• =PS ns-a*Per•'-'x't.L.F. •"i l'`)• , - - ,11TIMORELO6K $OB FAA • '.. DA. 40`flistkiN, the founder of this Celiebfate'd L T; ustitation, offers the wet certain. epeedk, anti. prdi etrecdnid remedy in , tl O ,, world for Wells. Strurittre, ~ S emittal. AVe.ihiiess. I' on in the Wins, Cdustitittionx th, billiy, Impoteace. Wo .t k:Os s of the Back atm t inhs. litfections of the KidgeV ~ Palpitation of the • tart., 1 2 1-iipepsit, Nervous Irritability, bfseitses of the Head, , TLroat. N - 4,se or =kin; and all 'those seriajia end Tuthill ' tholy disorders arisins'from the destruCtlre NAN& 0 , tooth, which destroy both body and Winn. These secret and apliegry practieut are mare to the mariner Ulyesus, fatal to their victims tit in , the d•ois or the Byrom!, blightfog their moat !it'll/Pant bones; or acticipations rvadoring marriage, it.e.. Impossible. ' YOUNG- MEN. - . , Voting Men especially, who hare Leconte the vloillr , -of 23ditary, , Vice,,tliiit dreadful and ocatractive habit 'which, apnwttly sweeps to an untituely grave, thousands of young Men of, the most exalted ticent and brit lian fistellect. %ski) 'night otherwise haie "entranced listening „Senates with ,the Uri eiders of eloquence, or waked to qastacy thiliving lyre; may call n ith tall confidence, 31A.B.RIAGE : .. ,- , • Married persens, or young men onntemplating Mar, [iv°, brieg aware of phy sicarweakness. organic debility, 40ft/ea:Mel, &c.,eitottid immediately consult BriJohns ten .„ - ,',He *.lie Places hi instal' under the care or Br.lohnitdia lily religiously sonde in la i t inmor as a gentleman,isad m . qUtleutly rely utam his eh; II as a physician, , , ' - ORGANIC WEAKNESS !: • INULEDIATIMT CURlVANiViUmoncios EL - steam:., This disease is -the penalty moat frequently paid by . Mettle who have be6me the victims of improper indut sonees s Yuma; persons ire too, apt to commit excesses be aware af the clreadlulconseqnences - that may s..site. Now. who that understands the subject wilt pretend to deny; that the power of Procreation is .1,4 sootier by those falling into impropir habit than by -ttrepriideut, Besides being deprived of, the pleasure of h e ,dtby offspring, the most seilous rind destructive , e sympaihy to mind and body arise. The system become deranged. the physical awl mental powers weakened 410tVOIDIR debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the -heart 4.tid.ii,estion, a wasting of the frame, -cough, sytnp.om of consnmpt 9jfice No. 7 South Frederick Street, @stilt • doors front Baltimore street, Pont' side; tiji• the -tins Maps- Be particular in observing the name and hamber,or you will mistake the place.. -- • A CU/i& WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. .IVo Nercury or AV:taunts Drugs. - • DR. JOHNSTON,. • - 3fomber of the Royal 'allege of Surgeons, London, gra dusts from ore of the most eminent Colleges of the United States. and the greater part of whose life has /reed -sweat in the hospitals of Luellen. Pada, Philadel i?lt Mend elsewhei 9. has effected some of the most astern fishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled 'with ringing in the head and ears when asleep.great CIetYOUSIteSB, being alarmed at sadden' sounds. and aah- Panes's, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes With derangement bf mind, were cured immediately. • - A CERTAIN DISEASE! • • •-•• , When the misguided and imprudent 'votary of plea duke suds lie has hit:Abed ti e seeds , of this painful die ,emie. it too (Atilt happ , toi that an ill-timed 'sense of - ,sinunp, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying - to those who from 'education - and ,respectabiit ty can _alone befriend Itim,delnying till the constitutional splits tUtlld of this horrid disease make their appearance, snob as ulcerated sor,r iltreat,:discased nose. nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dinennss'of eight, deafness, hots ,cin, the shin..boue.s and arms. blotches on the. head, rule 'and extremities, progressing with frightful rapielltv. ,till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the lams fall in and the•yictim of• this aWful disease becomes ,st horrid &eject of coin misseration, tilt d. ath puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by , senoing him to"that bourne from whence no traveller, returns." To such. therefore. Dr. Julanstoo pledges' himself to preserve the Tort inviolable secrecy ; and from Vis extensive practice in the first. 110 - spitals of Europe And A merlon, he cart fill...featly recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. it is a melancholy fat that theusandefall . victims 4.4 this horrid disease Rwing to the nnskilfallness of igno rant pretenders who i s il.tse of thnttleadful .poison, Mors - curt'; ruin .the constittithimand either send the on forth ,hatetoanuutintclygrave, or make the 'reafclue of life dtisernhle.. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! . addresses those who have:injured themselves by private and inipropm indulgences. These are some oT the sad and melancholy effects pro <Weed by early habits of 'youth.' viz - ,--Weakness of the. Back and Limbs. Pains In the Head, Dimness of-Sight Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dym Pepsis, Nervous Irritability, Deraugoment of the Diges. thee PurCtions,Gericrul Debility, Symptoms of Consump MEnratmc, the fesaftil effects on the mind are much to 1 e dreaded: loss - of M,einury, Confusion of „ideas, Depres• sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings'. Aversion to Society. Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude. Timidity, ac., are soMe of the evil effects:ty' Tlicintiands oil persons of all ages ran now judge what %the cause of tireir'ileclining health, losing timer vigor. becntning weak. pale, have singular- appearance about teyes, ceirigh. and symptoms of Consumption.', • er r Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Or . , ganicolVeakvess. • " . 13yttlis great and important remedy. Weakness co .4/ Organs is speedily cured. and full vigor restored. ....allionsands.ot the ,most nervous and debi I itated,who had lost MI hope, have been immediately relieved, All impediments to Marriage. Physical or dental Lllbqu ficaticm, Nervous 'Mita MH', Trczol , lip g, Weakness or • Exhaustion of the Most fearful kind,speedily cured by . Pirr:Juhuston. ' YOUNG MEN, Whitt ha Ye injured i heat selvi s by a Earta in practice. In. Aldan% in when alone—a habit frequently learned fr ni 130 otunpaidons. or at school. the affects are nightly telt,even when asleep. and if not cured. render ma-- n~o, impossjble, hnii destroys both mind- and body, sbortid apply iniumeiately. • What a - pity that yeung' man. - the hope of his coun try-, the darling ofitis.p: , ,ren:s. should be anatchei front aft prosinv,ts and enjoyhierits of life; by the conselpienc of deriatingfr...l7 - .he path of nature. and Indulging - in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before cunteniplat fag MARRIAGE dinuld -reflerl that a s ound mind and body are the met nete-vary requisites to peontote connuti,ittl. , nteut., %Indeed:without these . _ the sdurinry th';ongli itc becomes& weary pilgrimage. the prospect houtfy_ dark ens to the view; the wind becomes shadowed with de. ,apuir, and filled with the anchi•ly reflection: that the happiuest of another becomes blighted 'with our Own: OFFICE NQ .. I Sotriu FREDER ICS. ST., PALTIMORE. , TO STRANGERS The Ittrtn,yflertistmtle cured at this Institution In flit list fifteen years: and tire numerous important 'surgical Operations ref formed, by Dr.J., wit neased i by ran re sicktere of e Papers. and many other persona: notices of which hove appeared again and again before the pub Dula a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. "N. B. There are so many igno-ant an worthless quarks advertising, them.elvet as Physicians, -rifininf: thohealtit of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deems it necessary io say to those unacquainted with his rep., utation. that his Diplonict %engin his office.. - Jr:a-TAKE NOTICE—AII letters mutt be post paid .and cwintain a posts, e. s. amp tor the reply, or no answer will be nt . . 25, '65-ly r. VifetOVELIAJtc• E .411. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers n/ Photographic Materials, • . 1 501 13road'way, New York CARD YHOT'OGRA.P.IIS Or Catalogue now embraces considerably over Poor Thousand different- subjetts (to which additions are con •-elnuntty Meng made) of Portraits of Einfitertriericans etc., viz: 72 31sjor4enorsis. 525 ,Statesruen,, RIO Brigadier-Generale, 127 Divines; T-9 !Colonels, • ,' .116 ilatthors, 84 Lieutenant-Colonels ; 36 Artists, : ,207 - Other,olllcors, /12 Stage r , 99. fiay.y .001cers, ' '46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent Pore(gri Portraits. " 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, isolieding reproductions of the mosecelebrated Engrav 'hogs, Paintings, Statues, &c... Catalogues sent on receipt of. rtallip. Amerder for One Dozen Pictures 'from' our Cabilotrue will be filled - on r•eceipt of $1.50, and sent by matt fres • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS - Of theee we manufacture a great vrJety, ranging he price from sOceutstosOeach. , " . '• Ottr A [bums have the reputation of being euperfor fri boantkaad durability to any others:. The - smaller kind eatzi Os sent safety by mail at a postage of six cents pet " die Mote expel:live can be sent by express: •- • We also keep a large assortntent-of • : 'I3TEIWSCOPES AND. STEMEStOPIC VIEWS.' Ocir Watortro of thise will be dent. to 'any • address Oft receipt of Stamp. . . , *. • , ErA.EL T. Ai 4 .l`oWi t , .3faaafacturors • f/f . Pbutograpbfc?faterials 40t Broadway, Kell•. York. . ' Vtiernbt orrelatifes of prominent military: men will *slier a favor by sending na their likeness to ropy. 'hey will beirept caretnity and retarnedatuinjured. Pint Auburn* made to order for-Congregaticros neat totheir Pastor, or for other purposes, with suitable fzurcrip Wag, &c.• ' fang 194 m. . J~A r3°' "Yh r.~ L + 71L7y $5O. - AGENTS WANT - ED.—Liberal chicements to Canvassers for the sale 0 - the CELEBRATED COTTAGE $l2 SEWING MACHINE. wish to engagb an acti*e Agent in every County in the United States and flanadas. to travel and Introduce my NEW CtIEAP,, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine pod3estesmorn than ordinary Merit is.jus patented with 'alio ImproVements, and soknowledg ed to ,bse—unsttrpas..od for. general utility. A limited number of responsible Acents are %ranted to solicit ot dem. to whom asalary front $5O 20 $l5O PER'MONTEI AND EXPENSES"' will be paid.. For conditions andrull partic4tars address with stamp for return priatage• MALCOM, -2 aug 10-2 M 'COX 2788,1108t0n Mass. WANTED 111111.EDIATEtt-,- A n A r ,d.,t a nt Miller, who is well gOe.lifted for the position, and of goodcheracter. No othott need ap- PIY. - . A. ROSS RAY /:. 81i0...' eept 23-'4 , r • Arlington Mills, Georgetown, A. 0.- WANTED—An Apprentice to learn the 'MOM lA/Eines& Enquire at the RE POSITORY eep 9-tf Aiocettctucous. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WRIN -‘j j . GER. No, 1. LOME FAMILY WEINGEt.' slooo No. :: llzzotrat do do . 7 00 .2 NO. 1 ,4. do -do do • 600 No. 3. Z.4.XALL do do , , 550 No, S. Loos Harm, 'do ' 13 00 No.. IS. 31EctiCK LAUNDEY do,{ to 'nil steatal IS 00 M: No, 22. LA do ' do or Land. 30 Co Noe. 2% and 3 have no Cogs. Ali others are warranted: \0.2 is the size generally used in private families. Ov.pfac Juno, of the American .4,yriculturise t says of the - ' . UNIVERSAL CLOTH E> WRINGER : "A. child can readily wring ant tlitt&fildl of clothes In a few minutes. It is in yeality a 'CLOTHES SAVER! A TIME SAVER! and a STRENGTH SAVER! The sat trig of garment-a will alone pay a large per ventage on Rs cost. We think the machine 'tan& more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAHin the saving of garmentol There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion, but we consider it important that the Wringer be, fitted with Cogs, other wise a mni of garments may chil tbe rollers. and the rollers upon, the erank•shaft slip and tearthe clothes, or the rubber break Loose frpm•the shaft. Our own is one of the fit ett make, and it is as GOOD 'AS NEW after nearly FOOD. - . YEARS' CON. STANT \USE. • Every Wrirtger with Cog Wheal it Warranted in erery particular.- No Tirrin.4er,' can be durable' without Cog_ Wheels. xtrirA good C..NV 4S 4 ER,wanted jneVery town. Aar On the teccipt of the price from piaceswhere ni - one is - eel inn, - ewilksend the Wringer PEES OP EXPENSE. For particulars and circulars address R. C, LWOW:VINO. nag 26-3nt 34T Broadway,Ne!t: York. R _ . . EMOV.A.L.—Foth 433 Market St. to the large Iron Building 513 :Market and 610 Commerce Stieels. \ - More Goode than any Howe irillie United States, ' A. H. FRANCI s BCITS, - '513 MARKET & 510 COMMERCE -STS.,, ,• Keeps the i LarF,est Stock in the 'United States of Buckets. Drams . Tuba:Churns, I , Baskets. Brushes, Mats. Measures, ,' . - Clocks. liboking-Olasses, Oil Cletbian4 . . Carpe Window Shades and Paper, : Porn Qteas. - .abate. .to.ke. ..Le ii-Li i ,b. M', taottor-lla - t.ny. lAratadi toe. . Twines, Wicking. tapes in Coils ' and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, - Cotton and Linen Carpet-chain. Onr Prices will average Lower than any other Rouse in thiscity. Call andsee for yourselves., For further particulars apply to S. S. SKRYO O II, Chambersburg. (sept. 23 n- BEIDELMAN, . . -11.--r WiIOIMALE GROCER AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nu. 703 MAMIE? A: N 0.2 NORTH 7th T. PIIILADA. Invites the attention of merchants to hie large and well assorted stock of Sugars. Syrups, Teas, and Coffees at Of I which artil be !mid ut lowest market rates. Country buyers arid tiellerS will find it to their advantage to give lard a call. Price currents containinz all the.varicties of the mar- ket to be had of S. S. SEIRYOCK, Chambersbnrg. Sept. e 3 feet igat. QCHENCK'S P - OLMONIC.SY_RUP mom. cep:E,. . CONSUMPTION.. SCIIF,NCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP CONSTTAIPTION SCIIENCR'S PULMONIC SYRUP CONSUMPT.ION SCIIENCK'S PULIIONIC SYRUP WILL CUBE CONSUMPTION SEA WEED TONIC CURE , DYSPEPSIA. scurScK'S - sta. WEED TONIC wnx, = DYSPEPSIA. - - SCHENCK'S SEA WEHEI'TONIC DYSPEPSIA SCLIF4ICA'S WI ;WEED TONIC DYSPEPSIA SCHENCK'S 'MANDRAKE PIKS, WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS SCASNCK'S, MANDRAKE PILLS RILL CUT 4 LIVER coNtPLA.IFr,s.: r SCILENCKS' MANDRAKE PILLS LIVER .COMPLAINTS MEI Se'CK'S SIANDRABE PILLS LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. scrtEr..p.R. bawl' hugeit n oormorit o o fit "21 LI BONI> STRUT, NEW TOM, where ho can be loand every Tuesday, trom9 A. 31., to 3l'. M ,-und t No. 5.3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 14111ADELPHIA, SA.; every Saturday. lie keeps a large supply ;of medicines at his roomsi which can be Mutat till times. Those wishing advice ot. examination of the _Lungs will do tu t u c o mal on him as above. Ho .makes no charge for advice, bat for a that.. 43 ongh examination with the llespirontetor, his price is . • Many persona are afraid to hare their lunge examined by Dr. Schenciefer fear that they will be found incura ble, and by - that menus it is put off until It is too late. How much better it would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidence, tit; has Shawn sufficient certificates in this city that ho has cured '';w4.l - sal:Aced stages of consumption. " DR. SCaENQK'S; Rrincigal, Office is tin. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia; Pa, where letters for' advice should alivays be directed, : d , Price of tue PAMONICSnoo sitn-.Sas: Waxo TONIC each $i per F boLle, or $5 the half dozen. Mii, , stouns Pitts, 25 rents per box.. For Sale by all DRUaGISTS and STpaIiSEEFF.RS. • 0ct.1.1.411n. Uestaurants: t.A.NKLIN - H4LL - RESTAUR ANT.—MARTIN B) OWN; Proprietor. - thhii flown eating Falcon i 5 Pitted up iu elegant style, :and the undersigned is prepared to serve up ifiESEI dYS TERB, FISH; FROGS. 011ICKE,N8, ,TURTLE and CLAM 80X?, and Game of all kinds. - WASIIABAUGWB ANPLVDIVI.PS ALE, constantly onthand. •He respectfully , asks a continuance of the .patronage so liberally bestowed by bis friends Sod thepthlic. June 17,'83. MARTIN.BROWN. EMEEII CITKEZI FILL?COL'E CIMEMI 1022113721 NULL CURE tii Afilkititttrittipodittifif,' fitiOantblebsbitgxlPa. iftAitiffutittt,i4 rro THE 'PUBLIC :GENERALLY. 01{AMEIRRSDURG FOUNDRY. 'flt undersigned takes this triefliOd to inform the public that he has taken the 'NUN MIX go long carried on by Wm. Seibert. with all the PATTie.RNS connected there with, where he'purposes• continuing the business; and is now prepared to make • - • • '• ' • " 4.14 I, KINDS OF CASTINGS that 1145y,1,* wanted by the community. lartlCular at: tentiou will be paid to making and keeping on hand el"- ery dencilptien of PLOW§, , OASTINOS 3 .,WAUON B. An kinds of Castings made do eider. lkfew Plows, of diltrent patterns, always on hand or made to `order'. - OLD 3fE . :T.41 taken in trade, for which the highest price will be given: ' D'y devoting himself attentively - t 4 intgine6l he hopes to merit and reeeive a share of 'public Patronage: June 17,'6. AIDiAIIAS.I 9fETZ. NEW MARB,DR,YARD.--The undersigned respectfully amiouncee to the citigons tot Franklin comity that lie has Opened a New !Stsfrble Yard in the room formerly heenpied by Dralamilton. directly opmeilte' J. S. Nixon's Drug Store, :Alain Street. in the &trough of Chambereburg, where be will keep on hind or make to order all articles lithis line of such as MONUMENTS. TOMBS and 'MAD STONES. MANTLES. TART'S: & STAND TOPS. itc.; raantrfacturtsl from the very beet Fin eitm and Domestic Marble. Ile respeafrilly solfcitsa Call from those who mty Lein want of any article In Cm above line. Ile is. confident in his ability to satisfy all who it ay be pleased he patrol:lin him, either as malteds his prices, or the quality, bouiity, and chasteness of his work. July 8. '63 JOIIN A. 011.0 T E. PROOM .MANUFACTORY.—The undersigned still carry on their 8R0.311 MANU.- 'At TORT. - at their Old stand, on East Marker Street, Chambersharg., 7.4ey'ivou Id inform the public that they hai - eprovoled•themselyes with a Machine to take on Broom §ned, whirl' they will th) ft kr such as do not wprit to do it thehiselves, and mak4 their Mounts cAeep.ler cask ocon the-shares. _ - s They will also pay OASII-1011 BROOM CORN - if well putup. 1 inept 16.3m3 D. .t S. J. LITTLE. ' *tiara a toicn. 50 HEAD OF. SHEEP LOST.- Strived from the residence of the sabscnber, living near Now Gnilfdrd, from 4t, to 50 head of Stteep. ma.k.ed. with the letter N withtsr on their side. Any parsons having strayed sheep, with the ahovemark, on their premises, will please gireinfirmation by address lug N. W. titILLENREItGER,. wog 12-tf New Guilford P. 0.. Franklikeo.. 4.); REWARD.---Stolen (;.'? EWARD.—Stolen- from the f ej pasture field of the .suhscriber ; on Friday night the 7th iuit.,4 miles east of Chanibersuirg on pie Gettysburg Pike . . a large Bleak llorse.S yeat' . e old; atve ueyed in the lea shoulder. but does not go lame; silks well in barnees or under the amddle. The above , reward will be.paid for any_ information leading to the recovery of the horse by ANDREW J. Lot 11BAIIII. nug QTRAY MORSE.--Left at the pi.em- L 1 is'es of the subscriber, in Antrim township, - about 23.4 natios sodth of Jackson llul, on the Ist of October, a BAY HORSE'. The owner is requested to prove prbp -erty. pay charges and take Lem away. octldit' , HEM& BitkllßlLth fartrital. _ T o THE LADIES OF AIiERICiA. LYoN'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, t • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, • THP. GREAT FEMALE REMEDY I THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! - THE GREAT FEILALE REMEbY! THE GREAT FEMALE' REMEDY! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS • LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS • LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ' • ARE IVETTER THAN PILLS'. ARR. BEXPER THAN PILLS! ARE RETT - ER THAN PILLS! , ARE RETTER THAN PILLS! Lyen'a Pertodiull'Ort,pa are • THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION TILE ONLY FLUID ,PREPARATION.,' TILE ONLY I , LUID'ii.REPAILATION TLIE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ever brought Wore Iha pnbliC, and as a diuretic and sp.cilic for irregularities, challonges the" world to pro. Ande an equal; they Arc, in tha most obatinat. cases, itELTAIILE, SIRE TO DO GOOD! MELTABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! , RELIABLE, AND SURE ''() DO GOOD I - RELIABLE:, AND SURE TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO HARM, kNI) CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNVT DO HARM, IF THE , Dram - mics ARE ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADIIERF.D TO t IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE AIMIERED;TO ! SAFE AT ALL' TIMES.? SAFE AT AL TIMES!, SAFE AT ALI?fIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! ' - exeeut whin e - xpiessly forbidden in the directions ultich ate wrappeduround each hottie. and have the written signittti43 Of Dr:JNO. L. LYON . upon them , • 4 NONE OTHERS ARE OENYINE! NONE OTHERS ARE - GENUINE! NONE OTHERS ARE GENEINE I NOliE OTHERS ARE OENDINE-! ■ 'BEWARE OF' t i OVNTERFEITS BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS RENVAUE COUNPRIFEITU BEWARE.OF COUNTERFEITS They cure all those ilia tb which the fatuale system 18 eubj , eted with dispatch and a deg,ce of cortal.•ty which rtutbVg but a seieutifically .compouudad fluid Rreparn tion coilld reach: - USE NO _ USE NO I USE NO " , . USk NO oiteEni • Pnr my Dropgstatid before the %coy) as the 11C plic ultra of all remedies, fur the, care of,all dieeaseF of the kidneys and bladder. Letteoroah, Prolapsus, an d the mild but positive ctnrection of All irrepalatttlet. DO NOT DE LAIDOSED 11PON DO NOT bli'OSitiliPON I DO NOT rmPopED in' l DO NOT 11N 1311 , 031i1D 11PON I 1)- those whosave other ; preparations, which they de sire to palm off upon the strength, 01 the popularity (- thy DroPe, and rho recommend their oWn,nostrums, thus appiopriating to themselves fife' constant demand forf my Per;odical Drop, as a;nedivn for selling something which is worthiesi 414 Vefficient Wboatie gist you apply - foliasnot got thbin,..either make' film buy theater you, or else ertepse one boiler to the near est general wholesale agent, who 'will return you. a bottle by return Eaßress. •• ; You Fill thus save yourselves trotili obtatrk ie lief from the greatest Ftmaale Regulator of the Nino. tesitthOontary.' •Oy eT 25,000 Bet %lea ,th to mcdtcfne have • been %old wlihinthe lest six menthe, andeVery Lady tharhaideed thorn, but fin the batter's of the care l'ould'SuOisktei with her swore. certificate of their efficacy,. It takes hut one Dollar to make the erperimont,,and I'appcal to your .are - 113t4 those away.when a single Dollar will give yon blatant relief. Prepared solely by Dr. Jno. L. Lyon`, • Practicing Phr Arian. Price o.ped - e;T I' ' ' C. atARR abo • I Wholesale Dragginte, Near Raven, Cohn. , General Agents for United States and Oaroulaa..— For Sale at Wholesale by A. S. BARNES- 4 CO., . 7 . 1;4iv York. , • ,11130. Cz GOODWIN 41; CO „Boston. ItitINSTON I LIALLOWAY 4,COWDEN, wept 23, '63.eow-li] North etzth et., Phila attatneis at 11.03. TrE.L . .NNEDY- & -Pak:- nership—The underaiperlhavo associnteil them eelvea theyractice of the Law in the several courts of "Prank a Colmty. Othre on. Market Street, In the room heretofore onenpled'by 5:31: Kennedy, ; - - , , t T. B,,KkINN:EDY4 , ;fat: . - • _ _ ~ . A TTGRN-Ey,,.AT 1.1A;W:—,87..r.ri - SON ` .R . .611,/i.r. 41thirney at Luis--OEFice on mar . .. - het bt.. foraterly eottpicii.by.tietily 4 , tzlibry, -ilireeily eipp site the Court il•Jtule,Clin:intiersbni•g. Pa. All legal business entrunte() to him will reeeiviprompt - attent len. liemill prac tied in adjuhting Cimnties.. Junel7, '63, P. 8. tyrtrmaAtloll. -- 'Jai!, STEWART. QrcultßA-1:10". k SrFFIWAVT, At kl t a ring at Law. ChainDeral)urg. Oa., give their halt. vßeci nttention 0 the linictice cif their Profession. - John tart agent thr "procuring Bounty Money, Pensions, and , arrenrages or, Pay: ire °Mrs in the Torru Ji w.,, June 77,'43_ Gw. , s..STENGER, -Attor .'neys di Lou, Chainbet'sbnrg, Pa: •, promptly, atte,tded Vt..; ti.;stengot, District. Atka . - noy,,,,d a piat.for procnring , lienalona, .130mity biotic) and Arrears of ,Pity. ;Office in Franklin 3' door froth the . O.brier.'Jdno 17,'x3 WS. ,EVKUTT, Attoriley atLaio Meat In airs. ,dwalling, directly emu>. Site the C ant liorise;Citainbersbnrg., Va. Will practice in thb several Courts of 'Franklin, and Fulton Counties 'All legal business animated to Ws, tane rgill receive prompt attention. T 3'I:DOWELL SHARPE,' Attormy ty 4 , at Law. Chitinberkbarg.Tit.• OMeel6 Mr's. Ba - rdl , Braidings, direct:lk opputlitatilaCourt , June 17.1863. , , a 0: SEILIIA:I4IER, ,, Attorhey. at Nil s ; Law, Cloinibeisborg;'Pa • Otllee--Mnin Street. abete,Queen, in the room formerly ocenpimi by $. Reich • ..funf,il.7, 1863. i:IEORGE EYSTER. & E: J: BONE -1.,11 BRAVE; Attorneys atirtio,Ance removed to: the rootu on ittnint•:treet t onti.door Scott:l of Systeep Store... June 1 ,7,'63. - • _ • T S, ordatx, Attorney at 'Law; hag_ j o removed Itts CiIBC° it fear doors Eat Oft& tVrmer loe.ttom. ,51osket'sireet.(3oratkidn.) June 17013. •„ _ • VIN bTJNCAN, Attorney ot kiLa'io. Mice on" brellet Stireei, h Liwier's Re:ce, opluma e the Coll r t Holm. _ June,l7, '63. • • . _ rp Attorng cct Law, Orin) krebnig, OftV46ia lititticet street, ueurly opposite the CA.urt House. June 17, '63. V — LEX: K. Ii'CIATRE, 'Attawy 0 la_ Law, Clumbereburg, Pa. Officeip tbg Frunk3in Reptaitary ailslloo. Jima 17,'t:3. DWATSON ROWII,, Attorney • at Law, Oyeenvistleil'it {Rep 30, '63 Micatiotrp. R. WM . B.- HURD'S DENTAL RtYrEraEs :4 RE THE REST iN TILE Irpitz,b. lusueng Flue Teeth, and Sweet Breath, vat curing Toothache and Neuralia.' ' Breath, Do you with to blessedwitli and admired Sro Pearly 'White and 'Sound. teeth ? Use Dr. IVM. B. nrras UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from acid, alkali,or any ttidnrious substance,. 2,5 cents -per box. r • r , kat" Beware of the ordinary . cheap Tooth ,Powders, which whiten but destroy; • Do you wish to be ce.tain that your Breath is pure, 'sweet and atTeenble to husband or wifo,lover and iriendl ÜBP Dr. HUBD'SI CELEBRATED hIOUTH 'WASH -- -Price, 37 cents per &ale. The astringent wash is also the best remedy in the world for Canker. Bad Breath. Illeediug- Gums, Sole Month, etc. It bast-cured hundreds. r Do you wish your, children suffer from Toothache? Get Dr.ISURD S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DRQPS. Prite, 12 cents per bottle. • Are you afflicted with Neuralgia? Get Dr. WM B. IiURD'SNEURAILIA,PLARTF.HS ..Themost effective and delightful remedy known for Pains In the Face, Chest. Shoulders..eck f o(any purtof the body.' They do nor ndlidrisiionblistor, hat worth° and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15 and 37 coats. Mailed ui receipt of, Pt ice, , . A Treatise •on the best method Of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of : tbo price—lD cents. •It Li a valuabh' little work, and should be in the possession - of every person. • , For sale at all the best stores throughout the country. Cu/um—As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers in ferior preparations. it is necessary to insist upon having what you call foe. and you will GET TOE BEST, thoroughly tested. and prepared by an experienced and ackeoisc Dentist. Treasurer of the New York State Dentists' As sociation. and Vice President of the New York :NV Den tal Society.. Address ' • WM. 13.111114) June 17,,i6.1-tf. Tribune 'Buildings, New Yolk:.. IEETH INSERTED ON' AMBER 'BASt.-DR. N. ~ CtILOSSISTI.MfIe stM at 14relii• , 14IICC en EASTAIARKET STREET, near the Franklin Railroad. lumttstry in all its branches attended tomtit all the modern improvements. Having published to this community for more than two years, that teeth on Amber is in every way CHEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on any other material, I .ould say that I fain gee no reason to change my opinion, for there nre many 'per sons in Chambersburg mid vicinity for whoin I have inserted teeth on AMBEti. Who can testify to theit supe rior merit..' IN. B. Ali work warranted to give satisfaction, or no charge. Teeth extracted without pain with perfect .ofety without taking. pliloroforpo, For ; further infer- Inatiort call at the opfee. , , • 1 - 1 W.; W. SCIILOSSER, • Surgebn 'Bentz:A.—The uniierAgned has removed his Office from . the Mansion House to the residence of 31r Jolin Northwest corner of the Diamond. aro in inedi ately opposite , the Franklin Hotel, Office on the se cond door—entrance ttiroUgh'the passage, to the right as you ascend the stairs June 17, 1863: Et - 310YA11.-br: tht,ht § yelnoved his office trom the corner or Public SquarS;whorir he practised s 6 ninny jrenrii,t 0 corner'of 3lain nod Queen Streets. above Wm. Ile3'Per'i , Dm.; Store, Mani bersinarg, Pa.. where he will lieplensed to eeceiye the talky of Lis 1 riends. • [:1 ime 17,1863. • jv ician~. 1)R. A!. R. SHAW returns his thanks to the citizens of Franklin county, for the lib erai encouragement bestowed 03 him the last thin( 'writ, and invites those who have not made trial el itiDtIB.OI , ATItY to do so, notisuitattona free. All cn ruble cases can rely on u. more speedy cure than mule, any u tntreysterit. • Dr. S. has removed to North Mai, street. a short distance below the point, where he can to found ready' to attend to calls, eithdr ln town or ca 2. diary when not absent on professional business. June g; 1863. „ Di.. W.D. i11113W11,, jam ,. was. DROWN Sr, WALK, Electrical Pity. sisiaim Office in Franklin Building, Wan MAR }rev Stuns; Charnbershurg, - • The above treats all , Citron's Disonaes by means e GALVA NIS)! and the different modifications of ELM' TItICITI,as discovered and taught by Tref, Hellas. 31,1,ne • 10,i134f • . ; ; • - F P R, P . , 01125.1 I'SIONTGOSIERY 'will It attend promptly to all calla in i - a' line. Office to .tuin street, next door to the Eagle Hotel. and roatrb oppturite the relidenre of the lima. George Chambers. hainbetrinuir, June 11, 1863. , . Xtr)it. I. , C:RICitARDS,,wI.II at tend 4prentptip toll tails in We bow. Nice orr Mato eot. next door to Spnnsler's pruF Store. tFir Omen 110thul-4 roux ti to 9, .t 1111:; 12 Uinta 6 , June IT, 1013. ARTHUR H.'BANDOLS, • iIANUFACTURER: OF ROSEWOOD AND dILT MO ITLDPNGS, Loop.,NG T4E:A AND PICTURE PRAMS, of every description, .N.W.Catprznplyripat 4#D eFLOWFLSTB,II%II4IIE,L!ffp.. ,Ordeta to the largest extent promptly executed 0041 1 ,,fiue4, by S. )3. SARYDCIS., Chanibersbur , , pa. VOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP.- II Notice ishereby given that the undersigned have this day:entered ilitttprittnership, in the Conch-H . oring business, in all fie various bmnehes, under the name of Peiffer & Poita. The said , firm will de business at the inittnd, lately Occupied by P. Henry Reiffer k PP., nni would respectfully Solicit continuance of .the 13411 e Patroniigei"'" • • • P. lIENTITTEIFUR, 'l4crv i . C. C.TOLTZ. WOK_'ICEEFER & rfernOWaTliffir fix."ISPIRLYSICY'terthe 1304 F lory of the SI4NzION- HOUSE,: ORPlonload, , ebov,e ,§laYgek!e - nook store. EittNlce sbetweetolle :Book , l3Core De:SolYely's office: Old book*, 'Perlodi- Cale. hfuele t NeiwaoPere, &c,i bound In tipy')lyfe: ` Blank Books nnitieto,oider. afietraied YO any pat ':i;l3 . o ol cs, - ,l4**.rq;.,,sc.c Qil. S.. SILRYOOE., - 11 lOW '': : , BOOKSELLER& STAtIONER. Now oeelipioshis Nuts: &rots: Room,. arid il l ureuirr d to transact . business ' yrith i greater .facilities .th n intr.' - ~.' ~ • .)..,.,..-_,,• •.: , 0 :•t ~ School , Books; - .ll , lll6lltuitous Books. Totßooks, 4 , Lana Books, Modicil Books, - ,-Sundriyßchdol Books,. Igiptits7 Boas. „ • lartceaasortmeut otPoeket awl:Family Bibles, • sOoss Of all sizes, quslities and otyles of ilajadiug.; - - Avgr - cat: variety 'of all kinds. of Writing aria Print ing Papers, or, prench, English and American Man ufacture.EaielopCs of all size's and qualities, Peas; 'lndia Flutter, I' apes,' Seale, Qoilk3, Copy Books, Bloitin gßoard ; Eritrea, Eragete, Writing Said, &c...k - c. GOLD PENS. The very best GOLD PEA iu the market, fully warrant* made by Lemy W. Fairehild..of N. Y. • • ,BLIND I"APtit. • '';' . • A f9 ll . vt Fi et 7 9f Pat:tfral!FU4 qualities HuntßED . tfferentpatterM,togethlr e Beide4ieel'lain c , : ,tUvet siiciArelYet Gilt. PICTUR - & - FRAMES. 1:11174 9 441 -4 91 TWI P P °t V i nf fcrof • :FRENat GLASSiL; I,ti a l l '. : . ,cI,I3.A,PNOITELp , •liiich;tat3i than iettet's' aiiionaf,whibt _ are the_follOwing: ' Th.ez_WltAkepvijller ••, "ez 1• .1 '11.2Y4,hv • The Midnight Queen; - .A A- 44 2 . 1 . a W. 4 l"ih , A • .:44 , Josephine, Maid of the Safanae, ka•Pr,Ralvirsis z;;Y.:" . 3 rates]Pei . .p haigilter. ' Helene, , David liufficks. y Ski4filutsin.roviie, • A, Vernerhi Pride. &Ott's Novels, - . ' • • Dickens' Novels, * " • MrS.Bouthw'tlesNo•aels, Mrs. Giay's Novels,' • - , Bilwer's Novels, Arthur's Novels, • • ' Lnor Sanford: Chips from teal° Sam's ,Tack-knifn, ' ,The Everlasting Fortune : • ti;* The ManCenvering *other, • „ Marguerite de Valois,, , toggy.Night at Ortaid, • • * • The Quiet linsband: . 'Donnas, - • hforittrepa Freemasonry, The Debtor's Daughter, ~The _Banker's Wife, . • • ' • •'; Iligh.wayman't Nobleman's Etinglitei, Ale Scarlet Fletief ' • '• • ' The Wird n 's ' • " • • V LentiCtimeron, *. ' ' - The EtPectotit, • , • • Les lifiseribles, V• sQdPuzile-i• . . EtGRA.VINGS: English, FxOnch, German and American 'Engra vings. ,•t' , • „ • 14,,t.stra t Fancy. Traveling, Book. - Picnicjrnit, Tnife and Clothes Beakete, • ; • • ` ZEPHYR -WORSTEDS. • . Sinile and 'tionble Zephyr, Tapestry 'arid Split Zephyr, Shetland 1V 001, &e., - • NEWSPAPEItS. - • , The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received lolly: Clubs or individnaliv supplied: • -,; • r W*.-t*.LY, .f. i t 4,-PERS. • framer's Weekly,- ; . Fienk Leslie. , . , • N. Y. Mercury, , ; 'H. ;Y. Weekly. W. W. SCIILOSSER Nevi York Isedder. e*, „ received weekly'. - PERIODICALS: c : Elarper's Monthly, •` Atlantic Monthly, ' Continental, • • Godes , : • ` - • ' ' , Peterson, • - •`- - • - . 'Keielierbeeke, . „ • AU the Year Round, .Coinhill, eta:, eta., ::eseh-ed as seen as published.' ' . All the Dime Publications; Weekly Song Books. eta, received dAiIY. , ; , , ORDERS. We take oracle:for all kinds; ef goody. We reteiCe goods by Express zvitax DATIrom the Blank Deeds,': ' , ' . • Wrifing any Printing Cardk, . Rulers - :`Paper Weights, I? ahoY'Boxee. " ;' Combi ana'Ernshes; - • Chalk Crayons. and;illltandarti good's in our line 'constantly ori . ' ' MUSIC. the& Music, forliarto, Guitar, Violin, Flute, etc.. • - We puxeh.eze Pianos on commission , say eqr ous9mers Awe:Fifty teplie f Aupdrectaid Fift.- Dollartf.„ - • . , . . MUSICAL iIIsTSTRUALF.4.NTS.' , We ta,n'anpily any kind of lit.nsiost Instittmen at prites far lowerthan usual. • f PHOT6GitAPEVALI3I7 7 2B. - , • We can sell Photograph Albunis;atlower . pric than thog.cau hoprocured for in the We notesitatiOn in saying to oar oustome thatfrom our long experience, our manner'of Ing.bralnossdind our great facilities; we do not fe: connietitien; and him no doubt of oar being ab to give-eutho satisfaction. ! „ . ,Cmne and pee -our . New Store, our new and et ; Inrged stock , grid form your owtiopiture. Chainbersburg,-Juner,lB6a. .; ' IEQQKS; STATIONERY Bible Shots; • - • . 'rial and Trinr4V, " 'Prineeand tPedier. f ' Annette, - • ; • - Dist Lynne, ;111rianuAlroy, " " 'Legends and:Stories, •- - ; • Red jack, - ; ' - .;;; lied Scout, . i Ilelle,of,the Bowery,• Sybil Campbell, Grace Weldon. - Rival Beauties. The Grumbler, Barren goner, The ftu!re. Falkland, Milrose, CHEAP LPTOA:TORE, Otf-;,‘Fl' l ,gl°-"ViP4f'Piir• JOHN M. POItEROY, 6. 44 " *.? ND .041•7;_..4GEZver, " 204 S,Li1:7111: FOUJITH STREET, r. ,PRILAD=R4rIA. The nndensigned, having resigned hls position o; _Pay master ,Irreied ttetSMITII FOURTH' STREET, an AiD:NCY FOR BROM:HONG (I.JERSIONg:aItd for tr.. witver to:Cot OrFlinalr, goltirms', and. MlotltertCtitms- against the tloyortatientk,.' , My lougeiperience es Bayomater, has given me nnu ,-euallacilities for: beianalng. thoroughly acquainted:with this-thermos in all its donils, On the receipt. by ;nap, of &statement of the case of claimants, I will forwafd the tuer f ettltry pAtece for their.-s 05'11114a. - tyroonal at ' fent fen ;ill be ..iven (q!lie ca.4ex at Vt - ath)qqttn. No charge uhless .when. 3 :mim e t y tag 4 d . for collectit gall minis e rsBis. an 4 AQonutlsumsover that Uthount and nuclei:l - 2 4 U. ' Litge clalma - tilken'on special arrangement. fees; hiyerisAl4l Wiwi , tin 40d , by taw. INFORMATioIg FOR , 'AND 6: - STIittCTION I 4 , TO ; ; '; • , •" CLAIMAVT.I3, - •; • , , , All Soldiers of the present war, who have /pried two yeancand Soldiers diseharged Mt' Writinciti teeeived iu tattle, Without reference, to thne.of ser6ice, aro entitled besides their regular pay, to $lOO _Bounty. In caseSoidiers or Seamen ate discharged for disabfrOy or wounds received while fn the service, they are 010451 to it Pension tiecording ti% the disifbility, ' • - In case of the death of the soldier before, discharge, through disease contracted, or wounds received while. in Service, his widow is entitled to receive the-$100•Itotint?, besides arrearagee of pay AN pension during-her or widowhood. .., - If the, &hike; die after discharge, from- disease con'. 'tracted or'eiounda received while In service; his widdw is ; entitled to pension 01 - i'et. per. anirum. ';, If-no widow dr minor children, the mother - of the Sol diet or Seaman will receive the Penult, if dependant da him , whollror in pate f .r support. -, If deceased Soldier or Se unan le.afes - no WidoW. his ohildpeg ate entitled to the &true-benefits ea the widow, except Wheathe children maybe over the age of 16 years. If no widow or minor children,-the' bontify find - Ivy will descend to the heirs its follows: - 'First tcrtbd Bathe', second:to the',l4.fdt.het, thiid ter the Brothers ate Sisters, and then tothe next, of, kin,: • Diatharged Soldiers. wlido. , eldthing a'econt was nn settled at thetitne of dlanhaiko.-can recover unyhalance tide them, if the Company is.,ks 'are not destroyed. •To draw this balanee.-write to 'Your Captain for it 'descrip. tire list, showingCothing secormyind forwmryl it to me with yobspreliminary statement, giving alsdthe date of your discharge. Seldiers,whd served with themine months' volunteers, Carl *GAO? s27,bouhty premium; Without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. . • Soldiers Who were »dsofters' in the South , and Soldiers who were alment oo,„ sick., furlough, azet -entitled to OM- Imitation of rations. Ineomiinnicating with title oifite,state!the'.nat:gre of your claim folly, and give the Constiamj and Beg; meat to which yeti or 'the Soldier fur *horn `Yon ariim'berOngea; na well aa your present Post Pihce asluress. . REPERENCEEL Ws Excellency lixnutcr U. Cuirrini GOadinor - of Penn,- sylvania. !fog. 813iON CAXESON- Illirrislnu*, V. ' • • 110N.JosErs CASEY, ChiefJ wst..ce Af:thp Court of Claims: Washington. ' Rac. E. Chltf erk. of Pay Depart - melt, Washingiou i ..„ itor. rDirlatto „MCPHEE:SOY. M. CI.. weathitgton: ' ' UON. PcKSEIOINT; President•Judge,ltribt °Gutty Pittsburgh. X.`lll;Ctusx.Clinrbersburg, Pa: I • " llos.Tito*As A. B.corr, Vtce President penn!a r ttall guati WILLIAM B. Tuotts. , 'ullertor 'the'Part; LION, C. A..WALBORN I.'. , St Mister. Plknefleiphlf. r Muni. & Co., Batik-r, JAlrrpitDiaita t President dr Bunks P4BadelPhiat Btfttarr & IAIRTHOIISE. Attnrnies, Ittzagr; Wsurt 4 Eart:l,Mbreliants; : KNEEDLER. & CO. .Merchants, - Purrourrr,l2xuag & Co.l •: ' ' DAVID F0,136p ?z Co., 51 , ; , • C 4 4 Dr:CIA-WV S. JANN.V..11 , .. C0..0. ierchanta„ • k Co.. Morehante; - `.. g • ATivixo, 'Want; & co., ,• , JOtiN M. pOTtoi," Yrk. 21-1 South RoTiqh itrett. Jgne •DENSION, BOUNTY AND - WAR, CLALfI AGE,3iCY.—i'ensions procui•eill'ur sobilem of the present war who are di•ablerl by rea of wetinds rateiret or disease eunttitetsa.'while in the strvie . oot United States; and Pen:dens..slio Bounty ? , and Armaka of Pay obtained for widows .r those Who have died : or been killed whit,: in / , 1.1 OM!, JOIEN li. ultß. Claim Agent, Yeb:2s, ° Bk-ly. thainliefsbarg, *tobrs: anb , Einluate rrTIEHE . • _ . • ."DVT-(4ll,sE r ritEg - grIT! , f ,bni). TOWN I—Extensive , 6iper and stote catithnetnti undersigned reSpectfull) , " in•s forms his friends end the pnblio generally that, he has removed his establishmenttlum the "Dutch Bettlemnt" up town,, pir the sp.lciotts 16:101111 formerly Occupled,by brand, and nearly opposite White's Cloth ltdegtorel, . !V- 7 . 4 ) Tie has just received a large ast3o7rtment ut ,C0 01 i . 7 COAL, PARLOR mid NINE-PLATA' Rtorge of the most approved and latest patterns; which be can addle dot rmined to sell as cheap, if not a little Cheaper, than an be had elsewhere in the country, . Re hasalso and intends keeping constantly on hand, laige wisest:neat of Tin;Copper and Sliehtgron Ware landau( the, best material and by. goodovorkmen n • fa-Persons in Want Oranythin g r in the "above line %re requested to•give him stall before purchaeiug 'else where, as he feels convinced that he can suit them eipter, is regards the article Oethe prlce. • " SPOIITINO made and put up at the shortest. , tiotita Alt kinds of repairitiOone neatly and expeditiously. tepid , Pewter, Braskand Copper-taken lit eleliaregir fat Ware, or the highest price given in cash. • Itch% • June 1t,'1.363.• " " JACOB 8 . . . ICIIFOUSEKVAEPtAO,IkAir eL.DI Usher's' Sunrise JUlrfTighti-LA Nei Plat "Lip utititatiti , STO VZ. 4 , ,'rho plates are very hi/emend the Aktols Stove is finished in a superier Manner- I warrant thli Slime to he suPerlOr to 'any Flat-Top Stiollielievr in the market, and respectfully invite my frienticand, the public to call and examine this Stove, of 'which there exe eet , egal slees. . • , ' I; • I have also a great varlet) , of other COOltTh 4 fi- STOVES of every style; PARLOR 13TOVRII,neat and beautiful patterns, together with a -heavy stock,pf STOVRS for Churches, Stores; Offices, Rotelst.Are: ' J.011.N ti. LUDWI4,,,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in • " • - • STOVES,-TEV AND' 'COFFEE , - Tf',4'RE; have been appointed Sole Agent,for Gaits glier'e,Oelebrate'd Sunrise 41r-Tight took Starve in 'Chain • • June i 7, iIT - ETTER,tHAMILTOIT CO'S -Oreat Stove rindlin' Ware. gtore,iceriet - of.slia Diamond, can be seen tbe ,largeo,be et, and cheapeet btock of Goode in Ohambeisbarg. They' have: 001 U . iI.TOVES for Wood and Goal ot , latestpatterneadd all sizes, at fair prices. punel.7, 186* SP OV I ITN4 , DONS AT. _grfAgi.T NOTICE, of Atli rate material and cheap. All Windt' warranted; and cheaper than min he bbnat eleewhere in the Countl, Cal! and see fort7oureelysp, at ETTER;HARILTON & CO'S, nearly oim Miltei. the Ilatd4 ITTER,- HAMILTON 00-€-aie poporett to pat a the bps; LUPITS/4991.0.118 at cheap rates. - AppaLWATS.,ON 1LA31.131„A,LA1*74 assortment of the very_best Tin, Japanned and rivare, &c., told lo* lit • •k - • • • , ETT,F,R, E# AMMON d 9013. , LL WORK'WARRANTRD; and Li °beeper than can. be bbught:4o!) , Flors the county. ,Oome and ace—then buy, at 'l , • •' L • 'ETTER, HAMILTON 00,11., PALL rOR 'PARLOR AlqirDL IL) MEG E. 0031.; CON STOVES. .Tiley pngty, palatal cheap. • ETTE8.,11,&411,,T0N do 00',81 few - doori 'from Stayock's took StorcL.L. ~lA'ai#tttlit- l otn.ft- g ;- . 4r ~,,', . RARNARD T. MUSH AND SION PAINTPX." . MAINER7"WZI:EII., — "rND PAPER • ' • •HA - NOLEB,- 'SHOP - In the Old Ar4tory Building, (up stairs,) next door to Pei . 4. - Po'4z'zi Carriage Manufactory, °PFAU& Breton's Hotel, and, COANEB. OF SECOND AND MARKET STS., - ChhmberAdrtg,'-`Pa. 'espettfulty take this method Of thantling the' citi zens et o hum b ere h erg and' vicinity for the very Oberlit patronagel have received at their, hands far th e nes e year, (my Brat year in This place',) and tattering Mylelf that l hale done, and and !ear etlir pm:tired tado, the ver y beet work in my line, Ifiolleit aceattrosance of neat favor.• it: T. PRIA,OWB,,, P. S. I respectrallyrefer , °fury pittrantee Bygeri Metenahan, CoLA. K.ldcOittryt, Reri..3lr. N Presbyterian Ctugch, RIF-bards, pEigsbbr, Kieffer Co,,Germau 'd Bleasmer, . - „AlUsga Eyeter, W. C. Eyster, arid 'airy others for idt There done work—for character of work donitiluiaeziattionj JunilT t '63 tf. , , at,T. Ea 131TLINE — NTS.—Dealeicii,attg . niacturera of Agriqeltnrai and etherrn*erasniel can reach a large elan. 41' valuable cniteiret ALTA halite-Inthe FEA.NKLIg: REPOSITORY ! • 91 , ' a 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers