edict] directions to admiral Cockburn, durnig the late war! Why, -tolay waste - spyery town that he mich: find assailabie™ Asscriions are not facts, says my Uncle Toby, aud the saying is proverbially true. We would not derogate however, from the REMARKABLE ME- TEOR. The Gazette of Dussel merit of browbeating the barbarians.— dorf speaks of a very re- Lord Exmouth has done wel; but he markable meteor. << On the 19th ult. at 9 in the would huve done better had he omitted political »twers in his dispatches, and lim- on Henry Snyder pow resides, on Fishing sear to 4 Washington Iron Works.” wyms apply to Wm. M:Ewen, Esq. oi Francis M:Ewen or the subscriber. ¥ / TO BE LEASED, Far ene or moic years, the farm where. APROGLAMATION: NOTICE reekyin Walker township, Centre Jouny is hereby given r ‘ Paar e Court of Common Pless General Quacier Sessions of tbe Peace, and Orphant’s Court, i umfor the coun- ties of Genre snd Clearfield, will be held ; WM PETRIKIN. Bellcionte, Jap. 23d 1817. ¥cd then to a true narration of events. E. paper leyvening, a large mass ol CTE The projected Meeting to consider the proposition fer establishing a COLONY ©F FALL BLACKS, took place on Sa turday iast in this cily, according to pub lic Notice. It was numerous and respect: able.and i's proceedings faaught with in: terest. As we propose to publish a re- port of the whole proceedings as early ken and emitted a sulpher- as practicanie, we will only here state that oY Luis N/ 3 y the tiou. Henery Cley having « beea cal- Dus smell, Meteors oi led to Lu CLR, and Thomas Dougherty this kind are very rare Esq. being appointed Secretary, the bus» ines of the wseeting was opened by an add cs: from the chairman. Klas B “uldwell, Esq in a speech of considera bic leugth, ueveloped the views of the fiicuds of this project, and offered several ye olutions for appointinga commiltse to daw up and report a Constitution for th Association fer appointing a commlitec to present a memorial to Gongaess, kc. which afier some remarks from the Hon. John Randoph and tion. Robert Wight were unanimously adopted. It is scarcely mecgsary to add that all CORNEXON of this propesition with the emancipation of slaves present or future, is explicitly dis- elaimed. No vesied rights of any party are proposed to be in the least affecte d by iv, uniess beneficially. rem —— streets of our city: mass when coal, Wwasj hard but it was easly bro- 1 here.” antl anand & Ingenious invention, A young gentleman of this city, about ten days ago shewed theeditor the draw- ing of an apparalus to be attached to a gas-lamp, which being onee lighted, supplies itself with the gas at once generating § con- suming it----no matier wha: the substance, coal, or re- sin, &ec- Of its success we have no doubt. We understand ke is now con- structing one --- : N. Y. Coruossia. mt n+ THEATRICAL WARE. A foreign publication states, that in a German advertisment for the sale of the machinery of a thea- tre, N. B. is added of the following character. «To, be sold at the same time, thirty two good substantial old ghosts, with a very fine new devil, a striking likeness of Bonaparte. Bosrox, Dec. 81. LATEFROM THE MEDITERANEAN Aviived at Newport, the brig Chauncy, ‘@now 40 days frome Gibraltar, with specie, euilc ot, and white lead, and 165 seamen, discuarged tiom the U, 8. frigate Cos ®