uu STTT LOVENGOOD'S BOO ' "When I wer a boy, and my laigs not longer than John Wentworth's, dad fotcLed home a d add rapped, wnthless, mangy, fleabiften, gray old fox honn, good for nothing bnt to swallcr tip what orter lined the bowels ore ns brats. Well I natrally tuck a distaste to him, and had a sorter hankerin' arter his feelin's and dis cumfertin' ove him every time dad's back was tamed. This sorter kept a big skcer allers before his eyes, and an orful yell in his throat reddy to pore ont the fast niosbnn he seed roe make. So he larnt to swaller things as he run, and allers kept his legs well onder him self, for he never knowd how soon he monght want to use 'em in trotting his trifling carens beyond the reach ot a grate fljin' rock. He knowd the wbiz ov a rock in moshun well, and be never stopped tn see who flung it, bnt jist let his head fly open to gin a bowl room to cum and sot his laigs to gwine the way his nose happened to be a pintin'. Ile'd shy roan every rock he seed in the road ; he loot ed on it as a calamity to enm arter him pome day. Ef he left home, some nabor's dog tan'd his hide, and if he stade at home, I was allers alter it tu tan it ; so he didn't see much more peace ov mind nnr a suckit rider das in a bap. tist nabnrbood at sakerment time when the river am np in dippin' order. And in all my born days I never seed him agwine the same way I wdz ; he made that an onbrakabil ruil. I think I got my fast nollidge ov gittin' away from imaginary troubil and common tribnla- shun, from bini ; and with the 'vantage of a holesnm pair ov laigs and the power of usin' 'em, I allers found his plan tu work well. I tell you, Georgy, that rnnnin' am the greatest iovenshnn on yearth when nsed carefully. Whar'd I been tu by this time ef I hadn't re lyed ontu these yare laigs ? D'ye see 'em 1 Don't tbey mind you ov a pair ov cumpusscs made to divide a mile into quarters 1 They do, I'll be circnmstansbnlly daddrapped cf they don't. Wall, one day I tuck a pig's blad der ni ontn the size ov a dock aig and filled it with powder and korked it up with a piece of spunk, rolled it np in a thin sculp ov meet and sot the spunk afire, and flung it out. He swal lered it at one yerk, and sot to gittin' away fur doin it. I snne hearn a noise like sunthin bnstin, and his tail lit atop ov my hat. His head were way down the hill and had tuck a deth bolt ontu a roof. His fore laigs were fif ty feet up the road makin' rnnnin' moshuns, and bis bine ones astraddil ov the fence. His innerds were hangin' in links onto the cabin chimley. As tu the dog hisself, as a dog, I never seed him agin. Wall, dad flung five or - six hundred onder my sburt with the dried skin ofen a bull's tail, and gin me the remain der next day with a waggin whip what he bor rered from a feller while he wer a waterin' his bosses; the waggincr got sorry fur me and hollered tn me tn turn my beggin' and squeal in' intu fust rate riinnin, which I immejintly did, and the last lick missed me about ten fut, or so. A Sister nt a Tight Pxace. At X , one Saturday evening, fatigued by his long jour ney a wagoner, with his son John, drove his team into good range, and determined to pass the Sabbath enjoying a season of worship with the good folks of the village. When the time for worship, arrived, John was set to watch the team, while the wagoner went in with the crowd. The preacher had hardly announced his subject before the old man fell sound asleep. He sat against the partition in the centre of the body slip ; jast against him, separated only by the very low partition, sat a fleshy lady who seemed all absorbed in the sermon. She struggled hard -with her feelings until, unable to control them longer, she burst out with a loud scream, and shouted at the top of her voice, rousing the old man, who, but half awake, thrust his arms around her waist and cried, very soothingly : "Wo, Cancel Wo, Jfance ! Wo! here, John," calling his son "cut the belly-band, and loose the breeching, quick, or she'll tear everything to pieces !" It was all the work of a moment; bnt the sister forgot to shout, the preacher lost the thread of his discourse, and the meeting came prematurely to an end ; while, deeply mortified, the poor old man skulked away, determined not to go to meeting again until he could manage to keep his senses by re maining awake. How thick shall we sow Oats? An exper iment made on the State Farm at Westbor- ough, Mass., to determine the best quantity of oats to sow per acre, resulted as follows : Two bushels of seed per acre gave 26 J bushels ; three bushels, 40 bushels per acre ; four bush els, and five bushels, 42 bushels per a cre. Before the general introduction of un- derdraining, and other improved methods of cultivation, five bushels of oats per acre was the usual quantity sown in England. Now, three to four bushels are sown. In this sec tion, two bushels are considered sufficient; and in the Western States, one and a half bushels. Probably we sow too little. A Highwayman undertook to rob Major Jones. He met Jones in a wood over in Jer sey. He asked Jones for his pocket-book. Jones refused to yield. Highwayman took Jones by the neck, and undertook to choke him. Jones made fight and kept it up for half an hour. At the expiration of that time Jones caved, and the highwayman commenced ri fling his pockets. The contents amounted to eighteen cents. "Is that all you've got?" "Every cent." "What made you fight so long?" "Didn't want to be exposed. Bad enough to have only eighteen cents ; a great deal worse to have the whole world know it." Bather Taken DowsAt a cattle show, recently, a fellow who was making himself ridiculously conspicuous, at last broke forth : "Call these 'ere prize cattle 7 Why, they ain't nothin' to what our folks raised. My fa ther raised the biggest calf of any man 'round our parts." "I don't doubt it," remarked a bj-stander, "and the noisiest." J TERMS OF TOE JOURNAL. The Raptsmax's Jot-rsai. is published on Wed nesday at $1.50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will b charged. Advertisements will h incrrteit . ci nn square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For ...nv . - n. . ... . , .vi'imuuai ui.-cniuu cenu will Dec Darn ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and nn Tinnpv will 1, A ia.Antt.n. til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge Hon. James Bnrnside,Belefonte.Pa. As' te. Judges Hon. Win. L. Moore, Clearfield. Hon.Benj'n. Bonsai 1, Lnthersbnrg. Sheriff. . . . Fredk G. Miller, . Clearfield Prothonotary, George Walters, . . Reg. A Rcc. . James Wrigley, . . Treasurer. . . John McPherson, . . " Co. Surveyor, John L. Cuttle, . . " CommissVrs, John Irwin. Sr. . .Clearfield. George Earhard. . . NewMillport. William McCracken, Lumber City. Auditors. . Peter Hoover, . . Curwensville. Aaron C. Tate, . . Clearfield. Isaac W. Graham, . Coroner. . . . George Richards, . . Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. TotcnxJiips. IXamet of P. O. Beccaria, - Glen Hope, Bell, - - - . Bower, - - - " - - - - Chest, - - - " - - - Cush. - - - - " - - - - Ostend. - - -Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge. Bradford, - AVood'and, - - ' Brady, - - - Luther-burg, - " - - - TroutviMe. - - Name of P.M. Elam Eakestraw - Mary Elder. - Thoa.A. M'Ghee, - J. B. Sunderland - Lewis Smith. - P. B. Miller. Edw"d. Williams - A L. Schnell. - J.icob Kunts. . Jobn Hoover. - Jeffercon Line, Burnde, - NewWashinetoni - H. D. Rose. " ... Burnsido. - - - J as. MeMurray. Cleir3eld, - Clearfield. - - - Chos. D.Watson. Covington, Frenchville, F. Coudriet. " - - - Karthaus, - - - J. F.W. Schnarr. Curweniville Curwensville, - - Samuel Way. Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson. - Marron. - - - - Edui. Williams. Fox, --- - Hellen Post OfUce. Elk county, Pa. Girard. - - - Leconte's Mills, C. Miornot. " - - - Bald HiUs, - -Goshen, - Shawsville, - -Graham, - - Grahainton, - -Huston, - - Tyler, - - - " Pennfield, - - Jordan, - - Ansonville, - -Karthaus. - Salt Lick, ' - Knox, - New Millport, -Lawrence, - Breckenridge, -Morris, - Kylertown, - - " - - - Morrisdale. - -Pcnn, - - - Lumber Cily.t - " .... Grampian Mills, Pike, - - - Cnrwensvil'e, - " .... Bloominsvillc, -Fnion, - KocktoD, - - -Woodward. Jeffries. - - - . .... Kr. ;;!. r;n - William Carr. - A. B. Shaw. - Js. B. Graham. David Tyler. - 11. Woolward. - Eliza Chae. - Geo. Hcckadorn - D. E. Mokel. J. W. Thompson. - Jas. Thompson. - Jas. McClelland. - Thos M'Cracken - Jon'a. Evans, - Samuel Way. - Michael Wise. - Win. F.Johnson. Thos Henderson J. A. Uezartv 4 TTiia Pnsl 11. "fin. will rln tnr r-h.Jt ,.2..,U t Will auswerfor Ferguson township. BANK SOTE LIST. The following are the rates of discount at which the notes of the banks given were purchased last wee oy me nroaers oi rnuaueipnia MAINE. disc. VIItfilNIl. ?Iav Mousom River Bank. 60 Rockland Bk, Rkld ) Canton Bank, China, ElLiworth Bank. 75 Bank of Kanawha. Ka- nowha Salines Solvent banks, 1 PENNSYLVANIA. Bk of Penn'a, Phil a 70 Phil'a banks, par Allentown Bank, par Anthracite bank, par Bk of Chester eo.. par Bk of Delaware co, par Bk of liermantown, par Bk of Montgy co., par Bk of Pottstown, par Bk of Catasauqua, par Columbia Bank, par Doylestown Bk, par Easton Bank, par Fr.iMcch.bK Easton par Far. Bk of Bucks co. par Far.BK. Lancaster, par Far.BK. Reading, par Lancaster Co. Bank, par Lebanon Bank. par Mauch Chunk Bk, par Miners' Bk Pottsv'e, par Stroudsburg bank, par Wyoming Bank, par Harrisburg Bank, par Bk of Chambcrsburg.par Bk of Middlctown, par York Bank, par Bk of Gettysburg, par Bk of Pitisbur, Citizens' Bk, Pittsb. 4 Exchange Bk. Pittsb. 4 Iron City Bk, Pittsb. 4 Mechanics' Bk, I'itt.b 4 Mononga'Ia b. Browns 4 Exchange Bk, Bangor 60 urocers liana. Sanford Bk, Rockland Hancock Bk. Ellsw'th LaiiK of Hallowell, 7j SEW UAMPSH1CE. Solvent banks, I VERMONT. Danby Bans. Danby, BanK of Royal ton. I Bk of .South R oval ton. Stark Bk. Benningron i St.AlbansBK,St.Alb i Missisquoi BK,Sheldn i Woodstock Bank, i m a s s Aran s etts . Solvent banks, i RHODE ISLAT. Farmers'BK.Wickford Ban k f South Coun ty. Wakefield. 20 Tiverton Bk, Tiverton, arwick Hk, arwick 5 Rhode Island Exchange Bk, E.Greenwich, i Mt. Vernon Bank, i llopkinton Bank, 20 All solvent baLks, J CON'S F.CTKTT. Mcrch Ex.Bk.Bridgp Bridsrenort Cilv Ui. i Lolch ester ISjnk, Bk of Hartford Co. i Hatters' Bk, Bethel, i Exch. Bk, Hartford, i i raukl.l.'K.Washinet. 4 i artDro.bK,Wayncib 4 Charter Oak Bk, ' 4 Mercantile Bank " i T-'ncaa Bk, Norwich, 4 QuinebaugBK, " i Wooster BK.Danbary 1 Woodbury Bank, 50 Pawcatuck Bank, s Bk of N.Am. Seymour 5 Pahquioque BK.Djnb i Granite Bk, Volunt'n Pequonnock Bank, i Windham County Bk, i KEW YORK. Agricultural BK.lIerk 5 Addison Bk, Addison J Bk of Orleans, Albion, SO Central Bsmk of New York, Uiica. Chemung County Bk 15 Dairymen's Bank, 5 Elinira Bank. Elmira i HollisterBK. Buffalo, 5 Hamilton Ex. Bank. 25 Huguenot BK,N.PalU i Medina Bk, Medina, i Niagara River Bank, i': Ontario Bk. Utica, CO Ontario Co Bk. Phelps 5 Pratt Bank. Buffalo 20 Oliver LeeACo's Bk " i Reciprocity Bk, " SO Sackett"s Harbor " SO Western Bk, Loekport 10 Yates Co. Bk, PenVan If AltVLASD. Mineral Jtc. Ciitnh lK of -Nortbumberl. par UK 01 iianville. par West Branch Bank, par Lock Haven Bank, par Lewisburg Bank, par rar.BKbchuylkillco.par Allegheny liK.AIlgh'y 4 ik 01 .Lawrence co., 1 JlonesUale Hank par MeriMan Bk.l'ittsb. 4 Erie Bank, 5 Erie City Bank, 1 McEean County Bk. Tioga County Bank, 10 NKW JERSEY. Bk of N J. N.Brunsw i Bergen Countv BanK at llackensack, 25 Morris County Bank 4 TENNESSEE. Agric-1 Bk. Brownsv. WesternBK, Memphis Bank of Nashville, 20 Exc.BK.Murfrcesboro' 3 Shelbyville Bank. Lawrenccburg bank, 20 Bank of Trenton, 45 Bank of Claiborne, 45 Bank of Jefferson. 45 Bank of Knoxvillc. 45 BanK of Paris. Paris, 31 BanK of Tazewell, 45 Bans of the Union, 34 Buck's BK.MMinnv'e 3 City BanK. Nashville 3 Northern BK.Clarksv. 3 CutnbTd Savings Bk, 3 Solvent banks, 1 Traders' Bk, Nashv. 3 Bk of Commerce, " Si OcoceeBK Cleveland, 50 BanK of Middle Tnn. 3 Dandridge banK, 60 BanK of Tennessee, 3 KENTUCKY. Bk of Ashland, 1 Solvent Banks, 1 OHIO. Citv Bank. Cincinnati 50 Planters' A Union Bk, INDIANA. BanK of the Capitol, Traders' banK, Tippecanoe banK, Central banK BanK of the State, Free banks, 3 O. LifeATrustCo..Cin benaca Co.TIk, Tiffin, Sandusky City Bk. CI 20 Bk of Macomb County Dayton Bank, Dayton 5 Miami Val.BK, " 10 State Bans, l WISCONSIN. Rock River BK.Beloit 2 Farmers' Bk, Hudson, 2 Fox River BK.Gr.Bay 2 Badger State Bk, 2 Solvent Ban Kg, 2 MICHIGAN. Peninsular!!. Detroit 50 14 34 2 ILLINOIS. Bans of Elgin, Kock Island banK, Peoples' banK, Carmi Hamilton County Bk 2 2 2 BKof theCommonw'h 2 Huntsville BanK, 60 Rushville BanK, 2 StOCK KvnriMr Rr O Farmers' &. Meca. Be, 2 ll.tltm Corn Exchange, Bk of Chester, BKof BellevilU 2 Bk of Montgomery, 2 2 2 ventnu uanK, 3 Northern Banc, 3 Solvent Banks H ARDWARE. A large assortment just receiv ed and onened. and now for sal a hw November 25- WM F. IRWH?. w T LLOW BASKETS. A lot on hand and or aale by Nov251 WM. F. IRWIN. rriUBS AND BUCKETS. A variety iust reeeiv- f r aie a w M. r. In Vi L2i 0. 4 .Let of good Grindstones, with fixtures, for sale y JOHN PATTON.Curwensvilla T ADIES' rCKS, a few sot of French Sables, at w iwe ei w.M. IKV1N. PE0FESSI03TAL & BUSINESS CAEES. TR. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun X iy, renn a. April 1. D O. CROUCH, Phvsicias, Cnrwensville, Clear , neia county, renn a. May 14 LJ. CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real Estate . Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his resilience, on tecontf street. May 16 WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, f t vitmuiim, 1 a. umce, one aoor norm ot toe T, . m . , . i-oti uuice, on cecona street. oept. 1. JOSEPn GOON, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, Shaw'a new row. Market street, Clearfield, Pa. iuaue up worn always on nana. Aug. 14 ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, (and District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in fcfiaw s new row, Market street. May 26. HEUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, . field, Pa. OfEct in Graham's Row, 01 east of the 'Raftsman's Jonrn&r ofGnn. NTns Clear- one door Nov 10. T) W. BARRETT, Justice of the Peace, Luthers- jl . ourg, viearncm co., 'a., win ly to all business entrusted to him. mar25-tf T7TLLIAM F. IRW IN, Market street, Clearfield, T V Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware, Quecnsware, Groceries, and iamuy articles generally. Nov. 10. TERRELL 4 CARTER, Dealers in Stoves, Tin, 1YL Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, second street. Clearfield, Pa. House-spouting and Roofing done 10 orucr, on snort notice Jov. 1 GUELICn & BENNER, Manufacturers of all kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clear field, Pa. They also make to order Coffins, and attena lunerais with a hearse. Nov. 10 JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market - - v.wiuiu, a a. no win aisu aucua lu nerais witn a Hearse, when called on ; and make comn8 to oruer, on short notice. Nov. 10. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, lc. Room in Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts- a j u ii am mice, viearnciu, 1 a. Xov. 1U. RLACKSMITHING.-JacobShunkweiler, thank ful fornast fflvnrs. wntil,l rrm,ffi.I!T i...!;..: A L , . . ... J.Vl.UHJ CV1 1 1 I U continuance of a share of public patronage in his hub ui uusincfs. cnop on inira st. ov. 10 T B M'EXALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield fj a- .Practices in Clearfield and adjoining cuuunes. umco in new oncK audition, adjoining us iniucuco vi aiames xi. uranam. JNov. 10 IARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clcar J field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear- neia ana adjoining counties. August 6, 1S56 JAS. H. LARRlVER. ISRAEL TEST. mHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, I Clearfield. Pn. mnv K fVmnrl !; n Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop's : Aecua anu oiner icgai instruments prepar es nuu jiruuipinets ana accuracy. rcb. 13 JOHN RUSSEL A CO., Tanners and Curriers, on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides 01 an kinds taken in exchange. Julyl5-54. TOSEPH PETERS. .Tt; r k ! r. wensville, Clearfield county, Pa., one door east of Montclins it Ten Eyck's Store. All business AntM. . u: : 1 1 v . .. ... "" " uim wm oe prompuy attenaea to. ana on luoii uuicuio vi writing aone on snort notice. A MBROTYPES. P. C. PURVIANCE. Professor 01 1 notograpbio Chemistry. Gallerv at his residence on Second Street, one door South of jierreiidc carter s 1 in-ware establishment. Clear- nciu. i-a. iriiays of operation: Friday and Saturday 01 eacb week. juneleJ'56 TAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in Sawed Lumber, SonflFAl Timho. Rlii'nnlaa T . t - f 1 --- , --.. . 1 vuxua. xc, , r;- hamton, Clearfield county, Pa., is prepared to fill, nn the shot-toot nnt - w.v, w, H.a v v v. 1 a avt ni 1U U 12) iiuc ui oasincfs, on &3 reasonable Serins &s they can we procure a in mo county. Jan2.J- 6-ti. TVK. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi I J ces to the citixni nf PlArfiAM mn Kesidence on Second utrpnt r.nr.r.cita ka , c w-mvbii.v .aa UIUIO W& u.v. via no. r,i. umce. ine same mat was recent ly occupied by lion, u 11. Uarrett, where he can oe louiia unless absent on prolcfaional business. " - - UI3 J'l M- feS-'lOnai WrriOPR tn thA T.nrlina nn.l II Anln.n rt " uuva uvuwcumu of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the iciii oatcuicu iin nearness and despatch, licin" laminar with, all the late improvements he is pre iurcu iu make aniiiciai tectu in Uie beat manner Ofiice in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. -7-OUR TEtTH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to j announce to nis iriends and patrons, that he is now uevoung an oi nis time to operations in Den hia otTiee, adjoiiiing his rcHidence, at nearly all nines, uuu aiways on rnuays and Saturdays, un less notified otherwise in the town papers the week uciuie. .mi worn warranted to oe satisfactory. "I I TAGON - MAKTViJ Th j nounce to the public that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Sleds, Ac, at field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can bepurchased elsewhere. They res- juuuuiiy Boiiuii. a snare oi patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. BOOT A SHOE MAKING. The undersigned hav ing entered into partnership in the above bu S'ness, at the end of thn now hrliti,. 1 1 . ' ..0v, . J UJ 1 1 1. oove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of work in their linn nn iha ihnrt ami most reasonaoie terms. JOHN . 1IOYT a a irnvT N. B. All kinds of eonntry produce and hides umcu in cnuiujc ior worn. June Zi, looa. B ARBER AIVD HAIR DRESSPll T, nndersizned takes this method tn imnnnnra tome citizens of Ulearfield and the surrounding country, that he has opened a Barber Shoo, on Bireci, in snaw s new row.wnere be is pre pared to accommodatn all whn mnr r; . call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. vci. o, 13JO. Jtlit311AU Nonms. LAGER ! LAGER ! LAGER ! LAGER ! LAGER BEER SALOON. Jiatiug JToiuie! Eating House ! ami Balery! Eating House'. Eating House ! and Balery ! Eat ins House! Eatinr llniisef n-nA ?-.. r The undersigned takes this method of informing " .ii.icjio ui viinrutm ana me puone in gener al, that he has opened an EATING HOUSE and BAKERY in the room on Market street, known as the "OW Jew Store," where he will keep on hand a general assortment of Coufectionaries, such as Candies of all kinds, Nuts in great variety, figs, Raisens, Prunes, Ac, Ac. He will also keep Ale aud Lager Beer at all time. wh;V ha An nnt hesitate to best breweries in the west. ALSO, a large assort ment of Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand. ne is a JKiKer oy trade, be will always keen a supply of FRESH KUEAli n.xwz n as PlEb of every description that the season will afford. He will also bake to order, on short no tice, anything of the kind that may be wanted by the citizens of Clearfield. The public are resneetfnllv invito.! see his stock, which h thinly ..: the wants and wishes of persons who desire any of the articles in his line of business. He solicits. and nopes to receive, a liberal share of patronage, as it will be his constant im tn .,nn,nAj. " j please all who may favor him with their custom. Call and judge for yourselves. Remember the place, the "OLD JEW STORE." on Market street Clearfield. ap2S WENDLIN ENTRES. 1 TEST STYLE of Fall and Winter Bonrets, at . Va if xx. 1 S . FLOUR, Oats, Rye. Ac, for sale at the cheap etore of JOHN PATTON,Corwensville. READY-MADE CLOTUINGTBoots and Shoes, a ful! assortment, at tha At IC-O . iinLiu nui st. ine undersigned res- JL pectfully announces to the traveling public in general that he now occupies the Tavern house mile east or b. Bander s old stand, in Covington township, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and well adapted to the en' tertainment of travelers, and bis table will always be provided with the best that the market can af ford. His stable is' also convenient and good. March 9, 1S59'. BENJAMIN SNIDER. 1T7"ILLIS' PATENT STUMP EXTRACTOR v T The attention of farmers and land owners generally, throughout th country is called to the valuable and powerful machine for the extracting of stumps, pulling down trees, removal of rocks, buildings, Ae. A company ct gentlemen of this city have secured from the Inventor, the Patent Kigbt for -the Mate of Pennsylvania, and are now prepared to sell county rights, machines, Ac, on accommodating terms. Application can be mads to Aaron Element. Agent, at tne office of the Com pany, No. 230 North Third street, back room, Phil adelphia. N. B. Pamphlets with illustrations and testimonials, can be had at the office. Dec22-j5-Ct CLOVER II ULLERS. The subscribers take W this method of informing the Farmers of uearneiu county, that tbey manufacture at their shop in Mill Heim. Centre eountv. Pa.. ih eel- brated Hitnsecter't Improved Prmnium Clover Uuuer. 'ibese ilullcrs can be attached to any power ior eitner z or 4 borses, or water power in mills; are warranted to work well, and with good seed will clean from 25 to 30 bushels perday. Any person wishing to see one of these machines, and learn more particularly of its operation. will please call with Mr Wm. A. Reed, farmer, 3 miles east or curwensviiie, who purchased and bad one in use last season. Machines will be delivered at Curwensville. if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wm. A. Reed, Clearfield P. O.. or the subscribers. . A . HAUPT, Mill Heim, Centre Co., Pa., Sept. 15. 1853-Sin. N. B. All orders promptly attended to. IRON DEPOT, KEPT B MERKELL CARTER, ON SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD. PA.. Is the place where all the following articles can be had at reduced prices : Bar Iron of all sizes by the small or by the quantity: Cast Steel, of vari ous sizes and best quality; a large assortment of riuvra, nuiuiig wnicn win ne iouna tne jViilK WORLD COOK, OAK PREMIUM. GREAT REPUBLIC, BUCKS PATTENT, aud the Elevated Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights of various patterns. ALSO, Plows of the best and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware. Stove pipe, Sheet-iron pans of all sizes, and all articles ot tne Kind in their line kept alwavs on hand. House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roefing done with dispatch. ALSO, a large assortment of all kinds of house keeping utensils constantly on hand. COUNTK V MERCHANTS are in vited to call, as they can be accommodated at very low figures, with anything in our line. AH orders will be thankfully received and promptly attenuca to. u. u. AlbKKfcL.Li, L. H. CARTER. N. B. They will also receive every variety of prticics on commission, at low rates. M. A C AYEU'S SARSAPARILLA, a compound remedy, in which we hnvA kmH tn nrnrlnoA tha ITl ntit f. 1 no I ollnrulSi-n Ikn V . 1 It ww i 11 a La w v 1 11 fl Vs II IUUUU. J. I is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsnpaiilla, so cuuiuiucu nn oiner suosinnccs oi still greater al terative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from SLrnmnnsi-mnnLiints anil that nn which will accomplish their cure must prove of ujuicum kuivd tu tins large via.sa oi our Sluieted fellowcitiscns. How completely thiscompound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of thefollowingcompluints: Si' fnf 1,1:1 an1 SurnfiilAna Aim, n n L,..vfrJA . " - wwkv.w.vuo VUUll'IrtlUU, 1.1 UUIIUU3 1 I . : i . , -. - . .. nuu xirupuve diseases, mcers. 1 impies, Uloiches. Tumors. Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Svnhilia nn,l Syphilitic affections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, neuralgia or iic douloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia ana indigestion, erysipelas, iios or St. Antho- mjj a 1 1 , nuu lUUCU IUO H UUIB CI 1 13 OI CO 111 plaints arisin? from Tmnnritv ef th P.lnml Thiscompound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which foster in the blood at that sea son oi tne year. r;y the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are ninned in the bud Multitudes can, b the aid of this remedy, spare iiirin w i vph irnm !! annnranOA 4-1 1 mi 1 mwt.n - .uwiaMn.vua avua vi uuiiiiin . 1 . . . . 1 auu ulcerous pores. lurougn wuicu the system will .strive to rid i tne If of i-nrruntiona if nnt nssiarl tA o tins though the uaturul channcld of the body 1. m ... . vy an anerauve meaicinc. lennse out the vitia ted blood whenever rou find its impurities burst s' .1. - V l l - us uiou-m luetmnin unpies. eruptions, or sores; Cleans A it H'hn Vm finrl it ia nKof ..1m . . - ...... j VH y ia vu.iiuvibu mm eiuj- and yourfeelins will tell you when. Kven where uu I'iirucui.ir utdoruer id leit. people enjoy better t ' " " ' " "vi MlUltU. Jvecp the body healthy, and all is well : but with t Vi i j n,l,nl,... C .1 : 1 1 .1 11 v. u 1 l .1 . mm live 1 1 1 1 1 ,r i r- in, i inn ni n iv , , n t,i.,A.i i'hvuuuu vi iiiu uisjruereu. mere can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must CO WronT. ami thA errant m nAm. . r ine is aisor.lerca or altogether overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the repu tation, nf AJftmTiliiliinr. Iliita. .. .1 . 1. . . ' n ....... .1 . 1. 1. 1 J, 111 world has been e?re7ionslv iiiciiviil hv r.mr.n-n lions of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because minv Tirrniratintu r.MlainA 1 I IMVlLllUlUg I,, conccntrrted extracts of it, contain but little of me Tirtue oi carsaparilia, or any thing else. Durin? late veara thn nnl.li-, tinva Unr. :..i.i by large bottles, pretending to give a ouart of Ex tract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been f mini nnnn thjiilr fn. ilm. n i contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla. but often no cu- loutc prupenies wnaiever. lience.Ditter and pain ful disannnintmiiiit hm f .,1 1 i I. ..,.. it . 1 1 ..... . u. ..... . i, uav UI in,, va rious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the mar- "'t uui mo name useu is justly despised, and has become svnonvmniia with imnnilMni, l . -' - v 11 ..11.1 uCal, Mill we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and oupjijr ruuii a reiueuy as snail rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have good ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistable by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to Cure. In order to secnrA thi i,i.Tn.lnn - i -vvhiiiiv ciauicii. tion from the system, the remedy should be judi- CillUHlv tulf Afl tltrril ' r, rr Irt ,i . .7 .1 . V.., .7 ....... .1 w uiiuuubuu I II a ooiue. 111 .. .1 l. 71 T ' ' ... . .... ..vtiu.u j jji . siyrrof o., LiOWell, Mass. Price SI per Bottle ; Six Bottles for S3. AYER'S CHERRY Pl-TTnRii. ,-. ., si " . i. no .vu wr h- selt sueh a renown for the cure of every varie ty of Throat and Lung complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it hps Ion? been in ivinotoni ua iv,.. i this section, ws need not do more than assure the people that its quality is kept up to the best It ever has been, mil that it m. k .i: for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of Costiveness. Janndiee Dvunonalia r.i : Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and tbey are the best aperient in the WAvl sf 9ii mm nil A X. rf m .. . X; . " . lUD punose3 or a iamuy pnysio. rrice cents per liox ; i ivo Uoxcs for $1.00. Great numbers of Clerirvm men, and eminent person ages.have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these rem edies, but our SDace here will not nmnlHi,.;. sertion of them. The Aeents below n gratis our American. Almanac in which they are given : with also full A complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by un principled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aver's and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for nia i, n r , -, . v i. tf aisun and M. A. Frank. Clearfield: E. P m risdale ; C. R. Foster, Philipsburg ; John Bine LnionviHar Wm Trtrln r'.,.7..:,, . . t, "2 Arnold, Luthersburg ; and by all Druggists, thro' Ant th.Mnnfra , .. 2 -""""J iecemner Tt, 1858. BAR AND HOOP IRON, small round iron for stove rods. Ae- for miIa nt ih. r October 6- WM. IRVIN. LADIES' MANTILLAS, Shawls, Bonnets, Skel - eton Skirts, and Ladies' rf rA friurwla nil kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON. ROAD IIOITSE, CORNER OF and White Streets. BROOK VILLE, Ta. R R MT IVS PnTiriatn? Feb.24 ... , - ' " L O R I O IT S SEWS ! NATIONAL EX- CHAN(5E The subscriber having taken m trcii ggD iiiuu. m iuincmuut, n., ready to accommodate all who may favor him above well known stand, in Curwensville, Pa., eadv to iflMimmrulAtA all who mav favor him witn their niimnin ii; t.hiA vii fkivttwa ith tin.,. ir: t.Ki win at.... k. . uuu. v. ma " . .. ... o suppnea witn tne best tne marKet can anord. and his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will be Under the Care nf ftttAntivA hnstlra ve hostlers. April 8, 1S3S. DAVID SMITH. w rASIII IGTOX IIOlTSE, MIDDLETOWN, 1 1 1 . . i. : i 1 i t i-1 i . . i.upuiu vuuuij, a. xne unuersigneu, navtng oecome proprietor of the above Hotel, re cently kept by Mrs. C. Griffee, solicits a continu ance of the custom which has heretofore been so liberally extended to the house, especially by the citizens of Clearfield county, trusting that he will be able to render satisfaction to all who may fa vor with a call, by strict attention to the wants and comfort of his guests. L R. DEEG. Middletown, Pa , March 30, 135Q-3 m . T. VERNON norsE, PTUll'PfVTTI niAT'X-T V LUMBER CITY, , PA. The under- ia has opened out vinxniii ii-iii nui.Mi,! a. lununuer isrncd notifies the nnblic that he has onened nnt mo duui. uduicu uuuso, nu inai ne is well pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. The house is three stories high, is commodious and well furnished, and no pains will I,.. ...... A i. 3 . - : .f . . i i r W CJIIKI1.U W ICIIUCl Bi.liaittCllUll IU gUCSlS. 11 IS Bar is always supplied with choice liquors of all kind.- Theff Srplenty of stabling connected with the house. He solicits a'slkare of public patron- age. je. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. April 21, 185S-3tn-pd. SUSQUEnASSA HOUSE, Curwensville, ClearMd Coiaitv. Peun,a. The subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Hotel. Philipsburg, having taken the above bouse, situate in the east end nf thn Rnrnno-h nt P r..ni.; ti.. on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res pectfully announce to the travelling public, that he is fully prepared to accommodate strangers and all others who may favor him with a call. Thn hnnsA i a naw vll rnrntoTiAil lnvA ..! . mm inna Anil triiriltArirtt1 finrl aca. : . ...-......j .. ...... .i, v . 1 1 tlllllJ.JU necessary to their comfort Ample stabling is at- 1 1 1. 11 - T. . . - i . . ...... lauuou iu me premises uatiii o'JXlJkSLUi. Curwensville, tcbruiry 17. 18o3. T71LE.MING HOTEL. (FORMERLY KNOWN X1 ASTHEuoon rTK.T inpiiwvvsviM p Clearfield County, Fa Ihe subscriber begs leave to inform his old customers and the public gene rally that he has recently taken the above well known stand, and tht he has entirely refitted and refurnished it in a style adapted to the aire, and ---- -- -- - - 1 uu.s, the wants of the eatire travelling community. HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every luxurv the market and surroundinrr conntrv will uft'nr.l HIS Rlttwi'll 1,a .:.l. .v cest wines ani liquors. His STABLES, which rn inn noar on n ninsr r r m ti vri . na nn km a within a dav a travel, will 1 n u po Tn I ami attontti'A Imello.. Tn U .. . i u . u ii u ...... 11,1 . j UV..H v,i a a ii euui t, ctpijr department of his establishment will be supplied with all theeomfortsand conveniences the weary traveller coald desire. WM. A. MASON. Curwensville, June 2, lSo3. CLEARFIELD II O USE, CORNER OF FIRST AND MARKET STREETS. CLEAR FIED, PA. The unaligned would respectfully inform his friends aiJ the travelling public in general, that he has tiken the above house, (for merly known as the Hemptill Hotel.) and that the house has been pcently refitted, im Droved nd newly furnished that extensive at hi inn- has just been comprted: and that he is pre pared to accommodiue all who may give him a call in the most piecing and agreeable manner. He is amply provided with everything to render his house a desirable stopping place, and will endeavor to entertain lis gnosis in a mannnr tv,t cannot fail to give tfc fullest satisfaction. The house is situated in aileasant and quiet part of the tnWtl. And Yin ftTTUlA Sl otl.ni:.. III I , . . v. ..... iiwuii r ,ii ue ffJU- ..... . v. ii. .... v. wi pc ucai utilises in me county. A liberal patronage i respectfully solicited. His bar will be supplied Hth an assortment of choice liouors. Iiune2-'5fl 11. HAYS morrow GOODS!! GOOIS!! GOODS!! GOODS!! GOODS! GOOJS!! GOODS!! ;ooi)S" Poll V Winter (lorl .' Poll tr Winter Goods ' Fall A- Winter G,i,ls! A- V;..t.. fzi. i i , ' '.1 ' I . Til A mi hAriliAV tiatAi,A,.AiI 1 .. , , " - " . . . ... n is.. g nuu wen se lected stock of scasmnble goods, at his store room on Market street, (nurly opposite the Clearfield TlniWA r'lu.lF.finl.l II 1.:..U 1 . ... w.. u,. r. ii uc win sen cneap. His stock consists of i general assortment of good DRY GOODS. GBCERIES. HARDWARE QUEENSWARE," GLSSWARE, DRUGS A OILS, and a host of other .rticles that arc frequently sought after; amonjBvhich can be found an ex tensive and varied section of the latest and neat est styles, and best oality, of plain and fancv CASSTMKRFS 'T.TIT sittivpt.. SATIN YES1ING, WEEDS, HATS A CAPS, and an extensive vfiefy of Boots and Shoes, for either Ladies', Genemen or Children; with al most everv nthir An that , K . l the citizens of the vn and surroundinz vicinity . ... ..,.l..;.,,o iq.cgianji uirectea to riis sciecuon 01 iauicsvress uoods, anion" which are '"'w, i-iuuiA.-N UL.OTU, DEBEDJE COr.i:HrJ5 nsn ri.'T? ire i..-t ALPACAS, FRE JII MARINOS, PLAIDS and a full assorting of Bonnets for thn AAA en n The rjressnrA of in mnna. n,,v.i i : , the effect of reducg the price of many articles of merrh Anil !ra t hiimliifc! I, .. , i i . , . . .6 i,3 uccn enaoiea to buy his stock atich rates that he can sell goods at prices to suit tfc times. And having hereto fore endeavored tplease his customer", both in the quality of gois and the prices at which he sold them, he hum to receive a cnn.i,i. .1 . 1 - . vJUayiU euure of patronage. ALn want of goods, will please call in and examil his stock of cheapest goods. vuuuLijr prouiiuianuu. iu exenange tor goods October 27, '57..' WM. F. IRWIN. Robins: ekary DEPOT.-Thomas Robins lvinir remnvAil h; Tt,nk . Drug Store to thiStore Room formerly occupied by Rlohard Sha Son, one door West of the "Mansion llniiax lhir h. in n j . 1 . - " fiaicu 10 accom modate his formfcustomers and the public gen erally with everting in his line. Having late lv anileil . rro 1. aEnrim.ni c r - . . . -j n..v.. v. ..i.iiL vl uiwencs 10 nis formar stock, hof now prepared to accommodate all who may fatf him with a call, with ROOK'S 111? (T T. rivna x-r, o-. 1 Ci ." J FANCY ARTIES AND CONFECTIONAHIES hbacco and Cigars, ""' DRUGS, MEDJINES, DYE-STL'FFS, PAINTS Cmicais, ife., ire., dr. ' Among his sto) will be found Histories, Biogra phies, fckctchejSchool Books, Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Mical and Law works ; the latest Pn .i!CaODa afcyi on hand or Poured to order ; all the Ma?aziH fnmiohari ..ui . .. . . t : v. iiivmuijr, puDii.sn- ers prices ; fai) and common letter paper ; plain and ruled nan iwr- v.u.r. . 1 1 1 " u 1- ti- cv..vicupaper; note pa per , fancy anommon envelopes; blank Deeds- T , , j cua , cuinmon ana lancv pen-holders, nrils A a a 1 .im. ' , ., ir-i "-v., nmiu lie W1U 8611 at the most rctnable prices. His stock of lugs Medicines, Dye-stuffs, Paints, o., is lare ai well selected; ainoti" which are Calomel, Blufass, Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre! and Epsom Si; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur, Sen na, P,nk Roof up. Carbonate Soda. Ttar-rf. ? cid, Sulphatoj Ziao; Liquorice, Colombo and Gentian root; rg wood, Oil Vitriol, Be Vitriol Coneras. AIhiKaH T aiI r : ' t,. wd l.,lrlo' p ' , '"saian iiue, chrome T"ndtMW' .""iUion, Terra de Sienna! and in fact a ir! in,in..i ' He has alsi fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Gudlf d , Vi. 'J"' IU"ra, xiair oils' Hair Reading, I intid Pocket comhg, TootnicksRa aors and StrofSadlers' Silk, Pearl powder Fan cy Soap, and jrfumery a great varietT Also. PrnriAl.';. ! ::" . . . and Fi h.VZrZ ' " !'U8' ?lnond8, I'ea-nuta amon C.ovescr: 1 STackg very eheapetles W1" "e at the .naexanestockanddgeforyour ONp!sHlVSKt?YvBRANDrid w INES, sale at the cheap cash store of ap R.MOSSOP. PARPETS: Cloths, Window Shades, Ac., can . W.V..11., 1, 1HUUV forrocf 8t th store of . A NSON VILLE PROPERTY FOR S LE. J. The property formerly oeeupied by James I Smith lipintFjl aiUnitii.i Is,. ... v.j"i...ft i, "mug a iwo itory plank bouse, 34 by 18 feet, and a clank ihnn ti by li feet, thereoerected. is for s!l", or renLotr accommodating terms. Apply to I March 24. L. J. CRANS I 1 -Marco Z4. It. J. tMAS, Clearfield I i Nii vi w . T? T f tt ri rr r v. .. . 1 n nur x.xy rT . r nnTrr v. ii..,.iHii,ivXlU 1IU A lilj, .IU. ill. flflllTP, '".'imijuviiiu iikj i i.u, io. I V Mxth street, between Market and Chesnut, I Philadelphia, has been recently opened for tha accommodation of the public. The house is in a ceuirai location, ana nas unacrgone extensive r- nnM 1. 1 1 tf. i 1, - .uu uoo pairs the char-re iwr div ia $1.25. Sept- 22, 1S5S. D. BLAIR, Agt. MOUAT VERNON HOTEL. No. Ill and 119 2nd Street, above Arch. Philadclnhia.Pa. This Hotel hs been refitted, and is now again opened for the Bocomtnixiatinii of thA trr.i'nai public. It is located in a pleasant part of tha ity. and every effort will be made to make guests com fortable. Try the house. Boarding 51,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. ot-j)ii;uioi.r ii, 1SJ3. TjlOR SALE, THE FARM occupied by Job. X F. Wiley in Ferguson township, containing 106 acres. 30 urn ii,i.,i . vn. i,. j buildings thereon erected.' ' ALSO, 50 acres of land or the timber theraofc,. situate in Pike township within one and a half miles of the river on a good road to haul. For further description and terms apply ta ,r L- J- CRANS. . May 20. 18a7. Clearfield. AVISE'S CHEAP WATCn AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Skco.hd Street, (01710: sue the Mount Vernon House.) Fphilpdelphia Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 K. caSei" S,',vfroLever dt do-: Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier: Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoon. Silver Desert do.; Silver Tea do.; Gold Pens and ... viuMj, uviu i cli ana Oliver uo. : togetner with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb. Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted hi hn na rnnraunlA.! Y IT .... I 1 T . -, . oiuues au jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Ping. Jtc. made to order.. 111 A1l or,de" sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: -'Small Profits and Quick Sales,' Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. rpiIE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, 1S58-0 -- The successful laying of the trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable marks a new era in the histo ry of Human Progress. Henceforth. Europe West ern Asia and Northern Africa lie within an hours' distance from our shores, and the battle whioh de cides the fate of a kingkom, tho capture of a Vi enna or Giberaltar, the fall of a dynasty, the tri umph of a usurpation, the birth of an heir to roy alty, the death of a Nicholas or Wellington, in anr country which touches the Mediterranean, the Eu xinc, the Llaek Sea or the German Ocean; will be published in New-York the next niornin- if not on the very day of its occurrence In a raomen as it were, we have been thrown into the iminedi ate intellectual neighborhood of the whoI civiiii ed and a large portion of the semi-barbarous world The rise and fall of stocks iu London or Paris will henceforth be reported from dav to day in the jour nals of our seaboard citic The boldest operator in V all-street wtll refuse to buy or sell until they have read the quotations of that day s business on the Loyal Exchange and at the Bourse, whoso transactions will have closed an hour or so before ours can begin. A revolution in Paris, an impor tant vote in Parliament, an insurrection in Italy, afire in Constantinople, will he discussed around the breakfast-tables of New Xork a few hours af ter its occurrence. A mi-bty though silent trans foimation in the condition of human existence has just been effected by the little wire stretching a cross the ocean a bed from the coast of Ireland to that of Lritish America, and one inevitable result of this must be an unexampled community of feel ing and interest among the nations of Christen dom, and a consequent desire for a more intimate aqi uaintanco with each other's doings tbrou-h the .. , ., i'-i-w . 11 seems narmr possible that thousands should not henceforth rce ularly read their own journals, who have hitherw been content with an occasional glanoo at lhoe taken by their neighbors ; while many who hare hitherto been content with a Weekly issue will now require a Semi-Weekly or Daily. In short. Intelligence, always a vital clement of growth in wisdom, success in business, or enjoyment iu lif has now become indispensable to all. ' The New Yuri Tribune, now more than seven teen years old, which was the first journal in tho world that appeared regularly on an imperial 8 page sheet at so Iowa price as twocents, and whioh ufanmi'onn th? ""Paralleled aggregate of more r l ubstr'I'tions, respectfully solicits it. share of the new patronage which thcMctropolitan 1 rcss is henceforth constrained, nt a heavy week I v cost, to deserve. It asks especially the patronage and active favor of Re,,nUican'-o tWe who hate all forms of oppression, and desire that trc ... .i.UUA. ui-iag Biiau oe iree to employ his facul ties in such innocent manner as he shall deem Lest of those who would extend Liberty and limit Sla very-but it further appeals likemise to all who look and labor for the return of National thrift, plenty, prosperity, throngh the Protection of A nicncan Industry by wisely discriminating dntie on Imports-all who favor National Progress thro' internal development nd amelioration rather whn. y.e.StCr.nal "Session and extension-all vote! . th ra,bC.r La-C U, s4 resources de cifilh .C nstructln f Railroad to the Pa cific than to the purchase or conquest of Mexieo Nicaragua or Cuba-all who would retrench ht SUS r"SeDt inordiate Ecderal expendituros by aW.lishing or immensely reducing the Army nn w iTy'rKd exPenJiaS t money" thus sa on works nf hnni.fi,..,... i.:i. , 7 nr nhii.i.. ",, i " ""'u "ineuaure toliiesn K;Z7."n -o protoandly realize that ...?.,.r,, cxauctn a nation," and that no real advantage can ever accrue to any person or community from acquisitions or successes achiev RlJhrm Th. r hich ,c,ontl-aCDe be laws of Eternal tbfpnw ? f aUo,.ment of "witcd ro.tions of t rPAhll Lands to Actual Settlers thereon, and of tt61"' P,a? iatcdd to diminish th.'sum of human misery from dearth of employment or ihafrW rmls-everjechcm esecaj?y that seeks to help the unfortunate by enablin-and teaching them to help themselves-Liust command our earnest sympathy and co-operation dA it'fr e.Ere8entyesr' T'" Tribune has provi it .,S?l!r't,h 'nd at a ePot of .!" '"wmeot our subscribers hut receive their riapers a mail earlier than they oth erwise might 5o. With correspondents at the most important points throughout the civilixed worM and a staff of writers chosen from among the bell Hk. thr?' werbeliev that even thoSf who dis like the politics of our sheet concede toitfrank ?a?ninVtt.W,nS? ""Mo and ability in main He ve that a- We ,,PlPC.a,' then-10 th ho be lieve that an increased circulaUonof Th Tribun and read a specimen conv nf nn. p Vr0. and shall bePparUcular tl ?oXo& may send us such names fron, r?0ffices at which may tl us be T"- "atever add-on. Pal edSaX Sb,"H to Diatnn,,.;.. eaorts and expenditure bk:4 "loss c vaIuab,e and useiui th- folllAd (?"'"'. iVrinted on a large imperial aheet fh? J5P"f TFiRMS 10 "rSCribe - Daily Tribune, per annum - - - - $g n. , SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBU5E. Twn ?PJ-' 1 7ear $3 I Five copies, 1 y. n 25 Two copies, 1 year - 6 10 cop. one address 20 00 WEEK LIT TRIBUNE. ne copy one year $2 I Five copies, 1 Tr q no Three copies, I year 5 J Ten eopieTl ye,r iZ Twcntycop.es, to one address, at thTrato of ' 51 per annum, .... Twenty copies, to a.Urt,s oMci",520'00 Tl 20each DUmbCr rat of Any person sending us a Clubnf t ' will be entitled to anxtra copy r Bor d te HORACE GREELEY A Sept. 8, 1858 Tribune Buildings. Nassaa at . .N Y mOBACCO AND CIGr" 1 1 -w,CUIUOr 1 4 October 6, 1858. WM. 1RXIS. vurwensvuie, ittay iz, is9, 8Ioro or I -fvfATt -i "jf1- IRWIN. JOHN PATTON, Curwensville. 1 j A Tii. 01 Nov2o WI. F? IRWIN. rn TTTT--p- . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers