BY S. B. ROW. t CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, I860. YOL. 6.-N0. 47. . ; constancy. . r 'Tis sweet to know we have a friend, . Unwavering as the sea-girt rock ; ,.; - Where storms in rain their fury spend, '.' ,And nanght belt waves roll from the shock. Unmoved, unflinching, there it stands, (Though ocean's waves around it roar,) , Unlike the gay coquettish sands, -That fparkle on the distnst shore. .And such a friend methinks is mine, At pure as is the morning dew : - -Unchanging with the change of time, .As constant as the rock is true. - nr BEQUEST. THE REJECTED. , The little grey Gothic church lay in the broad light of the tnoon, with its thick clus ters of ivy and creepers mantling the diamond paned windows. The soft autranat haze rose iliin and sparkling in the moonbeams, and seemed like a silver veil which Nature had coquettishly thrown over the charms that she had not hidden from the garnish li?ht of day. In the green lane, there was a soft, cooing sound troni the woodpigeons, not yet wholly at rest, and on the downs a thousand sheep, s jet not folded, gave forth their gentle breathing, quiet and tranquil as their keeper, who had rapt his blanket around him, uud lay on the hill side, with a young lamb close to his heart, and ready to start at the first ound ol his dog. Close to the gateway of the church stood two persons,and in the hushed silence one could have distinguished a feint sound of weeping. ; Whatever it was, it proceeded not Iroru the smallest of the two; but from the fall and strong man who stood beside her. The white floating robe showed one to be a woman ; and the moonbeams resting on her face told that she was beautiful, in the pure ktvlc of English beauty. Perhaps she looked paler than was her wont, by moonlight; but i here was scarcely any other trace of emotion in her countenance. Pride might have look ed forth from those large blue eyes ; but that was natural, and not culled out by any new circumstances. Her soft flaxen hair lay un it! in ed by even a breath ovei her fair white forehead, and hung down iu long, heavy curls, over a neck which, though closely covered, showed its perfect shape, and betrayed at the throat its whiteness and purity. Apparently the young man niado some passionate appeal to her, which had failed to subdue some reso lution she had declared; for she paused in her walk as if to collect all her firmness, and unswered proudly, "It is impossible; I have Kiven my word my word which I have never yet broken ; I never can be yonr wife." There was a sob that seemed to come like that which parts soul and body, from the breast of the young man. The tall form bent and swayed as if tailing to the ground ; but he supported himself against tho gateway of the church. - ; ,-. - ' "Farewell, then, Margaret Scaton ; farewell for ever! I shall net remain here to witness your scorn or trouble your peace. Life in England would be to me a living death. To morrow I sail for America. If winds and waves prove as treacherous as womans's love, 1 shall probably find peace beneath the waves. It so, I do not ask the tears which you refuse to my deep misery in life. Once more fare well!" llo turned away from her, as he spoke, and took another path than that which led to her home. Had he heard the passionate cry which burst from her lips a moment after, ho might have retraced his steps ; but ho was deaf and blind iu his agony. William! William!" sounded on the air, and reach ,-d the car of the aleeping shepherd on the hillside, but not that i him who had left her. The next day Mar garet Seatoa saw the announcement of the sailing of a ship to-Atncrica, and among the passengers was the name of William John bun . . ' In one of the most beautiful spots in the delightful valley of tho Mohawk, Johnson Castle reared its head. Surrounded by tall groves and rich shrubberies, almost oriental in their profusion, and kept by its owner, a young man ot free and frank deportment, as a place of almost feudal magniflctmce, it was do wonder that its popularity was beyond that tf anj other mansion in America. To this house, not only the great and learned among the American residents and European tourists alike resorted, but it was equally open to the crowds of Indians,who,attracted by the hearty cordiality of its master, laid aside their usual reserve, and flocked to the hospitable board of William Johnson. Prom afar, Margaret Seaton heard of this sylvan abode, and wondered if its occupant ever thought of her whose coldness had driven him to its deep shades. Drawn lroru him for awhile by the prospect of a more intellectual lover than the boy of nineteen, as William Johnson was when she parted from him, she too had experienced a disappointment as keen and severe as a lovers' revenge could wish to inflict. Retribution for her broken faith to William Johnson had overtaken her, and now, disgusted with the vain show in which she lived, and the heartless desertion of the lover lor whom she had sacrificed a true and faithful heart, she formed the mad project of going to America, and witnessing the new life which her former lover was said to lead. Circumstances were favorable to this idea. Her parents were no more, end tho wealth they had left was at her disposal alone. She knew that, since the night on which the two stood at the little Gothic church, a boy and girl in the first flush of youth, that least, must .have altered. The soft curls hung as loving ly around the neck, but the fair brow had a shade of care, and the blue eyes were faded rom their first brilliance. - Night and day slio .ocrned over the decision of that night, and .it had left a shadow upon her beauty like a blight upon the lilly. She embarked for A ro erica under an assumed name, arriving at ,the very height ol the luxuriant American snrumer. . Johnson Castlo was deserted when the un known lady arrived in its neighborhood ; and .another ; residence on the banks of the river, where a most singularly beautiful location bad .attracted the notice of the munificent owner .of the land, bad risen in a beauty that threw the castle into comparative homeliness. Out side of the ample and beautiful domain sur rounding this favored 'spot, was an English settlement, composed mainly of artisans or workmen whom the master' liberality had in duced to remain. In one of these habitations the proud English maiden found a home ; and ventured to ramble over tho very grounds of her old lover, trusting to ber altered looks to conceal her identity with the Margaret of his early dream. . Wandering over the magnificent grounds surrounding Johnson Hall, she encountered an elderly lady, dressed in deep mourning, accompanied by two beautiful girls, in whose sweet young faces Margaret read their relation to William Johnson. These then were his children, and although she had beard, with a strange joy, for which she despised herself, of the death of his wife, she could not retain such feelings when she thought of these love ly girls, left without a mother, as she herself had been perhaps, sonio day drifting liko herself upon the outer circle of a happiness which she could never hope to know. Then came the remembrance that bad it not been for her folly, she might have been a wife and mother; the wife of him she indeed wor shiped, and the mother to his children. Determined to have a single look, if no more, of that face so beloved,Margaret walked on. Past the fertile fields, past the smiling river, through the groves of chestnut and ma ple, and to the very borders of tho beautiful garden. What was it that caught her eye within its bounds ? A miniature temple, the very representation of the little church nt whose low gateway way William Johnson had said farewell. He had not forgotten, then. But in the very doorway of that temple stood a figure whose appearance there startled and troubled her. It was that of a young and beautiful woman, whose dark skin, long straight black hair, and flashing eyes, told ber Indian origin. While she stood there, her strong, active frame, her dark,but bewitching beauty, and the involuntary grace of her unstudied attitude, struck Margaret with a jealous envy for which she could not account. .She had little time for indulgence or self-blame for this feeling ; for passing swiftly up the steps that led to the little mimic church, was a man, whose tall figure and graceful motions could not bo mistaken. It was William Johnson. Her heart told her so before she saw his face ; and now it was turned towards her. He had thrown his arm around the Indian, and through the dark color of her cheek Margaret saw the deep flush of pleasure struggle into new beauty. Her hand lay lovingly in his, and ber head was bent to wards him, its long and superb hair resting on his bosom, and covering her own figure like a veil. One of the little English girls at the settlement, impelled by curiosity in the lady who had come from the fatherland, as her mother had told her.had followed her footsteps. By a sudden and strong control, Margaret ex erted herself fo ask, "Who is that woman yonder, Maud ?" And the child, delighted to give tho good lady the information, said, "It is Mary Brant.", s "And vho,or what is she ?" asked Margaret. " Why.don't you know I" asked little Maud. 'She is sister to the Mohawk warrior, and is Mr. Johnson's wife. That is ber husband, standing beside her. They are very kind to me. Shall I go and ask if you can see John son Hall ? . It is a graud place, and every stranger visits it." Margaret stopped the fleet feet that would have run to obtain admittance for her to the home of William Johnson and his Indian wife. She had heard enough, and her own eyes cor roborated the child's story. She thought of the beautiful girls whom she had met in her way, and wondered if the Mohawk step-mother would meet their ideas of refinement. She was growing bitter and sarcastic every mo ment. Had she yielded to tenderness, she was sure to faint, and then the child's officious sympathy would betray her, by calling the at tention of him whom she would now avoid. One bound down the road, and she was out of sight, the child with difficulty keeping pace with her. It was Margaret's list look of her old lover. Writh tho next ship she came to England, and left htm uncounscious that her presence had ever been about him. Du ring tho revolution, deeds of bravery readied her ears from time to time, of which William Johnson was the hero. . Alter the memorable expedition of Crown Point, she learned that the king had bestowed upon him the honor of knighthood, and she wondered if the queenly Mohawk would adorn her station as Lady Johnson. In a pleasant country home, surrounded by the children ol a very dear friend, whose hus band Margaret was' at last induced to marry, she found some consolation for her early dis appointment. The romance of life had faded away. Her early dream, though remembered, had put on more subdued coloring; and she learned to hear the name of Sir William Johnson with scarce a perceptible fluttering ot the heart. lier husband, a good, quiet, easy courtry gentleman, who valued her mainly for the qualities which made hcra good mother to his cbildren,ncver knew that beneath the-calm suriaco she exhibited lay a world of extin guished sentiment which he had no power to rouse, and which time only had been able to subdue.; R. L. H. Where are thb Disuxionists 7 Our read ers will remember thst, in 185G, Governor Wise, of Virgtnia, was very emphatic in de claring that the South would never submit to the election of Fremont, but that, if necessary to clear him out, the Virginia military forces, under their Governor, would march to Wash ington, seize upon the public Treasury and archives, and carry them off, and thus leave poor Fremont weeping, like Marius, over the rains of Carthage. Where are the disunionista now, in view of tho manifest destiny of Old Abe Lincoln 1 We hear nothing at alljof dis union except from the Douglas party, who are cryiug down tho Breckinridge party as dis unionists. Gov. Wise is out for Breckin ridge; but the Governor last fall, upon the John Brown matter, said he would fight, not to go out but to Btay in the Union. II. V. Johnson, of Georgia, was a rampant disunion ist in 1851, but he is now up for Vice Presi (fent on the Douglas ticket; and so we presume, he Las come out ail right. Where are the disunionists 1 . They were numerous last Win ter in Congress, in view of Seward and his "irrepressible.conflict;" but now.with'this "ir repressible conflict" turned over into the Democratic camp, all hands are fighting to stay In the union. New York Herald. . . '"Some Germans, taking breakfast in their house in Philadelphia, bad. their attention at tracted by a noise in the entry. Going thith er, they found their mother hanging by the neck to the rail of the staircase, committing suicide.. Instead of cutting her down at once, and thus surely saving her life, all three set ofl after a policeman. When they rcturucd with one, of courso the old lady was Uoad. THE MOQUIS. ' We take the following Interesting Annorin tion of a strange people said to reside in the nuerioror me ureal Basin, from tho Pana ma Star. It is entitled to full confidence : WHO BCIXT THE CALIFORNIA PYRAMID ? In our summary of the California naw r. ccived by the "Winfield Scott," we notice the discovery of an antique pyramid in the Colora do region, and in a subsequent number of our paper published a long article in relation to it, from the San FranciscoHcraW. The whole sub ject must be a deeply interesting one to everv body ; and from a gentleman now in this city,we have within a day or two, derived additional information which he has had the kindness to put on paper for us. It is as follows : "Your article on the antiquities of the Great central iSasin calls to recollection a conversa tion I had in 1852, near that region, that was of. intense interest to me at that time. "Far away beyond the South Pass, on the neaa waters or the una river, lives John Brid ger, a trapper of the plains and mountaius for more than forty years, and whose veracity can not be questioned by any one acquainted with him. It is admitted by all trappers that he is better acquainted than any living man with tho intricacies of all the hills and streams that lose themselves in the great Basins I say Basins, because there are many of them. While trap ping on the tributaries of the Colerado, an In dian offered to guide Mr. Bridger and party to a people living far in the Desert,with whom they could barter. "The proposition was accepted ; and after providing themselves with dried meats and water, they struck right into the heart of that Great Desert, where no white man before or since has trodden, and which the hardy moun taineers will only venture to skirt. After five day's travel, the party arrived at three moun tains or Buttes, rising in grandeur in that sol itary waste. These mountains were covered with a diversity of forest'and fruit trees, with streams of purest water rippling down their declivities. At their base was a numerous ag ricultural people, surrounded with waving fields of corn and a profusion of vegetables. The people were dressed in leather they knew nothing of fire-arms, using only the bow and arrow ; and for milo after mile, circling these Bcttes, were adobe houses, two and three sto ries high. Mr. Bridger was not allowed to en ter any of their towns or houses, and after re maining three days, bartering scarlet cloth and iron for their furs, he left them ; not, however, without being given to understand that they held no communication with any people be yond their desert home. That these are the same people who once iuhabited the banks of the Gila and Colerado, and lefts those monu ments of wonder, the "Casas Grande," whteh so deeply attracted the followers of Fremont and Doniphan, and then vanquished as a dream there can no longer be a doubt. Their adobe houses attest it. "Months after this conversation with Mr. Bridger, I had another with Mr. Papln, the a gent of the American Fur Company. He told me that another of the party, Mr. Walker, the mountaineer, after whom one of the mountain Passes is named, and who is known to be a man of truth, had given him the same descrip tion of these isolated people and in my mind there is not the shadow of a doubt of their existence. The subject is one replete with interest to tho antiquarian, as well as to all others; and I am in strong bopo that the re cent discovery in the Colorado country will have the effect of bringing to light, and to the knowledge of the world, not only the existence of this peculiar people in their de sert home, but also their origin aud history." STRANGE PEOPLE I.V THE WILDERNESS THE MOQUIS. The rTcople here spoken of, wo are inclined to believe, are the Moquis a race of people residing in the Great Basin, who answer in ma ny particulars to the description given by Brid ger and Papin. We believe that Captain Joe Walker, the veteran mountaineer and trapper, is the only white man in this country that has ever visited this strange people, and from him we gathered in the course of a long conversa tion, a most interesting account of their coun try and manners. Tho most implicit confidence may be placed in all his statements. He is entirely free from exaggerating which we of ten find among great travellers. - Through the very centre of the Great Basin runs the Rio Colorado Ohiquito or Little lied Kiver. It takes its rise in the mountains that skirt the right bank of the Rio Grande, flows almost due west, and empties into the Colora do at a point on the same parallel of latitude with Walker's Pass. About 100 miles north of this, and running almost parallel with it, is the river San Juan. Each of these streams is about 250 miles long. Between them stretches an immense table land, broken occasionally by Sierras of no great length, which shoot up a bove the general elevation. -About half way between the two rivers, and midway in the wilderness between the Colorado and the Rio Grande, is the country of the Moquis. From the midst of tho plain rises abruptly on all sides a Butte of considerable elevation, the top of which is as flat as it some great power had sliced off the summit. Away up here the Mo quis have built three large vlllages,where they rest at night perfectly secure from the attacks of the fierce tribes who live to the north and east of them. The sides of this table moun tain arc almost perpendicular cliff's, and the top can only be reached by a steep flight of steps, cut in the solid rocks. At the base is a plain of. arable land, which the Moquis cul tivate with great assiduity. Uere they raise all kinds of grain, melons, and vegetables. They have also a number of orchards, with ma ny kinds of fruit trees. The peaches they raise, Capt. Walker says, are particularly fine. They have large flocks of sheep and goats, but very few beasts of burden or cattle. They area harmless, inoffensive race kind and hospita ble to strangers, and make very little resist ance when attacked. The warlike Navajoes who dwell in the mountains to the Northeast of them, are in Ihe habit of sweeping down upon them every two or three years, and dri ving off their stock. At such times they gath er up all that is movable from their farms, and fly for refuge to their mountain stronghold. Here their enemies dare not follow them. When a stranger approaches, they appear on the top of the recks and houses watching bis movements. One of their villages at which Capt. Walker stayed for several days, is five or six hundred yards long. The houses are gen erally built of stone and mortar some of them of adobe. They are very snug and comforta ble, and many of them two and even three sto ries mgn. iue lnnamtanis aro,consiaoraoiy advanced iu some of the arts, and niauufac- i ! ture excellent WOobn rinthinir Manbote Koo. ket work and pottery. Unlike most of the In- uian irioes of this country, the women work within doors, the men performing all the farm uu oui aoor laoor. . As a race, they are light er in color than the Dieeer Indians of Califor nia. Indeed, the women are tolerably fair, in consequence of not being so much exposed to the sun. Among them, Capt. Walker saw three periecuy wmte.wlth white hair and light eyes. He saw two others of the same kind at the Zuni villages, near the Rio Grande. They were no doubt Albinos, and probably gave rise to the rumors which have prevailed of the ex istence ot wnue Indians in the Basin. The Moquis have Drobablv assisted nature in leveling the top of the mountain as a site for iiieir villages. They have cut down the rocks in many places, and have excavated out of the solid rock a number of large rooms for manu facturing woolen cloth.' Their only arms are bows and arrows, although they never war with any other tribe. The Navajoes carry of their stock without opposition. , But unlike almost every other tribe of Indians on the continent, they are scrupulously honest. Captain Wal ker says the most attractive and valuable ar ticles may be left exposed, and they will not touch them. Many of the women are beautiful,with forms of faultless symmetry. They are very neat and clean, and dress in quite a picturesque cos tume of their own manufacture. They wear a dark robe with a red border, gracefully draped so as to leave their " right arm and shoulder bare. They have most beautiful hair, which they arrange with great care. The condition of a female may be known from the manner of dressing the hair. The virgins part their hair in the middle behind, and twist each parcel around a hoop six or eight inches in diameter. This is nicely smoothed and oiled and fast su ed to ; each side of the head, something like a large rosette. The effect is very striking. The married womeu wear their hair twisted into a club behind. V '- The Moquis farm in the plain by day and re tire to their villages on the mountain at night. They irrigate their lands by means of the small streams running out of the sides of the moun tain. Sometimes when it fails to snow on the mountains in winter, their crops are bad. For this reason they always keep two or three year's provision laid up, for fear of famine. Altogether, they are a most extraordinary peo ple, far in advance of any other aborigines yet discovered on this continent. They have never had any intercourse with the whites, and ot course their civilization originated with them selves. What a field is here for the adven turous traveller! We have rarely listened to anything more interesting than Captain Walk" er'a plain unaffected atory of his travels in the Great Basin, A New Sensation ! From the Gallows to a Fortune ! The Chicago Herald, has seen a letter from the Prussian Consulate, resident in New York, addressed to Greenebaum & Broth ers, making inquiries as to the whereabouts of Heinrich Jumpcrtz, stating that a lady resi ding near the place of his nativity, had died recently, leaving Henry, his brother Franz, and one or two others, heirs to a vast estate, consisting of lands, stocks and money, and requesting the Messrs. Greenebaum, bankers, to make out such documents as were necessa ry to secure to Henry his share in the legacy. The letter stated several circumstances which leave no doubt that Henry Jumpcrtz, so well known to the citizens ot Chicago, in connec tion with the Sophia Warner tragedy, or 'bar rel mystery," as it has been termed, is the fortunate legatee. Bon is given as his birth place, 18J14 as the year of his birth ; it is stated that "he come to this country with his brother Franzfrom whom he parted in New xork city, and that he had been tried and ac quitted on a charge, the nature of which was not stated ; and other circumstances were mentioned which leave the identification com plete. It is said that alter Jumpertz was ac quitted upon bis trial for murder, be endea vored to get an honest living in Chicago, but was regarded so suspiciously that he could not. A few friends, who believed him inno cent, gave him funds, and abandoning his original intention to live down the opprobrium which the greater part of the community heaped upon him, he went to St. Louis. Un der an assumed name for the press had made the name of Jumperts notorious be followed his trade, and afterwards, we believe, was em ployed as a baiber on one of the river steam boats. " His present whereabouts is not known. President Jackson's First Cabinet. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, contradicts the statement of Hon. Amos Ken dall, recently published in a paper of this city, in relation to the breaking up of Gen. Jackson's first cabinet. The writer admits it to be true that the quarrel was among the men and not the women.fbut says that it originated with the latter, and that their husbands after wards became a party to it. lie says : " I will state what was believed in Washing ton at the time, elsewhere, and generally. It was that certain members of the cabinet and tho females of their families refused to visit Mrs. Eaton, wife of the Secretary of War, or to have any social intercourse with her. These members were Ingham, Secretary of the Treas ury, Branch, Secretary of the Navy, and Ber rien, Attorney General. Vsn Buren, Secre tary of State, and Barry, Postmaster General, being friends of Eaton, who, of course, could have no other than unfriendly feeling towards those who had Bought to exclude his wife from high official society. Then came the dissolu tion of the cabinet Van Buren went Minister to England, Eaton to Spain, Barry remained in office, and Branch, Ingham and Berrien went out, and became hostile to Jackson. These, I think, are the facts of the case, and I had some opportunity of knowing what were the facts.' A New Business Firm. As the only hope of defeating the Republicans in the State of New York,the Herald, proposes a "joint stock electoral ticket, in behalf of Bell, Douglas and Breckinridge," with a view to concentrating ail the elements ot opposition against Lincoln. vvny bam. Houston and Gerrit bmuh are not admitted to the proposed rirm,is not stated.but we suspect either of them could contribute nearly as mnch capital in votes as some of those named. - Wouldn't that be a beautiful compound ? Hard Shells, Soft Shells, Irish men, .Know Nothings Slave Code, popular Sovereignty and Dark Lanterns ! That would be a political sandwich worth looking at i Let tho "joint-slock ticket" go on, by all means.' Any shape you please, gentlemen, so that you come. . ..... ; GIVING HIM THE SACK LITERALLY. A green, awkward girl, the daughter of wealthy parents In Arkansas, having gone to Massachusetts to be educated, a young den tist, named Brown, conceived a notion that his shortest road to fortune would bo to marry her. But then she was the laughing stock of tue seminary, because she was so gaunt, mas culine, and ungenteel in her dress, and Brown felt that it would require all bis nerve to stand the ridicule of several of the young pupils with whom he had flirted until he was satisfied that they had no money or expectation of any. However, he consoled himself with the reflec tion that he should speedily obtain influeuce enough over her to enable him to become, in a measure, her adiserin the matter of cos tume, manners, &c. The foremost thought was to amend her long, lank form, by the aid of crinoline, wbish she had never worn, and his flattery had no sooner secured him a confi dential place in her good graces, before he ventured to make her a present of a patent skirt or sack, together with a hint to fix up pretty handsomely for a ball to which he had invited her. ; . The night arrived, the party were assembled, and the Arkansas damsel made her grand en tree from the ladies' dressing room, amid the titter of laughter from tho school girls and vil lage belles. The hoop sack was shockingly out of shape, projecting in front like the spout ing horn of Nabant ; but that was nothing to the expose it made of her somewhat incongru ous black hose, the fascination of which were somewhat augmented by the yellow rosettes of her white satin slippers (men's size) encasing her delicate feet. To complete Brown's hor ror, ber flaxen bead and freckled face were "set ofP' with a profusion of green and yellow bow-knots, of formidable size, inteuded to do execution as beau-catchers. - Madder than sixty, the disappointed dentist went through the first dance with her, taking little or no pains to conceal his disgust, and then hurried away to the whist room to escape the compliments and sarcastic ridicule of his old flames. The unfortunate partner, who was clear grit, was deeply incensed when informed of his abandonment, and some of the sympa thizers advised her to "give him the sack," i. e., dismiss him at once.- "I'll bedodrotted ef I don't do it 'fore the bull crowd," she replied in a boiling passion, and making straight for the dressing-room, and followed by a bevy of laughing girls, soon emerged again with the hoop-sack in her hand, and threw it at Brown's feet. -'Thar, you mean, good-for-nothing sha ker out of old snogs ! Tako your old sack and wear it yourself, and ef I ketch you speaking to me again, I'll lick ye within an inch o' yer life ; you'd better believe it." Roars of laughter followed this spirited con duct, and tooth-puller was fain to make his es cape. The next day he left the village, - and has not returned to it. The Arkansas girl be came a pet, and finally made a very respecta ble appearance In society. N. O. Crescent. A correspondent of tho Winona. Minnesota, Republican writes that Mr. A. L. Jeuks of that place, who is prospecting in one of those mounds which are so common in that country, recently discovered, at the depth of five or six feet, the remains of seven or eight people of very large size. One thigh bone measured three feet in length. The under jaw was one inch wider than that of any other man in this city. He also found clam-shells, pieces of ivory or bone rings, pieces of kettles made of earth and coarse sand. There were at the neck of one of these skeletons, teeth two inches in length by one half to three-fourths of an inch in diameter, with holes drilled into the sides, and the end polished, with a crease around it. Also, an arrow, five inches long by one and a half wide, stuck through the back, near the back-bone; and one about eight inches long stuck into the left breast. Also, the blade of a copper hatchet, one and a half inch wide at the edge, and two inches long. This hatchet was found stuck in the scull of the same skeleton. The mound is some 200 feet above the surface of the Mississippi, and is composed of clay, immediately above the remains, two feet thick; then comes a layer of black loam ; then another layer of clay six inches thick, all so closely packed that it was with difficulty that it could be penetrated. There are some four or five different layers of earth above the remains. There is no such clay found elswhere in the vicinity. The Real Issue. So far as there will be any contest in the approaching Presidential election, it lies between Mr. Lincoln and Joe Lane of Oregon. If the President shall be c lectcd by the people, as now seems almost cer tain, Lincoln inevitably must be chosen. It is utterly impossible for any other man to ob tain a majority of the electoral vote. Owing to the peculiar political character of the House of Representatives, it will be impracticable for any party to obtain a clear majority of the States, and consequently there can be no elec tion. Should there be no election by the peo ple, it will therefore devolve upon the Senate to choose between the two candidates for Vice President, who will unquestionably be Hamlin and Lane. The Senate, being largely Demo cratic, would immediately elect Mr. Lane for Vice President, and the Presidential office be ing vacant, he would at once become Presi dent. It is entirely out of the question for Bell, Douglas or Breckenridge to succeed. . In all human probability Abraham Lincoln will be chosen by the people ; if he is not, then Jo seph Lane is likely to be the next President. It is between Lincoln and Lane that the peo ple really have to choose. One of the most terrible accidents that has ever happened, through the agency of crino line, occurred lately in - one ot tne Lngnsn ports on board of the Royal Albert, a vessel or the British Navy. i,ne alter noon, wnue the decks were thronged with visitors, the dress of a lady, in passing one of the signal gnns, caught the percussion hammer and brought it over upon tne luse. rne gun, which was loaded with blank cartridge, went off, and one of the crew, who unfortunately was standing in front of the gun or bad been working about it, bad bis arm blown off to the shoulders. The sad event caused much con sternation as well as regret among the visitors, and the lady who had unwittingly been its cause fainted. ; Hon. E. Joy Morris, of Philadelphia, who was the only Opposition member of Congress f Vom Pennsylvania, wb.o held back from en dorsing the Chicago nomination, has announc ed himself for Lincoln since the adjournment of Congress. . - CELEBRATION IN GOSHEN. In accordance with previous notice, tho Go shen, Shawsville and Mt. Joy Sunday Schools met in the grove at Goshen school house, on the 4th inst., to celebrate the 84th anniversary of our National Independence, and organized by selecting Rev. J. R, King as President j Thomas Graham, Robert Thompson and J. L. Reams, Vice Presidents, and E. K. Shirey and Isaac S. Shirey, Secretaries J. R. King, chap lain. A committee of six waj then appointed to make arrangements for the further proceed ings of the day t also a committee of ladies to superintend the setting of the table. An ap propriate hymn was then sung, and after prayer by Rev. King, the table was spread with luxuries well calculated to please the palato and the eye. Four hundred and City persons partook of the bountiful supply. . After the table was cleared, a committee was appointed to invite the "Clearfield Riflemen" to the ground to participate in the proceed ings. Tho audience was then called to order by the president, and an appropriote prayer offered, after which the Declaration of Inde pendence was read by Isaac S. Shirey;-followed by music and a saluto by tho Riflemen. O rations were then delivered by the Rev. Mr. King and James H. Larrimer. Esq. Tho fol lowing toasts were then read; By E. K. Shirey. Tho Sabbath School Long may it continue in successful operation, and still spread until all the world becomes ac quainted with its benefits. By M. O. Wilson. The priuciples of the im mortal Washington May they ever be cher ished by the free people of these U. States. By R. S. Daniel. Tho Flag of the Union Long may it wave, and may it never have a stripe erased nor a star obscured. By Johu M. Ogden. The Signers of the Declaration of Independence Few in num bers, but the glory ot their deeds brightens as they retire. By Johu II. Stewart. The Ladies of Goshea May they ever have the justice done thent that was this day done the dinner of their pre paration. By G. W. Gates. May the citizens of Go shen, who took an active part in the celebra tion, be highly rewarded for the luxuries placed upon the table this day, every eatable beintc as pure as ambrosia and as sweet as nectar. By a Guest. "The Press, the Pulpit, and tho Ladies the three ruling powers of the world ; the first spreads knowledge, the second morals, and the last spreads considerably." By Sam'I P. Shaw. This Day May it ever be proudly and gratefully remembered as the birth-day of a nation, to be forgotten only with, the expiring sentiments of a love for Liberty. ByT. II. Shaw. The Ladies of this Cele bration May they ever be held in remem brance, and may their pathway ever be strewn as was the wreath the banuer wore. By P. C. Shaffner. Our Glorious Union May the traitor's doom be meted out to tho wretch who would dare attempt its severaance. . By J. W. Wallace. We have this day as sembled to manifest the spirit that was exhibi ted in 1776. By M. V. Pearce. The Clearfield Eiflemcu contribute much to the pleasure of the day. By M. E. Kline. The Flag of Liberty Long may it wave, and palsied be tho band that would dare to sully its stripes. By Peter A. Livergood. S. A. Douglas May he be our next President. By Daniel Graham. . Col. A. G. Cnrtin May victory perch upon his banner, with forty thousand majority in October. By E. K. Shirey. James Buchanan May the glory of his administration be reflected for ages yet to come. By Isaac S. Shirey. James Buchanan aa he retires from office, may his corrupt admin istration with his name pass into oblivion, to rise no more forever. By Oliver Conklin. Lincoln, Hamlin, Cur tin, and the Union. By a Guest. Lincoln, Hamlin, and Curtiu May they sweep the State and Union like a tornado: Everything passed off in the most pleasant manner possible, nothing occurring to mar tho pleasures of the daj-. The Dkmocract. The Democratic Fusion, so cleverly concocted by the State Central Committee, has made "confusion worse con founded" in the party. It is scornfully re jected by the larger portion of the party in this State, particularly outside of Philadel phia, where the government offices keep a stronger force in bonds to the Administration and Breekinridge division. We hear of nu merous Democrats that are so disgusted with the proceeding, that they are determined to vote for Lincoln, in preference to either Doug las or Breckinridge. This makes the State of Pennsylvania more sure than ever for Lincoln, and renders his election as certain as anything can be that is still in the future. In fact, pol iticians of all varieties, South as well as North,' have settled down to the conclusion that Lin coln is to be the next President and it is re markable that they all look forward to it without any apprehension of any such danger to the Union as was formerly predicted as suru to attend the election of a Republican Presi dent. . At present the only talk of disunion is among the two divisions of the Democrats, and the best way to put down that talk, is to put down both divisions of the party. Phil. Bulletin. ' Frauds or the Pension OrncE. Marshal Rynders, of N.York, recently,arrested a braco of operators who were charged with forging names on the Pension Office, with the intent to defraud the United States. The parties implicated in this forgery are Selden Brain ard, a broker in Wall Street, and Jos. C. Law rence, an Attorney at Law and Notary Public. It is supposed that their operations in tba way of forged land warrants for soldiers and sail ors boanty and pension claims, will reach tho amount of $600,000. Commissioner Betts or dered them to be held to bail in $5,000 each. New York seems to be the bead quarters for all kinds of villainy. The Administration. The whole iufluencu of the Administration will be thrown In favor of the Breckinridge and Lane ticket. All tba officials at all dependent upon Executive fa vor even to the lowest postmasters it is stated, will be compelled, under the penalty of re moval, to support these nominations. Sever al who haev a rebellious -spirit, have already been removed.- - The Chinese picture of ambition is "a man- dariu trying to catch a comet, cy puuinj - on bis tail."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers