to Parnin . g ',l„ost. JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. PITTSBURGH EDNESDAY NIORNING DEIdOCRATIC STATE I? OMINATIONS FOB SUPRKME. A.i.T1LL1.4,111 A. PORTER; OF PiILLADELPLIJA PON CANAL COIIIIII3BIOIBR, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE OF C07,- RESPONDENCE —The Democratic County Cum. mittee of Correaponder Ce will meet at the ST. eltAilk_Es Vittsburgh, WEDN rtiDAY, June l6th, 185 S, at ELEVEN o'clock, A M. runctual attendance it! requested. JAMES A. 011thON, Chairman JORN LArrON, Secretary. The following named gentlemen compose the Colo mitten, viz: J. N. MI Lowry, James A. aibsrm. U. B. Sinclair, Thomas Farley. Joseph Hip:lngham, D. D. Bruce, h. B Patterson, It. 11. Pattcraim. Charles Bryaon. Pr. Wm. M. Ilerron J. B Fulton, R. B. Guthrie, Robert Morrow, of Roes, .`. C. Wingard, John Layton •Good Stood•" The Gazette, in a leader eulogistic of the ticket nominated by the late Know-Nothing Convention, speaks of one of the nominees as coming of " good stock, - and of another as belonging to a " family well and favora bly known." We suppose these gentlemen are to be elected for the sake of " blood." Some of the candidates are puffed because they are " mechanics," and others because they are " gentleman's sons." The Gazett, , is not,•however, altogether satisfied with the political stock, fur it says : " Stich is the ticket presented to our political friends. It is not, of course, as a whole, what every one of them desired, but it was impossible that all our personal preferences should be gratified." Which is it the that Gazette objects to—the "blooded Andidates," or the "mechanics?" A Strange Coincidence The Chairman of the late Know-Nothing Convention has announced the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. A. M. Brown, (K. N.) Chairman, has called the first meeting of the Committee. fur "dune 16th, at 11 o'clock, A. M."—the same day and the same hour for which the Democratic County Committee had been called some days since. What's in the wind, now ? More about the Gulf Oul ragen Captain Nichols, of the brig Lillian, while arrived at New York on Saturday from .1a maica, reports that when near Sombrero key he was boarded by a boat from a British war steamer, supposed the Buzzard. Captain n.evans, of the brig Abram, arrived at New York on Monday, reports that be was board ed on the 36th ult., from the steamer Styx, and his papers examined. The Abram is the vessel to which allusion was made a few days since as having put ashore some passengers at Key West. The Styx was at Key West at the time, and when the brig proceeded on her voyage, the steamer gave chase. The result is now known. There are now forty-one Sint liar cases of British visitation and search of American merchantmen upon record. The news of the boarding of the schooner Mobile was received at Bermuda about th , 34th ult. The official Go..:et/s affects to disbvtieve the report, but says if it be as announced, the British officer in command of the Styx will he punished. When the New York papors containing the other cases next following were received, the Bermuda journals still , thought the reports exaggerated, if not fabri cated for the pitrpose . of creating a sensation. The conduct of the British cruisers in the Cuban ports has caused the Captain General to issue orders to the Spanish squadron to prevent violations of the sovereignty of Spain. But it appears the Spanish men-of-war are trying their hands at this searching The brig Taman.), which arrived on Mon day from Havana, reports that when off that port he Was boarded lky act officer from a Spanish vessel of war ; who demanded the brig's papers, which were shown hi him, and after examining them lie departed. European Schemes in C.nt.ral America The special correspondent of the New York Herald, under date of June 6th, says that startling developments are on the eve of be ing made of the intentions of the European Powers to aid in the formation of a Central American confederacy, having Costa Rica as the leading State and nucleus around which is to be combined, through the power of mo ney and other means, a barrier to the exten sion of the area and influence of the United States. All the Isthmus routes are to he pur chased. Costa Rica is to offer apparently equal terms as to the transit to all the world. France and England aro to join in a guaran tee, and the United States will have the offer of a participation. The offer itself would be a deception—its acceptance the abrogation of the principle of the Monroe doctrine. The representatives of South and Central America, as well as those of Europe, have long been in the secret of the matter. This double dealing and concealed purpose is only known to a few. It is understood our (Joy ernment has some inkling of the affair. It is time we waked up to the tricks of foreign diplomacy. Felix Belly has probably acted imprudently, and participated in the question before it was ripe. He undoubtedly is an agent, having money for this purpose, favor ed by Louis Napoleon and other parties to the scheme. He probably will be repudiated for his imprudence. A Grand Rr.l'road Swindle A committee appointed by the Wisconsin Legislature to investigate the affairs of the Milwaukee and Superhd Railroad Company have made some extraordinary developments. In substance, officers of the company were elected, and stock issued, without regard to the five per cent. to be paid in. One hun dred thousand dollars in full paid stocks were issued and divided among some half dozen sharpers. The farmers on the propos. ed line Were induced to subscribe stock, and mortgage their farms, to the amount of over two hundred thousand dollars, which mort gages were sold into third hands at seventy cents on the dollar, and the proceeds used up in salaries to officers who had nothing to do, as there was no railroad except on paper. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars of stock, called " cash suhscrihers,"-were also issued, and bonds, the company has issued hire - hundred alb! twr.nly thousand dollars, without having a single dollar paid into the company, as required I,y its charter A large portion of these extraordinary issues was made, it seems, to obtain a luau of one hundred thousand dollars :of Milwaukee city bonds, which, together with the farm mort gage bonds, constituted all the real capital of this moonshine company. —After various experiments withall sorts of paving for twenty-five years, B. , stuu has return ed to cobble -stones, as the only convenient :to , t practicable material. TM- it r: pavement is bet ter, hut too earen , ,ive All the other paving materials have proved inferior to cobble stones The freight business over the Pennsylvania Railroad tor the month of May past, as corn pared with May of last year, silt, S an in crease of over $BO,OOO. There has been also a considerable increase of the passenger but- iness in the same time, not yet fully asoer tained. This compares favorably for Penn• sylvania's great work, besides saying some thing for the trade between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. When it is known that some of the "New York Railroad Guides" litt\e been given to tue public with the existence of the Pennsylvania Railroad wholly ignored JUNE 9,185 R from the face of the maps, while competing roads North uud South of it hay, , found con- spicuous place on them, the result above giv en must be taken as a special rebuke uf the smallest kiwi of rhis great basso, the greatest, in the opin- i nn 4 He erg npetent judge,:, now living. will glv • a concsrt in this city, under the di reeti.m Maurii:e Strackosch, on Monday evening, the 21st iust. lie is said to be as g r"at in concerts as he is in opera, and the lovers of music will look forward to his visit with no ordinary interest. The accounts of the growing crop of cot ton are, upon the whole, very promising. The loss by the overflow of the Mississippi is now estimated at not likely to exceed 100,- 1W bales, which, as effecting the total crop, is quite unimportant. The present crop will be about .t,loo,ottO, lolly lim,ooo bales be vuud most estimates during the w inter. The exce , s, compared \vim the same tituo last year, is bow over .50,000 bales. The total exports from the shipping ports at the latest mail dates were—to Groat Britain, 1,394,000 bales, against, b, the same date last year, 1.245,000; to France the deficit, compared with last season, is reduced to 15,000 bales, and to other foreign ports 60,000 bales. The exports are still on a largs scale, Mid likely to continue so for some time. Everything which is good is the way of reading matter is received as soon as pub lished by Hunt & Miner, :;t the periodical depot in Masonic hall. They have just received "Mary Derwent," a new and ut-sr excellent story by that capital writer of popular stories, Mrs. Ann S. Ste phens. Like all which have emanated from her gifted pen, this new novel of Mrs. Stephens will he read with great zest. It is emphat ically an American 'level. The book con tains over four hundred pages. T. B. Peter son & Bros., Philadelphia, are the publishers. The same house has just received, in neat and cheap form, Miss Pardoe's new novel, entitled " The Jealous Wife." This is equal to any of Miss Pardoe's stories. Hunt k, Miner have both the above for sale. This famons race, the greatest in the world, has been won by Bead.umn, a colt owned by Sir Joseph Hawley. The race is for horses three years old, weight 119 pounds for colts, and 115 pounds for fillies. The value of the stakes is sometimes as high as fifty thousand dollars. Fit'' Boland, another colt owned by the same gentleman. was the favorite at fi to 1. Thu odds against Beadsman was '2O to " Clydesdale was the favorite at one time, but was scratched and did not start on account of a curl), which prevented the work necessary for his preparation. Mentmore had been in high favor : but in a private trial at Newman- Pen noylvisnia P-ail road Oar! Formes The Cotton Crop New ovals. The Derby at Epsom ket with Fisherman, the old horse went right away from him in the first mile. The favor ite of John Scott's stable was Lorgrange, a good, but very small horse. Lord Derby's horse, Toxolophite, was beaten. Beadsman, the winner, is by Weatherbit out of Mendi cant, both of which were capital racers. We arc not advised how many started, hut prob ably about thirty. Poet.nts,sters Confirmed. In the Washington correspondence of the New York Hi'rald, bearing date of June 4th, we find the following list of postmasters con- The following postmasters have been confirm ed by the Senate, and there are some two or thice hundred ax •re appointments of various kinds yet to be acted on in the Senate :—F. A. Ellidreth, Lowell, Mass.; J. Vanderhonse, Bath, N. Y.; W. S. Badger, Augusta, Maine.; T. G. Young, Saratoga, N. Y.; Thomas Welsh, Mont gomery, Ala.; W. D. Morrast, Tuscaloosa., Ala.; H. Black, Enfants., Alad T. L. Toulmin, Ala ; W. J. Wendham, Huntsville, Ala ; H. F. Feeney, Wheeling, Va. ; Thomas B. Begger, Richmond, Va ; W. N. Friend, Petersburg, Va.; R. H. Glass. Lynchburg, Va.; S. W. Ashby, Alexandria, Va ; W. Hathaway, Eastport, Me ; J. R. Hardenborough, Sacramento, Cal.; S. Ed wards, Belfast, Me.; J. C. Snow, Bata, Me.; E. Wheldeu, Calais, Me.; S. Jordan, Portland, Mo.; L. Bangor, Ni. ; W M'Nulty, George town, S. C ; W. Rust, Austin, Texas; J M'Cor truck, Baton Rouge, La.; J. E Hunt, Toledo, Broshrun, Steubenville, Ohio; J. L Tuthill, Lancaster, 0; J. Case, Circleville, 0 : A. W. M'Cormick, Marietta, 0.; J. G. Moire, r art Wayne, Ind ; J. N. Talb,,tt, Indianapolis, Ind ; C. R. Rudd, Evansville, Ind.; J. Moore, Vincennes, hid. : R. Elward, Natchez, Miss.; C. R. Dickson, Jackson, Miss.; T. W. Woodrna.n, Great Falls, N. H ; G. H. Rundlett, Portsmouth, N. H.; P. H. Burns, Coon, N H. ; J. Castre, Concord, N. 11 ; G. R;wers, Nashua, N. H.; T. P. Pierce, Manchester, N H.; J. Izzaro, Bur lington, Iowa; J. Turner, Georgetown, Cal.; C. Courtney, Colotna t Cali G. L. Patrick, Sonora, Cal.; T. J. Churchill, Little Rook, Arkansas; J. M. Dixon, Jefferson City, Mo ; J. J. Smith, Frederick, Md ; A. Gassoway, Annapolis, Md.; S. Ridnour, Hagerstown, Md.; J. Morris, Balti , more, Md:: M. Clack, New Briton, Conn.; E. B. Goodsell, Bridgeport, Coon. ; H. Sanderson, Now Brunswick, N. J ; C. F. G:.- ", Newark, N. ; W. R. Benjamin, Trenton, N. J.; R. L. Ciow, Princeton, N. J ; J. Atkinson, Newport, R. 1; W ii. Carroll, Memphis, Tenn . E. L. Stroheck.ri M,c,m, Ga.; G W. Young, Chelsea, Mass.; E. Slocum, FAIL River, Mass.; R. Noble, Westfield Mass ; P Allen, Pittsfield, Mass ; N. Canon Boston, Mass.; P. Small, York, Pa.; W. il. Hut ter, Easton, Pa ; Mrs. Mary Berard, West Point New York. VARIOUS THINGS P. , -tuaii.Fttr General has established a new post o dice at North Mills, in Coolepring, Mercer county, and appoi n t e d Wm. J. Hamilton poSttnn iu the city at that date. The people Lied abandoned all idea of fighting, and had gone to work on their farms. The Independence correspondent of the Republi. can, writing on June 4th, says that the Salt Lake mail of the 18th of April had arrived, bringing news that an express had reached Camp Scott !rum Gov. Cumming, stating !hat ho had been well re oeived at Salt Lake; tun! Young was willing to transfer all authority, and enjoined his followers to recognize Cumming as their future Governor, azol aid him in the discharge of his duties. Nam , Palmeri's, June B.—The city 1 , quiet. Some few cases of rowdyism have occurred, but the Mayor stopped farther arrests and discharged all that were arrested. Alteriooon Telegrapin Report WASEU.NuTua CITY, June 7. Sanate.-111T. Seward eEplained his course in the recent war debate. Mr. Douglas made a low?, response, using strong war language. A long discussion ensued respecting gun I,,,sts, after which Mr. Clingman's gun-boat amendment was lost—yeas 12, nays 34. Mr. Green, of •Missouri, offered c.n amendrusnt that in of the commission of flagrant outrages by other powers, on the commerce or the eitizoes of the - United States and for the spe , dy redre, of much wrongs, the Prcii ,u dent be empowered to grant letters of marque and reprisal, to continue in force until the meeting of Congress. Mr. Cameron, of Pa., Mr. Hayric, of S. C., and others, made remarks, when Mr. Hale's amendment was lost—yeas 22, nays 31. Mr. Hale further amended the bill, so as to ap propriate $300,000 for the machinery of the ship Franklin. Mr. Clingman, of North Carolina, added an amendment to build ten gun-boats. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, said he would vote for a small annual increase of the navy. Mr. Trumbull entered his protest against deputing to the President the war making powers vested by the Constitution in Congress. Green's motion was then lost. Ye a ?, 8 ; Nays, 40. The yeas were Messrs. Brown, Douglas, Green, Johnson, of Tenn., Pugh and Rice. The ab sentoes were Messrs. Bates, Clark, Clay, D ur k ee, Foote, Given, HiMnaond, Harlan, Rayne, Jones, Seward, Shields, Slidell, Sumner, Thompson, of Now Jersey, Thompson, of Kentucky, and Wade. The original amendment" for tensloops, sloops, was then acted on and lost. Yeas, 20; Nays, 24. Various unimportant amendments were adopted, and that to float the Franklin lost. Mr. Mallory again renewed, as an amendment, his proposition to construct five screw steam sloops and one paddle wheel steamer at a cost of $1,200,000, which was carried—yeas 18, nays 17. Mr. Crittenden offered a resolution for the naming of the steamships of the Navy of forty guns after the towns and citios, and under twenty as the Pre- President may direct. Agreed to, and the bill was then passed. The Army Appropriation bill was then taken up, when the Senate adjourned. WASHINGTON, June 8.--Senate.—On motion of Mr. Bigler, of Pa., a resolution was adopted extending [Roston T,fir.,/,, From W ashington FIRST S ,:SSION Venterday's Proceedings HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVE?, Front St. Louis From Now Orleans. Vongreastonal 131112i!M=1:MI:1 ST. Loris, June g.—Luevenwhrth di , : atches of the 4tb buys that the movement of two columns et trr.ops. ror Utah was postponed in csmsequence of the extreme inclemency of the weather. T)e Leavenworth Times of this morning an 1, lances the intention of Judgv Lescompton to vacate seat on th , bench. The action of the Executive t lild6.Mri in reference to the organizing and arming of militia: in the western counties ~ i no.t tyre deprecated hero. I.'irom Washington WASHINGTON, June 8.--Junes Buret, the Dem. ro•ratic candidate for Mayor, was yesterday elected by a majority of 571. The Democrats and Anti- Know Nothings were also successful in all the wards but one, electing their Aldermen, Common Council men and Assessors. Writham Carey Jones, the literary legatee at Mr. Mont m, is now engaged in writing the latter's bi ography. t'. 8. Senator of New Itlampettlre Coscono, N. H., Juno 8.--:The Republican Sena• tore have resolved to adhere to the rule of rotation in Aice, which is adverse to the re election of Mr. liaited States Sena'or. The indications are favorable to the election of T. M. Edwards as his I=LE Nervous Dego, or Wealknes• of any kind lr any f our readers are troubled r iih Nervous fie..: or Weakness of any kind, they should prueure a b•silio of " BCERLIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. SVo have tried it, and can recommend it confidently, RR a medicine giving almost instantaneous relief.— /laity Enterprise. Caution:—Be careful to ask. for .8.. - .ev.iooe's tiollaad thtteri. told at ia per bottle, or six betties for st. by the bole ProEriotora, Benjamin Page, Jr., Cu.,. No. 37 W.u.i street, betwoon First and Second st• sets, and Druggists vererally. DERANtirLYIEN ~F TD LINER ie Out, of the most common, as we' I as the must fornAdatre ct diseases klowo to American physicians. IL had lor years atti acted the closest attention of the medical faculty in all parts of the Llnited ....gates, and yet up to the time of the diecover; of lir. 3PLane's great Specific, prepared by Fleming Bros, of Pittibargli, it wlil almost beyond the teach of medi cal s'..i:l. hod perished without even a hope ot relic', and althoug:. thousands may yet be destined to feel the direful effects of this must complicated disease, it is now, thanks to the search of Dr. Nl'Lane;ruust completely brougi within •he scope of medical control. The pruprierors, Flrm ag us, Thrsburgh, Penn'a, of the Liver Pills feel coati dent that they i ffer a remedy which 111-1.4 t , :` , 11 fully tested by time, and which hos never faded of succees when fairly tried. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. IeFLANEM CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manufactured by FLEMING BIICIS.,ot Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Laue's genuine Liven Pills, also his celebratkvi Vermifnge, can now be had at e) rospecieble drug stores. None .9.muine without the rigrPe beet tr 130 1 FLEMING 111108. NEW A,DITEiiTISEMENTS. A CARD Ma. AND NHS. A. W. YOUNG. Fffifif=g=MilllMEMZiffr4777l - &77IWN JOINT BEN.§FIT Nif, Friday Evening, June Ildh, ISSS, (..)1C WHICH OCCASION WILL BE PRE- Ben led a greet combinatinri of v uwelty ,ottattr“ctier,. A Id A .ND503,11 , : SILVER u.:t siL-T, fur the lust CON UNDhU M, to be decided Ly Cu• undo IWO. Ali 0 uundruins to be refit to the B. x Gal,e bed., e'clocA on llriday. ;,•rforrnance will comideece with (first time her-4 till, 1),., dram by M. Lemon. edit, rof the LULL.: UL 1.1,,C i,c r ai 11 .1 911 ND YOUR OWN bUtiIINESS. Mr. 6ruy the kW. Yuung. 1 NVAlter Root, ..klariau....lth6 L. W. YLitaug. I iauay Ju.ia M. Att,r which, first act t I BLACK. 1 iED SUSAN. A. W. Four, (His first apht-arhutie in feminins trag.dy.) William, (first tints,) J M. Cook, iialice Mrs. A. SW. Yuung. with a pi•caliarly tr c:edy, an Isha::3l,ear'S, entitled UTII rn ...... ........ Do,deoni.,ts tio , x Bpoit. uuw open THE PENN'A RAILROAD COMPAN; wILL HUN EXC ItSl N TRAINS. ON TUC, it, IJA 1", 101 i. TIIPI PIC-NIC Or TL GERMAN MUSICAL ASSOCIATION, 'r..,-ry half hour, frota the 1., uorty St 2. tluu Dea uy's Oruvo SRUPS.-- 700 due. Lemun Syrup 10 •• St awberry Syrup, •' NOP A Fri , •• " " .loaf and for sale by REYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, KPH Oppe-ite the St. Charles uot,d 1 -I RESII 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell 50 bags Filberts; " Cream Nuts; 30 " P6can " ;,$)o bus. Idrouu•l " ILUU Cocoa S?li, by Jost recoived And lur RHYMER ,t ANDERSON, No. 39 VV.,' street, Opposite she St. Charles Eotel STEW BOOK.SI NEW iioOliSl 1- :I.l.ary Dr weut, by Mrs. Ann 8. Btepheuts The Jealous Wit's, by Miss Pardon Ft r sale by R. A. LOOMIS, Publishers' Agent, l'oat Bnildings, 411 Fifth ern ot. WRAPPING PAPERS.-10 0 reams as sorted amea. H:raw and rug wrapping, for aalf , by WM. 6. JOHNSTON ..4 C‘), je9 Paper Dealers, 67 Wood ereet. livl AN in A - "1"A P E R.—A large lot various hizos, for r,ale by IV V. G. JOHNSTON SE CO., Jen Paper Deale's, 57 Wood at. IAEDIUNI, Dully, Folio Post, Flat and Cap Writicg Papers, Printing and Boot Pa pers, a:1.1 ~very i reriptiuo of printing materialN, for sale by W. 3. HAVEN, Job Printer, 11:9161 r‘l '0 o,il 21 3,1a , 14. l 4:- ia , . ALLS I BALLS! 13:1LLS1--A large as sortmem of Fo.x., Solid and Bat Balls, must received and for sale, wholesa e an l retail, at the India Rubber Depot. 26 and 23 St. Clair atroet, my 29 J. A H. PHILLIPS. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, ac., always on hand at and for sale cheap by _ & H. PHILLIPS, ny29 26 and 28 St. Clair xtreet. NDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to it 12 Inches iu diameter. A large :,apply just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. & H. PHILLIPS, m 329 26 and 28 St. Clair street. ,] PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all flues frr gale at reduced pricas, by . _ W. P. MAI:SHALL & CO., my2l e Wood street. WHISKER BLONDE.--500 doz. White hiskor Blonde for Bonne. Borders, received, and will be sold very low to Milliners by toe piece, at 1-13 HORN 5 . 5. 77 %Inckot 0 ", ('COFFEE. ---`200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WM. a SMITH & CO, mr2.13 118 Second, and 147 First streets. SODA ASH.-1.00 casks Soda Ash, now landing and for sale by in) 18 MILLER & RIOKETBON. ,ACK LACE MlTTS—Alexandre's su perior Kid Ciluves, Silk and Lisle Glo;os, and 11.1 oth. er in great variety, at JOSEPH HORNE'S, tuyB 77 Market street. COMPOUND SYRUP STILLINGIA for sale by a L. FA lINESTOCK my3l No. 60, Corner Wood and Fourth eta. M --- ACARONI.2O bxs Genuine Italian; VERMICELLI-20 •• 1.4 Just rec ived and for sale by REYMER & ANDERSON, my 26 N 0.89 Wood street. PERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchaie good farming lands, are Informed that we have for sale 6.32 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also 640 acres of land in Franklin cDunty, will be sold on ady terms by S. CUTHBERT $ SON, my 15 51 Market Street. E ERY DESCRIPTION of Dress Goods ]fancies, Aloaruing Goods, White Goods, Ho t!ory, tc. Also a urge end very cztap stock of Domestic Goods. O. HANSON LOVE, Jet CIGARS 1 (51(34..ii.5F-1. have received this day a large lot of genuine imported Havana cigars, of the old and well known "Seneca" brand. Thous wishing a box of good cigars should call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLESILNO, Jet Corner Diamond and Market et. CLAlter WINE.— 2) cases N. Johnston k Sons Xfedoo Claret Wine; 10 •''• St Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for sale by M[LL6R k RIOKETSON, ruylB Nos. 3.2 and 223 Liberty 'tree UTLER COUNTY BONDS—For sale or exchange fur real e,t.aba, by uiv24 • S. CUTHBERT & SON. FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in stork-, and for sale by McC&NDLESB, MEANS & CO., Corner of Wood and Water stree,a t0..t0 COU NTRY BACON.-16 - 60 lbs. Country Bacon, ilitlll3, Shoulders and Sldea, rsceived and for JAB. A. PETZICH, Limner if aas& LA Mat NZ. Antorbury, Juue 6, 1868 —jt•i:. - A WOR VANS! FANS! I—Palm Fans by the cast d0rt0,,,,r itug . .e at Esmtern prireH,with other rati•.te rf Fancy Faux, for sale at ii 'RN E S, jeS 77 Market Street. THE IlitillEST market price in cash paid Lie grades of clew: rierics and Tel -Wete-Joe 'rN Li, at air old establish:el Wood Warehouse, corns r Liberty .trim and Lecil A.l-•y. jr7:3rnw J. L. MARSHALt CENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLV.% NI.A.--Nut co he-eby given that the CE.sTII.I, I BA:, ui i'IeII , :NSYLVANIA., at Milli neys'ourg, will le i. pen lur ilerltl EDS ESJAY, the 16th inst. jr7 Ji.riEPLI BROWER, Cashier EN U L t Sit "ON THE sEA SHORE," pe furlnc.l ~ n the T.•uth Ann versury I•I• bulb NuKTit ANIEItICA:N Aet-OCIATICN, t l'U Et" DA le !t: I N J [le • lit, P 'LIR; lents 11. py r 1a A; t arid at VI, I[l,lC .It.. 3. a T II 1 wne n in from Westmorehmi couhty who would try to heat hie ntaots, aro invited t ..ttoud this evoLung, Nilt•ry, No: 136 Wood B:reet. jo TRUSS AND SUPP:iIi T 14] E. We ere manetecturiu e large ed of Trneses and Sup• purtere constant!}, t— which 1110 e ttenti on of the and the entTerinii, is invite.' CEO. R. WHITE CO., No. 59 Market Street, JILLOPEN ON MuNDAY, TUb Wet iv6l, A new and complete asmctment of '...411y13.1 ER GOODS, COMM?. SING: DRESS SI LE.S, every variot) , 61LK cv vAri,ty, houmm,l and Aquille, DE MOUBELINE6 DE iSUIE, ORUANDIES, J ACON InaS, CIENTZES, Ac., WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, tIOUSEKEEPLV(t, A LARGE ASSOR TJI EN They Lave also litid particular atteutiou to their .tock. ~; MOURNING GOODG, whf.ll they think will compare favorably with that of :.ay other lieu,' iu thi6 eiry. .11do, a great variety of rvvey riescrii tioh of 'IU .1.41 U: KLII,I L Lc, tug LI, it Le: impurtatio.l Mr. A. W. Y.•uug ....J idlA M. jeti)•2t Formerly LAM Brothers, No, 74 Market street. ', 61 Market a suMMER CLOTHING CicaLUC iiALL Corner Wood tartet oud lhamond nth, a 001. uke CHF MUSICAbi. TABLEAU !MEE SHOOTING G4,LLEktV, ~11 11 , 7 rF. VI ORI YuLING, N R 6 Wood litreet THIRD ARRIVAL. mbroideries, English and French Lace Goods, O BALANCE OF i SPRA6 STOCK - 0 1 , - P LA. NO FORTE i. 4, 'll-1F: N L/FACT, UHIUKEidNG & SUN'S BO 'rox. k.oulidtmg of SIXTEEN of tl , -O - .•tc S. co; ; tint a .I,IIC Oct 611. v.• j11 . .Z.1 , 001.1 relCeiVeti. w r,tt•ly for etialuicom, , i) viareruolua of a, sul ;Notice & SONS' NANO Ift)ltlEn are not Cut by theta to any other house in this cit.. ; all orders oust be dire:Aril to the subsea fiber. JOHN U. 11EL' Olt, No. 81 V, othl street, Sole Agent for Chu:kering St non& F nano,. fur Pittsburgh Itoru FLuult.--4U bbls. chuice Etuperiino toz sale ty J A. Fifaz...l4:, IT ELLum. UUPY:MU BOOK S.-. possess great advantage:, river dn; others. fir , paper being thick and strum; will not tear when Wet. a Mee: pc: text impression and it convenient tor ter t , . When mice In :h. it cuperiority in Lipp:lre:a. bond , 1. JOHN6T9 • U '•, lea Stationere, o. 11 u et. COPYING PRESSES.—Sorew Copying Preems, Calm and Lever Copying Preetee, Lever, Screw and Spring Copying Presses, mid by WM. G. JOLLINSTON C.) , 'eB 57 Wed street. CHEESE. -- 180 bozo; pd. W. R. Cutting Chet., ; 21111 " Englieh Dairy R,c.eive4.l and fur sale by [jo3] HENRY H. COLLINS S 7 ONEWATER PIPE.- WO yards 6 inch; 500 " 4 " 500 " 3 " 400 " l•• Received and for tittle by [ j.3] HENRY 11. i;OLLINI-+ IISSOLUTION OF CO-PAIITNERSIIIP. —The partnership heretofore existing between di undersigned at the Penusy.vania Car Works, Latrobe Westmoreland county, Pa, under the firm of W. H. Farm,. & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. O.W. Barn-- id authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement. IV:11. HENRY BARNES, O. W. BARNES. DURE BLACKBERRY AND CIIERRI AL BRANDY, fur medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, 105 In the Diamond. DU RE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND GIN, by Cho bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, in the Diamond. 105 SUN UMBRELLAS.—SiIk e.rvl Gingham Sun tirubr-11r.. - , salk•rlur to Para!,..,:', for sale at very low rates, at 11.01 t ' je B 77 Market street. STOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.-- Suitable in. the approaching hot season on hand by jOB JOS. aoliNE, 77 Market hireet. O(,RANGES.-100 boxes Palermo, this day. received and for sale by REY MER t ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, jeB Opposite the St. Charlei Hotel. _FIRE CRACKERS. 4OO boxes No. 1 Gold Crop, just rec Lived and for sale by REMO. & ANDERSON, • No. 39 Woad strec.t. jet. Opposite St. eharles Hote r TORPEDOES:--00,000 No. 1, jug, rec'd IL and for .11.1 n REYMER k ANDERSON, Nc.39 Wood b trent. FIRE WORKS FOR FOURTHOF JULY. —tire Works aud Fire Balloons 'manufactured by Li P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by RELUER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, jeB Opposite the St. Ch ales Hotel. FAYETTE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. —302 acres in Wharton township, /.,0 um'er fence with log house, etc., good springs, coal and limestone ; one•balf the farm is fine timb,r land, and about 100 acres in meadow. The soil is good, well adapted for a stock or grain farm, sit• nato at 1 , ,4 111E03 from Fayette Springs, 9 miles from Union town, and 15 from 0 .nneltsville, will be sold at a low price, ,r exchanged for approved Western lands. IoS S. CUTHBERT a So 4, 51 Market it. .10 RN .-10 bags shelled Corn received and ‘..) for only by 1j 3]HENRY H. COLE! WINDOW SHADES—Of all styles—also, Green and Buff Oil Cloth couvtantly on hand, and for sale by myl3 INDIA RUBBER BELTING—AIso, Ilose and Packing—a large stock just received at the India hubber Depot of J. AS H. PHILLIPS, ruyl3 26 and :24 St. Clair street. ,Q„ ‘ PONGEST- I have just received a large lot Q. Superitz Batting Spore;.-s, of ovary size and price. Those wishing a gwd article iu this line, should call and examine ,ny stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOB. FLEILING, 4. '2O Corner Diamond and Market street. BROOMS. -100 doz. Extra Brooms on hand and for sale by je7 B. C. a J. H. SAWYKIL CIIIEMICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 bore V,l Chemical Olive Et asive Soap, on hand end fur tlale Ly j e 7 IS. O. h J. H. :zi.lN7-1"Elt. -1 CASK RED TARTAit in store, and for 64.1 e by B. L. F.9II.IVe,STOCK do CO, jeG No. 60, °Dram woud and Fourth sta. Prrtoi;U,.,,ll Hr1 3 C r., t+-1:14:11 A4o• y t• , / I 1.1 fin fAhl VI I tl,l 7i. ii.. John 11,..u. .-7 bu J. J. a 3.31 07 ‘,.r..u.....1..tftiA 7:: JOllll I'lol/11W , It Henry Feollmmen... 2u Uo John Watson 1 uU J. M. Hass 10 (.10 Pnell a Corr .4,6011 .1. 1. Hume _ 61 Ov Jos Won. :e. 141 u. al'i.,tly 2,179 17 Ja uu M'CliJly 751 CU ' STATE Or -1 :.%* %XI., 1 City ,•:t. LA/ B.lore rue, Alderman in and 6,r said city, pertoi.4ll, came 'Pu.llll 1.1 iionter,Agent 01 11. e r'arrnera and Alt.. -.Lo , nee (10m; any, who 0 •ine, duly sworn, Pc , iI dot, thro , ,lt• ned - that tlio fologelitt atattquent O. Agent me, 1101 7, 1118. ay.::: L toa.isr , - .1. ONO, AldoV-t,fk 11. ,t; •: 1 - , p I' E X '1 t Gt 11,7 in .❑4:+.:.allr•.uµ!Fan.i ., u., lt,v IVIO)ir ii 0 'I Corurr Mat kst : st.:t J. ,t 11. PHILI.' PS. 28 and kS St. Clair dtreo t. li'+ sif EA 7- , ', (*: 1,.., .11“ ..... .4 ist., " Co-.... Z. 3 00 ; 1;5 Olt 0.1 i.);!,,./. Et, EN.... it wia, EN &tk _ Edw. zi.oliet., Esq.— 6. ;14.1 C..... So JU IL a;c( C t . Sp ILI_ C', ,IL bIWILUnr Ar "1 U A4ucr.,. 40 00,n1 64 0 , 3 .......$20,167 of Ait%: ".1 NE ll_ AD 1' A'• iVii•ARI - , IC, I: i._ l ':' I:rSL' y Ca 111,46, LA, :ti! 1.4 V-4 ; 1 IC U t, & • i!L 35,80:4 on • 11N11 l • Wttd,73o t tit-ttr•tt ti,•‘ tl, o..g.uparay t,.. Juneln. 11. :A..% a,Llttiund Jouu it. Per t-c Pnuldti2g, J. = ' 6amtlui Dr. li.. line C. 1.11.1..-11 T. 1.1n t .(1.1 bptuevr Charley .•• H. Junes BrooliF., Jacob P. T A ft', . H'.l‘,ll r .11 E UREA T WESt -`,ll R N Ire am C. 0119 Office ;:n Compan.k.s ..3u;Lhag, Su. Walnut Gurney - of AU .111 , _%Eti p, ,, J to 6urplus, Ja.,,ary IAL, 16.58. LN tiCE—Limital Porpvimal. 51A1:1_VE lis;SillitANCE ; on Pod 06, Om go watt Freighti. Lit.Nl) by Itivor, Uanal,t, Lakes aud Land DIILECTOR)I: Ulu:Flee C. I.tat:.: 11 ii iam Barltu, lulu rtur I%ltatilitier W,1111t.1311, -, 19 rt.. 2 FruLd. lattat: tttttt t Julia C. firm of right, CO. E. Itatcy, arm or Jutut tirtu 't•r itiLe Ac McCurdy 'lltuatua L. lititrapw, _arm of t spiu a Zeller. .1:::12.1,!1 B. Crone, dcw 0f Ja.:a. a :1. iulatt.o r. JO. lIL. It. ncy Guts. r, a.'utra atroa— .l`tiv-11111 rod Snnnuc I 0111'11 t. g• gt t, ~ o EtttittitAl t INEM=I LIISS 1;3 u •Y, ( .1; , . , r. Lai nt, les• t, t,6 Ss, siiv;llT, n:1.1 rc.1.31.1r,r. .2 it. I , • s;7 • ehnsiwaLti.t ii;oritpav,y Ufar.r. tt,:re-tE (1a1,17 as =MIME MEMEI A 0 N 0 il'i va A It i ii , ... ;I, A i :izt S'4 .., ;74..4, :•:':i IL E 'IC (I) ri , il I" .4_ Nli Hi' i'i TTZ:ii:: !.'i: td li Ilk, IC!! 111141-L}. .a. Ai Vr ouL, sretary. 01 0 11 , ` o. 9S riZet. WILL INSi;itE .It , FIRE Alit LS.iliTc 4 -11.91 . I:Urn, Stock, Due 131111, payable ou approved names ,Premium Notc , .:.)1111 Receicablo Its ,bares Mechanic' Bank tcc',7 - „ cast 5u do Bank of Pittsburgh do do 4J do Exchanga Bunk d, 'do 190 do Citizens' Bank. do .lo Balance of Book Account: , Office Furniture. Cash A. lit. , Trs, .'oLert Ual7. t 1 Clarke, J chn C. in. A. Caldwell. James A. Liutchbou Wm. B. liolmes, William &ea, Wilson myt2 4. A. GENERAL IN 8 URAN . Capital Rep.rezczltod, 00. COMPANIES OF Cliittlertd by .Penrt,.y MARINI.' &ND E.k KEN, A iI, Ns. 2 . ; O. O'S k. /' :.:./..tLutn. :2,i if &c:1;r, ;, • • et-ital.:ll. ;do3so-13, TERRA UJTTA OR STONE nimq7 p vs/ T 111141 M From two zo sis mail calibre• PRICES from L 2 to 6G Gewti per Foci A LSO-I:O4IaLESTEI; PEARL CH For Sale Wholesale at .71 ,,, iai.ectorer, Prices by D.LENEZI.," 114. F 0 B.VITA La` (./ AND rA RCHANT AND 1,3A1-211 I:4 sIe:EDF, F 1 AND P . /101)11W; 111LALL No. 25 Noon STREET,jot JAMES rtiiki,AUCatiLitin.C, MAN L ALC011011" Cologne Spirits and - nisei OH, Noe. 167 any 170 Second Street. pllll/C; FISH! CONSTANTLY oN HAND A FULL suppLy or WHITE FISH, SALMON, Lira ItIN , Order accampanied by aid CA.317, will met crc., HENRY H. COLLINS, uyl4:l;jy 1-4 SAMUEL 7.4" IMPORTER L DEALER IN f li t )ItEl GiN ii.iC _i: HARD -IAE 210. 74 Wood street, between. planter-A allay and Fourth stroot, T T SBILBGB, FA. THS bubacribur is now U pellil.lg a w.. 11 Lalecteci Biwa -nt of foreign and domestic uow,atid will l:a ,1 on as go, - 1 terms 2.3 any czt,t - house in this city. lit al always keep on hand a !lARDWARia, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOL; - , which he mpectrally the atttl,tio n :117,ri - r.!/.. is kit - 1i war PHILLIPS, H!!EUIT Si , Co-, Co ninl 7; and Porwer rdiny WIL .111:F BOAT PaU"RIETOB , S, :7.1-EIPPISt; .1611: - .N I'S of Cvntr,t' RAH:, i, tiDuc, )In;k 4:100,11 iu eJI pi;,315 LNG I',ll ) Eli,--In ro il, for kfu g ruverd, for m.... 1 63 ” \VELU, myth Wood litroot, Dear ifocults. lEEE r . • ..1: 7 K.0.,L. / Iti lift .Aj ‘.;; i I A t ,i, =MEE '4i91,350 96 E 37,911 1'4,5i.rfl OU too,Doo oe; 1) . 2,3 ells 37 EMETEITII vt , Jll 7 Jiy Plttabnrg4 u A. .t` IL?, Age].) Fo,rlle ,S';:reet 4224, 00 ou . 55,277 05 .. ••rzt•Ei utre,at.. MEM ;•L.Laii,tolt tuL ,it Putrid. iolw Taggart, ;300,000 by two tk..,000 00 . 17 003 29 083 11 UV ... 2,050 UV s.UbOu • ti,o,t3 30 .... 090 ati .... 15.353 7}3 $237,710 ,A, FISH! PICK.EItEL, MACIUB.EL 0:1 ST E Vlafr N :STOCK. )OMESTIC Merchant.,