Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 16, 1871, Image 4
ountaf, fearfteft, a., jtucjudt 16, 1871. swan v ,-, 1 4U i . Ta Dhy and Cook CornI To dry corn t'-ir winter uc is not always an ca?y u;a:tcr when dote in tlie ordinary vrr.y ; Lut it a so good a ui-ili when properly cutAtd, and twines iu such good j;ny during the winter and spring months, wheri the pood house wife is often j uzled what to cook, that all bhould have a supply; and for those who hare no belter fixtures fur doing, I would rcccoiumend the hot Led. I'laco the par boiled corn, cut from the cobs, on board.-!, or tbcet3 in tbe hot-bed, or other frame.and put nvthe sash, raising them a couple of inches each end, the tun &hinin? in will mate it 0 hot, that the com will dry per-" fectly in one day ; and the heat will Ic so great that not a fly will go near it, and Miouid a thower come up it ill be quite tafe where it is, and ready to tube advantage cf the first bit of jjuiithine ; .when properly dried it will last for years. To cook it, put it in a tin or other vessel with a lid, pouron enough hot water to cover well, set on a stove where it will remain near the boi'in point, but sbou!J not boil, leave oa three to four hours, then take half cup of cream, into which stir a tcajpoonful of flour, and pour into tho dish with corn, or instead of cream u c milk, and add a small piece of butter : tendon with a teaspooulul of sugar and a little silt, set on the stove half ap hour longer and it is done. It is the easiest thing in the world to keep butter sweet. Simply put it in clean jars, and cover with a strong brine. This will keep pure butter a year, fresh and sweet, as we know by csrciieticc. It is d most equally good to put in oak casks.head cd tight. This in equivalent to canning fruit. The briue, in case ot jars, acts as a heading, keeping the air out. But butter should be made well ; we have never exper imented on - poor butter. Work out the butter mi!k till you have only pure 'beads,' clear as rain water; but do not wot k so much as to break the grain, in which case yoa have a tough, heavy mas3 in winter, and grease in summer. Such butter we advise no ouc to try to pre.-crve. To Tickle 1'eaculs. Take any quanti ty of good ripe peaches, wipe them clean, lay them one day in gi od biine, take them out and pour sufficient cold vinegar over thrm ; add a few -cgi:1u! of allspice, let them stand a month, tube tbtm out, scald them, and pour good told tpiced vinegar over them ; kt t'.vni Maui 0:12 Jay and they ate St for u-t. toi vrv i)i:ti;cToitv TIME OF U'fLI'lSd CO CRT. I I Mori lay in January, .'M Monday in June. 2 w. 31 " iu M.ireh, j -Ith in Sept 2 w. th in Miit, Lid '- ia Nov 2 w. C U -STY AND DISTUCT OFFICERS. Fres'tJudge lion. ('has. A Maj.r. Lock Haven. As le.Ju lges lion. Saniuel Clyde. Clearfield. ll?n. Ja ob Willhclm tirahaiuton Sheriff. . . . Justin J. 1'ie. . . . Clearfield l'rothonotary, Aaron C. Tale. . ling A Kec. . Asbiiry W. Lee, " l:isirict Att'y, A W.'WJtcr,. " Treasurer. . . Lever Fle.-.l.. . . " Co. Surveyor, S. F MeCloskey, . CurwensviEe Comuiissu'rs, David I'.uek. . . Clearfield. Samuel Shnffaer, . Clearfield. Samuel 11. liiaiiain, (ilea Hope.' Audi'.-.rs. . . Clark Urown. . . . Clearfield. Price A. kowles, . N. Millport. John D. Miller, . . llurd. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Cloarfiold Co.Superin l"t l co W. Snyder, . . LI-TOFlMST-OrTICES. Townt&rp. XamrtnfP.O. Xi mm b f P .HI. L'ccoaria, - - Ien Hope, - - iiomer I'uEree, - - - I tihvilie. - - - S. MeFarUnd. - - Uegarty iX Roads Samuel Hegarty tell, - - - Cower, - - S A. Rorahaugb Ciest. .... Tho. A M'tihee " - - - Cush. T.W Campbell. . .-.-Oitcnl. - - - - II. L. Henderson Bloom, - - Forrest. .... A Igernon ilolden Rjgg!, - - - Clearfield Uri-le, - Jas. Forrest. .... Wallaccton, - - John E Moore Bradford, - Woodland, ... Win. Albert. Wm's drove. - - Ed. Williams Erj.ly, - - - I.utber-burg, - - I,. B. Carlile - - - Troutville. - - Mrs. C. Weaver " -- JeSferson Line. - - John Ileberlin. Burnride. - New Washington - Sam! McCnne - - - Durnside. - Mat'hew IrWin. ... Patchinville, - Jack Patchin. East Ridge, - - W. Sumtni rrille Chst,- - - - ilurd, .... Lewis .1. llurd ... Mo'Jarvey - - - Wm Mciiaivey i ... Wesn.ver. - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. 4. (Jaulin Ovington, - Frenchvil'e, - - C!and. Earm,j - - - Kartkaus. - - JoLn Kciter C.irivonvi;ie Cnrsrensville. - - Charles Hoel l'e:atur, - Puilipsbarg. Ccutre county. Pa. - West Decatur, - - Lever Siseal, Fer -uson, - Marron, - - - John P Stiaw. liirari, - - - Lecontc's Millf. - Augu"s Lecocte - - - Bald ililli, - - Ale. Irwin, fioshen, - - Shawsville, - - H. II. .Morrow. rabat-i. - - flrahsmton,' - - Thos. II.Foreey Ouelich, - - Smith's Mills, - Jon. 0. Canoe. - - - Allemans' - - - Henrr A Neman. Unston, - - Tyler. ... - ::ifS It J. Tyler. - - - PennficM. - - Frank Bowuikd. Jordan. - - Anonvi!l. - - Il.fc'wan Karthaas, - Salt Lick, - - leo. Heckadorr. Knox, - - - Xew Millport, - II J. Sloppy Morns, - - - Kylertowr, - - Ed. C. Brenner. - - - Morrisdale. - John Odell. Osceola. - - Osceola Mills.- - T. F Boalich. Penn, - - - Lumber City.t - II W. Spencer. " - - - - Grampian Hills, Jotia. M'all Pike. - - - - Carwensville, - Chns. Hoel. J'nioo, - - - Kockton, - - - D. E. Brubaker. WjodwJrd. Jeffries. ... James Lockett. - - - - Madera. - - - - J.H lerby. 4 This Post OiEce w'll do for Chest township, t Will answer for Ferguson townshin. Will answer for Ferguson township. STATE i V. STATES IJI ULCTDRY. OrFICEUS OF PENNSYLVANIA t.ovcrnor. - . . john W. Geary, Cumberland, Sec'y of Com. - Frai.k Jordan. - Bedford, lep. Secretary, J M. Weakley, -Auditor Uen - Joh; F Hartranft, Montgomery, ."urveyor .en.- J. JJ- euipbul!, - Cambria, . Attorney (,en. - F. C RreJter. - Philadel. hia Adjutant Gen. - P. B. M Crex y . ie 1 " State Treaturer, Robert W M.ick.y . ritbnr Sup Com Sch'a J. P. Wickersham." i.aneaVt'ar leputy fcup t. - C. tt. Cot-oin, - - Bradford fctate Librarian. Wien Forney. - - Dauphin' fcopRBMB Cocbt Chief Justice. James Th,mn. son. Asaiates. Henry W. Williams. John m i! I,"niel enew. George Shnrswood. Ses fns, Philadelpiha, 1st Mon lnv of January. Ilar ribur?. 4th Monday of April Sunbory, 1st Mon day of October Pi ttsburg, 3d Monoay of October OFFICERS OF THE CXITED STATES. President. - - - Clysses S. C,r!)t,. Illinois. ice President. Schuyler Ooirax, - Indiana. ee. of State, - Hamilton Fish. New York Sec. of Treas y, Geo S Eoutwcll, Masachasetta See of War, - Wm. W. Belknap. Iowa. ee. cr ft.vy . - (ei. M. Bobeion, New Jersey, See. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - . OMo ';,M Gn- -" J A- J- Creswc'.I. Maryland, i Attorney Gen. - E. It. Hoar. - - . Massachusetts hcrnE Ceir.T.-Chief Justice. S. P.Chase, of ! M,V' aAs,oei,aI? ,Ju!le Nathan Clifiord. of 1.11 v lI!nou N?h Il-S-ayne. of Ohio, P.- "llr, " " r""-S"fl'l J- field. Of i'. " lnst""' ;-H-'f Awiarwitf vST BRANCH RESTAURANT AMD "Ladies' Oyster Saloon, O SECOID ST., KELOTT MARKET, CLEAKFIELD, FA. . Conjtar.tly kept n hand a selected assortment ot .Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, a. ANofrefh Oysters received daily, and for sale by the dozen or hundred. J. M. HACOMEER, Oct. 12. '70. Proprietor. TO LUMBERMEN) PERFECTION IN C-A NT HOOKS! The Clearfield Excelsior Cantbook will not wear out or break, bein i constructed with cce solid baud from clip to point. It is pronounced by all practical Lumbcrtcaa wbt) have examined it to be the mcst perfect cant hook ever invented. Amos Kannard. Patentee. All orders promptly attended to. .Manufactured by - AMOS KENNARD k CO., Ner23. Clearfield. Pa. 1870 LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Ujsie for Piano, Flule and Violin ; Blank Account ard Pass Books, of erary de scription; Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain; Pensand Pencils; Deoi; Mortgmes; Judgment, Exemption and Proiuisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale er Retail by J A. GAUL. IN, At the Post office, en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. -May 5. 0. L. KEKD O. T. HOOP J.F.WF.AVr.R : NOTICI W. 1'0 ELL J W.W.BXTTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL -ALL RIGHT. Messrs HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens ef the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Boronjh, with 111 c best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of basiress. inch as Flooring, Vreal!ierIoar.lii!, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber en hand, and wi"l pay cash for tlear stnT, one-and-a-ha!.' inch ?annel plank preferred Nov .'7. 71. 1ST 1. SPRING GOODS! Till FIRST OF THE SEASON ! THE CHEAPEST IS THIS MARKET! BUY! BUY'! BUY!!! O F KRATZER it LYT.LE, Your Dry Goods. Yonr Groceries, Your Hardware, Your Queeniware, Your Notions, YourBootsi Shoes, Your Leather, Your Shoe Findinjs, Y'our Flour and Fish, Your Bacon and Feed, Your Stoves, Your Carpet Chains, Your Hats and Caps, Y'onr Wall Papers, Ycr Oilc'o'.hs Y'our Carpets, Ycnr Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! at wholesale to country merchants. OILS,PAINTS,GLAS3. ic., A liberal discount to luildsrs. Everything that ya need can be had at great -ut ie ta t'ao buyer, at KUATZER A LYTLE'S, Market Street, Mar 22.'"1 Clearfield, Pa. op. the Jail. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Sucrttters ta Boyiiton If Young',, Cor. Fourth and Phie Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., mjcrAcrrttss or S T E AM ENGINES, Mulaj and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, EIIAFT1NG. PCLI El S, BOLTS. and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Tlows, and castings of all kinds. DEALERS IX Giffards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whittles Cilers, Tallow CipS, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks. Glebe V.Ves, Check Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Eua Pumps, Boiler Feed-Pnmps, Antifriction Metals, Soap Stone Pack in, Cum Packing, ie.. Ac, Bceember M. l?7Mf. 0 SAI.K SIX BUGGIES and several TWO HORSE WAGONS., by K. A. IK VIS A CO.. Curwensville. Pa May 31. GREAT WESTEHS UVS WORKS. Kifles, Double and Single Uarrel Shot Guns, Revolvers. Ammunition. Sporting Goods, Rifle Barrels, Locks, Mountings. Gun materials, ta Send for a price lift. Address J. II JOHNSTON. Great Vetcrn Gun Works, 179 SmilhSeld Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. .N. B. Army Carbines, Rifles and ltevo'vers bought or traded for. .Iune 14 '71-flui. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE, In West Clearfield. The undersigne 1 has tinder h' control TEN VALUABLE TOWN LOTS, ia y 17a feet, which he offers fur sale at a low figure. Then lots will be sold on easy terms One-third cash, one-third in one year, aud one third in two years, without interest. Persons wishing to purchase caa see a plot, of the lots at the tffioe of the undcrMntd. May3.'7l-lf. JO UN II FLLFOUt). STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have pnrchaicd the riirht ot Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworth's Stump Extractor, patented June 7th. l:7il 'lhis is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, aud best machine of the day. Wet weather wil. not effcot it, the working part being all cf ironl The machine is easily set up, and nill work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small prod on cost, and will try to make it to tlie advantage of farmers to buy them. We Foliuit ordeis from thoe witntio.tr mnchines. II. T. FARNSWOUTH, Clearfield. Fa., J Ii. GARRISON, GEO. II. I ALL. Agent. Curwensvllle, Pa Clearfleld, Pa. July 13.'7 NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opens ! a Meat Mnrket in the room lormerly occupied by Alex Irvio. ea Market Street. Clearfield. Pa .adjoining Mosfep's, where they intend to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat; . Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the limes. Their abep will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdny, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectfully sol icite4 M. G LKOWN, Aug. Sl.'TOii. JC. W. BROWN. Also continue te deal in all kinds of improv ed Agricultural Implements. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I wou'd reipeclfully announce to citisens ef Clearfield and viciiiiiy.that 1 have removed to the new Mansonic building, first door below the lian ?ion House, on Second street, with an entire lew stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS and Jewelry, of the latest styles and of the best finish, selected with care. I will have an assortment of all the latest Lovelties in jewelry, Aa Thankful for your past liberal patronage I "hope by stiiot attention to bufiners to merit a contuuiiL.ee ef the came. March l.lS70-tf. S. I. SNYDER. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stoae and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Caas. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, TICKtZ aiti APPLE BUTTER CROCK., CREAM AXD MILK 'JROCKS.STEW POTS, FLO IVEli PO T3, P1 E DISHES, and a jocd maty ether things too nu'mar- eus to mention, at tho &TOXE-WARE TOTTERY OF F. LEITZINGEB, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, An. 3. '70-tf. rn HE LATEST MOVE ! Hartsv.iek & Irwin's DIITJG STOliE, TO TULIP. NEW EUILMXG, ON SECOND STREET, early oppojite the Store of Weaver A Betts, Yhere they will conlinne to supply Iheirold an as many new customers as may come, with PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and Pharmaceutical Preparations, in cluding all ntw remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, . PAINTS AND OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PAPER, Also, a full line of DUUGalSTS SUNDRIES," nnFi Mr.s and TOILET ARTICLES. HAIR TONICS, COSMETICS, BRUSHES, TOILET S0AP3, POCKET BOOKS, All of the best quality. rURE V.'INES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramsntal purposes ONLY PURE WniTE LEAD, COLOR?, of all kinds, Raw and Boiled LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, COAL OIL, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, CONFECTION ARIES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, BIRD SEED. Ground and Unround SPICI?, Ic. A. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS, Will find our stock of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic, CIGARS SNI FF and FINE CUT, to be of the very best brands in the market. Lamps tnd Lamp Chimneys, Garden Jeeis, J!u- sical Instruments, Violin strings, Ac. Having a long experience in the business, and an extensive and well eelectedstock of Medicines, we are enabled to fill Physicians' Prescriptions at the shortest notice and on the rao.'t reasonable terms, day or night. May31.fl. II. F. BIGLER & CO., DIALBKl IX HARDWARE. i.to KAiccracTunxRt or . Tin and Sheet Iron "Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Or ALL Kl.Xtt. ALSO. Vtgg Barrows, Warehouse Trneks, Copying Presses, Improved Money'Drawers, Ac, TOR SALE IT II. F. BIGLER k CO., Dealer in Hardware, .March 18 J Clkarpisi.d, Pa. 1170. THE CLEARFIELD , WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE,' Manufactured exoressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by II. f. EI'JLEK A CO. F R U I T C A X , Manufactured from bet charcoal ti,. Grooved and soldered en outside, WARRANTED. A 2.SO, G LASS FR UIT JARS, fur sale by n. F. BIGLER A CO. SAWS! SAAVS!! DISTON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AXD CIRCULAR SAirf. LI1IITNIN3 SAWS PATENT PERFORATED, ELECTRIC BAWi, And DISTON'S SAWS of all kinds, -for sale by II. F. BIOLER CO. COOK STOVES! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEIIAXXA, SUPERIOR, GOV. PEXX. REGULATOR, NOBLK COOK, NA TIOXAL RANGE, Ae., 4 c., ' And all kinds of IIEATIXG STOVES, On hand and for sale by II. P. BIGLER & CO., SECOXD STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Aujrust 3. 1379. 1)INK and White Lining ?kins. and Reap Skias at H. CltiLER A CO S. rpUIMEl.E-SKElNS and Pipe-bexes t r Wag X ens, for sale by II. F. BIOLEK A CO RON. IKON'.! Best bar i'oni fer sale at tke store of II. F. BIGLER A CO. STOVES of all sorts and siics. constantly en hand at II. F. BIGLER A CO S c 4ELE CHAINS a good article, en hand and forsiileby II F. BIGLER A CO H Or.SE-SHOES, and horse-nails, ta le had at i. r. Ulti Lfctl A CO S 1871. 1871. SPRING CAMPAIGN". REED BROTHERS' Dry Goods, Notion, Trimming and Millinery Einporiiim, CLEARFIELD, TA. The Only Exclusive Dry Goods Sto in the County. Studj jour Interests. Buy where you can tho Clieapest. DRY GOOD . Heavy and Fine Brown Muslins. Bleached Mus lii.s, extra wide Brown and Bleached Sheet ices. Pillow Caiing. Ticking, Hickory Stripe I'enins. Blue Drills. Cottoa ades. Cassimeres Flanne Is. Prints, Delaines, Percales, Lawn Hernanies, (irenadine Summer Hilk, Jap anese Hk, Biack Si.k, vory good, at i'. 2j per yard. The above are new, fresh goods and have enly to be priced to know of their remarkable cheapness. HOSIERY. Ladies' plain and ribbed Hon. 12i cents to S1.2J per pair Cbildrens plain aud fancy Cottoa llode. tients' b-own and blue mixed Hose, super stout and kuperfir.e liriti h reg uUr made Hose, Kalbrigan and Lile Thread lloe. Ladies', Misses. Ch ildren, tSents A Boys' India Gauze A Lisle Thread underwear. Ladies', Mens, and Cbildrens Silk, Lisle Thread, and Berlin Gloves. ChilJrea s Kid Gloves. Ladies' Kid Gloves, all colors, J1.I5, $1.73 aarf $2 00 per pair. Gents Kid Gloves, all colors. Lisle Thread aad Berlin Gloves. AVIIITE GOOD . Pi ques. choice styles, in stripes, figures, cords aad lin finished, 2') to f0 cents pir yard. Jaeo ccts. Nansooks. Victoria Lawns. Swiss Mull. Tape Checks, white and colored Turleton, Mosquito Kt, Curtaia Net. 25. 40, 60, 60 cents an $100 per yard. Towels, and Toweling, brown and bleached Table L'amasks, Napkins, Quilts, At. English Crochet Edging. Imperial Embroidery, Registered Embroidery. Valeneiennes Lace, Nottingham Lace, F illing. Alexandria Frilling. Hamburg Edgings.Inserting Magie and Always Ready Ruf flintt.lle'eules Braid. Alpaca Braids. Hair J ets. Black and Brown Switches, Chignons. But tons of every description, Sleeve Battens, ta. FANCY GOODS. Lace Collars. Linen Collars and Cuffs, fader sleeves, Chemisetts, Handkerchiefs, Ties and Bows, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, la. Umbrellas,' Partsols and Fans, in great variety. Buyers wi.l p lease give this thtir attantion, and time and money will be saved. REMEMBER THE PLACE: REED BROTHERS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. May 17, 1671. T. BRADY & CO., B A N K E It S , FINANCIAL AGENTS for the UNITED STATES, Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. tlEALCliS 1 AH issues of Qovercment Securities Gold, Silver axd CoupTg, Btr iXI SkLL Bonds, Gold, ilortgagcs, And First Class Securities generaUy. Money Loaned on Government Bonds, at lowest market rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. ' May 10, 1B7I-Iy. H. F. N A U G L E WATCH iZLZlTi, GRAIIAU'S ROW, CLEARFIELw. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he has on band, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watubesand Jewelry, C LOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eit;ht-duy and thirty-Lour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. IVA TCIIES a fine assortment, o silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and disk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near silit, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. ALSO, fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. A L SO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting g.t up to order. Call and see sample Look. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted . A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nev.2th,186j. i'jj? AJ:tiI'E pURNITURL" 11 O O 11 S. JOns GliELKH, Desires te Inform his eld friends and eastoners that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, infood style and at cheap rates for each. He mostly has on hand at hia Furniture Boen.s,' a varied assortment cf furnitui., emorg which L BITKEAUS AUD SIDEEOAKns, Wardrobes and Book-ca.e ; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Diaicg extension Tables. Common, Frcnch-pests. Cottage, Jcn-ny-Jjind and other Eedsteads. SOFA! OF ALL KINiiS. WORK-STAND5, K AT RACES, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor CLairs; And con: ui.li and other Ch iiri. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hnnd, and new t-!ase ft: eld frames, which will be put :x n very reasonable terms, outsort notice, tie also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair Corn hu.-k. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. coffius, or evehy ki.mi. Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done te order. The above, and tr.any other article? arc furnished to customers cheap for cash er exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable ler the bui tie's, taken in exchsnge for furniture. Remember the shop is cfl Market street. Clear field, and ncr.rly op .silt tl.s -Old Jtw St.. re." Iieceir.ber . ISf.l .'MI'S til 1 III p JUST IN T I M V, ! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. W li 1 U 11 I & SUMS, CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just i eturced from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stocx at cssonble goods, at our rooms en Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold vry low fer cash. The iock consists in part .f DItY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaincs.Alpa cas. .Merinos. i ingkanif ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cnssimers. Ladies' Shawls. Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. Ao . Ac .all of wHch will be sold low for casb. Also, a fine assortment of the best of MENS W E A R ,t consisting of Drawers end Shirts, Hats and Cars. Ti . - fi ll i .... 1 5 uv"ie auu ouocs, iianuaercnieiti cravats, etc. Also. RaftRepe. Dog Rope, Raltina Angurt 1 1 X' .. : T 1 O - : 1. rj; . " - .ijiiiEKuu opines, iicwart, Lamps and HicBiiaa ciiimneyB. eic., etc. Also, Qneensware tllassware Ilnrdware.flroce ries . and ?pice of all kinds In short, n frenernl nsportir.ert of every tliinj usually kept in a retail store, all cheap for rush, er approved country Nov. 23-jal0-nnl3. WRIGHT A SONS P. T. I. DP,. BOYER' rem WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Safe and Reliable Tonic, com pounded from fre-h and choice herbs and pes itively pure spirits, free from lu.-il oil. .r !her irritating properties, and will not disngree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to oontain nore nicd icinal virtue than any hitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fe er and Ague to cure Biliousness to cure Constipation to cure Chronic Diarrhea to cure Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to cure Nervous Debility to cure Hypochondria to cure Sallowness of the Complexion to cure Pimples and Blotches to ear. General Debility and Prostration of the Physical Powers, IT HAS XO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT 1 FER BOTTLE. A liberal durtunt ta tht trodi. KASCPAlfTCBEn EXCLUSIVELY BY A. I. S II A W, CEEARTrlKT.n JA Dealer in Druirs. ilelioines. rh.n.i. riv. StufTj. Oils, I'uints, Varnishes. Ac, Patent .Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors fur medical porpotes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and" all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, said cheap. If nvinP .mntn. 1 ' 1. nr.Ior a .r..i...l. I JAMES man, the undersigned feels no b( sitancy in saying taateustomerseanrelyupon havirg the prcrip tiona properly put up. A. I. SlliW. Teb 23, 1?70. CURWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS V'CII EAPEK ihaa the CIIK4.PEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST UECF.IVED EY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN. Curwcnsville, Pa. (Ouc tloor West First Nat. Bank.) Having just returned f rouN'.ie Eat with a com plete assortment o( Uoods auitwhiefor ti e spring ai;d Summer trade, weare now prepared to fur nish all kinds of (Jscds 'CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." Atd after thanking our customers f r their lib eral patronage during the past year, we would most ropeeifuMy ask for a conticuatce of the same. Our stock consists of DRY GOODS. A'OTIOXS. HARDWARE. QUEEXSWARE, WOOD AXD WILLOW. WARE. GROCERIES, BOOTS 4-SHOES, HA TS 4- CATS. ' CLOTH I XG. CARPETS. TOBACCOS, Ete. Also. Flour. Bacon, Salt Fish, Grain, le., Ac all of which wiil 1m sold on the most reasonable terms. nd the highest market price paid for Grain Wool and all kinds ef lumber and country produce. Please give as a call before purcbasins elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices "ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main Thompson Sis. April 50,'70 1 Curwersvillr, Pa. SQUARE TIMBEI E. A. Invix t Co., Being specially engaged ia the business of buy ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, wonld repre sent that they are now prepared to purcha?e lim ber, delivorcd at either Curwcnsville, Lock Haven er Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell en commitsion, making such advances &j are nicessary. These engaged in getting out timber will find at our store in Curwens viile, a very large stock cf il ATLE GOODS. of all dctcriptions. ALSO, FLOUU, MEAT, RYE, OATS, C0EN: and evcrj thirg necessary for use of I.uocbcrMcn. RAFT ROPE, ef all tizes.kept on har.d in large I quantities, and aold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLKT BLOCKS. EM ALL ROPE, Ac Speeial inducamenta eHired to those manulac turing Square Timber. E. A. Kt IN A CO Curwersv'lle. .Tan. 1 2. Ii70 TAXES AND HIGH PRICES REPEALED! Oreat rei-'nction r-f prices and great attraction at 1IAR7S0CK & GOODAYIN'S irt Cnrwensvillo, Pa., Caufei by the openir.g of a new Lit of Spring and Summer Gooils. We take pleasure in infortnipg onr old as well as new customers, and the public generally, that we have returned from tho East with a large and well selected stock of goods. We call especial attention to eur elegant as ecrtiaent of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, in every variety. CASSIMFRE3. COTTONAIES. JEANS and trUEETINGS, and every variety of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, at prices to suit the times. Ladies' and Children"s SHOES and GAITERS, ic endless variety. Come and ex-mica tbcin. Men's and Eoy'i ROOTS and SHOES of every kind and price. HATS and CAPS, in every stjlo. Skeleton and Glove Fitting Corsct3, Hoop Skirts. Hosiery and Gloves. Pocket Cutle ry, of the finest English make, Soaps, Perfumery ai d jtior.s cf all tindf. GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, QUEENSWARE. HARDWARE, WOOD ami WILLOWWARE, TAINTS and OILS, PATENT MEDICIXtS and DHLGS, and in fact every thing you want, nil of which will be sold cheap f r carh or country produce, MooI and Short Shingles wanted. IIARTSOCK & GOODWIN. Corwer.sville, May 2l-2ui. "VTAILS A SPIKES thechcapc:t in the ctunty 1 a t MOSSO V S I11HE highest market prices paid fir Shingles JL bv LJ?11' S(,N OL'EENSW ARE Tea sets, best ffone-ware.46 piccas. at $4 50 at MOSSOP'S. ziAWvn pi'Ttit t-,.;., ri.,. no,... ! a I .1 n n 1 . ... r.. . 1 ,1.. 1 1 . t Store of A. I. SHAW HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findirgs for ale at 11. F. HIGLER A CO S j r . . i u il , I. I il. I i i . . 1 1 1 1 r r. I, I i r r rr j i, nALCISED PLASTER ar d Hydraulic Cment, r . ' . T T . T , c n- r r . ... Vs lr aaio i J HAH1 n . ' r CL xxv 11 i. - FISHING T;ACKLL- Su.-ba, li?r,.s, LIXES, REELS. HOOKS SMOODS, BASKETS, e., ! RIOLER A OVS. 300TS! tGT-f: I5ot3.':.7oot7'". FHENCil KIP, $, I'Kl- Ni"j i i p 1 u LHiHT KIP. ' Jj - ? 9: 0.po.i(e ik j,:, Jl'GAUGIIEY'S Hestauraiit anJ Icl Cifam Saloon IN LEAVT'S ZLX7 Ll'ILI.'IXij, :-contl St., Clcarlicltl, Va. Constanity kept on hand a tine selection or - Candies Cigira. Tobacco, Nuts, Ac. Also Frcih Oys'crs, received daily, aai served vp in any stj.'c, to suit tho tatte of customers. A .'ull stoc!t of goods ju-t rjehei from the Eatt. The second story Las teen Etud up for a ladies ice cream saloon. EST JiiUurd Saloon in Lcary't llulL April I-7I.J D MS AUGHEV. AGENCY OF Tilt: FARMER'S MUTUAL FIR IXS. CO., of York, York Co:in!y, Peivu. The FAUMElt.S MS.TUAL FIIIE IX.SfK.'.NCE COMPANY" is known as one of ilie lest and most rtl:-be on the Contissnt. The Fanner's Mutual has been ia oj eratiun fr about fi.'tcrn veirs. and it3 assets an;oui,t to over$i0J,0t'0. Applications mide eut on iLort co'.ke, aui low ratus guaranteed. Apply to PJIUW, Agent, MARBLE and STONE YARD. yii:.-. S. S. Linr-LXi.. Ifavir.g ci:gi;ed in the M.irb!o l.osir.ess. desires to intcrrn ber I rieurf?. :in-l the pul.lii. ihr.t she has now and il 1 krep cor.s'anil v on har.ln hirce and well selected stock of IT ALI AN AND VERMONT AIAKBLE. and is prep arid tofurtii.-h to order TOMSSTOXF.S. BOX AXD CRADLE TOM US, :.Ii.XirMEXTS, i CURBS a., .1 POST. fv. CEMETERY LOTS, W IX DOW SILLS AXD CATS. A 7.5,9, BUREAU, TABLE AXD WASH STAXj) TOPS, ttr. i'ard on Beed ytreet. neir the licpot.Clcarf ld. Fa JMay 4.1.-70. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND I'.ETAIL, At the itw Tobacco aud Ciir irtore of A', IT. SUA IP", Tiro doors eat of the Poft'.See. Clearfield. 1'a. Constantly on hnnd a C. e --rtn ent of Navy, Cor rei-s Cavri; J i. fi, Ci.-o.'e. 5'pur.roli, Michigan an! Century Vine cu: Chevirg Tobacco. Ic. j A'so, a l.-.rge and well selected stock of Imported j ctjJ iiuicsiic Cighrs. tmoUii g Tobaccos, Mcorsch.iuui and Eiiar Pipes, Pipe x'.ures, Tobacco Boxes Ci-ir HuMcrs. end everything geticr f- und in f. wed regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. I"S"Remetiher the place: Two dors e:ut of ibe I'rst. ffice. CleniGald Pa. Aug. 24. 70. A ( Jrcat Medical Discovery ! rr.. WALKER'S CALIFOKNIA INECtAE BITTERS ! Huhdrcds of thousands bear testlui rty to tLeir AVonderful Cura'.iic Etfccts. W II A T A R T II E Y ? THE r A R II .V I T A 1 7 .'. : f A C Y I II INK, Made of Poor Rum, V.'lii-k -y. ?ro ,f Spirits nr. 1 Kefu-e Lirjuor., dortorci. il-cI aiii weelcr.il to please til t.ijte.calltd -Tuni.-s," - Appetiser.'' Ufcstorers ."' Jtc .that lead the tippler uu todrunk enncss auJ ruin, but are a true Ma licii.e ma-lc from the Native Roots and Herbs i-f California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant? . They are the 'real lilooj Purificrand a Life Giving Pi inciple a p-t-rfect Renovator aud Invig ilator of the Svstriu carrying eff all puioLti-is luaiter and reiUrir. tho blond to a healthy condition No per.-t-n can tnke these Litters according tc diruaiiun s:ii re main loi.g unwell, provided the b.nciji.-e i:ot Je strcyed by mineral poison or other lueaijs ai.i trie vital organ nasti ! beyond the point of re; sir. J'vr Liifl,tui.':a!ory ttfi'l CItrvtiir R heir r :U l"i an. Goitt. DsH jioia or It tirtiojt. lltllijn .V miftnit an.i lilt i riilf; l,t 'V-r-fr. Ditl' nf tf HI nod. Lirrr. Kultitys ami Bla-liirr. th'xe iUif' have I' tt: mtit ttrcs'nt . Such diseases sre a. us ed by vitiated blood, which is generally p ro.lu.'t I by derangement of tha diCiLive orsrai.s. lyspu tin or Iuclierci-tiou be idache. pain in the hhoulders. coughs tightness of the e best, d.zr. n ;e-s. sour cructatious of tile stomach, bad taste ia the mouth, l.iiliiius attacks, palpitatinn of ihe heart, ii fl iMimati.n of the lunj;. nia in the regions cf the Kidneys and a huuJred other paiulul syu:p toins. are the off.-prings of Dyspcp.-ia. They iuvigoralo the etomaeh and s'iirulate the torpid liver afd bowels, which rea ler tiuin i f unequalled cfiicacy in cleansing the b!twd .f a!l . lie purities, and imparling new life and vigr to ihe whole system. Lilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalentin the valleys of our grel rivers thniuirhout the Failed States, cipecja" those of the Mississippi, Missouri. I'lirois. icu-nts-ee. Alabama. Savannah. Kcum.U. Jaa:-s ana many others with their va.-t tr-l at.-inc. duntig tbetumeraiid Autumn, and rcn.arkal l- so du ring seast us of u.-.U'ual hc.-.t :n l Jr.' ''" arc 1D' variablv accompanied by extensive derar.rrf men's of the Etomach and liver. jmJ other "' viscera, 1 here are always more or les-oo.-r-tiona of the liver, a weakness auU ir.itaMe -is. if the stomach, and prcat tnr oT of tne bowe s. being clogged up witb vitiated accutuulatioav thiir treaiiiie'i'. a ; urgalive.exeriin - a power. ai ;. ii.-... .,,ion i Less various orsans.'. cssentii- T rieccs" 'J llCro " cathartic t the purr oe eqiia' Dr- J- V, Hiker's Vinegar Hitters, as they ..Tecdilv remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the b.wcls are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secrtti ns of the liver, end generally re-toiing the hea thy functions .f the dige.-tivo organs. The universal populary or this valuable remedy in regions sul ject to mias matic influences, is sufficient cvidei.ee of its pow er as a remedy in such case'. For ikiu diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, blotches, spots. pimp!c. pustules, bolls, carbun cles, ring-worms, sc.ild-head.sore eyes.erysipelav itch, scuif. aifoolorations of ihe skin, humors and, diseases of the skin, of whatever name or nature are literally dug up nr.d carried out of the sys tem in a short time by the use of these Piters Ore bottle in fuch cases will conviceo themost incred ulous of their curative tCect. Cleanse the Vi'iatcd ISlood wherever you 6nd Its impuritier tursting through the skin in pim ples, eiuptions or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slu-i'sh in the veins ; cleanse it when it isfoul. and your fcelir.gs will tell you when. Ketp tbo blood pure and the health cf the SVsfem will follow Pin. Tape uud other Worms,luring in the sys tem cf so many thousands, are cfieetually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages English, Geiman. French atd Spanish. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. McDOXALD CO., DrugsijU and Urn, Agents, San Francisco, Cal . and ."i2 end H Commerce Street. New York. SOLD LT ALL DKFilGIST.i AND LEALFKa December 7, lo?i-y.