the mwt mmm 'imuhl TJIE JOURML. CLE XRTWLT) , TA., MAY" 28, 18G2. Time of Can leaving Tyrone Station. RABTWARD. Trough Exp. Fast train, Mail train, Way train, WESTWARD. Trough Exp. Vast train, Mail train, ALTOOSA. TVBOXE. IirNT ono.x. 8.40 p m. 1. a.m. 7.45 a m. 10.60 a.m. 7.50 a ui.' 8.05 p in. 6.43 p.m. g.07 p.m. V.bU p.m 2.12 a m. 8. IS a.m. 11.40 a.m. 7.18 a.m. fi.OJ p.m. 9.13 a.m. 1.20 p.m. B.2S k m. f..5 p.m. 5. OS p.m. IV ay tram. 3 15 p.m. 2..W p m. J. 20 p.m The fast Vine does not stop between Huntingdon an ! Altoona. The way irain uniy runs "--" those two points. Kxoch Lewis, Gen'l Supt. THE PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. Tho People of Pennsylvania, who desire cor dially to unite in sustaining the National Ad ministration in its patriotic efforts to suppress i sectional and unholy rebellion against the Unttv of the Republic, and who desire tusnp t'bv eV(.ry power of the Government, one :j'undrod thousand heroic brethern in arms, braving disease and tho perils of the field to preserve the Union ot our Fathers, are re ejuecfed to select the number of Delegates iial to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times, and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in State Convention al Han isburg., on 'Thursday, the 17th' day of July next, at eleven o'clock, on said day, to nomin.tte- Candidates lor the offices of Auditor General and Survey or General, and to take anch measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Gov ernment in this season of common peril. to a common country. A. K. McCLURE, Chairman People's State Committee. Geo. W. Hammebsly. s . -Joint M. Sillivas, secretaries. Our friend "J' from the Camp near Freder icksburg, was crowded out this week. Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills, desires us to say, that he will be absent from his office daring the- first week in June. G'DEta Ladt's Book the best magazine in tho country is always up to time. The June number is out and fully equals its pre decessors. Price, $3 a year. Some Moxey. We are- in posssion of a Mist of twenty-nine names, members of Com pany Yt 2d Penn'a Cavalry, who sent home to their families and friends sis hundred and twenty-seven dollars, in the aggregate. Lieut. Thos. G. Snyder, was the bearer of the money, and who, we are informed, delivered the sev- cral sums to the parties designated. Congressional. By the published proceed ings of Congress we see that, on the 7th in Mant, Htm. John Patton presented the peti tion or lion. 7m. Bigler, J. B. McEnally and AO other citizens of Clearfield county ; and on the 20th the petition of Fred Zeigler, Dr. T, J. Bojer. and 70 others, citizens or Clearfield county, Pennsylvaria ; tho petition of Hon. James Campbell, G. W. Arnold, and 100 others, citizens of the borough of Clarion., Pennsylvania ; and the petition of Dr. James Rons, T. S. Wilson, and 9C others, citizens oi Clarion county, Pennsylvania, in favor of a -German professorship at West Point. Pooh Whistliso. "Speaking of bores," sivs a victim of one of the species, "I can scarcely imagine one capable of inflicting more misery than an intolerable whistler. I c-m stand a fife, when all the nation is armed an-l quipped on training day, and the drum with its -fl nig, 3 mg," serve to drown its screams ; but to listen to a poor air badly muttered by a poorer pucker, I prefer in "some easier, if not quicker way. I always think of the French stage coach driver who being very much annoyed by sue!) a bore, turned upon him : "Mine frien, vat for you all de tiroes Tinsel J You loss your leet.'e dog, th f" Death or Libit. Wis slow. We (ind Hie lollo.ving, in reference to the dsath of Lieut. Window of F.Ik cotinty, in the Lrck Haven Democrat of the 15th : "Lieut. K. C. Wins-, low died very suddenly, in this place, on Sat urday the 10th instant, aged about 41 years. He raised a company last spring for Kane's Bucktail Riflemen, but was soon afterwards appointed Second Lieutenant of the 17th In fantry. Before he assumed his position be was promoted to the First Lieutenancy of his company, and d tailed for recruiting service. In this capacity he was quite successful, and but a lew days before his death sent 15 or 20 men into the service. He was buried on Wed nesday last (11th) with Masonic honors, and his funeral was largely attended." THE WAR NEWS. The News from the Several divisions of the army is rather meagre. Some advance has been made, but no hard fighting has taken place. On the 22 I, Gen. McClellan was within five miles of Richmond. Great suffering was re ported to exist among tho people in that sec tion of the country. Jefl. Davis and Beaure gard are said to be in command at Richmond, snd the women and children were leaving the ?ity. The rebel army at Corinth Is reported al JT',000. It Is also laid that much suflering and sickness pervalls In the rebel camps, and that the men have been subsisting on half ra dons for several weeks. A tralo of 17 Government wagons were over taken by n band of guerrillas In Missouri on ilie2'th. The wagons and stores wero burn ed and tho mules drove off. Dn the 21st, Gen. Fremont ordered tho elzure of tho telegraph oflico at Covington. jfpral guerrilla chiefs were also captured by Col. Cook. Com. l'ariagut's fleet had reapbed Vicks Miss., according to rebel reports. The Democracy aie cut tip into three fac-''"- One, under the leadership of Jeff. Da Is making war upon the Government and Jtion. Another, under tho leadership of llandi5ham, (Jefl's tight hand man in yongres,) Is rendering aid and comfort to Jtl's party, as It can conveniently, under the K,ni,eo the "peDiocratlc Union" party, 'no third, tinder the leadership of Djckmson, vidco th death of Douglas) is working and 'flMlHg for the Union. It remains to be seen rbl shape these different, factions will fake. Important .War Xews. Received by TuesdayEvemng's Mail. A FIGHT AT FRONT ROYAL. THE REBELS ATTACK WINCHESTER Betreat of Gen. Banks' Forces.. On Saturday the 24th, atone o'clock, a ne gro, mounted on horseback, came dashing in to Col. Kenly's camp at Front Royal, crying out "the rebels are coming in great numbers and they will surround you and cut you off." The negro's statement was discredited by the men, but aa soon as Col. Kenly saw him, h9 was; satisfied of- the enemy's approach, and had the long roll beaten at once. The men all sprung to their arms and formed into line by companies, and in a very fhort time the rebels appeared. A section of Knapp's Penn sylvania battery was soon engaged, and dis charged shot and shell for near two hours, when their ammunition was almost expended.. Unable to withstand tho overwhelming rebel force long, the order was given to retire, and the whole force crossed the Shmandoah in good order, under covee of a company of the Sth New York cavalry. The enemy at once forded the river, when the order ot 'double quick' was given, and th- Union troops took to the pike, where an other stand was made. Col. Kenly addressed his men and told them, that their only chance was to stand and fight, as the rebel cavalry were coming on fast and displaying a black fljg. Our men, however, soon gave way. A second stand was made with tho same result. A party of !f .inlanders then retreated into a wheat-field where Ihey made another stand; but the rebels came on, cutting right and left and yelling like Indians sparing neither the dying nor wounded. The cap'ain then told his men to make their escape as best they could. Afier retreating some two or three miles the relel cavalry passed near an ambulance ij? which Col. Kenly lay, who was wounded. The rebels frequently fired into the vehicle.. Sur geon Mitchell attended Col. Kenly. Finding themselves closely pursued-they abandoned the horse, leaped over several, fences, took to the woods and hid themselves until the ene my gave up the search. There wcte but six. companies of the Maryland- First in the fight, the others Icing absant on picket duty. Attack on Winchester. On- Sunday morning the 23th, at daybreak, the rebels, numbering about 15,000, attacked Gen. Banks at Wiiichesicr. The right and left wings stood firmly or a tirae and resisted the artack manfully. After about six hours fighting the right wing, however, had to give away under the pressure of the overwhelming rebel force. The order was then given to withdraw, and the troops passed through the town, somewhat in eonfuskn. fcn the other side, however, they were quickiy reformed, and continued their march in good order to Martinsburg. The entire Union force engaged numbered less than 4,00Q. The D-signs of the Rebels. Gen. Banks telegraphed from Martinsburg on the 2-3th, at 6.30 in the evening, stating that "A prisoner captured this afternoon says the rebel force is, to be strengthened in our rear, and that their purpose is to enter Mary land at two points, Harpe rs' Ferry and Wil li, imsport. We will pass the Potomac to night safe 4 men, trains and all " ; Ranis Crossisj the PotDinac. On Monday the 23th, Gen. Banks telegraph ed to the Secretary of War: "We believe that our whole force, train and all, will cross in safety. The men are in fine spirits and crossing in good order..- The labor of last night was fearful. The enemy tallowed us last night on our march, but has not made his appearance this morning. Your dispatch .was read to the troops 'this morning amid the he irtiest cheers." The Sick and Wounded. .Straglers of the First Maryland coming in, represent tho treatment of our sick, in the Hospitals at Winchester, as most horrible. The rebels entered the the toon with a bl-iek flag flying, and rn their bayonets into the bodies of sick men lying defenceless in their beds. A number of Pennsy Ivanians who were sick in Winchcsfer,are hid in the wheat fields on the route of retreat, and many were mer cilessly butchered. More Ilea Wanted. Id accordance with a requisition of the War Department, Gov. Cuitin has issued orders calling out all military organizations in' the State, together with all persons who nro wil ling to join such commands, to report forth with to Washington, or such other points as mjy bo indicated by future orders to serve for three months. Pennsylvania being again menaced, let her awaken to her duty in this new crisis let her sons once moio arouse, and fnjly to the sup port of the Old flag' Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, has also called out tho M illtia of that State, under tho requisition of the War Department. A Goon Answer. Tho Philadelphia Press siya t "The best way to answer a Breckin rbigef, when ho Insls's that tho property of the rebels shall not bo confiscated, is to ask him what tho Southern slaveholders would have dono had positions been reversed, they being as strong as tho present loyal States, and tho litter commencing tho war Would ihey havo hesitated to confiscate cory de scription of property 1 Would they have re frained from filling their prisons with suspect ed persons, from hanging spies, and dealing (Jeynstatlon on all sides The answer to these Inquiries Is found in tho fact that having bo gun the war without cause, they have destroy ed hundreds of millions of the property of the Federal Government, have repudiated hun dreds of millions of jnst debts, and have sac rificed and confiscated hundreds of trillions of the property of their own people." A flag of truce was fired Into on the Jamos river by the rebels, on the 21st, and two men killed and several taken prisoneis. I Flour ! Flour ! ll'Xb. and for sale, good family flour, at cash price, by Jan. 15. 1862. MERUELL h BIGLER. TO THE PUBLICThe undersigned hav ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm of. .Moore & Etzweiler, and having made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hope by strict personal attention to business- to a eontinuence of the same. . - March 26, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILER. 1 QiO EYRE & LANDKLL, " Q0 J OVJfC Fourth A- Arch Streets, PhUa- 0j delphia, are now offering their unual assortment of Dry (J oods, adapted to Spring Sales. Fashionable Dress Silk, fashionable Spring Shawls, new as sortment of Dress (!ood3. Spring Prints, DeLnines and Ginghams. Muslins and Linensof first quality, Cloths, Cassitneres and Yestings, Table Linens, Towlings and Napkins. N. B. Black Silks, be low regular prices. March 12,'62.3m. THE UATO.N SOW AND FOREVER!,' READ! READ!! READ!!! A New Attraction in these Diggings ! NEW AND CPIEAl? U io tiling s tore 1 In the "Mansion House," opposite the Clearfield Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield, Branch of lldzfiistriri Jiro's 125 ITortt-Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Th undersigned respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in general, that they hare opened at the above named place the most extensive and best selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that has-cver been exhibited in this borough, and which they will sell 2- prr cent, cheaper than clothing has ever been fold in this part of the country. Our stock embraces a full and complete assort ment of all.garmentageneraHy worn, made up of good material and in the best Ftyle and workman-, ship. A general assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING, furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags, trimed flannel and white shirts ; in short every thing generally found in a. well assorted store of thidkind. We al30 keep a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as pocket. books, portmonies. pocKet knives, combs,-brushes, watch chains and guards, violin and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gun caps, spectacles and a great many other fancy and use ful articles too numerous to mention, all of which they will sell as well fts the clothing At the Lowest Cash Prices. We invite every person- in need of clothing or of any of the above mentioned articles, to. favor us with a call ana view our gooffs ant prices, ana we are confident that we can cive satisfaction, so that every person shall feel inclined to tell his friends where good and cheap clothing can be got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stock from our own manufacturing establishment in Philadelphia, and sliall always be supplied with a good variety of all articles in our line, which shall surpass in style, cut, workmanship, nnd cheapness those of any other similar estab 1 ishment in this part of the State, and by fair and honest dealings, we hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. April 9, :G2. REIZEXSTEIN BRO'S & CO. XIST OF RETAILERS of Foreiga and i Domestic Merchandize in Clearfield countv, for the year 1852. subject to the payment of Licenses. SAVE. RESIPBSCK. CLASS. TO PAV. Elizabeth W Wright, Beccaria tp. 8 $5 d0 J. W- Thompson, " 8 5 00 C. J. Pusey, " ' 14 7 00 John Robinson,. " 14 7 00 Wm. K. Dickinson, ' " J4 7 00 Jeremiah Cooper. ' V U 7; 00 Groom, lMckcy & Oo, " " 14- 7 00 Lyonel W- Weld, " " H 7 00 SHmucl Hagsrty, " " 14 7 00 John Robinson. ' " " IS. 10 00 II. S, Henderson & Co. Bell town'p. J4 7 00 E. W. Brady, " 14 7 00 , John S. Snyder, " V 14 7 00 JameaMcMurry. Burnsidc tp. 14 7 00 Ebin MeMastcrs. 14 7 00 J. Patchin A Son. " "11 7 00 Stephen Lloyd . .. ji 7 0i) II. Patchin. " '' 14 7 00 J. It. MoMurry, N. Wneihngton boro' 14 7 00 Win. Feath. conf. " " 8 5 00 Jacob Neff. distiller, " " 8 5 00 J. M Cuuimings, ' " 14 7 00 Wm. Lumadoe, Boggs town'p. 8 5 00 Mathew Forc?y, Bradford town'p, 14 7 00 J. E. Watson, ' ' 14 7 00 Wm. Albert. " 14 7 00 A. Montgomery A Co. Brady town'p. 14 7 00 Abel Brooks, " 14 7 00 Jacob K until, " " 14 7 00 John Carlile, " ' 11 7 00 R. JI. Moore, " " 13 10 00 Dan U. Goo llandcr, ' ' 14 7 00 F K. Arnold, " 13 10 00 Samuel Arnold, " " 13 10 00 Wm Hunter, Che-st towe'p. 14 7 00 James Currv, " - 14 7 00 Reed, Weaver A Co. Clearfield boro' 12 12 50 David Etzweiler. " " 12 12 50 Richard Moop, " 12 12 50 J. P. Kratzer. " " 12 12 50 Merrcll A Bigler, " 14 7 00 J. . Hartswick. 4i " .It 7 00 II. W. Smith A Co. " " 14 7 00 Charles Watson, drug?. " " 4 ft 00 Graham. Boynton A Ua , " 12 12 50 W. F. Irwin. " 14 7 00 M Woods A Co.. drugs. ' -' 4 5 00 Leonard, Finney A Co. Brokers 9 25 00 Hesscnthaler A Lopold. brewers. 8 5 00 Reizenstein, Bros. A Co., clothing, 14 7 00 A Montgomery, Cnrwensville boro' 14 7 00 J, A J. F. Irwin, " ' 12 12 50 Hippie A Co " :' 12 12 50 J, 1. Thompson. " ' 14 7 00 Win. Irwin, Patent Med. " t' 12 1" 50 Stephen Graff, confcct'ncr" -5 00 Ed. Goodwin.oonfectioner" " 5 00 J. Barniov, Covington town'p. 14 7 00 P. F, Jlegnrty. " ' " 14 7 00 Francis Coudreit, " ,' 14 7 00 Val. Hoffman, coufect'r, " '-8 5 00 Benj. Snyder, confect'r, " " 8 5 00 J. F. Steinar. l'ecutur town'p. 14 7 00 Drum . Lippencot A Co. ", " It 7 00 Bowman A Perks. " " 11 7 00 W.G.M'Cracken. Diet'y Ferguson tp. 6 00 Jas. Irwin. Girard town'p. 14 7 00 Agustus Lcconle, " ' 14 7 00 A. B. Shaw. Goshon town'p, 14 7 00 Ellis Irwin A Son, " " 14 7 00 Holt, Wilson A Co. Graham town'p. 14 7 00 T. H. Forccy, Pat. Mod. " ' It 20 00 J . t, r OT. VIUUIIUU lunu . I, I John Miller, " " 14 7 00 J A. Heaarty, " '! 14 7 00 P. Uneeringor A Co. " " 14 7 00 David Tyler, Ifuutop town'p, 14 7 00 Wm Brady, " " It 7 00 II. Woodward," " " 14 7 00 II. Swan. Jordan town'p, 14 7 00 David McOechnn, " " 14 7 00 R. II. Haines, Karthaus town'p. 14 7 00 Wm. R. Sankcy ' " 14 7 00 Martin O. fftirk, Knox town'p' 14 7 00 J. Forrest. Lawrence town'p, 14 7 00 ,f. Ilegarty, Lumber City, 14 7 00 J. FurguRou, confectioner, " 8 5 00 J. C. Brenner, Morris town'p, I t 7 n0 Rwarts A Bowers, " 14 f 00 J. C. Brenner, " 14 7 00 M. Stein kerchner, distl. t m Daniel Brubaker. Union town'p, 14 7 00 John M. Chaso, Woodward tonn'p, 14 7 00 J. Whltcomb A Sons, " 1 1 7 00 D.J. MeCann, " "14 7 no Thos. Henderson " " H 7 00 An appeal for the regulation of such, licenses, will be beldin the Commissioners1 office, In Clear field, on Monday tha 9tb of June, 18(12, where all persons interested may attend. v d. VV. SHAFFNKR. May 11, 1,302. Mfroanti,le Appraiser. WANTED. All inds of grain will be taen in payment of debts due me. for which the highest raaret prices will be given. Dec. 11. 1861. JAMES B GRAFIAM. Liquors! -A lot of choice Liquors, such as Brandies of various kinds, Whiskey, Gin, etc., just received and for sale by oan. la. ibrz aifcUKELJu a- B1UL.1.H. C. 1 I Just received and opened Otll 1 the best article of the BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. Also Benxine, an article that supplants turpentine 10 many uses, all whiib will be sold cheap for cash by MERRELL A BIG LLR. LI 1 L I 31 E ! ! Farmers L,m- your Jatds. The subscriber would inform the farmers of Clearfield county, that he keeps con stantly on hand "at the Jones Kiln at Tyrone a largo stock of lime, and will furnish on rotitrarf any quantity at the terminus of the Tyrone and Philipsburg Railroad. March DJ, 1802. WM. II. ROBERTSON. N. B. Lime constantly on hand at. Sandy Ridge Stationou the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. TTn Vfl WO TO I The undersigned have ro--LXclIU.H tllt ; cently added a very ex tensive assortment to their former largo stocK of HARD V ARE, Which they arc prepared to dispose of for cash at prices to suit the times. Person desirous of buy ing hardware, should remember that we can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy stocK we have on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of ns. Give us a trial. Jan. 15, 18(12. MERRELL A BIG LFR Lamps! Lamps !!thaeverr The undersigned have just received from the east an extensive and varied assortmentof the best COAL OIL . LAMPS, ever brought into the county, which they offer at prices, cheaper than the cheapest. One advant age in buyiug from us is. if tho burners become loose we fasten them without charge Now is the time to buy. We nlso repair lamps and put new burners on when desired. Jan. 15, 1801. MERRELL A BiqLER. Xew Goods. Just received at the ''Corner Store," Curwens ville, a new nnd seasonable stock of goods, which will be sold upon reasonable terms. WM. IRVIN. Clover and timothy seed of a good quality, for sale low, b.y WM. IRVIN. Grain of all kinds, bacon and lard, for sale at the "corner store" by WM. IRVIN. One new two-hor3e wagon for sale, inquire at Curwensville. of " WM. IRA IN. One pair of good heavy oxen for sale by March 12,:62, WM. IRVIN. 1VO. 2. WAKE UP !. The undersigned would 11 respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he continues to do all kinds of Blacksmithing on short notice and in the very best style, at the Old Shop alongside of the Town Hall. Edge tools of all kinds made nnd dresged, in the best manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The puolic will remember, that I am not in. the habit of turning off jobs on account of not being, able to. do them. All I ask is a trial, and then the public may judge of the work for themselves. Remember the '-Old Shop" at the Town Hall. JAMES HAFF. Clearfield Pa, Augustl3. 1861. N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passraore cannot exe cute, will be done on very short notice. M3IE-. DEJIOREST'S QUARTERLY MIR ROR OF FASHIONS. Great improvements, the Summer number will contain Four large and splendid Fash ion-Plates, Three full-sized Paterns, comprising the new French waist, an elegant sieve, ana a musses saca, together witn ne.nrl 100 engravings of all the novelties for summer bon nets, cloaks, trimmings, children's dresses, etc.. and valuable information to Milliners, Dress iHakers. Mothers, and Ladies generally, present ing the largest and best Fashion Mazazine in the. world, published 473 Broadway, Kew York,, and sold everywhere at 25 cts., or sent by m,ail post free, on rccciptof amount. Yearly $1 with the following valuable premium. Each yearly sub fcribcr will bo entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room, or they may be or dered nnd sent by mail any time during the year, by paying the postage. Splendid inducements to canvassers. Summer number will be ready on or about the 1st of May. NEW DRUG STORE. The subscriber has opened a full and com plete assortment of D R U G S in the new brick building which he recently erected on the corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield, where he will at all times be happy to accommodate any person who may desire articles iu his line. The business will be confined strictly to a DRUG KND PRESCRIPTION BUSINESS, ' and no pains will be spared to rendersatisfaction. Dr. Woods, may always be found and consulted in the "Drugstore," when not absent on profes sional business. A separate room for consulta tion is attached to the Store, where patients may be examined privately. Every artiole usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on band, and sold at greatly reduced prices. TVrm t beinq strict if. Cash will en able them to offer inducements in the way of prices. Physicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcost and carriage. Theirorders are solici ted. Every article sold will be pure and of the best quality. M. WOODS. Clearfield, Pa.. February 13. 1801-tf. MPOUTANT ANNOUM'EM E ' T ! ! V Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONA13LEGOODS, consisting of Diy GooJs, Hardware, Queensware Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can bo purchased in the county, and of as gopd quality, if pot better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW FORCES. N EW FIRM AND 'NEW CiOODN! JOHN & JERKED F. IRVIN. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile bOsincss in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will bo conductod by them jointly un der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvln. They inform their customers and the public In genorul that they have received from the East and opened at the old stand, a Urge and varied stock of SPRING AND RUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE. AC, AC, specially adapted to the wants of the community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash price. ' Also, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to fell at reasonable rates. Also, ap extensive stock of the most fashionable , READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prioes to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in atl examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods, st ss low prices and on as reasonable terms asyou oan procure them elsewhere. Give us a tria.1- JOIIN IRVIN. May 30, I860. JERRED F. IRVIN; N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call sad settle. a may 30. FOR SALE Several first rate wagons, by , MERRELL k BIiSLER. LADIES ! LADIES !! Remember we are selling best quality of calico at 121 cents per yard, cash. L1PFINCOTT. LONG A CO. .-May 21. 1862' Ooeola Mills. Pa. Dried Apples! Soveral barrels of excellent dried ap ples on hand aud for sale by Jan.lS. 1302. ' MERRELL & BIClLER VJANTED. A good, steady journeyman T T Brickmoulder, for the greater part of the summer. Good wages will be paid in cash. Ap ply by letter or otherwise, immediately to ; WILLIAM JONES, May21,1882.-pd. t Clearfield. Pa. CAUTION My wife Sarah Margaret having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, anl will pay ua debts of her contracting. May 21. IS62. JOHN K LINE. J r EXECUTOR'S, IVOTICE. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Isaac Chambers, late of Curwensville borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigued, all persons in debted to said estate are tequestcd to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly autheuticated for settlement, at the office of A. J. Patterson, Esq. in Curwensville. DANIEL CHAMBERS, May 21,1852.-pd. Executor. LOOK HERE! NEW GOODS !! Afiesh arrival of Spring and Summer Goods at Oceola Clearfield county, Pa. We have just leceived and are opening a. care fully selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, notions, groceries hardware, queensware, drugs, oils, paints, glass, boots and shoes, (war ranted.) hats and caps, (latest style.) stationary, wooden ware, brooms, etc. all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved country produce. May 21. 1862. L1PP1NCOTT, LONG A CO. CLEARFIELD MUSIC SCHOOL For iu struction upon the Piano. Melodeon and. Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils under six years old, $5,00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six years old, $ 1 0,00, for seventy-two lessons of. one hour each; upon Piano, Me lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning aud the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils. Studied alone. S3. 00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1.1860. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher. Fashionable Millinery. MISS J. &. E, MITCHELL. Second Etretet, Clearfield, Pa Opposite the residence of L. J. Crans, Esq ) The, undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have received an assortment of Fashionable Millinery Goods, to which tbey invite their attention. We also do all kinds of millinery work on short notice in the latest style, and on reasonable terms. J. A E. MITCHELL. May 21, 1362.-3m-pd. THRESHING MACHINES. The under signed wish to inform the citiiens of Clear field county, that they still continue the manafac tuie of Threshing machines, at the Bcllcfonte Foundry, of a superior quality, for one. two, and four horses ; also, the celebrat'ed; eadless chain or tread power, for either one or. two horses, with or without shakers as may suit the purchaser. We would recommend the tread power particularly to farmers who keep but two or three horses. The machine and power, with shaker can all bo set on a small barn floor, and rain or shine, can be worked to good advantage by a man and two boys, thus saving in hands as well as in horses, and doing the work tig well and as as most men desire. Our four-horsepower, machines, with overshot cylinders, are certainly tha best now made; we could give numerous certificates from reliable farmers, of both Centre and Clearfield countios, as to the good satisfaction theso ma chines have given, but deem it unnecessary. All machines warranted. Orders by mail wiil receive prompt attention. A. HA UPT A CO.. May 21 . 1862. Btllefoute. Pa. Peter Bloom of Ansonville, is an authorized agent for the sale of machines. WORTZ PLOWS It is now settled be yond question that these celebrated plows go ahead of all others, wherever introduced, in giving good satisfaction. For the convenience, of our friends aud former custorueru in Clearfield oounty, (to whom we arathankful for past patron age.) we give below a list of agents, from whom these plows, and also shears, can b$ had : Merrell A Bigler. Clearfield, James Watson, Williams Grove, John Holt, near Grahamton, S. S. Chapman, near Kylertown.L. Brandel, French ville, John Kciter. Karthaui. George Heskendorn, Salt Lick, J, W. Hewett, Pennville, Hale A Co.; and Wm. Lloyd, Philipsburg, Thomas Henderson. Jeffries, Henry Swan, Ansonville, Samuel Ilegar ty. near Glen Hope, John Curamings, New Wash ington. We also make the McGarvay plows, both right and left hand, also hill side plows, iron kettles. New World and Hathawny cook stoves, egg and nine plate stoves, iron fencing for cemetries, cast iron hitahiDg posts, wagon spindles of all sizes, threshing machLuos. (sec advertisement). We also have for sale J. S. Marsh A Co's celebratad grain drill and straw and fodder cutters; we are also prepared to make and fit up mill castings of any description wanted. Orders, either directed to us by mail or through any of the above named agents, will receive prompt attentson. Bellefonte, May 21. '62. A. HOUPT A CO. WfANTED. A little girl about 10 years old, to raise, by a family who have no children of their own. An orphan preferred. For further information inquire at the Journal office. May 14. 1862. . CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, CvV. The subscriber having purchased the furniture and interest from H. H. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reoeption of tran siont and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be oonducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully solicite a share of public patronage. July ll,1360.-y. GEO. N. COLliURN. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that tho following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, credilors and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing on tho Third Monday of June, lbZ, lor confirmation end allowance: The partial account of Jaoob W. CatnpWI and Washington Gardiner, Executors of last will and testament of Timothy Lee Jato of Burnside town ship. Clearfield county, deceased. Ibe partial account of Jonb Rider, Adminis trator of the estate of John Peter Rider, late of Covington township, Clearfield county, deoeased. The Guardian account of George Wilson, guar dian of the minor children of Robert Leonard, late of Lawrenoe township, Clearfield county, de ceased. The account of Christopher Kratie r. Adminis trator of the estate of Anthony Kratzer, late o( Pike township, Clearfield county, deceased. The account of O. W. MoCully, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattel, rights and credits, wbloh were of Jacob Tipry, late of the township of Woodward, in the county of Clear field, deceased. The acoount of D. J. CathcarL arfrmnLtralor of all and singular the goods and chattels and eredlts which were of Jane W)eon, late of ths township of Chost, in the county of Clearfield, deceased. The administration acoount of Wo. Wallace, administrator of Robert Butler, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield eounty. deeeaaed. JAMES WRIGLEY, MayU,18S2 Register. rp YRONE C I T,Y IT O T E L. TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY. PA. " A. P. OWEN 3, Proprietor . Also OrsTERS. Wholesale and Retail. decl9 , CAUTION. All persons ore hereby csntion ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, now in possesion of John Waggoner, to wit f 1 briadle cor.ll black eow, 1" red cow, I bay mare. 14 sht-ep. 3 he.ffer calvaa. I wagon, I plow, 1 corn plow, 1 barrow. I windmill, I timber sled, 10 are9 of grain in the grond' 1 exun. and l stack of bay. as the same have bees purchased by us at Sheriff 's aale, and have only been left with said Waggoner mi loan and are isaV jebt to our order. . HIPPLE A FAUST. - March 6. ISM. ' ' 1VTEW STONE WARE MAM' FACTOR V 1 IN CLEARFIELD. PA. The undersigned takes this method of intortn ing the public that he has commenoed the miss facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear field, and tbst he is now prepared toxupplv all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crock, Jugs. Jars. Ac, at lower price, than they can b bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of" patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER Clearfield, Pa.. May 2b, 1659-ly. TVTF.W BREWERY MOPE LAGER. I I 7be subscribers would r:j.pectfully Icfwrm the Tavrri. ketper: a -d others that they have re cently started a new Brewery in the Borough of Clearfield, and that they are now prepared to far nish Beer on the most accommodating terms. They have employed an experienced Brewir. from tke east, and tbey feel confident that they can supply a superior article of beer. Give them a trial and judge for yoursoives. June 20. 00 CITARLES flAUT A CO. IV f v TTi vm B MALONEY & Co, . Ky I 11 111 rniLIPSBURG.PA , Would respectfully inform the citizens of Cectr and Clearfield counties, that have just reivH and opened a new and very extensive atoiE "f TIN fr COPPER-WARE. SHEETIRO X-V A R E, A VARIETY OF STOVES, and agoneral assortment ot artir! uiually kept in an establishment of the kind, which they ofT.r chap tor cash. Approved produce taken inpay ment atmartfet priea. Jan. 15. 1 HjC." STRIKING TIMES IN UNfON TOWN SHIP. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ON ANDERSON'S CREEK It seems to b the gen eral opinion of the people of Clearfield county, that all the Wool ought to He carded in tae Whitehead Factory , in Ifuion towtship. Wool carded at 5 cents per pound, when brought to the mill and taken away. All Lincoln. Doug las. Breckinridge, and Bell men, should give the subscriber a call, as he is prepared to do Fulling, and every desoription of Mannfaotaring on the most reasonable terms, having served a regular time to the business. Persons will do well by holding on to their wool, as I intend to give them a call shortly. Ap30 LAW fcYKES. 4 TTENTION, BEE KEEPERS. R. Ad- i anas A Co., having purchased the Right of Clearfield Co . for "J. S. Harbison's Patent Im proved movable comb Bee Hive," would reipect fully direct the attention of Bee keepers to the mauy advantages it possesses over any other niv out. Vi'h this Hive yu can have complete con trol over your Bees can at any time remove your surplus honey without killing Bees en male artificial swarms when desired can prevent your Bees from being destroyed by moth and other advantages it possesses which will rcommecded it to all interested in Bee keeping For Hives, or Township Rights, address. It. ADAMS A CO . Feb, 13, 1B32. Cooksport, Indiana co , Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The following described farm, situated In Decatur township. Clearfield Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of Philipsburg. on the Glen Hope road, containing .ohm hundred and twernty-ont an-es and allowance. There are about eighty-five acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation ; with a large, weii tcUhod. frame bank barn, a comfoitable hewed log hou, and a well finished frame dwelling bouse and other out buildings erected thereon, never faflinr springs of water at the buildings, and a large and well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees The wood land being well timbered and under laid with a four and a half foot vein of stone coal. The above farm affords rare inducements to pur chasers For further information enquire of R D. SHOW ALTER, PbiHrsburg. Oct. 2o. 1S51. f.m. Centre. Co Pa CLEARdF IELD CO UN TV, SS. Notice Estat jf Jeremiah Fiynn. deceased In the .--rx Orphan's court of Clearfield county, at I SEAL piarch term, A. D. 1832, respecting the p'a.ppraigrment of S300.C0 for the widow, vis : persona property to. the mount of SoO. and real estate containing about 43 acres. appraised 8' S2f-0. the court mad the following ordr : March 17, IS52. approved to portion tf estate set apart forthe widow ucler theSJOO law. and publication is ordered to be made in or.i newspaper published in Clarfild county, for three successive weeks, giving notice to afl pr ties interested to come into court on or before the first day of next term and show cau?e why the ap praisement should not fc-e eporovd alo!utely Bv the Court, JAMES WRIGLEY. April g, '62. Clerk O C rpRFSTFlE'S SALE. By virtue of an order A of the Orphans' Court of r Clearfield county, the undersigned will expose to public sale, at New Washington, on Monday the 2d day of June next, at 2 o'clock P. M.. the following "described real estate late the property of Jonathan Pieroe deceased, vis : a certain messuage or traot of land situate in Bell township Clearfield county. Pa., bounded as follows; on the south by land of William Coonsman. on the west by land of Jan McManus, on the north by land of F. G. Miller, and on the east by land of George Snyder. Con taining one hundred acres and one hundred and fifty perches with a log house, Jog barn, two orchards and about sixty acres of cleared land thereon. Terms cf the sale, as follows ; one fifth of the purchase money thereof to be paid cah. one third at confirmation of sale, and the remain ing balance in two equal annual pavmenU wt'h interest. JOHN RORABAUGlf, Trustee. New Waahington April 25th 1 S52. Spring. Opening at . 11. w. smith & co st Of tho latest and most fasbiouablo GOODS. IlIRST QUALITY OF PRINTS. Warranted good . cloth and fast colors, for sale at our former prices to wit : 121 cents per yard. Also, a large stock of Pamina'c and Zygias. the now raging meterials for travelling costumes and promenade dresses ; With a complete assortment of Ladies' Drew trim mings, Buttons. Tassels. Cords. Skirt Braids, Ber lin Zephyr Worsted, Shetland Wr-ol. Embroi dery. Silks, eto A chglce lot of trimmings for Zouave's, consisting of Gimp, Silk, White Bugles. Bugles. Gilt Zou aves, Blarlr Zouaves. CU . etc., eto, W'Vth Superior Stock of . .. Bareges, Cords, Alpaoas. . Prints, Cottonpdes, Brilliants. Cambrics, Denims. Lawn robes.- Delaa Shawls, Fnru. Checks. Handkerchiefs 8tp,!a Shawls, Hickory stripe, Irish Linnen, -Cham brays, Tweeda. Gents' superior Ginghams, Cord. Drills, Neckties, Lawns, Rep De Lainea, Black Silk Meillures, Balzorines, Handkerchief, Kent'y Jeans, Mozambique!, Hoop akirU. Fan. Cassimere.Lace MitU, Doylies, Chiati Don't loiethe Opporiunity to Economise! Go to H W. 6. A Co's, where you will receive a superior artiole at a small advance oncost. , Ken Awake!! Don't throw away your means when by going te H. W. S. A Co's, you can get a real good . artiole of a Kip Boot for . S3 00. Call, and see also our men's extra heavy Plough Shoes. . As Times sre Easing so are our Prioes
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers