'I CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1868. VOL. 14.-N0. 30. BY S. X ROW. APBIL. I bear through all the solemn pines . . , The south wind's pleasant flow, ' And see the clouds, like happy things, O'er fields of azure go, While all the sorrow from the earth Seems melting with the snow. The robin and the bird sing O'er meadows brown and bare ; They cannot know what wondrous bloom, Is softly budding there ; But all the joy their hearts outpour geems pulsing in the air. And we will sing, though all our days Seem dark with pain and loss ; We know that Sorrow's furnace heat Consumes alone our d ross ; i We know that one dear Father's lore Gives both her crown and cross. Oh, while benath the snow-drift, buds - The flower we love the best, And on the wind-toss'd bough the bird Still bnilds its happy nest, Praise Qod for all the good we know. And trust him for the rest. A Good Tarn. In the village of W., lived a man who had once been a Jude of the coui.ty and well known all over it Ly the uame of Judge L. He kept a store and saw mill and was always snre to have the best of the bargain on his side, by which means he had gained an ample fortune ; and some did not hesitate to call ' him the biggest ras cal in the world. He was very conceited, withall, and used to brag-of his bu.-iness ca pacity, when any. tne was near to listen. One rainy day as quite a nuniLer were seat ed aiound the store, he began as usual, to tell of his great bargains, and at last wound up with the expression : "Nobody has ever cheated me, nor they can't neither." "Judge," said an old man of the com pany, "I've cheated you more than yoa ever did me." "How so," said the Judge, "If you will promise you wont go to law 'bout it, nor do anything, I'll teil you; or else I won't, you'r too uiucu of a law char acter for me." "Let's hear!" cried half a? dozen voices at once. " "I'll promise," said the Judge, "and treat in the bargain if you have." "Well, do you remember that wagon you robbed me of?" "I never robbed you of any wagon I only pot the best of tho bargain," said the Judge. "Well, I made up my mind, to have it tack and "You never did," interrupted the cute Judge. "Yes I did, and interest too." "How so?"thundered the now enraged Judee. "Well, you see Judge, I sold you one day a very nice piDe log, and bargained with yoa for a lot more. Well ; that log I stole off your pile down by the mill tho night be fore, and the next day I sold it to you again. "The next night I drew it back home.and fold it to you the next day, and so I kept on until you had bought your own log of me twenty-seven times!" "That's a lie!" exclaimed the infuriated Judge, running to his book and examining his log accounts; "you never sold me twenty-seven logs of the same measure ment". . "I know it," said the vender in logs, "by drawing it back and forth, the ends wore off, and as it wore, I kept cutting the ends off, until it was only ten feet long just fourteen feet shorter than it was the first time I brought it, "and when it got so short I drew it home again and worked it up into shingles, and the next week you bought the shingle?, and I concluded I had cot the worth of my wagon back and stowed away iu my pocket book." The Model Man. Josh killings says the Model Man never disturbs a hen when she is setting ; never speaks cross tew a lost donr; alwaz puts a five cent shinplaster in his pocket late Saturday morning for th church platter; rizes whenever a ladyjenters the street kars ; remembers poor uncle plain ly, and ask. after awl the family. If he steps on a kat's tail he is sure to do it light, and immediately asks pardon; hooks up his wife's dress, and plays hoss with the children. Never meddles with the cream ."i. 1.11 1 1 iv tiif. , . -' j - T and conies back in season ; attends every body's phuneral ; kan alwaz tell when the moon chanees ; thinks just as yo do, or tho other way, if yu want him tew ; follows ev erybody's advice but his own ; practice most ov the virtews without knowing it ; Wis the life ov a shorn lamb; gits sick af ter awhile, and dies az soon az he can, to save making enny further trouble. . The palindrome is a line that reads alike backward and forward. One of the best is A lam's first observation to Eve : "Madam, I'm Adam." Another is the story that Na poleon, when at St. Helena, being asked by Knglishinan if he could have sacked bondon, replied," "Able was I ere I saw El the best palindrome, probably in the Wuage. An exchange says : Rats cannot live in Alaska because their holes freeze up solid 45 ffet as the rats dig them. Naturally the get discouraged. At St. Thomas the earthquakes turn their holes wrong side out 'Wy-three times a minnte. This surprises $e rats, and they leave on the first steamer seward. ' "Brethren," said an ignorant minister of l"e Gospel, while preaching a powerful ser mon in a country school house, "don't rair BP yer childrrog iu idleness. You know the ttiplun gays, Bewar of idolatry'." Ooon Tight. A coon fight is one of the glories of life in Kentucky. The programme is this : Some one announces to the gentlemen planters of an extended neighborhood that he will give a barbecue and coon fight ou a certain day, at such a place, and they are invited to bring themselves, their friends and their dogs, for his coon is a veteran. and will make a big fight. This brings a large gathering of men and dogs to enjoy the f east and the fight. The coon is placed in a barrel with one head out, laid flat, so that he cannot be taken on the flunk or rear, and the dog that brings out the coon and it takes one of pluck to do that wins the bet. On the occasion to be described, a large party assembled with numerous fine dogs, eager for the fray. The sport began but every dog of the party was whipped out by the sharp teeth and claws of the gallant coon. As a matter of course there was a noi sy clamor and some thorough swearing at the result. There was a seedy Yankee present, looking on with a grin of de!ight,as each de feated dog gave up the battle. He had with him a miserable yellow cur, which went sneaking about with its tail between its legs, snapping and shying at every dog that of fered tokens of friendly introduction. In the midst of the uproar, Yankee quiet ly renmke 1 : "Wal, gentlemen, I think I have got a dog that will bring 'eout that 'ere coon.' "Where is he? Where is he? firing him out," shouted a score of witnesses. "There he is !" pointing to tho misera ble cur. There was a general laugh, and immediate offers of bets in any quantity. "Wal, gentlemen, 1 hain't got much mon ey, but here's my watch and three dollars. That 'ere watch is a lectio old, but it's an all fired nice timekeeper." "I'll bet you ten dollars against the watch and the money." "Wal, I guess that's about fair: I'll do lb. After a great deal of coaxing and pulling, the mongrel was hauled close to the mouth of the barrel. The Yankee, after patting SiA ailing his dog pet names for a minute, suddenly seized him. and thrust him into the barrel, stern first. The next instant, with an afiized yelp, out came the coon, too fastened by tooth and claw to the hnun clies of the fleeing dog. The screams that iolluvcd may uot be described. "I guess I'll take that 'ere money and watcji," quietly remarked Mr. Yunkee,and he took them. The loser, with a scowl, by way of pelf comfort observed ' . "N ,", "I reckon your dog is spoiled." "Wal yes guess he's aieetle damaged; but I never reckoned him worth mor"n ten dollars." She "Wouldn't Marry a Mechanic. -A young man commenced visiting ayoung woman, and appeared to be well pleased. One evening he called when it was quite late, which lod the young lady to enquire where he had been. "I had to work to-night." "What ! do you work for a living?" she inquired in astonishment. "Certainly," replied the young man, "I am a mechanic. " "I dislike the name of mechanic," and she turned up her pretty nose. That was the last time the young man visited that young women. He is now a wealthy man, and has one or ine oest wom en in the country for his wife. The lady who disliked the name of me chanic is now the wife of a miserable fool a regular vagrant about gro shops and the soft, verdant, silly, miserable girl is obliged (o f ake in washing in order to support her self and children. You dislike the name of a mechanic, eh ? You, whose brothers are well dressed loaf ers We pity any girl who basso little brains, who is so verdant, so soft, as to think less of a young man for being a me chanic one of God's noblemen tho most dignified and honored personage of heav en's creatures. Beware, young ladies, how you treat jToung men who work for a living, for you mav one day be menial to one of them your self. Far better discharge the well-fed pauper with all his rings, jewelry, brazeuness and pomposity, and take to your affections the callous-handed, intelligent and industri ous mechanic. Thousands have bitterly regretted their folly who have turned their backs to hones ty. A few years have taught thein a se vere lesson. It turns out, that they like Mr. Johnson in the South because he is not virtuous The Savannah Republican says : "To us it is p easant to know that he has vices. We are nol believers in the uncomfortable sanc tity of legendary Washingtons, and never shall be until we cease to sympathise with the sins of Adam." A Connecticut paper publishes the fol lowing among its notices of births : "In Cornwall, February 5th, a son of John Triechemenn, Esq. a Democratic gain.' They calculate pretty close, down east, but that is looking a great way ahead !"1 . "Life," says Henry Ward Beecher, would be a perpetual flea hunt if a man were oblig ed to run down all the inuondoes, inveraci ties, insinuations and suspicions which are uttered against him." - -: "Am I not a little pale ?" inquired a la dy who was short and corpulent of a crusty old bachelor. . "You look more like a big tub," was the blunt reply. " '- Only twenty-four out of the seventy-four counties of Missouri recognize the existence of the Democratic party. TREASURER'S SALE OF UUSEATED LAND3; FOR TAXES For 18G7 and previous years. NOTICE is hereby gives, that in pur suance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 151 5, entitled 'An Act to amend an Act directing tho mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county." will be exposed to Public) Sale or outcry, for tho taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court llouee in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday in June, A. I). ISC 3 : BECCARIA TOWUSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 53 John Mailer, $27 20 8 Fred'k Hubluy, 5 21 1(59 96 John Beam, 79 33 176 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 76 65 18G 37 Thomas Billiugton, 38 40 76 .80 Michael Musser, 35 89 100 James M'Muitrie, 36 85 80 Thomas Murgatory, 29 48 80 Magnus Miller, 29 48 410 John Brady, 104 82 160 Williim Bradr, 64 32 592 J. Blain, . Blain, 237 98 399 John Witmor, 1S7 20 349 Henry Witmnr, 163 75 181 William Wilson, 84 95 134 Jabob Krug, G2 85 104 John Gibson, 48 78 215 73 Robert Wilson, 101 03 433 153 William Gray, 203 28 43 153 John Miller, . 203 41 94 91 Jeremiah Mosher, 44 22 161 116 Peter Getz, 77 58 330 153 Martin Paula, 88 44 296 125 Jacob Fuutz, 79 33 328 153 George Musser, 87 90 74 32 Thomas Gibson, 34 84 433 153 David Bsrton, 87 10 433 153 John Ferdnev,' 203 41 41 Brown & Fulton, -20 64 71 80 John Ketland, 33 50 55 i02 Sarah Billiugton, 25 87 360 Jacob Kung, 158 84 30 Win. Pluaiket, 14 03 EELL TOWNSHIP. ' No. Ao. Per. Warrar tees, etc. Taxes 42S3 5ti20 5704 6S18 4287 4237 7d8 Z7M 42al 4:H'i 3565 6904 syofl 5907 WIS &yi9 6619 I'JOO oyio 6'Jll 6913 5U15 5'J2l 5619 42S7 6019 5U0t 6aoe 59U7 42S6 1000 6v0 600 1000 (il 79 330 S07 113 71 9:5 10tii) 500 500 161 1000 753 800 955 9; 433 242 625 320 217 103 607 1100 101 93 119 1U2 31 90 100 Henry Beck, $230 Jlenry HecK, i 15 Henry Beck, 1 15 Henry Iiock. 230 Henry Beck, j 1 120 Henry Beck. 13 7S Henry Beck, 84 59 Henry Bock, ' 63 Henry Beck, 32 Henry Beck, 20 97 Henry Beck, 21 ileury Beck, 23(1 lleury Bock, 116 Henry Beck. 143 113 John Nicholson. 55 Nickliu & Griffith 230 Nicklin & Griffith 174 Nicklinlt Griffith 184 Nicklin A Griffith 219 Nicklin & Griffith 215 - jBenj. Gibbs. 121 Henry Buck, 55 Nicklin A Uriffith 189 Nick.'in k Griffith 73 Nicklin & Griffith 50 NicUlin & (Iriffith 21 Nicklin AOriffiih 139 Nicklin & Griffith 253 93 Henry Beck, 97 Henry Beck, 01 Henry Beck, : 32 Nicklin .t Griffith 128 Nicklin A Griffith Nicklin & Griffith Herry Beck, B0GGS TOWNSHIP. As. Per. Warrautccs, f.tc. Taxes. 41 John Thomas, $8 31 196 Johu Thomas,- '45 43 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 03 408 76 Joseph Drinker, 95 67 413 Win. McCormick, 110 69 410 Xaacy Boggs. 118 04 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 49 41 John Byers, 114 96 100 John Montgomery, 26 80 109 90 Barbara Snyder, 31 88 132 George flootman, 39 80 70 Henry Faunce, 18 76 427 George Ayrcs, 85 76 427 31 Wro. Troutwine, 85 76 400 John Kean, 80 40 206 Joseph Ball, 89 12 95 J.46 Richard Thomas, 15 70 49 " Barbara Snyder, 13 13 205 Thomas Smith, 54 94 lW) John Kephart, 26 80 404 Blair M'LaDah.tn, 81 21 401 Thomas L. Moore, 81 21 404 Mary Morn's, 81 21 427 Jonas Steinheiser, 71 55 160 liichard Waplo, 32 12 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. W&rrantooa, etc. Taxes 2004 400 Roberts A Fox, $102 40 3679 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 261 12 3573 81 33 Roberts A Fox, 20 73 3608 468 111 Roberts Fox. ia 81 5959 93 138 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 5926 93 Nicklin A Griffith 23 81 5926 296 Nicklin A Griffith 75 73 50 . George L. Reed, 12 SO 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 Levi Clearer, 26 88 250 David Irwin, 72 06 100 John P. Bale, 25 26 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, elc. Taxes 824 Hugh Ely, S42 76 102 85 John Campbell, 20 18 159 Hall & Buck, 20 99 250 - . Blair M'Lanahan, 49 50 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 57 65 109 . Andrew Pettit, . 35 90 48 Matthias Slaymaker, 9 60 30 Mattbew Forcee, 7 92 225 James' Du near., . , 37 22 100 Nebetniah Mains, . 19 80 61. ' r David Mains, . 12 67 50 " Daniel Graham, .13 20 50 Horatio L. Hall, ,13 20 85 , Wm. Graham, jr. 22 44 85 ' JohnHanna, 22 44 175 John Vaughn, . . 46 20 BRADY TOWNSHIP. -No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 492 303 W. Kirkpatriok,S103 18 3612 200 Roberts A' Fox, 53 60 3603 150 Roberts A Fox, 40 20 3614 1993 1997 1993 3574 626 5860 6877 6S79 5SS1 5S86 323 195 218 2009 13 1994 2010 3550 2009 27 15 275 92 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 45 55 Roberts A Fox, 250 13 Roberts A Fox, 290 Roberts & Fox, 102 34 Roberts A Fox, 215 Conrad Long, C70 . Jona. B. Smith 37 52 12 OR 67 00 77 72 41 00 69 23 404 01 1997 199S 346 Henry Wykoff, 330 09 John Dunlap, 181 41 Casper Stiyor, 40 20 Christian Lower, 302 17 - Roberta A Fox, 395 25 Christian Lower, 310 93 Roberts A Fox. 217 43 Roberts A Fox, 364 21 94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 r: Roborts A Fox, 368 50 Becj. Henry, 154 37 . Caapcr Stiver, 81 47 Caspor Stiver sr. 284 62 62 George Shaffer 50 11 i. Monitors (u'8, 43 S3 Baura, 53 60 McGairy, . 20 80 Roberts & Fox, 18 09 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 331 100 501 650 521 305 604 995 611 256 135 472 S3 80 100 50 6S 250 Ac. 303 303 290 311 298 111 100 293 150 Ac. 100 313 433 293 253 433 433 433 433 100 433 376 257 88 271 411 234 433 190 256 22 200 433 147 100 61 433 No. 1391 1893 3-1 19 1802 1594 1903 1897 5377 BUSKS IDE TOWNSHIP. Per. Wairantees. etc. Taxes. John Jones, James Chapman, Bern. Irasiiall, Towim'd Spackm Rebecca Brown, Christian Stake, Leonard Ilollia, John Burcli, Johu Cumrttings, $137 80 137 80 136 50 an 202 15 193 70 43 30 39 00 133 38 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 CHS3T TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrautees, etc. Taxes. John Boyd, $46 40 Joshua lLiynes, 145 00 Thomas Uamiltoa, 200 91 William WiUon, 158 27 James Boss, 119 71 John Cunninghatr, 150 80 Johu Cook, Joseph Evving, William Cook, David C ithcart, Alex Hunter, Peter Ilorso, Hugh Bjrtley, Joseph Pike, George Page, Henry Page, James Noble, John Musscr, Christian Rohrer, M't'lr& Crist, . id tiler fit Crist, Maharfey & Mitchell, 46 40 Mathias Slough, 100 46 George Ross, John Brenneman, J. & H. Breth, Samuel Jackson; 153 161 J50 80 150 80 150 80 29 00 100 46 130 85 74 58 25 52 78 65 71 58 67 87 200 91 88 16 118 78 10 21 42 69 29 00 28 30 71 45 No. 1921 1938 1934 3648 3647 6123 1924 1390 3'i47 1390 1939 5352 5376 5353 5357 1925 1926 1937 1889 3643 1929 1890 1S3S 1917 3650 1837 1916 1920 . GISARD TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. 203 103 Morris A Stewart 428 120 Morris A Stewart 318 Morris A Stewart 103 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart 200 ' Morris A Stewart 508 no Morris A Stewart 254 123 Morris A Stewart 10 Morris A Stewart ) J 160 793 1100 1100 1100 345 153 123 Morris & Stewart George Meade, George Meade, - George Meade, George Meade, 62 Morris A Stewifrt 93 Morris & Stewart Morris A Stewart 227 125 Morris Stewart 282 53 Morris A Stewart 33 Morris A Stewart 187 Morris A Stewart 373 Morris A Stewart" 346 Morris A Stewart 106 Morris A Stewart 456 Morris A .'itewart 50 Morris A Stewart 105 ' Morris A etewat Taxes S23 95 63 12 75 17 12 74 2 35 47 20 59 94 5'J 91 2 36 23 32 94 10 129 80 129 80 129 SO 40 71 13 03 It 51 2ti 79 33 28 3 93 22 07 ' 4t 60 40 83 12 51 53 81 5 90 12 39 No., 5314 5315 5316 1909 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 5324 5320 5327 5329 5330 1911 G33HEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, cto. 700 1000 1000 137 300 100 100. 433 383 mo 152 1213 1100 Taxes George Mo.ide, 5121 45 George Meade, 163 75 eorgc Meale, 103 75 Mom-A Stewart, 2o 85 Win. Mapes. 77 60 George Meade, 39 30 George Meale, 39 30 , Morris A Stewart 57 37 Morris A Stewart 100 33 Morris A Stewart 25 20 Morris & Stewart 25 29 67 George Meade, 317 81 George Meade, 2S8 20 1113 120 George Meade, 9t 59 1100 Georgo Meade, 233 20 1100 Georze Meade. 238 20 100 Morris A SUwart, 20 20 GSAHAH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thus. P. Cope, $130 96 199 John Skyruu, .- 87 76 145 T. C'pe, 42 63 103 Jjs-Milligan, 30 27 109 Geo. Moure, 48 07 310 JoS'ph Simons, 118 95 348 Joseph Henry, 70 47 100 Charles Hail, 36 75 41 . C. J. AUport,- IS 09 100 Robt. Sbuw, 58 80 100 Jno. Donaldson, 36 75 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 600 72 Morris A Stewart S90 24 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 ) 365 'Morris A Stewart 51 47 15 Morris A Stewart 2 11 430 Morris A Stewart 31 73 1100 GoorgeMcad, 155 10 300 JohnBriel, 21 15 200 II. Burgctt. 56 40 Ac. DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantee, etc. Taxes 391 Thomas P. Cope, - $204 88 24 Thus. Edraumlson, 12 57 67 96 Joseph Sausom, 35 62 391 159 Thomas Billiugton, 204 88 100 Thos. Stowartson, 52 40 202 Mary M'Lanahan, 105 84 401 Ann M'Lanahan, 105 84 100 Stacy W. Thompson, 52 40 200 Mary M'Lahahan, 104 80 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 44 02 108 Jacob Downing, 56 60 20 Joseph Sansom, 10 48 76 99 Wiiliam Sausom, 39 82 241 22 William Evans, 120 28 50 Nancy Fauly, 26 20 333 147 Thos. Edoiundson, 174 50 90 John Drinker, 17 16 200 Casper Haines, 104 80 281 Gilbert V'aught, 147 24 195 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 193 Jost-ph HarrisoD, 103 74 50 Joseph Harrison, 26 20 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 200 , Jonathan Nesbit, 104 80 125 A. J. Gss, 65 00 200 Sam'l. M'Clarren, 104 80 17 Joseph Sansom, 8 90 90 David Stewart, 24 58 FERGTSON TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 233 159 John Ilarabright, 50 Matthias Slough, 8 Matthias Slough, 433 ioJ ueorge itoss, 74 50 100 24 50 100 100 309 $69 96 12 00 1 92 103 92 20 04 12 00 24 00 6 76 21 00 30 CO 24 00 74 16 Lewis Jordan. Hiram Passmore, Abraham Ogden, ' Henry Swan, Benj. Hartshorn, John Uambright, Adam Reigart 73 John Doughton, FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Jameg Wilson, $71 46 James Wilson, w 13 49 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 James Wilson, n e. 41 99 James Wilson, wi 41 66 James Wilson, 73 92 James Wilson, 110 88 Jameg Wilson, i 50 40 James Wilson, mid 49 06 for 1864 A 1865 45 82 James Wilsou.w.p. 82 78 364 77 5 60 163 00 83 44 62 50 21 64 72 52 25 20 28 00 4272 425 4200 330 4188 140 4188 250 4181 495 4200 6G0 4182 990 4188 200 4188 350 41S3 4271 495 4241 937 4233 947 1534 20 1535 600 4242 290 4399 372 4340 133 4393 216 73 100 1 90 ' 25 62 107 50 4400 100 Jamea Wilann. James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, . James Wilson, James Wilson, Evander Hyde, T.nria Xr II .Ja ' Ban KinirburV.B.L25 00 J-S. Hyde.B.L. 8 40 Hyde A Co., Hulet 13 89 Firminlot 23 97 Giles lot 11 20 23 00 66 104 B. D. Schoonovr, 21 23 Ac 112 305 48 90 48 114. 349 96 134 158 433 153 356 69 103 2G0 98 100 50 119 121 193 122 433 153 433 153 237 43 210 215 75 436 145 433 153 216 153 436 145 "guslich township; Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Witmer, $44 14 Geo.' Baker, 119 87 Benj. Wilson, 35 37 Geo. Moore, 18 8(3 Geo. Moore, 137 17 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 John M'Caheu, 62 09 Edward Hand, . . 99 56 Emanuel Reigart, 81 60 Geo. Moore, 24 76 Johu M'Cahen, 102 18 John Lampblack, 33 51 John Witmor, 39 30 Benj. Wilson, 9 83 Christian Stake, 46 78 Matthias i'oung, 75 85 Christian Higfr, 170 30 Goorg Musscr, - 170 30 Thos. Yadler, 93 15 Daniel OHloy, 82 53 Geo. Buknr, Jr. " 84 50 Timothy Paxton, 171 31 John Burge, 170 80 John Musser, 84 88 Jos. Ashbright, 171 34 3575 061 3583 1020 3602 1020 3605 1049 3606 1020 3586 1020 1986 403 ltjyl 403 3695 1020 '200 195 5673 1011 5674 1041 5675 1041 5066 990 60 CO 123 00 60 60 123 HUSTON TOWNSHIP No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roborts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox. Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, J U. Kidder. David Caldwell, Moore A Hclany. 368 04 Moore A Hclany, 3M u4 Moore 4- Djlany, 368 04 iviu. lowers, Wm. Powers, James Wilson, James Wilson. James Wi'son, Moore A Bolany, 105 14 James Wilson, 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 143 47 James Wilson, James u ilson. James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, Wilhelm Willink Wilhelm Willink 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 Wilhelm Willink Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, Jam og Wile on, James Wilson, James Wilson, Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, Win. Powers, E. Shoemaker, E. Shoemaker, Wm. Powers, James Wilson, James Wilson, .fames Wi!on, Moore lelany, Mi yu Moore & Uolany, zoj o Moore A Dclany, 87 66 Hammond A Jones 20 20 Moore A Delany, 82 82 Moore A Delany, li zi Moore A Delany, 157 56 Moore A Helany, 105 14 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Roberts A Fox, 210 14 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fbx, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Abel DuBois, Wilhelm Willink, 20 20 Roberts A Fox, - 257 55 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox,, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 50"i7 4253 4264 4199 5672 4201 4902 4235 4226 4229. 4230 4236 4225 4390 4339 4902 4397 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 879 990 990 990 317 990 420 936 990 . 965 507 490 740 124 990 b 110 990 990 638 526 923 5061 1113 5004 810 5065 990 375 101 293 250 500 889 5063 4228 4236 4265 5670 1041 5671 1041 5672 347 4899 10(r 5676 5 5677 147 5678 1041 5672 347 5676 500 5677 500 3589 856 2000 1020 2001 1089 3592 900 1988 429 1000 4902 100 3693 1024) 3601 437 3000 899 3578 733 3576 903 3594 1020 3597 833 $335 72 360 57 360 67 370 S8 360 57 3ii0 57 144 22 144 22 3i0 57 7'J 70 63 t8 349 96 310 07 225 02 225 02 225 02 213 96 249 93 213 72 123 06 123 74 180 85 25 04 38 89 319 93 319 98 161 09 132 SI 233 lo 224 83 215 47 299 94 113 63 30 60 90 24 63 14 126 25 221 43 80 80 27 81 81 81 .27 22 38 60 20 151 109 60 35 309 06 329 97 204 54 103 93 252 50 110 39 272 49 135 -05 229 27 257 55 224 22 3607 3584 3585 3604 5063 4193 4256 4254 507U 252 11 13 6 8 15 0 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 685 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 25? 55 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 896 136 Roberts A Fox, , 226 21 297 Wm. Powers, H9 99 927 23 James Wilson, 23102 883 115 James Wilson, 221 22 Mil 2i James Wilson, 234 II 1041 81 Moore A Delancy. 473 19 206 John Duulap, 91 60 500 Dubois A Lowe. 151 60 95 91 Reynolds'sub divi sion, J.Nicholson, 29 79 30 do J.Nicholton, 9 09 105 109 do J. Nicholson, 31 M 4 do J. Nicholson, 1 20" 6 do J.Nicholson, I 73 110 do J Nicholson, 33 33 95 153 do J.Nicholson, 28 80 90 104 do. J.Nicholson, 27.27 195 do J Nicholson 31 83 91 do J.Nicholson, 27 57 85 43 do J.Nicholson, 25 67 v-i 144 ao j . i lonoison, (it III J T X' t.-V. IT TflS 91 lil UU J.iMUUUt&lllI, ' 4 100 20 do J.Nicholson, 30 30 Ac. 224 433 209 433 111 140 103 433 283 91 70 100 100 433 J02DAN TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 153 Richard Peter, 53 46 153 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 Rich.i- ' Peters, 77 64 153 Fred-. I io:.tcs, 134 16 Adam Kuhn, 31,34 Ebenezer Breuham, 52 08 Adam Kuhn, 35 22 153. Thomas Martin, 145 0s Rob.rt Martin, 103 20 135 Philip Lotist, 33 85 Win. Johnston, 26 04 Jonathan Jones, 21 80 Richard M-irfin, 31 00 153 'John Duowoodio, 132 00 KABTHAUS TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. 1430 1093 1023 1093 lllifj 1096' lay 7 365 346 5 1095 lO'Ji 1097 1097 1093 3463 ) 3475 J 342 7 83 25.1 139 124 103 865 436 53 259 97 122 loo 100 89 76 113 02 113 I2S 1665 1665 10U7 ( 109i t 1097 1097 ) 1096 ) 3-166 3467 Warrantees, etc, Taxes Wm. Smith. S149 63 Chitrle3 Willink, 9 S3 t'harles Willink, 12 50 Charles Willink. 31 C3 Charles Willink, 15 51 Charles Willink, 103 13 Charles Willink, 54 49 Charles Williuk, 7. 2H Charles Willink, 32 3!i Charles Wiiliuk, 12 12 Charles Williuk. 15 21 Charles Willink, !2 5o Charles Wiiliiik, 12 50 Charles Williuk. 1112 Charles Willink, 9 33 fl32 Charles Wiliink. 81 49 59 Charles Willink, 7 3.1 43 J. R. M Closky, 12 50 200 Wm. Michaels, 37 50 300 M -lIertlTne-'- 75 00 600 B. D Hall, 37 50 125 Charles Willink, 18 75 25 Charles Willink, 3 75 50 Charles Willink, 7 00 500 W.A SchnarsACo, 166 25 122 Daniel Votuers, 33 13 S3 Mary Eggaos, 25 99 89 T. A J. White, II 11 13 X. A J . W hite, 2 26 106 Thomas Meyers, 13 25 133 Christian Brown. 4151 60 Hugh M'Gonigal, 6 9o Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 233 433 333 433 433 433 72 25 433 100 433 293 173 433 225 109 255 75 100 No. 5312 1995 1995 1914 KN3XT0W.VSHIP. Por. Warrantees, etc. Taxs " 43 Benben llaynes, $153 63 50 Luke Morris, 157 92 153 Joseph Hilliard 157 IS 153 Robert Gray, 157 13 41 John Bingbunst, 155 73 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 153 George Eddy, A, 157 18 153 Moore Wharton 157 13 153 George Ashioti, 81 59 153 William Hunter, 104 77 " John Dorsey, 39 0( 153 Benj. Poultney, 157 13 158 Israel Morris, 157 18 153 Martin Fierce, 157 18 TIioiujs Jordan, 21 78 George Fox, - 7 26 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 Henry Trout, 36 30 153 Caleb Foulk 157 18 George Wescott, 100 37 153 Robert Wharton, 62 92 153- George Seall, 157 18 John Boyd. 81 67 Susanna Ward, 39 57 G. & M. M'Cormick, 92 55 Peter Whiteside, 31 84 Johu DotSey, 12 10 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Mead, S103 13 80 Roberts A Fox,W.pt,9 62 80 Roberta A Fox. E pt. 9 62 Hugh Jordan. John Read, 5293 5296 5297 5290 5291 1100 33 33 221 413 52 114 Rudolph Lit, ao 100 6 235 74 46 IS 41 41 725 1167 1213 438 1100 153 176 24 137 . 4 27 62 51 63 6 50 33 25 Robert Mitchell, J. W. Smith, 12 50 James Alexander. 4 50 Wm . Montgomery, 71 25 J. M. Macumber, IS 60 Leonardo llartsh'n, 13 50 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 433 153 Thos. Fitzsimmons, 104 79 433 153 George Clymer, 104 79 433 143 Robert Gray, 104 79 433 153 Patrick Moore, 104 79 433 153 Mary Morris, 104 79 433 153 Magnus Miller, 104 79 433 153 Nalbk. Frazey, 104 79 433 153 Clem Stockcr, 104 79 433 153 John Vaughn, 104 79 433 153 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 79 170 Blair M'Lanahan, 51 44 298 Wiiliam Stewart, 72 12 105 James Wilson, 25 41 100 90 Bobert Morris, 24 20 90 122 William Morns, 21 78 407 139 Richard R. Smith, 73 81 100 Isaac Fai low, 24 20 100 19 Patrick Havs, 21 21 125 Geor?e Gates, 15 14 112 Flyman Grata, 20 32 267 40 Conrad Swaitr, 05 09 19 17 John Grill, 4 59 137 Ficho!a3Ridcnour, 24 93 484 95 Robert Carson, 117 12 117 Nicholas Ridenour, 25 375 Matthias Slough, 90 75 25 Henry Drinker, 6 05 400 Frederick Hnblev, 96 80 35 'Matthias Slough," 8 47 100 William Bigler, 12 10 222 Simon Swartz, 40 SO 96 Joseph Potter, 17 42 130 Francis Johnstrtn, 21 68 50 Joseph Nicholson, 9 C9 62 Joseph Nicholson, 11 23 No 59. i 2 5962 5951 No. 57S3 5785 5774 5775 4262 4 2 1 2 5777 5777 5923 14 JO 5VJ3 5931 5779 PENN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 613 14 'John Nicholson, S16.H 85 163 Greenwood liell, 43 63 63 Elijah Heath. 16 37 153 Nicklin A Griffith. 39 77 106 Nicklin A Griffith, 27 81 64 41 fit 64 85 12 12 ' 460 120 200 5776 276 5776 369 5776 475 U No. Ac 3603 909 3699 606 3582 7:19 1935 403 1992 408 1990 183 2005 693 1990 200 2006 176 200S 193 3593 823 :ma 299 2003 285 3537 3 i0 3533 970 3587 650 3593 380 V WOO Ac. Per. 433 153 4o6 159 433 153 100 412 41 420 120 210 433 153 268 215 5 60 300 -100 418 125 67 143 100 334 42 216 438 73 121 163 433 153 433 153 , 433 153 100 53 PIK2 TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, James Wilson, James W ilson, -John Nicholson, John Nicholson. Nicklin A Griffith, S. lilodget, Nicklin A Griffith, 25 13 Nicklin or Griffith, 25 12 John f. Hoyt, 6 10 Thomas Jordan, 85 33 Thomas Magee, George James, R. A W.M Naul, ' Z.TSaiTey. Z. M'Naul, Thomas Magee, Kachael Kratzer, John NichoUon, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, 1020 SI 9 1533 820 JJO 957 410 410 25 70 .203 206 23 115 r4 135 f 2t rrr: so Taxes $74 66 59 91 50 02 60 02 90 43 87 49 60 02 50 02 6 10 V 54 15 62 16 43 21 72 8 05 33 67 29 23 24 40 33 67 45 03 57 96 151 Roberta 66 Roberts 30 Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts . Roberts , Roberts 99 Roberts Roberts 41 Rober s 62 Roberts Roborts Roberts 60 Roberts . Roberts Roberts VFx, if Fox, 4- Fox, ir Fox, r Fox, V Fox. Jr Fox, 4" Fox, 4- Fox, A- Fox. o Fox, 4- Fox, 4- Fox. ir Fox, 4- Fox, V Fox, 4- Fox. . Taxes $367 24 214 82 60 60 164 83 164 S3 73 93 279 97 80 80 71 10 59 39 334 91 120 80 115 14 131 ,50 391 H8 262 60 115 14 J. B. M finally, 10 25 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 George -Mead, 90 75 47 George Mead, 145 89 69 George Mead, 151 61 George Mead,- 262 OiJ ueorge .uoau, ;3 48 Ellis lrwi A Son, 23 75 Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 p:ili8 Irwin A Son, 34 25 : Krutier A Barret, 1 25 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 402 George Welzell. 206 William Weriz, 327 . Christian Wertz, 373 David Lanch, 421 Jessu Tarnell, 440 65 Joseph Turner, 440 109 Joseph Turner, 340 20 Joseph Turner, 423 George Habecfcer, 300 Peler Yarneir, 34 ' John Read, 122 : Patrick Hays, 183 Francis Johnson, 400 Peter Swartz, . 433 153 Thomas atoms, 433 153 , William Morris, ' 433 153 Samuel Meredith, 433 153 William Miller, 433 153 Hetty Morris, Taxes $97 28 49 84 79 13 90 27 101 87 106 48 106 48 82 28 102 37 72 CO . 8 22 29 52 83 27 96 80 104 79 104 79 104 79 101 79 104 79 Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Vought. $235 51 John Walls, 248 07 John Roll, 235 54 William Wilson, 54 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 30 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheelor, 103 16 Samuel Emlen, 72 90 Thomas Neil, 58 48 Eli Ilooiuian, 16 32 Mary Neil, 122 40 Benj. Johnston, 40 80 Ilegarty, 170 54 John M'Cahen, 38 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, 54 40 Pigot Shaw, 181 70 Sebastian Graff, 117 50 Thos. Edmonson, 238 27 Ell Ilootman, 49 36 . Mary Sandwick, 88 90 Philip Loast, 176 66 Jacob R. Howell, 176 66 Wm. Johnston, 176 66 Georgv Beckham, 40 80 248 Chailea Hlght, 134 82 237 Duniel Turner, 128 82 170 Peter Loader, 69 36 91 Charles Louder. 24 76 218 Channcev Rickets. 51 96 lj Chauncey Rickets, 2 72 40 William Winter. 9 52 189 Jsaac Wilson, 44 88 100 . Henry Shaffer, 34 00 85 George Asbton, 11 56 150 John Low, 34 00 100 Isaac (Joss, 84 00 162 30 John M'Lathoo, 66 11 W. K. WRIGLEY. Treasurer. Clearfield, M.rch 25, 1868. RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. $2 a year in advance. S. J. ROW, Editor. Job work of all kinds, such as Pamphlets, Bill-heads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, lilanks, Cards, etc., execute!! with neat ness and dispatch, and at mod erate prices. April 1-tf. it j : I. ! ' ! m't' ... i. t v V-v Sf." 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers