tm TILE; JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., SEPT. 26, 1860. Peter Gearhard advertises his farm for sale, ittMto In Boggs tp. See advertisement. We direct attention to Andrew Moore's ad Tortisement, who desires to sell several pieces of land lying In Pcno township. Tomatoes. We are Indebted to Mr. II. F . Naugle, of this borough, for a bucket of toma toes. We tender him our thanks. The rules and regtfiations foe the Agricultu ral Fair, will be found on the first page of this paper. Every ono who receives a copy , should ipreservo it - ' By reference to our advertising coruraRS U will be seen that Dr. 111 Its will be in Curwens ville on Oct. 1st, to remain 4 days, a pr 'fessionsl business. Please call in time. tWm.F. Irwin has just received and opened afro supply of "al? -au Wnrtor good?, at his store on Market street, Which he will dis pose of at reasonable pri-cet. See advertise- meat i a-wother column. The caTd of lungerich & Smith, whoSesale Grocers, of Phi-ladelpbia, appears i n the -Journal to-dy. Attettfwn is caHeft toth-"s fcouse, asoneoflho most reliable and $rempt busi ness firms 4b tt city. T fee kr stock- is exten sive and wRl fee sold as lorw rs at any other house f the knl in Philadelphia. Attention is directed to th card of Riegel, Baird & Co.,"ot lhnae"phis, which appears in our aivertistBg-colunffis to-day. This firm is reliab'e, tfnd-seThi gerois at low as any other establishment intke'Cny; and persons wishing to pe-rchirse fcafi "beTOer give them a call before electing fheirati and winter goods, as they nay And it to (heir advantage to buy at this establishment Fie. Wo learn that on Saturday Dight last,; 22nd, the stable of Mr.' Samuel Clark rt Curw-ensville, was entirely consumed by fire, together with four horses, seven sets of harness, lour tons of hay, some straw and oth- er articles. It is supposed that the fire origi nated from a lantern that Mr. C. had taken to ' (be stable in the evening, and which had been accidentally left standing by him. The proba ble loss will be some $800. Splexdid Apples. Mr. Robert Lawhead, cf Lawrence township, presented us a few days Bince with a number of apples of different va- ieties, which for size and flavor oro second to none that we have seen anywhere, and confirms us in the belief that just as good and large ap ples can be raised in Clearfield as in any other section of thu State. Mr. Robert Lawhead has nursery of fine, thrifty trees, which he twill dispose of to purchasers, at low prices. Attention f Great excitement has prevail ed for several days opposite our office, which .ur "devil" could not account for, so we con cluded to investigate the matter. Without further delay we put on our "stove-pipe" hat, lit a "weed." and wended our way across the afreet, ami, imagine our surprise, when we discovered that Mossop had just received from the eastern cities a large and most extensive assortment cf Fall and Winter Goods, which, lie informed us, he would sell as low as any other estahlisment of the kind in the county Having satisfied our curiosity we returned to mir sanctum, and informed the "imp" of our discovery; whereupon, he remarked, that Mos--op "sells the cheapest goods," and would ad vise persons to call and examine the stock for themselves. Injured. On Saturday the 22nd, Robert Carman of this place leceived a severe fall whilst he was engaged in putting tin sheet ing on the rooi of Smith's new brick building in the north part of town. It appears that Mr. C. was clipping a sheet at the comb oi tho house, the piece becoming detached unex pectedly ho began to slido down the roof, and not being able to regain a hold, he was precip itated to the ground, a distance of abont 22 feet, among seme bricks and stones, and inju red his back and hips very much. Indeed, his escape from immediate death is almost mi raculous, when it is considered that he slid down the roof with so much velocity as to e ject him some 16 or 18 feet out from the foot of tho building. He is improving as rap idly as could bo expected. Accident. On Saturday the 22d, Mr. Ma thias Ilollopeter of Union township, accompa nied by his wife, met with a rather serious ac cident as tbey were returning in a buggy from a visit to Bradford township. Just as Mr. II. drove off tho Clearfield bridge east of this place, the horso became frightened, jumped to one side, and threw the buggy and its occu pants over the embankment, which is about ten (eet high. The vehicle was turned upside down, falling on Mrs. II., who received a very severe bruise in the left side and a cut about three inches long on the side of tho head, having came in contact with some sLous ly ilg t the foot of the embankment. She was wrought .to.tpwn do -the .house of her sister, -Mrs. Bradley, where she is still lying in a crit , ical condition, but it is hoped that she will soon be able to return home. The buggy was much broken, but Mr. II. and the horse es caped without injury. . We see toy oar western exchanges from Mis QCKyi and the west, that a large number of Kansas people are already fleeing from famine and winter. Long trains ol wagons, bearing .r.e involuntary exiles -with tl.t-ir o...H now daily be seen passing through ' Leaven .orth cn ibeir wiy to Nebraska and Iowa. "old httltt Ly abo,,t fivc ves ld,son of Mr. Henry Schrack, wMle walking Von soma logs lying in the busin adjoining fro a iV;? ?n st Thnrrfay evening, sI,,,ped jrom a Lginto the water and was dro A-ued. . mW- &:m of documents-8ro Mini tocL Ul !rm tLu il Capitol '"Cat pirtifj. . , - - . , ,- reyeral po- , , CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBUNGS. CTTVery low the water in tlte river. trIIeavy--the frost, oa last Friday night. TT-lie wuo does not nil a place at home, cannot atroau. K5"Snow fell on last Wednesday a week on the Hudson river. d?"He only is wcll-wado man who has a good determination. ffT-bound vegetables Uahbaga heads, pnrnpKtn iieacu, ana small potatoes.' OSScmwd the ladies out West, on politics. u is saia urey ure tor iinkm to a man I urlfoa. tike the jg business the chap woo was comnauM tor hours, for indulging rainer ireeiy. limine ban trancisco papers state that jol. rrtnont refuses to tako any part in the x residential canvass. u iuy&re, me Houston deer-hunter, ; says he has ktiled six thousand deer in the last nine yars, e itie Houston prairies. tJJ-et black eyes are an attraction ; ' jet tlack ir, ditto; but jet black finger-nails nrKKYix ne strenuously avoided. EElder John Winobrenuer of the Church of uod, died at Darrisburg on the 12ih inst. 5u od years, 5 months and 1 days. OThe Governor General of Cuba is taking efficient means to prevent future landing and sales of Africans at the ports ot that Island, Ctiemt Smith is in Oswego to relieve himself of a great load, by dividing property to tho amount ol $200,000 among five devoted relatives. oiiiipkius remariveu mar money was a great lever in the affairs ot mankind. "A very great leaver, indeed.," replied Blinks: "I never can keep it." fjThc Pennsylvania Railroad Company are uuuuing an elegant passenger depot at Greensburg. It is of brick, and highly orna mental in design and noisb. ICThe Repblican party advocates the pro tection oi American industry. The Demo cratic party advocates the protection of Afri can industry. 1 be difference. riF-.Ked, White and Blue." Tho red cheeks, white teeth and blue eyes of a lovely girl are as good a flag as a young soldier, in the battle of liie, need tight for. H7"Coal oil was discovered below Blairs vilie, and considerable excitement exists in consequence. A well two miles below Blairs- ville is said to yield ten barrels per day. CC?The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund have issued their proclamation announcing that $G02,2G4.S6 of the debt of the State of Pennsylvania has been liquidated during the past year. n7"The Descrct News of August 15th gives the names ol about 1(500 persons who are on their way to Salt L-ike City. The stock consisted of nearlv 300 wagons and cirts, 700 oxen, 186 cows, and a largo number ot tents. CC7"Cats are in demand atPike's Peak. Mice are plenty, though rats are not knewn in that part ot the country. Cats sell at a hi h price. Indians are said to be ver3' fond of them, and have been known to give three or four buffalo skins, valued at four or five dollars each, for a cat. , rc"Professor Shotts made a balloon ascen sion at Marietta, Ohio, during the last week When about one hundred feet high, the bal- looon burst. Shotts came down standi: his basket. Singular as it may seem, the on ly injury ne appears to nave sustained was a badly mashed ankle. CE-Stumping for the Presidency don't pay. Van Bnren tried it in 1848, and was badly beaten. Gen. Scott next attempted in '52, no better result. Douglas, Breckinridge, Lane & Co., will find it equally unprofitable in I860. Old Abe is at home, taking his ease, and laughing at them all. The Clehgt in Acstkia. The Roman Cath olic clergy in this empire is said by a Catho. lie journal to comprise 13 archbishops, 52 bist oils, 1 00 convents, with 9000 nuns; 2G convents, with 2,900 monks. The total num- der of clergy amounts to 28,000 individuals, who posses property valved at S2o0,0U0,0U0, either personal or in trust for the church. Walker Shot. The Cahawba.f rom Havana, 17th inst., has arrived at New Orleans. She reports tho arrival of a Spanish vessel at Ila- vana,from Truxillo, with news that General Yalker and Colonel Rudler had been shot by the Ilondiiran authorities. The remainder ol the fillibuster party were allowed to leave the country unmolested. Persons afflicted with tho Fever ani Ague should not spare either time, trouble or expense, to procuro Du Hostbtter's Celebrated Bitters, whose beneticent cflects upon the system has been clearly proved to those who have been stricken down in a short' space of time by this dreadful cuise, whose cheeks are wan and meagre, and whose nights are sleepless and restless, and whose eyes are dim and sunken, with death staring them in the face, this compound must prove a hlessing. snatching them as it wero from the mouth of the grave. .None can know its true value until they have tested it. When all others have failed, these Bitters have restored the sufferers to pristine neaitn. lneir popularity in all the U estern and Southern parts should introduce them to all fami lies TJSold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere. See advertisement. MARRIED: At the residence of Mr. Jonathan Nicols on Monday Evening.21 insr.,by Rev. Dr. McUleod, MR. u. li. ii err ill to Uandace oldest daugh ter of Mr. Jonathan Nicols. DIED: At the residence of his son Arthur in Bell townehip, last week. Greenwood Bell, aged 4i years, 9 months and 20 days. Tho deceased has been severely afflicted with rheumatism since August, 1824.' Mr. Bell was one of th.! nrsrt settlrrs in this county, having accompan- cn ma lauii-r nero in n jo ; was i ue nrsi sher iff of this county, and' served two terms in in the State Legislature. About the close of of his second term a warm Presidential con test sprung up between; Gen. Jackson and John Q. Adams, and Mr. B. being honest in his political views, could not go for the Dem ocratic nominee, In consequence of which. he was read out of the party and has not been in public life since ; but remained a firm sup porter cf the opposition party to the end oi s lif. SOMETIIIiNG NEW IN THE PEACE FUL VILLAGE OF CUR WENS VTLLE. The undersigned ba ing entered into partnership in the Foundry Business, pnder the name and style of Robison A Denmark, respectfully an nounce to the public that they have constantly on hand, or will make to order, Stoves, Plows, and all other Castings commouly used in the country, which tjiey will feil at the lowest rates for east, or exchange on the most advantageous terms for old metal, or approved country produce. JACKSON ROBISON, February 1.1860. D.J.DENMARK. BOARDS AND SHINGLES The highest mar ket Price paid for boards and shingles in ex- obange i)t flour, haaoii. itoods, A'd at tli corner store of E. A. IRVIN. Curwvi JnJ 9. BHHilES! BUGGIES!-Ono Jenny Lii F ailing Top. One Heavy (no IT ' T style vory liaht tropin. K.Ai Vf" - Lind, One new wo vory li fa.o eteap tyC. A FWOR Oil Cloth, oil cloth for carriage tops, ta. DlO Cloth in nienns anil tiilt.rna .tr. tta.,.1 . . -Alj 14 VIK 'Jieor ner store. Curw'v. July 9. CX YOUNG L A dTeS WAN T EDtoex -V amine and roduco the large stock of Dre.-w uootla.juat received at MOSSOP'S. TjXECUTORS' XOT1CK. Letters Testa--a-J mentary on tho Estate of James White, late of Karthaus township, Clearfield co.. Pa , deceas ea. having been granted to the undersigned re siding in said township, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present thein duly authenticated for settle ment. MAUtfARET WRITE, JOHN RE1TER, August 15. 1360-6tp. Executors. A DM 1 NISTRATO RS' H OTICE. Letters j- of Administration on tho estate of Thomas Owens, late of Lumber-city Borough, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, h aving been granted to the undersigned residing in said Borough, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. E.MELINE OWENS, ANTHONr HILE, August 8. lS60-6t. Administrators. THE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will be opened for the recention of nimils i m:il ami female) on Monday. August 20th Terms, per ses sion of eleven weeks: Orthography, Reading. Writing, Primary Arith metic and Oeocranhv. 2.5!i Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. S3,U0 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and lJook Keeping. S4.00 Latin and Greek languages, $8,00 To students desirous of acauiriner a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves ior leacners, this institution oilers desirable advantages. No pupil rcceivod for less than half a session and no deduction except for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo paid at tho close of the term. maySUJ C. IS. SANDFOKD, Principal. CJTIRRING TIMES IN PIIILADEL- PII1A Treme)ulons Excitement amonsr the Masses ::: EXCITING FOOT RACE between the Phi leu el phi a Police and a notorious Forser and counterfeiter. James Buchanan Cross !!!!! Cross Recaptured !:!!: It seems to be the general opin ion in Clearfield, that if Crosi had worn a pair of rranK ssnori s trench-calf uoots. that ho would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missinz his custom: hut would an nounce to all Brccl-ivridge, Doug-las, Lincoln and lien men, and women and children in Clearfield. ana Mnncmabomng in particular, that he is pre pared to furnish them with Boots, Shoes and Gai ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, sewed or pee- geu. (ana as ne is a snort ieuowj on snort notice. All kinds of country produce taken in exchamre. and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat est manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed. Wea ver & uo e store. FRANK SHORT. r. B.. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, 1860. -1ENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA- . TION. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to regulate the General Election within this Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the Sheriffs of the several counties to give public no nce oi sucn election, the places where to bo held. and the officers to be elected : Therefore. I. FRED ERICK G. mlLLER, High Sheriff of Clearfield co.. do hereby srive public notice to the Electors of the county ot t'leartield.thata GENERAL ELECTION will be held on the Second Tuesday of October at the several election districts in said county, at u:..l. , . 1 . i i - . , . nuicu uuie uuu piace me quaiineu voters will vote For One person for Governor of this Common wealth : For One person to represent the counties of Cloar- LelJ. Jefferson, Elk, Mckean. Forrest, Clar ion, enango, and Warren, in the House of Representatives of the U. States : For Two persons to represent the counties of Clear field, Jenerson, hlk And Mckean in the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth ; For One person for the office of Commissioner of Clearfield county ; For Ono person for the office of Auditor of Clear held county. The electors of the county of Clearfield will take notice that the said General Election will bo held at the following places : At the house of Samuel M. Smith for tho town ship of Becearia. At the house of Aseph Ellis, for the township ot lieu. At tho hou?e of James Bloom, Sr , for tho town ship ot riloom At the house of Edward Albert for the township OI liOffliS At the house of William Hoover for the town ship of Bradford. At the public house of R. W . .Moore, for Brady township. ' - At the bouse of John Youne for the township oi Jiurnside. At the school bouse near Simon Rorabauch's. for the township ol Uhest. At the Court House for the Borouzh of Clear field. At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township oi uovinsten . At tha house of Isaac Bloom, jr., for tho Boroush of Curwcnsville. At Centre school house for tho township of De catur. At the house of Thomas B Davis, for the town ship of Ferguson. At the house of John I. Bundy fjr the town ship of Fox. At Congress Hill school bouse for the township ot tiirard. At the public school house for the township of uosnen. At the house of Jacob II ubler for the township oi uranaui. At the school house in Janesville. for the town ship of Guolich At the house of Jesse W ilson for the township oi nuston. At the school house in Ansonvillo for the town ship of Jordan. At the bouse of B. 1). Hall t Co., for the town ship of Karthaus. - At the lurKey ilia school house tor the town ship of Knox. At the Court House in the Uoroupru ot Ulearfield for Lawrence township At the public school house for tho Borough or Lumher tity. At the house formerly occupied by Ihos, Kyler, for Morris township. At the public school house for the Borough of ew Washington. At the house of Samuel Smith for the township of Penn. At the house of Isaac Bloom, ir , in tho Bora of Curwcnsville. for Tike township. At the nousu oi u. v . juoore ior the township of Union. At the houso of John Whiteside for tho town ship of Woodward. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN. That all persons, except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of trust, under the government ot the United States or of this State, or of any incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under tho Le gislative, Executive or Judicial' Departments of thi3 State or of the United States, or an y city or in corporated district, and a!so that every member of Congress and ol the State Legislature, or of the common or select council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated district, are by law in capable of holding or exercising, at the sanio time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspec tor.or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth ; and that no inspector judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any oflice voted for. And the Return Judges of the respective dis tricts aforesaid are requestod to meet at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on the First Friday next after the said Second Tuesday of Oc tober, thn and there to do those things required cf them by law. . . GIVEN under my band and seal. at Clearfiold.this ZJtb. day of August in the voar of our Lord , . 2 ' ono taonsand eight hundred and sixty, an Ot tho Independence of the United States the eigMy-fourth. l G. MILLEll: Sheriff. TV AILS, GLASS, Oils, Paints. Ac to be bad at ' tfiA most raiifnft.hlA nrirtfia o.t tliAfhirA tf . TJERRV HOUSE, FRONT ST., MARIETTA, (formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub-1 scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his ! old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu- fn ti 'n Manetu that n Pains will be spared o t "oomiuwmion ana comfort. Feb. 22. 1360-ly. ABNElt M'MICHAEL. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The un- rTT -"'6ov Vucia " pnvaie saie, seven and a Km acres oi ground in Ueooana township, at the mouth of W hitinore run, on big Clearfield creek. --.w.s o inu-aiory irame nouse, 20 by 38 feet in dimensions, store house 18 by 2d feet, stable and th .ut"b.ulld,nSS thereon. For terms apply to - -"-"-loiguou, uear Aasunviiie. July 11, lSfi0.-2m.-pd. JOHN SWAN. DAm Iel,goodla:nder'B00TSII0E -Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale at iSp near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa, HOOT-; J- SlIALV fni i) t imn,.,. , . - J.i 1 Kip and Calf Skins. (French and American:) ana a variety of Linings, Bindings, Shoe Pegs, Nails and Thread, Boot Webbing, Blacking, ire. ; in fact, everything usually kept in a shoe-finding -.....UIUCU1,. ne nas aiso riour, Suar, Unjfee, lea, lace, Soda, Syrup, Tobacco, Segars, Nails, "I .. ii oi M incu can De naa cheap for cash Luthersburg. November 2, 1839-lyp. OOK HERE, GENTLEMEN! WAGOS f- cuur-AULAD The subscriber thankful for past favors, takes this method of informing bis old customers and the public in general, that uc us removed nis snop trom the Foundry to the lunneny occupiea oy ueorge w. Urr, on Sec ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue to manufacture Wagons of every description, to oraer, oi good material and in a workmanlike manner. Atso. Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain w..cs, tto muue on snort notice, in superior style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every ...v uuo mm uispaicn. ana on reasonable terms. June za, isa-j. WILLIAM R. BROWN. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Philipsburg. Centre county, Pa. The undersigned would respectfully inform the traveling public that he has recently purchased the above named Hotel, nuiuu ue uas remoaciea ana lurnished with new beds, Ac, and is now prepared to accommodate all customers in the best manner possible. His house is pleasantly located, and therefore a desirable stopping place. His table will at all times be mm. plied with tho best in the market, and hia bar will be filled with the best liquors in this section of country, ue wouia especially invite his Clear- neia county friends to give him a call as they uaaa aiong. oeing iunv Persuaaea mat he can ren der satistaction to all who mav fnvnr him with their custom. THOS. ROBINS. Philipsburg. May 9th. 18G0. A fifi II RAYMOND'S PATENT SEW- UXU.UU 11 ING MACHINE FOR TEN DOL LARS, will tell. Gather, or do any kind of fami ly sewing and so simple that any lady can learn to operate on it in half an hour. It will make one thousand stitches in a minute, and for its su periority in every respect, it took the First Pre inium at the Maine State Fair over all other Sei ing Machines. , A large number have been sold and are now in use in this borouzh (Brookville) ana v icinity, ana are pronounced the simplest and u--ou miwuiuo over inveo(u superior to most oi the high priced sewing machines. The undersigned having purchased the Rie-ht irom tae ratentee, to sell these machines in tho counties of Jefferson. Clearfield. Elk, and Forest. are now ready to nil orders for the same in the a bove district. Orders for machines will be filled in the order of their reception. Persona wishing mauuines suouiu senu in tneir orders immediate 1 . I . . .. . . . - o ly, as we have over 30 machines already ordered in ad vanceof our supply. Township rights for sale. AH applications for machines or township rights oy letter or otherwise, should be addressed to A. B. M LAIN A CO., Aug 15, lSfiQ-tf. Brook ville. Jefferson co..Pa. SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH; RICHARD MOSSOP. CEAX.EE IS , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &.C., MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. COAL-OIL. FL ASS BED-OIL. PAINTS. AC. IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscr's. if you want line ground Zinc. 20 to Mossop s. It you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop's 1 you want superior Coal Uil go to Juossop s. . CLOTHS. CASS1MERES, TWEEDS, AC. IF you want superior Cloths, eo to . Mossop's IF you want Fancy Cassimeies, go to - Mossop's. IF you want Black Cassimeres, eo to Mossop's. I r you want plain A fancy 1 weeds, goto Mossop's. IF you want superior Cassiqets, go to - Mossop's. ir you want superior Sattinets, go to , M-jssop s. alpacas, pelaimes. chintz. AC. IF you want fashionable Bonnets, go to Mossop's. it you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's. Lt you want new tancy UeLaines, eo to Mossop's. IF you want good French Chints, go to Mossop's. it you want French Oinghams, go to Mossop g. IF you want Domestic Ginghams, eo to Mossop's IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to - Mossor's. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTUINU, AC. IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Coats, go to Mossop's. T L" . . 1. , T . . 1 . . " uu woui liisn luuiiuiu ranis, go 10 A10SS0P S. It you want tashionable Neck ties. go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's! IF you want fashionable Hats, eo to Mossop's Ir you want fashionable Boots, go to Mossop's IF you want fashionable Shoes, eo to Mossop's IF you want Boys' Coats A Pants, eo to Mossop's it you want Children s Shoes, go to Mossop's. .MUSLIN'S, HANDKERCHIEFS. AC. IF you want good brownMuslin, go to Msssop's. IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good colored Musi ins, go to Mossop's. IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop's IF you want fashionable Hand'ks, coto Mossop's IF you want cotton Handkerchiefs. go to Mossop's it you -ant Linen 1 able eloths, go to Mossop's ;o to Mossop's eo to Mossop's IF you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's. It you want tancy Carpet Sacks, eo to Mossop's. it you want lahie uu Cloths, go to Mossop's. It you want good Floor Oil Cljth, go to Mossop's. It you want new School Books, go to Mossop's. NAILS, HARDWARE, PAPER. AC. IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's. it you want liarawareot all kinds.eo to Mossop's. IF you want a good Grass Scythe, eo to Mossop's. if you want a goott nay torn, go to Mossop's. IF you want a eood Manure Fork, eo to Mossop's IF you want eood Garden Snades. o to Mossop's It you want illow Baskets, eo to . Mossop's. 4 - 1 n . w . u. IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossop's. it you want looacco ana Cigars, eo to Mossop's ft? -- L C. 1, ' , I f , . - . ir vuu wan 1, r aucy an jraoer. eo 10 - Jlnssoi's It you want ManillaA hemp cords, go to Mossop's. IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's. IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to Mossop's! IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot, eo to Mossop's. IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's. it you want goou Move lilackme. eo to Mossop's. IF you want superior 131 act Ink, go to Mossop's. It you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's. FLOUR, BACON. TBA. SCGAIt. AC. IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's. It you want Sides or Shoulders, eo to Mossop's. It you want excellent Dried Beef, goto Mossop's IF you warit good Brown Sugar, go to Mossop's. IF you want superiorWhiteSugar.go to Mossop's IF you want the best Rio Coffeo. go to Mossop's IF 3-ou want Extract of Cofl'ee. eo to Mossop's. IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's. IF 3"ou want eood Black Tea, eo to Mossop's IF you want eood Youne Hyson ;ro to Moskop'b. it you want coarse or hne Salt, go to Mossop's. IF you'want excellent Rice, go to - . Mossop's. IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossop's! IF you want superior Candies, go co Mossop's. IP you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's IF you want good Tallow Candles, go to Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mossop's II' you want lino Dried Paaohes, go to Mossop's. IF you want tm Dried Apples, go to Mossop's. IF you want Oranges and Lemons, sroto Mossop's IF you w ant old Monongahela, go to Mossop's. IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's xc you want ror aieaicai use, goto mossop's. IF you want ;'.,' Sacramental use. go to Mossop's, IF you want good Cherry Brandy goto Mossop's." IF yon wantood Sweet Wine, go to Cleua,!4, Pa., April 27, 1853. it juu want gooa iresn iiernng, go to Mossop's IP you want superior White Fish, go to Mossop's IF you want Molasses, all kinds, ten to Mosoop'h PLASTERING. Thi iubsoriber having lo eated himself in the Borourh of Clearfield wouia inform the publicthat he is prepared to do work in the above lino, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike stylo. Also u ue warning ana repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7.1358. EDWIN COOPER. riiu -i uk TKAVELING PUBLIC The X undersigned havinz taken the Luihrhn,ff Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg, Clear field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat- ronaze. - xne nouse nas oeen re-ntted and newlv furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared 10 rcnacr guests comiortaoie. ubargea moderate. majZJ WILLIAM REED. tvtew firm j IK.TI -r, . mm-, PATTOl AJiD NEW GOODS! PATTON, HIPPLE & CO. The subscribers have purchased the stock of mer chandize lately owned bv John Patton. in Cur. wensvillo. and have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, which will bo sold low. Please call and examine our stock. We respectfully ask a share of Dublie patronage. The books of John Patton. have also been transferred and will be settled by us. it- V. PATTON, E. A. HIPPLE, may 10, 1S60. DANIEL FAUST, TIIE UNION RIGHT SIDE UP Since the subscribers have started the Chair-making business at their residence in Lawrence tp.. t mile from Philip Antes' saw-mill on the west iln of the river, where they keep constantly on hand All descriptions of Chairs, Setters. Boston ROCKING CHAIRS. RUSH BOTTOMS A SPRING beat Chairs, from the common Windsor up to the very latest style of Parlor Chairs. The subscribers having an elegant water-power by which they do tbeir Boring, Sawing. Turning. Ac, they are enabled to sell every style of chairs at reduced prices The public is respectfully in vited to call and examine for themselves. All work warranted either new work or repairing. Jan. 4, 1S60. . WM. M CULLOUGH A SON. KEEP HP THE EXCITEMENT. Re movals always canse excitement, and sinon the great excitement about the removal of the Court House has subsided, the community gener ally h ave become soinewhatexcited upon hearing that Cbarly Watson has determined to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement is the fact that I have i emov- ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market street, nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor me with a call can be supplied with Saddles, Sin srle. Harness, Double Harness. Tup Harness. Bri dles, Collars, Whips, Halters. Ho usings, Breech -baiuis, Side Straps, and in fact every article in the line oi eaaunng and Harness making. Thankful for the very liberbl patronage heretofore bestowed I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from as many new customers as can make it suit. Aug. L'9, tj9. GEORGE W. RHEEM. MPORTAKT ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! 4 "n ttt 11 tt t The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quecnswaro Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as lo rates as they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. jyl 1 . MATTHEW F0RCEE N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS II. L. HENDERSON A CO., Have just received and opened at the old stand of Lewis Smith, in Bethlehem, an extensive and well selected assortment of tho most fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Staple and Fancy. The stock consists in part of x nnis ana iress uooasoi me latest styles, togeth er with Hardware, Qucensware, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Fish, Tobacco, Segars, Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, and a large varietj of useful Notions and such articles as are usually kept in a country store. All goods wi be sold cheap for cash. Give us a call and see for yourselves, before you buy elsewhere. may ioo. 11. U. Ilfc-jNUliKSUN A CO LOOK HERE ! LOOK HERE !! The ut dersigned take this method of informing the puouc generally that they have entered into co partnership in the Blacksmithins business, and can be found at the shop formerly occuDied bv Ja- coo snunKwcuer, on ihiru street, in the borough of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see 1. r 1 nt . . - . - their old customers, and as many new ones as can uwis 111 cunvemeni, 10 give mem a can. Jsring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleiehs, your horse and mare. No three-year old, shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right, To pruning hooks for every hieht. Your swords too, shall then be wrought ao piougn-snares sucn as vitn ne er bought. J. SHUNKWEILER. Dec. 6, 1858. GEORGE W. ORR. QRAnAMTOK STILL AHEAD! THOMAS H. FORCEE Has opened, at the old stand of J as B.Graham, In Grahaniton, A LARGE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods which he will soil at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH! IIo will keep constantly on baud, , the best article of , WHEAT, PEED, BACON", SALT, Fish, Shingles, Boards, &c. FAINTS, OILS, GLASS,. NAILS, and all other articles for buildings, furnished at a small advance on cost and carriage. TAKE NOTICE, SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Mens' Calf Shoes, : : . : : : ; $1 00 per pair. Mens' Calf Gaiters, : : : : : 2 45 per pair Mens' best Kip Monroes, : : : : 1 50 per pair. Womens' calf Shoes, : : : : : 1 19 per pair, Childrens' morocco Shoes, from 25 tq 81 per pair. Lest Madder colored Prints, at 5i to 12J ots a yd. Sest Wool Challiea, 12) to 25 ots a yd. 5Hol2rctsayd 61 to 121 ct3 a yd. 6i to 11 cU a yd. 50 ' to 75 cts ; Best Lawns, t : : . : : Best Bleached Muslins, Best Brown Muslins, ; : Teas, : : : : : : ; Sugar, i: : t : : : Molasses, j ;-T ; i 9 to --lb iZi cts a lb tp05 cts agal I ; . - e . jr -... Dealer wilPfiid it gir' to ca!l betVre p-ursTjaL. .'v '4 W avMll' wv PROFESSIONAL ft BUSINESS CA.2.D3. HB. WOODS, Attorney .at Law, Indiana, P . Professional business promptly attendea to. DR. D. F. AKELY, Graham ton, Clearfield oocn ty, Penu'a. r April 1. DO, CROUcn, rHTSicujr, CurweneviUe, Clcar . field county, Penn'a. May 14. DR. II. R. BRYANT, Luthersburg, Pa., tenders his professional services to the publio in gen eral. Luthersburg, October 13, 1S59 LJ. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate . Agent, Clearfield, Fa. Office adjoining his residence, on Second str6et.. - ' May IS. IITILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, T Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the Post Office, on Second street. Sept. I. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. (and District Attorney.) Clearfield," Pa. Office in Shaw's new row, Market street. May 2. J ALTER BARRETT, Attorney mi Law, Cle.r- fiold, Pa. Office the same that was formerly occupied by Hon. G. R. Barrett. scpto'60 H BUCIIER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clcar . field. Pa. 02c in Graham's Row. one tioor east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10. IRAXK SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop, . on Second street, (nearly eppwito Reed and Weaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, li9. MA. FRANK, Justice of tho Peace, Market st , . Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusiod to hi care will receive rtromnt attpntinn Collections Apr27'5'J. made and money remitted -T7ILLIAM ?. IRWIN, Marketstreet. Clearfield. II Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Diimf!i. Mn. chandise, Hardware, Qucensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. JOHNGUELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfild. P He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. AvtIO.'oO. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu nerals with a hearse, when called on : And tti hIfa coffins to order, on short notica. Nov. 10. DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers bis professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin- ' .uS lunucmps. niMurirce wun j. i . uennin" in Kylertown, Clearfield county. Mayll,IS5. AB. SHAW, Shawsville, Clearfield county,. Pa , . Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Quecnsware, Jtc, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan ges for Lumber or approved country produce. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, ami . . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Shaw's now row, Market street, opposite the Rafts- man's Journal oflice, Clearfield, Pa.. . Nov. 10. JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Oflice in new brick addition, adjoining : the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. BLACKSMITIIING.-Sbunkweiler A Orr,thank ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a share of public patronage in their ' line of business. Shop on Third st. Nov. 10. EI CHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do j mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon. Liquors. Ac. Boom, on Market street, a few doors west ot Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. ' LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law, Clear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal ' and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining oounties. August 6, 1S56. ' JAS. H. LAKRIMElt. - ISRAEL TEST. HOMAS J. M CULLOLGH, Attorney at Law, and Notary Public, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossop's store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and aeouraey. Feb. 12. JOHN RUSSEL & CO., Tanners and Curriers, Pennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowestcash prices. Hides of all kinds taken in exchange Jalyl5-54. JOHN HU1DEKOPER. Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield county. All business en trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex ecuted. He can be found at the banking house of Leonard, Finney t Co.- Sept. 21, 1S59. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. " Residence on Second street, opposite the ofiice of . L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that wad recent ly occupied by. IIona R. Barrett, where be cau be found unless absent on professional business. DENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon th teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner. Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. Y OUR TEETH! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to. announce to his friends and patrons, tbat he is now devoting all of his timo to operations inDen tistry. Those desiring his services will find him at" his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all' times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays. nn-; less notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. All work warranted to be satisfactory. ' BANKING AND COLLECTION OFFICE .LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchanzc, Notes and Drafts Discounted- Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Citiug con stantly ou hand. Office, on Second street, in the roo 3 lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd. javes t. Leonard. :;::::::: d. a. fis-nut. wm a. Wallace. :::::::-::: a. c. risser! lcW. MERCHANT AND EXTENSIVE DEALR IN SQUARE TIMBER, BOARDS, SHINGLES, AC, .- r.4 r,.. .t?T.T -'r 1 r t t,- . o v t l ' , a r ri r fT.K AI Octl3 in a well suppli c0 ii" 135.9. B' OGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE.-On containing 121 acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log house 2i by 26, plank houso 16 by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessarVout-buil- dings thereon. Large sprinjrandsDrinaf-house con venient to house The land is well watered and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of larsre errafted trees, and a. vonn? or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 9d a cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well timbered. This land has a log house ami stable, the reon. For terms apnlv to October-:- - t. J. CRAXS, Clearfield. ilU.L.'ll.lU lll'l JUtJ, it VAlivbl IV-vU U X AS THE GOOD INTENT, CUKWENSMLLE. -Clearfield County, Pa. Tt,e subscriber bega leave to iniorm his old cust'omum and the mublio eee- rally that bo h3 recently taken theaboe well known stand, and that be haa entirely reSUed aad refurnished it in a sfyi adapted to the age. and iirTAR?i?r ntiro travelling eomm-nity. HIS TABLE " ,fBlwa be provrded with every i"Ufy fl8 ma 6-ets and surroufdipg. country will a' - H IS B R wul be rir''with the "L .rd. HI& m STABLES, which rceat wines ''H" V v,.ri;,,rfIVo the-'road ipartmept f his i with,U tb einfo u nd -J -J caretui anu V"uw',, ".iti Venieuces n " " trayeller oould desire. WM. A. Hiwn i ! i i . i t A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers