Dez&Aber 1 3, 1865. granidin gcpanititir.v. LOCAL ITEMS. Gossie Wax Ct h FniENDS.—Philadelphia —Thanksgiving day. F have eaten:and I have drunken to my fill, in spite of what hi vulgarly called "a game leg." "atoms of turkey are be tween my teeth, cranberry stigns are on my shirt bosom, turkey fat oozes front my cheeks, sweet potatoes lie heavy upon spy—conscience, the flavor of oysters is upod my palate, the scent of celery pervades my beard, old government Java asserts its perfumed presence, and a snags of veg etables, overpowered in essence by that famous antiscorbutic, the onion, gives my breath the Sweet savor that reminds one of the Moluccas or Araby the Blest. Need I say that I am happy and thankful to the Magnate who appointed the seventh of December as a'day of thanksgiving, eating and prayer. How was it with our Chain . bersburg- gossips? Wsthout private advices I can emagine many a score of turkeys and many a hecatomb of chickens and ducks to have been offered up upon the national altar; together u ith many a mess of sour kraut and spec, to say noth ing of strings of puddings and sausages enough to have - girdled the town. The blood) fiddler Ne ro wished for one neck to his people that one LIM,: might satisfy his evil wishes, my philanthropy makes me long that I, in common with all my ' countrymen, (north and south) might possess the stomach and appetite of all the rest—dyspeptics always excepted. My hu3t gasping wish, an hour since, commenced: "many happy returns - -and then became inaudible, either from a supera bundance of sentiment or from a want of breath. It was au advantage to eat by myself, as modesty ever revolts at publicity. In goodearnest, we of Chambersburg have much to be thankful for, our circumstances are much better than they were a year ago ; many of us now have homes who then, had not; then we were in danger from a barba roils enemy, now we can sit &m u, no—not under our own vines and lindens—fur they are gone, but on our own curb-stisties, no one daring to molest us, or (we own the charge,) make us afraid. Week before last, uaindfidot,the necessity that Our gossiping become, I encl r oled a fat bundle of it irtla go'dd sized envelope, directed (secant= artesii,)",stainped as the law directs, cone m, some moil-delectable matter carefully elabora ted: now, mark me, I bring no charge against any United States official, whither in or out of the Postal Department, but that letter which looked as though it contained-a package of Bank notes, notwithstanding it was proply mailed by a care ful and responsible person, never came to hand.— We can all enjoy the joke in picturing to ourselves the blank expression of the miserable scrub who stole and opened the letter of an editor, thinking it to be of_any value. Go to, poor wretch, thou thoughtest in thy ignorance.,,l dar - tiot say inno cence, to commit a crime; 'twas but a misdemea- nor. Go to. we repeat, thou art pardoned, buzz away, like ?tide Toby's fly, "the world is wide enough for thee and me." Moral—mailS as well as females are not to be trusted. Ideas extracted (from memory) from last Gossip. Are you insures! 1 Are you insured ? A re you insured t Do you value your life Do you knew that when you go to purehnse a railroad ticket of Mr. Blair Gilmore, at the Cumberland Valley railroad depot, he will sell you a ticket for ten cents that will entitle you in case of death to $3OO and to $l5 per week it disabled—of which I ain a living proof. •_More than that, Mr. Haupt, President of - the company, has been to see me several times, and has shown me a kindness and Interest that adds to the satisfaction of having beet. insured.'l'Should you prefer to insure by the year against accidents of any kind, less than seven ants a day will secure to your family $3OOO if you are killed, and $25 per week if disabled. Is there - a - man —imam me souse or my comer who does not waste seven cents Nay ? Like a hen that has laid an egg, and goes forth to cackle to all the world the happy event, so I cannot rest till I have published in the REPOSITORY the ben efits of Life Insgrance. Prirate'andainfillential.—l trust in future that the blind boy in the office will not be allowed to read my proof. In the last issue no less than six ond's were printed ors.A visit to Orrstown might do the boy some good. "My goose, she -." Excuse my recur ring to what will ever be an epoch in my life.— Five weeks after I received my wound, Preceived a visit from Mr. James M. Shelley, of Keokuk, lowa, on crutches. He was seated beside me on that unfortunate day, and . the lust I had seen of him was—his coat-Mil—as he • seemed to fly through the air Aard the centre of the car, but I will :et him tell his own story as near as I can remember: " You -- may recollect that I was sea- " ted alongside of you at the time of the accident, " at the first shock I looked back, and saw the " car immediately behind us raised up seine three " feet, apparently ready to crush us: I made a " spring to-get as far out of its wayas I could, " and awaited its approach AA ifh avVe: for I well " knew that if we became detached in front "first, that . the momentum (as our front - yvheels " were gone would drive the rear cars right "through us. I received a blow upon my heel " that I did not at the time think serious, and " when the train was stopped (we fortunately " did become detached in the rear first), I limped " forward, and finding -the floor gone, where yotr " had been seated;-I felt sure that you had gone a through. I found you lying on the grass with "your leg torn, and was glad;'_though surprised, "to find you alive (I then recollected the fact, " for the first time.--Gossir) " . Upon my arrival " in the city, the same night. I tried in cain.tu get " a room at the Continental and at the Girard, " and finally my foot being very painful by this "time went to the St. Lawrence, when to my " importunities for a room, I was at last told "that there was but one unoccupied room in the " house, and that hod been rrserred for Mr. and " Mrs. Bag. " nett'," mid I, " you' may give " me the room, for MN. Barr was killed thin day -by the same accident that injured me." A sad 'coincidence." I' need not say I was glad to _ ---- str4 Mr. Shelley, for I thought him dead: and yet the testimony of the Irishman, in the steam- boat cast, befbre the Coroner's jury, struck me as applicable to our experience; " as me and the stovepipe was going up, we met the captainpn iiig down." Better luck go with lay travellmg friend—l pray that he may have reached Ins far Western hums in safety ! A New CLOCK.—Every person tw grati fied to learn that there is to be a new clock upon the Court House. We have been informed that the contract for it has been made, and that all doubt about the matter is happily at rest. Th e clock will be of the newest and most imptoved style, with a transparent face which will be ble by night in all parts of the town. For fear that'our Ladies may not make the discovery ; we will confidentially whisper in their ears, that by simply looking out of their windows, they can tell to the-very minute when their tardy and be :- nighteeage lords return to the bosoms of their I families. We hope the ladies will not abuse their power. If after a fair trial. it will be found that they do, we will move fur an extinguishment of the light. = Our Commissioners decided sometime ago with admirable judgment and good taste - to place the figureufFranklin upon the Court House. With - out the example of his staid and steady habits, we fear the morals of our town would very soon have gone out of print. We have been told that the Commissioners, af ter considering thepropriety of purchasing a clock fur the Court House, had at last determined not to do so. But at this juncture the matter was taken hold of by our enterprising and public spirited citizen, A. 11. M'Culloh, Eq. Arrange ments weee 'consummated - by him for the pur chase of a clock. To his efforts, therefore, the community is greatly indebted fur this most ac ceptable and necessary convenience. Had his perseverance been Jess than it was, old Ben. Franklin would have stood mute and silentupon his watch-tower in the future, as he did in the past. But now, thanks to Mr. M'Culloh, it is de creed that. he shall have a voice in his lonely cu pola. to speak to us and to the generations that shall come after us. Hour by hour that warning voice will proclaim to us the birth And death of days and years. The bride will hear it with gladness, promising the quick coining of the bridegroom. The aged will hear it with sadness heralding - the steady approach of the "King of Terrors. li'will proclaim the birth day and fu neral day of whole genis'rallons. Much morality it will teach us too, if we but heed its lessons. Whilst we are letting golden opportunities glide away from us and squandering - precious hours that will never more return, it will nut be silent, but will speak out against our profligacy. Young man, it you aspire to be great and good, to till the ear of fame with the renown of your achieve ments, listen to and prize the teachings that come down trom the tower of Franklin. vocal with the 'coke of time. We might moralize' further, bpt, have said enough to'awaken our community to an appreci ation of .the benefits conferred upon us, by the enterprise of Mr. 11'eulloh. We trust our friend Alex. will neter have oc casion to be out so lute at night as to suffer any inconvenience from the transparency of the clock's dial, and thus enjoy the felicity of Caudle or any other style of lectures. Nottmm. SCHOOL.—It is desirable that every School District :in the County be represented in the Convention to meet in this Bore' on Friday, the 29th inst. To this and the Board of School Director's of each district should at phce call a meeting of its citizens, and appoint three dele gates, tuftbers-of the'-School Board or other cit iZens, to represent it; these sh'ould be able to speak authoritatively for their district as to the probable amount of subscriptions of stock, or contributions, that could be raised by it. A meet ing of the citizens of Chambersburg will be held in the Court-Room on Thubday evening, the 14th inst. at 7 o'clock. We hope our citizens are duly awake to their true interests,Mthis matter. No trivial excuse should deter our educators, pro fessional men, merchants and mechanics from be ing present. A rare opportunity offers to secure a great and perinanent benefit to ourselves and succeeding generations. Every one will, at once. see the importanee of making an effort to secure a large and flourishing Institution in our midst, and such the Normal School of the 7th District will certainly be. SuoT Himstii.r.—On Saturday, the 2d inst., Mr. Job Black, a young man of about twenty years of age, and,a resident of Shippensburg met with a andfhen and nielancholly death by the accidental discharge of a pistol. It appears that after sew oral unsuccessful efforts to discharge the pistol, and believing that the eapZ . were worthless and spent, he seized the piece by the barrel and viith the muzzle pointing towards his body struck it against a wall which produced ignition and sent the ball through his body in .the region of.the heart. After the discharge he walked several rods to the house bf his brother-in-law, and report ed that he was wounded, and before examination vas made, fell dead. He leaves an aged father and mother, who looked upon him as the princi pal support of their declining years. APPOINTMENTS.—The County Commissioners have appointed. John Stewart, Esq., as C o unsel; ureorige Foreman, uera, MAU lit. JamAsy#l.l., Physician to the Jail. The Directors of the Poor appointed Mr. Chas. Delwicks Treasurer and Dr. J. C. Richards Phy sician. The Board had twenty-five ballots for Steward, but failed to make hn appointment Tim StivENTY-sEvENTH.—CoI. Rose has o. rit ten a letter to a friend in Lancaster. stating that the Seventy-seventh regiment would probably be home by the middle of December, but the late order prohibiting the muster out of any soldiers in Texas, will doubtless hold the Seventy-seventh until the end of-Its term of service. Iter. Mr. .laneway will preach in the Presbyterian Church nest Sabbath morning and evening. IZELLINcE.—We deem it to be our duty to say to our re-•dere, that the rook i plieit reliance can be plac ed in Cough hum an. I . will cure your children of croup. and yourself of any cough, cold, ewe throat tar pnl• monary affection. It is the cheapest and bent preparation in the market. Dyspepsia ran be surely and permanently cured by Coe s speptda Cure. Thousands of dyspeptics are Rend ing in their te.timonials to the proprietors. sayi n g it has cured them. We say to those who are suffering from dys pep.ut, constipation, sour stomach, or any disorder of the stoth4ch or hostels, give it a Mal. ClittniTmAs is near at hand and every person should get their Tortured taken in time, for it is a gener al thing to exchange Orton. son that day, A phlox , . Is the most appropriate thing that could be given to relatives ,„ jite or friends, and we ads ise all to go ZIMM MA. ERAN llAssi. tit's Nen York Gallery, in J. I 'e Z.". Co'. Balld• ing, North-east corner of the Din d, Chambershurg. Glee them a all, they take the best pictures in the tot; n. Citizens desiring views of their Ruined Homes, and others in town or country. should give them a call. They will be very valuable in time to eoine. Can and see specimens. WHY will you be prematurely 'Grey or Bald. CIIEVALLIIO.. LIFE FOR THE Hint led/ restore the lulir to its original dark color, and Is than and easily Abed For Sale at Drug Store. AT CREssuin's DI2I:G STORE.—A new and extensive stock qf Toilet Artiele , t, foreign and domestic are now otTered, many of them at reduced prices. Call and examine. ort:NiNts,;cENts IN CONGRESS The Wash} - Won correspondent of the New York Tribune writes us follows concerning the opening scenes in Congress: All the interest attending the opening id Con gress centered in the House. The action of the caucus, and the known determination of Mr. Mc- Pherson in regard to the roll, made* the result a foregone conclusion: At the Manic time, the will of the minority had not transpired. and it was not known whether we should escape the fillibustiT ing scenes of the note-rebellion Congresses. The Senate organized very quietly. The'beau tiful weather, soft and warm as Spring, attracted thousands to the Capitol, and long before the hour of 1 . 2 the galleries of both houses overflow. The floor is covered with a busy and merry throng, as becomes the atrst Congress after the war. As the Clerk quietly trips up the side aisle a buzz of curiosity rnns through the multitude, for this middle-sized, smooth-faced, young man, with'hlue eyes, high forehead, and light sunny hair, has a responsibility that may change the destinies of America. It seems to rest easily as he rolls over his,taper iu - a business-like way and quickly raps mrthe desk as the-spinute hand touches 12. - The busy audience separates, and, its we have the opinion of Mr.,oolfiix Mr believ ing- it to - be the ablest House 111 Many years, we look at it with seine interest. Thaddeus Stevens. who bears his 70 t ears as though they were do, looks stern, grim and im passive. Schenck, of Ohio, bends over him, and considenng he vi as it Yankee monitor in Balti more, looks quite amiable and harmless to-day. As John Sherman's competitor fi,r the Senate he excites Some attention John Sherman seems quite easy, however, a 4 he stands near by return ing the salutations of Senator Minis, who looks as though he were low on a wool-sack, grave, earnest, majestical, and Henry S. Lane, of Indi ana, who carries his never absent cane, and seems, like a Methodist exhorter, anxious to improve-the occasion. Banks quietly takes a back seat, look ing fresh and natty, rather graver and more marked than when lie led the stiuggling party of Freedom to a Congressional victory nearly ten years ago. Mr. Boutwell, his colleague, with it thoughtful, angular face, ridged forehead, and a . generally keen Boston manner- enters into con versation with him. Slr. Coll az, the prospective Speaker, is the cen ter of a group, and err one ple.lnut AAQ kopeful, while Mr. Washburne, the father of the House, as they call him, smiles grimly upon his children. Bingham of Ohio, who looks like a fanatic, is conversing with Kelly of Pennsylvania, who does not ; • While Roscoe Col:Wing, with a crowd of New-Yorkers, is discussing the late election in that State. The - -Cleek quietly begins to call the roll, and as he passes Tennessee Mr. Maynard arises and en deavors to interrupt him, that Tennessee may be heard. The request makes a bum, but nothing more, for the Clerk declines to hear him.- The call finished, and again Maynard strives to gain a hearing, but Mr. Morrill quickly trips him up by moving to pio ceed to the election of Speaker.— Again Maynard beseeches, but the majority, un der the head of the resolute Stevens, insist upon order rather sternly. - Brooks arises to his feet, and, In a speech that reQds like an editorial of The Express, informs the House that unless it changes its. course and throws open the doors to the, 90 paisting, unre constructed brethren in gray, we might as. well not hate a country - ; which the crowd listened to rather impatiently. although Brooks becomes wild and declamatory. After a tilt with Stevens, which creates a shout of laughter, and a remon strance that makes Long John Wentworth so an gry that he continues his indignation to Mr. Orth of Indiana, Brooks yields, and Stevens, in his slow, caustic, halt-sardonic way, quietly forces his motion. assisted by the snappy, peisistant, nervous Mr. Farnsworth. Mr. Johnson, a Penn sylvania Dutchman, tries to stop the tide, but it rolls over him. Maynard takes his hat and dissolves in the crowd, and Mr. 31orrill nominates Mr. Colfax. Mr. Wiufieldnoininates James Brooks, amid much 'good humor, not malicious, but rather commiser ating the New-Yorker's immense minority. All this has just 'taken - thirty-three minutes. The call begins, and John B. Alley answers, " SellUy ler Colfax." In this halt' hour a resolute majori ty, calmly, without anger, with rare good humor, indeed, quietly presents the disintegrations of the Republican party, and informs the unreconstruc ted in gray that the way to enter Congress is not to kick open the doors. As Mr. Alley begins the roll, the scene is his torical. The galleries are crowded. The vacant spaces around the members' seats are crammed with Senators, and Judges, and Generals, and all manner of people, silent and dense. The spell does not last long, for the yeas roll tip so rapidly that Mr. Colfax gets tired marking his roll, and leans over to converse with Mr. Garfield. We improve the time to glance over the scene, and feel that if there can be anything in phrenology the present house is a remarkablettody of men. How the-types of nationality mingle and blend. The Eastern delegations represent mentality ; the Western, strength; the Middle, discipline. Mr. Stevens has a most obedient majority, and it votes and acts as one man. The spirit of anxiety slow ly passes away, and by the time Mr. Colfax takes the oath and makes his brief, earnest speech, and proceeds to the practical business of presiding, a business that suggests in its monotony and glib ness the profession of an auctioneer, the scene is over ; the corespondents bustle away; the galle ries become hungry ; the ladies take wing, and the House goes oir with the slowly-moving gabby business, called legislation. MARRIED PALMER—BUTT.—On the ..?Bth of Muy last, by the Rey. John W. Jackgon, Mr. Wm, P. Palmer to Mire Mng. gie B. Itutt, both of Franklin county. ' - . • . • SHATZEII—GRAMM.--Ou the 7th inst., at the M. E Parsonage, by the Iter. S. 11. C. Smith. Mr. Danl.! Shat zer to Mbts Lacioa Gramm. both et this eoanty. _ . WAG3tAN.—Ii..A.UF3tAN.—On the flame day, by the same. 31r. John Wa„, ,, lnan to Miss Margaret Kaufman. both eftbix eount3-. - DULL—MENi'ZER.--On the same daY by the 1 , 4 me. Mr. Wm. H. Dull to MIAs Mollie E. Mentzer. both of this county. BESTWICK—BURCKET.—On the I'M inet.;by the Rev. G. Roth, Mr. Jacob Best trick, of rtatsburg, M Mix* Kate Bucket, of thi KIRKPATRICK—BURK.—On the 30th ult. by Rev. Wm. A. West, Mr. Wm, 0. Kirkpatrick to Miss Nannie J., daughter of Mr. Wm. Burk, all of the neighborly.' of Dry Run .IONV;—DONOVAN.—On the inwt. , iit'the Nation. al Hotel, by the Rev. F. Dyion, Mr. David N. Jones to Miss Hannah C. Donovan, both of Path Valle,. DIED ORR.--(ku the 3d inst., Mrs. Sarah Orr, of Antrim township, siged 79 years. 2 momths and 23 days. KOONTZ.—On the:3oth ult., in Antrim township, Mt,. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. Koontz, aged 29 yeam„ll months and 13 days. WASSF.N.—On the 30th ult.. in Greencastle, James son of Mr. Jacob Wasson, in the Bth 3 enr of his age I'irGINNIS.—On the sth inst., in Hagerstown Md., Nis Nanny M'fiinnin, in the hirty.seventh year of her nge. C. wriltiv. •isza-air. Clothing, Clothing-f Business Coate, Business Ciotits, Business Coats, Business Coats Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Coachman's Coats, Coachman's Coats, -Coachman's Coats, Coachman's Coats, Coachman's Coats, C.lclamatis Coats, Coachman:s Coats, Coachman's Coats, Walking Coats—new style Walking Gat.—new style Walking. Coats—nets style Walking. Coate—new style Pants, Pants—varied styles Pants. Pants—variPd. styles. Pants, Pants—varied styles., Pants, Pants—varied styles Vests, Vests—all deserirthem Vest., Vests—al) deseriptiuns. Vests, Vests—all deseriptlons. Vests, yests—all desenptions. BOYS . CLOTHING, Rol,: CLOTHING, BOYS CLOTHING, Bo3A' Bores CLOTHING, B 01:: CLoTHING BOY , ' CLOTIIIVG, CLOTHING, IN THE GREATEhT VARIETY. Hunting Coats, limiting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats OVER COATS—GREAT VARIETY. ; - .ONEIt COATS—EVERY STPLE. COATs—GREAT VARIETY. COAT,—EVZItY STYLE. Being constaotly supplied from Foreign importations and Domestic Manufacturers, we are enabled to otter the choked assortment of READY-MAl.F.Currtittc6 at reason able prices. Also, a splendid stock of 1.7.'5gt.7 Boort , ' for,thtizens, Boys, and Army and Navy °Meets, which v. 14 be made to order at the shortest nofice. R 0( KRILL & WIL•ON, BROWN STONF CLOTTIING rtnu, rm 3 a nd 603 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, !no .N.:9-2m tits :Joists 'retool... air, raquireg haniethate atkntiou and should he checked. If allowed to continue, Irritation of the Longs, a Permanent Throat Affection, oriltt Incurable Lung Disease ie often yhe result. Bite/INN', illUr24llll.t. TuticllLs has ing to direct influence to the parts, give immediatd relief. For Bronchitis, As thma, Catarrh, Conssmpzirc and Throat Diseases, Troches are used with alto aye good success. SINGER:4 ASP MIRA: SPEAKEtts will find Troches use ful in clearing the voice alien taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exer tion4if the vocal organs. The - Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an ar ticle of true merit, and busing prnrrd their eltlcaey by a test of ninny years, each year nods them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are anis er sally pronounced betier than other articles. liur AP. only "ThoJtvhres rinownrAL TROCRES," and do not take any of the trOrrhbrs /mita:ions-that may be of. - Sold ever) where in,theUniteX States, nod in Foreign Iv‘mtltrtex, at :15 emit. perbox. novl•titn REMENIIIF.R. rr /I DlRS.—Remember that if ti apply Itadway's Ready Relief to the spine or back- Niue, rubbing it well It, It will effect a surprising cure of many of the peculiar complaints incident to your sex ex clusively. In all kinds of wettl.eniiig discharges, in ob. stritetions, retentions and prolapses, -in hysterics, head. aches, tt.c. , you NMI find nothing to equal the delightful efforts of an application of Ratiway's heady Relief. Rub three times a day the whole length of the spine, and rub it from ten to twenty minutes on each occasion, and you will be amazed at the result. At the first rubbing all the agonizing pains often disappear. Tho second rubbing is certain to make them summder, and a few applications readily - convince the most Incredulous that the disorder is broken upend must depart. No lady us ho In subject to pains in the small of the back, who smilers from weakness and lameness In the back or limbs, who is affected with any complaint of the kidneys or bladder, who has a pain in the hips, who is nervous, - is troubled wilts neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, should hesitate to rub of ten and vigorously witli Itallwa:.'s Ready Relief. The sense of comfort it will at onee restore w ill he worth ten times on er the amount expended for a httle, and the cure, which will be certain to billow, V 111111.4 be estimated in viihin by dollars and cents. Ratlwa's Ready - Relief is a blessing to the afflicted- They should never be without ft. It is so cheap, so convenient so easily applied, so quick in giving relief, kr never failing mats ultimate rem edy, that it should be considered indispensable asa do mestic remedy. Sold by druggists. deen-2t To LADIE_S.—If you require a reliable reme dy to restore'in - n. Ilarrey's Female Pills, a rev. er-failing remedy fur the remits al of Obstructions, no mat. ter from what rause they arise. They are safe and Pct. and will restore nature In every ruse. They are 0111 , , en:l - In all eases of Weakness, Whites, Prolapsus, ,Le- Sold in Bores containing GO Pills, Price ONE DUMAS. Send for Dtt. IlAitvgl's Private Medical Adviser, ad dressed Wilenutles ; 100 pages, gis lag full Instructions, 10 cents required fur postage. If you cannot purchase the pills of your druggist, they will be sent by mall, post irtaid secure from observation, on receipt of One Dollar; by DR. J. tittrAS, Consulting Physicians, P. 0. Boa, 5079. lig Broadway, New York. Dealers 'applied by I)elaaa /Woo £ Co., Wholesale Aim % ilea York. augl64snoo, Ely itanklin iitewaitorp, 4,Llynnberoburg, MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD.—Bryan's LY's Pills purify the blood, Remove Headache, Guldiness. Drowsiness, tinplesktit Dreams, Dimness of Sight. Indigestion, Cleanse the Stomach and Bowels, In sure New Life in the debilitated and RESTORE TUE SICK ro PERFECT HEALTH. Try them ! They only cost 25 cents, and if you candot get them of your 'druggist, send the money to DS. J. BRYAN, Consulting Phystcian, 44d Broadway, P. 0. Box, 5079, and they will be sent by re tun, o f Mail, post raj& Dealers supplied by Demos Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. octlE4m. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an &gay of Warning and Instruction for Young,Mee—published by the How ani Associations, and sent free of charge in sealed envel open. Address, Dr. J. Hgtv ry ,HOUGHTON, Howard As ion i a ti on , Philadelphia, Pa. REPORT OF THE MARKETS Chambersburit Markets. CHADIBERSIIMG, December 5, 1865. Flour—White $1150 ; Butter Finns—Red 10 50 Eggs Wheat—White ..1 90 72 20 Lmil Wheat—Red ....1 9022 10, Tallow- Rye 96 Bacon—Hama.. Corn 75 Bacon—Sides, Oats 40, Soup Beans I 50 Clover Seed 7 50! Washed Wool 80 Timothy Seed 2 001Unvvashed Wool 50 Flaxseed 2 61:11Pared Peaches 5 00 Potatoes--Merver.... 63i Capered Peaches..... 300 Potatoes—Pluk Eyes 60 i Dried Apples ' 275 tar TELS6BAPII.I Philadelphia Market*. PHILADELPHIA, December 12, 186.5. Flour.—Sales of serial, lots to the trade at $7 es - al - 7.5 for Superfine, $n 25'ae 50 for extra, and eineia for l'enna fatally and fancy. Rye flour is dull at $6 50. In Corn meal there is nothingdoing. Wheat--small sales of new red at $2 10/72 20. and white at $2 4032 70. Rye sells at Sl'a I 05. Corp—sales of 4000 bushels of new yel low at Sic, and old at e 5367.. 3000 bushels id' Delaware oats sold at 42e. 200 bushels of eloverseed brought $e IS and some flaxseed soldut 8a 20. Whisky is droop ing, with sales at 6'2 3. - 07 37. P.cbi abbertisemento. ------ DECHERT'S HAT CAP AND FUR Store it - on NORTH SECOND STREET, near the Washington Hone. tillS! FURS!! FURS !!!—DECHERT F hw u ast returned from the East with another large lot of Ladies Furs, which be is selling at reduced prices. cl ABLE, FITCH SQUIRRELL AND L 3 MINK FURS in large quantities, suitable for Christ max and Sew Years' presents at - • 18 6 6 evelrAtTleS iand q ' 2 V . C ' ality.Quic,ZSCalesF and - small profits, at 1866• --Commence the New Year by buying ittourirife, sister or daughter a SET OF PURE and yourself a new HAT. Both can be had at DECHERT'S. 186 4 a -A LARGE ASSGRTMENT • of CLOTII, VELVET and PLUSH CAPS, at DECHERT'S. FREY & FOLTZ HAVE REMOVED their extensive Hat, Cap, Boot, Shoe and Gents' Fur. nishinsr Goods Store to KAM STREET, nearly opposite Fisher's Hotel. A NEW STYLE HIGH SILIC':AND Cassimere Hat, going oir rapidly, at FHEY & FOLTZ'S. HOLIDAY PRESENTS !—:gew . Style Resorts Hats. and elegant Caps, B. Shoes; and Gent's Furnishing Gouda, suitable fur Holiday Presents, at FREY & FOLTZ'S, Main SL, nearly onosite Fisher's Hotel. "ROOTS AND SHOES OF HOME Manufactare, at FREY S FOLTZ'S, WyANTED .—Several good Shingle Makers, Stave Makers and Wood Choppers. AP ply immediately to the undermgned at Chambersbarg. 'deel3.:lt GEORGE CHAMBERS, Jr. TABLE CUTLERY.—Just received a large lot of Ivory and Bone Handled Cutlery Silver Plated Spool. and Futk. Table Crodors, &e. BRAND & FLACK. IRON AND NAILS, STEEL &C-A gvxlrosertmolt at BRAND & FLACK'S. fi A RPENTERS ' TOOLS, BLACK SMITH TOOLS, Carriagemakene go Is, at BRAND & FLACK'S. A EANILLA ROPE, CEDAR WARE, Looking Glasses, a large a.sgortment. at BRAND & FLACK'S. JUST OPENED.—A good assortineut Iron and Brass Kettles, Iron Pans, Coffee Mills. and a general stock of goods in our line, all n loch will be sold as cheap as any other house, for cash or on very short I= N. B.—All accounts to be paid when bill is preFenteiL BRAND & FLACK. QHOEM AKERS' F I XDINGS. —BR AND rZlioagtinliCi=" ' " . "` 7" UFF AL 0 ROBES AND SLEIGH Bells, Sleigh Runners, &e., at •FIRAND & FLACK'S. AT EAT n CUTTERS STUFFERS. BRAND & FLACK'S.' BRAND dr. FLACK HAVE JUST opened a lot of Kerosene Lamps, Lanterns, de. NTOTICE!-All persons indebted to nn .A..‘ for Merehandise codl please call and settle their ac. counts, as we are in need of money, and as goods are bought for cost, it is necessary for us to call your attention to this notice and hope you will respond to our appeal. decl3 BRAND d. FLACK, TO W N PROPERTY A T PRIVATE SA LE.—A eommtnhonn two story BUICK DWELL INth in a pleasant part of the town, on Main St. in offered at pnvate Inquire at this oak, detl:l IMPORTANT NO TIC E.-The under signed has in his bands for collection, the {-endue notes ut Frederick H. Deck, of Hamilton township. All persons owing mach notes 'will pay without delay, and thereby save costs. ' '-CHRISTIAN DECK. decl:l43r Letterkenny Tow nship. voTicE.—All persons knowing them .,elve4 Indebted to the undersigned, an the Books or the REPonitonY AND TILV:SCItIrt oftlce, are regnested to make immediate payment. If payment be delayed over ten days the aecounta mill be placed in the hands of a prop. er officer for collection. deel:l SNIVELV STRICKLER. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFER -AT Fnbhr Saa,-on the premises, on Saturday, the :Md butt.. at 1 o'4•lo4l't - V. A LOT OF GROUND, 64 feet Ivlde with HOUSE and STABLE thereon, t.O the corner 14 Sevond and Washington Streets- Also another LOT, 3'2 feet by 256 on Second St., near Wush. in :von blee1:11 T. J. NILL. c.,4coTCH CAPS—SOMETHING NEW 'J and gtyltsb, at r ROSS'. TJ.ATS AND CAPS AT MUCH 'rt.:Need prices, et ROSS'. Tti DER'SHIRTs AND DRAWERS a full mttortment, at ROSS IS OPPOSITE BROWN'S note, (ail.. strept SHIRTS FOR BIG 31EN, Shirts Int Little Men at ROSS', great Shirt Depot (NEES STREET, ✓ppn = 10 ' o'4'o 0 0 f o r th WAR 1) armly of Rebels who fired our property. Payable when the Confederacy 14 kneardcdged. HARDWARE. BRAND d. FLACK would reaped - tally call the atten tion of the people to their large atiateid HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Jcuitpurchased inns Eastern cities. BUILDING MATERIAL, of all kinds, sold as cheap as any house in the State. We ltnve just received a large lot of Looks, Hinges and Bolts of rrei7 &Kittle% Also—Olass. Oils l‘alsits, do _--'' Shim for Fancy M.n Sbirm for Plain Men Shirt.. for all Mien Reit' abbertioements. ELECTION.—An election will be held at the Mike of StumbtafFh, & Gehr, on illanday, .7nnuary let next, between the Mors oft WA 4 o'clock, P. M., fur SEVEN DIRECTORS for the Chamberabarg Gas Company, to serve daring the ensuing year. tlecl3-3t li. GEHR, SeCy. ,ETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED JLI in the Poet °Mee at Chamhersburg, State of Penn sylvania, December 17, 1865. ' • 11:1 , 'To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant -mu, call for "advertised Letters," give the date of this list, and pay one cent for advertising. - Austin E F [Hoover lifsain 2 !Rupert Jno W 3 ws Andre Lewis Huss Michael Seibert Sampel Blackwell John Lindsey J M I Scott JennioP Blackwill John B. M'Cotfan W !Smith D A Bradley BenJ F M'Cartny Capt A Thomas Cyrus 2 Can Patrick 2 Many Mrs B :Turcer Henson- Freed David. ' [May Charles Wills Fred D Hall Susan la Peters Lt S B Heckman Thomas 114) // Ins Isaac SY 0 C 1865. CHRISTII.AS 1865. 1866 1865 1866. NEW-YEARS. 1866. BOOKS, FANCY STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, and every thing belonging to the Book and paney Good business SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS HOLIDAY GIFTS For Boys, for Girls, foiLslies, for Gentlemen PRESENTS for All ages and tastes. We had hoped to receive our customers, during the HOLIDAYS in our new store, but have been. disappointed;, however we will do our best to accommodate our friend. and customers if they will give us a call at our old stand Ounce the fire) ,OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE Mill HOLIDAY GIFTS ,SICIDER'S BOOK STORE IN MARKET HOUSE. 4 SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF JUVENILE BOOKS, Bound, and iu illuminated paper ooers, ITymn Books 13 ibiel, Phot.graPti Albump NEWTON AND FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS, Poeket,Books, Portfolios, Writing Cases, and - a large variety of fancy articles fur holiday Gifts. - DIARIES FOR 186(1. ' Zephyr, Shetland, Cashmere and Germantown Wool. German Reformed, Lutheran, Hagerstown and Laneaste? , Almanacs. [decl3-3t Agency for the Sale of Murata Revenue Stamps. fI . ErMBERLAND VALLEY & FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and after Monday, December 11, 1865, Passenger Trains will ran daily. as follows, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8.40 A. M., Mechanicsburg 9.18, Carlisle 9.5, liewville 10.34, Shippensburg 1007, Chambersbnrg 11.40, Greencastle 12.25, arriving at Hagerstown 1.00, P. M. MAIL TRALN leaves Harrisburg 1.40, P. Meehan ic.burg 2.20. Carlisle 2.53, Newville 3,29, Shippensbnrg 4 00, Chatubersburg 4.40, Greencastle 5.30, arriviug at Ilagenitoa-u 0.10, V. M. I:XPREKS THAD:leaves Harrisburg 4.30, P. M... Me chanicsburg 5.114, Carlisle 5,32, New - vine 0.03, Bhil,pens burg 11.31. arriving at Chambersburg 7.00, P. M. EASTWARD' EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 5 15 A. St. Shippensluirg 5.45, Newville 6.1(1, Carlisle fi 50.Marta', icsburg 7.21, arriving at Harrisburg 7.50, A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Ilager.tuwn 7.10 A. M., green• castle 7.45, Chambersburg 8.25, Shippensburg New• villa P tr 7, Carlisle 10.03, Mechanicsburg 10.36. arriving at Ilamsburgll.lo. A. M. *-ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leases Cbambersbnrg 1.15, I'. 11., Shrplw•nsburt' 1.48, Newville 421, Carlisle 3.04, :Mechanicsburg 3.37, arriving at Ilarrisburg 4.10, I'. N. Ai - MIXED TRAIN leave. ,ITagorstown P. M., , Greenenitle 3.35, arriving at Cbauttiersburg 4 20, P. 31. , close connections at Harrisburg with traniA o u ttfront philadelphid. New York, Pittsburg, Balti more alai Washington. 'O. N. LULL, Supt. R. U. &awe. ChnlnVg. D 4l '. 11 . /e 63. SCHENCK•S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. If+your l. , aelc are csAtive. TRY Tu If 3 ou bare worms, M.KM. If your breath I* bad TRY THEM If you feel drowsy EaIBEEI If yuu are lutr spirited TRY 'FIE][ Wpm Lave a sick beactaPhe, 711:17 THEM. - , If you Lave takeu a drop too rouoll, TAKE A FULL DOSE. They only cost 23 cents a box, TRY THEM Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, actual. ly produre more suffering and death „than the diseams which they profess to cure. And yet this corrosive mine ral so denounced by the allopathic doctors, is .prescribed by them almost universally iu Liver Complaint. Con sumptioCtif Lungs, &e. . THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained front the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary effects will•appear as soon as thknedichne is brosht to the test of a fair experiment. ' SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS do nhOproduct any nausea or sickness of the atom ash ; but wheri given for Dyspepsia, it may be proper to lase them in connection with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive facul ties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the hugest internal or gan of the body, that to it is assigned - the important duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or -Inactive the whole body suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver shoulifprisluce wonderful chan ges in the general health, and effect cures which may ap: peer to h.. almost miniculens. Headache of long contin uance, severe paint In the aide, breast and shoulders, ach ing of tht limbs, a feeling of general weakness and wretchedness, and other alarming and distressing toms, indicative of imperfect or disordered notion of the liver, are speedily removed by the We rd SCIIEN , OK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that in describable feeling of oppression, mental anziet)/, langnor, lethargy, and depression of spirits whiclq unfit a man for the management of business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use of SCIIENCICS MANDRAKE PILLS. S( ISENCli.—Drar Sir • I take pleasure iu sending 3 on a certificate in 'addition to many you have already re ceived from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find lan guage suflicientlystrong to express my heartfelt gratifien: lion of the wonderfol cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED TONIC have effected in the entire mire of one of the most stubborn cases of the affection of the li ver. For thrte years I suffered beyond description; all my friends, as well as myself, came to the eonelusion that my time in this life wan short. Such was the terrible con dition to whirl, I was reduced that life to me had become a burthen; my whole systetn was id a state of intiammatiou; I could not eat, I could not sleep; my whole body was till ed with pain, swelling would arise in my wrists and an kles, rendering them totally useless. On several occasion I Nan attacked with a rush of blued to the bead,'which would fell tne to the ground, and f would be carried away for dead. I applied to several eminent physicians of our eity, a Ito administered all the medicines that they thought would reach my ease, but of no avail. Ono of them said he mold do no more for me, and url• •ised me, as a last resort, to drink cud thee oil. Not isle ishing tla , horrid trash, I declined to take It. Accident put your ails ertisesuent in 4 ray heeds. I called on you; you examined me and told me the nature of my disease. You then ordered motile and Mt& with an observ ance of diet, pleaging_your word that In one week I would find myself another men. I followed your advice, and, as you predicted: mt astonishing cure was effected. I con booed your Pills and Tonic fur some time, and now thank Dud fur his goodness, and your valuable medicine. I our liner more restored to perfeut health. I most earnestly re commend these who are suffering . from affection of the m ti err to give your Pills and Toe a fair trial, and avure wlll be effected. I have sent many persons to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens may minim will be freely given by the subscri ber, at his resi#nee, No. 812 Federal street, between sth stew anti Par:knout road. CIIARLES JOHNSON, sit, Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer. Dr.. SeIIkINCK will he podeosionolly at hie principal "Mee, So 15740rth dth street, curter of Commerce, PDIL ADELPIIIA, every SutunlaY, from 9 A. SC until 4 P. N ; No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3, No. 3q Sumner str,t, Boston, Mass.., every Wed -44r1 tenday, from 9to 3. and every other day at 104 Bat& more street, Itultimure, Md. All ad e free, but fur a thorough enomination of the lungs th his Respirometer the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmordo Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each 61.50 per bottle, or 67.50 per bat dozen. Mandrake PHIL 25 cents per box. .. Tor Rae by all Drufrom. and Dealer , - (de,l3 latat o.sotate „Salo. VIRGINIA LANDS IN 3LIAKET.- ARTHUR L. ROGERS. ' REAL ESTATE AGENT; .VIDDLEBURG, LOUD ON COUNTY, VA., Haying an extensive ainuaintamie with the people and the Land of the Piedmont Section of Virginia, so celebrated as a fine • 'Grass Country, I will l pay particular attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in this region, beide' pructising law_in the Courts of Lou. don and Faultier. . . gar I atrl authorized to sell some of tVe most desirable Fame In !this port of the State, and kill correspond I .raptly with persons wishing tab purchaie, , or take piens r in showing these leads to - them, if they Five me a ealL rif Mete and Surveys furnished when dettired. Address, ARTHUR L. ROGERS, Attorney at Law, Middleburg, Loudon Co.. Va. REEF.REScEs.—Jabb Janney, Esq., Leesburg, Va.: Gen. A. Razors. Middleburg, A q. ; John A. Spilmgli, Esq* James V. Brooke. Esq., Warrenton, Faquier count - , Va.; A. K. Phillips, Fredericksburg, Va.; t'ruricis L. Smith, Esq., Alexandria, Va.; Dr, Beverly R. WellfimL WIII. H. Macfarland, Esq., Richmond, Va.; Messrs, L. P. Rayne & Co, Messrs. Hamilton, Easter S. Co.. 1. Neveit Steele, Baltimore. 31d. FMiddlebarg, Va., Oct. 11, 1.G 5 -3m. REPOSITORY, Chambersburg, copy 3m; send bill to this office for collection, and one try of paper to MaJ. A. L. Rogers, Middleburg, Va:—Logerstogrt 31a11. J. W. DEAL, P. M ATALLT ABLE' IRON WORKS FOR 11 SAUL—The, undersigt-ed, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Franklin county.~ will offer at Pub lie _Sale, on the premises, on Wednesday. the _llth day, of Der next, the one undivided half of property known az FRANKLIN IRON WORKS. situate in St. Thomas township. Franklin county aforesaid. late the Estate of Dr. Benjamin Phreaner, deed. This property is situate 3 miles north of town of St Thomas, and contains 1,385 ACRES AND Mt PERCHES, and allowance. There is a ten-story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, a PER NAC E. Unsung House,-' GM] Shed, Wheel House. TWELVE Lot: TEN.tNT HOL'SES, and other im provement. theret.n. There is also abundance of valua ble brunt n hematite lIION ORE upon the, premises. and noel of the int/a in well covered with thriving young Chestnut and Oak Tiniber, and convenient to other avail able timber land. The Pummels now in conditionsto be put in Blast. S. S. SHRYOCK Also—Another tract of FARM LAND. Tartly lime stime,daimediately adjoining the above. containing 13ti ACRES and 51 PERCHES, neat measure, with Bank Baru and other impnirements thereon erected. The other undis ided half of Furnace Trite t is as ned by William Phrenner, and 'will be sold at the same time it will he oftgredand sold as one Trieit. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., when terms will be made known. WM. I). DIXON, Trustee. MEM PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will offer for sale on the premises, in Quincy township, Franklin county, on Thursday. theirdth of Derrynber, A. D. less, the following described real Estate : A TRACT of LAND containing 12 ACRES, adjoining Mt. Alto Furnace on the East, Elizabeth Lane, on the Smith, being within a quarter of a mile of the Furnace, whereon are erected an excellent FLOURING MILL pith three run of stones, a SAW MILL; and Dwelling Mouse. Abus--12.5 ACRES more or less, lying close the Fur nace, adjoining the above described property, on which are :acted a good DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and other tmildlngs. Land nearly all cleared and under good cul tivation A stream of never foiling mountain water flows through the land, and the House Is supplied with a run ning stream of Spring water. The above property will be sold separately or in the whole to snit purchasers. Title unexceptionable. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock Al of-said day, when the terms will be made known. decti J. HOLKER HUGHES.- VALUABLE FARM AT PRIV ATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale a TRACT OF LAND, situated in Guilford township, Franklin county, adjoining lauds of Thaddeus Stevens, Henry George and others, containing about 149 ACRES. There are over 100 Acres cleared and in good farming or der, most of it cleared within the last 7 years. A small portion of it is Limestone Land, the balance Sand Stone, The improvements and a good two-stliried BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, good Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed with Corn Cribs, Carriage House and all necessa ii- out buildings. There are Two YOUNG OR -11 BARDS of good Fruit on the place. and avell of never nulling Water near the House, a good Cistern at the House, and also one near the barn. There are about 30 Acres of excelleut PINE TIMBER LAND on the place, among the best Timber to be found in the county, and there is good IRON ORE on a considerable portion of the farm. 0ct19.3m JAMES M. RENFREW. MMMiiiMMOI VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—FARM AND STEAM TAN NERY, situated on the Chambersburg and Bedford Turn pike. in Fulton county. Pa 210 ACRES RED SLATE LAND, the larger part cleared. under good fence and in a high stale of culdvation; well watered, has a young bear iinz Orchard; large good BRICK HOUSE and Bank Barn, with nmning water at each. A variety of fruit and shade trees surround the dwelling hoitse; good and convenient out buildings. The Steam Tannery, known as "Saluvia Tannery," of large capacity—MuMings and machinery new, large double tine lanier, and engine complete, (burns wet tan,) all under roof and constructed in moden, style, with all the late improvements; convenient to several rail road points, and one of the Les , locations in the country. Also, in connection, are THREE GOAD DWELLING HOUSES, 2,0(0) Acres of Mountain Land, easy of access. and well set with Chestnut, Oak and other timber. If de sired the Tannery, dm., will be arid alone. For full de. senption, terms, Sc., address R. AUSTIN, 110V113.3t3 IL.rrisonville P. 0., Fulton Co, Pa. - LTAEAT AB LE PROPERTY AT PRI VATE moottorr lirtC7c lihnses,Thvith four rooms and Kitchen, well built and in good condition. Price $1..51X) each. 3 Brick Houses, four rooms each. Price $1,200. 1 Two• Story Hence, with abundance of Fruit Trees and Grapes. Price 81,010. 1 Two-story Brick House,Fruit Trees and Grapes, with excellent Brick Stable nprai the lot. Price 81,1111). 1 Lot 14 feet front, with Brick House, well of water in yard, new fencing and complete pavement full front of lot. in one of_tbe moat desirably locations. Price 62,000 v 2 If orwa but recently tiairowhly repaired and paintoti VlOOO - 6 Building Lots, 200 feet deep, 32 front, in the mostde. ramble part of the town for building. Any of the above properties will be sold at private 531 e —part cash—the balance in one and two yearn. Posses• sion lit April, 1666. blee6tl J. ALLISON EYSTER. QIIENANDOAH VALLEY FARMS FOR SA LE.—Pennsylvania farmers desiring ur buy good LIMESTONE FARMS id the Shenandoah Valley, n ell watered and in many cases with good imprm ements upon them, can do so of the subscriber, at t ery low ,rates. No better opportunities for buying good farms at low rates will ever again occur-in this Valley. Being a Pennsylva nian self,-and located here, I can and will at any time furnish buch information as persons wishing to buy may desire, upon their addressing me by letter. REFTILLNCES iItANKLII COUNTS :—Aebison Ritchey, 31ereershirrg ; Jacob Shook, Greencastle Jacob Barehel• rode, Scotland, Lnniel Trestle, John B. 311...unahan, Wm. 11I'Lellan, Col. Y. S. Stambaugh, and many' other citizens of Chambershurg. WILLIAM H. Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, oc - t - Winchester. Virginia. `PUBLIC SALE—There will exposed to Pubbc Sale. on Thurednv, the December. on tin' premises of Jacob Kurtz, deVd. in Antrim township. on the road leading woos ohandierzhorg to Greencastle. about two miles from Marion and three 'Mira from Greencastle, all the following PERSONAL PROP ERTY, viz head of HORSES Nine head of Hor ned Cattle, Hogs and Slates, Sheep, Rockaway Buggy, Wagons, Wagon Bed. Wegon Diadem. Ploughs, Har rows, Cultivators, Threshing Machine, Wheat Can, Corn Sheller; Home Gems and Harness, Fodder Cutter, Sleigh, Cross-eat Saw, old Iron, Clod Roller. Wheelbarrow. Ri ding Saddle, Rolling Semen, and a variety of other things, including' HOLTSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURS! TUNE, tmlisurnerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 1.',-10.^1: when the tenor will be made known by FANNIE Kuierz, En VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AT v PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned, agent for the heirs of Itattherr McKee, dec'd, otters at Private Sale, the " WOODSTOCK MILLS," situated in Green town chip, Franklin county, Pa. The property contains about 15 ACRES of land, luau two story Stone and Weather boarded GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, an excellent two story BRICK HOUSE, two story Weatherboard.] House, Miller's House and other imply] ements then,. erected. The Mill is in gust repair. The water power one of the bent on the creek. Possession given Immediately. Terms easy. sepl.btf JOHN IC ORR, Agent for Heir's. T'FARMS FOR SALE.-4. ATIII at rrivate Sale, ONE. OR TWO FARMS in Lurgari township. They are both productive and desirable prup• erties. Persons wishing to clew the premises can do so by calling on the undersigned in Hamilton township, or John'E Malay, adjoining the farms.' n0vf..941 JOHN ZOOK. TWO FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub scriber offers at Private Sale TWO FARMS and - a LOT OF IitOUNTAIN LAND. Pers - droidirrnsed to put.• chase trill please tall on'the undersigned, residing on the Mansion Tract. on the Baltimore turnpike, one mile East eF Fayetteville, ltrnmildf JOIU G 11. SMALL FARM FOR SAL E.—The sub riper offers at private site, his PAM'. and a Lot of Mountain Land. Persons disposed to purchase Rill phito.t. voli on the undersigned. resoling in Fayette ville. ittep27-.lwl - C. A. FUNK. 14 1 011 SALE.—A two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. haring six weil finished rooms and a Kitchen on a Lot with good Fence, nitttated in Borough of Chambersburg, near North Point. doe 6 GEORGE CHAMBERS. HO ITS E eOR SALE. = A FR AAI E uousE, on Seolnd Street, near the Market liouite, AVM be sold at a bargain. , nirr2.94l E. C. GROVE. OTTAGES FOR SALE .—Two kJ FRAME COTTAGES ou the Carlisle tortrike Le sold at Private Sale. Apply to A. K. IsrcLurtE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A xi House, and Lot In a good location on North Main btrevt for sale. Inquire at the RECORTORY office. [noel A L ARG E_STOCR" OF noNnj ELECTfON.-NATION I. BANK OF CIIAMUFALAIWttE:, December 5t),„1t3t,5. An election will be held at the Ranking Itom. on Tura. day, the 9th day of January net, between the hours of fl and .1 o'ebwk, P. Si, for SEVEN' DlltlllYVOltsi, to serve during the ensuing year. G. R. 31ESSERSNIITII, deetssl Cashier. 141011 RENT.—A fine BUSINESS Stand on Second Street, itrffinhle for a Store Roam. Ailtly to [doo6-3fl FREIE .1 , VOLT' . 1111 =EI I=2 New Styles Fall Goods, Just Received at WHITE'S NEW STORE ROOM Muf■ Street Legal. gotta's. AT AN ORPHANS' COURT HELD at Chambetsburg, for Franklin county,t Pa., on the 30th day of October, 1865, before the Ron. Alexander King, Esq., President, and James 0. Canon and W. W. Paxton, motion Associate Judgesof onr said Court : ,On motion of F. S. Stumbaugh, Esq.. the Court grant a rule on the heirs andlegal representatives of Jacob Mgr— st•y, deceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Chambersburg, for said county, o[l the 15th day ofJ e• uary next, to take or refuse to take the real estate of s id deceased at the appeasement valuation thereof, orto NT canoe why the same should not be sold, according to w. n0r..19 JOHN WEIMER. Sheri.. AD3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— o 4ice is hereby given that Letters of Adminisfes • • on the Estate of Benjamin Miller, late of Guilford town ship. decd. have been granted to the undersigned. Allpemous knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present tbemproperly authenticated for settlement. dec6 JOHN BENDER, Adm.+. LiDMINISTRATOWS NOTICE.—NO tice is hereby given that Letter of Administration on the Estate „Qf. Jacob Freyk late of Quigley township deed. have been *Lamed to tbeundersinged. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly ilithenticated for setthment JONOTHAti JACOBT, Adair: A DJIINISTRATORS' NOTICE.-No tice_,Ll is hereby given that Letters of Administtstioa 00 the Estate of kisthiir Long, late of Green township, deed, bare been granted to the undersigned. Alt persona knowing themselves indebted to said Fatale will please make immediate payment, and those having ehiirns present them fully authenticated for settlement. nori2 CHRISTIAN FRET, Adm'r. \A DMINISTRATORS' .4i. tire it hereby given that Letter of Administration 0 0 the Estate of James Palmer, late of Guilford township, dett'd, have becu granted to the undersigned. All per.sms knowing themselves, Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, — and those having claims present them thtly authenticated for settlement traMl JESSE KEAN; Maier— ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice h hereby given that Le.ters of Admlnistratiok on the Estate of Adam Smith, of F., late of Montgomery t,vaship, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons 'knowing themselves indebted to sold Estate Will please make immediate payment; and thous having claims present them properly anthenticated for settlement. novls MANDHILLA SMITH. Adio'rx. ADNIENISTRATOR'S tire is hereby given that Letterr of Administration tin the Estate of James C. Shields, late Alf Fannett torn ship. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons kaowing themselves Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. novls` Wst. A. SHIELDS, Adar. A, D3IINISTRATOWS NOTICE.-No -11 lice is hereby given that Letters of Admlnhdradon on the Estate of Henry Et Stover, late of Waynesboro'. dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate a ill please make immediate payment ; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. novls HENRY STONEHOUSE, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.--No• A tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Wiiiney, late of Fannett town ship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims present them property authenticated for settlement. novS* ' GEO. W. LlNN,,Adner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of George W. &warners. late of Greencas tle, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. AU persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims prilfient them properly authenticated for settlement. to the Administrator, residing at Waynesboro. novg" DANIEL MICKLEY, Adm'r. 17XECUTOR'S -N, 0 T I C E.—Notice is li hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Phineas Eachns, late of Greencastle. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to sald Eatate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. novt.l.- WILLIAM KREPR, Ex's. CUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is Ehereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate. of Jos. Foust, late of Letterkeany township, deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them fully authenticated for settlement. nov29 JOHNS, KAUFMAN, Ex'r. VXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is £4 hereby given, that Letters Testamentary• to the Es• tate of Daniel Small, late of Qulney township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing to amen town. ship. All persons knowing themselves indebted toltald Estate wilt please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settletaent. IPA '22 SAMUEL SMALL, Ex'r. EXECUTORS' NOT ICE.—Notice is hereby given that totters Testamentary' to the Estate el Christian 'reet, late of Green township, deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to ssikd Estate Tr. eetspo AY 4 - , 6 , anti thnial having etaims preheat them duly authenticated for settlement JOHN IMMEL, t , = - JOHN MONK. $ "• not `Z.4 Sortuatting Moms. FR EIGHT DEPOT, Cl/AMBERSBITRO, PA. . The Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania and Northern Central Rail Road Companies having made'arran,gements to do a JOINT FE RIGHT AND FORWARDING BUSINESS between the cities of Philadelphig, Balti• more and New York, the Cumberland Valley Rail Road Compiny has opened a Freight Depot at the point above named, and are prepared to receive and ship all goods entrusted to them. Freight to be forwarded by this arrannement must be left at Penna. Rail Road Company's Depot, corner 15th and Market streets, Philada.; Northern Central Rail Road Company's Depot. Baltimore, and Cumberland Val ley-tail Road Depot, corner 21 Street and Rail Road, Chandiersburg. The public will find it to their Interest to ship by Company ears. C O. N. LULL, Sup't. N. S TT MIN. Frcißht 4Rcst. Charnbersbrag, [deo6•tf H wo dc. , BI N ERc E A D • `V FVRWAUDnG A.\T Co Narth Seeoud Street, op • the Cumberland Why Railroad Depot. Chain urg, Pa. Cars run regularly to d from Philadelphla and Balti more: AGENTS.—P , Zell & Hinchman, Na 806 War. ket St., Phllade is Lykens Vainly, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL, (duett from the mines). Wilkesharre and Pine GroriPOTINDRY COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly on band. FLOUR, GRAIN anti PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at the highest cash prices. Sept!), WUNDERLICH & NEAD. 13600nal 43ropEttg..*alco. rpo EDITORS.-k rmox NEWSPAPER 1.. for sale in a strong Union eountv, witlictet large cir culation and doing a very-profitable business. It is an nld establislied _paper ' and has good material and a power preee. Address the publishers of the REPOSITORY : nin?.-t! 10 0 s S I I-1 1E k . R . BANK STOCK FOR Stock of the NATION...O4I3A= ClA3i res ' dstSit 'V ßt for sale, in lots to suit purchasers. Apply at the t. • qt. Toter (Aare. tf lIAY PRES SES.—Three -Hand Hay Presses, in good order, for Sale _cheap. lutyl9-tf ] (iEO. A. DEM, Chatabereburg, Pageretown Herald envy 2t. charge REINYMTORT. T S. 7-30 BONDS FOR SALE, IN • io denominations of $5l), $lOO, $5OO and #I,COO. require nt this office. 0ct9.54f OR SALE.—A full-course Scholarship F in the Quaker City Maine., Colfrotof Philadelphia. Apply at this attire. - 0et.25.1f. IllentiOtEi• I I)EINIOVED.= - DR. SCHLOSSER HAS removed his Aire to the SECOND FLdOR of Mitres• ideuee, on Main Street, nearly opposite Wallace's Dry- Good Store. Having been the. fist to introduce the Vsacanite Work in this county. rediSeing the price by one.half, and placing teeth within the reach of the poor ea no the nob, be m Al combo. to uvail himself:of every' Improvement and Airily the interest of all who may call on him. novls Mee, Ti N. EBER EY,, DENTIST. WILL xi.• be found at hill Mee, In MERCERSBIIII37., 3 door* north of Dr. MeDorrelfe, ery Saturday. TEETH J. SERTED from one to n f I net. on Gold, Silver, or Vol. ennite Amber Bane. - Satisfaction • , 4anteed. luerr4-34 Q PECIAL NOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby Riven that a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Cornpanv, 226 Saudi Fourtk &rat, Philadelphia, an Friday, December IStk, ISRS, o'clock, P. M., to consider the propriety of reducing the Capital Stock of the Company from two millions to one million dollars. P, B. SMALL, E. W. DAVIS, J. at SELLERS, 1 Offrac Penna. Imperial Oil Co., 4' 4 South Fourth St., rhitqclphict, Noreotbrr Stockholders who cannot attend should semi a blank proxy toU - Ote their stork. as it is necessary that tcrccthinis of the stock must be voted for the proposed reduction to m.rry it Into effect. There must be a witness to the signature. Know all men by theta Presents, That of do hereby (Wad -to be .... substitute and proxy for and In • name and behalf, to rote at the special meeting of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANL to be held on Friday, the 15th day of December, 188,5„ upon the proposition to reduce the Capital Stook of the Company, as fully-as might or could were ... persenallypreeent.. Witness band and seal, this .... day of A. D. 15165. WITNESS PRESENT, Mirk JOB PRINT/NG every style don. a , nines of Ow Vii Unignal. CM A. R. M'CLURE,7I J. M. POMEROY, MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers