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All .: Oftfr% in BANEVEII'S BITILDINOS, Great sired, (needy opposite thobourt Heim) to1 , 12:ly WIN(IARD,i ATTOHNBY AT•LAW, T SCOTT, bauf.iet, Fourth street, five doom CP West or Nadia. pig;• , °Moo hours frotir9 o'clock A. M. to G o'clock P. M. claeXty • - _BUSINESS - CARDS. • __— Tout MOORHEAD, 'Wholesale Groeelgd to cominismun Merchant, for the sale of 110 METAL and .131.00115, and PRODUOE genorally, No. 117 Wood street, 4 pituthur g h. - alill _ ,!t wittuat Cuaza, Philada.. wit. luoccrsoii - , Pittsburgh. -- t: MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gru 7e. cers, Importers of IIitANDIMS, WIN Nli and SNO A RP, , 1 Nos. 172 and 173, corner of Irwin and Liberty stronts, Pitts. burgh. /roll, Nails, Ootton Yarns, Esc , constantly on hand. .1.1%bt , ._ L. ALFEIet/ It. t1711.L.1,1t/ .M01L.U..11.:1114.d[r.f.T10:11. ttawsbe bre mu DO t .. .... . 1 1LNI1T 1.. R.M.WAL I r. CI UKL I NO, Ii3OIiERTSON & CO., Menu vi faaurent of Cut. Proasod and Plain Flint fi L A 11:41V A lill, warehouse No. 17 Wood stre,t. corner of Ftont. Inn...burgh. All other kinds of lilasswaro and Window Glass, at low Market priors _. up] 1311 y Ja>kGt C. LYLLI.2 J011[1•11.1. CLAM. Si ULAM, Sticcesßors to Itlolvany A Ltsilie, manufacturers of Cut. Id:hied and Plan/ flint and Fancy Colored tiLASSWAR.]I., toed deniers iu all Kinds of Window Clans, Flasks, Vials and Bottle.. Ware house corner of Market and Water atroets, Pittsburgh. athitally SHUN ATVISI-1. A J. LER ATWELL., LEES CO., W Imlesale liroccn, Produco and eilkikiiikinti Merchants, and dealor4 Pittsburgh libuttifseturex. No.l street, hot 4.4,4 n 1, ar.' and Brunt streets, Pittsburgh. JOLIN K. 11U'I'LER &CU F ., rwArtling turd Commissarn Morchanta..leahoi iu iii kikti+ of I 11 ' BURGH MANUFACTURES. Lk:AD PIPE and Err LEAD, N 0.67 Front street, Pittsbiireh [JENItY 11. COLLINS, Ft - Warding and Cotnutilsion Merrhant. and .1,1,4.414 dral, °MEESE, aurrEa, SEEDS laud PRODUCE g,iiet ally, No 25 Wool street, Pittsburgh. marti IL AM ARR & CO., (William Carr, VV --- C late of the firm of J Parker whoh-sale IDERJS and deltion alit BRANDI Ed, Mpoongatiola and Itoctllled WHISKY. No. X 24.4 Outuruer,..d How, Liberty Kt rvot, Pittsburgh nand JOSEPLI. FLEMING, otweess.ir to L. i - got di Co., ,ort ..r of Mat kct .1 , ...f an.t 11. keep, run:dandy 'Ai Latnf n kn.. Wien( of Ell WINES, MEDICINE CHESTS. PER VU.111:41 , sad all ail! ch. pertaining t, i,ii lotsirvgs.. X.- Physicians' carefully compounded at rut hours. join JOHN PLV.111:10 14 1 Li al IE I tS, ,eeeessors m finhl A: alioloau..• DR( G.; Is No. 'ti W0,.1 nit - i'tttaLur; tut.... .4 4 ..1.4 4g r 0 d ug°, Li,ei Pill., A.. jalo y L. ItIA.ItSII AL L. :-Itioces4,,r bi 11. Lve. rt../ • w(tot, lIKALEIL ~,ti Mk:I:CHAN i. 139 Liberty str4.4, Puisbureli. M'Clintork S 8r..., Kraal, A Ilalun, Kby, Tiermin A Co.. Brown A liirkiutri. k. Pittaburgh, Slay 24, Pg.:s ni37l 1 W. CII.I lIW ICK, dealerbleritiiiikv A r . Usti TOBACCO. It Ali, sud PAPER., No. 140 V. ot;,I gstywt, Indoor Sixth, Pit !Abut4n. y gee -The higli4st market pare. in rash, paid for Bags. u• ALT Cktk. K. Nx7 - MAII.SUALL & Importers and v • cloak-vs in Frond, and Amer.,. PAPER HAN, 1 N‘::4, No. Wool stn-et, Pittsbar,.h. NOlt'fli-WESTERN POLICE AOENcy, No. 80 Waaltingtou istroot cori,,or of Bk.t.:l,rtl, Clll - ILLrNots. ,ALIAN PL7O.IIII.TOTI D. 11. Ru1.F.1,1 PI CA./. clovot. their vutire atteittiou t.. th.• icratutaction of a general Lk•toctive POLICE BUSINESS tho Stake Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. nahl9aitf c,ZTOVES.—No. 124 Wood street, above Elfth.—We beg leave to call the Trude to our stock St,Cel6l-hillow Ware and Castings in general. Ha vin glrrfe. t • ed every thing in our line. WU rms taitely say that we eano..t be surpassed in finish, fitting, and smooth nets, by any In the trade. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call !a fore buying elsewhere. fold GRAFF, ItEISMYRR, k GRAFI. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEW ELI( AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JOHN M. ROBERTS is now Bolling off his large nod choice stock of Brie Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Patel. Goode at a very small advance ou first cost, preparatory IT enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of an entire new stock for the spring trade. Persona desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, lie it Is his determination to close out tile present stock aide , out regard to former prices. Don't forget the place--ROBERrS', 16 PliTll street, er - sr Market. fele. --- ejSC HOO N MA K E R, Manufacturer , f White Lead, Red Lend, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Put:y. ku. .W.botplain deltWikiNs, n to, Yarn Watts, Turpeotiue., ac.. Nei.. 1 24 iroOd street, hittsburg Paa b. tncV FILEAMS acKIMS—REDUCENety-s, 0 Etna Dressf3Dods ntnr being offered nt - 'l4. CO SO Par ;put:lees thins anal pricing, A , • • , A. , „, . AiMalal * 00..lia.leaffth et • Ek's- `vt.4 ', 1 0 . ! 6 .5 • • ~ f . t":" _4k t s+ * • 1 ,, ' *f, a lITTSBURGII MORNING POST.! Printed add "publoha every moinfigj , ( Sundays opted, eal..Lomas. & ILIONIPOONESTR Y 071 ,.Tat mum- or Arab', lureinrrr mans. - - TBR7d&—Elwe Dollata it year,' payable strictly to advance. EU Dollars InwariablypetLlV nutraid within the year. /tar Siiigle copies, Two ClEwro--for itale at the counter in tho Office, and by the Newt Boyt. THE SAIMURD A T -ATOPLSHEO' POST • PO• l 44thad ft WU The same office, on a large blanket sire sheet, at TWO DOLLARS &year, m advance. Single copies, Flys CYST& • Sir , No paper will be dlsconthmod i (tulles§ at the dfimr°' Mon of the Proprietors,) until all sainaragen are Pam , IQ" No attention will be paid tat any order !mimeo:om panto(' by the money, or satisfactory reference In thin zlty. 4firiaiunacted_ with tho Establishment or the Plorning Poet Is one of the largest JOB PRINTING orvrerkg In the city, where all kinds of work le'done on the shortest notice, midmost reasonable terms. PROFESSIO 7 N4 - , , „ .RDISNSBURCI, ctiaatit comrr, PENNI.. Alle PraCUCOB 111 Lluntlngdon, Malt Clear!3t,l.l and 1u (Ileum countes.f o b 12:11 - - _TAIttES A. LOWHI,E Attorney at Law, iimia Ponntt street, betweou Smithfield mud Cherry alley. flocthly JOHN- BARYON;ailO'ritei , and Counsellor at Law, other comer of Fifth and (Inuit lon:ctn. Pitts burgh. Kay SA.A.ff. . ROSS ; Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth stmt., Pittaburgli r fenrth door below Mr. Itody Patterfou's ,Licery,Stublu je2R AT RICK. M'KENNA, Alderman of Third P ward, odic° corner of Grant and Fifth sylvan, (formerly occupied by Alderman Lowiej where atl business pertaining to the office of Alderman end Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. feldf3in A AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor taUt w. 13tddle , No. 14-1 Smithfield street. espip44.llltee boom &Call to 1 . o r ellick, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. feb15:137, .• - . : D EMO V A L.—C. ILIMS EN. Illanufiwturer of every variety of VIALS. ISU'I'TLES and WINDOW BLABS; !dark Porter, Wino and Claret Ilettles; Demijohns and Csrboys; also, Flint Ulnas in every variety. It archon.. Nowldi Second and lad Firid street. Pittsburgh. mle. ' R. - DR A VO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer • 'in COUNTRY PRODUCE.. offors for wile a choice sus* of OBA/0414..1E5, melectixl he family I.e. Spices of ettety variety ansl the purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills; Alta, tided Votits. Foreign and Domestic Produce taken In exchange far merchandise. F. It. D. has procured a full assortment of lateireth's wen ranted WARDEN SEEDS, and incites the attention of all ja• terastwl in rural affairs. COMMISSION HOUSE.—'fb be e subsc ribers have *penis! it house for the above purpose, at No. 17 Bmithßeld street, font doors übovo the MouoteralieLt lien,. We will purchase, Or receive all tklitlllthisli)U, ter eon. algnments of FLOUR, BACON, CIIERSE, CORN. OATS, BARLEY, -1 1 1..iA X SHED. GRASS SEED, BALED 11AV. &c.. upon which we wall 'nuke Marittleeel, ur purchase at the beat market rate, for cash., fteireil ALOKO & (A). W. /1. ........ .2. alrili Z‘ kreM ... Isl. I. :Vrrl - r. EN4ILISII It.1(11 A lIPSON, Forwarding arid Commission )lklrclutn!e ate] ate , leriab• dealer, iu FISH, BACON am! OIL, and I . I:9DUCE go...rally. War.- house formerly lumpier by Iturbridee & Iniihrant, N.. lld Water and 160 'First at re-•t. Pittsburgh. ugulan for the u•lebrut,•.l manufActuron of Delicourt aug7 D T. C. MOW) AN, liwksellor and St - 1 ataa.r. un.,:awa v on knot a gaa.ral axa.nmatit Miscellataams atlNltlank 14.a,ka; Priat tug. tot at, I Cap Pawl . . whaknale ant reaail, N., lu4 IVO,I I..aluar nett, (cast .410 haolirgli. co- WAN'C'EL—ltito T.titivrm' S. /v. nplfcly OLIN 11. 'MELIA/H., I% . llllltmltli. and Retail J .1.1,111 IiSICA I N:'l'itti IIKNTr, )It'z;if, , SUEIOOI. tind STATION ell Y, 1 . 1 . 4,1•1 Pittsburgh. rlfirEl2= • • EYMER & ANDERSON, (succei , ,ors J.mhtla 11,11..1,, At F. I :s a Urn. h UTS. FRCEItiN A I: VIM 1;;.„1. :ti Wood atrei•t, this at. Ciotti,' II..!.!, Pin. burgh. elry A TIN DL E, Wholesale and Retail SA 1)- ULK.. 11A11:41 , - 4 :i. TRUNK, VALIE and CAR.PKT LAU ,ILiNUFACTUKISit, ho. Ithi Wissl istriiet., Pittsburgh. 15 29 1 ENTERI SE WORKS, No. Wool o. 136 RP etreet, LIAM leer h..hm Virgin alliiy.--BOWN & TET• • LK would mal mho Stu.rtlng nom to their lar,, assortment of tit.; M.'. I.V.S nud ItkIVOLVINti PISTrtI.S, tho large•tt ntol beet select,. I Atock t-Ter operon to Ulla mar ket, together with a getioral .voiortimmt of Hardware, Cot:, - ry, T ole awl Fishing Tackle, ell ..1 which vett Mier at 0... loWout timvithle pri.us to moth pordicoors, or for pkkl proved rnpor. marl MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTIIINk . I —BO6ENTILAL & BRO., Fifth str.t, opposite I‘‘a. son's, have a larße stock of Men and Boys' OLOTHIMI uu LIAIId, some ,•ntirely new and nlegiant ntyl.•n. which they are in torniAll at the lowest ash pri, n. Also, a large and laAbi,,nalolesto..l of (.Ik, , ITS' FURNIBiII NO HOODS. decl&di y /I. 1110CLOW NAHTIZI L.- tITKVIEN9 OCOSAII X DITTSBURUII COACH FACTORY—BIO - & co, sncceesors to H. M. Bigelow, No. 411 Ilin mond alley, mud. Wood street, Pittsbnrgh—CAltßlACl',4, Lk/ACUFF, PHAETONS, 13LIGGISS, and every descriiiii .11 id FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finished in inanner unimrpassed for beauty of dt 4 iligll, elegance of kill 14 workmanship and durability of materials. kik_ All work warranted. I novo ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 W0..1 at; third door below- Virgin alley.—BOWN A TETLEY , ' e °old call the attention of Sporting men to their large me sortmont of GUNS., RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLR, the largest and best select,' stock ever opened in this Mar ket, together with a general assortment of LiARDWARR, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which wo offer at the lowest possible prices to mill purchasers, or fur good approved paper. merit 17. , 1151L YOUNG B. TIRING TRA_titial t_ YOUNG. TB. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield . street, opposite City Hotel, manufctima& of CA I:1- NET FIIKINITHHE and CHAIM, of ovary flearriptiou. Ma terials and workmanship warranted, and sold at rodutvd prima Care taken in pecsta for land and water ca.rriags. angSl v t ~.. J. .4 I • o' 4 N . , • 44. • • 4- t,• -.7 • • SgM PU-BLISHEO DAM BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, ,AT THE POST BUILDINGS," 'CORNER 'OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ,ANNUM VOLtIIIIR.,XIV. "iNvillmr will my eyo nor my faith trine." - IM PO ' TAN T TO THOSE AFFLICTED 1. WIT 11 BAD SlUilT.—Persims suffering trout Bad Sigh; arising from impaired rieion, constitutional decay, old age, or other causes, would do well to call upon Ur. O.K. SHAW, PBACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spectacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF THE KY Address, 26 Fifth street, opposite A. A. Mitssm's, Yittsbnrgh. I'. B.—Telescopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, and every article pertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the peemises. air Glasses inserted In old Frames. Any article Oct approved of, exchanged free of ex• pott,e dec7,ly NEW °CACI! AND CARRIAGEFair: ToRY.—J(IIINSTON, BROTIII,II.S h 00., corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would respect fully inform their friends and the public generally, that they huts commenged Ow. manufacture of 11,011C1ILLS,.400KAWA TS, IitiUGLES. SLEIGHS sad C/IA RIOTS, in all their various styles of finish and proportion. In— All enters will is. executed with strlCt regard to dom. ality and Leanly of finish_ Repairs will also he attended to thy most reaaonalde Carina. Using in all their work the . . beet F.narern Sitaftn, Poles. an.l Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that nll who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly eatlatied on trial of their new work. Purchase. are requested to give us a cl.ll, before pur chasing elsewhere. _ A mILLIKEN S. CO. have on hand, at .11.. their extensl, CABINET and CllAllt MANUFAI'- TOR Y. No. 64 Smithfield street, a large tosortruent of Fenry and Plain Furniture, which they will sell 16 per cent. lower than customary rules. Terms, rash only. ides:47:y TIIIARLES BARN TT, Holism SHOER ANn in.Arvokurrn,,bae erected a new and commodious illrick Shop on CIIEBEY ALLEY, between Thud and Fourth 'streets. e here lie in prepared fo do all 'sorb in his line with the utmost pr,ariptuude. flaring had long experience In the business, he respectfully solicits the patronage of his old cuuoniers and public generally. ju2l JSIELLIN ER, hlonungalielft wing Mill, would respectfully inform Lie frteuds tool he one tiublic that his new ea4tablishtnent is now is, full Olk ra tion, and that he in pin-pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and 'tin all %niers La P LA:. ED LUMBER, with promptness, and at the 10w1,4t. rates. Julard and Plank, plant) bn vne Or boa, bid., CollclUllltij on hand. .Sash, Doot, anJ Moulding, of ovory tleocription, nook. ta .10r. ❑uildory and Carpent,re a,rulJ 51,1 it thtir :al, an tago to gm, him a call. am lit. can 110 W turat•ll thew with Plata%l Staff. Mill Able fur ur.•ry dua,riyttuu work_ _ . F ULTON CAR WVIU< FOUN Dia AND MACfINE ,tiOr, ,:1: , o1:1, aut. having morn! into liin uett NVork,.. rec,•4lll .. , 1 tt,•l - ‘VMllor. M . D. , llollgh sod Nivoitly etnrte. ;s pt,parwl t.'. , trait 1.. r mad exocittu onion for Paesougar. Elagrag. font-Ottice, I.lotilv l'intfurm, draael, Uvud and Alt ocher tivscrtptaals of t2Alt:+. MM=l ILOAD CA6TINOS dvscrittllous, and nll otter wort appertaining t. 11 rul:tilir) 611 , 1 Mack e 41,1, Th. F., , ,niwn of the dt tlereut lepart...mt. an , 1, Ir utific Easternlll4l/L1.1.,1.1- • and I ;: r tY• ''' l U :ll t rt l ' n '' cl .",— ‘ll -" r:ti t . , l ? /11.- f hl ' eutil 4.114 all . ern Inlp,u tnrntn. jIW •tf j %V. N. %VvrIIFILE.LI, IIOPE COAL COMPANY Itavitiz re rontly runt with Liel,e, in tranclortini: r'nal LS tLr Ni!.inintrturors• WinY, of 1.1 d 141,1 1. 1 ‘. , Like I , l,..viure lis addrnite.l set su.L Conipauly. .4 eta of nispt• Corm C•qlt tt y • Cincinnati. Davralber 27, 1 , 55 I{E UL 1, RS ItF, () ERS Just re c.ve.i, I,y kaprera, dti k , t fit. - 4 I.ouluinctutera. n splon.LAl _pl,- 1 ,11, ‘`f CIJI.e, REPE G ATIN for, tiry ttlid uiz in .h I.,ArrelA, t, it we uul ill for mat/ at Lhvy 0111 too 1,0111.0.1 In the nly N,ur York. Pe r 4. 04 goirtir 10 Australia and l.hltiorida will II:01110m d • tad:, by piticiadmug their equ.page at 10004 • r10u,.: straril s rvq,--. It nvf• 1,. , t".a , 11..1.er 1 , . fry a ,y 00 (.10 at. , ‘, mid 01 a 1 - .clora Mc roliArld the Ixa.iwy. DOWN k TETLEY, .10 1 art, t. 13 , ..a t TLEIC!%. CklIN OGDEN BOtti,-I . s N,,. IS; Firert ntrtsrrt, wrrtd.l r.-prct fully mfr.., tire purl. LJ Ili II the) Ln.c-itehtitt:y ball.' a latit). n‘ittio: ==fl= The Att.ent.li fm.4,llir+ I. i.orticn:Atly t.. 1 t•• t that thvy bottle 11' A 1 1:1 , 1111:` t 1.1: ill It• lAII.I • ..• hy,. MIAS t" tun ,„,j r Sim. will Atreugtls.:ll,.,, • , ; 1 J.'11.. 2 (Jima 11ftimfm tun., t) mid d.vlrrx m lAN ok it., !late 13.4. Lug., Inn," N• •7 t p d wt,,,t, lit IN I...rgL t timid t., Gilt Illsll, , ,nay, Ili - m0w...41, Wall.{ all,l r NI. siviiry lii ~, r ated and (111. 1 _ _ _ • Ttir A. SNVILEH, :Mr! Retail Ti,.i (lard ,ill 3 r, Tolberb j ..... Irn. Wlre 1111,14, 24 Math 110 , 1., II A HI: 1 1 , 111 1 1:ti. e/01:214‘131 - ti WHITE, VENETIAN BLINI.) MANUFACTII f /..tt 0,0 , 1 lito hoillll au a.: It• rlAl,ll.r.hr. i•I•I MelIN, and lass opoittril his BLIND SI AN LiE.M.Yruk ni Fifth .tlll I, whet , • hr has a:1 woutrtlnt.tlt ..1 1:1.1N1,'.tl mt•tt...l h pinia ,o apt 11.trnt..1 att.! I. l llk nittl ort•parml 1., ant ttratll ill htt....,11 the 111.0 it r....:suttaitt• tar,,,.lit, wart; UM:Taut, I I•t tlattllN.l...n,t4 01.1 12111,1 s repairs.l ,211.• ban n Is. twat tt 'A .. .atm...1.1i y 7. y B strss suopE, M lIANT TA I I , •/t, Third t, In rt Jr... 1.. !slot. It 1.41,k r tls. very Ithitra.l paUullato beieloi.o, I e:tt•ms..i upon !tun, I,g. Issue to ink q coialittusti.s. the nail, as Its I. nsw Is r sve. t., I. Ls rs• 11.1. ati. I , 1.• t •91sis sill. pu - lusl.ts I". tn....south t Ka! I+l4. z• 11. alsroye k‘a•ia, va halal a:a: araa.rt want tar latrat pit v: , •. „ f KSTINOS. C (1.1,711; 4 , .t, uhi It In ill utAke tu order on lla• etiorterrt tiottoo, opal [pram A perf..l 11l alwa . , WNI ranted. novI(. tf NXT () i) IV E LL'S .1N t y CHAIRS, a I...latailo ed.. ~f t,i mtnli•. Ils:•11.1 V. a:aut. e., an 1 , t.• •14. 1..1 F. or 114..1,110mi. nut! ttt lows I,llCloi F. 1114.10 by liar,!. ,11/1 t du ni w:111 ithv 4 Ft:P.N I rulti.: 1111 , 1 Oil AI / . 6 .1I l• t• 111,. 11..1 , N mid Sri I n,l , 1 Tit i:••• le•t n ti •-• Altie SN ...nal,. hfs , l 714 Ti/.1, I' A J. & T. GROUVI 111114PILTEILS BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, (tr. Flue Ohl 1110110lIgothela nye Vlallsky, PEACH AND APPLE BIZANDy; RECTI PIERS AND DISTILLERS COHNP.It OP SNITHVIRLD AND FRONT SrltF.F:l,. prri.situiwn. l'A. DAVM) LOCK t,igether and, ..1 A311'llt:1,1. I'l./I.IA/Cl(_, for Ow •transaction id it Val 1.•( and Dry bi 1.1.1111140.. and the taliallttu title i.f phua and Witt Liue Oat Slunithuo.. 0119 NxjA f rcitEs AND JEIVELItY. —JOHN V :Vltntnif Tv , ?go. 16 F l l i nWert. is to in iiiicutai. wire N tertteli of (101.1 MIN I NI, ~r Patent LI , (It. h.... !opine Anil Vertical WATCH/C: 4 . /a open and Lunt NI the twilit celctornietl Etiglitili and Ottani, Vent sad FoL Cll/1.1/1, iaintilre CAnre, lirxrclet, l'etio and (a ii !let nod lien! Fla w ., Rings. 19 oast plus. Eat•ltlittcs, Cufl Pins, Stud, Sleeve Lion! .ad 511,t11.C11 . 41. Silver und Hated 1, II na.l let. arid Fa.ac) n nt.u.l. lAe bent BRASS CLOCIi6 sit till price, 'flue above nti.iek I n, been diem t !non the ern tnnoulartitries. and selected silt!. grrat °tiro for the tei.ol trade, and will be wild at a banal advance on runt. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired: Lidding nod En• graving executed In the best manner, and Silver Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOHN M. ROBERTS, upl7 Fifth street, next door to Market. DA 1,1" S STOCKINO FACTORY. - DALy corner of Market alley and Fifth street, Buds it nevem:try to contradict it report that has gained ell fri,Cy. that lie was telling oft to quit business lie never had such intention. Lib informs the public that he still continue. to STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS And 1111 kinds of TiOSIERY, at hts establishment. Ilin Fa, nn In nor Itysn'd Building, on FIPTII stroet—i,nen at all tie, h, the itispeetion of the public. Ile him. 1,4 , 3141 the. work ~1 his own htantlfatltire, hrotight hi the it y the tat g , st asAertment of tbssis in his lint ever hteoglit 1.. thIN ity. which are warranted to bo of the best quality, sud tvll 111 Wald at the most reasonable pthvA. lie has but one : 4 4litqi at the e..roer of Market alley and Fifth street. NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFI ---- If you CE— want to have " help," find employment, buy or sell i.i.,l,erty, call at LOW ILI ITS INTELLwENCIS OFFICE, Nu. 11 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal bucninenta and Copying dune with neatnenn and despatch. lfel detll JOSEPH W. LOWItI E. 1 4 1 01{SLIA'S LINIMENT--The best mew now in um. fur sprains, bruise,,, kc., 12 dot. just rvvri rod by JOS. ELEA' !NU. ep 2s corner Diamond and Market at. pIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold blast, jest received per steamer Irene, and for sale by ap'-'9 I'. M. DAVIS, corner Wood and Fifth nts. iIitEASE--Bayea' celebrated Urease fur kfi Drays, Carta, Buggies, Railroad Cars, ,tc., In satin, kiwi; add bbls., for Baia by 1 ap2ii I EiNNI4Y U. COLL! COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three acres of laud, with 260 of Oral attached, and all the ine pi uvementi thereon in sumeashil operation. Said Earn, 1• situated on the Mu moutmhela river, 34 miles above Pitt. burgh, and is supplied with a Farm House, Barn, Tenan , /10,1509, Orchard, Itaitrawl. unit An excellent harbor. Tire vein ~f eeal is firo feel thick, and cannot be surpasse. in quality. For tura, r particulexs apply to NICHOLSON k FA fel2:tf No. 235 Liberty steal. w -- ALKEWS UNEQUALLED IDLED JamINK I have Just received a large supply ce title untainted Indelible Ink, with or without the prep,. offere d at tke been tnlrno* in nSe. In ell east., ibe money will be Tolitindid Vim" It. aced not leasa mk „ , JOS. F O:6 apilb owner Diruttindelleralialfarket et. MMM REM! imam BUSINESS CARDS C. DALY. Corner Market dl.y nu] Fifth nt.. 't-1., , • 4; - 4Ne, " titt . N.gM CAtw GREATEST IMPROVEMENT VET! NE W Sc A L E—H. K a email lot if't NUNNS & CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE. This to their latest, and undoubtedly the YOST IX- 7 V . PORTANT improvement an yet made to the Piano Porte. The POWER of the instrument In almost DOUBLED thereby; and iu point of volume, eve/111,4m and brilliancy of tone, they surpass anything an yet produeed in the shape of • Pinno. They possess all the advantages of the Grand AMOR, with out any of its .11.111Valltagen. We now challenge oomparissin with the instruments of any other maker In this country, confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is respectfinly In vited to call and examine 11011110 superb instruments. 11. K LEBER At 111 W., Sole agents Sro Minns h 'larks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania,' 4 No. 63 Fifth stmt, next door to Masonic. Rah P. S.—Splendid assortment of the More shortly expected for the Spring Trade. upb NEW SPRING STOCK OP CHICKERI NG & . SONS PIANO FORTES. JOHN 11. him jteit reoeived seven more of • t ' 7 . CHICK ERINO k SONS' ' PIANO FORTES, mid rem- Pletrvl the Stock, eelected for Spring Sales, of TIIIRTT-FIVE sod splendid Inetrnmrnts, of every variety end style, inannfaettired by the Messrs. Chichei tip, (ttoeton,l from tho I , l4inrnt OCTAY to the most.eplendidly linithed Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, . xt,tl ns their import., and inimitable tlrand and Parl, , r bleand finnan. EVERY PIANO KIRTE In this lot in. of them NEW WALE, mini their PATENT TRW PRAXES, and PATENT ACTION, and are Lot tnlp warranted la the purchaser by the manufacturers, but by the subscriber, to In, In all reopeetti HA perfect as Intart:4 . 4.lMA Con 1.0 made. Li.,tit in regard to Material and Workmanship. I'ltliEy IN% AIII ABLY TUE SAAIE as le Radon, at the Manutitmory. .T.)1114 H. NIELLOR, N., +TT Wood street. between litantond alley and Fourth sueet. Agent the Chickerin.; h Roue, Rosins, for Pittsburgh and _ NEW SUPPLY OF' PIANO FORTES. CHARLOTTE 111.1',111 has just to a further supply .•; LIANA, Davbi .t ,••• ith liatent suopenslott bridger ' I / and IA Itti (rand Action. AA a pro. 4 ..1 t ht• tlp,rmrity ‘.l them, 1 . 1.19.1. In O. r..i• I. Wlllg extr..t of n ieport at Ito. luk. •• Mot - Itanic't Vair " at ILiton, in competition oitl the rviebuthtl mater, Jonas ihwkenog, who Lana reenolent 14 the Ansoilaticro Maeattelosott_g Chlrittarle Megitzthie's ititit.,•iattoo •...1/1/ tld. dil.ionift, with h .11,41a1, t, if aalit, Davis U. ”, , for the !..e.st tiranal Yotno to tN,otribotwl to the ElEtti In., 1,!1 JUN A CIIICHkItIRU, Profit." 15 ht. 'ui ..t Lax be-t 1 - • 'I/ exhibition in .itpetlt..lll With >tna , r.t. LL. U. d op.) 'll,c tunirtutt,.. ilcorLN. J 11‘11 '011+44% Laugo, rte,) sms of the 11rttud •• In tone, It Ii Wien rtain.l, full and well lq..D.oced; a 1,11/ital In trumcu t, P11111.it1.,11 't'6onr Yinn..n nr.. fn.?, (nil inal (num. circular n..J,•, ,kalz. etc.. and aryl:mut, to grind In any clinic., ILi abbthat to the the ruhaeriber hao racriv•.l P.,. from flaommudten A [Jim., Hamburg; A. W. Lad.l 11,ston. and ~that Ko.al makers. at 1,, loud fraln $.•2,?L t. CiIAIIIA/TTE BLUMI, .f -1l 110 Wood streot, N B. old totem L el,baufra at their fall valor. Ath .thet lo r dee of the celebrated Flom burgh Pim:Logi, ,x -1..-trd C. B. POURTII STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. 11. Mt:CALLUM, I'oURTIL ,THKET. N MAR WOOD. - 44, Tit larlte.l to 01.. r nrivet.rl for :411Ltiti SALRS, •iulirty }in4lath ry 1:11;icat•IN FULJ T.i.,:ty, drains. o,..uannind Sutir Arum.ls, Super. Medluut xn I ri ) ibgra.ius. t Inip,rtes! 1•Ut; 'fwille.l and Ihk.tna6k ; 11411 and SinLt peo: oil ekeh., ir,roi I. ..!4 fneer wide, on n.to IA ;OM . 141 01,46: k rrttrlo i'rwte4 said 'NI I. (,c44 It.ay It. Marv. ,tmor !L.A.; Lao, flag and 1 . 10. h Cnrin•lA • Verbatiaa ulth rYlol*lritiy.r 11.11$ I Vt . :l }inn 11•,iiAnd. cc.: inti tat whid-11 u• • /..1%.. ft:rulsh LI A RRIN4ITON'9 ( IRN , I. NINO ash% M NSFI LLD SEMINARY AND Allegheny County Normal School. !our miles i, m ;Jar twy, near liar • 14, r.t.n4.1 l'fan4 Ro.pf, tt K ERR, A. M.,l , lli..t,Wodent Mit: )1. A. KERN, Ih n...tpal OW_ A NI., ,•.. d. L11.1:4t1A..P.4. C.,<11, I. nll.l t•jr 1,, r.f April P. .e nr. z llii.k I• .1 . 1 I...etalrr. • ills I.so,1•1 fAoti.ll I I. It ‘ll I ua vi. nit r. n 1 Irmmni ;k: A , k P. 12 NI 10 LI .4 111 ,N Ab% A NCE ,I4d I.lo' • .100 OU hi 041 • ,t• I 11.. ...mramnl Nmilmnml at any nu... nimml mkmmmtlunn lumonmpl.ft, •.m m I. an .lu-i •QuArt...l V.:I; 1 , 1 .:. /. T. OW Art m.l T. my (Irrtl.•r inf“uninn,.l) HOLT'S PATENT HAN!) Sl' A M P.- 'l'l,, .1111 , 44Crib11% k4rot •' VILA:\ hI. 11A N I .% NIP t:. IMI . AN 1." rrl 114,4t0n. 111h.g0.,11.. 7.,.1pnr...1 I. 11, I. 11,.. 1.• .:1%//11J 1,11 p", • I -I 111.rury, f 11, I G. 4:3 I ;mu., •r.• andfa. t .1 01 the t..ittlt,t, 1..• Ll.t• ,Iti• I .1. ~..• I • ,1.11•11• u•nlikr a .411r1 nml 1.r... t., :V111,0 . 1 .k.ot•nNt /t. r • •1 1.. 'l.• wlliclt fart el al. i t.t t trt,,,tt f st xl.mt th, , •,4t t.11”.1, i; ,iit.ii. t.ou, IC Isnl.l .11t. "1 - nnitir IIIII=M rtJ•• rule ton .ir, I, it. rm.•rn! ~tin.l, h l th'lt no I nut..., rity cotohlried, ••s A lA,,s ni.• I.i . AI. ..it INAI i.Lit /1:1 I , it 1 1 / 4 , pnitrt Ithd 010 1iP.13 11.•• I:II and ‘4, or k toAnshir F. F.A.T(;%, A4l ll lll, N.• 1.141t,1 — l Oll \T° W ‘NTKllirmrus.ll/tt..ly u. • ' '' o• t 1 1.• t•.t11411...“.41 m. 111 ., 14:1.1 111=1=11=1 I th.• appoiott..l Solo Strut lot Lite ,•010 •• 1 . .1 , , 11.0. I : i :ho rtut.. al Proon)l,al,la, 17, 1,0 i It) I11In.:• . IPIII .i awl al, 1 , •I Com,. LI .011, kf•dunitumha nml .1 th.rttht tho Foe, t.1(1)tto IIIMEE!EIDI lir ihnir Ao•nt. I,L-1,t11,1t, flay 1,„1. GIZ()VE FEMALE 6EIIIN A RI IJ Tit.. to the Helots of lln tlestilli11"11, that the Rev. ff 11.1.1411 II Cl.Angr, L.o 01111 , 0/104 10101r.t../ I I,llth. lo reNign hie , harge lug {44 ul tin; par., th the hn trot, .0 fintgllMi o a. CO ..•111 the variable ftetT{(l.l Ili. three. 11 ^i ow York, for the more itoto I rim. awl V. L., eli torn at 4•tice Upon the discharge lint du Fran the very high and flattering cinnineoLinti.a... they hate had ..i• Mr. Musa. they baron,. doubt of hi.. (lino. i.e. Ilia nark rnintrntled he, Lim, rind }hat rt o . heir. “• that tturier Jilt intinsgoinout the gewitiary 1.•11 to prom , a fug, olorto of public favor null euppArt. .• •itlll,..7tltrls ..r w WWI 4. 1,11114 tr are partly ela , :y desired Ib. acquaint theinaelvea with the advantages ei is L ilue ne,tantion alterd.. both an respects ita beautiful salubrlor position, Iwe and a half ntilea front the city; and alto the fitellitiee f it lb.. tiureungh and refined education 1 ,,,,nu•d In its rlllri. ui , 4.11...1 instructor.. ..,r. a way be ehtaitted hplai.Lll.4l ttm Rector, or .Ithei • ile• Jutirt H. SIitkESRLIUMP., NVILLIAM J. , :iNhT , • IL1:i0-41.11171:,1 it tirckl. rr El E CEYLON sTitAlv .LIAT--The atten i_ 6.. of the pul,ll, im requested to our entirely nen tie of dritAw HATS, ju,t received front the Importer. the ninny gnitlities which have been no long Or. te..l Malt° the Strait lint onitable in every wit). its It SlllO in, lint, It it, the only Straw list whkh the rain or Jun p weather will 1,1 affct. either in the twin. to- crow u , teeing no braided en to prevent the poiotaillity of it In any way. I 'der thtil entirely Hen style, called the CEYLON lIAT, hAu•v,,g It 11. Ir the Straw ❑nt that will give the wearer entire !lutist - action ClialiLES 11. I'ALIT,itoN, 73 Wood at., yllu nest dbor from the corner of Fourth. WORTHY OF A TTE N TION!—FOR SALT —A now do ening house Jnyt fluislt,d, slot ins, arranged with hall, two parlor; dining room and kitchen, three chambers, good cellar, lath room, Ac.; a hy drant It, the yard, and good staid•. The lot has a front of Get on Carrel street. Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to ',ed it, smug. Priee $1,400. Tel in.—s6oo) in hand, remainder in ono and two yearn. S. CUTRIIMIT & SON, ap.2.S vl Nlarket WRIGHT'S PREMIUM K ATHARION coule the head, and remove. all by l / 1 1401,011 of fired- Venous using WRIGHT'S KATHARIGN Are never liable to eun-etroke. WRIGHT'S PREIMINI HATHARION la the moat valuable itequisitiun to the toilet, rotatulng the Ilitir in any rquiretl turn. For sale by Dr. GEO. R. KEYSER and R. E. SELLERS S CO, at 2.5 rant. or bottl, au,clB ALARGE BRICK HOUSE pleasantly situ at.4l iu Allegheny city. with lot of ground au feet trout on Bank lane, by Ha; feet deep to ato feet alley. The house is well bait and finished iu modern style; portico in front. hall. two parlors, dining room, kitchen. 7 chambers, cellar, hydnint, paved and gravel yard, shade and fruit trees, shrubbery, &c., all in complete order, for sale by myB q. CUTHBERT SON. bl Market a. CARPETINGBT—ROBINSON jz.,l a. CO., No. 23 Fifth street, have now pasting through the New York Caatom Roma a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapesptry Brown& tting whlCll wgsball receive in aiew_days,,and ha to show ttUaln , may w 1 the benOLUDVrt GOOdlin: hAii El9ollo* . Stock of /..,/1A'1,31 tigrain!4 Stair Carpata.,OitOothg AC., an assort:dant ithsurpassM In this market, and all at lowest prices. 8002 PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, AUGUST: IS, 1856. .11 t•f. I 1 t'''. It H. KY.HIi. httebtaKi. ETIZEI =EMILIE W. IVI MARI) kz. 161 INtlshttrgh, April In9th.lBlol. likntar. 11. NV HITT, lILI VCR W. BATUMI, (Jr,. S. S ELLIN. • ' a • - - ' • 4 e• • -♦ MISCELLANEOUS RVAN 4 B"IIIJILMG§, No. 31 Fifth Street. THE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up iu good style Ws • SPACIOUS FURNITURE \VARMINTS, LARGE AND FA LCA BLE ADDITION'S Ta We stock, and uow invites his [Hand"! and the public to CALL AND EXAMINE Before purchasing elm,where HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Amounting to about $50,000 Worth, C . ',unitoting of EVERY CLASS oF GOODS MEDIUM, and LOW-PRICED. And embracing r.,,me err? fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Covered a ith Freneh bagatelle. OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And n great varlet) ~ f New Styles of Bareaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Softie, Cases, Sco., ace. All of which 1,.• ..11ers ,it 5.3,. Ever} article warranted to give uutisfiu:tivn,., We moony refunded. 11. 11. RY A N, N0.:3 Fifth street. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE MARBLE R Olt KS. IIE - -t 1) OF SVOOD;ONI.IBRR'FIi" SREET, and at the CArtnetnry Unto, Ihttalairirl, in kouunteut., Burial Vault., Torulertnnon, IVlnntol l'rutre Irani Pier Table T,rrra ‘Vaahstars,lrr, Br. On 11111$1 and made to order, of every viately. Nlanlela, laming ZrCorm ier) 10t,,, drueunuutul and plain, attieti It durable, marl 111,44 no parriting, at Trout t.• tr per LA:. flavtur !wren engsFed irraetleally in thlri burdner, fo ildr - ty Monty-throe, of wlrreli have boon iu thU rn v, biAr I deem a rrufßelecd. raferettro, I will make tan tirrigr, mmf furnish any work In my lore at reenadial,l, pr. .n. .)e-V, Ip. JAMES A. FEl'ZElt, F , IRWARDING AND C,N)MMISSION MERCHANT, Hour. Brain, Pried Fruit, Seetim, Lurd, But ter, Rae,,n, and l'nxlnoi. generally. No. S 9 Water Street, F11111..i. Ea.q., William A ;vim Ptt tal.mrgh & emit, M. & M Bata 1.1-t & C'rnagla W. ASltti• root, La & mailiav• PEKIN TEA S'IME, TF AP A rh .1, lot cr , --.h tin,-11 k rt,oi,rd threct fr o m tiln It11;,11,11. I, f,••14 ,holosatle and rotad, M vricon luvver thau usual Ewa Medals and rive Diplomas Attarded ART II CR lant A kr-Til , in ran , II • r Y. o.r Ilvary lIiRLy the A g..ia this t - 11, I .11ta 2.41,2 the rtbovanl rt hu Cli lun t/ttootootarr ntoro,N, ».•..I Pit , l'ittntotrklt.. n horn to non, krpt ii tool amok 04/131 111 pro., with lark oh. .tot t ntol) fitto4 t•tisll: tart, to,rl--. at. I .4 ttej 1r , ,J1, A 1..., 4 r •e•tt.l r t ..f Clow, ~ 1 3-4 nrr,l tt,r i.•st t• ho• 111. pr,Kie Imattliett, le. el k 141 , 1111 we! ~ ,tutlr) WI al itit , ,letral. lit 1. en REMOVAL. L'IRANI{ VAN I;ORDER • L 1.. N.L in NI A !Ili YT ntrest, opp•••it, t • nom in , pan•l I• 0 sovply his vustorner• Is] th , gr•ls.rnll . , tcitL nuytLu,g 71/.4 114,1 111 rttlAtmrigs, EmbndJ.rnw, litl•bwart, tII,.•••• • az.> y amsis ys•ms-slly. lin.manntrar tint• No., Nlarkat '22lTh ap.v-- , Div I DENl).—Citizens' Instinin,e n..—The President and Inn:tots of Oda Company tin r (tun ,l,t) •Irriare.l n :rum siLtm tl 0.1.1,11,164 tu. d..llaz tr•l ,box, 01,u the rapani Z.t.A k. Fire dolla”In • pa) to tit.. Stortasnitirrs or their t'a I VI,, ertwitral w thrir sock on and et,. ii•1:1.1 inat ItANtijBl., I. tot. .I••n• 1; tin, I •tt,4l. OLD TYPE METAL. wE 11A VE FOR SALE, at the ()flier .f the , MtittNl tin OrST, n largo. 'tumult) .4 4/1.1, n . K. Machinists slut others wanting such an m i,rlu can larfft. 1111ptityby caliiu¢ entun. tubli I,„;IT AT E FA I R.—The undereipied app.met4,l tr solicit subscriptluos, to secure ilai ,r Pittshurch, hoi,l l l, L .Lhorm• 4.trtrlt (Hoc:SKR: —ur thcir t'' 'run, Mr UlottirtNl( will colt un subscribers donne thr I.rostellt. mouth. N MURPHY, N 11411t1E8, JOHN 8. WILLIANI HERSH, J A CUB 0 LOSS I milli,. INT W BOOK received, itn,l it is 1.1 hantly trecesnary to repots ttgaiu to the public, that inr) nro wild inns' TES TO TWF:NTI PER L'ENT. LOW Kit than elsewhere. Tour of Aleslnnte the Unitod Stann--prig : , parrovrgrtioul Papers—Sid cents. Cootie Allseries of !lonian Life-70c, The Staten and Territories of the cheat The Mushy Pulsars; by limugham - gth' Tangletown Salad for the 5,,h,1_41.1z. piazza Tales; by Melville-9th% Vagabond Life in Mesioo.---90e. Scalp Ranters; ley Capt. Moyne Itekl—sl,l2. White Chief; •• •. Mr. Sponge's Sporting 'four: by Frank 1 , .. teeter--51,!15 brother Jonathan for 4th July-12... Pictorial Clipper—tic. Sin toe If Krim's Magazine for July. (third supplyl-1:o.. Peterson's Magazine for July, (,ocoini supply)-17.-. tiralnun's Magazine for July, k.ecothi supply fr - ' 2 " .. • tinders Lady's Book for July—•Ak.. Leslie's N. I'. Journal-- He, Ballot's Magazine--Inc. liernetither, the place to get Magazines is at U Eit'S 1100KST , ME. Je2B No. 77 FOlrlii street Ati RE AT BARGAIN I—For sale, a com fortable Brick DWELLING HOUSE, Na. kg kron id-, with two Lots of Ground, each 20 feet front b 3 0u deep. The }IOUse Ie largo and mn y ei d o nt ; n good cellar, with , •0111,11mrd floor; a hall, two parlors, dining-room, and kitchen on tirst story ; with a wash-house and large pantry—three chambora, store room and bath room on for second story, and ft, rooms on third story. Fire-proof slate roof. gas fix limos and pipes on first and second story. Large yard, with shade trees, grape vines, dc. The improvements sloop cost more titan the price asked for the smote property. Price Sk ooo — fourth in hand; remainder at one, two and throe years. S. CUTIIBERT k CON, j 026 Real Estate Agents. hi Market at. I_ACON-2 casks for sale by -UP j 2,4 1111NRY 14. (1:11.1,INS„ 9() BOXES ORANGES to arrive :Lad rale by RUM - ER h ANDERSON, Jyl7 No .311 str.ot • On BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and k.--/ far sale by ILEYMK A/ 01511.8t01, :o' l 7 No. 39 Wwill street. YOUNG IIYSON TEA- 1 10 chest;inest Ring Chop Young liyaon Tea, at 7.5 e. and $1 th., re. coved by F. R. DRAY°, mylt) • 82 Market and 1 Diamond, FLOWER VASES-2i/ pait , Term Cotta Vases for solo by Uyl;?.j lIRNAIt 11. COLLINS FIFTH STREET PROPERTY-A Lot of Grotuid on • Fifth street, opposite the Cathedral, an which la eta :teal a boat Two Story Brick INtildluB, , itOk;l4 ,, ' ffi q es l;4 l4 4 3. AITHEATO 131Ifiele9t v 14 i 6 d 4" . 814tV&"' L - for sale by4l3[ '3:OX-50 bbls. just received and ()ai] FLEXING BROIL . 'rE7 t 0 , . . •••• • .:.t..7.1t; ENE • - ~.y MEE • . PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. AT THE BUFFALO VENERIAN HOSPL fAt.-Eetabllebed for tbf elm of Byribilun. SAmlital viikuuss Bud thu I iitirinitles of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SON, liiirrAta, Neu- Yorti , --Officu, cbruer of Main rind Quay etreAUR, (up utaire.) . An !net rnment for the cure of general Debility, ituru.tence, Incontinence, or Nocturnal itillliSSiollll. Tide Instrument tiro been need with the moat happy effect In thepraotice of the moat eminent physicians and surgeons In the British empire, franca and Germany. 'ln lead, so re markable were the curer ? that the late '•810 ASHLEY' hailed It GI the Harbinger of Life." The nee of thin will fully euetahr the high encomium. Dr. AMOS At SON are the only i•hynlcinus In the state who are members of the Royal College of Surgeona, London, graduates of one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Statue, take pleasure in announcing that they have Invented a most important lustniment for the cure of the above Marius.: It has been subjected to a teat by the most eminent physicians in Landon. Paris. Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared to be the only useful instrument ever et discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, arising from the solitary habits of self-indulgence which destroy both body and tubed, unfitting man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the tmist skeptical as : to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any. instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after stair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instru• ment'in good order. Puritans wishing the news useful instrument will observe that• the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Diseases', and all private complaints,. Weals, strictures, seminal weaßnetta, pains in the toitu, affec tions of the kidneys. diseases of the head, thrust, those and ekh.4 and all those dreadful afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, rem dere dnarrisge impassible, and In theorist destroys both body and punt. Dr. AMOS A dsN have devoted their attention exclu sively to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have contequently been enabled to render to their fellow eraature,i is fully testified uud gratefully acknowledged by coovah•nvmt patients and others daily arriving In town tram all parts of the coutitry, for the express purpose only of Cfplenn ration. while their exertions have been crow:nal with the roost signal advantages; yet from what they have experienced in inquiring Into the muses of these Infectious complaints (from their most simple condition to that of the moat danglinus and inveternted) they have always enter tained the possibility ~f their prevention and removal, and likewise iiivArialdy found that the most horrible and malig nant tonne or disease could almost always his alined to one Lat the follow tog VII.. Ignorance, neglect, or the ill of of unskilful] nail Improper treatment; therefore Dr. AhlOti A. SON have succeeded In discovering, in the seller. am of their remedies, a safe, effectual and motions course; emitting all conibination of reinedwei which hear au equine cal character, as well as those whewe premature or injudb dons application might be productive of bail COnineliteneell In the hands of private individuals. In short, the laudable find of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of La than winery by the alleviation, relief and prevention or those grievous nai/CtlOne that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extensively surround us, call aloud for our skill and Interference for their extertuinatiou. Dr. AMOS & hi /NI have fur a long series of years been en. gaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these rate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Phyetrians who, regal Welts of the taunts and envy of the hypmritical and mock mated, bare had the confidence, tb• °ugh the me- Mum of the public press, to direct attention to those enor mous .(vita. from which no grade of society Is free. lutist...et hos this (irpartmetit of practice they have been amply re warded by the great succeeis that hes attended their efforts to the treatment of three “a 30,1, which are no generallfton bded to the unqualified mid Ignorant empiric, who, with their pirated publieetious asomme foreign iterne4 and titles, Mel pretemiLed virtues of their patout matron., have In flicted serious atory on those who have loon induced to place faith In their pretensions—Mu:lia/ /tern-, Dr. AMOS 4 40:1 hay° made arraugemeatii wherohy packay, a i au be forwardod with aecroay and iloapatch to any part .•f thr world. Addrii. Dr. AMOS & SON, corner of Main and Quay analrici Dudalo, N. I'. .1 &KW* w 1 y DOCTOR. lIOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED by Da. C. M. JACKSON, Puu..6l.,'A. HIL.,[sADy 1.1 VElt Ca)M PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, A ‘A 1 , i1 , 4 , 5t1 nr, :lnyfrran a d 110,14, Livor or SiolTßU,h, Such AA Cu[Ml pit- I i;11, Inward I'iks, Fanner:A, Moult to the A nirt.r nr the Stountr th Natl.:art, hear/Wirth Dmettert for Fount, •n Ptilnesor , weight In th e Stenth, &Ali Rattan tat ton, Sinking, Flittering st the Pit of the St, e•tntmina ••f the liurri...l and Difficult hroaitiing„ Fluttering at the ileart. Choi:log or Suffocating It, NIIV, in ing pool uni, Donut's, Of Vision, Dots r Wotoi before the Foyer fllel Doll Polo in 11,w licitd, Doh. ions of I'r•rrpiration, 1.. a nets tie' and Lillll,l, Plitt to the Side, Bank, Chest, Lrmue, on , Fluah. t i flout burn tog in the Flynn, of boil, nod gt•ent floproashoi of 1u at ti l.n ti”r, .71011 valtiable propert titi, rene.l), no : oat or unwarrantable rts.ettinit is made. hut is xlmply stated n I; Wit unde,tably and conclueively by the extraor• I.nary cure, and benefit. derived train its n,e, under the di rertion of to Illuntrions originator, Dr. lloptiand, among all F.nropean enriety. and from the intoner.° maw. of fretallorl r. (rum al. part. , d the American rentinellt. are during the 15.1 t tea year., in the handy of the pre.- out preprietor. The pre.nlenre of I ti 5.410,1 to which the Ciertnati lint tore We Nd3I.LACI, 14 Is with set row woes, it, la el seat IIIIIVeMILI; 111.1•,a Owl i• is scarcely n faintly 1,11(1.41401..1( whet," extent of our vonatty w itt Welt there can not I,e L mad mtwitg lip an oiler, that I.‘cubar ext/Lno ktatl44,l xppetirtner denoting tt ditetute I !Jeer, er au .ntat cited end anttet ang Ityapeptie GERM The. uf IS hut tain, t,.. intpurtittu, t. (111 clam of ittraluitt that n certmln and t. , ltattle routed! ettonitt to pluewl within ttwir h one in with. h t u inttwthil ta tz inriuun drug cu:. tens Int 0 its r.urttiotitlon a I . ..ntody on Nt Writ tbn itttlent ran o•Ip with tit, uttnuqt t,nntletwe and erl etiLlt ) And befl.ll.ln,l ft •.I 1et1.141 . 11114 laOCildr prutlnt that the artn ie ht• is using ing.ops," Iho rirr tri lot t e4l 41 IL Sta,ll A remedy •. )1. 1 .Y . 1.AS U'S GERM AN LITTERS." I'h:4l...andt hair baw'lleSpe.ll.l«.l ie inn notnilf.telitn• and dttlu!l:aa 11,..11KItuLlt all Irm n ..1 11 XI.•1 1.1‘.1•110, grail Mkt tht., :3 •3••• <A t , • ••••,•: v. ••r 33 , 1• 1i113,. .11: Ift 11. %b. in.• hat 1....eu •tirr•••iiieed. that thore 1.. no/allwit .irtin,.. ; 1..11.3fy In an virtit.•.l. 11 .• t.t .1 .n.l 11.11 y 11, thv prw tip rof it Lug,. muntoor of 11..• Iti•wt 1•1 I'llytictrtud ill 11..• .•./.thlry, who have e•-• • their evince It.arraiony oeffp !Teat ,irt lie. In [tarn. tt.• anti .t I atilt, tett S lie au) id the above 411.0., to glee the Ewer. aI, al. and reat toeiured it will never I. regretted. Ie lor,fter i.t toittetnents ate.ve niatle. all at e invited to attenti.ely theAlttnLlnte publinheal an nually by the pny tot. fiir Fat men, and Fanithee, containing a great num • of iiterttl in the te.gtlin.ito in favor ot the linters. (non the uu , tt pronnutint and well known In 1,101, 111 all' path of lb, Lnwn All Agento fur the hit ter. are anthorit—il the Alumnae gratintrand v. CO% i• arid Nlatititiletot ) ti Arch •tract, l'hilipteli plot, l'a. F.., MllOlO w hole,hlo Lv i , ruirtrixte in all the principal HO., end at road by A pot ite,artec 3111/ Ctorekeepere in every tiArt, .0 the vital Canada, and by FtglitlNti BROS. and Dr. OW. U. KNISER, Jyl: - .ly Vittaburgh. AIIuMESTEAD FUR $lO 1—5310,000 WoRTII OF FARMS, AND BUILDING IA/Tl3 LL he ni•dd Region of Culpepper tlounty. to lw divided oloung t 10,21) anhaeritter, ~n the 17th of Steptemher,lKin, I n the hetirllt of Kull Royal Female Academy. Pubscrip. tot,, USIA - TEN IIrILLA kit EACH, unehalf down, the rest ou the delivery of the 14,1. Every suliceriher will get a Ihoidlug Lot ore Farm. ranging in value from $lO to $2h,000. 'Meet Fennel unit lest are sold E. cheap to Mince settle. men hi a gun - lent number ledug reiierved, the llicrulthe iu the ‘ittuii of which will .compensate for the nppareut low par not! asked. Ample seaaru y will he given for the faith. lii perforation.. of contlaCtri and premises. Aar. lies Agents are wanted, out of Allegheny City, to obtain sulewrd,rw ri whom the need flared inducements will be given. Sane A gents write that they are nicking „ month. Fie lull particulate, Agenciea, . apply to E. BA U t:lt. Port Royal, Caroline county. Vit. tii Pout, Agi-ut, HLreet, Allegheny, Pa aue.d.tw . . .. . . . Jourpii White's Carriage Itepoull.ory. 1 , rii wi i yr K , new carrying .Jll bUlii- „: NO 111 A,. • Ile. his fliniejOllS prrnilllol, (now lately t .... ?"'" enlat 0,10 I ill the httsbunth and tirenneburg , • • - 'Cu. eptlse, near the 'rwe Nilo Itun. between I'4 Hi•i . 4ll nut haw ren,ol ill.•. respectfully inns itefl the public 1,, inmp,rt his stock of CA RR' AO ES. RUG ti INS, ,I: c. And he i , articularly intormi reutletnen pun:Assert, that one pries only is wails. Fourteen year,' experi e nce in the business enables him to plat. 1,4.1. his 1.11,11.1 the .01,110 choice collection of Oar. riagee which, so many years past it has been Iris particulai department to select, from the carious 'and most talented Eastern manufacturers. TWo 4 11.... e. of his new system la coniplete—the eeoraimy of his arrantrements will supply the I.st and most fashionable mannuirtures at moderate prices. Unenconihered by those lientyy es .C 11.34, which the mania for decorating houses of business has Mauled upon the price of good., ( owin g to litre° rooter.) JOSEPH %murk:will 8011, Cu ready money may, at much less than the usual prices. 41,7" Carriages repaired in the lest manner with despatch. mhudaw ['(AR AND MOLASSES-- 0 Ws., cypress c.operage, N. O. Molasses: arm do oak do do; fm do St. James S if. Molasses; too Wats. fully lair and prime N. 0. Sugar. On hand and for sale thy MILLER .t RICKETSON, Jet a 221 and 223 Liberty street. HOUSE TO LET —A commodious Two Shay mum: Dwiat,riu HOUSE, situated 011 Franklin street. opposite the Sloth Preshyterian Church. ,;In immediately. Enquire at the house, or of MILLER a !LICK ETSON, 1,21 N,w. 221 and 223 I.lla•rty street. ANDLES AND SOAP -- 1,1) boxes Star Candles, 4's. f.'s end tva .dn) do Common monld Candl..s; du Cm. Germau Soap; Lo do do No. 1 do 100 Jo No. 1 ,xtra family Soar. I I/ store and for mar by jolt' MILLER et RICH ET5.101,1 --- Ilk:Atli' NU-- Jo bids. N,.. 1 Dry Salt IlorrinK; LV 111". bb's. N. 1 Just received 11.1111 for vale by MILLER k RICKETSON, IY 3 2:1 nod 223 Liberty st ------- COFFEE. -.-15i0 bags prime Rio Coffee; 65 do. extra do do. 40 do. (i)d Gov. Java do. In s tore and for sale by AIILLEIR ELICKETSON, ir-I3 No. 221 and 2 Liberty street : MRTn.—Application will be niade.,tail;e_ ~L. N next Legbdetpre for the charter of "The Alletc 3. 0 Deck," *Rh a - capful of ME HUNDRED Vg O V 'T.. DOLLARS, sulddet to the provisions of thi bittiVl• ' 1 Commissionera:—H. Hepburn, W. /Mem J.IL' on 4 ' It B. Roberta, Peter Peterson, Jamas Patton, James Park, Jr., and others. A pra 23,18601 apethdaer6ni MUMIM SOUND . SIEN - TAki PARTICULAR NOTION.. KE=l BMAJU OF IMPOSITION SIC oft NERVOIIs DEBILITY. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, MM==IMM mow,. ~ ar. ~~_ .4:•~- NUMBER 268. PITTSBURGH POST. MONDAY MORNING ROCHESTER, August 15, 1856. To the Editors of the Saturday Morning Post, Pittsburgh : The Locomotive Works, and the big Hotel are at length commenced, and both under way—their whereabouts will soon be obvionstoevery passer by. The architectural drawings you have already seen. I now send yon a. lithographic view, and more full written description of the Hotel, which we intend to have ready for occupancy the next warm season. Please publish the printed de scription in full, and begin to anticipate the en• joyment of a summer sojourn at such an estab lishment. The architectural drawings for the Locomotive Works are now about complete; and---the estab lishment when under way—though not so exten sive as that of the Norrisea in Philadelphia, which you have been describing so minutely in your Beaver County Column, for the last few weeks, will be an honor to Rochester, and I hope no disgrace to Western Pennsylvania. ROCHESTER 110,TEL,.pEAVER COUNTY, PA This establishment, about to be erected by, a joint stock company, will stand on a command ing eminence, about 90 feet above low water in the Ohio, and 50 feet above the Railroads, with a charming view of the river for many miles, above and below, and along the delightful valley of the Beaver, studded with its half dozen flour ishing villages, gardens, orchards, vineyards, groves and natural forests. The scenery, as a whole, is truly delightful—the air and water are of the`purest kind—the facilities of access are all that can be desired—by.. Rivers, Canals, and Railroads, to every point of the compass, and from every city of the Union. A considerable number of apartments are al ready bespoken and the work is already com menced. The enclosed ground to be occupied by this establishment will embrace an entire block, sur rounded by streets on every side, viz : 470 feet on one street, 4ho on one, and 200 on another. These grounds will be handsomely terraced, from two streets, up to the top of the bill, on which the hotel is to stand, And the central area beauti fully ornamented by arbors, walks, trees, shrub bery and flowers, making it one of the most lovely Witimmer resorts east, west, north or south. It is hut one hour from Pittsburgh, four from Cleveland, thirteen from Cincinnati and fourteen from Philadelphia. The architectural drawings and lithographic view accompanying this outline, give a faithful representation of the;whole,:when completebut there are parts of the grand design, which can only be appreciated by a more minute descrip tion. It is to be a first class hotel, upon the American plan—yet giving all the varied advan tages of the European and New York plates, with the rural fee fures of the most fashionable Amer icanw►ateriitg-¢tacos. For the accommodation of the citizens of Ro chester, a convenient and spacious room will be set apart for rent, as an Exchange or Town Roll, for business meetings, business men, public salt ‘9, evening lectures, exhibitions, &c. Convenient to this will Le the general offioe of the estabilisb - wont; and near by, a telegraph office, post office, rending rooms, writing rooms, smoking rooms, Lath rooms, barber shop, lunch room, or restaurant, where refreshments may be had from ri dime to a dollar, at a moment's warning, with confections, fruits, ice creams, &c. Remote from these, in the same building, but upon a different street, with separate approach• es, entries, balls and stairways, will be ladies' and gentlemens' reception rooms, a splendid sa loon, drawing rooms, public and private parlors, In the basement of one wing will he an exten sive dining room, or ordinary; and all other appropriate domestic apartments and appoint ments, as in other first class houses. The hotel proper will stand alike on Brighten and New York streets, at the southeast angle of the block, with one wing extending westwardly, about 100 feet on Brighton street; the other northwardly, about 100 feet on New York street. The principal approach and entrance from the Railroads and the river, will beat the angle of these two streets, at the southeast corner of the building and the block, by a series of stairs and terrace., up to the basemen!, whillik will, itself, form the upper-terrace From this basement will he an inside stair way eel entrance to the nesii tulle, and to a still larger central area, on the principal floor ; from which, corridors and pastut ge, will extend around and through the two wings, and to the several stories and apartments shove and below. The ladies' approach will be from Pinney street, by easy walks or carriage ways, up Brighton street, or New York street, to Pinney street, without stairs. The &Lument will be seen only from the south and east, and will not extend under the principal building, but stand in front of it, on a lower level forming the upper terrace, of the side hill slope—the principal edifice being itself entirely on the level plain, at the top of the hill, 45 feet I..ve the streets. The roof of this basement will of course he fiat, a little lower than the principal floor of the main building, and will be walked over as we walk upon a side walk, in a city, it being entirely in front of the three story lintel building, which will stand back, the full width of the basement. In this basement will be the Town Hall, or Ex change, the principal office of the establishment, the bnr-room, post office, telegraph office, read ing rooms, writing rooms, barber rooms, bath rooms, gentlemen's furnishing and dressing rooms, the steward's room, wine cellar, ice cel lar, coal rooms, wood rooms, principal dining or ordinary for ladies and gentlemen, on the Ameri can plan, also gentlemen's lunch room or restau rant on the European plan, and the kitchen, or centre of nil culinary and dothestio operations —with bakery and pastry room, cook room, wash room, laundry or ironing room, servants ordi nary, vegetable cellar, corridors, closets, &c. The first, or principal story, will be sixteen feet heiihth, from the top of the upper plain or linsement. The apartments and divisions on this floor will be as follows:—A spacious - vestibule, a large public lobby, reception room or audience chamber,for gentlemen (a twelve sided or circular apartment, 35 feet in diameter,) with reading room, writing room, &c.,, adjoining-8 parlors, 14 by 20, or 4 double rooms, with spacious bay window-4 wide easy stairways leading up and down, with corridors extending from the vestibule and lobby, through the wings and to the central lawn, through which is the ladies' approach frotn the upper street. The second story will be twelve feet in heiyhtla, and divided as follows :—A ladies' public saloon, 33 feet diameter, directly over the gentlemen's circular room below, 7 -and convenient, to it, recep tion rooms, dressing, rooms, refreshment rooms, &c., with 8 sets of rooms, each set - consisting of parlor, bed room, &e., for lady and gentleman, or small family ; and 4 large private chambers, with fire places, &0., for one or two lodgers each. The corridors, bay windows, &c., &c., will bees on the first floor. The third story will be ten feet in heighth. Through this entire story from the front or cen tral area, will be spacious passages through the wings; and four ranges of large airy sleeping rooms, say 30 or 40 in number, to be occupied only by gentlemen lodgers, and if desired on the European or Lovejoy plan, with or without meals. The approaches, entries, corridors, balls, stair ways, &0., will all be made with reference to the different classes of guests, or their several modes of living, so as not to interfere with or trespasss on each other's rights, or the rules and regula tions of the establishment--the design of which is, to accommodateall respectable classes. A considerable, number of rooms, single and in suits, are •bespoken by parties who intend to occupy them - lieanninently: Others, if not actu ally subscribed for, will be offered at public or private sale, as pews are sold in theschnrchesof our large:eaten) cities t 0 the beStbildders:' Other - rift:4lns 'Will be to Individdals or '9mill-tsetse% lies--who,. rather than IriCini the -expertile;Athe itirdttidledeareiii'vezatiortaonff iloystiiitagdf sT ptivale kl6iiiestfo estiM.%h94.nt,, prefer the London, Paris, or New York plait'Ot living at a genteel hotel, with room, ready fur nished, where the touch of a bell will place e4e . 4- mem w ~;,. WW2, RATES' OF LOVERTISINg' BY THE PITTSBURGH MI uac9. Da l a r Z a larV..Zl44l:lJi One in5erti0n..... ....., Two insertion s..— ..... Three Insertions One week Two weeks Throe weeks Two months Three months Four months Vire mo+ , •hs,., F _ Six usontils" ' ' Nine Ono year Standing Card, d: tin One square, per cunt Marriage tio before them, in a few minutes, and at fair . a 4 everything that the ni9;iitgt can Tate household afford: ' The balance of the !Mose, not them"disposed . of, .will be kept as a first class hotel and knitting house, upon the American plan—eicept 'the sleeping rooms of the upper story, whlch will' be rented, at moderate prices by the day„ week, or month, to those who want a temporary: hat —a place for their trunk and wardrobe,.blitPri= fee to eat and drink when they 'please, Where' they please, and as they please, and pay for what they eat—as at Love-joys, Frenoh's,'Delmortco'a and the International of New York. . The walls of this building 1011 be of - ittoied. plastered—the roof of metal or concrethif westerly or left wing can be extended in length three hundred feet further if necessary,7gßlME l / 4 being left for that purpose. The entire Cubit contents of the whole building, being accurately ascertained,—also, the entire aggregate:cost:of the whole, when complete—the relative coat and valuation of each and every room„ . will be determined by its cubic contents; shoat / illy one desires to purchase or rent: If a room is ten feet square and ten_ feet high, it contains 1,000 cubic feet; audit' the general - gearrol. abetetve6st of the whole building, is found to be ten c.enet perJ cubic foot then the relative cost of this particular room wilrbe $lOO, and will be worth a rent of $lO per year, or ten per cent upon its relative cost —and so, of each - and everyapartment-thieugh out the whole establiihment, great or - sktalh -•-• AUGUST 18 MISCELLANEOUS. • A LLEGIIENY CITY PROPERTY—A Lot. J 1 of Ground on Lacock street, three doors fmmtederaf street, 22-feet front by 100 feet deep to an alley, on Which, are the following impuirementa, sit a Erick House, well flashed and 'admirably arranged: refirty 44), containing twoyarlore, dining room and kitchen on the first Boer: three .Irciams above end. 'oniti river bile dining room, Ith a finished attic—cellar under the whole house—. :back yard paved—bake oven in the cellar—hydrant end gee on the 'premises. Will be exchanged for n Vann. Apply to J*29 BLAKELY it ILICHEY. FOR SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good situation for a country store; about twenty miles from the city, in a thriving neighborhood, and no store near. Your Rouses—two Brick, two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame situated on the Diainond, occupied as a grocery and provision atom, and for the business fourracant lots. _ . WANTED—A GIRL to do homework fur a tonal' family In Allegheny City. Situations wanted for Men and Dora Apply to GM). W. BUNN, his. Real Estate Agency and Intelligence Office, on the north aide of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Diamond, Allegheny City. JY3 WiLK INSBURG PROPERTY 1- F OR. SALE.—A desirable location for a country .home. Your acres of land of choice quality, plemuintly -situated near the Railroad depot, Wilkinsburg; is all under good fence ' , and has an excellent spring of never failing water. It will be sold at a bargain, as the owner Is unable to pot ha-. proven/outs on so choice a property, and has determined to go Wee. Price $l,O 0. Terms 5400 In hand, remainder ID ope, two and three years. S. CUTHBERT k 805, JY 26 51 Market et.. VALUABLE FIFTH WARD PROPERTY IN MARKET VERY LOW—Two 3 'dory Brick HOMO! on Penn Street, each occupied es business how& and dwellings, renting wall and in the very beat portion,of the nth Ward. Also, a corner 3 story Brick How, emu• pied as a cabinet atom and dwelling, and a 2 etory Brink - Dwelling House in the rear. Also, three Beninese 130111304 and live Dwelling Howes on the corner of bin public streets in the Fifth Ward. Apply to .iT 3O BLAKELY & I3IOIfRY. COTTAGE HOUSE AND . LOT FOR BALE. THE undersigned (with a view of remov ing to another house In the immediate vicinity,) offers fur sale the I.IOMIC AND LOT in which ho now ireides, situated on Blount Washington, on the brow of Coal Hill, opposite the lower part of the city. The lot is 120 feet front nod 350 Cott deep, and has growing on it a large number of fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of apples, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, grapes, As. The house is 40 feet front, 0 feet hall, and 50 feet deep, with kitchen and cellar, There are 8 rooms, with bath room and finished garret. The house Is bniltin mod ern style, neatly painted and papered throughout; the doors windows and washboards of fr: at rooms and hall are grained. There is a good stable, sufficiently large for two horses and eltrriagO. A well of good water, a cistern, and all necessary nuthottses. The lot is unclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. The location le one of the most beautiful and healthful in 'Western Pennsylvania. Possession given immediately. Terms liberal. W. O. LESLIE, 13 23 No. 44 Fifth street. FOR SALE—Seven acres of Laud, on which , is a frame house, frame stable, never failing spring, of gnifted fruit, grape vines and a variety of shrubbery. One a ad a quarter acres of land. ow which Is a brick holm with fon. r rooms, a good cellar and a frame shop. Also, a town lot, on which is a brick house with four roomy, et s dehed garret and good cellar. all altniitat wiekleyvale and will be sold low if applied for soon, or would be Laded for a small farm handy to some of our-Rail roads or rii:ers. -- For Sain—:Three good farms, well improved, within tWen ty five miled of the city. Apply to o. W. BUNN, ai the Real Estate Agency and intsiligeucc Office, north side of Ohio tit:ea, fourth door east of the Diamond, Allegheny city. 4'40 _l_-r-ALuABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR 11 BALB.—The undersigned offers f r sale on favornbliii derma t large number of Building Lops in the Third and kight.ll Wards of the city. The lots front on Penneybratils Avenue. Watson, Forbes, Locust, Math Tickroy and Bruit streets, ArAbit; a few minutes walk from the Court )louse, and will Be I.K.4l,tery cheap. Persons flealrotv of aeuttring a ranyonient and healthy laatiou far a b ur wishing to purchaso for specula tion, lu a pact of tbs. city which will continue steadily to improve will Awl ; their tislYantage to call upon the un dersiguisl. CEIRfSTOP Elt XI AGE It, Attorney at Law. tuy2lttt No. ILLi Fifth street. Gazette and Dipatch copy and ch. Kat.) VALUABLE: Coal ..Mines at Auctioo.—On the "& , 111 day of.tuguat next, at 3 o'clock, P. AL, wilt be sold on thepremisra, to the highest bidder, lielsey's es. evilent Coal gin., 28 toilet ni.ove Pittelotrvit, on the 510 nongabele river. These works are DPW in operation, having the roads all in the finest order. The dip of the cmil right. There are .84t acres of coal, with two tires veins, one from 8 to 10 feet, the other about 4 feat. Two brick and four frame houses; the cars and everything on them splendidly &ruptured works, together with 416 1 4 acres of river bottom• land of superior quality, and 00 rods of the beet landing on the river. Terms--One-third mini', one-third in 9 months, and one third inlB morithe. If you want a tomgain Imo theta mourptased work.. For further particular. invire of THOS. WoOPS, Commercial Broker, .H 25 Fourth at., Pittlburgb. FIVE ACRES of first-rate land ; three in cultivation, balance in prime timber, situate in A very pleasant locatloa,.about two miles from Allegheny city; vith 4 large front on the New Brighton an,l Allegheny Flank Bead, trill be sold en easy terms My lay) ATIIIIEE STORY BRICK . lIOUSE FOR BI ,7 00 --emotainn 9 remaß, bath main :sod Teruo, s2u in ham!, balance in three yearly paytoefits three story brick house in.alm, stole-room, &C 'for $1,700. Alm, a dwelling-Lioaqo of 9 norms, adjoinintx the above, $1,700 'fermi- -s4eo in hand: halanee in 1, 2 A 114,3 yearn—elteate at the.emoor of Franhlin and Elm streets: Jr.:2 S. Ctl'filltEßT A SON, 51 Market.et. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, :in -a healthy and pleasant IU uiihis from the city, on the Perrysville Plant Road; 265 acres, 186 cleared and In cultivation, about SU scree of good meadow land, au orchard of 6 ncreo bearinv (rec., and g.osi timber on the unimproved laud. There. In a frame Mame of 9 rooms on the ground,' with a fine fountain of running water at the door, &AOC frame barn, and other boildiucii. Apply to. 1y:31 t. CUTIIIINUT At SUN, 51 Market et lOWA.—We are sending an Agent to a, por lion of lowa, who will be prepared to ,tart In about ton day., and will attend to the laying of taxes. tanking collet , done, Ac., Ac. Any pardon having limiltneet in that State, and will do no the favor of calling on no, will receive every . information. MAK MLY 111CREY. 8 50 IN HAND, balance in one, two and three years, will buy a good BUILDING LOT of 24 feet front Ly ISO deep, situated near the Outer Dora, Al legheny City—price $176. This property Is well worth at. teutlou. C. CUTHBERT h SON, JOSS Real Estate Agents. M *whet st. TTINSE - 01 L---1000 oullons I.lllSeed'oll for tee's. SCEIOO:7IIARER t 18 24 Wood street. TOBACCO- -- d 0 boxes "A.ndersan's" s's and Ws Tobacco• 10 do. 4, Webs•or's old" s's do. 6 do. "Jones" s's do. 5 do. "Jas. H. Grant's' s do. 36 do. " Wm. Ijil Grant's" s's and 4', 10 do. ‘. It & IL's" • s's Tobacco. J do. Ashton's" b's do. 1, do. "Jones" pound lump 5 casts (40 dwarf box.) Yankee Doodle half pound lump Tubarro. Just received and for sale by 3rir.LER & inegETsoN, RIZ Noe. 021 and 221 Liberty street. 500 Pieces Un!icoes, Berages, De Laines at 12.t4 roam worth 25 ecuta, at the Sethi-An nual Sale of A. A. MASON CO. ani 2.3 Fifth exact. EAST LANE, Allegheny City.—We h ave fur sale a House and Lot on Bast Lane, lying between Main street and the river. The Lot is 18 feet wide byill feet deep, with a neat two story Brick Dwelling Howse, contain ing six rooms; hydrant in the yard, and other oat-homes. It will be sold very low. It would be. exchanged for a city lot. Apply to Liy3o.l MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S - HAIR RESTORER.—An unfailing restorer and proem/tr ot' the hair and eight. It is not a dye! The hair and *lle ken, however gray, are reatored to and preserved in their original life color! By its use. aims, spectacles and gray hairs, will /soon became satinet. The Restorer nwil"with the Zylobabounum, not only cleanses tho hair, bat kidip," it to curt, giving it a soft, glossy and hnturni appearan ce: The Restorer will strengthen and preavrvc the sight, and remove and prevent dizziness, he/Weald. scurf, dandruff, scald-head, or any t eruption of the akin. and all unnatara perspirntiorts of the head. It is a certain cora for catarr in the bead. . . rFtwi.,:. SALE A very desirable 'Country idenoe, containing 63 Acres, bearttifollyedtuatiad-an e Ohio River, and adjoining the town of Bearer—Well Un proved, with a good Cottage house and other buildings— forest ahronbery, ite. THOMAS WOODS. • ,-'2.:.; :5 Fourth street. MN= 7.1; . =:~ y ,~ :,,~ :. NEMZ ...... ........ _ ...... - 1 ........-. ......... 206 .150 1 . :::i . ijd I 2 i 65 206 . 1 25 3' 86 g 09 .I:b6 4 0,-C 3 - 50 72"35 00 6 00 4 501 3 00 ii -6 65 OD 3 35 i , 7 7 85 r EiXi 503. 0 , 051 /Cr 35 - 6. 00 • 6 - 35 13 ss ricroo a 65 ' pffr Irk; 11631:.i;.:J4s 11 PlZAsmis tialta n'tits ..26.1X •nti. fig no, 8. CUTIIBL:T & SON, Real I:,stAtt , gman, Market at. JOS. FLESIINO, Druggist, cor. of toe Diamond land Arurket 4R.i'
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