2 griuktioppiii,iitoit.,. • For The Franklin ADVICE TO YOUNG EtiOiDERS. . When one has, grown ;out of childhood, it is impossible to 'deeide Whit 'one'should read, the mi sapply is and 'The best teiiid' Most 'Comprehensive • rule is; form a gOod and then choOse according to its dictates. "rails 'ddne the same • way in literature; as in * . iiri:•-•tolobserve nature, and then study if in the picture, the mist, the sky, the river and the - isetdure_are true in tinting and grouping, or, if :•-idetilizedi that- they are nof , extrayaganV. If y,opPicturkis a'reaster piece, youreye is soon g 9 • s c!li oo I by the softness, and harmony, that 4iitecti, at once, in low art, the - glare, the itiffness and the incongruity. 'lf,' in addition to a veritable artist gives you a few hints and • 4pggestions, you have fallen upon the "open • 1-;:leassao" of the art World.. Na timonnt of works Wait could have donese much for you. :11,is c_itfesame in, reading. ',Familiarise your. Mind With master works, and accept advice, from et. dfirs. I have often hoard such conversations folloiiing . - • +-• AB • • Sage,--This book is not fit for young people ? indeed it is better left unread. `Youth—lf that is so, I shalt fled it out for • 'ireyself: , • This is not wise. Life is - so Short we cannot oz afford to rejeetthe experience of those vitho'have - got the start of us. Unfortunately, some of the -17.i'most -beautiful and charming literature is so_ •:::illiarked With impurities as to- be unfit for huding, this is _remedied by expunged editions • only the untbinking will deride. "Oh," .lAraid,ii young lady to me, once, in the first flush sipassion for Byron, "Iletest abridgements, e Igi,voinie the complete works, and if there is any ,:1-istilitvhen I come to itillakip it." Unhappily, once found, it is too often impossible . to avoid. Ne.-}t US that siren power which enchants.while it ,mtlestrOys.:., It is a mistake to' suppose that young - 'tiff roLlimarread with impunity works too Corrupt often a woman turns with disgiist tz;i4rom i thikverypage with which a man delights ‘ , lniitt,f,cedihiagroper passions. The safest way is E az:4444! sfrArygiing contaminating, lest on the -- t-:44llcretcaliambers. l er the heart as on the walls of .L':::iilktarcedßemppiii there be traced vile emblems „ aud . pietures, whielvshall be brought to light-in 3toirwappn: - There is enough of " ee ''all'tlititristtibitpj„ Ve t thrilling, or tender, or and which is also as pure, -inliand,thastti usi the spring,fight, to satisfy the most a;:yisrdent lover of ro44ip t g. F , pre should be c'areful mcein4,not: , .eitnfsMllo B 3\ittOow:,writings, those in Firvgliich pbjectionaWphriniespecur, chiefly as an eV/ aecident c ;pf..the,tica”.,„.,T:liere is the same clif s;wi/ereave:(between,l4.9.Rie? between the p lant • ..„:LE.Eistosig ; •yery,icahnjgiens_ , ate, poisonous, and lhqse frgrp.wpiyp i . t . .„iniinitpessihle, for ingenuity i1,14-aife.Lhear.(4,eoPie brand' .I;Shak6rteare,aafiltllll-It4riitar.f):9P.9 or two plays , itimarcesVotth:ft agg9. 1 44 ailowed kyintbatkLlQ:AtittPEankidlCAP, 1 1-4,9 I ,9 3 ppouths et. 4,76unt_moidE,,grAß4o.l)E,l4,CrP-?lKet,*itred ex pressions which no oneweabisare i tesead aloud t i ke fireside: - This can be accounted for if wis . 4 , l l fargi r itif44 ,4l 4 . :4 4 2lkeltt&el is a -of t - difference in the frPedom of" sPeeek in afferent:Tiatitudisi;:ariA - moltbeiltr ?v} men are often istonisheiltehear theseof spotless purity,,,' Xl'Ll'itinti the' southeltafrom.fereign i lagds;4li.ieg, i thingbli-whinh :Would: (hock theinyt tleobie ) .-7 How imith.greater, -freedocklMaY PaYS`, MAR : , tat: StfiliiiEheS:inqiWilre4tAAPAßijg94W,Y4rqa.,, - lot Worked into the xtry - iltaipl-arldNVOOf heaF,64slfey t ‘t;k9 . 6qB case Lending a gloss pra.charta vits.p r ,,,'4an think of no soufidbr; snipd r ,,thp t i4at,.lEvhiell timAing fvow , sensational trash, apprt , efsferimaAgyroikatt, Ar b.s 4u4k44N49.lhßlPT:P.R.shEliffre*T. lug vi 4 1,110, rAP4 4R346 osAP etl9flteig',..thy,tlev`alub] ersd xv4.o4triotP4 l 2 - 7 99 m n 4394:e Pa - eld e ' er " - •11 -551.1) ever LP)II=ISDC*4. g r-P WR.W nt o ) .l l Al t #P:Pl i g9 B " 11• !:iir:t le M# 01 FM.4 11 _,P,M S ,OcIP l a 2 t1 F ) elJafth it 6'1+1(.00 !Rign."Ar T e ri the' All(M 1 44 1 41, fl 3 itO,J S. ; re# 4: 6 .? , Q . k: with stcip;fiArd ;trace ' o,o 9 ,Aiackti/e„m,asksontesilf:#o.omsks t i;Elils is a • kind of criticism fatitito i what . imerely ashy and sensational,- , -er liiernember greet) --r . - Yift-kir:flaye - fhefogerfehentedev.ithia:4s:urA,4 a 109.7.• CS tintliOrAirsvhieb the heroine "loves her. lieral3 taa 11 4 aa — tr - V43 „ ii n 6 an .7H . ur ises e • y , ss I "VdS e t i.4Elff::isA n doiii t oop,t el ia; 453 y: reeepler, b'a 3 tl Jai '4l dr in it a single thing whiell , Wool be: cflta riing in. "Les.ca. red . iifa r ;A l .o3lo nd, : 910 gt9fe . -4134 " ffiAleaMaleanittLlAMll4LEdbla;llLlVe never I J greliaked apy-fkin of tie?liiirging. it ~vas f • : '" i '' L lilikti' r •c6i.fllii..Atigar-coatc.d pill of ~w1;01',;Wi:: ; were fond in.pilfdliiitict, diAle'ef ilie4ste' : 141 L ajm I l n"d Rie r Osein . g illy %Nib& ''lidf . ithfaie of being, Witt r elNdibli dtlik't€Zt dp ; the: est l 3 : 9 o i llik'of` l ineffii6ailfi s d: .lelli I irtin cats olvtd; s qi ' ll3 flick 914116;:lf _ MP-IUB i a'. fidget as, An, Viiiftteqift *.f(frallaldnread7inetetl,T havehkaistibli L i . At lAnig *then w h o ruineffabyll* roauln4? in • the rr.c , l7lS' - -r - E -- wAy.p.irrt I cannot iruttine the fc4 4l / , I A - e,Areahi': itpffibitiVia injnred . by 6%.4 . .1 L: 4 :S4l ' ' l4 it,ll Juerf;PlAllingt , MtoeiPAPh i gA9 Pr! e°11.7 rwnL 64 eamecfltialeltimarattrarbAroqitt.e_fifefMcw4/ter day, tot """ Natoddtitete4itietaxigu tut-tato 41141 ! atiergeeffefliiiitibittf*Aim n .1.;1-1 tritarlA r ~f . v 41 . 4,2 d thogval e 114 . 71740;197 F 0 5 , 19), thy, ( 14$ , beantitst3nctd4.l c.x”il.l To4nirls argi,can think of notlupg, natal btu nteviolivr. fa • ?; , 3i_ 1 1414 gi''' (5 ' .I . ` 2tittl rzlieFsPOPM,i Ptk . - I:..!gy .grEm. ialt , th ,- .4o , tunwouposokflutomA§yriettogißFA* Aces e t e r ipkilig.?qtatielp•tesiatsi4obss:Stitry;frie tibe.ffsp,. fti4iffm *v.v.:1:419.m ; ' • a wacq " cime Past ' ara lf:lognifeihi::4;l•, ...I(zittmq I , „Fr i nikWlZletloran ,literatur aho 111..bm i derf lam= az.: W e) y I • -1 .rieolro MAW IffnaP h apiSePt i Al 2 1,114 pitil yi!l jOn .Wriptindiplkilitattit4OferNitti itliP vete and %.:unorma ArhatlietlffelWiffs3tpientlergielningl d a skep- . ; ilcism, and lansen,e§a of moraland aclit r itt ~eee ea lolgoefivecartaitipoisdueta t o 400 an erous at e Vaal cono•MtAckshlitatqftElis' ni , Met , pew rcd vokeupini - ij o irowaViilrfairriliAkiit uato itlabVwl Ai. IS afterwar recognize tne cnaarby wnien don 'ion creeps up to concord. Magazine reading, carried to excess, debih- I tates th •e • mind. ' - nd. n too sweet zoo: litinid; ;=requites ti* littlikAE,LovAt 4n. applieatien. It is itotisTittee for _posterity, but to catch the php-_ ular.iashs. Even the weig . htier articles are too often flippantjand superficial, and the stories Jsd-ef3says of en-1E4441e and that marvellous finish and polishing of which we have so many examples among English - classics; and after Which, - epieri Writer should strive - ;'as a painter strives for the perfect harmony aisicoloring_of . old masters. : ' • - _. . Let the grand. end of all our reading be to add eitherlatrength or beauty to the mind: 76.. THE:4IAnt - 14W. - ' Forthe information' of-thosainterestedt - we- - herewith publish the game law of this Stem it wilt: , be seen by the first section that 'it is unlawful to kill any insectivore:la - bird at any season 'of ths4ear; and as the robin is - one of our most/iffluable iniectivorO4 birds, the par ties so'gifending can lie made pay a penalty_ of twOlbllars for each bird killed ,or found in thei4ssession. Menthe law be carefully read and rigidly enforced: s`,-` • T. It shall 'not be lawful; for:any person with in this commonwealthvto Shoot; kill or •in any way trap or destroy;anY blue bird, swallow, martin or insectivorous bird, at any season of_ the year, undefthe penalty'Of two dollars. _ 2., Iltkperson Shall shoot, kill or otherwise de strOY any pheasant bet Ween the_ first;:day of January the first day 'of September; or any woodcock Between the first day of January and the fourth day atJuly; or any-partridge or rabbit between the first day of January and the first day of October, in the present year, and - each and every year thereafter; under - the penalty of five dollars for each and evely offense. - - 3r No person shall buy or-ea - Use to be bought,_ or carry out if this state, for the purpoSe of sup ; plying any.private or public house or - market, any pheasant, partridge, Woodcock or rabbit, un less the same shall-have been shot or taken in the proper season; as Provided for in this act, under a penalty - of - five'. dollars fur each_ and every offense.' . , 4. No person shall at any time, wilfully de stroy the eggs or teits of - any birds mentioned in the diirerent . settions of this act within this commonwealth, under - a penalty-of- two dollars ftir etiell and every offense. 5.-The possession of any person in this com monwealth, of any ofthe game and birds men-. tinned in the different sections of this act, "shot, killed or otherwise destroyed out of season as - aforesaid, Shall ba printo facia evidence td' udder this, act. _ , 6. Any person offending against #nof the provisions of 'this-act , f - aet, and bing..thereof con victed before 'any alderman, or justice. of the . peace aforesaid, or by the oath or affirmation of one or more witnesses, shall -for ei'ery such offence, forfeit the:fine or fines attached to ;the sanie, one-half te'the use of the county, ,in which' the complaint is, made, and The other half to, the use of the` informer, and if the-offen der shall refuse' to pay the, said 'forfeiture, he shall committed to 'the ,jail of the Proper county,lor every such offense, for the space of two days, without bail or mainprise:-.4"rovi , ded,hotrever, That inch conviction 'be - made within sixty dayb after, the committing 'of-the offense. • - 7. That any a*t Or acts cOntlieting with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. - Every one who has a faini, a garderr i . a, fruit tree; or a ids() bush, is interested in _enforcing this excellent law, for the insectivorous birds destroy the insects andsvvorms which arc so destructive to vegetation : • The scarcity of these birds of late years has much to do 'with the difficulty of raising - may kinds of fruits, and the remedy , is to protect th'e birds from the cruelty ofinern whose souls-are so small that even = the keen eye of a bird could not see them." DEMOCRATIC TRAITORS. r" In - the House of Representatives on the 19th, .fili-. Garfield made good his former assertion by Pioducing a letter from Judge Sickles, of Indt ana, which came into his possession, reeom 'moiling a young man to John C. Breekinridge , , 'its 'de . sirous of entering the service of the South '11113 . q. 'e'Capacity, and safely recommending him . 'n''2.`ti'f ' fitful man. The writer said the bearer t jiif'fit`e.' Ater was formerly connected with, but I lritti l i4,l!lfSg,usted with the Union army. Mr. r aill;fied: 'also produced a similar letter from '"Yeliii'GqiiiiiAs, remarking that Mr. Davis was :fOrtileifi'frOfm %Indiana, and the predecessor of - iiir.V'eUrhee.S'r . ' • • - i".“ , " 1 . * , • .- 91 t ~ 14:_Garileldr , of Ohio, said:ln my response .I.e:iny Velleagde (Mr. Loug,) a few days since I. - asserted:tl3atinany leaders of the Democratic party inikelcortlfwerti in correspondence with thl3 RefteT ' leini'drs,. and I promised to produce 'flieldiers libi - Which I then referred. • We found that; Some , ff outlregintents in the Army of the Ctunheriatei mere ,ll,cltß eorrurted and induced .. t,Olds.s.ertby,,politi'cians'at,home and secret-ser vice_.rneFwereemPlqed: 'to find' out who were '',l6ing: A." Oitt. 'young Indtt• went to Indiana, and ••by - representing ifiresell ast'friendly to the Re beisrolitaitie,d, Oe-ss..letters ll He brought them tel,nio, ..I did not knoivjhe Writers, but called ieVeralliidinif 'cifile'elii' 16' eiainine them, and flititill'HioSe r kvli, knew"; the ;hand writing and history of the writer. !Hook trocingivolthe let-, .. , ters,: and„ _milt .thc,• ; acPu.,ty with, the originals pilronkh, ' Rt, l ou Ittics: ~ ' ' t- 61i'ViLit,fltiti:,•'4141•Iilth, 1863. t;.fitj.i &lir: Üblen. 0 - ; 43resiiimrizto p. • ~, •;:i - tiostfir-4; .taktl , ,gr,v4 I , A.!AIPitM -0 Teem''' . lire t nili.in to. ysittrl,:m.qutintancp .the,bearer, Mr. --4--_, pfGr <Tacit st te', Ili . this Slide. "lie wish: gal : 6' k‘lsi'llib 'SI:With:IIM iiatits2.sithjlteted to, any daiiger:frittitairch b..vitit,i , •.:311'...)-4÷- was envntStted'iwith the artny.for i senre mortis, as ' qt artepwtlr of the —tli IndranhVolunteers, but Iteggnv.k,immediately after the evacuation ,of porin,th,"Miatteiliirp,PliY our forces, niF has leidiisitmpiitliMior lionnection with t evimy iiiiiitefi"Alifdiityithatt'e tuatttgrei to p rrittin. '.'YetrtutaY•relY?•efiDti it:that it wilf,be Vi tiffiflty' 'Aollcit'• - ";4 ll YeaNßrob..Pv•g4 ;lAm will l)e, ref: rocat ed by me w enevArany,opperfOitY•Oftf. s, .r,:../ . I apa,,Ger(t•iiitlolira;•Wrtfiliiiicfl%s eot t ,,, - 1 , (1 Jor*G. DOA': 4 . to .I' , ;!'sve - CiTtEENCASTLE, Imp., July 1, REVO. "' ~...'kw fir— , Rake - . this method of intrbirtreing 19 q p i i e kft4lgi r k' s O m Ot,IAT.PT 44 I; ieside*of; isiprigitb4l. , -- - jrn-= ishqo to on - Aix Lim selligh . A c t f ile W3lllll in some capalty, %Oak, qi can : l43l i ti, sor s ne i .Assigtveetto'y Ur" puke. can saffl re,commerg km to-pit/vs , ay' - '46 4Araiitv viraiAmprtptito .i.pacitys; 4 ,iff Wilii.tryonViny aplace i tiro ',ltudlitla o'ipi, tot, , itzraariberizofivabtableltitligtAWll9lNdu.. 31 1E1, •rf . ." - ' 7 l‘t , '"wAftrifoil ." ~.fti!A_ tfs Ftgnq 041 A ill° kiln arMat A liu , e , me4l . 4 4 tiste wi flaa'it'f t tujlavet iiiiirib. 1141 it eblikb irefd thereof. A A raWetlin , ffidiAt4 kirdeino it . ill ; min i , • .kittigliedsomerhsibeibtotraPßL,3 CI . ff:tGl r,,j. - Sli o l AAßD9ltltlift.R cfrilif f illli If ' r "' llei° " . • gliVlOnt . i aig.4.f t , d' p.qignt'.iiffitfikiiirldilE; 4 :5 ,11 „I b, SielitenikatTirdwifilUgathlathder : chanan. Da is -4. . - a — member of the 33d, 35t, and 36th i i l?, '"',W/rlstl'eßeir6•Of : r, : initnttfr om he Terfe HitileiV4A ,ft . I , ..kbeesc) - . ButturatraSliis constiiiien ";an, ea, 'fflibliglits, ifilDaXasinsesititgaftvAi 311 t LIT ,1.107 XiebToaa " l f IINEVER SESPA;i—\iiitera a eneelj labor, the plain mulberry leaf at last becomes i ow satin. elr— tr franklin t/epostorp, Pcnj 11, 1864. M=ECI jf!tn f inriat. TT s:-10240' BONDS.-- , These Bonds are U •• issued under the Act of Coneress of March Bth,- IfiB4. which provides that all Bonds issued under this Act shalt be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any state or municipal auttoritY, - ,BobrfFriP" tions to these BondS are received in trnited States notes or notes of National Banks, They'are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at theplessure of the Gov— ernment, at any-period a'at tesi than to nor more. • than. forty years from their, date, and.unti heir, - ro-.. del:option FIVE PER CENT; IN I 4 ER , , a *ill, BE PAID - IX:COIN, on Bonds of riot etre one hun died'dollars'annually and all tither, liono somi-ari _nuallY..-. The interest is payable .on the first days of ]Starch ati'dSepteinfier-Imetteh:Year., '. -". , • , -- _-Satiscriberi wilt . ree eive - either Regtstered.-oi Con- Pon Bends, as -they may Prefer. 'Reidstere4 Bonds .are'reecired on the books of the , 14 S. Treasurer, and can Vo transferiid only on. the owner's, order" t'aup - on Beads Ire payable to oilier, and are more . eomiealent for commercial uses , . , • , . . , . , , , ...- - ,s- EunSbribers . to tins loan will have the option of ha-' ;rink their,Rtiiitis draw intiiest from March Ist, by payini - thdaociadintetest in coin-=(or in nited . States ihites - ;or tire notes of National Batas- I.J adding fifty Pe.coot. fOr pren*Eni,)or --receive them draw- int iiitaf' affretmmibs Oritrtfort arid - deP 0- sit. timio , irtricis are :Ezerivt, Awn:. 2funicipal' or State Tozation 4 tl4lflfralue is s ir l icreased from 'one to, three por cent. per annum, c:ebording ta. the rate oflax levies in varibus parts of the At the precent,idte'of premium on gold theY-PaY OVE& EitilElT PER CENT. INTEREST fri 3 Oirre'nsyyl Of equal convenietic f er per- , manent_tincilemporary investment. It e ,isiielteiied that no securities 'ofpv.l; great ilk ducioictits4londers as the'rriti6us desetljitioasof U.S.itorcds.":ln all other forces the faith and ability of stock -com panies "or seininte communities only is pledged fou payment; whHe•ror the: Letts asftktfilnited States : the wliolo prlpert7.of thaixsuiitiy iskolden toisecure tin peOteitt, 'of lcoLlqrineiple and fnlerest iu coin. ' These-BOnili maybe Sulbscrikedfor in.sums'frem 4,60 up to Ony magnitude, on ;`, te- and up ihroe term!, are gins Maxie eilnalliiivallahl;.toilie'smallest len der. ind capitalist:,LTir t y -, c,a2 'be con=, vested intfi Mone; aiiiiinnment, and the holder will hainhe betinfit of thohiltercst. , - It may !it- metal to state In thii.contieetien that the total Piatided Debt of the tinted States on which interest is'iinWile in gold, on the 3d day af . Marh. 1864, was $168,1)7 . 5,060. 'TheinteresVon' , ihis defit foi e the coming fiscal ydaiciill be $4:5,'b37,126, while the .enstonis:reti , nnue iri gold fOrtliliCa'rreni fis j cat year end.ingVun; 80th, 1864, has been s`o fai'al:the rate [of-o'ier $10006,000 per annum, It willbe seen that even the present' gold rev ..., _ „ enties of thi?,Dnyeinnient are largely in excess of , - 'the nf the '74easnrY for thepayranntnfgold interest; While the recent increase of the tariff will don** raisethe anntiat receipts froni cnstoni - iim the same arnOnnt," itiZo - rtatihns, to 5150,000,000 per annum. - . - Instructions to the National Batiksrietieg as loan agentswe re not issued from - the United States Treas ury until March. 26, but in the first three weeks of April the snbscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A - WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by Se -- . Firkt National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of PhiladellAß•a, Pa. AND BY ALL NATIONAL LANES ' which' are depositaribk of Public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANES AND BANKERS throughout tho country; (acting as agents of th e Na tional Depository Banks.) will furnish farther infor mation tin aiplimtion and. ' AFFORD EVERY 'FACILITY TO SUBSCRI BERS. • [may4-2m DIVIDEND. --The President and Man agers pf the Chamhersburg Turnpike Road Company hare this day declared a dividend of 2 per cont. on the Capital, Stock of said Company, payable on demand. ,rao4-3t - R: McDOWELL. Treasurer. BANK OF .CHAMBERSBURG, Mty 3c1,1864.—Thn Directors of the Dank of Cham betibure. have this day declared a dividend of FIVE; PEA CkaiT on , the Capital- Stock.ayable on du-• ?nand. [may 41 G'. It. MESSERSMITH Cashier. ' Vuttirationo. READY-PRICE 75 CENTS. PEOPLE'S EDITION OF PARTON'S • GENERAL BUTLER IN NBV-ORLEANS: • One volume - , octavo, paper: price 75 cents. With the vieli of meeting: the extensive pormlari demand for this remarkable book, this edition has been prepared. The page and type are similar to those of Harper's Magazine. Some of the less im portant dacumen:s are omitted, and in some -in stances the account has been. condensed, yet never •so es to interfere with the interest or completeness of.the story. Unquestionably this book stands pre-eminent in interest among all yet occasioned by the rebellion. 4.. ts subject and author combine to render it ta.sein ,Fifteen editions have been called for as fast lass they could be printed. It has been most warmly commended by the. _loyal press of - the country. and. scarcely less so by a portion at least of the English Tress. by whom it is acknowledged to be a complete vindication ofG e rr. Butler from the malicious charges Which envy and hatred have brought against him. Lt 'contains an anecdotal sketch of Gem Butler's brilliant and remarkable career at the bar of M assa chusetht ; a history of the secret movements in the Charleston convention: conversations between Gen. Butler:end the leading•secersioniste at Washington in December, 1860: the real plans of the traitors:, Gen. Butler invited to join them ; his advice to Buena ;tan: his efforts in preparing Massachusetts for mar; the celebratedmarch, via. Annapolis, to Wush ,ington : his night march to Baltimore : collision with Gem_Seott; his course at Fortress Monroe: the hisr tory of the contrabands,. his advice to theAchninis trotion how to take Richmond ; the truth about the battle of Great Bethel; the Hatteras Expedition; the secret history of the New Orleans - .E.ipedition; • the adventures of ,the Gen. in getting_ to Ship. ift litne4igdjatrtren:roofogienegetuegyoiti‘creigertteennneB;: rc of succeeding events, with a large number of 'ally:lnteresting narratives and anecdotes never oftlre published; the recallef Gen. Butler; and the exPl i nnatiop given of it by the Government;- hie Pait.settt opinions upon the great issues before us. , Edition in large type, crown, Syo.: cloth, 662 -Pa gep. price $2.50. People's Edition. Bvo., paper, 75 •contS:-.German Edition sl.oo.—Sent by mail on-re or s3i e by Meson & Helm% Boston, and • by all ~, I ttotiksisllers., Published by .alAaos BROTHERS, 7 Ale t Ts&trect, N. T. may4-3t `KO A THOUSAND.—A Con eCured.—Dß. H. JAMES, a Retired Physician of great eminence discovered, while in the Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma. , 13squenita.v.:Covighs, Colds and General Debility. !f hfllue repagdy,was eiscovered by him when his only oild'dsiugliter;',lvas given *up to die. His child iSteitteied ~.ejtd pqw alive and well, Desirous of enentitig hisTellow mortali t he will send to those Ho~iijsltzt trite MaiDe, containing fulldirections for maltlng,and ,snee,essfally usin'g, this remedy,lres, on receipt of thlizenhmes, with two stamps to psY , ines4heter.l4,no4.n single case of Consomp- Hop„ t does ' not ta once take hold of, and kellsßipn . 'J./NT 23weitte 4 peevishness, irritation log,thttAergeß, ilnroof memory, difficult eXPeeler iluetetalPluilgs, sore throat, chilly 'AlitttanrEattita at the stomach t inaction of the Vi i iasting away of the muscles. &writer will please state the name of the , paper they seen this advertisprneht ;o. Address CRADDOCK & CO. mar'4-Ir9 MNorth 2d int.. Philadelphia, Pa: =erg . 3 110 "ancp' (61344; A PRIL ' - • . _. E S T-E-11 & B R'o.* r , iipt r iaf Vicar SPiti NG g OF'GOODS Oursisortment is now consptetff ( and Wecan offer to 14 2 our friends-asAierfolsome os assortment of SS • G 0 0 15 /3" as , ( .. 1 1 11 ' be,fo . lryl this iide pfAiladelphia:' We have ' ,• - Prints at 2,:'25 and IS All.Cl~nol De Lainis, - • - - Si* nndWoolplutlllea, ,•• - Printed Challiea. ' MEM - Shepherd Plaida:' , . ' 7 - 4_ Wide and Narrow Check. Lits. Black Bilks, Naney:Silks, in gray varietr Phsin Black Grenadines, doable arid twisted. ; . • Fotbioidered Grerradincolouble t tivisted. BAL • br R - S MEW 13elirtorals'erd Skeletons all Pricee. Ncrct - &Olt ET S ! All sius and best u I G 6 Black Silk Trimming Lace. -."-- Black-Silk Barb-Lace, ; -: ; Bnaie nainzi. NEE LIEN iNDKEn,CHIF'S Embroidered, Hem Stich, • Mourning and_Eiribroidered in ecpora KIDIcikOVE Alexander's celebrated Kid Gloret, - _ !ilk, Liste - Thseaci. Cottoit, &c 151 U-R - NI IN GOODS 'We have now a fieperit§ Apartment for Mourning Goods, and our stock is complete . ' err. parlaceler. • sad p.< Ali-Wool De Laines, Cobnrga, Csialita,r, in 7 • - silk and Wool ChnMee, OWE GOOD,S.i Long Crape liePl3, from td $7.00 , - ' • -' - Crain! Pa . ,10: Tucked, _ , Crape-Falls Twilled. IWI CARPETS . ! XARPETS!! CARPETS!!! • Car'peta from 45 c e nts 1 at q Carpets. r, , Carpets„ r Three 7 Ply t'arpetz, MATL_TING , ." White and Cheek'edMattiag. y.ll and 114, --I • - . • • Cocoa Matting QUE - EiTSVARE' QueensWarein sets or by the pieao. We arelsie. : pared to fill orders for any Quantity of , COMMON AND WHITDDRAIIITEIWARE:, Our - stock is complete in: ivory line, and if our jrieildsysMat good bariains, all we have _to say la that this is - the place • to secure them. , '" stir. cazi . f roon, before the rush begin*. - - . - - EYSTERA ap6] • ilteal Street. Chumbefeburg, Pa. EMIR ei . U' A R C I T Y ,81151MESSCOLLEGE' _N. E. ainims O *,,__VE*l4.ND GERSTEN" STEENTa. . II4DELPELIA, . t:INDE3 THE MANAGEMENT OP =ME M. L. PAIR RAisTiKS, A. M., - for the last four years Principal and Chief Business ; Manageref I,tryant L- Stratten's Co mereial College. A MOD= IlitSiliESS C' LLEillt, . Conducted On a- ner system • of- Agteal Business Training, through the establishes nt, of legitimate Officers end Counting" - Aduse, -rep enting different departments Of Trade and Comm ree, and a ileitilar Bank of Deposit and ISioYe; -giving the student all . the advantages of Acted ppictieci, smcl Aquiilitving himin the shortest possible time and'lnostect:ivP .manner for the various,, duties and employments, of husiness life. " - ' t The course Of instruction - in - the 'Moore tictil - De-, partment eminacesilootb-Keepill, Commercial culalions,Lecturea on Business Affairs, PenvtatiqiiP, Co2Pmereia;,Laws. Forms, Correspondence, dc. In - T4EP.USTIsiESS DEPARTMENT tbe student enters upon the •Graduating, Coarse, Which includes' a continuation in the above Studies, With their Practical Application in all theifilgtails. 13e will in turn fill the position of Acconutartt and proprietor ia the yarious departments of iTholesale. 'and Retail Trade, ForMarding, Jobbing, and Om., - mission Busineis, Banking, 3fantifaciuring, marin g . Skamboating;'&c., and teal-finally act as Cashier, Book-Keepe:r and Teller sn the Bank, in each of which positions his previous knowled,^e will be put' to the fullest practical test. .._ This Tristitiftion offers . to young nien numeroussad -vantagei not possessed .by any other Commercial College in the State.. It is complete in all its ap pointments.' -It is the only Institution in the-State conducted on actual brudneis principles: The coarse of instrintion is unsurpassed, andmay lie comPleted in, about ode-half the time usually spent' in I other, institutions, in consequence of an entirely nqsv ningement, and the adoption of the new practical' Diplomas awarded upon the completion . of the CoinmerciatCourse, which 'embraces all except the higher 'sets of d Banking, 3fanajacturing, Raitryact ina, 6.:c. Send for a - circular. • deC2:IY. OgA BEAS U R ACADEMY. REFITTED AND REORGANIZED, - Will commence a netv quarter on Thursday, April 2L Large additions have been made to its already ex tensive apparatus, ti . full'and efficient 'corps of tea chers has been employed, add no pains ,or expense spared lo render it one of the first institutions of learning in the country. • ' • Particular attention paid to Teachers anti 'Youftg, men preparing for College. ' 'lt is' desirable that Students enter at thq bem. menceraent of the quarter, but they may enter at any time, and they will be charged only from date of . entrance. Terms per quarter from s3to-V3.. A-de duction of IA from the bills of Clergymen. Send for _ FACULTY. , - J. R. IriNPIgT, A. B:, 'Greek, (Gorman and Natural Sciences. A. OVERFIRLD.A. 8., Latin and Higher Mathenut- A. M. TRiIIIIER; Commercial Department. , - Miss H. H. PRREZINS, Preceptress, Painting and French. • MissSeltea A. FLORY, Primary Dog Pencilling, Crayoning, ,te.c' MUSie. [Cbamb'g, Jan.. 27; !ill. • • (I . HAMBERSI3IJRG SEMIN -Y . ' FOR 'YOUNG LADIES.—The Spring Session will commence orr Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 1864, butboar ders can enter at anytime, and will be charged, an , cordingly. A large attendance, both in thepnmary and academical departments gives evidehee of no interest in the school not surpassed. in any.former period. Miss S. H. Curtis, assistant in the higher de partment bears testimonials of her eminettt fitness to instruct in the higher branches, from a, Seminary, in the".-Wost, where she taught for several Yerfrs.— The Pritmxrv - Department is chiefly tinder the care of Mrs.'o. Xvioxei t the. , effects of whose .energy and efficiency appear in the flourishino condition of the department. BEES Z. C. DoForest is well knoWri as an-able and experienced teacher of music. TUITION,—From $ to $l5 per • session' of five months. 'Boarding, M. TEACHERS FURNISHED.Sehoets and feral-. lies in need of teachers can- hear of youitgladiei qualified. chiefly graduates of the Institution,,, by . addressing Rev. DERRY-REEVE'S, Principal,:: Bugle Buttons .2`al;iipre Pombazicoa, &c. IMM ChO .oo l l .Thrf.. Cmpp'iictts Brussels CarpetF „..,__ ~_ . -_ , ..1. v!, Anitatu)ttal.: : it., N.. e , - 4.- r.,1 -- ~,,•,,,, :„ 7 , ....., 1,, ,, ,,, : , _ Matrijeo and► 3einetqw. AIJ G-- H NBA 'G: IP .124 • CLOCK, WATCH AND ' • • JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, MAIN ST., NEXT THE POST OFFICE • U ••„ HAMBLIISTLItt6, 7 PA. ' - The'underSigpcd would respectfully call attention to his present stock, consisting of - WATCHES, -• ' cola and Silver, of American and European man-- ufacture, of all qualities and style-4, and at the_lowestprices. - i • C L 0-C K S In . great variety. Parlor, Mantel, Office, &c. •• JEWELRY. The newsstand most desirable styles ofOrtylx, Cori& • and Pearl; Gold Chains, Bracelets Fitiger - - Rings, Gold Thimbles, SleeveTrot- tons.Necklacco,Armlets„Mri- ' • - . - sonic and Odd Fellows'lireast - Pins t MOURNING AND JET ,JEWELItY: A splendid stock and newest - styles,. • ' • SILK ER AND PLATED WARE. , • . Consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Mugs. 'Spoons, Forks, &e: GOLD TENS, - From the best and most celebratedrinuiufictories: • t FANC Y• GO,O - ErS. ' A very large and attractive stock. , CUTLERY AND POCKET- KNIVES. Rodger's superior Pen Knives, of different ouraf-, . ties and prices. , • GOLD, SILVER, AND STEEL SPECTACLES. The long experience of the undersigned in the. se lection and adaptation of Glasses ena bles him to snit any sight.- At no time have the people of this connty had a more attractive and extensive stock to select frdril than is-now-presented at the establishment of the undersigned. Every article is new and of the latest style, and will be snld at the very lovieit price:. An examination is solicited before purchasing elser , where. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice bytortt, - potent workmen. AUGHINBATrtnt, se23. 2d door South of Post Office, Chamb'g, ,, - MARE A CHANCE IN THE 6HEAT I. GIFT . DLSTRIDUTION of Gold Word; mond Rings and El (wont Jewelry - Worth $300,000: W,0 . 01), HOYT A' CO.. JEwkisks, 750 Broadway; New York. CERTIFICATES , . namin>• each• articlis and its; tadue ere plaecd- in SEALED ENVELOPES, End' well mixed. One of these envelopes twill; be deliv ered at our office, or sent by mail to anY address; without regard to choice eeeipt of 25 cents. Wd will. by m. ,to an ddressalie article that the purdhat — ccriaay draw, for ONE r,or;LAR. 'or toiti_exchanor for tow other article on our list, 'of the same value us the article drawn. NO BtrANKSI. You MAY get a: WATCH or - DIAMOND RING, You MUST get the y A 1,1114 of your money. Entire .satisfaetion guit.ranteed in all tasea, , tind the price wilt be immediately refunded to any Par-. ty dLasatisfied 'with the article kv'e send. ' ' Five certificates for SI ; eleven for s2;,tbirtytor $5, AGENTS WANTED. Send a stamp for Cir cular. Address WOOD, .110YT..k CO -- - ap20 7 4.0 'Box 3208, Pot -Office; New-York.' ejC - .IIA. It L E , l 7 Tt• (Stfiveßgor to Stauifir • 1 , No. 622 MARKET ST:, PHILADELPHIA.. 'Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver 'WATCHES; Fine GoId4ZWELRY: Solid SILVER-WARE and the assT 31AKE, of SILVER PLATED-WAah: Con stantly on hand a large assortment f. the_ above goods at loio prices. '' • Watches and Tine; Clocks Ruivango,hy skillful workmen also t Jewelry' repairing; Engravingnnd all kinds of Hair-work .to order, at. shortpotrce. IM4-. Don't forgot the 'OLD STAND, No; 622 Mszkee St., Philad'a. "rap2o.3tri7 - 45.& F. , ENRY ,HAIWER, ;•epi 520 A ' cEt ST.; H „.. Manufacturer and poslek WATCHES. - FINE JEWELRY,3 SOLID SILVER WARE 'end- ROGER'S SUPERIOR PLATED WARE,. 3 - Air - All kinds of Silver Ware inado,oro the proni geg. .Watch - Repairing carefullydone. (roar 23-314 A R 71111 R. H. B A N 1): 0 L - S MANUFACTURE ROSMVOOD AND '• GILT ASI - 0111,-DINGS, LOOKINGGL4SSAND,PICTURSEIVAItSi . , of eveq/deseription., - • ? Con. F THIRD CALOITILT; Bra., rams ! . zOrderri to the larest ettent_p_romptirexeOuted.:.. Orders filled by S. b. SHRYOUS, Obazoborqb4, Pa. Sep 23 MI 's'k4o,g UTNE' MEN,- TEtAtT BUCHU:4 wmnrro and Smite Remy t, i(ltiVriog§,---egfOLBRO N D FLUID EX for, Dietises of the Trader. 'Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. Thu Medicine increases the power of Digestion, antezeitee the Absorbents into healthy action, hay which theWotery or commas depositions and. all Unnaturiit Eularg6rnent4 ard * *l 4agati, as toll at Pain V i dintlamtnatiort:- "' -11 ELEIHOLD'S' E.XTRACT - 13UCHW For Wealtnessesali j sing from Eicemes, Habits of Dissifintiorrt E arlY4nascretioa Pr A.Ol. p,attenAed with the foltowing sytamoins :' - lildhaposition to Exertion. 'ho'si wooer. Lo s s of Memory, DinicultY of Breathing , Weak Nerves, Trembling,. Horror of Disease; - Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. - Pain in the Back. life [regal - Lassitude of the Al 118 c ow system, -,ea . Rot Rand • ; • _Flushing of thaltett• Dryness of the,Skin. 41• hroptions en thaTace. Countenan ce , , • t Thesumptitems. if.allowed to goon, 'which this medicine( livvatinhlY.removes,soon follows Impotency., Rattily:and Epileptic Fits in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say i.h lath ey are not frequently folio mind hy , those "'Direful Diseasso."' "IN - SANITY AND CONSUMPTION.", . .• Many are aware ,of the cause of their suffering, bat none Will eenfest. • - THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASXLIDIPs. and Metanchbbineelairbys - 001181iMpti o n, 'beat ple~sitneastatheTrntb ofthe aseertion. •-t ;The Constitution once offectertloith Organic Weak: - itessLrek,uniiilliii• aid at Medicine to Strengthen and Invagoratethe system. - - • • • Which .lIELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHU btiriubly ilea, -A-Trial it ill convince the moat FEiNIALES=4.EtatES-4•FEMALES: Tn , naing Affections Pectdiar to Fen:aloe THE MICH, t is unequaled by any other remedy. as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful ness, br Suppression of Customary Evacuation& :Ulcerated or Soirrhonsftate of the Irtems,Leueor heabr Whites, Sterility, and for all com Plaints in oident to thexet, whether arisingfrom Indittiretion, Habits of Dis.sipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE Or LIFE. - - .Take,nornote:BattOnt; Mercury or ung/easems me dicines for unplcoennt mid dangerous diseases. . HELMBOLVS Eit'THACT BUCRU ANti - - PROVED-ROSE WASH. CURES SECRET DISEASE;, In all their stages,-At little expense, - , Little or no change diet; 'No inconvenicnet. • -- , And ao.,Crposurc, - •• • • It causes a frequent desire and gives 'strength -to 'urinate; thereby Rx3mOving Obstructions...Prevent itlfr,4l4 Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain 'and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of - diseases, and expelling all Iburondua,-Diserfsertand wornout matter. - - Thousands upoer TAlT:sands' wh hive been-the =Victims of Quacks, and -who have paid , iteempl•teg to be cured in a short tim 0. have found th .9 were do , ceived, and that the POISON has, by the use of powerful tutringents, been dried up in the system, to breakout in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER - MARRIAGE.: - . Use lielmbold's Extract linehu for all affections - arid diseasesbf the 'URINARY ORGANS; whoth , er existing . ip MALE or FEMALE, from whatevil cause orinating, and no matter of lIOW LONG 'STANDING:' Diseases of these Organs require the ald•of a. 11)I -IIRETIC. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU is • THE GREA.T . D.T.URETTC, and is, certain:to hams the desired effect in all diseases foci whickit is- rea ommended. ; • " • :.Evicience . at the most reliable and.:resnonlible chb meter will actompans•. the medicine. - PRICE $l.OO PER•DOTTLD, DR SIX VOR $5.00. Delivered- to any-address, securely 'packed: from observation, ' Describe Symptoing oa rill Communications. CURES .GDARANTEEEI ADVICE HEAT'S! Address letters for information to ' " • - lIELMI3OLD, Chemist 104 Ste. bel. Chestnut : Than. .biEtAn3oLn's Medical Depot. . EELMBOLD'S 'Drug:and Chemical Wirehonsiiii. .594 BROADWAY-. E 'Y. . : BEWARE CfIitETEREEITS AND PRINCIPLED DEALERS who endeavCr to dis pose of-their own and. other articles on the reputp,- .. tion attained by - Reictibold's - Gelimine Preparations., • - . Extract Bnchn. ' • Sarsaparilla. ;,Improved Bose,Wash: -anti ALL' DRITEGISTB' EVERYWHERE. 114 K _FOR HELMBOLIPS.,•TAKE NOJOTHEi . ent out the . ndvertisemernt , and send for it. • AND-AVOID IMPOgTIPN • AND ExVoty ~ U S. .2:1" A.T T E CELEtRATED 'SiTp 11A Cir -I. IS I T ware , anki lovreifi4T " iitiic,Qorrctqil;q;#4l,Alterr. ative, of wonderful egfeeey in i:47easisaf the :STOMACH LIVER- AND BOWELS Oraplaint, Headache, Goa -1 oral:Debility. ..Werirobsness, Dcpressiou of SnirigloastiPatbin,colic, Interolt-_ • •:. cramps, sim934s, • and all cotarddlnts of either Sex ari-, Rhetber,inhe rent La the system, or produced by speClal causes. Notbifig,that isnotlybolesome. genial and restor ative in its natUre enters, into the composition of ROSTETTER'S,STOMACH BITTER:_ This Po - War aciiiration contairisUir mineral of any Aire, no deadly botanical - element; no 0- cry excitant, but. ,is combination, ell tlio - oNtrac.o of raro..b . alsamio . herbs o.nd-plantsivi . tia tbo purest and mildest, of _ 4 , diffusive stinuffanti."l''`" It is well to be forearnied 'nksinst disetise, and, ere 'far as the human si•stein can be protected by humsa means, against maladies ettizen closed by an u awbole ;some atmosphere, ircpurewater, and other Nate:nal causes. HOSTETTEIt'S BITTERS may' be rebed on taieafeguard. - infeeted•4iflrPEVEß AND' ASTIR it has been found infallible as a preventive, and ir -rtsli4ible as krelnedY ated-,abousands•,who retort b it under agpraht:n6on of an attack, :escape no: aid 014; .nds` Om neglect tO.aliail them selVes of its Piatedtive tjiiulities in advance, are eared' by a very brief detirse•of this marvellonsme dicint. Paver and Ape:patients after being Plied for months with quinine-in vain, until fairly saturn nith that dangerpui alkaloid, are not nnfro 'anent I): festered fo tiehlth iaithin a RiVida3is by ass 'tie of 110STETTER'S ;BITTERS.' - - • • _TbeAveak stonSach ni•rapjdly Invigorated and the appetite restored by thi,i-agr4able Tonic, and hence 4. storks wonders in easea'. of Dyspepsia and les§ confirmed fci'rms t tof INPIGESTION. Acting as 3 gentiti and painless aperient, as welt as apes Abe liver; it also-invariably-relieves the CONSTI PA - T-lAN superiaduoedbyirtegalar adieu...of tbe di . gestiye and Secretive prfaal.!:-. , - ..Pensons of feet 4 to NERVOUS AT- TACKS, LOVNtSS OF SPIRITS; arid FITS OF • lANGEORi find pli lnpt attd permanetitselief from the, Bitters, •The:testimnay tbsis point it swoo +conclusive and frog; beth•seans. • - The agony. of 'BILIO#S COLIC is inatnediateby assutigedliWaeingin crosii%?An stimulant, and by c;c4sionally, iesoft:'ng fa; it; of the return of he eons ilaint Mai nroit,fittill•• . As a General Iriinii'lleSTETTEß'S IlriTtsflft •Piodueti etreetti4lifeltlnfisit lis e.inerionetid or wit messed beforpther eart.ladfullY.aPpreciateti. In ea ses of CONSTITIITIOPTAL MEAENESS, PREId , ATUBE, DECAY and -DEBILITY and DECREP.7 ITUDE arising froM Ott` AGp:,. it itemises the elietileinfitieneec •I_;tt• • in thittnivideseretit'stag&'diseases it oper ides a: , it delightful: iiivigoilett`, trhimitho powers •of nature arorela.ted it t omstes to re-inf'rce and re-establish them. , Last, - but not lelpit; it IS SHE .ONLY,SA FE Erl - .3;IIXINT, being ininiitfacinied froin Sound and innoettoneeinteriali,'asittinfirelitreifiiiin the arid elements PretientinfireTnisleiii in all the ordinary tonics and stotnachietfortlii.deiY.: • No-faMilYrnietlicineltas4gget sty oniversani, and. it ruayAKroy, a dd e d l dw A rvpßppipulsx with the intelligent portion of the commult,tiY, Au. Mt - TER , ITTE 'C Piepifed , W , PIE! GI 5- .'r ,531, 411 - . IlttsPurte. Pa. SOld 4 46r...1142i - 1;a, Ilfro'aii and - Storekeeprs everywhere.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers