J i M W. Ml 'HI iM! 1M M M M !K 1 . BY S. J. EOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 186a VOL. 14.-N0. 36. gtlttt goctnt. A OODSTBY HOME. Oh 1 give me a home in the country wide, And a seat by the farmer's wood fireside, Where the fire burns bright, On a frosty night Where the jest,the song. and the laugh are free, Oh ! the farmer a home is the place for ne. Oh '. tire me a home in the country wide. Where the earth cornea pat as a blushing bride - tv ith her bads and flowers. In the bright spring hours. Her bridal song ringing from fresh leaved trees And melody Boats on the perfumed breeze. In a summer seat in a shady nook, And close by the side of a purling brook, Where the violet grows, , Or the pale swamp rose. ', '; Fainting, sick, 'neath the sun's scorching beam, Dips her petals in tae cooling scream. Oh '. give ma a home in the country wide, In the golden days of a farmer's pride,' When his barns are fil!ed From the fields he's tilled, And he feels that his yearly task is done, And, smiling at winter, he beckons him on. . "Death Valley." A correspondent of the Philadelphia 7ef, with Gen. Palmer's engineer corps of the Kansas Pacific ltailroa J, writing from Camp Cody, on the Mohave river, Califor nia, gives the following description of a re markable valley in that region : Eighty miles northwest of this eamp is the vrwll-known and much-dreaded ""Death Val ley." It is said to be lower than the level of the sea, and wholly destitute of water. Mr. Spears, our intelligent, guide, who vis ited this remarkable valley several time, gave me the following account of it, with the reason for its terrible name. The" valley is some fifty miles long by thirty in breadth, and save at two pomts,it is wholly encircled by mountains, up whose bteep sides it is impossible for any but ex pert climbers' to ascend. It is devoid of vegetation, and the shadow of birds or wild beast never darkened its white, glaring sand. In the early days.trains ol emigrants bound for California passed, under the direction of guide.--, to the south of Death Valley, by what is now known as the "old Mormon road." In the3Tear 18C0, a large train, with some three hundred emigrants mostly from Illinois and Missouri, came south from Salt Lake. guided- by a -iwrmon 4Viia near Death Valley, dissent broke out in a part to the conclusion that the Mormon knew nothing about the country, so they appoin ted one of their number a leader and broke off from the main party. This leader deter mined to turn due west ; so with the fami lies and wagons and flocks he traveled for 3 days, and then descended into the broad valley, whose treacherous mirage promised water. They reached the centre, but only the white glaring sand, bounded by the torched peaks, met their gaze on every hand. Around the valley they wandered, and one by one the men died, and the pant ing flocks stretched themselves in death un der the hot sun. Then the children, crying for wat, died at their mother's breast,and with swollen tongues and burning vitals, the mothers followed. Wagon after wagon was abandoned, and strong men tottered and raved and died. After a week's wandering a dozen survivors found some water in the hollow of a tock in the mountains. It last ed a short time, then ail perished but two, who, through some miraculous means, got out of the valley and followed the trail of their former companions. Eighty-seven yiersons, with hundreds of animals, perish ed in this fearful place, arid since then the name of Death-Valley has been applied to it. Mr. Spears says that when he visited it last wintcr,after the lapse of eighteen years, he found the wagons still complete.the iron work ind tires bright," and the shriveled skeletons lying in many places side by side. Entrance Into Life. It is doing a ser vice to mankind to destroy the prejudice which is generally entertained that youth is eJucated when some care has been taken of their infancy. This prejudice besides other lad effects of it, suspends the zeal of that small number of individuals in the middle rank of life who wish to give their children the best education they possibly can. From a falje notion that the minds of young peo ple are formed at a very early period, they Miffer them to be their own masters at a time when they stand most in need of a guide to direct them in the course of the most im portant period of their education, by the wisdom of his counsels, the geutleness of his insinuations, and the force of his example, lew persons in their infancy, learn the art of employing and governing themselves; and it is very difficult to learn it till the fac ulties of the mind are full blown, and the character has taken its true bias. When young persons, therefore, are entering upon the tempestuous ocean of human life, then the time when they must be taught the pilot's art, the -manner of steering their course so as to avoid rocks and quicksands. A. philosopher might begin to take the haree 0f education at a time when the vul var think it finished. Many persons are ca rdie of educating children in the ordinary Method ; there are few, very few, who are Enable of forming men. Patience. Of all the lessons that hu manity has to learn in life's school, the hardest is to learn to wait. Not to wait ith the folded hands that claim life's pn Ie without previous effort, but having "rusreled. and crowded the plow years with trial, see no such result as effort seems to arrant nay, perhaps,disaster instead. To stand firm at such crisis of existence, to pre rve one's self -poise and self-respect, not to loose hold, or to relax effort, this is great- Bss, whether achieved by man or woman whether the eve rf the world notes it, or it 18 recorded in that book which the light of tensity alone shall make clear to the vision Home Truths. Some years ago says the Lewistown Ga zette the democracy professed to be the es pecial friend of the agricultural community, and on that ground advocated a low tariff because, they contended, foreign nations took our agricultural productions. There has been no shipping demand of consequence for several years, yet since the accession of the republican party to power, farming has never paid so well in fact it has been so productive that lands have advanced enor mously in price, and any man with tact enough to raise crops has not only made money, but in four cases out of six, has got rich. Under democratic rule, no business requiring the same amount of capital and hard labor paid so poorly as farming many of the best farm not yielding above 2 per cent. Now, under republican rule, they yield 5 to G per cent over aud above taxation. If the maxim to "let well enough alone" is worth anything,, the fanner who rails at and opposes the republican party is doing a very foolish thing. That party has released him from State tax on real estate it has given him the best and safest currency in existence in the world it has put down a rebelliou which, if successful, would have ruined our country it has put down slave ry, that great antagonist of free abortaridit has enacted more good laws in the past eight years than all the democratic adminis trations put together.- Job Dodge Or the Stormy Day. It was a half drizzling, half stormy day in t he middle of November just such a day as puts people in a bad humor with themselves and everybody else. Job Dodge sat brood ing over the tire immediatly after breakfast. His wife addressed him as follows: "Job, can't you mend that front door latch to day?" "No," was the answer. " Well, can't you mend thehandlecf the water pail?" "No." "Well, can't you fix a handle to the mop ?" "No.'L "Well, can't you put up some pins for the clothes in our chamber ?" "No." "Well, can't you fix that- north window, so that the rain'and snow won't drive in?" "No no no !" answered the husband. sharply. He then took his hat, and was on the point of leaving the house, when his wife, knowing that he was going to the tav ern, where he would meet some of his wet- day fampauions askedJumkindiy to stop a moment She then got her bonnet and cloak, and satd to her husband, lou are going to the .tavern ; with your leave I will go with you. l he husband stared. xes, said the wife, I may as well go as you ; if you go and waste the day, and tipple at the tav ern, why shall not I do the same?" Job felt the reproof. He shut the door, hung up his hat, got the hammer and nails, did all his wife requested, and sat down by his fire at night, a better and happier man. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAND 3 FOE TAXES For 1867 and previous years. . NOTICE is hereby gives, that in pur snance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A.D. 181a, entitled An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county," will be exposed to Pjiblie Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House m the Borough of Clearfield, on the Seo ond .Monday in June, A. 1). 13G3 ; BECCAEIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 58 John Mailer, $27 20 8 Fred'k Hublcy, 5 24 109 96 John Beam, "9 83 176 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 76 65 186 37 Thotuas Billinpton, 88 40 76 80 Michael Musser, 35 89 100 James M'Murtrie, 36 85 SO Thomas Murgatory, 29 48 80 Magnus Miller, 29 48 410 John Brady, ' 104 82 160 Willi ma Brady, 64 32 592 J. Blain, E. Blain, 237 98 399 John Witnior, 187 29 349 Henry Witmor. 163 75 181 William Wilson, 84 95 134 Jabob Krug, 62 85 104 Jobn Gibson, 48 78 215 73 Kobert Wilson, 101 03 433 153 William Gray, 203 28 433 153 John Miller, 203 41 94 91 Jeremiah Mosher, 44 22 161 116 Peter G-Z, 77 58 330 153 Martin Fautz, 83 44 296 125 Jacob Fautz, 79 33 328 153 George Musser, - 87 90 74 32 Thomas Gibson, 34 84 433 153 David B.irton, 87 10 433 153 John Ferducy, 203 41 44 Brown & Fulion, 20 64 71 80 John Rutland, 33 50 55 102 Sarah Billington, 25 87 860 Jacob Knng, 168 84 30 Wni. Plumket, 14 08 3614 199.1 1997 1993 3574 625 5860 5377 5S79 6S81 5886 323 195 513 2009 13 1994 2010 35S0 2009 27 155 275 92 1997 1998 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 37 52 45 55 Roberts A Fox, 12 05 250 13 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 290 Roberts Fox. 77 72 102 !4 Roberts A Fox, 41 00 215 ; Conrad Long. 69 28 670 Jona. B. Smith 404 01 846 . ' Henry Wykoff, 330 09 331 JohnDunlap, 19141 109 : Casper Stiver, 40 20 501 Christian Lower, 302 17 6ai) Roberts'! Fox, 395 25 521 Christian Lower, 310 93 3(55 Roberts A Fox, 217 48 604 ' Roberts A Fox, . SB4 21 995 94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 611 Roberts A Fox, 368 50 256 Benj. Henry, 154 37 135 :, Casper Stiver, . 81 47 472 Caxper Stirer sr, 284 62 83 6 George Shaffer 50 11 80 , J. M. Millers (h's, 42 88 100 ' Baum, 53 60 50 MoGairy. 26 80 66 Robert & Fox, 18 09 250 Roborta A Fox, 67 80 Easy Suited. A young gentleman from the country stepped into a jeweler's store on East Water street, Milwaukee, and in formed the proprietor that his occupation was that of a carpenter, and he desired to get a bosom pin emblematical of that pro fession. The obliging jeweler looke t over his stock, and finding nothing else, showed him a very fine maonic pin. The young man looked at it carefully. "Yes," he said, "that is it. There is the com pass and the square. I use both of them, but why didn't they put a saw in it? It's first rate as far as it goes. Hullo ! there's a G there, what doea that stand for?" The jeweler didn't know. The man studied it carefully for a mo ment, and a bright thought struck him. His face flashed as if he had made a discov ery. "I have it," he said, "it's all right, G stands for gimlet. That will do. I'lltakeit." There was a little touch of sadness in his voice as he pinned the emblem on his coat anil went away muttering : 'Square, compass and gimlet. I do wish there wa3 a saw, though." Woo Moved dis Well?" Some years since, a prominent business man of North ampton, who began to "sow his wild oats" when a boy, and hasn't sot through it yet, attended a colored ball in that town. Af ter each "breakdown" he noticed that a well near the house, which by the way, was not a deep oue, was resorted to by the men to quench their thirst. Unobserved, while the dance was going on, he slipped out of the house and moved the curb a few feet beyond" the well, and then waited the result. IVesently out came one of the dancers, and I dump to the bottom of the well he went. Jiowing and puffing, he came to the top, and-exclaimed : "Gosh! who moved dis well since I's out here last?" y A TIrcATTTiFKL Illustration.- It is said of the Icelanders that they scrupulously observe the usage of reading the sacred Scriptures everv morning, the whole family joining in the singing and prayers. When the Icelander awakes, he salutes no person until he has saluted his God. He usually hastens to the door, adores there the author of nature and providence, and then steps back, saying to his family, "God grant you a good day." What a beautiful illustration is this of the Christian obligation on the part of households to recognize and worship God. . m One of the wealthiest men of Boston, be coming involved not long since, made over his property to his oldest son, in order to save it. lie passed through the crisis.how failure or nrosecution. but arhn Tift r-nme to demand the property back the son refused to restore. The latter now holds the estate and lives in luxury, while the father has died of a broken nean. , BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 4283 1000 Henry Beck, S230 00 5020 500 Henry Bees, 115 00 5620 500 Henry Beek, 115 Oft 5764 1000 Henry Beck. . 230 00 5618 61 Henry Beck, 14 03 4237 79 120 Henry Beck. 18 17 JL7-JJ;107S Henry BecW,94 38 3U o itenry iseca, oa at 5766 IIS Henry Beck, 32 54 71 Henry Beck, 20 47 93 97 nenry Beck, 21 59 1000 Henry Beck, 230 00 508 Henry Beck, 116 38 500 Henry Beck, 143 75 161118 John Nicholson. 65 54 Nicklin A Griffith 230 00 Nicklin A Griffith 174 34 800 Nicklin A Griffith 184 00 955 Nicklin A Griffith 219 65 933-. Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 AXf BcDj. Gibbs. 124 54 212 ' Henry Beck. 55 66 825 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 320 Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 217 Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 106 Nicklin A Griffith 24 38 607 Nicklin A Griffith 139 61 1100 Nicklin A Griffith 253 00 101 98 Henry Beck, 23 23 93 97 Henry Beck, 21 61 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 102 32 Nicklin AGriffith 29 33 31 128 Nicklin AGriffith 8 97 .90 Nicklin A Griffith 2i 88 100 Herry Beck, 23 00 5766 42Hft 4;89 3565 5904 1000 5906 758 5907 5913 5919 5619 5909 6910 5911 5913 5915 5921 5619 4287 5619 51106 6906 5907 4286 ETJKNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wairantees. etc. Taxes. 803 : John Jones, $137 80 303 - Jamos Chapman, ' 137 80 290 Benj. Traxiia.ll, 130 50 311 Tewns'd Spackman 202 15 298 Kibecca Brown, 193 70 111 Christian Stake, 43 30 100 Leonard llollis, 89 00 293 , . John Burch, 183 88 150 John Cumniings, 68 25 CHS3T TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. : Warrantees, etc. 100 153 John Boyd. 318 153 Joshua llaynes, 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 293 153 William Wilson, 258 James Ross, 433 153 John Cunningham, 433 153" John Cook, 433 153 Joseph Ewing, 433 158 William Cook, 100 David C-ithcart, 433 153- Alex. Hunter, 6 Peter Horse, 257 Hugh Bartley, 88 Joseph Pike, . 171 George Page, 411 Henry Page, 234 James Noble, 433 153 John Musser, 190 164 . Christian Rohrer, 250 : MHIer 8c Crist, S T!nr & Crist , 200 .Mahafley 5c Mitchell 433 Mathias Slough, 147 George Ross, 100 John Brennernan, 61 J. & II. Bretb, 433 Samuel Jackson, Ac. 41 196 234 408 413 440 429 429 100 109 132 70 427 427 400 266 95 49 205 100 404 404 404 427 160 No. 2004 3579 3573 3608 6959 5926 5926 B0GG3 TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. .. John Thomas, $8 81 John Thomas, 45 43 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 03 76 Joseph Drinker, 95 67 Win. McCormick, 110 69 Nancy Boggs. "118 04 41 41 90 31 116 young Missourian, eulogizing his girl's ty, eaid, "I'll be doggoned if she am t A beautv as purty as a red wagon Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 John Byers, 114 96 John Montgomery, 26 80 Barbara Snyder, 31 88 George Hootman, 89 80 Henry Fannce, 18 76 George Ayres, 85 76 Wm. Troutwine, 85 76 Jobn Kean, 80 40 Joseph Bill, 89 12 Richard Thom.is, .15 70 Barbara Snyder, 13 13 Thomas Smith, 54 94 Jobn Kephart, 26 80 Blair M'Lanahan, 81 21 Thomas L. Moore, 81 21 Mary Morris, 81 21 Jonas Stetnheiser, 71 55 Richard Wapte, 82 12 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 400 Roberts A Fox, $102 40 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 261 12 81 33 Roberts A Fox, 20 73 4S8 111 Roberts A Fox. 119 SI 98 138 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 83 Nicklin A Griffith 23 81 296 Nicklin AGriffith 75 78 50 George L. Reed, 12 80 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 Levi Clearer, 26 83 250 DaTid Irwin, 72 06 100 Joha P. Bale, 25 26 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 324 Hugh Ely, $42 76 102 35 John Campbell, 20 18 159 Hali& Buck, -20 99 250 Blair M'Lanahan, 49 50 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 57 65 109 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 48 Matthias Slaytnaker, 9 50 30 ' Matthew Foroee, 7 92 225 ' James Duncan, - 87 22 100 Nebemiah Mains, 19 80 64 David Mains, 12 67 50 Daniel Graham, ' 13 20 50 Horatio L. Hall, 13 20 85 Wm. Graham, jr. 22 44 85 John Hanna, 22 44 175 John Vaughn, 46 20 BRADY TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrentees. eto. Taxes 492 308 W. Kirkpatrick,$103 18 3613 200 Roberts A Fox, 53 60 3603 150 Roberts A Fox, 40 20 Taxesj $46 40 145 00 200 91 158 27 119 71 150 80 150 SO 150 80 150 80 29 00 100 46 130 85 74 68 25 52 78 05 71 58 67 87 200 91 88 16 118 78 ion I, 46 40 100 46 42 69 29 00 28 30 71 45 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 1891 600 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart 87 1892 ) 365 Morris A Stewart 51 47 1894 J 15 Morris A Stewart 2 11 903 697 ( 450 Morris A Stewart 31 73 5377 1100 George Mead, 155 10 300 John Uriel, ; 21 la 200 n. Burgett. " 66 40 DECATUR. TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Thomas P. Cope, $204 88 Thos. Edmundson, 12 57 96 Joseph Sansom, 35 62 159 Thomas Billingtou, 204 88 Thos. Stewartsoo, 52 40 Mary M'Lanahan, 105 84 Ann M'Lanahan, 105 84 StaCy W. Thompson, 52 40 Mary M'Lanahan, 104 80 137 Joseph Whitehall, 44 02 Jacob Downing, 56 60 Joseph Sansom, 10 48 99 William Sansom, 3982 22 William Evans, 126 28 Nsncy Fauly, 26 20 147 Thos. Edmundson, . 174 60 John Drinker, 47 16 Casper Haines, 104 80 Gilbert Vaught, 147 24 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 Josfph Harrison, 103 4 Joseph Harrison, 26 20 130 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 Jonathan Nesbit, 14 80 A. J. G..ss, 65 00 Sam'l. M'Clarren, 104 80 Joseph Sansom, 8 90 David Stewart, 24 58 Ac. 391 24 67 391 100 202 404 100 200 81 103 20 76 211 50 ;33 90 200 281 195 198 50 83 200 125 200 17 90 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP- A. Per. V arrantees. etc. lases 233 159 Jobn Hambright, 50 Matthias Swugh, 8 Matthias Slough, 433 153 George Ross, 74 Lewis Jordan, 50 Hiram Passtnore, 100 Abraham Ogden, 24 Henry Swan, 50 Benj. nartshorn, 100 John Hambright, 100 Adam Reigart 809 73 John Donghton, No 1921 1933 1934 3648 3647 6123 1924 1890 3647 1890 ) 1939 j 160 5352 793 5376 1100 5353 1100 5357 1100 GISARD TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 203 108 Morris A Stewart S23 95 423 120 Morris A Stewart 63 12 318 Morris A Stewart 103 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart 200 Morris A Stewart 503 100 Morris A Stewart 254 120 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart 75 17 12 74 2 36 47 20 59 94 59 94 2 36 1925 1926 1937 1689 3648 1929 1S90 1888 1917 3650 1887 1916 1925 62 93 345 163 123 227 125 232 50 33 187 373 346 106 ' 455 50 105 Morris A Stewart 23 32 George Meade, 94 16 George Meade, 129 SO George Meade, 129 80 George lUeade, 129 80 Morris A Stewart 40 71 Morris A Stewart 18 03 Morris A Stewart 14 51 Morris A Stewart 26 79 Morris A Stewart 33 23 Morris A Stewart 3 93 Morris A Stewart 22 07 Morris A Stewart 44 69 Morrig A Stewart .40 83 Morris A Stewart 12 51 Morris A Stewart 63 81 Morris A Stewart 5 90 Morris A Stewart 12 39 No. 5314 5315 5316 1000 1909 137 300 100 109 433 383 ieo 152 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, cte. 760 1000 Taxes - George Meade, $124 45 George Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morris A Stewart, 26 85 Wm. Mapes. Georgo Meade,' George Meade, Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 109 33 Morris A Stewart 26 20 Morris A Stewart 25 29 67 Georze Meade, 317 81 Georgo Meade, 5327 1113 120 George Meade, 5329 1100 George Meade, 283 20 5330 1100 George Meade. 288 20 1911 100 Morris A Stewart, 25 20 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 5324 1213 6326 1100 77 60 39 30 39 30 57 37 233 20 191 59 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $130 96 199 John Skyron, 87 76 145 T. Cpe, 42 63 103 J as- Millignn, 80 27 100 Geo. Moore, , 48 07 340 Joseph Simons, 118 95 34!i . Joseph Henry, ' 127 89 100 Charles Hall, 36 75 41 C. J. Allport, 18 09 100 Robt. Shaw, 68 80 100 .Jpo. Doualdson, J6 75 66 104 B. D. Schoonof er, 24 26 GUELICH "TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 112i John Witraer, 48 Geo. Baker, BeDi. Wilson, Geo. Moore, Geo. Moore, Philip Gloninger, John M'Cahen, .Edward Hand, Emanuel Reigart, Geo. Moore, John M Cahen, John Lampblack, Jnhn Witmer, B nj. Wilson, Christian Stake, Matthias Young, Christian Hager, Georgft Musser, Thos. Tadler, Daniel OUley 75 Geo. Baker, Jr. Timothy Paxton, Jobn Burge, John Musser, Jos. Ashbright, 3C5 90 48 114 849 96 134 158 433 356 108 260 98 100 50 U9 193 433 433 237 210 215 436 433 216 436 153 69 121 122 153 153 43 145 153 153 145 Taxes. $44 14 119 87 35 87 18 86 137 17 52 67 62 09 99 53 81 60 24 76 102 18 88 51 39 30 9 83 46 78 75 85 170 30 170 30 93 15 82 53 84 50 171 34 170 80 84 88 171 84 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 3575 961 Roberts A Fox, S335 72 3583 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 360 57 3602 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 360 67 3605 1049 129 Roberts A Fox, 370 83 3606 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 360 57 60 Roberts A Fox. 360 o7 Roberts A Fox, 144 22 Roberts A Fox, 144 22 60 Roberts A Fox, 360 57 J G. Kidder. - 70 70 David Caldwell, 63 93 Moore A Delany, 368 04 Moore A Del any, 3R3 04 Moored-Delany, 303 04 Wm. Powers, 349 95 Wm. Powers, 310 07 James Wilson, 225 02 James Wilson. 225 02 James Wilson, 225 02 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 James Wilson. Z4U 99 3535 1020 1986- 403 1691 403 3595 1020 200 195 5673 lOtl 5674 1041 5675 1041 $69 96 12 00 1 92 103 92 20 04 12 00 24 00 5 76 21 00 30 00 24 00 74 16 5066 5067 4263 4264 4199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 4229 230 4236 4225 4390 4889 4902 4S97 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 6061 5064 5065 993 879 990 990 990 347 990 420 980- 990 Wilbelm Willink 143 47 No. 4272 4200 4183 4138 4181 4200 4132 4183 4133 4183 4271 4241 4238 1534 1535 4242 4399 4340 4393 FOX TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 4400 425 330 140 250 495 660 990 200 : 350 495 . 937 . 947 20 600 290 372 183 215 75 100 90 25 62 107 50 100 James Wilson, $71 46 James Wilson, wl 13 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 James Wilson, n.e. 41 89 James Wilson, wi 41 65 James Wilson, 73 92 James Wilson, 110 83 James Wilson, i o 40 JimM WUann. mid 49 06 for 1364 A 1865 . 45 82 James Wilson.w.p. 82 78 James Wilson, 282 51 James Wilson, 264 77 James Wilson, 5 60 James Wilson. 163 00 James Wilson, 83 44 James Wilson, 62 50 Jiinu WilaOn. 24 64 James Wilson, '72 52 Kir&nHo. Ilvdo. 25 20 Lane A Hvda. 28 00 ' Dan Kingbury.B.L25 00 T S B. L. 8 40 Hyde ACo.,Huletl3 89 Wirmin lot 23 97 GiUilot 11 20 23 00 James Wilson, James Wilson, 955 123 James Wilson, 507 490 740 124 990 5S 110 990 990 638 526 923 1113 810 990 3T5 101 295 250 500 889 5063 23 4236 4265 5670 1041 5671 1041 5672 347 4399 5676 5677 5678 5672 5676 5677 3589 2000 1020 2001 1089 3592- 900 1933 429 - 1000 4902 100 3593 1020 3601 437 3600 3578 3576 3594 3597 100 547 147 1041 347 500 600 856 3607 685 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 3584 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 3535 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 267 55 3604 895 136 Roberts A Fox, 226 24 506S 297 Wm. Powers, 89 99 4193 927 23 James Wilson, 234 0 2 4256 888 115 James Wilson, 224 22 4254 927 23 James Wilson, 234 11 5679 1041 81 Moore A Delaney, 473 19 252 205 John Dnnlap, 91 60 500 Dubois A Lowe. 161 50 7 95 91 Keynolds'subdiTK Bion, J. Aicholson, do J.Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J.Nicholson, 27 27 J Nicholson. 31 83 J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J.Nicholson, 11 13 6 3 15 6 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 30 105 4 6 110 95 90 195 91 85 109 do do do do 151 do 104 do do do 43 do 93 144 do 91 141 do " 100 20 do 29 79 V 09 31 80 1 20 1 78 33 33 23 80 57 25 67 23 23 27 79 30 30 Ac. 224 433 209 433 111 140 108 433 153 283 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. - Taxes. 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 Richard Peters, 77 64 Fred'k BeHtes, 1S4 16 Adam Rutin, 81 31 153 153 91 70 100 100 433 Ebeue.er Brenham 52 08 Adam Kuhn. " 35 22 Thomas Martin, 145 08 Rob-rt Martin, 103 ZO 135 Philip Louit, S3 85 Win. Johris:ofl, . 26 04 Jonnthan Jones, 21 80 Richard Martin, l OO 153 John Dunwoodie, 132 00 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 1430 342 Wm. Smith, S149 63 1093 79 Charles Willink, 9 83 1023 88 Charles Willink, 12 50 1093 253 139 Charles Willink. 31 63 1095 124 103 Charles Willink, 16 51 1095 865 Charles Willink, 104 13 1097 436 US Charles Willink, 54 49 3465 63 62 Charles Willink, 7 25 3461 2a9 113 Charles Willink, 32 36 1095 97 12S Charles Wiilink, 12 12 1095 122 Charles Willink. 15 24 1097 100 Charles Willink, 12 60 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 1097 89 Charles Willink.' 11 12 1093 76 Charles Willink, . 9 33 3463 3475 ( 652 Charles Willink, 6149 69 Charles Willink, 7 Ji '43 J. R. M Closky. 12 60 . SOO .. Wm. Miohaels, 37 60 1665 390 - G. M. ilertlina, 75 09 1665 660 B. D Hall, 37 60 1097 J 1096(125 Charles Willink, 18 75 1097 25 Charles Willink, S 75 1097 ) 106 ) 50 Charles Willink, 7 50 580 W.A SchnarsACo,156 25 122 Daniel Yothen, 33 13 83 Mary Eggani, 25 99 89 T. A J. White, II 11 13 T. A J.White, 2 20 3466 3467 pOS Thomas Meyers, 13 25 133 Christian Brown. 41 61 60 Hugh M Gonigal, 0 98 KNOX TOWNSHIP. 243 96 249 93 243 72 James Wilson, 123 06 James Wilson, 123 74 James Wilson, "185 85 Wilhelm Willink 25 04 Wilhelm Willink 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 Wilhelm Willink 38 89 Wm. Powers, 349 98 Wm. Powers, 349 93 James Wilron, 161 09 James Wilson, 132 81 James Wilson, 233 10 Wm. Powers, 224 83 Wm. Powers, 245 47 Win. Powers, 299 94 E. Shoemaker, 113 63 E. Shoemaker, 30 60 Wm. Powers, 90 '24 James Wilson, 63 14 James Wilson, 126 2i James Wilson, 224 43 80 Moore A Delany, 262 0 89 Moore A Delany, 262 90 27 Moore A Delany, 87 66 Hammond A Jones 20 20 ftl Moore A Delany, 82 82 81 Moore A Delany, 22 22 81 Moore A Delany, 157 56 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Moore A Delany, 161 50 22 Roberts A Fox. 216 14 Roberts A Fox, 309 06 Roberts A Fo. 329 97 Roberta A Fox, 204 54 S3 Roberts A Fox. 108 93 , Abel DoBois, 252 50 Wilhelm Willink, 20 20 60 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 20 Roberts A Fox, 110 39 151 Roberts A Fox, 272 40 Roberts A Fox, 185 05 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 229 27 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 888 35 Roberta A Fox, 224 22 899 733 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 437 48 Betiben Haynes, $158 6S 435 50 Luke Morris, 157 92 433 153 Joseph Hilliard - 157 18 433 153 Robert Gray, 157 IS 429 41 Jobn Bingburst, 155 73 433 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 433 153 George Eddy, 157 18 433 153 Moore Wharton 157 18 233 168 George Asbion, 84 59 433 153 William Hunter, 104 77 333 John Dorsey, 89 06 433 153 Benj. Poultney, 157 18 433 153 Israel Morris, 157 18 433 153 Martin Pierce, 157 18 72 Thomas Jordan, 21 78 25 George Fox, 7 26 433 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 100 Henry Trout, 86 80 433 153 Caleb Fonllc 157 18 293 George Wescott, 106 37 173 153 Robt-rt Wharton, 62 92 433 153 George Seaff, 157 18 225 Jobn Boyd, 81 67 109 Snsanna'Ward, 39 57 255 G. & M. M'Cormick, 92 55 75 Peter Whiteside, 34 84 100 John Dorsey, 12 10 No. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5312 1100 George Mead, $103 13 80 Roberts A Fox,W.pt,9 62 80 Roberts a Fox, E.pt. 62 1995 1995 33 33 221 413 90 6 285 74 46 18 41 41 5293 725 5296 1167 5297 1213 5290 488 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 Jobn Read, 51 63 52 114 Rudolph Lita, 6 50 Kobert Mitchell. 30 James Alexander. 4 50 Wm-Montgomery, 71 25 J. M. Macumher, 18 50 Leonard AHartsh'n.lS 60 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 'S6 6291 1100 153 176 24 137 4 J. B. M Enally, 10 25 Jas. B. Shaw, 10 25 George Mead, 90 7s 47 George Mead, 14S 89 69 George Mead, 151 61 , George Mead, 262 02 George Mead. ' 333 43 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 08 Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 Kratzer A Barret, 1 25 483 153 Thos. Fitjssimmons, 104 79 433 153 George Clymer, 104 79 433 143 Robert Gray, 104 79 433 153 Patrick Moore, 104 79 433 153 Mary Morris, 104 79 433 153 Magnus Miller, 104 79 433 153 Nalbio Fraxey, " 104 79 483 153 Clem Stocker, 104 79 433 153 Jobn Vaughn, 104 79 433 153 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 79 170 Blair M'Lanahan, 6144. 298 William Stewart, 72 12 105 James Wilson, 25 41 100 SO Bobort Morris, 24 20 90 122 William Morris, 21 78 407 189 Richard R. Smith, 73 81 100 Isaac Farlow, 24 20 100 19 Patrick Hays, 24 24 125 George Gates, 15 14 112 llrman Grats, 20 82 267 40 Conrad Swarts, 65 09 19 17 John Graff, 4 69 187 FicbolaaRidenOnr, 24 9t 484 05 Robert Carson, 117 11 117 Nicholas Kideiioar, 16 875 Marthia SITign, CO 75 25 Henry Drinker, 6 05 400 Frederick Ilubley, 96 80 85 Mtrhi Slough, 8 47 100 William Bigler, 12 10 222 Simon Swartf , 40 80 96 Joseph Potter, 17 42 186 Francis Johnston; 4 63 60 Joseph Nicholson, 9 09 .62 . Joseph Nicholson, 11 IS PJENN TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Par. Warrantees, eto. TaxM 5961 643 14 Jobn Nicholson, $158 86 16S Greenwood Bell, 43 63 5962 63 .Kl'jah Heath, 16 IT 153 Nicklin A Griffith, 39 7T 5951 105 Nicklin A Griffith, 2T 81 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 402 George W etzell, 206 William Wertz, 327 ' Christian Wertr, 373 - - David Lauch, 421 J ease Yarnell, 440 65 Joseph Turner, 440 103 Joseph Turner, 340 20 Joseph Turner, 423 - George Ilabecker, 800 Peter Yarnell, 34 John Read, 122 Patrick Hay's, . 183 Francis Johnson, 400 Peter Swarta, . 433 153 Thomas Morris, 483 153 William Morris, 433 153 Satnnel Meredith, 433 15$ William Miller, 488 16 Hatty Morrta .FIXE TOWNSHIP, No. Ae Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxea 5783 1020 64 John Nicholson. $74 66 41 Jobn Nicbolaon, ' 69 SI 61 John Nicholson, 60 01 . 64 John Nicholson, 8 02 Jamea Wilson, 9, 41 65 James Wilson, 8T 48 12 John Nicholson, 60 OS 12 John Nicholson. 60 01 Nicklin' Griffith, 8 14 67S5 6774 5775 4262 4 2.i 2 6777 6777 6928 1429 bUS 931 5779 6775 6776 5776 819 633 820 990 957 410 410 25 TO 20S 205 28 146 64 135 296 111 460 120 200 276 369 476 8. Klodget, 8 64 Nicklin A Griffith, 25 IS Nicklin o Griffith, 25 11 Jobn f. Hoyt,. Thomas Jordan, Thomas Magee, George James, R, A W.M Naal, f - Z. Bailey, . Z. M'Naaf, Thomas Magee, Racbael Kratier, John Nicholson, Jobn Nicbolaon, 60 John Nicholson, 6 10 85 89 14 61 16 48 $1 Tl 8 er 15 0ft 19 23 24 40 S3 67 46 03 67 6 UNION TOWNSHIP. Noi? Ae Per. Warrantees, etc. Tax 3603 909 161 Roberts 4- Fox, $367 34 3599 606 65 Roberts 6 Fox, 244 81 3632 799 30 Roberta o Fox, 60 69 1985 408 Roberts 4-Fox, 164 83 1992 403 Roberts 4-Fox, 164 63 1999 183 Roberts 4-Fox. T3 93 2005 693 Roberts ir Fox; 179 97 1990 200 - Roberts 4 Fox, 80 80 2005 1T6 99 Roberts 4-Fox, Tl 10 2003 196 Roberts 4-Fox, 69 39 3595 829 41 Roberts 4- Fox, 334 1 3610 299 62 Roberts 4-Fox. 120 84 2003 285 Roberts 4- Fox, 114 14 3537 35 0 Roberta 4-Fox, 13160 353S 970 60 Roberts If Fox, 391 88 3587 650 Roberts 4- Fox, 262 64 3593 380 Roberts 4- Fox, 114 14 Ac. 433 4 06 433 100 412 420 240 433 268 215 60 300 100 418 125 67 100 334 216 438 121 163 433 433 483 100 248 237 170 91 218 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 153 169 153 41 120 153 Taxes $97 28 49 84 79 13 90 27 101 87 106 48 106 48 82 28 102 37 72 60 8 22 29 52 83 27 96 80 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 WOODWARD T0WN8HIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxei. Jobn Vonght, $285 84 John Walls, 248 07 John Roll, 285 64 William Wilson, 64 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 86 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 103 18 Samuel Emlen, 72 90 Tbnmafc Neil, 68 48 Eli Hootman, 16 82 Mary Neil, 122 40 Born. Johnston,-' 40 80 Uegart-, 170 64 John M'Cahen, 88 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, 64 40 Pigot Shaw, 181 70 Sebastian Graff, 117 50 Thos. Edmonson, 238 27 Elf Hootman, 49 86 Mary Sand wick, 88 90 Philip. Loast, 176 68 Jacob R. Howellj 176 6 Wm. Johnston, 176 68 George Beckham, 40 80 Charles Bight, . lk 82, Duniel Turner, 128 82 Peter Louder, 69 S8 Charles Louder, 24 75 Chauncey Ricketa, 61 98 Channcey Ricketa, 2 72 William Wister, 9 62 Jsaac Wilson, 44 88 Henry Shaffer, 84 00 George Ashten, 1 11 68 John Low, 84 00 Isaac Goss, 84 00 John M'Latboh, 66 11 143 42 73 153 153 153 63 80 W K WBIGLEY. Treasurer. Clearfield, lreh 25, 1868. 1 J J I ! I JAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. , $2 a year in advance. S. j. ROW, Editor. Jo work of all kinds, such as Pamphlets, Bill-heads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, Blanks, Cards, etc., executed with neat ness and dispatch, and at mod" erate pricet. April 1-tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers