CLE AKFIELP, PA. JULY 20, 1 S64. TERMS OF TIIK JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Joihjiai. is published on Wed nesday at $1.50 per annum iu advance. If not . paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be ' charged. Advertisf-mb-nts will be inserted at SI, 00 per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines insertion 23 cents will be charged A deduction ha in ml a tn vearlv advertisers). So subscription taken for a shorter time than aiv months, and no naner will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of tn puousnvr. " FODDER CUTTERS of a superior make for sale at reasonable prices, at MERRELL and BIGLER'S. Clearfield. Pa. Pittsburg Saw Works. IIUBBAKDS AND LONG, Manufacturers of Patent Ground Circulars warranted cast steel saws of every description Will, Mulay, Cross-cut, (Jang and all other varie ties. All kinds of knives and springs made from sheet oast steel. Extra lefined Reaper and Mow ing knives, ie Particular attention paid to re toothing, gumming and straightening circular saws; together with repairing of all kinds. Ware house and Works, corner of Water and Short streets, Pittsburg, Ta. April 13, 1861-1 yp. c. w. hubbard : : : : s. n. hcbbard : : : : 9. a. long. HIPPIE cSc FAUST, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, &C. MAIS STREET, CIRWESSVILLE, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocit of merchandise of the late firm of Patton, Hippie Jt Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drags, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Laines Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc., which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY FAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, taKen in ex change for goods. We respectfully asK a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensville, Deo. 11. HIPPLE A FAUST. N ts. The accounts of Patton, llipple Co., are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same as we desire to haTe the boons closed. December 11, IS61. HIPPLE A FAUST. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. CARLISLE & CO., DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Lumber, Shingles, &c. I'HILIPSBIRG, CENTRE COOTV, PESSA. CARLISLE 4 CO., have received and are just opening the largest assortment of the BEST, CI1EAPEST, and most seasonable goods ever brought to this section of country, consisting of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ; Notions, Hardware and Queensware ; . LADIES' FURS. lloods, Nubias. Sontags. Balmoral and Hoop skirts ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ; Ready-made Clothing latest styles; School Books and Stationary ; Rice-flour, Farina and Corn Starch; Drugs, Oils, Paints. Putty and Glass: Coal-oil Lamps, Wood and Willow ware ; TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS ; Pipes, Tobacco and Segars; Fish. Salt, Nails, Coal and Linseed Oils; Flour, Feed and Provisions r and all articles usual ly kept in a country store All or which will be sold CHEAP FUR CASH or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles. Nov. IS, 1563-tf CARLISLE, 4 CO. OW IS THE TIME ! RICHARD MOSSOP, DKALER IH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. .C. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Read the following list of goods and profit thereby. Cheav; x-n-p THt T ATITTTS Goods yt'P' Always on hand a large stock of La lroru Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good dies gooas sucn as i,oourg iom, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, ' Prints, l hints. Kerchiefs, Nu bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, Cheap I'L. Cheap-Always on hand Black, Blue. BrownjGoorf.t Jheap na rjinuu . Fancy and Black Gvodt Cheap) Casiineres. Sattinets. Cassmets, Guods Cheapi Tweeds, Plain and Fancy est Cheap! in 23. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. Cluap KEADY-MADE, " Cksep tSuch as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under Chr-cpi shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Cheap Boots, ShoeaHats, Caps, Xeck Cheap) ties, Gum Boots and Shoes. and Cheap a variety of other articles. Chtap HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. 4C. Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap If yu wantNails or spikes, Manure 'Goods Cheap v . oottS Cheap' wws, Smoothing irons Locks, Goo,is Cheap Cheap e-L.'l Hinges, etc.. go to .wossop s Qoods where you can buy cheap. Goods IF YOU WANT Woods Cheap CAr Knives and forks. Butcher Knives,' Goo. CheapX Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Cheav': and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Goods Cheap ri ... . , Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods Goods Goods Cheap etc., buy them at Mossop s. Cheap IF YOU WANT Cheap'soe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy floods Cheap ;joap starch, Wall Paper or AVin- Goods Cheaps, dQw Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Gootls Liitap or t icks, eoal oil, etc , go to Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap IF YQU WAST V.? Good extra family Flour, White or Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap . r KAVn tntritr ahAiildenl nr sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blacK tea, buy tnein at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT i Goods Goods Goods Cheap !Tallow candles, fine or coarse sU'Goods CneapS Syrup or molassos, cheese, dried 'Goods Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- '.Goods Cheap do cracsers, call at Mos3op's Goods Cheap where yon can buy cheap. Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacratnen-I Goods Cheapl tal uses. Sweet wine, old Monon- Goods Cheap, c-ahela or rve whissy, Cherrv Goods Cheapl nd Cognac brandy, buy at Goods Cheap Moasoo s cheap cash store. Goods Cheapl IF YOU WANT irooas l;?"jKaisens, Figs, frnnes or anea cur- -Chea . ...... n- roods Cheap Cheap ranu; nioens, cream, pecan r - ground nuta, candies. Liquorice ' , or Liquorice root, boy them y,00'y at Mossop'scheap and good. rX.00". IF YOU WANT fel Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap CheaplTo bny y otnet "icle cheap. belGoods Cheap ure totfoto Mossop, for he sells Goods Cheap enePer for emn tnan any other QooJt Cheap x,P"on in Clearfield county lGoo4f Cheap November 27. 1&61. ap27'59. Cr14tds Approved country produce of every liitd talm at the Ktu' marirt prtce for gved. MISS E. A. P. RYNDER, Teacher of Piano-Forte, Melodean, Guitar, Har uionv. and Vocal Musin. Sixty private, and twelve class lessons included in one term. Kooms witn Mrs. ii. u. eiso. Clearfield. July 1, 1S63. BULKLEY 'S 1 ATE JVT-LUMBER DRIED BY SUPERHEATED STEAM. The under signed respectfully informs the people of Clear field and adjoining counties that he has the agen cy of the above patent and will sell individual, - . 1. . f 1 , county or lownsnip njuis lor lis use. ino lum ber dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet ter, is easier on tools, and requires less time in drying than any other process known, drying I inch lumber perfectly in JM hours better than many months under the old system using the same nmount of fuel per dny that a common kiln consumes. The certificate of a number of resi dent mechanics well known in this community is amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of its utility. Persons desirous of purohnsing rights will address JOHN L. CUTTLE. June 24, lSfi.'t Cearfield. Penn'a. CLOTHING!!!! Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RE1ZENSTEIN BKO'S & CO., where it is so Id at prices that will induce their purchase The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their s ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Rro's & Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their good me well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock at Teduced prices they can sell cheaper than others For theso and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZENSTEIN BRO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, ISM. NEW SPRING GOODS, jcst net'RiTKD at W1LL1A3I F. IRWIS'S STOKE, OS MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Seasonable Goods ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a Urge and well selected stock of the most soasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tha rexsonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine bis stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he leels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, a r o c EIIIES. DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be sold cheap tor cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. May 11. 1361. WM F. IRWIN. F.N. S.G.atE.&S's. READ! READ!! READ!!! B0IMT0N& SHOWERS CLEARFIELD, PA., nave received their first supply of Seasonable Goods, which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety oi Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-war, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware. Provisions. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, Ac. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the large and good assortment of new styles and patterns of LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines. Alpacas. Ginghams. Ducals. Prints, Me rinos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins. I!e reee. Lawns. Nankins, Linen. Lace. Edgings, Col- erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils. Nets. Corsetts, Nu bias, Hoods, Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons, Hats. Trimmings, Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmerets. Tweeds. Jeans. Cordu roys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. Ready-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans, Pumps, Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee. Syrups, Sugar, Rice, Crackers, Vinegar, Candles. Cheese, Flour. Meal. Bacon, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware. Egg beaters. Spice boxes. Wire Lad els, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc., etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Washboards, Buckets, Tubs, Churns Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. Rafting Ropes, Augers, Axes, Chisels, Saws- Files, Hammers, Hatchets, N'ils, Spikes. Grindstones, Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, etc. School Books, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings. Glass and Putty. Flat irons and Coffee mills, Bed eords and Bed screws, Matches, Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap, etc. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perf umery of various kinds, Fancy soaps, Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons to call and examine their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. E0YNT0N 1 SUOWBKS. CteatfiH.Ta.,MaT lth, ll ' JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING XI CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONST! I V J ION. Be it rii'ad Ay the Senate and House of R resentatives of the. Commontoeaith of PtHmy Iva ma in General AssemUv met. That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of tne common wealth, in accordance with the pro visions of the tenth article thereof : There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows : 'Section 4. Whenever any of the Qualified e- lectora of this Commonwealth shall be in any ac tum military servicc.unuer a requisition tiom tne President of the United States, or by the author ity oi mis commonwealth, sucn electors may ex ercite the right of suffrage in all elections bv the citizens, under such regulations as are. or shall be, prescribed bylaw, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election." Section 2. There shall be two additional sec tions to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight, and nine, as fol lows : 'Section 8. No bill shall be passed by the Leg islature, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except ap- nrnnrifltinn Killa ? 'Section 9. No bill shall be passed bv the Lesr islature granting any powers, or pivileges. in any case, wnere the authority to grant such pow ers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be. conferred upon the Courts of thisCommonwelath." JIEKY U JOHXSOX, Spetiter of the House of Representative. JOHN P PENNEY, Spe.nler of the Senate. Office of the Secu ktaii y of the Common w k I . H AKK1SBI HG. Anui, 2j. 16iU i Pennsylvania, . : I do hereby certify that the s- - v. foregoing is a full. true and correct copy ( SKAlV' the original Joint Resolution of the ViXvGeneral Assembly, entitled '-A Joint Resolution proposing certain amendments to the Constitution,- ' as the same remains on file in this office. Ia testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. bU, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above Resolution having been agreed to by a majority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adop tion or rejection on tho first Titestlay of Autriitt, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article of the Consti tution, and the act, entitled '"An Act prescribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the proposed amendments to the Constitution." approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eixty-four. ELI SLIFEH. May 4. 1861. Sec'y of Commonwealth 1864 SPBIMG. 1864 JUST RECEIVED A LOT OP NEW GOODS AT MRS. WELCH'S, Consisting of Artificials. Bonnets.Buckles. Crapes, Ladies" caps. Band-boxes, Capo-net, Founda- . lions for Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Felt and Straw Hats, Feathers for Hats, Plumes, Jet Bonnet-pins, Ruches, Illusion Ribbons, Veils. Rib bon wire. Bonnet Silks, And eveiy variety of Millinary Goods. ALSO, Perfumeries. Laird's Bloom of Youth, Soaps, Paper uud envelopes, needles. Pins. Head-dresses, bair nets, hair-pins, hair-oils, kid-gloves, lip salve, dental cream, ambrosia, combs, dress-trimmings, Crochet cotton and kneedles, silk, lisle thread, wool and cotton gloves, wool and cotton hose, gum balls, stay binding, tape, silk thread. MAGIC RUFFLING. Saddlers' silk, machine silk, cotton-thread, but tons, baskets, collars.luce-collars and veils, belts, f urn-combs, gum cord, brushes, hooks and eyes, raid.beads.BristoI-board.guilt-braid.Gallagher's soap and hair oil, shawl pins, mittens, music, music paper, elastic. Dead and bugle trimmings. VELVET RIBBONS. Wire. Berlin wool, split zephyr. Shetland wool, tatting-cotton and shuttles, crochet needles, twi lights, whalebones, toysc candies, china and ivo ry toys, bobbinetts, pencils, pens, embroideries, cursots. hoop-i-kirts, uiourniug-veiU, mourning paper and envelopes, nubias, lilly white, nets. WHITE TRIMMINGS. Quilling umlersleeves, dolls, porte-monnaies, handkerchiefs, scissors, marbles and tissue paper. All of whu-h she will sell sheap for cash. Braid and Embroidery Stamping with the la test patterns. March 16, 1SG4. J. P. KRATZER, HEALKH IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AC. FK0.NT STREET, (ABOVE THE ACADEMY,) CLEARFIELD. PA. LADIE S PRESS GOODS. New Styles Alpacas, Plaids, Mozambique, Broche-Mohair. Valencia. Silks, Wool-Delains. French merinos, ginghams, lawns. Just opening at the store of J. P. KRATZER. STArLE DRY GOODS. Clothes. Cassimer. Cloak-Cloths. Tweed. Sat inett. Silk, warp-flanncl, Ticking. Muslin. Linins, prints at the old prices. J. P. KRATZER. BONNETS. Fashionable Bonnets, Hats, Net". Caps. Shakers, ribbon, flowers, plumes, Bonnet-silks crape, nets, millinary goods generally. J. P. KRATZER. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tinware. Queensware, Glassware, Wooden ware, looking glasses, clocks, nails, glass, oils, paints, lamps, wall-paper at all prices at KRATZERS. BOOTS AND SHOES. A complete assortments of Ladies' Boots, Gn tleinan's shoes, misses', boys, and children's gaiters ani shoes, at J. P.KRATZER. MEAT Sugar cured Hams, Plain Hams, shoulders, side, mess pork, di red beef a large stock always on hand KRATZER. CLOTHING full suits to match, of coats, pants & vests Dusters overhalls. boys clothing at J. P. KRATZER?S PROVISIONS Flour,cheese,lard, dried apples, dried peaches received regularly from the west by J. P. KRATZER. GROCERIES A full stock of choice groceries at a small advance on city prices at the store of J. P. KRATZER. CARPETING Ingrain,hcmp, cot- ton, Floor oil cloth, Brocatelle. Door mats Ac , at the store ef J. P. KR VTZER. SHAWLS Broches Stella, Bay- State, silk, cashmere, tnibit, all qualities for sale at the store of J. P. KRATZER. HATS AND CAPS Oakfords' Spring styles at J. P. KRATZER'S. FISH Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, Salmon, in all siie packages. J. P. KRATZER. SALT and Plaster in large quan tities for sale by J. P. KRATZER. MANTLES in great variety at April 27 J. P. KRATZER'S. A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paint, oi'f. white lead, etc., at E. A. IRVIN'S SALT a good article, and very cheap at .he store of WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfiel 1. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, for sale at Hartwick A Huston's Clfprfield. Fa ' HOSTETTERS' ' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, A puro and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative oi wonderful cliicacy in disease of tho Stomach, Liver and Bowcls. Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache General Debility, Nervousness. Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Cotnplaintsof either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and re- storative in its nature enters into the composition of Jlostetler's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but it is a combination or the extracts of rare balsam ic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, go far as the Human system can be protected by 1 . ; i , l - , , i uumnu uiBitua aguiusL mniauiesBugenuereu oy an unwholesome atmosphere, impure water and oth er external causes, Hostetter's Bitters may be re- nea on aaasaieguara. In districts infested with Fever and A?ue, it has been louud infallible as a preventive and irresis tible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of on attack, escape the scourge ; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvel ous medicine, t ever and Ague patients, alter be ing plied with quinine for months in rain, until fairly satured with that dangerous alkaloid, are not untrequently restored to health within a few days by the use of Hoxtetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by thisagreeable Tonic.and hence it works wonders in cases of Dispepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle ana painless apperieut, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves tne Constipa tion superinduced by irregular action of the di' cestivo and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervous At tacks, Lowness of Spirits and Fits of nd prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this poiut is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Billious Colic is immediately as suaged by a single dose of the stimulent, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the com plaint may be prevented. As a General Tonic, Hoxtetter's Bitters produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they cn be fully appreciated. In cases of Loiistitutioniil Weakness. .Premature Decay and rcuuiijr uiiu 'ecrepuuiie arising irom Vld Age. it exercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a de lightful invigorant. When the powers of nature operates to re-euforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least,' it is the only safe Stimulent, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid ele ments present more or les in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. The immcnie increase ia the sale of Hrstetter,s Bitters, both at home and abroad, during the past year proves that the world, while it obeys the Scriptural injunction to '-try all things." onlv "Holds fast to that which is good. ?' Spurious preparations, like poisonous fungi, are continual ly springing up. but their character is soon dis covered, and they are "flung like worthless weeds away." Un the other hand, a great antidote that performs all it promises, and even more than its proprietors claimed for it on its introduction, is not tor a day, but tor all time. No family medicine has been so universal! v. and. it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, nallos- tetter's Bitters. Prepared by Hostktter & Swim. Pittsbiirg.Pa. Sold by all Druggists.Grocers and Storekeepers everywhere. Nov. 10. lStiS, 1 yr. IIEMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Compound Fli:ii Extract BucHC.a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Bladder.Kid neys. Gravel. and Dropsical Swellinss. Thismed- icine increases the power of Digestion. and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, and all unnatu ral enlargements are reduced, as well asPaiu and Inflamation. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU. For Weakness arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling. Horror of Disease. Wakefulness. Dim ness ot vision, lain in the back. Universal Lassi tude of the Muscular system. Hot Hands. Flush ing of the Body, Dryness ot the skin, Eruptions on the Face, Palid Countenance These symptoms, if allowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows I in po tency. Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in oue of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those Direful Diseases, 'Insanity and Consumption?' Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess the records of the insane as ylums. And melancholy deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected with Organic Weak ness requires the aid of Medicine to strength en and invigorate the system, which Uelmbold's Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to Females the Ex tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Pain fulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leu chorroea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the De cline nr Change of Life. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Helinbold'a Extract Buchu and Improved Rose Wash cures, Secret Diseases, in all their stages, At little Expense. Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions Pre venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, al laying Pain and Inflamation, so frequent in the class ot diseases, and expelling all Poisonous.Dis eased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has, by the use jof "Powerful astringents." been dried up in the system, to breaic out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ex isting in Male or Female from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of theso organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is reeomended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicine Price SI. 00 per Bottle, or sir for 55.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in all communi cations. Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis ! Address letters for information to H. B. HELMB0LD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Medical Depot. Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Deal ers who endeavor to dispose ot their own and oth er articles on the reputation attained by Helm bold's Genuine preparations. Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla... Improved Rose wah. . , . . Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Adver tisement and send for it, and aroid exposure. Not. 10, 1S63, 1 yr riLEAR FIELD HOUSE. CLEARFIELD, V PA. The subscriber having purchased tha lurmture and interest from Ji. H. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception ef tran eient and permanent boarders. Every, depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county, lie res- pecuuuy solicits a share of public patronage. July 11, ISoO.-y. GEO. N. COLBURN SERIOUSLY HURT! All the Merchants in the neighborhood of Cur wensville, because I have brought on and opened a large anu wen assorieu stocs oi NEW GOODS, which I am selling at extremely low prices for cash. My stock embraces all the variety usually kept in a country store, and selected with an eye 10 sun inese WAR TIMES. I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the arti cleslkeep; and their fabulously low prices which, l might do but alter you will have seen and examined for yourselves, you will exclaim, in tne language ot the kueen of the South "HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD." I will merely sav. come and see for Yourselves. for I feel satisfied that I can suit your tastos as well as your purses . Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken in exenange ior goods. Curwensville. Oct. 22, 1SB2. J. F. IRVIN. DRUGS! DRUGS!! FRESH .A-KJ-JD PURE ! HARTSWICK k HUSTON, DRUGGISTS, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Perfumery, Toilet Goods BLANK ROOKS ft STATIONARY", TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and fancy articles We respectfully invite a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29. 1S64. War in Curwensville ! New Gools Extremely Low. STILL A GRAND MISTAKE ! ! ! THAT ALLTHE MERCHANTS AT CURWENS- ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was "shot at, but missed," but I have procured another new and large assortment of goods from the city, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in tne county. RE A D R EA D READ .' Anions' the Ladies' dress eoods will be foand Poplins, shallies, dclaius, lawns, and a variety of other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest ment should call and examine my stock. CLOTHIXG AT REDUCED PRICES:!! Rye. oats and corn for sale. Also, bacon, fish, etc., at very low figures. Best sugar at from 12 to 15 cents per pound. Eest Syrup at DO cents per gallon. All other groceries at the same rate. Boots and shoes, and Shoe bindings, cheap. Now is the time to buy, when goods are plenty ; and all I ask is, for persons to examine my goods and I feel persuaded they will not go awav with out purchasing J. D. THOMPSON. Uurwensvillo, .May 20th, lb3-jal. FURNITURE ROOMS! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture a may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his -Furniture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is. BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor,. Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen-ny-liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, ic. Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on band, and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair, Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on MarKet street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4, 1S61 JOHN GUELICH. MERRELL&BIGLER Have just opened, a large and splendid assort ment of 'NEW GOODS at their old Stand in Clearfield. Pena'a. They have the best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell at the most reasonable prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of cuttlery, to which they invite the special attention of" the public. On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will ba sold at reasona ble prices. Thev continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brafs kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. They also have on baud Pittsburg Plows, a niong which are steel centre lever plows. Also, Plow castings, and other agricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for s; at reasonable prices. Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, and castings, a great variety ; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the publio ean be found in their establishment, and at prices that ean not be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in their line of tmsiness. Give them a call and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you can be accommodated. ' Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield, Pa... where you cau buy goods to the very best advantage. . Old silver, copper, bras, pewter and old cast ins will be taken in exchange for good. May 13, liS MERRELL BI'JLEIl iiLGooDsvio,,;: uv,..wua. uuics, nieg. rerceptor ' iar-v.olin-bow's pridges, strings o"f theCi' be found at j, K to D R. A M. HILLS DESIRES To rvT patronsthat professional b!2 Vffci. fine, h; " . his oa- VsfSav an th i .... V --S ... " L,I , . ,u Hake P this summer 1.! streets at all II times, except "when no ieV." papers to the contrary. Ju'y in the town LOOK HERE S0METHIHG SUBSTANTIAL in LtTMBERciTT JOHN M. SPENCER Has recently opened a shop in Lumber C d where ha v to . ""uuer t.fv Pa -vj, wiiBknui yon hi,(i . t ufacture to order, all kinds of Tin sC? "P"1"-. and Copper ware. neet, lron which Lumberman -ill . . on ad of ders for Spout,,,?. Roon,, Z. ... not'ce 0r- licited. Repairing promptly Vended U ,3- Store keepers and dealers supplied t r. ble rates, a h int.l p . "l reasons- of workmen, the pubMcmay" , Von L.umter-city. March 2. l6t. j "WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT ia GLE3T EOPE, pA K VEKYBODV SEKMS PLE.tKI. Ami Why Should Tlu-v X..t 15..V Surely, the people in that section of ClearfiWJ wuuij uo.o s". icn.-ou 10 oe rejoiced orer the pleading announcement that J O BOBSn-M- V . T1 . . ----- v """ui.UHs larg est and beat selected stock of goods ever brought NEW ST0UE AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned havinz removed hi.t..rt his New liuildiug on Pine Street. Glen Hope, op posite the "Union House," is now opening and of fering to the public the largest and bet selected stock of seasonable good ever offered iu this place and neighborhood, and will be bold at t ri ces to suit the times. His Stock embraces Dry-'loods. Notions. Hard ware. Queens-ware, lloots. Shoee. Hats and fat" Heady made clothing, Paints. Oils. Glass. Nml. Bacon. Pish, Flour, Salt; Willow, Stone and L'ur-then-ware, and Stoves. OF DRY-GOODS, he has Cloths. Cassitners. Sat- tinetts, Tweeds, Veilings, Flannels, Shirtings Prints, Cobu-fc cloth. Alpacas, De Laines. (iing hams, Cbintx Kerchief . Nubias, Sontags. Nan kin, Lawns, Linen. Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vails, etc. OF HARDWARE, he has axes. saws, chisel. knives and forks, locks, hinges, screws, augers, hammers, nails, spikes. Stoves of various pattern? aud ttizes, flat irons, etc OF GROCERIES, he has coffee, sugar, muls ses. teas, rice, pepper, cinnmon. cloves, Flour, hams, sides, shoulders, fish, etc. OF QUEENSWARE. he has teasels, cup ant saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee pots, piicbor bowls, plates, difhes. etc. OF CLOTHING, he has coats, pant.', vests, un dershirt; shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats. caps, boots, shoes, etc. All the above, and numerous other articles, f r sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds of lumber aud country produce. Remember, that I am receiving goods weekly from Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furnished un very short notice. Call and exan-inc the goods and prices and at isfy yourselves of the utility of buying t JOHN KOIJSON'S. Glen Hope, December 23. I8ri3. THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE! THE WEED MACHINE! THE SHUTTLE STITCH THE WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 505 BROAOWAr, New York. Manfaeture the most perfect Machine for Sewing, of all kinds, ever presented to the American pub lic and challenge comparison with any Seving Machine made in the United States. The WEED Machines, with all their valuable improvements. entirely overcome all imperfections They are Superior to all others, fur Family ap.d Manufacturing purposed. Simple in construction, durable in all their parls. and READILY UNDERSTOOD. They have cer tainty of stitch on all kinds of fabrics, and are -dapted to a wide range of work without change or adjustment. Using all kinds of thread. N'11 Hem, FtJi, Bind, Gather, Braid, Tuci, Qnut, Cord, and in fact do all kinds of work required by Families or Manufacturers. They innke the Interlock Shuttle Stitch, which cannot be exeeled for firmness, elasticity, durability and elegance of finish. They have Received the highest Pre miums! in every instance, where they have been exhibited in competition with other machine We invite all persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done ly 31 chinery, to inspect them, and mole, turf the? ' enre the best, by proving the WEED before rr' chasing. The Company being duly licensed, tee Machines are protected' against infringement or litigation. ty Persons at a distance can order by with a perfect confidence that the Maeht "1 reach tbem safely, and that they will be able to manage it to their entire satisfaction, wiih n o ther aid than the printed instructions accoir ft nying each Machine. Every explanation wu' cheerfully given to ail. whether they wish to por chao ir not. Descriptive circulars, together a Specimens of Work, will be furnished to all & desirv them, by mail or otherwise. re"Reliable Agents Wanted, in aTT localities ia the United States. Canadas, British rrovin. Cuba. Mexico, Central and South America Wert ii,.-i,"oi ii,.. IjIji,,U. to whom 9ua uu .uo in. -1 . we offer great inducements. Energetic nen find it a paying business, as reliabl tewini - j' chines have become a necessity in every laiui.y -We manufacture a great variety of rtyl- y'."n. which we give a few prices : No 2, Fami.y. ' No. 2, Extra, S3o; No 2, Half case ' Bd -su' No. 34, Manufacturing, $c0 and $ WEED SEWING MACHINE CO Box 2.041 P. O.) 506 Broadway, . New York, May 25, 1664.-Sm Thomas Mills, Clearfield. P- ""ll authorized agent for the "f th " Md -e"-t Machine. Call and see the M?tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers