TILE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 23, 18.30. KIVEB NEWS. Tue Limber Business Two Men ii&owscd at Lock Haven LIicu Water Raits adrift Bbidge swept awat. The West Branch of the Susquehanna River has for two weeks past been most of the time in good rafting or der, and nearly all the timber, sawed lumber and shingles that had been hauled, have pass ed down. The quantity, as we have hereto fore stated, will fall considerably short of what it has been for a number of yesrs, and will not supply the demand. In consequence of this, we have reason to hope that our hard-working and deserving lumbermen will this spring get better prices than they have for the last three or lour seasons. We have not heard or any sales having as yet been made at Marietta, which is in all probability owing to the fact of the "flood" having come on very unexpected ly, and that the eastern dealers havo scarcely had timu to reach that place and look around. At Lock Haven, as we learn by the Walchman of the 17th, a Jew rafts changed hands, the prices ranging from 7 to 10 ct.s. for good pine. At about 2 o'clock, on Sunday morning the 13.i inst., Charles Foulk and L. Spafl'ord were Irowned in the river at Lock Haven. They were assisting to assort logs at the boom, and with two other men started in a boat for shore. The boat ran against a ropo attached to the Loom, causing it to upset and precipitating the Men into the water. Two cf them were res cued, but Foul.': and Staliuid lost their lives. The former was a respectable citizen of Lock Haven, and leaves a wife anil three children the latter was an industrious man, and was married but a few months. His wife resides ia Willianisport, Lycoming county. It has been reported here that, in conse quence of the unusually high water, lour icen rafts broke loose, several d:iys ago, from their moorings at Lock Haven, and went over the dam. This is not at all improbable, for we learn by the Ilarrisburg Tel aph of Sat urday afternoon, that a violent . id and rain torra had been prevailing along the river that day and the night previous, and that a num ber of raffs, which were adrift, had passed down duriug the night and morning, some striking the piers of the bridges and breaking to pieces. Five spans of the bridge of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal Company, at Clark's Ferry, were blown down and swept a way. On Saturday forenoon. 3 more span of the bridge were swept away, and it was tho't the remainder would soon follow. The extent of the damage sustained by the lumbermen, we have not learned. Ock Courts. A bill, changing the time of holding the Courts in Clearfield county, baa parsed both branches of the Legislature, and will doubtless be signed by the Governor and bccoTse a law. It fixes the 2d Monday of January, the 31 Mondays of March and June, and the 4th Monday of September as the time for the commencement of the Courts hereaf ter, the June, September and January Terms to continue two weeks, if deemed necessary. The coming May Conrt will be held, as here tofore, at the usual time, but no Jurors will le summoned for the simc, but will be for the ourt that begins, under the new arrangement, on the 3d Monday of June next. 2tcir Stock. Our friend .Natigle, on the op posite side of the street, has just made some .additions to his stock ol Watches, Jewelry, c, which he will sell on the most reasonable trms. Persons wanting anything in his line tit business, should give him an early call. We direct attention to his advertisement in another column of our paper. We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. Wm. Gahagan, of Bclielonte, which will bo found in our paper to-day. Mr. G. is ex tensively engaged in the Marble business, and is prepared ti deliver articles in his line to persons in this county, at as low rates as any ether establishment. Clover Seed. Farmers wanting to pur chase Clover Seed, can Snd the article at the fctoreof Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville, as will be seen by a notice in our advertising. columns. The report of School No. C, in Morris town ehip, as well as several other matters, are un avoidably crowded out this week, but will ap pear in our next issue. Some of the "sensation newspapers" have gratified their readers, since the Sickles tra gedy, with portraits of the persons most con cerned. An old cut ot 1'iculoniini has, in one instance, done service for Mrs. Sickles; in another a picture of Jenny Litid has been put to the same use. Mr. Sickles and Mr. Butter worth have been represented by the pictures of two celebrated murderers. The portrait of Mr. Alfred Eunn, the London manager, has Been offered as tli.it of Mr. Key. The death of General Wm. T. Has!;el! of Tennessee, is announced. The event occured in the Hopkinsvillc Luuatic Asylum, on Sun day last. He was at one time one of the most brilliant men of the South. He was one of the first orators of the nation, a poet by nature and the author of some beautiful stanzas; and a gallant soldier distinguished in the Mexican war. His insanity is believed to be charga l)!e to the effect of an excessive use of ardent spirits npon a highly excitable nervous sys tem. Bothered. The Cabinet at Washington is just now m about the same condition in which Macheath, in the "Beggar's Opera found himself when two interesting ladies attacked him at the same time. Ifthey cail an extta session, an Opposition majority in the House of Representatives will indulge in investiga tion. .If they do not call it, they must get along without money, which will be death to the party. - -s- A call for a State Convention, signed by fif ,ty eight prominent Anti-Lecompton Demo crats in different sections ol the State, to as semble at narrisburg on the 12th of April, has been issued. The object is to sustain Gov. Packer and to repudiate the action of the Le rompton State Convention held last week flcre's more trouble for "J. B." CLIPPINGS AND SCKIBBLINCS. K7lf yon want a splendid lamp shade call at Merreil & Carter's, seeond street. K7A large number of the citizens of Low ell, .Mass, contemplate leaving lor Kansas in a few days. K?"A mad dog was killed in Ilarrisburg, on the 12th, after creating great consternation in the village. K?Ripe strawberries were gathered from the garden of Dr. Philis, in Mariana, Florida, about two weeks ago. ' C7"Somc of the stcanYboafs refuse to land at IJawesville, Ky., until the murderers of Lowe are brought to justice. KFThc Catholics of Fort Wayne, Indiana, are about to commence the erection of a cath edral which will cost $50,000. K7It is stated that segars, equal to the best Cuba brands, have been nudit from tobacco grown on the Isthmus, n-ar Panama. D"The increasing emigration to the west ern gold fields has caused au advance in the price of grain at St. Louis aud other cities. K7"Austria is steadily preparing for the de fence of the Italian possessions. The garri son of Vienna. is fully prepared to march at short notice. E7rhe Legislature has passed an act pro hibiting the license of any house for the sale of liquor within two miles of the Farm School in Centre county. E7A trnc census just taken of Texas, shows a population of 4o8,02'J, against 212.492 in the year 1850, when Iowa had but 102.000, though she now has over 000,000. E7As early as the 28th of February, garter snakes and grasshoppers had made their ap pearance in Franklin comity, Pennsylvania. This is something unusual. CTTho judges cf one of the Courts in Phil adelphia last week fined five jurors eacli one hundred dollars for non-attendance when their names were called by the clerk. K7The Duchess of Parma, Italy, has sign ed a treaty with Austria authorizing the latter power to occupy all the forts in her domin ions with troops, in case of hostilities. d7Two hundred and fifty-six medical stn dents graduated at the Jctlcrson College, in Philadelphia, last week. And all these armed with the lancet and calomel. Horrible ! tyTcn thousand persons, it Is estimated, have already arrived at St. Louis, on their way to Pike's Peak. Yet they are but the first drops of the great shower of gold hunters. C7Qnite a progressive step has been taken by the Sultan of Tnrkcy. He has ordered a reorganization of the Turkish schools, and that provisions be made for the education -f girls. T?Xeither of the candidates for Governor in Virginia is running on his good looks. The Richmond "Vhig'f says that Goggiu is foity fold better looking than Letcher, and uo great beauty at that. C?A young man, a member of an evangel ical church, advertises in a .New York paper for board in a pious family where his Christian example would be considered a compensation. Modest, certainly. X7Mr. Sweeny, the oldest man in Pennsyl vania, died in Eutler county, on the 27tli ult., aged 122 years. Ho was a native ol" Ireland, and emigrated to the United States when he was 100 years old. CVictor Ward, who some days ago shot Dr. Cameron on a Mississippi steamer, was the boy for whose chastisement in school Mr. But ler, the teacher, lost his life at the hands of Matt. Wurd, in Louisville. QI7The reductions of the army are nearly three millions in all, most lor transportation and forage. The aggregiteof ruluctions upon Mr. Cobb's estimate is assumed, in round num bers, at between seven and eight millions. rT3"A tavern keeper in St. Louis the other day drank ne hundred and fifty glasses of la ger beer, from eight in the morning until 12 o'clock at night, and won twenty. five dollars by the operation, as well as the title of brute. C7"Just fancy a Dahlgrecn gun hitting, with a thirty-two pound ball, the figure of a man at six milrfs distant ! A gun at the Xorlolk navy yard does it nineteen tinus out of twen ty. Hard to escape the pursuit of such a de tective. d?"A few days ago four hundred an thirty- six slaves men, women and children were sold at auction in Savannah, G.i., for the ag gregate sum of $:j'"3,3."0. They are s.iid to hare belonged to Pierce M. Butler, of Phila delphia. rX7"The last advices from Paraguay state that President Lopez had visited all his forts and inspected his troops, who were eager to meet the American foret-s. This d.es not lo.ik as though Paraguay intended to yield without a struggle. CC7The present high water in the Ohio is fast washing Evansville away ; some eighty a cres about Pigeon creek having caved in, and the papers down there are calling for help to dam the town. No use to c.ill for help your town may be d-d soon enough without it. EF"C itharine G. Ogier, of Chester county, has recovered fifteen thousand dollars from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the loss of her husband, who was killed by the cars about a year aeo. There are some women we wot of who would no doubt dispose of their husbands at a lower figure. C7"A husband and - wife, while travelling through the woods in haste, met with a melan choly accident, which is recorded in the fol lowing felicitous strain: Anil while retreating through the woods, And through the Tangled lern, He tore his mus'n't locution 'ems, And had to put on hern ! (X7Two German brothers in Calhoun coun ty, III., maniwd two German sisters. The el der brother fell sick, and the younger ran a wav with the sick man's wife. The convales cent brother then followed with the other wife, and now wants to swap back, but his own wife, who ha tried both, says neither of the broth ers is worth having. A Xew Military Koai. It is reported from Washingtcn tint Lieut. Mullin has been order ed to the Pacific to superintend the construc tion of a military road from Fort Benton, on the Upper Missouri, to Wall Walla, on Uw. Columbia, for which Congress appropriated $100,000. It is to penetrate the heart of the country which has been the scene of Indian hostilities recently. When peace shall be bet ter assured, Gen" Harney will relinquish the command there and return East. The meanest case of stealing ve have heard of lately is mentioned in the last- Huntingdon 'American.' The house of poor old widow woman was broken into and the only two pie ces of bacon that she had a shoulder and a flitch were taken off. They were found on the garret of a near neighbor who is reported a "hale and hearty young man." He ought to be choked to death on bacon skins. Sprained Ankles and Wrists can be relieved of all swelling and rain in from five to thirty mioutes, bv the iree nse of Du Vall's Galvan ic Oil. It "acts by imparting electricity lo the part affected, starts up a new action in that part, and a cure is at ones obtained. The Postmaster General has reported to the President that, upou examination, the deficit in his department, on the SOtn of June, will be over six millious, and that it will be im possible to carry on without an appropriation. To do this an extra session of Congress will have to be called, which Mr. Holt makes a pos itive condition of his remaining in the cabi net. The President, it is saidis inclined to comply with the condition. Ariival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield. ARRIVES. Eastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M. Western, g P.M. Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M. Sinnamahoning.Wednesd. & Satnrd. 8 P.M. Karthans, Saturdays, 0 P.M. Kylertowii, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M. DEPART. Eastern; daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M. Western, " 4 A.M. Smith's Mills, Fridays, 7 A.M. Sinnamahoning, Tue'sdaysSc Fridays, 6 A.M. Karthaus, Thursdays, 8 A.M. Kylertowii, Mondays & Thursdavs 1 P.M. The Mails w ill close at 9 o'clock, P. M. Jsr. B. Business men, of town and vicinity, will please preserve this for future reference. C. D. Watson, Post Master. Mail arrives at Curwensville from Indiana, via Newman's Mills, Burnside, New Washington, Chest, Bower and Grampianllills, Tuesday and Fridays at 11 A.M., and de parts same days at 1 P. M. Mail leaves Curwensville for MarroTi, via New Millport and Lumber City, every Satur day at G A. M., and returns same day at 8 p.m. WHAT THE PSESS SAY. "Costar'a" Exterminators are invaluable re medies for cleadng houses of all sorts of ver min. With all confidence we recommend them X. 1". Daily Stale Register. Costar's" remedies for all domestic pests, such as Rats, Roaches, Bed-Bugs. Ants, Fleas, ce., are invaluable; we can speak from actual knowledge of their merits. Druggists and Dealers should send their orders eaily if they would secure a trade in theui.r-X.V. Journal. "I sh iil write something about your Exter minators, as I can do so with propriety. They are selling rapidly here and destroying all vermin. lid. "Banner," Fayette, Mo. "HEATH TO ALL VERMIN." As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches, From their holes come out, And Mice and Rats, in spite of Cats, Gaily skip about. Bed-Bugs bite you, in the night, As on the bed you slumber, While Insects crawl thro' chamber and hall, In squads without 'number. It is truly wonderful with what certainty, Rats, Roaches, Mice, Molcs,Grouml Mice, Bed bugs, Ant.s, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, lnsec's on Animals, in short every species of Vermin, are utterly ilestroyed and exterminated by "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator, "Costar'" Bed-bug Exterminator, Costar's" Efectric Powder, for Insects. Supplied direct, by mail, to any address in the United States, as follows: On receipt of SI. OO, a box ol" the Rat, Roach, &c. Ext. ; On recipt of $2.00. a 1hx each of the Rat, Roach, &c. Ext.. and Electric Powder, (sent postage paid,) sufficient to destroy the vermin on any premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers e -cry where. "Costars" Principal Depot, 420 Broadway, X. 1. P. S. Circulars, terms, iv c, sent by mail on application. X?Wholesale Agents 1; r Pennsylvania : Costar's Branch Depot, Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, and Whole sile Dealers generally. March 23, ;50-0t. F LOl'K. Just received 30 bnrreUExtra Fam ily Flour, which will he foM low for cash I.y December 2, RICHAKD M'.SSQP. rio j r sticks OF THE PEACE. Just (L printed and for sale at the Rof'twim's JohihiI office, a lot of superior blanks, to wit: lilatik Subpoenas. Blank Kxccutions, r.hink Summons', Blank Marriage certificates Ju'lgincnt Notes, with and without waiver. JOR SALE, by Merreil k Carter, Corn Shel lers and meat cutters, the latest and best in market. Also, a large lot of goods, in their line, just received nr.tl for sale, cheap for cash or pro iluce Also, S. A tv Hani.fs Clover I!ul!er. See a.iveriisement in another column. Hco 8. CAPTION. All persosare hereby cautioned against purchasing or medlling with a span of hordes one bay and one sorrel marc a two Lone wagon and harness, and two tons of hay, row in the possesion of Henry Svliull in Union township, as thesame belong to me. ami is subject to my order. LEONARD UILE. I nion lp., March 2. 13..9-3t-p. rrul TK ACIIKUS. IMKl'CTOltS. A Nil PA M. RENTS. J "he-Practical Orthographic Chart, designed to exhibit tho Natural and Organic Ar rangement of the sounds heard in the Eniiirh Lan guage." and tho '-Key" to the snme. '-Containing Definitions and Forms for Orthographic Analysis.' are now published, and will bo s?nt by mail, post paid, on receipt of the prices, being as follows ; One Chart and Key. ;-0 cents ; One Chart in colors, r.n l Key. (U cents ; Two Charts and three Keye, SI; Four Charts and eight Keys. Ten Charts and eighteen Keys. S5. Keys, prcopy. IS cents; Keys, per doten. 61 50. Copies of the Key for ex amination sent on receipt of 12cents. Directors desiriiig to supply their districts, will be allowed a reasonable discount on the above prices Less than one dollar may be remitted in postago stamps. Address, JOHN W. FOULKS. Jan. 2o. Indiana. Indiana co.. Pa. TTHm SALE Oil RENT A VALUABLE l1 TAVERN STAND AND FARM of fci acres of Land. Co of which are cleared and utider culti vation, situato on Clearfield Cieek, ou the main road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield Bridge, in Clearfield county, Ra., and three miles from tho former place. Tho house is large, new. well calculated for a Tavern, acd will command nearly all tho custom of the watermen during the freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks. There are also a good Darn, Wood Shed, W ash and Bake House, and various other buildings necessa ry for convenience and comfort. Tho terms of sal a wiil be made easy say four annual payments. For further information inquire of L. J. Crans, Esq., Ur. A. T. Schryrer. Jamea H. Larimer, Esq., Clearfield, or L. V. Weld, tilcn Hope, Clearfield county, Pa. Possession can bo given so that the buyer or rentor can havo the benefit of the spring business, which alone will amount to more than double the rent A. T. SCilRVVER. Cleni field. Pa., January 5. lS09-tf. A CARD. Philadelphia, Pa. The nndcrsign 2. JL cd. the Founder and Publisher of Van Court's Votinterfe.it Detector, desirous of retiring from this branch of business, has merged that old establish ed work in the popular "Bank Note Reporter" of Imlay & Uicknell. Having published Van Court's Detector since 1839, the undersigned reluctantly parts with his old friends and subscribers; but this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that in '-Imlay & Uicknell s Bank Note Reporter" they will receive a work that matches tho times. Phil a, Dec. 20, lHoS. J. VAN COURT. NOTICE. All Subscriptions to Imlay ic Bi el vtWt Haul Note IZenorter are Payable scrupu lously in Advance. This is tho oldest Bank Noto Publication in the world. For thirty longjrears it has maintained an unsullied reputation, and continues to be the necessary companion of all bu siness people over the whole continent of America. Tit Coin or the World! now in press by Imlay & Bicknell, will be given gratuitously to all old and new subscribers. All Coin Charts, (iuides and Manuals, as compared to this, may bo coasid id n-n.sto Dioer. TERMS To the Semi-Monthly, SI. 50 per annum ; Monthly, Sd ; Single copies, at the Counter. 10 cents; Single copies, mailed, 12cts. Address IMLAY A BiCKNELL, Janl2-3ra. Box 1150, Poet Office. Phil; Ta. Sno WALTER ESTATE FOR SALE. The larm or real estate of John Showalter, late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de ceased, is now for sale on reasonable terms. Ap ply to the subscriber at bis residence in said town shin. RUSSELL D. SHOWALTER. l'caator township, February Id. ISSO-fim. ' f CA R D. MISS CONSTANT, lato from the East, respectfully announces herself to tho citi rens of Clearfield, and the County generally, that she is prepared to give instruction inMusic Pi ano. Melodecn and Wuitar aud also in tho French language it being her native tongue She refers all who may be interested in tho above to the Rev. Br. and Mrs. McLeod. Teksis, Sin advance, or 10 if not in advance. Dee. 8. 1 QT a13kESOFLAND, on the Erie Turn Jw pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same will be sold on accommodating terms. The land lies well, is all susceptible ot cultivation, and is well covered with choice piCe timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw will near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS. Mariio Clearfield. F AK51 FOR SALE OR RENT. Tho un dersigned offers fur sale or rent his farm of 60 acres of land ; 25 acres of which is cleared and the balaucc well timbered with whits oak, maple and hemlock; there is a good house aud barn thereon. Tho property i situatad li miles from Clearfield town oa tlie Pike leading to Lulhcrs burg. Those desirous of buying or renting, will please apply soon, as I am bound to pitch my "wig-warn" in the West, soon. Possession will be given at any time. Apply to C. R. MACUMDER. Lawrenca tp., Clearfield co.. Pa., Jan. 2o, '5S-3m 4 DM I N ISTU ATORS NOTICE. Letters -i-- of Administration on the estate of Samuel Jordan, late of Jordan township, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted ir settlement. HIJNRV SWAN, DAVID W. WISE, February 2?.. 1P50. Administrators. CJTU O SA AM SAW-MILL AND MULES FOR SALE. Tho undersigned offer for sale their Steam Saw-mill and appurtenances, in Hare's Val ley, consisting of a ;i0 horse power engine, to which is attached a gang of S Saws, and ync of Page's circular saw-mills, with two additional circular saws tor lath, tc, all nearly new, having been in use but one year. They will sell the same on rea sonable terms, as their timber has beceme scarce. They also offer for sale seven mules. For terms and particulars address Peter M. Bare, p. m., Ma pleton. or Thomas E. Orbison. Orbisnnia. Hunting don co., Pa. ORBISON fc BARE. February 13. 1359.-.". BIBLES The Bible Society of Clearfield Co., hereby gives notice that their hooks, name ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a dapted to supply cither private individuals or Sun day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as tij cents apiece. The people of the county generally are also in vited to Ieve with JVIr. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid" of the funds of the Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com luittce ALEX. McLEOD, President. AVER'S SAUSAPARILLA, a compound remedy, in which we have labored to produce tho most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substances of still greater al terative power as to afford an effective antidote for tho diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strunrouscomplaints, and that ono which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this largo class of our afflicted fellowcitizcns. How completely this compound will do it has been pro?en by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the folio wing com plaints: Scrofula and Scrofulous complaints, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers. Pimples, Blotches. Tumors. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic affections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neuralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia ami Indigestion. Erysipelas, Rose or St. Antho ny's Fire, and indeed the whole class of com plaints arising from Impurity of the Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which foster iu tho blood at that sea son of tho year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders aro nipped in the bud fultitudes can, b the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an altcrativo medicine. Cleanse out the vitia ted Llood whenever you find its impurities burst ing through Ihcskin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; c!anso it when you fin I it is obstructed and slug gish in tho veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and yourfeelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho body healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and tho great machinery of life is disordered or altogether overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the repu tation, of accomplishing these ends. But tb fworld bas hecn egrcsiouoly deceived by prepnra- turns ot it. partly because the drug alno has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo enncentrrted extracts of it, contaiu but little of the vjrtuo -f Sarsapari'.la. or any thing else. During late years the nublis Lave been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Ex tract of Sarsaparill a for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla. but often no cu rative properties w hatever. Hcnce.bitterand pain ful disappointment has followed thrf use of the va rious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the mar ket, until the namo itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have good ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistable by the ordinary run of tho diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, tho remedy should be judi ciously taken according to directions on the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AierA- Co., Lowell, Mass. Price "51 per Bottle ; Six Bottles for S5. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, has won for it self such a renown for the cure of every varie ty of Throat and Lung complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for U3 to recount the evidence of its virtue, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been inconstant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assuro the people that its quality is kept up to the best it evor has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of Costivencss. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach. Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetler, Tumors and Salt Rheum, AVorms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physio. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five Boxes for'Sl.00. tireat numbers of Clergymen. Physicians. States men. and.eminent personages.havelcnt their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of theso rem edies, but our space here will not permit the in sertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Alumnae in which they aro given ; with also full descriptions of tho above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by un principled dealers with other preparations they make moro profit on. Demand Aver's and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by C D. AVatson and M. A. Frank, Clearfitdd; E. F. Brenner, Mor-risdalo-: C. R. Foster, Philipsburg; John Bing. Unionvilla : Wm. Irvin, Curwensville; Samnet Arnold, Luthersburg ; and by all Druggists, thro' out the country. December 29, 1S5S. CJ1-T('AR. White and Brown sugar to be haI at I i Kovciuber 25. WAT. F. IRTTINS' VXrATCIlES AND JEWELRY.-The un v t derslgned respectfully informs his custo mers and the public "enetaUy that he has jSst re ceived from the Ea't, and opened at bis establish ment m Shaw s Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine stock of Watches, of different qualities, and Jewelry of every variety, from a full tot to a single piece, which he will ?1 at the most reasonable prices for Cash. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jew elry carefully repaired and warranted. A con tinuance of patronage is solicited. November 10, 135K Fl. F. XAUtiI.fi. I1IUST I X, FIRST S E R V E D. 1 Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of our oivh male.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity am! his old friends and patrons in particular, that ho has remove! to tAe KOOM in the KAST EXD of SUAWS XEW ROW. the first door icrst of the Mixnxioii House, where he has on hand constant! v. a large assortment of every variety in the BOOT AND SHOE lino. Custom work attend ed to with dispatch. The very liest of stock will be used and no pains spared to make neat fits anJ durable work. All of which can be obtained of said J. Coon, very low for the Ready Rhino. Clearfield. Aug'ust 1 J. 1S58. LOOK II E It E ! LOOK II EH E P. The un dersigned take this method of informing the public generally that they have entered int'j co partnership in the Blacksmithing busiue.-s, anl can be found at the shop formerly ocsupied by Ja cob Sher.kwreilcr, on Third street, in tho borough of Clearfield, where they will be pleaded to see their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient, to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and marc, No three-year old, biiall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right. To pruning hooks for every bight. Your swords too. shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as Cam ne'er bought. J. SHUNKWEU Kit, Dec. C, 135S. " (IL'QKOK W. 0!1R. TJOSm'A S. JOHNSON, CABINET MAKER. having fitted np a shop a few doors east of the '-Old Jew Store." on Market street, desires to inform the community ' lareo. that be keeps on baud a varietyof CAUfXET WORK, at his shop, and that he rsanufactures to order, (of su perior finish.) every description of Household au I Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and Dining Tables; Mahngony and Common Bureaus; Common and Fancy Bedsteads. Stands. Safes. Cup boards. Sofas, Ijounges. lc, which he is determin ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cn;.h, as tuoy can be purchased at any other establishment of the sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy furniture arc invited to come to his shop and ex amine his articles, end judge for themselves of its quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere, us he feels confident that he can sui them in price and quality. Vnnutru jnoriiirf will be taken iu payment for furniture. November 111, 1S5S. X- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to order on the shortest notice, and aticiid funerals w ith a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J. 4 NSONVILLE IN THE RIN ! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! II. SWAN announces to tho citizens of Ansonville and the surrounding country, that ho has just returned from the East and is now opening at his store an extensive stock of choice and serviceable Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of a general assortment of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. QUEENSW ARE, HATS CAPS, BOOTSiSuoes, and a great variety of useful fancy goods, among which may be found the latest styles of Ladits' DRESS GtXDS, SiiAWl. 1! O X . E I S, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS. dc.ic. The undersigned would direct particular atten tion to his extensive selection of Parlor and Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and fixtures. Stove pipe. tc. ALSO, a large quautity of ira'.t. Persons desirous of purchasiug any of tho articles in my line of business, are invited to call and examine ray stock before buying elsewhere, as 1 feel persuaded that I can supply thciu on as reasonable terms for CHsh as any other store in the county. Lumber of cv cry description, and approvod country produce taken in exchange for goods. II. SWAN. Ansonville. November 10, 1S58. rtON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pitts Bi-nau, Pa. : : : : Cuautkreu. 1S55. 300 Stiuletits atteiflitig January, 185.S. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young men prepared for ac tual duties id the Counting Room. J. C. Smitu. A M-, Proftssor of Book-keeping and Science of Accounts. A. T. Doithktt. Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial calculation. J. A. Hevurick and T. C. Jenkins, Teachers of Book-keeping. A OoiiLEV and W. A. Miller, Professors of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as used in every department of business. CuVXGKCUL AUlTIIUETIL-KAI'IDIil S1NESS W HITISG- DETECTI.NO cocntkkfeit honkv-silrcastile cor-Ri:srovnE-NCE-coii.MERCiAi.LAW-are taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thor ough education of a practical business man. 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn ail the premium; in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in East ern and Wi-jiorn Cities, for best Writing. XuT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students cr.ter at any time No vacation Tiuio unlimited Re view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining situations Tuition for Full Commercial Course. S.'lj.uO Average time S lo 12 weeks Board. S-.dU per week Stationary, SG.bO Entire cost. jtiO.iHi to S70.00. l iMinistcrs' sons received at half price. Tor Card Circular Specimens of Business and Ornamental Wiiting include two stamps, and ad dress F. W. JENKINS. September 1, 130". Pittsburgh, Fa. 13 it o f e ssoit i r v a inT'sT, TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS. 1'reparcti (Jri??inczJ!ij hy Prof. Dm?ll, fornrrfy of the Colteze of burgeon. Pari, is now offered to the public forthe cure of all those diseases in which alteratives aud resolvents are indicated. These pills arc rendered void of taste by which means the most delicate stomach can take them as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxes will cure the worst case of Scrofula. From two to four boxes will cure the worst case of Salt Rheum. F'rom two lo 3 boxes will euro the Ring Worm. One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. F'rom two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers and Running Sores. One box will care Humors in the Eyes. F'rom one to three boxes will cure the most in veterate case of Nursing Sore Mouth. From one to two boxes will oure the severest case of scabby head in children. F'rom three to six boxes will euro tho (common ly called) thick neck or Goitro. From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy. From ono to three boxes will cure Juandice. F'rom two to six pills will cure the Sick Head Ache when accompanied with Billious One box will cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and bilious habits, the Ta.rteJrsxGaJran iePilts are tho best pills ever known in the annals of niedicino. 25 cents per Box Any agent on receipt of 51 will send four boxes to any part of the United States, free of postage. J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor, ang25-r5S-y Lewistown. Pa. . For sale by Moore 4 Etzweilcr, Clearfield, Pa., and by country merchants generally. LADIES' MANTILLAS. Shawls, Bonnets. Skel eton Skirts, snd Ladies' dress g.nnls of all kinds for sale low by JOHN PATTON. Curwensville, May 12. ISjS. R YKrcORN & BUCKWHEAT, will be taken at the highest cash price, at the store f Clearfield, Dec.. WM. F. IRWIN. O Tn II YE WHISKEY, BRANDY, GIN and u IALft, for sale at the cheap cash store of aprS R. MOSSOP. (1ARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, AoTcan J be proearcd at the store of May!2. JOHN PAIT0K, CBrweneviHe 2 (j? (2 PLASTERING The subscriber having lo, catcd himself in the Borough of . CiearneM would inform the public that he is prepared t do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental, of any description, in a workmanlike atyle. Also whitewashing aud repairing done in a neat man ner, and on rt-nonablt) terms. . April 7. - EDWIN COOPER. Jf YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, SCB X scribe for the '-Raftsman's Journal." ' IF YOU WANT A GOD PAPER, subscribe for the '-Raftsman:s Journal." - - . IF YOU WANT A GOOD PATER, subscribe for the Raftsman' Journal." IF YOU WANT A G'AiD TAPER, Eubcribo for the "Raftsman's Journal." IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAPER, Subscribe for the "Raftsman' Journal." - , - : T EXCELSIOR MARBLE YARD. AH The undersigned hereby announ- ccs to the cilizeus of Clearfield county. ejn that he is still engaged, at Lis old staiid-- in TYRONE CITY, ia erecting MOXfJMEXTSS tin ! BOX TOMBS. Also llcud and Foot intent of the latest and mo:t approved styles, and onth most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. Aug. i!5. lS5.S.-dec'J3-'57. Tyrone City. FUELIC HOUSE. Tho undersigned res-' pecti'ully announces to tLc traveling pablio in genera! that be now occupies the Tavern huu; mi!a east of S. Racdcr's old stand, in Covington townshin. where he is r reparod to accommodate allwho'inoy favor him with their custom, Hi house is commodious, and wa'A adapted to tho en tertainment of travelers, and his table will always be provided w ith the best that the market can af ford. His stable is also convenient und good. March . 15'J. BENJAMIN SNIDER. ILLIS PATENT .STUMP EXTRACTOR lue attention of farmers and land owners generally, throughout th ; cruntry is called to tb valuable and powerful machine for the extracting of stumps, pulling dow n trees, removal of rocks, tiuiMingf.de. A company ot gentlemen of this city have secured from tbc Inventor, the Patent Right ft.r tho Statu of Pennsylvania, and are now prepared to sell county rights, machines, Ac, on accommodating terms. Application can be mada to Aaron Clement. Agent, at theofiic of the Com pany, No. ;'.J North Third street, back room. Phil adelphia. N. B. Pamphlets w ith illustrations and testimonials, can be had at tho office. Dec22 j5-Ct CLOVER II FLEERS. The subscribers take this method of informing the Fanners of Clearfield county, t'aat they manufacture at tboir shop in Mill Hcim. Centre county, Pa., the cele brated li'iirclr.r's Improved Premiien Clover Uiiller. These Hullcrs can be attached to any power for either 2 or i horses, or water power ia mills; are warranted to work well, and with good seed wilt clean from 25-to 0 bushels perday. Any person wishing to see one of these machines, and learn laore particularly of its operation. will please call with Air Wm. A. Reed, (armor. - miles en-t of Curwensville, w ho purchased and had one ia use last season. Machines will be delivered at Curwensville, if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wm. A. Reed. Clearfield P. O.. or th subscribers. S. SHAUPT. Mill Hcim. Centre Co.. Pa , Sept. 15. lS5S-2m. N. R. All orders promptly attended to. GR A II A M T O N AHEAD!! Xoic i t the Time for Birzainsl'.l Xotc is the Time for Bargains!!! . The undersigned has just received from the East and opened at his store in Grahamton. Clearfield countv. an extensive and well selected stock of H'PRlXCr AXD SCJTMEli (fOODS, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queecsware, Groceries, etc.. elc. These goods have been selected with an especial view to supply the wauts of this community, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. They will POSITIVELY be sold ns cheap as the cheap est in the eountry, for CASH. Particular attcution has been paid to the selec-. tion of " LADIES' DRESS GK)DS, among which are Plain and F'anoy Silks. Plain Bareges. Challe. Earege Delaine, Robes, Embroidered collars and sloevcs. Kil Gloves ; Shawls, s great variety ; Man tillas; Trimmings; Silk and Linen Fringes; Bon nets of he latest styles; Bonnet Ribbons and trim mings. Ve. Also, Parasols. Hosiery, Gloves. Mi to. Risop aud India Mulls. Jackoncts. Domestic and French Ginghams, Lawns. Calicoes. Barred and C leek Muslin, Diapers, Crash. Napkins, Ladies' Gaiters, children's slioesAc, and there is no doubt that all ran be well suited. ALSO, French cloths and cassimeres. American cloths and cassimeres. Marseilles vestings. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of mens' and bovs' Summer wesr. He has a!.-o" a stock of READY-MADE CLOTH ING, which be will sell low. The nndorsiprned is determined to sell his goods at tie lowest priocs for CASH. This is not mere prctcnee and vain boast he i'-ill do it. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. May 2:v 1-15S. rpiIK "(IRUAT KLPI BIJC" MO.NTII- X LY. To the Ptihtic, the Bjoian t Period ic! Trade, an i the Pre.. Wt have the houor to announce that w e shall issue on or about the 1st or December, 1?5S. so as to be in season lo command the early attention of the public and periodical trade, the fi.-t ni'.ii -Vr of a .-f Illn tr-iie I JI? azine. to be called Th Orrtt Republic1 Monthly. It is intended to make this magazine superior in every respect to anything ever bclore issued in this eountry. The general eiope of its character can best be understood hy iu name. It will be thor oughly uationnl iu no w iso sectarian, aud wholly impersonal. It will offer to the writers and think ers of this Union a common field, where they can meet on the highest ground of colcmporary liter ature. It i!I aim to gather about it evcrv varie ty -of intellect. The range of articles will he a w ide one, covering, among other grounds, Essavs. Sketches. Uumcrons Talcs. Stoiies, Historical In cidents. Reviews. Critiques. Biographies. cinti3i Articles, Travels. Table Talk. Dramas, Politics, Poems, Ballads. Stanzas, Sonnets. Music, Corres pondence. Gossip, etc.. etc. The Magazine will bo profusely illustrated in the highest stylo of wood cugraviug. The Literary department will present greater variety, combined with more thorough ex cellence, it is believe. 1. than ever before offered 1n the American public in a single periodical, liach number will contain an original piece of music, composed expressly for this wor't. Of the superior excellence of tho Magazine in every respect, aud of tho certainty of its permanent success, very little more r.ec-d be said. The Tr,us and general conditions of the magazine will be as follows: Vol-t,n3 There will bo two volumes a year, of about 7u0 royal octavo pages each, commencing in January and July, aud ending in June and De cember, respectively, making six numbers toea-h volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Sub scriptions may commence at any time. Pricix Single copies. 25 cents ; 1 copy for one year, seat by mail, ui). Clubs '1 copied, 1 year, a ; 3 co pies. 1 year, 7 ; 4 copies. 1 year. S J ; 5 copies, I year, SI0. And all additional copies, over five, at the rato of 5J a copy, if sect tothe same club. Clabsmay be formed at different post offices. All f uhscriptiocs must be paid in advance. Premium, Subscriptions Entitling. each subscriber to th magazine for ono year, and to their" choice of ei therof our two great steel engravings, entitled, The Last Supper.'' and -The City of the Great King."' Four dollars. The engravings w ill be sent on rollers by mail, prepaid. ""J AgcuU and Can vassers ean make libera! and satisfactory arrange ments upoz? application stating the territory re quired. All Postmasters and Clergymen are au thorized to receive subscriptions, which they may forward to us. giving name aud address of subscri ber, deducting 25 per cent for their trouble. Th rate of postage will not exceed three cents each number, to be paid in all cases at the office where it is received. All communicaf ious, to be entitled to answer, must contain return stamps. Subscri bers must, in all cases, write Names. Town. Coun ty and State in full, as legibly as possible. ;Thr is little risk in sending money by mail. "Larjra sums should be remitted bv draft, if possible or registered letter. OAKSMITH i Ctt, ' Publishers of the "Great Republic'' Monthly No.J12 and 1 1 4 William t.. New-York SCHOOL PlRLCTORSIre informed that they can be supplied, at the Raftsman Journal office, with Blank Articles of Agreemcut with teachers, and School Orders. C CONSTABLES can be supplied wi'tfi Blank J Sales, by calling at the Raftsman' Jour ttal ofilce. Clearfield. ' -; - 4 LAUHlTSTOCK OF NEW UOODS.at the cor-i- " ner stor. Curwensville, October ft. 1S58. WM. IRVD?
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