TOE CLEABPIELD, DEC. 25, 1861. The factory for making knit goods includ ing shirt, drawers, hosiery, &c, at Seneca Falls, N. T., employs 4,000 laborers men, women, girls and boys, and cannot supply the demapd. Prentice sajs if any feller, because you are for your Country's flag, calls you an abolition ist tell him he is a liar. If he repeats the of fence, knock him down. That's the higher law Tom Dyer law. Somebody having expressed the opinion that there is a knotty question involved in the Mason and Slidell case, the Cincinnati Ga zette replies : "The only knot we can see in it is the hangman's." JL town named Buchanan, in La Crosse eonnty,Wisconsin, recently petitioned to have its name changed to Washington, on account of the disgrace attached to the name of Bu chanan, and their petition was unanimously granted. A schoolmaster asked one of his boys on a cold winter morning, what was the Latin word for coM. He hesitated a little when the mas ter said "What, sirrah, can't you tetl 7" "Yes, sir," said the boy, "I have it at my fin gtrs ends.' The following notice was found pasted on the bulletin of a western post office, up Ntrk Whiffles' way. "Lost a red kaf. He had a wite spot on 1 of his legs. He was a she kaf. I will give thre dolers to everybudi wut will bring hym hum." The Louisville Journal, since Mr. Prentice has returned, is as rampant as ever. It gives evident tokens that it will rale or ruin. But If it cannot have its ewn way in the Union, it will join the rebels. Its course is perilous, and leads to ruin. An old lady was in the habit of teaching her grand children in this wise : "My dears, when I and your father and mother have finished oar meals ; when you have eaten all you con veniently can ; and when you have fed the three cats and the parrot then my dear chil dren, remember the poor." A twenty-fire cent subscription was got up to pay the funeral expenses of a certain law yer who had died poor. A certain wag of an editor was applied to, to contribute bis mite. What!" he said, "do you require only twenty-five cents to bury a lawyer there is a dollar bill bury me four of them." Blessed is be who has nothing for be shall not loose it. A poor Frenchman, when bis wife aroused him from his sleep with the cry, "Get up, Baptiste, there is a robber in the house," answered sensibly : "Don't let (us molest him. Let him explore the house, and if he should find anything of value, we will take it from him !" Not long since, a gentleman took his little daughter to a dentist to have a tooth extract ed. After the operation her father said to her, "Now my dear, if you don't put your tongue where the tooth came out you'll have a gold tooth." To which she replied : "If I should havo one, it would not be long before you would try to get it out." ' A volunteer, who prides himself upon the domestic arts be has learned during camp life, writes home to advise the girls not to bo in a hurry to nwrry. for the boys wall return in a abort time, and the girls can then set good husbands, who can cook. wash, and iron, and do general housework, or work in the garden, ox run errands for their wives. The Federal scouts report that the rebel ar say of the Potomac has been largely increased nd a prisoner taken on Thursday states that the rebel General had determined to advance from Centreville in three columns, in all 75,- uw men, ro attack our advance, which they expected to find off guard, for which purpose iouraays' rations naa been served. In order to amuse the children, on the Sab bath, a lady waa engaged in read ins: to them from the Bible the story of David and Goliau. and coming to thtt passage in which Goliah so boartingiy and defiantly dared the young strip ling, a little chap almost in his first trowsers, said, "sister, skip that skip that he's only oiowing! j. want to Know who licked I" The last specimen of effecting the desirable object of raising the wind, that we hare heard of lately, was the case of a young officer in India, who finding the "governor" deaf to all applications, persuaded a comrade to write to the old gentleman, informing him that his son wss dead, and one hundred pounds was wanted Tor luneral expenses. The money wss sent. and ther eceipt dnly acknowledged by the du- uiui son. "Fellow-citizens !" said a stump orator, "we have the best country in the world, and the best government. What people on the face of the globe enjoy more privileges than we do? Here we have liberty to speak and liberty of the press, without onerous despotism. What felloir citizens, is more desirable than this. Do you want anything more, my countiymen?" "les sir-ee !" sung out a red laced loafer, "this is dry work. I want a suck out of that 'ere flask sticking out of your pocket." A man named Death, still a resident of Ohio, lunucnj iitcu in Cincinnati, vrnore he sold liquors. Over the door of his store was the ign of "Rectified Whiskey," and directly nnaer tnis his name, Abraham Death. An eld lady from the country with her son. hearty lad, was one day quietly wending her way mrougn tne streets in a wagon. The sign canght her eye. She read it, "Rectified Whiskey Absolute death." That's a fact. Johnny, let me out ; "there is one hone wniskey seller in Cincinnati. I want to see what he looka like." .lw WAT OF MAKIXO A fKHMT. One Of OUr lairds, who shall be nameless, bad occasion lately, in the course of business, to put into the hands of his law agent a small sura of money. The writer entered the money in his T - Min-uuun, uu was proceeding to give a ro ceiDt. when the laird thn ..-M..... k;m - a r ..v.. . voow U I IU . "Now, Mr. So-and-so, it's needless for you to oe at me irouote or writin' a receipt on tha bit o' naner. an' stickin' a nennv iiimn Just give tne the penny, and I'll trust to your 1. A 1 n.1 i t . ... uwm. lue man ui ousiness gooa naturedlT , - . . . . uaaaea nis client one penny accordingly. . John G. Saxe in making a speech at a flag rasing at Aioany, concluded his remarks by proposing three ebeera for the young gentle men or East Albany, through whose liberality tha flag had been procured. As the cheers were aaont to be given, the chairman of the occasion ammended the proposition of Mr. Saxe, so that the cheers went np for the young : ladies asjwell as the young gentlemen of East Albany. When the voice of the cheera became silent, Saxe arose and gave as an explanation and apology for omitting to speak of the young ladies in his original proposition for cheera, that ke.thooght the young gentlemen always . tmirtmi the young ladies ! TERMS OF TIIE JOURNAL. The Birrs m as's Jourhal is published on Wed nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not paid at tha beginning of the year, $2,00 will be charged. Advertiskmkntb will be inserted at $1,00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For very additional insertion 2d cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. KOV COUNT V DIRECTORY. TIME 01" HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, 3d Monday in June. 3d " in March, 1 4th " in Sept'm'r, Of each year, and continue two week if necessary. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFF Pres't Judge H on. Samuel Linn, As'to. Judges Hon. J. 1). Thompson, Hon. James Bloom, Sheriff. . . . Fred'k G. Miller, . Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle, . . Reg. & Rec. . James Wrigley, . . District Att'y, Robert J. Wallace, . Treasurer. . . Oeo. B. Goodlander, Co. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, . . Commisa'n'rs, Wm. Merrell, . . . S. C. Thompson, Jacob Kunts, . . . Auditors. . . Isaao W, Graham, . J. B. Shaw, . . . B. C Bowman, . . Coroner. .- . . George Richards, . . ICERS. Bellefoat. Curwensville Forrest Clearfield Glen Hope. Clearfield. Morrisdale. Luthersburg. Clearfield. Clearfield LIST OF POST-OFFICBS. Townships. Beccaria, - -Bell, Names of P. O. Names of P.M. Glen Hope, Bower, - - - G. Vr. Caldwell. Mary Elder. Thos. A. M'Ghee, - J.W Campbell. Lewis Smith. - James Bloom. - P. B. Miller. Chest, - Cush, - - - - Ostend, -Forrest. - - - Clearfield Bridge, Bloom, Boggs, -Bradford, Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Watson. Luthersburg, R. II. Moore. Troutville, - - Charles Sloppy. Jefferson Line, - - John lleberlin. Brady, Burnside, - NewVashington$ - Seb'n Snyder Eurnstde, - - Jas AlcMurray. Patchinville. Jack Patchin. Clearfield, Clearfield, - - - 3a. A. Frank Covington, - f renchville, - 1'. A. Uaulin. Karthaus, - J. r.w. ennarr Curwensville Curwensville, - Samuel Way, Decatur, Ferguson, Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa. Marron, - - - - Edm. Williams. Fox, Uellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. Uirard, - Leconte's Mills, C. Misnot. - Bald Hills, - - - - Shawsville, - - - - Graham ton,- - Smith's Mills, - - Maaera, - - - - - Tyler, - - - - - Pennfield, - - - - Ansonville, - - William Carr. A. B. Shaw. - Thos. II . Force. - A. G. Fox. - Chas. J. Pusey. - David Tylor. - II. Woo I ward Eliza Chase. Geo. Heckadorn - M. O. Stirk, - J.W.Thompson. Ja3. Thompson. Jas. McClelland. - H. W. Spencer. - A. C. Moore. - Samuel Way. - Benj. F. Dale. - D. E. Brubaker. - Thos Henderson Goshen, Graham, Guelich, .l Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, - Lawrence, Morris, - - - , Penn, - . Pike, - - - Salt Lick, - - - New Millport, - - Breckenridge, - - Kylertown, - - - Morrisdale. - - - Lumber City.t - - Grampian Hills, Curwensville, - Bloomingville, - Union, Rockton, Woodward, Jeffries, - - This Post Office will do for Chest township 'ft ill answer for Fergi.son township. IIYDE HOUSE, RIDGYVAY, FE.NN'A. S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Ilotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in all respects a first class house. February 6, 18S I . JUST FROM THE EAST. RICHARD M OS SOP, DEALER IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, IC, MARKET 8TRKET, CLKARflKLD, rA. Chaj (J heap Clir.a p Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap FOB THE LADIES. Always on hand a large stock of La diss goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chintz, Kerchiefs, Nu bies, Bonnets, Gloves, et. FOR GENTLEMEN, (roods (roods (roods (roods (roods Goods Goods (roods Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown! Goods and urey Cloths, t ancy and Black Casimeres. Sattinets, Cassinets, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest ings. Shirting, etc. etc. etc. READY-MADE, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boots and Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Muslins, Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. If you want Nails or spikes, Manure or other forks, Saw-mill or other saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, Hinges, etc., go to Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, eta., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blacic tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Cheap Ksheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ckeup Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goodt Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap , Uueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, oyrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so do cracicers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Fort wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon gahela or rye whisicy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, candies, Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. . IF YOY WANT Uneap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Kjheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap To buy any other article cheap, be sure to go to Alossop, for he sells cheaper for cash than any other person in Clearfield county. November 27, 1861. ap27:60. BOGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. One containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under good fenoe. A log house 22 by 26, plank house 18 oy is, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings theseon. Large springand spring-house con venient to house. The land ia well watered and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard oh place, all choice fruit. It is convenient Xor pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well timbered. This land has a log house and stable thereon. For terms apply to October 13. L. J. CRANS. Clearfield. F LOUR A goed article for sale at the store ef rjaniaj tvjl t. IKWiy, Clearfield. . CLEARFIELD MUSIC SCHOOL For in struction upon the Piano, Mel od eon and Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Term For pupils under six years old, $5,00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six years old, $10,00. for seventy-two lessons of one hour each ; upon Piano, Me lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils. Studied alone. $3,00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1, 160. E. A. P. RYNDER, Teacher. NEW" GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring& Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STOHE. Jnst received and opening, a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods, of almost ev ery description. Staple and Fancy. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Choice Groceries, HARD.WARE AND QUEENSWARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes, II A T S AND CAPS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUPE rior quality. All of which will be Bold on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. June 26, 1861. WM. F. IRWIN. TIIE CLEARFIELD AC AD EM V will be opened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday, September 2d Tei nis, per ses sion of eleven weeks : Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arith metic and Geography, $2.50 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. $3,00 Algebra, Geometry, Nateral Philosophy, and Book Keeping, $4,00 Latin and Greek languages, $6,00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a Bessiou and no deduction except for protraoted sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the term. fmay30 C. B. SANDFORD, Principal. Brilliant Opening OF FALL FASHIONS AT THE NEW CASH STORE OF H. W. Smith & Co. The attention of the Ladies is respectfully called to the following notice. We have jut received and opened the very latest and most fashionable styles of NUBIAS, WOOL HOODS, Zephyr Wool Gauntlets, Berlin Wool Gloves with gauntlets, Wool Scarfs, Ze phyr Wool Shawls, large and smalt ; heary double all wool Shawls, Cbenile Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, and every variety of Zephyr. A superior article of gauntlet Kid Gloves, gauntlet Lisle Gloves, gauntlet Buck Gloves, gauntlet Cash mere gloves, childrens Cash mere Gloves, cbildrens' Lisle gloves, and a good as sortment of Ladies', Childrens', and Infants' hosiery. Also ELEGANT WORKED SETS, Elegant worked Collars, elegant worked Skirts. all wool Delaines, Flannels, and a gteat variety of Dress Goods. All of wnica will be sola cheap. Addbxda The Sontags will be opened for sale in one week from this date. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES . We have just received from Howell A Brother ef Chestnut street, two choice styles of Paper. Also, window shading, plain and figured. H. W. SMITH i CO. Clearfield. November 13. IS6I. TUST RECEIVED AT J NAUGLE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRl, Ac, 4c, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es. to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE'S Fine sett3 of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Me saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. &c. or single pieces at AUli-Lb . Plain gold Breast pins, Eardrops, IIoopEar rings, children's eardrops and rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver noiaers at NALGLES. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange for goods at NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S. JpLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, BYE-STUFFS : LIQUOR OP VARIOUS KINDS, Tobacco, Segars, Ac, FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Merrell & Bigler's building by Feb. 27, ISol-tf. O. B. MERRELL. T ADIE S ONE PRICE FANCY FUR jl asiuitrs JOHN f A REIRA, No. 718 Arch Street, between 7th &, 8th Streets, Philadelphia, (late of 81S Market street,) Importer, Manufacturer of, and Deal er in all kinds of FANCY FURS, for Ladies' Misses' and Children's Wear. Having now manufactur ed &fld in store my usual large and beautiful assort ment of all the various styles and qualitiesot Furs, adapted to tne coming Fall and Winter Seasons. I would respectfully invite an examination of my stock and prices from those intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer them very desirable inducements. All my Furs have been purchased for cash, and made by experienced and competent hands, and as the present monetary troubles render it neces sary that I should dispose of my goods at very email advance on cost lam satisfied that it will be to the interests of those, who design purchasing, to give me a call. tdReeellect, the name, number and street: John Fareira, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, rhilad'a. Fept 11, lMl-5mo. FOR SALE A good two-horse wagon with box, for sale very low. Apply to George W. Rex. New Millport Clearfield co.. Pa. Mar20-p. PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner. and on reasonable terms. April 7. 185S. EDWIN COOPER. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber having purchased the furniture and interest from H. 11. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be eonducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully solicits a share of public patronage. July 11, 1860 .-y. GEO. N. COLBURN. JOHN ODELL, UPHOLSTERER AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER, located at A. 11. Shaw's Mills, one mile East of Clearfield Doro" Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining counties, that he is at all times prepar ed to manufacture, at the shortest notice. Hair Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mattress, suitable for Cahins on Rafts, which cuu be folded in small compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also trims Carriages, makes repairs to all kinds of carriage trimming and Up holstery, and makes cords or Masons tracing lines, of any thickness or length. Country produce, corn busks, or cash taken in exchange for work. Orders left with any of the merchants of Clear field Boro'. will be promptly attended to. jan9-6l HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. A Benevolent Institution established by spe cial endowment, for the relief of the sick and Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic dis eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the acting Surgeon, to all who apply by lctter.with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c) and in cases of extreme pover ty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual organs, and on the New Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad dress, Dr. J. Seillin Houghton. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth St., Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Geo. Fairchild.Sec. Oct 2t, 1800-Ly. ON HIS OWN HOOK! JOHN GUELICI13 CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes to inform his old friends and customers, that he is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business, on "his own hook," at his old shop on Market Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that maybe wanted in this section of country; con sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din ing and Breakfast Tables : Mahogany and Com men Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac. Ac. He wil' also repair furniture and chairs, in good style cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no tice. and easy terms Now is the time te buy at reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates. Walk in and examine the articles on hand, anC judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish. Country produce received in pavment. April 13, 1S6S JOHN GUELICH. N. B Coffins made to order on short notice, ant funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro priate accoinpanyments. when desired. J. G. NEW-YOKK TRIBUNE NEW VOLUME On the seventh of September, 180 1, THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE commenced the twenty-first year of its existence; the THE DAI LY TRIBUNE being some months older andTHE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat youngor. For more than twenty years, this journal has la bored in what its conductors have feit to be the cause of Humanity. Justice and Freedom, endeav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and encourage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by all means the moral, intellectual and material ad vancement of our country. It has aimed to be right rather than popular, and to espouse and commend to-day the truth that others may not be willing to accept till to-morrow. In pursuing this course, mistakes have doubtless been made and faults committed ; but, having in all things incited our readers to think and judge for them selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth ers' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal the credit of having qualified its readers to detect and expose even its own errors. To develop the minds of the young by the most general, thorough and practical Education. and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry, through free grants of Public Lands to actual set tlers and cultivators, as also through the protec tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branches from too powerful foreign competition, aro among the aims to which this journal has adhered through good and evil report, and which it stead fastly commends to American patriotism and philanthropy. As to the Civil War now devastating our coun try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, then was ev er before known-f-a Rebellion in the interest of the few against the many a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten the chains of oppression. Having done all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War and witnessed the forbearance, meek ness, and long-suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear duty, with that of every other citizen to stand by the nation and its fairly chosen ru lers, and to second with all our energies their ef forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and the supremacy of the laws. And, though the Re bellion has become, through usurpation, deception, terroism. and spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all questions affecting the objects, the scope, and du ration of this most extraordinary contest, we de fer to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose and of action indispensable in so grave an emer gency In a crisis like the present, our columns must be largely engrossed with the current history of the War for the Union, and with elucidations of its more striking incidents. We shall not, how ever, remit that attention to Literature, to For eign Affairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops. Markets, Ac. which has already, we trust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its cotemporaries. Our main ebject is and shall be to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from which a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the do main of Action but in that of Opinion nlse. As our facilities for acquiring information increase with years, we trust that an improvement in the contents ot our journal is perceptible, and that, in the variety and fulness of intelligence afford ed, we may still hope to ' make each day a critic on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continu ance of the generous measure of patronage hith erto accorded to our journal. TERMS. DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) . . $8 SEMI-WEEKLY (104 issues per annum) .... S3 WEEKLY (52 issues per annum) ........ $2 To Clebs Semi-Weekly : Two copies for $5 ; five for $11 25 ; ten copies to on address for $20 ; and any larger number at the latter rate. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty we send The Daily Tribune gratis one year. Weekly : Three copios for $5 ; eight copies for $10, any any larger number at the rate of $1 20 each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for $20, with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each club of One Hundred, Tne Daily Tribune will be sent gratis for one year. When drafts can be procured it is inuoh afer than to remil Bank Bills. The name of the Post Office and State should in all eases be plainly written. Payment always in advance.. Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau-at, New-York. SALT a good article, and very cheap at the Here of WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfield. ED. A. IRYIX'S COLUMN. Irvin's Corner Store, CURWENSVILLE, PA. N E W SPRING GOODS!! Just received at the '-Cornar Store" a complete stock of NEW SPRING GOODS. Customers will find The assortment varied, and the prices reasonable. Curwensville, April 10, 1861. jRAIN, FLOUR, BACON, AND FISH, for sale low for cash, At the "corner store" in CurwensviHe. g T A P L E SPRING GOODS, AT LOW PRICED, At Irvin's "corner store." Curwensville A N M W LOT OF GOOD BUFFALO ROBES, For salo vert low, at Irvin's Corner Store. JJEANS AND DRIED APPLES, A quantity at the Corner Store. Ladies will find at the Corner Store a complete assortment of Dress Goods of all descriptions, such as Tartan Plaids, various styles; Persian Twills, Printed Cashmeres, All Wool and Printed Delaines (in variety,) Plain (all wool) Delaines and Merinos, all col ors, Debege, Coburgs, &c., in variety. Qtl hand a large stock of Mens and Boya' Clothing, of all descriptions. Seal-skin, Bea ver and Cass overcoats. Gents' Shawls. Fine Dress cloth and Cassimere business Coats, Pants, and Vests; over shirts, over-alls, un der clothing, &c, &c, a complete stock. groceries, a largo stack on hand, (selling low,) by the quantity or retail, call and see them, and satisfy yourselves. Qents dress Hats, and staple Hats and Caps of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all descrip tions selling now lower than ever. Jgonnets of all descriptions and the newest styles, at Irvta'a Corner Storo. Ladies' Gloves, Gauntlets, Xubias, and new style Wool Hoods, in great variety. Qloths, Doeskin Cassiiueres, Fancy Cassi nieres and Veatings, in groat varioty. Tuflalo Robes fall sizes and prices, and Sleigh-bells, Whips, &c, at the comer. JJOUBLK AND SINGLE HARNESS, Sad dlery, Sole and Upper Leather, at the corner. J-EW WORLD and Noble Cook-Stoves, and June plate Stoves for sale, very cheap. QRINDSTONES of the best quality, and fix tuies, for sale at tho "corner store." JjUGIIT-DAl and 24-hour Clocks, of all si zes, styles, and prices, at the corner store. QUM COATS, Pants and Boots, a large as sortment, for said at Irvin's corner store. JYAILS Glass, Paints, Oils, &c, &c, for sale very low by the quantity or at retail. QUSTOMERS are invited to call and exam- iue our goods, as wo are satisfied that an ex amination of goods and prices will induce persons to buy. E. A. IRVIN. Curwensville, Pa., October 17, 18G0. NEW DRUG STORE. The subscriber has opened a full and com plete assortment of DKUGS in the rew brick building of Dr. Woods, on the corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield, where they will at all times be happy to accom modate any person who may desire articles in their line. The business will be confined strictly to a DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION BUSINESS, and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always be found and consulted in tho '-Drugstore," when not absent on professional business. A separate room for consultation is attached to the Store, where patients may be examined privately. Every article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms being strictly Cash will en able them to offer inducements in the way of prices. Physicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcost and carriage. Theirorders are solici ted. Every article sold will be pure and of the best quality. WOODS fc BARRETT. Clearfield. Pa.. February 13, 1861-tf. Zfl YOUNG LADIES WANTED, to e7 JJ amine and reduee the large ptosk of Dress Ooeds, just receivod at MOSStfP'S. TVEW BKEWERY. MOKE LAG Fit . e ub!,cribe '"'d respectfully i,'f the Tavern keepers and others that tuty h, ccntly started anew Ercwery in the it, Clearfield, and that they are now prepared inf.. tiiih Knur rtn tha mot u.wvm I ... : . nave employed an experienced Urewer f-jn, .r east, and they feel confident that they c'a' t '' a superior article of beer. Uive them a trial judge lor yourselves. June 20. ;f0 CHARLES UAUT 4 CO JEW STONE WARE MANU FACTOi' v 1 IN CL1ARFIKL1, PA. 1 The undersigned takes this method t.f icg the public that he has commenced the inu- . facture of Stone-War in tho I'.orough of Clelr ficld, and thst he is now prepared to suvr.'w " who may want them with Milk and Creaui"CroSl,S Jugs. Jars, ic, at lower prices, than ther c.-.n ! bought else where. He solicits a shrc -r"v -age. FREDERICK LLITZINOKU ' Clearfield. Pa.. May 2j. 159-1 y. FARM FOR SALK.-Thc following JrCr bj farm, situated in Decatur township Cle-rr- 4 Co., Pa. two miles and a half "c.-t o l'hi'ip.t.j. on.tucUlcn Hope road, containing ut 1. '.,, and twnity-oiic arm and allowance. Th;ai". about eighty-five acres cleared :.nd undor tf. state of cultivation ; with a large, well fiV.. , frame oank barn, a comfoitable hewei leg ;. and a well finished fniuie dwelling Lit j J otherout buildings erected thereon, never springs of water at the building, and UrjfM' well selected assortment of beariog frtr rp.? The wood land being well timbered aft jLj,.-. laid with a four and a half foot veiu of (Uo (.; The above funs afford rare inducement to f'tn. chasers For further information enquire vi K 1). SUOWALTER It:! u.-ibur. Cctre. Cg.'Pi Oct. 23. 1SSI. fWn. AYEE'S Sarsap axilla FOR PURIFYING THE EL00D. ud fiir the HpuKiJy cuio of the follii, c.mj.Uj f. Scrofula u ixi Scrof ulcm A fit t I Inm,. n, j, u Tumoi ii, l ie rr, Mil e, Kriipii,,,,,. IMiitplre, 1'iiMtules, lilult lit-, iioil. Ulaiits, ami nil Skin l)inci.t,. ' OiKUND, I ml.. Mil Jin-.,., J. C. Atkii ti Co. tiwuts: I 1W1 it k-v uj kuuwlrUgo U:U V"tir .-in .ipai ill.n Inn lin l'ij ., Haling iiilu'i it'-.l a Sfcnfii!iw inl'ivthm, 1 hv. r;,-.,i from it in wajn ..r jvih. ! 1. i.v. ofet in Lkerrt 011 111 v Il-iikIh hiiJ a .i.n; uM;m ! turimJ iuHnrtl hik! di.ticKH.-J me tit Mic Uiiui.. i jeans ago it broke out 011 my head and oxir-.! 11. i 4W aul ears with one sore. v. inch na muii!uI ;iih: ' ..Ci beyond dewi ii'tiun. 1 tl i d many Ulrilk inrg kiA ttti ui physicians, but without miv h ruiii-f fiom hii.v tLi 4 . In fact, the disorder grew worm-. At h-nlh 1 i-x-in '. to read in the (iuf)K-l SlewiiKW Unit you Imd nrt au alterative (.SaRtujuiiilla), I t 1 tu n lr4ii your "-i'-tiou that any tiling you umdf immt be g'-J. 1 M ' b Cincinnati and gut it, and Uerd it till It ruivd m. 1 I st it, as juii udviso, in Miiall !ixtf a nwkpoonful in.-r, niimtli, aud used allnott three butt to. cu and I: j! I y isUill soou be-all to furui unik-r the acab. iit!i aftt ra while fell off. My skin Is now rlwu-, and I know hy my fee lings that tb dHt-: bits ;'iu tioui my f.-t.-in. iuu can well believe that I fft-l what I am M.viiijj uhn 1 t.M you, that I hold yon to he one of the aimstit of tho ac, aud remain ever gratefully. Y-ur. ALKKLD B. T.1I.U.V. St. Anthony'! Fir. Hone or Kry: vcl-ii. Tetter and Salt Jtlieuui. Stnld IlcaJ, lUngivorui, Sore 12y, Dropay. Dr. Robert 51. Treble writ-.-s from &iIhiu, X. Y., Sept., lSO, that he has cured au ruvefrate -r Vropty, which threatened to teimiuate fatally, y lU persevering use of our &irsamrlla, and alo a iaii:iv; Malignant Erysiprlas by lart;e do? of the t&iu; tu; he cures the common llruftlums by it constantly. Bronchoctle, Ooltre or Swelled Xrrk. Zebnlon Sloan of Project, Texas, write : TLr-w t.i ties of your Sarnipnrilla cu.ed nie frv:u a imi'n a I l eous swelling on the neck, which 1 had u?witd f.j:.i over two years." Leucorrltrrn or White. Ovarian Thuiob Uterine Ulceration, Female UUcasct. Dr. J. B. S. Chuuniii, of New York Oit;-. write ; - most cheerfully comply ulth the rc'iiietit f your aitm J eayinpJ liare found your SarMiparilla a uki tirvlfcuit alteratiTO in the innueioun couipluiutft for w'ikIi employ snch a remedy, but ex-cially iu Warilr umir of the Scrofulous diaih"ia. 1 have cured man; lrir!--ate cases of Leurori lio? by it, and come where the vw plaint was caused by ulcerut,n of the vlrmt. 'i lie ui ation itself ai soon cured.; u!iki my kiut edpe eqaiiln it for these female deraiipenu'iiln." Kdward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., write, " 1 b permtg orarian tumor ou one of f 149 feuirttec in my f.icuir, whieh bad defied all the rcmedien we ronlJ ei (.!. -, Uu St leinrth been completely cured by your Kxtrsit (Su rapariiliu Our pliVHician thought nothing Uut t. ra tion could fiord relief, but lie adviised the 'rod if juir SannariUa aa the last ret-rt I fore calling. Mel it proved effectual. After taklnjr ymir leuiedy tllK uik no (ymptom of tha disene remains." Syphilis and Mercurial DIseaac. KfW OaLMNS, - lb Aiu;-.t. WJ. R. J. C. Ateh: Sir, I clu.-eifiillyf4.iiii.!.. !'li il. re quet of your airent, nud report to you t iue of llie elicit 1 have realized with your ?.irtiiarila. 1 have cured with it, in my prattlrt, met f tlj "ito plaiutg fur which it ii recommended, and I ave 1 n I iu effects truly wonderful In the cure X IVjir-ilai..' .H,r euritil Vifutr. Oue ef my patient h.i.l v.!.iu-ir u in hij throat, which were coiiKiiiuinjr hU )ilJ'-' auJ top of his mouth. Y'our ajsnt.uiilU, rtea.tilr u' a, cured him in five week. Another a attacked Lj sec ondary oyuiptouiR iu hi nut-e, and the alc-iaUou ljJ eaten auay a considerable p:irt of it, so tba' I in '.U e Cjb disorder would soon tearli hi bmiu and kill him. lt'. It yielded to uiy administration of your Siriapariu-i : tin ulceis healed, and he ia well again, not of cuiitm iU"rt come disfiguration to bi.i fate. A Moniati ho ha: brra treated Ur the same divider by iiiouury a .'.'- w( from thK poUou in her boned, 'i'hey had become o ""O fitive to tha wirher that ou a damp dny (die f-Uiiei-i -cruiatini; pain iu her j -inn and bones, foe, cuiVd entirely by your c-aivapiuilla in a few nU I know from ibj formula, mhirh your aent gav utr. th.d this Preparation from your laboratory uniht ki t-a remedy; consequently, these truly iciuaikable tv't with it have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, O. V. LA RIMER, II. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Independence, Preston Cc, Ya., Oth July, kh?. Dr. J. C. Aver: fir, I have bet u atllicted with a p'Jf ful chronic KhrumattttH for a loag time, which burn. -I tin rkill of phyticinns. and ftu.k to uie iu ppite i f ail tL remedies I could And, until I tried your SaiuarKtriUa. 0 bottle cured uie in two week, aud rentoied i-e ?vuerai health ho niwh that I am far better than U i. u ! attacked. 1 think it a wenderlul uiediciue. J. 1 Ut A '! Jules Y. Getohcll, of St. I.onix. wtite: "I hkv '-fi afflicted for yearn with an aj)h-tim of Vie. Lii.r ! '1 destroyed my health. I tried every thiug. and eveij failed to relieve me ; and 1 have been a l.ivlii;i-dii for some years from 110 other cnue than lieruheu- t-t Vtt J.ivtr. My beloved patdor, the liev. Mr. Kj-y, ' tne to try your Sat-apariila, becaime lie Mild he 1 re aud any thing you made was worth try ii!j:. Hy tt; i""0-' ing of tiod it hag cured me, and hn so ptirif-u 1117 1 as to make a new man of me. 1 feel yourn; agein. I" best that can be said of you U not tiall gojd euou." Schlrrus. Cancer Titniort, T:iiJr;eneiit. Ulceration, Curies and Exfoliatiou f the itones. A great variety of caies have been reported t u le "" cures of these formidable complaints have ruln-l fro the use of this remedy, but our paoe here will H"t ' them. S.Die of them mar I found in our Ani-r."' Alniamic, which the agents below nnucd are pieawJ W furnish gratis to all who call for thciu. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits. Epilrp my, Melancholy, Xeuralgln Many remarkable cures of thee aBWctioiis hT, 1 made by the alterative ower of tbi medicine. I' latea the vital fuuetiona into vigorou action, sn.1 overcomes disorders which would be mi pp. wed L1. :'' reach. Such a remedy has Ion-; been required If tbe af: ceMdtiea of the people, anil, we are confident that il- u' do for them all that uiedieiue can do. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE HAP1D ClUE OP Concha, Colds, Influenza, Hor -Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient sumption, and for the It'll of Consumptive Iatlcu, in advanced .St a Res of the Disease. This is a remedy so tiuiversally known to wr ' other for the cure of throat aud luriR complain"- . is uselera here to publinh the evidence of 11 irt- unrivalled excellence for conphs and cold. d ' . wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, .. known throughout the civilized natioua of '"" ; few are the communities, or even faniilie vli . 1 who hare not soma personal experience or i r-i"",;, some living trophy iu their midst of it victory subtle aud dangerous disorders of the throat anJ- ( Ai all know the dreadful fiitality of theae f as they know, too, the effeitsof thU remedy. n r do more than to as.nre them that it ha now aj i ; tues that itaJid havu when makipC the cure wi.i. u -won so strongly upon the of mankm- 1 Prepared by Dr. J. C. AlS CO., Lowell, Sold by C. D. Waon, Clearfield: E. A I' Curwensville; Sam l Arnold, Lntheraburg . Chase. Ansonville; J. C. Krenner, MoiTtidaie. R. Foster, I'hilipsburg, and dealers elJewtere Lowell, Mass., January 23, 1661-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers