THE - CLISAKI'IKLI), PA.'. JAN'.. IS, 1S05. . Arrive at Philipsburg at : ; II ? a. w. Train leave Philip-bur at : : : 3.-0 P- i Arrives at lyroiieat: fjiK "riTE55 OF SUBSCRIPT!'. ADVERTISING AND JCBb'INU. o() .Subscription, in advance. 1 year : - - - . () Fubsoription, if pa. 1 with ffe"- ' . - 3 () gubs-ripti..n. if not .ai l wnbm 'he J-,r- ' The above rates of ,u..r pt.nn t-. .PP lj t th. current volume, unless pI btfl,re JaLuar frt !S'i5 jU.i'ra.aii.1 Kxrs notice, each. 6 times, ..Auditor's noiia each. Cautions uJ Ksirays. each .1 tunes, dissolution notice. ect, times. Ix.uiieiit Advertising, per square of 10 lines. or less 'i lime., orless, For each subsequent insertion. Offljial Adwrli-iu for each square of 10 lint s. r ss .i times, or less, For ea.-b suri-ju.nt insertion. Professional cards, n lints, one year, Local notices, per lne. I lime. Obituary notices, ovi r 5 lines, per lm, Yasrlv Advertising, one squ ire. : : : Yesrly Advertising, two squ tru. : : : Yeaily Adver.ising. three squires, : Yearly Advertising, one-fiur'h column, . Yeariy Adverli-in o-ie half column, Yearly Advertising ono coluuiu. Blanks sirgle quire. :::::::": UUnks. : quires, per quire, : : : : : Ciariks 6 qjires. pe quire. ; : : : Biaiik. over 5 quire, per quire, : : : ; Handbills, eih.h -h-st. 25 or less, f..urth sheet, 2.i " . hiilf sheet, 25 " ' whole she 25 " 2 f.n 8 on 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 l.i 10 S 00 12 00 15 IM 20 00 3" 00 60 IM) 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 60 1 50 2 50 4 50 5 00 &rr 25 of each of abova. at proportionate rated. The above rates were agreed itpor.. by the un designed, on the 3d day of December. 1511. :nil nill be strictly adhered 10 during the present k.ih prices of all kinds of pri'itmg materials. 1) W ,M'i)Hi:. Publisher of '-Clearfield Kepubiican." S. .1. HOW, Publisher of 'Raftsman's .Journal' ':''. Court adjourned on Monday moTiIng ln-t. We shall endeavor tn give an aWtiuct 01' the pro codings, next week. Put in a Sidstiti'te.-We find the fol "lowinjr brief announcement in the Ilarris bars TcKjraph o January 0th, I : '"Senator Wallace put. in a suk-tifuti this uiornititr Lv a special order froui Pro vost Marshal Podge.'' The Hamsburs rltlr;,rctph ha5? recently put on a new dress, ami now presents a?i exceedingly neat appearance. Persons le-sir-ng to obtain f'u'l legislative reports hould take the Ttl'jraph by ail mean. It alo gives the lute.-t telegraphic news IVom nil part of the country. .. Dfatxi of a oi.thkr. We barn that Jarces A. Mead, uf Company K S4th Penn'a Volunteots, died at City Point recently. He was one of tlse original .members of Contpmty K, and served his country val inrly for more than tl.reo years having jarticipated in nearly all the great Tattles which the Army of the Potomac has ' fought. Peace to his remains Sitixii of Mi:. S'cufikld. We to-day. ' en our outside. puWi.-h the spetvh of II. n. .GlIXXI W. S'FltLw, tin the C-..satUt::)n- al amendment toaLiiihslaveiy in the United Stales. It ii an able and comprehensive drcuiLCr!t, and should be generally read. We hope,, iherefoie, that cu. readers will give it a-careful' perusal," and then place it in the hands cf their Democ;a..:c neigh bors. The Lorscrt We are not prepared to state what quantity of timber and :ogs are eing t:iken out of our forests this season; but we have little doubt it Kill be sufficiently large to supply tho de mand in the eastern mark ts, alihouh the number of rafts of square timber will not Is near k large as last. year. We have no exact data to set forth, but we understand that considerable stocks of timber and s.v-v.-d lumber are stiil on h ind in Philadel phia, Baltimore, and other places along the Siwpiohanna. !f this be the case, our operator should be careful not to overstock the :i;trket with cither logs or square tim ItT, as by so doing they may injure the lu-iness whicli has, fur the past two or three years, proved remunerative to a largo and deserving cla-s of our citizens. To Cortr.ESi'oxDKNTS. We regret that, a press cf matter prevents us from inert iur in our columns everal interesting eoni Ui'Uiications which have reached us th'w 'A e have one from ''Stella' of fvarfhnus, which . hows up, in a strong light, the in-c-inirfncies f tin' RrjHthlicini' s corres radent at Salt Lick, who, while finding J:eah with President Lincoln's grammar, speaks f the Unioii League "going it hjiul in their wrd order, ' ' which he averts nieet -''ngularly once awl twiee a week" who clunres a man, who has built a i.laeksmith tln.'P and opened a timber road, with doing wfr the purpose of making them prove "ucfiit.KT.tal to Democrats" who accuses '"' Union men with spying out and roport-i'i-vertars, when that business has been clieSy in the hands of the Democrats them c!ves in that township who, while assert- that "the elevation of the negro is the ori'.v comprehensible idea of the message," k nothing to say of the attempt to have only natural Copperhead (a mulatto) to Jote in his township and who, while lay lac'c!a:;a to truthfulness mi-represents the ?uons and conduct jf his neighbors, sneers Une Methodist minister and Mr. Henry others, a wort I13- member of that church, '3d makes the afflictions of others a subject c'f ridicule. ' ' ' It U expected that Gen. Warren will n be assigned to the command of the ' rf the Jttip. tic BntJr rmoT6d. Eelo.T we give a iisf. o: il.e na,LC3 of per sons drafted on Jauuari' lltit, 1805. at llid-rwaj, except the listd of Beccaria, Bell and Bradford : ' . BllAPY TOWNSHIP. Martin" Ashenfekcr Joel enter Javict Kliiugvr . J. i. ivi'k avid Waibourn bauiuel Shaffer John Muliiollaud . Benjamin Carson David Beams William Wingert X cholas holiday Cleorge Pentz Nicttolas Fau,st Henry Eberson Samuel I-ye Isaac Zoiton UOCGS TOWNSHIP. G. W Shimmel G. W. Adams COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. J. B. Mignot Umile Bolliupone Daniel Vothcrs John Valleruiont jrylveter Lubert Peter Bronoel J. li. Bergev Fiorentine Mignot Louis Plubell John Pickardt Francis (Jett John Curley J. M. Pater Jacob Dutra DECATUR' TOWNSHIP B. F. Parson Abraham Gosa Wilson Kephart J. F. Steirer I'i-simrtan Kephart Samuel Bowers Eiias Kejdiart Arthur Itceea J. G. Slioff ' J. B. Avers W. Murray bbert Matly,-'. lVi-ry Matson " Win. L. Gosa Jesse G oss Nathan -Kephart . John Burns John Turlej " . '," PEROUSON TOWNSHIP. '' Bnr-ert Kiine WasliinTtoTr Barrett A. (r. Jamison Jams Wiley Daniel Kose , , G. D. M'( Vacken Kiios Straw John F. Wiley Wii'iiaiu Thurston Shannon Witheriko O I KA UD TOWNSHIP.'. Forty Benaud Peter Dumont L. M. Coutriet Claudius Boussclot Joseph" Menitt Daniel Logan John Jury Bernard (ireen Joseph lloyer Nicholas Rousselot Ed. Walters Mitchell Shope GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ellis Kyler Allen Copier Xath. Cathcrman Adam Ivnepp OIJAHA3I TOWNSHIP. Jefferson Litz .Jacob trioen (reorgc Murray James Lytic (icoitro lloss Win. Davidson Micheal A.D.Pierce ' William English Eilis-Lurmer Henry Kyler "Win. J Dougherty karthaps township. G. M. IF-rtline (iu-tavns Billot Wilson Bow Caniliridge Col burn W. S. Saiikey James Curley KNOX TOWNSHIP. David Smith Bigler Dunlap B. J. Bex Thruuas Duniap David Cat heart Lewis Erhard Oliver Shea- John Baughman lit nry Sloppy Cathe .it Ilarrisou Williams V'm. M. Cathcart LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. William L. Antes . Jo eh Howies Joseph Watson . S. W. 31'Laughlin John M. Ou'den "' Tiieoilore Peoples Abraham Hoyt James M'Devitt Eiiis Burns " A. J. Kline Win. Coder W. W. Watson Williaim Milligan 1:1. J. Bead John Love Abraham lloyt MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Miles Pelton John Warren . Jamor, Scort . James ilson . Daniel Phillips William Robinson James HnHnbach Thotna- Drrinney Jeremiah Hoover Joseph Bothrock John King Jacob. No ft' . William Hoover Jaines Mffit I.iren Mencll Abial Johnson BLOOM TOWN $11! IV .Times ITenry ' Joloi Budolph Frank M' Bride avid S. Funnan Henry Korb Hugh C. Leach Adam Weaver ; ; Charles Gaff WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. , Andrrw Bowles ' Wm. C. Kinter Beubei Iahau ' Tami. Henderson i'lias jjenrv Levi Gos V. II. Mulb. n Au-tin Kline Mauiiia Sb.ea Bor'i rt Alexander Fir -.On Wi-tiue.-ttay iast, the building on Mr.-. Welch's lot, occii'iied by Pi. B. Taylor as a carpenter shop, was discovered to be on Sre. and was burned to the ground, together with the contents tools, a lot of drawers for a store, and a number of nther articles. The loss is estimated at from SUU to .!.oo'. Hon. F. P. Blair, has reached Richmond. The Dixpau-h if Saturday, January loth, says that after an interview between JelT Davis and Mr. 'Blair, the former placed a h tier in the hands of the latter offerring to send to Wa.-hingtou or to rtcefve in Rich mond, commissioners,' to make an a mi table settlement of our present national difficulties. If is said a thunderbolt is being forged by the War Department, which when launch ed, promises to carry destruction to substi tute brokers an J death to bounty jumpers. It is promised that the crying evils of the present system of recruiting will at least be abated if not entirelv abolished. lion. James Guthrie has been elected United States Senator for Kentucky, in place of Lazarus W. Powell, whose term expires with the present session of Congress. Mr. Guthiie was ehocn on the first ballot, receiving sixty-five votes, fifty-six for Gen eral Rosseau. 1 is reported that the Rebel Congress has appointed Mr. A H. Stephens and others as Peace Commissioners to Washington while Mr. Singleton has been sent to Richmond on a similar mission. These reports need confirmation, however. - ' Several vessels, laden with supplies ' for the destitute and suffering people of Savan nah, have sailed thither within the last week. The articles were mostly contribu tions from citizens of New York and Boston. " Late Richmond papers say that General Sherman has sent the 17th corps to Gen. Foster, who is marching on Grahamsville. Hon. Edward Everett died at Boston, on Sunday morning lt, January 15th. CQ2S3?0 JDSNT0 OF THE JOURNAL. How the Eebels Treat Our Prisoners ! Editor Journal. I had the pleasure, a few days since, of couver&ing with an old friend, who had been a prisoner for a few months in Dixie. He confirms ail previous statements of Bebel barbarity, lie is a shrewd, intelligent fellow ami a man that I can put the utmost reliance in. He says that the starvation of our poor soldiers is reduced to a regular system, lie was con fined for some length of time in a camp near Anderaouville, alongside of a forest. A pi isomer's ration was one pint of corn meal per -diem, with water but no fuel. They were not even allowed to buy it from the citizens ; or rather, the citizens were not permitted to sell it to the prisoners. Occasionally they would smuggle a little in to camp ; when a bundle of sticks, not more than a loot and a half long by tight to tf-n inches in diameter, would readily sell for one dollar in Green-backs, and this when they (the prisoners) couid see the lowering forest almost within their grap. This pit iful allowance of one pint of corn meal would not have beer sufficient to sustain life if great numbers hail not lteen ill, and the well received what the sick did not eat. The sick ! God preserve them. How any ever recover, is more than I can guess. He said that he saw those sick with diarrhuea, lie in their own filth from three to five days liefore death world end their suffering s. Notwithstaning the short rations, one day this miserable portion was reduced one half and remained so for two weeks. The men were almost insane with hunger, ready to do most am thing, when a rebel ()rncer God save the mark! Officer, indeed! made them a speech in this wise: "We treat our soldiers well, but your government has forsaken you. For the sake of the ne gro Lincoln has left you to your fate. W e have only about a hundred negro prisoners and forty thousand white. Lincoln says if we do not release the hundred, the forty thousand may die. If any of you wish to be revenged upon such a government join us and wo -will -treat you to the best the land can afford. We will give you fifty dollars in gold or eleven hundred in Confederate notes, two months furlough and board voir for the time, free of expense, at. the best hotel in Augusta, where ther" are plenty wo men and pretty ones too. . Who will accept the offer?" This speech explains their cruel ty. It is to force our sol liers into their deple ted ranks, and if they do not. fill th'tn they at least reduce our. Their end is drawing nigh, then t nr rictis. Bon Jour. The Union force at Beverly, West Vir ginia, was suddenly attacked on Wednesday morning last, by a supeiior rebel force, and two hundred of them capiured. The rebels then retreated. Rebel deserters from Fort Fisher say that the garrison was alout to surrender on the 2."ith, when they heard of the withdrawal of our land forces. The garrison was much demoralized. The rebel papers state that a Union fleet rf about fifty vessels are off Wilmington mostly opposite the point of their former landing, with fair weather and a smooth sea. The expedition sent from Cape Girardeau to Cherokee Bayou. Arkansas, a few days s.inev, killed 19 guerrillas, and captured a number of prisoners and fifty horses. Owing to the heavy rain, and consequent melting of the snow. in the mountains, the James River is Hmu:illy high in many places beyond the banks. Daniel S. Norton (Union) has been elect ed United States Senator, from Minnesota, for six years from the 4th of March. Ohit 11iru iiotirrs. nut orfr Jirr hiiff. inserted free nf ciiar'je ; All over Jin' line, at ten re.tili ,ter te. Vlir cusli arm m pun y tut untirr, invariably. DIED: On January 0th, i eougianna Mullen, daughter-of Mrs. Cecelia Mullen of Law rence township, aired 1 vear, 0 months, and filavs. " ' Q U VliPKKLV liEPOKT of tlie First National Rank of Cm vronsville, Jan, 2d. RSS')I Itt'ES Xot;3and bills discounted. : : : . $")0,S30 Ovenrhifts. ::::::::::: 43 CO Furniture and Fixtures : : : : : "( 0(1 Expense ;.cuuunt :::::::: 8SS 29 'I axes pai.I. :::::::::: 2'.7 22 Due from National Ranks, : : : : K..7US 9 Due from State ISnntn. : . : : : 7.U'J 94 I' S. Ron Is deposited with Treasurer of U. S to secure circulation : : : 50.000 00 li" tf. Uondgand Treaty notes on band. 12.N00 U0 .Specie. :.::::::::: IW0 '0 Other Lawful Money : : : : ; : 10..".0l 71 Total, : : : : : : : : : : Si ;-3772T7i LIABILITIES. Capital etock paid in. : : : : : : $50,000 00 Cirouliitius notes. ::::::: 4.1.OOO fltl lue liep-o-iitorA. ::::;':;; 5ii.2-3 3 1'ue National Hanks. :::::::: :Ci't M JhieKtnt Banks. ::::::::? 3.W 40 Profit and Loss :::::::: 6 5iU 45 Total Liabilities : : : :' : : $Tjl',7227i6 I herehy Certify that the above Statement is a true abstract from the tJuArterly Heport made to the Comptroller of the Currene r Jan 2J. Htia. jaull JoHN PATTON. President. FOR SALE AT THE CHEAP CASH STOBE OF J. I. Morris & Co., Pbilipbburg. Centre co., Pa. " 10 tons fresh Torlc, o tons fresh TJeef. 5 tons salt Pork, 10 tons Rye chop, , , 100 bushels dried Apples, 20 barrels prime green winter Apples, 100 bushels potatoes, 5,000 bushels of Corn m the Ear. ALSO, : Kafting ropes, all sites. Augurs. Ac 5C0 bbls. Extra Family Flour. 1H0 bbls Corn meal. 2 )0 bogs Salt Jan. 4. ISB5. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling wi'h a cer tain protnisory note given by me to Eliia Ed mundslon. of Covington tp . dated Lecemher2S'h l!i4. and culling for one hundred dollars an 1 pay able on or before the 1st day of April, ISR3. As I have received no value for said note I will not pay it unlnsg compelled by duo processor law. JB.4.1 ' " PlKfEL YOTHER. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters 01 Administration on the estate of James Curley, late of Penn township. Clearfield Co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. i. II. PAULUAMUS. December 7. 13iH. Administrator. Mrs. H.D. Welch Has received, and offers to purchasers, a large stock of Woolen Goods, of superior quality, consisting in part of Turbans, Nubias, Scarfs, L'ndersleeve?, Jset Hoods, Nubia Hood, Breakfast Capes, Twilights. In her stock of Millinery Goods will be found Press Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnets, Veils, Hats, Ribbons, .' Flowers, l'lumes, Nets, &c, &C -Also, Bugle Trimming, Ribbon. Drr?s and Velvet Trimmings, Buttons, Buckies. Ac. COLLARS, GLOVES, & HOSIERY. Beads, Zephyr, Thread, " Braid, Combs, Needles. Cosmetics such os Hunt's Bloom of Hoses, Laird's Bloom of Youth, Sterling's Ambrosia. Hair Oils. " Phalon's Extract Night Blooming Cereus, (genuine article.) and other articles of Perfumery. CIIILDRENS' TOYS, SUCH AS Wooden, China, Ivory, Lava ware, Tin, and Iron. Fancy Soaps. Hoop Skirts. Skirt Supporters. Wil low Buckets, and a large variety of other Fancy and Staple articles, suitable for this season of the year. The public are invited to examine Mrs. Welch's stock, as it embraces many of the finest and most fashioni-ble articles offered for sale in this -place, and at prices to suit the times. Dec. 14. MISS E. A. P. RYNDER, Tcacherof Tin no-Forte. Melodeon. Cabinet-Organ, (iuitnr. Harmony and Vocal .Music. Also, sole a gont for Clearfield county for Chiekering A Sons Piano Fortes, and Mjhi .t Hamlin's Cabinet Or gans lluoint with idrs. II. 1). WtUh. Music Books. Paper, and Sheet Music constant ly on hand at the tlore of Mrs. II. l. Welsh.- Clcarfield. Pa., Deo 7. 186 UHLiOCUAlMlKA THE undersigned baling completed his Photo graph iialiery. in Shaw's How. two doors west of toe Mansion Iltuse, Clearfield, Pa., is now ready to wait on those in want of first class portraits My arrangements are such as cniible me to furn ish th se beautiful productions of 'sun drawing" in the highest style of the art. Having fitted up my rooms at considerable expense, with a view to the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, I hope by strict attention to business, and a desire to those who call, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. A good assortment of tiilt, Kosewood. and mould frames; Albums and an endless variety of cases on hand, at moderate pri ces. Particular attention given to copying every kind of pictures. H. BUIDtjE. September 2, ISfil. Artist. Instruction in the art of Photography given, and aparatu3 furnished at city prices. ONCE AGAIN! - J. I. MORRIS Sc CO., DEALERS IS DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., PIIILIPSKUKO, PA., Sell the Cheapest Goods in the County. J I. Morris A Co.. are just now receiving from the eastern cities and opening at thoir store rooms A SPLENDID LOT Ot Prints and ieiaines. very cheap. A oirge slock of Brown and Bleached Mus lins very cheap. Flanels. Linseys, Sat tinetts. Jeans. Tweeds, very cheap. YA j Yankee Notions, a great variety, i FOR THE LADIES, They liave coats and circulars ; Furs, soch as .Muffs, Capes and Victorias; Travel ing Trunks and carpet Bags; Wool and Vil!ow-.ire Baskets- Also, Balmorals for Ladies' fc children. Y r , r.i -H ev r Y I HOODS AND 'UBIAS, jSontags and comforls. Breakfast capes and i a great variety ol t. loves and Hose ; a j j variety of Wool Delaines, trench Me i rinos. Coburgs and Alpacas, good I j blach Sila, Bonnets and Shawls. f ! 1 FOR MEN AND BOYS f IThey have clothing of all kinds, consist-! 1 u-i nig of over-coats, coats, pants, vests, j handkerchiefs, cravats, ui.dcrshirts. ; drawers, boots, shoes. hats. caps, and ' many other articles of clothing. j ! GROCERIES, Such as Rio. Rye and Laguara coffee ; Su j gars, white, brown and ye'low ; butter, eggs. lard, cheese, hams, shouljers, and sides. Sweet potatoes.dried peas j dried beefj fresh shad, salt fish j , GRIND STONES iand fixtuns. buggies, sleighs, oarriages. I saddles, bridles, horse collars, trimmed i horse blankets, buffalo robes, slcigh i bells, whips, harness and hames. i and a variety of other articles. o X I HARDWARE in endless variety with broad axes,- dou j ble bits, rafting and barking axes. Par ' lor and cooking stoves and pipe. An j -assortment drugs, medicines paints, j oils, varnishes, dyc-stulls. etc., etc. ! 'Jl X r Si 1 1 r-i o k I m M -a r I - SCHOOL BOOKS, writing and letter paper, fancy note and. ' commercial paper; ens, pencils and ' j onv sinter iiitr slnrifl . i t fancy and common envelopes, and ! many other things in Ibis line. ! AND IX FACT There is nothing that manor beast con- I suines. but what we keep on hand or can j And will sell a little cheaper, har- j ing advantages that noothers have. jH They invite persons to examine their stock .....I 1. Z .. I m aatiaf .AtiAri ,' I i T 11 m V,nrm n n BlinnTiAil h tYt A fllianttrV With Vis. con. flour, chor. or any goods in our Hue : 10 per 1. ,11 4, 1 . centoucost. vve uis;ouni an ouisover 5 111 ten r. ri t tr. .al, Oi,r CIi n t fi i! li frirw! will please call and see us when they come to town; 1 uey can nnu us ou mcuuiuci iui .uvi ijr wcupiea by John Rank, and nearly opposite the -'Conrad Iioue," Main treet. 7 . . . Pm.'M, J394. . LEATHER mn assoitment for sale by MEKKKLL BIGLER, December 14. Clearfield. P. noxnsASi) notes for sale Th J3 undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those seeking investments, tioverament and county bonds. Also five per eent Government notes. II B. SWOOPE. Clearfield May 4. lsot. Att y at Law rpKEES ! TREES !! The subscriber having Jl been appointed an agent of the "Marietta Nursery" in Lancaster county, would respectful ly inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that he is prepared at all times to fill orders for every kind of Fruit Trees and Shrubberv. at proprie tors prices. . NOKMAN L. KobINS. Agent. Clearfield, Pa.. Dec. 7, 16f4-3m. VIJM IN ISTR A TOR'S NOT I CE Letters of Adminisrjation on the Estate of Sarah Morgan, late of iuelich township. Clearfield coun ty Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigne i ; all persons iudebted to said estate are hereby required to make immediato payment. .-Hid those Laving claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment. JAMES 11 MOKilAN, Dec. 7, Administrator. CAKPETINGS. Now in 6tore, a large stock of Velvet, Brussels. Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpetings, Oil cloths. Window shades, ect.. eot., a!) of the latest patterns and best fabrics; which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. N. B. Some patterns ut my old stock still on hand ; will be sold at a bargain. . J. T DELACROIX Xo. 27 South Second Street, above Chestnut. March 2 1SG4. Phil.ibelphia jr.J.MCKERSON II. R. HARRIS W. B. MuStLET FLEM HOLLIDAY, with MCKEUSON, HARRIS & MOSELEY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AN 13 SHOES, No. i'Sb Market Street, Philadelphia. A largo assortment of City Made Work constantly on band. July 20, lbi4. CL K A RFIEL I) NT RS E R V . ENCOI.'R At! E HOME INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curwensviila and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard ar.J dwarf.) Evergreens. Shrub bery, (irape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawton Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also. Sibria.11 Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Bheu barb, Jtc. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address Aug 31,1801. J, D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the banking business as Leon ard. Finney A Co., is this day dissolve i by mrtu al coucent. The books pupers and ussests ara lelt in the hands of James T J.eonard at the office of the firm, and all claims due to and by the firm will be there settled bv him. All over-dim pnper must be forthwith settled. JAS. T. LEONARD A. C. FINNEY, Dec. 20th. 131. W. A. WALLACE The busintps is to be continued by Jas. T. Leon ard, as Leonard A Co. LIS I OP LETTERS unclaimed and remain ing in the Post otfiie at Clearfield, ou the 1st day of January, A. D. 1SG5. Peers, Mrs. L. M'Donel, Daa Benner. E. C. Fiper, Sallie A. Barllett. Miss Polly 2. Reeser, Oharles T. Collins. Wm. Russell, Wm. P. Campbell. Fernando D. Shaffer, Miss Rebecca. Dinsmore, Miss Eda. Snyder. Joseph. Hockman, Miss Mary J. Schultz. Uongolf (Gerl Harrigan. A.XJ. Thompson. Mrs. Susan. Howard Stephen. Wesfbrook. Miss Louisa M'Canna, John R. Whatley, J. One cent due on each letter advertised Per sons calling for any of above letters, will say they are advertised. M. A. FRANK. P. M. CORRECT YOUR E E, OL LME IST-T. Orrirr. op Po?ost Marshall, Ridgway, Elk co., Va... January 9, 1633. In accordance with Circular No. Ii2 of A. A. Pro. Mar. Gens Office. Western Bivision of Pens the Commissioners and Surgeon of the Board of Enrollment of the -19th District of Penna. will hold a session at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield. fr the purpose of correcting the En rollment Lists of Clearfield Co., on January the 2S:L, 27lh. and 2Sth Citizens throughout the County are earnestly called upon to aid the officers in the discharge of their duties, by giving all information bearing upon this important subject. It must he distinctly understood by the people that their only surety of a fair proportion of the burdens of the draft lies in the proper correction of the lists Every name improperly left upon the lis's, swrlls disproportionately the quota, ft is the du ty therefore of each good citizen to bring before tho Board every man. who, by rot-son of over age, permanent phisical (Hsability. or two years ser vice, fhall be entitled to have bis name stricken from the lists; and also to furnish to the Board satisfactory evidence in cases of death, removal, Ac. As, also, the greater number of competent men on these lists, the less likelihood there is of any particular one o them being drawn from the wheel. Each citizen owes it to himself to see that the name of every man in his Township who is properly liable to draft, shall be on the lists I would respectfully recommend to the different sub districts the propriety of appointing Commit tees to examine into all the cases requiring atten tion, and bring the parties concerned, or the evi dence nf their death or removal, before the Board. An opportunity is now offered to all sub districts of correcting completely their Enrollment Lists, It must be done, and should be distinctly under stood that should another draft be subsequently ordered, no notice whatever will be taken of com plaints of Committees that their enrollment iists are erroneous; nor will any suspension of drift, or alteration in the quota l e grnntedton that plea. It. S CAMPBELL. Capt. and Pro. Mar. I tth Dist. Pa. HO! rOBBWIN'S. SECOND SUPPLY OF SEASONABLE GOODS JTST RECEIVED AT WILLIAM F. IRWIN'S STORE, OS MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Seasonable Goods ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHEAP 'CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from t'.ie East ern cities a large and well selected st'jCk of the most seasonable goods, which he can 'iippowe of at tha reasonable prices.. His friends, and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as be leels persuaded npne undersell him.' His stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Harchvuve, Queensware, ; GROCERIES, ' DKUUS, OILS, PAIN TS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And s great variety of other useful article, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex , . changed for approved produce. Go to the cheap eash store" if yon wnt to buy Roods t ftirprwn '--'-' IV- JT, TWA 3"T TPTK. S G GOODS SEASONABLB or BOYXTOX SHOWERS GRAHAM That's The Place! i B01NT0N, SHOWEKS AND 6B&HAX. CLEARFIELD, PA., . Hare received their first supply of Seasonefcto Goods, which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Tbeir stock consists of a general variety Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-wan. Queens-ware, Tin ware, Willow-ware. Wooden-ware. Provision. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, Ao. . ; For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the large and good assortment of new styles and pattern WOOL E.N GOODS, Such ns Scarf. Hoods, Nubias, Sontajrs, Saoqoe Martles, Shawls, and Hata. Also the lateal styles of JJonnets, and an assortment ef LADIES DKESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and FWj Delaines, Alpacas. Ginghams. Ducals, Print. Me. rinos. Cashmeres, Plaids, Brilliants. Poplins. Be reg Lawns Nankins. Linen. Laee. Edgings, Col erettes. Braids. Belts. Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Na bias, Hooiis, Coats. Mantels, Balmoral gkirts, Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers. Plumes. Kibbone, Hats. Trimmings. Buttons. Combs. Shawls. Braid. Muslin, Irish Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawn, Swits, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchief ete. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well seleo ed 'tock. consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fanoy Cassimeres, Caj-hmercts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordn roys, Bcver-Te-n. Linens, Handkerchiefs. Nockf ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarf, etc., ete, Ready-Made Clothing Tn"the latest styles and of the beat materia!, consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests, Shawl. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, ete. Of Rods and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies and Oea tlemen. consisting of Top Boots. Brogau. Pump Gaiters. Balmoral Boots, Nippers, Monroes, eta Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Kioe. Crackere, Vinegar, Candles." Cheese. Fiour. Mal, Bt-cea. Fish, coarse and fine Suit, Teas, Mustard, eta. Coal Oil Lamps, - Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great rarfe ty, Japan ware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes. Wire Lid els, Sieves, Dustiug pans, Lanterns, ete , et. Carpet?, Oil-eioth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Wnshboards. Burke', Tubs, Churns Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cottia yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrella, et. Rafting Ropes. Augers. Axes, Chisels. Saws. File, Hammer, Hatchets. N'.ils. Spikes. Gri .d stous. Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet bags. Powder, Shot, Lead, eta. . School Rooks, ; Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note an! eoee mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slates, ink Elands, fancy itud common envelope. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings. Glass and Putty. Flat Iron an Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bed screws, MatoheA Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, eta. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of varioa klndk, Fancy soaps. Oiis. Paints. Varnishes, and in faol every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons toeall and examine Uianr etock, and hope .to give entire satisfaction. BOYNTON. SHOWERS A GUAQUT Clearfield. Pa., Dec. 7tb, lb64. PENNSYLVANIA Imperial Oil Company, Office 130 South Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital 81,000,000200,000 Share, at SI tjaa. Reserved Capital 250,000. . President, ALEXANDER K. M'CLURB. DIRECTORS A.K.M'Clnre, D. J. Jackman, Eliaha W. Dart Tho. A. Scott, .T.C.Bombergtr, Peter A. Small. John Jl. Pomeroy, SECRETARY. James M. Seller. rnainratu Elisha W. Dart This company has 120 acres of land, ia fe, re the Allegheny River, immediately opposite Oil City,- and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods frocil on the river, and 75 rods front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Kamsdell, editor of the Oil City 'Mon itor, and agent forthis land, assure the company that it will sell in lots for 100.000, reserving the oil right which is worth 00.000 additional. I Wr.PIATE RJVEM-t WILL IIB DEK1VEU FOfc TB COlf fasy fiiom THr, 8ALK or these lots : and the com pany have two good engines with complete fix tures to operate immediately for oil. The territo ry in this immediate locality has sever failed be produce profitably. ' i Also, one hundred acres, lo fee simple, Jn the celebrated Cherry Run District, immediately ad joining the Cherry Run Petroleum company,whoe Etock is now worth over S-0 per shure. The ooa pacy now have offers, which w',H be accepted, for siukirig wells on lease, without anycost to the cor poration and onc-balf ihe proceeds to go to the company. The Curftn and St. Nicholas oompa nics are ia this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. I addition, 'the compauy has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil cro et, and in tho best producing section of the il Territory, and 116 acres, ia fee simple., oa Walnut Bend, five mile -above the mouth of Oil creek, and not" over two miles from the celebrat Recd well, now producing over 200 barrel per day. . ; . Also, the lease of three tracU of land, two e Oil creek, each producingorer ten barrels per day, and one -on Allegheny river, producing ten bar rels per day of heavy oil, worth S2I per barrel. The company now receives three fourths of the proceeds of the last named well, and one-half of the other two Each of tbete tracts will be de veloped by the company by sinking additional wells, and the engines and fixtures are now oa band to do it. The officers of this company mean to proseonte the development of these lands most energetical ly, and they bare entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock. Subscriptions must be made promptly, aa more than oue-balf of the stock is already engag ed . Subscriptions will be received at the offioa of the company. Janoarv 4, 1S65. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBU.M5. f-rtlei Htrrwfpk HoeMn' ""TS!d. P- B BUY TTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers