Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 09, 1858, Image 2

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    to Parnin . g ',l„ost.
JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor.
A.i.T1LL1.4,111 A. PORTER;
RESPONDENCE —The Democratic County Cum.
mittee of Correaponder Ce will meet at the ST. eltAilk_Es
Vittsburgh, WEDN rtiDAY, June l6th, 185 S, at ELEVEN
o'clock, A M. runctual attendance it! requested.
JAMES A. 011thON, Chairman
JORN LArrON, Secretary.
The following named gentlemen compose the ala.ve Colo
mitten, viz:
J. N. MI Lowry, James A. aibsrm.
U. B. Sinclair, Thomas Farley.
Joseph Hip:lngham, D. D. Bruce,
h. B Patterson, It. 11. Pattcraim.
Charles Bryaon. Pr. Wm. M. Ilerron
J. B Fulton, R. B. Guthrie,
Robert Morrow, of Roes, .`. C. Wingard,
John Layton
•Good Stood•"
The Gazette, in a leader eulogistic of the
ticket nominated by the late Know-Nothing
Convention, speaks of one of the nominees
as coming of " good stock, - and of another
as belonging to a " family well and favora
bly known." We suppose these gentlemen
are to be elected for the sake of " blood."
Some of the candidates are puffed because
they are " mechanics," and others because
they are " gentleman's sons." The Gazett, ,
is not,•however, altogether satisfied with the
political stock, fur it says : " Stich is the ticket
presented to our political friends. It is not,
of course, as a whole, what every one of them
desired, but it was impossible that all our
personal preferences should be gratified."
Which is it the that Gazette objects to—the
"blooded Andidates," or the "mechanics?"
A Strange Coincidence
The Chairman of the late Know-Nothing
Convention has announced the Executive
Committee for the ensuing year. A. M.
Brown, (K. N.) Chairman, has called the
first meeting of the Committee. fur "dune
16th, at 11 o'clock, A. M."—the same day
and the same hour for which the Democratic
County Committee had been called some
days since. What's in the wind, now ?
More about the Gulf Oul ragen
Captain Nichols, of the brig Lillian, while
arrived at New York on Saturday from .1a
maica, reports that when near Sombrero key
he was boarded by a boat from a British war
steamer, supposed the Buzzard. Captain
n.evans, of the brig Abram, arrived at New
York on Monday, reports that be was board
ed on the 36th ult., from the steamer Styx,
and his papers examined. The Abram is the
vessel to which allusion was made a few days
since as having put ashore some passengers
at Key West. The Styx was at Key West at
the time, and when the brig proceeded on her
voyage, the steamer gave chase. The result
is now known. There are now forty-one Sint
liar cases of British visitation and search of
American merchantmen upon record. The
news of the boarding of the schooner Mobile
was received at Bermuda about th , 34th ult.
The official Go..:et/s affects to disbvtieve the
report, but says if it be as announced, the
British officer in command of the Styx will
he punished. When the New York papors
containing the other cases next following
were received, the Bermuda journals still
, thought the reports exaggerated, if not fabri
cated for the pitrpose . of creating a sensation.
The conduct of the British cruisers in the
Cuban ports has caused the Captain General
to issue orders to the Spanish squadron to
prevent violations of the sovereignty of Spain.
But it appears the Spanish men-of-war are
trying their hands at this searching
The brig Taman.), which arrived on Mon
day from Havana, reports that when off that
port he Was boarded lky act officer from a
Spanish vessel of war ; who demanded the
brig's papers, which were shown hi him, and
after examining them lie departed.
European Schemes in C.nt.ral America
The special correspondent of the New York
Herald, under date of June 6th, says that
startling developments are on the eve of be
ing made of the intentions of the European
Powers to aid in the formation of a Central
American confederacy, having Costa Rica as
the leading State and nucleus around which
is to be combined, through the power of mo
ney and other means, a barrier to the exten
sion of the area and influence of the United
States. All the Isthmus routes are to he pur
chased. Costa Rica is to offer apparently
equal terms as to the transit to all the world.
France and England aro to join in a guaran
tee, and the United States will have the offer
of a participation. The offer itself would be
a deception—its acceptance the abrogation of
the principle of the Monroe doctrine.
The representatives of South and Central
America, as well as those of Europe, have
long been in the secret of the matter. This
double dealing and concealed purpose is only
known to a few. It is understood our (Joy
ernment has some inkling of the affair. It is
time we waked up to the tricks of foreign
diplomacy. Felix Belly has probably acted
imprudently, and participated in the question
before it was ripe. He undoubtedly is an
agent, having money for this purpose, favor
ed by Louis Napoleon and other parties to
the scheme. He probably will be repudiated
for his imprudence.
A Grand Rr.l'road Swindle
A committee appointed by the Wisconsin
Legislature to investigate the affairs of the
Milwaukee and Superhd Railroad Company
have made some extraordinary developments.
In substance, officers of the company were
elected, and stock issued, without regard to
the five per cent. to be paid in. One hun
dred thousand dollars in full paid stocks
were issued and divided among some half
dozen sharpers. The farmers on the propos.
ed line Were induced to subscribe stock, and
mortgage their farms, to the amount of over
two hundred thousand dollars, which mort
gages were sold into third hands at seventy
cents on the dollar, and the proceeds used up
in salaries to officers who had nothing to do,
as there was no railroad except on paper.
One hundred and twenty thousand dollars of
stock, called " cash suhscrihers,"-were also
issued, and bonds, the company has issued
hire - hundred alb! twr.nly thousand dollars,
without having a single dollar paid into the
company, as required I,y its charter A
large portion of these extraordinary issues
was made, it seems, to obtain a luau of one
hundred thousand dollars :of Milwaukee city
bonds, which, together with the farm mort
gage bonds, constituted all the real capital of
this moonshine company.
—After various experiments withall sorts of
paving for twenty-five years, B. , stuu has return
ed to cobble -stones, as the only convenient :to , t
practicable material. TM- it r: pavement is bet
ter, hut too earen , ,ive All the other paving
materials have proved inferior to cobble stones
The freight business over the Pennsylvania
Railroad tor the month of May past, as corn
pared with May of last year, silt, S an in
crease of over $BO,OOO. There has been also
a considerable increase of the passenger but-
iness in the same time, not yet fully asoer
tained. This compares favorably for Penn•
sylvania's great work, besides saying some
thing for the trade between Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia. When it is known that some
of the "New York Railroad Guides" litt\e
been given to tue public with the existence of
the Pennsylvania Railroad wholly ignored
JUNE 9,185 R
from the face of the maps, while competing
roads North uud South of it hay, , found con-
spicuous place on them, the result above giv
en must be taken as a special rebuke uf the
smallest kiwi of meannt.ss.
rhis great basso, the greatest, in the opin-
i nn 4 He erg npetent judge,:, now living.
will glv • a concsrt in this city, under the di
reeti.m Maurii:e Strackosch, on Monday
evening, the 21st iust. lie is said to be as
g r"at in concerts as he is in opera, and the
lovers of music will look forward to his visit
with no ordinary interest.
The accounts of the growing crop of cot
ton are, upon the whole, very promising.
The loss by the overflow of the Mississippi is
now estimated at not likely to exceed 100,-
1W bales, which, as effecting the total crop,
is quite unimportant. The present crop will
be about .t,loo,ottO, lolly lim,ooo bales be
vuud most estimates during the w inter. The
exce , s, compared \vim the same tituo last
year, is bow over .50,000 bales. The total
exports from the shipping ports at the latest
mail dates were—to Groat Britain, 1,394,000
bales, against, b, the same date last year,
1.245,000; to France the deficit, compared
with last season, is reduced to 15,000 bales,
and to other foreign ports 60,000 bales. The
exports are still on a largs scale, Mid likely
to continue so for some time.
Everything which is good is the way of
reading matter is received as soon as pub
lished by Hunt & Miner, :;t the periodical
depot in Masonic hall.
They have just received "Mary Derwent," a
new and ut-sr excellent story by that capital
writer of popular stories, Mrs. Ann S. Ste
phens. Like all which have emanated from her
gifted pen, this new novel of Mrs. Stephens
will he read with great zest. It is emphat
ically an American 'level. The book con
tains over four hundred pages. T. B. Peter
son & Bros., Philadelphia, are the publishers.
The same house has just received, in neat
and cheap form, Miss Pardoe's new novel,
entitled " The Jealous Wife." This is equal
to any of Miss Pardoe's stories. Hunt k,
Miner have both the above for sale.
This famons race, the greatest in the world,
has been won by Bead.umn, a colt owned by
Sir Joseph Hawley. The race is for horses
three years old, weight 119 pounds for colts,
and 115 pounds for fillies. The value of the
stakes is sometimes as high as fifty thousand
dollars. Fit'' Boland, another colt owned by
the same gentleman. was the favorite at fi to 1.
Thu odds against Beadsman was '2O to "
Clydesdale was the favorite at one time, but
was scratched and did not start on account of
a curl), which prevented the work necessary
for his preparation. Mentmore had been in
high favor : but in a private trial at Newman-
Pen noylvisnia P-ail road
Oar! Formes
The Cotton Crop
New ovals.
The Derby at Epsom
ket with Fisherman, the old horse went right
away from him in the first mile. The favor
ite of John Scott's stable was Lorgrange, a
good, but very small horse. Lord Derby's
horse, Toxolophite, was beaten. Beadsman,
the winner, is by Weatherbit out of Mendi
cant, both of which were capital racers. We
arc not advised how many started, hut prob
ably about thirty.
Poet.nts,sters Confirmed.
In the Washington correspondence of the
New York Hi'rald, bearing date of June 4th,
we find the following list of postmasters con-
The following postmasters have been confirm
ed by the Senate, and there are some two or
thice hundred ax •re appointments of various
kinds yet to be acted on in the Senate :—F. A.
Ellidreth, Lowell, Mass.; J. Vanderhonse, Bath,
N. Y.; W. S. Badger, Augusta, Maine.; T. G.
Young, Saratoga, N. Y.; Thomas Welsh, Mont
gomery, Ala.; W. D. Morrast, Tuscaloosa., Ala.;
H. Black, Enfants., Alad T. L. Toulmin,
Ala ; W. J. Wendham, Huntsville, Ala ; H. F.
Feeney, Wheeling, Va. ; Thomas B. Begger,
Richmond, Va ; W. N. Friend, Petersburg, Va.;
R. H. Glass. Lynchburg, Va.; S. W. Ashby,
Alexandria, Va ; W. Hathaway, Eastport, Me ;
J. R. Hardenborough, Sacramento, Cal.; S. Ed
wards, Belfast, Me.; J. C. Snow, Bata, Me.; E.
Wheldeu, Calais, Me.; S. Jordan, Portland, Mo.;
L. Bangor, Ni. ; W M'Nulty, George
town, S. C ; W. Rust, Austin, Texas; J M'Cor
truck, Baton Rouge, La.; J. E Hunt, Toledo,
Broshrun, Steubenville, Ohio; J. L
Tuthill, Lancaster, 0; J. Case, Circleville, 0 :
A. W. M'Cormick, Marietta, 0.; J. G. Moire,
r art Wayne, Ind ; J. N. Talb,,tt, Indianapolis,
Ind ; C. R. Rudd, Evansville, Ind.; J. Moore,
Vincennes, hid. : R. Elward, Natchez, Miss.; C.
R. Dickson, Jackson, Miss.; T. W. Woodrna.n,
Great Falls, N. H ; G. H. Rundlett, Portsmouth,
N. H.; P. H. Burns, Coon, N H. ; J. Castre,
Concord, N. 11 ; G. R;wers, Nashua, N. H.; T.
P. Pierce, Manchester, N H.; J. Izzaro, Bur
lington, Iowa; J. Turner, Georgetown, Cal.; C.
Courtney, Colotna t Cali G. L. Patrick, Sonora,
Cal.; T. J. Churchill, Little Rook, Arkansas; J.
M. Dixon, Jefferson City, Mo ; J. J. Smith,
Frederick, Md ; A. Gassoway, Annapolis, Md.;
S. Ridnour, Hagerstown, Md.; J. Morris, Balti
, more, Md:: M. Clack, New Briton, Conn.; E. B.
Goodsell, Bridgeport, Coon. ; H. Sanderson,
Now Brunswick, N. J ; C. F. G:.- ", Newark, N.
; W. R. Benjamin, Trenton, N. J.; R. L. Ciow,
Princeton, N. J ; J. Atkinson, Newport, R. 1; W
ii. Carroll, Memphis, Tenn . E. L. Stroheck.ri
M,c,m, Ga.; G W. Young, Chelsea, Mass.; E.
Slocum, FAIL River, Mass.; R. Noble, Westfield
Mass ; P Allen, Pittsfield, Mass ; N. Canon
Boston, Mass.; P. Small, York, Pa.; W. il. Hut
ter, Easton, Pa ; Mrs. Mary Berard, West Point
New York.
P. , -tuaii.Fttr General has established a
new post o dice at North Mills, in Coolepring,
Mercer county, and appoi n t e d Wm. J. Hamilton
--Tn- lierninn j nue - ri , yineu tailors of Cinoin
n neid n !,.rge meeting a few evenings agc.,
rev demand an ir.crease of wages
of from *!.5 to 30 per cent
--A German, "lamed Jacob Walmsley, was
killed in New York, Wednesday evening, by
drinking a gia , 4:+ of •' oil of cognac," taken by
misteke for brandy There was enough poiscn
in it to make a dozen gallons of the best French
—The Buffalo Common Council have appropri
ated $BOO to celebrate the coming Fourth o
—A new counterfeit. five 161 1 'Ir bill on the
State Bank of New Jersey at New Brunswick has
just been put in circulation.
—General Soott will be seventy-two years of
age on the 14th inst. He has been in the army
half a century.
—A curious instance of a threatened evil
turning to good account, has recently been shown
in the experiences of Elsinore, a town which was
principally known to the world by the "first
rat: notices " wbich it received in Hamlet and
from Campbell, until the Danish difficulties, two
years ago, when it :tame out prominently before
the public.
The Baltimore Patriot mentions the fact,
that an insurance company in that city now takes one of the great objectsof medical ," should I
risks our t t-. Own , r, .f pt., prrty,NEW ADVERTISENUTS.
therefore, be tc provide ti core thcm. The vote stood yeas 43; nays 1.8.
in atidttton to th , . I ,eihtife of insuranc e . think has been ::_ccomilished by Holloway. His I Haase--The House went into comtuittlte of the
This 1 the sessita of Congress to Monday next, the 14th.
1 OUN TKY S EATS I-: \ , • ' .
Is o by fire and t i ~ J , ~,,,, 1 , 1 , 4 ., , against Pills seem nhuost to realize the fable of the 1 whole on the Senate amendment to the miscellaneous private sale at th t poi .... , t
;11 agaitio. a vrant Elixir Vito. There can he ito manner of d i.ubt. ' appropriation bill. si eof the Peunaylvartia itailioac, mi i,.
supposed to be about forty coca; two-thirds o. -•i •
(unkss we ch , ose to reject ;,. 111,S8 1 T,Atitn.n.,"
u :'l7li i e w f y ol ' iy oF 1'.‘ , 5...-aii.. , l ii showp in th e suit which would b.- deemed conclusive by all 7 ~..ur, under fence and in a high stub o. col civilia], ille tailit.ic
br ea :it at Pt.rtr.r, Obi a, Prom New Orlesns. well eat with screat tree;--on use ellii of ii,,IL '1 1.4 ft ~, 0. ,
by Moss: A. Bitehard and jury in C;rnt , tnti i'..:rt, ) 't..' t tit , ot tiry the t, -I NEW ORLEANS, Juno S.—Girard Stith, the Amcri. frA,ue two story huse, with a kitchen to each end, and a
()tent Y . I not ' -,* • to , ii ' ,l '' '1
.• '
N'S 1% ~ roe- ter Li 's- ,f , i- d..try.ges Joni_ i • I) ...'
' ''
' ' ---
- ' ' lA. lie amon g the Lio'n ••11,:abit , r'atistio , i toy
0 ~,,,,r .t „ 0 „ ~ .11,1 nlntry alai:Airy. Many of the priOnipal nalnlaS '
; country Kea:B in tdi ur any other nulllity Comuviwitug ,
ran t• Arid taLite for Mayor, was electdd by ttvu hundred vetu t a i,, hi i
j e , e u t ,, o v n ,l Quat y.
plaintiff I , C m g i f t on , ,, ntiuut. 1 I.ii trial. jt e t i , Lar ,,,,,h, i .„ ,i,,,, „.:, , ,
~ „:,. ky , il , '''' 1 -- - ' A we: lal-i ticket were defeated. Tho city ' 3 maguificeet • iew of the !V.liiimng...ll , -lit Heel f. t -everal miles,
closed was the fourth of thy e: ~..e by ;+ .I'll-7
y e broke up their either way, and ~ .:01,1,,,g ?, it .u: point furze a hi, 11 i•ie, ai
a I ViiM obit' miiiders I.: i :,:p , , :to ,llank ~. V, q :::: 7, ... „1 7 16 1
u : lg s i , t : c th e ey e a ° r 7 re it a t a e
-- camp 1..... big. i', .ted dii,l , ..ocied, but ore not disor- may he seen on the ttaiiroad for a him; distanc. ..ending
It occupied four days, and resulted to a va diet maladiet, by night top to. , c .koiti. , n : - .I I,t, ..) . to carry out their their Way to and trout the city, with 11 station retie.. ii, t ei
er or in l asts to suit ptuctpsers, an,:
of $7O dam sees i 1, t :
-. ar. Li to p.,tin ,ff. T'.l e idol.) t:y ...f but If 111 ' 2 ' o ' scol ' .l ' I 1 rineiplet ati . ,v moment. The municipal authorities
ree,, , LIALLI , CoI i...= f sin i i)n ia e xi ' i w- ,i '' ye ra r ( Ci s d t E e t a om rn i,c s n tl i 3 e . ' , ire engaged in arresting all concerned in the Vigi• on the paym-nt of a inn .11 part oft he purchase money, tb.
the dog was the wain point In the cos,- Too i tailiv.shilldwoini :tbaeltsz,tth.
costs have inn up to $l,OOO. lance Committee movements. Writs were issued for b a lance, it well a cured, may retnion a cro:it of tea yt.rt.
tee arrest of the leaders on a charge of high treason. the tuter,st whereof to be paidsemi-annually
.a. O. UAW lilii S.
—ln Dickinson rollep , at Carlisle, Pa , there
are one hundred ii,.l ninety students.
—A court try certain °huge
uvinht . , Tonlowler B , ut , cell, of the United
Nr.7y, convene: at Wq?h!ng ton on th,- 10th
ni, preident Judge will be CornuiDd-re
St ringham
William B. Aoderso - 3, Esq., formerly for R
nurct-4•1. of years a represni4tive in the B:•,.te
Legislature from Perry county, and afterwards a
Senßtor from Perry and Cumberland coup
-6(.8, died ai nis resid7nce to Aaroneburg, Yarry
county, on eduesday lsst, Dyed 58.
-- A United States soldier, named Johr. Mc-
Namara, was killed in Carlisle on Thursday
night by another soldier named Francis Perrier
The lattet. has been arrested.
Fur the l'lttehurgh Morning Post..
••Impudence Unparalleled."
" Resolved, That the embarrassed siste of our
county filiation, calls loudly for the inauguration of
n system of retrenchment and reform, awl for such
an ovsrhauling of our county affairs n. 9 will ssve lice
pe iho h•aa‘y burden ui tiixatiou r county
upon I botil by 'he present Locofeeo
nasprity of inn County C..tuluis,biners."
The abole beautiful specimon of Republican truth
was passed by the Know Nothing Convention on
Wednesday last, just after putting in nomination for
County Commissioner—theory office referred to in
the resolution, and the most ituportant office in the
county—one Zaoheus' Patterson, of Indiana towns
Well, after such a parade of resolutione in the veny
of retrenchment, our readers of course expect to tinci„
ttat this Zacheus is the very man to " relieve the
people from the heavy burden of taxation " inflicted
by the Commissioners.
We were snre that Zaeheus must be the right man,
bet that our readers might have it tr,re cortaio, we
inquired of an cod Whig friood of Indiana township,
where thi Zachals ie quid to dwell, and learned that
Zicheud, beyond being a devout men, and no who
eceolled all others in hard swearing in the Know
Nothing lodges, had n.rt been hitherto famous except
a tax. collector for Indiana tuwnsnip—in court,
that 'Lichen:. had no otti3r hu,tory than a resemblance
to _air, the Z wh) a Laic inf•rnis LIR was chief
among the puhtieans. thlught we, is all we
want. We w l Lann hi record, and douldlti, find
that among tac multitude of detauiting tax. collectors
Zacheus would not be found, or that we might quote
in reference to him—
Pgithful hr atuong the faithleeq
Well, :go did examine—but what was our surpriso
and what our mortification to find that this virtuous
Zacheus had been shamefully abused by our County
Commissioners and Auditors; not only once, but on
two different occasions hate these corrupt county
officials traduced the " retrenching," the " reform
ing," the " overhauling " Zaciaeus, by publishing him
as A public defaulter. In the year of grace 1557,
the County Commissioners, Cooper, Tomer and Per
kins, two pure Know bit... 3 ings and one vile Lueofooo
—sometimes called " honest old Jake "—and the
Au ti t.s, M'Farland, Murray and Carlisle, two vile
Locofocos and , no pure Know Nothing—in the little
pamphlet of county ace ,unto, filed in the Court of
Common Plea and published to the world—set forth
on the first page that the aforesaidZachous Ira: , ap•
pointed collector of take's in Indiana township ; that
tixert were assessed on said township as follows,
County t,..x
Poor rtx...
Militia tax
Total hssest-e,l
Amount c,illect.- , 1 by Zachous—nobody knowF
Amouut paid treasury by Zscheus—S nut
ono cent, Or 1:1 popular phrase "Nary Red," thus
malieLusly showing up our retrouchia; friend
Zeobieus as a public defaulter to the tune of about
sl,Boo—when everybody krp.ws ',bet the citizens
Indirna township had not paid ono dollar of their
Again in the present y , r r , 1858, the County Com
missioners, Turner, M'llhenny and Perkins, twu vile
Iroceo and one pure Know Nothing, with Auditors
Carlisle, Murray and Stevenson, one vile Loco and
two pure Know Nothings, on the first page of a sim-
Par pamphlet and account, tiled iu Court April 15,
1858, and scattered broadcast over the county—set
forth that Zachous is still collector of Indiana town
ship, and the taxes assessed are as follows
Four mills County taxes $1,333 21
Poor tax 333 45
Militia tax 139 00
Total $1,805 66
Total collection off the people by Zaehens—no
body knows
Total paid by Zachecis—s " nary rod;" thus again
maliciously showing up Ziaohous as defaulter for over
But not content with this, these libellers of publi
can virtue and Republican retrenchment, on the 28d
page of the pamphlet last aforesaid, do further re
port that Zacheus has not yet, on the 18th day of
April, 1858, paid any portion of the $1,821 73 due
by him to the county on his duplicate of 1856, making
the apparent mat amount of iudebtedness by Zacheus
to be about $3,100, or the price of a snug little form
in Indiana township. Now, nobody believes that
Zaoheas, the " overhauling," " retrenching " " Re
former," has collected and kept the people's money
in his pocket for years past, ate time when the county
treasury was empty, and when jurors and all other
county creditors, except railroad bond holders, were
being daily turned away from the Treasurer's office
with the polite information from Treasurer Muse
that the Locofocy Commissioners had reduced the
tax too low to to meet the necessary expenditures of
the county. True, malicious Leoofocos did say that
the Treasurer was fibbing a little—that he knew that
his pet collectors had collected the money off the
people and were shaving county warrants, jurors'
pay and poor men's claims with it; but sensible Re
publicans didn't believe that either the Treasurer or
the pet collectors would do this thing ; especially did
they believe and know that the " retrenching "
Zacheus would not—indeed Zacheus, like his name
sake, the chief of publicans, mentioned by Luke,
would return fourfold anything taken by him falsely
from his neighbors.
Moreover all sensible Republican tax-payers knew
that the pelple of Indiana township had not paid to
the collector one cent of taxes for the last two years ;
they knew that the rich farmers of that township
had been never seen by a tax collector; they knew
that Zacheus had too high a regard for the comfort of
his neighbors to permit her to go prowling around
the house s ,asking for money. Zacheus wouldn't do
it—he wins4po decent, and nobody but a vulgar Le.
cofoco or a stingy old rich ruffled shirt Whig would
ask him to. Republican Know Nothings won't do
it—but they will elect the retrenching Zacheus Com
missioner, and then make many and divers over
buntings. S.
Old Men In Old Ames--Modern Degen-
Modern luxury is not favorable to long life.
In the patriarchal era, if translators of the scrip
tury are correct in their interpretations of the
Nlos , nic measurement of time, an ancient Hebrew
was quite a youth at the age of a century or so,
awl could scarcely be considered settled for life
before he had reached his second centennial
epoch. Now, however, a man is venerable at
fifty, and although Old Parr saw his 159th birth
day, and the census occasionally brings a cen
tenarian to light, seventy is usually the extreme
limit of human existence. The fact is, we mod
erns eat too much, drink too much, loaf too
much, and work too little. We spoil our stom
achs with over indulgence, and the result is im
pure blood, vitiated secretions, a disordered sys
tem, and premature decay. The root of half the
fatal diseases of the race is dyspepsia, a com
plaint unknown, it is presumed, in the days of
Moses and the prophets, when turtle soup, ter
rapin stew, rich pate's and champagne were main
vented. As these and hundreds of other indi
gestibles, however, form an indispensable por
of thenaeae or carte
enri artificial petenth p
century, npetite a
told and
invoke dyspepsia with all its kindred horrors,
-- for 'trail?... the Pliis crmhine the two
ti.o iiflferAt, anti the I
most Inr,rlihlo mt,,ns our In so
ILUP!: 7 1, or _ewe convict cui,fouati.ri
pemoml hae , vltton, as well ftri on volumes
UpD(ll V,!II7iIP
THE LAT ts yt
WASEIINGTON CITY, Juue S.—TI - o Secretary bt the
Interior has asked Cuagress tar as appr,priat.on
$lOO,OOO to enable him to take measures to preserve
peace in the northern superintendency, now threat
ened with invasion by tarsi:: bodies of Yanctonaiso
and Sioux. It is wlthlu the knowledge of tine d' part
mont that great dissatisfaction has existed fur som:
years among turbulent bands id Sioux or Dticatah
Indians, whore range is along the Missouri river.
and it is now about to manifest itse!f in the in titgur
ation of hostilities rri a scale f alarming magni
tude. The regular troops having been withdrawn.
the frontier settleuients are left entirely unprotected,
auk -r-at Mara[ among; nttr. settlers, have
appe t.. tit:lien-to:mut t -f pr :action. The Sec
rotary, t here!ore, appeals to Congress to act promptly
in this r wergency. The Secretary transmits a letter
&inn Agent:Vaughan, in whi - h it is st Jed that the
Sioux tiro in a halligerent and refractory cdaditior,
particularly the Monecogras and Untipapa hand-.
During the pant year ',h.:). na: bent robbing indh..
nriminately every white anin :•assiug through their
country, and in many cases Cr:- •i toning their lives.
The withdrawn; of troops fr .tn Fort Pierre has
caused the Indians to toot the Government
is afraid of there, and from their 'induct and threats
Mr. Vaughan is satisfied that no agent's life is safe
in distributing the annuity :slit:out a suitable force
to protect him. The Secie.er v asks $lOO,OOO to re
deem the promise made by tie.. Barney to nine
bands of the Sioux in 1856. These hands are among
the wildest and most dangerous withid oar limits.
Good faith and sound policy demand the fulfilment
of these and it is said that uniess mca
sures are promptly taken, serious disturbances will
likely result.
The President to-day communicated to the `,inaic
the correspondence between De Orsins, the Peruvian
Micister, and Secretary Cass, reline to the forcible
and violent seizure of the Al.3:3rieisu noose's, Gee:.
giana and Lizzie Thompson, while engaged in taking
guano, under the ecarge being engaged in con
tra'aand trade, and the irnvrisolonent of the persons
on board. Our Government has claimed full sat
isfaction hu.h fur this aLd b , arding -tad de
tention of the Dorcas 0. Yeatinar byl.: Peruvinne
I armed steamer. De Ors! is enters lato a lung
argument in defense of Peru, and expresses the
hope that nothing will occur to interrupt the
friendly reletious existing between the two countries.
Secretary Cods, in reply, reminds De Oreina that
the case presents one ,it very grave consideration,
and says that the treatment of these vessels resent
hies a piratical enterprise rather than an exercise of
legitimate power. He encloses the opinion of At
:erne; tieneral Black, who maintains that the whole
proceeding of the Peruvian government was contrary
to the laws of nations and repugnant to the prince.
pies of mutual justice, ated also transmits a copy of
his recent letter to Lord Napier, underscoring the
strongest sentences, concerning the posinon of the
United States relative to the search or seizures f
American vessels by those of foreign powers.
Mr. Bigler introduced a Mil repealing the tele
graphic act of March, 1557.
Tne Army Ar , propriatten bill being up, a
aion ensued on altertPz eld muskets into breocl -
loading arms. Fica.ly $25,000 were voted f r Cm ,
purpose of marring the alteration, $5,000 of wl,-1.1
to test Ward's magazine hammer for Maynord',
primer. The appropriation to pay tht Florida vol
unteer , of 1857 $335,000 provelted debate, a, di I
the Military Committee amendtneut to devote $50,000
for the El Pa , o wagon route, ti..ltl also Mr. Douala;,'
amend-Dm,: t L appropriate $lOO,OOO tor its ext.nsien
to Alberguerque. ALI the ..,tuandosente were p...ssed.
Mr Davis, 1 Miqsis,ippi, from the Commit -e
Military Affo,ro. :stn.sitted an F_LLanclulunt
appropriate $1,230,000 ter e const.r....mion
ficattens at Penobsro', Pocit'and, Latin ,
Fort Ridgoly, Staten Leland, Delaware Bay, lt
more, Mobile, Rich•• .eau Char ., to ,
.ind Florida aml on , he
sippi rivo7, wow ZLICUS,C 3.
. Mr. Davie moved an amendment to author.ze the
Pustsco,ter General to sell arms to enatracte— a '
the .Lverlanci ma.it, Lost.
$1,321 73
330 53
136 00
$1,788 2t,
Mr. Wilson, et Niaseeehuseus, waved an /1111 , 1].1.•
meet repealing ail ;he eXi,:17.2, lay; s nehi,h
the Seerelery cf War to soil unused w;litlry
Mr. Trumbull, of Itil3oi., made a S:runlz but una
calling opposition to the api ropria.tion of $385,000
for the servieos et the Florida celuntoers during the
past 3
0:. r.
A debate ocourzo, on the Senate arum:dine: -
regard to the 1.1 - Angell - lent ' eat ;0,
printing the Arherie,in State ;Japer ,
Various uther Numb Iment6 t oficro„ nt, l the
bill finally passed; yeas 24, nays 12, rho tkAl.,l Flllll
appropriated being eloeo en to $17,000,000.
The oeesn mail steamer appropriation was then
taken , s.a4 !he Senate adjourned at 9 o'clock.
ST. LOON, June B.—The Repubeicart'e Leaver
worth correspondent learns from a man wu. lef.
(lamp Scott on the Bth of May, that the troops would
be out of beef by the 16th; the other rations woulu
last till the Ist of June. No despatch had been re
ceived in camp from Gov. Cumming, and nothing
had been heard from Capt. Marcy, who was expect
ed to reach Camp Scott about the lot of June. Col.
Iloffulan's command was snow bound at Labonte
Crook, eighty miles beyond Laramie. Most of the
advanced trains of Mesels, Majors and Waddle,
were met near Platte. The trains were getting along
finely until they reached Big Blue, where heavy
rains caused serious obstructions. A Mormon named
Williams, living near Leavenworth, received a letter
dated Salt Lake City, May Bth, which represents
everything quiet in the valley. Bc.. Cumming we>
iu the city at that date. The people Lied abandoned
all idea of fighting, and had gone to work on their
The Independence correspondent of the Republi.
can, writing on June 4th, says that the Salt Lake
mail of the 18th of April had arrived, bringing
news that an express had reached Camp Scott !rum
Gov. Cumming, stating !hat ho had been well re
oeived at Salt Lake; tun! Young was willing to
transfer all authority, and enjoined his followers to
recognize Cumming as their future Governor, azol
aid him in the discharge of his duties.
Nam , Palmeri's, June B.—The city 1 , quiet. Some
few cases of rowdyism have occurred, but the Mayor
stopped farther arrests and discharged all that were
Alteriooon Telegrapin Report
WASEU.NuTua CITY, June 7.
Sanate.-111T. Seward eEplained his course in the
recent war debate.
Mr. Douglas made a low?, response, using strong
war language.
A long discussion ensued respecting gun I,,,sts,
after which Mr. Clingman's gun-boat amendment
was lost—yeas 12, nays 34.
Mr. Green, of •Missouri, offered c.n amendrusnt
that in c.4.se of the commission of flagrant outrages
by other powers, on the commerce or the eitizoes of
the - United States and for the spe , dy redre, of much
wrongs, the Prcii ,u
dent be empowered to grant letters
of marque and reprisal, to continue in force until
the meeting of Congress.
Mr. Cameron, of Pa., Mr. Hayric, of S. C., and
others, made remarks, when Mr. Hale's amendment
was lost—yeas 22, nays 31.
Mr. Hale further amended the bill, so as to ap
propriate $300,000 for the machinery of the ship
Mr. Clingman, of North Carolina, added an
amendment to build ten gun-boats.
Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, said he would vote
for a small annual increase of the navy.
Mr. Trumbull entered his protest against deputing
to the President the war making powers vested by
the Constitution in Congress.
Green's motion was then lost. Ye a ?, 8 ;
Nays, 40. The yeas were Messrs. Brown, Douglas,
Green, Johnson, of Tenn., Pugh and Rice. The ab
sentoes were Messrs. Bates,
Clark, Clay, D ur k ee,
Foote, Given, HiMnaond, Harlan, Rayne, Jones,
Seward, Shields, Slidell, Sumner, Thompson, of
Now Jersey, Thompson, of Kentucky, and Wade.
The original amendment" for tensloops, sloops, was then
acted on and lost. Yeas, 20; Nays, 24.
Various unimportant amendments were adopted,
and that to float the Franklin lost.
Mr. Mallory again renewed, as an amendment, his
proposition to construct five screw steam sloops and
one paddle wheel steamer at a cost of $1,200,000,
which was carried—yeas 18, nays 17.
Mr. Crittenden offered a resolution for the naming
of the steamships of the Navy of forty guns after
the towns and citios, and under twenty as the Pre-
President may direct. Agreed to, and the bill was
then passed.
The Army Appropriation bill was then taken up,
when the Senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON, June 8.--Senate.—On motion of Mr.
Bigler, of Pa., a resolution was adopted extending
[Roston T,fir.,/,,
From W ashington
Venterday's Proceedings
Front St. Louis
From Now Orleans.
ST. Loris, June g.—Luevenwhrth di , : atches of
the 4tb buys that the movement of two columns et
trr.ops. ror Utah was postponed in csmsequence of the
extreme inclemency of the weather.
T)e Leavenworth Times of this morning an
1, lances the intention of Judgv Lescompton to vacate
seat on th , bench. The action of the Executive
t lild6.Mri in reference to the organizing and arming
of militia: in the western counties ~ i no.t tyre
deprecated hero.
I.'irom Washington
WASHINGTON, June 8.--Junes Buret, the Dem.
ro•ratic candidate for Mayor, was yesterday elected
by a majority of 571. The Democrats and Anti-
Know Nothings were also successful in all the wards
but one, electing their Aldermen, Common Council
men and Assessors.
Writham Carey Jones, the literary legatee at Mr.
Mont m, is now engaged in writing the latter's bi
t'. 8. Senator of New Itlampettlre
Coscono, N. H., Juno 8.--:The Republican Sena•
tore have resolved to adhere to the rule of rotation
in Aice, which is adverse to the re election of Mr.
liaited States Sena'or. The indications are
favorable to the election of T. M. Edwards as his
Nervous Dego, or Wealknes• of any kind
lr any f our readers are troubled r iih Nervous
fie..: or Weakness of any kind, they should prueure
SVo have tried it, and can recommend it confidently,
RR a medicine giving almost instantaneous relief.—
/laity Enterprise.
Caution:—Be careful to ask. for .8.. - .ev.iooe's tiollaad
thtteri. told at ia per bottle, or six betties for st.
by the bole ProEriotora, Benjamin Page, Jr., Cu.,.
No. 37 W.u.i street, betwoon First and Second st• sets,
and Druggists vererally.
DERANtirLYIEN ~F TD LINER ie Out, of the
most common, as we' I as the must fornAdatre ct diseases
klowo to American physicians. IL had lor years atti acted
the closest attention of the medical faculty in all parts of
the Llnited ....gates, and yet up to the time of the diecover;
of lir. 3PLane's great Specific, prepared by Fleming Bros,
Pittibargli, it wlil almost beyond the teach of medi
cal s'..i:l. Thouss.n.ls hod perished without even a hope ot
relic', and althoug:. thousands may yet be destined to feel
the direful effects of this must complicated disease, it is now,
thanks to the search of Dr. Nl'Lane;ruust completely brougi
within •he scope of medical control. The pruprierors, Flrm
ag us, Thrsburgh, Penn'a, of the Liver Pills feel coati
dent that they i ffer a remedy which 111-1.4 t , :` , 11 fully tested by
time, and which hos never faded of succees when fairly tried.
Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. IeFLANEM
BIICIS.,ot Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting
Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Laue's genuine
Liven Pills, also his celebratkvi Vermifnge, can now be had at
e) rospecieble drug stores. None .9.muine without the rigrPe
beet tr 130 1 FLEMING 111108.
Fffifif=g=MilllMEMZiffr4777l - &77IWN
Friday Evening, June Ildh, ISSS,
Ben led a greet combinatinri of
v uwelty ,ottattr“ctier,.
A Id A .ND503,11 , : SILVER u.:t
siL-T, fur the lust CON UNDhU M, to be decided Ly
Cu• undo IWO. Ali 0 uundruins to be refit to the B. x Gal,e
bed., e'clocA on llriday.
;,•rforrnance will comideece with (first time her-4 till,
1),., dram by M. Lemon. edit, rof the LULL.: UL 1.1,,C i,c r ai 11 .1
Mr. 6ruy the kW. Yuung. 1 NVAlter Root,
..klariau....lth6 L. W. YLitaug. I iauay Ju.ia M.
Att,r which, first act t I
I.lr. A. W. Four,
(His first apht-arhutie in feminins trag.dy.)
William, (first tints,) J M. Cook,
iialice Mrs. A. SW. Yuung.
with a pi•caliarly tr c:edy, an
Isha::3l,ear'S, entitled
...... ........
tio , x Bpoit. uuw open
ON TUC, it, IJA 1", 101 i. TIIPI PIC-NIC Or TL
'r..,-ry half hour, frota the 1., uorty St 2. tluu Dea
uy's Oruvo
700 due. Lemun Syrup
10 •• St awberry Syrup,
•' NOP A Fri , ••
" "
.loaf and for sale by
No. 39 Wood street,
KPH Oppe-ite the St. Charles uot,d
10 bales Bordeaux Almonds;
2 " Paper Shell
50 bags Filberts;
" Cream Nuts;
30 " P6can "
;,$)o bus. Idrouu•l "
ILUU Cocoa
S?li, by
Jost recoived And lur
No. 39 VV.,' street,
Opposite she St. Charles Eotel
:I.l.ary Dr weut, by Mrs. Ann 8. Btepheuts
The Jealous Wit's, by Miss Pardon
Ft r sale by
Publishers' Agent,
l'oat Bnildings, 411 Fifth ern ot.
WRAPPING PAPERS.-10 0 reams as
sorted amea. H:raw and rug wrapping, for aalf , by
WM. 6. JOHNSTON ..4 C‘),
je9 Paper Dealers, 67 Wood ereet.
AN in A - "1"A P E R.—A large lot various
hizos, for r,ale by IV V. G. JOHNSTON SE CO.,
Jen Paper Deale's, 57 Wood at.
IAEDIUNI, Dully, Folio Post, Flat and
Cap Writicg Papers, Printing and Boot Pa
pers, a:1.1 ~very i reriptiuo of printing materialN, for sale
by W. 3. HAVEN, Job Printer,
11:9161 r‘l '0 o,il 21 3,1a , 14. l 4:- ia , .
ALLS I BALLS! 13:1LLS1--A large as
sortmem of Fo.x., Solid and Bat Balls, must received
and for sale, wholesa e an l retail, at the India Rubber
Depot. 26 and 23 St. Clair atroet,
my 29 J. A H. PHILLIPS.
WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered,
plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, ac.,
always on hand at and for sale cheap by
ny29 26 and 28 St. Clair xtreet.
NDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to
it 12 Inches iu diameter. A large :,apply just received
at the India Rubber Depot of J. & H. PHILLIPS,
m 329 26 and 28 St. Clair street.
PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all
flues frr gale at reduced pricas, by
. _
my2l e Wood street.
WHISKER BLONDE.--500 doz. White
hiskor Blonde for Bonne. Borders, received, and
will be sold very low to Milliners by toe piece, at
1-13 HORN 5 . 5. 77 %Inckot 0 ",
('COFFEE. ---`200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by
mr2.13 118 Second, and 147 First streets.
SODA ASH.-1.00 casks Soda Ash, now
landing and for sale by
,ACK LACE MlTTS—Alexandre's su
perior Kid Ciluves, Silk and Lisle Glo;os, and 11.1 oth.
er in great variety, at JOSEPH HORNE'S,
tuyB 77 Market street.
sale by a L. FA lINESTOCK
my3l No. 60, Corner Wood and Fourth eta.
M ---
ACARONI.2O bxs Genuine Italian;
VERMICELLI-20 •• 1.4
Just rec ived and for sale by
my 26 N 0.89 Wood street.
PERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to
purchaie good farming lands, are Informed that we
have for sale 6.32 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also
640 acres of land in Franklin cDunty, will be sold on ady
terms by S. CUTHBERT $ SON,
my 15 51 Market Street.
]fancies, Aloaruing Goods, White Goods, Ho
t!ory, tc. Also a urge end very cztap stock of Domestic
CIGARS 1 (51(34..ii.5F-1. have received this
day a large lot of genuine imported Havana cigars, of
the old and well known "Seneca" brand. Thous wishing a
box of good cigars should call and examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLESILNO,
Jet Corner Diamond and Market et.
CLAlter WINE.—
2) cases N. Johnston k Sons Xfedoo Claret Wine;
10 •''• St Julien Claret Wine
60 " C. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for
sale by M[LL6R k RIOKETSON,
ruylB Nos. 3.2 and 223 Liberty 'tree
exchange fur real e,t.aba, by
uiv24 • S. CUTHBERT & SON.
FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in
stork-, and for sale by
Corner of Wood and Water stree,a
COU NTRY BACON.-16 - 60 lbs. Country
Bacon, ilitlll3, Shoulders and Sldea, rsceived and for
Limner if aas& LA Mat NZ.
Antorbury, Juue 6, 1868 —jt•i:. - A
VANS! FANS! I—Palm Fans by the cast
d0rt0,,,,r itug . .e at Esmtern prireH,with other rati•.te
rf Fancy Faux, for sale at ii 'RN E S,
jeS 77 Market Street.
THE IlitillEST market price in cash paid
Lie grades of clew: rierics and Tel -Wete-Joe
'rN Li, at air old establish:el Wood Warehouse, corns r
Liberty .trim and Lecil A.l-•y.
jr7:3rnw J. L. MARSHALt
NI.A.--Nut co he-eby given that the CE.sTII.I, I
BA:, ui i'IeII , :NSYLVANIA., at Milli neys'ourg, will le
i. pen lur ilerltl EDS ESJAY, the 16th inst.
jr7 Ji.riEPLI BROWER, Cashier
EN U L t Sit
pe furlnc.l ~ n the T.•uth Ann versury I•I•
l'U Et" DA le !t: I N J [le • lit,
P 'LIR; lents 11. py r 1a A; t
arid at VI, I[l,lC .It.. 3. a
T II 1
wne n in from Westmorehmi couhty
who would try to heat hie ntaots, aro invited t ..ttoud this
evoLung, Nilt•ry, No: 136 Wood B:reet. jo
We ere manetecturiu e large ed of Trneses and Sup•
purtere constant!}, t— which 1110 e ttenti on of the and
the entTerinii, is invite.'
No. 59 Market Street,
MuNDAY, TUb Wet iv6l,
A new and complete asmctment of
'...411y13.1 ER GOODS,
DRESS SI LE.S, every variot) ,
61LK cv vAri,ty,
houmm,l and Aquille,
They Lave also litid particular atteutiou to their .tock. ~;
whf.ll they think will compare favorably with that of :.ay
other lieu,' iu thi6 eiry. .11do, a great variety of rvvey
riescrii tioh of
'IU .1.41 U: KLII,I L Lc,
tug LI, it Le: impurtatio.l
Mr. A. W. Y.•uug
....J idlA M.
Formerly LAM Brothers,
No, 74 Market street.
', 61 Market a
Corner Wood tartet oud lhamond nth,
a 001.
uke CHF
~11 11 , 7 rF. VI ORI
N R 6 Wood litreet
mbroideries, English and French Lace Goods,
- 0 1 , -
P LA. NO FORTE i. 4,
'll-1F: N L/FACT,
BO 'rox.
k.oulidtmg of SIXTEEN of tl , -O - .•tc S. co; ;
tint a .I,IIC Oct 611. v.• j11 . .Z.1 , 001.1 relCeiVeti.
w r,tt•ly for etialuicom, , i) viareruolua of a, sul
& SONS' NANO Ift)ltlEn are not Cut
by theta to any other house in this cit.. ; all orders oust
be dire:Aril to the subsea fiber.
JOHN U. 11EL' Olt,
No. 81 V, othl street,
Sole Agent for Chu:kering St non& F nano,.
fur Pittsburgh Itoru
FLuult.--4U bbls. chuice Etuperiino toz sale
ty J A. Fifaz...l4:,
possess great advantage:, river dn; others.
fir , paper being thick and strum; will not tear when Wet.
trik.es a Mee: pc: text impression and it convenient tor ter
t , . When mice In :h. it cuperiority in Lipp:lre:a. bond
, 1. JOHN6T9 • U '•,
lea Stationere, o. 11 u et.
Preems, Calm and Lever Copying Preetee, Lever,
Screw and Spring Copying Presses, mid by
'eB 57 Wed street.
180 bozo; pd. W. R. Cutting Chet., ;
21111 " Englieh Dairy
R,c.eive4.l and fur sale by [jo3] HENRY H. COLLINS
WO yards 6 inch;
500 " 4 "
500 " 3 "
400 " l••
Received and for tittle by [ j.3] HENRY 11. i;OLLINI-+
—The partnership heretofore existing between di
undersigned at the Penusy.vania Car Works, Latrobe
Westmoreland county, Pa, under the firm of W. H. Farm,.
& Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. O.W. Barn--
id authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement.
AL BRANDY, fur medicinal purposes, at
105 In the Diamond.
GIN, by Cho bottle or gallon, at
in the Diamond.
SUN UMBRELLAS.—SiIk e.rvl Gingham
Sun tirubr-11r.. - , salk•rlur to Para!,..,:', for sale at very
low rates, at 11.01 t '
je B 77 Market street.
Suitable in. the approaching hot season on hand by
jOB JOS. aoliNE, 77 Market hireet.
O(,RANGES.-100 boxes Palermo, this day.
received and for sale by
No. 89 Wood street,
jeB Opposite the St. Charlei Hotel.
_FIRE CRACKERS. 4OO boxes No. 1 Gold
Crop, just rec Lived and for sale by
• No. 39 Woad strec.t.
jet. Opposite St. eharles Hote r
TORPEDOES:--00,000 No. 1, jug, rec'd
IL and for .11.1 n REYMER k ANDERSON,
Nc.39 Wood b trent.
—tire Works aud Fire Balloons 'manufactured by Li
P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by
No. 39 Wood street,
jeB Opposite the St. Ch ales Hotel.
—302 acres in Wharton township, /.,0 um'er fence with
log house, etc., good springs, coal and limestone ; one•balf
the farm is fine timb,r land, and about 100 acres in meadow.
The soil is good, well adapted for a stock or grain farm, sit•
nato at 1 , ,4 111E03 from Fayette Springs, 9 miles from Union
town, and 15 from 0 .nneltsville, will be sold at a low price,
,r exchanged for approved Western lands.
IoS S. CUTHBERT a So 4, 51 Market it.
.10 RN .-10 bags shelled Corn received and
‘..) for only by 1j 3]HENRY H. COLE!
WINDOW SHADES—Of all styles—also,
Green and Buff Oil Cloth couvtantly on hand, and
for sale by
and Packing—a large stock just received at the India
hubber Depot of J. AS H. PHILLIPS,
ruyl3 26 and :24 St. Clair street.
,Q„ ‘ PONGEST- I have just received a large lot
Q. Superitz Batting Spore;.-s, of ovary size and price.
Those wishing a gwd article iu this line, should call and
examine ,ny stock before purchasing elsewhere.
4. '2O Corner Diamond and Market street.
BROOMS. -100 doz. Extra
Brooms on hand and for sale by
je7 B. C. a J. H. SAWYKIL
V,l Chemical Olive Et asive Soap, on hand end fur tlale Ly
j e 7 IS. O. h J. H. :zi.lN7-1"Elt.
-1 CASK RED TARTAit in store, and for
64.1 e by B. L. F.9II.IVe,STOCK do CO,
jeG No. 60, °Dram woud and Fourth sta.
Prrtoi;U,.,,ll Hr1 3 C
t+-1:14:11 A4o• y t• , / I
1.1 fin fAhl
VI I tl,l
7i. ii..
John 11,..u. .-7 bu
J. J. L1...re...A a 3.31 07
‘,.r..u.....1..tftiA 7::
JOllll I'lol/11W , It
Henry Feollmmen... 2u Uo
John Watson 1 uU
J. M. Hass 10 (.10
Pnell a Corr .4,6011
.1. 1. Hume _ 61 Ov
Jos Won. :e.
141 u. al'i.,tly 2,179 17
Ja uu
M'CliJly 751 CU
STATE Or -1 :.%* %XI., 1
City ,•:t. LA/
B.lore rue, Alderman in and 6,r said city, pertoi.4ll,
came 'Pu.llll 1.1 iionter,Agent 01 11. e r'arrnera and Alt..
-.Lo , nee (10m; any, who 0 •ine, duly sworn, Pc
, coro.ng iI dot, thro , ,lt• ned - that tlio fologelitt
atattquent O. Agent
me, 1101 7, 1118.
ay.::: L toa.isr , - .1. ONO, AldoV-t,fk 11.
,t; •: 1 - , p
I' E X '1
t Gt 11,7
ro.lt in .❑4:+.:.allr•.uµ!Fan.i .,
u., lt,v IVIO)ir
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Corurr Mat kst : st.:t
J. ,t 11. PHILI.' PS.
28 and kS St. Clair dtreo t.
li'+ sif EA 7- , ', (*: 1,..,
.11“ ..... .4 ist.,
" Co-.... Z. 3 00
; 1;5 Olt
i.);!,,./. Et, EN....
it wia, EN &tk _
Edw. zi.oliet., Esq.— 6. ;14.1
C..... So JU
IL a;c(
C t .
Sp ILI_ C',
A4ucr.,. 40 00,n1 64 0 , 3
.......$20,167 of
NE ll_ AD 1' A'•
, IC, I:
i._ l ':' I:rSL'
y Ca 111,46, LA,
:ti! 1.4 V-4
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35,80:4 on
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Juneln. 11. :A..%
Jouu it. Per t-c
J. =
' 6amtlui
Dr. li.. line
C. 1.11.1..-11 T.
1.1n t .(1.1
Charley .••
H. Junes BrooliF.,
Jacob P. T
A ft',
H'.l‘,ll r
.11 E UREA T WESt -`,ll R N
Ire am u:ra.ne C. 0119
Office ;:n Compan.k.s ..3u;Lhag, Su. Walnut
Gurney - of
AU .111 , _%Eti
p, ,, J to
6urplus, Ja.,,ary IAL, 16.58.
LN tiCE—Limital Porpvimal.
51A1:1_VE lis;SillitANCE ; on Pod 06, Om go watt Freighti.
Lit.Nl) by Itivor, Uanal,t, Lakes aud
Ulu:Flee C. I.tat:.:
11 ii iam Barltu, lulu rtur
I%ltatilitier W,1111t.1311, -, 19 rt.. 2 FruLd.
lattat: tttttt t
Julia C. firm of right, CO.
E. Itatcy, arm or
Jutut tirtu 't•r itiLe Ac McCurdy
'lltuatua L. lititrapw, _arm of lli.lu t spiu a Zeller.
.1:::12.1,!1 B. Crone, dcw 0f Ja.:a. a :1. iulatt.o r. JO.
lIL. It. ncy Guts. r, a.'utra atroa—
.l`tiv-11111 rod Snnnuc
0111'11 t.
g• gt t,
~ o EtttittitAl t
LIISS 1;3 u •Y, ( .1; , . ,
r. Lai nt,
les• t,
t,6 Ss, siiv;llT, n:1.1 rc.1.31.1r,r.
it. I , •
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Ufar.r. tt,:re-tE (1a1,17 as
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Hi' i'i TTZ:ii:: !.'i: td li
Ilk, IC!!
111141-L}. .a. Ai Vr ouL, sretary.
01 0 11 , ` o. 9S riZet.
WILL INSi;itE .It , FIRE Alit
LS.iliTc 4 -11.91 . I:Urn,
Stock, Due 131111, payable ou
approved names
,Premium Notc ,
.:.)1111 Receicablo
Its ,bares Mechanic' Bank tcc',7 - „ cast
5u do Bank of Pittsburgh do do
4J do Exchanga Bunk d, 'do
190 do Citizens' Bank. do .lo
Balance of Book Account: ,
Office Furniture.
A. lit. , Trs,
.'oLert Ual7. t 1
J chn
C. in. A. Caldwell.
James A. Liutchbou
Wm. B. liolmes,
William &ea,
4. A.
Capital Rep.rezczltod, 00.
COMPANIES OF Cliittlertd by
2 . ; O. O'S
k. /' :.:./..tLutn. :2,i if &c:1;r, ;, •
• et-ital.:ll. ;do3so-13,
nimq7 p
vs/ T
111141 M
From two zo sis mail calibre•
PRICES from L 2 to 6G Gewti per Foci
For Sale Wholesale at .71 ,,, iai.ectorer,
Prices by
D.LENEZI.," 114.
F 0 B.VITA La` (./ AND
AND 1,3A1-211 I:4
sIe:EDF, F 1
AND P . /101)11W; 111LALL
No. 25 Noon STREET,jot
JAMES rtiiki,AUCatiLitin.C,
Cologne Spirits and - nisei OH,
Noe. 167 any 170 Second Street.
Lira ItIN ,
Order accampanied by aid CA.317, will met crc.,z.pt
uyl4:l;jy 1-4
f li t )ItEl GiN ii.iC _i:
210. 74 Wood street, between. planter-A
allay and Fourth stroot,
THS bubacribur is now U pellil.lg a w.. 11 Lalecteci Biwa
-nt of foreign and domestic uow,atid will l:a
,1 on as go, - 1 terms 2.3 any czt,t - house in this city. lit
al always keep on hand a
which he mpectrally the atttl,tio n
:117,ri - r.!/.. is kit - 1i war
Co ninl 7; and Porwer rdiny
:7.1-EIPPISt; .1611: - .N I'S of
Cvntr,t' RAH:, i, tiDuc, )In;k 4:100,11 iu eJI
pi;,315 LNG I',ll ) Eli,--In ro il,
for kfu g ruverd, for m.... 1
63 ” \VELU,
myth Wood litroot, Dear ifocults.
r .
• ..1: 7 K.0.,L.
Iti lift .Aj
i I A t ,i,
'4i91,350 96
E 37,911
1'4,5i.rfl OU
too,Doo oe;
1) . 2,3 ells 37
vt , Jll 7 Jiy
A. .t` IL?, Age].)
Fo,rlle ,S';:reet
4224, 00 ou
. 55,277 05
.. ••rzt•Ei utre,at..
tuL ,it Putrid.
iolw Taggart,
by two
tk..,000 00
. 17 003 29
083 11
... 2,050 UV
• ti,o,t3 30
.... 090 ati
.... 15.353 7}3
$237,710 ,A,
0:1 ST E Vlafr