THE JOTJEML. Rbooc Iilaxd Licekss Law. A new act tuts been Introduced into tho Rhode Inland Xaseably, to sopersede tho existing liquor It provides, fin substance, 'that cities and towaj may grant licenses for tLe"ale of quantities sot less tlf&nr'oiiu ftuart . the party licensed joying bolid ' that- be will not allow any such liquors to be drank on the premises yhere the same .la sold that, he will not sell to' any person Uud6r the influence of intoxicating drink nor upon Sunday, or upon any week day- alter ten o'clock in the evening iiior aell any liquors not pronounced pure by a commissioner appointed for that purpose nor give credit for. any liquor sold, 'Hotels not to be limited in the quantity sold. ?: a ' ' The Stake. Senator Atchison has written a letterto-nome friends of his, in which,, after complaining that he and his border ruffians are not properly backed" up by; the South in their attempts to mate- Kansas a slave State, he adds, in a concluding paragraphs ' -: "The stake the bJrder ruffians' are playing for is a raighty pnc. " If Kansas , is abolition ized Missouri eeases to be a slave -t State, and New Mexico, becomes a free .State; California remains a free State; but if we1 secure Kansas as a slave State Missouri is secure; .New Mex-ico-and South California, if not all of it, be come slave States, i In a word, the prosperity" or the ruin of the whole South depends on the Kansas struggle!'?-! ! 1 I II " CCbkat LEGAt X-ight. A' .'-'writer in the Bunker Hill .Jurora speaking of. James Ger rihsi.t one f the Dernocratic'i'eandidates for the Senate in Middlesex county, says: ; - lie is the tnan who made the writ against a common carrier for the loss of some- goods, and said in if that the goods were to be' safely carried, insured against all ptyils sve the acts of God and the public enemy, 'bul, that said pxdtvtrt lost, damaged, mutilated, jnrtd, damnified, burnt, deteriorated and. anni hilated, not by any act of the public enemy, cor by any act of Xhenfcresaid ftd tfi That finishes his career as a legal gentleman. Several t on liss Catholic were arrested in B.tltitudre, immediately preceding the late election, for" carrying, dead! weapons. and 'pistols were found, npon : them, bearing - the stamp of the ,U. S--Armory at MidJletown., Counecticut, and the percussion . c.ips also bore the stamp of the United States. An Ad ministration. which places Vessels at the dispo. ml of the Pope's -Koncio,; and that forwards Nnns to California free of Charge,, under the care and protection of Mail Agents, will not hfsitate to place the arms of the country in the hands of the minions of thePope to Intim idate and assassinate Native Americans. .FkoxCampeachy: Violation of the jimeri enn Flag by the Muxicrn Jjnlhoritiet. The brig J. S- Betliiug, from New Orleans, was quaran tined for seven days on her arrival at Cam peachy, under the pretence that eholera pre vailed here On the night of the 3d inst.. rlu rine the existence of the quarantine, Col. Zylina, a passenger on the brig,, was removed by force of arms from the vessel by the orders ol General Ulloa, during the absence of the captain, conveyed on board the Mexican war Meamer Oajaca, and taken to Sisal, i t , - 1 ' Imagixatiox. A man who had been sen tenced to death at Vienna, was offered a full pirrdtm if he would consent t pnss a night in" the bed of i person wbo had died of1 cholera. In about four hours he was seized with vomit ing, violent cramps, and all the syniptons of cholera. Ultimately, by medical assistance, l is life was saved. His astonishment was uu Uwisdcd' when he was informed that the bed as perfectly pure. : I'aoM Norfolk 'and Portsxocth. The pa pers of these twn cities speak in encouraging terms of their improved health. Sickncs of nil kinds was gradually diminishing, confidence returning, and the streets resuming a cheerful tsjtect. Absentees, it is now thought, may return with safety where the precaution has been t:iken to have the premises well aired previous to resuming their occupancy, Toob Oto Gentleman! A visitor to the residence of Gen. Cass writes: "The old man still lives' in the autumnal glories of a well spent life; is hate, hearty, and worth four mil lies. His career has, indeed, been successful, lie speaks in foreboding language of our na tional prospects, aud is strong in Lis belief disunion will yet carrv its banner over the Republic;1."' " - " Nt.w Explaxatios of the DtLiGK.; A sci entific correspondent of a London journal, in alluding to the days of Noah, says that, at vhat isk.iiowu as "The Flood," it i probable that the polasof the earth were charged, and a sudden dissolution of the polar seas, ensued, vhich deluged the equatorial parts of the earth and whelmed iu ruin the human race. NAiritAMZATiOM. By the act of 1760, two years wars required before naturalization; in 179.1, it was raised to five years; and in 1798, during .the. administration of the elder Adams. fourteen, ; In 180'2 under Thomas Jellerson, it was brought back to five. ,. 't ... . A IJMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate .m. of George Ray horn, late of Morris tp , Clear field Co.; deceased Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration, upon said I. slate, have been granted to the undersigned.1 All persons iu- iebteJ to said Restate, are requested to make iin mediate payment. and those having elainis or de ruanJs against the same, to present tucm, duly nu jjienticatcu, for'settlvmcnt. to i - ..-; - AMOS UORNKMAN, Adm'r., Nor. S'oiSt. Bradford, tp. Clearfield Co. . REGISTER'S NOTICES. Notiee is here by given, tbafr-the following accounts have bsen examined and passed by ine, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heir;, legatees. creditors, and all ethers in any other way nticsej, aai will be preseutsd to. the next Or p;ar.j' Gc-rt of Clearfjeld Coanty, to'be held at the Court Housa in the Corongb of ClcarfielJ, on Tuesday, tie ,!Sth . day' of December, next, for confirmation and allowance: lb ,-.oount of Jaj:ob Eilger, Admicistrator of ." lrw,ni deceased. .. I hs ctal account of Jonathan Keph art, Admin istrator of Thomas Morgan, deceased. " Tte aocount of Mury Gunaaulus, Executrix of ramuel truustUiius, deceased. . T. - The account of Ueorge C.'" Passmore, Adminis trator of Abr .tum Passmore deceased - Ihe final acount of iiavid llarUock, Arainistra tor of Abraham Xiartsock. deceased , ! ' i WILLIAM POKTLK, Register. Register s Offiee, Nov. 21, 1855. . . .. "7" ANTED : A good girl, to do bonis work " a- ;. G.w gen- Appiy imrne: a lately at this office, where directions will be frien Clearfield; Xov.,14, 1S55 . GRAVE YARD NOTICE. Those who feel an interest in Laving our Graveyard present t least a retpecfjbte appearance, are requested to meet on Tuesday and lend a helping hand towards clearing it out and putting it in decent order. v -1 - : MAsr ciiizExs. : ClearfioId,sov. Ut 1355. - . .. -z&tt THE PARTNERSHIP here, riurij tor ore existing between Jo- eph and Jaiaos Ilaiertv.' in the mercantile busi- iiss at Jauesviilef tcarfiekl Conqtyt'Pa has isen this day (ISor. i!,) diauived by mutual coni -, JOSEPH HAGEHTr, JAMES A. HAGERTT. . r-J Ol'BT Pfltt:i,A1IATION. WHEREAS The ilviw.-j!v J.WLLi . SUIiNSIDE. Esa.. I'ri'si Jciit Jiidfj of the Court r:" i""ojuiuioi Pleas of the tenty-Cftli Jalicial ijistr:'-t, composed of the caurtios of Clearfield; Centre nud Clinton and tb Honorable IilCHARL SilAAV ;and JOHN P. ItOX'T, Associate Judges cf Cieurasld county, have i-ucil their, precept pearing. dite tiiii 'fWKXTi NlNTi'l day J of 'Sent., last, to- me directed, for the" holdiii'of a Oo'.irt cf Comffion Picas! Orphan's Ccurt't'iurt of joariw?csic3. Co-irt of Over and Terminer, and Courtof Oeaeral Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for Clearfield . county, on the THIRD MONDAY of .DECEMBER text, be ing the 17th day of the' month. NOTICE IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY GIVEN, To the Coroner, Justice of the Peace, and Consta bles. -in and for the said county of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnesses are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. . GIVEN under my hand, at Clearfield, thi3 14th . day of Nov., in the year of our Lord one thous- ' and eight hnndred and fifty-five ,and the eighti eth year of American Independence. ; .-sift l ... - : JOSIAH R REED, Sh'fF. ' Clearfield, Nov, U, 1855.-tc, t TRIAL LIST FOR DEC: TEIU1 1855. K. Wallace vi Joseph E Ligan. Thomas Mays vs Jacob Kephart et al. , Joseph lrvin vs Abraham Liti. Cram A, Perlcy vs Smith fc Powell. 11. Philips vs Reams i Kephart. -: Henry Pennington vs Toer A Lagert. C. Gallaher vs. Michaels & White. Samuel Caldwell vs Manning Stevenson. J f Wm-Perry vs Wm. ldings. Tuckner & Fleisher vs John Stiles. F. McCoy vs Washington Watson. '.' ' , G. W. I leek man & Co. vs Wm. Bloom. ' S. Rorabaugh vs II. Gallaber. . T. B, Davis vs J. McCrackin et al. Isaac Thompson ve Jno. M. Chasa. G W, Gill Ex: vs Thomas Holt. -M. Quigley vs J. t J. Leonard. M. Quigley -vs E. Rahorn, ' J. M. A Jno. Leonard vs M. Quigley. ' F. P. Hurxthal vs James M. Leonard. II. Philip vs Daniel Kephart. 1ST OF GRAND JURORS. FOR DEC. TERM. 1355 . li'cr.aria G . W. - Caldwell, physician : Moses Robion, farmer. " ' ; Bell John Corner, farmer. ' Bntlfordi . K. Wrigly. II. Rucks, farmers. Brady Jacob Merwine. John Hoover, Nicholas Solliday and George Kriner, farmers. Burnsidt J. Mitchell, far.; L. Gorman, luinb'n. Covington William Miller, justice of peace. CiirtrtnfviUe Samuel B. Taylor, Tanner, Alf. Montelius. gentleman. Houston John Hewitt, farmer. Latrrence Morris Wallace, Martin Nichols, jr., and James Fnlton, farmers. Pemi Chaa. Clever, and Jos. Spencer, farmers. IHke Peter Hoover. George IS. Dale, Simon Thompson, and John Hancock, farmers. LIST Or TRAVERSE JURORS, FOR DECEMBER TERM. 1355. Bsccari i SamM Gunsaulus, Jesse Williams, farmers ; Wm. T. Gil bert .Llaeksniith. "'...' Hell Jno W. Haslett, farmer ; Thilip Roys. shoemaker. . ; Bozgs Lvi Munson, urn keeper ; David Ad ams, farmer. . Bradford ym. Hoover, Mark Kyler. fanners Brady Renj. Bbnsall, tanner; Sarn'l Arnold, merchant; Amos P.onsall and J. J. Beams, farmers. B'irrii e Stephen Drothers. farmer. CkextTh'iiaa Toicr, ar.d.Win. Rowland, far mers ; Wm. Tuikner, lumberman. Covington Francis Couditt, uierebaut; Charle3 Mignot, lumberman. Clxarfirld Jacob Sbukwiler, blacksmith; fc-aui'l Mitchil. gentleman; A U. Shaw, mereiiaat; Clark Wilson, printer; M. bhi;k; tanner. .- Ciirn-'Hsvillr John Pation, merchant; Daniel Foust. tailor; Jacob bilger. lanner. Decatur Richard Hughes. Henry Kephart, Jo seph Logan, and Richards Philips, farmers. Ferguson James Glenn, Jos. Moore, farmers. Pox Very Davenport, Geo. Clinton, farmers. ' Goshen A. Rishop Shaw, lumberman. Huston William 'Bandy, Arnold Bliss, Austin Brown, farmers. Jordan James Hunter, waon-maker; George Erhart, and Robert Johnson, farmers. Laitfrrvre OH?er .-Couklin,, Miles Rood, and Sauual Shafluer. f.irmais.'. Morris Win. Eagley. Geo. B. Dillon, and Jere miah Hoover, farmers; G. F. Hoop, physiciao. i'cMiiWm. C. Folcv, merchant; Pa;r;ck Dai-; ley. farmer; George Wallace, clerk. ,(-Gilbert Scofield. sawyer; Jas Bloom, jr., Henry Hlle. and Samuel Caldwell, farmers. Union David Horn. Philip Latrobe, and Wm. F- Johnston, farmers. Voodie.ird John M. Chase, lumberman. CJIIERIFF'S SALES. P-y virtue of sundry k5 writs of Ven-litioui Exponas, issued out of the Courtof Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, will be exposoi to sale, at tho Court House, in tho borough of Clearfield, on the 17TII PAY OF DECEMBER, 1835, at 13 o'olock, A." M., the following described property,' via :" ALL that eert-iin tra:t of Un 1 situated in town ship -of Huston, in said county, containing 10 aeree, more or leas, being part of Warrant No. 5, 0 i3, which was conveyed-'jy J. EMer. et. al.. Com missioners of said county, by deed bearing date the 11th day of June, IS'jO, to Henry Floyer. and C. A. Winslow. recorded, said in Court, Book L., p;ige 503 and by deed bearing date the 7th Nov. ber, conveyed to Zero Sisson Also another tract of land in the said township of Huston, containing 100 acres, part of Warrant 4.902. conveyed by the Treasurer of the said County of Clearfield, on the 2nd of December, 150. to Henry Floyer. and C. A. Winslow. and by them to the said Zero Sesson, by deed of November 7th, 1353. Also, another tract, iu the same township, containing about 1 00 acres, part of the Warrant No. being the same land' conveved by James Elder, et. al., Commis sioners of said county, to Henry Floyer. and C. A. Winslow, by deed of 1 1th Juue. I860, and by them conveyed to tho said Zero Sisson, by deed of 7th November. 1ju. Aii of wiikh three tracts have teen seized and tiken in exacution. anil will be sold as the property of Zero Sisson. ALSO, All Defendant's interest in a certain tract of laud situated in Penn township, contain ing 75 acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a Log House, and a barn. About 25 acr-s are cleared. Adjoining lands of-Melntyre. Wm. Bigler, and others. Seized, taken exceulien, and to be sold as the property of Patrick ilaggerty. ALSO. A House and Lot in the Boro' pf Cur wensviiie, fronting 50 foet on State St., and 180 feet deep, toan alley. Adjoining lot of B. F. Ster ling, on the west, and Samuel Spencer on the east. The House is a large, well finished frame build ing, and there is also on the lot agood frame sta ble Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Fisher. ALSO. Two lots of land, situated in Beccaria township, Clearfield county, near Beccaria Mills, containing about 1-2 acre, bound by lands of Am ps a Smith, and the public road leading from said Mills, to Morgan's Land, having thereon erected a Frame dwelling House. Also, one other lot of land containing 1-4 acre, more or less, bounded by lands of aid Amasa Smiih. and said road, and the road leading from said Mills to Glen Hope running between said lots; having thereon erect ed a store-house, and stable Seized taken in cxe oution, and to be sold as the property of J. Rickets. ALSO. A eertain tract of land situated in Jor dan township, containing 63 1-2 acres, more or less, hounded by land of John Curry, Jas. L. Cur ry, and others, having a log houso, and a log barn erected thereon, and about 40 acres, cleared. Seized, 'taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William S. Curry. -v- JOSIAH R. REED, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Nov. 21 1S55..: PATENT SAUSAGE CUTTERS-S. G. GARTH'S improved Sausage Cutters and Staffers, for sale by MEUKELL & CARTER. Oct. 31, '55. : ATTENTION REGULARS. You are or der! I to meet for parade, on Saturday, Nov. 24th at 1 o'clock P. M. Each member will provide himself with five rounds of blank cartridge. By order of the Captain, (i. W. RHEEM. O. S. . 'Claarfield. Noy. 14, 1855 c rrUIE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, 1855-6.-- A The Tim tic k is now in the middle of its fif teenth year; Vol. XV. of its weekly issue commen ced on the 1st of September last. The American public need not now be made acquainted with its character or claims to consideration. With bnt a subordinate regard for prndenoa. policy and pop ularity, it has aimed to stand for Righeousness, for Truth, for Humanity, against fortified Iniqui ty, Frand and Oppression. There is not a slave trader on-tbid Continont. (ho' he may never read anything but his bills of sale and notes-payable, who does not know and hate the; there is not an extensive fabricator of drugged and poison ous Liquors . who does not consider it a very dan gerous and immoral paper, and wonder why its publication is tolerated in a commercial, cotton buying City like New-York. The Newark Mrrcu ry once forcibly remarked that it had never known a hard, gripiug. screwing avaricious employer who was not hostile to the Tmbcxb, nor one 'eminently generous and kindly who did notlikc if! Prompt and plain-spoken in its denunciations of iniquity and abuses of power, whilst claiming no exemp tion from human fallibility, it may have done temporary injustice to individuals, but it has nev er heen nnfaiebful to Principle, nor deaf to - the cries of the wronged and suffering. In its columns the advocates of novel and unpopular theories con templating the melioration of human woes, espe cially those of the voiceless and down-trodden, have ever found audience and hospitality ; whila it has already resisted, and will persistently com bat, every attempt to proscribe and "degrade any class because of diversities of Nativity, or Creed. In defiance of calumnies the most atrocious, and of holtilities the most deadly and untrue, the Tni mjNe has grown steadily in public appreciation from the day of its origin. Its means of serving the public have been augmented in proportion Instead of a single editor with one or two assist ants, its organization now comprises a numerous body of writers each fitted by special accomplish ment and experience for the particular line of discussion to which his pen is devoted ; the daily amount of reading matter given more thai: quad ruples that of its earliest issues ; a staff of valued correspondents encircles the globe, transmitting early aud intelligent narrations of whatever is most worthy of attention ; while Politics. Legitla tion, Literature, Art. His'ory in short, whatever affects the social well-being of mankind. Polemic Theology alone excepted finds here the freest and most searching disusiion. Attached by profound conviction to the benifi cent policy of Industrial development aud Intern al Intercommunication whose most conspicuous champion through the last half-century was 11k ry Clav imbued, moreover, with the spirit of for bearance towards our weaker neighbors, and tow ard th. much wror.god Aborigines of this Conti nent and of Teaco with All which will hallow the name of Whig, the Tribcsf. while surrendering no jot of its I roper independence co-opcratod ear nestly and ardently with the Whig party so long as its vitality was prserveJ. When in 1350-2 an attempt was made to interpolate slave-hunting in to its creed, we sternly resisted that imposition; when, at the close of the-last Presidential cin vass. it was s.'en that a l.irge portion of the Whi,ji preferred to defeat their own party rather th-n ailow its Anti-SJavery wing to share its triumph, even under a conservative Chief on a Pro-S'.artry platform, wc knew and proclaimed that the Whig party was no more. Subsequent events, including the rise and calumniation of the Know Nothing conspiracy, and the spocdy absorption therein of the whole force of Pro-slavery Whigism, only con Srmei our . un'ioubtiug anticipations. With no sickly bunentalioi.s. therefore, for the inevitably bygone, l-ut w ith hopo, and joy. and sympathy, and words of cheer, have we hailed lha beginning and watched the progress of that mighty REPUB LICAN movement which impelled by the perfidi ous violation of the Missouri Compact, and stimu lated by the astounding outrages whereof the rights of the Free Pettier of Kansas havi Jteen the virtims by repeated and utter vitiation of their elections by an armed mob collected by conspiracy and hurled suddenly upon them from the border counties of the naighboring Slve Stae, is destin ed to sweep away the landmarks of. old party feuds, and ucite the true hearts and strong arms of the fiee-sou!e 1 in one mighty effort to confine tho scourge and scandal of our country within the limits of tho States which unwisely uphold it. To the success of this effort, the energies of the Tri bitne wi.'l he sternly devoted: while the TEMPER ANCE REFORM, including tho entire suppression of the trafic in intoxicating beverages, will find in it, as hitherto, an earnest and unflinching champion. Commencing as a daily folio sheet of moderate size, and with scardcly a shadow of patronage, the TRiniTNr. is now issued in quarto form Daily (three distinct editions. Semi- Weekly, and WeiHu, on a sheet U by 31 inches, eight ample pages of six col umns eich. Ite circulation has steadily grown from nothing to tha following aggregate : Daily issues, eve. and morn : 23,CO copies Semi Weekly : ! : : 14.175 Weely : : : : : 136 -100 California edition : : : 6,000 Total, : : : : 180,175 copies. Wc believe no other newspaper in the world has a subscription list over half so large as this ; and no periodical of any sort can rival it. And while its extreme cheapness rendering an increase of paying readers only as indirect pecuniary advant age to us. has doubtless largely swelled it sub scriptions list, it would be absurdity not perceive in this unprecedented patronage some evidence of public approval and esteem. TiPiMS- The Tribune employs no traveling agents aud sends out no papers on trust. If it is not sioppe l when the term paid for expires, and tho subsv-riber does not choose further to ptiy for it. we resort to no legal process to compel him. On the Weekly, wo mean to stop every paper on the expiration of the advance payment, awaiting a fresh remittance from the subscriber. If none comes the account, is closed. We pay no local agents wisn no money paid to any when the pay er cannot trust him to mail or other wise s?nditto us; once mailed, its safety is at our nVk, (and ase rious rik it often proves); but are grateful to eve ry one who deems it a good work to obtain and for ward the names and money of his friends and neighbors. Our terms invariably are for tho DAILY TRIBUNE, ono copy, $-5 per annum. SEMI-WEEKLY. S3; 2 copies forS5; 5for$ll.25. WEEKLY, $2 ; 3 copies for S5 ; 5 for S3 ; Id for $12; 20 copies toosb for?2fi; larger oiubs SI each subscriber. Additions may at all times be made to a club S.t the prioe paid bv those alrea- dy in it Nov. 21. GREELY & McELRATH. JVo. 154 JTaisatt St., Nntv-Yorl. JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF NEW BOOKS. STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES. CON FECTION ARI ES, TO BACCO, CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROEINS' LITERARY DEPOT, . SHAW'S HOW, Clearfto d, Pa. THE latest publications always on hand, or pro cured to order. Putuam. Godoy. Graham. House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions. Harper. Peterson, and all the other Magazines furnished Monthly at Publishers' Prices. He would especially call the attention of 'lovers of the weed' to his large stock of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of '-Natural Leaf," "Black Fat." --Cavendish," :'Congress." and other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia. Principe. Plan tation, Spanish. Half-Spanish, and ,;A few more left" cigars. Also a good stock of "pipes'' and 'fine-cut." He would also call attention to the fact that he has just opened a large assortment of - DBUQ 3, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STUEFS, which ha will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment iu the County. THOMAS ROBIN3. - November 14, 1S55.- EV ARRIVAL. ;: A. II. BAU MA N, Ware Room three: doors ahnve jlfjys Hotel, Plani Road street, Tyrone City, Ph. KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment o Pbila lelphia and Pittsburg Cooking, Parlor, Bar and heating Stoves, of different patterns, sizes and priues: Stove pipe, shovels, coal hods, Ac. "Also, Cider Mills! Ploughs, Cultivators, Ac. 4c., all of which will be sold 10 to 20 per cent, cheap, er than can be purchased out of the cities. If you. want bargains, don't forget to call at Bau man's Stove Store. " Nov. 1 1, '55. -3m. ELTGIOUS. There wilfbe Divine Service at the Presbyterian Church, in this place, on the 4th Sabbath of this month, 25th. at the usual hour, 11 o'clock. A. M. Also, a preparatory Lec ture, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. on the day previous- - Serviee-bv the Rev. Dr. Stevexso, ' Clearfield". Nov.-14. 185.V ' - y OOK HERE. - " JLi -MOSS.OP O-V HAXt AGAIN! r The Cheapest Goods in the County. ' THE undersigned begs leavij to inform his old cus tomers, and the public. th.t he has just returned .from' the East, with a splendid assortment of -rsi GOODS, which he will sell lower, for CASH, than they Can be bought at any other place in the County. , He is determined to act upon the motto or ' .- ."SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES," ; " , end will sell goods, -for eash, at the most trifling advance on cost and earria:. , Call and exumine the Block, and satisfy your self that it is no humbug that "MOSSOP SELLS THE CHEAPEST ' GOODS IX THE COUNTY. D3T-G0ODS, GS0C3RIE3. QUEES-WABE, BOOTS & SHOES KAT3 & CAPS, BONNETS, SHAWLS, . . CON'FECTIONARIES, .. ; , - - FISH, TOBACCO. STTIO-A.n LIQUOBS, ' and a little of everything. All of which will be sold at lower prices than cv or before offered in Clearfield. - R. MOSJJOP., ? Clearfield 2s'ov. 14, 154.. . . ; jTEV, GOODS ! NEW GOODS IAtthe ll Old Corner Store of the undersigned &t , , . CURWENSVILLE. Ihey have just received the largest and bestassort' n.ent of Summer, and F:i!l Goods ever brought to Clearfield consisting of . ' Dry Goods, Hardware. Queans ware, Gocerits, Co fsctionaries, HaU and Caps, Boits and Hhoes. Carpeting. Oil . , Cloth, Ac. . .. Cloths, Casoimeres. Linens, Mnslius. De Laines, PritU. Dress .-Miks, Bonnets, Shawls, Mantillas, Fringes, Fancy Toilet articles. La- , ; ces. Embroideries, imd un. endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which they offer, at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. Aug. 1, IS55. J, k 11. D. PATTON. Ii O ! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR ! B RAD 1 N.. lr M G IR K' S, TIN, C0PPEB, & SHEEI-IKOW IV ABE plipsuiirg, k BRADIN & M'GIRK have just opened nn ex ton sil Tin, Copper, Sheet-lioii Wart iWinnfac.i a ry, where they arc at all times j reparcd to supply customers with every eonccivabb article from tho smallest Cofiee pot spout to the longest pipe ima-' ginable. They will do boti a WHOLESALE I RETAIL buiiucsa, and will at all times have on hand a large airortmcii t of reudy-male ware. O U S E S P O U T I X G done to ordor. on the shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial in -inner. STOf'ES, STOVE-Pll'i:, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand.' They will furnish to order tny of the following Cook stoves, viz : The Yiliiaia Penn. tjueen of the Wc.-t. the . Atlantis, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable bith woo I end coaL Among the Parlor Stoves will be found tho -L:tdy Washington." the '-Excelsior." -Home Parlor.' 1c. Produce of all kind tnkn in exchange fjr good. A. A. BRADIN. ISO. D. MG1UK. Octobsr 21, IS.55.-if. w FOOD'S ORNAMENTAL IR O N W O R KS .' Kide Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. The altention of tho public is invited to the ex tensive inmiufeetory and ware-room of the subscri ber, who" is prepared to furnish, at the bortc?:t r.o tice. IKON RAILING, of every description, for CEMETBIES, PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILD INGS. Also. VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, FOUNTAINS, SETTEES, CHAIRS, LIONS, DOGS, Ac. Jcc, Ac, Ac, and other Ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character, all of which is executed with thoexpre?3 view of pleasing the taste, while they combine all , requisites of beauty and substantial coi.str action, j Purchnsers may rely on having all articles care- fully boicd and shipped to their place of destina- j tion. A book of designs will be sent to those who wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD. j Ridge Avenue below Spirng Garrden St.. Oei.5, '55.-3m.J Philadelphia, j C Clearfield institute. The next ' term of this Institution ill commence on the I'J'.h of November, iS."5. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Tkach eks, or olhcr avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classical and Mercantile course is here given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in ; the State. Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad vaid&qtjjs, with all the comforts and pleasures of a hotfil nd their morals will be carefully guarded. Th?ratcs of tuition per quarter are : Primary English. $2.50; High English. 5.tH; Classics. SS.00. Mathematics, above Algebra, 53; French, Draw- , ing. and Painting. 55 each. Further information, and Catalogues of the In- stitutc, can be had bv addressing W. A. CAMPBELL, rpiN. iPAL. Oct .31, '55. Clearfield, Va. RULE OF COURT. WHEREAS, The 5th Section of the Act of the 14th of April, A. D. LS55, requires the Courts of Quarter Sessions, by their Rules to fix a time at which applications for shall be hcrd. and at which all persons making objections shall also be heard. Therefore, the Court fixes tha THIRD day of each Term, Rt 3 o'clock. P, M- of said day, for the hearing aforesaid. And they direct this Rule to be entered on the Rules of Court, and published in the several news papers of the County for three weeks. By order of the Court. Certified from the Records. WILLIAM PORTER, Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield Co. Clearfield, Oct. 31, 1355. it. CJTKAY MARE Came to the residence of tho undersigned living in Knox township, an Irjr-gi-y iftnrj'about six years old, having sad dle marks upou her. nd ono eye not sound The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, other wise she will be disposed of according to law. Oct. 31, 1855, 3t. D. J. CATHCART. STRAYED OR STOLEN. A dark grey uiaro rising five years old belonging to the subscriber, disappeared from the field of Henry Wapi.e. on the night of the 21st of October. As the mare was bought in Jefferson County it is sup posed she has been taken in that direction. A liberal reward will be paid for her recovery. J CROWTHER. Tyrone City, October 31, 1555. 3t. ANTED, EIGHT SCHOOL TEACTI ERS. Teachers wishing to apply for schools in the District composed of Pike Township will please to meet the Board of Directors at the house of Isaac Bloom Esq., in Cnrwensville on Saturday tho 10th of November next at 10 o.clock A. M., at which time the Supcrinfendant isexpect ed to be present to examine teachers and give cer tificates. Come along. . By order of the Board. JOHN NORRIS Sect'y. Pike Township, Oct. 17, 1855. XECUTORS' NOTICE Notice is here by given that letters of Administration havo been duly granted t tho undersigned, on the Estate of Jonathan Wall, late of Penn township, deceas ed All persons having claims against the Estate, will present them , duly authenticated for settle ment, and those indebted to said Estate, are here bv notified to eome forward and make pavment. THOMAS WALL. " JONATHAN WALL, Nov. H, '35.-5t ' " - RrctUer I rEWFIRM. XEEKELL & CARTES, would I 1 inform the public, that they have just opened an extensive COPPER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE . '" '"'On Sesbal Street la the oroujh xt ' , j CLEAR Fl E L D, where they arc prepared to farnih at redaee-1 pri-1 ees. everv variety of articles in their line, --... lSteel, Bar-iron,, nail stoves of every variety, Ploughs and farming utensils," pumps of every de scription, etove pipe, patent ifiusage cXitters.. fun nel and self sealing cans . k-pt constantly -on band.. . AH orders for easlintjs. for Flour Mills.; Saw Mills Ac will be thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. . ' riwl I I Iht I. Iird III I !M?.n J UIL'UIUIJ liUiiil IV UiiUii.. They are also prepared to receive every variety of articles on commission, at a low percentage. O. B. MEKRKLL. L. R. CARTER.; Clearfield. Sept. I J. liv'5 lyr -'- " IMPORTANT TO IIOI'SKKEEI'EKS a p FRUIT GROWERS. ARTHUR'S PAT ent Air-Ti-jht: Slf-Sealinir Cana and Java, tor Preserving Frfsli Frai;e, This invention, for which a patent has been obtained, commends it self to the attention of Housekeepers and oiLers, on account of it great simplicity, and tho effectu al manner in which it jiceomplishcd a very desi rable and useful object .' : The cans and jars arc constructed ' with a chan nel aroua I the mouth, nerr the top, into wbieh the cover fits loosely. This channel is filled with a very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose aud allowed to harden. In order to seal the ves sel hermetically, it it qiJ y tn-ceisary the corer sltghtly, an I pre it -into ylaeeS It may be opened w ith as much ease as it is closed, by slight ly warming the top. The ordinary tin cans, used for the same purpose for which this is intended, eaunot bo closed, as is well known without the aid of a tinner; nre difiicult to open, and are generally n much injured in opening us to be useless for future service. B3- this simple contrivance-the process of ber-meti'-ral sealing is. placed conveniently within the reach of every individual;1 and fruit, vegetable and butler (if properly prepared) maybe kept, with their natural f!.ivor uiiiui paired, tor an in dciiuitc length of time. For sale bv ME UK ELL "A CARTER. Clearfield, Sept. 10. 1655 tf. I -B7VVLL "TO ALL AND WINTER GOODS. The sub- JL scrib- r has just received a largo ami wyil se lejicd stovk of of almost every description sui'ai.ii' to the season, which he is selling -3"at extremely lowprieF. He respectfully Invi-.e ths attention of all who wirh to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the , . "GHEAPESf GOODS' Country prouu o cf 3l:ns every discriptiou ta ken at market pricf-s in exchange "for goods. -' Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair ccjnivalest for their money, will do well to givo him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market st rctd. und call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed.1 WM. F. IRWIN. September 5, 1655 " VA LP A1J LB PROPERTY FOR SA LE. 3. I desire to seil my property in Tyrone City, Biair Co. Pa., commonly known as th-; Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising ns fo!lows: "' '- One l.irge three story brick house. Sixty feet, two fronts, tnl finished off in complete style. A large ami extensive stable, nn excellent wash house and other necessary oat-buildings. There is also, on the samo Lots, one frame house, with out-building attached,' now renting ft.-r ana hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. Tho whole stands upon thrcs valuable, Lola as in the plot of said town, aud a'firds several very eligible- loca tions for store, offiics, Ac. tc. The whole will lc sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is the chancf. Private reasons caue mo to stll this val uable property, which is every day increasing in value. Inquire of Caleb Guver, or the subscriber J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City. Sept. 13, IS55.-tf. FRESH O VS FERS ! CHARLES G KEAFF, wouhi inform his friends and the public th:; he is prepared to supply the wants of those who givo him a call, at his one door South of Hemphill 3 Hotel, where ha serves up IHESH CYSTEE3, SARLTJTZ5, CHEESE, and refitshments generally. No pains will be spa red to accommodate his custaasrs. Aug. 23. VEW GOODS: 'ihe undewigt-.ed L.u just rc i. 1 ceived ;i larc assortment of at his store in KA R TH A US. which he offers for sale cheap for cah or connti v produce. - F. P. HL RXTHALL. " September 5, 135". XCHANGE INSURANCE COM PAN V, No. 11, H-reLe-a's' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the safetv of the Company. jno. Mcdowell. Jr.." M. 3, 1 S'cr?try- ATEW HOTEL: The old 'Skprinj H.i se. at 1 Ii'SW WASHIXGaON, has been re-opeued and re-futad by the undorsigu ed, who respectfully solicits a share of publio pat ronage. He is well provided with Louse room and goo 1 stabling. and intends keepings Temperance House, at which he will always endeavor to make his guests feel at home. JOHN SHETTER. August 1. 1S55. tf. MICH AEL CONLEY begs leave to inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that be is now digging coal at the bank of Robert Owen. half a mile east of town, where he will have on bands, all winter, a lot of first rate coal, which he will sell at the low rate of F0UE CENTS PES BUSHEL at the bank. . -. Orders forcoal can be had at Kratiers Store Clearfield. Sept. 25, 1S55. ' ' TVOTICE : As I tm about leaving the County, ll the books, notes and accounts of the late firm of D. W. Bobbins ACo. are placed in the bands -oj Thomas McCracken one of the firm, and Thomas Henry Esq. for collection, all persons will pleae come forward and save costs. . Also the accounts and notes of Robbins k. Mc-n-denhsll are left with Themas Henrv Esq. for col lection. -D. W ROBBINS. September 2o, 1S5 .. JOURN E Y MAM BLACKSM1TIIWAN TED : The subscriber wants agood Black smith, to work in his shop at Grahamton. to whom tho highest wages will be paid. Apply immedi ately. " '- HENRY MYERS Grahamton Oct. 14. 1853. 3t, ' , I Aug. 22. : R. M0SS0P. CP i" a new f toe It just received 4SR ESiJ Aug. 22. J MOsSOP S. rU vr ' S37 ,B'SD nesoriuicui join re. :":r-JLg OOP S3 ceived at very, low pp'oe-, oy wipx. .j . r . in i . . RIED CHERBJES for sale, at the tor off. Oct. 6 A.M. HILL Ls Lk r GIVE THEt-A TRIALt-r-SILVEX'S P LAIS TIC FA IN TSr: - ' - CHEAP JMIJP ifiTICTiE vVeATHSR '& FiBEfPHSQg. tThese Paints will stand any" climate; without crack or blister. 'and harden by exposure? tana making in time an enami-1 of rtow4 pr telling Wood from deeay. and lron-aad obermetais,from rast and corrosiou. They differ essentially from toe so-called Mineral Paints' tf the day-, whieh ar principally Ochres., and .Claj s. and are entirely worthless. ' ' v - - 'SILVER'S Platio Paints ara pnTely MET-AL-IV. conUiuing no Alniain or-Way...-- ,:i j:'. 77 They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil. (without the trouble of "rindingA and tlow nuder the" brash as freelp as the best Wbke, and excel all others iu body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface as two pounds of White Lead, reducing the) cost two-thirds. There atcsix distinct eolors, visi. 1 Olive, I Lisht Erowa, j Light ChocolaW Elack, I Paris Do. j I,eep . . ..Lo. :. All equally valuable as s preservative, and par ticularly adapted to painting the outside of ' . BI. ILD1NGS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS. CAR?, ' ' ' "TIN AND IRON WORKS. ... , IttMKMiitft! .ExposHrc'lSntiut itst-J Ucrtisi the dura! lity of these PRISTS. ;' ; : ' J DIRECTIONS Mir irith jMte lJn'eM Oil, a ; thickly as jmxsille. as the Piint is th: lasting or yrotectintr ho ly, unH the oil eimpty the t'Jiun, t.rnzcuti1 sore&df'ns if.. FRENCH A RICHARDS.". GkM-kal Wholesale Auknts, . IS. W. covner Tenth and Karket Streets, PHILADELPHIA!. .'. ' For sale, Wholesale and Retail, Dry and Ground in Oil. by Sam'l 1!crl:t, Tyrone City, Per: Dealer in Drnrs. Medicine Paints. Oils. Brushes, Window Gl isrAc AiigTl 57 'M:- - HYDRAUL1C RAM. The subscribers, beg leave to inform Ihe public that they'hava purchased the patent right of AV. Jt B.. Douglaaa' . ' Improved Premium ... J for f-)rc:r wtcr up hill, for Oic Counties of Jef fei n. ?T.irfifl-l. Clarion. Crawford and Venango. - They warrant the action nf the Machine en . year, 'vahMi there is .sufficient ; wafer to carry it.) if eriir.ary attention is paid f- it. l'he "Ham"" is a simple aud efi'cetive macbina ' -for for--water to any rejuircd di tauce.or ele-, , vafion. It is peuVctiy applicable where IS inche ' . of fall can be had. tho' the greater the fall appli- ' ed the more powerful the opi ration of the machine. Any quantity of c-jrtifi.'ates can be obtained tes- -. ifying vi- superiority of this machine over every other instrument for forcing water to a given el- 'j- viiiion. r ' ' r j Letters addressed to the aVbsjiibers at Curwens ville. Clearfield Co.. Pa. will be promptly attend- ed to. CLARK. & CUNNINGHAM. ; August 15, lS55.-rmo. , ; TV" E W A R R I V A L. The undersigned baa X 1 just received a large stock of . I5t adapted to the season, consisting 01" DRY GOODS. GB.OCEP.IES. QUEENSWARE.- -HARDWARE. CONFECTION ARIES, NAILS, HOLl'W-WARE. . CI.'l iER-WARE, Sc.. Jte. JAMES B. GRAHAM... v, Gra'iamtoc, Aug 2i. 1S55. C AJJ1XET .M AKING. The - undersigned would respectfully inform the public, that h has taken the old stand opposite tha Mathodist Church, known as no r it o w, s s nor, where he keeps constantly on hand and manufac tures to order, every variety of Household and Kitchen - ' . ' '" : ". - - i PUBSITUBE; - - - suh as Tapirs. Bureaus, 'Safes. Stands Cupboards,; Sofas, Bedsteads, is., of every style and vrietyt , JuSUUA JOHNSON. . ClearfielL Pa.. Apg. 1853. ' " ' ' . : 1 , 1 1 , t 1 TO TICE The tabscriber respectfully informs, il the citizens ut Clearfield county, that he has' rented his Tannery to John MeGanghey. whom ba -. can recommend to bis customers as attentive and obliging. Ilcr.lso respootful'y requests all persons to come forward act sortie their accounts as he is desirous of closing ud his business.'' Hides taken on old accounts. . JUilN MePHERSON. Au. 8. IS55. The undersigned respectfully announces that ha has rented the TANNERY of John McPherson, where be will keep on hand a good a5orttnent of all kinds of leather, and hopes by strict attention to meet a share of public patron age. Leather exchanged, or cash paid for hides JOHN McGAUGHEY. .la;. S. 1555. Imo. , rrUIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. EL JL EYENXK YEAR. Splenoil Engraving! aui PriZSS. The Elevenlh annual Volume of this useful publication commences on the 17th day of September next The Scientific American is an Illustrated Periodical, devoted chieSy to the pro mulgation of information relating to the varioua Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Manufac tures. Axrieulture. Patents.. Inventions, Engineer ing, Miitwork. and all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted ore also pub lished everv week, including Official Copies of all PATENT CLAIMS, together with news and infor-foi-mat-or. upon thaud of otfce.: subjects, r.. . 'ihe Contributors to the Scientific Aruri&zn ara anor.g ;he ia.rst E-sem Ssiectiac and practical men of the times. The Editorial Department is universally acknowledged to bo eondceted with Groat Abt'.iry, and to be distingaished, not only fv.r tlie execlieJice an 1" truthfulness of its discus sions, but for the fearlessness with which error is c :o bated, and falso theories are exploded. Mechanic", Inventors. Engineers, Chemists, Maa uf i-'urcrs, Agrt.-u'.tarists. and PEOPLE or IVEST : pi:oi-i:s.iox tNLtrx. will find the Scientific Ameri c in to be of great value in their respective call ings. Its counsels end suggestions will save them . Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the experi ence of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. Tbc Scientific American is published once a week; ' every number contains eight large quarto pagos, ftruiing actually a complete and splendid voluiaa, BVtrateJ with SEVERAL HUNDRED ORI GINAL ENGRAVINGS. - Tkrm. Single Subscriptions, 52 a year, SI for 0 months. Five copies, for 6 months, $4; 1 year S3. . For further Club rates and statement of the four teen large Cash Pp.izes. offered by the publishers, see S American. Specimen copies sent Grant. Southern. Western and Canada money, or PosV Office Stamps, taken at par tor subscription! . Lettees should be directed (post paid) to IvIUKN & CO., I Aug-.J J23 Fultoa St., T?ew York. f'Vf i4i""ii!5!--::ffi'J beautiful and well selec-LyAyi-iijLA3 assortment just receiv ed and for by Sept. 3, W. F. IRWIN. C rV"i ZJ3 A new stock just received at 'yiSRiEji5 Str l-51 W.F.I R WEN'S - F I RE-PROOF PAINT, for sale at ---- Juaa '5H - - .,Jt, l2S0P5.' . C LOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour" and alarm Clocks f r sale at Mossop's Store. -JJn. 18. . iARASOLS a most beautiful selection, ani of tbe latest styles, fur sale at ihe cheap store of Juno2Z. 53. ' A. M. J1ILLS. ADJES GLOVES. A very large lot of black not worked Gloves, at 10 cents a pair worth 2i-cts i'i cbap cash store. J.Jr. 13. '53- I f ZHFif r? RICH.UID MOSSQP; hw - j SggjS-3-WA R s just veoeived and opeaed a . getieral aMortment xf Hardware and Cnttarv. . Aug. 52 - ' , ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers