or the farmer. . Shoulder-sprain in horses. Although I do not believe that in one cade in ten the farrier is right when he talks of shoulder-strain, vet it cannot he deuied that the muscles of the shoulder do pome times gets train id. 1 h's is oftener eff ct -d 1 y a BteVor side fall than by violent exertion. It is of considerable importance to be able to distinguish shoulder-strin from '"ther kinds of lameness. Mo- persoiw are aware that the shoulder-blade is not connected to the skeleton by bone, but is kept in place - by muscles and liraments, which lay on the inner side of the bone; hence in the Brat ' start of shoulder-strain we look in vain for beat and tenderness of the parts for the modes affeoted are too deep seated for thin to be apparent, unless the surround'iDft mus cles are also affected, which only occurs in 8ggravatedcase8. If, on standing before the horse and look ing at the size of the two shoulders, or rath- r their nninta. one shoulder appears to be larger than the other, we must not think it an indication of a strain of the muscles ol t'leshou'der; i probably arises fr ma bru s a of the shoulder; the heat and tenderness, if there is any, will be found within the arm, close to the chest, and belonging more to the muscles of the brexst than of the alioul der. . In cases ot shoulder-strain the horse will evidently Buffer extreme rain, and he will extend the injured muscle as little as possi ble.' Oue plain and unmistakable sign of shoulder strain is, that the animal will drag Lis toe along the ground, rather than raise it clear. It is in lifting the foot that the shoulder is principal'" reoved, and after the foot is lifted there seems to be but little pain in the shoulder. Another sign is, that the limb is allowed to bear the weight a much shorter time than the sound one. The animal is apt, when standing still, to . rest the affected limb not standing fair on the foot. This last circumstance most of all characterizes this affection. Another proof i., that when the foot is lifted high, and then brought far forward, the bruis will show signse of increased pain, which would not be the case it the hurt was in the foot or leg. The best remedy which can be applied is total rest and food of a nature calculated to keep the bowels loose and open If the food does not accomplish this purpose, a moder ate dose of physic may be given. Covered as it is by the bone, the injured parts can not readily be reached by the application oi external remedies, and hence little can be done more than to keep the horse quiet. Cor. Practical Farmer. Care of Stock in Winter. For several years I have practised giving sheep, cattle and horses, salt made fine, mixed with sifted hard wood ashen, equal , parts ; a teaspoonful to a cow or horse once a day, or a larger quantity once or twice a ' week, add corresponding portions, to small er animals and s-heep. Where old fashioned chimney boot can be had, the effects is still better; then put equal parts of salt, ashes and soot together. The severe winter weather of these North ern regions operates on both man and beast, ' and some tonic is usually necessary in the spring to set the system right. But I be licve that if the above named articles were used for stock during the winter, condition powder would be less necessary. When I did not u this composition there was a , strong urinal smell in the sheep pen and cow stable. Soot itself is a powerful anti billions agent, and a sure remedy if used as a pre ventive. Several years ago I had an ox, . one whose eyes ran continually. In the winter it formed an icicle on his face, eight or nine inches long and nearly two inches in diameter. I gave him a large dose of soot. The icicle and running gradually dis appeared, and in a few days nothing was to be seen, and it did not appear again. I give all my stock corn meal during the win ter, putting the ashes and salt into it when given. I do uot sell off my grain as some do, to eurich their pockets while it ira proverishes the flesh of their animals, and renders them more liable to disease and death, and less able to bear their young. I also provide pens tor sheep, and stables for cattle and horses, young and old, with doors between so they can do as they please without being tied. I do not believe a man can do justice to himself, his stock, or his God, who will feed nothing but straw, stalks, or even hay, and let them be exposed at uight to the merci less Wants of old Boreas or be pinched in the fingers of " Jack Frost." Cor Rural American. Hogs gnawig their troughs may result from a habit contracted at a reason when ihey were not fall fod, and it tiiay be from something else. Throw ?ome rotton wood into the pen. Let thorn gnaw that as they will grceatly. U will be good for them, and inay be the means of curing them of gnaw ing sound wood. Hogs .lso relish char ooal ; gWe them some two or three times a week. tUnCorniaofUttle rabe, produo iag but a single 6tr 0f inferior corn. gf;c mqfkmmttVSourttar; jfcarficfb, MUST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT Til K KEYSTONE STORE! The undersigned, intending to retire from the mercantile business is now closing out his en tire stock of goods at and below cost, comprising SILKS, MERINOS, POrLLN'Sj ALPACAS, EMPRESS CLOTIV WOOL DELAINES, MEN'S AND BOYS' C A SSI MERES, CLOTHS, 8ATT1NETT5, KENTUCKY JEANS DENIN3, LADIES' CLOAKING, COATS, SHAWLS, Ac. A full line of Domettio Goods, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, &c, kc, kc. LADIES & CIIILDREN'SJSIIOES, GUM & ARCTIC OVERSHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets all widths, Window Shades and Wall Paper, A great variety oTllosiery, Notions and Trim mlngs offerer? description, Ladies' Trimmed lists, Velvets, Ribbons, Baftnoral and Hoop Skirts, Linen and Wool Table Covers, Napkins, Towels, Counterpanes, a large assortment of Ladies' an' Children's Wool Hoods, Nubias, Shawls, Ae. Persons in want of anything in the above line of Goods are invited to give me a call, and obtain goods at wholesale prices. D. O. MVLING. Orain and country produce taken In exchange forOoods. Nov- 10, 1869. PURE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to -- English white lead: Oils. J aints an Varnishes of all kinds; Gold leaf in books, am bronies. Tor sale by A. I. SHAW Clearfield, October 23,1867. P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PIRK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Purs, rieasant, Safe and KeliableTonic.com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil pil, or other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to eontain more med- iolnal virtue than any hitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite, To promote Digestion, To cure Dispepsia, To cure Fever and Ague, To cure Billiousness, To cure Constipation, To cure Chronic Diarrhea, To cure Flatulence, To cure Acid Eructations, To cure Nervous Debility, To cure Hypochondria, Tc cure sallowness of th"e Complexion", - ' To cure Timples and Blotches)' To cure General Debility and Prostration of the Physical Powers, IT JIAS XO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERTWUERE, AT $1 PER BOTTLE. A liberal dieroHHt to the trade. MAHCrACTOBBH EXCLCSIVELT BT BOYER & SHAW, CLEARFIELD, PA., " Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye 6tnffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes. Ae., Patent Medicines, Tore Wines snd Liquors for medicalpurpoc.es, Fancy and Toilet' Articles, and all goods nsnally kept in a Drag Store, sold Mr13 'HI . ! ""1 S, ( FOR - SALE, White Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds Colon, in oil and dry. Paint and Varnish, brashes. HARTSWICK IRWIN, Clearfield.Pa -M ,'. QN MY OWH it u u iv. i v y-x rr Ravins- nnrchaaed the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk He Spencer, In Lumber City, I intend carrying on the business as hereto- fore. MT MOTTO IS TO SELL ClilAr tun CASH. Thanking oar friends and customers ior psst patronage I solicit a continuance ol tne same. - Sept. 18tb, 1869, ISAAC KIKK. D. a. rtiLLEEios. w. a. m'pheesok. N EW FIRM ! FULLEKTON & McPlIERSOX, Keep constantly on band Fresh Meats, such as BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, Etc., FRESH FISH, " All kinds of Vegetables, in season, CANNED FRUITS. BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Whloh they will sell at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for Cat tie, Butter, etc. ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, Pa.-M ay 12,'69. . A. P. BOTKTOa. O. S. TOB.tO. B0YNT0N &' YOUNG, Cnr Fourth and Pine Streets. CLEARFIELD, PA., MANUFACTURERS OP STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING. PULLETtS, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill wort. STANLEY TARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, and oaatings of all kinds. DEALERS IN Gi Bards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whittles. Oilers, Tsllow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Pumps, Boiler Food-Pumps, Anti-friotion Metals. Soap Stone Packing, Gum Packing. Ac. Ac, December 9, 1868-tf. J. B. GRAHAM. E W. QRAHAM. A. A. GRAHAM. NEW FIRM! JAS.B. GRAHAM & S0NS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and dps. Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fiih.Salt etc., Market St., CLEARFIELD, PA. FOR THE LADIES They have Boanets. Silks Cobnrgs, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lnstres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves. Hosiery, Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons, trimmings. Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lotrest'prire. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Caraimere,Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Water -proof Cloth, Silk, Satin aad common Vestings, ete., ia great variety, and at prices - - . that" will give general satisfaction to buy ets. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-made Cloth ing. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Queensware, a good Stock, Wood . and Willowware, and a fall stock of Groceries. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that are ' uswlly kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence the people generally will Snd it to their advantage to : buj goods of them. Grain and country produce taaen exchange for Got it- ' Atji. 25-J PITTSBTJEQ ADVERTISEMENTS s30 HINKLEr . ggQ U Knitting Machines. The most perfect machine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, torn a heel, or point the toe It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stock ings, drawers, shirts hoods, comforters, mittens, Ac. It is cheap, simple and durable. It sets up its own work, uses but one needle, snd requires no adiuetina- whatever It will do the same work that the Lamb machine will do, and costs less v..n h.ir i. j Un. n.,t tha tenth nart of iu.. " ' m uiHuii, ,uv u mw. i the machinery to get out of order, Circulars and samples mailed free on application. Agents j r . . SHAW A MORTON. Uen l Agents, Nov.Z4-.Jm, No. 20 Sixth fat- i'ltuiourgn ra. JAS T. BRADY & CO.; (Successors to S. Jones V Co..) CORNER FOfjRTH AND WOOD S1REETS, PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, BUT AND SELL ALL KINDS or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver anil Coupons. Six per cent, interest allowed on deposits sab ject to check. " Money loaned on Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. May 19,'69-ly. JAMES T. BRADY d- CO. rrnE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, -A- fv orm:lli:Rnn 1 Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, January, 24. ISO, jar in Safe keeping of Bonds and other Securities Gold and Silver. Silver Plate. Books. Records. Dia monds, and valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, snd for the Kenting of Sates, in its Burglar Proof Vavlts. Building and Office, No. B3 f ourin Avenue, ntuourgn, ra OCABASTEE BATES. For a year or less period. Gov't and all other coupon secu rities, including bank Dills, i vu per i.uuu Gold coin or bullion, 1 25 per I ,ttU0 Silver coin or bullion, 2 0 ear 1.000 Silver or Gold plate, nnder seal. on owner s estimate or lull value, and rate subject to adjustment for bulk, on a basis of 1 00 per 1000 Deeds, Mortgages, Valuable Papers generally. nen of n "d ,ue.1 7ar ! ' " , . corj,g t0 1 bulk. Wills. Si.whioh premium cov ers the remainder of the life of the maker. Cash Boxes. or small tin boxes, for papers of Bankers, Capitalists Merchants, Lawyers. Tradesmen.Fam- Ues, Ac, will be received at szoeaco dox ortruna per year, or they wtll be insured for the full a mouut. the contents beine known, at above rates. Nocharee less than one dillar. The company is aim prepared to rent rn al iron safes, (each fur nirhed with a tin box) inide us nurgiar prooi, vault, tbe renter exclusively DolOmg the aey thereof, at the following rates, vis : JI5, 520. S30, SoO. S75, snd $100 per annnm. Also, to Store Books, Account Records, Valuable Title Papers. ale., at reasonable rates. OrriCERS President. William fbilips; vice President. Henry Lloyd; lirectors.v m. romps. Henry Lloyd, oi. Kea, w m. m iyon. james i. Bennett. Bvron U. Painter. Joseph II. Morrison, George Black. Curtis G. llussey ; Secretary and Treasurer, o. r . Von Konnnor . oep a-.im. D CLARK'S CELEBRATED F E MA L E PILLS, roa salb sr Boyer A Shaw and Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. Aog 4,'69-ly Retail Price, I oC per package. Subvbtor General's Officb, 1 llarrisburg. Pa., Oct. 22, 1SC9. ) To the Owners of Unpatented Lands : In obedience to an Aet of Assembly, approved the eighth day of April, one thousand eight hun dred and sixtv-nine, yon are hereby notined'that tbe "County Land Lien Docket." containing tne list of unpatented lands for Clearfield oounty. pic tured nnder the Aet of Assembly of tbe 20th of May one thousand eigntnundred and sixty-roar, and the sapplement thereto, has this dsy been forwarded to the Prothonotary ef the eonnty, at whose office it may be examined. The liens can only be liquadated by the payment of tbe pur chase money, interest and fees, and receiving pat ents tbrougn tbis vepariinent. JAUUli At. ;A.Mfl5bLl.. Oot. 27,'6'J-1m Surveyor General. rrllE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. This Liniment having been use d, for ... some yeais past. as a fami'y medicine by tbe pro prietor, and its good effects ooming to the notice of bis neieboors. has. at tbeir sucrcestion. con sented toinanufacture itfor the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billions Cbolic. ever offered to the public; and will core many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-ealls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Prioe. SI per bottle, or six bottles tor co. sent to any aaoress ny enclos ing the prioe to WM. II H AHHAbli iiura rostomoe, Oct. A. 1869. Clearfield county, Pa. PIGARS AND TOBACCO. ADOLPIl SCIIOLPP, MAXrVACTTREa A!(D WnOLESALK A!CD RETAIL Dealer i Cigars and Tobaccos, CLEARFIELD. PA.. Would respectfully announce that he has remov ed to tbe laree and commodious store-room, op posite tbe Court House, tecona Mreet. wnerc he has opened a a-eneral assortment of Tobacco. Cigars. etc. which hr is prepared tosell, wholesale 1 or retail, at reasonable prices. - Ills dears are made ot tne very oest material. and in sty le of manufacture will compare with tbose of anv other establishment. He has always on hand a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects tbe attention of ' lovers ot tne weea. Merchants and Dealers, throughout the eounty supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. Uall and examine his&tocKwnen you come to Clearfield. June IB. isiiu. LIFE INSURANCE COMPARISON. Advantages of the MUTUAL Plan over the Rntirit Premium Plan of STOCK COMPANIES: RATES. Return Pr'm Aire. Plan 40 S40 (15 4J 54 20 50 75 50 55 109 35 Mutual Diflerenee Yearly Plan en l.UUl wSIU 000 S32 00 S SS6 SO 37 30 IS tO 1A9 (10 47 U0 tfi S6 285 00 59 40 49 95 499 50 On the age3 named the rates of the Htoek Com pany are from 2 to S4 peroent. oiguer tu'n tne any are from lutual rates. Mo BESCLT3. , Policy for SS.nnn at I Policy in the Mutual ' age of 32, on the return Company .ssmo age. halt premium plan of Ftock , casn. nan noto. tor iu.- Coinpsnies. annual pre mium. hII cash. $139 50. 000, will cost in 10 years, in cash, inclading in and no Dividend to be terest on notes. SI, 505 But the Mutual Compa made. In easeof death at end of 10 years, the ny will pay the Stock Company will pay the Am'tofPolioy S5,000 Return Premium 1,395 Am t of Policy J16.000 Less Ir.m notes 500 $n,395 in Cash. Cash $9,500 snd 4 dividecds. Showing that for $110 moro Cask Premium. tbe gam on the Mutual plan to tne insured mem ber's family ia Per Cent. Should death occur at tbe end of 5 years, the comparison would be Cash p'd Stock Co ,97 50-p'd to family5.097 60 u u,.iu tntiUL u - 19.500 00 and dividend. At tha are nf An h. Mntua! rlan for $1,916 40 Cash Premium will yield 59,360 ; while the Stock plan tor 53 032 50. Cash iremium. jmius 50, Showing a rain on the mutual plan of S2,- ill 50, and dividend. INSURE YOCR LIFE TN THE PENN 1NIUTUAL, I OF PHILADELPHIA. II. B. SWOOPE, Agent, Jy ll.'SJ-tf." Cleafteid, Ta. a., gtcBrttary RE MO UL. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Olearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform oar old and new eosto- m- that it hut nmarl our estaoi isomeu I I" . mtrmmt the new building just erected on Maraei street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, ...j :i.i;k.m iiit iiora. vhtra vi rs- spectfully invite the publio to come and buy tneir DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS. PAINTS f VARNISHES. Our stock of Drugs snd Medieineseonsist of '7 thing used, soleeted wttn. tne greatest WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE1 We also keep a full stock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet artioles.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush- ... , - . i AtVir It ndof es, w nitewasa pnjsucii, suu j Brushes. We have a la' re lot ot White Lead, Turpentine, nil P.ints. and in fsct everything osed in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to easn. ouyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, r.i..i!...r St.... and tha largest stook of va rieties ever offered In tnis place, ana wwr.nw. to be of the best the market aBoras. J. H. HAKT5W ILrk, Deo. 2, 18fl3. JOHN F. IRWIM. - FALL OPENING! ARNOLD & IIARTSIIORN, Curwen8ville, Penna.. Have just opened a large and most complete stock OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, .QUE EN SWA RE, GROCERIES, BACON, SALT, kc. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY AND PRICES. All kinds ofLumber and Produce taken in ex change for goods. - Give us a call before purchasing else where. ARNOLD k IIARTSIIORN. Cnrwensrille, Pept 22, 18S9. Q tr1 M bs t?3 O O O o & 9r o o. CO O Ss -a w r o w GQ H O o' PLASTER. the chespest In the eonnty. at May 89 '67. MOSSOP'S. GROUND AND UNGROTJND SPICES, Cirr in English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. HARTSWICK IRWIN. . 9, 1870, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL SHEDS. ALSO, Bsggsge Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ac, roa sals ar MERRELL & BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware, June 30. Clearfield,?. 111-69. C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock of . CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTA1XS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. t i,i.,Ti.nri,f aituc a TLT r r . isr i vc LLlttii iadi.Ii x u o u - 1 t ntco err v rn T . n 'ilTli,RJirrRTS l,.ilii.ooiuaUJ.M V . , NTS, ' ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, men s calf and fkench kip boots, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $6, CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL. MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, June SO, 18G9. ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! Who selld tbe cheapest goods in the county i MOSSOP ! Who sells besfccalicoes at 12 J cts a yard ? MOSSOP! Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents' MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at $4 50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's bestKIp Boots at 4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells lata lower than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrnp the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest MOSSOP! If 1IV OUllO JIHIM'IUIV IHV VllVll'V C l M O S S O P! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? M O S S O P! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest? M O S SOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! . VTlO first brought goods down tO lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods MOSSOP'S! . . Clearfield, May 12. 1869. , ED. PERKS A Cos flour, the beet fa market, for sale by . J.SHAW A SON. DESSICATEDCOCOANUTS,forpies.puddings, ete , for sale at GRAHAM'S. CABLE CHAINS a good article. on h awd and forsale.by MERRELL W3LKR. CCRWKSSVILLB ADVERTISEMENTS AMERICAN II (TuTT Having taken charge of tbis the undersigned would respectrullvtolf.T. nw of the public p.tron.ge. r.wlS.rMVa? accommodations equal to those of ... Jii . in tbis seetion. Charges moderate J Dee. I. lS68-tf. JOHNJlSEDrop-,. C LEAR FI ELI) NURSERY -vl ace Home IxDLSTR.-Th00.1- ed having t.blUhed a S.""t?l,1j?n halfway between Curwensvill. end C.! L'4'. Borough ugns, is prepared jo furnish all kinds, J i. (sundard and dwarL) Evererei,. cf trees nery. Urape Vl.rrv Stra Karr. Lf I A 11 ' " Lit,. SibrianCrabtrees.Quince and early ScuiRf y--p'oii7 attended a. aaa. nog ai.IBB J.U.WKIQHTCsjrw..:; Wi enceor or toe do or oi tne DUClie comturnoi, . as follows, vis : Lutharsburg 8r-t f rid.; month ; Ansonville, first Mond.v of r.;' I""' Lumber City, first Thursday of eveV7 I i . , - ... J erT ntQn.L. i Bfnuing two aays in eitner place A 1 1 ,j . ' work should be nresent.it k. . "t I val in each nlaaa. J " . - EsT Teeth extracted by the app.ci))B of , ""thef1"' comparatively without "p.i, A. kinds of dental work guaranteed. 11 a. a. ine public will please notice, that 1), H.. when not engaged in the above visits m., L found in bis office io Cnrwensrille. sp i M j Pa. RAWED LUMBER.-Tbe under,; havmjr started in the Lumber bunine. near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., U now nial near sari t a fnrn mK nina lvr - A - -1 r I stuff. Ae. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed and shipped on short notice. r -- -- -". near and Basil C. K.MACOMBER. Osceola Mills. Clearfield eo.. Pa. May 5.1889-tf. (JLEARFIELD 13 0 US I, FROST STREET, PHILIPSBUKG. Pa. I will impeach any one who says I fail ts m, direct and personal attention to all irir...- or fail tocanse them to rejoice over a .n f-.' nished table, with clean rooms and as beds, where all may feel at home and the weary be at rest. New stabling attached. Philipsbnrg. Sep. 2,'68. JAS. H. G ALKR. EXCHANGE HOTEL, This old establishment having been leased by J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of tha "Morrtna tiuiiiiuguoii, a cun a. xiouse. nas oeen tb(.roueblv renovated aad furnished, and supplied with all tbe modera in I P'" ana convenieneies necessary te a iril i . i , . elaas Hotel. Tbe dining room has bees ranoTts to tne nrst noor, ana as now spaeions and airy. The chambers are all well ventilated, and tks Proprietor will endeavor to make bis gaestiett- feetly at home. J, MOKRISO.N. Uuntingdon.June 17.1868. Pronrieisr. fpO THE WoRKINU CLASS. We are bow prs. J parea toturnisn ail Classes witn coasustta pleyment at home, the whole of tbe time or bt tne spare moments Persons or either sax suilj earn from 50c. to $5 per eveniag. and a pre?r- tionai sum oy aevo:mg tneir whole time is ta business. Jlnysand gitls earn nearly as wash as men. That alLohosee this notiee may send tasii address and tesftbe business, we make tbefellee ing unparalleled offer : To snch as are sot wall satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the treakls f writing. run particulars, a valuable sawpls, which will do to commence work en, and a eiy of The People' t Lil'rary Companion o ef It largest and best lamily newspapers ublisute all sent free by mail. Header, if you waat i maaent, profitable work, address E C. a LLCs CO , Augusta, Maine. Deo. l,'S-la M'GAUGIIEV'S Restaurant and Refreshment SaWa IS LEAVT'S NEW BlILDIktf. (formerly occupied hj Rote,) Second St., CIcarlield. Pa. Constantly kept on hand a Cne seleeiisa el Candioe- Cigars, Tobacoo, Nats, Ae. Also Fresh Oysters, received daily, aad served op in aay style, te sail tke taste of customers. a$" Billiard Saloon in Second Story. Lee. 9. 1S69 DAVID M GAC8B1I REM03rALl II E M O V-A L ! a KRATZER aV SONS, Have removed to the large snd elcgaal ) STORE KOOM, on Second Street, adjoialng Utf rell A Bigler's Hardware Store, where they wttt be pleased te see their old and new eatteaiers. Citisenaof the eounty visiting Clearfels. as wishing to make 'purchases, will Baa II advantage to examine their stoek. Goods at cash prioes exchanged far all sleds miuntrv tirodnca. JS0.S, WW. j r E- R. L. STOUGIITON, , MERCHANT TAILOR, UABKET STREET, CtEABrtSLB, FA.. Would respectfully inform thecitiisosef Clsaf field and vicinity, that he has opened a saw ut oring establishment in Shaw's Row, one doer east J ail SI ? of the Post Offioe, and has just returnee ir eastern oities with a large and elegsnt stock s Cloths, Cassimeres, NeBtingi. Beavers, &c., and all kinds ot gooas i men and bovs' wear, and is prepared to make up to order CLOTHISO.frssi a single article to a full salt, in ths Isteit sty' snd most workmanlike manner. Bpeeial attea- tion given to custom work, and cutting est men and boys, lie offers great barf siesta ..ti.fatlea. A liberal IDOn, BDU W Mil l!tOo . share of public patronage is solicit ,ited. Cell examine tbe goods. K. R. L. FTOUGHTOT Oct 16.11467. . n n Kl N JEW SPRING s i u " - J. SII AW & SO- nave just returned from the east ess ere .tock of good, is tastes opening an entire new formerly occupied by Wm. P. Irl- " . . .bail Street, whieh they now offer to e pa- lowest cash priees. n.i. ,;.ta of a reneral ssserisi seals' n.MlaarS, Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswsre, o the Boots- Shoes. Hat., Caps. Bonn.". """,., emits, vsnaies.. ma, - r. 1, D'.L W 1 1 nnMui.i - . . tsr ia fact, everything asually kept in mr" . .... , . .vi- .tore. f1U can Mitu oy Bailing - proenred to order. ' Their stock is well selected, and eeas" newest goods, is of the best quality, of styles; and will be sold at lowest prices W or exchanged for approved ootntrj prod- ' ' .Mk wtt1 Besareand eall aad examine ear rot makiagyoar rehtasee, as we td"t'V olease .11 whe .ay Tavor ml with ,iTlZ K.W...M7. J.SHAW t S.V,-?FB DW0Scs "u -"iu oirrei, vurweosTille lVnn' ill make professional visits for FOR SALE thret building lots.24 ly 55 feet, near the railroad depot. 'Will , sold sepaiate, -.r in a boy. For further infon.. tion apply to H. K SNYDER. Clearfield P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers