TrAT ! TO ITIE XVL PITTS - BUR:GM MORNING POST. rvrY morning , StindciYS e.?.T.ep4d) • ti g P. BARR, • 061Nt'n 07 WOOD AND 1111.1 arising, . _ -,-,, pßyablii strictly In sdvaace r s i e4iivil if not paid within thu you.. TWO Crov:3—for E! at the nonntnr f• Now Itnys. TE:M". 7 r b. v.ArC74: OS' ADVERTIS . Thriul l' ht4 Y'la =Ada week EESEEI3 / OJ . 76 One TWO Three incert;ir.s One ... 'o w° . . Cr:t 0.3 1 4 o:.p 2W 5 9'3 3 5 0.) 4 65 ,!!) t , ?)1 N 64)1 uul s u 0 t.q 1U [ 12; aE, r,r leln, per 1 Ono mora..v .. riv.l .... Biz 12162 th.. NLno. .ye•tr t 2, One 5 ,- ,11 -, (L•icluN!ce n ;;C: c.taa De.t, PITTMGH SATURDAY POST R1&11 1 , 2;10'M WEEKLii. • . ONLY ONt.'4 YPOLLIR PER ; YEAR) CLUE'S OF TislN So.beeripeto:sa, - - - per 8. - artarl. CONTAINS AIL THE CURRENT NEWS Of TilE DA Pat:teal, Literary, Agricultural, Commer del, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LITAC4Rq? 5121 7 and neatly prints On 1126 white usp• - ,r, la largo, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better nathsfaction than any paper published in Pittsburgh. Thole tie* v:ish to tafie a paper from Pittsburgh, will find •• hz SATURDAY f`OthT s E fe and profitable investment; JAMES P. BARR I Miter and Proprietor. Ald 3 *, MENEM! 31YERSI BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, FAST 33T-11-I.ADIDSCa . S. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. TIIE undeysigned having made extensive achlitiurr , or Cr,: I. ATF.ST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE TYPE, :did itaptovad Itlooltinory, to the MUILNING POST JOB OFFILE, invite tiau ttentiou of Rail Road Officer titi - chanto, hnsito7:tt and the public gonorally, to their uperior facilities for exe-cating with dispatch, on r,zsott,ble irms, all kin:l3 c,f 'RAIL IOAD, I. I IF.rtfiANTILE, LEGAL, AND 'EVY:f...7 MITER DESORLPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING matell being nearly all now, we can give sum. anse a the DIGe. c,anll,r, satisfaction, and solicit orders BOOKS, PAMDZLET.S, R0...01 BILLS AND CARDS, i.IIII. 7 CELS, BLANK. NOTEB, Lr:TEP. HEADS, BILL READS, I:ILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOR'S, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &c. ration will atco be paid to the printing of ert/Z r rt.!illil.2F, Sc. for C0ur.:0rt...., Embibitiona and BARR & MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. People' Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER & CO., Dealera in all kinds of Fashionable HOWIS;S, SHOES AND GAITERS, Ff-T CarAlehish,Ledire, Yontha and Children, :To. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, PrIVSBITBGH, PA. ;. a. VE.1.13.177 ....... .101090 N A. JOUNACII TERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs & Co.'s Pa.tciai. Elastic Fire and Water ?root iiernent Rboting. 133 TIMM STREET. fARDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith or.f,, and all our work warranted. P.uotin . g undornil rilwaya on hand, and for saltswith di ,:tlou. for tr.,. 50P%19 JOS. F. n.roduzrox & G 0,,, Er46111N2, - ETAS A.1:113 0 MACHINISTS, Corner of ?In:, and Libtrty ci.reett, Pittsburgh, Pct. QIIPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Broweria3, Printing Ptablishments, Manut,ctorie% , made to ardor. They ano continue the raAr.utitotore (.1 their Celebrated Dlachininta' Tools, each ea T. - it - rang Latheß, Iron Planere,BoringandDrilibrg Machines, Alno, Wrought Iron Chatting, with Pollesn, A Hangyders. rc. jaal - 101111 TZOISPSO7I.. -- HOBERT 41101.12E , 37 It. 0. HILLER. ion.ri THOMPSON & CO., pOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND No. 135 Third ...street. SIGN PAINT ING «.;:neat , d with Ilentili,E3 and despatch. Mixed Paints, this. Turpentine., Varnish, japan and linglish l'atont Dry ale. Fillu .',.lunteigna limck, a very imparter article; Phila delphia and Pit t.,hraigh. White Lend raways on hand and for r4.le. tN« are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gista, oc others, at the aller.est notice, as we have a Mill which trriado by steam Painters will ease money by get tang ter colon] ground with us. lmrfoly GOLD AND—SILVER SPECTACLES, FIT 15.8,NUFACTURER9B PRICES. HYDROMETERS ce spicio, too t.a.l asst et-tic:Ea ever tii . nazilt to tbis city. TlinliMo:AE.TkiliB AND DAROMETKRB, varying in Frill , :G to $;3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND - - SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, Iwz)i 'laud ht E. SHAW'S, Opfzian, 6S Piftfa oppoaite Masada LIAII. B. C. J. U. SAWYER, lausrric , rcur.Re or LAta) UIL CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN. SOAPS C. 9 7 Wood strfact, Pittsrglt:i., DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.-- The firm of SAWORTIE BRO. a BF.OWNLEII was, en the ad of May, IASB, disrvAved by Entanal consent,by the v.ithdrawal of JtUU HAWORTH fr(,m the above Arm. The.-4.1e....c.e.tr0t ch.:, late flan vein t e etAtled BROW JIG.- JI 1113 IiAN; - 011.T11, to v. ithdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and &ISO the patrons of the Ist.) firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWORTH BROW NL.EI ,as they are determined to self at low figures, having :‘ very large assortment of CHEAP Et ocFatiEs, wiNE,'S and I1(2130118 on hand. .. - faTI;7 HAWORTH. 0-Z- DAVID HAWORTH and JAW IiftOWNLEE have this day to...9ociatod together, and will continue on the or...sines' , at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the style of MAMORU" A BROWNI•RR, v..114,ra they hone to receive that patronage so libecalli given to the old firm, as they are dotermmed to sell OH Iit&PER than nay other Store in the city. Gaice of Sealer of Weights and UIIE OFFICE OF TILE UNDERSIGNED, IL SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND KEASIMES, nil; be feend henceforth, in Cherry eiley, betaten Third chit ruarth strzieta, where eidere mag talaft. fnrEbil Cli A ItiaS EtARNETT. 11T S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just • received, and far sale at the Stationery Store, lea Nog 31. 33 and S 5 Market street. lIE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub inhed by Johnston 1 Stockton, after a lapse of years, will .eaho shortly be issued. The circulations es formerly will matherantician, Sanford 0. Rill, 24. r., who ti also prepare for its pages such reading mat' will make it an entertainin,g aud instructive maga , l incr. liesides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new iugenton, table f time, an accurate method of drawing aeridien lima. wad other matters of permanent value wilt added. Orders of book-sellers and other dealers are solicited in • Avance of publication, es but one edition will be printed, orders will be filled cardi to priority. WSLtid G. ng JOEiIiSTON A 00.,, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book 'Platers, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh.. 3622 LOUR.-40bbls. choice superfine for sal, b J]d9. A. FETZER., y Corner Mirka and Vint sts.• bbls. Onions far sale fif 1 ,7 sal SOU '=lli \li , • ...,. . . . . . . . ./- • , • • qio . . . ... ~ • :,, ei, •••.2, . _ ~ e. •ii —.... , . „ . .. . - • —,"•: ' ii• - . 1 4 ' , • ' '''••• ..... 1 ' i: • . . ' l '• ..• . J.; ,:;.••.'.•-. . '••• . ~, .4 .1 • 1•:1 ' r z • '. 1: ' ••• : ' • :. : I . . :. : .. . • ..,-- .',... - ..5 , ..., - -", • , • . . .„ . . •.. . . . '' . L.:7, "I - 4' • _,,.., .. ..,,... 4, . • , . . .. .. . . . . 4 In F9'L-Ist I=PET% 1 CO 1 5 2 60 8 33 4 50 E. 60 6 60 6 00 12 00 10 00 45J r, uo 60,1. S GJ CJ nntru the 1 a,A,r,) b ratio's, Si: c iima= Measures. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM INSURANCE. ItEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE , FARMERS UNION INSUBINCR COMPANY, At AMENS; BRADFORD COUNTY, - PA., Jan. 1, 1858, u presented to the /3tockholders, and made out in complianoe with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana, 1111nois, Ac. • - standun.r. The Olinle . elf the Oompany is the FARMERS' MNIOWIN: BUILANCIF OOMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 18,15 9 , by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. :Charter Perpetual: Cash Capital, which is all paid np Surplus la addition thereto. ASSETS. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgages, ut cis and fie , P2ll 11 cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate oat Which mortgagee are or vans tde and productive rest estate, • principally lam% recorded' and first liens,vrortb generally double the amount and more than mort, gaged for in each case, and in no case lase than fifty cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and an certified by- the- Recordere, where recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six lft cent. Bonds amply secured ' ' • 47,695 00 Cash on hand and in 8ank....-...... 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in coarse of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties-- Due on losses rd-insured, kc.. Bills • receivable, • yin: promise°, y reotta payable at bank and to the company Interest accrued, (principally doe ' January 1,•1258,).. 1 19 46 Fare and office Fixturea and Faint taro 258,486 61 Moo= ion RHO TEAR 1867. Amount of Premiums received during she $ 86,23 l year Ain't intereal received during the year......-.... 11,442 06 Am't received from all other !sources 2,480 00 112PEMVITIZZEI. Expenses for the year, including conamiadlne, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expensea......s 19,194 68 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 L0.3981i paid, which occurred prior to December 1,1858 Losses pain which occurred during the year 44681 64 I I A qr, ITU& 1.00E005 adjusted and not due (eine° paid) ' ...... ..... $ 12,500 99 Loosed Incurred and in process of adjustment. Loewe reported, on which no action has been taken.. Lasiosvanstecl, on groundof ineur ance after fire, property transfer red before lees, property last not covered by the Policy, Ac 12,100 00 39,407 99 Whole 9.12013 It of risks takenduring tha ydar.45,429,882 00 Whole &Mount `of - risk at . 4,881,440 00 Erin or PEMISTLVA.ISII.‘ Comm or Baseroan, C. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary of the 'Farmers' Onion Insurance Comrany, l being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct Statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they a4-e the above de. scribed officers theihot. C. N. SHIPII.OI4, Prelldent. J. E. CANPINGD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of ,Jana. ary, 1956, H. 0. BAIRD, Just Ade of the Peace. T. J. HIINTEB., Agent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FI RE INSURANCE, BY TUB Reliance Mutual Insurance Co OF PHILADELPHIA BUILDINUS, LIMITED OR FERPETtAL, MEROMAII DIRE, YURNITURS, £O., IN TOWN OH OtIONTItIr °Mee, NO. 300 Webiut street. CAPITAL, 13177,926 Invested as follows, viz:— First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double toe amount 4120,2130 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 8 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost 26,60110 00 Allegheny County 13 per cont. Peen's 11.1 t. Loaa. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance C 0...... 10,150 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co ' . 1,050 do Strip of Spndfy Inihraness (=paniea ..—.— 476 00 Nis Roceivaale,buisineas paper 62,711 60 Rook Accounts, at d - ued interest, etc. 8,1438 141 Cash on 'sand and in Bank 18,048 20 ----- $262,365 62 OBER TINGLRY, Proaideut. DISZOTOI.B. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Mintzer, Benjamin \V. Tingley, Marshall Mill, 7.. Lathrop, CUGITSeI Titlnn4, jicoVT. Bauthig, Smith Boven, Wm. M. Semple, Pit isit'g d. HINORM&N, Secretary. .1:11.N.E6 COfkIN, Agent, Ler Third and Wood stresita. Clom Tingloy, William R. Tilolllooll, David 8. Drown, Oornolicu3 Btovenson, John It. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Dobai. Toland, Ho;le) Jc.lilAon, Charles 8. Wood, Jamea S. Woodward, I mr3 B. J. GAR mr3 North-oaat co . MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COWAN Of - Virhl. V. PETTPF, l'rcraienf D. 3. Seyetari Amount of Capital Stook paid is and invested ..$200,W) Eh:xi-due t 2113, 1'....- - : DO Insates Cargo it'ails - on tho O'nfo and tilialcsippi Itivett ~ ...I trlbutarica. Tnenrco a s gatirtt.loag of dattage by gns., • Also, against tho Perlis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and r:arttpartoitou niazaToati: . Wm. V. Botta, J. C. ISlontgataery, John M. Puna 0i , D. J. McCann, B. W. Witmer, Rano Guinan, B. L. Wocdstcn, John A. INTat3hall, Chaa. B. WElght, John J. Puttoroon, LI/woo./ T. l'inal. OYU USt+B: W1L.11.1.41 , 1 V. VB:i.TIT, /--,:t.d....r.t IL F. VlTl,Ligit, Vi.:t I'ini4ent. D. J. IfIcOAIIN, 447c.tdry. Vatran.lititiZO: in Pitaxdr2llAnd: Stointnitz,,Juatlce 4 Co., 1 Black, Morgan A Sthth.le, Plunroy,Caldwoll A Cu. NO. Lt 7 WATER STItENT. W. TOINDIMTB2iS itgoat. yn &Igor, Lamb & Truitt, Bro. & A. T. Lane & Co., PITTSBURGH OPPICB, ap9 B WEST -- ,BRANPII MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COMTE CILUIRBILEID BY YEIS LEGLEILATIMII OP PRIINSYLVAVIA Ruh moo,ooo premium N01eft...w2,31g. PHIS; COMPANY WILL INSURE - ON Buildhigs, hgrishatitliso,llurnltnre, Ac., town Or conutry. Fl 1 , om J no. J . Pearce, Hon. G. C. risavey,lohartas A. Mayor, John D. nail, Muir Les Crlot,Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, IW. White, Thomas Kitchen. BON. G. C. HAUVEY, Preoldent. T. T. Armittro, Vice President. Tiros. Kirmisti, Secretary. 811/110111101116: IDr. J. S. Crawford, 'John W. hlsynard, k. Updegreif, lii:sa.Bo-.3arilPros Jitraea Arluiltreny„ Thee. Beaman V.Li, William 'Boozes, Wm. Vanderbelt, Ilea. Wm. Bigler, ' FIFTH STKEXT, PIVISBMIGH. J. A. LLPPEB.T, Agent,. Samuel IL Lloyd, A. 4. Wloigardner, L. A. Mackey, A. White, Jambs Quig.glet OFFIO.Ii—tIO. &MX T' A7 - 1 2 . — LIN FT= OFUr4tieri COMPANY; Op PMELADP.I.PMIA. DralCroia—Charies W. Itancker, Thomas Hart, Tobiai Wagner fianmel.Grant, , Jacob Geo. W.. Richards, Mordent:l D. Lewis, Adolpht B. Borie,David B. Brawn*. Mon. cis Patterson. • Cuss. N, Batts tier, President. Cats: G. BLUME% BeKTetary. Oontinte 80 map ineturiociN,WlPOillai or illtitod, on every description of property, In town and country, at rates as low as are cormictoot with security. The Company have reeerled 6 to Ooltingent /140, lid e booth their caplt * eon premiums, sorely Itatated. (kr ford amplo protection to the assured. The Amens of the Company, on January Let, 1861, as pilb• lkheditgroeably to an Act of Assembly, wore aa follows, viz Mortg 84.877 age gtslB,l2B 68 Baal &nate 7B mpors.x.y 11 Tc (13 Oath, iko 4 , 10 El T0ta1542:12,708 Aid Hine their incorporation, a period of twenty•one years, they have paid upward of One Million your Hundred Thou sand Dollars,l °saes by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and diEraigo? to tag; fflih ricr.c.pti4ea an 1 / a buittea: • - J. OAP.DttaB COII'IN, Agent, Office, northeast cor. Wood and TMrd atm. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITIRBURGH. • GEORGE DAIt,SIE, trealdert; . k. I tiolLeo_,o heereier7. Oates No. fa Wet* street, ( Sp 4 00 ' 4 Warebow) uP stare, Pltiaburgb. Will Insure egainst all kinds of t. IRE Atka MAILINZRMILa• A Home Itunttntion, managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have &dimmed, ea offering the beet protection to those wboltisire to be insured. • • ASSETB, 00TOBER alit, 1657. Stock Accounts,.....—. 15610 - 404,94-7-•••••:- .. !!••!—•!•• . . ••••• • ..... 400 00 I,ooeimittie; ..... ...—...... ...... 4,161 67 Open Acectuats,.. 9,4T8' 04 Premium Notes r .... • ...... 40,2451 5 4 - Etllll Disoottuted,.. ...... moos George Deride, J. . Butler, *Tinned Mr Anloy, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D.M. Long, G. W. Bloke:dr-on, twill • - A b a c oun try , f or gal kit RIM Wes , t • QOl .1 '..!r!') 061 i.)C.I . 61 V.Lo ISt, 61 --- 18,761 60 '1,33t1 Gl $99,163 35 $90,4116 86 ,433ETS, 55162,403 se 10/Thil lib rClatiO It.l.llllsr, Jr., George W. Jeckson, Alex. Spoor, W m . 'Knight, Alexaruler Minh*, Win. H. liatith, . M. GORDON. • • ilaorettri; PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER '24. 1858. INSURANCE. PITTSBUROII LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Presl46tt. AUL 13nunve, Vico Providot. t F. A. Ittntiutt? Secretory. 64—Th16 (Jompanq InattO o%er.). taLkli 44.4. cr c.,T.114/INCL4XI wtW UV% S 3. ttg,lnFit CAK,A• , had . 4 ,11.12144p0i RtYrre esz,.l I, 'V A •: K gern-rally. And againht 1,, Ftr, !tiro tho and 1.1 .1•1 p 1.. t, Polletn tenor I at tar to:scat int,' wlt I o,f..i r 4.ll.par:las I=l tiol,cit ....Jul wed, eht,c.,!! LI'll; ~1 t )1,, Jc.i.vli P. tiaz.zain, id L., Jahn .%...ati, Jamoti Marshall, David Iticha3., James W. Hallman, tiharina Ai bi,:i,aL•t, Alcifinder I.lradloy, Joenpli S. I.A-, n, ~.11inn EMllornm, N. F. Hart, David 11..elutninere, 11ot:oat ff. ilartley, Vitlliidii Carr, ino.l3c/1111. ____ CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANV OF PITTSBURGLI. WILLIAM DA(I.ALIa, Pe oaden t. [ett wird. L MAE BELL, &cram y. OFFICE: 94 Water street, between .4/arket w 00,4 ered; /Zbuirat-0 111.11,L AND CARGO Ftl9tlts, on the pia 111aalavtppl ltivara tu:d tributaries. hutdres against Lam or Dainagn by 111131 C. Also, against Ma Pail's of Ms .9 L' 9 F 1 .1 Islam' Natrigatit.n and Transportation. maaurostaL William Ragaloy, ()apt. Mark Starhui, Samuel Rea, Sainnot M. tiler, Jamul Id.. Ooopr, John S . Dilaora., James Park, Jr. !ranch' Sotiara, Isaac M. Pennocl, William 13. Ilaya. Springer Ilarbangh, Jahn Shiptou, Oapt. Hammel O. Young, Walter a-0 nut, John .CaLlwoll . jaw. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COM,PANY, O. 149 Chesnut StrCet, Opp: mite the Othitom noose, WILL MAKE ALL KIND OF' INSU RA.NOE, either Perpt , Caul or Litnit<4, y description of Property or Korritautline, nt .t 10 , 113140 rates of premium BUSI3UT• P. al NO, Prewidebt. M. W. BALDWIN, Vi. 11,11,1/1 {Alit OTOF.S. Charles Gay ON E. It. Cope, b. It English, George W. 81 - ..,..11, P. B. Savory, Joseph E. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clay lull, H. J. Magargee, E. Wilor. P. BU(11(.0111013, ne:.. - retgu - y. J. G. COIYIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood etroete HOTELS & REStAUttANTS t4TARKER HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COihVTY, PA , COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor,, HAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from Ito former well-hoowu Proptlet...r, B. I) Mar. ker, Nog, and refitted it, I am how prepared to rerelve and socommodete visitnra. Tne rooms are large and wry, and well furniatted. A good table always provided. In conueet'on with the lionse, there ia aloe a good Liver/ Stable. Terme moderate. t. 301. It EVANS,. 8041 y Proprietfa. THE SVMY®SIIUI►I. WILLIAM C. QALLAUIIER, PROPRIETOR, Afth Street, Nell Door to the Pilletnirith Thew re The house is new, built especially for the purposes of a End Glass ftwtsurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hav• lug bad many years exporience in the business will Loop constantly on baud the boat that the markets afford. Ilia Wince, Liquors cud Aloe, are of [habeas quality. He wants all his old trlends and the public generally to give him a call at the Sympneiru. - % Excelsior llestauraist, k. - v 4 z . No. 111 WV OD &red', J.-- -4, PirISIIIIRGII, PA-, ' .11.4.1111 ES 'MATER, Protirielor. . ..._,_ K LAE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Wholesale awl Retail, at the Lowest cash pri,,,s. Largc• supplies of Melons, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes received daily. Also, New York Prince's Day Egg ris, bur, Shell Oysters, the finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season constantly on hand, and served up In the most palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Res taurant, ho. lit Wood street. te4 _ . SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Iscv - ln Street sand Duquesne "Way, P 1 VP6illi UU, P 4 D. 144R1iEri - • PitOPEACT..R, (11.4 - werly of the Ounce," 111tilrsvflla, Fa.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW C().NI PLETED AND OPIIN FOR auu.srs. It is dttuutcd In u central part at the city, being coci , ,enient ail Bruit .ad Depots and Otaanibout Loudinga. Th Douse was built in 1856, with all unulern inipio.e raoutE, end fitted rip in apliguilid etiruitti:J Velag viii! in occry rooput 1* a Oral chid t'ina STABLES arc ati0...i0,1 Ic ttiErpraa.devat COLltisi C4)P Et 12 ST Ail; Et AN ELI *SetYO NO, riirrn ftr,rrr. r film ottnntod. Itibrclbuits y . iiiructeil to' Lida tik s • :ataLli;Ltuvn t, whi late 1.0.• u fitted op for the:parpom3 Gi bib 14 !JEST AN • 'VIAL LATIlit4 tiiitititi IN A 11.:E*.7:111,AL LOOATII ^ .W, Cootitry niorket are particularly tut - Roil la ‘41,1 EserytiiieF to an &ATI Ntl .341,00 N will niu..l.ot affords. av4v.l),o4{V -- THE NiIIONAL SALOON, Uncles Prote - es New Ltitittctital TiAeatroy P 4, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL wad et:lnfertable style, the large centre store lu the ii gEILLOW3•IIaLI., Firth etre..t, as 0 FIRST CLASS aI.I 1113STATJRANT and 8AL0 , ...N. Having bad many years' experience In the business, he Is prepared to enpply the heat the motet affords. Ills bar will be fornlahed at all tim-a with the beat Wines, Liquen) and Mee The entrance , t , the Saloon, is In the centre of the Ilaq, and refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIOIIT (Sundaya excoPtc.d.) apl4:l F WASHINGTON HOUSE, r•OR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., Wittynit4o.7'ON, D.O A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL , Oppoidt• the Patina. Railroad Depot, lIARPJSBURCI, PA. ASIIIINGTON 119 T EL, • roultualt U. s. PIT2'SB CIRO 11, PA. /AIMS SHANIWE r Proprietor. 'THIS HOUSE IS LOC:AT:F A D ON THE jt. corner of PRIM and WASHINGTON Streets, between tais.ORNTRAL ANT) WEITERN RAILROAD-Po. ii ts , and ftha. 611 N i -wine a ihoroagh traororamant, remodeled and kmasee' d with new furniture, and to now the must conve• plait liotal to Plttebargh, for Travelers 14 P.i.iiroad, East or Weet. . kOrBly g4lB - 19.11 HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, Pitoprarrou No. 344 Liberty street , just beside the nger Depot of the Pennsylvania Atakora!, which makes h the most convenient house in the city for passengers arrl *tug by that Wad. trilie proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, E excellent style, the MANSI.ON HOUSE, would respwob fully solicit a ebaro of public patronage. There is attached a spleadhl STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. E.:14 I ardor emi Dzir 'will be fueuri.:;lo with tiio 'battle market cbn altJT,l; febl.7 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. iffiCIPABLALND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Varner of Fourth and Satlttaleld Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received hla Epring Assortment of GENTLEMEN I B DRS GOODS, vj the Uoirnaisiyles, best quality and most elagant de scrip ;top, witicli be in prepare./ to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with snob a character of workmanship, as cannot WI to satisfy and please the moat fastldiorm tastes, (myl9 Lippincott, Shorten &JUMBO% NO. In.t woop sizAit unt. • ANUFACTIIIiERS OF TRMS, Ikea,' gat -and Bonnet Boiefi, Ladies Traveling Thinks, Carpet Bags, koop coastantly tot hand a large stock. Wa aro prepared to do a wholeaale trade, and hav ing iscilltieu to turn out good stock at reduced priced ,would. Invite the trade to call and e-cullaa GGY TAP t+ fa.* *1a...1t.: • ' - "ot. W - INDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plain and funny. Alan, shads Trimmings, dm., &Divvy on hand at and for &de cheap by a. .1. PHILLIPS, 28 find '2B St (Ilair etrn.t. BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A Large maortment Oros on hand, or made to order. . 13. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets.. FARM of 238 aores, near Rijonomy, , . for ale byMa II =BRUT 4011 41 ki* atieet. BOOKS AND STATIMERY R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (sucerslsur to B. T. O. Morgan,) STATIONER ANDAND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS NEWSPAPERS, No. 11 fifth street, Pittabuich. Pa. T,, u I ,d ors i g n PA ha ve entert P ' ‘11..71fr11 'o,lof V• 7 al C. .)1•1,1.,. Sl 1. JOU fizi I ON, , i I; 3)LninT , N L, LSD: E ..... W. G. follrinTOM U. JOIINSTON Zi..•Co••• QTATIONPIRS, Blank Book Nlanulacturer.;, k La, I Joni PkiINTEKS, :40 57 11'0..1 H 11 1 ,4, betw.,u t, ~".1 V.V.:11,4 , 11:h, lA. TOBACCO AND SEG A. Its, E=ANI TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAIM Safety and Ettenonty In Light. WIIY WILL YOU BURN CAINIWIENE AND FLUID, when you eau got a ohelpor'.and Let txr Pere Kerosene Oil, lido from tho gas ssf Cannot pr..,duces the cheapeet, moat brilliant, etaady4loasant and safe portable light eve: offoied to thb pablia, and no ,biogor of expioeion; mote brilliant than kplt; andAnite as obe.11; Lamps of the moat Bite()le and elinily managed con. &or site by T. 1). h G. 1301113.117a0N, No. 70 Suilthileltratreot. Bewatuor a coauter e elt already' It the market, made Campheue, with a /MI6 0 . ! 01. ill to tiCH/ j fe27:ly COOKING BY GAS.: : • AW () D () E I A I.) k: F. 91IIE HEATED TERM APPPAA.CII aud we rail the attentiea La4to the fen that COOKING, I IRON LNG, l:e.❑ 110 done with ocUtio..aj, I.trit, t dOot, and with despatch—tt. , tiro 1,31,y al,yrt)i y iu I,oolollt—by uniug IlluagrevoN Gas IJuokieng T,, which we reapectinlly iu4tt you! Smithfield street. N. A.. 1011 N:l4 A 4:1LO. at_ County and Oity Bidhb for cab) _ AYRES' WO Rill • N P Eur I or.; , 00 , NYEOTION,OONI • EU'rION,UONF, • C a' 1 0 N, 4.) 0 Di LiTiON,CJOIIVEO 'I'ION,C ON.F iO. fi 1 0 N C 0 N 1 It 0 'l' U N,CI)N V lw U T 1 0 N,CONVEUT - lUN U ONFIIOTI U ti . 'f ho most pleeeaut, cafe awl dal Worm 1t.q.1113 y ~ovs In [Lae. Prepared and sold, wholesale aud routil, by 41 , 7(.4ELL h ILVT, Oar. Wood end Sixth sta., Pittatitagl.. Fa, Led sold by Ltrustetats cenntallit. latri O.IIARLES LIVERY, undersigned has bought the of .the above named Stables, to- s 4 „: gather with a portion of the eaten- Rive stock of EtGram and Carriages, ' e ! - late the property et Jamie Mathews, deceaseth In addition to the stoat before-mentioned, lie has also added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at hie Lavery Third, below Wood street. As he gives his persone.l Atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage N. hich ha has hitherto received from public Is solicited. JACOB GABIiN Ett, St. Oharlea Livery Stab:6,g. N. 5.—A HEARSE and any number o: CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. CI 0 'Eh THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERAS! VE SOAP, manufactured by B. 0. & J. 11. ...Sitsvyer, re receives the prefereuco over all other kinds ever for needy use. Its sidvantages over other Soaps ure:.--lst. It Is che:.per t;se, one pound being equal to thne of couneon rosin half the time need only ho occupied in wasl lug wheu this Soap Is used in place of other Soap. ad. Lai or iu waihing Can b 0 trendy dispensed with ? as the sdotties aril require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. ith. Boiling the clothes is =accessary when this Soap is trod, end hard or salt water answers ovally us well as soft . 6th. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find It far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re. moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin sort, and free nom 'chapping. To avoid the labor eel rubbing the clothes; and the use of the wash-board, the following, anecdotes should be followed: For the washing of eight or ten of a fanaily, take ono pound of Soap, cut It into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of worm water; pour In the dissolved Snap, and stir thoroughly. Lot Li em soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse In warm water onto, cold water twice. A. very dirty wrist-band, or seam or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes w4l cones out clean and white, without rubbing ur boiling. Cold water may bo used In place of hot, requiliug about double time in soaking. SW - Observe our name col each bar. Per sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 ?t •d street, and at our wurlia, uppueito the Eu'jo4 Lioub:, Peen. sylvaala Nat, LI ot, 0. 4 3, IL iI'IWYP.R, se2l fin. 4' Wood street. lI‘V I I E AT FlAiti esedui Buok w ki:mr, as Lb F!nekx, jut recolved bud for salu py NDLIISS, Cuj., (.4.1 (=nor Wood Lll4 INtkltil _ _ "(Lot] bldg. flour received br.l for cr.ilt]Ly• 11fcC.11 , 34LE83, 1.11:5N8 CO., Corner Woul 4A - A, W.ner streota. M moat deairable ja24 and elleap %reaper; td. GOWN it , TETLEY 13, N. ISP Altrat,i ARII--4 prima artielo of No. 1 Lark, in tn - ran and kegs, jtust rockived and for sale by ItIeCANDLit6B, 111111AN8 t CO., Corner of Wood and Water streata. SPIOSS.— Lr Pimento; Itit) Clisdn Popper, Just received end for Wu :41LLEIR 9c sLOfiLrret)N. 26 oa and 22,3 Lihnzti 4111,44• ITEW ARRIVALS.—We aro taking into stAre, (L Wood atroet,) an Iminensa stock of fine raper for iota;log purposes ; also, Letter,•Cap and Note ; linvelopea In great variety; Idantlla Papers, of, every size, and as cheap as they can be bought in the gatt l where we otfar wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. apt JNO. M. PPIItgINB CO. AKE FISII.---Whitz- Salmon, and Pickerel CoustauSlk oh hand, a fail stock lo erapply le wholesale Grade, by [myBl HENRY; 31. CULLII.IB. ORANGES. -300 bze. await, just received and for gale by RHYMER 4 ANDERI3ON, No. 1:0 Mod street, site the St. Charles Hotel. PROPIIISTEM Fl 9 ROOMS.-100 don. Extra Corn Brooms .100 on hand and for sale by *42 B. O. & J. H. SAWVER. _ _ USTER TR1.11,511..Wi5--Drab and Gray Busier Binding and Tassels, Jost aiened at JOl3. HORN 77Market street. MEW STEEL SPICING SKIRTS-Of th© AA moat graceful shapes, on hand at HORtlra, myB Z v i Market. afros _ caBED SWEET POTA.- iiarrefs aei.j bwoot Potatvoti 0.-' - ifed and tar sale by J.CM3 A. RETZLEI4 Corner Market wad Fin 2 atroeta. licELEs,--6 llucumb , et e s s, re j * mIY " Bud for e 41° Claor 3tlrkUt LtHirrigStrOAß. DERFUMERY. —Lubin's, Basin's, Wright% Glanced and liarrlEon'a tracts for Mr handkerchief, constantly 011 hand ai ' ItICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch ; Bilver Ohm Starch ; fiecter's Scrica • bocce and Broma; /Tomb Cocoa Bhal. Recoived and for sale at JAYNES' TEA STORE $3 Mtn Wort 17 ELL UM COPYINCI BOOKS.—J:hese beeha possess great advantages' over an, others; res paper being thick and strong will not tear wen wet. It takes s most per feet impression and U convealet to refer to. When once in use their superiority to appoint. Bold by W. a. JOLINSTwi , . 53 Btationera, &Wend at. two spry 900 b 119ris a o, of reoms, A ged, b p ri aZ k d ya , 'with hydrant, bake oven, smoke We, am. The IWllbe le In good repair, painted and paper• tiltuate on Nast Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. 8. OLITHBFT ket & street. wiar 11AY STATE APPLE P4lllO MA 0111NEL—A VERY llREpta, AP SUPERIOR AR• TICLE—By tire tr:,rus of tb3 crank, t apple l PARED, CAMP' and d UGED: Patented,lauteba 11th, 1858, and Pe t .b o r r col': a y !a l bs 7°l;32l y Bs quan 7, in t E l iar ty, 3pe at . No. 7 - VOW street, Pyre. burgh. Please call and examine form: 001 " a, • 29 s l am, fAldNlicsl'OOK. all Wia cc"E4 Batks, bOugbt by I • HENRY EL ,t 5 Wood .treat. COLINS WOOD STREET PROIERTY FOR 13A1,13L—An undivided fird Prt f that. Tamabl e promq, emits the ootaepf Sits and Wood streets, hikathg ISO feet front on Wood,y 60 + ,3 P on Sixth street. One-third of the above trill boeld 1:$8,(K!0. Oue-balf in band—balance at one, two anAble OG r arg. 'P RIre A SON* Jyl 51 Marta street: 11YDR---WslY- CANDLES.— w al re ond *add Clandlee, made 500 drfor Ammer nydr use,o I ,And'a id rcir 11110 1 1 exprea - ; lt CAL , IL Rhymill CRe,AV )°- (li . Co-Partnership. ULNIICA67II7:I•S At. No 1• WOOD SMUT Fish, lit JO3. It LEM' Nti Corner Diamond rind Mark et -fit PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK -ow--- PIANOS AND MELODEONS SEI.I4 I IEII F3Lt THE FALL. TRADE FR,151 THE CELEBRATED MANUFACTORIES MIMI% & SON'S, BOSTON, RAVEN, BAC:S B Cl, and A. H. GALE 8 CO., New York City WoO . WAILD ft b }GOWN, and W. P. /17 h 1 1 , : M90N, Boston', and other distinguished Piano porta Blaera; all of will ba told at matinfacturer's'prlcea, and warrautad. The preßent stock hasbeen selected by the Bubßcriber per• Banally, and every Plano 18 warranted to be wrfect'ln every particular and will be Bold at lees prima than have ever:belti offered In this city, PIANOS TO REIN T. Fine new and second baud Piapa , ato taut at $2, s2,4tand $5 per month. JOHN R. MELLOR, 81 Wood street, sel3 Between Diamond Alley and Fourth street. AN ELEGANT SEVEN OOTAVE ROSE WOOD PIANO 'FORTH IN NM. °LUNGE FOR GROORRINB OR DRY It ''r" 000D&—A eplendid 7 octave Piano, entire ise new, will be exchanged for Dry Goode or Groceries. The owner having no need for t e Piano, is willing to part with it at Restart coat , and h&j payment in Dry Goode or Grocorioa, from good harems. Thie Plano may be seen at the Mimic !Aare of 0013 JOHN IL NSLLOR,_.BI Woodlitreet P 1 A 0 S t, r• rt PULL BRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS I I AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Mannfactriy of 01310RERING & SONS', itoesetv, just received from the manufactory of Ohlokerilag, & Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES:— One Rill seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price - , • $BOO Ono Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rem* wood case. Price ' • .400 One New Parlor Grand suyen octave Plano, nearly equal ' in petver to a roll Grand, and occupying only the room of au ordinary square. Plano. - Price $BOO SQUARE PIANOS] Two full carved Rosewood, Lords XlVth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four a e II II 4 Vow Rosewood •• 41 II " (0 41 14 All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, :nd with full Iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. J OUr:. IL ht ELLOR, No. Si Wood street, Sole Agent for Ohickoriug & Sons'. • ALDERMEN. CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex-Ofilcio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STEMETB. 611 business connected with this office will be attended to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—each as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, Ac.. Titles to Beal Notate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenders hia services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the mayoral Courts of this State, and olaewhere. His office le one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilitlea in executing btoduess of that kind are very desirable. IfelUly Alderman's Office. TAMES S. I_l.OON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF TKIE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 89 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Doposithma, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, Lasses,' 'Articles of Agree ment, and of PartnershlyA, Letters of Attorney, etc., eta., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all briefness le Elie line of his official duties, promptly attended to. gm. Office hours, from 7% a. tt. to 1 P. it., and from 2 to 6 P. m. apBll.y 1110ERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchase good farming lands, are Informed that we have for sale 632 acres ofland In Boone county, lowa. Also 640 acres of land In Pranklln county, WEI be sold on easy terms by 13: CNTIMIRaT & BON, myl6 61 Market street. • CORKS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im wawa stock on hand,, at the only CORE MANIIBACI TORY in the city—No. 76 Smithfield street.. jylft • EL OMTNGTON. ADWELLING Llousu cm Third street fur rout. O. CUTHBERT & BON, Jan 51 Market divot. FOR RENT—A three story Dwelling House, _A: pa Third street—sYoo per year. S. OUTIER.RUT .1F SON, 1420 foal Rama AC/ Ora& 61 Market et. (ILA/LET WINE:- . • .13 cases N. Johnston & Bons Medan Clara Wins; 4 • - 10 " ' " BC - Sullen claret Wine 60 " 0.0. Bt. Julien Claret ,Wine, in store and' for sale by ldlitEllt 4 14.101E8T80,N, my 141,. .Noe. Wand 728 liberty street. rl `OELEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP:-1000 - boxed Chemical Olive Erasivo Soap, on hand and for ago by ' •• - &J. EL SAWYKR. iIieIACON.-10 casks Connizu 13aocai EL" dare, Sides and Han , q,Jir rocePired and for sale by ' JAS. A. FETZER, my 26 Clornor Market and PIM streets, TNDRIO.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just calved and for sale 14 mylB MILLE.E. & RTIMETEION. TRIED APPLES.--50:bnah. Bright Dried Apples Jest received and for eel° by J&S. A. I , mm, sarli OrrnerMaiket and Renaud eta. , EMONS-25 bxe just reoeiyeaand for sale Li by EIDIF.II it ANDEPON, 104 . No. Edio Wood street. CHAMOIS SKlNS.—Anotherenplyiy of 0 - 4111:13013 Skins, very 'iarfier end fine, received by . JOHEPIr nen Corner hlisiret, street Dinnicmd. O LET five Dwelliz Hovises. eirTaBR.RT # SON, aus b 1 Markot stmt. LILAsiSS—A large alortment of Traveling g: Flasks, of all plies acid vattles, just received by uosEPIE EIJOUNG, corner Fsn ALA.Re t E Map of air oonit7, with the States. Territories ail ocranideb aWrictly wit! od. For sale by it 8. HAVEN, 8 6 4,gorier, snl2 Cornerilark,o an a l, Sepal:A street-,J. ejo B CPUai Preight Bills, rculare. Dray Iteceipts, - - l' l .lratads, Labels, , Railroad cal s, Bills Lading, With every other descriptks of Job Printing, executed with promptness mast fair - pipes., J. R. A9LBEN, niter and Bind.r, Wood street, near Fourth. 2 ACRES of chola land, with good im provements, near the ety, for Baia on easy tortes by OUTHREIRT h. EON 4, jelo 61 rtart.t 'treat. Rtin ACRES of farming 'Lind, near Uniontown, Pa, !nage. 048 per acre. 8. CUTH' Bar & BON* 51 Market et. IZALLS BALLS! MAILS 1-A largti as- Berta:tent of soot, Solid ad Bat Balls, Just received and for sale, wholesale and alai!, at the India Dabber Depot. ' Viand 23' St. Dlalr sixso; my2g J. a EL.PAILLIPEL VANS 1 FANS 1 I—Falza Fans' by the ease, .1 dozen, or single, at Essnrn kices,with other varieties of Fancy Fans, for sale at HORNE'S, 108 77 Market Anse. LARD OIL BO barrels itxtra go. 1 Lard Oil; 25 " No. 2 Lad Oil, on hand and for Bala, by [myl2] B. O. & J. IL' SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.---,het received a lot of strictly pare old en:ferment Jaya Catlett. Also, Ln gnym and Itio Coffee, at JAYNES' TEA BTORB, ef, 38 111th stmt. 1111.1 RE BLAUK.BEFAY. ANH CHERRY IL Bildt/WY, for medicinal ?I:apneas, at fIAWCP.TEI & BIWWNLEBS, 435 ir< the Diamond. DOQK RESTS—Mafie of Mahogany an Ai well finished, for sale b 3 W. ES. lIAVEN, Jel4 ' Stationer. T AWYER'S SEAL ,PAPE.ES Varioqs. dyes and colors always of band, at 4 . ; • B. IHAVFAITS, ,;4 el 4 Corner Market end Oecond.sta. FRENCH LEMONS.--20 just:maived and for sale by MTh= & ANDER/30g, jy2B • ; ti 0.89 Wood rtreet, • fIERMAN DRAWINC4„PAPIM—In ro lUr tor Engravers, for salelky WEEDIif, _men en Wand strese. snear Pcartl, GUM BANDS, Tort , F0b:43; 1 Desk Fade, oalatictii Oasea,Port'Manelos, and.Pbekot gooks, for saIeHATRN , g, aPI 9 Corner WA . et and Second streets. CLUNNY SAO : S.-300 large three bus els Ajlt• itanny Backs, new and Hz doOd (odd, for ado by' JAS. A. INSEI/J4 diotdor What slid Illorkotstroets. iIAESTNITTS.-5 burr& IWO; Tee - ': ‘OlO tbls dar. and far solo by.•• • Aiti • Na. 89 Wood Oppedie MO= - 4 - .. '............." _.../ Iron City Commercial College, P•14,..,, , ,argh, Pa.—Chartered, 1856. :ZOO SI:I3DINTS ATTBNiiING, JANGIABI4I BSB . Now• the largest and most thorongh Commercial School of the, kluited,States. Young Men Prepared for Actual Dutie2 of the Cbunting Room. 3 .1 0. SMITH, A: M., Profeesor of Book-Keeping and &place .Acgonnta, A. T. DOLITLIETV, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. . J. A, 11EYDRIOK and T. 0. JEN SINS Teachers of Book. Beeping. . :ALEX 00WI t hiii, and W. A. MILLER, Peofessore of Pen. nifdiship: dingle and Double Entry 13°4-limping, as need in every department of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Dunnage Writing; Detecting Ootiniorfeit MOue7, Mercantile Corropondence, pompterMal Law, are taught, and all other duld&ts dedessitrysfofthe success - and ••thorough eduestion of ,anzraetical husineist gran, • rw g PREhiIWMB, :Drawn:all tholettmitons irrl'ittsburgh for the past three Yeers,also Lei Eastern and . Weetern Cities; fbr beet Writing, "ea IMPOIITANT INFORM. • Btudente enteitie any - time--No 'vacation—time unlimited -,lleviese pleasureiradnates assisted in obtaining nit tiationauttion for . Fall Cotuniercial Ocaftie,s3s—A4erage time 8 to 12 seeks,--Board, $2,80 . per woole—etzitionery, $8 —Entire cost, $6O to $7O. sip Ministers' efts remised at halt price. For Card—Circular—Specimens, of Bu mess and Orna- Mental Writing--inclo re' two stamps,. and. address , JENKINS, 505 Pittsbirrgh; Pennsylvania. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. kJCIITILBgAT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 . Market street, for the sale and pnrchase of Real Estate, renting bosses, attending to instirenice and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making convey aneiie, deeds, boucle, /ix.; writing letters and corresponding with partbie abroad, &o. will BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real state and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO, knieincrie.-141esse: Hanna, Geneteon .t Co., Robert L'arket Req. , JY1129 WEST N .LAITDS• ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, 013:10, Has for sale Lands in ElEnals, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will aschange Lands in Wisconsin, Ac., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. AR letters of inquiry eanverid gratis; .by addressing me as state.any. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, &0., all in good order, with a dwelling bonne, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South Pittabitrgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 8, OUTHI3IIItZ & 80N, I ell' 61;IIIarket street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT- Ai En, In exchange for land. ap22 B. CUTHBERT & SOH, 61 Market at. A STEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling lima etn, near the city, fur rude Dy 13:01JTEL1311,1LT £ BON, i„tip24 61 'Market street. WESTEIIN LANDS of good quality, for tale or eichange for Roal Estate in the city. ap23 8. CUTHBERT k SON, 61 Aforket6t. L'AMILY RESIDENCE FOR SAL E— A valuable property of 160 feet front on Covington at-, hawronceVille, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, WWI of water and pump, stable an& coal horse, kitcheu range, etc.. The rooms are newly, painted and pa pored, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ding fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residence: Price low, and terms accommodating. 01. OUTHBEIrr, & SON, heal Estate . and Mineral Agents, Jel6 51 Market street. rIME SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by 8. CUTHBERT & BON is 80 by 10Z feet. Location—Near the railrobd station, Tea; Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms—Ono-foarth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be, seen at the Real Estate Office, 61 Market street [jel2.. 11411411. IT IN T- MINA thilt the East Lib arty Lots are offered et such prices, and on mach easy tame, as to make a home madly. to be obtained. Bear it in Mind, that they' front on w e . streets, axe of easy access by railroad, and !are .very .desirable locations for faintly residences. Bear it in mind, that The plan of the lots; is to be seen at JeL2 Ii SIARKBT STREET. VOR__,_SALE.— SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES- of chorlo PrarriO 'aid . Timber land, situated in N orthernloe a and Sol:intern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot of farming lands ever offered in Ibis market, as they &relocated cowimikkritly: to Mills; Tofsrui and lines of Railtond.. Pamphletcontaininginformation of value to emigrants and 'catidogues 'giving location; description and price of the land, with a brief deezriptlon of the counties in which they are located, can tie had on application at our office, and they, will be rant free by mail to: persons sending us their address. WILLIAM FRAZIER k 00., my:ectf ' ahnes' 67!Fourth street. MEN DOLLARS IN RAND; vill secure a Etdlding Lot of 2.3x100- feet. on, Mt: Washington-- Price, sloo—sl.o in hand, remainder to titl4 purchaser. Al. so; a Lot of 60x3.00 feet for $2511525 in 'hand, balance in paymenta to suit purchaser. 8. gIITEIBPART k SON, je23' 61 Market. street. 1C) ACRES of Land end' ra comfortable .Maw, situate near the Waehingtam Zurnpilre, at about 3 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be eoldon easy terms. Immediate noseessloa. S. '01711113.811T Et BON, 143 , , 54. Market divot. A LOT O.V. OROUND.itaast Liberty, near 2 - 2 1 , the Railroad station BO by 100 feed will be eold for s27b, ens-fourth In hand, remainder at six pears' credit. S. OUTELBRIIT & SON. • my'29 . . , 61 'Market street. MILITARY GOODS. T HE SUBSCRIBERS RAVE CONSTANT LY2I. 013 hand a =Veto stock of oad and Market great. 71312 MIRED wrra LULL 11!;11MKEIT9 M. SHOW Of MCI. SILK END BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO ORDER 31110. s? Dl , FAll o pErf & SON. mylB 9E MARKET STREET. UAME MILLINGA.kMONONGAITELA PLANING WIZ, would respectfully Lbrorm the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and haying enlarged his establialfraent, and 'filled it' with the naWcst and most ap prayed machinery, b ticrw prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards escrow' sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kilniltied, frames, mouldings, bos making, Ac. South Pittsburgh, September 7,1857. : [eel° GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. I/ 0 L P. M A H A I D E E S I A II 8 'a P. 0 B 13' CHEAP. FP O PEOPLE'S 0 A SHOE STORE, A I No. 17 OMR ST. I T T IA RUBBER CURR OOMBS.—T4e best Szttsle in an% Just received at -the India Rubber epos, 28 and 28 St. Clair street: • tu7 22 . - jag : • :t; l• ; nIL CLOTH ORABH.-1500 yards, of vari x., ous patterns arid iridtlia, jait rwatdpd from the ftw tory, for wile wholemla or ratiO, by 28 .r. a Etjaamps, and ,2rt BLOAT Oust EDUCATIONAL. MILITARY GOODS aoNaceriXa a; PAZ? OP PLUMES, BWOD I BABira9, srARB, LACES, :I TASSELS, Volunteer Campuslea 00:11DRENES' SHOES GLASS. -- 300 boxemosateti sizes " indco "abm2s. g ood w a g tr7 - d 'a r afit e rV. comma ROOMS.-50 dm. reed and for sale by Anal 1121NRY : 11. COLIZNIL 500 paokagea White,Wk; Salmon, and Trcit; far ale by (m 921 ) coma& TNO. D. Id'ORNARY'S OOL',DiPBINTINI ThrKs—som by • Icir24 a k a WELDIN. :(10RN.-1 0 bags shelled Corn seeived sale •• •BA • anqay COLLINg. L)N TRYBAOOI,I.---. 100tqba: ' Cotinfal B i min, Hires, Stiordders received IDnd tor iv by• • 448(4.1111ZER8, disl2 - 06riorldaziret obit Vire, kir CHECK' BOOKS;-01 - all the Batiks . and Brokanitt ; : s„ maim, ,mr24 , , _ RrittOr Mud Stat4oner. 11 : 7 " e PAPUA-3i I t reams as: t ft. slam Bag Wrapping, acapedor tor kale bi tabled letteis patent, dateddith ,cugast. 18M, for a new and simple instrument for pIiELLING CORN, truly neat, compact and portable, coMbintng durability; utility and cleanness; a neceerary uppFday,e to every farmer's barn, is now offered to the people f the Halted States at a very low price . We have no '`,Fatent !tights " for sale, but manufacture and sell the mire nt our works. Owing to its compact form it is destined soon- to become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants' shelf The Machines are of tWoleizec, weighing only about 85 and 50 pounds, and may he secured to a poet, pillar, or door, as yOu wonid a coffee mill. We add no more, when seen, it speaks for itself. sell:Smctsw LIVINGSTON, COPELAND & CO IT IS THE CHEAPEST; SIMPLEST, SULLEST, Will Chaff Twice as Fast as any in the United States TT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED to the Cleaning of ell F.eadA, from theq,,,,,41- smallest to the largest, witoont Vtaatts. and lo ISO". only twenty inches wide, hitt runnt he s to:. be appreciated. Farman, I'llanufacturers, Mo chanics and everybody elt,e, are litvited to mee its practical working, at the atone under the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. sel6:lmdaw—cJ J. T. GOODIN, Agent. NEW GOODS. 11355. NEW GOODS. THE UNDERSIGNED Wll,l, OPEN ON Monday, kieptemb r,l3tb, his well eoleetod stock of the latest styles in Pre'ss and Cloak 'frit - 1141111gs, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers and, Ruches, a complete kssortment of Embroideries, Col o‘rs. 111 ,, me4, lade Elginga, Children's Robe's, Waists and Caps, et'end Hhaw le and Woolen Cloaks for Children, Hoofer tiluvra, li•an i lets, Alexander klanven's Rid ~ ,levoa, Fre 1.-h rot-etc, r!...,,pea, Expansion .likirta, and Bussele, (now 1 4 1,14 d1....t;a0 I Wool, Sephln Woorated, Perpen Paper, l i att-rue, ::mbruiderod Slippers; Patterns for Ea,l:roidoeles drneen, tu,d tituhroideries worked at short notice. Fancy Head Dresses made to order. I thank the Ladies for limir kind patronage, and hope they will give 1.110 their ,naionk no trio future, nil I will al ways do my b'et to sell theio the goods heap. Ladies, call and examine the no v,ltto4 at J. BUSH'S, se I team Sr, Market at ,'ld door from Fourth. NO 65 1' IF Til sT REET.- EPAIIIXITEIB, 817T101:18, FRENEE, • ETO, ETO ~ ,4 :-- ; ,'.,..:".., " ':.VV., " , ,t •• NUMBER 296. MISCELLANEOUS CLIMAX FAN. -AT_ J- . I3USH'S, No 65 Market St., Seconctivoar frE;nl s'_m2er of Fburth. 1-U)( )I.' I NCI (; H. EA P, DURABLE, FIRE ANI) WATER PROOF JOSEPH : HARTMAN, (Recently Agent foli H. M. Warren & C 0.,) MANUPArTtfIiEN- AND DEALER CEMENT GRAVEL ;AND ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATEt qANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING I 1 MATERIALS 10360F1110/3, No. 65 FIFTH FITHEET, opposite Odd Fol lows IlelL Pittebtrgb, y 9 Summer Lager Beer. THE UNDERSIqNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends find the public in general, that he L 3 in the daily receipt or this delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N.traub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be th best that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTET 0 L and P 1311 1 ,1 Give me a call and try it. , JOHN ROTH, ap243tf - Al his old surd, 10. 26 Diamond. STOCKIb I i G AT MANIIFACTURERS' PRICES, /awe on hand, and for Gale at ETU fiuRNE'S, 1 ACARDPItIiM DR. JAMES M. J.AR REI'T, OF VIE NEW YORE'. LUNG INFIRM . AftY.—My connection Mr the pact eight yearn with the above Institution. es Chief Physician, tied a twelve yearn' in •cnlita of 'Steady devotib C nto the ure of Pulmonary 001 - ( rintopUou and lie kindreyi disease?, together with my an ' tivalledopportti rides an dud van taze of pathological reaoarch —aided not a little by a , , p-rind ,i, of .3fedical Inhale arsi—Andi enabled me to earive et a d•ic , alTe, direct and atm . ccairfal course of treatment r - n . _the positive and radical cure of all diteases of the Thrbat, Lungs, anti Air-Paraages. By Inhalation, the - vapor and curative preperte, of modicinod ere directly adressed to the intense:l orgene and the integu ment. Ito not acivii.e tile meet' Medical I nhalatl , :aa of any kind, to the exclusion of peneria treatment; and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those.fearfal and often fatal disease°, yet I deem it very no ceseary that each patient shunid have the benefit of both geberal and local treatment: The suttees of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the Institte tion over wkikti I have illb long had the honor to presidemre too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philantlitopie aid the above charity has been supported, and after dna consideration, I long and liberally have coneluded to make., each errengements as will bring the bcnefita of my_ expsiimouts and treatment within the reach total, and cot confine niyiella heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at MP office. B'eping therefore that the arrangement will give entire SatiefaCtioll, both to my proms:tenni breth ren end, the public, I vlauld respectfully announce in coo elusion, that /can now beconsulte.dpersonaliy or by terr , r.ou all•disessen as above, old that the medicines, the mime a., used In the Institntio , prepared to cult each individual case. inhaling rapori,t Italica;, ctc., dr., wilt in, forwarded by express ti any part of the drifted States or the Canadas. 'Beans-14y terms of treatment by leirer are as follows, viz: Sr/ permaouth for cob mithmt which will include medicine tintlicieut fur one mouth'.. rye; also, lu• haling Vapor, and an I ithatif.r.; .d.pparatu, Pi ;went ii.-i iol • lows: $ll to be paid to Express At en i ,- 13 ,it 01 Liw - 1,,,,, of Medicine, and dm *Om at the expiration of ti m ni, *Omni,' at If the pad 'LA be cared or in . Lindy eetinfted with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms In full, can be treated at well by letter as by personal eissalnation. Patients availing them eelvee of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate and permanent relief; iki he seldena has to trent a case over thirty days. Lettere hir advice promptly auswelset For farther particularly, addrem • i JAM Itil a. JAitttleTT, U. D., No. 82) Broadway, cur. Twelfth :IL, f 4 Y. . P. B.—Physicians and ~therm visiting the city are re.- eicwctfully invited to Mill at the indruusry. where wetly Intermit:lg Mate Can be Witte..s6ed, cud where our ifa proved apparatus for the inhislatiou of medicated vapor can be seen and Ws • : to. iyad.Gm VELLUM COPYING BOOKS-;;FftTEsitsb.y COOPERS WANTEO---'2 t-kixd lic,oper r i Wanted to work ou tight* work—goLa wagea given and oonstuut etupt•ry)neot„ It/rialto of 1 JeA, A EINZIIIt, Con !lax ket and First trtreeta. DRIED APebES-50 buehela Dried Ap plon, Jag roo. - eared and Ica. ante. by MtOAIiaLE,SB, liKANii it CO., o{ , rnar Virvad and Wa!er rdreeta. DAIZITINO 4. ND PLASTERING}, wanted st. ttt'exchaxige f 0 two lots of ground.- . CfUTFIBERT .4 EON, 01 Market , sl. NOTICE. --The Co-Parimerhip of BAGA LEY, COSOBAVE k CO. expired by Ilmltattea, o the tuataat. bualnesd wltl bo_c , rainuod by BAGALEY, at 18 and 210 Wood street, who will mule up the twin= of the Litalfirtli. W. DAO.II,EII, 71.1LiN oo3OftiVE. Plttaburgh, July PLI, 1858.—jy233t IMPORTANT TO B U YERS.-- We Love A ; now placed Upon the c,anitar a lat at ,u11..P.D 4-IAIT ZILE' and 8110 ES, illicit we offer CH I•;.'t P. Call end °lain- Lie them, All kinds of titan/31yr wear Rolling at Oro - saos t resaanebleptlces. slpdoe' tiail,ru, black and calculi. with and witlient heolfi, t..,w. 011ildraa'd Fancy aces, of the Ileweat styles. We bag," still a few Metni Patent Leather Gaiter& left, now selling at greatly roda:ed pricdd. , I D oTgbIBAQI3EIt & CO-, iylo ' lid. 77 VP : ay.o, hoar 51e.rk et. lies ground ley©. 2.m . —...,, , ,,i and ehto by. or s, YE EIuO Fr L i ust , 0 tr R.. —2O bbls. . A. kr ZB i Cuitelfakket and Fir" __ --t eta. - pI 1R S I' r g - supply of Wand Moors, adiatt pare, forekli fl D ctfra m ow ; v ismng an article that c n bo should call and examine my etor.t. .1+.4,073,144 sad Gauze fdadtet grcalt saw ~ f "_ F :.... ... ,u,.,.,~.,_ ROOFS, YARNS- 77 Market street
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