'BY Si' J. B0. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1867. VOL. 13.-NO. 33. gtlttt gorfri. MT ALICE 13 DEAD. They tell mo my Alice died Like a wave on the sandy shore, When the wind is boshed at eventide, Acd the light of day is o'er ; They say that she tuns, to rest Like the zephyr that warms the deep, With her white hands laid on her marble breast And her blue eyes closed in sleep. Ah ! the sun of life went down, Ere the hours of morn bad fled ; And the shadows rolled with an angry lrown O'er mT darling's sunny head ! And her "heart grew faint and cold. As the snow on the mountain's breast. When the frozen wings of the north wind fold On its darkened sides to rest. She murmured her mother's name. While her eyes grew bright and blue ; And their lustrous depths were the same Which the olden momonts knew; And she pressed her parting Kiss, As the winged moments fled ; Then sank to sleep in the arms of bliss, With tie sunshine round her head. They parted the wavy hair, O'er the brow as w bite as enow, And pressed the lids o'er the blue eyes fair, That would wake no more below, And the evening's golden light " As it full on my darling there, Revealed the form of an angel bright, With the look that she used t wear. The Great Secret of Masonry. One of our exchanges relates au anecdote of a broihur wiio is noted for his acts of cliarity, and who is withal a man of good (.rexMice and a great favorite attong the la dies io much so as to cause some jealousy on the part of his worthy spouse. Oue evening a bundle came to the house for him., LLellc-d, "private." Of course this was fufiicient for female curiosity, and therefore indulced ;n an inspection. Ilorror! horror-.! I!ankets, baby-linen, &c, greeted her astomMied vision, and dreams of two fami lies floated through her brain. The hus larrl soon came in, and after tea, when the wife had discovered in his eye the treachery if his conduct as she supposed he took the bundle and went out, but not alone, for li:s jealous wife.wa.3 on his track. , I he faith L.-s husband little imagined that she, who supposed herself so foully wronged, was hovering after him. lie baited before a -uil tenement, which he entered. Here hu paused to hold a council of war. What tactics to follow she was in doubt, but de termined to storm the citadel ; she knocked and lia.ti!y brushed past the little child who answered the f-ummons; she stood in an instant before her astonished husband, the i-iiihixlinjcnt of injured innocence. Her Jixlintrs were alxmt to fiud expression, when the scene before her caused her to pause. A p:ile and care worn man, shivering over the tspiring embers of a scanty fire, a poor Oman on a sick bed, a babe not old enough Ct christening, and two little girls snugly stuwod away on some straw in a corner, met her ferocious gaze. She read the story at a pianee, and returned home with her hus I and, a better and a wiser woman, satisfied that she had discovered the great secret of Masonry. Fashionable Women. At a meeting in -Sew York recently held by a number of gen tlenien interested in the establisement of an institution in that city for the proper edu ction of young women, the following letter from the Rev. Howard Crosby was read : . My Dear Pit. Griscom : I wish I could j' present at the meeting his evening, which i to consider the propriety of taking meas ures fur a central educational institution for vuiiien. I have long felt very deeply the need of this movement. Our women are tat becoming butterflies for want of a true training. 3rXst of our female schools are fashionable hot-houses, to encourage the prowth of listlessncss, affectation and ex travagance. Society is made artificial, the laws of God despised, and all things set top-T-turvy ; wives lord it over their husbands, and children lord it over their parents ; wis m is driven into the corner,and folly wears the crown. I trace nine-tenths of the flip pancy and falsehood of niodera society to the mockery of ah education which the, Janyhtors of the land receive. God help Jam and your colleagues in this good work to d the devil yelping to his den. Yours, ery truly, Ho WARD CROSBY. .An Ancient Town Found. The Rus sians have made a disgovcry on the Syr-Pa-na hich may be of considerable interest to antioiiarbns. An officer of Engineers who M observed that the bricks with which the 1 r,',!jc supplied Fort No. 1 were extreme i tll baked, evidently very old, partly cov ered with mortar ascertained that they had found amongst some ruins' at a dis tance of about fifteen miles from the fort, at a spot which was formerly on the banks the tea of Aral. Some officers were ent to examine the place, and discovered a r!W"i , ut. tnree miles in diameter, com pletely buried in sand and overgrown with . ushes. None ol them could form any con ture as to what the town may. have been, at a description has been sent to the cen Xrf al'iiinistration, and the iuouiry will be "ken up by scientific men. Office brokerage in Washington has as- ''mcd a new phase. The method now is to a.-ertaiii with how small a part of the einol tnts. an applicant will be content, and f!!7i 1 'nt0 an agreement to pay over the "'due to certain outsiders. Frecisely who are in this Overplus, and in what propor "'"M, has not been fully found out. But arrangement, from top to bottom.is dis grace! ul to all who are concerned in it: iat srt of a sermon do you like?"' i."'D;- Rush to Robert Morris. "That "yl of a sermon which drives a man into lQ cv)rnor f)f his pew, and mates him think bedevil is after him." . THE SIX-PENNY CALICO. One day a new scholar appeared in school. She was irentle and modest looking, and did not tor a moment lift her eyes from her book. "Who is she?" "What is her name?" were the Questions of the cirls ; but no one knew. "1 suspect she is not much," said one or the girls. "Do you see her dress?" said I. "Why, I believe it is nothing but a six-penny cal ico?" "Poor thing! she must be cold." "I can't imagine how a person can wear calico this cold day," said another, whose fine plaid was the admiration of the school. "I must say I like to see a person dress according to the season," remarked another "that is, it people can afford it," she added, in a manner plain enough meaning that her fa ther could. None of us went to take the stranger by the hand, and welcome her as the compan ion of our studies and our play. We stood aloof, and stared at her with cold and un feeling cnriosit3T. The teacher called her Susan. When she first came to repeat her leron, she took a seat beside the rich plaid. The plairl drew proudly .awaj', as if the six penny calico might dim the. beauty of its colors. A slight color flushed Susan's cheek but her quiet remained the same. It was some time before she ventured on the play ground and then it was only to stand on one side and look on, for we were slow in asking her to join us. On one occasion we had a harder arithme tic lesson ti.an usual, completely baffling our small brains. Upon comparing notes, none of us had mastered it. "I'll ask Susan of her success," said one of my class. "It is quite unlikely she has," I replied "do stay here ; besides what if she has?" "I will go" she answered. Away she went, and, as it appeared, Siisan and she were the only members of the class ready for their lesson. Susan had been more suc cessful than the rest of us, and kindly help ed my friend to overcome the difficulties of tne lesson. Tiy and by I took to patronizing hef. "She is really a very nice body, and ought to join us more in our play," we said. So we used to gather around her desk during school-hours, and make her ."one of us" in the plav-trround. In fact . I began to have a sort of liking for her. There was something in Susan which called out our respect. One Saturday afternoon, as I was looking out of the window, wishing for something to do, my mother asked me to join her in a little walk. Pressed in my new cloak, warm furs, and hat, I was soon ready. My moth er turned into a narrow street. "Where," mother," I asked, "ate you going in this vulgar part of the town ?" "Not vulgar, my dear," she said. "A very respectable and industrous part of our population live here." uNot fashionable, certainly." I added. "And not vulgar because not fashionable, by any means," she added. They stopped before aw humble looking house, and enter ed the front door. Then gently opening a side door, she paus ed a moment on the threshold. "Come in." said n voice from within. "Fray do not rise," said my mother, going toward an afflicted, lady-liko woman who sat in an arm-chair. "You look better than when I saw you before." I was intro duced, and I fancied the iuvalid looked at me with a sort of admiring surprise, as she took my hand, and hoped I should prove worthy of such, a mother. Then, while mofher and she were talking, I sat down and took notes with my eyes of everything in the room. It looked beautifully neat, and the furniture had evidently seen better days. By and by mother asked for her daughter. "She has gone out on some errands," was the answer. "The dear child is a great blessing to me," and tears filled her eyes. "She will return soon. She has gone to carry some work which she has contrived to do in her leisure moments. The self-sacri fice of the child is wonderful. A little while ago, an early friend who had found me out and has been kind to me as you have," (tears came into the speaker's eyes) "sent her a handsome winter dress, "O mother!" she said, "this is too costly for me, when you want some warm flannel so badly. See mother, she said, I shall enjoy this cali- co a nunare.i times more tnn tne nnest dresses in the world, while you can. have your flannel." Excuse me for telling it,but you know a mother s heart, lhereis her step, sne is coming- Tikj outer door opened. I low 1 longed to see the comer ! "I am sure I shall admire and love her," I said to myself. The latch was lifted. A young girl entered, and my schoolmate Susan stood before me ! I could have sunk to the ground for my shame. How wicked my pride ! how false and fool ish my judgment ! Oh ! how mean did my own winter dress appear before the six-pen ny calico. I was almost sure mother had managed all this : for she had a way of making me see my faults and making nie desire to cure them, without ever saying much directly herself. This, however, did not come about by her design. God had taught me by his providence. As we walked home, my mother gave me nn account of Mrs. G , who had been her early friend. She had lost her proper ty and her husband, and had fallen into great distress. But that story is no' matter here. I will only add that my judgment of people was formed ever after according to a truer standard than the dress they wore, and that Susan and I became intimate friends. "Does the court understand you to say, Mr. Jones, that you saw the editor of the A Mfnr of Freedom, intoxicated ?" "Not at all, sir. I merely said that I had seen him frequently so flurried in his mind tfiat he would undertake to cut out copy with the snuffers that's all." Climate of Russian America. An article on Meteorology, prepared by Frofessor Henry, of the Smithsonian Insti tute, for the United States Fa tent Office Report of 1855. coutaius the following par agraph illustrative or the climate of JNortii western America : In the North Pacific ocean, on the wes tern side of our continent, the great circle of water passes up along the coast of Japan, recrosses the ocean in the region of the Aleutian islands, mingles with the fitful cur rent outward, through Behring's strait, and thence down along tho northwest coist of North America. In this long circuit, the northeastern portion of it is much more cool ed than the similar portion of the whirl of the Atlantic. It therefore modifies the tem perature of the northwestern coast, and pro duces a remarkable uniformity along the whole extent, from Sitka to the southern extremity of California. It is an interest ing fact, which we have just derived from Captain Ilodgers, that an offshoot from the great whirl in the Pacific, analagous to that which impinges on the coast of Norway,en ters along the eastern side of Behring's strait, while a cold current passes out on the western side, thus producing almost as mark ed a difference in the character of the veg etation on the two shores of the strait, as between that of Iceland and Labrador. Lieutenant Bent, an officer of the United States navy, who accompanied the Japanese expedition, reported that, through the soft eninz influence of the Gulf stream of the Pacific, "The winters are so mild at Fuget Sound, lat. 48 degrees, that snow larely falls there, and the inhabitants are never enabled to fill their ice-houses for the summer. Vessels trading to Petropaulouski and Mampschat ka, when becoming unwieldy from the accu mulation of ice on their hulls and rigging, run over to a higher latitude on the Amer ican coast, and thaw out in the same manner-that vessels frozen up on our own coast retreat again into the Gulf stream until fa vored by an easterly wind." Direet evidence of the general correctness of this theory is furnished by the meteoro logical records of the ltussian Government, kept at Sitka, in latitude 57.03 degrees,the mean temperature for a period of ten years being in spring 44.5 degrees ; in autumn, 47 degrees; in winter-3'3.5 degrees, and during the year 4G. 4 degrees. This indicates colder springs, summers, and autumns, but milder winters than we have 'in Philadelphia. 1'ress. How Dr. Livingstone was Killed. Official information of the death of Dr. Livingstone has been received at the British Foicign Office, lie was slain during a sud den and unprovoked encounter with the very Zulus, ol whom, in the last dispatch receiv ed f rom him (dated Ngomana, May IS,) he said that they had laid waste the country round about him. With an escort reduced to twenty by desertions, death and dismiss als, he had traversed terra incognita letvveeu the confluence of the Leonde and llovuma rivers at Ngomana and the eastern and northeastern shore of Lake Nyassa, and had crossed the lake at some point not yet ascertained, had reached a station named Campunda, on its western or northwestern shore, anAwas pushing westward or north westward into dangerous ground, when be tween Mareuga and Maklisoora a band of implacable savages slopped the way, a mix ed herd of Zulus or Matite and Nyassa folk. The Nyassa folk were armed with bow and arrow. The Zulus with the traditional shield, broad bladed spears, and axes. With Livingstone there Vere nine or ten musket eers; his Johanna men were resting with their loads far in the rear. The Mante in stantly came on to fiht. There was no parley, no avoidance of the combat. They c;une on with a rush, with war cries, rattling their shields with their spears. As Living stone ami his party raised their pieces tho onset was for a'moment checked. Living stone fired, and two Zulus were shot dead. His boys fired, but their fire was harmless. He was in the act of reloading, when three Mafites leaped uron through the .smoke. There was no resistance ; there could be none: one axe cut from behind put him out of life. He fell, and his terror-stricken es cort fled. One of the fugitives escaped, and he tells the tale Ali 'oosa, chief of his escort of porters. One blow killed Pr. Livingstone outright. Iiobad no other wo ind but this terrible gash. From the de scription it must have gone through the neck and spine up to the throat in front. It had nearly decapitated him. Deatl came mercifully in its suddenness. The Mf fite had respected him when dead, for lie was stripped only of his outer clothing. A grave was dug with sticks and the body buried. 'it is ascertained that of all the fires oc curring in the city of New York full thirty per cent, proceed from incendiarism. The motive is more frequently to recover insu rance rather than revenge. If this evil shall continue to increase the rates for. insu rance will be carried so high that honest people will be compelled to carry their own risks. ' ' The most awful event of the last cenfury is the grat famine in India. In Oeiso, it is reported that two millions five hundred thousand people have perished within the last' five months, with .starvation. Before this terrible calamity even our awful war seems insignificant. In New York Journals it is proposed, since votes in the Legislature have become regular articles of traffic, to have the rates quoted statedly in Wall street. At the municipal elections in Denver, Central City, and Black Hawk, Colorado, on the 1st, colored citizens were allowed to veto without interruption. A Little of Everything. " Punch thinks tho mormons have Utah lized their Territory. "The winter of my life has come," said Jenkins, as he looked at his white locks in the glass. "I perceive snow in the hair." "Put her foot in it" the lady who kicked a railroad conductor in the mouth. He prosecuted her and recovered damages. "My brethern,!' said a staid and learn ed oracle, "there is a great deal to be dia", and it is time we were up aud didtlihg on't." The Fayette (Ind.) Herald tells of a cat in ihit place that htt died out a couple of chickens, by making her bed in a box in which some eggs were kept. An unwashed street boy being asked what made him so dirty, his reply was, "I was made, they tell me, of the grouud, aud I reckon it is just working out.". Lucy Stone once said : "There is cot ton in the ears of man, and hope in the bo som of woman." Lucy made a mistake, and got the cotton in the wrong place. "Hollo there, you little ragged, bare footed, bare headed fellow ! who is your masterr ' Want is my master, replied the poor outcast, "aud a bad one he is. 'lhis, we must remember is the f'dl season, saidMr. Ujuilp, as he gracefully bumped his nose on the ice, to the amuse ment oi some passers by, who tittered audibly, An old aut hor quaintly savs : "Avoid argument with the ladies. In spinnin yarns amone silks and satins, a man is sure to be worsted, and may consider himself wound up. The Philadelphia Prison Agent reports that, of the 19,408 commitments last year, 14,3GI were on account of offences directly or indirectly traceable to the use of intoxi eating liquors." An Irish servant being asked whether his master was in, replied, "No." "When will ho return?" "Oh! when master gives orders to say that he is not at home, we never know when he will come in. An old lady living in Jersey City, lately reiused to let her uiece dance with a young graduate of Princeton,, because she heard that he was bachelor of arts, whereby she understood him to be an artful bachelor. T he oil mania is reviving in the West Virginr districts. - The territory in that set;i-Ivnihas been but partially developed, and the present re-action may succeed in prov ing it much richer than the Pennsylvania oil regions. A tut ot unexpected raorahfv comes from the newspaper proprietors of New Or leans. At a recent meeting they decided to issue no papers on Mondays, in order to give all hands employed full opportunity for rest on the babbath. A gentleman having' occasion to call on an author fodnd him in his study. He re marked the great heat of the apartment, and said it was "hot as an oven.' "So it ought to be," replied the author, "for here I make my bread." - On some railroads it is customary to have a lock on the stove, to prevent a pas senger from meddling with the fire. A wag being asked why they locked the stove cool ly replied that "it was to prevent the fire from going out. A" little son of J. 1). Mazrn ler, of Walker township, Juniatta county,fell,with an axe in his hand, on April 12th, severing two fingers from his hand, and injuring the third one to such au extent that it is feared it cannot be saved. ,. "Come, John, sit down and eat these potatoes and let your whisky alone, for it is poor stuff to live upon." "Ah, Carty, my jewel, I would take your advice, but the ta- ters are so corky. All the better, John, for stopping your bottle." The hotel "kee'pers of Indiana county threaten to close up un'css they receive li cense to sell liquor. The Blairsville 1're.ss, advises them to close at once, and let those who cau keep hotel without license take their places. A good'suggestion. A countryman lately visiting Delinoni co'scame to the word halibut in the list of fish on his bill of fare, and never having seen any he thought he would try some. I "Have you got any halibut, waiter f l es, sir." '"'Well, bring me a couple !" The oranse trees of Louisiana are hang ing full of blossoms; every branch and twig is crowded to its utmost capacity. If no accident happens by way of frost or drought, the orange trees next fall will groan under the weight of their golden f uit. Mr. Snubbs perceived that the milk . he was pourintr into his coffee was none of the riehest. On this he said to his hostess : "Have you any milk that is more cheerful than this?" "What do you mean by thatr "Whv V,is milk seems overpowered by the Llue:' The new style of waterfalls is likely to be detrimental to sole-leather. "The water fall on the top of ladies' hoads draws up their back hair so tight that they can'i put their feet down squarely on the pavement without great pain, consequently, they must walk on their tip-toes. The Home Journal is responsible for the following : "People generally do not know that soma ladies wear false lips made of.pink India rubber, which are attached in such a manner as to defy detection. They give a pretty pouting appearance to the lips which may appear to be artificial." The Bedford Inquirer says that an en terprising citizen has lately erected a new house in that town, and adds that it is so long hinoe the inhabitants have seen any thing of the kind, that should the owner charse a small fee for permission to view it, thed accumulated would pay espen-j-es inctAed in its erection. t yu.$tnc$.5 givrctont. ALTER BA11KETT, Attorney at Law, Clear field, Fa. Mnj 14, iso.s. CERRELL. A BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware LX nd manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron Tare, Second Street, Clearfield Pa. June '66. 171UEDERICK LEITZLNGEK, Manufacturer of ; .11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, I' a. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail.. Jan. 1, 1863 HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. , HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear . field, Pa. Offiet in Graham's Row, fourdoo t west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10. I7I011CEY A GRAHAM. Dealers in Square and ' Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods, Qucensware, Gro ceries, Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ac, Ac, Gra hamton, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct. 10. JP, KRATZER, Dealer in Dry -Goods. Clothing. . Hardware. Qucensware, Groceries. Provi sions, etc. Market Stroet, nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield, Pa. June, 1665. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils, Stationary, Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc, etc.. Market street, Clearfield. Pa Dec6, l-. KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goods, J, Clothing, Hardware, QuQensware, Groce ries. Provisions, Ac, Front Street, (above the A cademy,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee 27,1865. WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer han lise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. 9 Nov. 10. JOHN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds ol Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Ta He nlso makes toorder Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. rilHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, X Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the '-Clearfield o Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. JB M'ENALLY, Attorneyat Law, Clearfield, . Ph. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boy n t n, 2d street, one door south of Launch's Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Forcignand Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors westol JourncUOJice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. TvENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentist, offers 1 9 his profceiona services to the eitiseua uf Curwensville aud vicinity. Office in Drag Store, c jrner Main and Thompson Sta. May 2, 1S66. JOHN II . FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa. Office with J. B. MeEnally, Esq., over First National Bank. Prompt attention giv en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and to all legal business. " March 27, 1S67. J BLAKE WALTERS, Scriviner and Convey . ancer, and Agent for the purchase and sale of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention giv en to all business connected with the county offi ces. Offico with XV. A. Wallace. Jan, 3. G ALBERT A BRO S. Dealers in Dry Goods, . Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Flour Ba con, etc., Woodland, Clearfield county. Pa. Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber, Shingles, and square timber. Orders' solicited. Woodland, Pa., Aug. 19th, 1863. WALLACE. BIGLER A FIELDING. Attor neys at Law' Clearfield, Ta.. Legal business of all kinds prbmptly and accurately attended to. Clearfield, Pa., May 16th, 1866. WILLIAM A. WALLACE WILLIAM 3. EIOLER J.DLAKK WALTBRS FltAKK riELMSP DR. J. P. BURCUFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Regrt Penn'a Vols., having returned from the aruiv. offers his profetfsion&l services to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attendad to. Offico on South-East corner of 3d and. Market Streets. Oct. 4. I8C5 6mp. JP U II N I T U 11 E It O O M S. JOHN GUELICH, Desires to Inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his ebon and increased his facilities tor manufacturing, ne is now preparea to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his -'Fui riture Rooms." a varied assortment of furniture, among wmcb is, JIUHEAUS AND SI DEBOAKDS, Ward robes and Book-cases ; Centre, Sofa. Parlor. Breakfast and Dining extension lables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-iiind ana otner ueasteaas. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT ' RACKS, WASU-5TAMJS, Ac. Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glas for old frames, wtnea will be pur in an very reasonable terms, onrhort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair, Corn-nufK, Hair ana Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OK EVERY RI.VD, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap- L roved country produce. Cherry- Maple. Poplar, in-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on MarKet street, Clear- C.U k.Hv .iKT.nsite tne "'in cw oiuio. uciu. 1 1 j "rr December 4, 1861 JOHN GUELICH. 1!LOITR A quantity of Extra Family Flour.in Barrels, for ! J W. F. HifLS. I RON i 1R0F" Best rar iron, ror saie i tn .store of iit.itti.L,Li tiiiL..n. o IL Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at Jnne '66. MERRELL A BIGLEK'S. H ARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for ale at AlliKRlSLli 4 BIULtR'S A LARGE LOT OF GLASS, white lead. paints oils, etc.. ar lkv liv & 11 A K TS II 0 11 N FALL STYLES of Bonnets and Hats jusi edat. MRS. WFt ustr:. C OOK bTOVES with improved ash pan for burn ing coal, at J. Y. hKAlitft a. S ADDLES, Bridles, harness, oollars Ao , for sale at MERUELL A lUU-Utu a. 17 A O L E HOTEL, CCRWENSVILLE, PeXN'A. LEWIS W. TEN EYCK, PiiOPitiETon. Having leaded and refitted the aliove hotel,' he is now ready to accommodate tbe travelling pub lic His bar contain the choicest brands of liq uors. He solicits a share of public pairenage. July 11th, 1H66. - SOMETHING . KW in CLKA11FIELD. Carriage and Wagon Shop, -Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds. Ac. tin short notice and in a workmanlikw-mnnner Or ders promptly attended to. WM.Al KNIGHT. Clearfield, Feb. 7, 1866-y. a c o t t nous e, MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. A. ROW & CO., PROPRIETORS; This house having been refitted and Iegantly. furnished, is uow open for the reception aud en tertainment of guesta. Tbe proprietors by long experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they can satisfy discriminating public. Their bar in supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wine. July 4th, 1SC6. LUMBER. CITY- RACES AGAIN !! KIRK & SPENCER KEEP THE INSIDE TRACK f Their celebrated thorough bred Steed, "cheapest fob cash," the Peoples' favorite! Remember this and when in want of seasona ble goods, at thr VfcBV LOWKST I-OSSlBI.B CASH mien, call at the store of Kiiik A Svr.scr.n, in Lumber City. You will not fail to be suited. Dress Goods and Notions in great vatiety, We study to plea.se. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., July 1, 186a. TEW STORE AT MARYSV1LLE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Tbe undersigned would respectfully announce to the ciliieii8 of Clearfield county, that he has opened a now store in Marys'ville, and that he now receiving a large and splendid assortment of seasonable goods, such as DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Groceries, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Glass, Boots, Shoes, HaU and Caps, Clothing, and Stationary and in fact a general assortment of goods, such aa are generally kept in a country store. Desirous of pleasing the publie, be witl use hia best endeavors to keep on hand the best of goods, and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere. aa I am determined to sell goods at moderate pricea for CPsh,or exchange them for every description of Lumber, at market prices Sept. 27, 1S65. STACY VT. THOMPSON. JfEW WINTER GOODS. C. KRATZER &SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A large and splendid assortment of Fall Goods, which they are selling at geatly reduced prices. Particular attention is invited to their stock of CAKPETS, (Cottsge, common Ingrains, and superior Eng lish Ingrains, and liruesels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Wail Papers Especiai pains has been taken in tbe selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods, Etubroido- ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, whicfa they will sell at a small advance on city cost, Flour, Bacon, Fih, Salt and Plaster, Apple, Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whukey and Wines for medicinal uses Also in store a quantity of large and small clover seed. We intend to mnko it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in tbe county; and will pay the very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will aUo exchange goods for School, Road nd County or ders; Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu. factured Lumber. March 14, 1S66. "y RIGHT & FLANIOAN, CLEARFIELD, PA., llave just received another supply of Fall and Winter Goods. Having jnst returned from the 'eastern cities we are now opening a full stock" of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention ot the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold yery low for cash. The rtock consists in part of DIIY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints, Delames.AIpa e.is. Merinos. Ginghams ; Maslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimcrs. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu biaa. Hoods Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ac. Ac all of wHch will be sold low fob cash. Also, fine assortment of the best of M E N S W E A R , , consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, .Boots and Shoes, HandkerchiefU cravats, etc. Also. Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Augur and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware, Oroee ries. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, ail cheap for cask, or approved eountry produce. Nov. 2S-jalO WRIGHT A FLANIGAN. GROUND AND UKflROUND SPICE8, Citron. English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best Quality, for sale by Jan lt HARTSWICK A IRWIN. s TOVES of all sorts and sites, constantly oa banTat MfcKliHLL A BIGLEK'S. : P I hi v Si -i r-. A; "it it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers