Baftsman's Sfiritnwl. . J. ROW, EDITOR iSO PROPRIETOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 18, 1868. Republican state ticket. FOR ACDITOIt GENERAL, fan. JOHN F. HAETBANFT, of Montg'y. POR 9CHVBY0R OBXBBAL, ' Ool. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, of Cambria. The Tenure-of-Office BUI. The last Clearfield Republican contains the following extraordinary declaration.: ' "If th Tenure-of-office bill is in violation of the Constitution, the President is bound by his oath to disregard it. The enactment of sucB law is Congressional usurpation," So thought President Johnson, as wgll as the writer of the above extract, and, m con sequence, he did "disregard" the law instead of submitting it to judicial decision. In contradistinction of the assumption of the writer in the Republican, we give the opinion of Hon. Robert J. Walker, who is known to be a Democrat of the strictest f-ec, and a man acknowledged to be wull learned in the law. .A few days after the removal of Mr. Stanton it was rumored in Washington that Mr. Walker had advised Adjutant Thomas not to attempt to enforce the order of the President. Tim being de ' nied, Mr. Walker made the following state ment: ':I called upon Oen. Thomas early on Saturday tnorning, at the War Office, and communicated to him, in a friendly way. my opinion that any such order would be a nullity, and would subject him to serious consequences, especially if any such collision should occur. 1 told him that he had no right, nor hail the Peesideut, to disobey a law of Congress upon the assumption that tt was un constitutional, and that if this were not so -the President might set aside all the laws of Congress sine the foundation of the Government upon the ground that they were unconstitutional. That the President possessed no such power, because it was not an executive, but -exclusively a judicial power, and that all the laws of Congress must be obeyed by the President unless their execution was restrained by the highest judicial authority. That to declare a law unconstitutional was not only the exercise of judicial power, but the highest jiuli rial power, and only to be resorted to by the courts where, in their judgment, the act was clearly un constitutional, and that in all doohtful cases the Court bad uniformly refused to interfere with the execution of the law." Now, we think, the opinion of Mr. Walker is worth at least as much a that of the wri ter, in the Republican, and he asserts that no right is inherent in "the President, to " to disobey a law ot Congress upon the as sumption that it was unconstitutional," and "that all the laics of Congress must be ' obeyed and executed by the President un " less their execution was restrained by the "highest judicial authority." . Butdid the President pursue such a course ? No ! Then he is justly and legally amenable for having violated the Tenure-of-office law, notwith standing the declaration of thestute writer in the Republican that the President "is bound by his oath of office to disregard it." Our National Securities. Jay Cooke & Co. have written a letter in opposition to the proposition to pay the Li nked States Bonds in greenbacks, in case the holders refuse to convert them into the proposed new issue. In it is maintained that "the bonds were offered directly to the people and sold at prices which coul 1 not have been obtained but for the distinct un derstanding that they were payable, princi pal and interest in coin." The writer with great force says i If the Government should pay in green backs, what is a greenback but a promise to Eaya dollar, and if 500,000,00 of green acks should be issued to pay the 5-20s,must we not afterward pay them, and if so, in what but gold? Such an issue of paper mon ey.every thinking man knows, would totally unsettle values and indefinitely remove the resumption of specie payment. But on the other hand, without any increase of cur rency, in a reasonable time, specie payment will be resumed,gold and greenbacks will be in equal value, and to pay the bonds in gold will be no hardship. As to who are holders of the bonds, data is given going to show that "the capitalists are in very email minority, and any legisla tion repudiating, in whole and in part, the obligation of the bonds of the Government would fall tnoFt severely on widows, orphans and people of small capital, who invested their money in those securities in perfect re liance upon the representations made to them by the Treasury Department, directly ' and through its agents at the time of their jssue. Belligerent very the writer in the last Republican. Hear him : '-Fellow-citizens of Clear&eld county, we appeal to you ; are you willing to longer submit to the outrages of the drunken tyrants at Washington constituting the Rump? Will yo longer hug the consoling phantom of forbearance, under the false Idea that the time has not come to assert your God-given rights as free citiiens of the country." - Hold ! Hold ! ! Enough ! ! ! Who wouldn' t "gin in" after such a "XK" appeal to arms, as that? And, no doubt, the "drunken ty rants at Washington," like Davy Crocket's coon, will "come down" fo onct and sur render. . . The war in Candia is ended. "Eemoval of Stanton." ' Under the above caption, a writer in last week's Clearfield Republican, among other equally absurd things, says : , 'In the removal of Mr Stanton he (Andrew J.ihason) made useof a Constitutional prerogative which has been exercised by all Presidents since the days of Washington, and which has never been called in question for eighty year.5'-. Is it true, that the "prerogative" of re moval of officers by the President "has tiec er been called in question for eighty years?" On the lfith day of February, 1835, a bill regulating the "Tenure-of-office" beiug un der consideration, Hon. Daniel Webster, then a Senator from Massachusetts, made a speech in the Senate of the United States, in which occurs the following : "I think, then, sir. that the appointment natu rally and necessarily includes the power of remov al where no limitation is expressed, nor any ten ure but that will be declared. The power of ap pointment being conferred on the President and Senate. I think the power of removal went along with it. ami should have been regardeil as a part o f tt, and exercised by the same hands. I think the legislature possesses the power of regulating the condition, duration, qualification and tenure of office in all cases where the Constitution hus made no express provision on the subject, lain therefore, of opinion that it is competent for Con gress to declare by law. as one qualification of the tenure of office that the incumbent sit til I remain in place till the President remove him, Jor reasons to be stated to the Senate. And I am of the opinion that this qualification, mild and gentle as it is. will have some effect in arresting the evils which beset the progress of the Government, and serious ly threaten its future prosperity." , ' " Two da's later, on the ISth of February, 1835, Hon. Henry Clay, then a Seuator from Kentucky, sustained Mr. Webster's speech by offering the following amendment to the bill then pending before the Senate : "Dett further enacted Tbnt in alt instances of appointment toi-mce by the Presidentby and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the power of removal snail be exercised in concurrence with the Senate; and when the Senate not in session the President may suspend any such officer, com municating his reasons for the suspension during the first month nf its succeeding session, and if the benate concur with him the officer shall he removed, but if it do not concur with him the of ficer shall be restored to office." Thus it will be seen tvdt,fhir(-t7tree years ago, the abuse of the appointing power by the President was so great, as to become a subject of grave inquiry ; and both the dis tinguished statesmen above quotciLexpress ly denied the power of the President to re move an officer confirmed by the Senate, without the concurrence of the Senate; while Mr. Claj-s amendment also provided for the reinstatement or removal of an offi cer suspended during a recess of the Senate thus substantially advocating at that tiaSf every point embraced in the Civil !l,jure bill recently passed by Congress, and for the violation of which Andrew Johnson is now about to be tried. Yet, in the face of the testimony jof these two great and worthy statesmen, Clay and Webster, that Congress possessed the power to define by law the tenure of office, we find in these latter daj-s, such pigmies ' as the writer in the Republican, and such political mountebanks as Judge Woodward, Ben. Wood, John Morrissey, Billy Mulligan, and Andrew Johnson," in their blind zeal ;to1 As sail Congress and to retard the reconptruc tion of the late 'Rebel States uj on- a loya and patriotic basis, proclaiming that the late tenure-of-office law is uqconstitutional and revolutionary, a mere partizan invention to abridge the powers of the President in re moving his appointees. We would suggest to the writer in the Re publican that, hereafter, he examine the re cords ere he makes such bold and positive assertions as the one contained in the above extract front his article, if he does not de sire us to expose his falsehoods. : To Vote as a Unit. We think the State Convention did a very wise thing'when they took measures to in duce the vote" of the State, in the National Convention, to be cast as a unit. Hereto fore the delegation from Pennsylvania has gone to the National Convention in : frag mentselected in the various Congressional districts, they have gone too much in the in terests of different candidates and politicians, and the result has been that the choice of the great majority of the party in the State has formed no expression, or if any, an ex pression so feeble that it has only been heard to be disregarded. But under the recent action of the State Convention, the Repub lican party of the Keystone State can make itselt heard. Our claims can be presented with efficiency and force, and, we have every reason to believe, thai, when they are thus presented, they will be cordially admitted by our sister States, and our great War Gov ernor "the soldiers friend" will be placed on the ticket with the greatest captain of the age. With such a ticket, the party of Liberty and Law will sweep the country, driving before it the cohorts of Treason, De mocracy and Rebellion. Joiinsox and Davis. Who could have prophesied three years ago the events that nave come to pass. How people would have laughed at the idea that the President of the United States would be broueht to trial before the President of the so-called Con federate btates, yet time has brought this iorth. Ihe trial ot Jefferson Davis is to take place in Mav. while tli trial nf An drew Johnson takes place now, and it is ten y one, mat the trial of Johnson will so drag on, as to force a postponment of the trial of Davis, fnr PWf .Tcf preside at both. So Tuen?- The two extracts given below are contained in the same article, in last week's Republican : "A constitutional pre- j "This question of re- rorative . . . which has moral from office has not been called in ques tion for eighty years.1' been discussed and ad judicated before," Now you sec the little joker, and now you don't see ik On which do you bet? Eepnblican State Convention. The Union Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, for the nomination of can didates for Auditor and Surveyor General, the formation of an electoral ticket, and the choice of delegates to the Chicago con vention, met in Philadelphia on March 11th IjsGS, in the Academy of Music. kCol. Frank Jokdox, chairman of the State committee, called the convention to order, and made a brief address, which was received with great applause. Col. William B. Manx, of Philadelphia, was elected temporary chairman, who, up on being conducted to the chair, delivered an eloquent speech. Win. R. Leeds, of Philadelphia ; A. G. Henry, of Armstrong : A. K. Stouffer, of Berks; Col. W. C. Gray, of Delaware; and W. S. Moore, of Washington, were chosen Temporary Secretaries. The roll of delegates was then called, and the usual committees bn organization and resolutions appointed. The committee on permanent organiza tion submitted the following report ; President. Gen. Lemuel Todd, of Cum berland. Vice Presidents. Gen. C. II. T. Collis, Chas. M. Carpenter, Henry Buinin. W. J. P. White, Gen. Wm. Minfzer, Chas. K. MtfDonaldJIenry J. Darlington, E. Grimm, John G. Kauffman, Gen. H. L. Cake,Hon. John Strouse, Wm. J. Turrell, Major Ack erly, Dr. Levy Rook, Col. S. Knorr, S. T. Barr, Jacob G. Peters, Captain Charles Den ues, Isaac Frazer, A. J. Cover, Mnjor D. Wachabausrh, Gen. James A. Beaver, M. S. Lvtlc, 0. D. Robert. R. J. Reid, Gen. J. H. Wells, Joseph W.Aller, Joseph A. Cutler, John C. Boyle, James T. Mc Junken, Geo. K.-Anderson, D. V. Derick son, A. J. Acker, John L. Dale, J. B. Niles. Secretaries. Capt. B. W. Morgan. J. II. Sturdcvant.Wm. R. Leeds, A. G. Hen ry, A. K. Stauffer.Col. Wm. C. Gray, Win. G. Moore. Upon taking the chair, Mr. Todd -addressed the convention at some length upon the stare of the country, the duties of the hour, and advised a spirit of harmony in the convention. II. B. Swoope, Esq., rose and said : Mr. President, in deference to that sin gular unanimity which has been manifested not only in this convention, but all over the" State, i move you, sir, that the representa tives of the people of the State now assem Uled in this convention declare it to be the will of the Republican party of Pennsylva nia that Ulysses S. Grant and Andrew G. Curtiu be the candidates respectively for President and Vice I resident of the United States. tLong continued applause, in which the spectators in the Academy joined heartily. Hereupon followed an extended 'discus sion, when finally the question waa divided, i and upon the vote being taken on the first division, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant was declar ed, by acclamation, the choice of the Repub lican party of Pennsylvania for President of the United States. The second part of the resolution, in ref erence to the candidate for Vice President, being now in'order, an amendment was of fered, granting the delegates the privilege of voting for the man of their choice, and, up on the roll being called, the vote resulted as follows: Andrew G. Curtin, 10'J votes : Benj. F. Wade, 'J2 votes: E-lwin M. Stanton, 1 vote. Andrew G. Curtin was therefore declared to be the choice of the Republican party of Pennsylvania for Vice President of the li nked States. A motion was then mada to appoint a committee often to report names of persons for electors at larsje, and delegates at .large to the National Convention, whereupon the chair appointed tile following : II. B. Swoope, Wm. B. Mann, C. II. T. Collis, L. L. Cake, II. D. Max well, J. A. Beaver, John 11. Wells, M. S. Lytic, A. K. McClure. Al ter some time the committee made the foil' wine report : Electors at I trgc. G. Morrison Coates, ot rluladclphia, ana 1 nomas M. .Marshall, of Pittsburg. Delegates at Ijargc. Col. John W. For ney, ot Philadelphia ; James H. Orne, of Jt'uuadeiplua ; Inos. ft. Uocnran, ot lork; Gen. Harry Y hue, ot Indiana ; E. Reed Meyer, of Bradford ; J. V . Blanehard. of Lawrence ; Linn B irtholomew, of Schuyl kill ; Gen. Wm. Lilly, of Carbon. The report was adopted. The committee on resolutions shortly af ter appeared and submitted through the chairman, Hon. Thos. E. Cochran, the fol lowing RESOLUTION'S : Rejoiced, That the great Republicnn par ty of America v.ithout which the rebellion against the Government would have eon summated the division of the Union and perpetuated human slavery with the aid. comfort, and full abproval of the present Democratic party is in the fore-front of an other peril nd another trial. Electing its candidate tor President in IbfiO, and re-electing him in 1864. it is now called upon to de cide whether all the sacrifices of blood ami treasure have not only been in vain but were simply contributions for the restoration of treason under the influence of a man who, clothed in the c jnfidence of his country, is prevented from overthrowing the Govern ment solely by the wise and patriotic stand taken by a loyal Congress. Resolved, That we add our voice to the loud acclaim in favor of Ulysses S. Grant as the Republican candidate for President of the United States; and in so doing we feel that we are not simply responding to the wishes of our constituenta.or helping to pay a portion of the debt we owe to that great soldier, but hat we are preparing the way for that substantial triumph which, while perpetuating the Republican party, pre serves and perpetuates the Republican creed. Resnlced, That no contrast so eloquent J could be presented as that between the loud professions of Andrew Johnson, and the si lent patriotism of Ulyses S. Grant ; that as the one deals in promises to deceive, the oth er deals in acts that convince ; and that while Johnson hss tallen rapidly away from his many voluntary covenants. Grant has asserted equal justice and Radical republi canism, as a part alike of cou.-cienee and of duty.- Resolved, That by the election of General Grant to the Presilency, all domestic dis sension and factious opposition to the com plete rec-instruction of the Union on the firm foundations laid by the wise and judi cious legislation of Congress will be imme diately suppressed and harmony and pood feeling restored settled relations of busi ness established, and the revivift and im provement of all the disturbed sources of national wealth and prosperity will be se cured, when it i once made manifest that the people of this country are .firmly fixed in the determination that the fruits of the late bloody and obstinate struggle shall not be lost, and that the factious and rebellious resistance to the laws shall be as effectually overthrown as was. the military hostility which attempted to subvert the Govern ment by savaee cruelry.rapine, and murder. Resoh:el, That to the Congress of the United Stntes is emminently due the trib ute of praise and gratitude for the benefi cent measures which it has adopted ' to re c instruct the States lately in rebellion, and to check Executive usurpation by nltimate Iv putting the President on trial by the High Court of Impeachment provided by the Constitution. Resolved, .That we earnestly call upon the Senate of the United States, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, to proceed without fear, favor, or affection, and that the people of Pennsylvania will stand by and maintain the just judgment of the laws. Ri'solccd,'ih-dt we tender our most cordial thanks ti the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton for the firmness, courage, and patriotism with whicli he has maintained the majesty of the law and the rights of the people against the attempted invasions of'a faithless Executive and his purchased instruments. Jlesolcal, That as experience is alike the bet instructor of men and nations, so the experience of the rebellion has given us re newed confidence in the pledges and pros pects cf the I et;laration of independence, and that witli these as our guiding star the Republican party must always succeed. Remlced, That the soldiers and sailors of the Union, who fought and conquered arm ed rebellion dn the field, and stand true to the principles which they vindicated and the flag which floated over them and le I them to victory, are entitled to the undying grat itude ofall loyal people ; and as they saved the country by their toils, sufferings, and sacrifices, they have incontestible claims to the highest honors of the nation. Rfjsidcetl, That the public debt, incurred for the purpose of preserving the existence of the nation, is a sacred obligation,binding the people to its payment in the utmost good faith, and to the full extent ot its legal requirements; and that the greatest pru dence, judgement, and skill are requisite, and should, as far as attainab e, be employ ed at once io maintain the public faith and credit,nd render the burden, of which no loyal citizen should complain, as light as practicable upon the productive industry of the country and the wages and proceeds of labor. Resolved, That it is the dictate of the soundest policy, as well as of the greatest wisdom, that the domestic industry of the country should be sustained amlprotected against foreign competition by adequate tar iit laws, and that in whatever particulars the existiug laws on the subject arc defect ive, they should be amended and made effi cient for that purpose, as,well as for the purpose, of raisiug of revenue for the Government,- . . Resolved, That ' every American citizen, whether by birth or adoption, is entitled fa the protection of the nation and its flag ; and while it is incumbent on the Govern ment to initiate negotiations for the estab lishment of an international law of expatri ation, recognizing naturalization by one na tion as terminating the allegiance due to an other, and conferring all tights of citizen ship, it is no less its duty to vindicate its people ofall classes from oppression or in terference at home and abroad, when in the legitimate and peaceful exercise of their le gal or personal rights. . Resolved, That the purity of the ballot box should bo carefully guarded as of vital importance to the best interests of thecoun try, and that this Convention deem a just and impartial registry law to be necessary to protect us from the astounding frauds which have heretofore been perpetrated. Jiesolved, That we cordially endorse the administration of State affairs by Governor John W. Geary, in which he has proved himself efficient in the cabinet as in the field, an able and successful statesman" since the war as he was an able and successful soldier during the war, and that he merits the con fidence of the people of Pennsylvania, and we pledge him the continued support of the Republican party of the State. Reolced,'EhaLt in Gen. John F. Hartranft and Col. Jacob M. Campbell,our nominees for re-election to the important State offices of Auditor General and Surveyor General, Aye recognize brave soldiers who led and shared with our gallant 'kBoys in Blue" in the san guinary strife against rebels in arms and who have-since proved themselves to be compe tent, faithful and upright officers in time of pc:ice ; and we confidently commend them to the suffrages of a people who have not forgotten to be grateful to the defenders of the life of the nation, and who love" to honor those who exposed themselves in toil and trial, in camp and bivouac, on the weary march and the imminent frontof battle.that the people mignc oe sate, and the country free and united. Resolved, That Pennsylvania proudly ten ders to the loyal people of the Union Andrew G. Curtin, her great war Governor, the sol dier's lriend and the chivalrous imoersona- tion of the patriotic spirit of her people, as a candidate for Vice President of the Uni ted States, and solemnly pledges her faith, to maintain his nomination, with that of the illustrious Grant, by the suffrages of an overwhelming majority of her freemen at the nous. Ihat liov. Curtin s untirinsr ef forts to sustain the General Government at every crisis of the sanguinary straggle ;' his sagacity in providing a force in the gallant corps of Pennsylvania Reserves, which avert ed the consequences ot the prime great dis aster, and gained the first victory of the war ; his enectuai exertions which placed more than three hundred thousand of the sons of Pennsylvania in the field to defend the nation's life and crush the poisoned ser pent of treason, ami his constant care for the comfort, relief and protection of the sol diers in the field, their families at" home.and the widows and orphans of those who gave their lives a sacrifice for their country, have made him the favorite of his native State, and must commend him to the love and ad miration of the loyal people of the whole land. . - . The above resolutions were promptly and unanimously adopted by the convention. The committee also reported the follow ing resolution : Resolved, That the delegates from Penn sylvania to the National Republican Con vention, tokbe held in the city of Chicago in the ensuing month.of May, be, and they are hereby, instructed to cast their vote as a unit, through their chairman, in favor of Ulysses S. Grant for President, ami Andrew G. Curtin for Vice President, they being the distinctly-declared choice of the people in this State for those positious, and that the right of substituting for absent delegates shall rest solely with the delegates from the State. This resolution led to a lengthy debate, as a number of the members of the convention were opposeH to instructing the delegates to the National convention. After a full dis cussion the resolution M adopted by yeas 89, nays 40. -" Col. A. K. M'Clure then offered the fol lowing resolution : That a committee of one from each Con gressional district be appointed by the chair to report for the approval of this convention delegates to the Republican National Con vention and electors for the State ; and that said committee be instructed to accept dis trict delegates already chosen by action of the district, who will, in good faith, and by their cordial, earnest effort, carry out the instructions of the Republican people of Pennsylvania in Chicago, as expressed so overwhelmingly by the convention. This gave rise to a prolonged and excited discussion, participated in by Juo. S. Mann, ot Potter, Russel Erret, of Allegheny, W. S. Purviance, II. B. Swoope, Col. M'Clure and others. ,. . - The remarks of II. B. Swoope, Esq., are reported as follows : II. Bucher Swoope, Esq., ridiculed the idea that the State Central Commit tee eould delegate pover to a State Convention com posed of the iinmo-liate representatives of the people. The State Central Committee was but the creature of the convention. He believed that nine-tenths of the delegates had been instructed to vote for certain can didates for President and Vice President. How were they to carry out ther instruc tions? Heretofore the vote of Pennsylva nia had not been cast as a unit in National Conventions, and this State had been the laughing stock of other States in conse queuee. It was time that the representa tives of" the Republican party should take the matter in hand and determine upon such a course of action as would insure a repre sentation of the true wishes of the people, and in such a manner as to make their de mands effectual. Hero were more than a hundred delegates demanding that Grant and Curtin sho dd be the nominees for the highest offices within the gift ot'the people, and the speaker urged his hearers to make their demand in such a manner that they would be heard and their puroses accom plished. , . The resolution was then adopted by a vote of 85 yeas to 47 nays, whereupon the Com mit lee was appointed and reported the ?fol lowing electors for the several Congressional Districts : 1 Wm. II. Karnes. 2 Wm J. Pollock. 3 Richard Wildey, 4 George W. Hill. 5 Watson P. M'tiill, 6 .Tohn II. Linghurst. 7 Prank Hooter, 8 Isaae Eckert, 9 Morris Iloopes. 10 David M. Hank, 1 1 Wm. Davis. 12 WinthropW.Ketchum 13 Samuel Snow, 14 B. F. Wagnnseller, 15 Chas. II. MuiJer. 1ft George W. Elser, 17 John Stewart. 18 A G.OImstead, 19 James bill. 20 Henry Q. Johnson, 21 J. K. Ewing, 22 Wm. Trew. 23 A. M. Crawford, 21 J S. Rutan. They also reported a full delegation to the Chicago convention. The delegates from the VJth district are Hon. Henry Souther, of Elk; and Gen. Harrison Allen, of War ren. Alternates, Capt. A. B. M'Clain and L. T. Moore. Mr. Blanchard, of Centre, offered the following resolution : . . That the Chairman of the State Central Committee for the coming can paign be se lected by the president of this convention. and the members of said committee shall consist ot one from each county except Phil adelphia, which shall have sixteen; Alle gheny, Lancaster and Berks, each two mem bers, who shall be selected by the president of the convention from names recommended and nominated by the delegates. The resolution was adopted, and after re turning thanks, on motion of Mr. Swoope, to the National Union Club, The Union League, and the Republicans of Philadel phia for their hospitality and kindness, and the excellent and unexceptionable arrange ments made for their meetings and , enter tainment, the convention adjourned. Advertisements set iiptnlarge typ,or out of plain tttyle, will be charged double usual rates. No cuts. W ANTEDa girl to do general housework. For particulars apply at the Journal office. ft TEAM SAW MILL. For sale, an ex- cellent Steam Saw Mill, with stationary engine of Twenty horse power, with Lath Mill and all theneeessary fixtures lor making lumber. All in good repair. For further information ad dr;f a J0I1NSTOX AIOOHE, Mr.I8, 63-ot. Ebensburg. Cambria oo.. Pa. ! LIME ! !T.i H..j. wing more aounuant in thi county than is generally supposed.a man of twen ty years experience in the business proposes to open quarries and burn lime for farmers, and all others who may desire his services, on reasonable terms. He will engage to produce a pood quali ty of lime, both for building purposes and for fertilising. For further particulars inquire at the Jopbka', office. March 11, ISoS-lt. RAFTMEN oan get all size raft rope, rafting augers, raiting axes, with steel poles, at March 1. J. p. KRATZEU'S. niialtfvT I .... . , i . - T LEATHERS a lot of prime feathers just re - a b J. P. KltATZER S. ILOCR AND FEED extra family flour, buck wheat flour, corn meal, rve chop, mixed feed and grain, at J p. KRATZEU S. -VTEW GOODS A full stock of stsple dry L goods, new and desirable dress gods. liht prints, cloths and casstmeres, now openinet f .. l. t T T " I . r . . . . March 4. J. P. KRATZER S. 1 PROVISIONS sugar eured hams, clear sides shoulders, rib side, ham sausage, dried beef' iness pork, mackerel, cod 6,-b, lake hrriDg, white fish, cheese, dried apples, dried peachej, dried cherries, prunes, enrrants, pitted cherries, dried corn, hominy .canned fruit, prererves, pickles ie March 4. ' at J. P. KRATZER'S Q UllVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor lie may be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged; 8r addressed bv lecter at Clearfield, Penu'a. March 6th. 18fi7.-tf. J 4MES MITCHELL mllE OLD ESTABLISHED JL T T DrPITlDTiJAV FIRM, 126 Market Street, Philadelphia. are ths largest Manufacturing Confectioners and Wholesale Deal ers in Fruits, Nuts, ic , in the United States March4,lS67-ly. SHOE FINDINGS sole leather, french calf skins, kip. upper leather, morocco, linings bindings, galloon, shoe thread, boot web. shoe' knives, round-head tacks, shoe naila naa eyelets, shoe hammers, punches, pincers, shoe rasps, awl haft), wax. lasting tacks, evelet ma chines, gum tragacanth, heel ball, bristles, steel oaus, always on nana ai J. r. KAliEK'S. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters of Administration on the estate of S. N. Spencer. late of Lumber City borough .Clear field county. 1'a. .dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to s.iid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them, properly authenticated, for settle ment. 11. W. SPENCER. March II, lSR8-6tp. Adoi'r. r)ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between Archie Montgomery and Daniel Hartsoek, in the Mercantile business, in Curwem ville, was dissolved by mutual consent, on Janu ary lfith , 16G3. The books and papers are in the bands of Mr. Hartsoek. Persons having claims against the firm will present them for adjustment, and those indebted are requested to call and set tle without delay. Feb.12,'63. MONTGOMERY & HARTSOCK. TMPORTANT. Farmers, Look to Your -1- Interests. Save Money when you can. Corn ! Corn ! ! Corn ! ! ! THE GREATEST 1MPK0 EMENTOFTHE DAY. Call and see Fiegal A Ganoe's great labor sav ing and most perfect and even Con Planter an entire new machino just patented. With this planter one person can do as mnch work as two on the old plan, save corn and plant much more accurately. Can be regulated according to your desire. Agents are employed to distribute and sell the niiehines. , FLEGAL GANOE. Philipsburg. February 19, 1SS. AUCTION! AUCTION ! ! II. W. SMITH will ell his entire stock of Dry Goods, at auction; com mencing on March IGth. Tune of sale from 1 2 M. to 2 p. M., and everv evening1. Storekeepers will find it ad vantagemts to attend as many jroodn, in pieces, will be sold. Ladies goods and fancy articles generally at liijrlit- Q LO THING! CLOTHING!! -GOOD AND CHEAP Men, Tonths and Boys can be'uplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RKIZENSTEIS BROS' k CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which hs been given, has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reicnstein Bro's i Co., Sell goods at a very small proDt. foreal; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give ereTy one the worth of his mensy. They treat their customers all alike. . They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock t reducei prices they can sell cheaper tl an others For these and other reasons persons should bay their clothing at REIZENSTEfN BhO'S 4 CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, lb64. A NOT HER BIG "FLOP! wm. r. johnsos. : : : : : : J- Btitrr. Some two months ago it was formally announced that Pennville was -Right side up." Recent events have proven the announcement piematnre. Another "Flop" recently occurred, and chief among the improved, -interesting, and important" phases presented, is the one portray ing TUB SEW, LARGE, AND COMMODIOLS BTOKS UoCSK, of JOHNSON & BAILEY I who have just returned from the Ea wltb., large ana larejully selected stxick of seasonu-" goods of greater vifriety, and of better quality.' than have heretofore been offered ia this section of the county. Call at the New Store Roca. and you will find: Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Queens ware, IIollow- ware, Wood and Stone ware, Drugs, Oil?, Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Ready made Clothing, Clocks, Confectionary, Cheese, Flour, Fish, a.nd Provisions generally. Our stock of Hardware will bear inspection, as it is fall and l the best quality Our stock of Boots and Sbe is-unequalled in quality aad low prices. To the ladies, we would say we intend tonus the Notion and Dress department worthy their patronage Articles not on hand will bespee'" ordered, to suit our customers. The striking feature ia the "Flop," and tne s wonld keep before th people is, m rcJ' LOW PRICES AI WHICH WS ARB SELLING. la'Pur lie are invited to give us a call. Bring on yoar Produce, your Boards. Shineles, Grain, Pors, Butter. Eggs, Dried Apples, Rags. Ae. Onr motto. 'Chbapest k Bbs. JOHNriON k BAILti. Pennvine, Agst 28, 1S67. "OUSS ST. DOIMNGO, Hubball's, Hooffaaa I . . Tk.. v.. mnA ir.t..r'a A 6reen s Oxygenated Bitters, and pore liqnorefH kiad lor medical parpoee, lor sale oy - Jan. io. liAnrsn itasi""'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers