u u BY s. x now. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1867. VOL 13.-NO. 48. LOST 8HEEP. ' How many sheep are straying, Lost front the Saviour's told ; Upon the lonely mountain They shiver with the cold ; Within the tangled thickets, : Where poison vines do creep, And orer rocky ledges Wander the poor lost sheep. ; Oh, who will gd to find thenai ? Who, for the Saviour's sake, . Will search with tireless patienee Through briar and through brake? Unheeding thirst and hunger, Who still from day to day, ' Will seek as for a treasure The sheep that go astray ? Say, will you seek to find them ? From pleasant bowers of ease, Will you go forth determined ' ' To find the ' least of these ?" Fer still the Sariour calls them, And looks across the world; And still he holds wide open :' -The door onto his. told. : . How sweet 'twould be at, evening, ' ' If you and I eould say, .. -''Good Shepherd, we've been seeling , The sheep that went astrayl lieart-soreand faint with hunger; We beard them making. inoatj ; . Audio! we come at night-fall,' : Bearing them safely home." - Wis Do Fade as a Leaf. A3 the trials of life thicken and the dreams of other days fade, one by one, in the deep vista of disap pointed hope, the heart grows weary of the struggle and we begin to realize our insig- nificance. J hose who have climbed to the pinnacle of fame, or revel in luxury and wealth, go to the graveathtst with the poor mendicant who begs pennies by the wayside ana lite mm are soon forgotten. Genera tion after generation, says aneloqueut mod ern writer, have felt as we feel, and their iellows were as active in life as ours are now. They passed away as vapor, . while nature wore the same aspect of beauty as when her Creator commanded her to be. t I 11 1 tl . 1 m -vim so nsewise snail it be when we are gone. The heavens will be as bright over our graves as they are now around our path ; tho world will have the attraction for offspring yet unborn that she had once for 1 1.,., - tmrsvuves, ant mat 6iie has now lor our children..' letahttle while, and all this will have happened ! Days will continue, to move on, and laughter and soar will be, r.eara in the very chamber in which we died : and the eye that mourned for us will Le dried and will glisten with joy : and even our cmidrcn win cease to think or us, and will not remember to lisp our name. Hospitality Among Lions. "I have been assured," says Chenierin his "Present itate of Morocco' "that a Brebe who went out to hunt the lion, having proceeded far into a forest, happened to meet with two lion s whelps that came to caress him. The hunter stopped with the little animals, and, waiting for the coming of the sire or the daui, took out his breakfast and cave them a part. The lioness arrived un perceived by tne huntsman-, so that he had not time, or perhaps wanted the courage, to take his gun. After having for some time looked at the nian who was thus feasting her young, the lioness went away, and soon after return ed, bearint a sheep, which she laid at the uuuwiuau sieeu iuu ueix me one 01 ine family, took this occasion of making a good meal, skinned the sheep, made a fire and roasted a part, giving the entrails to the young. The lion came also, and, as if re specting the rights of hospitality, showed no tokens of '' ferocity: Their guest the nut dayr having finished his provisions, re turned, and came to the resolution never more to kill those animals, the noble gene rosity of which he had so fully proved. lie caressed the whelps at taking leave of them and the dam and sire accompanied him till he was safely out of .the forest." : A Hat Hunt. A correspondent writes to the Agricultural Department, from Ver million county Illinois, "That the farmers' Club of El wood township, Tecently resolved upon a general rat hunt.. The members ere divided into two parties, with the cap tains, who also divided the territory of the county. At the termination of the hunt, the number of tails counted reached 4,671, wd the total number killed Was 7,400. The rartitipants, with their "wives numbering in all about two hundred took dinner at the expense of the party, killing, the smallest number." The corrfispondent adds: The damage that would have been done by these rats in one year, allowing an ear of corn per jy to each rat would amount to over ,500 for corn alone; and it is reasonable 10 suppose that this sum would be doubled; re we to include all other damages. Divi '" the amount among the persons taking lrt w the hunt, it would pay all their tax & and leave a surplus sufficient to repair dis trict school houses and" furnish large bells or he same. Let other communities try a TO hunt, and the? will have fine sport, sure remuneration, and unmolested sleep at flight-" .. ; ; .. . ,; ,. "MrBor DRUxtf.' "Drunk ! my boy wank !" and tears started to the mother's Jes, and she bent her head in unutterable SOrKw. In that moment the visions of a "seful and honorable eareer were destroyed, ! one of worthleflsnes; if not absolute honor presented itself. Well did she now that intemperance walks hand in hand ith poverty, shame, and death, aud her "other g heart was pierced as with a sharp Pointed steel. Ah ! young man, if the holy -teoiing 0f jove fQT jjer wjj0 bore you not within you, shun that which gives her Patn--adhere to that which gives her joy. Y "he is with her Father in Heaven, shun l"t course of life, which shuts the gates of javen against youand debars you from ciety forever. - Tho -drunkard ; can, n"er inherit the kingdom of G0d, - ) .. Chained to a Corpse. The speech of Mr. fl rnss. A1Jtnr "of tliA Democratic German paper, the Staats Zei tuhff, delivered in the Convention at Albany was not only an admirable statement of the VivVi3 oi uiaimoou euurage, out it was an illustration of skilful tiartv tactics. It si n i liner ia t t An ir , i I a. took exactly the position - which the Demo cratic party as a sagacious organization snouia nave taken at the end of the war, I he logic is simple. Slavery, upon which as a special issue, parties rested, being gone! iue true poucy was to abandon all the ol prejudices and measures founded unnn it. and to accept the situation. With the fall of slavery, and in the situation of the coun -. -1 i . .i . , i j. n was eviusnc mat tne colored man would be politically an eaual citizen. Sla very being gone there wa3 no reason for in sisting upon keeping him disfranchised, and could the managers of the Democratic party nave oeen sagacious enough to perceive it, there w a chance of restoring tie old party under a new name. As it is, the Democratic nartv is an organ ization of opposition upon a principle which wnouy reverses the course of reconstruction, repudiates the theory of the war, and leaves every great national question unsettled. I he Democratic) policy is to treat the States exactly as it nothing had hannened but riot ; it has been suppressed, and that is the euu oi it. noinmff more puerile can be con ceived than such a view of the situation. It is a statesmanship which omils all the facts. It is a folly - which finds no si?nifi ca".ce in the terrible words spoken to a king : "Sire, it is a revolution " And until the mind of the country is utterlv confused no such party can hope for restoration to pow er, except by some chance of an alliance with a vote at the South unfriendly to the uovernment arid the Union. So long as this is the course of the Dem- ocratic party, so long as its organs sneer at loyalty and applaud treason bv inuemin. so lone as men who honestly cave time, money. personal service, ana uncouirtrumi.smp devo 1 , . tion to the country during the war perceive in those papers, with distaste and dissmst. the sympathy with the utterlv un-American spirit which has so long ruled the society of me oouin, just so long they will suspect ana spurn the JJemociatic party.. .Every where, as in the New York Convention, it appeals and panders to a hostility of 1 ace which can lead to nothing but evil when the subjected it arc equal citizens. Even Dem-. ocrats ot character and position serve an imaginary public which demands the sacri fice ot liberty or justice : or, knowing their constituents, they stultify themselves bv yielding to an ignoble prejudice. Could they once cast this kind of subserviency aside we could hope tor a sudden restoration ot uuiversal prosperity. As it is, however, the better men are in fear of the worst. The demagogues, who have no object but personal advantage at nil hazards, would instantly expose to the in dignation of ignorance a man who took high ground and soutrht to plant the party unon it. And from this springs one of the chief perils of our politics. J? or when the intelli gent and catholic consciously defer to the dictation of the ignorant and passionate the uovernment becomes essentially base in it self and humiliating to everv honorable cit izen. Nothing is more certain than the in timate relation between morals and politics. As the sense of a moral law dies out of the mind of legislators the State approaches an archy. Yet, if legislation is to be dictated by the worst part of the population and by the worst feelings, how long can we hope that morality Will linger in politics f Now, there is this essential difference be tween the two great parties in this country, tne one has the inspiration ot the moral sen timent and the other has not. We do not mean that all Republicans are good men. or all Democrats bad men : but we do mean, as we have said before, that the tendency ot the Itepublican party is to lift its worst members up to its best principles, while that ot the Democratic party is to drag Us best men aown to a wretched policy. inia is unavoidable, but it is undeniable. Thus the I emocratic policy for a generation may have been interpreted by its wisest and sin cerest men as merely State-rights, while the Democratic rallying-crv has been. ' 'Down with the nigger !" On the other hand, the reproach incessantly urged against the Re publican party Dy the most acrimoniou, Democratic journals, is that it was really led by the extreme radicals. Uut surely, even it this should lead to the cry of "Up with the nigger ! which is the more inviting of the. two cries to an intelligent and generous man ? Is society, in this country, likely to be more benefitted by a feeling and a policy that degrade or that elevate any class in the community 1 So long as the Democratic party cling to the old issues they are chained to a corpse, and they have no secret charm to make the dry bones live. Harper's Weekly. Peculiarity of Scottish Idiom. There is a well known case of mystification, caused to English ears by the use of Scottish terms, which took place in the house of Peers dur ing the examination of the magistrates of Edinburg,touching the particlars of the Porteous Mob in 1736.. The Duke of New castle having asked the Provost with what kind of shot the town-guard, commanded by Porteous, had loaded their muskets,received the unexpetfed.njpry- ''Ou, juist sic as ane shut duks and siclike fook wL ' '.-This was con sidered as a contempt of the House of Lords, and the poor-Provost would have suffered from misconception of his patois, had not the Duke of Argyle (who must have been ex ceedingly amused,) explained that the wor thy chief magistrate's expression, when ren dered into English,' meant to describe the shot used for duck and water fowl. ' The circumstance is referred to by Sir Walter Scott, in the notes pf the Heart of Mid-Lo-thiart. :; .1 i Thrilling Encounter with Black Snakes. Prof. J. Mitchell, the celebrated "South Mountain ' Wizard," says the Boonsboro (Md.) Odd Fellow, while out eunniner re- ; cently, had a most thrilling adventure with a aen ot Dlaclc snakes, known as "racers. ' . - . it urn wnicn ne narrowly escaped with his lite. As is his habit, the Professor had ta ken his lavorite carbine" and cone into the mountain after squirrels. The best part of me, iorenoon had been spent in beating inrougn the brush and over the rocks with out meeting with any adventure, and but ordinary success in procuring game. Sud denly, however, he came to a ledge of rocks, about a mile from the South Mountain House. Estopping a moment to take a sur vcy of the surroundings, he saw. a large black snake stretched out on a rock sunning himself. . lie at once took up a couple of stones and threw one at his snakeship, but unionunaieiy niissea mm. a his aroused the snake, and in an instant he uncoiled himself, and stood with his head erect, as if inuignani at tins intrusion, and at the same time he gave loud, shrill hiss, or rather a whistle, The Professor delivered his sec ond stone with such precision as to mortally wound his enemy. No sooner, however, had he thrown the stone than he heard a rustling among the brush to his left, and another whistle louder and shriller than the firsts Turning his eve in the direction from whence came the noise, he saw a monstrous black snake (a racer) coming directly to wards him, with head erected about five feet from the ground, and his forked tongue darting from his distended jaws as if bent on fight . The Professor, who is an acknowledged crack shot, immediately raised his carbine, fared, and had the proud satisfaction of see ing the monster snake roll over in the ago nies of death having his head split ooen with the ball. This proved but the com mencement of the battle : before the Pro fessor had time to congratulate himself upon his success in vanquishing two of his foes, a third one, measuring about eleven feet in length, and thick in proportion, had ap- Sroached to within a few feet, of him, his ead erect, hissing and darting his tongue out in a manner to appal the stoutest heart. To retreat was out of the question, a fight was the only alternative, and quick as thought he leveled his carbine at the snake's ' bead, but, unfortunately, missed .lt at; ther ooiiiB uiuo uiuiiuiiiK 111a caruiiit; . uiiuii lilt; ground. With the rapidity of lightning the black snake attacked the Professor, and commenced winding his slimy coils around bis -legs and body, tighter and - tighter at every coil of his loathesome form, until the Professor was unable to move a foot. His efforts to extricate himself from the "ciils of death" as they seemed to be were unavailing, for with every effort the folds lightened, and the work of respiration became difficult. Death and the snake stared him in the face, and made cold chills of horror and agony creep over his body. t was a fearful moment a moment of the most intense horror and agony, that made the flesh creep, the bluod chill, and the hair literally "stand on end, like nuills upon a fretful porcupine." Nothing but his great fresence of mind saved him from strangu ation and a loathesomo death, llcoollect ing that his hunting knife hung by his side, he seized it, and with his nerves braced by despair, drew it across the body of the snake, severing. it at a stroke. The coils relaxed, the snake dropped at his feet, and the Pro fessor was free again. liy this time he heard a great rustling in the bushes, and the dry bark crackling in every direction, accompanied by loud, shrill, angry hisses aud whistling, as if the whole surrounding woods were filled with snakes. Deeming discretion the better part of valor, he hastily grabbed up his carbine, girthed his hunting knife, and beat a precipitate re treat. The Professor was pursued by the black snakes for some distance, but being in a hurry he had no time to look back and count the numbers. He says that had they come one at a time he would not have re treated, but to attack him by companies, brigades and divisions, was enough to fright en any man. Two Sundays Every Week. The United States ot America always was "the greatest nation in creation," as every body who has listened to a Fourth of J uly oration, well knows. But since our annexa tion of the Russian possessions, we've taken one step ahead. Other, and less happy, great and powerful nations have their pecu liar points of which to boast' England brags that the sun never sets on her flag ; France that her eagles have flown in every capital of Europe. But the United States can now boast of the most wonderful fact of all a fact that no other nation can ever approach, and may not hope to rival. We have now in this happy Republic, two Sundays every week, as now may be seen by the follow ing extract from Mr. Sumner's pamphlet of our hew Russian purchase : 'As the settle ment of this coast caine eastward from Rus sia,, bringing -with the Russia flag western time, the day i9 earlier by twenty-fours with them than with us, so that their Sunday is our Saturday, and the other days of the week are in corresponding discord. This must be rectified according to the national meridian, so that there shall be the same Sunday for all, and the other days of the week shall be iircorresponding harmony. Singular Test. There is a curious or deal in India, which shows the action of fear upon the salivary gland. If a wrong is committed the suspected persons are got together, and each is required to keep.a quanity of rice in his mouth for a certain time, and then put it out again; and, with the greatest certainty,' the man who had done the deeds puts it out almost dry, m consequence of the fear of his mind keeping back the saliva. ; , A Literary Curiosity. Two terribly tired travelers toiled through giea thickets, thickly thorned, toward the xuupurn turnpike telling touching tales the oreticallv told, tn th BCiteS CnOrOllChlV thonraliml tOKhnmna 1 wv V U M W UVMggMV IUVUI Therefore, the throng that threw themselves inicKening thitherward thought them Thcs ,a,a Tl 1-1.1 . t . . , xiiraso-iiKe tuey tnundered thrason ntuiy meir thnttless threnodies. Thirsty 1 ."PPted together. Their instability wiu mem tolerably tolerant. Their tortu osiry, too, transfigured the Tahtans timor ously. Their tiaras, that Tiffany toilfully u-uuuieu iui tne topaz trembled therein, took the throng. The tokay that they took trying ine tavern table, told terribly tint ing, tingling, troubling their ihrmirhto tl their tiutinnabulary tones tortured the tired townsmen;they theieupon thrashed the tipsy lyruman tyros through the town., They tit tered thereat, therefore thereupon the torn tits twittered iouchmclv. transnnrtinw there by the thoughtless throng to that transitory tranquility that thoroughly transcends the lerriUC trance. lWO rrashv rranners rnir- gingtwo terrible trydacticle tigers, took three triennial tulips to the theologic teachers mere, telling thorn that theorems Hheoreti cally treated tended toward tirinir tho Inn uioughtlul tbeoligans ; that, therefore, the ology theticallv tinctured thnroiifhlr throt tled the thin thesis that theophany throws theurgy to the thoughtless. Their tedious tnning teased the teachers terribly, though men lueuneu isseu ineir ineositv tnronpn uui, inereiore the turnkey took the two to A fl ( ., . the trap. lhe tailor triiumed them taste fully, their testimony taken tachieranhieallv. laborer tabooed them, till their taciturnitv turned to the tallest talking. These trying things turned their tantrums to thoughtful tatneness. A he tigers thereupon took to the thickets, the trappers to the tollgate. Tar dily they tendered the tax; tartly throwing tne testy taxer the two tens, they tawdrily took to their travels. The Th?s mans far. nedto tell the truth their tendencies ten dering their tickets to tempt the town. The tagrag thronged the taphouse talking theat ncauy. ine tavern thronged, the town tattlers told tautological tales, ten times ten- sible, tense, terse, thickly tinged, titilatiug. tujsued to tickle the though tless. The thea tre took "The Tempters Toils" threw the 1 ncaire-tenamg town to transcendents ism The town-clerk, town-crier, townsman, town tinman, townrtinker, town-tailor town-turn key, totM, turned theatrically topsy-turvey, Here We Comr There was a wedding in a church in a village near Chicago, re cently, which was attended by a crowd of people, the bride being a famous belle in the section, and the bridegroom a late offi cer. There is a story about him that was revived with great effect at the wedding. He was in the western frontier service, and one day (so the story goes) he went out to hunt a bear. He had been away from camp a few hours, when his voice was heard faint ly in the distance, exclaiming : "U-e-r-e toe come!" In a little time the same cry was heard agaih, but nearer ; then it was repeated at intervals, hearer and londer ; then finally the bold captain emerged from a bit of woods near the camp, running at the top of his speed, without a coat, hat or gun. In he came to the camp, shouting : "Here we come." "Here who comes ?'A inquired a brother officer. "Why ine and the game," gasped the officer, pointing to a big bear who showed himself at the edge of the woods, took, a look at the camp, and then, with a growl at missing his expected meal off the captain, disappeared in the woods again. "But why didn't you shoot the bear, and then bring him in?" inquired one. "What's the use in shooting your game, " said the captain, testily, "when you can bring it in alive, as I did ?" The story got home before the captain did and was in everybody's mouth. The other night, as the bold captain led his intended bride into the church with pride and grace so readily inspired by the occasion, some wicked wag sang out from the gallery : e-r-e we come Which was followed by such a shout of laughter as theold church never knew before. Tiie Dutchman's "Bony." "Chon you recklemember dat little black bony I pyed mit the bidler next week?" "Yah, votofhim?" "Nothings,only I gitesheated burty bad. "So?" , t 1- "Yah. You see in the vust place he lsb plint mit bote legs, and fery lanie mit von eye. Den ven you gits upon him to rite he rares up pehint unt kicks up pefore so yer- ser as a chackmule. I dinks I dake him a liddle rite vesterday, unt no sooner I gets straddle his pack he gommence dat vay, churst so like a vakin peam on a poatstream ; unt ven he gits tone, I vas so mixed up mide eferydinks, I v'mts mineself zitten around packwards, mit his dail in mine hantsvor de bridle." "Veil, vot you going to do mit him? "Oh, I vixed him petter as sham up. I hitch him in te cart mit his dail vere his head aught to be; den I gife him about a dozen cuts mit a hidecow ? he starts to ro, put so soon he sees te cart pefore him, he makes packwards. Den I takes' him out, hitch him de rite vay, unt he goes rite off shust so good as anypody's bony." Archbishop Whatelyonce puzzled a num ber of clever men in whose company he was by asking them this question: 'Hoj' " j that white sheep eat more than black ? Some were not aware of the curious fact; others set to work and tried to give learned and long reasons ; but all were anxious to know the real cause. After keeping 'them wondering sometime he said: 'The- reason is because there are more of then ' - ... . . What Every Young; Man Should Do. 1. livery young man should make the most of himself, intellectualy, morally, so cially and phvsicallv. 2. He should depend upon his own efforts to accomplish these results. m 3. He should te willing to take advice from those competent to give it, and to fol low such advice, until his own judgment or convictions, properly founded, should others wise airect. - - . 4. If he is unfortunate enough to have a rich and indulgent father, he must do the Miue can uner the circumstances, which win ue 10 conduct niniseit very much as though he had not these obstacles to over come. r TT l 1 ... o. lie snouia rememember that young men, it they live, grow old ; and that the habits of youth are oftener than otherwise perpetuated in mature man. Knowing this 1... -.1 l j w ,? . 11.1, iie Miuuiu govern inmseii accordingly. 6. He should never be disannrftfred b small ocginnings, Put remember that near m v. 1 . . ly all great results have been wrought out from apparently slight causes. 7. He should never, under any circum- stances, De idle, it he cannot fand the em- E toy men t he prefers, let him come as near is desire as possible he will thus reach the object of his ambition. 8. All young men have inalienable rights," among which none is greater or more sacred than the privilege to be someb dy.". . .. Jeff. Davis and the Vermont People. Jeff. Davis visited Stanstead last week. and was the guest of Hon. T. Terrill. Fred. Terrill. Eso... broucht him from Sherbrook, in a very quiet manner, profess edly to see the country and to consult in regard to an investment in the gold mines at llatley. On Ihursday, as we learn from the Newport (Vt.) Express, Mr Terrill, in his best turnout, took Davis about the village to ride, when several incidents trans pired not altogether pleasing to either the host or the guest. N ot only boys Out men hooted at him in the street, and greeted nai with those familiar words. "We'll hane Jeff. Davis to a sour apple tree." He was Irequently asked where he had left his petticoats, and various little remarks more suggestive than pleasing, everywhere fell upon his ear. One lady, stung by the rcuuttecbtou sua aenin ot a near reiufve .M A.ndersonville, gave utterance to her feel ings bv hurlini? a stone at him. Permis sion was asked that Jeff, might ride about the grounds of Lands Fierce, tisq., and take a look at his noted herds, but the re quest was emphatically denied by Mr. IL Pierce,, in charge of the premises who de clared in unmistakable language, " that iu no event would Jeff. Davis be admitted to those grounds." AWflshinfftnn correspondent of the Chris tian Advocate says that the excellent Bishop of the Methodist church, who is now visit ing the Pacific coast,will lose no time in ex ploring the new territory, with reterence to a Christian mission there without delay,aud adds: '"The first postoffioe in Russian A merica was established by the Department this week. It is called 'Sitka,' and John 1. Kinkhead is the Postmaster, lhe mail . . .... 1A matter to 'Sitka will bo sent by vessel ironi San Fran isco. I learn that quite large em igration to the newly acquired land has been commenced." When a counterfeit is presented at the Bank of England, the gold is instantly paid for it. If it comes from some known per son he is only asked where he got it If from a stranger, the cashier signals to his detective, always in waiting, and the officer follows secretly. Before many hours the band is in possession of the stranger's biog raphy. The offender once arrested, is hke- to be tried, convicted, and sentenced, within two days ; wherefore Great Britain is not an luvitmg held tor that branch ot in dustry. . A Wilmingt6n, (Del.) paper relates that Jeremiah Ayres, of the 1st Delaware regi ment, who was a prisoner at Anuersonvme, has been suffering from indisposition for nearly a year, and was seized with vomiting a few days ago, when he threw up a ball as arge as a robin s egg, and on breaking it, found it to consist of corn hulls, which must have collected while he was in the rebel prison pen. He was much relieved after the expulsion of this substance, and his health is now improving. In a school recently a teacher took occa sion to relate an anecdote of the little girl who tried to "overcome evil with good," by giving a new Testament to a boy who had illtreated her. The story was appreci ated, for a few minutes afterwards one boy struck another and being asked the reason said he was "trying to get a lestameut This was a practical bearing altogether un expected. During a recess at a school in Avon, Wis., lad pushed back Harriet Wilson, a girl of fourteen. She tnpped and leii, ner neaa striking heavily on the ground. The por irl gasped but once, and ail was over. he girl had a presentiment 01 her death two or three weeKS peiore tne latai event ocenred, and had. repeatedly spoken on the subject with her parents and others. . . .. 1 ' The book of : the impeachment evidence will contain nearly 1,000 pages, and will be accompanied by two other volumes of equal size, which will be filled with long documents obtained from the files of the different De partments, and other sources, including the reports of the several House committees. Twenty thousand Americans are estima ted to haye crossed tb Atlantic from wst to cast, since February last I IT ALTER BARRETT, Attorney tLw, CIi T field. P. My 13. 1863. MERRELL A BIGLER, Sealers In Hardware and manufacturer of Tin and Sheet-iron tare, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Jnne '66. - HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Cloek Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nor. 16. HBUCHER gWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear . fiold, Pa. Offict in Graham's Row, foordoo I west of Graham A Bo jn ton's store, r Nov. 19. I TEST, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa., wilf . attend promptly to all Leral business entntst- ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining eouri ties. Office on Market street. JuIt 17. 1867. FORCEY k GRAHAM, Dealers In Square acd Sawed Lumber. Dry-Goods. Oneensware. Gro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed. Bacon. Ae.. Ao.. Gra hamton, Clearfield county. Pa. Oct. 10; ' J. P. KRATZER, Dealer In Dry-Goofls. Clothing; Hardware, Qaeenaware Groceries. Provi-. stons.etc.; Market Street, neatly opposite the June, vuun uouse, viearneia, 1'a. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in DrngSj Medicines. Paints. Oils.Stationarv. Perfnmn. ry. Fancy Woods, Notions, etc., etc., Market street; Clearfield. Pa Dec. fi, 1885. (( KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goods, y. Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Groce ries, Provisions, Ac. Front Street, (above the A- cadeioy,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee. 27,1S5. , JOHN OUELICH, Mancfurer of all kinds ot Cabinet-ware, Market street Clearfield. Pa lie also makes to order Coffin, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. THOMAS J. M'CULLOUGn, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa. - Office, east of the "Clearfield o Bank. Deeds and other leeal instruments nr.- iiared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. : J" B M'EN'ALLT, Attorneyat Law, Clearfield, . ' Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining: counties. Office in new brick buildin? of J. Botn- t in, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. RICHARD MOSSPP, Dealer in Foreign anil Do mestic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Baeonl Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few dnora weet ol JounUOJiet, Clearfield. Pa. . Apr3Z. B. READ. M, D.. Physician and Sn. ireon: bavine removed to Gaana J. KtIpt's rian'd j near WfiMm' Grove, Pa., offers his professional; services to the citizens of tbesurroundine country.'. T?RAXK BARRETT, Conveyancer and Real n Kat&ta A pent. Clearfield. l'a Office on Sect. ond Street, with Wa Iter Barrett, Eeq. Agent for Plantation and Gold Territory in South Carolina Clearfield July 10, 137. - . . . I FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of t all kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or-, dew solicited wholesale ot retail. He also keeps on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen- ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. lj 1S63 JOHN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq.V over First National Bank. Prompt attention girr, en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and to all legal business. Marcn Vt, 1867. GALi . Gi rocenes, Jisrdware. queens ware.riour . . . i , con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland, Pa., Aug. 1 9th, 18B3 D' ENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentist, offers his professional services to the citisens of Curwensviile aud vicinity. Office in Drug Store, cjrner Main and Thompson SU. Maj2lS66. T BLAKE WALTERS, Scriviaer and Convey-. . ancer. and Agent for the purchase and sale of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention giv en to all business connected with the county offi ces. Office with W A.Wallace. Jan. 3. - WALLACE. BIGLER A FIELDING, Attor neys at Law' Clearfield, Pa.. Legal business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. Clearfield, Pa., May 16th, 186S. WILLIAM A. WALLACE WILLIA BIOLEB J.BLAKE WALTERS FBAXK riELPlSC DR J. P. BURCH FIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Itcg't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professions! serv.icea.tet the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profesr sional calls promptly attend ad to. Office on-' Sonth-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. 1865 6m p. ' , F urn itu he no o m s; JOJ1S Gl'ELICII, Desiresto inform his old friends and customers, that having enlarged his shop and increased his, facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared' to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He. mostly has on hand at his 'Furniture Rooms, a varied assortment of furniture, among which ia,; BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables, - , Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen.-., ny-lond and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS; HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ao. Spring-eeat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. L O O K I N G-G L A S g B S Of every description on hand, and new glasses fcj , old frames, which will be put in on very. ronaonable terms, onehurt notice. v.: He also keeps on hand, or furnishes te order. Hair,' , Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and fanerab attended with. Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other artieies are furnished-. to customers cbap for cash or exchanged for. an? proved country produce. Cherry; Maple. Poplar, ' Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the tafc , ness. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Marxet atreet, Clear field, and nearly opposite the '-Old Jew-Store.-December 1. 1881 r JPHNGUKUCH E A G L B H O T E L , -CURWEN8Y1LLE, PENN'A. i .LEWIS W,,TEN 3ETC1, Pbopbietok. Having leased- and refitted' the above betel, he is now ready to aocomuMMlate. thetraFeUJag uV-i lie His bar contajps the choicest brands of liij Ufir. Ha solicits a share of public patrons July 11th, 18. , . ..- rnr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers