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"•;.'f:-.4lityjl4sf---> Ai ti, ' 4 i :. 11 :':' ti.N ~ ~.. „; • ...,...._ __ . ig f 4.- - - 11D. otet cpp NA Di - nee H RS egi - I,' NO paper will be sent to those who •r r : in advance after the expiration of the paid for. 1)::TY.1.11 letters on business: connected lathe office, to receive attention, ninst be , st paid. omo• ,ogy, ntel- 12121 w PUGH OF THADEUS STEVENS OF PBNNSYL• ' VANIA, ON THE CALIFORNIA QUESTION, to ,et • e ' Xade ii the . House 'of Repreirentatives, Night Sessioni, Jzni. 10, 1850.. 1 , Mr, Cniuntirnisr How far Cbngress . ; trirt legislate for the Territories, and. ad ittitbit' new States into the Union, has been a matter of grave discussion. ' The power, to admit new States is ex liressly given by the Constitution. But the extent of that power is by no means _settled. In my judgment, it refers only .toinaiv States formed out of territory pre . -viously belonging to,the nation. Such was the opinion of Mr. Jefferson, and •I :nave never„ seen it, successfully contro verted. Clearly that clause ,conferred no • -diplomatic powers on CongreSs. Conse quently, Conffresseould not enter into ne gotiation with foreign Powers ; for that would be an act of diplomacy. The right to admit foreign independent nations into the. COnfederacy is nowhere given to Con gress, either by direetgrant, or necessary implication. I do not belieVe it to exist a. nywhere, except with the treaty making power. This question Will probably be; sorioushr considered and finally decided, when Texas comes to subdivide her terri tory into States, .and claim their udmis .sion into the Union, if that unfortunate e vent should ever happen. The right of Congress, and :the extent . of that s riglit, to legislate for the territories, has become a question of lieree discuss sion by the ablest minds of the nation.— For sixty years and upwards, after the passage of the Ordinance of 1787 and the adoption of the Constitution, no ono seri ously -doubted the right ofCongress to con trol the whole legislation of Territories-- to establish Territorial Governments; cre ate courts; fix the tenure of the Judas .and other officers—in short to exercise: all acts of municipal as well ns political legislation. For sixty years, all that au , thority lras been exercised over the North 3vestorn Turritory, the Southwestern Ter.; pitory, over Louisiana, Florida and Ore gon. In the mean time, the question had beep delicately and conclusively settled by all branches of the Government—by I Presidents, by Congresses, .by. repeated .deciSions of the. Supreme Court of the United States. Elementary writers,. Sto. ry, Rawle, and others, had so laid down tho law. ~. 1 . . It is only since our dismemberment of •• .the Mexieen Empire, that this question .has been opened,.and found able and ap,' parantly sincere states.rnen totally to deny '• the power. . . Those Who half a century he,rice, shall be led to examine the archieves_ of 'the :nation, will naturally enquire what new light had been shed on this subject ; what new eyent had happened to disturb this \well-settled opinion, It may possible ho found, that even in this free and cnligten-! ed Republic, men, statesmen an dema• gogues, were actuated by the same cupid ity,, lust of poWer and office, which gov . .erned,.the people .of the old and cor ,, ,rupt 'nations of the world. • That an; inde. : pendent nation, without treaty and without warrant in Inn consoLutifin; oy the mere act of Congress, was corruptly admitted into' this confederacy for the avowed mar-, pose of extending' the dominion of slavery; and that California and Neiii Mexico ,werol ,acquired for the same object. But.that it was* fetind that Congress, unexpectedly to the South,• determined to exclude sla ' •very - from them; and bad actually pas's `,ed a bill for that purpose,. through the House of Representatives; and it wa.s lost un theSenato only .for want of - Then .Southern statesmen discovered, that the .only chance they had ofcarryiug out their original, deSign; was to deny the power of, •Congress to pass such a law. They..a bandoned the position sanctioned by them .selves„ and by the.prescription of fifty years, and, boldly assumed this new at ititude. ' But to be successful, they must bring :Northern aid to this newdoetriae. They put in requisition . the means which. before had always availed them—the political %weight, of Slavery. A' Presidential elec. waS approaching. Ho alone„- who I wa.s willingto.receive this new light, and 'surrender' his' conscience to its' ..tion L eould receive their support. Among ,the most prominent : of the Aspirants to ,that high offiee . ', , i , as 'a :gentleman Of dig :finguished.lfalenfs'i of great - scientific and ettaininents,. who had reached' the ottiturcLage of nearly three score .Y.eais and ten. Ile was particularly .- versed , in the:Cc:institution and Laws whieh regulate the Territoriei.' 'lle had 'grown up,.:4,with them. He had filled several ofices;' and marg. them •,TerritoNial overninenl4:*iblisheil hicongress. 7 , r .aelitinitaeAge f d the 'eitelusive. sfCongressiW them,' and its' ,power to -..telude'SlairMrerri them.' He was pie-. ' r4lo„Vote:ter, the - Wilinet:Proviso; and Ased .great regret- , That he . 'l lv 6 d'Oritio ; -' , 4'nnertnnity, by.. debate protreetwl to the end of tho' .sioo oflB4B,''...There-rmenis bpi TitdE pc ; opmion .:Eivined with care, and. caul. Aidated by the action of POOPS UPI 9901 e." . f ood uw 9 toi 4 -: ~ ~~r~ ,wj,r. avi 1)44 .70711 :S. • ', ' ~' `y ' 1,•.. , Vii: . l'fl~ j: ~~r~~~ rr; :` ;, t~ ~ 1 , 1 1,-..... A IVEERLY PAPER : DEVO Voila nee L . ever be so changed as to entitle him • rorn holdingslnvcs in the Territories, does Southern support. But miriacles ha not discriminate, but grants to all equal not ceased in the moral, whato . spriviloges" and „immunities." may be the 'case in tho physic' But such law is said to be partial, be world. Southern alchemy was appli= cause a portion of our citizens cannot straightway a shaking was seen am. take their_ property with them. This is the dry bones, and he stood up rege not true in point of (het. Evory man may ated, illuminated, and transformed. take his property, conforming to the local scales fell from his ancient eyes, and law when hq gets there. finny of them saw bright visions. He now denies, possess property which by the law of ma- Congress the least power over the 'l' i ture or of man would be worthless, of tories. To vindicate, not his consisted course ho will leave it behind. A large, for that is hopeless, but his honesty' capital, in Pennsylvania, is invested in has devoted thirty odd" inortal pagel stock, tools, and implements for smelting a speecle to show the error indulge(' and manufacturing iron. Mit turns out, for the, last sixty years, by Congret' as i believe is likely to be the" fact, that by Presidents, by Supreme Courts, I most of our newly-acquired territory has constitutional writers, and by himself ; neither coal nor iron, what right had the I shall not attempt to Ibllow his la IGeneral Government to expend the corn argument, especially as very few u, mon treasure to purchase territory to Southern allies now endorse it. Iwhich the Pennsylvania iron masters could however,, must feel sincere regret th ; not take their property without rendering changed his opinions under such pe , it worthless? TIR. argument is quite as I circumstances; , je.ogent, and more just, than that used by My opinkpn as to the extent of the: , the Slaveholder. 'er orCongress in legislating for the. I The only fair inquiry is, do the same tories differs somewhat from rhos/. ' laws operate on all; without regard to the ; admit'quantity or quality of their I the general and exclusive pot property, or The Supreme Court, the ultimo: , the section from whence they come? ter fixed by the People finally to• i But it is said that such a law would all questions arising under the t - violate the rights of the slaveholder ; by tution and laws of Congress, have, • - deprivtng him of his propertv—his vested peated decisions, derived the e. I rights. power of Congress to legislate for t - I To divest him of property in slaves in , ritories from the clause in the C - , free Territories, it must be first shown " ti o u which says- 7 " The Congre's 1, that he has such property. It is a Fin ' have power to dispose of and m, 1, ciple'of the common law ' quite as sacred ncegful rules arc regulations re. r: as the doctrine of sacred rights, that 'by the fllyritory and other property. e; the general law man is not the subject of United States." I property ; that he can be held in bondage Ido not suppose that any br '•f, only by express local law : . and that, this Governmeut is at liberty prt ! wherever the slave is beyond the jurisdic to disregard these decisions. It M 9 ,' tion of such local law, no matter how he as improper in the President, Cm r j gets there, he is free. This has never any other Cunetionary of the Gov t ; been•doubted since the celebrated decision as it would be in an individual. Iby Lord.Manstield, in the case of the n - c;- it would 'be a misdemeanor. If: e I gro Summersett. Nor does it make any oow an open question, I should i : e difference whether the slave jurisdiction" to rest it wholly on that part of r•and the free jurisdiction belong to the" stitution. There is much weigl';E) san;ie or different Governments. By the argument that ‘; 'Arritory" is kis,• e i common law; if •n slave escapeS ,from a singular number, and coupled Gilja - Va Stith= into a free State, he is free. ' phrase "or other propeaty belong. he, That principl e of the common laWdiewev- I United States." It 6CC111113 to h -en ; er, is prevented from operating in the States intended to Apply ton single .-, in full force in .ry by a clause tube Constitution: But ,it is t•es not extend. The master, and the Government property • territories, to which that At the adoption of the Consd United States owned but ono the provision d o ry 1 therefore, :,who takes his slave into free (the Northwestern.) "Nor did 'on - I Territmieg t has no vested rights or pro stitutiou provide for-tbe nequi fa- ' ; Fterty in hill, whieli can be impaired.— lay other. Clearly, no such po giv-, lie- Ited and inch rho slave litom aesman, and has a yes. en to Congress, either expressl bill right . to liberty. I cessary implication. It is to b Alit' it i While bus tbund that Congress' 1 it exi - sts anywhere in the G the treaty-making power al oat has the right prohibit and abolish sla in The ; very in thell,l tories, it does not follow • Supreme Court have fortified t fiction i t that it has t • , r to ( .. stabh „ th it. I I admit that ~. ,of the power of Congress ove Ter.' • ' less has all legislative Iritories, as the consequence (-) right Tower 9Yer the itories necessary for .4o acquire by treaty. If I w flowed j the legislation in "rec. erovernnpe k a, .ex -1 t when expre to indulge my own judgme should'e9 . entrained by the pro- I visians of tile Co. it . i place the right of . Congress .giiiie•te c ' for the Territories acquired f foreign mentalprinciples the Government. -, It is not hound nations wholly In the. consent s renal. by " asticle ,which re- iserves to the States 1 , 1 tin;; from the right of nequisi lens not exoress- i d to the I/ Our Constitution places t rislative I ly iA , l;ante estates. ,ventured power in ,Congres, Corse o , _Cori-1 we r i r li b i " nion free time silica to" graqa Al6 . 9 . Uxclust ye— liowbr ' 0 he Terl. : g y d P ils of Slave he real Condi rill:lt-jos newly acquired. T onstitu.' ; heti In d b ey thie de , een . . e d r e a l to be • " tide itself does, not e,xtend. to , and in.ssal" w (tile that great . the' institu- can have.nodufluenco upon ti excep t llion. most fearless of m ost honest, so far as it creates and define ' leg' s " ' an • 'stetesmeo, who was striker) down lative organ of the sovorign of the s 'Most utiaided, li i; Ibis nation. None of the 'officers he Ter.- Hall, rights, \va'a and denouncin c ,dinghu:. ritories field by a constitutio eo ure .-,- m ' an .we saw him front horrors •No law of the United Stat 4 ves eve r of slavery, object f the bitterest peRQ year siippeSed to be extended t Y of the th e. thisElouse, tkod by the slay base Territories by the mere. for f the Con. ill , ~... No motives were to ev stitinion. The provision fo return of e . rywi t ier tohim; no crimes to atr to fligitive slaves does not ext to the Ter. impute him: it was sought o ul ritoriaS. Any slave escapi r being ta- charge . .upon body and , 1... ; it ,was • ken into Now Mexico or C rain, would hint from this. d ~ red only by his own gallant off, .he instantly _free. Hence the act ,of I trust that it will not • be' sun' 1763, "express provision the subject Si;,S . . . t • to expect 'to 91 'tea - es wall made with regard to ,-eri I • that I ,haviittothe, vain ,), which we then had.. ." touched by any of the ,rays of that glo. It fellows that Congo alone has the which will forever surround his name, o " power to legislate for the trliorie;3. ;and account of:, the calumnies, the insults, an etit i ens • endured. in that any action by the in itan'ts in form. t . g tr l s'' and ' which he cause. But if I could ing Governments for tl selves, until thisl I).e ii s ueli hopes,holy gentlemen from the rn authorized by Congress, irregular, end indulge th l and"thosefroin the North who arc as is justly argued by the entlean from South, contributing to gentlemen, are kindly Virginia,' [Mr. Seddon,] d other South- no .., . rit ' " 'My late speech ambitious aspi twits. ern gentlemen, mere user tion. . I do not In l y been deemed of sufficient - importance think, however, it is sue surpation as is has t •atte tio ', riot to it, liot to . its be to attNac to .be treated its crimin but may P ' P as and our remarks author. Sir,our a . . . either sunetioned, or din owed, as- Con- ' comment here arc legitimate subjects' of gross may deem 'most nducive to the n and When any • and rigid exanuna o , . generallelftire. • , , " . humble effort. of mi o shall receive such Butk.treontended, the 'although Con- theonly"k ay which gentlemen ' .usi.e; it has not unlimited, notice. in.will to gresW exe! it . ~'© me pleasure ' rind' i'sbound will purse, juriddiction. That it indy t what ,I am , ievinced is wrong, ,retract . to'ilcoislate to protect slavery, tint ,cap- , ht `' defend ilia and seklinly , to test, not prohibit it.,. - ' . - re may be ilk ei l i ie,ity A A distiliguiahed Senator from Kentucky sever tolo as Ido not reinembe township,M.- •- [Mr.Clay, "tieotreverts . this doctrine, and ~ . _.),., fro. . ~.,..,. holds that, - grass can abolish,, prohibit, ous getttlerPO %"." -11 T .o .z .o re th e #4._ , ries or establish very 'in the ',Ferrito • remarks, who ),:••.iik. '''' he facts ce .' I cannot ag tei. Do itber of these propo- of t ; _. toss,4 1 . • • sitions.' . in suu rt of theftyst,, ir it, or- meats, 4 , geed that ilio . . prohibitation • ef''slaVery vituper ) ._—__, :would violate the provision' of the Consti- there ca t i mi k . . 'hint:in:which' says , " that t The . eiffieriS of willing top... 7 ' each State 'Oa be! entitled to ••all rho blaekgua. . ' . privileges an immunities of eitizens.of the: I will loch , Several StateS." '1 can "see .00 ':/b r sP;: in lingsga.t4 . Me' argumetik •• This "artidie supply ; pro 7 warlliy: • unate Virginia" - 1,":, .. : • - vides that the.law'' shall not clisunn . • ...... , ., 0 ,..... between citizens of the waver st' ' a. t -ta.tes. , jof ' - • . .""tt.''.7.,. t. 7.• • „ -, - Now a law which ; , . prohibits every person IS '." ..; . • " . . If . .:. N• ''. ''' -".0010,' TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DO_MESTIC•JNTELLIGENCE, Clearfield, Pa., July 26, 15560. and all that tribe. With them I have no controversy. When I vent to combat with such oponents and such weapons, I can find them finy day by entering the fish market, without defiling this Hall. I beg those respectable fish-ladies, how ever, to understand that I do not include my colleague from Bucks county among those whom I deem fit to be their assi.mi ates. I would not so degrade them. There is in the natural world, a title, [ spotted . contemptible animal, which is arm. ed by patpre with a focetid, voloile, pen etrating Virus, which so pollutes whoever attacks it, as to make him offensive to' himself and all around hirn for a long time. Indeed, he is almost incapable of purifica tion. Nothing, sir, no insult shall pro voke me to crush so filthy a beast ! •Sir, I am not satisfied that this is the fitet. I A ill send to the Cleric, and ask him to rend a law of Virginia, enacted more Ithan fifty years before this agitation 1) , !- gar). it is to be Ibund in the 6th volilme, of Hennings's statutes at Large of Virgin ia, published in 1819, " pursuant to an act ' of the General Assembly of Yirgiuia, pas sed on thelith day of February, 1808." See. xxiv. " 4nd that when any slave shall be notoriously guilty of going al road in the night, or running away and laying out, and cannot be retained from such die. orderly courses by common methods of punishment, it .shall be lawful for the coup • ty Court, upon complaint and proof there of to them rondo by the owner of such slave, to order and direct such punish ment by dim/cm/wring, or any other way not touching liii_•, as the Court shall think fit. And if such slave shall die by means of such ,dismembering, no forfeiture or punishment shall be thereby incurred." I have had that law read, to see if any [ gentleman can turn me to any more cruel laws passed since the " agitation." I did not read it myself, though found on the pages of Old Virginia's law books, lest it should make the modest gentleman from Virginia [Mr. Millson] and the gentleman from North Carolinia [Mr. Stanley] and, his gray-headed negro blush ! [Mr. Bayly of Virginia. That law is repealed, or not now in force.] Mr. Stevens. Than lam glad that the agitation has produced some amelioration of your-. Jaws, although I still find it in your statute books.' But suppose it were truet tha the mas• ors had become more severe ; has it not been so with tyrants of every age ? The nearer the oppressed is to freedom, and the more hopeful his struggles, the tighter the :master rivets his chains.. Moses and Aaron' urged the emancipation of the en slaved Jews. Their master hardened his heart. '[j.lose lanaiical abolitionists, gui ded by Heayen, agitated anew. Pheroah increased the burden of the slaves. He required the saAlc,quantity of brick from them without straW, as when the straw I had beep found them. They were seen dispersed and wandering to gather stub ble to make out their task. They failed, and were beaten with stripes. Moses was their Worst ',enemy, according to these ' philanthropic getitler . oo. Did the Lord t hi nk „,[%, n,pd ~......0.04,1 1,4 1 -. t. dcoiot, test from the Kinghim be should injure them ? No ;le directed e la7ehohler still harden hire to agitate again, and demand the abo litionselc o i f u ey t e g ry ro s a l t ay s cha ns ed his heart, and ,rernsed• 'fle bordyi,s itedi them with • successive pL ues•L—li ee , frogs, locusts, thick darkness until, as a e n t d he ili fir \ orn r n t g i r r a e l ‘ v v n , l i i higher, l s i en3r smote i l c v i. e e re ag ti i g ta ti t t i e o of every house in Egypt ; nor ,d t in slaveholder relax the grasp orr his victi tit there was wailing throughout the ole land, over one dead in every (Imlay, 'rein the King that sat op the throne to the ptive in the dungeon. Aside from the principle . of Eternal ' dit ' I 'rill never consent to the admis of another slave State into the Union, ' [s bound to do so by some constan. ompact, end I know of none such,) tint of the injustice of slave repre t . By the Constitution, .not only m now in the Union, but all that hal , . tler be admitted, are entitled to I five . ayes represented in Congress, white) ing counted equal , to three)i.. States \ This is'Unjust to the fre0,.... - . `,.: tation I, Ou allow them a riipres and pro „ pound . rutiO of p . . t #l- ` - (."(tart)) 1 41 tlemen o .o e ve,tui o ty,- , n , the icpr . , .:...,..„' v i ohm (part) not one 1 -.- .. - :•;:..rn.l.g . ph., . (r rage ct"? - • ., ... •! , .......0 4 1 • . , willph,,i‘ . r k ~ S.. ~' `ll • . " , anti-slavery doctripes, or who had active 'dealer is evidence of slavery,a, which can friends that were. This power was noel- not be gaipsaid. The slave-hunter may riously and successfully brought to bear, bring his post-master judge, as well'as hie several years since, against a distinguish- proof, with himt. far thelaw ;gives ))title ; ed and worthy gentleman, who was point- diction not only ; to one . residjpg bat Aqing nated to an office fiir below his merits, be- inthe P', to where the arrest is edide.— cense he had sppkep evil of the "dark Behold •!;in.t,Ourt - and, jary to y;:-Ie c n,hu spirit of slavery." Thus are Northern man libcrty !-Lan overseer, with a power • . men held in deresp! , of atte:•ncy•; the affiddvit of a protessisnal This power denuznels from Congress sieve .t ;ap itiperarit poste ter from " compromises" which shall increase its Virginia signing judgment in a bar:roam ; influence. Sir, this word" compromise," the del;nelant, a fiapd:cufred negro, with when applied to human rights, I abhor.— out couniail, witpesses, orjudge. Verily, We are not asked, but comma ndf!d, to a second Dapiel has comet° jurigin , .alf. compromise away the Constitution. It is 4 decree thus obtained,'Without a j.2ry well known that, when Congress assent- ito pass on the facts, is to conclude the bled here, a large majority of itsrra-mbers, rights of roan, and silence the law. £IS well as a large majority of the people,l The distinguished Senator from Ken were in favor of prohibiting slavery in at: • tacky [Mr. Clay . ] wishes lurther to make the Territories, and admitting no new slave; it the fluty of all by-standers to aid in the States into the Union. It is a vital prinei-; captere of fugitives; to join the chase and ple of the Constitution, that the will of a run down the prey. This is aakine more majority shall govern. But terror, treason i than my constituents "will ever grant.--- e and threats arc used to compel the majo r . They will strictly abide by the Coristitte ity to yield ton turbulent minority. The . lien. The slaveholder may pursue his violence of passion, the recklessness of . slave among them with his own foreign ambition, and the corruption of party, are ; myrmidons, unmolested, except by their all used to bring about this " compro- frowning scorn. But }7,g /riA , that tyranny mist," ofcopStitutiepet right. He who re- • can pass will ever induce them to join the gents his oath to support the Constitution' hue and cry after the trembling Wretch cannot thus surrender. 1 who has escaped linen unjust bondage.— But it is proposed to propitiate Virginia ' Their fair laad, ;Pad.° hfnature and their 'by giving her 8200,000,000 out of the own honest toil as fertile and as the vele public treasury, the proceeds of the public ' of Tempe, shall pev.er become the buntirim lands. Wails sum were to be given for ground*. bn whiCh' the blood-liounds of the purpose of purchasing the freedom of Slavery shall copes° ;theirprey, mid corn her slaves, large as it is, it should have mand them to join the htint: " ' ' ' • •. my hearty support. It is,l think, at least' Sir, this tribunal would be mere.otlibus fitly millions more than would pay for than the Star Chember—these "miters !them all at a fair market price. But it is more hateful than the ratailitira of the I designed for no purpose of emancipation.; Inquisition. . ' ' ' .-•• , The eool,headed, cool-hearted, philosophic... Can the free North stand this? Ca author had no such "transcendenta l !" eh- • Now England stand it 1 . : Can Massachu n !iject. It is tote specifically appropriated to setts stand it? if she cap, Sbe i •has but exile h.o Hire people of color, and traps.: one step further to take in deritdation„ port them from the land of their birth ,to "and that is to deliver . her own ;kens in the land of the stranger ! Sir, this in a chains to Southern masters ! *hat would proposition not " fit to be made." the bold Barons of Runnymede have said [Mr. Averett of Virginia here asked,Did to such defenders of Liberty 1 What would not New England sell slaves?] 1 the advocates of English freedera, et any - Mr. Steyens. Yes, she sold, she im. time, have said to those who would atrilt© ported slaves; she wan very m - icked , she • down the writ of habeas cor . ;:us azid the has long since repented. Go ye and do ! right of trial by jury; thosb'vi likewise. • 1 of Magna, Cliaita and the Bit! of Rights 1 his my purpo'se nowhere in these re, i They would have driven them forth:ea ern• marks to make personal reproaches; I! emies in disguise. . ; •,.. ~ ' ontertain no ill-will towards any human I Sir, so long as ,nian.ip vain anal fallible; being; nor any brute, that I know cif, pet ! so long as great men have like passione even the skunk across the way to which Ilavith others, and, as in republics, are stir- - referred. Least of all would I reproach 1 rounded with stronger temptations; it were the South. I honor her courage and fi- Ibetter for theraselvea if their fame tic.quir delity. Even in a had, a wicked cause, i ed ,no inordinate height; , until the grave she shows a united front. Ad her sopahad precluded error. The .errors .of oh.- are faithful to the cause °riflemen bondage, I sure men die with them; and cast no shame I because it is their cause. But the Nort,h lop their . pesterity. pow .different 'with Le-the ! poor, timid, njercepary, drivelling the ( great! - . , 'North—has no such united defenders of) [flee. much better hnd it been for . Lord. her cause, althoughit is the cause of hu- , &Cthat reatest of human intelleets, man liberty. Notje - of the Aright lights of h a d h opa never, during his' life, acquired the nation ehirie upon her ,section. Even glory, and .rise,n to high honors in the her own great men' have turned ! her (teen- State, than to be . degraded frOm:them Inr---•:. sees. She is the victim ofjewambition— the judgment of his peers. How ,tritt . ' c ail ambitioto whit:lh prefers self to country, hater for him and his, had he' liverran persepal aggrandizement to the high cause died and unknoWn, than to be hr4t1441 .elhuraan liberty She in effered ini a tbrougb all' future . time us 'the " .- .., . sacrifice to propitiate Southern tyratiny— -wisest, brightest. memos; of truinkincl.:!. to conciliate Southern treason. ,• • So.now, in this crisl,s.of the fateoflih- We are told that she has not done her '•• ' • • - erty, 'fatly of the renew,ned men of thi duty in restoring fugitive slaVes; Red that • ,nation should betray her , eausP,: ; it were more strineent laws must be passed to . 5 e - isetter that they had thee,n ttnlano•vii4o' 0 cure that object. A . distinguished Sen t - •• • I lame. ilt ' need pet ;be }hoped that. the , .. glary . _ . will,dazzle for from Kentucky [Mr. Clay] says . it' i is i brightness of their nuSt the duty, not only of officers ei tie -, * (l l•thce •es of eosterity,,or Illunnne the pa- States, but of all the people.v,v,holiappeaeto ' •`1• • ". 1 .,• • •' ~- -' Ites 0 impartial ti - At few elate rays be present, to give Active aid 40 the slave-, -ma still !in er on a lad'a lc, h tth . owner to rep dovile, arxest,,iand restore Ole I 'wir? . b .- g b i - d' 1 ' g h iP t ; 4 9. soon c w cme tp 4, o lacknesro papa who is fleeing from slavery. An E, darkness. For enlesa progr'easiee . alvili, qua tly distinguished Senator from . Massa.; nation, and: the increasing love oPicqd. oll % liusetts [slr. Webster] unites with him Christian • : :I: throughout the a are' ciliuqea 14. 4efionncing the aggressions of the North I werld ! .ere falltie,ilatte, Ahe . 5i 2 " 1 : . °1 ,L 1 BE. in ni • particular • and they both declare! • - het bill 1 t T i A i r e ,o 1 nvet: a s t a l d/ fastlib e r . ty, fs ii n a g i r t c o a . d h l i ' s a m bo e v t e . th,eir', ertainatici ' n to vote for \ .r tt ; c i r e v •ocat . e'o .. f with its its ..i_ c . . •, a, wiliell illqs i eta q ui tte %n a t p , rt . r n t o o w l. ti o w n "nwier,lipiirnoa.i sanehorizon,pi or, gase" apologist ofoi *. ` can took upon !his face and live An atnendrriehi;!, , , mines of Thirteen, i !pant' may tualte out it,-, ) , rugitive . ; Droving hi;f,..` - :!`f\ ding; and, °H'Pr(glicilertlimey''. i ligh' Court of ..i 'llfcenetlio very 1 \, , ,, tern, it sbali f btpzy saved is tie c. :s , ' - ' - 't .' PrinitJvJile, Joly..ltt, 1858. .c' -.! -•, .Dissoltviimo ?vino pnrinerOifr , liorelftfraay N s IL 'Man & 111111111.1 m, jx - f e r 4181 coils:cat. Taa hpo all 1.1,!t!.1ia1..114y,(4,:. =I =EI Number 4'p. osed by the cont. es, that the dat :c p s p h i ?I nv phi ro. to the e,ileged • • • . (; a 1,..1,t0tt papers of the 25th ult. have b ec .. l .-ceeired at New Orleans.. Nothing ' fore tne i s ani in Otertt athout tbeAnarehing ore." c'c99ps to SAnta :Fe. spirited - - - had:been held•• at, -,'"'•" , yr e t4 4l 4.-:,, , • • , PIIICES I OF- ADVEATISINci • ‘.. spci't of 15 lines, or lots. I insertto!l. $0 s!r t. do do do -3. do 1 :(i /Sathsuhsfquent insertion, O 2$ I do -.3 inonths 2 •'') 1 do.. 6 months, I, 46: do monm • " 7' 00 2 4 " 3 months ' .• 5 01:i 2 ,d 0 • Fiymths . • ,8 06 rpqn#4l 10 IV) 3 frp . ' 00 3 do c 1 Torah.' .'R pck 3do 2 oleo/hi! na,oo I. do or half a 6 mo o t ,' 12 00 do pt holfacolutnit4ii"'"," - o ;, (h i IO 00 10 do Or one column; t 3 pri4A3 'SO 0 10 do or one column, 12 . fturinf k 30 0 0 0kPi 'lobs and Blanko • Of ccery description, printed In the ut.y, ben 'ss, 4 and on the shortest notice, at die CO U,''Tl?l- 40,1 0 1,41? Office : , . • ', ~ _ , '~, MEE , • ~ -N.~... ~F, IN EEW • • =NM , ,40-+
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers