a u- I‘ V ”I 3 Q; :9 's 2, Hum/R. Ku'on'ix'a.' «14. John Woulnfnn, 1; lunnc Shunk. '- 15. Ruben}. Fisher, 1. A. L. Rnumlorl, 16. Frederick Smilh, . 5. Jucob S. Your, 17. John (Tn‘swcll, 6. Rohc‘n E. Wright. 18. Charles A. Black. .7. Wm \V. DOWIHHg.’ 19. Georg" W. Bmvmnn, 8. Henry Hn‘ld'emnn. 20. John R. Shannon. " 9. Polar Kline, ‘2l. Gonrgo I" Humlllon. 10. B. S Sclnouhnvcr,‘ 22. Willmm 11. Davis. ‘ . 11. Wm. Swollnnd. ‘23. Timothy Ives. , .12 Jonah Brewster. 24. Jnmc-s G. Gnm‘pboil. OE ~~::,, =~~- . ? (=4; 1* sa} :1 ' FOR C!) NA L (20M MISSIO N ER. Israel l’mn ter, of chslmarclaml. ' Democratic Mass Meeting A'l‘ CURVENSVIIJJ'L A Democratic Muss Meeting will be held at Curwcnsville on Saturday the 29-h inst., at ‘1 u‘clmk l’.. M.. at “hicli time a delegate to thc Democratic State Conven tipn'to nominate a candidntc'lor Gover nor, in” be appointed. By order of the , Standing Committee, 0 WM. J. lIEMPIIILL. Scc’y. .r:{l DEATH OF Gov. ’SIHUML This and event. which had been daily anticipated for weeks, and which has taken from the people of Pcnnsylania their good Governor, and from tho Democratic party one of its purest Slntcsmen, took place at Hurriuburg out/I hurrday evening last, 20th inat.. at 7 o’clock, surrounded by his afilic ‘ ted family and relatives, the heads of de j ‘pnttments, 'his playabians. and one or two friends. ' ab. 5 ho [CI s 06 nu; .d‘h His last_ moments were calm‘and free from pain. The last words he flpOkO were addressed lo his \i'eoping wife :—“Don’i (let, him, I am anxious for lhe end. _.. v 0 ulno n to n n. . der on~ » om In compliance wnh his quucsl. his ro‘ mains were conveyed to the 'l‘rappe. his place of nalivily; in Monlgomcry county; where they Were consigned lo the tomb mi Sunduylael. " heir Itch sir.g 31:1“\V0 have been engaged for the [as week and more in printing a couple 0'! pamphlels', and not having lhem finished yet, we are again unable Io issue mote lhan half a sh’det. lion. h ull rded up"). f thv The subject of nominating a successor to our late pure and patriotic Governor From uta 11. SHUNK, is now the leading topic in ihe political circles of this State.“ For our own part, no line a decided personal pref erencc, which our feelings would constrain us to urge with great zvnl; but in view of tho importance of a united elTort at the polls, at both the October and November ulcclioné. we hope to see the contest for the nomination characterized by great pru dence and moderation, in~onler that when tlto-dscioion of the convention is announ ; “we, may all extend to the nominee 3; zealous and united soppor't. We know tltat in thebc views no concur with the distinguishodgcntlcmau uhoac nomination? we are anxious to promote. fl IE3 an the old aya wf A mong 'th many able and disliuguished gon'lllem'en named m conneélion with the nominalion,"lhe following seem lg b 6 the most promincnil:—Co|. BIOLBR, of Clear field. (330. M. KmM and JOHN Rn‘nm. of Berks; N. B. Ewan), 'of Dauplxin;' Mo'nma LONOSTRETH. ofMomgomery. in present ’ll member .of the board 'of Cami) Commiogioncrs; Anson; PLpnr'E'yx. of Va ’ mango, and J. S. BLACK; of Somalia—all good men and Hue. Bul‘wo have a dad; dedprcleirence (or our qwn‘flislinguishcd‘ mum citizen, COL-Bigggu, and il'is with h’égi‘rl'rgélt' plqajsp'go' ‘wc‘ nfuic‘o‘;jihgqugnfimup .mnnifeajmiom of public cénfidnnco'ili. his n‘bjlicyjhivsfpuility',‘ add his'sound D‘empc ni‘gy‘. ;uhggg‘ar‘é'j hwqb'ntéd _hlmbatgquj‘xy m evet‘y'j ebctioh“o! the State; -Wo baliavé, tqb‘e'j‘ha3ColL _mcnqnjs pgc‘ulimlyyii‘lm aging; for the' ‘c'on'lcél; ‘ag V'wo .know he ~iviq‘ujd lie {9: the dupiea, ofllhoala‘lionhfi! he were ael link-(1101",. TDu'ring alt-mg. _apiiiée at" .Hhrris- , 'berg, us’a Jagielulor. "he was 'hever' fou‘ngi :1 counlonpncinghbi"fa‘n‘iiihg the name's; 6mm 1 Alum: Illa acted‘gwiglp g; isgainsgyach Of théaé‘v-ifaciions. as his own 'sensc of right, miglil’ dlctplgrganfllm'jiés fig-bqu'enlly mi} J ll ’l‘! wet! Lhc leis. on Jc‘évo'red to heal Ih~o 'sclviisnps in‘ me yanks of'lleDcrhoc'rfiliézpa'rly; id’é't'dé‘i {flb'mor‘é effaqmzlllx.fi.o new the ,s‘éiii‘mhti'of'i‘fsvfii‘ri'h? Ciples—but nqvcf compromiged ihqurin 9?P'é'§’,fér’.‘,'é??'réhkllfromiéb;afiehiifind 1’9“) defenbé‘él 'ihem.jn"‘,g'i§é:¢ol‘d.mnp).of biopsi- W." 1““ "I’B!'39?stz-Fyémvngaéwae 'é? ~.Aw4i~a~riii~r ..1 ‘ ~.?"‘.‘"“ * “M“?f‘““’ .M:/3“ o c ya} [Vt 33 .1 n u c r. '- m. 1': A R??? Gen-.:: LEWIS CASS 0/ lUic/figtm. ‘ .i; :ron vrcuj'mESlDng!» Gen. WM.¢:OL BU 1 LEI: . .- Ochnluqlry. . ’ ' ( Democratic Elccim‘al ’l‘lckc Smaloi-a'al Electors. , ,v ' WILLIAM mammnfClvnrfiuld.‘ - Dun; 1). “Mount. 0T Northampton. » Repreucnlafiva;ElcclorsJ‘" 01:. - , v' _DN 1 S 1- Henryrfiips’nnervl Fi- {ohn 0- King. Next. Governor. I); FA'VJULY 28. 1848 13 Yesterday muming'a mail bruuglil us the sad inlclligvncv, uhich we commurzi cate 10-duy. lhal Gar. Snuxx’s hunlilvis so precarious 23,10 have induced plm to re eign lhe s'nlion he has worlhily uccupiml '{ur the lust luur years. In common will) the great mass of the people. wc,(lrcply deplure Ihc ncccssily Hint has urged him to this course. “’e part will) Francis R. Shunk with no ordinary fight. and only desire that nnblhcr us cminenlly qualified may be chown to succcckl him in the EL. vcutivc Chair. In casting übout,‘amlcon}: Milling lhe ponple of this section u! I’enufi gylvnnio, “a find nmnng many prominent namcs Ihnl ol Col. \YILLIAM BIGIJ‘IKL ul’ Clcnvficld cuunly, seems {0 be préfu’fl red. ”0 has lung been our choice {or Francis R. Shunk's suuégunr, and no are glad In witness In much unanimity nl «enlimenLin his favor in rcnlmi I’cnmflé vanin. Bu! cumparalweiy u (“v yuan: since he was a pour prinlcl’s bu)" in Bvllel (onto, in our neighbming county nl (hwy re—anu' now, through his own Ulla“! rxertiuns he has brcumc 92.9 o! Ihc brig} vst slam in our pah'ical galaxy. “'0: ane bnrcly lime Iv“ lo ruler In [his sub} ject this work, and “ill only now remark, that if WILLIAM Bmun s'muld'bu selec ted as Ihc Democratic candidum, “1' may look lnr his election by a mnjmily as large and as (rvvruhehhing ovum! uhich Ihc lnle estimfiblc incumbcnl rcccivcd in Oc tober lust. “'0 have hoisted the name 0! Col; War. Busmnmf Clearfield to our must, head. bulljrclof cnurbv, lo lhé dvciaion ol the Dcmncratiq Conventiun. ‘Wc urg wnrrunled In sajing mat he is the chuicé of Centre countv. " A democrat of the purest water. a gen: Hemaniuf unaullicd priVate character. 0 stutcmmn of commanding abilities &vury considerable experience. He‘isrv‘c‘ry why Worthy to be Gov. Shunk’s guccessor. xi compliment, than which, tlncre”cr‘m_b‘e no Itig/Ler., , “ ‘ ' ‘ f ' CoL'Bmixm is well kn‘og’vn go the cili zeps of Qemrc cuunty.‘h‘av‘ing Bpc}?! hia my, ye‘ur‘p,‘u_mongst Hit-tn; nnd'h‘ns,’udmi-, n‘alioh Wtj'u'ld be as gr'nlefuflj/ ‘rcc'éi’vc‘d as; ifhe,slill‘ tenidedflwyilhiniou; limits.‘ It was the lot 0! this seclioh'df gbun‘x” to bt‘ur the brunt of,l|lc"’b'u'l'ilé ‘in‘ th‘é‘ his! campuig’n.-'h‘nd it “I‘s ’n'nl lqr us to saydhow bitter was flu: fight, ur_ huyv Well [\l'ek‘g'ug; Rained ou'rsclvcs‘.“bul we’ may be fie-imit tgd to promise," Hg‘zg'pshould lhe G’ubcma? (orial banger-be Mommiltfied-‘(o' our hands‘ {his fall,‘- it 10171110! 'be‘izllouie‘d-Io trail in - tlzcdusl. - .wx. ; 5 AU?“ 1 . The attachment of Centre county. to regular nominatious.. is so_w_‘¢ll jknown‘, that .chlctm it~unncdes§nfiy~7 it'd hi, my while .we ' have u'u'r :persu'nal Jpr‘cFerchkd. yet .the‘nomin'ce quhcquh of Augml Convention. if w'é‘oumlrrudic'ntdemucral, will receive .our 'undivided" su'ppnrt. i/mil from wliérenhe: may.~-,Bul~ We wantpno candidutc'who'n‘ill may llmt- h - is n ‘De’tnj ocru!,..”.but.~nol:3n :ulh‘fa 'one.” - «HIV: f From lhngprgey ,ShurovßepublicnuLJulyls. CA N D [DATE]. FOR G‘OVE “NOR. :1 The ,Homen Rrr'mn,pf fOid:.Be(lgg;’ edugr, 9Lt‘hp‘fleudingfll'hglc. :W ficti‘cd‘i'a recgrpmqued;qu correspomlént of We "Lanca‘sxml]me]lqunperw’fms-w 'anilabrge Q stump 9.93:9,“ ”N 3 people“ qince,ho.w§! 2U Ilyon'ra of age.,g,We admire, him. because . "0 [s"???an inhismvn hiqtory u‘ bountiful ‘ iillustrat‘iqnltof .qur"; glotriqna.uvkinatitutions,3 ‘whj‘ghrp'l'ncD-mg nIL on thée'éfitfiéhrond {dat fofini 'nn'd 'eiteni’tfib enefi i'ndieitftxni, now ever humble and destitute, an opportunity to contend for and teach the highest poni tion in our government. Mr. “mum will be distinctly 'remembe’red tie the orphan boy who. a few years since, *workcdby the month. at manual labor, in Mercer ooun- ; ty. to sustain his widowed mother: He will be remembered as the modest news‘ (my who'uscd to dtstributo the " Centre Democrat" to our neighbors in Bellofonte: Ho “ill be remembered as the industrious and vigilant Editor 4; Printcrof the "Clear field Democrat” (for'he neat] to set up nearly all the type liiinself:) no will al so be' remembered as the active. Kontetpri zing and generousman of business. as the tndumioua Senator, and as the courteous presiding officer—and, (rusting in the in ' telligénce and-gratitude of republicans, .w'o hope to see him . the honored -aucceasor to lhe pure-minded Snuwx. in‘lhe Gubonmlo rialc hnir‘of hie-native Slate; whose (oat steps of pure Demomwy, \ irtuc andjuslicc we know he would follow .I . \V' hem Col. Bmwn is intimately known ho wtll be supported with an -cnthusiaé'm seldom equalled; and we know that in all this region of the State he could command a much larger vote than any other man that could be nominated. Public Opinion. The Next Governor. f' We present the following expressions of the Democratic press of Pennsylvania on the subject 0! the next Governor,—-' These cx:rncts me all from the editorint remarks of the papers named. Were we to transfcr‘to our cotttmns thclcputmunica tions of correspondents in various other Democratic papers, our whole shcct would. not contain thctn: ‘ ' ' t From the Lcwiaxou-n Trnq Domorrnt From the Centre Domncrnt THE NI‘IXI‘ GOVERNOR CHM "candidate, topGovernorn of the [Common .wcalttt'bt’l’énhaylvania at the approach mg election. VV.e~'cer~tatnly‘ would have no Objections in auhp'hrting Mn-Ritter‘in case of his recehing Alltc‘fiomlnatton‘for that .station. as we, consider him compe tent. worthy. and the,beat kind .Ol a dem ocra,t—-but we have good, material nearer home. to whom wenru greatly attached {or services rendered to the democratic party. and who we (eel it.our duty to sup port—wand that mon in Col. BIGLER..uf Cleat‘ield county. He is the; strongest man in Northern Pennsylvania. and as the Notth ia entitled to the candidate. in accordance with the wishes of tonoy good democrats in this section of tht: State. on nominate and recommend him to the con siderotion of the people. ln‘r Gol. Bigler the democratic party canzaately _CfntlUSt the administration ol the a‘tluirs of the Commonwealth, as he is cvrry wny cal culated tron: his knowledge at public bus liness, his consistency as a democrat, ltis honesty, on upriglitttesa as a man—lor all. that is amiable. thymus and good,,,is to be lttund‘in the tile and character at Col. Bigler. Tho people would hail his own ‘ Ination‘ with shoots of triumph, and as no evidenccthnt merit receiveaa due rewmtl-i' From the some paper. July 22. Col. “7m. Biglcr. " Public opinion 18 most undoubtedly looking towards this gentleman with a de sire to see him selected as the democratic candidate for Governor; and we very much mistake the signs of the times, illtu nomination will nol be el‘lectrd with on almost unanimous vote 0! the Convention. No man in PennsKlvnnimlmsn better rcp utntion for honesty nnrl'vllnlegiity, than Col. Btgler oi Clearlielrl. and duringa lung public lile, we have yet (0‘ hour ol him a complaint uttered, or n syllable spoken. detogututy to his fame or CIHHBC ter as a politician or a man. “is expert ence in public “him is perhaps unrqonll ed, and his 'good, practicnlpcommon scone talent, is certainly unsurpassed. llclis in fact lull as honest, deserving and quite the best qualified person _we' ltavo heard . spoken ol lor that. station, and the Slate would be doing ilsell injustice not to se cure his in] in the capacity spoken vi a bove. ‘ : From the Brookwllo Jotfumon Democrat OUR FLAG. ? Owing to the resignation ofGov. Shunk, it will be nedcssnry to elect another to fill that important office, at the ensuing Gen? ernl Erection. In reviewing the claims ofthe various candidates spoken of in rc lntion to that oflice, we have settled upon those of Col. William Bigler, at Clear lield county, as tho most prominent 0! any, and lhcrulure hoist his name as (my first choice. but at the some time we bind ourselves to support the nominee of the State Convention. ‘ 3 ln hoisting the name pl Col. Blgler, we raise that of a firm, cdrisiétant, and well" tried Democrat; a man “ho hits titted ev cry station in which he hu been placed, with honor to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. and who, if‘nominated. ‘ will curry the Keystone State by a major ity uf‘n't least 20'000. “'hile Speaker at, the Senate. Col. 8. enjoyed tlte esteem 8i confidence at that body; and his conduct while in that body, has been commented upon by the leading pleases of the day; ind-the eyes of almoat every county in the State was directed towatds htin. _ Cul. B is decidedly popular wherever ‘ He is known, he has many admirers and ; wurtn lrlcnds in every part ol the Smte.§ and nu regards his popularity at home. we; need only reler the render to the vote 0! Clemtiehl county, at the' time he was first elected to the Senate. 'l'hatl vole stood. for BuglerrllB9, and one against him. :1 From lhe Bloomsburg Coiumbia Dcmocrul CAN DIDATES FOR'G'OVERNOR ‘ In casting for a succssar to Gov. Skunk, among many others mcnhoncd. We would (lengnale Col. WILLIAM BIOLERJ)‘ Clear field, and “on. Momus Loxcsnm’m, ol Mon'gnmeaf. They me good! men—- sound democrats. "Well-tried nnd hue.” Either would make a sale Governor to liennavlvania. ‘ [G’Jual as we go to press lhe Luncaa lar Intelligentcr 'and Journal, stifled by the talented HUT’I'ER, comes. [0 hand. doofiing ile' preference,‘ea!so,' for Co]. BIGLER. We ha’ve only room romhg following paragihplu from IhevJournal’b ablé nrlicle: ' ~ 9 As an humble lubhtcnjn lhs good cause --aolicilu;us-only for lhe perpetualloh of its pringziplcs. through tllelagency ol good and hue men—we ,have.‘likeulsd 'our _vicw o! (helfulurc..undvnohlaedilhdcnée‘ shall fideger uslromllhelr prompl'aml'ub; ,rcslraincd'uucmnce. Ono survey. of the enlirc groun¢l,;bo(h ol pcrsoh‘nl and sec lional competition. Mohave reached “IE conclusion; (humor nmnc wouldpe mor'q‘ acccplable asglhq'fllcmucmtic;candillhle for (he ofllée of_ Governor.’ tlmofizlh‘at of Col. WM. 1316:1119]un Clenrfi‘él‘d‘counlyzl“ We accordingly IM9 week rune his nnm‘é (0,-9.0!) masthead. only. 10-be- ~ MANY ;DEMOCRATS.» , July 26;"48. J ;' :.-=: ~ L 3 "-. m 'QQCDLWNQZBQQVWP ‘.{!,‘..GREA.'F .wurlety a £oome A STOVES. I'Varranleii;=fronjsl3.so* io‘fiSM;oo.iforsale-br"~" "1“.”1" ifl, ’ ~ , , g I«‘.,J.,HQFFMIA‘N, '1 lac:w,istowurau‘ry, 1’0;.'.a.8., ‘ .~ ‘ .~ -,.l . u > - DRIED PEACHES. o! n gaomquaip -ty.,{on snlcmmhe clamor» ’ 'L .1. ' ‘ . -. .‘.-JOHN: pwmjomt ' 'Cuffi'ensvilléé Jurié'ffis‘.‘ ,- ‘ "-‘"'»¢’> ‘“ ' .AcpN; .:‘Gopas-HKMS bi ‘s‘n‘o’tm- BED-833.510: sale by ‘ . LEONARDWMOORE; _ SAMUEL HAGAN. JOHN KELLEY. ROB'T N. HUE" WM. C. WELCH. =II ME iiiiiiii22l