U u .1 BY S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APEIL 15, 186a VOL. 14.-NO.-32. THE UNSEEN. About us float the odorous galea That kiss the eternal hills of day ; Oh, that the chilling fog would lift, Aad show our waiting feet th. way ! We grope about us seeing not . 1 he waiting ones outside our sight, Whose viewless hands are olasping ours Te lead us up the shining height. We may not know the eords wo touch. That, glancing 'long the electric line. Flash back upon our sodden lives, Some hints of peace and lore divine- Ai 'defied mountains sometimes hide Behind the vapor's gurgling drift, 'Til, pierced by Sol's director ray, Their girdling shadows slowly lift. ; o we grope on, 'neath fogs of doubt, -. Oat hearts in solemn silence bowed ; - While God's eternal verities Are hidden from us by a cloud. When lo ! a kindling glory throws A sodden splendor o'er our way ; And, slowly lifting, lo, apppear The whitely shining hills of day ! And yet not olt not yet to all, These propecies and hints are given, Only as signals, sparsely set, Aloag the battlements of Heaven. Tet some day, every waiting soul, Shall see the mists slow rolling back. And, freed from clogs of earth and sin, Walk calmly up the shining track ! HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. It waa six o'clock in the afternoon. At this time the irre.-t wholesale warehouse of Messrs. Hubbard & Sou was wont to close, unless the pressure of business compelled the partners to keep open until later. The duty of elosirg generally devolved upon Ed ward Jones, a boy of fourteen, who had lately been engaged to perform a" few light duties, lor which he received the sum of fifty dollars annually. He was the "boy," but if . he behaved himself so as to win the approbation of his employers, his chance for promotion was good. Yet there were some things that rendered this small salary a hard trial to him cir cumstances with which hi3 employers were not acquainted. - His mother was a widow. The sudden death of Mr. Jones had thrown the entire family upon their own resources, aud thev were indeed but slender. " There was sir elder sister who assisted her mother to sew, and tbi, with Ldward s salary, constituted the entire income of. the family, let by means or untiring industry, they had contrived thus far to live, using strict economy, of course. Yet they had wanted none of the absolute necessities of life. But Marv Jones Edward's sister grew sick. She had taken a severe cold, which had terminated in a fever. This not only tut off on the income arising from her own labor, but also prevented her mother from accomplishing as much as she would other wise have been able to do. On the morning of the day on which our gtorv commences. Mary bad expressed longing tor an orange. In her fever U would have been trrateful to her. It is bard indeed when we are obliged to deny to those we love that would be a re freshment and a benefit to them. Mrs. Jones felt this, and so did Edward. I only wish that I could buy you one, Mary," said Edward, just as he set out for the store. "Next year I shall receive a lar ger salary, and then we won't have to pinch so much. "Never mind. Edward." said Mary.smil ine faintlv. "I oucrht not to have asked for it knowing how hard yon and mother find it to get along without me. "Don't trouble yourself about that, Ma ry, said Mrs. Jones, soothingly, though her heart sank within her at the thought of her empty larder. Unly get well, and we shall tret alone well enough afterward. ' ' It was with the memory of this scene that hdward went to the store in the morning. All around were boxes of rich goods rep resenting thousands of dollars in money. "Oh." thoueht he. if I only had the val ue of one of these boxes, how much good it would do poor Mary. And iidward sighed. The long day wore away at last, and Ed ward was about to close the warehouse. But as he passed the desk of his employ er, his attention was drawn to a bit of paper lying on the floor beneath. He picked it up, and to his great joy found it to be a teB dollar bill. The first thought that flashed upon him was, "How much good this will do Mary : I can buy her that orange she wants, and she shall have some every day; and perhaps she would like a chicken." But a moment later his countenance fell. "It isn't mine," he sighed. "It must be Mr. Hubbard's. This is his desk, and he must have dropped it." "Still," urged the tempter, "he will faev er know it And after all what are ten dol lars to him ? He is worth a hundred thous and." Still, Edward was not satisfied. Whether Mr. Hubbard could spare it or not, was not tae question. It was rightfully his, and Hiit be given back to him. . "I ll go to his house and give it to him Ais very night," said Edward. "Other w I will be tempted to keep it." - He determined to go to Mr. Hubbard s before he went home. The sight of his sis ter would perhaps weaken his resolution, this muet never be. He must preserve hi integrity at all hazards. ' ' : ' , He knew where Mr. Hubbard lived. It ws a large,fine looking house, on a fashion able street. He had passed it several times, nd wondered whether a man must not feel aPpy who is able to live in such style. Without unnecessary delay, therefore,. he ent to the house, and ascending the steps, the bell. A servant came to the door. "Wen?: he said. Is Mr. Hubbard at home ?" "Yes, but he has just come in, and I don't think he can see you," was the supercilious reply. "I am in his employ," said Edwrrd, qui etly, "and I have just come from the store. I think he will see me if you mention this to him." "Very well, you can come in." Edward was left standing in the hall, while Mr. Hubbard was sought by the servant. "Weill" 'he said inquiringly, "has any thing happened ?" "No, sir," said Edward, "but I picked up this bill near your desk, and I suppose you must have dropped it. I thought I had better bring it here directly. " "You have done well," said Mr. Hub bard, "and I will remember it. Honesty is a very valuable quality in a boy just com mencing a business career. Hereafter I shall have perfect confidence in your honesty." ilidward was gratihad by bis assurance, yet as the door closed behind hitn, and he walked out into the street, the thought of his sister sick at home again turned upon him and he thought regretfully how much good could have been done with ten dollars. Not that he regretted that he had been hon est. There was satisfaction fn doing right, but I think my readers will understand his feelings without explanation. Mrs. Jones brought some toast to her daughter's bed-side, but Mary motioned it away. "I thank you for taking the trouble to make . it, mother, but I don't think I could possibly eat it," she said. "Is there any thing you could relish, Mary?" "No," she said, hesitatingly, "nothing that we can get." Mrs. Joues sighed a sish which Edward echoed. It was with a heavy heart that Edward started to the warehouse the next morninir. He had never felt the cravings for wealth that now took possession of him. lie set about his duties as usual. About two hours after he had arrived at the ware house Mr. flubbard entered. He did not at first appear to notice Edward, but in about half an hour summoned him to the office, which was partitioned off from the remain der of the spacious rooms in which goods were stored. He smiled pleasantly as Edward entered ma presence. "Tell me frankly, did you riof feel an im pulse to keep the bill which you found last night?" ' . "I hope you won't be offended with me, Mr. Hubbard," said Edward, "it I say I did." "Tell me all about it," said Mr. Hub bard, with interest. "What was it that withheld you ? I should never have known anything about it." , "I knew that." said Edward. "Then what withheld you from tak ing it?" "First I will tell you what tempted me," said Edward. "My mother and sister are obliged to depend upon sewing for a living, and we live but poorly at best. But a fort night since Mary became sick and since that we have -had a hard time. Mary's appetite is poor, and she does not relish food, but we are not able to get anything better. When I picked up that bill I could nothelp think ing how much I could buy with it for her." "And yet you did not take it?" "No, sir, it would have been wrong, and I could not have looked you in the face af ter it." Edward spoke in tones of modest con fidence. Mr. Hubbard went to his desk and wrote a check. "How much do I pay you now ?" he asked. "Fifty dollars a year,,' said Edward. "Henceforth your duties shall be increas ed, and I will pay you two hundred. Will that please yeu?" "Two hundred dollars a year !" exclaimed Edward, his eyes sparkling with delight. " Yes, and at the end of the year that will be increased, it, as I have no doubt you will, yon continue to merit my confidence." "Oh, sir how can I thank you?"aid Edward. "By preserving your integrity. As I pre sume . you are in present need of money, I will pay you one quarter in advance. Here is a check for fifty dollars which you can get cashed at the bank. And, by the way, you can have the rest of the day to yourself. ' ' Edward flew to the bank, and with his sudden riches hastened to the market, where he purchased a supply of provisions such as he knew would be welcome at home, and" then made haste to announce his good fortune. A weight seemed to fall off the hearts of the mother and daughter as they beard his hurried story.and Mrs. Jones thanked God for bestowinsunon her son those good prin ciples which had brought this great relief. And Mr Hubbard slept none tne worse that night that at a slight pecuniary sacri fice he had done a kind action, confirmed a boy in hiB integrity and, gladdened a strug ling family. If there were more employers as considerate as he, there would be fewer dishonest clerks. Self Education. Horace Greely gives the poor boy the following excellent maxims, as rounds of the ladder to honorable position and wealth : 1. Stock your mind with practical and useful knowledge of things around you. es pecially such as may essentially aid you in your adopted calling. 2. Acquire as early as practicable such a calling, but none other than a useful and honorable one. 3. Resolve not to be a rover ; where you have stuck your stake, always stand by it. 4. Cotnpre"hend that there i3 work almost anywhere for him that can and will do it. . . Favorite game of blacksmiths old sledge. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATS!) LARD8; ros TAXES For 1867 and previous years NOTICE is hereby given, that in pnr saance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12 th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled ''An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county .' will be exposed to Pnblio Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the boo- ona Monday in June, a. v. laoo : '96 47 37 80 BE Ac. Per 58 8 169 176 186 76 100 80 80 410 160 592 390 349 181 134 104 215 73 433 153 433 153 94 91 161 116 830 153 296 125 328 153 74 32 433 153 433 153 44 71 80 55 102 360 30 CCARIA TOWNSHIP. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Mailer, $27 20 Fred'k Hubley, 5 24 John Beam, 79 33 JeremiaK Mosher, 76 65 Thomas Billington, 88 40 Michael Musser, 35 89 James M'Murtrie, 36 85 Thomas Murgatory, 29 48 Magnus Miller, 29 48 John Brady, 164 82 William Brady, 4 32 J. Blain, . Blain, 237 98 John Witmor, 187 20 Ilenry Witmor, 163 7-5 William Wilson, 84 95 Jabob Krug, G2 85 John Gibson, 48 78 Robert Wilson, 101 03 William Gray, 203 23 John Miller, 203 41 Jeremiah Mosber, 41 22 Peter Getz, 77 58 Martin Fautz, . 88 44 Jacob Fanta, 79 33 George Mnsser, 87 90 Thomas Gibson, 34 81 David Btrton, 87 10 John Fer.inov, 203 41 Brown & Fuliorr, 20 64 John Ketland, 33 50 Sarah Billington, 25 87 Jacob Kung, 1S8 84 Win. Plumket, 14 08 BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 4233 1000 Henry Beck, $230 00 51520 600 Ilenry BeoK, . 115 00 5620 500 Henry Beck, "115 00 5764 1000 Henry Beck., 230 00 5618 61 Henry Beck, ' 11 03 42S7 79 120 Henry Beck, 18 17 4287 330 78 Henry Beck, - 84 88 .30T 69 Henrv Beck. . 83 32 57G5 113 Henry Beck, ' 32 54 71 Henry Beck, 20 47 93 97 Henry Beck, 21 59 5765 1000 Henry Beck, 230 00 4236 606 Henry Beck, 116 33 489 500 Henry Beck. 143 75 3565 161 118 J iiu Nicholson. 55 54 6904 1000 Nivalin AUriffith 230 00 5906 753 Nioklin A Griffith 174 34 6907 800 Nicklin A Griffith 184 00 5918 955 Nicklin A Griffith 219 65 5919 ' 933 Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 433 Benj. Gihbs, 124 54 5619 212 Henry Beck, 55 66 5909 825 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 5910 320 Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 5911 247 Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 5913 106 Nicklin A Griffith 24 38 5915 607 Nicklin A Griffith 139 61 6921 1100 Nicklin A Griffith 253 00 5619 101 93 Henry Beck, 23 23 4287 93 97 Henry Beck, 21 51 5819 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 590 102 32 Nioklin A Griffith 29 33 5906 31 128 Nicklin A Griffith 8 97 5907 90 Nicklin A Griffith 25 88 4286 100 Henry Beck, 23 06 B0GG3 TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 41 John Thomas, $8 31 196 John Thomas, 45 43 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 03 408 76 Joseph Drinker,. 95 67 413 Win. McCormick, 110 69 440 Nancy Boggs. 118 04 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 429 41 John Byer, 114 96 100 John Montgomery, 26 80 109 90 Barbara Snyder, 31 88 132 George Hootman, 39 80 70 Ilenry Faunce, 18 76 42? George Ayres, 85 76 427 31 Wm. Troutwine, 85 76 400 John Kean, 80 40 266 Joseph Ball, 89 12 95 146 Richard Thomas, 15 70 49 Barbara Snyder, 13 13 205 Thomas Smith, 5i 94 100 John Kephart, 26 80 404 Blair M'Lanahan, 81 21 404 Thomas L. Moore, 81 21 404 Mary Mori is, 81 21 427 Jonas Steinheiser, 71 55 160 Richard Waple, 32 12 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. No. 2004 3579 3573 3608 6959 5926 6926 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc 400 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 81 33 Roberls A Fox, 4.58 111 Roberts A Fox. 98 133 Nicklin A Griffith 93 Nicklin A Griffith 296 Nicklin A Griffith 50 George L. Reed, 5 Fenton A Spencer, 84 Levi Clearer, 250 David Irwin, 100 John P. Dale, Taxes f 102 40 261 12 20 73 119 81 25 09 23 81 75 78 12 80 2 56 26 88 72 06 25 26 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 324 Hugh Ely, $42 76 102 35 John Campbell, 20 18 159 Hall& Buck, 20 99 250 Blair M'Lanahan, 49 50 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 57 65 109 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 48 Matthias Slaymaker, 9 50 30 Matthew Forcee, 7 92 225 James Duncan, 87 22 100 Nehemiah Mains, 19 80 64 "'David Maius, 12 67 50' Daniel Graham, 13 20 50 Horatio L. Hall, 13 20 85 Win. Graham, jr. 22 44 - 85 John Hanna, 22 44 175 John Vaughn, 46 20 BEADY TOWNSHIP. No. 492 3612 3003 Ao. Per. Warrentecs. etc. Taxes W. Kirkpafrick.fi 03 18 303 200 150 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 3614 1993 1997 1998 3574 626 5860 6877 5879 5881 5886 323 195 213 2009 13 1994 2010 3580 2009 27 155 275 92 1997 1998- 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 37 52 45 55 Roberts A Fox, 13 06 250 13 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 290 Roberta A Fox. 77 72 102 34 Roberta A Fox, 41 00 215 s Conrad Long, 69 28 670 Jona. B. Smith 404 01 - -1 848 v Henry Wykoff, 130 09 33t ' JohnDunlan. 181 41 100 , Casper Stiver, 40 20 501 Christian Lower, 302 17 650 , Roberts A Fox, 395 25 521 Christian Lower, 310 93 365 V Roberts A Fox, 217 43 604 ;v Roberts A Fox, 364 21 995 -94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 611 ? Roberts A Fox, 368 50 256 , Benj. Henry, ' 154 37 135 , Casper Stiver, 81 47 472 ' Camper Stiver sr, 284 62 83 62 George Shaffer 50 11 80 J- J. M. Millers (hs, 42 83 100 - Baum, 53 60 50 , t MoUairy, 26 80 66 Roberts A Fox, 18 09 250 i Roberts & Fox, 67 00 Ac. 303 303 290 311 298 111 100 293 150 . BURKE IDS TOWUSHIP Per. Wairantees, etc. Taxes. -John Jones, $137 80 .-""Jnnies Chapman, 137 80 ' Benj. Trasuall, 186 50 . Towns'd Spackman 202 15 Rebecca Brown, 193 70 Christian Stake, Lreonard Ilollis, r John Burcb, John Curamings, 43 30 39 00 133 38 68 25 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrautees, etc. Taxes. 100 153 John Bovd, $46 40 313 153 Joshua Haynes, 145 00 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 200 91 2'J8 153 William Wilson, 158 27 258 James Ross, 119 71 433 153 John Cunninghair, 150 SO 433 153 John Cook, 150 80 433 153 . Joseph Ewing, 150 80 433 153 William Cook, 150 80 100 David Cthcart, 29 00 433 153 Alex. Hunter, 100 46 876 Peter Horse, 130 85 257 Hugh Bartley, 74 68 88 - Joseph Piko, 25 52 271 Georgo Page, 78 65 411 Hehry Page, 71 58 234 . James Noble, 67 87 433 153 John Mutner, 200 91 190 164 Christian Rohror, 88 16 256 , Miller & Crist, 118 78 224 Miller St Crlst, 10 21 200 MaEalley STM itcnell7 46 40 433 "Mat bias Slough, 100 46 147 George Ross, 42 69 100 John Brenneman, 29 00 61 J. & H. Bretb, 28 30 433 Samuel Jacksoa, 71 45 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 1891 600 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 1892 1 365 Morris A Stewart 51 47 1S94 i 15 Morris A Stewart 2 11 1903 I 1897 i 450 Morris A Stewart 31 73 5377 1100 George Mead, 155 10 300 JohnBriel, 21 15 200 H. Burgett, 56 40 DECATUR TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. ' Taxes 391 Thomas P. Cope, $204 88 24 - Thos. Edmundson, 12 57 67 96 JosepTrSan8om, 391 159 Thomas Billington, 85 62 204 88 52 40 105 84 105 84 108 20 76 241 50 100 Thos. Stewartson, 202 .Mary M'Lanahan, 404 Ann M'Lanahan, 100 Stacv W. Thomnson. 52.40 200 Mary M'Lahabao, 104 TO 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, . 44 02 08 Jacob Do wning, 56 60 Joseph Sanson, 10 48 99 William Sansoin, 39 82 22 William Evans, 126 28 Nancy Fauly, 26 20 333 147 Tbos. Edmundson, 174 56 yu jonn JJrinker, a lo 200 Casper Haines, 104 80 281 Gilbert Vaugbt, 147 24 195 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 198 Joseph Harrison, 103 74 50 Joseph Harrison, 26 20 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 200 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 80 125 A. J. Goss, 65 00 200 Sam'l. M'Clarren, 104 80 17 Joseph Sansom, 8 90 90 David Stewart, 24 58 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 233 159 John Hambright, $69 96 oU Matthias Slouzh. 12 w 8 Matthias Slouffh. 1 92 433 153 George Ross, 103 92 74 Lewis Jordan, w 50 Hiram Paawnore, 12 00 100 Abraham Oirden. 24 00 24 Henry Swan. 5 76 60 Benj. Hartshorn. 21 00 100 John Hambrigbt, 30 00 100 Adam Reiirart 24 00 309 73 John Douehton. 74 16 GIEARD TOWNSHIP. No. 4272 425 4200 330 4183 140 , 4188 250 4181 495 4200 660 4182 990 4183 200 4183 350 4188 ' 4271 495 4241 937 4233 947 1534 20 1535 600 4242 290 4399 372 4340 133 4398 216 75 100 90 25 ' 62 107 50 440 100 FOX TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes James Wilson, $71 46 James Wilson, wj 18 49 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 James Wilson, n.e. 41 99 James Wilson, wj 41 66 James Wilson, 73 92 James Wilson, 110 83 James Wilson, i 60 40 Jamei Wilson, mid 49 06 for 1864 A 1866 45 82 James Wilson, w. p. 82 73 James Wilson, 262 51 James Wilson, 264 77 James Wilson, . 5 60 James Wilson, 168 00 James Wilson, 83 44 James Wilson, 62 50 James Wilson, 24 64 James Wilson, 72 52 Evander Hyde, 25 20 Lane A Hyde, 23 00 Dan Kingbnry.B L25 00 J. S. Hyde.B.L. 8 40 Hyde A Co., Hulet 13 S9 . Firmin lot 23 97 Giles lot 11 20 23 00 No. 1921 1938 1934 3648 3647 6123 1924 1890 3847 1890 1939 5352 5376 5353 5357 1925 1926 1937 1889 3648 1929 1890 188S 1917 3650 1887 1916 1926 No. 5314 5315 5316 1909 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 5324 5326 5327 5329 5330 1911 Ao Per. 203 103 428 120 318 108 10 200 503 100 254 120 19 (163 793 1100 1100 1100 345 153 123 227 125 232 66 33 187 378 346 106 456 50 105 62 93 Warrantees, etc. Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, ' George Meade, Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A ttewart Taxes $23 95 63 12 75 17 12 74 2 36 47 20 59 94 59 94 2 36 23 32 94 16 129 80 129 80 129 80 40 71 18 03 ' 14 61 26 79 33 23 3 93 22 07 44 60 40 S3 12 51 53 81 5 90 12 39 3607 3584 3585 3604 5068 4193 4256 4254 6679 252 GOSHEN T0WN3HIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. 760 1000 1000 137 300 100 109 433 3S3 100 152 1213 1100 1113 1100 1100 ICO Taxes George Meade, $124 45 Georgo Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morri A Stewart, 26 85 Wm. Mnpes. 77 60 . George Meade, 39 30 George Meaio, - 39 SO Morris A Stewart 57 37 - Morris A Stewart 100 33 Morris A Stewart 23 20 Morris A Stewart 25 29 67 George Meade, 317 81 George Meade, . 288 2i) 120 George Meade, 291 69 Georgo Meade, 283 20 Geonre Meade, 233 20 Morris A St wart, 26 20 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Capo, . $130 96 199 John Skyrou,' 87 76 145 T. Cpe, 42 63 103 Jss- Mitligan, ' SO 27 109 Geo. Moore, 48 07 340 Joseph Simons, 118 95 348 Joseph Henry, 70 47 100 Charles Hall, 36 75 41 C. J. Allpoit, 18 09 100 Robt. Shaw, , 58 80 100 Juo. Donaldson, . 86 75 66 104 B. D. Scboonover, 24 26 , GUEUCH-TOWSSHIIM Ac. Per. 112 SC5 48 90 48 114 349 96 134 158 433 153 356 69 108 260 98 100 50 119 121 193 122 433 153 433 153 237 210 215 48 75 436 145 433 153 216 153 436 145 Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Witmer, $44 14 Geo. Baker, -119 87 BeDj. Wilson, 35 37 Geo. Moore, 18 86 Geo. Moore, 137 17 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 John M'Cahen, . 62 09 Edward Hand, 99 56 Emanuel Reigart, . 81 60 Geo. Moore, -24 76 John M'Cahen, , 102 18 John Lampblack, 38 51 John Witmer, 39 30 Benj. Wilson, 9 83 Christian Stake, 46 78 Matthias Young, 75 85 'Christian Hager, 170 30 George Musser, 170 30 Thos. Tadler, 93 15 Daniel Offley, " . 82 63 Geo. Baker, Jr. 84 50 Timothy Paxton, 171 84 John Burge, 170 30 John Musser, 84 88 Jos. Ashbright, " 171 31 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. -Warrantees, etc. Taxes Roberts A Fox, $335 72 60 Roberts A Fox, 60 Roberta A Fox, 129 Roberts A F.ox, 60 Roberts A Fox, 60 Roberts A Fox. Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 60 Roberts A Fox, J. G. Kidder. David Caldwell, Moore A Delany, 368 04 Moore A Delany, 368 04 Moored Delany, 368 V4 Wm. rowers, W. Powers, James Wilson, James Wilson. James Wilson, 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 James Wilson, 249 99 Wilbelm Willink James Wilson, James Wilson, 123 James Wilson, J am es Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, Wilhelm Willink Wilhelm Willink 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 "Wilhelm Willink Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, James Wihon, James Wilson, James Wilson, Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, E. Shoemaker, E Shoemaker, Wm. Powers, James Wilson, J am os Wilson, James Wilson, 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 27 Moore A Delany, 87 66 Hammond A Jones 20 20 81 Moore A Delany, 82 82 SI Moore A Delany, 22 22 81 Moore A Delany, 157 56 J 27 Moore A lelany, lus 14 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Moore A Delany, 151 50 22 Roberts A Fox, 216 14 Roberts A Fox, 309 06 Roberts A Fox,. 329 97 Roberts A Fox, 204 54 33 Roberts A Fox, 103 93 Abel DaBois, 252 50 Wilbelm Willink, 20 20 11 13 6 8 15. 6 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 685 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 65 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 896 136 Roberts A Fox, 226 24 297 Wm. Powers, 89 99 927 28 James Wilson, 234 02 888 115 James Wilson, 224 22 927 28 James Wilson, 234 11 1041 81 Moore A Delaney, 473 19 206 John Dunlap, - 91 60 500 Dubois A Lowe. 151 50 95 91 Reynolds'sub divi sion, J. Nicholson, 29 79 30 do J.Nicholson, 9 09 105 109 do J.Nicholson, 31 80 4 do J. Nicholcon, 1 20 6 do J. Nicholson, 1 78 110 do J Nicholson, 33 33 - 95 153 do J.Nicholson, 23 80 90 104 do J. Nicholson, 27 27 195 do J Nicholson. 31 83 91 do J. Nicholson, 27 57 85 43 do J. Nicholson, 25 67 93 144 do J.Nicholson, 28 28 91 141 do J.Nicholson, 27 79 100 20 do J.Nicholson. 30 30 JOHDAN TOWNSHIP. . Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 209 Richard Peters, 7T 64 433 153 Frud'k Beatra, 134 16 111 Adam Kuhn, 34 34 140 Ebenezer Brenbam, 52 08 103 Adam Kuhn, . 35 22 433 153 Thomas Martin, 145 08 283 Rob.rt Martin, 103 20 91135 Philip Loust, 83 85 70 - Win. Johnston, . 26 04 100 ' Jonathan Jor.es, 24 80 100 Richard Mrtin, 31 00 433 153 John Duuwodi, 132 00 No. 1430 1093 1023 1093 1095 1096 1097 3465 34ol 1095 1095 1097 1097 1093 3463 3475 lff5 16C5 1097 1096 1097 1097 1096 3466 3467 KARTHAU3 TOWNE.HIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes 342 Wm. Smith, $149 63 79 Charles Willink, 88 ' Charles Willink, 253 139 Chari-es Williiik, 124 103 Cbarlos Willink, 865 Charles Willink, 438 113 Charles Willink, 58 62 Charles Willink, 259 113 Charles Willink, 97 125 Charlos Wiilink, 122 Charles Willink, 100 Charles Willink, 100 Charles Willink, 89 Charles Willink. 75 Charles Willink, 652 59 43 200 . 3(10 600 ! 12 25 I 50 500 122 83 89 18 106 133 60 Charles Willink, Charles Willink, J. R. M'Closky, Wm. Michaels, -G. M. HerUlne, " B. D Hall, - " Charles Willink, Charles Willink, 9 83. 12 60 31 63 15 51 103 13 51 49 7 2rt i 36 12 12 15 24 12 50 12 50 11 12 9 33 81 49 7 iS 12 0 37 60 75 00 37 50 18 T5 3 75 Charles Willink, 7 5o W.A SchnarsiCo, 156 25 Daniel Yotherc, 33 13 Mary Eggaos, 25 99 T. A J. White, 1111 T. A J. White, 2 25 Thomas Meyers, 13 25 Christian Brown, 41 51 Hugh M'Gonigal, 6 96 3575 961 3583 1020 3602 1020 3605 1049 3606 1020 3586 1020 1988 403 1691 403 3595 1020 200 195 5673 1041 5674 1041 5675 1041 5066 990 5067 879 4263 990 4264 990 4199 990 5672 347 4261 990 4902 420 4235 936 4228 990 4229 965 4230 507 4236 490 4225 740 4890 124 4889 990 4902 5S 4897 110 5062 990 5069 990 4231 633 4234. 526 4090 '923 5061 1113 5064 810 5065 990 375 101 5063 293 4228 250 4236 500 4265 889 5670 1041 6671 1041 5672 347 4399 100 5676 547 5677 14f 5678 J 041 5672' 347 6676 500 5677 500 S89 856 2000 1020 2001 1089 3592 900 1938 429 1000 4902 100 3593 1020 3601 437 3fr00 899 3578 733 3576 903 3594 1020 3597 888 360 57 360 57 370 88 360 57 360 57 144 22 144 22 360 57 70 70 68 93 349 96 310 67 225 02 225 02 225 02 148 47 248 96 249 93 24 3 7 2 128 06 123 74 186 85 25 04 38 89 349 93 349 93 161 09 132 81 233 10 224 83 245 47 299 94 113 63 30 69 . 90 24 '63 14 126 25 224 43 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac' Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 437 48 Beuben Haynes, $158 63 435 50 Luke Morris, 157 92 433 153 Joseph Hilliard , 157 18 433 153 Robert Gray, 157 18 429 41 John Bingburst, 155 73 433 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 433 153 George Eddy, 157 18 433 163 Moore Wharton 157 18 233 153 George Athlon, 84 59 433 153 'William Hunter, 104 77 333 John Dorsoy, 39 06 433 153 Benj. Poultney, 157 18 433 153 Israel Morris,- 157 18 433 153 Martin Pierce, 157 18 72 Thomss Jordan, 21 25 George Fox, 7 433 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 100 Henry Tfont, 36 30 433 153 Caleb Foulk 15718 293 . George Wescott, 106 37 173 153 Robert Wharton, 62 92 433 153 George Saalf, 157 18 225 John Boyd, 81 67 109 Susanna Ward, 39 67 255 G. & M. M'Cormick, 92 65 75 Peter Whitesid, 34 84 100 John Doraey, M 12 10 lawrence' township. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5312 1100 George Mead, $103 13 1995 33 80 Roberts A Fox,W.pt,9 62 1995 33 oil itonerts ox, li.pt 9 62 221 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 413 John Read, 61 63 52 114 Rudolph Lits, 6 50 90 Robert Mitchell, 36 25 6 James Alexander, 4 50 285 Wm. Montgomery, 71 25 74 J.M.Macnmber, 18 50 46 LeonardAUrtsh'n,13 50 13 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 41 J. B. M Enaily, 10 25 41 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 5293 726 George Mead, 90"? 5 5296 1167 47 George Mead, 145 89 5297 1213 69 George Mead, 15161 5290 483 George Mead, 2C2 02 5291 1100 George Mead, 333 48 153 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 176 Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 244 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 137 . ' Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 4 Kratter A Barret, I 25 60 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 20 Roberts A Fox, 110 39 151 Roberta A Fox, 272 46 Roberts A Fox, 185 05 109 Roberts A Fox, 229 27 60 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 35 Roberts A Fox, 224 22 65 L09 20 Ac. 402 20t 327 373 421 440 440 340 423 800 34 122 183 400 433 433 433 433 433 153 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Wetzel!, $97 28 William Wertz, 49 84 Christian Wertx, 79 13 :M David Lauch, 90 27 Jesse YarnelL; 101 87 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, . 82 28 George Ilabecker, 102 87 Peter Yurnell, 72 60 John Read, 8 22 Patrick Hays, 29 62 Francis Johnson, 33 27 Peter Swartx, 96 80 Thomas Morris, 104 79 William Morris, 104 73 Samuel Meredith, 104 79 William Miller, 104 79 Hetty Morris, 104 79 153 153 153 153 433 153 433 153 433 143 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 158 438 153 433 153 433 153 170 298 105 100 90 90 122 407 139 100 100 125 112 267 19 137 484 375 25 400 , 35 100 222 96 136 50 62 19 40 17 95 117 Tho. Fitzsiromons, 104 79 George Ciymer, 104 7& Robert Gray, 104 7 Patrick Moore, 104 79 Mary Morris, 104 7 Magnus Miller, 104 7 Nalbio Fr.jley, 104 79 Clem Stocker, . 104 79 John Vaughn, 104 79 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 79 Blair M'Lanahan, 61 44 William Stewart, 72 12 James Wilson, 25 4l Bobert Morria, . 24 20 Willism Morris, 21 78 Richard R. Smithy 7SJS1 Isaac Farlow, 24 20 Patrick Haya, 24 24 George Gates,- 16 1 Hytnan Gratx, 20 32 Conrad Swartx, 65 09 John Grafl, 4 69 Ficholas Ridonour, 24 93 Robert Carson, 117 12 Nicholas Rjdenour, 25 Matthias Slougb, 90 75 Henry Drinker, 6 05 Frederick Hubley, 96 80 Matthias Slough, . 8 47 William Bigler, 12 10 Simon Swartx, 40 80 Joseph Potter, 17 42 Francis Johnston, 24 C8 Joseph Nicholson, 9 09 Joseph Nicholson, 11 23 PENN TOWNSHIP. No Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 5952 613 14 John Nioholson, $158 65 Greonwood Bell, 43 63 KPjjah Heath, 16 37 Nicklin A Griffith, 39 7T Nicklin A Griffith, 27 Bl 168 63 153 6951 106 5962 No. PIKE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 6783 1020 5785 819 5774 633 5775 820 4252 990 4253 957 5777 410 5777 4M 5J23 25 1429 70 5.3 2l 5931 ' 206 28 145 64 135 '296 5779 111 ------ 460 120 200 6776 276 5776 369 5776 475 64 John Nicholson, $74 41 (John Nicholson, 59 6 1 "John Nicholson, 50 64 John Nicholson, : 60 James Wilson, 90 85 Jamrs Wilson; 87 12 John Nicholson, 50 12 John Nicholson, 50 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 S. Blodget, 8 Nicklin A Griffith, 25 Nicklin Sr Griffith, 25 John f. Hoyt, '6 Thomas Jordan, . 85 Thomas Magee, 15 George James, . 16 R. A W.M'Naal, 21 Z. Bailey, 8 Thomas Magee, 29 Kachael Kratxer, 24 John Nicholson, 33 John Nicholson. 45 80 John Nicholson, 67 66 91 02 02 43 43 02 02 10 54 18 12 19 8 62 43 72 05 23 40 67 03 96 UNION TOWNSHIP. No. Ao Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 3603 3599 3582 1985 1992 1990 2005 1999 2006 2003 3596 3610 2003 3587 3583 3587 3593 909 151 606 66 799 30 408 403 183 693 200 -176 99 196 829 41 299 62 236 310 970 60 650 330 Roberts Roberts i Roberts i Roberts i Roberts t Roberta i Roberts Roberts i Roberts ( Roberts i Roberts i Roberts i Roberts i Roberts ! Roberts I Roberts j Roberts i $367 24 244 82 60 60 164 83 164 63 73 93 S79 97 80 60 71 10. 69 39 S34 Bl 120 68 115 14 131 50 391 88 262 69 115 14 WOODWARD T0WN8HIP. , Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 433 153 John Vought, $233 64, 4o6 159 John Walls, 248 07 John Roll, 235 64 William Wilson, 64 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 86 William Drinker 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 103 16 Samuel Emlen, 72 90 Tbomaa Neil, 68 48 Eli Hootman, 16 82 Mary Neil, 122 40 BeDj. Johnston, 40 80 Hegarty, 170 64 John M'Cahen, 38 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, 64 40 Pigot Shaw, 181 -70 Sebastian Graff, 117 60 Thos. Edmonson, 238 27 Eli Hootman, 49 SO -Mary Sand wick, 38 90 Philip Loast, 176 66 Jacob R. Howell, 176 66 Wm. Johnston, 176 66 George Beckham, 40 80 Charles night, 134 82 Duniel Turner, 128 82 Peter Louder, 9 36 Charles Louder, 24 76 Channcey Rickets, 61 96 Channcey Rickets, 2 72 Wil'iara Wister, 9 62 Jsaac Wilson, . 44 88 Henry Shatter, 84 00 George Ashton, 1166 John Low, fc 84 00 Isaac Goss, 84 00 John M'Latbon, . 66 11 W. K. WRIGLEY. Treasurer. Clearfield, March 25, 1868. 433 153 100 412 41 420 120 240 433 153 268 215 5 60 800 100 418 125 . 67 143 100 334 42 216 43S 73 121 163 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 53 248 237 170 91 218 1! 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 80 gAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. $2 a year in advance. S. "J. ROW, Editor. Job work of all kinds, sucb. as Pamphlets, Bill-heads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, Blanks, Cards, etc.,' executed with neat ness and dispatch, and at mod erate prices. f April 1-tf. r i 3 r. I?V . 1 FIT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers