Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, July 11, 1848, Image 5

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u- I‘ V
”I 3 Q;
:9 's
2, Hum/R. Ku'on'ix'a.' «14. John Woulnfnn,
1; lunnc Shunk. '- 15. Ruben}. Fisher,
1. A. L. Rnumlorl, 16. Frederick Smilh,
. 5. Jucob S. Your, 17. John (Tn‘swcll,
6. Rohc‘n E. Wright. 18. Charles A. Black.
.7. Wm \V. DOWIHHg.’ 19. Georg" W. Bmvmnn,
8. Henry Hn‘ld'emnn. 20. John R. Shannon. "
9. Polar Kline, ‘2l. Gonrgo I" Humlllon.
10. B. S Sclnouhnvcr,‘ 22. Willmm 11. Davis. ‘
. 11. Wm. Swollnnd. ‘23. Timothy Ives. ,
.12 Jonah Brewster. 24. Jnmc-s G. Gnm‘pboil.
. ?
sa} :1 '
Israel l’mn ter, of chslmarclaml.
' Democratic Mass Meeting
A Democratic Muss Meeting will be
held at Curwcnsville on Saturday the 29-h
inst., at ‘1 u‘clmk l’.. M.. at “hicli time a
delegate to thc Democratic State Conven
tipn'to nominate a candidntc'lor Gover
nor, in” be appointed.
By order of the ,
Standing Committee,
0 WM. J. lIEMPIIILL. Scc’y.
This and event. which had been daily
anticipated for weeks, and which has taken
from the people of Pcnnsylania their good
Governor, and from tho Democratic party
one of its purest Slntcsmen, took place at
Hurriuburg out/I hurrday evening last, 20th
inat.. at 7 o’clock, surrounded by his afilic ‘
ted family and relatives, the heads of de j
‘pnttments, 'his playabians. and one or two
friends. '
5 ho
s 06
His last_ moments were calm‘and free
from pain. The last words he flpOkO were
addressed lo his \i'eoping wife :—“Don’i
(let, him, I am anxious for lhe end.
_.. v 0
n to
n n.
. der
» om
In compliance wnh his quucsl. his ro‘
mains were conveyed to the 'l‘rappe. his
place of nalivily; in Monlgomcry county;
where they Were consigned lo the tomb mi
Sunduylael. "
31:1“\V0 have been engaged for the [as
week and more in printing a couple 0'!
pamphlels', and not having lhem finished
yet, we are again unable Io issue mote
lhan half a sh’det.
h ull
f thv
The subject of nominating a successor to
our late pure and patriotic Governor From
uta 11. SHUNK, is now the leading topic in
ihe political circles of this State.“ For our
own part, no line a decided personal pref
erencc, which our feelings would constrain
us to urge with great zvnl; but in view of
tho importance of a united elTort at the
polls, at both the October and November
ulcclioné. we hope to see the contest for
the nomination characterized by great pru
dence and moderation, in~onler that when
tlto-dscioion of the convention is announ ;
“we, may all extend to the nominee 3;
zealous and united soppor't. We know
tltat in thebc views no concur with the
distinguishodgcntlcmau uhoac nomination?
we are anxious to promote. fl
A mong 'th many able and disliuguished
gon'lllem'en named m conneélion with the
nominalion,"lhe following seem lg b 6 the
most promincnil:—Co|. BIOLBR, of Clear
field. (330. M. KmM and JOHN Rn‘nm.
of Berks; N. B. Ewan), 'of Dauplxin;'
Mo'nma LONOSTRETH. ofMomgomery. in
present ’ll member .of the board 'of Cami)
Commiogioncrs; Anson; PLpnr'E'yx. of Va ’
mango, and J. S. BLACK; of Somalia—all
good men and Hue. Bul‘wo have a dad;
dedprcleirence (or our qwn‘flislinguishcd‘
mum citizen, COL-Bigggu, and il'is with
h’égi‘rl'rgélt' plqajsp'go' ‘wc‘ nfuic‘o‘;jihgqugnfimup
.mnnifeajmiom of public cénfidnnco'ili. his
n‘bjlicyjhivsfpuility',‘ add his'sound D‘empc
ni‘gy‘. ;uhggg‘ar‘é'j hwqb'ntéd _hlmbatgquj‘xy m
evet‘y'j ebctioh“o! the State; -Wo baliavé,
tqb‘e'j‘ha3ColL _mcnqnjs pgc‘ulimlyyii‘lm aging;
for the' ‘c'on'lcél; ‘ag V'wo .know he ~iviq‘ujd lie
{9: the dupiea, ofllhoala‘lionhfi! he were ael
link-(1101",. TDu'ring alt-mg. _apiiiée at" .Hhrris- ,
'berg, us’a Jagielulor. "he was 'hever' fou‘ngi :1
counlonpncinghbi"fa‘n‘iiihg the name's; 6mm 1
Alum: Illa acted‘gwiglp g; isgainsgyach Of
théaé‘v-ifaciions. as his own 'sensc of right,
miglil’ dlctplgrganfllm'jiés fig-bqu'enlly mi} J
ll ’l‘!
Jc‘évo'red to heal Ih~o 'sclviisnps in‘ me yanks
of'lleDcrhoc'rfiliézpa'rly; id’é't'dé‘i {flb'mor‘é new the ,s‘éiii‘mhti'of'i‘fsvfii‘ri'h?
Ciples—but nqvcf compromiged ihqurin
9?P'é'§’,fér’.‘,'é??'réhkllfromiéb;afiehiifind 1’9“)
defenbé‘él 'ihem.jn"‘,g'i§é:¢ol‘d.mnp).of biopsi-
W." 1““ "I’B!'39?stz-Fyémvngaéwae 'é?
..1 ‘ ~.?"‘.‘"“ * “M“?f‘““’
.M:/3“ o c ya} [Vt 33 .1 n u c r. '-
m. 1': A R???
0/ lUic/figtm.
‘ .i; :ron vrcuj'mESlDng!»
Gen. WM.¢:OL BU 1 LEI:
. .- Ochnluqlry.
. ’ ' (
Democratic Elccim‘al ’l‘lckc
Smaloi-a'al Electors. , ,v '
WILLIAM mammnfClvnrfiuld.‘ -
Dun; 1). “Mount. 0T Northampton.
» Repreucnlafiva;ElcclorsJ‘"
01:. - , v' _DN 1 S
1- Henryrfiips’nnervl Fi- {ohn 0- King.
Next. Governor.
I); FA'VJULY 28. 1848
13 Yesterday muming'a mail bruuglil us
the sad inlclligvncv, uhich we commurzi
cate 10-duy. lhal Gar. Snuxx’s hunlilvis so
precarious 23,10 have induced plm to re
eign lhe s'nlion he has worlhily uccupiml
'{ur the lust luur years. In common will)
the great mass of the people. wc,(lrcply
deplure Ihc ncccssily Hint has urged him
to this course. “’e part will) Francis R.
Shunk with no ordinary fight. and only
desire that nnblhcr us cminenlly qualified
may be chown to succcckl him in the EL.
vcutivc Chair. In casting übout,‘amlcon}:
Milling lhe ponple of this section u! I’enufi
gylvnnio, “a find nmnng many prominent
namcs Ihnl ol Col. \YILLIAM BIGIJ‘IKL
ul’ Clcnvficld cuunly, seems {0 be préfu’fl
red. ”0 has lung been our choice {or
Francis R. Shunk's suuégunr, and no
are glad In witness In much unanimity nl
«enlimenLin his favor in rcnlmi I’cnmflé
vanin. Bu! cumparalweiy u (“v yuan:
since he was a pour prinlcl’s bu)" in Bvllel
(onto, in our neighbming county nl (hwy
re—anu' now, through his own Ulla“!
rxertiuns he has brcumc 92.9 o! Ihc brig}
vst slam in our pah'ical galaxy. “'0:
ane bnrcly lime Iv“ lo ruler In [his sub}
ject this work, and “ill only now remark,
that if WILLIAM Bmun s'muld'bu selec
ted as Ihc Democratic candidum, “1' may
look lnr his election by a mnjmily as large
and as (rvvruhehhing ovum! uhich Ihc
lnle estimfiblc incumbcnl rcccivcd in Oc
tober lust.
“'0 have hoisted the name 0! Col;
War. Busmnmf Clearfield to our must,
head. bulljrclof cnurbv, lo lhé dvciaion ol
the Dcmncratiq Conventiun. ‘Wc urg
wnrrunled In sajing mat he is the chuicé
of Centre countv. "
A democrat of the purest water. a gen:
Hemaniuf unaullicd priVate character. 0
stutcmmn of commanding abilities &vury
considerable experience. He‘isrv‘c‘ry why
Worthy to be Gov. Shunk’s guccessor. xi
compliment, than which, tlncre”cr‘m_b‘e no
Itig/Ler., , “ ‘ ' ‘ f
' CoL'Bmixm is well kn‘og’vn go the cili
zeps of Qemrc cuunty.‘h‘av‘ing Bpc}?! hia
my, ye‘ur‘p,‘u_mongst Hit-tn; nnd'h‘ns,’udmi-,
n‘alioh Wtj'u'ld be as gr'nlefuflj/ ‘rcc'éi’vc‘d as;
ifhe,slill‘ tenidedflwyilhiniou; limits.‘ It
was the lot 0! this seclioh'df gbun‘x” to
bt‘ur the brunt of,l|lc"’b'u'l'ilé ‘in‘ th‘é‘ his!
campuig’n.-'h‘nd it “I‘s ’n'nl lqr us to saydhow
bitter was flu: fight, ur_ huyv Well [\l'ek‘g'ug;
Rained ou'rsclvcs‘.“bul we’ may be fie-imit
tgd to promise," Hg‘zg'pshould lhe G’ubcma?
(orial banger-be Mommiltfied-‘(o' our hands‘
{his fall,‘- it 10171110! 'be‘izllouie‘d-Io trail in -
tlzcdusl. - .wx. ; 5 AU?“ 1
. The attachment of Centre county. to
regular nominatious.. is so_w_‘¢ll jknown‘,
that .chlctm it~unncdes§nfiy~7 it'd hi, my
while .we ' have u'u'r :persu'nal Jpr‘cFerchkd.
yet .the‘nomin'ce quhcquh of Augml
Convention. if w'é‘oumlrrudic'ntdemucral,
will receive .our 'undivided" su'ppnrt. i/mil
from wliérenhe: may.~-,Bul~ We wantpno
candidutc'who'n‘ill may llmt- h - is n ‘De’tnj
ocru!,..”.but.~nol:3n :ulh‘fa 'one.” - «HIV: f
From lhngprgey ,ShurovßepublicnuLJulyls.
The ,Homen Rrr'mn,pf fOid:.Be(lgg;’
edugr, 9Lt‘hp‘fleudingfll'hglc. :W ficti‘cd‘i'a
recgrpmqued;qu correspomlént of We
"Lanca‘sxml]me]lqunperw’fms-w 'anilabrge
Q stump 9.93:9,“ ”N 3 people“ qince,ho.w§! 2U
Ilyon'ra of age.,g,We admire, him. because
. "0 [s"???an inhismvn hiqtory u‘ bountiful
‘ iillustrat‘iqnltof .qur"; glotriqna.uvkinatitutions,3
‘whj‘ghrp'l'ncD-mg nIL on thée'éfitfiéhrond {dat
fofini 'nn'd 'eiteni’tfib enefi i'ndieitftxni, now
ever humble and destitute, an opportunity
to contend for and teach the highest poni
tion in our government. Mr. “mum will
be distinctly 'remembe’red tie the orphan
boy who. a few years since, *workcdby
the month. at manual labor, in Mercer ooun- ;
ty. to sustain his widowed mother: He
will be remembered as the modest news‘
(my who'uscd to dtstributo the " Centre
Democrat" to our neighbors in Bellofonte:
Ho “ill be remembered as the industrious
and vigilant Editor 4; Printcrof the "Clear
field Democrat” (for'he neat] to set up
nearly all the type liiinself:) no will al
so be' remembered as the active. Kontetpri
zing and generousman of business. as the
tndumioua Senator, and as the courteous
presiding officer—and, (rusting in the in '
telligénce and-gratitude of republicans, .w'o
hope to see him . the honored -aucceasor to
lhe pure-minded Snuwx. in‘lhe Gubonmlo
rialc hnir‘of hie-native Slate; whose (oat
steps of pure Demomwy, \ irtuc andjuslicc
we know he would follow .I .
\V' hem Col. Bmwn is intimately known
ho wtll be supported with an -cnthusiaé'm
seldom equalled; and we know that in all
this region of the State he could command
a much larger vote than any other man
that could be nominated.
Public Opinion.
The Next Governor.
f' We present the following expressions
of the Democratic press of Pennsylvania
on the subject 0! the next Governor,—-'
These cx:rncts me all from the editorint
remarks of the papers named. Were we
to transfcr‘to our cotttmns thclcputmunica
tions of correspondents in various other
Democratic papers, our whole shcct would.
not contain thctn: ‘ ' ' t
From the Lcwiaxou-n Trnq Domorrnt
From the Centre Domncrnt
"candidate, topGovernorn of the [Common
.wcalttt'bt’l’énhaylvania at the approach
mg election. VV.e~'cer~tatnly‘ would have
no Objections in auhp'hrting Mn-Ritter‘in
case of his recehing Alltc‘fiomlnatton‘for
that .station. as we, consider him compe
tent. worthy. and the,beat kind .Ol a dem
ocra,t—-but we have good, material nearer
home. to whom wenru greatly attached
{or services rendered to the democratic
party. and who we (eel it.our duty to sup
port—wand that mon in Col. BIGLER..uf
Cleat‘ield county. He is the; strongest
man in Northern Pennsylvania. and as
the Notth ia entitled to the candidate. in
accordance with the wishes of tonoy good
democrats in this section of tht: State. on
nominate and recommend him to the con
siderotion of the people. ln‘r Gol. Bigler
the democratic party canzaately _CfntlUSt
the administration ol the a‘tluirs of the
Commonwealth, as he is cvrry wny cal
culated tron: his knowledge at public bus
liness, his consistency as a democrat, ltis
honesty, on upriglitttesa as a man—lor all.
that is amiable. thymus and good,,,is to
be lttund‘in the tile and character at Col.
Bigler. Tho people would hail his own ‘
Ination‘ with shoots of triumph, and as no
evidenccthnt merit receiveaa due rewmtl-i'
From the some paper. July 22.
Col. “7m. Biglcr.
" Public opinion 18 most undoubtedly
looking towards this gentleman with a de
sire to see him selected as the democratic
candidate for Governor; and we very
much mistake the signs of the times, illtu
nomination will nol be el‘lectrd with on
almost unanimous vote 0! the Convention.
No man in PennsKlvnnimlmsn better rcp
utntion for honesty nnrl'vllnlegiity, than
Col. Btgler oi Clearlielrl. and duringa
lung public lile, we have yet (0‘ hour ol
him a complaint uttered, or n syllable
spoken. detogututy to his fame or CIHHBC
ter as a politician or a man. “is expert
ence in public “him is perhaps unrqonll
ed, and his 'good, practicnlpcommon scone
talent, is certainly unsurpassed. llclis
in fact lull as honest, deserving and quite
the best qualified person _we' ltavo heard .
spoken ol lor that. station, and the Slate
would be doing ilsell injustice not to se
cure his in] in the capacity spoken vi a
bove. ‘ :
From the Brookwllo Jotfumon Democrat
? Owing to the resignation ofGov. Shunk,
it will be nedcssnry to elect another to fill
that important office, at the ensuing Gen?
ernl Erection. In reviewing the claims
ofthe various candidates spoken of in rc
lntion to that oflice, we have settled upon
those of Col. William Bigler, at Clear
lield county, as tho most prominent 0!
any, and lhcrulure hoist his name as (my
first choice. but at the some time we bind
ourselves to support the nominee of the
State Convention. ‘
3 ln hoisting the name pl Col. Blgler, we
raise that of a firm, cdrisiétant, and well"
tried Democrat; a man “ho hits titted ev
cry station in which he hu been placed,
with honor to himself and satisfaction to
his constituents. and who, if‘nominated.
‘ will curry the Keystone State by a major
ity uf‘n't least 20'000. “'hile Speaker at,
the Senate. Col. 8. enjoyed tlte esteem 8i
confidence at that body; and his conduct
while in that body, has been commented
upon by the leading pleases of the day;
ind-the eyes of almoat every county in
the State was directed towatds htin. _
Cul. B is decidedly popular wherever ‘
He is known, he has many admirers and ;
wurtn lrlcnds in every part ol the Smte.§
and nu regards his popularity at home. we;
need only reler the render to the vote 0!
Clemtiehl county, at the' time he was first
elected to the Senate. 'l'hatl vole stood.
for BuglerrllB9, and one against him. :1
From lhe Bloomsburg Coiumbia Dcmocrul
‘ In casting for a succssar to Gov. Skunk,
among many others mcnhoncd. We would
(lengnale Col. WILLIAM BIOLERJ)‘ Clear
field, and “on. Momus Loxcsnm’m, ol
Mon'gnmeaf. They me good! men—-
sound democrats. "Well-tried nnd hue.”
Either would make a sale Governor to
liennavlvania. ‘
[G’Jual as we go to press lhe Luncaa
lar Intelligentcr 'and Journal, stifled by
the talented HUT’I'ER, comes. [0 hand.
doofiing ile' preference,‘ea!so,' for Co].
BIGLER. We ha’ve only room romhg
following paragihplu from IhevJournal’b
ablé nrlicle: ' ~
9 As an humble lubhtcnjn lhs good cause
--aolicilu;us-only for lhe perpetualloh of
its pringziplcs. through tllelagency ol good
and hue men—we ,have.‘likeulsd 'our
_vicw o! (helfulurc..undvnohlaedilhdcnée‘
shall fideger uslromllhelr prompl'aml'ub;
,rcslraincd'uucmnce. Ono survey. of the
enlirc groun¢l,;bo(h ol pcrsoh‘nl and sec
lional competition. Mohave reached “IE
conclusion; (humor nmnc wouldpe mor'q‘
acccplable asglhq'fllcmucmtic;candillhle
for (he ofllée of_ Governor.’ tlmofizlh‘at of
Col. WM. 1316:1119]un Clenrfi‘él‘d‘counlyzl“
We accordingly IM9 week rune his nnm‘é
(0,-9.0!) masthead. only. 10-be<lowercd fwh‘eto
cummnodrd therelmby .Ihe hulh‘dflita’llfi'
voireol (he SlateaC‘onvtntion; :'.:: l: '
g, 5:33-11"; ultéhliombfl our farmers i‘s‘lli;
reeled-to .Ihe ‘T/zfes'hih’g' Mac/lines ang'l
cum, {Shelia 1:3. , adv’émséq Sin; "an‘oqgéi‘f $19!:
3553 {by} ‘31"; 3819?"?I'W‘léqri'a- Kikc‘iériqh’
CQUWY- ,7“; .?,; , ;1 ;J A l" ‘1
4 The Desnta'msmioi. Indian“; Lirell'i Viki}
cm'mtyficgnwn‘és’n' meme lhh inch, and
;:‘p‘p‘oinled 43359 9.9!!» a 3"“ 33"““95'
lalive delggum lo_ Ihf.3Qllg:Aygu_s} _Ciqnvcn
iion. nn'd. repomtfiéhdefl“R.'B. MéjCVplze,
an.. at; Senatorial delegate. . I
Brjh'l'h'enadvioéa from Mexico are of
lhe mm: unpleasant character} Parades
ahd Jarauln aro‘ mum head of a formidablq
band of mvolnlioniatat and a sanguinary
battle wane expected 10 lake place showy
aflog' Hm‘dalc of_ (he l'at'ém advices. betwgén
them 'and‘ the gbvcmm'en! forces. ‘ -
County Medical Convgnlion
‘ In ulccordnncu wilh Iho Glh arliclc of tho Conslic
lumen of Iho Medical Suvioly nl‘lho Slulo of Penn
sylvnnin. a meeting of lhe regular members of lhe
prnlcaaion ol the practice of Medicine and Surgery
will be held in Curwcnavillo on Salurday 29th in
alunmu 2 ofqlock, I’. M.. precisely. lo form n Coun
ty Medical Society for. this cqunly. Puncluulily
at the hour in dusirnble so lnut Iho bulincu may
be dnno in limo fur‘ the pulilicnl meeting. ‘
Curwonaville, July 19,1848.
if Most Extraordinary Work 2,
:‘ Professor of diseases 0/ women.
Sixth Edition. 181 m). pp. 250. Price I_¢ullar.
30,000 Copies sold in (lira ment/18..
Yenrs ofaufl‘ering at physical and mental anguish
to mnny an u_il"cclipnnlo wile. nnd pecuniary diflicuh
ties to the hesbnml. might have been spared, by u
- timely possession 0! this work.
ll is intended especially for the married, or those
contemplating marriage, as it discloses important ao~
crets which should be lltnown to them particularly.
' Truly. knowledge is power. It in health, happi
nesa.nflluencc. . '
The revelations contained in HR pages lm’ve proved
a blessing to thousands. as the innumerablelettcrs re~
ceivvd by the author will attest. H
‘ Herc. nlne. every fi-malo ~tho wife, thoqmmher. the
one either budding into womanhood. er' the one in
the decline nfyenrs in whom nature contemplates an
important change—can discover the causes, symp
toms. and the moat efliniem remedies. and most eon
En mode of euro. ”1‘ ercr complaint to which her
so: is subject. t; \ - ,
Copies will bescnl by mail free of postage
to (he pure/mur.
Over ten thousand copies hmio been sent hy mail ‘
within three months,“ with pe'rl’et‘t safety and car‘-
1 0n tho receipt of Ono Dollar. tho “Married Wov REGIS'I‘ER’S NOTICE: Vi
m'nn'a Private Medical Companion" Will be min (mail , r HE followtrg accounts have b'é‘en ex
lalfrcu) to any part nftlm United States. All letters [ amined btld aaxed by me.- and re
must be post’pmd (oft-opt thoso containing n remit} (7313': filed of rccortr in' (Mi office for the
Egr’Nt'x’xi’E?“ 1:113: gahgngztlficvnu. Bvx'mapec‘uon of .ileit‘fi.‘ legateea. creditors.
. V l I 8. , 29Llht‘rly and all others in any way interested. and
“f?" ”“0”“ will be presemed to the next Orphan’s
Iho "Married Wonmn‘: Private Mcdu-nl Cum~ Court 6‘ ”)6 countv OI Clearficld to be
nnnion"issold by bookseller: thronghout the United held M ”10‘ tourt Home in Cl'eii'iti’eld'oh
btntcs. J“"’ 10"" m' Tuesday the 51h day of September but.
__— ior allowance and confirmation: . -
1 The administration accountof Jona
than Buynton. surviving administrator of
the estate of Adam Nevling, late of Bea-v
caria township. deceased. , ,
2 The, .administratiOn account of Peter
Arnold and ‘John‘ Hollipeter,=executorl of
the'last will and testament ofth'h Pcntz.
late ol Brady township, deceased. ‘
3’ The administration account 0! David
Butler. administrator at the crtale oitllen
iy Fry. late at Brady tnwnahip decoased.
11. The arcnunt of Henry B. Wright.
guardian of “'illiam Net/ling and Susan
na chling. childred of Adam Nevlin'g'.
deceased. , ,
Suuuzn eruum—h should bn remembered
that during the intense “0010! summer. the pro
ce-i ordigcllion it performed ~w'nh such extreme
lnngour, Ihal Iho (cod. inuuud or being diuolvod
nnd cunvcrlcd inlo nulrimom. becomesllpuilcd. or
[muffled in. [lie stomach. [lento bud, brcnlh, dim
grcenblu male in lhe momh, 9011 c pains. rlyaon‘lory'
t'hulcrn morbus nhd other disorders of ”lo inlo};
"new ‘
‘ anlx!‘t Indian Vegetable Pills‘nrn n Corlnlfi euro
for the above dnngeroué complain" ;' bgcnunc lhiy
clenmo Iho nYim’énldry mnn! nl'lhoac hiliuu: nnd
pulrid humnrl. which are HK’: came, nut only ofull
disorders of lhe bowéls, bill ‘oll'lcvery ‘ malady inch‘
don: lo mun. - ':
i i
BEWARE or (loux‘Tmu'urs .mn IMI'I‘AI‘IONI 3
Remember that lhu original and only genuine In
(Han chtulllc Pills hnvc Ihu bignulum ul WM.
VVKIGHT written with a pen on the lap lnb¢lui
each box. 0
EC?“ The genuine for sale by R. SHAW.
sole flgcntfor (-'lcmy‘icld,- CRANS‘ «9 Buo-
TuEn, Curwcnsmllc; DANIEL BARRETT,
Lul/Lev'aburg ; and wholesale at [he qfliee
and general depot, 109 Race street. Phi/u
-delp/lia. ‘
MARRIED—On Iho 201hiusL. by lIIL‘ Ruv. Mr
McAnnHy. \VILLIAM 1L \VALLACH. Attorney
ul Law. to Miss MARGARET ANN SHAW, both
of Ilus pluco. ‘
Orr'l‘liu foruguing illlclligoucu w.” nccompunwd
\v'ilh lhn Primers" “alan/lyb.” i. c, puy In ad,
vun‘cc; nnul's‘uth kind of pay—«ho very bpst. and
moul of il. Thus it is. Ihnl our boat wulioa are!
lliui the hopes of this now made pair. lic-“fave;
brlghl and magnified. may be I’L‘ulllOd—lhnl they
may now“ knov'v muow until it'hns passed from
lhom—nnd that Love,
"Tho b'ighl;aull olspring's delighllul morn."
Muy continue 1&0 ahqd its lighl and dirécl lhn-iv
stops lhrough lifcn '
A happy lin we wish lhe pair.
Wilh joys socuw “om uvory euro;
And may c’unfdnlmonl in each hour:
Al lens! secure an equal part.
On Wednesday lual. by Marlin Nlcholth, m.
Mr. Monmzou Smnx-to Min SARAH S'rnuNa. both
oflhiq pluco. . ; , ‘
‘Estgzte of lemasSpac/tman, dec’d
. QTJCE isf' lxéggby g‘ufep ;lbgt letter!
N» of ‘Admimstfmiun hnvcf been granl‘.‘
ed [0 the subscriber 6h thééslule of Thom
asSpn'ckman, me 'uf'La'ivr'cnce township}:
Clemfldldvcoun Iy, ‘dec’dgnnd' th'nt all per}
sons Indcbled lherétonrefeqqi'rcd 'to‘make
payment :mlncdiukelv,rddd"zho§e hm‘iiig
demands against, misnguc will: presenl
Ifie'ui‘duly' amhedlica'téfl fbr settlement,“ "_‘
,‘BEN‘J. SPACKMAN, Ad}n7p;' f
‘Vll'dfirencé’fit'i'ldfig' 29. ’4Q.‘ ’ ~ “:1
m;:E:Bt€z,z_‘aUtzf James Lord, dec’d. 'i
NOTICE; is, hereby; giyéqglhnhléllem
‘ , .qlTMmiuihtraligo; have, bemg’iantg
'éd gq lii‘é'l'iibe‘cyibgfiun, the; estate pl’Jamea'
'Lord‘.';lat'¢ {_or Becca-rm"; tdwr’xs‘hip,‘ "aged,
mid allrperéson's'b’ei’ug' ilxdéb'led Jip‘fibid es;
lnjq ‘nrc,’ herclgy: Jti'qiies‘ked".to"makm’payn ’
ment ivithuubdclny. & thong-lnpyinggloims‘
will‘pygspm _lhem duly-.'pythngvi‘bqge‘q (or
salil'edyén‘t (ofthe ‘s°.bs¢!’b¢f. residjng: 3"
desn Iqwmin'p. Cieaifield,:c'pqq:y.. . ~ ,'.'
- . SIMON “11193435991,‘1Aq’m‘r.
June 29. 1848,-"-'pd.'v: _ ;:'; If;
z . mammmwsaymzqg-
Farmers Look ,Here‘;
Fpur Igora'e Power' Tumbling Shaft and
Strap Threshing .Machineafor 87.5.".
S & 8. “WILSON, of Strnttpnuillfi.
‘ Clarion county, P 3,. would (edchF
l 0”? "Norm the people of’Clearficld.coun
ly. Ihnl they hnvg now on hand and M 6
Innnufncllgrlng Four Horse Powqr Thresh-
Ina Machines at (below (film of Seventy;
Five Dollars. unnamed to be good.
Also. 'l‘wo Horse Power Threshing Ma
chines nol amplified by any in the State.
and we will warrant them to‘lhfeahln‘dvne
day 125 bushels Wheat. or mfibu’ahéll
Rye. 225 bushels On". or 15 bushels clo
ver-seed, if well attended. :- '
They have erected a Foundry and
BlacksmithshOp “high enables them In sell
machines at a much lower price thanavcc
offered in Pennsylvania. ~ '4 ‘
are now making. and keep on handthfi
tent Corn-Shelter: at the low price of One
Dollar and Ffly c'cnts each. .
BG’Thc subscrihetsf .wlll receive in
payment lor the nbovc T/zreshinf ,Ma
chines GRAIN, (Wheat, Rye an‘ Oats.)
ll left at Shaw’s Mill. at Clearfield, or at
Irvin’s Mill, Curwens'ville. 4' i '
thuaun SHAW, Clenrfield. and JOHN
Patron. Curwenaville. are the agents for
the sale of lhe~abovc machines in this court'-
ty. either ol whom will give all necessary
inlormation relating thereto. ' '_
s. & 3. WILSON.
Strultonville. July 20. ’4B.
Perry township. Clarion co., July 8, ’4B.
We do certify that we have one of W'ilnn'a
'flua Home Power Threshing Mackinac. and
thrashed In one day, at‘the barn of Levi quf
williger. 134 bushels ‘of Wheat. and say wi‘h
confidence to the Farmers that they are good
machines, and easy work to: two hoises. ~ '
Toby township. Clarion. cm, JlB ’4B.
. l have one of Wilson's 'l'wo Horse Power
Threshing Machines. malnul'actured in the west
end 0! Slrnttchville, lhis caunty. and [am eon
fidcnt I can thrash 220 bushels of wheat in one
day. I consider lhem a good-machine end not
liable to get out of order.
WM. C. WELCH, Reg’r.
Rr-gisfer’s Office. Clmr.
fieid. July 9.6. 1848. g
manna mMfi‘m
’ E arc‘numorized to announce {but
‘V Capt. Gsonoe WALTEM, of Bell
township. is a candidate for re-election to
the Assembly. subject lotlxc action of lhe
Democratic party of Clearfield county.
June 25. ’4B.
‘2‘]? are nulhutized to announce that
, . WxLLIAM Pon'rau of Girard (for
merly of Lawrence) township. is a candi
date [0: the offices 0! Prolhonntary. Re
gister. Recorder, &c.. o! Clearficm coun
ty, July 15, ’4B.
To the Elector: of Clearfield County .-
FELLOW -wal23~s:—-'l'ha‘nkful for past
laVors, I again offer myself to your con-’
aidcrnlion as a candidale for the ofljcespf
Piolhonolaiy. Register. Recorder, &c.,
.11 the ensuing Goncrnl Eleclion. and res
pccllully solicit your suffrage}:
"‘July 17. ’4B.
' ' E dre‘nuthorizcd go annodbco‘thal
W' Rbsxwu. LUTHER. E'sq.. of Bra
dy township. will be; a candid“; for lhe
office of County Commissioner; upbjept
to lh‘e‘action ol .. lhe Democratic p'arly. of:
Clenrfield counlg. ju23. ’4B.
T Messrs. Edi/ers :A-Pleas'c- annéufiée
WILLIAM WALLACE, of LaWrenddltbfi/fi
-ship, as n cmndida_te {or (he ofljcqquflafih»
[y fluvditorr. subject _tqulhpggiipn of‘thar
.pgmq¢rnlic,party. and oblige: - :,i >-
, July 26;"48. J ;' :.-=: ~ L 3 "-. m
‘.{!,‘..GREA.'F .wurlety a £oome
A STOVES. I'Varranleii;*
io‘fiSM;oo.iforsale-br"~" "1“.”1" ifl,
’ ~ , , g I«‘.,J.,HQFFMIA‘N,
'1 lac:w,istowurau‘ry, 1’0;.'.a.8., ‘ .~
‘ .~ -,.l . u > -
DRIED PEACHES. o! n gaomquaip
-ty.,{on snlcmmhe clamor» ’ 'L .1. ' ‘
. -. .‘.-JOHN: pwmjomt
' 'Cuffi'ensvilléé Jurié'ffis‘.‘ ,- ‘ "-‘"'»¢’> ‘“ '
.AcpN; .:‘Gopas-HKMS bi ‘s‘n‘o’tm-
BED-833.510: sale by ‘