I. 7 I . t 1 ! - to mo i Co. I; " RECEIPTS.! I. 1 RE.'S' CLEARFIELD GOES- TOHN McPlIER? J said County, fro January. A. D. 1356. DR. To Balance due Cou To am't received fro; To am't received on U D. County, in account -with 1855, to the Mb day of C'R. 5 By amount paid Jurors, " Election -es. nent, rus years," o5, - -.-.$ia7 42 r 7!H 15 1038 s: 4719 H l'J7 DO S5353 3'J Constables,-.. . . w 1Tf'- For Wolf and Foi-fc-HT 2'.?wi Assessors, ' jaX,. " 2i7 9f 273 .i7 322 75 For CoiiiinoutP3ltIT?cs, . County -Coiuniis.-ioners, For repairs of .Pu'olie Buildings. Proth'y and Clerk of Sessions, . " " Moore A AViUon, for Printing, " ' " jjl. li. Swoopc, " ' - " Fur Jail Fees, ' ' 41 Court crier and care of C. II. t ... m . . district Attorney, . " ' For Refunds. . ' ' " " 4i Coroner and Inquisition, " For Justice Fee.', - Clerk to Commissioners, " ' County Auditors, ' - ' For Road Views, , .' '. Exonerations, m ' - . For Fuel for County, . " ' " Commissioners" couuscl, . 1 " " For books mid stationery, " " On Chest Bridge contract, Treasurer's percentage ou receiving 510I7 a li icr ct. Treasurer's per centage on paying :3013 a li per ct. 112 1H 150 00 so on 277 S7 71 31 101 c 211 62 M f.2 00 21 1 03 78 Of) SO 00 11-J5 7C 4M 00 7.5 75 11) M5 40 ri 40 75 J S-3207 S7 Balance duo Treasurer by county, )l IS Fox. Goshen. Houston, -Jordan, Karthaus, ; Lawrence, Morris, -Fenn, Pike, : Woodward, John J. Bundy, James E. Graham, II. il. Hoyt, , . "John Williams, Joseph Yo.'bora, -Aaron C. Tate, . -. Jacob WUHieltn, . Joseph Cullingsworth, , Daniel Bailey. Abraham Byers, Total am't due from Collectors, for 1805. and previous years, - - -, . : Amount due on Unseated Lands, - , ' 5 21: , 5 Sol' 4 00 19 81 40 70 2') 00" 67 S7j 40 S7j 11 00 123 82 85 0o! 18 50 2-5 54j 43 77 17 50 145 0.".; ICS 21 41 00 129 12 1S 73 4.3 00 54 21 rU .19 43 50 212 40 190 40 53 00 141 23 89 69 25 00 .3418 34 i 3076 22! 1593 83 355G 121 ; , 1 . $3,971 48 '1C 8S 71 00 0 08 2 o'J Ainv.iit of iftatr Year. Townships. 1S17 .TorUan, I'ike. lSli Fox, Lawroncc, I'ik.-, Bull, Ferguson, Jordiiu, l'eun. 1S19 Clearfield, (Joviiigton, IVnn, Brady, Feriruson, Jordan, 1S50 Bo;.';;?, Morri?, Bell, Ferguson, Karthau.s, l'enn. Woodward, lSjlJBradfijrd. Jordan, Burnside' Morris, 1352 Fox, I'ike. Curwensvillo, 1H53 Bell, ; Bogss, (hw't. lX'cntur, . Jordan, Karlliaui", Lawrence, Fike. Woodward, . tiojhcn, l'enn. Bradford, I'.urnside, la54 Bell. Brady, Chet. Clearfield. Curwecftvi'lc, Fox, (!os!icn, Houston, Jordan, Iiawrcuce, Morris, I'ike, 1'nion, Woodward, 1535 Beccaria, Bell, Kog, Bradv, Bradford, Burnside, Chest. Covington, Clearfield. Curwenjville, Decatur. Ferguson, awl Comitfi Tax an l Mi! rt fl prrrinit y.jr. Collectois' ."iimei. Tamed Ilea. Jr. William Bloom, .Sr. lavid Carr. 1'liilip Antes. Tallin el Spencer. Bhi'iiihait U'eitzel, William L. Moulc, 1 1 1 u ry u, Abraham Spencer, David Litz, lidie Hniienj', Thomas Kenton, Joseph .""'ites. Ccoro Flliuger, I.uthur Barrett, AVilliam Wiiey.J James II. Turner, Joseph Kothroek, John Sunderlin, John I'. lloyt. Lorcuz Ilartiinc, Joseph 1'avis. iero W.hoff.' AVilli.ini (iiahaij, Jr. 1. William, John Young, Jacob Wise. John J. Bundy. William Caldwell, John Aekey, J. F. Bee, Cornelius ?hippcy, John MeCully, Iiavi l Kephart, Knoch Wie. J'.lrr.-ird Mc.arrey.; Joseph .liaw, Joseph A. Caldwell, Lisle MeCully. William L. Bishel, Moses Owens, V. B. Holt, John Mvers.? Williiim T. 'iil'-ert, . Joseph Sevier, Samuel -T. T'-kt, AjLIcjM. nnu BcnjaiRtn F. Plorlinj. Nichols'-' Eroekway, -Jacob Floral, . II. Ii m b, Joseph l'attcrs.in, Beiij'tiniii Spackman, Joseph Butter. T. K. M'Ciurc. John lrcsler. liobert lien I'Tcon, James Stewart, John Orr. fleore Wi!?on. Jr., Geo. B. Ooodlander, Jacob I'earcc, Jesse llutton. A In in llajry. J. B. Oormont. Thomiti J. M Cu'.Iouh, Jacob Bilker, llns-iell Showalter. Charles M Craekcn, -207 87 ".'( I'lH i J HC fui I S5 J, County. St:itc. Militia. il 51 07 07 75i 13 70 I 10 1 75 1 C9 41 00 2 35 21 OS 6 00 4 50 1 10 1 7 "!) 17 CI 2S 50 i C2 oo 77 32 50 2:i no 23 00 5 00 25 00 13 40 1 1 1 00 1119 29 00 6 00 (5 57 20 50 30 50 8 00 5 09 2 00 3 15 S 29 7 00 30 0 P 13 21 IS 00 1 00 13 1 1 11 03 7 50 31 01 41 33i 25 00 . G 01 29 53 12 05 2 79 21 59 20 00 45 71 47 5S i : 35 17! 19 50 lo 13 in o:! 17 j() - 3 s; 9 72. 12 50 U Si I .0 71' 17 51 03 11 13 37 31 00 9 71 8 70 1 50 10 lOi ltf 50 VI CB1 10j 23 50 f. i 04! 71 SMI 15 50 4.5 51 117 51 17 00 lo 25 10 54! 1 3.' i J 2 27) f, p; 3 3li 10 01 . ! fi.1i 4 50 53 43 53 os 13 r,o fil 4H los I t! r.-t 5 1 159 70 1 15 57 4 1 (10 41 31 115 2i 33 00 I !l l;t s ,) 20 10 2-i 3.i 27 50 25 H3 U3 171 17 00 l:'t 25 1 $ : 19 00 j 105 30 1 75 42 13 00 j 253 11 i 197 25! 31 2i 1 77 50! s 21 47 50 177 02 I 111 17 :' 00 21 2: oo - :n 00 97 79 5o fill 4i 00 2 ':i 1 1 159 v,:; :r. m -i-.i 51. r, 79; li 50 07 3:r fvi 01; 13 00 j 77 27 77 10 25 00 JOHN M PIIETtSOX. i:j., Trns,trer of Charfirtd County, in Account wtlh the di' rent Township for lload Fund -forllie tsars JH54 and 1355. To bal.Aiico due Koad Fund last Settlement, , S-'iol 31 a n.iu't. roe'd from L'nseated Lands for 1831 anil 1855.- 874 88 CTt. ...... By Am't paid Twp 'a. Balance duo Tp's. licccan.i, ir.i 'Si Ikdl, Bongs', Brady, Uradibrd, Bunisido, Cli-.nfield, C Covingtou, '4.3 00 : 27 Chest, 21 8.3 3 Decatur, 20 Fox, tiirani, 1:0 i- fJoshen, 42 MO Houston, 215 00 Jordan, ;! t'O Kaitlinus, IS fiS Lanrciicc, 1 80 Morris, 87 8-3 I'ike, 42 01 Union, 10 51 - Woodward, 43. DO! . 0 r)0 B-iluucu luo Tciv.-iisliiiis, I 113 40 00 71 41 10 43 83 08 SI Balance "duc.il 13 40 SfJ2'J 10 JOIIX irniEKFOX, K7., TrMrer of ClorfiJd Conuty,in A.ccot'nt icith t'ie tf ijj'rrenl Tn.11 11-slit ' p for School ltntd . for the yrars 1351 and 1355. JJK. To amount duo Sclionl Fund last Settlement. " " rcc'J lioiu Uusuatcd LatiUs lcr 18-31 p.nd 1S-35, S2S t'E. Beccaria, Bell, BoSS, I'-radtbrd, Brady, Buniiii'Iii, CloarflcM, Cll'.'St, Covinrrton, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, (riranl, fJoslion, Houston, Jrrdiii, Karthaus, Lawrence, Morris, len:f l':kn, Union, Woodward, Balance duo Towiiid.ips, By Am't pai l Twp's. l!Jo U'. 58 57 20 05 71 42 . 00 r,t 8 r, J 7C, Balanco due Twjs. 1 y'J; U2 14 L'?i - 5o J2: IS 02' 20 no! lol 80; 130 COj 10 03 317 13 is: so! 21! "I V'M 23 .Balance due. 33 20 Si) 81 4 5 12 4; 00 40 71 001 13! 00 'i ! so; a GO; 21 1 -, '.y.n G2i $1780 83 S17S0 8-5 TilVE Til EM A TRIAL: SILYFIUS UT P LA S TIC PA rX TS -.-C1IKA 1 D Ull . 1 -ILK A XD PK O TEC T V12. VEATHEJ1 &mZ- 0 4 i- -f a These Paints, will stand auy climate, wrlioiu track or blister, anl harden by exposure: thus making in time nn enamel of Stone, protecting W ood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corrosion. They diner essentially from the so-called Mineral Faints of the day, which me l-riceipally Ocbres, and Clays, and are entirely worthless. ,.,-r,r Sll.VLK'S Plastic Faints are purely islh 1 A L JC. containing no AInmin or Clay. They aro levigated finely, mix readily with Lin sec J Oil. (without the trouble of gr:ndin!.l and f:ow under the brush a freclp as the best White Lead, and excel ail others in Iw'.y or coveriL' properties, one pound or which willeovcras mncu surface as two pounds of White I.ca 1. reducing the co.-1 two-thirds. There are six distinct tolors, vix : Olive, J LrratSrown, 1 LigLt Chocolate, Elick, I Eark Do. j Eeep Eo. All equally valuable as a preservative, and par ticularly adapted lo painting the outside of BUILDINGS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, .. - TIN AND H10N W011K3. Remember ! Exposure hardens and increases the durab li'y of these PJIXTS. DIRECTIONS Mix with pure Linse.d Oil, as . thieify as possible, as the Paint is thf laitim? or proteeliH; body, an l tte oil simply tlie medium, or agent in spreading it, . . FUENCH k ItlCIIARDS ... Gbneb.il Wholesale Agents, - H. "97. corner Tenth and llarkei Streets, PHILADELPHIA. - For sale, Wholcsalo and Ketail,Dry and Ground ia Oil, by Sam'l Beuli, Tyrone City, Pa- -Dealer in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils, Brushes, Window i las;, Ac. " Aug. 15, '55. GFMCII Jt'lJENNEK, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partntr-fchip in tho - CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly oa hands, and manufacture to order, at tho lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tuldcs, Sewing:, Writing, and Wanh-titaads, Mahogany, and Common Bed-'! e ads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottouied Chairs, Bureaus. Sofas. Lounges, 4c, 0. Cuinns made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompany mcuts. House Painting done on tho shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, game as formerly occupi ed by JohnGulich, nicarly opposite the Jcw .itore,' Clearfield. Pa JOHN UFLICIL May 22, '55.-1 y. DANIEL BLNNEK. LACK.BERRY BRANDY, for the cure of ChlU era Morbus, Dysentary and all other diseases of the stomach and bowels, for sale by H Mossop T00TS 4 SIIOES.-A largc"Ind lendiJ assort JL ment of Ladies-, Gcntlcmens' and Chiidrens' B-jou and Shoes for sale at Mosso,'g. (Jn. 1-3. MACKEREL, UERRFNTracrdiVllTartl v .... 8toret in-13 ' W. F. IK WIN. Wc.tlic tindcrsi-jned. Commissioners of Clearfield County, in the Common wcaltli of PeimsyJvania. hiiving examined the accounts of John Mel'l:er.--..ii. Es-'i.. Treasurer of s ii I county, fir the yc-ir A. D. 1355. do c rtify that v.o find tin in ns above stated, the amount of debts ou!-"!aridii;g due the c;muty. are .-ii thous .iiil nine hundred an-l seventy four dollars and forty .six cenls. "Witness our hand.; ut Clearfield this 12tb d.-iv of .Tnnunrv. A. 1). 1S50. Attort. boo:::;t Maiiai-fev. j II. J. YTau. rn, HAVIf) KfSS. County C01.1- Clei k.' JAC0J1 WILUELM, ' J miisio:.ers. AVe, the iin V rjiinf; 1. An liters of Clcaraidd County, having extniincd the accounts of John .Mcl'iicr-on. . "i re i-iircr of said county, for t!'C year 1355. do report that they :i.e :is above finto l. Th" amount due the Treasu rer by County is Two l.undrc-1 nr.J fiv one dollars and f-tv eijht eenis. the .'lmoiiiit due th? Bo.-.d Fund by Trciiurtr is one hundred and forty three doi'.vi-s and for'y cents, the Hiuojnt daj tiie S-jhool Fund is Three hundred and ninety three dollars end sixty two cents, n'id also the amount due from Colfc'tors a:;. I Created Lin Is, is eii thousand nino hundred and cvtn'y four dollars and forty six cents. . Witness our hands this. 12th day of January A. D. 1 s-jij- Atfc.t. J. 11. .l-k Ll-.It. 1 V,'.u.tt-T. GEO. WA L I Kits. J- C!-tk. FRANCIS FEAKCE. ) K. J. County Auditors. mm: ri:.NsvLWNiA telehi: wii. JL ENLARGED FORM & ESDCC2D XE2SIS. Till: CASH SYSTE?1 ADUPTEIK On mil ::f ter the fiv.Jt of J.-.rnuiry. Ii55. tho Pkvn.s vi.vavi v Tm.nrtUii'H. published at liarrisburg. Fa., will l c owned Ri.d conducted by the undersigned, who will give iiicir 1 est energies to mak it worthy of its cai.se aci of itj friends. It will eommice the r.o-.v year plinlcl on en tirely new type, and tho Weekly yreally enlarged in form while the rn.-e will be I n : r th-r.i tint i,f any other 'p'-r of its r':i.t errr p -Misted at the I C ' p,t il of rhu State, and iwyjm-.nts w ill j k nr. ! i' ii-t.ii stuii tla-I5 ADVANcr:. No raver will he sent until it is paid fur. and all w i!l bj di .-continue I as the s'iL?criptior.s expiros.uiOcss th'-y are renewed I llie 1 KLttiUA'-n is i-siiod M..M1-V , on a sheet of twenty-tour ecdumns. diirmgl he ses-ions of the Legislature, and WEEKLY on a do'Me sheet of ' forly-cizht columns the rcmaincder of tho year. It rill present a coiuprehcnsivo summary of the Legislative proceedings ; all important general laws, as they arc passed, and Him to give the current political intelligence of the times in tho fullest and most reliable manner. In short, the proprietors hope to make it a complete Family and Political Journal, and they confidently nppea to the people of Pennsylvania to sustain their enl tcrprise. , ,. . The Tei.Kfjn Aril will advocate a liberal political poiiey. and aim to unite all those who, though an imated by tho same common purposes, ana looking to the s.imc benificcnt results, seem distracted by tho eontlict of distinctive organizations. It will sustain the highest standard of American Nation ality; and white yielding a sacred obedience to tho compromises of the Constitution, will detcrtr.inod Iv resist tho extension of Human Slavery. It will give a cordial, earnest and independent support to the administration of Gov. FoLLofK. . TERMS STRICTLY IN ABNANCE. The Titr.EftP.Avn will be furnished SEMI-WF.EK-LY during the sessions of the Legislature, and WEEKLY, on a double eheetthc, tho remainder of the year, at tho following low rates tho sio.nev l.NVAlIIAULV TO AC COM r AN Y THE OKPEK: .-Single subscriptions, S2 00 Five copies (l SO per copy) ' 9 00 . Ten copies Sl 70 per copy) 17 00 . ' Twenty copies (?l 50 per copy) ' 39 00 . And at the same price (i-,1 50 per copy) on any number over twenty. Clubs should be made up at once, and the subscriptions forwarded before the first of Jcnuaryj so that they can commence with the session of the Legislature. - Subscriptions will be forwarded from this office. All orders mut be addressed to M CLLTIE & SELLERS, llarriiiburg, Pa. IT?" Easiness men will find tbo Telkuh.vpa the very best Advertising Medium in PeiiDSvlvauia.out of the cities. Dec. 12, '55.-2t. CLOCKS of every variety and price, from 02 hours to 14 days, for sale by ane 27, '55. . , A. M HILLS. LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen, for sale by Jun :'55. - ... K. AIOSS.P. CON FECTION ARIES a ltle7Jicl;csrs sortment this Borough ever could boast of, at Jnno -, ao.) A. M. HILLS - USLIN, at 5 oent ncr vara Ar.,-a.i .fl!l GTnra . ....-. r (Juno 13, '55. BACON A good lot of Hams and ShMcr3at June 20. - W. F. IUWls's ' T1STOFORVM) TUKOHS TOR EEIJ-i-i ItUAHY TEIt.M, 1850. William Irwin, Farmer, . Brady, John Carlisle, Merchant do Jossjdi Winnery, Blacksmith. Era ifrd, J.ioo'b Pierce, Farmer, do M. S. Lummado. do Foggs: Samuel Briihart, ' do Burnside; John Yothcrs. L Covington: William Kecd. Carpontcr, Clearfield; Harvcv Moore. Farmer, Decatur! 1. N.dle.ith, do Fox ; Martin 11 iso. do tiirard; James G. Wi'.iiaais, Jo Jordan ; ieo. lleekn ioia, Bhu k-mth, Karthaus; A. G Weleh, Furmer, Lawrence; Wm. Manes, - do do Win. 11. Mercer. do do James Thompson, Capcnter, ' Morris ; James Hughes, Farmer do William Addicman, do Pike; John Jordan- do do David Dressier. do Union; "Matt- M Cullough, do AVoodward; Jos. M'CuIlough, do do William Hagarty, do do URUAII -'FOR KASAS! The Blood Red Banner float? in triumph on tho 'tlfd Cor ner Store, '1 w here A. M. Hills has just opened the cneapest aim most spicniii-i assortment .t t-oo'ts. ever displayed before this community, and exactly auapteu totneir mny ami various necessities. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1HLNXETTS. CAS- SIMERES, CLOTHS. D 11 ESS GOODS. TOIL . ET ARTICLES. DL LANES. PRINTS, GLOYES, HARDWARE, STONE and QUEEN.-; WARE, GROCERIES, with fancy articles ad iiifinitiini. ". r .' Clearfield. Juno 20. 1355. : . A. M. HILLS. SAJIUEL BERLIX, Juniata Si , Tyrone City, Pa. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRl'C.S, CHEMICALS. MEPICINES, PAINTS, OILS. DYE STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS,, VIALS, PERFUMERY, Ac.,; Ac. Having just opened an extensive asnrtinct:t of these articles 1 li ysicians will find it to their Advan tage to givo luia a call, anil euiinno 11 is Mock be fore ordering from the Eastern Cities; and Coun try Merchants can also be accommodated w ith all tho Essences. 1 inetures. i'atcnt Medicines. Ac, WHOLESALE and .RETAIL, at loir-en price. l ir'Hc hopes by strict Attention to businefS, and a desire to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage. I April 25, 1855 riMIE COOD INT 12 NT HOTEL, JL CUBWENSV1LLE, PA. The Subscriber w ould inform his friends and the public that he has just refitted and re -furnished hns house and is prej aredto render every attention to the travelling community. llis bar contains Honors of the first quality, an l his table w ill always he supplied with the best in market. He re.-pcctru'.ly solicits Lis, friends and other? to give him a call. WM. li. FLEMM1NG. August 1, IS55. AK. tv'lUUIlTMrCliCiLtXrVn EXTEN- S1VE DEALER IN LI. MBEli. Second Street, one door south of his r(;dencc, Cleiiriiel J. Pa. Clearfield, March 1 1, 1S55. JOHN RUSSELL it CO., TAXXERS AXD CURRIERS. PctinvLle, C!,'-iifn 'd Co., Pa,, Keep constantly on hand nn excellent assortment of leather, whiiMi they ofUr for sale at tho lowest cash prices. Hides takeiiiiu exchange. July 15, 1354. i OWENS, TYSONS CITY, H;is just opened a largo and lendid assortment of NEW GOODS. WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL, Of e.-ery des:notion and quality, which he is selling off at the lowest prices ever known in this region of Country, DRY-GOODS. HARD te OlTEEXSWARE, HATS A- CAPS. ROOTS V SHOES. OR UC E li IES .V ( roXEEC TfOX. I R I ES, AT CITY rillCES. He invites his CloarfieM friends to give him a c.iil. and exoiiar.ge their rag.', lumhcr. t-fi.ngles. an I every variety of produce, for the c urt i-KST mm ic.-t goo-Is. to be had west ot 1 liiiaaeipn.a. Feb. Z. 1-tjj. ly. V J "liirirrifilfilsf!" S T A I! T LIS U A N ' O V N" C E M E N T- LATE3T ARF.IYAL FFv32i: THE EAST. T5 P.. WELCH, has just returned frtm tho City C II with 11 new and j-pleieliJ assortuicnt of Wutehes. Jeweliy, and Silver-ware the largest, est and cheapest ever brought into Ciearficl l eon- .-is;n g ot iuuitiug ami open-Iaccd g i l ai;i m watches, gold lo.-keis. g'obl chains, gold Pens, rings. breast-pins. sjieeta:!e.i,silver forks, bracelets, tlcevc bullous, cut! pins, car rings. Ac. Ac, vc at;nes and jcvelry repaired ou tao Ms or. est notice. lime n, jj. 1LMOVAL : The undeiigicd begs leave to inform his friends that he has removed his EOOf AND 6H03 ST03S, from '-Shaw's Bow.'' to his new building, opposite be Office of Jamc W riiy. and two doors 8ou:n .l ::e Ofiiee !". II. B ni:i:rr. L's p He still kcei s coiutiintly 011 hands, every rarie y or Ladies sli;-;', ,s. gni'lers. piiiup. Ac. Men's auey siiees and gaiters, with an excellent assort -lent of heavy work, all adapted to the arious .-.ir.ts of thi jicnplc of t'lc;'rfic'.l. Ho hopes his riends will c:i!l at his NEW STORE, a tid ex mine h is Sto k. itoe's and. Hioe- made to order, an l mor.ding lone as heretofore. ISAAC JOilNSTCN. Clearfield, June 27, 155. TJOKEIL RROTIIERS & JL Nos. 138 & 160, PHILADELP, Importars and manufactur EASTERN MADE BOOJ a - r ' -j" Also, every variety of 1VJJ'V;""":.B.; : Lastings; Patent Leathcrr' 1MU;ik,x Shoe Laces. Caller "S-. VES IaX f -iiy and VND SHOES. and English Shoe kins, . ,,.S Straw and Silk Bon- T 1ST OF TRAVEKS Farmer. Timbcrer, Farmer, do do . , do Lumberman, Farmer, Lumberman' Farmer, Tailor, (Yrpenter, Teamster. Furmer, do Tailor I'EUKUARV TERM, Hamilton AVclJ, S H. Filler, Harris Peter, John Kcphart, William Kirk, Isaac Scofield. AViliiam ltishcl, John Woolridgo. Edward Albert, John K irg, Henry l'atchin, John Mahatley, 1 F. Etzweiler, AViliiam Reed, Henry Evans. AViliiam Smith, Sol. Maurer, . 1 J. B. Segner, Josiah Evans, Leyi Rowland, C. L. Worrell, Enoch (icarbart, -Geovgo Kcphart, Cornelius M"Crackcn, Matthew Bloom, AViliiam (iraham, jr., Richard Gates, Valentine Hevcncr, " James Cathcnrt, AVm. A. RcciL, Samuel Clyde, Robert Lawhead, ' AVm. T. 1 rwin. AVm. M. Hartman, -AVm. P Smcal, 0. 1. AVilder, Peter Swart, Amos llubhr,-' J. Ferguson, of James, Samuel Spencer, Ross Robinson, Thos. M'Craekcn, AVni. Cleaver, Jos. G. BusscI, Samuel Long, Nath.an Cleaver. J. F Coder.. Jacob Smith. ; Clearfield, January 23: Icid .TUB OILS 1850. FOR Farmer. Beccaria : Blacksmith, Eoggs Farmer A agt . do do do Erady; ; do do Bradford; do Burnside ; do do Clearfioid ; do do Covington ; do Curwensvillo r armor Merchant, Farmer, do do do , . do do : Lutuberman, Farmer, do do do do Carpenter, Justice, Farmer, do - do do do , Lumberman, Farmer, do do do do do Chest ; do Dccitur; do Ferguson ;'- do Goshen : Houston ; do Knox : Lawrence ; do . do do do" Jlorris do do do . Penn ; , " do " do do do do Tiko da Union do D WII) S. PLOTNER Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that he lias ohtn iiicd the services of a goij.l Cutter and work man as a forcnia.a in tho tailoring business, and he is row prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on too mo.$t aujoiiiino iattnix terms. and .-hort notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such as dr'sj coats, fro.-k coats, vests, and iantaooi:s of their own manufacture, an d gooil material at the lowest prices. AVithav.i.-h to ac commodate, he solicits a Mi ore of patrjiiage. New AVa -hington. May 0. 155. LACKSMITIIINtJ. The suV.srriber woul 1 inform the public that he hast. ikon the Black- sir, ith Shop formerly o;:upied by (Jeorgu rr. on the corner rf Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield wher'; ho carries on the business in a!I its various branehe. JACOB SIII NKWEILER. June Ci, !S55.-1y PI1 1 Ll PSIJ V K( rilOTELTThe subscriber would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the public generally that he has enlarged and refitted his honse. and is now enabled to compete Rueeesd fullly with any Hotel in the country. No pains will be spared to render his guests comfortable. His table shall always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his charges moderate. Ho respectfully invites his friends and oth"is to give him a call. DAVID JOHNSTON. I'hilipsburg Jan. 31.1S55. 1 y. ritVRONE LIVERY STABLE. The Tsub X scribcr, having removed his Livery Stable from Curwensvillo to Tyrone City, begs leave to his friends and tho public, that ho i3 at all times prepared to supply them with Horses, carriages, buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at the most reasonable terms. Inquire lit the H'itv Hotel." JAMES CROWTliER. -Tyrone, Jannnry 51, 1355. -fimo. TOI1N TROUTMAN. House. Sign and Orna mental Painter. Glazier, Chair maker and Paper Hanger, offers his services to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop on M ir.let St.,ji- st helow the Foundry. CHAIRS. LOUNGES.- SOFAS, ROCKING CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, $ e., kept constantly on hand and made to order, cqnal in beauty to any that can bo obtained from tho Eat, and more durable in material. Aug. 1, 1S55. HAVE YOU SEE A SAM.' The tuibseribcr would inform his old friends and the public generally, that ho still continues to keep a house of eutertainmect in New AVashington where those who call with him w ill roceivo every attention, and be made comfortable. " ': Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses, on the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER New AV'aahihgton, Jan. 31, 1355. BELEGE. DELAINES. A superior article o Bcrego Delaines iu dress patterns, at 25 cenbj per yard, never sold in this county -efore for Jess; than 50 cents at RICHARD MOSSUP S. Juno 13, '55. ., C HEAP CLOTH 1X! l-,r.. t,. ,.ci r. J thing, Men s and Boys, lor sale cheap, by Juno 13, r55. RICHARD MOSSOP. BLACKBERRY BlCNDY. A certain curo'for tho Dysentary, for sale by June 13. '55. RICHARD MOSgQ r A Largo assortment of Stone ware at the store of J"t10 s-1 AV.F. 1 RAVIN. MzVNTI LLASA largo lot of Ladies' and Chil drena Mautillasiur side at Mossop's Chcai Cash Store. June 13. '55. MiitaMc for manufacture u, f lL..n,u -1 I t'J, ri'itlUU OU'l A'UI'4fl 1 ll t t (i 11 r,r,t. l.Pnm. l'ananA 1 J Palm-Leaf HaUp, EngliMi, French. American artificial 1 lowcrs;-Otr Sil-r;iw 1 "wmmga, Having removed ijir l!ew f ,0F' liS.A ir, Market Street. hehM ut' ,P invite your attenti.' fur large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, a'''? Sh.s, which we ore preparing for the f reaching 1 all Sales. All our Goods h& exclusively of our own dt r'Hit Importaiian 0t ' AIr!ufacturc, we feci conn dent that our fw'tics are such that we can offer you inducements--1 regards variety and prices ot Goods, unsurpn! by any house in the country. BOiO, BROTHERS A JONES. Nov. 8, 1S5 1.--"- Phihul.lpl.ia. BROOK TyOX A liEHN AVholcsale l)ry (iood's Sits, 2fo-140, Market Street. Philadel phia. J! (Aug. 1, lb5.-ly. OOI) A' f'VS ! "Wholesale Store or.cnei in 6 -ir n, . . ...i,aw. novltorl v wbo wants cheap goods u purcb.-utc. The subscriber has j't opcnul a liirf ana wen teieeieo. tmi 01 v.ou ... 'JJ Y RO X E CI T Y, fcarner of Lo?aa &nl Janiaa Sta. Ho has on If n Is and will constantly keep a large sbtck of I . Ihy Good. Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothius, Iltriwiire, .itKiisu-nre u.ns, ' w P R O VIS IO X S of nirkind, consisting of . ' Potatoes, Bacon, fruit. J.an. xiour, n ue.n, Corn meal. Ac, Ac. also. djk. cam. m, st-. And lie lioruhv kivcs lu'licc that he soil his mo.I , a I..m L m.-..hiiinil in Jn V town or county this sido of Philadelphia, and will take t 1 . .'1. . -i... ....... ! ivvi-ti.'1n''ii. J;'JurLi. 11 I II i 13. VI I'VtU IIIWV " r - July 1, '55. I - t'l- - j .r-s. ft r ifcVi. Tl. tm.jorvl rnp'l CUV - M ing taken to himself the More formerly own ed 1.T Patchin A Swan, takes ploiiauro 111 mmnu u), . . . , .1 ..t.i:.. .-.,11,- tti:i.t he has nis iricnas una on; (jvu""-.' -- - iust received from the city a sjdondid nssor.mcnt ot lrv Iroo'IS. liar.innrf. .uvr ... v., -. tiomacuonaricsi, mus una ww 1 l,.,c and every thing cise ufuaujr nr., .-....j. tore. Persons i-hiag to buy cneap una g.joa . ,-..1 i.i .,.. r,.t-r..f tl-.ut hp is determined not 1 j oooa SOimm - - - --- - 1 1 , . to be undersoil ty rany siorc uiuie ctuuij. jh motto is ' a nimble penny rathe than a slow six )cncc S. C PATCHIN. Uien nope, ouij o. ioo. 1. NELSON Si CO., Morris Towushi ,u Charft.hl Co.. P,x., Would respectful I r inform tho citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly ou hand a largo assortment ot Dry Goo Is. ll.ird-Warr. Qnr., urire. Grn'.-rirs, Cont'Ction-irirs, Hits C"j-: Bonis iV Shoes. .md all other articles tinally kept ia n country store, which they arc determined to ted lew lor cash, country produce, or lumber. AuJrust J, fXCITAX.E HOTEL. PJIIL1P.SHI UC. .8l 'flic subscriber, thankful for past f.tvor.. would reM'CCtfillly solicit a continuance i f the 1 i "u- er.i! patronage bestowed upon his Douse Ly tha Public . He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, nnd all others who may cull with him, in the very best manner. - ' He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. ' J. G. BUNK. Philsburg. March It. l$55.-!f. VEV MILL At thcOld Pioaeer M.Es ou the IN Moshannon, in Morris township. The sub scribcr has just completed a large new Grist Mill, which is in successful operation. Grain of all kinds beuirht. stored, and sold on commission. Dec. 27."'i.L ' HENRY U ROE. VPFLICANTS FOR IJOl'.VTY LANES 1'r. ler the late act of Congress, will find the subscriber fnlly prepared, with blanks, t" rms. Ac. to assist them ia procuring their Warrants. Office two doors east of Journal "trice, up s'nirs. Mar. 2. '55. II. EITHER SW'oOPE. TAMES It. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive I dealers in lumber.- Grahamptoc. P. ".. 'lcar field county. P.I. . May2 i, "51-ly. P R OFCSSIOX A L . 15 A II RETT & LARItlMEK, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, h i", ing entered into copartnership ia th? practice of their profession, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to their care in Clearfield coun ty. G. R. BARRETT, J. 11. LARIMER. Clearfield. Jnlv-JS. 1S55.-1 r. UUCIIER SWOOPE. ' . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cl.E IRF1EC.1), P.t. Two doors East of Journal ofuoe. Up stairs. Dec. 1.1 Sol. JACKSON CHANS, A TTltRNEY AT LAW. CLEABFIELD, PA. Office adjoining his residence, imi Second St. August 1.1S55. JAMES BIDDLE COP.DON', ATTOKXEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Offii.e in the room adjoining, on tho East, tho Drug Store, of Dr. If. Lor rain. Ee may Lc con sulted in Frtnrh and German. August I. ld5.-ly. YV A WALLACE. t V AT TO R NE Y AT LA W, CLEAUFIELD, PA. Office nearly opposite the Court House. August 1 , 1855. - J." M'EN ALLY, ATTORNEY AT T. XTV .CLEAUFIELD, PA. Practices m Clearfield and adjoining counties. Offie nearly opposite Judgo AV right's store. August 1, 155. ES. DUNDY. . .. . A TTORNEY A T LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in the room adjoining on the West, the Storo of AVm. F. Irwin. August 1, 1S55. ; - TOllS II. Ml'LLEN, , PHYSICIAN, Ireiienvill,:. CuurfeJd County, Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Dr. F. H-iops, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Frcnchvill.', and vieinitv. Office, cno door east of Lutx's store, Freuchvillc, May 22, 'a.i.-fmi. ,U. B. F. AKLEY, PHYSICIAN. Gr,ih,xmplon, C lea rfidd County. Pa., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants id Orahampton and surrounding country he can at ad tunes he found nt his Ofiiee, directly oppo site . .r.J. L. Graham's storo, when not profes. sionally engaged. Apl. 25. . 1 ArOODS OKNu:.TAL ft IRON W () R E s " Eidjjfl Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the public iB invited to th . tensive inariul'cctory and ware-room of the suhscri- lior, who 1 rreimred to rurnisli. at the ihortest no tice, IRON RAILING, of every description, for CEMETRIES, PUBLIC A PRIVATE liCILD INV.S. Also. VERANDAHS. BALCONIES, FOUNTAINS. SETTEES, CHAIRS. LIONS, DOGS, Ae., Ac., Ac., Ac., and other Ornamental Iron AVork of a decorative character, al! of which is executed with the cxprc view ot pleasing tne taste, while theycomhinc a:l requisites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rclv on having all articles care fully boxed and shipped to their place of destina tion. A book of designs will be sent to those who wUh to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD. . Ridge Avenue below Spirng Gnrrdcn St.." Oet.fi, '55.-3m l Philadelphia CONRAD & WALTON, 255 Market Etrftt, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in IROX, XJILS, 4 c. c. They respectfully invito tho people of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. OUXT VERNON IIOr.SL No. 59, North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, w hich has been renovated and ro model d throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call on their visit to the city, m The 1', Js all new. and has been selected with c:.y wa!'H;kles well known establishment ia Chentnut-'tcludftnd li of the latest and most fashionable siyTtJ" The location for Mvmts and others coming toiheoitT is conver-iiirbcing in the centre of business . ,'ia. L. DARKET7, Aug. 1. lS55.-ly. ' V Proprietor. VRRIS, ORIUSOMciU! m WHOLThe W ,nfif GG ISTS. No. 25o. Market St.. Nortl.wer? wronglae'" A - th, Philadelphia. Drugs M defence, bower1"" V(iX ent Meilieinws. Surgical rth is HOW COmplo'tf p1- Glassware, A iudow il.i-s or cf- ti, o.'n.1''" fuiaery, Ac, Ac. ' Ans. 1. -55.-1 j.l y is right, natural and J f U divine, and almost 1- - iw it., f iie omi' ii:t.i. & m 1101 1 . .tsacri'' V Nos. 138 Market St., i-fierchant St., PHILADELPHIA. icrtcrs and AVholcsale Dealers in DRL'GS, CJIE.VIC.iLS, 4 c. They respectfully invite their CleafielJ friends to give thtm a c.iil. Jan. 17. 55.-ly. HOi'D A CO ExtcnMve Dry -goods Dealers. No, 1ST. Market St., Philadelphia, keep constart lr tn hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their tplcr.did ass-vtment. before purchasing elsewhere. Aajfust 1, lS55.-ly. . V7"ILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Mannfvc f f turers an 1 Imivorters of Saddlery, an I Sad dlery Hardware. No. 25 Market Street," Philadel phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips Saddle Bagii. Bridle Filling, Bits, Siirrups. Fu.-k!cs Carpet Bags, cct. . Aug. 1 , "55.-ly BE I DEEM AN A HAY WARD AVholcsale Gro cers. Tea Ucalcrs, and Commission Merchant No. 273. Market Street. Philadelphia. - D. BE1DELMAN, Aug.l.l?55.-ly. A.UAYWAKD, A T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothirg'Store. J No. 171. Market Street. Every variety of roajy made Clothing, in the most fashionable styijs constantly on hand. I Aug. 1, 55.-ly. EORGE J. WEAVER. A CO- No. 19 North AVa JT tcr Street. 1'hiLvlelphia, Dealers in Carpet chain. Ynrn. Manilla and Hemp Eop.es. Bed-cords Clothes-liues. Ao.. Ac. I Aug l,lS55.-iy. TSAAC M.' ASHTON. Hat Store. No. 172 A Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Furs, Ac. of every varietv. and the best qualitv alwavs onh::r.d. " Aug. I, 1S55.-1V. CH:OUE V,". COLLADAY, Converanr H and Land Asent. No. 3. Goldsmith's Dal!, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all lii-ines3 cntrustcil to his care. Aug. I, ls-55 -ly. CALEB COPE A CO. No. 1.-3. Market St., Phil dclphia- Dealers in Linens, AVhitc Goods. Hu Mcry, French. English and German Silk Goods. La cos. "Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Aj. Aug. 1, ?55.-ly. LyXYlTsz TAYLOR No. 255 Xartet Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have always on hand, at their AVholcsale Ware house, a large as-ortiucnt of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. BOTH PORE ION AND DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direcA Im portation and Manufacture, tiiey ure enabled to oler superior inducements to Merchants laying ia their stock. , AVM. AT. PAUL, i'. G. TAYLOR. Dec 1. 1S51. ly. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEAVELRY STOHE, No. 72 North Seeoxn Street, (oppo site, the Jlotiut Vernon. Ilo'tse.) Pphiladelphia. . 1 t T X . . 1 g...it ii.i ... "wiii " uicuea, lull jeweiicu. 13 JV. cases. Io.; yuartier; Table Spoor-i?. ilver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. : Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do. :. together irith a variety r.f fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob- Chains. AH ponds warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Tirs. Ac. made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. His motto is: "Small Trofit? anl Ouick Sales " Philadelphia, April 25, 1S55. JY. RUSIITO.V & CO., : 245 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-AVare, China, Glass, and Queens Ware. Opposite the Red Lien Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSH TON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. S, '51.-1 y. ' ROUT. STILSON. A-L DILLS, D. D. S. Offico adjoin QPry'r nisStr. Clearfield. Pa. Artifi , TTT vuxl Tcvth- f'otu one to a full set, ruoun vcd in tlio most approved modern style. ruling, iilir.g, and Cleaning done with care Teeth extracted wi;h all tho care and d'ateh modern science caa furnish. ' 1 DR. Hf f.T.-n .oir. r...i 1. , i;j o louua hi ins Oiliee. as no is 1 now ucvoti Lis vxholo attention to Lis Aoi.ia. jjUB0 20, Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lrpine, d Gold Spectacles, Silver do.,' Silver'! OONS, IIEILMAX & CO., No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST., ' Pint dj;lpeia. WHOLESALE DEALE2S Ia For6ia aad Domestic Ery Goods. Fifth Door he -ow F.a". CHARLES KO'iNS. AMOS i. HEll-MAN. Philadelihiii. May 1G, lo55.-lv COWELL & CO., 17C Market Strcft, . PHILADELPHIA; WUOI.KS.U.K DF.ALLnjflN II-Us, Caps, Far'.. 4 f between 5th and Cth St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. ftFAUTI.V, MORrIlXL & "0., Ifl. (Late OLIVER MARTIN A C0.1 Importers and Dealers ia HOSIERY. TRIM MIXGS. C MBS. BR USHES. FANCY tiWi'S. Ac No. 24 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN. CHAS. II. HAMRIl'K, DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. It. PEOPLE. Dec. 5, ?54.J S5ANDRSON K. MARTIN'. IRISMUTII & BROTrn:R, - ' ' AVUOLES.VLE TOB.iCCO DE.JIERS, Na. 105 17. Third Street, five doors btlow Fvace Nov. 2y: '51 -ly PllM-ABEWEJ- 3LIN, at 5 centa per yard, at Mossop's cheap h store. . . Juno 13, '55.' Sanvuel LonK, ' Nathan Cleaver, -.T. F Coder. . d! .-da do i: .;.do-L'ni.'in T TAN'TILLAS A l.irire latoLLndiea' and Chil- - DR. HILLS, can hn f'""V at- ll - . I imJJ?riI T"ir'llTft..ll. I 11 11 III H 1 I III. i, b f 1 f . rt V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers