u u THE JOTJMAL Cy Oar eitireas tod - merchants ko de sire to purchase jewelry and j-Ilver war--, should sot fill to emlrecs ihe earliest oppor tunity to visit Aviso's cheap watcl ani Jw eby store" opposite the Mount Vernon II'.u.'U-, Philadelphia. Tbry will fed h: a g-jr.tls-ruan in very particular, and so have tbeir wal supplied it a lower pri than at any ether fesiablishtueu'. IVs cir-conSJently rec ommend Lira u our renders. JU" "VTe call the attention of our readers to the card of J. B. IVi.vjEsj. In another column, Mr. Wins, lia3 had a great deal of experience la t;u.ber una, and is possessed ol much re liable isibrraaticn in regard to oar own coun ty. Those having bmi.css ira his line, c2.11 mt entrust it to letter hands. CvClearSeid curat y v.iihout a Drag Stori;. or iiiral as v.ell Lo, and our country merchants who wish to purchase such articles, are compelled to g or send to Philadelphia. We call the attention of our readers to ihe ad vertisement in another column of Mr. Saheee Bzbliv, who has opened a large and splendid establishment at Tyrone. When you o over there give him a call. C7 Our readers nil! sec by a notice in another column that IJats alodtow, has pur chased the entire stock of tools 5:c of John li. Morrow, and will continue to carry on the Cabinet Making in all its branches at the old stand, liars is tt clever fellow ar.d deserves to Le patronized. These desiring to go into the Daguer reotype business, can purchase a first rate apa ratus by applying to D. S. Moore. See card. CP" Wat -;r men, and others who find it neces sary Vj stop in Philipsbarg, will see ly ref fjrenc; to a card in another ci?niii, that J. G. Ktrxs:, of the "Fhiiiprburj Ezchxn-;z," is pre pared to accoraaiodate IUjui. Give him a call ET" Those wanting to sell lumber, or pur chase merchandise on good terms, are recoro Tr?nlad to call at the store of lion. A. K. Wright, en Second street. Sec card. p-Ths of oti.- r.-adors who so freancr.tlv ! Lave occasion to visir Tyrone, "will find it pro fitable to call and purchase goods from F. II. Bi-LL. CPIJaftsmen, who arc going down the river in the Spring, are informed, by a notice in another column that " Whits Hall Boarding j Housi, near Frei;chv::!e, is prepared .'or their rectption by the proprietor .1 W. Rideii. If John's sour kro;.t' is as '.veil 'seajcmd' as iu other Moore's, vre have jio doubt he'll get IjtS Of CUctOJJ. Cp-ThGS-s of our merchant friends who de sire to Iiy ia first ritu stock of Drugs an J CLeraizals, and to buy from a first rate Una, suoa! J call 1ZS Market St., oa their next visit to the City, a. Kcssell Bc Sciioti's. uPIt frequently happens that when our peo ple are returning from the East they Cud the and are compelled to walk or lie ever at Tyrone. Thesa diiiiculties will now be obviated since Jahls CuowrnEE. has opened Lis ri'.v L:v;ry Siahle, where horses and Lr.g-i-' a:ay be had at all times on reasonable terms. 2P"What Clearfield merchant isnot acquain ts J with Ji-. DAcaaEitTi-, and where wiil you Cad bett er fellow 7 He may always be found at the corner of Gd & Race, Philadelphia, rea dy to supply his friends with a first r.ito arti cle of Tob -cco and Cigars. Sue Oaid. Merchants and others desiring to pur . . , .T .... , ,. - i i aase Tin and hliect Iron "are, wnt tinaecel- i , it terms aifoidcd by Lvmak GiLUEar, at his chase ie Wh sale Factory, No. 16, Mar.cet street,) Harrlsburg, Pe;.ri"a. Price lists furnished on ftpplicatioi), post-p iia. See advertisemert. 2P"It isaid the "Xix-Weisers" were about ew Washington at the hi; Election. We don't kr.ovr how that may be, l:t we do know that D. o. P lots Kit keeps one-of the best Tem perance II Llai a ca!!. tela in the three counties. Give j . . '. i rine caiM in anoincr coiu:n:i. CP" Tne best natured, cleverest pair of fel- j !-3 ia the "Wiil Cataistrict'-FtEMMLSo & FojrR, hiv i o:ened a Liverv Stable in Cur- wcBsvilla, ar.d are prepared to accommodate hs public vith all sorts of Vehicles, Lc, on reaa--nai;le terras. I-'iru lu Good latent. fJP" The construction of the Railroad to ly- , rone, wjulcl enable our citizens to make their j purchases at the "Tvronc Citv Drug Store," ... c . ' i ,,.,..,, wih creater facilit v. unt as this 'coastiuia- i tion so devoutly to bewisued has not yet come j t3 pis?, our friend Dr. !I.ans has very prop- I e:!y taken the difficulties of access into con- also, that no tn sileration, end reduced the profits on his goods, i jlflt t; C j' ' . . , , ,i tion ol trust, wi It is now enipUatically the best and cheapest Drug Store in the country. Call and see. CPBy a card in another column tPe nurucr o'ia friends of E. L. Baruktx, wili oK-scrvethat ce has changed ids House, and may now be found at 73 Market s'rect, PhiTa. Euoch is a clever fe'.'ov, h.u a large number of friends in ClearS il.I Coanty, u:nl ouuht to do well. We wish him abundant succes3, and are glad to I: ear Le is with a good trm. Go and see him. CP" In passing through Philipsburg, some time ago, we had occasion to stop with David Jousston, who keeps the 'Philipsburg Hotel,' nd we must say, we never sat down to a bet tr table, or mib with a more gentlemanly, ac commodating , lindlord. We adrisj nil our friends who are foil d of good accommodations to stop with 'Squire Johnston. See notice. CPThc geaerai complaint about 'hard times should induce us to be cautious, and endeavor to purchase cheap and substantial good3. Those merchants who hav this object in view, when l7ink in their stock.will dowell to call at Pah TATXoa'g Whcl-.'sala Beet, Shoe and Straw God Wiwiiousd, So. 255 lUrkotSt-, PUI'a. FUN AHEAD. Some time in March, says the Daily Neves, Senator Brooks, of New York, made a speech iu the Senate on the Church property question, in which he stated that Archbishop Hughes held about $5,000,000 of property in his own right, and urged this as one reason why the bill should pass. In replv to this speech the Arch bishop wrote a long letter in which h makes a proposition, by way of denial, that if Mr. Brooks' statement is true, he will take S2,000, 000 of that sum and appropriate it as follows: SI 00,009 to ereet a building for a public libra ry; $1,000,000 to be expended in books and furnishing the same, and the $500,000 remain ing to Lc invested for the support and perpe tuity of the establishment. Mr. Brooks accepts the I.'tter in a letter to the Courier Enquirer, ia which paper Archbishop Hughes' letter first appeared. The following is Brooks' letter: Aucubishop IT rciics, Sesvtoq Beooss, asd a Qcestio.v of V ehacity. To thi Editor of the N. Y. Courier Ennui rer: From the pressure ol" ciiicial dutit-s at Albany, ut) to a L;te hour on Saturday evening. 1 have only this moment been able to give a full perusal to the letter signed f John, Arc! bishop of New York,' in reply to a speech of mine delivered in the Senate on the Gth of March List. I write now, not to auswer the tpicstion of veracity between the Archbishop and myself, and not to comment upon the pe culiar temper and language of the Arch lush cp's epistle. but to say that I accept and de- wand, in behalf of the city and the public, and in perfect good faith, if the promise was malj in perfect good faith, the offer of that Public Li! rary which is tendered in my name. "not fir the use of any one profession or class of men, list for all mankind." As a condition of this pledge, I am to show that Archbishop Hughes is, or was, on the Gth of March last, the owner, in his own name, and in this city, of a large amount of Ileal Estate ; and to show, also, that this Property in, or was upon the record, legally his own, to dispose of by assignment, by wiil, or other wise, as he may or might direct. 1 assume, notwithstanding the reasons for believing otherwise, that in making his oiler, the Archbishop does not mean to conceal the truth, omit the truth, or to resort to any sub terfuge whatever. I assume, too, that he agree with me that the true definition of alio is an "i:ite?:tiim to deceive," and that he also agrees wita the moralist, m. 1 aiey, wl.o lays it down as an axiom, that one may state lom.-ty-nine facts, and yet not utter the whole truth, because one truth added would change the wholo basis of the ninety-nine facts. On this presumption I shall maintain, at my earliest liesairo, the spirit, substance and real ity of all that was asserted by me in the speech no-.via controversy upon the suljoct ol Church Properly in this city. And i:i order that this question may bts met fairly at the start, and in or.ler that the City of Xcw York ma' be put in possession of the promised Public Library, I propose, preliminary to public controver sy, that one arbitraiorshnll be named by Arch hishop Hughes, one by myself, and that thi two thus selected, shall jointly elect a third, whose duty it shall be to decide, not merely whether 1 have st;;icd the truth, or whether Archbishop Hughes has equivocated or omit ted the truth, but also upon the claim of New Ycr': City to that Public Library, in which I shall hereafter feci so deep an interest. I am r.-ady tor the arbitration, and shall be ready will: sny facts. Very respectiully, EnAsrts BaooKS. Bishop Hughes responded to this in a letter, from which we qr.tte the lt;!io'.vi::g : "Senator Brooks thinks lie has discovered a way of twisting out of the awkward position in to which he rushed with ees opm an I m die pre peiise. He proposes an arbitration, forsooth. With what a show of artiessness he attempts to evade tiie d lect issue of veracitv involved in controversy, I knot-, of my own knowledge. that in three statemeiiis above rel'ered to. Sena tor Brooks has taken as a grent liberty with truth as it he ha J said inat two and two make seven. "Arbitr itio.i is unnecessary. If I am the owner of whuie squares of ground, Mr. Brooks can s':o'.v from the records of the city, or indi cate by physic! inspection where they are. If he TaHs to do this, while his proof's, if he has ary, are so uir.loniablo and so within Ms reach, tiien tlrj public will not fail to perceive that Jir. Brooks in his place as Senator has made a stav-.-riicnt iwiieli is false, and was intended to Ik- injurious. So 5l I received any conveyance of proo-.-r! y from trustees, the records cited by I Mr. Brooks in the Senate will hear him out. If he fails to produce those records, then the liuhliu wu perceive that his statemc ; , , hoo-1, and wdi not be siow in conuiij r.p.is;n that Senator Brooks is wh lvethat his statement isatai.se- Xto the con- at he is." Mr. Brooks has in another letter undertaken to prove his statement. After some pretty cans- tic,ch:.racteristie,but not ill tempered remarks, iie states his purpose arid meaning as follows: "What I meant ami mean by the ownership of reul-estate, is what the law means by it, and therefore, we can have o misunderstanding of i le:is.; I mean that the legnl title is vested in John Hughes. I mean by John Hughes, the Archbishop of New York. I mean by owner- .-f r; .-.i.fsl.iti- t'io leir:il riffht to controll. r : . . " . :. : possess .ii:d use it oy assignment, iy v.ui, or otherwisa.- I c'". I mean, that if the Archbishop, were to die without a wiiP or to th. or should choose to dispose of his property to his ca n heirs, or for Ids lcr sonal advantage, that he has the legal power to dv so, tt his own good will an l pleasure. I :;H'au,that,in tact and i:i act, by the Baltimore Ordinances of IS 19 and 18-32, by prior cl iim t- I it 1iiL.i.inoit l ,.ct linitlriM 1 1 tiu) fir rtur Al.c'rii,is,.,1,8a,1i Bishops, own, assume, control and direct the temporalities of the Church, its lands, its estates and its entire properly. I iiv.-tn, srieoking now after an examination of ' . . h'fiil records and indentures, that the convev- (u the A.cl,i(is.10I) ;vrc t,0 ;,.m Acrtj cr asti zees' and no others. I mean, of course. also, mat no irusi is specmc-i in mo ueea, ana nveyances, without suco specuica f. woiibl. in fas: ol'his death, frotn nxt j tl.ink. I am understood and that no one will accuse me of seeking a loop hoh) of eac.tpe. or with any desire to occupy an equivocal po.si'iojj." , . "'Now for the record, in part." Here follow copies of eleven records of con. veyance, absolute and exclusive, in favor ol 'John Hughes.' and to all appearance they are actual title deeds of valuable property .amount ing in all to upwards of $12.,0iM), which, Mr. Brooks says is ody the beginning of the end. L'nder this explicit statement the Archbish op finds ut last that it is himself who is in the awkward position,' and he accordingly endea vors in a reply to 'twist out' by saying that the matter at issue is in regard to the declaration that he was in possession of church property val ued at $3,000,000, conveyed by trutees,and not to h 't ownership of real-estate property in New York city. And in this connection ha saysr "In reference to my ownership of real-esiafe propcr.'u, aa Mr. Brooks calls it, here i o qus Ifon. the titJa of many Catholic-Churches in the city of New York is vested in me, and so lar I am the owner. My intention is. even, to add to this, property by purchasing such addi tional lots, or accepting the gift pf them, as I may fial frotn time to time to be desirable for the purpose of providing religious instruction for the wants of the Catholic rlock committed to my charge. If Mr. Brooks will examine the records of ths city of New York three months Ixoai this time ho will probably find conveyaa- a as made to me by parties who have the right to sell or bestow, us they think proper. " He then refers to the ten records of convey ances noted in Mr. Brooks' letter, and says that several of them are leases, not conveyances, of property; that one is from the assignee'of a bank rupt board of trustees, and two other duplicates. Jlr. Brooks lias published a rejoinder to the above letter of the bishop's, in which he says: 'The Archbishop conveyed the idea, and meant to convey the idea, and was so under stood by the public, that he was not the own er of Chu'ch property in this city and else where. Driven from this position by the rec ord transcribed from the Register's office, showing the actual conveyances of property to him, he now with more boldness than ever, admits the truth of what I said on this ponint, and declares that the question between us tC:s net in regard io any such thing a his ownership of Heat Esiaie Properly in this city!'' As to the record proving the property to have been It.ised instead of conveyed. Mr. Brooks contends that it makes very little difference, from the fact that the leases are for 999 years, at one cent a year. This he considers equiva lent to a conveyance. That the Bishop should assert that the property from an assignee of a bankrupt board did not come from trustees, Mr. Brooks intimates is a quibble, and then proceeds to show that the duplicates appear on the records. Mr. Brooks concludes his letter citing eleven additional deeds of con veyance to the Bishop, and states that the val ue of the property thus conveyed is very dif ferent now to what it was when the convey ance was made. What cost $70,000 a few years ago. is worth $400,000 now, and what cost $10,000 then has sold for $40,000 since. THE LU.UBEIt TRADE. The Columbia Spy says: Since our last, the raffs from above have been coming in and pas sing down in scarcely undiminished quantity. On Saturday and Sunday the Pine Creek 'del egation' appeared in great numbers, and the river presented as animated an appearance as we have yet observed. Our anticipations concerning the unusually large supply have been more than realized, and still raft after raft is passiug down, and the river continues in excellent rafting condition. Below this the channel of the river has been blocked up several times by the staving of lumber on its way down. At other lumber stations the same lare supply is noticeable. Thus, the IJarie.'liiu says of the lumber there : The river is literally crammed with raffs for about four miles along the shore. To persons who have never seen it, it is worth coming to see. Never before has such a quantity been here at one time. Principally all timber. All nccounts concur concerning the unusual quantify for the market this year. The Port Deposit correspondent of thelilkton Wh ia; says: Of timber there will be an unprecedented quantity, the high price of that article for the past year having c msed unusual e.ertions in gtttidg forward supplies this season. Prices of both lumber an 1 timler are receding, and in the opinion of those competent to judge, will be considerably lower than last year. Timber will scarcely realize one-half of last ye ir'spriee. '1 he Pittsburg Chronicle states that immense quantities of rafts and bouts of lumber are coming down the Allegheny river. The Wrightsville SS:r says: Timber seems to have receded most in price, as we are informed tliat sales have been made at $y per M. for the best quality, such as com manded from $16 to $18 last season. There have been several sales of lumbermade here, condiiioisrlly the purchser to pay the regular market rates after they become - lixed . Tiie reporte 1 sales that have been made with out such understanding, have been below the prices of last year about $2 a $3 per thousand feet. The heavy manufacturers, however, continue to hold out for last year's prices. Another Victim. Following closely upon Mr. Polk's proscrij tion by fhe Pierce, For ney & Campbell dyn is'y at Wasliingtori,comes this an nnn n cement by telegraph on Thursday last: "Samuel Yoik AHee has been removed from a CP-rkship in the office of the Sixth Au ditor of the Treasury, for being, as is alledg edj tinctured with Know-Nothingism." State Officiihs ix Coxs. Hartj'crd, May 3. The Legislature, in Convention this morning, elected William Minor. Know Nothing. Gov ernor of Connecticut. The vote stood Minor, 1m; Insrham, Dem., 0 ihe other Know No thing State oliiccrs were also elected. The Governor delivers his message this afternoon. DP" The Catholic Church denies the rig; of priuij.'e judgment, and encourases no one to join her pale by ths false hope of this pretend ed litierfy; but I'roteslanfvsm iz.tser's the liberty of private judgment, as the corner stone of the Reformation. Pitia. Cuiholic of Apr. 21,1S33. Coal Min:-.so.- Fire Avery extensive coa mine in Ball ard county, Ky., is on fire. In November last some trespassers in the Missis sippi bottom fired the woods which extended to the bluffs, and the coal mine took fire since then it lias been steadily burning. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 05- CLE AltS 1 12 LI) CO TJX IT. PRESIDENT JUDGE: Hon. James BcRXsinn. - - Jlellefonte. ASSOCIATE JUDGES?: Hon. KicFiAim S w. - - - Clearfield. Box. John P. Hovt. - - - Lumber City. . rPwOTHOXATOUY: Ac. William Forteh. - - - - Clearfield. SHERIFF: William Powf.i.l. - - . - Clearfield. DEPUTY SHERIFF : R. F. Ward, Clearfield. JAILOR: Henry Stone, Clearfield. COMMISSIONERS: Svmef.l Schoef. - - - - GlcnHopc. Ror.EiiT Ross, ..... Curwcnsvitle. Rouekt Mkh affe y. - - - - Lower. COMMISSIONER'S CLERK: RoreHT J. Wallack. - - Clearfield. TREASURER: Joa.N McPiiekson, CJearficld. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: " L, Jackson Ckans. Lso. . - Clearfield, ' COUNTY SURVEYOR: Titos. Ross, Esq, - . - - CurwensTiJIn, COUNTY AUDITORS: Geo. W. ScnoFE. - - . - - Jeffries, C. Kkatzkk. - - - - - - Clearfield, J. II. Seyler! - - . - - - Luthcrshurg. CLEARFIELD. : Vedsbsiav, Mar 9. -Flour, per bbl 614.00 Wheat, per bush, 2.70 Rye, - ' o . ' 1.75 - Corn, " " ' 1.60 Oats " ' .60 IYISSOLUTIO.Y OF PARTNERSHIP.- ' The partnership heretofore existing between Thoinss J. and DuvM Moore, under the style and firm of TjJ. and D. Moore, was this day. May 7tb, dUsolveiF'by mutual consent, and the books are left ia the bauds of David Moore for settlement. . THOMAS J. M00KE, May.-3t.I DAVID MOORE. Arri?al and Eepartnre cl- the Kails at tta Clearfield Poitioffice. TvrosE Mail: Lcat-c eTery day, Sunday ex ccptcd. et 7 o'clock, A.M. Arrives at 6 P. M Karthatjs: Leaves CleaC fold, Friday at S A.M. Arrives, Saturday at 6 P. M. Smith's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at 6 A. M. Grahamton: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M Arrives same day at 4 P. M. BIBLES, EIBLES. The Clearfield county Hible Society has constantly a supply of Bi bles acd Testaments of different sir3. for sale at the Proihonotory'o oSce, Clearfield, Pa. During Court week when Mr Porter cannot at all tines attend to persons tbey will find anv of the officers reaJy to do so. II. LORAIN, Pres. S. M. Cooper, V. Tres. G. I'. Gulich. ) AVID S. PLOTNER ResnoctfullT informs his old friends and the rublic, that be baa obtained the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in bis Line of worken the most acjomuio latinc t am?rand short notice, and will hare elothin; on Land at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington, May 9, 1855. VEW RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM 1 1 SALOON. 1 he subscriber begs leave to in form the ladies and gentlemen of Clearfield, that be has taken the commodious house south of Hemphill's Hotel, where be designs keeping Ice cream, Lemonade, Cakes. Ccnfeetionaries. Ae. He wiil also keep on hands a supply of Oysters and all other kinds of refreshments, in the Saloon he ha3 formerly occupiel. in the basement of Hemphill's Po'cl. CUARLE3 GREAFF. Clearfield, May 2, 1355. 7S7"ANTED A good Rlaeksuiiih, sit Lick Run It Mills, fivo miles below Clearfield. A good Shop, furnisliaJ with two fires, tools, and all the other coiiveoier.cies, and well situated 1o obtain custom. Is iu readiness, and wants an occupant. Apply to ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, May 2. '53. Clearfield, Pa. TVOTICE : All persons are hereby cautioned 11 agaii.s: paying or lifting a certain promissory Note, given to James 11. (jailer, calling for the payment of thirty-four dollars, and signed W. V. Flcmtuittg. or Fleuiming & Foster. They have re ceived no consi Jeraf ion for the same, and will not pay it unless compelled by law. - FLLMMING & FOSTER. CurwcLSville, May 2, Irfja. TTENTION REGULARS ! You are or 1 i dered to meet for parado at the Town Hiil, on Saturday, May IVth, at I o'clock, P. M., in sum mer uniform.' Each member will provide himself uh live rounds of Ll;u.k cartridge. Ry order of the Captain. G. W. RitEliM, Jr., May 2 'aa Orderly Sergeant. 15 AYES liXOK ROW, bogs leave to inform Lis frieiid and the public generally, that he hits purchased the entire stock, tools. tc., of John It. ilouuo'.v. ar.d will carry uu the Cabinet Making at ihe old stand opposite iho Methodist Episcopal Church, as formally. iie wiil keej constantly on hand all kinds of furniture, sneh as Tables, J'c J-steads, Cupboards, Stands. Sofus. Ac., Ac. Apr. 25, '55. J II. II AYES MORROW. SAMUEL BERLIN, uealer in Drugs.Medi cines, Paints, Oils. Spices. Window Glass, Ad a's, Iye Stuffs. Pei turneries. Alcohol, Burning Fluid, Pateut Medicines. Ac., 4c, a UNI ATA ST., TYRONE CITY, PA. Having just opened an extensive assortment of these articles. Physicians will find it to their advan tage to give hhu a call, and examine his Stock bo Jo re ordering from tho Easteren Cities; and Coun try Merchants can also be accommodated with all the Essences. Tincture?. Patent Medicines, Ac, WIlDLLSALi: .nU RETAIL, at lowest price t. I"Ue hopes by strict attention to business. and a desire to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage. April 25, 1355 DR. IJ. F. AKLEY tenders his professional services to the iahabitants of (irauaiuton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his OCice, directly opposite Mr. J. li. Graham's store, when not professionally engaged. Apr. 25. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY J STOKE, No. 72 North Second Street, (oppo site the Mo'tut Vernon House.) Pphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. ca3es. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lcpine, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons. Silver biesert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do. : together with a vaiicty of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and 1'ob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Maiks, Ping. Ac, made to order. N. I!. All orders scr.t by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended "to. Ilis motto is-: Small Profits and Quick Sale "' Philadelphia. April 25, 1855. KEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notico is hereby given, that the following- accounts have been examii.ed and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, leg atees, creditors, and ail others in any other way in terested, and will be prefeiited to the next Orphans' Court of . Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House in the boro of Clearfield, on Tuesday the 2 2d day of May, next, for confirmation and allowance: Final account of Anthony llila and Henry Rile, Administrators at Henry II i Io, deceased. Final account of George Groom, Administrator of John I. ilaverly. deceased. Final account of Arthur Rell, Administrator of Asaph Ellis, deceased. Final account of R. W. McNaul and Mary Mcr Clure. Administrators of Wilson McClnre. dee'd. Final ac't of J. B Graham. Guardian of James and Anna Margaret, minor children of Jno. Irvin, deceased. WM. PORTER, Regiitjr. Register's Office, Clearfield, Apr. 25, '55. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Pieri Parian, issued out of the Court of Oi.nau i I'Ij h of CloarSul I Coanty, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, iu the Borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the 21st day of May. the following property to wit: A certain tract of land, situate in Morris Town ship, Clearfield County. Pa., containing.114 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Jesse Rcames. Samuel and John Hoover, having thereon erected two log houses, two log barns, and other small out housesand about 25 acrescleared. Seited. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Kreamer. WM. POWELL. Sk'Jf. Sheriff's OHicc, Clearfield, Apr. 25, 1355. TO DAGUERREVN ARTISTS. The sub scriber offers for sale a new and complete Ap aratus on reasonable terms. Instructions given in th art and aparatus furnished to any desirous of , i - It s learning PannsvilU, March 21t, 1855. I71IRST ARRIVAL: SPRING A SUMMER 1 GOODS, AT TIIE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received, a large and splendid assortment of goods of almost every description, suitable for the season, and gelling off at very low prices. Ladies. Gentlemen, and every person wishing to buygoods at the very lowest prie', are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Produce tf all kinds received' in exchange for goods. . ' WM. F. IRWIN. VEW MILL At thcOld Pioneer Mills on the 11 Moehannon, in Morris township. The sub szriber has just completed a large new Grist Mill, which is in . successful operation. Grain of all kinds bought, stored, and sold on commission. Deo. 27. '54. HENRY GROE. - . ; .. ' . -1 L JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of- fice adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa. May 25, '54-ly. BROOK. TYSON & REHN Wholesale Dry Good's Store. No. 146, Market Street, Philadel phio. Jan 15, l54-ly. (Court SlffnirH. .11 A V Til it .11, 1S35. COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS The Honorable JAMES I L-RNSIDR. .Esq.. President Judge of the Court of Common 'Picas of the tweuty-fii'Ui Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Centre aud Clinton and the Honorable RICHARD SHAW and JOHN P. 110YT, Associate Judges of Clearfield county, havo issued their precept bearing date the TWEN TY FIFTH day of Feb. last.to nic directed, for the holding Of a Court of Common Pleas. Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for Clearfield couuty. ou the THIRD MONDAY of MAY rext, leiig the 21st day of the month. NOTICE IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY GIVEN, To the Coronor, Justice of the Peace, and Consta bles, in and for tho said county f Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnesses are retpuestcd to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at tbeir peri!. GIVEN under my band, at Clearfield, this 17th day of Apr., in the year of our Lord one thous and eight hundred and fifty-five .aiid the eighti eth year of American Independence. WILLIAM POWELL, Sh ff. fflRIAL LIST. FolFMAY TERM, ISjcC- JL Cummmgs .t MahaC'ey vs Jact-b La:gfr. David Poner vs Robert Pennington. Samuel Caldwell vs Mailing Stevenson. Win. Perry vs Wm. Iddings. Oscar F. Moi re vs 0. P. W ilder. R. Danvers vs Samuel Widcinire. Benjamin Comely vs William M. Dua. Francis M'Coy vs IV. Watson. James Curlcy vs James Gunsau'us. C. F Reraud vs John Nodier et aJ. George W. Carter vs Snyder A Lnre. Wm. Fulkrlon vs James Gailaber. j3! LIST OF GRAND JURORS. Brady T) . Thomas Taylor, saddier; Peter Ashcnfeltar and William Kirk, farmers. Bradford. Jac. Pearce, Dav. McDowell, frra?rs. Ji.jJl.l. McMannus.ttacher; J. Necoii.er fuiaier. Ji.--cr.iria. John B. Dillon, fanner. (JharfitlJ Borough. Thomas Robins, cnrr.cn ter; Christopher Kratzer, merchant. C 'nricr.Hxvill Boro. John Draucker, iutkeepcr. Coviiigtaii 'Pp. Joab Rider, farmer. Chest. Nelson Hatch, fanner. Decitur. AndrewKephart. J. Ger.rh art, farmer. J'ergtison. Thcnias Owens, farmer. Girard. Jacob shape, farmer. Huston Gold Wilson, farmer. Jord iH. Wm. Punlap, Jno. McNeal. farmers. JSlorri.s. Jos. Poster, John W. Irwin, faiiaers. Union. Mosev Rally, farmer. Woodward. Wm. Alexander, Jr., farmer. T 1ST OF TRAVERSE J UROllS. Brady 'Pp. John J. Learns, George Eilir.gcr, Jr., Michael Broom and Andrew Moure, farmeis. Bradford . Patrick Curley. Jas. Stewart, Conrad Kylar, Jr , John Kline and V. B. Holt, fawners. Beccaria Jas. Ilegarty, Aneon Curry, f armers. Burnxidc. William Button. William AchcLson, Joseph M'Murray and James Gallaher. farmers. Bell. David Bell. fr.Rer; Jacob Ca.i-.fbcH and Thomas Hoover, farmers. Boggf- Lindsay Stone, Pai id Auatns, Charles Caldwallader and Thomas Raisfon, farmers. Curwiisrille Boro. J. C. Read, carpenter. Covington. So'omou Maurcr. farmer C'rirfi'Ll. Henry W. Parks, CoaeLmaker; Ben jamin Babcock aud Alex. I. Southard, carpenters. J-erguson. Andrew Davis, blacksmitb; Martin Watt, lumberniin ; Albert Bishop, farmer; S. L. Coble, physician: David Fox. firmer. Goshen. Matthew Tate, farmer; IV. L. Rishel, ja:-t. peace; Robt. i'.umgardncr. faraier. Jliixton. A. Pond, millwright: D. Tyler, justice. Jordan. D. S. Cathcart, Ld. Comford, farmers JCtrt'tttis, John Eiselman, farmer. !airf)icr. Lewi's C. Garden, Benjamin Spack man. Richard Shaw, Jr.. Abraham Ogdec. farmers; Jos i ah W. Baird, Taylor Bowles, carpenters; James Huff, blacksmith ; Wm Mcrrcll. gentleman. Mortix.V. Bayhorn.P. Swartx.A. Hunter.farmers. J'ike. John P. ilale, Josc-pu A. Caldwell and Jonathan Hartshorn, furmcrg Penn. Asaph Kirk. Andrew Moore, farmers; R. Maurer, blacksmith; Sniu'l Widemire, lumberman. Union Joseph Seofie'd, farmer. IVoodiearJ . John Whiteside, farmer. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY The summer term of this Institution will commence on the ?.0th of April. 1S55. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Teach ers, or other avocations in life, will Lerc receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classical and Mercantile course is here given, ou terms lower than any other similar Institution in the State. Persons desirous of acquiring a com plete knowledge of Pcl'.an's improved Outline Maps, will be afforded that privi!i-ge during the coming term, at the low rate $2i per quaricr. Should auy unconnected -.villi tue Academy, de sire to learn this system of Geography, they wiil be permitted to recite wish the ola-s at the regular hours. The Mips are the best known, with all ihe late improvements: engraved in beautiful colors. Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad vantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of a home; and their morals will be carefully guarded. The rates of tuition per quarter aro: Primary English, $2.50; High English. $5.00; Classics. $3. 00. Further information can he had by addressing W. A. CAMPBELL, principal, Apr. 4, '55.J Clrarf.rhL Pa. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PHI LIPSHURG. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon bis House by the Public lie is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him, in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Il.uks from Tyrone (o Clearfield, for the accommodation of tho travelling public- J. G. RUNK. Philpsburg. March 14, lS55.-tf. CAUTION '.All persons are hereby notified not lift. csh. or meddle with a certain note for 10, given by me to William Ten Kyck, da ted the I!lst day of March, 1S55, as I have receiv ed no consideration for the same, and will not pay it unless compelled by law. G. W. YOUNG. - Ferguson 'township, April 4. 1355. !H APPLICANTS FOR BOUNTY LANDS Under the late act of Congress, will find the subscriber fully prepared, with blanks, forms, Ac, to assist them iu procuring their Warrants. ' Office two doors east of Journal Office, up stairs. Mar. 2S, 55. II. BUCIIEit SWoOPE. VEW FIRM. A. A J. Patcuin having taken ll to themselves the Store formerly owned by Jno. Patchin A Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and the public generally, that they have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, and everything else usually kept in a country store. . Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods, should not forget that they are determined not to be undersold by any store in the county. We invite one and all to come and examine our stock for themselves, as wa charge no thing for so doing. AARON PATCHIN, -" Nov. 1, '54-tf. JACKSON PATCHIN. . K. WiilGIIT, MERCHANT, andEXTE N- SIVE DEALER IN LI MBER, Second Street, one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. - -Clearfield, March 14, 1355. COWELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale Dbalkus in IJitx. Cips. Jfnrs.irc., No. 175 Market Street, between 5tk and Gth Sts., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, '55.-5. CALEB COPE A CO, No. ls.l. Market St.. Phila delphia, Dealers in Linens. Whi'e G.-twla, Ho siery. French. English and German SIlk Goods, La cos, Gloves, Bolting Cloths. Ac. June 15, a t-ly. mo SHOEMAKERS. A fice lot of Snaidah Kin. ' AL Men and Women's Morocco pink tiiaimings ana eoio L.cainer, lor sai cuean, ny - - - . . Jona 13, '54. MOSSOP POTTARI F. JAMES DAUGIIE2.TY, with ETINHOLD, DASH A CO., S. W. comerCd and Race. Fhil'a, begs leaves to inform his numerous friends in Clearfield, that be will always be on hands whan they visit tho city, to supply them with the best quality of Leaf and manufactured Tobacco, Ci gars, Ac. . Jan. 51,'55.-Iy. . A S CHEAP A3 THE CHEAPEST. AND AS ii-GOOD 'AS .THE REST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnstok would re.qeetfoI!y in form bis friends and the public generally that b has just returned from the Ea.it, where Lo has pur c.asci the most pplendid assoit mer.t of Boots A Shoes ever brought to Clearfield. Every variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac Sicca fancy shoes. aLd gaiicrs, with an excellent asscrt men tof heavy stotAi all adapted to the want oi the people of Clearfield. Ho hopes bis friends will give Li:u a call at his store in '-Shaw's Row'" anl examine his stock. - June IS, '54. TOI1N 11. PALi:TIIOKl JR. .WHOLESALE f CHEMIST A DRUGGIST. So. S9 North Fee on t St.. Second door below Mount Vernon House, Philadelphia. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Fr fumery. Paints. Oils. Window Glass, Ac, Ac; ' " Noi-mbtrS, 1S54. ly. T LOCK HAVEN REAL ESTATE AGEN CY, CLItfTOil COtJNIY, PA Tho under signed continues to give his pcrsoncl attention to the Buying and Selling of Pino 'limber. Farm aud Coal Lr.jid. rc-survcyLig.- examining and e?!:ia& tins tip-iber, preventing trespass, paying taxes, Ac. Will, if Jcsircd. purliuae square timber and bourds. Having fnr the la.-t seven year? spent mu?htim in examining slid tstimating timber in Clinton. Centie, Clearfield. Llk and Potter Counties, I foci prepare-! to give such iefcrmation aud clTer such lar.Ji rs wilt give perfect satisfaction, t'hoi'fo Tracts, as a!,jve. for sale. Ret f.kln. ks A. G. Curtiu. Secietnry r-f State, EcRcfcnto. Cvr.tre Co.; B. Rush Pc'rikan. Super intcudant of Farrcmr vi"e Co. . CUaton Co.; tr. It. Barrett, Attorney at I a,v, CloHrficid, Cleaifield Co.; R. C. Wiiisiow, Lumberman. Wicsr s Elk Co.: Ar.drew Jackson. Register an-1 Recorder, Pot tr Co ; Jo La V. Cowcn, Philadel pLia ; J&Ln I. Young. Commission Merchant. Philadelphia; A.J. Fitch. Lumber Dealer. Jersey Cry. N. J.; Samul Smith. Ee- No. 35 Wall St,.. New York; Nathan iel Hatch, Attorney at Law, Washington, D. C. ; and Gen. S. F. Heracy, Banker. Maine. OrrKK with Cline G. I'urst, Attorner at Law. Apr. 25, '55 -.im.t J. R. WING. issolutiox" or Ivrls e ksih p. Thrs partnership heretofore existing between the uadernigne j a Proprietors of the M'.inut Ver non liuus-; (Second St., abi:vc Arch, Philadelphia,) h:;.s IrcTn dissolved by mutual consent. The House will still eoLtir.ue to be kept, cs be fore, by 1. L. Baruktt. who wiil endeavor to j.c:j-: aud r.ccoirEoiate hi sumersns patrons. D. BLA IK. I. L EAR RETT., rai'.ndelj b-a. April 2c, 13:5. INVOLUTION OF PARTN LKM1IP I Ihe partnership heretofore exisinr: bclweea John Patchin A Sons, was this day dis.-olved by uutuvl consent, and the books are left in the hands of A. & J. Patchin. Those persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm will call immediately and settle up, or they will have the pleasure o paving costs JNO. PATCHIN A SONS. BurnslJc. Ootober 12. 1351. - JP. .NELSON & CO., would respectfully ia- form the eiiisens of Morris towrf-hip and ad joining country, that they have just arrived with large assortment cf Dry Goads, Groceries, Hard ware. Quecnsware. Boots and Shoes, Hats ard Caps, Clocks I.orkir.g glasses. Confectiocaries. Mcdioiues, Oils. Paints. Tiuware, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they arc determined to sell low for cash, country prsduee. or Lumber. Morris Township. November 1. 1754. O ALL WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN. The subscriber would most respectfully so licit all those indebted to him, to come forward and settle up. and if they cannot pay give their Notes, and further hopes not to be required to u any other means thau this simple notice. He can be'found at almost any time m Woodland, prepar ec to settle. F. P. HURXTHAL. Nor. S. 1334. C 'HURRY TREE ACADEMY. Ihe sum- mer term of this Institution will commenco on Monday. April 2:Jd. .The locality cf this Institu tion is healthful, pleasant, and retired. Persons, male or female; desiring to pursue a classical, mathematical, or irregular coarse, will ud-very facility for improvement.- Further particulars obtained by addressing Rev. JOHN M00RE, Principal. March 21. '55.-U. Newman's Mills, Pa. P. OWENS, ' ' Tthose Cur, Has just opened a large and splendid assortment of NEW GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Of oeiy uoaariTJtim and quality, which be is selling off at the lowest prices ever known in this region of Country. l)RY-GUODi. JlAliJi V i UEENF WA R E, HATS A- CAPS, BOOTS & SHOJ:S. GRUCERllV i- COXFECTIOXAllJES, AT CITY PRICES. He-invites his Clearfield friends to giTe Lira a call, and exchange their rags, lumber, shingles, aud every variety of produce, for the crpapkst and tent goods, to be had west of Philadelphia. Feb. 21, !Si5. ly. IJIIILIPSHURG HOTEL: Tb. subscriber . would inform his friends in Clearfield, and th public generally tba.t he has enlarged and refitted bis house, and is now enabled to compete success fullly with any Hotel in the country. No paina will be spared to render his guests comfortable. His tiii lo shall always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his charges moderate. He respectfully invites bis fV-tids ar.d others ta give bim a call. AVrlD JOHNSTON. I'liilipsburg Jan. 31, 1855. 1 y. rgVYRON'E LIVERY STABLE. Tbc eub JL scriber, having removed bis Livery Stabl a from Curvcnsvillc to Tyrone City, begs leave to his friends and the 'public, that hois at all times Ercpared to supply them with Horses, carriages, ugies. and other vehicles on hire, at the most reasonable terms. Inquire at the '-City Hotel. " - -'- ' .TAMES CEOWTHER. Tyrone, January 21, 1355,-Gmo. - AILY & RROTIIER : ' No. 252 Chetuct Street. PHILADELPHIA, Have now open a large assortment of the Newest Styles and colors of -Bica English Velvet, " " Tapestry, ' , Ingruia, Sew Styles " Ierain. C R P F T I S G S OF THEIR OnV IMPORTATION, JUST LANDED. Also, a full assortment of super and Medium quality AMERICAN CARPETINGS. - Many of which being tbeir own manufacture, can be recommended as GocJ Carpetins for a Low Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS A CANTON MATTIN33, of every wid;h and qnalitv. i E AIL Y & BEOTHES, IMPORTERS MAXEPACTl-RFRS OP CAftPBTISat No. 2 2 Ciesaut Street, Philadelphia.. . Ocj.4, 1854. 6m.: . .. . . . IJAUL & TAYLOR. ' 7 . . Ko. 255 ITarket Street. -PHILADELPHIA. Have always on hand, at their Wholesale ITare bouse, a large -assortment of " - " the Newest Stvle of . ... . BOOT. SHOE. AND STUAW GOOD?. " BOTH FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC. -' All their gaods being of their own direc Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled t offer superior inducements to Merchants layic; in iheir stock. .' . WM. 1Y. PAUL, - U. TAYLOR. Dec 1. 1S54. ly. . .. - . MARTIN, MORRELE ft CO.. ' , (Late OLIVER MARTIN 4 C0.1 Importers and Dealers in IIOSIRRY. TRI& MINGS. COMBS. BRUSHES. FANCYGOODS. - No.21Korta Tourta Street. Phi.'adelohi. M. T. MARTIN. C3AS. H. HAMJUCK, . PAM L J. MOKRr.LL. G. R. PEDDLF, Doe. 5, '51 XRS03? a. MARTI. A - t '1 ' 1 5 t r ; '. a - ' f 4"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers