c ficattltlin (3gportitrag., P.R.IEFATAR. tra:HS. ,- , „ Glene 'Doubled iv has' been relievedlol lii§command in the Army 'pf. the Potoin s pc,: att4;orriered to mite eoritoe.n.d . ol7 tetiot, AM !hated MCIT to 3ie,esta.l)lls,hed at 1111.trAl e „ New. York; 'the'Latfi 2Sassachui'etts; ce . teret regirrielet; emb irked 'de:board.' the: , steamer' = C ihacuba, .I'ol , -..Nextbarre. N. C., an Tuesday', • - the reg-- intent excited the greatest- 91411e5/9ga ori!ice racych - throrigh.the city i• . • Ac goad example ha.B setiky Ote go7lernuiept . of Cape :Flizaketh,, Ter,,en.tly resolved to iiay.s33o to eyery . , dratted . inn who goes to war hinisOf, "bat 4.oihir 'to a. 'Juan who stays at' home. j ' Aft eks'burg correspondent says that tirigiiimeampaign of silty-four days;jeilding with of Vicksburg, the rebels tat ite tilted; wouncl.eil and prisioners 4,3,706*n, About -71,000 stand of arras, including llntleld'tifies in their original packages, which - were intended for the' rebel array aernssithe . I.issfssipPi, and '2:30 pieces of artillery. ' Very late intelligence; from Gen. lo se- clans' array .o;oves all the reports •of Unidiitroops uponehattandogaand Minn to be unfounded. The' main 1)04: of the Arniy of the CumYerland; inclu.six6 of all the,cavalry,. is still resting and preparing for smother carnpaigri'. along "the noriliern slope Z",f the CuMberland '3l..outimins. I torrpOndent front Leavenworth 6ays tliat'the'ht Kansas Colored "in the best di'6elpliried and most'perfeetly drpled regiment in the 'Union service." They :were drilling for nine, 'mouths before the Govern-.. treat would receive : them as soldier.s.. The writer proposes, after: the war," a standing artni nf /0(5,000 colored soldiers. If is-stated that -the returns hi the Medi cal Director's' offiee Sl()xi that since the van; t eonitneneeil V 15,660 soldiers had been, charge4 7 from the . arniy•oh a surgeon:s, • Cer- titleate. This does , not, of course, include . any. one whose time wa.s out, but corn:prise thoie fihase health and physi6al inqini;ty to beoidier prevented them from being of erviee in the army. • ' Governor Smith, of Rhode Island :has iss4ted — a proclaudion recommending; that altar° cities and towns of the State make :anal imniediate:provision for the relief of driifted men, orlhose dependent upon them; :is Witt relieve. them from apprehension that their families will i).ot be provided forhile thq -*e Balled to the - held to battle for the iife of Our Government. - An old woman ventured out iri the inidst f lkfo4au and his men in i little town in indiana.; and inquired 'of a rebel whi4 sitting= backward upon his " frame," "Whar is the gayriller ? " " D'ye mean John Afor ttait ?"!, "Maas, just so." "There lib is,' said. 'the Reb, pointing to John. ",Wall," said the old lady, eyeing him from had,tst foot,' "we've better lookin' horse thiev'es not' hint in'Hoosier; 1 - 6ss' said about 'efri too!' The Hon. Bradfor4Brown, State, Snator from Caswell county, N. C : ,bas taken open grounds for the reconstruction of the Itnion. The ; Hon. John A. Gilmer, and OtherNexten -siye siaveholders , in this State, are:said to be iiitaviir of the gradual emancipation system. Many .inembers - of the Legislature now in session,-at Raleigh; have come out fOr, the immeeiate repeal of the act of Secession, and for` the recall home by Gov. Vance Of the troops. . . - The -glorious news of .the success 0* the 'Union 'arms come fitst and thick. The great 'll 1. , .pr a otted to the Army of the Smith-west -hasnearly been completed, and the dag 'of: -Washington, Jackson and our beloved' el.:m -try Heats in triumph over many rebel-strong more such victories will late ,the :rebels, rebellion_ and copp4heaei smoStntanpletely.` Allhonor to our pi triotic soldiers fortthese additional evidencesiof, the Union arms: . May the Memory of the hero ic dead never be . foriotten: • New Orleans date's to - the 17th represent the city in a,-state-of great. jubilation over ~the:falii p f Port Hudson. One hundred, guns. _were,fixeil - hy order of Gen.,,,Enory, and the .loyal citizens designed having a tor4light. •Pibeci„sgiOn, 'and general.joilifi- I Caiio'n on the 'night of the 11. th. The Sece's-, ,sionisq.were very ratich down in the inoutli,' .and depressed. 1,11 spirits. None - of ,Grant's ,troops reached 'Port Hudson !before itc fail;'so that the honor of its captUre ,be-. longs'entirely to Gen. Banks and-his j.)wif gulluie little ni•my. ' • • I • • • Vie-Invalid Corps is-rapidly reabliing-its lirese4b - ed• dimensions. .Twqray corPpanicg -of-the first :battalion have aireadyiliren or also seven companies, of the. second hfAtaliOn. Recruits are gatheied in 'Bt:lfOlil,'Washington, 'Ma - 1104n, . 'cuts Small Carolina and Fortress Monroe, - "and all'seort!be broUght into the nrgani f:Tztittari. At'reast twenty-fir:a hunched-men hive -,theady enlisted. • Some of them,* Aferferming - gurirtlduty at the War pepart. xrkcV..f p,,nd At other ,places. The men are de r ...liiitte4 with the Corps, which thef regard one'of t eiPecial . ! correspondent. of a New York paper" re; ceny.ly . (finied that, there'wag any feCling North' Carolina:favorable' to 3 'a reeOnstrifer qibi.' - of 'the ITnion," but our • advic'es froirt '.)-Sreii , b4n; since, reatiirm.the statement •which we made the other day, that there are, influ ential men in the Legislature who aiie bendy ,their : energies to the, task of r'estoiing 14erth siate" to the The &arictake is Openly the. 1 -'ilie'it3ifre, l and the tyranny'• which Jeft_Davis' ,15kfx'.elleisind Over tho. people at pt,eSeut ie 2..t.nl tending . to hasten matters arkd. I?rlria. on • : when the 1 pith Car= 4 - titare ,speedily. the•hour_ . olirdans, shall throw' off his accursed . yoke and Oiiee"agairi be free. • " • • 1. ■ -:Tholtichritand,authorities; itissaidJlave -ITl.'htf44#!l:4,lliel;rutal*Ogn, cf. ,Ixeeirt?ngt two Union officers: chosen by lot frtrin . among tho..e in the Libb.3. 4 ,,prison..in-,retalla - tiOn - for therebel-Rie•condernnedehy courtkruor,tird ntpleveland, will not hes,arriedliont. . All .occourits agree that the - Federal tiui b'el'forcs upOn' our occittpntiiSii of the place, fraternized' 110 the kind - est pomible • mariner, apparentlrfor-, getting entircly that thei,ha4 heen 'rued in ylnstile columns. It lya precisely thus; als4; at'lrieb.invg, at Gettysbitig, rind , oti Othei' 'where the riten filWe bbon Frollght icigethei in - the hush or,at thri Close of conflict. ~These p&scris Who are fond of -insisting that the -peopJe ;of Alio, fSouthilintl those of .the „North . cart.mexer t he recOnciled orlive : : together in, peace When the, war is dOrie and the spirit of reliellion; is , destioyed; will liardly'filia in facts like these We 'hive cited a confirnihtion of their argument. ; Brig; !GtiTi : A: Gilmore; who is, , in-cone-; mand.of Ouffottes operating against Charles ton, a native of Ohio, and was , appointed from that State to the 3tilithry Academy at Long Point, from which he gradUated, in 'He Was FirstLientietiant of thgincer'S' when the,war broke out :Under his coin inand, Port Pulaski, 'near Savannah, - Ga m was captured, over a year ago. was = terwards transferred to Kentucky, , where he whipped the rebels , under Pegram several' times; capturing many prisoners.. He' was' taken out of Kentucky; When he was assign ed to the'c6mTnand• in South' Carolina,:le lieving Gen. Hunter. Hels-eViclentlya live go-ahead officer- _ His name is Quincy Addi, son Gillmore._ T,he rebels,in North Caolina seem to be in sere distress. • The • reactionary.,Movement, as it may he called, is passing 'beyond the contiOl iitds'e'Wh*o are 'charged' with'` the management of"'-the Confederate' affairs. , Gtivernor Vance, who seems to be a peculiar being 7 :,--a kind of -3losaic Governor—talking, for secession and labori4g against it, has. called a meeting of the • Lecrislatnre to dis ctiss some local matter, lint_ virtually with the :2ea of reopening negotiations with the view of returning North Carolina 'to the Union, State has' bean one of 3.1 r. Davis', most ,deplorable failures. . Heart and soul for the Union, if was whirled into seces sion by, treason and - crime...„ We shall gladly Welcome, the old North State into tire .faroily of lbyal States. The 'sudden - 'conversion' Of Hon. Albert Gallatin frown to 'Unionism is regak4ed as One 'of the'rnarvels of' a better 'change in the rebellion. • , Mr.".l3rown was once _United States. Senator from .Mississippi, but'.more recently -a.member.,of the, rebel Congress.— This Mississippi politician, under the old r<oi,in,e, - Was 'one of the Most violent and coarsd ass:niers of everything Northern, and Wasliercety devoted to 'shivery. He opposed Buchanan,fcir 'being tooinuch of a Northern man,•and Tame very near overthrowing Joh'. Davis_in !Mississippi, because the latter de fended IluChanan. It is surprising that he .c surrenderedaine - and' i to Grant, utterly 'dis avciv,-ing'lny belief in Sece....ion, declaring thatlie-vas always opposed to•it, , and:lnally taking,the oath of allegiance. . • . • We le* that 'every arrangenient has been madeat Gettysburg, by Governor, -Curtin. for, the removal,: on..appiication ".David Wills,,residing,there, of . the bodies of Penn sylvanian-4: killed' in the rate battle. A snap Of 'the '6411e-field ha 's ,beeti` Made, , which sho~ys the exact locality of every grii'Ve. * A list of- thel wouialcd and sick Pennsylvanians is also, bung made, and evory facility for the I finding or,,!oldiers ; will ,be afforded.- trainS; lidweyer, for the next eightdays, will . 1 be Used "mtelusively for the transportation of:I the Winlded - atid'Eek. "Persons who bon: - teinplatefli 'visit to Gettysburg for :the. pur pose, of reMoving,:llie,,Ternains of , relafives' .and-friehds,,woul&do well to,postpQne it for one,xveck'iat least,. Trirazportation will. be, furnished at, the State expense for , the body and one person to accompany it. . 411 the fight with Morgan - s' men 'at Buf fington Island; in the Ohio, Sfajor - George W4 , 3lcCtiok received :wound from which, ..he.ll4s:sitice:died:. !nit. ;gentleman and his family i liave!sacrificetl!and suffered in the as, much as any iu the icountry. A young 41, Was killed, in the fist battle of Bull Run.' Anether son, Brigadier General Robert t".' 31eGodk,'iia,4-mtirdered "by 'gue rillas, n'uarSalein, , last, August. TAnothcri on, ,Major ,Alexande,AleDowell IticCooki,has.been wounded °neap!' twice in battle; : and,if we. are, ,not mistiaken, others : have,suffered in the efuse,. the father, whohaslalwaYs been . ,diitinguished fin. bra very and iiatr'iatistii, has vic't'im to the'ibbelliOri`while dol'enilihg Ills State from invasion'. Another son:of-his, {Roderick S.' IleCooki is a lieutenant in the Navy., Maj. MeCool4 Wris - •-irLielttenanK - olotiel of Ohio •Iftilizzitedrs • n th -war , , -The-Fresident sent two dkpat e ,b_e:s. to qpn. Meade 11 1 day two - ,before. the escape. of the , _ . .enemy across the rives, in both:of v, , hich he urged the necessity of immediate attack. one of ttese - dl,spatches he' said - he thoUght all ti* fnaf olfid that rib Other oceit zdtiri :Would 'speedily; arise offering_circunistan, ces 86:1 vOrable toits-arub:so: tunfavorable4 to the Crimpy, He.thorefore wi§hed nfiattle to be.deliyered at onee. 'Lithe cbuncil of War Whiehdecided 'against' tittfiCßlAg• .Gen. Lee, atlittizne when subsequent , .iliselosures have shown.onlytwotthirds of, his array, perhaps foltythbrisand - men haV4 beep in line to receive our soldiers flushed 'with victory, the:other third having- already crossed, the Generals who pronounced agalnit the ; attach :wer e a e g g allek, Sykes; „French, lives and Slocuad! 'Those in.- favor !of I attack were Generals -Meade, Howard,,ll.easanten,-and Wadarorth,l temporarily. conpnariding the First COrps,-)Pen. Newton beipg sick)ovith Gens. Ilunaphreys and.. -Warren of General Meade: s ;- The las,t named Made a power fUl liPeenh, - in which lie v shoiVed the necessity Of immediate -moitementi, -- Gen...Wadstiorth also, adding his vsdee, to, his Note, insisted with all his Might that:there , * the occasion • ;31 eht r Omaha Atparatorp tirtubersburk i i"tam? ottt . • Heaiiquarter3.l.forost .3faysfial. .. • . itch Distrid, Renrisylmnia, ' --" ''''. • -":--. — 3' l'l'ersl!qt-gy3.1.r,1/Y. :a 18i3,__ ~ gm_ ,foL,Lowi - N: - GlR,Otrii - AllB ' ji... fi•oncilio ilureOu.oftiie Pcovi..'Sl.irshfil Genera 'rm., ptit;iikillo2 - tur tlio itdo*ltiori-ot oil coocern - e2 4 - . , 1111). EiSTER, •,• . , .., ' • =:., - ' , n Capalti iiiid ).!slicot 3.16413ba1-r = , -,.. -_, • ;-•-• • -,. Zr , Icrizgul , kR 44 1 : t , 4 ~ , , • wr 'Pentpartazerd; • - -, -, • - : . 'L.Prorpg. Marshal Oennrar,l, Office, „.- - ' W ' • • ' ` asigligton.,"l/' w, , : July 12, 1863.. . To answer inquires ale to 00 office, it =name. - cd : Ist. Any drutietl - -perenn.payiriWidinder section I 3 of the Enrollment Act. is thereby exempt from further 141)111V:tinkle:If frattdrcift, tint 'to UNDI :layitlbsetUeut` draft. Any,drafted person fernlshirtft an acceptable cub. siiinte is exempt fc om Military service for the period fir which said; substitute is musteredjut° fhe.l?etYleo; - • • :id: A substitute, once nutatere intethe' service; reitlieTilraftedw bile in service. ; - •:,•• - 4th. A drafted nian cannot pay' cointrintation' money :or, present a substitute,,rOgre,ho„ has :repOrtuit, ,fittuself ' to t liii 7 BoarA of Enrollment. for 'elimination. 3th.. dad tsho, on,tbe ad of Ilariiii,•l263, were in the • military setaiee of the United WWI, as substitutes. un th el draft 0f31222:,Wail Whose t en:of - 3 , seryteo have %tate expired, are not liatilo to the present. draft ; but thepor sew for whom they were surgitltates 84 liable. feetirlift •the same as though they had not been , drafted andlur nishedsalistitutes tester the tirgrat ',lSt I'e-tr. tith. in serving, the noticarisreqnired by Circular No. 42. frota - thii office. a reiririrlable'riaictol report shalt; in each ease, be panted by the ,Board of Enrollment to Caen lu - Satc.strolieWlitibilvdbeen thiCy be-drafted:l JAMES B. PBX. _ , , . - - ''' •„ „ • Proviiir MuiShal General. • F•ection .4,0? the above Circular is niudifled by Circular dl, which 'Mae follows': Wier Deportment, , " • ,Prb'rebt litrshal - Mmertrlis• Of . 'Washington, D. C., July 18,1863. The 4th print:graph tif Circular No.4l,Usned irons this office July 12,1863, is hereby rr.oditled so as to .corres, .pond with 'tlt6 flllowing. to iniote tetlie:lrtm William- WhitinE,Soltcttorof the War Department, !which will ,hereaftergosieriilnallterie.4 In which it is applicable: ,•,. r OBIZ•11,0;N•. • . "Aperson'ilraftlid' Into tha 2 military serrleo - of the 'United States, nader_the.provislons of the act ..of,3larch 3;1863, chatiter - 75`,for • enrolling and balling Out the national lot CPS, andfor other purptssei:clalthing exemp ;Con tram draft brreason of any disability' gnbudtterf to afidpassed:upoi by the Board . f 'Eurofitninie. whohd de. chion thereon is final. If the litirird shall have decided that the claimant Billable to Aerie,; he has the right, •nfier.such decision against hint, to pay his commutation rebney r er to furnisltids ttabstltitco; within Bach extent). ed time as may be fixed by the order of the Board it Enriliment fur his appeamuto for tiuty. " - " (Signed) wLuaAn WRITING, . - •• • • 'SoneDor of the Mar Deiihrtment." J..4.11E8 B. PDF, , - I! _Provost APirdhal General,. [CT#CULAR-NO. 47.]. Itur Department,; ' • - .rtorost Nursluti General's , • ,Wushirlittili;DlC;Ju'V 17,1863: Drafted men llecome'soldicrelp the. service of the 'United states thofact of their names havhig bean dritiv4 in th e drafi. The notillegiom served upontheux by the Provost Marshal; is merely an. annou dcenient' Of the get, anti , ,auvrdet: for them to ; retort for duty, at designated time and place. - ' vi}inibq of-the Eien.lllllirnlVidt ing, Solicitor of the War Department,' is published for the information oraltconcerned: • , •, ' .. . person has beendrufted, n pursuance of the Enrointentadt•Gf .ll'arch S;.lSti3, mrtice ()finch draft be served on him personally, or 4y, tearing a copy at his last phiceof'resideozei; lequirltig; Litn to' appear at a designated rendezvous to report tor • duty.- Any person filling to retiOrt tot diity - atrep notice 'l/EFT lUS LAST i'LAtitl OE RESIDENCE,or served on ,hini per sonally, withuut furnishing a substitute or paying S.lOO - , tsPronounCett bylaw to be a deserter;, he may be .ar rested and laeldfur trial by court-martial, and •SBN TENCED Tt.) , ; , —lf a person after Nang - drafted, and I;efere'recelving notice, deogrts, the notice may 8411 be served by leaving. it at, his last place-of residence. a lA. if he does not ttp• pear in accordance with the notice, at furnish the sub stitute or pay the Ssuo. be will be in law a . deserter,and must he treated accordingly. 'Thereto no way - or man ner in which a person, ones 'enrolled.' can escape his publiettntieS, and when drafted, whether present or air tent, whether he changes his residence on absconds, the rithte in the 'United States lig-ail:lSt him are Rearmed,' and it is only by perfunnace of his duty to the country, that be will escape liability to be treated as a criminal. , (Signed) WILLIANI Solicitor of the War Department." JAMES B. 'FRY, July 29, Proiost 'Marshal General Headquarters, Provost Marshal. - , ltith bittrict, PCnnspirania, - Chamhershurg,./uTly 1-1.1563. . ITT CORPS.—The;'followinp.' extracts ate pubnsited f, , r the lie:nefit.ofsuchns,ivhli to avail themselves of the offer of the government. hp- Ovations 'ahotild be Made in *Perim' at the , elk& of the Board of Enrollment, Stasonic Hilt, Second Street, Cimmbersburg. GEO EYSTEII. - Captain and Provost Marshal; 3.6 th Inst., Penna. - . - torrintitl. ' - War Department _A4jutant General's Ojice,. • 1 Waehington, April 2S, 1863: G EeSER4L ORDER& NM 11:5.—Th - a organization or at Invalid Corp is hereby Authorized. Tftis conspt of Companies. and if it shalt hereafter be thought beet, of Bat taltiona. The dompitnics shall be made up from the :following eottrces,-viz:= •* S. . At Third, By accepting those officers and enlisted , men who have been honorably 'dischark,ell, on account of wounds or disease contracted, in_ the line <X duty, and _who desireio re-enter the service. in the case of 'an ~f -fluor, fluor, application fornppolntment must be made to the Provost Marshal diLhe United States' through the officer detailed as Acting, ; Assistant rrovost Maud's', of the State. Nu applicaut or this kliad will be considered rim leis the fdlowing conditions are completely fulfilled, 1. That the applicant i}roduce the oeititicate of the Surgeori of the Board of Baroliment for, the District to 'which he resides, that he is unfit for ac tire held duty, on account id wounds or disease, and is pot liablertO,draft, but is fit . for garrison duty. That he furnish evidence ofbonorablediscbargepn 'account of wounds or disability-, contracted in the line of duty. 3. That he produce recommendations from the Begi. :Mental. Brigade, and Dbiision CaltunafiderS, under whom • he formerly seryed, that be i. worthy of being thus -pro- vided for, and capable ofreturning Adequate service to the GovernMent Incase it shall be impracticable to get this last ei;idenco; he may having established - Lbo :first , two pointanbove,oatlsfy the Board of Enrollment that he deserving, and 'ptesent ite• dartiflimte"or the Tut, This evidence must be ,obtalned by the applicarand Must dastiansmitted • With his application -for appoint-, men t. , , If there be no Acting Assisinut ProvoSt Marshal General 'for tlie State, the app Motion may be forwarded through' 'the Adjutant General of toe State, who is desired to en. dersothereen such faitS ih tli<i military history of thte astpticaut as he may know, or as are eilb - rded by hie re .tords, and forward She same to the Provost, Marshal General of the United antes. Enlisted men hone . ably - dtichargedoit acconnt.ef'diszsbuity,i desiringln, re-enlist in this Corps, will present themselves to' the, Baud of -Enrollment for the diiitiictin they reside, forfes, amination by the Surgeon thereof,. who shall exardifie thern'afid report the result- to the Boaid of Enrollment; The Board shall then consider each case, and if the plicant Isfeundto fulfill the conditioini specified below. the Board shall give hint it certificAte to that effect, viz :' ' That he is unfit for Aervide in the field.= - 2. ahat,he is fit for, garrison duty. 'f.t. 'That he is meritorious Phd deserving. ' 4. „ That be was honorably discharged trom the service. The Prevost Mat-Shut fortiae District shall then -send the application with this certificate of the board, to the Acting ssistant Ptovost narshal Gatlin-Al of 'the igath, who, shall procure such evidence of service and character as thO rocorns Of the company tit Which lit 'belonged. on file at the befulguat tars of the statty, may show. and if tiatisfleil that it is a nieriterloirs aaseraful that the'man is desdrsing, he will enlist him in accordance, with; such spechirrules us the Provost Thirshal Gerieftl tray tidal": - r Hedicallnspechirs, Surgeons in _charge of hOspitals, Commanderfb.an . l all °Oafs ;having. autherity to,disetiarge, Under existing laws Ana Xeghlationi, 'are forhltid6n tagrantAbichaigea, to, any men, under their control who may be fit for service fri the iniaild corps. ' Tno„;pegrostliar.sbalewee_rttlisoliargad with-the exc., cation . of this order, and tbe.troOpsorgararOrd'Under the control of his Bateau: ,f • - By order of the Sem'etaryof Wer. .0; D:-To*nieird, Mfini2;E • ..Eusidquafters,...pro,rost Mar ihat, , Dittriet; Pettn.swinania, - •,s; , , • • . • - • -; Chambereteirg;• - J adv. 25.1.03. ' • rro. A.NW:ER e NUMERQtrS" IN- A. huiriei addieese ' et , litit'dfftee, tit& followinf published,lteltig• !gotten' f Ctro nter22, Issued from the eurenii of the Provost 141MA:it Genera); 'Juni 12`,18t3 lief atsfilaateA;rt,kttotttl• at Nitta. gtl , persona drafted Into the : service - of - the thittedStates'arti recielred to keporti under Woolll'ol the ikAct. for !enrolling - end rallingont the ,National foreie " 13411 be the Headgear:- tera of the'Prevost Maria:tee Vb. t wfitchttlity shall have beee'drawndia the draft; OEO:EYS,TER, jbly 2NSt.S - 'l , Calittlinniel Provost 4aphost, • V_OTICEr-OF 7PARTNERSHIP.--"- NotiCs feherebygireli 'tlint the and &reigned hen this day entered Into partnership,,in , rho. oo aub-Makiug business, in all fie various brandies', tinder the Annie of , rotifer Ba , mid lirtnlrlll , do .businessat, the stand lately - P.:. 'Henry k Co.; and' would respeetfolly_rdlelt Onthinirteest4he public patronage. ;,P. HENRYOFITYFER, 11 4 5v,..e s • E' MaZ t i - I ATEN WANTED FOR ,„tityAt.T6q.y. - .)tips. - ratiga soldiers .who..from • wounds !Oi. the • hrirdsitiO of War. are tio longer fritirictiVetield att.+ 'be F ee:eh - nit in this CovpS negnnor.; 1 Enlistments ;will, be, 'fOr three years unless goober diSeliarged." -- Pity - eel ail) lewances'same, , as ofricers -AM% men ,ot Malted', statesintintry; except thim no prinilunts be'unty for, enlistment:lloJ be,nllewed:e Thirs not.inrAlliiste mhy petiole - 1M ori - bountmi which Mriy be 'due forqirevions services. - The following uniform has been adopted for 'officers' and meu of thelnvalhl Citrus , -FOR iI,FFICEE,S.-4rociccont,-Of.y.triqo cloth. with, Anrk-I,lue velvet collar -arid cuffs; in'all s ,..seetqinitto the present pattern for (Acorn of infantry: onliler-itrups--itcnerilltigtoprestntreguhttions, but; ,wOW - e4 . on dark•bluo:yelYetf Pantitloons—Of 8)441111e' Oloth, with iloublo s,tripO of do.tio.bliio cloth • dowithil outbr BOOM,' each -Stripe half tnetwitiojwith,opico betweeztot throe-eizlits of no •" • orage cap-•;Present regulation. FOB bII.IK-4 - acketl-OP withtlark.hlito trimmihrs.fent Brie • the matirdryPteliels to come ikell down on the abdrinieri. - • sTroters-,Frettent ;rev:dation, skyhltitsi - s ' ' Forgo cap - Present regulation. ._ ' Med , Whltard still In ilettiCT - lindAitiiibie to perfornai effective held duty, may be tran,ferred to this corps. Medical Inspectors, SargeOnS In charge .4111teMitstia.: 'Military Comtnandere, and all others having authority to discharge, under existing laws and regutatidnif;arsi _ ;forbidden to grant discharges to any- men under their control who maybe fit fit - reef - ilea ib the,ltivalid 'Carps. - For the'convenience of service, th emen will he Selecti d ot three-grades of duty. ,- Those ,whe atemost efficient -, and able bodied, and capable, of performing guard duty etc., etc.,' ail be armdd•atith muskets; and Assigned to 'companies of the- Firstl33attailon. 'Thotte of the next degree of refilcienty, - iritinding,--those who have lost a hand Gran artir and the least effective, including thoSe who have lost a ' foot or leg, to the companies °Pita; Be cohd or. Third ;Bottalls'ems; • they atilt he armed, with words, ,The cluties , will l,n chiefly,fo, act as-mttyiost guards and - girilsons for cities; guards for hoipitalsand other public buildings t-and as;eleflo,t' orderlita . ,,etot s• If fsitsed peepsj sat,' t h ey may be assiglfesd to forts. etc. -ActingtAssistantl'rovost Mortihttla Gdneral -wean/hop rixed to appoint officers of the Regular Service, or ,of the itivalid - CorpN;.to - administer the oath! sif serrlistineut ts.' those men who have coMpletely fnifilled, the prescribed condi tiints - o fadniiiSiori tlie Invalid CorpS, vii:" 1. That the applicant ill unfit for service in the field. • '22 That be ;Alt for' the dntieit;ur some of them, indi;- - =fed oboVe., ; • -•- - - • 3. That, If not now' service, lie'-was honorably discharged. • 2, That ho IS meritorious and deserting. For- enlistment or. farther, information . iinply ,trilfhe Board of Enrolment for tbe,district in which the appli cant is a resident., it . - . The counties of Adams. Franklin, Fulton,. Bedford, nini<gotrisiset.:minstitute the -Sixteenth t'ongr&sicinal' District, the Headquarters of the Board of Enrolment awl:Provost Marshal for:. the genie. Voirig• at Chtimberii burg. • GF.Ol2(lk: IcYSTE.D, • Ceptiiin and Fri - most Mardisl;f* Julyl6-61. • _ - „ . Ifith Dlstfict Penn'a. ' ' Grocerito. N OTICE I ' TO MIL • t ,PEOPLE OF VRA:N*LIX' tOlt.VtY, :CHAPErszund, PA., , fins just returuod from tlieLEEtAt = And opened the; follow ing list of FRESII • Alkabfl 4 NOISE, which , he inSioses to tell 711,0LESALII ARP RETAIL, CHEAPER , THAN—TfIE CHEPEST 100 Barrels Brown Sugar. - - • - • - 40 " "' • ' 60: " lyrufisand Molassci, ' - • - 3000 The. choice MUM. • - • 5000 " SWes,And Shoulders. •• -••••- ' ' • • • ' ;100 ,•, 60 Bags,Ashton Fine Salt; • 1000 SiOks Table 7 or Dairy Salt • ; - 60 Boxes Prime Cheese; ' ' • ; :•:- :• : ; grOss EssenteCoOki•• •• r ; ZL , - - 1.500 fbs. Excelsior Coffee. • :"• " "," • '• 50 bole. 140.1, 2 and 3, lilatkeiel..-;• • • • 100 Nies Scotch Ereirlng.::': - doz, Twine; and Bed Cords. •,• ' a , • 100 Dozens Corn Brooms ; • • t' • ' bozens AssUrtii , l lirifghes; - ; .• • -2 - F-• • ' 50,000 Segirs at Mannfacturiii-i' Prices; - i - :• • ' lirkegs of Nails. v. .- 5Q dozen Ctirry.Combs and Horse - Cards: - 100 gross ,latches al factory Pricer; _• • . - . 200 dor. IlaSon"s z-hoe Slacjtiri6,at factory prices; ~ 500 doz. packed Smoking Tebreo. - • - .; 25 roe Stove "Pollish. .• •• , - 25 g,ross Indigo in_boxes.- •. - • • .100 lbe.lralig.o in lump., •• , , /00 doe. Pint and , half pint Flasks at, Factory 10icei. , .Wine Battles., • • -• ;" • 100;" Fancy:Stops. -; ; 2; •-_ . WATER, ~ ,L f SUGAR, - ' -, , SODA- and FANCY - • _ • ; !, by the 'barrel; Gatt &aim" aßicitmu'aiA iif wholesale price ; elm:4; `• ' TIOUSEN.EtPING !- 4 1 1.1VMLA8,, i.,; B ,T{)-;,C, 81 V - - 4 4r, • !!:•;t;, , , , . . . is gTrat ' - TOBSCCCi 01 4 ' froin 51ba. to olbOx,st pity. iiriCm; A r vitir.bun. &ode of astitlefs nottnned, of which 11111 be' politely shown - to 4nston , ,terp,n,nti if not , After examina ars STOCK IS,MN Lei-22Q.EST IN TEE 20167 , .¢ND WE PRI,C#S - THE- LOWEST. bc trill mit expeet to make , I 'am determined to sell goods very cheap and thereby slllitlienic - tte of them: • The specialtitterition pf itts4liants ittiAted. to tltia stock of mg:lTh tif,liza, as I caaat Riii salt - g ()Otis as T a w as atty'honseirt the elty. On all articles 3 can ocir F - 1(1,,on, patty, articles, better, than a single barrel, box, packaga or dozen couldbe bought for t in pleCity. , jut y - ~.WILLIAM-attrWrOkil 3/total:unto.- ; • RA aT IN - XCALL : _itESTAtik , BROYON:ProMiatni.''hlii ntAtn EmAng dalootl isfittatup hi elegant atyyle~ and the,undersigned fs rirgpared to serve up OVE4 :THIIB. Y 1911; `. $13.005.'/FRIPB, CHICIaNSi-TDATI4B l and hAu SOUPond Game of all kinds., r - • VASDADAI36II'ff AND LUDWIVPS &LB; constantly on band, -- HO'resPectrally -itSks Continiviriao orthellitritanagO so liberally bestowed by,bis friends anctth e ' • June 17, ' '• • • • , warrxN, DIitOWNI MMO QIL. ; vhafAmiErMicki: :Atm& and retail 9.400.54 , on Aie play:psftd).Chate burg, Pa, has Gaon appointed Agent fir 17railelin tOurity or one of the bestICEROSENZOILMO3IPANI,ES in The State, and will sell OIL, WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL an low any Thinse,fa Plttetairt or ,Pbiladelpl4:r4ok to your interest and buy your 011, where you gefit th 4 Cheapeat,'and'wlierelo tdwayo.warrantod - to• be the 'very lrot quality: [July 29,'P•tf. 711 ECHANICa whao iieiiir9 . * - o — ex — ;- .. . _. - - tend their biaiiiiktir arida . AD . Piititir , lii=tbo ItAlVipa4 AZIVITOPX. - , , , -•-, - • ,; fAititg.. -11,4j$cmi; , . -7 ' who hiive lest money by the E E S and to' aii others 'desire to MAKE - 4_,139: : V8 ~ WILLIAM LWICKS, ' TV - holeale and llettui DEAL-Ell ,„_„! ..„. „' r, t ,„_,,,,,.„...3,, WITIIO • . Ott iiiiei.46 - 'o,i4iiiimiiiiiip"pih•foiVei•s* eit;iV : mt. 'ei Pretiileht. to ,=uoh the existinga t ,"#oq ic u Y r*ll' lion ' isOn nly thimble' Judgment, the Lest test of loYaf; ty,litiqluiretytnati:askJtig.latorafeumtthe',pnldiostisql4 , :i lin required to express his Tien's. so that ilniyieeide may_ 1 net %I develv_eli .i : -I bellexe atlffM:te imnittilAtb3 wholpsc of themselves for_the auppo/ attic, Union t Cov . en t 1 -Vali itfo atlojill dal-tun; 1)10,1 fe-itilAteba_trinantrtal ;54 :that to nil. things I sustain the I:dininistratio 1. OrilhUrplatftalniiif undonditichialldialth I; a gillii .7ifiraPi it ; my self as a candidate,"fer the elite of gLEIi.R. r Tti.E, CQUICTS—"-flubjeCt tolli#idocisibil".6f 'We , ttini . acAiiii' Conyeption„ If nominated and tlecte.l4,roei / Ifx,P4. do' 114 "duty i.. 'if Eibuie - Othei iCaiididat i iii ' ' li N4'o4 'j bp.wAver ~ Ahall have, my Fat,iiiest .T',. tylin auk- Dry- mostearnbst ell - Sall fdt bis election. u'. -L' ' • --`-' . I N Setter' known ' tli'i . h . e l WiTgTlifi l Troi r s;' , -Grolnerveleif - Nay ?.!1T3:40 _ fIOUNTY N J , Citiie4:-TPacottraged bya nnmi?er of Frietids, I uttvimysfilf to yotiveinitideratiOn fdi'tfie office. ofeOunty T..eastirer, stqoct tothe detielotipt the ' - - „ St.Tllotopi t 3.1p3737 / ; „lamyys,G,.,RLD4ftr , P: Di is n d isatjed to a „Cestain erteitt,'” ins friends wM not expeotMe t4e;allitcreee thenCO:eviOnk, to, the Nomination. .01 libTliolWialiY.L-Fellow kalf6i* neirtyvidliberat,support own former oecnspu?•.sother ',ffico oftrotluinbtary saki' County; mealit) (4 itlyee f r tS a candidate fur s thp nomination at the ; =At Ineeting`uf thoThileit - County Convention. pledginA•ply eeV, 4nottinnted and elftteditolAil.tbrofAcewithll4eh, ity.par& 18,'63-te:] -14.."STUNUN "I'AY Lou. - .4tC4 13," Eit . .L-Vcriry'Sirrotkier, 4 firAatrini" TAiniuitifp;Ligi catliAato.for Iteg4ter ryrul Recorder for.Fraultlin to tfie neXaliion Nointiuttitig Convelitiofili audinost 1,-,et*ct(tqly solltys tip/ support offa,), , 'Mkt? • —• • - , 6,'Mtc..-lE(' T*II,OTHONOTARY:-'-iai thO golii t» X- tatiott,ofaenurobet otinl.fritricts; I O'er royveMloi a. candidate for the office of Prutltonotary, Subject, to We troloa NOrnifiating: CoitrealiOn .1, s: , ,Clitanib'g, May 27,'63. _ T 1 AMID L. CO - :at' , :tor itEGiSZER Coon fyi subjc6t to the dickdop 9f the Xitioil izrakinatio . s tionvefition of saltl County Ileicer,sburg., nil 6, :` 7 PI 'EGIST-ER itINTD-RECORDEM4 t A c,/iaro Lego, of Green township , wall lie a. - L'atiatdate fbrlNgist -r and itecot.lei of Vianklirt vOttir;* ty, subject } to the depision,9f,-tbe.tcniork.,.tiomiaat4T cativentiotll' —" 2 - May 6,Y6340.' JLERK OF THE COURTS.WiIii ..a.BROTnEteTON, will be it c.tuidt(iat forabsk or the Courts, enhject to' the ttotol9pon of the Union- GoffOty t'ooreratatt. ):•-• •'1 t - Waynesboro'aune 17, 'B3.te.. • titEßlt OFIiF; IL/ undersigned - will liiiii:6:ndidzile'bdcife rutting Convention of theVnion party-of tbilConnty, for the 'Offiiictiif Clerk kif the Coiata: ' , - - Nay , ;W,„ q. 75,1 cgfELp, TIOR.CLERK:OF TH We COURTS. of Green To a.ship, will s he 11, cim U. Ora fur the Tiommtiti , ,n ropeler4 of tho COntiai atatM tothe Union Nominating Convention of Franklin Conn: ty. ' • , 5. • , 29,'fAte, (10:UNTY!.TREASUREE.A. , -1.1--CriszatiZ will bna ectutlidate.fq ICollnty Vremuter &tiled td , the Iliaion Tgamitiating Convention of Fraiik: lin eqnuty: , , Grev e - t9wmnbip, 101.130334 c 1014R0T11010TAAY.- 7 - Tr; b'6'welt 1 1 1,44 n candidate Co. Prothonotary,- thollt onagotnirating Convention -.of Yraprkun. County,. April 8 '63. teijttto.l'ettpti*oxectf; TAAVID - M EIKEA= 17NDERTA.; _up Elm, BEcoyD„srimez BETlywEiv . 2174. R. AN El QUEEN, - CE. A MBE ll' SWIM' P.A.; at= touila to Pni. ,bulincss in all its varinnsi latnaches.,Par• Muter, atie;ntion . paid to toying IT.avin4 thentiventego of %large ,cnstoni t and of,bwkirig stocktiffs 'Clap ale 4, lie can fprnielr dottlx . ,§ Eihait'VE§OßT.Vriolt; at-ioter rates than' any other estallishirient itt town .or county. I He does not as a Chair, Makers:rer his cervices but as aia• Catr'ertcikiti dffifteen years' eipiriehce in the businets. Persons requiring the seryiees of an 'Under, falter families or' friends, would find it niateill ally to their advantage to give him weal]. 31 a hilitso prepared, to preserve bodies duritiktheshni mermorrths, any length of time, Iravgag lattrpineed„the, ertclusiverig,b t to use - - 'f aeni; . he la thereby, etiabled U. ftitzleh a "StictCihrtft arMs at an exceedingly low rate. And _also having ,a neycend elegant ILEARS.E; he r is -pielmred inrnieb apy : partef the county desired. 4:gant for FiSIL'iS PATENT JLET,ALZIC SiIEIdL CASES Oiderldurifig his hbiined of at night ahiuid helot. at his re4idenee,. Market ,Street,, opposite Miner!, ' - - - ' ' " Pune 11; . I'M" • P,W.cABiNETAVAitE :The undersigned ieslicc(fuls `~iiinnnncea to tie ptiz.nir of Chambmbrag andlicinitAr,thnt ‘ be htul taket the 'acme immediately'adjoiliing the cake of lir: 3u`c 4 .• !igrott, on 'Main ritreetiu)}ere ,1?.o ytniapt,ifuct,ve evdryraticription of C:kßll4kT-liTAtiE' - Such as Sofas, 'Parlor Tables, Cotanioii litirhanp. Warsh ohm Breakfast do. 1 Dressing do. pfuy style, - Dining! Safe d, Sinktti Lounges, Book Cases, Wash Stands, RocklarChairs, . Bedsteads, &c:: Fine Par. do. ,_ Clothes llorse, - now roiiittrticted lip -him is 'iiairitt44d,rr dirt this .llneet, fora down to t ; b. most common vcct,r47 COFFINS; • • - - 'PertiCuifer attentionwilt be given to the Maiiing of I j o f6tt?'9t ithYd - e*lt'd str qttelutb, WriltiUt Wk. Remember, when you buy your Fuynitttre from -1).$011.1).W. PRO;SITAN you tcregottitg the .latest - 1410 Mid the beer of work • 0 ,3111101 i; ISM"; -.t GItO'SSAAN'; lOH AIR ANIY CABINET - ' MAINIII2. 11,,11 ,FACTORY.—The.subseriber infotins ithe_ priblic" that he ct•ntianes the nutunf t ietnre alba venous articles; .in bls brie,'-ot hiss fictery upcat 'Neat - Allem Street, ailitur doors frbin gain: Ile has always on hand or is prepared k iti - xnantifastUre two tits shtirteat netie,taile' Botteta • and' Windsor Chairs, with Plain and Curtain Bedsteads.' Pier'.nndCArd Tables, BurianafiVailf Stirititi` Cases. • TURNING; la all its varieties, atitindedto k tilth ness and despatch. H9LISF. I'AINTINct, branebea. ekrl , uted eornpetent handl.' • • ' • • • r , ...tIANctI..NO,-Particular attentiort will.. be, :given' to this departitenf and satisfaetien in ecery_tb stance guaraneeed. ••• . , c . „ employeditiffieienetturtibeir , Oecomiretint hands,,thpundersignertfepls assured of Tieing ensbled to tlllalliirdersin• i•orkmhillike manner, and respeifully • selfrits thesame. ‘174,41A,,T4wr, , , "June 17,1863. "" dtrAilt4YEs"clßrist - P,T. "t9v- - 4414.iittio-ifs'i==.4.oetizt 46E6pjati; ces,o , to Ahr,,orp.) VANTRAMI, Itra OF CUAIRA and r IABINET-WiatE;Main'stroat, three doors Soutb, of Huber ,ficTolborEnlivdslyotnt.t4ligal3?-pOnigr.t, _ FIIENITURErOI'.-Al k li KINDS, i Alivayn on hap,d or made. tie: order. „Venitinn Blind norinfar.t4refratinently find - chnikikideltY'rsink: HOUSEOnti SIGN PAINTING and PAPERRANGING doitift nentiv apediticiusly and: 'oheip, , in Tavd , bi Country., Yrir = -Rtiaairing:ofairkinds, ffi" tbe4r , ItnA - otbuitila4 promptly atton,dod to, at !noderytto Wipes , . 4nne ' ; ; - " PAOtTlistO4..4ND ,BEDDING: R j i 'o minoNeattom.262.o second streq, tojBo7 ctriEStStri Street, ittiove' 'Eighth, wbeid they . , have opened a wal eV octet) stack9r. .CARNETS, OIL CLOTAS.,4ND ;MAX . = ),:! I iirINGS ; - B edaing titialAlaterfises Of Eve* Derlitiks'il, _ ' ..4 113 t1t 3 rAPN. NWPZ:TO, tacTONe.' • PEA TIZER 4 OF VASIO V'S'-Q,MAIIIIZE4 .swAYS ON 11426). - Th'e•ziantifactufwanCitaii - )of i l ia. be ponqpnec! at 26!::P-.Socono *vet—, • _ „ itnA HATITIMY- KNltOrti .. , „Jun~lr,'633th 25CENTS will paylforthe:REPO.l SITORN three months to be, Bent to a Soldier 'Ai „ the serrici I ' 7 7 ; - i ' .• " Si 00 will pay for the REPOSI ,f TORI' cteyear to besenttb Miliet in pte Eervice. Mil „, ':,,,8911” : NOT , -ALCOIIOtIC.• - _ s.A.-RICHILY, CONCENTRATED, YEHET.I- • - BLVEXTII4OI'; P -T br.,,AQUA`LAINtig - Glitm A N ; • • •- • -•,T •• • "="-- '1:41 J 4.,-- Prefrtircd bV - ' • ackson, Philadelphia, Pa., — "2"'=, ilk effectually euvo IVE Cr9ltt A,TINT DA'S PE 1 ; 014 JiluisrpicS., CHRONIC OR NERVOIJ.IS , -4 i 4,--:- 'DEBILITY, Diseases of the Kidneyerifful - 'All diseases - arising' . • stinfoattorfted Livbrortputsett.„.. Buell. :as --Constipation, „Inward Piles, Frailness - or 4cidity of the Stomach, 14 sea- - -ffatitist6ll,- - 'Dinnst - ' for Food, .Fullnft o Veight,lrktifty§tomaeb.'Sour ErnotationNSinkligr or Efutterpgorthe 'Stomach. Swimtnifig.-:, of the-lioad,Riitrfeil - and Brdatbing, - 110-' terintihrthellbutti , Clibklyg '6r Suffocating Seitsdi" - tions,whevin &lying: posture.. Dimness of 'Vice, DOtgAi. et/S - bofark the Sight IDuU in, - the - Head,Deticieney ofPevpiitttin.Yellowness 'ortheSkin - and Eyes. Pain in the side: Back, Cheff4. ,l Limbs 41to w liroldiln Ylushes of Heat, Burni ireefitt- Plesh..oonoant.ltpaginirfxs of Evil,- _and great, ..q pression of Splnts. tAbd" - Will'ibitzvely'preinnt Yellowllter; IldiePer7 - They'eontain ho- ALCOHOL • 1 .)11. B-Au WRISKRY L Zhey will cure the above disea.4eaiska ninety-sane cases, oat of a hundred. .„ Induced by the extensive sale and universal pop uleri,y7of Ilootland's Eitters,(purely/veo table), liiiits - efignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventtirm hoyeneniti wisp suffering hurnanitl4 the flood-gates oilmstrums, in the shave of poor viteirceragotinded injurious drut*, and christened Tonics, Stinnachics and Bitters. Beware of the' iffnumeMble, - arras - of A/call/44 preparations klothorio bottles and big-,bellied kes,ltinde - ttbe Modest almellation bfEtitters,Whieli instcad,of darhig, only aggravate disease, and leae, the diimipoiiituilbrerin desrair . • - - ; , HOOPLAPTIYIS: GEII2I ANI 8.1.1111385 rt Are hot ri irevr and hntried article, but , havoiltopilt Ilie ‘ teet offißeen Years' trial by the. American;pul¢- lip z andfinirftututiereuud sale are not rbralltit by any similar preparation.-, • ' The grehrietoraihare:thbusands 'Letters:llol4'x the most • eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, THYSICIANIT'AND CITIZEN'S. testifying of .own personal knoyrledge to the beneficial effects a$ Medical Virfuertit these Bitters, - Do gotilgarosorgetiting,to strengt4eri . goo Do-yori ikthit l idoti unietite? • - - • )P you, to Intittt. up your Cl292B4eution o yoie tYcrii to Air i6eld Y • ;r O 4 Zw.tclo,ant to ge t rid of 2Vervoutmeae I Do ijoletearit tnelltv t , Do yOzt weant,to elocptpell 7 . Do you rata a - ' •:. , WO ELO,OFLA:MYS 6-EII.3I:AN BITTERS i! •=0_•,.1. OEM from Rev.. J. Newton Brown, 2 1 .7)., Editor ,of ti* • ; r'-'ErwycZopediii = Although nor ; disposed.t o friyor or recommend Ila tetitMedfciniSiii gerieral,-through distrust of that% ingredients and Aftpc4 ; I yet know of no sufficient, reasons whist:cat tatty n t testify to thebenefifiltlis 'believe§ ,himself to,ha,vo- eeeived from any simple_ Otoaratildijui theliopd 't at he may thus corithlw ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to 2looffatidia Gernuai Bitters; tite - pared' C. M. Jackson. of thigeltyi, because I waslayeautllcedn.,• , ainst theixtpu,i many years, under;thii impression_ that they - Were, chiefly an alcoholie mixture. I run indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemalter,,Tiq., for the removal, of this' Prejudice .by proper_ tests.:-and for encourage ment to try them. when suffering from great and liiiiienntinued•lobiliti.;' no use of three bottleiht these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year" ) . was followed bf 'cindent relief. and restoration) tO e. degree of ,bQdilyaol mental vigor which _I had not, felefor sa. molitbgliefore,•and had almost clespaiiiid• of regaining. I therefore,thank God and my friend s for directingtillAo the'uic or them. • - • ' • . • • J. NEWTON BROWN. - .;9 04' lIM ; -PARTICULAR NOTICE. - ' Thi•e• are inalliipi•epaArtiong" sold undo. the nails' of Aitter:B,pW.up In,•Gruart bottles, compounded 12f tht cheapest whiakey ConimOn rum, costinff front 4Q cents,per pidtrin,ll4 Ettste,tlis,ouleed by Alma orllot. • riandir seedi• ' • • : This else, of:BIlleri chaa caused. and wild COUtintl4 to &via, as lon6' "ctalltey earrbe add, hundreds ta die th deqtkof:Gte oirtOkar e l. ti k their use the sirs_te,R _ keptis"v cOnlinualtv Under 'the a euenee Alcoholic Stimulants-of theyorst ivind,' the desire for Liquor itt createdand dept ap:aud the roma' is all horrors attemintattPanteictsVgwerd's tifeand death. - For those who desart and :WILL HAVE a Liquor Bitten, we pithtbk - the'/Oltowitta receipt. Get ONE BOTTLE HOOFLA ND'S GERMAN BITTERS and mieteit7i. THRBEQ UARTS OF GOOD 8R44r4 DY OR WHISKEY, and the result willbe a prepa- , Zinc -Will frir ea‘e - e7 in vietlie'inal' virtue4lo4 trues.reettence,ann of. the nurnerout Livor Bitter* in thWinakvt,Jand.wiltt.ost much less You Ida hat 4 . all•th_l7frtumcef-tTOPEZAXD'S BITTERS in eon s nectiOn-with tE god& Sn hcle of Ltgitoi.,; at a 0 - ma/eh przc,e . than thelainteriorxrregraratto' na wit/ cost vou„ • - . - ATT:ENTION. SOLDIERS : AiNii"rittAtitisrlYs - *Ol , sinattito We mantic imentitai of all haring.relatibibfUr tricnds, in the army to the fact, that 'lloofttind's • Gerinenßitteism willbure nine-tenths of-the ales aes,induced by esposnres and.privations incidentl to crimp life : ptiblit tied almost daily* the newspapers,. AC-arrival et the sick,. it WI/11N found - that a -rely) Tate trOportion arc interim; from debility.- -Every case,of that kind min be rear any eintedliy Hoodtind's &mak Bitters; eases rapalting : froutdisViders Of the digcstivonrgansl , aro speedily remoted." We hive i hesitation n :Ste ting,that,lf thesecßittenewere freely used among oar soldiers, hundreds of lives might hemmed that WillotherwiseliCittt;E: • - tit.: 3 We tall particular attention to, the followingre markabluandweltituthbritiotited cure of one ofAlah nation's, hero's, whose life, to use his own language. ,1(0 been, sa.tabk.llM:Bitteise! 1,3 • rEILADSLPOIA. August, 23, ZiEfidas.,-Well, gentlemen;"Yoar ,Ilopfland's Gefteangitters hat. saved my life, There is n o iiiietakentethiat It is vonehed'forhy nunitiers of my, comrades, some. of whose names are tippet* ed; and:who'Weie - Rillfeognitant of alttlie vitiated stanesmycease,..4 am„and bare been far the last Toni 'Yeltit,:nanettito er of Shettatufs celebrated -Bat tery, and. under, thejmnestilate command °fleas: ThrUgh the ekposure attendaht up gamy- ardacomidiatiesa Was attacked in NovErdbfr last with iiitlatunation of the twngs. and was for 72 dayi.ln i thelutsnktelv Tis, was t ol ldw © d bV , graitt debility, heightened , by ' an attack of dysentery. I -was the,n,vezecistedrfrem -the White House, and lent tothiS city orilioardthe steamer " - State of Maine, .frorrovldch,l lauded oil the 84th of June., , ,Eintie that time 'nave been about as low as any One could :be; and, still rejainkapark Of vitality . ; Lror *week or.moral. wasscarcely _ able to swallow anything. 'mid if 1.; did torcelricusel.down. it was immediate ly thrown up again. , reduld.tintaviamktiep ft'glaia of wateris I ate- - mach. Life could no:fleet tinder these`circurestan ,ens;and„,itecinilinglYi the Olivia:U.ll%39hp badtenii ',working faithfull y ,. though untinceessfidly. Co rescue ine-from thigratiii Ofthe dread Archer, frankir told -me theYeould do no more for me, and advisedute" tie a, clbr%Htli, had to Snake anon diSpotritittn-Of my-limited ' as,best -suited me. An acquaint !Mice tehott-isited ute at the hospital, Mr: Frederick ,Steintiron.ofßMli below. Arch Btrect. advised rue. asaferloiti. hope; to-try •your Bitters, end kilter ppticnredpa bottle , „ From thetime I couimentiedia kingthebsthelloomy shadowordeathreeeded:iind • I anitMwthank God for it.getlleg better. -Tboutti ' have_talten - bur two bottles " . L - have' gained ten .0. 1 / 11(18, 011 ftreuttie beh2g, rimiUnd, sreibiir fe" daughter'. froni w - om 'bare lagard•upgttEk fax sfighleee menttisi.fot, gentleman I aia a l o y al Virginian. from the vicinity of Brent i &Tai l otTo your litte,inableßitters Lowe the vet taint); of Whichlas tikes the place of vague _reqrs-Itto;•yenralittem wilt I owe the privilegezof again - clo.spnig to my bosom those who. are dearest tottioin W 3 • '-rf.ti• - 1 : Vers , trali nets, ISAAC MALONE.' Welillty."ciatettf tit:the frith of the above staff ment, as we 'had despaired of sixths; our comrade, Malonatestoted:teliesith. - ' JOHN OIIDDLEBACK.. Ist, New' York Batteie '4EO. KACKI;BY,Oo. llth• Maine. - ) • :LENVIS'CREVALLEIt, - 92d New York. L: E. SPENCER.Iat Art.; Batt. F. J. B. FABEW ELL; Co. B. 3d Yutnent., HENRY B. JEROMIt Co. B, - HENRY. T. McDQNA Co. O. 6th Maine , E.6th Maine, HERMAN - 110011 A Co. IL 7 2 l N. Y. NAT„-BAHOMAio„ Co. F,9sth Pa,' • A.-J. KIMBALL, Co. A„ StlYermont. z. - JOIISII4tENKINB; Co„ B;-106th Pa; BEAVAIft;OF See:t'hattbo" -" 4ACICSObtpra lg on AFIBR ofiaohldre, -:'sho ne ibninn neares t'dnittv,_ not e n d a vbez theiii ece „ - . t , v44togm r lttglt !tvtntA.ftgiy , Ag„l k n P#INCIPALQITICE ND w ANITACTORT „ . , afikleftereltar.,. AWES Maickaritth CO; "`•`• I - 4. • • • Paorsur. lkit -14 ALVAtilhirWsia'&44.,Dealitra Woven! rt 9 wzarklytlelailt+4 - 4 1 ker Urfa BIEVE El 7 MN BM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers