Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, December 26, 1846, Image 3

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    flcmocrutrt 33.11111“:
CLEARFIELD, PA. Dxc. 26.!846
Information “Vaulted.
A elrangcr died a! the residence of Ed
ward VVilliams. Esq. In Bradford tonn
snip, laol week. from the efl'ecls of expo
sure tothe Lold. He had been wandering
aboul the neighborhood in lhe eastern purl
of (he co‘unty for ss/veral weeks—appeared
simple—could give no correct :cconnl of
himself—card his name was EDMUND RICE,
and was from Pennsylvania. He appear
ed lo be belwcen 35 and 40 years of age.
“'ill lhe Humingd'o'n.‘ Mimin and Can}
Ire county papers nolico lhe above, as ir is
conjectured he came from lhal qunncr.
”Q“ We are glad to learn that the sub
ject ofnominations by the next fourth 0!
March Convention in beginning to occupy
the attention of the demovrlts at this coun.
t)‘; and that. so far as we have heard a re
sponse. our viewe an given on this subject:
few weeks ego. have met “ith general ap
probation. 'l‘he "it?“‘l we then gave were
prompted solely by a sincere and heartfelt
desire to promote the harmony. and as a
certain consequence. thereby secure the
success of the Democratic patty. We are
sure that there in no democrat in tlte county
who Will voluntarily aid in distracting the
party. or one who “ill stubbornly refuse
to aid in effecting an harmonious nomina
-' Union, lmrmqny,and concesswn
—evcryl/u'ng for the cause. nothing for
men,” always has been the motto of the
Democratic party ofthil county ; and no“.
that there is so much at atalte, euch ' Iln
ion. concession and harmony’ is mote than
ever demanded. If any have opinions or
preferences antagonistic to others. let each
concede until that 'uttion,’ perfect and in
dispensable. is (flat-ted. Among true dem
iterate, thin can be done. and by all mean
should be done.
Our county has much to gain. If the
proper policy is puruucd by her Democrat
ic citizens, sooner or later. she will gain N.
Then we wpost. let our dclrgato to the llth
of March convention be a citizen in whose
integrily all have moment's-m ho Is free
from local, sectional or personal prejudices
-—:nd who has the tiollare of the Demo
(ratio party sincereiy’ lat heart. Let such
men compoae our'conventionl and the can
didates of their nomination may defy all op
The Central Railroad.
The Commissioners of this ~great wotk
are now melting a vigorous eflott to obtain
the necessary amount of subscription to se
cure the ' Lcllers Palenl.’ They have
appointed block commitltca tni Philadel
phia, to call upon every citizen to subscribe
what his means will “aranL A public
meeting was held to Harrisburg a low (la-i
lince. at which a similar mode of getting
subscriptions wu adopted. A favorable
change, we are gratified to say, has also
taken plant in public sentiment at l’ittsburg
on this subject; and we now look with
confidence to thatenterptising city for much
aid in the accomplirhment of this great
work. We should liketo see the people
of the interior of the State more alive to the
importance of this improvement. They
are cortninly very deeply interested in
its completion. and we hope they will not
be behind their fellow citizens of Philadel
phia and l’itluburg in contributing accord
ing to their menu.
The charter for this work names no
points but Harritburg. Ptttebnrg’ and Erie,
and the location between theee points will
be decided upon after the fullest examina
tion of the various routee new mentioned,
and the shortest and best will undoubtedly
be embnced. It must be ercomblished on
more route. W'illtoui it Pennsylvania
will be behind the _age..and,bclu'nd her sis
ter States in enlerpriee._ lte completion
willrplaco' the cornrner'ce -of-Philede|phia :-
bove. the reach of her competitors—will
kgrestly add 10 the wealth and pro-parity Of
our * western emporium,’ and cannot fail
toheven tendency to enrich and populate
the 'lrhole interior and wont. .
The eteternente ofn few not. will show
that this Railroad cannot fail to be profin.
bio. and that capital will therefore each in-_-
:ees‘tments'in its stocks. Reilreede m su~
:pereeding all other modes of conveying pal
lengere. no matter where located; "their
location be. parallel with stream navigation ‘
‘o'u'n'tg'r or o“- eleko'for an extol distance.
thej are slonye‘lore than I ceeesl'ul.—
,Suebriethe experieneo‘of‘ the world, A
railroad between important points. e'ven un
der the oin’d'vsntlge of grenter distance.
Will be successful in conveying ”dingo".
Thins-ilrondwill be - thee/rode}! (ink _be
tween thetvo grand tiivieione of this ‘Un
_ion.,.‘the»-Eqrt end? the West-end .neeer
_esn" have oilee‘mpetitor in soy itljsining‘
‘Slate. with equal ndvantagee. The distance l
from Philadelphia to Pittebnrg by thin road
lwill be about 336 miles; and to Cleaveland
.466 ; from Baltimore to Cleavellnd b)" the
‘.Ballimore and Ohio road 476 miles; from.
Philadelphia to I’ittaburg, via Baltimore.
M3B miles. and to Cleavaland 568 miles;
from New York to Buffalo by the New ,
York improvemente‘lGß miles. thence to.
Cleaveland by the Lakes 210milep. Thus
it will appear that the conetructron of this
road will bring Cleaveland and Pittabnrg ten
miles nearer to Philadelphia than they will
be to Baltimore by the Baltimore and Ohio
rail road, and New York will have n shor
ter route to Cleveland by 120 miles than
her own improvements nflortl; and that the
distance from that important point to Phil
adelphia Will be 212 miles less than to New
York. Thus the traveller at l’rttaburg.
Cloaveland, or any point west, destined for
New York, Philadelphia, or Bostonfnvould ‘
find the Pennsylvania improvement the
shortest, salesthnrl mostcomrortable route; -
-—llld so also in reference to travellers dee
tined from the east to the first.“ This im
prnchent. therefore, when completed, can
not frtil to become \t hat Col. Bigler desrg
naled it at the Philadelphia Museum: " the
railroad of the Union."
Since the {ongoing was in lype we have
happened upon Ihe following mlicle from
the Pitlsburgh ('ln'onicle. The Pills
lmrg/z I’os! speaks in lhe name lone. ll
is now reduced In a ceriainly that lhye Cen
lnl Railroad “ill be built. The conduct
of the Ballimore and Ohio Company, an
exposed by lhe l’nlsburg papers now, was
as clearly {melold by CO3. BIGIJER in his
speech In the Senate lan “inter:
The Ballimore and ohio rail-
road Con-many.
ll terms that thc Utrcctmn nl thisColn
puny have given up their linlimution on
the whjrct vl tht‘ir subscrlpllun, .nd lt IE
mun-lat that lhq thought that the people
nl l’tttbburgh “one mme humbled than
were [he Mexican: at Monterey. Mr.
Louis MtLattr. ll nppcnu. Ins not lurgnt
ten that the cnizun of Pittsburgh dul nut
treat him some wan nun, “lull all lltat
tlt-lwottce and drop respect ulttclt hr
thinks he merits, und he in nuw tllnptuvll
to take advantage at our imagined (It‘Ct'S
si'tu to wreak hi. \cngenuce upnn u~, by
rwluting u to a cuudtticn bent-nth cun
The Bard of Directors of that Cumm
ny recommend a subscriptiunul $600,000,
by the Blltimotc Company upun three on
more condittuns:
i First. that the Road uhnll be takrn to‘
‘Snuthfieldrso as to_tonliuu the Connellu
-Itulle Road ior all time to that route. and
Irut usofl'lrom the Casselmao'a river route
because the wards are to‘ Smithiicltl' or
any other point on the waters ol the
YoUghi‘tlgauy," &C.
1 Now it he go to Smithficld we cannot
alterwnrds follow CaaSelman'a rivvr, and
have No, termini to the toad. ll we go
up the Youghiogany to Smithficld, we may
continue on up that stream and any ol thr
"waters emptying into it above that place
‘to the State. but we cannot make our
brunrh up the Ynughingany and another
op Casselman’s river. This brunch up litt
iYooghiogan) would enctly auit M». Mc-
I.ane’a Hens in going to Ftulting Creck.
Patkershurg. or Wheeling, and tho: i’tlts.
burgh would be helping him to carry out
his own cunning scheme of holding the
Maryland bonda lo malt: the toad to home
point below u: on the“ Ohio. tr a next
condition is that the Connellavi lyiizompa
ny shall give IfCDtlt)’ that the (cat coin
pletc the Road with the aid of the {tlbscrip
tion of $600,000 lrotn the Baltimdre com-,
,pany. Really this is surpassingly tnodrstl
Mr. McLunc and hia Ipecial friends who
we aro told plead powtty, inability. ill
most insolvency. “ith the pertinncity at
any sturdy beggar, now asksahealthy,
vigorous company tugive them lecu‘nty.
Finally, the proposition is made that bi:-
lore this uix hundred thousand dollars it
subscribed. the Pittnburg Company Ihall
pledge illcll never to permit an) Connec»
tion with '.he road in Pennsylvania by any
Pennsylvania Railroad. Without. the Cun
lent ot a company in Marylandlll, So
that this Company is not content to let
Penmylvanians decide whether it Pcnn~
sylvania Railroad shalt connect with ano
ther Pennsylvania road in Pennsylvania.
but Insists that a [llaryland Company
ownioga minority of the stock shall con
trol Pennsylvanian owning a majority at
It; -
‘Do the Ballimure Company really ba
licvé lhal' Pcnnsylvanlnna can be baaa e
nough to conae_nt,lo give any Inch degra
ding pledge-F If . lhnt company teally
misunderstbod the characler of our people
In much, they have a good deal to learn.
Our citizens are anmons [or n connec
tion with Baltimore. They believe that
nature has indicatetl'thc Youghiogany and
Potomtt’c mi natural routes of connection
between the Obié and the seaboard; but
the Baltimore Company has in'thow con
dition: interpoud burners more insupen
ble than ten mountains—barriers that can‘-
not he overcome. .; . t '
We are rejoiced to find that there is but
one feeling on this subject among our cit:
izena. a towing: defigrmlhntion to reject at.
oncavaud iorqvg’g' those" i’npudcnt And in
sulting conditions. " A"gcneul dc'gire' is
cxpreucd {hlt'ltho ,gtgc‘khpldgrgsypuldbc
called together without delay. and prompt
action take place! in relation to the abfio
lutely impertinent and ofl’ensive conduct
of the Baltimnrc Cnmpan}. 1 -
Let our citizens turn their attention‘ to
Cleveland or Philadelphia. Mr. McLane.
we are told, “lid to our committee. while
at Baltimore. that hia~ company would in
sist upon Its rights by realign at its aub
‘sCrptttm In our road. “'9 believe the un
ly right thev can hnvc, at present. iii the
right to VIN-P, and an we have not 'yet giv
en a Maryland minority: right In cnntrul
In Pennsylvania majority in tuc manage
ment 0| n l’rntuylvanin road. the voting
will not nvail Mr. McLane much. .
W'l‘ho long talked of Steam Type
setting machine, is now in operation in N.
York ; but. from a description of it in the
New York Sun of the 22d inst. we are
inclined to think that it will uunaume about
as much time to arrange the type for the
operation of the machine as it would fare
smart compositor to not them by hand. It
puts us in mind of the boys hauling a sled
lo the top of a hill {or the pleasure of riding
don't). ‘
£7me nne company has In )9! been
raised in Mauachuuella for the regiment
called for from that Slate by the President.
She had bellcr borro'w some palrioulm
from Dcmocrnlic Pennsylvania.
ELTTho following is a list ofthe Vol»
unlcer companies composing lhe second
Regiment from Pennsylvania. A great
many companies were refused
Cap'. V. Gu‘rleLEß—Germnn Grayn.
, J. JonNSTox—Westmurcland
Guards. Greuntburg.
J. S. WlLSON—Columbia Uuuds,
'l‘. S. Laosm-Reading Artille
ry. Reading.
G. W. GEAnY—Amcviun High
landcrp. Summit, Cambri: cu.
Jnlm ML'me—Cambria Guards.
E C WlLLzAMs—Camcrnn Guards
E. IS. Romm‘rs—Fajeuc county
Volunlccrs, Union-(Own.
CHARLsa NAYLon—Nmunal Ran
gen, Philadelphia
Another complny from Reading, under
Cnpl. H. A. MUHLKNBERG. is said to have
been acceplud. .
mVYhal Hula snow we had has al
most entirely disappeared, and lhe waalh
ar 10 day is mild and spring like, .
grj’Tha Flour and Grain maikels. after
I slight depreulun, is again advancing.
Arrival of lhe Steamer Cam
»’ ‘ / bria, at Boston.
\~'l]x</Slealller Cambria arrived al Hm
[on on \Vedncndq lhu lOlh insl.. ther a
plunge ol Illlle our lwelve day. [rum
Lnerpuul. She brought to Bunion 76
The man prominent anllCdl m-ua by
(his arrival Is the üblncrnliuu 0! (he upub
Inc 0! Crncuw, Ihr In! remnant of l’ulnnd.
by [he cmublucd powers of Ruth. Au:-
lrla and l’ruusla.
'l'hc collnn mnvket has been very mudx
culled. The Munchener [rude [eel very
Indlguanl at the present movement. sup
ported by speculators only—upwards 0!
133.000 bags being lake-n by speculators
since Tuesday |nsl, at 1: tin 0! three
cighlhs 0! a punnv.
The English purll Ire lo be npcnul.
Indian corn is quoted 11156 a 58 mil
linga per quarter. American flour hml
advanced one shilling per barrel In Liver
pool, closing on 3d instant with a down
ward tandem},
'l‘hn Spam-h papers call on France and
England to establilh u monarchy in Me;
ico, to nave that country lrotn falling into
the American Union.
Ir‘eIMMI iu-e‘njuymg more Irlnquility.
and landlord: have adnpled eflicicm and
nuccen-lul mcaaures for lhe reliefol the
Genernl Flores. lhe South American
renegade. is repnrled (o hnvyc sailed from
Spam wilh one lhnusand monarchints to
conquer ch: repubhc o! Equulor.
The Steamer Greul Britaiu‘is slill on
the ruckr ‘ ~
Belgium has opened hcr‘ portl uhlil oc
lober 15t.,1847. and export of food is pos~
ilively prohibited.
Thu Pope ol’ Rumohas‘nuthorized lhe
people 0! Rome to organize (heir own lo
cal police, which is deemed an Important
concession. '
The Queen of Portuggl is in a critical
position. The rebellion in very general,
and it in suppoudv that the will be com
pelled lb abdicnle. , .
Fresh (roubles have brolien out‘in India;
The British are preparing tor new con
quells. England bu protested again“
the occupation of Crncmv. . -
Parliament meets 19m January.
' WWmaur'a [NDMN Vlarunuc PILLS. in addi
tion lo being one of the bag: nmi~bilvlou| medicines
in the world. possess a power in removing pain.
which is truly na:oniahingf Four or ‘fivo ofthuao
pillu,laken gvory nigh: on going to bed. will in u
üboruimo campiololy.rid the body ofihoso‘marbid
humor. which, Ifiodgod in the liver, are the cause
of'puinthe aide. nomniimu extendinzlhmugh
_lor the shouldgr blade. difficulty of broa'thing.;nqu:
gen ‘nnd nicknou. lou ofuppoiito. coa’uvonau.’indi-.
g'euiou. lluuleuoy. swnnhy or yellow complexion.
nnd'nlher symptoms ofun inflamed or torpid nub
oflho liver. ' .
anhi'a Indian Vugoinhlo Pills nlao thoroughly
clennso lho tlonmch and bowels' ofnll billions hu.
morl. and other Impurity. uml llioroforo are n cor
irin cure {or colic. dyucmery. cholera morbm, nnd
ovary other disorder of lho inlanlineu. They also
niil and improve digclliun, und cunnequcnlly give
heallh and vigor lo lho whole frnmo. nu well in
drive iii-cum uf ovary name from lhe holly. .
’l‘ho poplllnl’ily oi WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEG
IC'I‘A ELF. PILLS hn- pruvoil I ulrnng huil lo un~
principled mun, \\‘lm, instigated by lho impo of
guin. unrmpl lo pnlm off a apurioua article on lhe
unsuspeciing Tn delenl lho wicked ilcaignniof
nuch men. we have procured new lubaln, nnd lhe
lignnlnro or \Villium Wriglil will he found WRI'I‘~
'l‘liN Wl'l‘ll 'l‘lll? PEN on Ilm lop lnbel cram-ii
COUN'l‘i‘leli'El'l‘ THIS IS FORGERY.
Remember. lho only original and gunnino IN
label of ouch hox. ’
flgmt for Clear/icld. R. Shaw. for
01/wr agencies in Cleurfieltl &~ other coun
ties. see advertisement in anal/ter column.
MARRIED—On lhp 24”) NHL, by lho Rev. E
\Vully, Mr. LEVI Manson lo Miss Mumum‘ AD-
Aus. lm'lh of Clcurfiold bouncy.
N Lettersol Adminmrnlion haw been
granted m '.lle nub~cribers on the I‘hlalc
0! David \V'm-elvr. late 0| Hrnrzcl town
ship. -E|k cuunly. (lec’d—lhelelure all
perwnn knowing lhennelvcs indebted t 0
saul estate we required In make immedi
ate payment lo th‘ rubsuiberu. and thou
hnmg «lunnmls will present them duly
aullwnlicnled lur nelllruwnl.
Elk cu. [)--c. 2'2. [646
Pu! (lawn [or (rial al Feb’y Term, 1847.
Benpuum Ymglmg v. Juhn Waggoner
W. W. Pullcr‘l Adm'rl v- Gea. John-lon
Alexander Cook n Dnvnd Adam-
D. 'l‘. Dunlnp H J W Miller ALSonl,
Gau'rgo Suudora u l’clor Dullmnn
Andrew Davis u Juhn Ferguson
John Kline cl ul V: M McClellund A; Thus
Wm Dunlap rs hanc Thompson
Swearing Gum] & Cu. Va Chnrlcu HurwlL
A Jurw Dawn cl ul vs John Nickels
Juhn C(mper vs Wnlunn «5' Brenner
George B L'vgnn v- nurlnhnrn & Wori'oll
G R Banal! \‘n Ruchnrd Show
Mnhrw Bruwn vs George D Lanioh
Communwcallh 01 H Chambers vl. [Chamberl-
To all creditors, legatccs, and oth
er persons interested:
N the loHuning named persons have
filed their adminislrnlmn accounts: in lhe
office ul lhe Regisler for the Probate ul
“'lllu and grnnllng Letters 0f Adminis»
[nation 'ln and for lhc county ul Clcaffieltl,
and that the ume mil be plexented to the
Urphlns' Court of uul cuunlv {or confir
munun and allowance on the firs! Mumhy
nl February next. at 10 o’clock. A. M.
The udminislrmiun account (of Calhn
rine Crussman, Exnulrix of |he esralu u
Joseph Crounmn, late of Burnside umn
ship, Clearfirltl counly. dec'd.
The administration account of Michae
Elselxnan. adminls‘lralor 0! [he ”tale a
JacM) Frederick App|e. |ale of Kallhaua
(owmhlp. Cleatfield cnumy. dec'd.
WM. C. WEL'CH. Rrg'r
Reg’rs ()tficv, (Near.
field, Dec. 21,1846}
Stray Calf.
‘ AME m lhe residence of Ihe subscriv
(J brr. in Lawrvnce township. abnul lhu
first of December. inst. a Red Steer Cay.
will) a while lace. supposed lo br out-yea:
old nut Spring. The owner will there
lure like nolico, and at! N (ha law :lirecta.
Dec. XB. 18-16.
Court Proclamalion,
HERI'IASIho Hun. Gen. W. Wamm'nrdJ’rcu-
W dchudgc of the (lour' u! Commun Plans 01
lhc~llhjudwiul dislncl. cumpuxcd ul lho countlexol
(.‘lmlun, Mimi“. Cylmrv um! Cleurlield. and the
Hun Jmnrx T.‘lLr'n'nurd and Ahrnlmm K Wrighl.
lisq’rsJusuomule Judges in Clvurfield ('ounly. have
issund their procvpl, beurmg dnle the Is! duv 0! Def.
1840, lo mediroclod, lor ho.dlng n
Cour! 0" Common Hie/m, Orphans Court, Court
of Quarter Seasiom, and Court of Oyer (y 71m
min” and General Jail Deliucry,
nt Clcurfield 'l‘own,forlho Counlyul (Ilenrfimumn
(hu 1:! Monday 01 Fob'y next, (being the XBl duy
ofthe month.)
Nance imlhcrcfure, hereby given.
In the Coroners. J usuans ot the Pence, & Constables
In and fur the County ul‘Clenrfield, to nppcurin their
nwn proper pcmum. with Rullu. Ret'orda, lnquisinuus
I'lxnmumlions and other Rumombmncos. to do those
things whlr'h lhctr otlicep &In their behalfuppormin
to be donugtuul ull wntuessca and otherpersons pro~
aeculng 11l bchull ut tthummunwenlth ngntnst any ‘
prisoners nrerequired In he then and tltorénttbntling
und notdepurt without leave. at their pcrtl.-- Jurors
nru requested to be punctual in lhetruttendnnco at
the nppoink'dlime agreeable to notice.
Given under my hand at ‘_lho lownof Clenrfielduhil
26111 day of Ducomber. In lhe ycui-ol‘our Lord on.
lhunsuud eight hundred undlufly 31!. and lhe
slxly-nin"! yearof’Americnn,lndependonco, _
10,000 bushels of Oats, 1
_ (5,000 ‘do Wheat,
3,000 “do Rye,
' 2,000 do Corn,
0r anyljcu quality. mutqd “Ahaghup
store,- in exchange for: goodn. '
‘Nov, 27., 1846. .
owns a; SHINGLES wapteaj
B' exchange for good; . at he 'cbeap'
store of ‘ ' ‘
KRATZER & PARRETT§! ; ,. : -
Nov. 27.
10ng STITES. smr.
M’Allistén‘m 'olhtmem'?\§
_ _~~
Insensiblc Perspiratz'bni
'l‘ho preceding figure IB given to represent the in~
sen-ihlo perspiruuun 'll is the 'grcut Evacuation for
the impurities of the body. ‘lt Wlll he nollced that I
thick cloudy mist issues from all parts at the surface.
which indicates that the ersplrnnon flow: uninter
ruplcdly whom we arc in lienlth. but ceases when we
Ire nirk. Lite cannot be sustained wilhoutit. It in
thrown oil't'rom the blood and other juices ofthe bo~
dy, null disposes by this menus of nearly all the im-
PUI'IIIOI within us. Tho language ofthe Scripture II
"in the Blood in the life." lfit ovnr becomesimpure.
:1 "WV lm traced direct! to the stop ago at the In
scnsiblu l’crspimlion. Tim: we we all that in new:-
lury when lhu blood is stngunntor infected,” to Open
the porcu, and it relieves ilsell from all its mipurity
Illslnnlly. its own heui nnd vunlily are suffimenl.
wnthuui one purtli'lu of medicme. exco no open tho
Korea upon the nurture. Thus we we [fro folly oltn~
mg so much i-ncrnnl remedies. All practitioners.
ho\\'l'Vor.dtr(!cl their effort: to reslom maensxblc per-
Bpllfllloll. I
To give some idea ol the mnountof lho lnlemiblo
l'erapiranon. wo wall state that the learned Dr. Low~
enliock ascertained Ihol fivu-oighlhn ofall wo recoi'o
inlo the stomach Klufilall ofl’ by [his moans. In olhor
words. if we em and drink eight pound! per duy. “’0
evacuate five pounds uflt by lnaensihla pcnplrullon.
. 1! is by stopping lhe [Xircslhm overwhelm mankind
with coughs. t‘olds. and consumptions. Nine-lanlhs
of the world die lrom disanses induced by a stoppage
ol' the lmensiblo Perspirnlion. ,
Lol me ask. now, every cundid mind. what course
seems the 11109 l roasonnble lo unslop lhe pores allot
lney are closed I Would you give a physio loumlop
the pores-l Or would you apply somethinglhat would
do this upon the surface. whore llio clogging actual
ly in? And ye! [know of no physician who makes
any external spplicanon to effect it. Under these
Cll’CUlllblnnt‘oS I present to physicians and to all Olli
on. McAllister's ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, ur the
wo‘nm’s IALVI-Z. It has rowan. to resluro perspira
tion on the leel. on the lll‘nll, nrnltnd old sores‘ upon
the chest. in short. upon any part 01 lho body. wheth
er diseased slighlly or severely.
II has Pownn to on use all pxlornal sores. scrofulou:
Imers. slim (liscasm, pnummus wounds, lo discharge
their putrid matters. and then heals them.
It preserves and delonds lho surlaco from all do~
rangemmt ofitv functions. The surface is lho outlet
ol livo~eighlhs ofthe liile and used up matter within.
II is pierced With millions of openings to rellnvo lho
intestines. Step up the pores and Dn'rn knocks st
the door. lt is rightly lormod All-healing. lor lhere
ll scorcel u disease. external or internal. lho! it will
no! _bcucllyl. I liavo used it lor the lan fourteen years
lor nll diseases ol lho t-hesl. consumplion, liver. tnvol-
Vlng tho utmosl danger and rosponsibilily, and l dt~
flaw before heaven and man, that not in on. single
case has it latlod lo benefit. when lho pollen! woe
wrlliin lhn reach of murlnl moons
l have had physicians. [named in the profounionJ
have had Ministers of lheGospelJudgel afgho BIRCh
Aldermen. and Lawyers, gvnllemen of the high"!
crudmun. and MUL’I‘ITUDES ofthe Peon use It in ovo
ry vunely of way. and them has been but one voioo.
(me united. unn ersnl Vulcc, saying. "McAllislar.your
Omlmonl u Goon."
CONSUMPTION. ll (:nn harely be credited that
u salve cun have any effect upun the lungl. seated u
may urn willun the aynlotn. But If placed upon lhe
Che-SL!“ ponotrulcu directly In the lungs scpnmtel lbfi
poisonous pnrm-lc-u that are cunsumtng them and ex
pols them Irom the system. It Is curing person! 01'
consumption runltnuully.
Tho Salve limi cured persons 01 the Headache of 12
year's standingmnd who hld ll iogulntly every week.
so that vomiting olton took place.
COLD Fh‘E'l‘. Consumpllon. Liver Crmplainl.
paths in the chest or stdo. falling 0E0! the hair, one
yr tho other. always accompanies cold feet. It in a
sum sign iil'diuouse in the system to have cold feet.
This Ointment is the truo remedy for sctml-‘ULA.
Ettvstt-ELAS. SALT mmuu. Ltvzlt COMPLAINT. non:
Ens, QUINH‘, sum: 'rmum'r, lleClll'l'ls. 3110 st on
sun: BREAST. runs, all CHEST DISEASES. such an Astu-
MA, orritnsstuw. PAINS. also, non: LIPS. cnnrln
DIsEASES. and u! the smut.
The-re u no medlcmo now known so good.
- BURNS. It Is the bell thing in lho world lor
Burnt fßend the directions nruund tho lmx.)
l’lMPLl‘lS ON HIE FACE. Ila fml aclion in to
expel nll humorv. h then beginslo soften. umiltho
ikm becomes as smooth and delicate In a child'l.
WORMS. I! wxll drive ovary vesugo ol lhom «-
wny. (Read lhe diracliunl around the box.) Them
In pmhobly no medncino on the taco of the alrlh u
ocno so sure and so safe in (he expnluinn ol Worm.
UL!) SORES. 'l‘lml sumo acres are un outlet to
lho impurmns of lhe system. Is becuuse lhoy cannot
pass olflhrough lho nnlurul chnnnel ofthe lnuenliblo
Punplrulion. lfbuch sure: are healed up. lhe impu.
rmou must have name other outlet. or it will endan
ger llfl‘. This Suhe will always provide {or such
RHEUMATISM. ll rec-men alums! immedinlaly
lho Infltmnmuun and swullmg men the pain of
course ceases.
SCALI) MBA D. We have cured vnseslhnl actu
nlly defied evury llnng known. us well ml the nbllily
ol filluon or twenty donluro. One man told ul ho had
spam $5OO on his children without any benefit. when
a law boxes of lhe unllmunl cured them . ..
CORAS. Occasional use of lhe oinlmem will IL
\\‘nya keep corn: lwm growing. Pepple need not be
lruub'cd wnh lham iflhey “1” null.
As A FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can mauulo 11l
valuv. JAMES McALLIS'I‘ER, 6; Co"
Sole proprietor. Price 25 cents per box.
CAUTION. "Nu Oinlmem Will be genuine un~
less lhe human 0! James McAlliater or Jamel Me.
Allister .9 00., are me'ncx with 11 HEN upon lvnv
E. 65 w. F.IRWIN,
flgenlsfur Gleameld county.
Cleagjiald. Dec. 25, 1846.—1 y.
HE stockholders ol the “Elk Salt
T Works company are ”queued lo
Intel at the school house near said works.
an Saturday the 26th December next. for
lhe purpose of electing officers for the fin
suing year. and [or other purposcu.
By orderof lhe Bnnnl. ‘ .‘
November :30. 1846. " ‘ ,
fldmim'strator’s Notice.
. .Letlera of Adminisydtion hayé bun
granted to the subscriber on [he came of
George Hunter. his .0! Lawrence toil-
Ihip. dec’d. Mlpewqunmlebml Igggid
estate willlmnk'c payment.withoutdplgx.’
and those hflingclhithill pageant {lnn’cmicnte,d. , ~ . ‘ 1,“;
' 1" .‘ ‘ ROSS ‘READ,’A,IIQ’I‘H,
Llr‘vonce tp. Nov.’3,-,1,8,40‘