BY S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 186a VOL 14. NO. 34. ' wire. Tb erening shadows nearer draw, ' The elock'i flow hands I tee Approach the hour, when work all o'er, Again I'll haste to thee. Eark! now I hear the welcome tound The whistle blowi I'm free. 'Tit fix; the day hat ran its round, And new for heme, and thee. ' t)onned hat and eoat. and in the street; The lights shine cheerily; Through burryingerowds.with steps more fleet, I come, dear wile, to thee. At length upon the door I knock, Where thou are wont to be; 1 tear the tioking of the clock, And now I wait for thee. I hear thy step approach the door, Thy cheerful smile I see ; Thy lips I press in home once more, With thee, dear wife, with thee. I bless "Our Father" for the joys Which he has given to me ; . But most my heart my tongue employs, In thanking him for thee. Oh. may onr lire together glide From care and sorrow free ; Until oar Savior to bis side, shall welcome thee and ma. "THATS THE PLACE!" There was a queer old gentleman at the . Academy on examination day. The trus tees seemed - to think a great deal of him, and treated hiui with much respect: but the boys felt rather uneasy, and his sharp, gray eyes looked searchingly at each one of them, and they saw that he was listening carefully to their answers. "I do wonder who that old chap is 1" ex claimed Charley Vane, after the exercises were over, and they were preparing to go home. "I declare, he frightened me so, I . a -r w . 1 1 . V a i don t tninfc l couia nave wia ine points oi the compass, if he had !" Harry Brown laughed. lie did not look frighten ed ; he had done his part well that day, and many admiring glances had rested on the boy who was called "the best scholar."- The strange old gentleman was standing with one of the school-oBvjers, in the play ground, as Harry passed out with several other boys. . niia, "I think this" gentleman has left his ( cane in the hall up stairs, will you look for it?".- "Certainly sir ;" and Harry went quick ly up to the school-room again, and, return ing with the cane, presented it to the gen tleman, with a polite bow. - - ' "That's a fine boy," remarked Mr. Ray mond, as Harry passed on toward tire gatej ' he is one of the boys we are proud of." The old gentleman was following Harry closely with those stern gray eyes. . Just as the boys reached he gate.a young girl from the female department of the school was going out ; and, in trying to o pen it, dropped one of her books. The oth er boys paid no atteution ; but Harry step-, ped forward, held open the gate, and pick ed up the book, handing it to her with a pleasant remark. At that moment a car riage, containing several ladies, drove up. As they looked at Harry, he recognized them, and raised his cap from his head, with a graceful bow. The old gentleman saw it all : but when AT Sainnnnil on iH in a. nlaasant wav. I'll XiajIMVIIW WW , ..7 'How few boys have such good manners 1 he only replied : "It is all very well ; but let me :-ee that boy at home ; that's the place ! Let me see him with his mother and sis ters, and then I can judge of his good man ners. If you want to know a boy's true char acter.see him in his home; that's the place 1" The old gentleman brought down his cane with emphasis at these last words ; and Mr. Raymond seemed rather disappointed that he did not appreciate more the "model boy" of their school. ; But I think the old gentlerr an . was right when he said, "that's the place." Suppose we look into Harry Brown's home, and see how he appeared there that same evening. Harry went into the room where his mother and sisters sat at their sewing. He threw his cap carelessly down upon the ta ble ; he did not even say good afternoon, as he took it off. Perhaps he forgot it, or else he did not think it worth while, only his mother and sisters, you know! "Well, Harry.did your examination pass -ar r..n , "Oh, yes, first-rate!" - "1 , ; Harry might have told the particulars of the examination, to interest his mother and sisters, as they had been unable to attend it, but he did not seem to think it necessary. He began to look around for a seat. Some bow the ladies work had become scattered about on the different chairs, and it offend- "For pity's sake.can'tyou give a fellow a vuau lO Bib UU 1 - ' i . ?. TrMt - V n ryinuo YlP.T WOrlC. ulster Xiueu ir "Here is one,R she said ; ; and, as Harry took it, a spool of cotton fell ana ronea it. j: j Anr it nn hat sat down nd otened one of the books. ' Surely, that did not seem like the boy who had so polite ly held open the gate and picked up the book for a young miss, half an hour before 1 Bat it was only Harry's sister this time; ana perhaps lie tuougnt lwuou tvi tt i. c-i.v Mn,a m. and asked m uen narry a isiuit wmw , . him to look in the library for aagazine bich had been left there, he did not do it with that "certainly, sir," and that bright look which had so pleased Mr. Raymond in the afternoon, and which would have pleas ed his father still more and helped to make borne happy.' ';. At the tea-table Harry did not think of those little acts of politeness which he would not have forgotten had he been taking tea iih.Mr3Uymond or the strange old gen tleman, instead of only at-heme. He help d himself to bread, without noticing that his sister by his side had none. He said, "here, take it!" when Ellen did not see that he was holding the butter-plate to wards her. And he neglected the little "thank you," and the "please," which are such" necessary parts of politeness at all times. Then, when Harry went to bed, he did not think it worth while to say good-night though he had been very careful to say a polite "good afternoon" before leaving school that day. In truth, Harry's good manners were kept for those outside of his own home. And that strange old gentleman knew'how many boys had his fault. So, in a few years, when he wanted a bookkeeper for his counting house, from among the graduates at the A cademy,he would not select one until he had visited several at their homes and become acquainted with their manners there. Then, to the surprise of all the school, he did not choose Harry Brown. "For," said he, "I dont want any boy about me that can't be polite to his mother and sister." Boys how many of you are like Harry ? Some of you are, I know. Then bear in mind the words of the strange old gentle man : "Let me see that boy at home ; that's theplace! - Do not think that home is a place where you can throw oif all politeness, and be as careless and ' as rough as you please. If there is a place on earth where you should wear good manners and be polite and kind ; "that s the place !" If there are persons to whom you should give your most polite words and kind attentions, those persons are your father, mother and sister. Will you give more attention and respect to those outside, than to the dear ones at home ? Will you be praised for good manners by strangers, and cause those at homo to call you rude and thoughtless? It will make your homes much more happy and pieasant, if you wear your best manners always there. Do not be ashamed to be polite at home, that is the best place in all the world to you ; that is the place where your best friends are; that is the place where your true character will appear; therefore, remember to culti vate politeness at home. Patrick's Attempt at German, Frederick the Great, of Prussia, had a great mania for enlisting gigantic soldiers into the Royal Guatds, and paid -an. enor mous bounty to his recruiting officers for getting them. One day the recruiting ser geant chanced to spy a Hibernian who was at least seven leet nigh ; he accosted mm in English, and proposed that he should enlist. The idea of military life and a high bounty so delighted Patrick that he immediately consented. ' "But unless you can. speak German, the King will not give you so much." "Oh, said the Irishman, "sure it s 1 that don't know a word of German." "But." said the sergeant, "three words will be sufficient, and these you can learn in a short time. . The King knows every man in the guards. As soon as he sees you, he will ride up and ask you how old you are ? You will say, 'Twenty-seven.' Next, how long you have been in the service ? You must reply, 'Three weeks. ' Finally, if you are provided with clothes and rations 7 You answer, 'Both.' Pat soon learned his answers, but never dreamed of learning questions. In three weeks he appeared before the King in re view. His majesty rode up to him. Pad dy stepped forward with "present arms.". "How old are you t said the King. "Three weeks, said the Irishman. "Howlong have you been in theservice?" asked his majesty. "Twenty seven years. ; "Am I or you a fool?" roared the King. "Both." replied Patrick, who was in stantly taken to the guard room, but par doned by the King after he understood the facts of the case. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS , TOR TAXIS For 1867 and previous yqars. NOTICE is hbrzbt eivxft.that in pur suanoe of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of Jane, A. D. 1815, entitled 'An Act to amend an Aot directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county.' will be exposed to Public Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday in June, A. I. 1803 : ' Ac. 68 8 169 176 186 76 100 80 80 410 160 592 339 849 181 134 104 215 433 BECCAEIA TOWJTSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Mailer, Fred'K llubley, . John Beam, Jeremiah Mosber, Thomas Biliington, Michael Musser, , James M'Murtrie, Thomas Murgatory, 96 47 37 80 $27 20 5 24 79 33 76 65 88 40 85 89 86 85 "29 48 1997 1993 73 153 433 153 94 91 161 330 296 328 74 433 433 44 .71 80 55 102 860 -80 116 153 125 153 32 153 153 Magnns Miller, John Brady, . Williim Brady, J. Blain.E. Blain, John Witmor, Henry Witmor, William Wilson, Jabob Krug, John Gibson, -Robert Wilson, William Gray, John Miller, Jeremiah Mosher, Peter Getz, Martin Fautz, ' Jacob Fautz, George Musser, Thomas Gibson, . David Barton, John Ferdney, Brown & Fulton, John Zetland, Sarah Biliington, Jacob Kung, Woi. Plumket, . . BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per." Warrantees, etc 423 1000 . Henry Beck, 5620 600 Henry Becx, 5620 500 Henry Beok, 5764 1000 Henry Beck. 5618 1 Henry Beck,' 4287 79 120 Henry Beck. 4287 S30 n Henry Beck, . . 307 6S Jlenry BecK, 5766 113 Henry Beok, 71 Henry Beok, 9397 Henry Beck 5766 1000 4280 606 4 289 600 3565 161 29 48 164 82 64 82 237 98 187 20 163 75 84 95 62 85 48 78 101 03 203 28 203 41 44 22 77 58 88 44 79 83 87 90 '84 84 87 10 203 41 20 64 83 50 25 87 168 84 14 08 . Taxes S230 00 115 00 115 00 330 00 1 1 03 18 17 - 88 32 32 64 20 47 BUBJT8IDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wat ran tees, etc. Taxes. John Jones, $137 80 James Chapman, ' ' 137 80 Benj. Trasuall, 136 50 Towu'd Spacktsan 202 15 303 303 290 811 298 111 100 293 150 21 59 Henry Beck, 230 00 Henry Beak, 116 38. Henry Beck. 143 75 118 John SichoUon. 55 54 5904 1000 - Nlcklin A Griffith 230 00 5906 768 Mieklin A Griffith 174 34 5907 800 Nicklin A Griffith 184 00 5913 955 . Nicklin A Griffith 219 65 5919 938 Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 433 Benj. Gibbs. 124 54 6619 242 Henry Beck. 55 66 5909 325 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 5910 320 Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 5911 247 Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 5913 106 Nicklin A Griffith 24 33 5915 607. Nicklin A Griffith 139 61 5921 1100 Nicklin A Griffith 253 00 6619 101 98 Henry Beck, 23 23 4287 93 97 Henry Beok, 21 51 5619 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 5906 102 32 Nicklin A Griffith 29 33 5906 31 123 Nicklin A Griffith 8 97 6907 90 Nicklin A Griffith 25 88 42ri6 100 Henry Beok, 23 00 76 76 A New Swindle. A new swindle is said to have been started in New York city, which ia well calculated to deceive people living in the country. A circular is sent out with samples of prints, which are represented to be manufactured at print works whose own ers have an office in New York. Enclosed in the circular are samples of goods, of which twelve yards will be sent on the re ceipt of one dollar, or ten yards for eighty- j five cents. A messenger was recently sent to the office named, wheu it was found that the place was in charge of a boy, and that no business was transacted there beyond re ceiving letters, which usually numbered from thirty-five to fifty a day. Suppose a man owns a skiff ; he fastens the skiff to the shore with a rope made of straw ; along comes a cow ; cow gets into the boat ; turns round and eats the rope ; the skiff thus let loose, with the cow on board starts down stream.and on its passage is upset; and the cow is drowned.. Now has the man that owns the cow got to pay for the boat, or the man that owns the boat got to pay for the cow. t March op Refinement. A cobbler liv ing in Baltimore, thus announces his cal ling: "Surgery performed here upon old boots and shoes, by adding of the feete, makirig good the1 legs, binding the broken; healing the wounded, mending the constitu- tion, ana supporting me oouy wuu u soles. Advice gratis." i : - .1 Profane swearing never did any man good. No man is the riches, or happier, or wiser fnr it. Tt mm mends no one to any society, It is disgusting to the friend j abominable to the goou ; lnsuiiing w we associate ; degrading to the - mind ;. un profitable, needless,and injurious to society. The following was contributed to Punch by a fashionable young : marriea worn "The latest thing out my husband. Ac. 41 196 234 408 413 440 429 429 100 109 132 70 427 427 400 266 95 146 49 205 100 404 404 404 427 160 B0Q OS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Thomas, $8 81 John Thomas, 45 43 Joseph Drinker, 47 03 Joseph Drinker, 95 67 Win. McCorraics, ' 110 69 Nancy Boggs. 118 04 41 41 90 81 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 John Byers, John Montgomery, Barbara Snyder, George Hootman, Henry Faunce, George Ayres, Wm. Troutwine, John Kean, - -Joseph Ball, Richard Thomas, Barbara Snyder, Thomas Smith, John Kephart, . Blair M'Lanaban, -Thomas L. Moore, Mary Morris, Jonas Steinbeiser, Richard Waple, 114 96 26 80 31 88 89 80 18 76 85 76 85 76 80 40 89 12 15 70 13 13 54 94 26 80 81 21 81 21 81 21 71 55 32 12 No. 2004 3579 3573 3603 5959 6926 6926 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. 400 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 81 33 Roberta A Fox, 468 111 Roberts A Fox. Taxes $102 40 261 12 20 73 119 81 AC; 824 102 159 250 437 109 48. 30 225 100 64 50 50 85 85 175 93 138 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 93 Nicklin A Griffith 23 81 296 , Nicklia A Griffith. 75 78 60 : ; George L. Reed, 12 80 5 Fenton A Spencer, ' 2 66 ; 84 Leri Cleaver, - 26 68 250 -David Irwin, . 72 06 100 John P. Hale, 25 26 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. .Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes . Hogb Ely, ; $42 76 35 John Campbell, 20 18 Hall & Buck, v, .20 99 ' BUir M'Lanaban, ' 49 60 17 Polly M'Lanaban, ; .67 65 1 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 Matthias Slay maker, 9 50 ; MattSsew Forcee, 7 92 James Duncan, 87 22 Nehemiah Mains, 19 80 ' David Mains. ' "12 67 , . Daniel Grsfoam, ; : IS 20 Horatio LI Hall. 18 20 ?Wm. Graham, jr. 22 44 JohnHanna. 22 44 John Vauebn. ' 46 20 No.; 492 S612 3603 BRADY T0W1TSH.IP. ' Ao. Per. Warrentees. etc. ,Taxes 308 ; W. Kirkpatriok,$103 18 l Roberts A Fox. ' 53 60 159 Roberts A Fox, 40 2 3614 1993 1997 1993 3574 626 5860 5877 5879 6381 5886 323 195 218 2009 13 1994 2010 3580 2009 27 165 275 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 45 65 Roberts A Fox, 250 13 Roberts A Fox, 290 HoberU A Fox. 102 34 Roberta A Fox, 2l5 Conrad Long. 670 Jona. B. Smith 37 62 12 06 67 00 77 72 41 00 69 28 444 01 330 09 846 Henry Wykoff, 331 JohnDunlap. 18141 100 -Casper Stiver, 40 20 501 Christian Lower, 302 17 650 Roberta A Fox. 395 25 621 Christian Lower, 310 93 365 Roberts A Fox. 217 48 604 Roberts A Fox, 364 21 995 94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 611 i Roberts A Fox, 368 50 256 f Benj. Henry, .154 37 135 Casper Stiver, - 8147 472 Caiper Stiver sr, 284 62 62 Georee Shaffer 50 11 283 100 ; 60 t . 66 "259 J. M. Millers (h's, 42 88 Baum, MoGairy.' Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 63 60 26 80 18 09 67 00 V " Rebecca Brown, Christian Stake, Leonard Mollis, John Burcb, John Cummings, 193 70 43 80 39 00 133 38 68 25 CHEST TOWUSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. 100 158 John Boyd. 153 Joshua H syne j, 153 Thomas Hamilton, 153 William Wilson, James Ross, 313 433 298 258 433 433 433 153 153 153 433 153 100 433 153 876 257 88. 271 411 2S4 " 433 190 256 22 200 433 14? 100 61 433 153 164 Taxes. $46 40 145 00 200 91 "158 27 119 71 John CnnniDghan-, 150 80 John Cook. . 150 80 Joseph' wing, 150 80 William Cook, 160 80 David Cathcart, 29 00 Alex.'Hnnter, 100 46 Peter Horse, 130 85 Hugh Bartlay, , .74 58 Joseph Pike, . 25 62 George Page, . 78 65 Henry Page, 71 68 James Noble, . 67 87 John Musser, 200 91 Christian Rohrer, 88 16 Miller fc Crist, 118 78 hKl'tlBf'fc Crlat, 19 21 Mabaftey & Mitchell, 46,40 Mathias Slough, . 100 46 Georee Ross, 42 69 John Brenneman, 29 OO i. & H. Breth, 28 SO Sam ael Jackson, 71 45 COVlHOTOH TOWJTSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 1891 600 . 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart S8 OK 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 Morris A Stewart 51 47 Morris A Stewart 2 11 1892 ) 365 1894 J 15 1903 I 1897J450 , 5377 1100 300 200 Morris A Stewart 31 73 George Mead, 155 10 John Uriel, 21 15 H. Burgett, 60 40 DECATUR TOWKSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 891 Thomas P. Cope, 24 Tbos. Edmnndson, 67 96 Joseph Sansom, 891 159 Thomas Biliington, Tbos. Stewartsoo, Mary M'Lanaban, Ann M'Lanaban, 100 202 404 100 200 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 108 Jacob Downing, 20 ' Joseph Sansom, 76 99 William Sansom, 241 22 William Evans, 50 Nancy Fauly, 333 147 Thos. Edmundson, 90 John Drinker, 200 . Casper Haines, 281 Gilbert Vanght, 195 Joseph Harrison, 198 Joseph Harrison, 50 Joseph Harrison, 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, Taxes $204 88 12 57 85 62 204 88 62 40 105 84 105 84 200 125 200 17 90 Stacy W. Thompson, 62 40 Mary M'Lanaban, 104 80 44 uz 66 60 10 48 39 82 126 28 26 20 174 50 47 16 104 80 147 24 102 18 103 74 26 20 43 60 . 104 80 65 00 104 80 8 90 . 24 58 Jonathan Nesbit, A. J. Goss, Saoi'l. M'CIarren, , Joseph Sansom, " ; David Stewart, FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto 233 159 John Ham bright, 50 Matthias Slough, 8 ' ' ' Matthias Slough, 433 153 George Ross, 74 " Lewis Jordan, : 50 ' Hiram Pastmore, - 100 ' Abraham Ozden, 24 Henry Swan, 50 Benj. Hartshorn, 100 . John Hambrigbt, 100 . Adam Reigart 809 78 John Doughton, Taxes $69 96 . 12 00 1 92 103 92 , 20 04 ,12 00 24 00 5 76 . 21 00 . 80 00 24 00 74 16 4272 425 . 4200 -330 4188' 140 . 4188 250 4131 ; 495 4200 660 4182 990 4188 . 200 4188 350 4133 . 4271 ' 495 4241 937 4233 947 1534 i 20 : 1535 600 4242 290 4399 372 4340 183 4393 216 75 . . 100 90 . 25 ..- - 107 5 IT 4400 100 No. 1921 1938 1934 3648 3647 6123 1924 1890 3647 1890 ) 1939 1 160 5352 798 5376 11P0 5353 1100 6357 1100 Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade, - George Meade, George. Meade, 1925 345 62 Morris A Stewart 1926 153 93 Morris A Stewart 1937 123 Morris A Stewart 1SS9 227 125 Morris A Stewart 3643 282 56 Morris A Stewart 1929 33 Morris A Stewart 1890 187 , Morris A Stewart 1888 378 - Morris A Stewart 1917 346 Morris A Stewart 3650 106 . Morris A Stewart 1837 456 . Morris A Stewart 1916 50 . Morris A Stewart 1926 105 ' Morris A Stewart No. 5314 6315 5316 1000 1909 137 300 100 100 438 333 100 152 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 5324 1213 6326 1100 FOX TOWNSHIP. - No; Ae. Per. Warrantees, e to. i Taxes James Wilson, 4f Jnmoa Wilxon. wl 18 49 James Wilson, pt.- 23 52 James Wilson, n.ei w Jumna Wilnon. wi 41 66 Jam. Wilson. - 73 92 Jaraea Wilson. 110 83 James Wilson, i - &0-46 - Jamei Wilson, mid 49 Oft for 1864 A 1865 45 8Z James Wllson.w.p. 82 78 James Wilson. 262 51 James Wilson, 264 77 Jama Wilson, ' 6 60 James Wilson. .163 00 James Wilson, 83 44 James Wilson. ' 62 50 James Wilson, 24 64 James Wilson, .... 72 .52 EvanderHyde,. 25 20 LanaAHvde. ' 28 00 Dan Kios-burT.B L35 09 J. S. Hyde.B.L. 8 40 Hyde A Co Hnletl3 89 . Firmialot 23 97 Giles lot II 20 ' 23 to GIRARD TOWNSHIP. A Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 203 108 Morris A Stewart $23 95 428 120 Morris A Stewart 63 12 318 Morris A Stewart 108 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart 200 Morris A Stewart 608 100 Morris A Stewart 254 120 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart 75 17 12 74 2 36 47 20 59 94 59 94 2 36 28 32 94 16 129 80 129 80 129 80 40 71 18 03 . 14 51 26 79 33 28 3 93 22 07 44 60 40 83 12 51 63 81 6 90 12 39 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, ete. 760 1000 Taxes George Meade, $124 45 ' George Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morrii A Stewart, 26 85 Wm. Mapes. t, 77 60 ' George Meade, , 39 30 George Meaie, 39 30 - Morris A Stewart ' 57 37 Morris A Stewart 100 33 Morris A Stewart 26 20 ' Morris A Stewart 25 29 67 George Meade, 317 81 Geore-e Meade. ' 238 20 5327 1113 120 tteorge Meade, 291 69 5329 1100 . George Meade, 233 20 5330 1100 Georze Meade, ZM 20 1911 100 Morris A Stow art, 26 20 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 ; Thos. P. Cope,' $130 96 199 John Skyrou, . 87 76 145 T. Cpe, . , 42 63 108 Jas- Milligan, 80 27 109 Geo. Moore, 48 07 340 Josenh Simons, , 118 95 848 ' Joseph Henry, . 70 47 100 Charles Hall, 36 iS 41 , C. J. Allport, 18 09 100 Robt. Shaw, 68 80 100 Jno. Donaldson,. . 36 75 66 104 B. D. Scboonover, 24 26 OTTETICH TOWNSHIrS ur-- Ac Per. - Warrantee, etc. Taxes. 1121 John Witmer, ,. $44 14 8C5 48 Geo. Baker, ' 119 87 90 Benj. Wilson, 35 87 48 114 Geo. Moore, - 18 86 849 96 Geo. Moore, 187 17 134 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 158 John M Caben, 62 09 433 153 Edward Hand, 99 66 356 69 Emanuel Reigart, 81 60 108 Geo. Moore, 24 76 260 . John M'Cahen, 102 18 98 John Lampblack, 38 51 100 John Witmer, 89 30 50 Beoj. Wilson, 9 83 119 121 Christian Stake, . 46 78 193 122 Matthias Toong, 75 85 433 153 Christian Hager, 170 30 433 153 George Musser, 170 30 237 48 Tlios. Tadler, ' , 93 15 210 Daniel Offley, 82 63 215 76 Geo. Bsker, Jr. 84 50 486 145 Timothy Paxton, 171 84 433 153 John Burge, 170 80 216 153 John Musser, 84 88 436 145 Jos. Ashbrigbt, l7l 84 HUSTON TOWNSHIP No. Ac. Por. Warrantees, ete. 3575 961 Roberts A Fox, 3583 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3602 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3605 1049 129 Roberta A Fox, 3606 1020 60 Roberts Fox, 3586 1020 80 Roberts A Fox. 1986 403 . Roberts A Fox, 1691 463 Roberts A Fox, 3595 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 200 ; JO. Ridder, 195 Darid Caldwell, 5673 1041 Moore A Delany, 5674 1041 Moore A Delany, 368 04 5675 1041 Moored-Delany. 30 a 04 5066 999 Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, ' James Wilson, James Wilson. James Wilson, 27 Moore A Delany, James Wilson, 6067 4263 4264 4199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 29 4230 4236 4225 4390 4839 4902 4897 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 879 990 990 990 347 990 420 986 990 Tales $335 It 360 57 360 57 370 83 360 57 360 57 144 22 144 22 360 67 70 70 63 93 363 04 349 96 310 07 225 02 225 02 225 02 105 14 249 99 Wilbelm Willink 143 47 James Wilton. James Wilson,' 965 123 James Wilson, 607 490 740 124 990 5S 110 990 990 633 626 923 3607 686 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 3534 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 3585 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 3604 896 136 Roberts A Fox, 226 24 6063 297 Wm. Powers, 89 99 4193 927 23 James Wilson, 234 02 4256 833 115 James Wilson, 22i 22 4254 927 23 James Wilson, 234 11 5679 1041 81 Moore A Delaney,473 19 252 206 John Dunlap, 9160 500 Dubois A Lowe. 151 60 7 95 91 Reynolds'snb divi sion, J . .Nicholson, zv y do J.Nicholson, 9 09 J. Nicholson, 31 80 J. Nicholron, 1 20 J. Nicholson, 1 78 J Nicholson,. 33 33 J. Nicholson, ' 23 80 J.Nicholson, 27 27 J Nicholson. 31 83 J.Nicholson, 27 57 J.Nieholson, 25 67 J.Nioholson, 23 28 J.Nieholson, 27 79 J.Nioholson, 30 30 243 96 249 98 243 72 James Wilron, 128 06 ' James Wilson, 123 74 James Wilson, 186 85 ' Wilbelm Willink 25 04 Wilhelm Willink 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 Wilbelm Willink 38 89 Wm. Powers, 349 93 . Wm. Powers, : i . 349 98 ' James Wilron, 161 09 James Wilson, ' 132 81 James Wilson, 233 10 Wm. Powers, 224 83 Wm. Powers, '- 245 47 Wm. Powers, , '299 94 , E. Shoemaker, .113 63 E. Shoemaker, " 30 60 . Wm. Powers, . J 90 24 . James Wilson, 63 14 James Wilson, 126 25 ' . James Wilson, 224 43 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 80 Moore A Delany, 262 0 27 Moore A Delany, 87 66 . . Hammond A Jones 20 20 Moore A Delany, 82 82 Moore A Delany, Moore A Delany, Moore A Delany, ,: Moore A DeJaary, Moore A Delafty, M Roberta A Fox, . Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, ! Roberts A ox, 33 Roberts A Fox, 1 Abel DoBois. ' Wilhelm WiUink, 5061 1113 5064 810 5065 990 375 101 5063 ' 298 4228 250 4236 500 4285 -889 5670 1041 6671 1041 5672 347 4899 100 6676 - 647 5677 14T 5678 1041 5672 ' 347 5676 - 500 5677 500 3589 85 2000 1020 2001 1089 3592 ' 900 1983 429 1000 4902 100 3593 1AM 60 Roberts A Fox, 3601 , 437- 20 Roberts A Fox, 3600 899 151 Roberts A Fox, 3578 733 ' Roberta A Fox, 3576 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 8594 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 3697 888 86 Roberta A Fox, 11 13 6 8 15 6 8 2 l 12 14 16 do do do do 30 105 109 4 6 110 95 153 do 90 104 do 195 . do 91 do 85 43 do 93 144 do . 91 141 do 100 20 do J0BDAN TOWNSHIP Per. 163 153 153 81 ai 81 27 Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Richard Peters, $83 46 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 Richard Peters, .77 64 Fred'k Bestes, 134 16 Adam Kuhn, S4 34 Ebenezer Brenham,' 52 08 Adam Knhn, 85 22 Thomas Martin, . 145 08 Martin, 103 20 91 135 Philip Loust, 33 85 70 ; ' ; Wm. Johnston, 26 04 100 . , .Jonathan Jocrs, , !!4 80 100 Richard Martin, 3100 433 153 John Dunwoodie, 132 00 Ac. 224 433 209 433 HI . , 140 103 . 433 153 283 No.- 1430 , 1093 1023 1093 1095 1096 1097 3465 3461 1095 1095 1097. 1097 1093 3463 ( 3475 J I XABTHAUS TOWNRHIP.. Ac. Per. -Warrantees, ete, Taxes 342 Wm. Smith, $149 63 79 Charles Willink, 9 83 63 Charles Willink, 12 50 253 139 Charles Willink. 31 63 124 103 Charles Willink,-' 15 51 865 : Charles Willink, 436 113 Charles Willink, , 53 62 Charles Willink, 259 113 Charles Willink, 97 126 Charles Wiilink, 122 100 100 89 75 Charles Willink. Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink. Charles Willink, 108 13 64 49 T 26 32 36 12 12 15 24 12 50 .12 50 11 12 9 38 652 69 48 200 iMfr- Me 1665 600 1097 ) 1096 125 1097 1097 1096 3466 i 3467 25 j 50 600 122 83 89 18 106 133 60 Charles Willink, - 81 49 Charles Willink, 7 St J. R. M'Closkv. 12 60 Wm. Michaels, 7 60 ii. 1 Hall, . 3 Charles Willink, 18 75 Charles Willink. t 76 Charles WiUink, 7 50 W.A SchnarsACo, 156 25 Daniel Yothert, 83 13 Mary Kggam, 26 99 T. A J. White, 11 11 T. A J.White, 2 26 Thomas Meyers, 13 25 Christian Brown. 41 51 Hugh M Gocigal, 6 96 438 433 433 483 433 153 153 143 153 153 Thos. Fitxsimmrtns, 104 79 George Clymer, 104 79 Robert Gray, 104 7 Patrick Moore, 104 79 Mary Morris, 104 7 Magnns Miller,- 104 79 Nslbio rraxey, 104- 79 Clem Stocker, . 104 79 John Vaughn, 104 79 433 16$ . Jonathan Nesbit, 104 79 BUir M'Lanaban, 61 44 William Stewart, 72. 12 James Wilson, 25 4l Bobert Morris, 24 20 William Morris, 21 78 Richard R. Smith; 73 81 Isaac Farlow, 1 . 24 20 Patrick Hays, ' ; ' 24 24 -. George Gates, : 15 14 Hrman Grata, ' . . .20 82 40 Conrad Swartx, 65 09 17 John Graff, ' -' 11 4 69 FicbolasRidecour, 24 98 Robert Carson, . 117 12 Nicholas Rklenoor, 25 Matthias Slough, 90 75 Henry Drinker, - 6 05 Frederick Hubley,- 96-80 Matthias Slough, 8 47 William Bigler, ,12 10 Simon Swartz; 40 80 Joseph Potter, . 17 42 Francis Johnston, 24 68 Joseph Nicholson, 9 09 Joseph Nicholson; 11 28 433 153 433 158 433 153 433 153 170 298 105 100 90 407 100 100 125 112 267 19 187 484 90 122 139 19 . 95 117 375 25 400 85 100 222 96 186 50 62 i PINN TOWNSHIP, ; No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Tax 8982 643 14 John Nicholson. $168 85 168 t , Greenwood Bell, 43 63 5962 - 63 Eljah Heath. 16' 37 153 Nicklin A Griffith', 89 77 6951 106 Nicklia A Griffith, 27 81 PISS TOWNSHIP. KNOX TOWNSHIP. ' ' ' . Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxns 487 43 Beuben Haynes, $158 63 435 60 Luke Morris, 157 92 433 153 Joseph Hilliard 167 18 433 153 Robert Gray, 157 IS 429 41 John Binghurst, 155 73 433 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 433 153 George Eddy, 157 18 433 153 Moore Wharton 157 18 George Asbton, 84 69 William Hunter, 104 77 John Dorsey, 39 06 Benj. Poultnet, - - 157 18 Israel Morris, ' 157 Martin Pierce, ; 167 Thomss Jordan1, 2l George Fox ' 7 Isabella Jordan, 157 Henry Trout, 86 80 Caleb Fonlk 157 18 George Wescott, 106 87 Robert Wharton, 62 92 433 153 George Seaff, lol 18 225 John Boyd, 81 67 109 Susanna Ward, 89 57 255 G. & M. M'Cormlck, 92 55 76 Peter Whiteside, 84 84 100 John Dorsey, u 12 10 22 22 157 5 105 14 11 50 151 50 216 14 309 06 829 97 204 54 108 93 252 60 20 20 237 65 110 39 272 49 185 05 ' 229 27 25T 65 334 32 233 153 433 153 833 433 188 433 153 433 153 72 25 483 100 433 293 173 153 153 No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etel 64 John Nicholson,' 41 John Nicholson,' 64 John Nicholson,' 64 John Nicholson,' ; James Wilson, . . 85 James Wilson,', . 12 John Nicholson,' " John V. Hovt, Thomas Jordan, Thomas Magee, ' George James, . , R. A W.M'Xtnl, - I. Bailey. . ... r-Z7M'NaVir V Thomas Magee, ' Raehael Kratserj John Niebol son, John Nicholson, 80 John Nioholson, 57S3 1020 6785 319 5774 683 5775 820 4262 990 4252 957 5777 410 5777 410 5923 25 1429 70 6923 20 5931 206 2 145 64 135 ,290 67?f 111 200 6776 276 5776 369 5776 476 Taxes' $74' 66 69 91 60 02 0 02 90 41 67 48 60 03 60 03 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 10 8. Blodget, 8" 54 s Nicklin A Griffith, 35 13 Mckltn 4-Griffith, 25 12 10 35 19 15 63 16 48 31 73 8 6T. 83 05 XV Z 24 40 83 67 45 03 67 96 TNI0N TOWNSHIP. No. Ae Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 3603 909 151 Roberta 4- Fox, $367 34 3599 606 66 Roberts Fox, 244 82 3582 799 39 Roberts d Fox, 60 60 1035 408 Roberts d-Fox, 164 88 1992 408 Roberts ir Fox, 164 83 1990 183 Roberta 4-Fox. 73 93 2005 693 . Roberta fr Fox, 279 97 1990 200 Roberts ir Fox, 80 80 2006 176 99 Roberts d-Fox, 71 10 2008 196 Roberta 4-For, 69 39 3596 829 41 Roberts ir Fox, 834 81 3610 299 62 Roberta 4-Fox-, 120 80 2008 235 Roberts 4- Fox, 115 14 3537 350 Roberta 4-Fox, 13150 3588 970 60 Roberta 4- Fox, 391 88 3587 650 Roberta ir For, . 263 60 3593 330 ' Roberta 4-Fox-. 116 14 No. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc.' Taxes 5313 1100 George Mead, $103 13 1995 33 80 Roberta A 62 1995 33 80 Roberts 1 Fox, 62 221 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 413 John Read, 61 63 52 114 Rudolph Lits, 6 50 90 Robert Mitchell. 36 25 James Alexander.-" 4 50 Wm. Montgomery, 71 25 J. M. Maeuinber. IS 50 LeonardAHartth'n.lS 50 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 ' 2S5 .46 18 . 41 ; 41 5293 726 5296 1167 5297 1213 5290 438 5291 1100 J 153 176 2i 137 . , 4 . J. B. M Enally, 10 25 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 George Mead, 90 75 47 George Mead,, ; 14S 89 69 George Mead,' 151 61 George Mead, . 282 02 i George Mead.' ; 333 43 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 ' Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 "Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 . Kratser A Barret, 1 25 433 4o6 433 100 412 420 240 433 268 215 60 300 100 418 125 57 100 334 216 438 121 163 433 433 433 100 248 237 170 91 218 H 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 153 159 153 41 120 153 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc-. Taxes. John Vought,- $235 M Johu Walls, 248 67 John Roll, 235 64 William Wilson, 64 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 86 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 108 19 Samuel Emlen, ' 72 90 Thomas Neil, . 68 48 Eli Hootman, . 16 82 Mary Neil, 122.40 BodJ. Johnston, 40 89 " Hegartyv 170 64 John M'Cahen, . 38 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, ' 64 40 Pigot Sbaw, ; 181 70 Sebastian Graff,- 117 60 Tbos. Edmonson,- 238 27 Eli Hootman, 49 86 Mary Sandwick,- 88 90 Philip Loast, 176 66 Jacob R. Howell, 176 66 Wm. Johnston, - 176 66 George Beckham, " 40 80 Charles night, . 184 82 Duniel Turner, 128 82 Peter Londer ' 69 86 ) ' Charles Louder, 24 76 Chauncey Rickets, 51 96 Chauncey Rickets, 2 72 William Wister, 9 b2 Jsaae Wilson, 44 88 . Henry Shaffer, ;,j ,34 OO George Asbton,- . . ' 11 66 John Low, ' 34 00 Isaac Goss, ' r . ' :' 84 00 John M'Lstbon, vr. 68 11 143 . 42 : 73 153 153 153 63 30 . W. K. WRIOLEr. Treasurer, Clearfield, M-ch 25, 1868. ;. H0RRIS TOWNSHIP. ; 4 Ac. fer. Warrantees, etc. ' Tales 402 . ' George Wetrell, $97 28 20tf ' ' William Wertz;; . 49 84 827 --5 Christian Wert, 79 13 873 i. -,. David Laacby 90 27 421- . Jesse YarneU, : 101 87 440 5 65 Joseph Turner. 106 48 440 309 Joseph Turner, 106 48 840 20 Joseph Turner, .82 28 423 . George Habecker, ' 102 37 800 ' Peter Tarnell, .. . - 72 60 34 1 John Read. ""' , 8 22 122" Patrick Bays, ! 29 62 183 Francis Johnson, 38 27 400 " Peter Swartx, 98 80 433 153 Thomss Morris, : r 104 79 433 158 William Morris, 104 79 ass 158 Samuel Meredith, 104 79 i3 168 William Miller, - 104 79 438 168 Hetty Morris 104 79 :JAFTSMAKS JOURNAL. $2 ii year iil advance. J, ROW, Editor. Job work of all kinds, such as Pamphlets, Bill-heatb Pro grammes, ; Sale-bills, Blanks, Cards, etc., executed with neat ness and dispatch, and at mod crate prices. April 1-tf,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers