JUi THE ftjunrsniura mi. THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, FA., DEC'ii 2, 1803. For Sale. A good parlor wood stove tor aalo low. Inquire at journal omco. XBIBUTE OF BESPECT 84 Keot. Pkssj'a Vols. Nov. 25th, 1863. Ma.EonoR: The people of Clearfield have heretofore received the sad intelligence of the decease ol Corporal Matthew O. Tate, Co. K 4th Kegt, but I thought it would not be in appropriate lor a nioruber o! his company, and .companion in arms, to give a briel history ,.f bia career while living and a member of company K. Corporal Tate enlisted in the service of bis country, for three years or during the war, on the 15ihday of -October 1861 being then not aaitt seventeen years vt age. He followed his regiment through its varied and checker ed career, participating in every engagement, itnd with theui on every march, never in a single instance failing to do his allotted duty. His life has been an exemplification of'a true and faithful soldier, and although young in years, he possessed the characteristics ot a vet eran. He received his death-wound at the me morable battle of Chancellorville, where his conspicuous bravery was the praise of all lips. After a painful and lingering illness of over six months, in the hospitals and at home, be died on the Ititti of November. 1803 .surround ed bv lriends. At a meeting ot the non-commissioned offi cers and privates of Co. K.84.lh P. V. conven ed lor I lie occasion, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas ; - It has pleased the Almighty in the dispensation of Ills Providence, to take lroiu our midst our brother and feliow soldier a inns, Corporal Matthew O. Tate, Therefore, Resolved .- That we express this our sense of the deep affliction, his death has cast upon his friends and fellow soldiers of Company K, tor the depiivation fruui our r-inks of a noble soldier, a cherished compan ion, and a warm triend. Kesulrtd ; That bis conduct while a member ,1 the company ever was of such a character - us to win their confidence and respect, and en ieur him to all ; that in the numerous engage ments in which he participated, he ever U is jjhiyed the utmost gallantry and valor, win ping for himself a nimo l immortality, re jecting honor upon his company, and exalt ing Ibe cause ol hi country. Resulted; That during his lingering illness, the cheerful, buovuiit disposition he always exhibited while suffering trom painful wounds, proves him to have been animated by the Mine patriot ic motives that ever characterized his actions while in the company, and were a deep manifestation of the love he entertained lor his country. Ilito'ced ; That we sincerely condole with iiis relatives in this, their sad affliction, their irreparable Ins mid ofl'er a our only conso lation, that he died from wounds received wink- fighting in defence of his country. Resclred ; That a copy of these resolutions l.e sent to his tfilicted parents and one copy tu the Haflimuu'j Journal tor publication. Signtd by the officers. S'-rgt. R. H. Jamiox, President. Corporal, W. B. Hemphill, See'y. The following pumrd members composed the committee mi resolutions: Corporals, J. U.Barger, P. M'Cracken, H. J. Similiter, J . H. Feigiiion, nd Privates John Gretn, A. 15. Jteauis, K. L. Young, O. P. Addlenian. Your. Co. K. THE LADIES' SOLD I EES RELFE? SOCIETY 0? CURWENSVILLE, PA. Mrs. Ja.vk Ikvin, PkkmIES r. Mri. !. O. Crouch, Treasurer. Miss .Nannie i. Irviu, Sec.eiai v. COMlllrrKK ON FINANCES. Miss Esther Cathcart, Miss Maria Bard, ' Clara Koss. " isabell t Welsh, Annie M. Irvin. " Kate Holden, ' Florence Livingston " Jme Bloom, Kate Goodwin, J. Hartshoru, COMUlTTfcK ON IlIsTttlBrTIOS. Mm. Susan Bard, Mrs. Susannah Patfon. ' EliZ4 Irvm " Eliztbelli Livingston, Sophronia Hartshorn, Sarah Thompson, ' Anna Koss, ' Elizn Cathcart, Hannah Evans. mtSIDlST'S RKPOBT. The undersiftn.-d, Pres't ol the ''Ladtea' fcoldiei' Kelief Society" ol Curwensville, Peima. presuming that. a stateruetit ol the do ings or the Society since its organization, 'would be interesting to many wiiu have con tributed to its limits, and to others engaged in similar enterprizes, begs leave to make the following report ot its operations through the papers of the couuty. Deeming it a Christian aua a patriotic nuiy to minister to lite wants I our sick, wounded and rtrriz ldier6. wto by the viiitudfs of war, and often destitute of the necessities of life, an organization was created to collect funds, clothing, food Vc, and to dispatch the same through relia- Me channels to the various hospitals, catiip uu'i r.tt!e-neid tit the country. The follow ii report of the Treasurer presents a correct rateineiit of.the rece i p t s a ud disbursettienlK ' p to the Uuh ot ovemlier, 1803 -mhs. it. u. cboicu, 1 reasurer, tn account with the' Ladies' Soldiers' Kelief Society." DEBTOR. November 25, 1863, To cash received 0,,'e, $672.35 -v. zo. To contributions in tuateri- i,&c. 130,75 lo contributions at the M i-. Church on Thauksgiring day, CREDIT. i -r boxes of goods made up and sent to Christian Cointnissiou FMia. Cah paid Express clwges. 1,50 3,00 Cash sent Sanitary CoramU icn Philadelphia. Ciahsent Pa. Sol. Relief Aa fcia!ion, Washington D. C. -or. 3(.i. HC3, Cash sent to Joseph Patterson, Esq., Treasurer Christian Com mission, Philadelphia. v:scellaneous expenses. balance in Treasurer hands. 200,00 100,00 600,00 5,00 58,15 Total amount. 28,10 $1328,10 fie article the four boxes of KOudi, referred to In the above report, have Jn carefully recorded in the books of the CITh! ... v . . . i. 1 . -..e, j, nuicu can uo reierrea to ny uy deiiring information of their contents. . "'beers of the Society have used their 'scretion in sending goods or money to either le Unitary Committee, Chribtian Commis ". or Pa. Sol. Relief Society, as seemed nt appropriate at the time to meet the (j"a 01 'he suffering. The recent accounts the wretched and starring condition of the ."1"n P"souers at Richmond, have suggested propriety of sending relief in that direc- .... inviY B tnctii mr 9U'ji, nas "' n UravL-n i r a, f'hri m favor of the Treasurer of the Milinf.. :.- . . i ,- . . , u -'iiiiiii.nioii- in iki ttitiiiiMn r.i Miui, )uir l'roI)0!e, ahould occasion re- it, to devote tome of the funds remain- r .,ne the treasurer to the relivl 'uluiyu' farniliea at tni. that i.- families at home, that maybe found wanting in l'iiel.cl-tbin;f, fee. hy the .absence of those :n the army upon wl.um the have beretotoi j depended for aupi.ort. In submitting this report to tbt public, we may remark, that whilst we believe our sun cess as a society will compare 1'ivorably. wiiii that of any other, similarly ci cnuuatitiiced i'i the county, inuib remains yi-t to be done. And ihut instead relaxing our effort, wo should even labor with increased diligence in our cause. No causo can be more inspiring and holy, than that of feeding and clothing the brave heroes in our army ; who by risking all the perils of camp and battle-field are se curing to us, at our homes, domestic peace and comfort. And while we are enjoying these blessings at our own firesides, should we uot regard it rather a pleasure, than a bur den, to contribute to the relief of our gallant, but unlortunate soldiers and their families i la the name of the ttociety then, I appeal to all to give us your help in onr efforts. Let every one do something. Contributions in money can be reported to any member of the the Committee on fJnauceb, and will be duly credited. But if money cannot be spared, bend douations of food and clothing, and they will be sacredly devoted to their intended use. It is desired that when garments or other do uatioiis are made, the names of the persons sending them and the probable value ot each, be attached, so that it can be entered ou the books of the Secretary. Delicacies such as wines, jellies, dried fruit, &c, are in demand. All donations can he sent to the residence of the undersigned, where they will be carefully stored, until they can be forwarded to the army. Jane Irvi.y, President. Curwensville, Pa. Nov. 30th 1863. COKEE3P053ENCE OF THE -JOTJIINAL.' Letter from l'hilipsburg, Pa. pHiLiPSBtaa Pens 'a, Nov. SOih, 1863. Dear Journal: Once more excitement is at par. The carnage of hat tie awakes the stillness of these beautiful afternoons, and anxiously we await the arrival of the mail to know the result of the game ot Brao that Gen. Grant is playing iu the viciuity of Chat tanooga, Tenn. From the lntest tally 1 have seen, It would sppe-ir that U. S. Grant, (sig nificant letters, the two first,e'iu.il!y appalling the last five) would win with au extraordinary run bv his opaone-:l '-a little more grape" Bragg. If "old Joe" happens to make his 'inning" in time nt Kossvi'le, it will very likt-ly result in an a-la Pern berton-Vicksburg-victory lor tho -Johnie." Well, sincerely, all (ho harm 1 wish them is that both Bragg and Longstreet may be wiped out. But, as it is, the old flj baa gained another bright and ni-igriifJcent victory. A victory that cer tainly breaks once more tile back bone ol iho rebellion a I ivak, thai brings JeS &: co. ia close proximity to stretching hemp., and Uni ting the slight li.icture that lie caused to Xt spinal column of the Union nearly three years ago. The signs of a speedy restoration ot the Union are plainly visible. Tho oi l flag seems to leap lor joy and kisses the pure loyal at mosphere with as much deiight as though it never was tainted. Glorious 'flag of my own, my own native land.' May it ha the will of an All wise, just and Beneficent God to spare my life that I may again see that (J ig floiting over a freo, happy and united people of these LJmted States. in all its former (lory and mag nificence iiheu it may again occupy the most exalted position, of any tiag thai ever waved beneath the canopy ol heaven wheu it may again wave o'er every sea and bu honor ed and respected in every clime. Well do I remember, when a bjy, what emotion Hie sight of the Stars aud Stripes caused mo ; my young blond seemed to chill in my veins; tears, unbidden, would roll down mv cheeks. I and ail things arthU- shrink into insiunifi- I , A,woolen Carpot sack, somewhcre.be- I ... .. . . .. fc 'IMJ tU'P.Pn Salm-lft flint. in oi.imtu o,..l C i, D f caiiee at the night of tho Star Spangled Ban ner. The Nation) and State Sunday win not ai well uoscrved l.y our citizen?, us it should have been. Tile business men on Presqueisle street, apparently, closed their stores, but those fin North Second street paid tn atteii tl,,"! to the observance ol tho dav. I am a- 1 wie that it is almost impossible tt close the fiftireM .!. t 1 l-fr. 1 1 itli u lliinL-u.iiu;,,., .1 u v " . n.. 1 . Uilj , Ol U II J bolliday tiiat conies duriug the week ; for the people lroiu the countrv, more or lea, come iu with tnarketing.trading with tho stores &c. not thinking of the day, ami as a matter of course it would riot bu right'to reluso them admission. But the merchant are to blame lot their coming to town tin that day. If they would always observe the days set apart by the President or Governor, the country peo ple would soon learn t keep thu dys too ; or at least not come to town to trade on a thanks giving day. But there is no system about it ; one occasion of the Kind may" find the stoies all closed the town wear a genuine Sunday appearance the country people obliged to go home as tbey come, butter, eggs, &c, no sale storekeepers in l'hilipsburg getting good all of a sudden, and inutterings, not loud or deep, peibapa, but continual as the moral law. Xext thanksgiving day comes; me cooiiiry people come to town lo enjoy the observance of the occaaioo, when to their ut ter astonishment, they find the stores all o pen mechanics that had not worked any that week, now working as busy as possible men whoso wives had cut the fire-wood the year 'round, were now swinging the axe with her culean eflorts, to reduce the "pile" belore sun set, lor after to-day the implement would not receive such lofty aspirations at their hands until next thanksgiving day and, in short, men who never worked betcre, take a slight, vigorous indulgence today. So it goes, the coutitry people do not know wbat to expect, from the '-Merchant princes," but knowing their avidity lor the "root of alle vil," tbey conclude to come in on a trading expedition. They arrive, find the shutters, closed, but ''knock and it shall be opened un to thee." Well, even this mode of closing places of business, closing the shutters and leaving the door unlocked is preferable to throwing open wide the blinds, aad display ing the good and wares, through those col ossal windows of modern Philipsburg. Every one mnit admit that when the stores, saloons, &c, of a town are, to all external appearan ces, closed, it wears a Sunday look, And all the air a solemn stillness holds." The season of loging has fully commenced. The contractors have gone to the woods with their crews, and many of them have their camps built and everything in full operation for the winter's job. The majestic jiine for ests echoe with the woodman's axe in all di rections. The woods seem to be alive with men, horses and '!long tailed bay." The prices have advanced, for "putting in," 50 per centum above last season. There will not be as many logs floated out of the Moshannon next spring as formerly. The lumbermen are getting their eyes open to a matter, that would have been a telling thing for this coun try, had it happened several years ago the building of large Steam Saw mills. The ex periment waa never made until a year ago. It proved a success and Steam Saw mills are becoming as limilliar as Saw logs. This is the age of improvement, and there is do place that the rapid strides of development are more plainly witnessed than in this the adop ted home of L.BR0I. DIED: , On December Isf , at his residence in Law- . . .r. , ' . rence township, uji.liam auc, ageu about 65 year MARRIED : On the linn November, by S. 1. Wilson Ll-i ' rtTEU GKAFFls, to iMtaa ALV1NAH mains, all of Biadford township. . On the lsl Dec, at the Mansion House in Clearfield, by Rev. J. H. Bratten, M t-Albert i. Uksino, of Morris township, toMnsJosKPH fi-NK . IlETdEaLix ol Rush I own-nip Centre oouniy. For" once, we take pleasure in callinir the attention ol our readers to an advetiseruent that of Howe St Stevens' "Family Dyes have oecome a nonsenom necessity, and sogeperal in their use that many a well dressed ladv finds that many an article once rejected as 'out of time, is, oy me am ol these Dyes, made as goou as new. rj-sWhile walking throngh the streets of B--, Curwensville. my attention was drawu to a vast crowd of people passing and repassing, rrau aim an mm an immense loaa or merchan dise; and there meeting an acquaintance, I made the inquiry -What does this mean." The answer was ' have you not been at the cheaD Store of J B.Thompson," who has just come from the East with the largest stock of poods offered to tho community at lower figures than any other house in me country, -aiy auvico to you ia to call and see for yourself- and then exclaim "The half was not told me. SsKAKE AND I'.L'BX ! Shake and bum!! Shake and burn ! ! ! This is the life of uooy en dured by the sufferer from Fever and Ague. He wanders like an uncertain shadow, ncvur know ing what moment, he may be piostrated, and therefore disinclined to give any serious attention to business. This is the condition of thousands in town and country. It is no exageration to say that Fever and Aue kilis more people than any twenty other disuses in America. For a sure and speedy cure of this terrible afilictiou, we take great pleasure iu recommending Ho.stkttku's Stomach Bitters, which have already achieved a wide reputation for rapid and, powerful effects in roauvai'U the system prostrated by this disease. For sale by- Druggists and dealers generally, ev erywhere. Madame Portkk's Curative Balsam has long tested the truth that there are first principles iu Medicine as there is iu Science, and this Medi cine is compounded on principles sailed to the manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds is in keeping open the pores, and creating it gentle in ternal warmth, axid this is caused by the use of this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based on its power to assist the healthy and vigorous circulation of blood through the lungs, it enli vens the muscles and assists the skin to perform its duties of regulating the heat of the system. and in gently throwing oil the waste substance from the surface of the body It is not a violent rem edy, but emollient, warming, searching and effec tive. ;Sold by all druggist at 13 and 2j cts a bottle. communicated. Pulmonary roHxnmjitioH a cur able discos: '. '. .' A card. To Consumptive. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (freo of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same. which they will Cud ix sure euro for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis., etc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the aiilic ted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer wili try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre sciiption will please address Lev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Sept. 2.T-4H1. Williainsburgh, Kings Co.,N.Y. villo, on the 7th or 8th of November supposed to oe loni. ociween rniiipsourg arm t urwenjville. The sack contained a valuable black shawl and a number of other articles. Tho finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving tliu same at the Journal otfice. or at Dr. Poster's in Philipsburg. (Nov. 20. lo,;:;-pd ) MAUV MeXAl.'L. iyAJi'1 l.I. A man to dig and put out 3 to f 4.UUU ousUels ot coal Highest cash urii-a will be paid by lUVrv hiiiitii w tri Sept. Ti. r,o3.-3t J'urnsid e Pa. JO fit WANTED. A good sober, industri ous journeyman, Cabinet maker, can find Con stant employment, at good wages, by applying eoon to JCJIN tiUELlCIL bept. lC.3. Clearfield. Pa. TVOT1CK TO COLLECTORS OF STATU 11 ANDCOCNTV TAXES. The Collectors of taxes for lSt3. and previous years, will take notice that no exonerations will be ranted bv the Board ot Commissioners after the 24th day of ieeeuioer, A L. imio. Collectors neglecting this notice will bo compelled t pay the full amount on their duplicates. By order of the Board. Nov. 2ith lat53 WM.S BRADLEY, Clerk. AUCTIONEER The undersigned having been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Addrecs, JOHN M QCILICIN. May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield co.. Pa. N. B. Persona calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of StiO, which pro vision will be enforced against those who may vi olate the same. IXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons in Jk terested are hereby notified, that Letters Testementary on the estate of Hon. James Fer guson, late of Lumber city deceased, have this day been issued to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated, for settle ment. ELIZA FERUl'SON. Executrix. JOHN' PATTON Exr. October, 27, 1303 -pd NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. CARLISLE & CO., DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Lumber, Shingles, &c. PBILlrSBCKC, CENTRE COUNTV, PESNl. CARLISLE CO., have received and are just opening the largest assortment of the BEST, CHEAPEST, and most seasonable goods ever brought to this section of country, consisting of DRV GOODS AND GROCERIES; Notions, Hardware and Qaeensware; LADIES' FURS' Hoods. Nubias. Sontags. Balmoral and Hoop skirts ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes; . Ready-made Clothing latest styles; School Books and Stationary ; Kice-flour, Farina and Corn Starch ; Drugs, Oils, Paints: Putty and Glass : Coal-oil . Lamps, Wood and Willow ware; TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS ; Pipes, Tobacco and Pegars; Fish. Salt, Nails, Coal and- Linseed Oils; Flour, Feed and Provisions; and all articles usual ly kept in a country store All of which will Je sold CHEAP FOR CASH or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles. Nov. is, i863-if Carlisle; a co. ,4 BMI.MSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that letters of Administration have this day been gran ted to the undersigned on the estate of Isaac Kline, late of Bradford township, deceased. Those in debted to aid estate will make immediate pay. tnent. and those having claims against it, will pre sent them duly authenticated f or settlement to the undersigned, of to II. B. Swoope Esq. her attorney SARAIi KLIXE, Adm'r Clearfield, Oct. 21, lSGX-pd IN TIIE MATTER of the eale of the Real Estate of Thomas McCracken , late of town ship, eienrficid Conrty, deceived : The under signed who was duly appointed Auditor to dis tribute the money arising from said sale, will at tend to the duties of his arpr,intment, -ithis office n the Ikirough of Clearri. ld. on Saturday the 2Gth day of lecein0er, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. when and where all persons interested may attend if they see proper. 111U.MAS J. AlcCULLOUttil, November 25th 1S63. Auditor. T TIIE .MATT Ell of fh .-.I. f th Ki J. Estate of David Michael by the sheriff of icameia county: ine undersigned who was auiy appointed Auditor to distribute the nioncr arisingfrom said sale to thoso entitled to the same", will attend to the duties of h is anniiintmnt i his office in the Borough of Clearfield on Friday the 2oth day of Decem ber 163, at Hi o'clock a ni. of said day, when and where all persons interes ted may attend if the v see proper. liiuaiAS J. AleCULLOL U II. .November 25th 1S6.'. Auditor. I THE .MATTE It of the Entate of Reuben J 1-onsall, hue ot Krady Township. Clearfield County, deceased : The undersigned who was du ly appointed in open Court to Audit and distribute .uu money remaining in the hands of Amos Bon sall the administrator will ni.n.i ,., ,, ....- A U Lll or bis appointment at his office in the Lorough of I learfield. on Monday the L'Sth day of December '7"'sl ' o clock A. M. of said dav. when and where all persons interested may attend if thev see proper. T: J. McUULI.OITU H. -November 25th. 1S3. Auditor. r THE MATTER of the Estate ot Benjamin - isonsali. late of Iim.lv , ii.....k..i.i Lounty.deceased : Iho i-tidernigne i who was du ly appointed Auditor to distribute the mouev re- maimng in tho hands of Lover Flegal Esq. Ad ministrator, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at his office in thn K, Hold, on Thursday the 21th davof Doccraber lSG.i at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend if thev see Pr?.Per- T. j. MoCL'BLOPGH. -November 25th 1853. Auditor. fTUTE ESTATE OP A DECUASlil): ISAAC KLINE, Clearfield Comity, r ; In the mat ter ot the Estate of Isaac Kline, deceased, the Personal Kstate of Raid d eCOHSRfl. fll't: fill- tn t)m widow on her claim of 5.00. was on the 2d day of i November 180., read and confirmed , Sin,l tho Court ordered that publication be made in one cw.opaper published in said County notifying all persons interested that unless exceptions are filed on or before the fin-t day of tho next term the sani'j will bo confirmed absolutely. By the Court. Nov. 23. Iao.'. t. U BAKULK, Clerk of O C. rTIIIE KSTATEOFDAN'LM. WEAVER JL DECEASE!: Clearfield County, x : Tn the matter ot the hstfite of Lamel 31. Weaver deceased, the annraiscment nf tha Personal Estate of said deceased, set out to the widow on her claim of $300. was on the 2d of October liifi3. read and confirmed Is'i Si and or dered that publication be made in one news paper publisnod in said County notifying all per sons interested that unless exceptions are filed on or belore the first day of next term the same will be confirmed absolutely. By the Court. .Nov. 2a. 1S3 I.O. BAROEK. Clnrk of O. O. LIS r OK LETTERS remaining in tho Poet Office at Clearfield, on Nov. lath 18ri3. Baiheiret, II. A. Knist, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, Mis M. A. McKinlcy, .lames Honrad. Miss Jannia Mao re Henrv R Dunn, Thomas F. Dillon, Miss Eliza Drew , Ephraim Faubel, Martin (Jarre, Joseph Pentz. Miss Maggie Bousher, Mis Caroline 3 Hmpson, David Theaker, Win. O. Thomas. Miss Josephine Hancock. Win w ise. Mr. .arah E. Hateheaon. t.lizaqetn Weit, Mrs. Hannah One cent due on each letter advertised Per sons calling for any of above letters, will My they are auvertisel. M. A. fKA.K. 1'. M -OWIIISSIONERS SALE OF UNSEAT V7 - LANDS. In pursuance of an Act of Assembly passed the 13th day of March, IS! 5. en titled an act to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated land for taxes, and for other purposes. The Commissioner? of Clenrfiold Countv. Pa will dispose of the following lands at the Court bouse on iucsday the 12th day of January. A. D HtU. to wit: No. Ac. Per. Warrantee. Township. 4u:i .James v llson, hoi. i 4t! Kratzer.KultoniLanich Bradford 4ti 150 160 Edward Shoemaker, Dunikide 40 John McClelland, Deeatur. 1095 1 00 30 7S 315 15S 121 223 163 170 100 219 433 133 tun 100 300 30 ?00 220 315 iZ 200 300 100 lames I.urns, Wm. Pigltr. Brown .t Roynton. Karthaua. f'enn. Beccaria. Barnside. Uj-nry .Musser. I'hihr Jihp 1 hoiuus, do do !eorge Ross. da do Jacob Mussersmith do do John Cunningham, do do John irraflf. do do Paul Zantzinger.- do do Matthias .Slough, do do Jacob Graff. do do David Evans, Chest. Joseph Ruper, Deeatur ISenjamin Jlulet, Fox. John Doughton, Ferguson. Philetus Clark, Fox. Win. Wilson. Jordan. John Morgan. Morris. Christopher Baker, do do Andrew Douglas, do do Andrew Keiss, Penn. J. Morgan. - Woodward. K Whitehead. do do By order of tho Commissioners. Nov. 25. 1883. WM. S. BRADLEY, Clerk. the Clearfield County Bank, Nov. 2d, 1863 ASSETS. Gold. ::::::::::: S5.759 56 Silrer, :::::::::::: 1.351 M 1 ereonal property owned by bank. : 315 21 Real estate owned by bank, (none) Real estate taken for debt. (none) Bills discounted, :::::::: S9.3J7. 83 Bills discounted, under protest. : : 2.40" 70 Pa. 5 per ct. loan, parvalue, S6.3.011 93 59.093 41 Due from banks and bankers. : : : 29.1)560 Notes of other banks, : : : : : ; 2.541 00 Legal tender and demand notes. : : 6.700 90 Checks, drafts, etc. ::::::; 3,563 49 Overdrafts, ::::::::; 164 79 Due from Commonwealth (special) ' 400 00 Expense of Plate engraving, etc. : : 764 75 Total amount of assets, : ; ; 2o2.4Si b4 LIABILITIES. Capitxl Stock paid in. ; : : : : : $50,000 00 Notes in circulation, 10's ; : : : : 9.2S0 00 " " " 57a : : : " : : 13.920 00 " " " l'n : : : : : 6,304 00 (This being the greatest amount in cir culation since last statement!) Dua depositors, :::::;:: 93,61330 Due on certificates of deposit, : : : 13,694 05 Due to banks, ::::::: : : 4,61641 Due commonwealth, tax on dividend, 157 50 Interest and exchange, op. . ; : ; 5,850 58 Total amount of Liabilities, : : $202XS584 Total Liabilities June 30th 1S63, $228,105 this be ing the greatest amount sinee last settlement. Liabilities of Directors as principals, $1,340 00 ". of Directors as endorsers, 9.805 00 of Stockholders as prino 18,309 16 of Stockholders as endor. 25.708 05 Dividend declared this day of 3ip ct 1 1,750 00 U States and State tax on the Mime, 210 00 The above statement i3 correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. Graham, cashier. Sworn before me this 24th day of Nov., 1863. W. RteA0H, Notary Pub. XOT ALCOHOLIC, A Highly Concentrated VEGETAB LE EXTRACT. A Fl'HE TONIG. 0CT0R 1IO0FI.ANDS GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BV Dr. C. M. Jackson, l'hilad'a, Pa. Will effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Ji'uudice. Chronio or Xervous Debility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases Bri bing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach, such asCunstipation. Inward Piles. Fulness or blood to the Uoad. Acidity of the Stomach.Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Kruetatioiis. Sinking or Fluttoring at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the llead. Hurried and Difficult Breathing. F lut tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture, Dimness of ision. lots or Wbs before the'sigiit.fr'e ver and Dull Tain in the Head. Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellow iiees of the Skin and Lci. Pain in the Sid. Hack. Chet, Limbs, ia . Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flosh. Constant Imaginings of Evil, aiii gmaf Depression of Spiri:s. From Rv. J. Xstnton Browi. P. f) Klitnr of tit' Eitcydopejli'j, of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent .Mo liciues iu goncral. through distrust of th-ir iii.redieuts and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a mau may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in the hope that he may thus contribute to the htnuQt of others. I do thts the more readily iu regard to Hoof land's German Bitters, prepared oy Hr. C M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst them for many years, uuder the impres sion that they were chiofly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebtind to my friend Robert Shoemaker, F.sij , forth removal of thi-i prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try thcoi. when sufferirg from great and long continued debility. '1 he use of thrco bottles of these, Litters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration. to a degree of to!i ily and mental vigor which I had hot felt for six months befrc, and had almost despaired of ro gaining. I therefore thank Uod and mv friend for directing me to the use of them. Thilad'a., June, 23, Isdl. J. Akwtox Bhowx. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the nam ol l.uturs put up iu quart bottles, couipoun (led of the cheapest whiskey or common rum. cos ting trom 'U to in cents per gallon, the taste dis guised by ADise or Coriander Seed This cIhss of Bitters hascaused and will contin uo to came, as l.ng as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. My their use me syswm is Kept coutinually under ihe influ ence of Alcoholic Stiinulantsof the worst kind. tho desire fc-r Liquor is created and kept up. and the result is all the horrors attendant upou a drunk ard's life and death. For thoso who desire and will h iv a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One liottle Hooflmd' Herman Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or H7 '.. 9. and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and tme excelletice any of tho numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark et, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoorland's Bitters in connection with a giod article of Liquor.at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTSXTIOS, SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the atmy to tue fact that Hooclvnd's German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp JUe. In the lists, nuoi'ed almost irA'y hi the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be avfi?e4 that a very largo propor tion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind oau be readily cured by Hoorland's Ger man Bitters. Diseases resulting from d isomers of the digestive organs are speedily removed. Wa have co hesitation in stating that. "if these Bitters were freely used among our so!dior9. hundreds of lives might bo saved that otherwise will he lost. Wo call particular attention to rhefollowiug re markable and well authenticated cure of one the nation's heroes, whose life, to nse his own lan guage, "has been snved by the Blttera : Pailadelphia, August 23rd. 1S62. M'-xtr. .fotiesif Rvins. Weil, gentlemen. your llootl'ind's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouehed for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, an I who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am. and have been tor the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the im mediate command of Capt. R B. Ayres. Throngh the expo sure attendant upon my duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city ou board the Steamer 'Sffe of Maine.'"from which I Is lid oil oq the 2tb of June. !-ino that time 1 have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For 4 week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I did force a luortel Jon 11, it was immediately thrown np araia. 1 could not even keep a glass of water n my frloiuaen. iite could not last under these mrcuui stances; and. accordingly, the physicians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer.-fraukly told me they could do no more for iu. ami advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited fttnds as best suited ine. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick .Steinborn. of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it. getting better. Though I have taReu but two bottles. I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen. I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears to your Bitters will 1 owe the glorious privi lege tif again clasping tony bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, Isaac Maloxe. We fully concur in the truth of the above etate- roent.as we had despaired of seeintr our comrade. idr. Jlalotie. restored to health. John Ci-ddleback. 1st New York Battery. Uf.o. A. Acklev. Co. C, llth Maine. Lewis Chevaliek. 92d New York. I. F.jjpESCER, 1st Artillery, Battery F. J. B. Fasewell. Co. B, 3d Vermont. IIe.vry B. Jeuome, Co. B,3d Vermont. Hesrv T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6th Maine. John F. Ward, Co. , 5th Maine. If kfman Koch. Co. 11. 72d New York. Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F. 95th PeDn'a. Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont. Jobs Jk.vkivs, Co. B. 106th Penn'a BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! Fee that the signature of --CM. Jackson," is on the lera-pper of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CEXTS, OR HALF DOZ. FOR S4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the. ar ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its pi jce. but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, oy express. Principal umce ana .Manufactory, No. 631 Arch Street. J0NE5 4 EVANS. (Successors to C. 31. Jackson A Go.,) Proprietors. rr-For Sale by Harts wick A Iluston.Cl Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States. f July ft !Rft3 SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cle of eround alnm salt, nut nn in n&ttmf Mnits. at S3 25 per ax, at tfcs cheap cash etoreof rf-niji, fl, M'.'fw-'i. HOSTETTERS. CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEBS, A pure and powerful Tonic. Corrective and Alterative of wonderful efficacy io disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cure. Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Headache, UeneralDehiltty, Nervousness. DepreKsion of pir.ts. Censtipation. Coiic." Intermittent ttvers, Cramps and spasms, and all t ompl.- intsofei'herSex. arisin from Bodily tt eaknesa whether inherent in H system or produced by apecial tuM. Nothing that is nut wholesome, genial and re storative in if nature enters into the composition of liotteltrr 9 torrvaeh Bitter, This pooular I preparation contains no mineral of anv kind, no j deadly hotanical element; no fiery exewant ; bat 11 is a oomoinaiion 01 ma extracts of rare balsam ic herbs and plants with the puret and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forea-med against disease, and. so far n the human system cau be protected by human means aKaint irjaladios eugeudere i br r. unwholesome atmosphere. Impure water ani'oth cr external causes. Uost.tter s Bitterj may be re lied 011 as a safeguard - I u dintricis infested with Fer r Agum. it h bc-n found iufaliiolo as a prevontive and irresis tible as a remedy and thuurauds who resort to it under apprehension of ou attack escape the soourge ; and thousands who neglect to rti! themselves of its protective qlu.litieg in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvel cms medictue. Fever and Ague patients, after b mg plied with qui-hine for months in vatn.uutil fairly satured with that dangerous alkaloid arf not ucfrequentiy restored to health wuhiu a few days ly the use of Hstetter'r Bitters. ihe weak siouiaoh is rapidly invigorate! an ' the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic aad henco it works wondern iu cases of Di.pepgia and iu less confirmed forms of Indigestion Acting a a (jeiitle and painless appertain, as well 9 upon the liver, it also invariably relive the ('onatina tion superinduced by irregular action of me di gestive and secretive organs Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervnus t taeks, Lowne. of Spirits and Kits of Languor find prompt and permanent relisf from the Rit'ter J ho testimony on this poiat is moat omeluifire and from buth sexes. The agony of Billions Colic is immediately a. eiiagnd oy a single dose of the stimulent, and by occasionally resorting to it.lhe re;uru ol the com plaint may be prevented. As a Oeueral Tonic, ll,stti:cr3 Buttr, produor Tt ir t l; - 1 . . . 1 . .... . 1 muat oe experienced or witnessed betore they can bo fully appreciated. In cases of Constitutional Weakness r-rctn.,tur JVeay and Hebituy and Decrepitude arising from ld" Aire it exercises the electric influence. In the erDTt escent stages of all diseases it operates as a d. -ligutful invigoraut. When the powers of natur are relaxed, it operates to re-enforoe and re-e tabhsh them. Last, but not least, it is the only safe fcUmulent being manufactured fr-mi sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid ele ments present more or ls in ail the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. The immen. increase in the sale ofliit'trer'' Hitter, both at home and abroad, during the pai-t year proves that the world, while it obeys the . cnptural injunction to -try all things." only 'Holds fast to thst which is good. ' Spurious preparations, like poisonous funi. are continual ly springing up. but their character i toon din covered, and they are "flung like worthies weed away. Oti the other band, a great antidote that perlormsall it proin!ss. and even more than iu proprietors claimed for it on its introduotiou. is "not tor a day, but for all time." No family medicine has beeu so universally and it may be truly added, d A.oervfwllw nrtnnl.... viiL tho intelligent uortion of tha ci.nm, ir... tetter's Bitter. ' Prepared by HoStettkr Smith. Pittsburg Pa. told by ail Druzzists Grooer t,.l t,.ir everywhere. Now. 1 11 1 . IIELJIROLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Covrotmn Fu m Extract Brent, a Positive and fpeeiGo Remedy for diseases of the Biadder.Kid neys.tiravel. and Dropsical Swellings. Thismed iciiio increases the power of Digestion. and excite the Absorbents into healthy aetior, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, and all unnatu ral enlargements are reduced, as well asPaiuand IuSamaliou. HLL JGOLD-S EXTRACT BUCHC. For Weakness arising from Excesses. Habits ct Dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lorn of Memory Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerre. Trembling. Horror of Disease. Wakefulness. Dim riess of vision. Pain iu the hick. Universal Lasi tnde of ihe .Mntcuiar eys!em. Hot Hand Flush ing of the Body. Dryness ot the skin. Eru-Uioo on the Face, Palid Countenance Ihese symptoms, if allowed to go on. wbio'u thi medicine invariably removes, soon foliows I in po tency. Fatuity. Epileptic Fits, iu oue of hich the Patient may expire. Who can sav that they ars not frequently followed by those Direful DiseiMe "Inanity and Cmsr mptioti '." ' Mmy are awaro of the cause of their sutferini;. but pone will confess the records of the ir.sine a yluuis. And melancholy deaths by uoututnptiuu bear ample witness lo tho truth of the asserriou. Ihe Constitution once effected with Org&uiti Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to st ength en and invigorate tho system, which Helnibold'n Extract ;EB;:hu invariabl'y djts. A trial will cou- viu.;e Itie most rkepric.il. EE M A LEd FEM A LE.S FEM A LE3. In many Affections peculiar to Fein-.ies the Ex tract Buchu is uDeriiiqiie 1 by any orb er. remedy, as in Chlorosis or Kctonrion. Irregularity, Paiii fulness, or Sujipression of Customary EvauViun. Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus. Leu ehorroa or Whites, t-terility. and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from iridiscrerion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the -cllJie or Ciiamze of Life. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unp'eajant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Improved Hou Wash cures. ,Vwr D.t. in all their stagey. At little Expense. Little or do ehange io diet. No inconvenience. And n7 Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions Pre venting and curing f-tricturen of the Urethra, al laying Pain aDd lnflaraation, eofreouentin th class ot disease, and expelling all Poisonons.Dis eased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who hire be-n th victims of quacks, and who have void heavy fe to be cured in a abort time have found they were deceived, and that tho -Poison1 h. bv the dm of "Powerful astringents," ben dried up in the system, to breau out in an Sgravated form, aiij perhaps after marriage. Use Helmbold's Ex4tiot Brjchu for all nfftion and diseases of the Urinary Orean-, whether ex isting tn ;Ma!e or female fromT whatever caue originating and , matter of ho iou sUndinc Diseases of .hese organs reqwiros the aid or a piuretio. Helmbold's Extract feucbu is the Great Diuretic. and is certain to hare the desired effect m all d-.seases for hicb is recomended. r.vi.denceof the most reliable and respontible cns.raeter will accompany the medicine. Price S1.00 per Bottle, or Sx fur S5.00. . Deiivereito any ad1re. securely packed from observation Describe Symptoms in all communi cations. Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis '. Address letters for information to U. B. HiLMBOLD. Chemist 104 South Tenth-M . bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Aledioal Depot. Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 591 Broadway, New York. Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Deal, ers who endeavor to dispose ot thir own and oth er article on the reputation Attained by Holm, bold Genuine prepara;iann. Extract Bacbu. SarsapariUa Improved hose wash. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut oat the Ad ver tisomect act! send for it, and -roiJ xponr. f ! t ! is ,'1 if nr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers