' ' ' - - . ' ... . -- BY S. I ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY; MAY 27, 1808. VOL. 14.-N0. 1. - SftUtt a?trg. THE CLEAR VIBIOS. , . I did but dream. ' I'never knew "" " .What charms oar sternest seasons wore. Was never yet the iky so blue. i " Was never earth ao white before? ' - V .Till now I never saw the glow t Of sunset on yon hilia of snow; ..'And never learned the bough's designs ' Of beauty in its leafless lines. Did ever such a morning break ' As that my eastern windows see? ' i & Did ever such a moonlight lake - J . Weird photographs of shrub and tree ? , . 'Rang ever bells ao wild, and fleet . ...The moaie of the winter street? . 4 I Was ever yet a sound by half , ' . -Be merry as yon schoolboy's laugh ? . " , " ' "O Earth! -with gladness verfrantht, '" No added charm thy face hath found; ' - With I a my heart the cha'nee Is wrought, " J My footsteps make eneianted ground. From ooueh of pain and curtained room Forth to thy light and air I come, '- To inri-in all that meets my eyes The freshness of a glad surprise. " " - fair seem these winter days, and soon i Shall blow the warm weal winds of spring,. To set the unbounded rills in tune. . And hither urge tie bluebird's wing. , The vales shall laugh in flowers, the woods Grow mysiy greeu with leafing buds, - - ' : And violets and wildflowers sway . , - Against the throbbing heart of May. Break forth. my lips, in praise, and own The wiser love severely kind. . Sinee, richer for its chastening grown, I see, wiiereas I once whs bliud. The world, O Father, hath not wronged With loss the life by thee prolonged ; ' But still, with every added year, . . More beautiful thy works appear. Astbou hast mitdetby world without. Make tbou more fair my world within ; Shine through its lingering clouilt of doubt, Rebuke ils haunting shapes cf sin. Fill, brief or long, my granted span Of life with love to thee and man. Strike when than wilt the hour of rest, But let my last days be my best. Grant on Methodism. : - The Philadelphia correspondent of the Cin cinnati Timet writes: - - Grant, Grow and Curtin occupied the " General's pew id our fashionable uptown, itlethodi&i Church last Sunday to the per lect astonish meut of everybody. For a short time the distinguished party tat incoguitto, "2Ht" gf adUaffjthCnaae ortxranrwarf whfc jeered around, ana finally first one and then another ol the audience arote and took a got-d rear, or profile view of the ''little man or destiny." When the salvers were pass ed round for the collection, the almoner walked quickly by the pew without even the usual pause, but Grant was not to be pasted here anymore than on the road. lie quick ly "made his feet,'.' and extending his hand over the elegant salver, dropped a green lock in the . plate. The deacon bowed his thaoks, and as each moved up to the altar with his collection, he winked and blinked, nodded, and made other significant but ut terly unintelligible signs to the minister and two of the elders in the pulpit. It was all to no purpose. The reverend gentleman preached as he had first intended, upon the subject of the need of a more general char ity among the people in behali of the great work of the Church. Why do you like tha Methodists. Gen eral?" a&ked Curtin, whin they had come out. - . ... " "Because their religion is one of hard knocks. They take bold of a man and nev :er let him drop until they have either con verted him, or scared him po he will ay his prayers come time in his life, and thus oe saved. Then, too, it is an American reli gion. We Method a- are entirely Demo cratic, yet no churcil appreciates the value of unioo.federalization in government more than the Methodists. I wish that our Na tional Government had the liberty and the "Btreirgth that it ought to have from a prop er exercise of these principles." 'The Captain's Trout. A gentleman who resides in a neighboring town tells a good story about one' of his trouting excur sions. He was about setting off, with a friend," for a days fihing, when an old ac . quainUnce, a sea captain, drove up, and was invited to join them. ..The captain said he should be happy to go, for he had never caught a trout in his Hie and being furnish ed with a rod and line, they all set off to gether. Arrived at the brook, they separa ted, one going above and one below, leaving the captain to try his luck where he was. After an hour had passed, the gentleman who was fishing above the captain, came within hail, and a.-ked if he had caught anything. -.. . - ; s "No," replied the captain, ' 'it's these 'Confounded things that jump off the bank and go 'kerchug into the water that your after, ain't it?" . The Reason. At a certain colleee, the senior class was under examination for de grees. The professor of natural philosophy was badgering in optics. - The point under iHniftrarion -was, that, strictly and scientifi cally speaking, we see no objects, but their images depicted on the retina. The worthy protessor.m order to make the matter plain er, said to the wag' of , the class. "Mr. Jackson, did you ever actually see your fath er?" Bill replied, promptly, "No, sir." ' Please explain to the committee why you sever neeo yourfather. "Because," replied Mr Jarkson, very gravely "he died before I waa born, air.". , I 1 1 T .... A gentleman wa chiding his son for stay ing out late at nights or rather early next morning and paid : "Why, when I was your age my father won d not allow me to gn cut after dark." "Then you had a gay old father, you had," snared the young Drofligate. Whereupon the father' very "harshly vociferated, "I bad a confounded eight better one than yoo have, you young Tascal!" . , ; ; ... '.;; .... - A Trench Romance. One of those little romances of which the French are so fond, has lately taken place in Paris, and is thus described in a journal : M. "Roberts, an immensely wealthy and highly accomplished elegant, well known, not only for his valuable collections of paint ings and mediaeval relics, but for his rare skill as a designer and painter, hearing that one of his tenants, a Mr. li., whom he had never seen, kept one of the most extensive ateliers of fancy boxes and ornamental ob jects in France, called on him, with a view to make his acquaintance.' ' Entering the counting room, he founda good-natured, eccentric gentlemen or mid die ager who greet d him. and1 exclaimed : 'I suppose that you have also seen my advertisement, and come to apply for . that situation as designer?" . . For a joke, M. Robert replied that he hid. Mr. B supplied him with paints and brushes, and requested him to produce a design for a asket. M.-Robert soon found thai what Mr. B. really wanted, was an a tist woo would strictly carry out nis own ideas, and that these were pure, and form ed on an extensive knowledge of art. In a short time he produced a sketch which suit ed the employer to a dot. -M. Robert veiy gravely engaged himself, exacting good wjges,and insisted on having several new articles of furnitt re placed in the room which was assigned to him. But when he was introduced to the work rooms, and found one hundred and fifty girN,many of them young and beautiful, busily employ ed, and was informed that he would be re quired to supply ' them with designs, and show the young ladies how they wer to be carried out. the young artist b -gan to feel as if he should have to be carried out him self being very susceptible. "Working for a living," said ho to him self, "is not entirely devoid of attraction. Let us work." M. Roberts being an accomplished artist, delighted his employer, and he soon found a remarkable fascination in seeing his de signs realized in steel, silver, enamel or wood. He took a pleasure hitherto unknown in seeing his work in the shop windows,and finding them in the boudoirs of his friends. This workshop life was of course carefully concealed from "society," nor did his em ployer suspect that his artist was his land lord. But M Robert soon found a more intense object of fascination in the daughter of Mr. B., a 3'oung lady who also took part in the duties of the atelier. This damsel was as remarkab e for her accomplishments as for her extraordinarj beauty, and M. Robert soon fouqd that as regarded taste and culture in all matters which especially interested him, he had never met with any one like her. Step by step the pair fell in love, and little by little the arti.-t so ingra tiated himself with the father, that the lat ter,af'ter due deliberation, consented to their union. Previous to their marriage, the ol 1 gen tleman one day spoke of a dowry. "I shall tve Maria fifty thousand francs, with a ttle air of boasting- "Eh. mon garcon ?" "And, I suppose," added M. Robert, gravely, "that I, too, must settle something on mv wife. Well I will." This caused a peal of laughter, which was redoubled when the artist added : "And I will settle this piece of property, house and all, with the building adjoining, on her." But what was their amasement when M. Robert drew forth the title deeds, and said: "You seem to forget that I am your land lord? Isn't my name Robert?" The voung ladv did not faint, but papa nearly died of astonishment and joy. There was a magnificent wedding, but the bride groom has .not given up business. He de clares there is as much amusement in being useful as in amusing one s self. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED fJLSDS FOB TAXES . For 1867 and previous rears. NOTICE is hereby gitew. tuat In pur suanee of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled '-An Act to amend an Aet directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field couDty." will be exposed to Public Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfiotd, on the Sec ond Monday in Jane, A, I). 1803 : 4- BECCAEIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. - Taxes 58 . John Mailer, '. .''."$27 20 - 8.:. Fred'k HnWey',"..' , 5 2i 1C9 96 . John Benin, 79 33 176 - 47 Jeremiah Mosher, . 76 65 186 37. Thomas Billingtoo, 88 40 '76 BO Michael Musser, 35 89 100 . James M'Murtfie, 36 85 80 " Thomas Mnrgatory, 2 48 80 Mgnns Miller, 29 48 410 ': John F.rdv, 164 82 160 Willi nu Bradv, - 64 32 i 592 . ; J. Blain.E. Blain, .237 98 J 399 John Witmor, 187 20 349 Henry Witnior, 163 76 181- WillUm Wilson, 84 95 j 134 Jitbob Krug, . 62 85 104 John Gibson, 48 78 215 73 Robert Wilson, 10103 433 153 William Gray, 23 28 433 153 John Miller, - 203 41 94 91 Jerumiau Mosher, 41 22 161 116 Peter G-tz, 77 58 330 153 Martin Fhu'Z, r 88 44 2!6 125 Jacob F.ine, 79 33 328 153 George Musser, 87 90 74 32 Thomas Gibfou, 34 84 433 133 David B.rton, . 87 10 433 153 John Ferdnev, 203 41 44 Brown & Full on, 20 61 71 80 John KetUnd, Z'J. 50 55 102 Sarah Biilington, .25 87 860 JrfCobKung, 168 84 30 Win. Plumket, 14 08 3614 1993 1997 1998 3674 62 5860 5877 5879 5881 588S 323 195 218 2009 13 1994 2010. 3580 2009 27 155 ; 275 82. 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 45 55 Roberts A Fox, 250 13 Roberts A Fox, 290 Roberts A Fox. 102 34 Roberts A Fox, 215 .. Conrad Long, 670 r -f Jona. IS. Smith 37 52 12 Oft 67 00 77 72 41 60 69 28 404 01 846 ' Henry Wykoff, 330 09 Government Credit. Massachusetts has recently negotiated a loan of three million dollars for twenty years at four per cent per annum, lhe isa tiona! Government pays six per cent, gold, and our bonds are taken cautiously at that. In other words, the United States pays six per cent, gold for one thousand dollars of currency Massachusetts can for four per cent, - gold borrow one thousand doljars in gold.' Now this two per cent, loss in inter est, and twenty-five or thirty per cent, loss in the prinoinal, accurately represents the influence of the presence of the Djtncratic Earty in the country. In the Bay State the emocracy is substantially unknown- As an element of power it ha3 no meaning. Repudiation, of course, is not only never mooted or discussed, but. never so much as breathed. With her sixty thousand Repub lican majority, a reflection on the commer cial honor or credit of Massachusetts would be resented similaily as an aspersion on the virtue of one's wife or daughter. Repudia tion there is treason, and repudiators are look ed upon as traitors,and we see the result. We as a nation, are paying dear for the being in our midst of the disloyal organiiation. One-half of the taxes now paid by the peo ple of the United States are directly char geable to the Democracy. It costs us iust twi as much to borrow money a3 need be, by reason of the dishonest policy and course of" tais reckless and desperate party. Phila. Prts. -. . ... f i Robert Watson,a well-known colored man, recently died in New York city, aged 71 years. He began life as a house-servant, and could neither read nor write. At the tim e r( his death he owned eight houses and ever $100,000 in personal property. TTie Racine Journal says that the aeauit tal of Andrew Johnson don't affect its poli tics, but it gives its religion an awful strain. "I'm sittine on the 'style,' Mary," as Jor said when he sat down on his wife's bonnet. Ac. 41 196 234 408 413 440 429 429 100 109 132 70 427 427 400 266 95 49 205 100 404 404 404 427 160 No. 2004 3579 3573 3S08 5959 5926 5926 B0GGS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Thomas, $8 31 John Thomas, ' 45 43 76. Joseph Drinker, 47 03 76; Joseph Drinker, 95 67 Win. McCorraick, 110 69 Nancv Boggs. . 118 04 41 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 41 John Byers, 114 96 John Montgomery, 26 80 90 Barbara Snydor, 3188 George Hootinan, 89 80 Henry Faunce, 18 78 George Ayrcs, 85 76 31 Wm. Troutwine, 85 76 John K.-an, 80 40 Joseph Bill, 89 12 146 Kichard Thoma3, 15 70 Barbara Snyder, 13 13 -.Thomas Smith, 54 94 John K.'phart, 26 80 Blair M'Lanahsn, 81 21 Thomas L. Moore, 81 Mary Mortis. ' 81 Jonas Steinheiser, 71 Kichard Waple, 32 21 21 55 12 Ac. 324 102 159 250 437 109 48 30 225 100 64 50 50 85 85 175 No. 492 3612 3603 3L00H T0WW3KI?. Ac. Per. Warrantees. eh. Taxes 400 . Roberts A Fox, 102 40 1020 60 Roberts A Fox. 261 12 81 33 Roberts k Fox, 20 73 463 111 Roberts A Fox. 119.81 98 138 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 , 93 Nioklin A Griffith 23 81 296 Nicklin A Griffith 75 78 50 George L. Reed, 12 80 5 . Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 . Levi Cleaver, . 26 88 250 David Irwiir, 72 06 100 John P. Dale, 25 26 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Hugh Ely, $42 76 35 John Campbell, 20 18 Hall & Buck, 20 99 Bltir M'Lanahan, 49 50 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 67 65 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 Matrhias Slaytnaker, 9 50 Matthew Forcee, 7 92 James Duncan, 37 22 Neheraiah Mains, 19 80 David Mains, . 12 67 Daniel Graham, 13 20 Horatio L. Hall, 13 20 Wra. Graham, jr. 22 44 John Hanna, 22 44 John Vaughn, 46 20 BRADY TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warren tees. etc. Taxes 303 W Kirkpatrick.fi 03 18 200 Roberts A Fox, 53 60 150 Roberts A Fox, 40 20 1997 1993 Ac. 303 303 29J 311 298 111 100 293 150 3-11 John Danlap, 181 41 100 - Casper Stiver, 40 20 5CI Christian Lower, 302 17 600 Koberts A rox. 395 25 521' Christian Lower, 310 93 365 a. Koberts A Fox. 217 48 604 ? Roberts A Fox, 364 21 995 Si Roberts A Fox, 600 05 6U . s Roberts A Fox, 368 50 2o6 f Benj. Henry, , 154 37 135 3 Casper Stiver, : 81 47 472 i Casper Stiver sr, 2S4 62 Si fil George Shaffer 50 II 80 i i J ST. Millers (h's, 42 88 100 ' Banm. " ' 53 60 50 ' 5 Mertairy, 26 80 66 y Roberts A Fox, 13 09 250 - t Roberts A Fox. 67 00 EURN3TDE TOWNSHIP. Per. . Watrantoes. etc. Taxes. John Jones, $137 80 James Chapman, 137 80 Benj Trasnall, 130 DO - Tiwns'd Spackman 202 15 BELL TOWNSHIP. ' No. Ac Per. Warrar tees, etc. Taxes 4283 1000 ' Henry Beck, $230 00 5620 500 - Henry BecK, , 115 00 5620 500 Henry Beck, 115 00 5764 1000 Uenry Beck. : 230 00 5613 61 Henry Beck, 14-W 4287 ' 79 120 Henry Beck. . ' . 18 f7 423730 "78 Henry Beck, "St lis1 307 59 Henry Beck, . 88 32 5766 113 Henry Beck, 32 54 ' 71 Henry Beck, 20 47 93 97 Henr Beck, 21 59 76 1000 Henry Beck, 230 00 4286 506 Henry Beck, 116 33 4 89 500 Henry Beck. 143 75 3565 161 118 John Nicholson 55 54 5904 1000 Nicklin A Griffith 230 00 5906 753 Nicklin A Griffith 174 34 5907 800 Nicklin A Griffith 134 00 5918 955 Nicklin A Griffith .219 65 5919 933 Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 433 Benj. Gibbs. 124 54 5619 242 Henry Beck. 55 66 5909 625 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 5910 '320 Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 5911 247 Nicklin A Griffith. 56 81 5913 106 Nicklin A Griffith 24 33 5915 607. Nicklin AGriffith 139 61 5921 1100 Nicklin AGriffith 253 00 5619 101 93 Henry Beck, 23 23 4237 93 97 Henry Beck, 21 51 5619 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 5906 102 32 Nicklin Griffith 29 33 5906 31 28 Nicklin AGriffith 8 97 5907 90 Nicklin A Griffith 25 83 42s6 100 Henry Deck, 23 00 Ac 100 313 433 298 258 433 433 433 433 100 433 876 257 ..'88 271 411 234 433 190 38 22 200 433 147 100 61 433 No. 1891 1893 3649 1892 1S94 1903 1897 5377 Prr 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 Rebecca Brown, : Christian Slake, Leonard Hollis, John Buret), John.Cumniings, CHEST TOWNSHIP. - Warrantees, etc. John Boyd. Joshua llaynes, Thomas Hamilton, William Wilson, James Ross, 193 70 43 30 89 00 133 38 68 25 Taxes $46 40 145 00 200 91 158 27 119 71 John Ciinninghatr , 150 80 John Cook, . 150 80 Joseph Ewing, 150 80 William Cook,. 150 80 DuvH C ithcart, 29 00 AlexTHtinter, 100 46 Peter Horse, 130 85 ' I "Hugh Bsrtley, . 74 58 l Joseph Pike, ' ,, 25 62 .V.'' George Page, 78 65 Henry Page, 71 58 ' James Noble, 67 87 153 John Musser, 200 91 164 Christian Rohrer, 88 16 War arCftati'' -118 78- Miller & Crist, 10 21 Mahaifey& Mitchell, 46 40 Matbias Slough, 100 46 George Ross, 42 60 John Brenneman, 29 00 J. & H. Breth, . 28 30 Samuel Jackson, 71 45 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 600 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 365 - Morris A Stewart 51 47 15 Morris A Stewart 2 11 450 Morris A Stewart 31 73 1100 George Mead, 155 10 300 John Briel, 21 15 200 H. Borgett. 56 40 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 391 Thomas P. Cope, $204 88 24 Thos. Edmundaon, 12 67 67 96 Joseph Sanson), : 85 62 391 159 Thomas Billintcton, 204 88 100 Thos.'Stewurtson, 52 40 202 Mary M'Lanahan, . 105 84 404 - Ann M'Laosnan, . 105 84 100- Stacy W. Thompson, 62 40 200 1 Mary M'Lanahan, 104 80 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 108 Jacob Downing, 20 Joseph Sansom, 76 99 William Sansom,' 211 22 William Evans, 50 Nancy Fauly, 333 147 Thos. Edmundson, 90 John Drinker, 200 Casper Haines, 281 Gilbert Vaught, 195 Joseph Harrison, 198 Joseph Harrison, 60 - Joseph Harrison, 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 200 Jonathan Nesbit, 125 A. J. G..SS, 200 Sam'l. M Clarren, 17 Joseph S msom, 90 David Stewart, 44 02 56 60 10 48 39 82 126 28 26 20 174 50 47 16 104 80 147 24 102 18 103 74 26 20 43 50 104 80 65 00 104 80 8 90 21 58 Ac. 74 50 100 24 50 100 100 309 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 233 159 John Hambright, $69 96 50 Matthias Slough,. 12 00 8 Matthias Slongh, 1 92 433 153 George Ross, 103 92 , Lewis Jordan, Zv v Hiram Pasmore, 12 00 Abraham Ogden, , , 24 00 Henry Swan, 5 76 Benj. Hartshorn, 21 00 John Hambright, 30 00 Adam Reigart . 24 00 73 John Doughton, 74 16 FOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes James Wilson. $71 46 James Wilson, wT 18 49 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 James WiUon, n e. 41 99 James Wilson, wj 41 66 James Wilfon, 73 92 James Wi son, 110 83 James Wilson, i 50 40 Jane" Wilson, mid 49 06 for 1364 A 1&65 45 82 James Wilson. w. p. 82 78 James Wilson, 26 2 51 James Wilson, 264 77 James Wilson, 5 60 James Wilson, 163 00 James Wilson, 83 44 James Wilson, 62 50 James Wilson, 24 64 James Wilson, 72 52 Evander Hyde, 25 20 Lane A Hyde, 28 00 Dan Kingbury.B L25 00 J. 8. Hyde, B. L. 8 40 Hyde A Co., Hulet 13 S9 Firminlot 23 97 Giles lot 11 20 28 00 No. Ac. 4272 4 25 4200 330 4183 140 4188 250 4131 495 4200 660 4182 990 4188 200 4 1 88 350 4188 4271 495 4241 937 4233 947 1534 ' 20 1535 600 4242 290 439 372 4348 133 4393 216 " 75 100 - 90 25 62 107 50 4400 100 No. 1921 1933 1934 3648 3547 6123 1924 1890 3647 1890 1 1939 i 160 6352 798 5376 1100 5353 1100 5357 1100 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 203 103 Morris h Stewart $23 95 428 120 Morris A Stewart 63 12 313 Morris A Stewart 75 17 103 Morris A Stewart 12 74 10 Morris A Stewart 2 36 200 Morris A Stewart 47 20 503 100 Morris A Stewart 59 94 254 120 Morris A Stewart 59 94 Morris A Stewart 2 36 10 Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade. George Meade, Georee Aieade, 1925 345 62 Morris A Stewart 1926 153 93 Morris A Stewart 1937 123 Morris A Stewart 1889 . 227 125 Morris Ji Sievart M43 282 56 Morris A Stewart 1929 33 Morris A Stewart 1890 187 Morris t Stewart 1888 378 Morris A Stewart 1917 344 Morris A Stewart 3150 106 Morris A Stewart 1887 456 Morris A Stewart 1916 50 Morris A Stewart 1926 105 Morris A Stewart 23 32 94 16 129 80 129 SO 129 80 40 71 13 03 14 51 26 79 3.1 23 3 93 22 07 44 60 40 83 12 51 53 81 5 90 12 39 No. 5314 5315 5316 1000 1909 137 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. 760 1000 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 5324 1213 5326 1100 5327 5329 5330 1911 Taxes George Meade, $124 45 George Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morn--A Stewart, 26 85 300 Wra Mspes. 77 60 100 George Meade, 39 30 100 George MeaJe, 39 30 433 . Morris A Stewart 57 37 383 Morriii A Stewart 100 34 100 Morris A Stewart 26 20 152 Morris A Stewart 25 2U 67 Georeo Mide, 317 81 Georeu Meade, 2.S8 20 1113 120 -ieoree Meade, i9l 59 1100 George Meade,,' 23.3 20 1100 Georee Meade. 233 20 100 Morris A Stewart, 26 20 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, e?c. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $130 96 199 John Skyrou, 87 76 145 T. Cope, 42 63 103 Jas- Mitligan, 30 27 109 Geo. Moore, 48 07 340 . Joseph Simons, 118 95 848 Joseph Henry, 127 89 100 Charlrs Hall, - 36 75 41 C. J. Allport, 18 09 100 ." Robt. Shaw, 68 80 100. Jno. Donaldson, 36 75 66 104 B. D. Schoonover, 24 26 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 112; John Witnier, $44 14 3C5 . 45 Geo. Baker, - 119 87 90 Benj; Wilson, 35 37 I 48 114 Geo. Moore, 18 86 349 96 1 Geo. Moore, ' 187 17 184 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 158 John M Cahen, 62 09 433 153 Edward Hand, 99 56 356 69 Emanuel Reigart, 8160 108 Geo. Moore, 24 76 260 John M'Cahen, 102 18 93 John Lampblack, 38 51 100 , John Witmer, 39 30 60 Bt-nj. Wilson, 9 83 119 121 Christian Stake, 46 78 193 122 Matthias Young, 75 85 433 153 Christian Hager, 170 30 433 153 George Musser, 170 30 237 48 ' Thos. Yadler, 93 15 210 Daniel Offley, 82 53 215 75 Geo. Baker, Jr. ; 84 50 436 145 Timothy Paxton, 171 84 433 153 John Barge, 170 80 216 153 John Musser, - 84 88 436 145 Jos. Ashbright, 171 84 HUSTON TOWNSHIP No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc 3575 961 Roberts A Fox, 3583 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3602 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3605 1049 129 Roberts A Fox. 3606 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3586 1020 60 Roberts A Fox. 1986 403 Roberts A Fox, 691 408 Roberts A Fox, 3595 1020 60 Roberts A FoX, 200 J G. Kidder. 195 David Caldwell, 5673 1041 - Moore A Delany. 5674 1041 Moore A Delany, 5675 1041 Moore if Delany 5066 990 Wm. Powers, 879 Wm Powers, 990 James Wilson, 990 James Wilson. 990 James Wi son. 347 27 Moore A Delany, 990 James Wilson. 420 Wilbelm Willink 936 James Wilfon, 990 James Wilson, 607 4263 4264 199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 4229 4230 4236 4225 4890 4389 4902 4897 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 6061 5064 5065 5063 4223 4236' 4265 5670 5671 5672 4399 6676 6677 965 123 James Wilson, Taxes $335 72 360 57 360 57 370 83 360 57 360 57 144 22 144 22 360 67 70 70 3 98 368 04 363 04 363 04 349 96 310 07 225 02 225 02 226 02 105 14 249 99 148 47 243 96 249 93 24 3 7 2 12H 06 123 74 136 85 25 04 3607 3584 3585 3604 5063 4193 4256 4254 5679 252 11 13 6 8 15 6 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 65 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 -896 136 Roberts A Fox, 226 24 : 297 . Wm Powers. 89 99 . 927 23 James Wilson,' 234 02 883 115 James Wilson, 224 22 927 28 James Wilson, 234 II I 1041 hi Moore A Delaney. 473 19 . 206 John Dunlap, 91 60 500 Dubois A Lowe. 151 50 j 95 91 Reynolds'subdivi- j sion. J.Nicholson, 29 79 30 do J, Nicholson. 9 09 105 109 do J.Nicholson, 31 80 4 do J. Nicholson. 1 20 6 do J Nicholson, 1 73 110 do J Nicholson, 33 33 95 153 do J. Nicholson, 28 80 90 101 do J. Nicholson, 27 27 195 do J Nicholson 31 33 91 do J. Nicholson, 27 57 85 43 do J Nicholson, 25 67 93 144 do J. Nicholson, 23 23 91 141 do J.Nicholson, 27 79 100 20 do J. Nicholson, 30 30 J02DAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 433 153 Pt-ter Kiihn, 145 08 209 Kichard Peters, 77 64 433 153 Fred'k Betis, 134 16 111 Adam Kiihn, 31 34 140 Ebenexer Brenham, 52 08 1U3 Adam Kuhn, 35 22 433 153 Thomas Martin, 145 08 283 Kob.rt Martin, 103 20 91 135 Philip Loust, . 33 85 70 Wm. Johnston, 26 04 100 Jonathan Jor.es, 24 80 KM) Richard Martin, 31 00 433 153 John Dunwoodie, 132 00 No. 1430 1093 1023 1093 1096 1096 1097 S4S5 3461 1095 1095 1097 1097 1093 3463 3476 1665 1665 1097 lOUrt 1097 1097 1096 3466 3467 ' KARTHAUS T0WNRHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 342 WnT Smith. I49 63 79 Charles Willink, 9 S3 88 fharles Willink, 12 50 253 139 Charles Willink. 31 63 124 103 Charles Wi. lick, 15 51 8i5N - Charles Willink, 103 13 436 113 Charles Willink, 64 49 63 62 Charles Willink. , 7 2'i 2"9 113 Charles Willink, . 32 3u 97 126 Charles Wiilink. 12 12 122 Charles Willink.- 16 24 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 100 Charles Willink, 12 60 89 Charles Willink. 11 12 75 Charles Willink, 9 33 6i2 59 48 200 300 600 i j 125 25 i - ; 50 500 122 ' tii 89 18 106 133 60 Charles Willink, Charles Wiilinb, 81 7 J. R. M Clo..ky. , 12 50 Wm. Miohaels, 37 50 G M Uertliao, 75 00 B. D Hall, 37 60 Charles Willink, 18 75 Charles Willink, 3 75 Charles Willink, 7 50 W.A SchnarsACo, 156 25 3S 13 25 99 11 11 2 26 Daniel Yothers, Mary fcggans, T. A J. White, T. A J. White, Thomas Meyers, Christian Brown, Hugh M'Gonigal, 13 25 41 51 6 96 507 James Wilson, 490 James Wilson, 740 James Wilson. 124 - Wiiheltn Willink 990 Wilhelin Willink 249 99 55 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 110 -Wilhelm Willink 38 89 990 Wm. Powers, 349 93 990 - Wm. Powers, 349 98 638 JamsWiUon, , 161 09 526 James Wilson, 132 81 923 James Wilson, 233 10 1113 Wm. Powers, 224 83 810 Wm. Powers, - 245 47 990 Win Powers, 299 94 375 . Shoemaker, . 113 63 101 E Shoemaker, 30 60 29S Wm. Powers, 90 24 250 James Wilson, 63 14 500 James Wilson, 126 25 889 James Wilson, 224 43 1041 80 Moore A Delany, 22 90 1041 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 347 27 Moore A Delany. 87 66 100 Hammond & Jones 20 20 547 81 Moore A Delany, 82 82 147 81 Moore A Delany, .22 22 81 Moore A Delany. 157 56 27 Moore A le!any, 105 14 Moore A Delany, Jot 50 Moore A Delany, 151 50 5678 1041 5672 347 5676 500 5677 500 3589 856 2000 1020 2001 1089 3592 900 ' 1983 429 38 1000 4902 100 3593 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3601 437 20 Roberts A Fox, 3600 ' 899 151 Roberts A Fox, 3578 733 Roberts A Fox, 3576 908 109 Roberts A Fox, 8594 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3597 888 35 Roberts A Fox, 22 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 38 Roberta A Fox. Abel DoBois, Wilhelm Willink, 216 14 309 06 329 97 204 54 103 93 252 50 20 20 257 55 110 39 272 40 185 05 229 27 257 55 224 22 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 437 48 Betiben llaynes, $168 63 435 60 Luke Morris, 157 92 433 153 Joseph Hilliard 157 18 433 153 Robert Grav, 157 If 429 41 John Binghnrst, 155 73 1 433 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 i 433 153 GeoigeEddy, 157 18 j 433 153 Moore Wharton 157 18 233 153 George Albion, 84 59 433 153 William Hunter, 104 77 333 John Dorsey, 39 06 433 153 Benj. Pouttney, 157 18 433 153 Israel Morris, 157 18 433 153 Martin Pierce, 157 18 72 Thorn is Jordan, 21 78 25 George Fox, 7.26 433 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 100 Henry Trout, 86 30 433 153 Caleb Fonlk 157 18 293 Georpe Wescott, 106 37 173 153 Robert Whaiton, ' 62 92 433 153 Ut-orge Seaft, 157 18 1 225 John Boyd, 81 67 1 109 Susanna Ward, 39 57 , 255 G & M. M'Cormlck, 92 65 , 75 Peter Whiti side, 34 84, 100 John Dorsey, 12 10 433 153 433 153 433 143 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 170 298 105 100 90 407 100 100 125 112 267 19 137 484 90 122 139 19 40 .17 95 117 oia 25 400 35 100 222 96 ISC 50 62 No. 5962 5962 5951 No. Thos. Fitzsimmons, 104 George Clymer, 104 Robert Gray, 104 Patrick Moore, 104 Mary Morris, 104 Magnus Miller, 104 'Nalbio Fruauy, 104 Clem Siocker, 104 John Vaughn, 104 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 Blair M Latiahan, 51 William Stewart, 72 Janus Wilson, 45 Bohert Morris, 24 William Morris, 21 Richard R. Smith, 78 Isaac Farlow, 24 Patrick Hays, 24 George Gates, .15 I It-man Graiz, 20 Conrad Swartz, 65 John Graft. 4 Ficbi.lds Uirtenonr, 24 Hotmi t Carson, 117 Nicholas Kidenour. Matthias Slough, 90 Henry Di inker, 6 Frederick Huliley, 96 Matthias Slough, 8 William Bigler, 12 Simon Swartz, 40 Joseph Potler, 17. Francis Johnston, 24 Joseph Nicholson, 9 Joseph Nicholson', 11 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 44 12 41 20 78 81 20 24 14 32 09 59 93 12 25 75 06 0 47 10 80 42 68 09 28 5783 1020 6785 819 5774 33 5775 820 4262 990 42-iJ 957 5777 410 5777 410 5923 25 1429 70 5923 206 5931 206 23 145 64 135 "r 296 5779 111 460 120 200 5776 276 5776 360 5770 46 PENN TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tsxes 643 14 John Nicholson, $158 86 163 Greenwood Bell, 43 68 63 Kl'jjah Heath. 16 37 153 Hieklin A Griffith. 39 77 106 Nicklin AGriffith. 27 81 PIXE TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 64 John Nicholson, $74 66 41 John Nicholson, 69 91 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 James Wilson. 90 43 85 Jsnies Wilson, 87 43 12 John Nicholson, 60 02 12 John Nicholson. 60 02 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 1 8. Llodget, . 8 64 Nicklin A Griffith, 25 IS Nicklin d Griffith, 25 12 Jobn V Jloyt. 6 1 Thomas Jordan, 35 Si Thomas Ma gee, 15 62 George James, 16 48 R AW.M'Nanir 21 71 Z Bailey. 8 67 Z. M'Nas, S3 06 Thomas Mage. 29 28 Rachael Kratser, 24 40 John Nicholson, S3 67 John Nicholson. 45 OS 80 John Nicholson, T 96 No. 3603 3599 3532 1935 1992 1990 2005 1990 2006 2003 3596 3610 2003 3537 3588 3687 3593 UNION TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. Warrantees, etc 909 161 606 66 7V9 30 403 408 - 183 693 200 176 99 196 829 41 299 62 285 30 970 60 650 . 380 Roberts Roberts Koberts . Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Rober s Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Fox, 4" Fox, 4-Fox, or lox, 4- Fox, 4" Fox. 4-Fox, 4-Fox, 4-Fox, 4rFox, 4- Fox, irFox, 4- Fox. 4- Fox. 4- Fox, 6r Fox, 4- Fox: Taxes $267 24 244 82 60 60 164 83 164 83 73 93 279 07 80'0 71 10 69 39 S34 01 120 60 115 14 131 60 391 M 362 60 116 14 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5312 1100 George Mead. $103 13 1995 33 80 Roberts A Fox.W.pt.9 62 1995 38 80 Roberts Fox, E.pt.9 62 221 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 413 Joba Read, 51 63 52 114 Rudolph Lits, 6 60 90 Robert Mitchell. 36 25 6 James Alexander. 4 50 285 Wm Montgomery, 71 25 74 J. M Macnmber. 18 50 46 Leonard All a rtsh'n, 13 50 IS Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 '41 J B. M tnally, 10 2a 41 : Jas. B..haw, 10 25 5293 726 George Mead, 90 75 5296 1167 47 George Mead, 145 89 5297 1213 69 George Mead, 15161 5290 488 George Mead, 262 02 5291 1100 George Mead. 333 48 153 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 176 Ellis Trwin A Son, 33 00 240 Ellis Irwin A Sen. 45 00 137 Ellis Irwin A Son, St 25 4 Kratzer A Barret, 1 25 Ac 402 206 327 373 421 440 - 65 440 :o9 340 20 423 800 ; 34 122 183 400 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 158 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Wetzell, $97 28 William Weriz, 49 84 Christian Werta, 79 13 David Lauch, 90 27 Jesse Yarnell. 101 87 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, 82 28 George Habecker, 102 37 Peter Yarnell, 72 60 John Read, 8 22 Patrick Hays, 29 52 Francis Johnson, 33 27 John Huston, 96 80 Thomas Morris, 104 79 William Morris, 104 79 Samnel Meredith, 104 79 William Miller, 104 79 Hetty Morris, 104 79 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Vought, $285 54 Job 11 Wails, 248 07 John Roll. 235 54 William Wilson, 64 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Di inker, 171 86 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 108 16 Ssmnul Emlen, 72 90 Thomas Neil, 68 48 Eli Hooiman, 16 82 Mary Neil, 122 40 Bonj. Johnston, " 40 80 H.-gartr, :170 64 John M'Cahen, , 38 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, - 54 40 Pigot Shaw, r81 70 Sebastian Graff, 117 50 Thos. Edmonson, ' 238 27 Eli Hooiman, 49 86 Mary Sand wick, 38 90 Philip Loast, 176 66 Jacob R. Howell, 176 66 Wm. Johnston, 176 66 George Beckham, 40 80 Charles flight, . 134 82 Dumel Turner, 128 82 Peter Louder, 69 86 Charles Londr, ., 24 76 Chauncey Rickets, 51 96 Channcev Rickets, 2 72 William Wister, 9 62 Jsasc Wilson, 44 88 Henry Shaffer, 34 00 George Ashton, 11 56 John Low, 84 00 Isaac iJoss, 84 00 John M'Lsthon, 66 11 W. K. WRIGLEY. Treasurer. Cleared. M-rch 25. 1868. is 433 153 4o6 159 433 153 100 412 41 420 120 240 433 153 2C8 215 5 60 800 100 418 125 57 143 100 334 42 216 438 73 121 163 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 58 248 237 170 91 218 i! 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 80 JAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. $2 a year in advance. S. J. ROW, Editor. Job work of all kinds, sucb. as Pamphlets, Bill-Heads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, Blanks, Cards, etc., executed withneat ness and dispatch, and at mod erate prices. April 1-tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers