American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, January 27, 1817, Image 3

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    edict] directions to admiral Cockburn,
durnig the late war! Why, -tolay waste
- spyery town that he mich: find assailabie™
Asscriions are not facts, says my Uncle
Toby, aud the saying is proverbially true.
We would not derogate however, from the
The Gazette of Dussel
merit of browbeating the barbarians.— dorf speaks of a very re-
Lord Exmouth has done wel; but he
markable meteor. << On
the 19th ult. at 9 in the
would huve done better had he omitted
political »twers in his dispatches, and lim-
on Henry Snyder pow resides, on Fishing
sear to 4 Washington Iron Works.”
wyms apply to Wm. M:Ewen, Esq. oi
Francis M:Ewen or the subscriber.
Far ene or moic years, the farm where.
reekyin Walker township, Centre Jouny is hereby given
r ‘
Paar e Court of Common Pless
General Quacier Sessions of tbe Peace,
and Orphant’s Court, i umfor the coun-
ties of Genre snd Clearfield, will be held
Bellcionte, Jap. 23d 1817.
¥cd then to a true narration of events.
E. paper leyvening, a large mass ol
The projected Meeting to consider the
proposition fer establishing a COLONY
©F FALL BLACKS, took place on Sa
turday iast in this cily, according to pub
lic Notice. It was numerous and respect:
able.and i's proceedings faaught with in:
terest. As we propose to publish a re-
port of the whole proceedings as early
ken and emitted a sulpher-
as practicanie, we will only here state that oY Luis N/ 3 y
the tiou. Henery Cley having « beea cal- Dus smell, Meteors oi
led to Lu CLR, and Thomas Dougherty this kind are very rare
Esq. being appointed Secretary, the bus»
ines of the wseeting was opened by an
add cs: from the chairman. Klas B
“uldwell, Esq in a speech of considera
bic leugth, ueveloped the views of the
fiicuds of this project, and offered several
ye olutions for appointinga commiltse to
daw up and report a Constitution for th
Association fer appointing a commlitec to
present a memorial to Gongaess, kc.
which afier some remarks from the Hon.
John Randoph and tion. Robert Wight
were unanimously adopted. It is scarcely
mecgsary to add that all CORNEXON of
this propesition with the emancipation of
slaves present or future, is explicitly dis-
elaimed. No vesied rights of any party
are proposed to be in the least affecte d by
iv, uniess beneficially.
rem ——
streets of our city:
mass when coal, Wwasj
hard but it was easly bro-
antl anand
Ingenious invention,
A young gentleman of this
city, about ten days ago
shewed theeditor the draw-
ing of an apparalus to be
attached to a gas-lamp,
which being onee lighted,
supplies itself with the gas
at once generating § con-
suming it----no matier wha:
the substance, coal, or re-
sin, &ec- Of its success
we have no doubt. We
understand ke is now con-
structing one --- :
N. Y. Coruossia.
mt n+
A foreign publication
states, that in a German
advertisment for the sale
of the machinery of a thea-
tre, N. B. is added of the
following character. «To,
be sold at the same time,
thirty two good substantial
old ghosts, with a very
fine new devil, a striking
likeness of Bonaparte.
Bosrox, Dec. 81.
Aviived at Newport, the brig Chauncy,
‘@now 40 days frome Gibraltar, with specie,
euilc ot, and white lead, and 165 seamen,
discuarged tiom the U, 8. frigate Cos
® <ilation, under command of licut. Smith.
®aited from Gibraltar November 16
wr. lilghman ot Philadelphia, has ar-
rived in the Chaancy, and pioczeded fo
Washingian, with dispatches from commo
wors Chauncy, and ac. Shaler. He informs
us that the U. 3. schooner Spark, Captain
Nichelsen, arrived ac (3ibraltar about the
rs. week in November; that the Jews
sailed for Malaga oa the Jah, and
that the Washington, 74, Consiellation
captain Crane, Peacock, Erie and Hornet,
were to sail lor the same place on the 17ih
where they were tobe met by the U States,
sommodore Saw, then at Mahon, and pro-
er 4 theuce lor Algiers, with the answer,
of or government, catriad out by the
#.01k, to the proposition of the Dey
» Sialar was on board the Washington.
‘ast Gordon, late commander of the
Cu isiclation, died at Messina universally
pop reticd.
‘I'he American squadron proceeded from
Waples to algicrs, which place they ieft on
ghe 16th Oct. We lean by the officers
srrived, that the day has totally refused to
ratfy the irealy, conciuded by commodore
Decator. The Chauncy has brought des-
patches for government.
Maria Edgeworth is one of a constellati-
on of female geniuses which now adomns
England, and illumines the literary world.
She probably holds an equal rank wiih Jane
Yaylor,and is sccond only to Hannah
Moore.~We are informed that a brother
of her's, named Richard lovel Edgeworth,
fike name also of their father) resided a
w years since in Lancaster or Chester.
field district in this state, (Soutn Carolina)
and that his widow now lives in Ansen
sounty, N. C. He appears to have been
an imprudent and dissipated man, whom
parental authority could not govern, nor
sigterly affection restrain. Several of Ma-
yia’s letters to him are now in possession
of his widow, whois said to be a worthy
end amiable woman, in straitened circum:
stances. This faradly is more interesting
to us, from the circumstance, that Maria
Y.dgceworth is the daughter of the eclebrat-
ed Henera Snacyd, (afterwards Mrs. E)
who inspired the unfortunate Major Ander
with a passion which she was not permii-
qed to rewaid; and which is considered by
eommon fame the cause of his having be
come a soldier. The fact of this lady's
being the mother of Miss Edgeworth, the
reader will find authenticated in an appen-
dix note to her admirable treatise on fe
wale education, where she corrects an al-
Jeged misrepresentation in Miss Seward’s{ March next. Grain of any kind will be
monody en the death of Major Andre. Mr.}received in payment at the market prices,
E. founded a town in N.C. at the head offcither at Rock Iron Works or at their
the navigation of the Pedee, which, in hon- |store in Belicionte.
or of Maria's mother, he named Sneyds-
Marough. Telescopic.
A Calf, reared at Stroud-
water, near Portland, now
mine months old, weighs
eight hundred and twenty
nine pounds, and girts
five feet five inches. Itis
not remarkable for its size
than for ils uncommon
good proportion and hand-
som form. -A fair candi-
date for one of the Brighton
Snow premiums.
rr ——— ET SRA,
Having this day dissolved by mutual con
sent, requests all those indebted to said
firm, to come forward and settle their res-
pective accounts, on or before the first of
Bellefonte, 20th Jan. 1817
DIED In Philadelphia on Friday mern-§ N. B. The business’ will be continued
iron fell in gone of the Tue subscriber living ene mile from
this the borough of Bellefonte respecifully gives
custom are requested to give him a call.
shies, Guorge Leidy, Phiiip Pinch, Ales.
“lat the Court House in tha borough of Bel=
jefonte on Mouday the 27th day of this inst.
at ten o'clock A M. of said day, of which
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and
Cons tables within said connties, will take
notice, that they be then and there ii their
oroper persons, with their rolls, records
inquisttions, examinations, and otter i¢e
meiubrancec, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be done, and
all Suiters, Jurors. and Witnesses, are als
so requested to be and attend at said courty
and not depart without lesve.
Given under my hand at Bedefony thi
12th day of Jonuary, 1317.
William Alexander,
Notice to Farmers.
iotice, that Ite has commenced the busi
ess of making
Those disposed to favor him with their
"heir work shall be done at the shortest
1otice, and on the most reasoneble terme.
Jan. 11,1817.
N. B. Cash, grain er hoards will be tak-
=i in payment.
FOR trial at January term, 1817, in the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre coun-
AL Y virtue of a writ of Penditioni Exfios
ke ’ 1
FR hele Exrs. vs. 5 Rox B nas, 10 me givected, will be exposed ta
Witlink & al T. Thompson public sale at the Court House in the bor
1 Singer ! Ww Campbell ought f Bellefonte on Moiday the 27th ist.
7. Wiles’ Tira G oni i a certain tract of land containing 200 acres,
oo Sta Sais = Hoke be the same more or less, situate it Lawae
T. Wistar FE Adams Gol. ohce township, Ulvarfield connty, with the
improvements and appuricnances, adjoine
ing lands of Abrim Whitmore, Sansom
and others. Seized and taken in exccuiion
ohn Norrie
J. Ash & al.
I. x J Harbinson'
Cauilor & Bear
1). Johnston W. Smyih as the nroper W alli tint and
¥. Fearon 4 ot. Mors = oe erty of William Haina, andte
Dunlop for Simnith G. Lonberger TA : ‘R. Sheri
i J. Hes tm. ALEXANDER, Sheriff.
M. Hulirg W. Keatley. ALSO,
ST IATTRRR BY virtue of a writ of Penditioni Expox
a 11s TOF LETTERS nas. to me divected; will be exposed 1»
Remaining in the Post Office at Mill Hall. puniic sale, st che same time and piace. a
January 1, 1816. tcertin tract 02 lot of ground. concining
Robert Gordon, Hugh Wilson, Joseph {$1Xts 1 acres, be the same move 01 1058,
Thorndyke, John Mahon, David B own, ®t: the iinprovements and appurtenances,
Wm Lloyd, James Clark, Hug! Quin, Stucte in Ferguson townshrp, Centre
Jean Hzslet, Wilbam Clark, Adam Hip. county, adjoining jands of Samuel More
mick, Samuel Mazwell and others. Seid
Mahon, Charles Wilson, ed and hen in x cution as the property
‘of John Grabam, «5: to be sold by
NATHAN HARVEY, Post Master, Wm. ALEXANDER, Sheriff.
& A B
Y adjournment, will be exposed to
— public sale at the seme time and
ANDREW HARPST &k SONS, ipiice, on a writ of alias Laver: Foi x
‘cereain tract or parcel of land, cailed Plzn
ESPECTFULLY inform their friends Field,’ situate and being in the towship of
and the public in general, that they have Nippinoes, now Miles township, and coune
rented © Lanvel Spring Paper Mil,” (near ty of Centre, containing four hurdred and
Bicrainzham, Hantingdon couoty) from sixteen acres and au hall, with tie usual
Mr Charles Cadwallader where they in- allowance of expences for roads, with the
tend, by the 1st of tanbary next, to com. appurtenances and improvements, adjoins
mence the Paper-Makmg business, and ing lands of J Jackson aud Co. Scized
carry it on in all ite various branches. and taken in exc ution as the property of
From the experience they have had mm Jobin Heltman, dec and to be sold by
his business, and by paying strict aitention, Wm. ALEXANDER, Sherif,
‘o the same and making good paper, they, ALSO
hope to merit and receive a liberal share, red
of public patronage. TD Y virtue of an alias writ of Venditiows
Those who have been customers to the Exponas, to me directed, will be ex-
above Mill, will be furnished with Paper po.ed to public sale, at the seme tine and
in the usual manner; and those merchants piace, a certain Lot or piece of ground
and others who have been in the habit of with the improvements and appurtenans
taking in Rags, are respectfully informed ccs, sitnate in ithe borough of Bellefonte, in
that the usual price will be wéven for the the said county of Centre, on the north
same. ‘side 0: Bishop street, ar 1 known to be Lot
Dre. 26,1816 ‘No. 835, in the general pian of said borougl:,
. ‘Seized and taken in execution as the pro.
Bear Skins. -(perty of Hugh Gallagher, and to be sold
ghe : ibscriber wishes te purchase
and will ive cash fcr a quantity of bear
skins 3 ddles. Marness, Bridles &c made
a. the sh. test netice, and for sale &su-
Wm. ALEXANDER, Sheri ge
Y virtue of a writ of Lavari Facias, to
me directed, will be exposed to pubs
lic sale at the same time and place, four
adjoining lots, or piecus of ground, situate
in the borough of Belicfonte, in Centre
i ,.ounty aforesaid, containing in all two hun
WwW : ; dred and thirty feet in front, or breadth, cn
anted immediately, 1 ‘Alleghany strect, and extending two hun-
or 3 Journeymen Tailors, to whom geod dred and twenty feet upon an alley, and
wages and constant employment will he'known to be Lots, Nos. 153, 154. 155 and
giver by ‘156. in the general pian of said town. Sei-
Samuel Baird. [zed and taken in execution with the appure
Brriervouts, July 10,1316
‘tenances and improvements as the propere
ty of Jgase Cookson, and to be sold by
: ¥ do
The Spread Eagle, Square
and Compass.
William T. Brown,
George Test,
Bellefonte, July 30, 1816.
Belizfonte, Jan. 11, 1816,
Y virtue ofa writ of Penditions Expos
nas, t0 me directed, will be expusid
to public sale at the same time and place,
(Or Mirvox) the one moiety or undivided half part of
a cerwain tract or parcel of lard, contuinin
Resercrruiey informs his friends! one hundred and Ny acres, be the san 2
aud the public in general, that he has taken mmore or less, with the appurtenances, now
hat old stand, the in the possession of Andiew Hunter and
STONE T AV ERN {John Etter, situate in Ferguson towr.chip,
Centre county adjoining lands ‘of Joseph
in Aaronsburg, formerly occupied by Sam. Miles and Coinpany, Jobin Mitchell aud os
wel Miles, where he hopes %y prompt at. thers Seized and. taken in execution as
tention, good liquors and stabling, te mee" the property of Clemson. Whitehill zud
‘ing last, Arexaxpxr J. Darras, Esq ko future in the name of Philip Beuser
Pe Treasures of the UV. States. ? 1k Ce. . |
with a share of public p: Samuel Miles, acd to be sold by
AAReNsBURG, April & Wm ALEXANDER, Sherif.
: 5 A