- L - I - I" .11,. J. .'"-. rcisccutloM 'of the Jews la I ho Kiwt. Transition of Hebrew Letter written by Abula rla, father of the individual who if reported by M. Fieri to havo embraced Mahomedanistn whiUt under torture." 'Concerning the calumnies at Dnmnscus, a plot wg hatched, and they agreed to acrid away a priest who belonged to the French quarter, in order to accuse us oi having murdered ium. They alleged 1st, That the priest entered the Jew'e ttreet the day he was missing (the strict was a thoioughfaro,) and was not seen to loave it. The Jews answered, tint he lift the street cer tainly on the other side but this would not satisfy the in. ' The Jewa assembled in nynngoguo, and decried, under pain of excommunication, that any one who knew of, or had seen the priest, should dec-lure it. A Jew, who feared God, answered directly, that he w.,s a dealer in tobac.u, and lived in (he suburbs of the city, one hour's distance from the Jewa' quar ters, and near to dusk he saw the priest and his ser vant leaving the city, passing near him towards the fields; and ha said to the servant of the priest, "Come here and buy some tobacco, as you usually do." The servant answered, I am busy now i ano ' thcr time I will." This evidence reached the French consul, who immediately causrd this Jew to be scourged till he expired (God will avenge him ) so that he should not relate this, lest it should be proved that he (tue priest) K ft the city thot night. He also got hold of a prisoner, (a Turk,) who was In prison for a sum of money due to the Pa cha, and who, to get himself nut of prison, offered to prove the Jewe guilty, so that thry would set him free. This Tuik had already tiicd to get ;ho money of a Jew natmd David Arari, under threat th t if he did not give it, he would accuse him if murder. Arari thought that if he did give it, it would be a proof of guilt, and refused to give him anything. Then this Turk seized a Jewish baibor, who had already been severely tortured, and said to him 'Thry will torture you more and more ; hv should you die? Say David Arari invited you to his house to kill him (the priest,) and then you will receive money and honors-" And he, by these means and by threats, persuaded him till he was comi elled to say that David Arai called him to his house, and he found tbero six others of the chief men of the city, and David said lo him, 'Come here and kill this priest' wtu was bound befoie him, and they paid him his reward. Now, ono of the seven persons denounced by the barber as being of thoso present at the murder with Arari, was a good and upright man named Joseph Lenmdo ; they seized and imprisoned him. He answered, 'On the very night iho barber states that I was at David Aran's house, 1 have two Christian witnesses that were with me the whole night, and I never lift them. They were travel lers lodging at my house, and left two day after for their own city. But these wicked accuser would not wait till the witnesses arrived, although a couajcr was sent to fetch them, to have thoir evidence. But thry amoe and scourged him till he die J und. r iheir hands. Oh Lord, behold tl.y servant's Mood pou red out, and avenge it on them 1 All this was done that the two witnesses might not a pear, aud falsify the barber's evidei.ee. This fuborm r above named, eu'.iorned and enti ced, with promises and threats, the servant if Da vid Arari to confirm the barber's statement ; and they scourged and punished their victims w.th blows, and fire, and water. They then began to search the houses, search after search, but they found nothing. Now the Jews were veiy foarful lest some bones should be brought and disposed in some Jewish premises, and as they suspected so it was, for the Jews told the watchman who watched in the Jew' quaiter, that he should be vigilant to look to this, and he, therefore, looked well after all the Christian passen rera that went near the conduits. When the Christiana aaw that this watchman hindered them from their evil purpose, they imprisoned him, and mote him till he died under the rod. See, oh Loid, and leho'd thy servant's blood poured out t That nrght they did thii wickedness, they depo sited bones in the couduits, (there being no Jewish watchman,) and on t'le morrow they went and searched this conduit and fjuuJ the old (ones, and caused a great cry, anil most of the physicians agreed that thry were the bom s of quadrupeds ; but one physician doubted, and said, 'Peih..p they are human boi.es, but they are old.' 1 his i eu ' dent they could not accomplish their wicked pur pose till they had murdered the watchman; and it is fully believed by many persons that they got the priest to go away in order to accuse the Jews, and when the truth aud a fuir trial u had, all will be proved. I will no longer dw. II on this matter, but will relate what has occurred since the order of the Peck a Mohammed Ali to the raoha of Damascus, that -In should no longer torture or qucstiou the Jew ; and this ha baa obeyed. But aa this Pacba C Damascus has been the in dividual through wlioe authority the evil has been perpetrated, he eudcavoi to tuftsin the falsehood by artifice. And aa soon aa the edict came from Egypt, tlie Christians, all being incited by (hir leadom, rose against the Jens with reproaches, smiting bo:h men and women with their Ots. Thry Maaphemed our holy law in the streets and market laces ; took from our synagogue the Taleth and Trpblin, and put tbera on the dogs, and spoke aguiost the holy Talmud. Till at last the consuls at Damascus wrote the Pacha, 'Why do this proceedings go on and you be silent 1' Hi answered, 'How can I oppose such a mulUuJe of Christians J I have no power When the consul wrote this answer lo the Con- sul-gcncial Neuinsi at Alexandria, he made it known to Mahomrned Ali, wlu decreed that no Christian should henceforth molest a Jew. But the truth is, the Pacha here of Damascus ia an enemy of the Jews, otherwise he would not have answered thus when culled on (or protection) for all the Chrixti.m aw considered by him as dog", but he sets them nn ; and they depend on him, and do aa they think fit in this matter. Such ia thoir enmity, that one night they made a Christian strong man diink wine, and armed him and sent him to the Jews' quarter. He went into one cour yi.rd quite furiou, with a drawn sword in his hand, and said, ! come to kill many Jews, who are all brasphemers aud viiliuns.' Tl.o Jews cried bitterly for help. Thn guards who patrolled tho city heard it, and the cry of murder; they were going to seize him, but he said 1 saw this Chi Lilian assaulliag you ; it is not my fault , the French Consul, the associate of tho Governor of the city, sent me. They then sent him away free, and the intention of this trouMer of Israel, this Consul Beaudin, through whose means all this affair was brought about, is, that the Jew shoulJ kill this Christian, and he accused of another crime. After this the Christian went to an old cemetiy, which belonged to the Jews since A. M. 6,408, and violated the graves, and etrcwed about the bones, and look one of their corpse there and buried it. The Jens I'i tt ily complained of-this, but reecivod no rediess. They went awsy with anguish of soul. But still the Pacha in inciiing the accused to sign a confcs.ii hi to what thry had admitted under tor ture, for he tells them he is ceitiu they killed the friar. But they all answer, 'All that which we have spoken and confessed was in consequence of the blow and tortures, and far be it from Us lo commit murder.' And they asked my son, (who is consi dered as a Mahoinmedan, which God forbid) 'What do you say respecting this m.ittei 1 You have al ready admitted you killed him.' He answered and said, 'Wo Jews neither have murdered, nor do we murder any one, an I blood is an abomination and horror to us, and all we have confessed waa only to cscapo torture.' 1 The Pacha answered, 'Why do you include your self among the Jews! You belong to us. My son answered, 'I am a J ;w, a son of a Jew, and all that I have said hus been for fear and dread of the cruel treatments you inflicted on me ; and I entreated of you to kill me, to be released from your hands ; and through pain have the evil words come from my mouth.' And of the Human, the chief Rabbi of the city, he requested him lo sign the confession, saying, You surely killed him.' (Here follows the answer of the Rabbi, refusing lo confess to a falsehood, which waa published in the cxtiacta which apeared in TAe Sun.) The Pasba then said. 'At least sign to this, that by your law tho property of the Gentiles is allowed to you.' ml- n ,1 i.: ,T. i a lie iit&oui miMwrreu, 'ii ia laiae. I The Pacha answered. 'In the Talmud fas I am I informed) it is said from Habakkuk, 'He saw and spoiled the nations.' The Rabbi said, 'This verae refer to the heathen idolators, and the despoiling the Gentile is a hei nous ciime.' They then were taken back lo prison, till th or der of the Pitch arrives, as to where and before whom they are to be tried. But those who are still alive are mutilated, as they suffered tortures of a honihle nature, and they were so injured, that they were all like the dead, from the excruciating anguish f O thou jealous and avengeful God, pour out thy wrath on 'those evil doers, Now we have heard the Consul-Genera! of France in Alexandria haa sent his vice-consul to Damascus, at the request of his Government, to in vestigate this matter; but they have written fr.mi thence that thia man is also an enemy of the Jews, and ther fear there that he will iuclino to the evil practice of the French consul, and to the leaders of the Christians in Damascus ; and they write thence (Alexandria) that Mahoiumud Ali bad idready ad vised that all the confessions of the Jews, and that all that has been written aguiiut them 'ill thia day, are void, and investigation is to be renewed without any torture whatever. Aud we also hear that ibe English Consul there has received an order from bis Government that he hould go himself to Damuseus to try this matter, nd they wrote also that nearly all the consuls are friends of the Jews, except the French, who is still an enemy ; and tho advice of miny of the heads here is, that I should myself go to Paris to demand that the case should be tried by them, and to do- mulid that repaialion for the blood of the murd rod men that huve hern tortured, and for those that they have smitten, men and women, and for those that they have despoiled. Bnt tiu'y I am feebie and aged, and I wish to know the issue of the proceed ings of i1iob persons who are to investigate, and ll.eu I ahall know how to proceed. My heart bleeds for this trouble, and I am old ; and all th great of the ci'y (Ccnstajitinople) leave thoir properly and home for the deliver nice of Israel. Iu the affair of Rhode they do their best, wi.h the help of God, and wuh the aiaiclance of the powers of Israel, and the help of Mrsv. Rothschilds, judgment ha been jiti nouticrd, in truth, in the Turkish court here ; aud it is proved that it is all false and a calumny. And now the Jew demand justice on their murder eis and di spoiler for th.e that died under torture. and for the women that they sfll tied, and 1511,000 piastiea damnge they Buffered in the affair; and now they are trying te discover who is to remuner ate them whether the French Consul, who is at. ted lo have been the chief instigator, or th Pacha of Rhode, who decreed all the evil. At all ever.u, we trust that both will he d. placed, in order that the Jew shall tuva peare, for they are all a holy congiegation fearing God. A letter ha been received from the estimable ea se mlily of London, (God pie en it,) in answer to , th appeal made by us, and they write us, that I hey I will, with all their uihjht uud main, assial their brethren; arid they have applied to the Govern ment, and no doubt thereupon it proceed that the English Consul goe lo Damuseus to try thia mat ter, and through him the Consul of Rhode will be displaced, so that the wirked may ceaae from trou bling, and not afflict any more. ? But lam now going to Alexandria losee the end of this affair, and to assist my son. Look down and behold if there are any wounds like our wounds, ye chief men among the mighty in tho help of God, and may th Loid fight for you, and return th; trouble to our eneinie J and may four and dread pursue thoso who ris up against us. 11. M. AUULAFIA. Constantinople, 17 Sivan. (lOth June) 6600. To Mr. H. Lehren, Amsterdam." Saoicd garments. f Tho original text ha here been departed fronif since the details were unfit for publication. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, September 19, IS IO- . ELECTORAL TICKET. Jam ('lahrb, of (ndiaiia, . ., ... r i i senatorial. Geo. G. I.EirsH.of Do aware, J 1. Col. John Thomp sou. IS. Frederick Smith. 13. Charles M'Cbire. t4. J, M. Gummell, 15. G. M.Hollenl aek. in. Leonard Pfuutz.. 17. J oh n Horton, Jr. 18. William Phil-on. 19. John Morrison. SO. Westly Frost. 81. Dcnj. Atidorson. 33. William Wilkinr. 21. A. K . Wright. 34. John Fiudley. 35. Stephen Bailow 2. Benjamin Mifflin, Frederick Stoevcr. 3. Win. K.Smith. 4. John F. !toinman, John Dowlin, Henry Myers. Daniel Jacohy. Jesse Johnson. Jacob A 'de. Geo. Chrihlman. Wm. Shocner. 10. Ifeiuy Dohuff. 1 1' Heury Logan. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Hot. J. C. Bucheb, UVID r . JOHSO.f, J A MX PliACCiCK, Ukxj4mix Parks. Jon M. FonarKR, y Daunhi; v kr it . II . IIUTTtll, Miciiakl lU'itas, Jacob Baab, Hkrmas Alhicks.J Pktkh Hat, Joseph C. .Nkal, Philadelphia. Daviii Lts h, .,, . 11.11. VaxAMiuMei.S 1 IlUbl r- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. roa pRnimT, Mart In Van Ittircu. mi vice par.jrnitiT, Richard 31. Johnson, roa eovEnnnn, CirCii. lnvll II- Porter. roa coaoaass, JOHN SNYDER. IOB ASSKXBLI, CHARLES V. HE GINS, Who had 14 votei in the Drnuieratic Delegation.) JESSE C. II O R TON. (Who hud 13 vote in the Delegation.) Neither candidate having a mnjority of the whole, the Convention unanimously resolved they would make no nomination but suffer each one to run on his own merit. C. W. Hegin having re ceived the highesi number of vote should; accord ing to democratic usage be considered the choice of the paily. roR covtisMoins, WILLI A M SUA A'AO.V JACUU RHODES. FOR Al l'ITOR, HUGH H. TEAT. WHIG CANDIDATES. roa C05IIBKSS, JAMES MERRILL. CUM VISIOXSB, JOSEPH ROUND, i Ainrroa. EL1DA JOHN. QQ Persons having prospectuses wilt please to send on the names of aubscribcr as soon aa possi ble. We may poss.bly have omitted sending the paju'r to aome wtio nave autiscrineu, wliicu we ahull be glad to correct whun infuimed. RELIGIOUS N ii TICE. With Divine permission there will be a protracted meeting held by thu Pre.htterian Congregation worshipping in the Brick Church in Nor luiu'-er-land. ervir4 to commence on Saturday morn ing the 19th insi. at II o'clock. The Rev. W.T. Spiole and oihei may be expecle I. QJ" '1 he Svaavai Gatxa, under the command of Captain William L. Dowart, were iut on pa rade on Ssturday last. Thry male a fine an- prarance, and marched exceedingly well. We utt CapL Dew art will be enabled to increase the number of its member, which We I clicve is all that is wanting lo ui .ke il one of the fiuist Colnin nie iu the neighborhood. Cj- Charte Nayl, Ibe competitor of C. J. In- geisull, baa declin. d bi iug a endidata for Con giesa in Philadelphia. The Whigs have taken up Morton M'Michael, a prvfrtsed ilemncral ut a prae. lical whig, in the p'ac of Mr, Naylor. Mr. Nay. lor, while in congress, seldom done any thing else than sound his own praUe, which even hia h g fiieuda lecame tirnd of hearing. Sehuj Iklll Count) . Tlie democratic paiiy of tin cjun y have no.ni nalod John Weaver of Potlsvjlle, to represent lh m in the Legislature. Mr. Weaver waa born, and lived many yraia in this place. He ia a sound democrat, and will make an honest and faithful i re.utaitve. lVontlerf til Discovery 1 1 1 The editors of tho Sunbury Gjzotte have actual ly discovered a mare' m at, a full description of which they have given in tlmir last paper under the head of " Donnell and Dcwart oppoted to the Shanwkin coal regiim."TUe good pooplo of this place were actually durnWoOndod at thia wonder ful dUoviry. They gazed wiih silent aloni.h. tnent at the article in qu.stion, and wondered whcthei the brain of on man was lufllcioiit to give birth to an idea so original. " And still they gazed, ami still tho wonder grew, That one small head rhuuld carry all ho knew." They could not believe so sublime a conception could have emtnatcd from the cranium of a plain and unpretending dainncral. No! no! it muM have been some whig whoae mind ha been accus tomed to wander in the airy region of fancy, who draw upon hi imagination for fact and " give to airy nothing a local habitation and a name," We should like lo huve a phrenological examina tion of the author' head. The organs of con struct ivencus and marvellounnrs must be prodi gious, and uiot powerful in their operation no thing short of a skull of most extraordinary strength ami thickness could restrain and keep them in their piuper place. We should not bo surprised to see it recorded in the next chapter of accidi nta in the Sunbury Gazette that the vigorous and active brtiin of the author ha 1 burst il ccrttni nt," and that a jury cf inquiry had, accordingly, returned a verdict of "death by precocity of intellect." Waking up the Wrong Paascnger t A few day since a Jesse C. Horton and one of hia friends wore driving through Augusta town ship, they halted before the house of Mr M , a democratic farmer. Mr. M. and hi wife were in the garden at the lime, when Jesse introduced him elfin the following .manner : Jesse. Hallo, there f I've come to ee whether you are all lor Hrgine, or whether some of you oinl a going for Horton. , Mr. M. I am going for Hrgins, myself; how my wife will go, I cant ay, signifying by a nod to wards hrr, that he might put the question to her. Jesse. Then you go for the big fay do you ! Mr. M. l don't know exactly what you meaa, uules you aro alluding to the big pay of several thousand dollars that Horton took from the gov ernment as extra pay for carrying the mail, which waa over and above what he was entitled to, and for which he rendered the government no acrvicu This, I think, is rather " big pay." Jesse. Oh, but you don't underatand me, that has nothing lo do with Horton s election now. Mr. Af. -Yes, I think it has, beside Horton and a company of hi friend have nuw a Lrge contract on the canal, as every body knows, and they wai.t to send him to the legislature so that he can vote lo pay hitnxtlf and hia friemla ooj many thou sand dollar, which they expect to mk out of their contract. I don't think any contractor, who i making all the money he can off the state, should le sent to the legislature to help lo plunder the treasury. Jesse. But why do you support Hegin ? Mr. M Because I know Mr. Hrgins well, and know him to be a goal democrat, while Horton, they say, is opposed by nearly all the leading dem ocrat on his own side of the river, excepting a few who are inteirsted with him in hi contract, Jesse. Aside to his friend. I begin lo believe what my friend Dieffenbacher of the " Milon Led ger" t"ld the Sunbury folk at the county delega tion, that the people on thia aide of the liver had no intelligence, but were a set of stupid follow, and, with a crack of the whip he bid good morning lo Mr. M. and set off to find some one more pliable. Mr. M. did not know hia visitor at the time, whom he saw a few day after in town, when he w pointed out to him as the identical Jesse C, Horion. J e-e will find that the people of Augusta and the adjoining township are not so ignorant a his friends would make them out to be, and that they have at all events too much good sense to be hum bugged by such stoiies as he and aome of hi friends have been circulating against Charlc W Hegin. 3 Q Q 3 0 Q We have heard it whispered, that .here wdl be an sffort made this winter, lo have the aeat of Jus tice removed from Sunhury lo Northornber'and, should ihis plan aucecd, il will be much mro con venient for the citizens of the (oiks lo altemt t;ourt. The Columbia county removal question will also be up again. Put that and that together, and Horton and Daniel Snyder will make a mighty fi t of the matter. rfj- W e copy the alsovo extract from the JIM- toman. Hoiton and hia friends have, no doubt, been making great promises what they would do if be waa elected. Iu the next edition of the Sunbury Gazelle we will, no doubt, see it aunounced that as soon a Jesse C, Horton is elected out railroad will be torn up and a new track laid to Northuui beiland, upon which the two locomotive will be placed, and our Court-House dragged by main force to that place. But, seriously speaking, the peop'e will hardly be alarmed by the threat or promise of a man who ha lost the cnG lence of his neighbor', an.) rtho relic for aupport uj oii those where he is leant known. Hor'on's friend i hdJ a meeting at Sham ki,i lasl Saturday, Mr. Hcgiu's was there ami wi.hed lo addiesa the mee iug, and ahow them the Journal but Jo-no's liiends would not let him. Thry waited umil he was gone, which wa iieaily aix o'c'oek before they oigauized. Thrre were but 10 or 13 persona out of 30 that would have any thing to do with the meeting' This moeting waa lo confirm Hcrtou' nomination in Shamokin. Yet they know that Hegin will have more lhan oue hundred of a majority iu that township. RkiiLT or Exriaiiacx. The I-cdgrrmau says that, whistling does keep up the courage aome ti me." SII.1MOK1.Y. We have been informod that this flourishing town, according to the lute census, already num bers about five hundred inhabitant. Three year go the aite of the town wa perfect wilderness. We diktinct'y recollect, when Coal tow ship wax erected, two or thiee year since, an objection wa raisej that it contained but seventeen voles. It will now poll about two hundred votes. The whole number, with a very few exception, (not enough form a corporal' guard for Jeee,) will, we are glad to say, go for C. W. Hegin. Notwith-lnnd-ing the pressure of the times, the town still run. inuesto improve. Two anihr icil furnaces are now under way and will be ready for blast early next spring. With an abundance of coal and iron in, under and surronnding tho town it must soor I becomo a place of importance. The Milton Ledger, not being able lo say any thing favorable to Jesse C' !l. 'Ion, thinks the best he can do for him, i to slander Charles W. He gin. He stste in his last paper that Chap. W. Hegin ha been slandering the Germans. Now we tell the Ledger what we were obliged to tell them last week, that they have ajain utter el a wilful and deliberate falsehood, and that they knew they were doing so when they published the above slander. We regret that we are rompolled to line such harsh language, but when men are so utterly regardless of truth and character, we do not see how we can pcandhly avoid it. Chorlea W. He gins is descended from German parents, which is a fact well known here, and will not be denied. How then can any one Iselieve a charge so ridiculous, But we will tell the German of thia county what the editor of the Milton Ledger ha been frequent ly accused of by those who know him, and which he never could deny, and that is, that he became ashamed of his Dutch name of Diejfenbach-er, and now leavca off the " er" and writes it Dieffenliaeh, which, he thinks, rounds a little more English. The Sunbury Gazette hi copied thn above Un der, knowing it to be uch. " Oh, shame, where H thy bluh V Should a Contractor be a Member f It i well known that Jesse C . Hoiton has seve ral heavy contracts on the canal, amounting lo up wards of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Il will alxo be recollected a few year since, there wa some difficulty and distuibsnce in the legisla ture in const quence of several of tho member be ing engaged in contracts on tho canal, and who, a members, tat in tho house ot rcprecntttiv a lo vote money into their own pockets. It created at the time considerable excitement, and a law, we think, wa psscd the same session, prohit iting any mem ber of the leg'ndaturo from holding any contract on the public woiks, a it waa likely to lead to fraud and corruption to auffer them to vote money to pay themselves. How then will Jesse C. Horton man age the matter T Why, he will probably say that he will anil out 1 Do you believe any such thing t Would he throw away several thousand dollar he expects to make out of the job 1 No. He will still hold faat to the job, but hold it under the name of some other person. Will the people agree to send to the legislature a speeulating contractor who calls himself a farmer, meiely because he was able to buy a farm out of the " Extra pay" money he got from the government, and which he never earned; or will they agree to send a better man, who has no other interests to attend to while thero lhan the interest of his constituents. Horton") Prospect. From present appearances, we doubt if Jese C. Horton will l able to carry two township in the county. Hi own township, (1'oint) where he is boat known, will give n decided majority against him. A majority of the firm, unyielding demo crats of that township are oppo-ed to him, and uot- withstondii g he may endeavor to swell the num ber by bringing men on his contract, he will come from borne with a woful minoiity. Judge Montgomery. This gentleman, who has been struggling for of fice for the last ten years of his life, and who, through Governor Porter's friends was at last ap pointed an associate judge for thia county, has been the prime mover of the smatl faction that are deter mined to force Jesse C. Horton upon the people. This same grntlemin warmly applauded, and ap proved of Gov. Porter' special message, until after he received hia commission. Since that period, forgetful of the dignity that should at all limes cha. raclerize the Judge, he hua been pursuing his old trade, in stiiring up distentions in the democratic parly. Had "it not been f r his unwarrantable in terference at the county delegation, the democracy of Northumberland county would have unitid upon aome cand dale. But ao, the Judge must hive his man Jetse, and if th delegation would not agree upon him, he would break up the delegation, and foim a ticket in the forks lo suit himself, without ever inviting, cr giving the people on this side the least notice. And now, what does th's unasauming, unpretending Judge dot Why he lelU the inde pendent democrat of Northumberland county, that a thry would not form a ticket at SunLury to suit him, that he had called a few of his friends together at M'Ewensville, and had ihcre formed a ticket to uit hiuiself, and that if they do not now come up to the ch.dk, and aupMrt his ticket, he will brand them aa traitors, federalists and whig. Will the honest, independent democracy of North umberlsnd county permit a political judge, a notorious distur ber of the dem ocratic party, lo get together a few of his fiiends at one corni r of the county, and there nom'uaie a man every way unworthy and unfit for ollice, and tell the democracy, not only of the folk', but of the whole county, that they u.uut supKirl his man 1 It w as suppose I by those who inleiested themselves in ibe ppoinim.-nl of Judge Montgo mery, that be would have eoma regard for Ihe "pu rity of the ermine," when he assumed the duties of that office, and that he would lay s da his for mer occupation, a inconsistent with the high character which the judiciaiy ahoulJ alwsy main-tain. , He Van Write. The village all declared how much he knew, T waa Certuin he could write, and cipher too, ' GofclUMITB. 1 he fiiends of Jee C. Horion got up a toiy a few day siace, that the Hegin men had repotted that Horton could not write his name. No oonr r had Jesse, on Saturday last, made hi appearance in town, than hi Faia.vn escorted him up to Mr. B' store. Mr. B. observed him coming, and handed him a pen aa he trpcd in the door. Jepa seized the little Weapon with a dcath-like grip, aa though hi political salvation wa staked on the result, and in the presence of several witnesses most positively and absolutely wrote hi own name, with hi own hand, on two different piece of paper, which hi friends have now In possession, and keen as a eer. tificat of his scholarship. Only think of that ! Jes se C. Horton can actually write hia own nnm. which Is more than ome of the king and noblemen of England could do five or six hundred year ago. Let the Milton Ledger, who say they have all the intelligence on their side of the river, proclaim this additional proof of their intellectual superiority. Let the Sunbury Gazette insert It in larire eDitl, U will be worth twenty uch atorie a published in their last paper, slating that Dcwart and Donnel aro going to destroy the value of their own coal la. . . . anus in Biiarnokm. And if this occular proof of Jo-so's fitness to go to the legislature don't convince the people, the Gazette ahould then call on the Milton Ledger to stigmatize and abuse them as a sot of stupid fellow. 1VII them thai you have at laat discovered one grand qualificaUon, one grand reason why they ahould aupport Jesse C. Horton ; that you have nuw proof positive, that he can write hi own name, and that he is therefore fit to represent the people of NorthumlHsrland county in the next le gislature. Qtwderat dtmmstrandum. - Martin Van lluren. We ask of our readers an attentive perusal of nn article on our first page, on the character or Martin Van Buion, by N. P. Tallmadgc, the present whig Senator from the atate of New York. Mr, Tall madge ia omong the number, who are now the moat bitter in their denunciation against Mr. Van Buren. How ho can reconcile hia present conduct with the opinion and high regard he one entertained for Ihe m in, we must leave for him to decide. It can not be that he waa a stianger to Mr. Van Buron, and did not know the man he was so highly eulo gizing, for ho distinctly states in the speech ulladed lo, that "He is veil known lo us all. The iieople of this state are familiar with his name, and with the ser vic s he lus rendered lo his country. His reputa tion is dear to ihem, and they will be the last lo suffer it lo be larnished by f..ul aspersions, howe er high or however low their origin." In another part of the same speech, he most ef fectually refutes lh foul slander upon Mr. Van Bu ren, thai he waa opposed to the last war. Such testimony from such a source, (for Mr. 'f allmadga is one of the acknowledged whig leaders of the Uni ted Slates Senate,) ia of immense importance, and how fully doe he vindicato the character of Mr. Van Buren. Ia speaking of the difficultiea encoun tered by Governor Tompkina of New York during mo last war, be ay : "No MAS BESIIERKD Rl MORI 1FHCIEHT iiu thaw Mabtix Van Blbx.v. Iii lujuta XSATE CHAMBER, HI ElOu.lE.Vca WA orTEW ieabd iv rAVoa or movioino means An IRA.Vrl.VO KlrPLItS TO CARRT OB THE WAR. in to rai.D Ann clothe iii-r halv clad soldi hut : WH1L t or HIS r a ESKXT rERSKCCTOMS WEBB PEVLI HXJOICIXO AT THE DKriAT Or OUR asm. ISO SKCBKTI-Y IMPLOIIINO SUCCESS Oil THOSE or THE EN EX T." Mr, Van Buren, it will be recollected, is a man of bumble origin. He ha risen to distinction, and the high station he now occupies, by his own ef forts, without, the aid ot family or friends, assisted only by a highly gifted mind, and an untiring in uustry ; and yet, how little have his most violent enemies been able to y derogatory lo hi high character aud standing. How different was the fate of General Harrisou 1 Born of distinguished pa rents, ho bad none of those difficulties in early life lo encounter. We have nothing to s.iv aaainst hia character aa a soldier or a citiz-m. It is sufficient that bis principles and the principles of those who win most probslily form his csbinel, are not those for which the democratic party have alavaye con- tcuueu. llauk Kefbrui. It is asserted by the opponents of Mr. Hrgins, that he waa opposed to a reform of the present banking system. We again publish the bank bill which passed the House of Representatives, and for which he voted, to show that ihe assertion is a false a Ihe many othor thinga which are circulated to injure him. Thi. bill contains just auch reetrc tions as the deinocral'c parly desire, and it will be ren was passed by a party voto. The domination. It is well known that ihe County Convention, nol being ab'e 1 1 make a nomination, agreed that each candidate might run on bis own merits, Hor ton got a few of his friends together in the forks, and had himself nominated, contrary to the usage of the party, and now attempts to palm himself oil" a the regularly nominated candidate. Hegins had the highest vote in the delegation, and might easi'y have ga'hereJ a few of his friends together and had himself nominated, but he preferred to abide by the decision of the convention. Which, we ask, has acted most tike a democrat. The on who submits lo ihe decision of the county c mvenii, n, or the one who gets himself nominated hi on corner of the county, without coosujtiug the other part of the county about it 1 fXj We invi e Ihe attention of our readers lo the articld signed " Juxtict' puhtidied a few week since iu the Milton Ledger. It will show most conclusively that Mr, Hegins, whenever the que, tion'caine up, always voted against the extra pay. He had previous'y opposed the extra session as ex pensive and un necessity, aud always endeavored I.) cxpedilx the buines of the legislature. Hi trieud t well know that bis time at house was WuilU mora than the salary he recivej. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers