOAF AND LUMP" fcl (JAR. Always 1 11 hand nnd f r s ile by S.pt. 12, lvlO. H. B. MAS.-ER. ISOSTuN'sY IS! I i' MOLASsEs. Ol a nupe rior qtiabtv, for sale by s.pv 12, 18 If. H. B. MASSER. NEW' Olil.EANs si OAR liol sE .iT. LASSES. Ot the best quality idwuys 011 hand ai d for sale by Sept. 12. is 10. 11. B. MAs-SER, BROWN SI C. AR. I f a pood qti .btv. for s .!. low by Sept. 12, ISIO. II. 11. MASTER. " LHi OlSS. Ol ull kill Is and ol tlie l.cit quali ties, alwavson hand and tor ssle by Kept. 12, ISM. H.B. MASSER. " iniiiiiN AMI lll.Mlv '1 V. A.-s. Ot tl:e lieu quality lilwavson hand and l' r file bv Sci't. 12. IS 10. 11. B. MASTER. COFFI.E. Java, Km and I. abulia C die, con stantly on hand nnd for sale by Sept. 12, 1SI0. ii. B. MASSEIJ. SPERM 7)11.. Winter and Summer strain, d Sperm. Od, of the lc-t quality, always on hand and for sale bv Sept 12, IS 10. Vj'EEL. Cast auo 1: It. I -tel S IASSER. tt .-I. t.ir sale by B. MAsSER. S. it. 12, I Mil. il .-I'lSl.Nd SI ELL. Ol j; tolls !. 1, r Ehj lu S; ring', t.-r sale t.y Se,-I. 12. IS 10. LAICISE tl ' A HI t ) ll. B. MA--.-ER. BHSLEs! For hale at very rodueed pi icis by Sept. 12, is 10. II. B. MAS ""BLANK 1IOI iKs. tit all kinds', to .-ER. sail- t'V S.pt. 12. I'll), II. II. MAssER. BLANK DEEDS. liju'ds, Mmt-.-n;,-, ,V.:. for sa'e by Sept. 12, 1 i 10. H. B. M A Sli R, Jl Tt;t..V BLANKS. ..r sate bv Sept. 12. Is 10. II. B. MASSER. t LOI It.-., Liue, BlnU. ltivi.iblf t.neii, tVe., I for snle bv ! 12. li". II. P. M X.'-sEI? OAsHMEKES ND S. 11 INETl'S.- -lor sale verv Uivv by Sept." 12. If 10. " CARI'li) INi. For Sent. 12, 1 S 10. II. IS. ale c be 11. H. MA.-? p t'V M.s.- ER. F.R. BLANKE'l'S l,r salc'elo 1; t- Sept. 12. I MO. H. !' MASSER. 1 . lJI.EAt'ii ED MLSLIN'S.- For s-,'e by S,-Pt. 12. IMo. H. B MAS-F.R. co r fox YARN A.NDCOl luN LAI'S For le I V Sept. 12. 1SI0. H. 1'.- MASSER. llt:SP AND COTTON TUIMi Fir ile by Sep'. 12, IS It)' if. is. masi-:r. tioi.; li.m, 'cords and ri.pes..1 For sale by Sept. 12, I MO. II. P. MASSER. BirA'rs c? EiXAS ri::;v.2.n. oco. "T.V.TIH l'E Isb.ulv .-iven -.bat i.-o-r-.; udtnin- 1 l istr.in.it) nn .111 Itie t.-ijte it 'ill I 1 nvc I ecu gont.d 'o the su sent et.-, by the !- i- i-'er of Nortbnui1 e lard county. Ail p. is. ns bavins demands ug liust s .id c t.l o, vvi I pitsi i t I n ill, pr-'-peily 1. 1, 11. 1 1. In an d l ieith.r nl t'.ie su'.t niii rs at ihcir rc-idi-nce in Aususti 'own-hip. HENRY BulAVI.R. . , . . ABRMUM LISEUER, 3 Novemler 11, Is-i.). fa .Joiiatliau II. H al, Olaic. NTOTU'E is I erely ci vii, that let uts of admin- ir.tr.111.1r1 c bonis mm upon the csta c of Jo nathan R. Waters, late of Slumokin tow n-lep, Nor thum'.iei'aiid cou ly, dccV., h ,v this day been liianted bv the Reeister of said county to the sub crd't' s. All 1 er.-m.s I av.nu 1 1 linn or d. nialuU -guin-l ti e sod I'e.edeiit, ate reipjrsted lo niako known tin same toll eui, w ith, 111 Ie!av. VAI.EN TINE lv I.AsE, ELEANOR WATERS, Sliaiiiokin, N.,v. (. lit. Adoi's, Ti: K I ) MIA II V A S TINE'S I M.i Ir. "VTOTICE is heieby (liven that the Rec'ster of i J the County of N'orthunilw ilacd, has this day Kiantid I- nets teslnmi n'ary to the sul-sc rihers upon the rslsls of .b 'eiinah Vi.siine, of Rusti tnwiiship, in the svid e. uiity. All eison having deminds or rsim HK .iin t ihe sa d iltvidenl are rrquisled lo mske known the same to them without delay. ELIZABETH V AS TIN E, ? ... THOMAS R. VASTINE.S WILLIAM LEOHOU, Point. Novcmlii 2, 1 10.-Jlw. NEW GOODS. TTUST UE(;t:IVKD a new and splendid flsrort fllj? ment of Culicocs, Muslins, eVe. For sale al tun stoic of HENRY YOXTIIIMER, October 31, 1840. tf. KF the latest manufacture, cons. sting in part of 4Jra greal variely of Cloths, Cn6imercs, Salti neits, Merinoes, Flannels Mottsc-lin lie Lames, &c. Just received and foi sale nt the More of HENRY YOXJ1ILIMER. October 31, lS'iO-tf. iivotvr'w. "H I.'ST RECEIVED a large nnd general assor: ) ineiil of iroec.ies liipinrs Arc. For sale nt the store nf HENRY YOX I'liEIMER. October 31 t S 10. If- PAINTS, and Dye Stutl's. a frrsh Fiipply just received and for sale nt tlie t..ro of HENRY VOXTIIEIMER. Oel.i'r III. 1 P 10. tr. M.H AY hear of a good situation, fifty miles from i.vj3. Sunbury, in a new si ttlenn-i.t, win re he would obtain a long lease of a so. nil OiUl Mill, and have a Farm enjoining, bv i"qni.i"g of HIE PRINTER. Oetnber 10lh. 1 S 10, 0t OF EVF.RY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENvIEAND ()1E COMPANY. ! N... 'J'.l Nortli Woter Street,, l'liila. , 'A.NL'FACTURERS nnd deal, rs in Oils of 1 1f jfl. every 1 rripti..n bjth fir binning and j liiaiiul.ie! urina surp.xes, widen will be sold much 1 lower than t'oey can Iw proeiind c'sewhere, nnd wi.rraiited in qonlity tonpial any in the city. Any oil si. Id by 'he company not pioving as ie rest litcd. J 1.1 iv be returned Without any expense to the pur thiser, and tl e money wiil le refunded. Tin ir stock now in stoic consists ol the following oU.llti!) c Oil, (il.l II lo.OOO lo.ntio 20,1100 titlOO 15.1,00 ulons Winter Bleached SpctnP), do do C.ilo less Oi', i!o I' ill and .-yrinu Sperm Oil, do inter Sea Eb l. uit, do do P.e.sed Whale Oil. ilo Summer do do do y 5 do Common W'hnleOil, 21)0 B irrcls snperi.n Siraits Oil, ant) do Cud Bank Oil, Ml do Nen s Fool O.I, 7 0 i 'aks Oiivu O.l, Tanner's tils. 1 This C'.itiip'iuv ha-- a number of Vessels en gige.liii the Cjd I'lsln ry, :md Tanner may rely 11 j on celling al all t ine Oil as pure ns imported. Philadelphia, Nov. -,, I Id. I v. ATITTICIT. rjTHE spicial atteiuii.ii of buyers Irom the south L nnd west, nnd lor the state trade, is respectful ly invited to the billnvvins assortment nf COOhS, which the FUlsciiler wiil dispute of at suih prices as will amply repay his fiemU for calling und ex amining ln st.K-k. To CASH puichasers, nt Ihe pre-ent time, extra irdinary inducements will he of IV red. 200 pieces heavy v.nirgati d Spanish matting. .rj00 p'.ces (.' intnii matt iw, ass iiled 1-1, 5-4 and 0-1 white, theikej ci.J Ihiwerrtl. ltiOO hiau'i n gs, a I cmuiful assortment of Wil ton, Brussels, Tuind, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. am) 1'ieces wool. 11, woi sled, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian nnd block C.irpetii.RS. An elegant variety of W iilon, Hiussels, Scotch and English, Venetian, l'ainask. eve. i Unit) dozi 11 men i.nd boys crps, comprising a Croat v.ir i-ty of Fur, Seal. Nutiia, Muskrat, and Coney. Hair, Se.ilelte nnd Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Alhcant Mnts, nssoiled .ft. 100 do M inill.i do do do .Ml do SI, eep skin do do MO bah s French 11 .ske:s, coinprhing every dc- s i-;pti..n. SOD pair Venetian Biinds, a. s'd fignies and colors. Slliltl pat. nt do do do 1000 rests Ca' as or Satchels, ass'd, cn.bossed leather, straw and oil cloth. fiOCO d.ven Coml s, a-soited tortoise shell. Bra . I iaii doh. rn, ive.ry, brass and woad. cmprising n I lurae nss.itiun nt id every variety. I :t0n(l dozen Whip- a-serted wicon, giir, cai- i liae. soikv. nlinler-. drovers or li.itiiL'. of cut. lea- i tin r and thread, witii (Sermaii silver, gilt, ivory and ; I .me m.i'.iiitin.;s. j K'OO do.'tt pain'ed p.i'is, Wi!s-n's brind. i 1000 nests red r Tub aid Uutkets; ;.!sr, i Churns, Piiji :, N'..ter t.'aus, iVc The above lo.-ether with 1111 extensive nssortment of fancy c iods, Brit::iut "i d (Seinian silvir ware. ! I'entber an i Iri tle 1'rus'i.s, Lookiiijl (Slr.s-es, horviy nnd (Sill I'laons, i f evt iy size nnd do; i li'.n. tire mane. I. u lured, imparted, and sil.t cd Ma-rip-1 x- I pres-ly foi llu- utliein. vv.si.r.i and stale tiade. J. SIDNEY JONES. No IS N-.ul!) 2.1 s;ie.t, Pniladt-lphia. Phiiadeiph 11, Noveml er 7, lS-10. ly. l'FER TOR S.L!'., at the South East Co, litr of Fifth una Murkit Sitits, Fhiljtbl- paia I Metis ( lbvjts, stitched warranted. do lb' lo pegged do .b do do wa.er pioof, double sole nnd doub'e n,,pers. do Call-skill do do nod upi ers. do Heavy Wut.T Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. di ITo'i ipi.utir Sin es, C;-.!t'-skin. do ii'Jilid do do do do do do do do d I do do i'me. K ,. C II Coat, do e Ci.-. kers tio Mi nro. warranted do do do ilo do do d.l ila Kip Ca'f and cal Sk 1. Pumps. L st S iks vvit.i and w.l.ioitt soles. do ( 'aipel il l .1 1 tlo 1I1 P;.teul Wa r.intcd Wat. r-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladns' tanned India Ru1 her sh us. lit-iit'eiiien.' do Overshoes. i h every 1 t'u r d. sc ipti 'li of hoots and shoe . Fur I "aps i f evi ry d.-si i iption. Tnve'.l 115 Tiu k- ,f tvry descr'j lion. ci.eli n Triveli.ni; Batrs. Patent Con) Ehi-tic S'.ioe Bbnk'nr. lb nnels .fall kinds, Piihn Leaf H-ts. I'll l.delpbia, NoMinber 7. IS 10 ly. .iihJH'l V':it;i sV on, HOrB MAKEHS & SHIP CXIANDLEK3. .Vi. El Xoi th W .tir Street. Philadelphia. Jf rTAVE ronsianily on hand, a general nssorl- H mi-lit of Coidioe, Seine Tw 111., r , vi.: I ai'.l Ropes, Fisbimt Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, To Lin.sfor Cin.ilB.ats. Also, a complete assoitnient of S. ine Twines, A c, such as Hemp Shad nnd Herring Twine, Best Patent (Sill Net Twine, Cotton Slu.l nn.l Herring, Twine, Shoe Threads, cVc. r. Also, Bed Cords, I'leuith Linrs, llalteii., '1'r ic. a, (.'nit in and Linen Carpet Chains, ivc. all ot wlmh liny will dispuse el 011 irsmshlr lemis. Thihde'phis, Novetnlnji T, Itl". K"2i---"Vi .' S, lULtJX'JU . V... L.Tr1 CITTI AUCTION AND COIrlMISSIOiV STORB. Number 29 Kurlh Third Slrcil, l'hihdrphia. HUBLKJ 'sALE .f Dry Ooods, Hardwuia and Cutlery, Boik, stationary. Clothing, Boot', Siiors and Hats, and in short slmct eveiv de?cription nf goods, arc held at this retahHtihire nt every evening. Good a are al-o dd nt piivate snle during the day nt the average auction prices. Store, keepers and trade's will find it to their adinlilnga by attending the sales. CO. MACKEY, Auctionee'. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. SHiTilNU, (iUUDVr. CO. ?o. i:J3 Miirkct Street, riiilrtilc!i)ia. SNVITE the nltci '.iori of Country Merchant to their extensive n rtment ol B.ilith Fr r.ch and American Dry (SooiK whirli they oVr for a do on the nio-t ri nsonuble trins. Pliiladelphia, Isovembr-r 7, 1M0. ly. ri'.TEH DEW EES, IiAST Zl&lZH'B,. No. 7 I (inlliiwl.ill Stri ct, I'Jiil.ult-lpliia, C '!'' c i.',..rv .'.;rr yirr-nd. G1UOE Finilings nbvnys ,ent on batnl, which h" jJ ell. rs for sale on (be I.,vve-t terms. Country Meirhintsnre pailicuhrly to call nm! judge f..r thrm-elvp. Pl.ilsdel, Iiin, Novrni'r 7, 1S10. Iv. OE1VEII N. THACIIE!!, Act. KAT-rsj? ACT UKI'i? OF IT ATS, CAPS, &C. No. -ID North J l.inl Slrwl, rJiila. fttjosuc lh. City llottl.J ATS, ( i, s oiul Ladies' Fur-i, of rvrry de J a-riiit-.on, niaiiLfactuu d at vi ry low 111 ices. am! Country Mircbants supplied at shoit no'iee. Phil iJi-lj.lii.i, Novruib, r 7, IS SO. 1 v. I.OWEU A: IJAI1RON, Iir.)orScrs sttid I Icakrs in lircign ami P'Hiicstic J r.trihvaro, No. lil Nourii Timtn Snu.i r, I uiniu.i.i-iii t. .111 ERE tin ir friend nnd cnst..rii"r3 v i'l always ' Iind a I ir,:e and yeneinl a-snrinii lit of Foreign and D.unrstic Hardware, whiehtliey will sell at tho lowest prices, I'hiledelphia, November 7, 1S S0. ly. J. wT S W A T Ni I'lnbrelhi and Parasol laiiiiCacturcr. .Yo. 37 A'r;,i.'; Th.rrl filrr. tiro d,.nrts btloW the City Huh I, i'hiudiphia. CJOUNTUY Men hauls and others nre solicited ) to examine his assortment before purchasing 1 Isewhere. Phils ;e!phi:i, November 7. I 10. ly Jatoli l"i isiniifli Sv So "ET?) ESPEC'TFULLY inform their friends nnd fiOj acquaintances generally tint they Mid con tinue to keep nt the old stand, No. 21C North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOltACCO SMll' AXH SEC A RS. Which they will sell on the most iiccomiiiodaling and icisomb!-.- terms. N. B. Ail eoodi fo'd will be guaranteed, nnd ull I orders prompt'y attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1M0. Iy. I Wliolcsalo ami Retail Slme, ljomicf. a ml Palm l.caf Hat Warehouse. No. CO Xurth "tl trcf l,a few t'oors ulrjve .Irrh, I'hiLnic'hia. A LSO Tiunkf, Caipet Bags and Vaiicc, of ev ery desciipli.m, all of which he oll'ois for sale on the most leas ,imb!o Icnr.s. Pliiladelphia, November 7, 1810. ly "p7"JT AiiT) v o i7i)T7.s China, (Hass ami Liverpool Warehouse. A'o Hit Xrlli Th ril sfrri I, thh d door Itluw Vine strti I, rhil nh -Iphia, AXTTIERE they constantly k.ep 011 hand n lirge assoriment of (Hiiiia, tilass and Liveiponl Ware, w hich they will dispose of on the most ei sjiiable terms. Phil, delphin, November 7, tsio. TIIEOPUA'S ( TJ.P. Manufacturer ami Imporicr of Satl-tlK-ry. Ha'ilunie. tsc. So. 5 South Third sir. nr i'i.,i- li?:vn' Market EEP ror.-t i , I., on !i t:d a larg and vc net -.1 k I'.h-ortment ' ivcb 1, .nip . Cirii ge I oids, A vie Arms. Elip'ir. S(.iiii4s. I' -.tei t Leal', r. Ac. t'oui try Mercl'aii's mi I sa.uli. is w ill in-mi; . m'Jat nil tunes on t'ui most iei.-on..: le t.rnis 'i l ev will find il to th.-ir a.!v ui.t.iac t i e .il n:i ei-.:nii.e his n--.11 lio. iil ti. foie pur. !ia-iiij 1 .t. where. Pliiladelph.a, Ni.v.mler 7, 1 SI:. I v. PvEVNULI-;, Mi i'AiJEAM) v?c . l. Whulesale Dealers, in I'oreiu Eritish a:ol Auioric'tii Dry Citn -is. .V, l'.),') Mark.-t strut, f hi'attefj l.,-. CSOUNTRY Merihan! ana otin is i.,n I.. s.-,p-J p ied nl all limiawith an et.nsin- a-sort-nn ut of the best nnd moi-t fiihioiiu'olc (Son 's upoa the m.ot reasonable l.rnv. pMilidelnbij, Novunber 7, 1810. ly. I Wholesale Variety ami Trimming Stom A,;. 1 1, Xirli, Ftotrlh near Arch tl., 'liil.ultijdi:a. A V HE RE Country Mertl.nn.s and others can 1' suppli d, nt ll limes, vvi h a large a-sortnn nt of ll.i.-n ry, (Sloves Merino, Cotton, aid Woden Muits and Diavvi-r-, Sp.-ol ('..tton, Puteni 'I hiead, Oiitlon Colds, iiuttoiis, 'Tapes, liindins Hook t.n.l Eyes. Tins, Ar, And a general van. ty of l.-e lul arlitles, v. hicil he oil' rs I t tale at th! lowt-st I rices. Philadelphia, Noeembet 7. IS 10. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATION ERs, No. l'J'-i Clu-snut Street,' below 4th, Philadelphia. W T" EEP constantly on hand a seneral assort Lj im-nt ol Books and Stationary ; roinpiisins I lieological. Law, Medical, (Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books, D-v Books, all s.i -s. Le.U B' rs, do., Fumily Itibes, l'.ukel Bib'es, Wiitinv Pnieis, Wr piliR Papers. cXc. &.C., which they oi ler at the lowest p.ices to Country Merchant's Pro lessioii.il (ienlleinen, 'I'eacliers, and all others that nnv favor ihein with their rus'om. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810, Iy. TsTTeuk-Tv t ()'s- vii(3lesai.e pny goods stobb, i No. Kill l-'J Markt-t Street, Phila. . (lit low Fifth South aide ) A I.WA1S keep 011 hnnd a full and general 1K, 2vL .rtiiieiloUiosi.ry, Lie. and Fancy Cools, Country Men-hunts are respoc fully re.pio.wd ta civ them a cjII sod examine ti.r them elvrs. Philadt lphta, November 7, I Ml). ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers