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I.*. , * ' - . *' i **.' o 4 lb., **,* ~ *. f* **l -t.•,*,• • ,* 4" , :s. •,'II :. 4 I , .., ~ ~ . 4 . „.. _.., ~ 4, ~,,, ~.ri. . m . , ..., tt. 0,:.!., ...,....,...„ .., : •,..,. -,.. A , .... 4. 4.. ~ .iir :•• . , t , L ',•• ......- 4 , ' .; .•i, • 0 ~,,,,, • , ft 4 . • .... ''.. _ ....* VtV , V l6 ' t. O.V. a' ti Vt . .' .9 1 * 1.1.. k;., ~,,pr . ,.• -•,4 ' • •i •.t.-. t C' I ' , 1--- • • -.,. fr e , t,b s. ( • - ' . • lioo-„..,,04. A. .4..." , , -, . ~. , 1,, „ s ..„.,. 1 , , ~ „. ~: ~ - ..•!• 4 -, ...howutiyi is ,„ O N. - , ... ~ , ,_ 1...-- - -' " - I ."'.- Ts , , •.,, -' ."-. , -,:' t. '..., , "... - .2 ~ -.-. -4 , -. ~ ... -..- , .. . ~.. ~ , , ..,... ~ .., ..........A., .. . : -.. „ e , , .. • . -. ." , .., ..'. V , • , '•:-t. •• 4 ,.' Vi z ' g., .141 , 1 A . ip ~t, z , y • • .40 4 ' 4 • , - •. • ••,1 4: ;(s;' h-ti 4tRP5• 41 q ° ... : 44.11-;54.74 ; 'lO. L'O V. S- 44- .4‘4:145g 4.4 ' 464 -.T•21,`,4 MOM 1 , 7re. , 46: • .„ , , , fttrstiitidi SO ST,r: and paionid mby mr,o4,,,(o***ep6A.) d - 111.1.1110AE ar.'lllo)iTlaclittair t 03 PBC NORTIPWEST 40013 , 131 - OP IMOD API'D'ITY/114-13,21111. . ' VRELIM—Pits Doi:larks year, payablesty la advance. fie Dentin tivarfahV regained if not paid within the year,. •• 1 ' lai•Shigle 0001iti;TwO,Oiars--for sale at the gaunter in the Moe, and bythe Nein Boys • . . """O* T SAVIIALDAVAIIOUNING , POST . _ 'Plibilitied from the same office, on a large - blanket Site sheet, at TWO DOLLARS • year, In advance. .BMide cog% Five Qom tap No paper will be discentlimedi (nukes at tho dbacro. Mon of the Ppiprietots,) WS alt arrearageasri paid. SET No attention will be paid to any admission accom , ponied by the money, or satisfactory rafetrence-in this Sty. Sir" OKtnected ,witli the Ts ItablishagmVertlio Morning Poet it one of the largest JOB PRINKINGAIWYDCW.S. in the citY,Whare 'kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and too! treasonabletermit.- PROFESSIONAL CARDS .Q.AMUEL WINGARD; ' , fkg ATTORNEY AT SAW, PISTELBURGIi, air Mee in BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, .Greet street, 7(ikein*ogisoilbolhetbutt Milan) fob 14.19 VIIARLES - W: WINGARD, P;" - ATTourr AT LAW, EBENSBURG, GAMMA PENNA. practices In Huntingdon, Blair, COUNTY , OleLrfleld and In tliata counti os. ______ _ fob 12.1 y. AM ES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at •Law, fl office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, berisexto Sanitliflbld and Choriy alley. docl . - JOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor • at Law, salsa turner uf Fifth and Grata attests., Pitta. burgh. je3:l7 QAM P. .ROSS, 'Attorney at Law, No. 109 -Fourth strot, Pittsburgh, fourth door 'below ifit. Body Patterison's Livery Stable. Je2B PATRICK M'KENNA, Alderman of Third Ward, office corour off/rant and Fifth streets, (formerly • occupfed by Alderman Lewla) where all baldness pertaining • -to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fehliam _ _ Ty. MIL, Surgeon Dentist, Emcee9l)r to G. W. Riddle, No. 144 Smithfield street 411'44)fric° hours from Stol o'...MOCl6emiltrcurilto o'clock. U.BOOTT, Dentist, Fourtirstreet, five doors Its . west of klurket. air Office hours from 9 o'clock A. kL to 6 o'clock P. 11. doc2fl4, BUSINESS CARDS L • OLIN MOORIIEAD, Wholegale Grocer and Owrimladen Merchant, for the sale of PIG METAL and !MOONS, and PBA/DUOM generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittabargh. snift.o nxtann, Ybllads. ..... indrawn, Pittsburgh. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro cers, Impiortera of 11.11.01D1118, WLNES and SEO&RI3, Nos. 17 2 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Hue- J burgh. Iron, Nails, Carton Yarns, &c , constantly on hand. r2D &Iran B. OGICLENG MOILUA2OIOIII3VIVOX, EDWARD MECUMS SURCPWI.I.T. CURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Manu lecturers of Cut, Pressed on Plain Flint GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of Brunt. Pittsburgh. 4ir All other kinds of Glassware and Window Ulnas, at low Market prices, spllidly lAJIr9 t L1D1.12 20611'11 J. ULAN. T EDLIE & ULLII, Successors to Mulvany & manulactarers of Cut, Moulded and Plain and Fancy Colored iILASSWAIiti, and dealers In all minds of Window Glass, Flask, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mhihdly REXIO V Al.—C. 11l M SEN, blast ufactu re r of eery variety of VIALS, BOTFLRS and WINDOW GLASS; blank Porter, Wino and Claret Bottles; Desuijoling and Carbnys • also, Flint 1./ la/41 in every variety. Warehouse Nos. 104 Second and 13:1 First street, Pittsburgh, nilt29 FR. 15Ri.VO, Diamond, frttsburgh,' dealer . to OJUNTRY PRODUCE, oar fur sale o 1:11.4C0 stock of GROCERIES, selected fur leanly nee. Spices .1 every variety and the purest quality, ground at till Strum. A.Lso, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Pitsince taken In exchange for merchandise. F. it. 1). bins procured it full assortment of Landreth's war ranted GARDEN SEEDS, and invites the attention of an in torosted in rural affairs. js ill 1 COMMISSION HOUSE.—The subscribers have opened a House for the above purpose, at Ni,. 17 Smithfield street, four dour* above the MottuagaheLa 11Juao. We will purchase, or receive on commission, fur sale, con signment* of FLOUR, BACON, CIIEESE, CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FLAX SIMI). GRASS SEED, BALED BAY, Ic., upon which we will make advances, ur purchase at the but market ratex fnr matt. [novl3] ALOE() IL'. U. WIGILIALI Z. ILICIIAILLAWI J I. lIENNIVri. VNGLISII dt RICLIAItDSON, Forwarding and CNibimission Ilorchants and wholimals 'dealer, in FISH, BACON and OIL and PRODUCE generally. house formerly occupied by Burbridge & Ingbrain, Na. iI o Water and 160 First street. Pittsburgh, fel.3 - - - JAM ATWLLI, 12. LEX. 01113. srttru_ ATWELL, LEE & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produoa and 0011.11111/1bi“O Merchants, cud dealei• i s Pittsburgh Mannfactures, No. S Woud street, between Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. apis TOIIN W. 11ITTLER & CO., Forwarding and Oolauliaalnu Merchants, &Were in ull kinds of nowt! MA.NUFACCURKS, LEAD PIPE and :41 F.ll' LEAD, No. 9i Front street. Pittsburgh. HENRY 11. COLLif:VS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. and lebulesale isalor in FISH, CH.EYSE, BOTFEEL YI.EDB and PRODUCE gutturally. Nu. 25 WoCel atrtot, Pittsburgh. W CAItR & CO., (William Carr, late of the firm of ./. Parker k C 0..) arholseule Gil CEILS and dealers la Foreign WIN and BRA ND I ES, Monongahela and /Lietided WHISKY, No 321, Curium:read How, Liberty mtr,o7, JOSEPH. FLEMllsiil, atoceosor to L. Wit cox k Cu., corner of Martel street and the pit/al-101A coustautfy ULI Land a fail asaurtmout 41)110;6, MEL. IDL iTF37 , 111KDICIS E CU ESTS, Pk: /11/I.IIIEII, Y, aad aN 11. m .~ ties. nartainfinc to his basin...Rl ity,iekv Prrdcriptioua carefully componualed at all JeSty V.L.E.A1,1' , 10 BR() • TIf 11.8, 13 u ccesm rs to J. tld., whole:male Uthiteral, bg Wood street, Pittsburgh. Proprietor* of Or. 311,ette's celebrated Vertei- Lupe, Liver &c. Jab; y MA IL,Sti ALL, successor to IL Lee, tty . WOOL 1.11{A1413 and COMMISSION MIatCHANT, No. lag Liberty strea, Pittsburgh. Refss•encs—W. NVelletece Q lfrx., grinner & Itohm, Mur phy. ?teepee & Co., Breve & Ilirtcpatricit. Pit4sbundl. I&,h. y W. CH ADWICK, dealer in KenturLy ho,( T.ThAttitl. HAUS 0.1.1 d PAPER., No. 149 Wo:Al taloa, to ow :tote. l'il4Awrg.n. Air Thr hi4hoet ruarkxt prow, lu 2anh, 1 oid Co Bags. Avrcii. P. . 0 &9e.tLL . /03E1 . 11 RAI CO II P, MARSHALL & Co., Lail:tortoni and . elaaloi• l ?mach and American PAPER, HA:\ u• L:448, No. 81' Wv0G1.114.61.11, tgeilie ter U.o c.iefirated manutecturoe of Meeser. Deliconit k Cu., Paris. ace T. C, MORUAN, Bo,4.84116; and Stu .. (inner. Jiaa ala - n)e up Wand n gcNorol .•f School, 511ar..ellancxSa 44 d aliunk Linoks; Printing, Port u Cap Paper, /tc., wholft.Zic anl rctail, Nu. IQI Wood etr,t, belays Fteth (eaat aide) Pittsburgh. WO- WANTED--Roo and Tau uors' Scram. apls:ly JIl N 11. MELLOR, Wholesale aulietv.ii duslor Isk MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PIANOS, 11 LSIC, SCHOOL BOOKS awl STATIONERY, No. bl Wood Pittsburgh. jao I PIIILIP fICTICER ROBERT J. Anll , [l:M9N. REYIER & ANDERSON, (succes..s,irs Joatmik Itll.lq, & C 0..) ~, 1 , •nale .12.1ers Foit Elms: FRUITS, NUTS, Sl•legS. CONY OCTIONA It V, SUV A RS, No. 89 Wood street, opp.ite the St. Cl.vica 'loud, Pats. /burgh._ _ _ _• _ . A Tl:si ULE, Wh,olesale and Retail SAD /./AItNEM. TRUNK VALISE and CARPET 4:14.0 MANUPACTORKR, No. 1043 Wood street, Pittsburgh. - 9NTE RPRISE W WORKS, No. 136W00d .trnet, third dour below Virgin alloy.—DOWN A TET LEY would cull the attention of Sporting moo LO their large aliliSortmeat of [SUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING J•Lb•ruLs, ithourg.t and best selected stock ever opened lu this mot'. tat, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cu t le- CY, Tools and Fishing Toads, .131 , 4 which we oiler at the LOWeat possiblo prices to cash puruhasers, or for goal ate &Mond paper. marl S NORTH-WESTERN POLICE Aolisxy No. 89 Washington street, comae of Dearborn, CB (IMO, ILLINOIS. EMUS WirSigITON a. I. +PINKERTON &CO devote their entire attention-to the trot:teach+n of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS In the States of Klchignn and Indiana. STOVES.—No. 1 Wood straat, above 24 Fifth.—We Leg leave t,, rall the iFrude to . 6to , re.,llolloir Ware and Clettingt in general. Havingvertect ed every thing in our line, we can safelyeay that we can net be surpassed iu finish, fitting, and smoothness, by any In the trade. Merchants mill find it in their advantage to call be fore buying elsewhere. Self GRAFF, RELSIIYER, p GRAFF. WA'rella CLOCKS AND jEiNkli'illtV AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JUAN M. ItOdENTS to now sidling off his large an•l choice stock of fine Watches, Clocks, Jude try and Fancy Goode at n very small advance ou first cost, preparatory 1., enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of au t 111.11 ., caw stock !lir the spring trade. Persons desiring GitRAT BARGAINS should call eau ly, Hle U 1 determination to close out his present stock itle out regard to former prices. nowt Bova the pIace—ROBERT ', It FIFTH street, veer Market. fehe • EN ANDriOYS' WINTER CL&I'I - IfN( M —ROSENTHAL k BRO, Fifth street, opposite Ms ...ea, hare a large stock of Moo itarl Boy? CLOTHINO . , „m i .baud, colorising some entirely new and .i.egoo t style,, wad& they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cub pric.,e. Mao, a large and duallonahlestock of GENTS' FURNISHING r . 000t18. declaidly _ . 'grIIIGELOW, ....... KLILTIZI L. BITVIDIS OEOII6E ALIInt. DITTSBITRGH COACH FACTORY—BIG ." now & CO., euecaesors to E. 31. Ebrolutv, No. 48 Dia ,2uoud alloy, near Wood .treat, Pitteburgh—CAßßlAGES, COACILEII, PHAETONS, BUGGIES., and every d e s cr ipti on FAACY VEHICLES built to order, and finished In manner ausurpasood for beauty of design, elegance of akitl of workmanship and durability o materials. 1101_ An work' remota& inovu WNTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood A.L.'l et, third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN A TETLEY twould call the attention of Sporting Alen to their large no ,eortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, die largest and best selected stack ever opened in this roar- A..et„ together with a general avaortinent of HARDWARE, &OMER; TOOLS and FALUN° TACKLE, all of which we ac r ifer-al the tweet imaaiblo prices to cash purchase or to • nod approved paper. tnarlEl _ /OM 11. TOMO r 1406. D. IMMO .7R-ANCII3 L. 70000. T B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield opposite QTLY Hotel, manufactures; of CABI NET FURNITITILS and CHAIRS, of every description. .I,i- Jieriala and workmanship warranted, and sold at reduced 41151441.•.:Care taken in pecking for land and Water carriage. age/ . Brazil acturor of ,n30'1;1114 -Litherge, Patty. / wtaaiti . a d$W.lll Coilkflipht Punishes, Turpentine, ko.. Itt IroarM'W. - "Pftrhattitb. , nIT22 rIg"DRESS -01:10DS-13EDIXED---Every ;4000namaWileaxittmbrUthtiakiredui 5 44. bentleeettutn cutliA eels. ; jelv A, !LAWN t 06, r Y 0.15 Blfth ot. 4,. • .4' • 4••• • • ',', ,4 4 its," , Mg= >~S ~ - "w -• - . .00c.nit4N Rtmisa. 4 ' 4 • V.", ' l r4 •U , t ~,~~ _ r ,_ krai -• • ••, ,, , , , , *•«,-. 4,, , , ,fic , *V;; . - • • • ..-.;-:ri;;,t5;..,:.-•.:-..A,;,.!,.,,.,.:.-;1:.,:,..:.. . . -..‘‘.-'...•,..: i.4iss.--:•--4, 'f" ' 7- :"1 .• •' --r s . . - :t rif - : . :4 - 1:1 I:1 ' "----.% ,--.-" --- ' ~-,:'-',',' ."4:'..zi-';•: ll .i.;';''' ,4 j 5 ' , --, '' ' .: kr 1 ;. -; t0.... 1 %... , : , ~, : t : : k:. , , :,•!' ~.'; ~. - • i;• ~ • : • • • -, • - -, 1.- rr • . .' .:::' .:,-, ...: • . . : ' . .. '.. ±-A 7 ' . .' 1 - ' -f :- _,•., • • I _ 1 ... I' , ........ : ...4 PUBLISHED DAILY BY GELLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE POST,I3ULTAINA" - . CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS.; AT FIVE DOLLARS Tvs. VOLUME XIV. ,:_„ .BUST 4§s t c4_,l;, "Neither. with My aye not my faith will I trifle,. IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH DAD SlGllT.—Personasuffertng from Sad Sight, milting from impaired Vidioo, constitutional decay, old ago. or other cantles, would do well to call upon Dr. G. E. SHAW, piumo,u, OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spectacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF TEE SITE. 'Address, 26 Fifth street., opposite A. A. Mason's, Plttetturgh. P. S,---27elescopea, gicroticopes, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the peemtsee. Alit Maims inserted in old Frames. • . Any article not approved of, exchanged free of ex _ " dec7:l y NEV COACH AND CARRIAGE FAC TOIII%—JOIINSTON, BROTELERS k 08., corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would respect folly inform their friends and the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BA- ItiYUCILES, ROCHAWAYB, BUGGIES, BLEIGIIS and CHA RIOTS, in all their various styles of finish and proportion. pm. All orders will lee executed with strict regard to dura bility and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable tented. Using In all their work the beat Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stud, they feel confi dent tliat all who lkvor them with their patrol:nu-0, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pur chasing °Umber , oaten] y A..,31,11.1.1N; i UO.. have on hand, at - dieit extensive CABINET , and CllAllt MA NUFAC- TttitY . , N 0.411 Smithfield street, a large assornuent of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will sell 15 per cent. lower Wan customary rates. Terms, eteli only. iderlify CBBAItNETT, HORSE Shoes AND LACHISIIITII, has, erected a new and cop/Moat. Drink Shop on CIDSHRY ALLEY, betsOeen Third and Fourth streets, where lag is prepared to do all work In his line with the utmost promptitude. Having had long experience to the business, too respeattdly solicits the patronage of his old ctigtatno, and the public generally. ju2l 'LAMES ALELLINO.E.R, Monongahela Pla t, ding Mill, would respectfully Inform hie friends and the the ?dilate that his new establishment is now an full opera tion, and-that he is praparod to furnish Boat Cabs e, and till all orders for PLANES> LI2I3IBER, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both eniee, constantly on hand. Snell, boors and .11,Ailtbrigs, of every description, made to order. . . val, Builders and Carpenters would find it is their advs.. Lao to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with MaiiiitiSrulf, suitable for every description of work. FIILTON-CAit WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, S..I.[CDCY.ST, 0010.—The subsci dire hoeing moved into his new Works, recently erected, corner ui Water, Nt'Douutigh and Bbeldy streets, Is prepared to am tract fur and exeeute all orders fur Fansenger, Post-Office, Mousy Freight, Platforta, Gravel. Band and ell other . descriptlons of CAMS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all strew GEARING, RAI 4 ROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. Th., Foremen of the different departments are scientific and practical men—mostly from Hastern mauttfactoriea— who keep themselves informed and AfiUr t all valuable mod ern Improvements. LarigtM4f) W. W. Vi'ICTILItit.ELI.. T ILE HOPE COMA. COMPANY having re cently mat lvtih losses lu transporting coal to Cincin nati being ineuriel by the lianunicturera' Insurance C 413, pany, of Philadelphia, take pleasure hi suiting that their Claim+ were prumptty mijustod by J. Newton Jones, Agent of said Company. D. BUSIC`i tiLL, Agent of 'lope Coal Company, Cincinnati Pittsburgh, iiiscomber $7, 1555. REVOLVERS 1 REVOLVERS 11-J wit re ceived, by Express, direct from 4 59 .. , the manufactarera, irplendid assort- i oho ae,ut of Cottfa REPRAtING 11$TOEfli four, fiter and art loch barrOli, an "Of which we will aell fur wall at as low pekoe as they can ba bought in the city of New York. Per seus going to Australia and California will find that they eau do twater by purchaling their esimpa t ta at home, thou they nth among strangers--na We give persons a chatter to try son nf the above 'Pistols before loaviag the city, and itt rase of a failure Ise refund the motley. BOWN & TETLEY, 1.1.1 L'M Wood area, Pittoburgs. otr L E ILS. --I —OHN OGDEN & CO., Bottlert., J No. la: Flrsi street, nouid resp.cttully itllolll, the nub lir thm they bare constantly on Laud a 'urge •uppri SA ILSAPAILI LLA. MINEILAL WATER, ALE and PORTER, el tl,e The uttrutiou of (monies Is particularly directed to fart that cloy tattle WA I Y 141 U I ITS ALE in If, purest Kinti, Pityeociaos rucommend it to folnilien on acvxmnt of Its wholl once as.d strtwallusumg J. J. GILLS:OIZ S . rixattlarl • J J. t;ILLESYIE & Looklug (Haas kan..:4—:;:•,., J and dealers in I.aukiug Ulaaa Kato Oleos. tin grarin.Se, CLelll.9 111.1t1 Fatic) tiotoia, N , l 76 N .3.ud mtrevt, l'at•- LturgL. • On Laud and cuado 0111 Your and Miultl.(ll.B., Ilatun.;any. Itaarsroal, W.duut and 001 1.40.ua1, lug. of overy dem.ription. Stoilnibakt Donorntal ead UHL wc-14 • - 14 . A. SWILER, I'Vlioleaale and Retail . Ihntkr Yurnan,n, linngon, Sturox, Tin, Iron and ru 4 ,Keepere Ilardirnre, Tin °ere SlWhine. and T, .li. Tin Hate, Sljtlei Iron. WIN. lti rota, Icc., 2-1 Nurth Second swoon, (olivi.odito 11ow1,)11AltHISHUIW. - sep29:d3w WHITE, VENETIAN BLIND M47TTQC7I.I- aut,, has recovered his health so as to mounts itis Leo 1.11 , 1111,0, and Ilan opened his BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No, Ctft Fifth street, near the Post Unice, between Wood and buatiLauhl, where he has an atotoruneut of BLINDS, trtmtnesl with plai t , and fancy Worsted and Silk Trimmings, aiel i. prepared to Lin any order to hot int, on the stoat rensorodtio Lerma. His work to warranted to give autinfactielnda• m.."/ rnfauded. ' le_ Old Blinds repaired. Please give him a call, u he can't be huLt, in workmanship. my7.ly F. SHOPE, MERCHANT I Loft, Third I,ort door to DrAmit.ti La ery patrmote horekdorm lA.-mood t.p..1. Mtn, ask a trotitioual.— ,'„e uino, x. ho mo. Letter prepato.l man ever to forno.ll 4 0.1 cu. Comore with gar me LIU Wlll,l will iIISUIT entire smiAho ton. Ile always k.• {M 4,n hat al a huge iwurtwe.ut of Ow 6.t•-•t of VESTINOS, CANSI3IEICFS. CLOTHS. dc., a hi. Li. Wltl tun.Le Cu [Tata' uu Ult. ahurte.L Lltaicr, upar ralmma..ble Wane. CID- A perfect fir abiraye aarraulcd. foiivlo:tf WOODWELL'S FURNiTuItE AND ClIA11:43, tebnliiiiedo and embracing rs cry ; .! 2 •,r furniturp. In R..eNVOttml. Nlalo/gnity atol Wklnkt, ,•tto fur rlytttibt,a, and dining room', , ' , gnat to try ir olk or Pis 11..1.41414i, SWii 11 t 4twrr pricvn. Er ery at tiel- Madr I y hand, kiol unrrsuro Ualnuet Makere Nupplied with /thy quantity WA i `lf A I lc, 1y,5,;. : mei Steouth,ato thelththed nt the Khot te.mt 44 Wurei,,;;:r . N.A., 77 .tu,l7'd I•hlr.l,lJeet, I.A J. & T. GROU'I"I' j 11 PC) RTELI.I3 BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. DEA I..EItS iv Fine Old Mouougahela Rye Whlokr, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; AL.+O : RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS COIL.NBB. OP S.ll/TOPIELD AND PROM . STiteETs PITNEUR.OII, PA. DAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL- LoXili. have asvociated together meter the at) le 01 t,e%II'IIKLL & POLLOCK, for the transaction of a general Variety and ary business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Lino 011 t Mouldings. mill 9 WATCIIES . KND JEWELRY:- - Joill; M. ROBERTS, No. 16111111 etreet, is new epenine sob entire NEW STIiCK of Gold and Silver Patent Lever. LA'3l9- 9 4Pd Vertical WATCLiES,In. open and hunt Ing Lases; Of the most celebrated English and Seine mane fa...ture, Alba. Gold Allard Vest apd Yob Chaim.. Seals, g . eya. Miniature Ca.., Bracelets, Geld Pelts aud Canes, Pen,-da. Toothpicks, heavy plain and Seal Eniustplue ' Ear-itiogs, Cuff Sin,, Stade, Sieei.4 Loops, gold .oelliiiverEpecturias, diner and Plated Stsetna, Knit es and Forks, Jet, Coral and Fancy Goode. Also, a large smelt of 'dm hent EIEASS CLOCKS at all prig.. The aboye etAxii. Kau been purchased direct from the East ern manufacturjea, and selected with great care fur the retail trade, and will be told at a $4,1.1;1 44al.Rce on cost. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry rele*Woo; h iiting and En e7ravi ug ezeoutedin the beat manner, and Silver Ware and Jawelry made to order. JOIN M. ROBERTS, . . Flfth street, ue.st thaw to Markus. Dy~tcIUKINU FACYfORY. -C. DALY comer of Market anti Fifth stroot, finds it scum ary to contradict. arepoft that liai Satactl corroncs. (lila is was soiling off to quit business. Do never. loot such it.ftuaton. Lie informs the public that be still continuos to ,upp4 3T00K114(3g, 01j1IITS, DRAWEItIi, And all kinds of HOSIERY, a hie es r /blishment. Ills Far tot y near Ryan's Building, opFT II sited --o pen at all tonm to the inspection of the pubi c. lie hai, betiiiied the work of own manufacture, brought to the city the largest assortment of Goode in hie line ever brought to this rOY, which are warranted to ly of the Wait toßilty, and will TA . sold at the moat re-namable prises: FLAW but one Sales Room, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth street. C. DALY, MiZIA Corner Market alley and Fifth at. F. 4 INTELLIIIENCE OFFICE—If you want to hare "help,''' [lad empiciimet4t, buy or sell property, call at IAIWItIt'S INTELIAG fiNCE OFFICE,. No. ii Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. tfelituj JOSEPH W. LOWRIE, I'ORSIIA'S LINIMENTL4b,e best LinT meut 4 0 W iii :oe for Apniim, bruises, etc., 12 do& just received by JOS. FLIIMING, !WA _ Fortier Ilianiond and Market AL pIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold blurt, Just received per steamer Irene, and for sale by 0p29 P. St DA WILL corner Wood and Fifth ate. GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for Drays, Carts, Buggies, Railroad Care, dc., in cans, keol and bbla„ for eale by lap2tll lIRNRY IL COLLINS. irIQA,L,XO[34B FO4 SALE,--Sixty three j. eerie of kind, .Ith '250 of Gold At4/4.4, aud all tho rti im ipeuvunitagn irpoll hi .succnadial. operation. Said Farm is situate/1 *on - the NouLligahela river, 34 mile. above NW. burgh, and la supplied with a Para burr, Barn, T enan t Plgr'Rr9lig4a/tddrott4f-daiddin earailleht harbor. to von of Coal is Ave feet thick, and cannot bo surpaased in qualitt. Id.dr further partieuldravyly to NIONOLSOAN PAYNB, jatif --, • - /154.*-1/Therq Meet. ALK ER'S, illasattALLED INDE L ;:lyy,,auttcr...i:-..44740-04aittecebefikliaxe inlp* of dais nelebratedatip wllioxit ihik,firepats tittandliAllOatedlia att,otaso, the money slate refarldeaw rWt,doestbM ier app Waal: Diatatutdallar • A ,* • • ' . fr, o4 s=~~.k - ~...~ r~ ~r~ Mlle . . BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEIVIENT YET ! XTE W SCALE—IL KLEBER & BRO., ja have Just received a tallith lot of lIIINNB di , CLAIMS, PIANOS, .-TF;;; . : }. . provided with their NEW SCALE. Theta ' their latest, and undoubtedly the NM . • roan 11y Improvement FA yet made,to the PlantiForte. The - PfIFFMI. oPthe iStitittrifent Witten:sit HMI= thereby; and in point of volume, evenness and brilliancrottone, they aurintssanything na yet produced in the gasps of a Piano. They possess all the advantages of the Grand Pianos, with out any of its disadvantagea. We now challenge comparison with the instruments of any other maker in this country, confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is respectfully In vited to call and examine these superb Instruments. H. KLIG3HR k BEtO., Sole agents for Nunns k'.larks'. Plana For Western Pennsylvania. No. b 8 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Hall. P. &—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected for the Spring Trade. ap6 NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOILN R. MELLON Lae e m il Just received seven more of nrIFT” °TUCKERING k SONS' PIANO FOR.TBB, and com. • pleted the Stock, selected for Spring Bales, of THIRTY-FM new and Splendid Instruments, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Werra Ohickerings, (Boston,) from tho plainest SIXOOTAVS to the mast splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable Grand and Parlor Grand Pianos. EVERY PIANO FORTE In this lot is of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT IRON PRAMM, and PATENT ACTION, and are not tnly warranted to tin purchaser by the manufacturerkbut.by the subscriber, to be in all respects as perfect as Inetrusospts GUI be amide, both in regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES INVARIABLY THE BAHR as In Boston, at the Manufactory. JOHN R. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Agent for adckering k Sons, Boston, for Pittsburgh and Western Penna. mh2B NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CIiARLOTre BLUM R has Just re ceived a further oupply uf liallet, & Cu.'s Plauum, with patent suspension bridge and Lampositton hawing*, and with repeat- • iug Grand Action. As a proof of the superiority of these Maas, la the fol• lcwing extract of &report at the late a Mechatilci Fair" at Boston, to codpedtlon the ceiebrated maker, Jonas Chickeriliffi who was President of the Association "The assacbunetta Charitable ilechimic's Association award this diploma, with a Sheer Medal, to flatlet, Davis Co., for the 1.1 Grand Piano Porte contributed to the Exhi bition of 1863. JONAS CLLICKEitiNfi,PrOst. " IWho had also one of his best timid/ on exhibition In competition with Messrs. 11. D. & Co.) The Couunittee, (Professors George J. Webb. U. K. Oliver, J,d.n Lange, otc.,) say of the Grand "In tone, it ie power tut, round, full and well balanced; a capital 11:m41:meta, and but on exhibition." Those Pianos are made with full Iron frame, circular scale, gliding desk, etc., and are made to stand in any climate. In addition to the above, the subscriber has reerivgd Pianos front Itaumgartitru d Woes, Ramberg; A. W. Ladd A Boston, and other good makers, at wheel from $2,'.:5 to $l,OOO. Clii.lll.oTrE BLUMF., je-11 118 Wood street, N. B. Old Pianos taken in exchange at their full value, Another inv3ice of the celebrated Haruhurgh Pianos Le es. Petted in several weeks. C. B. FOURTH STREET CARPE' STOTtFr W. D. & H. McCALLIJM, Jar 87 FOURTH STREET, NEAR WOOD.IOI Tug attention of purchasen Is respectfully lnvited to our present Stock, selected for SPRING BALES, including— Beet quality Velvets. English and Tapestry Lee C?assels and TNxistry, grains. euilio and 4.4 R /Lomas, Soper. Medium and Low Extra and Super. 3 my. ?mid .14brihiro. Item Imported Extra Twilled and Damask; Hall and Stair Carpet.; Floor Oil Cloths, from 2 to 24 feet wide, varioue qualities and prices; Table Gil Cloths; French Printed and Embossed Piano and Table Cover.; Canton and Cocoa Mat ting; Hearth Rugs; Inner Mate; Stair Rods; Lint, Rag wild Dutch Carpets; enettan Minds; with every variety of Wine dew Shades, Green and Buff Holland, Ac., ac.; all of which will to offered at sale at very moderate rates. Ci - We are also prepared to furnish HARRINGTON'S CARPET LINING. mh22 DIANBF/ELD 41Ein1111481( All U Allegheny County Normal School. About four utiles from the city, near the junctiun of the Noblzstown and Washington Plank Roads. i l, r , i p s uiutoudont. ut:r. . W PHERSON, 1 4 . 1 0., tt:'.2a;gunges. undoraigroxi. Comity Saporiniondeut, wlll re Seminary and Normal School for Toarbera. on TUES. D4V, tbP Ibt4 of April ric.r. Pupae ul both sexes art. ro wi rod. A limited immix/ of tutuates can ward in tan family .4 the Superintendent. Good Warding can bo obtained ut the v.:Lige and vicinity, 01 from $3 t $3 nook TRitYl3-161 quarter of 10 week', IN ADV ANCE Boarding, Lodging and Light $3O Xi Tuition, from $6 00 to 10 UIJ Teo. here, or thew deatring W prepare for teachiug, can enter the Normal School at any limo, and continue 10 weeta, or to the close of Second Quarter. Iµµ,lff.i win by flpilerml ear% Term, tip. the Art IA Ter.,hiubt. For further Information addreas apt B. M. KERR, Pittsburgh HOI,'I"S PATENT HAND STAMP.—The .nbscribrr, Arm for do. FRANKLIN ILAND STA ?di' COILFA N Y,' ui Uuato M,iei. is Uw. prepared 1" offer to the publi, a Stamp which, for praotinal purp wet. 4orpainies any of the kind heretofore offered to toe For Itaffroada, l'ustAfficeo, Public Hon..wa Stemniastm, to Profeadonal men fur stamping their Ilhra. Drumriat , for priming their uwu labela, and all Mercantile men for clamp w;; their envelopes, and in fact Mali 118.1.11 tit the cointrio, pity who wean a Stamp fur muting Linen, Clothing. a,... this in ust the thing. Tht stamp ix ii c lke pay other in the market, and is not „1 •n to uhieethu. rea,uiteLly 11:104 .4•“1•01i qytn - h, of the kind veered a. the putolle, which facts are mitabilidied uo examination-- Ist It Is offered forabout one-bait the usual cost of others Ileine more simple In Its construction, it is lean liabh t•o k54-t out of ortler, It is inure compact, easier openited, and more iiertain of rocking ena,recr tatramenoirs. The proprietors rely upon the intrinsic merits .if the Stump for its general adoption, feeling that it+ cheapness and superiority combined, over all utlii•rit, will faverable introduction. The public'. orein-rlikci cf t li tuij toe the operation and the variety Or styles of electrotype dies, Orders received for any style or pattern, and the dies tic, to 431..1, of the beet material and workmanship. MOSES V. EATON, Agent, ,No. 139 !first Street, Pittsburg , , PO. N. 11.—Au ki NTS W A liTKI/ unturallately to runless for the Clovi., kr whom a liberal commission will Ire paid. I h,•rchy .'ortify that MI)SES F. EATON, of Pittsburgh. l'a., iw the aoly appo/uted Sole Ageut for the sale of “Ifult', liand Stamp" for the State of Peunsylvsnia, (except ing City of Philadelphia,) and also for the Counties of (kt4,tta,uh.., Trutnbull, NAhur,tr.g,C...llutobiaua and Jefferson. in we Stale of 'Cfhid Fassia.in TlAnu Sveltr Confs IlLtbelr 4te_gt, I'. WILLARD. Pittsburgh, may 12. fano. (myth) LOCUST GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY. The Trustees of Locust Grove Episcopal Front:airy give notice to the friends of the institution, that the Rev. Witttan 11. CLAtigs, having been compelled by protracted ill health, to resign his charge as Rector of the same, they have team sofortunate as to secure the valuable aervicisi ul the apy. Grottos T. Rmint, of New York, for the same posi tion, and wbo t40,A1 ay on;,e uptiq the discharge of his du ties. From tho vary high and . flagiring oomineudations which they have hadof Mr. Rums, they have no doubt of his eminent fitness for the work committed to him, and that they believe that under his management the Setninary Can not fall to procure a large share of public favor and support. Persons having daughters or wards to educate are panio thole desired Ito acquaint themselves with the advantages whicia Oak Ittsthiitlop earls, both as reenacts Its beautiful and salubrius position, two and d half fella bunt the 64; and also the facilities for the thorough and relined education prrxented in its efficient corps of instructora Circulars may be obtained ou application to the Rector, of either of the Trustees. Piarburgh, April 29th. 1866. SI4OENBIEROPR, IiEOROE R. WUITL, • 4(ig92rrea, OptEti /14.1128, TifEol,oll2 B. Lucks, 060.6.64*. 110Booril =dolt:n*lN. r HE CEYLON STRAW IIAT—The atten -L ttee of the ewe Fe forlUtotod to our entirely new afyle of STRAW BATS, Jost roootard from the Importer. combining the many flga4tjes -which have been cc long .I.ot.'d to make the Straw flat ullitable In every W., .. Summer tint. It is the only straw Hat which the rain or damp weather will not atfeet. either In the brim or crown, being so braided OA to prevent toe possibility of It In any way. I offer this entirely sew style, called the CEYLON FIAT, believing it to lielhe Strlts hat thit grre the wearer entire satisfaction. C11.A4L9 11. PA tf..BON, i 8 Wund at, _ _lost doOr (role 1116 cop et Of Fourth. WORTHY OF A TTENTI R BA.LE.—• new dwelling house Just 11ulahed, two stories, arranged with hall, two parlors, Oiling room and kitchen, three chambers, good cellar, bath room, U.; a hy drant In the yard, andgood stable. The lot haaa front of 'Ai feet ou Carp! street, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to Led lie street. Pride' 5t,400. In hand, remainder in one and two years: 8. HUTliblißT Q @Ot; , app 51 Market St. WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATIIARICiN 4nti. removes all symptoms of Head ache. Persons aging WRIGHT'S HATRARION Are never liable to eun-stroke. WHlt3p 8:4 lON Is the moat valtudge semln to ftre'folit3t; rpt.alniaa the thur in eaty ragAtlraq form. For aaie by Dr. GEO. B, gaiYMi 04 B. E t EinttgtB A CO. at 25 mail ;NT bdUe- • • wild ALARGE BRICK HOUSE pleasantly situ .L.e4 is AlW00;1147. with 44 of groulkil 3 0 feet from on tank' latiejlgy 150Teet deep to alb tvot alley. The boose la llnlshed In modern style; portico In trout, hall, rum parlors, (Splug latphen, rhambeni, cellar, hydrant, paved and grand yard, ibwie and trait trees, shrubbery, dm. all in corn tete csoisr,.B.,r tale by myB g. (urns •KT SON. dl Market at. 4 LOWER VASES-20 pair Tenn Cotta vwsfqr Bale II (4) . 4) iIIe.NRY IT. COLT,INS . . 1. __ VIETH STREET 440 TY ,, -A Lot of U.NOLISH .OARPETINGS.—ROBINSON:t*ACitie.., I4, 4 e c r a maav_,tltaa .Cathedral.. jili../k 01,, , N0. 28 Alth“alpiit, Tire now pasalalltpviobinhat lairg7(l7,oo3iM or raT i kro ghetto% To* Custogl i WA 3 Irmptett ,-, h lifil ..-' . - rune li..,, ipt w suing , *VA . : , a ll .7511044-7,5000'b era or _prune Wheat recetw Ina few dap!, andlie p to show to any who _ ,-.4Alifb,,, EIPRINGKII kl aItBAUGH, may wish the beet of thltierf 6d nooda. We have Ow now In '. ' '.:7 ' f __ _,,,, A ,..., Stock. of Waimea 8 Inri logiralo's to Clotha, - yir ice, as atikortateartiosoepiteied In Witt% and all at -1 . iftlentriaoiol-"? • yr: .4160, • 41)42 ... fit .. riz y - - . 7 ar—:L ~,t'Y~ PITTSBURGH, FY, AUGUST 1, 1856. F U-.R.,'N,I:,TV''!R E.: THE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up in good style Ids SPACIOUS FURNITURE WIREIIOOIIS, To hie stook, and now invitee hts friendeand the public to Before pis - chasing elsourtorA 1118 STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Amounting to about $50,000 Worth, Consisting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS FLICII, And embracing some very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And a great variety of New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &a., fse. All of which be offers by retail, at WHOLESALR PRICE& litgliivery article warranted to give satlnfaction, or the money refunded. H. H. RYAN, niy39 Nei. 3t Fifth street EDMUND WILKINS, HEAD OF WOOD, ON LI BRIIT'Y SRE ET, and at the Cemetery date, Pittsburgh . , Pu. Monuments, lineal Vaults, Tombstones, Mantel Pieces, l>ntre and Pier Table Tope, Washstand., Lc. On hand and made to order, of every satiety, Mantel., toneloti for rrrY lot., ornamental and t:l4n, trbich to durable, and needs no painting, at from $2 to $6 per thot. liming lawn enginnal practically in this bualuesa fsi- thir ty years., twenty-three of winch have Levu In this city, which I from a aufflclent reference, T will make new sleaigna, and furnish au) work la my line at reasonable prices JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCIIANT, Flour, ()pain, Dried FrTlil, Seed, Lard, flut ter, lituson, and Produce generally. No. 89 Water Street, . . . Francis 0 Bailey, Esq., William Dilworth. Sr., S. Co Lett d 8011, Pittsburgh; 1.1..) d 4 OU. [(visitell 4 Swear en, S. Itraity, Cash. M. Al M. Rank. List 4 Dowell , Cranglo Co tioo. W. Anderson. Donlon. Paxton & Co, Wheeling. ,iiiy2S PEKIN TEA SFOHE, 1i1t843/4 TE.4B.—A dioict, lot fresh °tern and ItiniA Toot, Just reoolvoil direct trout the lniportews, which will be ✓ad oli..lesale and retail, at prices lower Ilan usual. Two Medals and Five Diplomas A RTIIIT, Ilk Patent Mr.': war fire-proof Yellow 'PAN. Henry Mgt the Agent of this rit Western Pennsylvani .he sale of the ahoy, eh's, at his Chin& Queenswire Ni Weal at, Pittsburgh where is also kept and green glass Jars low priry, with lirg And eorks, ready fist .esling straw herr', .ortinent of China, ( wants of privity taunt. tutr, tnerehants. pll at modyrute HO". ... • • . . - . VItANK VA N (WEI/ER. II AS REMOVED ju to No. 78 MAIiKI'T otreet, i t em ly oppcoite to his old and to how prepared to sttpt.l) hie and tho pid.he generally with anything they 11.41 to Ito. of Trimmings, /embroideries, ILLhom,, Gloves, Ileelery and Fancy Goode generally. air }Lew/tuber the No., 711 Nlarket st. ept2gte.--.IIJ n vii,END._citize., Insurance jJ ny.—The Prtaident and Dle,...tort. of tia. Compony no r Ude day declared a Irernidtnnutti litriAlrud of ins Iwo ohare, upon the Capital Stock. Flied...llmph! coon. F..y able to tin. Stockholders cr their legal retresentat] res. nod ...e dollar credited to, their mock on and after the tad loot. SAMUEL L. kIARSLIELL. nest. J one 1701,1458. OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office ~1 the MORNINO PUSTy a large quantity ..1 OLD ['VP/. Machinists and others wanting such an natfolo can gat a large supply by calling art,. fag STATE FAIR.—The Conunit• it app l e fu 34,14.1 Oil I Nk.iiPtilln 5 1 ua Fectiie tattling of the State Fair at Pittaturgh, hereby authorise JACOB lIIAISSRR, one of their Comnaitfar. tt, ,idle, t the mutt. Mr. lila) SSER will call on all Inicribers in, tog the present month. N NI 111 111 , 110LNIES, JOHN S. CoSilit; tVE, WILLIAM 7!. Ill.:It:Ili, JACOB GLOSSEII, Je2l Orin al liqcw,,--4 4 st received, and it is fig.roy necessary to repeat attain to the pane, that tiny are Bald from TEN TO TENT) PER ()ENT. LnW Ell than elsewhere. Tom of Madame Rachel in the United Stateet-priee ;ea . Sparrovagrass Papers—SO cent. Comic Nineties of HUUII/11 Life-70c. 'file States Rod Territories of the Gloat W.. 4 --f 12. Bunsliy Planers; tty Ittrougitmt,- Tanglotown Letters--$1,17. Salad for the SOCilti—sl 12. Piazza Tulsa; by Mildsille--41(k. Vag:dm:ld Lift in Mezie,-90c. Scalp Hunters; by Capt. Mayne Reld- 1 1,"" White Chief, a " Mr. Sponge's Spurting Tour; by Prank Fureste:- Brother Jonathan for 4th July--I 2e. Plch;rial Ynt ken Nottons—ta.. Harper's blagsaine for July, (third enipply,)—M..-. Peterson's Nlagazine for July, (ascend supply)-17e. I/rah/till's Magazine for July, (second supply)-20c. tiodey's Lady's Book for July-20c. Lpal;;;'.l N. Y. Journal-14e. Malibu'. Magazine—lva. Remember, the place In got Maim:clues is at LAUFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Je2B N 0.77 Fourth street. ALOREAT BA4GAIN!—F,;r 41a, a aura fortable {trick DWELLINO I.IOUSI, No. 59 PrAt st., with two Lots of aneund,ohnii at'fset &oat h 3 90 deep. The Ifeuse is largo and pouvenients a good cellar, with cemented pot.; a hill, two parlors, diultig.risim. end kitchen ou psi. tour.) , ; wit ti watiViseune mof largo haul r S l— three olisalb4e, store room and bath room on the attuned story, and five rooms on third story. Fire-proof dote. rottf, gatOixtures Mid pipes on first mot second' story. Largo yithl. with slnk; trees, grape clues, Ac. The improvements alone mid mire than tile price asked for the whole property. Price :15000— onuaitirth in hand; remainder at one, tau nod three leers. li. OCTIIIIERT 1 Sit., 1.20 Real Refers Agents, q Market st. IS AOON-2 casks for sale by 1 J ) 24 HEN li 1 it i; ;1,13,18. Ain tiOkES ORANfIES tee arrive al,d for 4 .-. sale by REY SiElt S A NDRltsoli, ...) ,, yl7 • No, 59 Wood street. Vn BO X.ES LEMONS to arrive this day and ... O Sr sale by .ItRIDIF t Ii 4 ANDEJOSON, LYII lio. ss vPOSd siivet. YOUNG TYSON TEA—TO chests anvil 1 King Chop Young Dyson Tea, at The. and SI'IP N I IT coved by Y. R. 'DRAVO, mylo Fa Markot andl Diamond. ,C, =Ell IMIMI MMISME!I 4 t.'" :a4~!'ekad ASH. " ~^d'.-+:4'~+%rzS~*+!Ve~~et~rYJ~~f;~.".`~'~'4': F-tr-x:.>m.•,-x~cv. la. !...,:•—, Pp .; Icrou. • . . .. ~ ~ . _. e . . • •, : ?. , :1' , 4" , ' '''. t , .0'..1 Ml' •V• ' - Ll'.: g .::i , f V , ~ ... _ ~.„ . • . , ~ MISCELLANEOUS No. 30F11111 Street. LARGE AND VALUABLE' ADDII7ONB CALL AND EXAMINE di EDITTM, fwd LOW-PRICED. Covered with French bagatelle NO. 38 FIFTH STREET Awarded. I rtee7vel and YLEDaina HBO& :'S~yii• ' - •t • 4 • 4 • r " 12115121:1 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL E DIC AL ADVICE. A T TEERIKTFIFiEO VENERIAN 11. 'l',AL—Pietablhhod for the mat of Syphilua, Seminal Weakness and the Intlntake of Youth and Maturity, by Dr: 'AMOS & SON, Itniram, New York—Orris, corner' of .I.l* and quay etreeta, (up stains) A MOST' SOMINTIPIP INTENTION. Alt inetrinnent for the omen( ge aural Mebilltyi Impotence, Incontinence, or Noctunuil . . This instrument has bees Used with' the Most hltppyeffeet to the practice of the tatql[t eglitisttpliyaiciatut pad atirgeous lit (lie British empire, Prance and Clermatiy. In leed, so re; ixturkablu wore the cure:li that the late "Sen Munst" hailed it as the Harbinger of Life." Thu U. of this will fully erielnin the htgi encomium: YOUNG SIEN TARE PARTIOULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & SON are the only Physicians in the State -who are member' of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon, geminates of one of the mcsteminent collegetrin the •Unlted States, take pleasure in announcingtat they have invented a meet important instrument for o mire of` the above dlseastis. IL has been-subjected. to acostkly the moat eminent phy.sicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and. New York; it has keen declared to be the only useftil instimient ever s et discovered for the cure Of Seminar Weakilesti, or any disease of the genital organs., arising front the. Solitary habits of self-indulgence which destroy both hodf and mind, wattling man either for marriage or society. ; • Dr. AMOS de SON, in order to Mutely the most skeptical u to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that In any instance where t hey may prove unsatisfactorxtater Afair trial, the money will be refunded by returning. the Duarte ment in good order. Persons wishing the aaove useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying dirt:chewy aecurely packed and sent by express, Is 'ten dollars. NSW REMEDY AND QUM 01111.13 For the Venereal Diseases, and all private complaints, gleete, strictures, seminal weakness, pain/ in the loins, affec tions of the kidneys,, diseases of the bead, threat, now, and skin, and aft those dreadfta 011P:lions arising from a secret habit of youth, which - produce constitutional debility -nor denmarriage impassible, and in the end destroys both ' body and mind. Dr- 4MOB * SON have devoted their attention exclu sively to this peculiar claw of maladies, and the relief they hceiS consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creatures to (lolly testified and gratefully acknowledged by °enrolment patients and othere daily arriving, la town from all parts of tho country, for the express purpoile only of temenitatfon.' while their exertions have been ethyl:teal with the roost signal advantages; yet from what they have experienced In inquiring into the cringes of these Infectious comptidlits (from their moat simple condition to that of the. moat dangertma.and .Ipvetarated) they have always enter. tallied the possibility of their prevention and removal, and 111 - ewise invariably found that the most horrible and inalig mint forma of disenee could almost always be traced to-one of the following causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill• ef. leers of noskilful and improper treatment; therefore Dr. A.MOS & SON have eucceeded ire discove.eing, in the selec tion of. their retnedievi,a saSi, offbettial and cautious coarse', omitting all combination of remed.es which bear an equine cal character, as well as those wham premature or Wadi. cloaseppllintion might he prodericarn of bad consequences in the hands of private indiViduala In short, the lendable red of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mean of hu man mieery by the alleviation, relief and prevention of those grievous afTlictiona that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they eo ettensively surround us, call aloud for our akill and interference tor their extermination. Dr. AIMS A SON have thy a long series of yeanibeon en gaged In an extensive practice In the treatment 01' these deli cate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who, regal dless of the taunts and envy of theity and mock modest, have had the confidence, t - the me dium of the public press, to direct attention ito'tholie enor mous evils, from which no grade of society Is free. In "admit- Mg this department of practice they have been amply re warded by the great success that has attended their efforts In the treatment of these cases, which are so generally con fideckto the unqualified and iguarant.simphics, veto, with their pirated publications asimme fereigii flames *tad titles, itud Pretandsfi ifirtucs of their patent nostrums, have In flicted serious 111,ffirys on those who have been induced to place faith la their pretensions.--Adieal Beasem. ' TO PATIENTS ABROAD. Dr. AMOS A SON have made arranguMend whereby package. can bg forwarded with secreey and deapatcb to any part of the world. Addrem Dr. AMOS A SON, corner of MAUI and QUAY ?mete, Doffatct, N.Y. Je3etalawlY Q FOR $l-3 lbs:iif superior Yoirg N - kma . 1 1- 1 Tea for One Dollar, at Jc27 I. DI I DlamoUd. _ _ CA STILE SOAP-50 boxes in store and for 61. n by • Nem FLEMING BROS. `AND PAPER-100 reams on hand and for LY sale by i 182 7) FLE3IINO BROS. A DIIESIVE PLASTER —l5OO yi,}r*in „4101„, store and for sale t4G. Twatumap,!- , . n iS' ftAIN 1(11 LE gross just ra ccireiland for sale lty (je27) FL NO BROS. LOW'S DROWN WINDSOR SOAP—Fite gross on liana and for sale by FLEMING BROS. ciUCOA-N U 16.-5000 fresh Cocoa-Nuts' just recooived and fordo& by REVAtER A ANDERSON, jy4 No. 30 Wood street. THE OLD E TEA - HOUSE maintain Ito reputation for FINE TEAS. All Y and Black conatantly on bond, rtrld now re viug- -10 cpeuts 4° .. n Chop, haeat Tea in market; 10 Moyuno Y. Ilyaont " Extra Oolong; Slt •• Foagtal, ex inkflavor 30 •• Souchong Chalon; 50 " amorted Young Hymen. All of which will be sold at less prima than any store in the city. Y. It DRAYO, jet Nun 82 Market al. and 1 Diamond. 8. J A V ?.I ICA UKEE'S YEAST POWDER-20 gross pack gz es of :his evert)! Bating Powder rn Pe ß d by (40271'' BRAVO. k,ECO.NIi STREET PROPERTY TO LET. kJ A magnificent Two Story Brink House to let WI the let of April next. Enquire of BLAIC . RIV & 1tt253 Onroer Seventh and Suntbtlaid ate, WE OFFER FOR 8.4. LE AROUT FORTY acres of prime land on Use old Washington Road, betutifolly etiolated, which we would sell IA MAU lota to emt purchasers. ft ix one of the prettiest lodatiOns for s,uutry maiden,. around the city, and will be sold Ipw. je24 Tlffl9. WOODS. No. 75 Fourth at. nNE HUNDRED DOLLARS A YEAR. ---For .lea In dwelling house of four rooms oat kitchen. spring house, de., citoate on Virginia s4-,aot, ottL harp hat of brown% orbit feet tort franf by la deep; 1 Lijt The sail hi good ,and location pleasant. Price 51.500. Terns gnu lo hand ...abider et 5100 per S. (lUTIIBERT & SON, Jett 51 Market st HOUSES FOR SALE--All described on Woods' Printed Land Register, which is given gratis to lul why call at Nc. 75 FOURTH %treat_ If you wish rt . House ou a gpecu!at lull, cull in 'l4.4..tgAi WOODS'. tar ' ' Mlodll.ll street. LI:11E.-100 barrels fresh received and for sal° by (.110j IiN,NRY IL OOLWNE. ~',, 1 ...(1- A lt AND MOLASSES-.• AJ ...oU bids., cy press ! poni.rago, N. 0. Moltoisos ; WU do ,utlc do do; 50 du St..lnn-e. S 11. 31u1ase4; luu bhda. fully fair and prints N. 0. Smear. On hand and for sale by 3LILLEIt k. ILICISETSON, Job 2 - 21 and 2M Llborty street. 1 1S - 11—Mackerel in whole and half bbls, sh.vi herring WU. to Bch R~qt For sale by HEATHY ii. OOLLINS. 1101..'5.E TO LET A eounnocliou3 Two Story BRICIC DWELLING HOUSE, situated on Ft an kilo street, opposite the Sixth Presbyterian Church. Possession given immediately. Enquire at the lion-e, or of MILLER a HICKETSON, J 4.21 Noi. 221 and 113 Liberty street. +Atm in bottles or oatot. do Pine Apples do do do Strawberries do do 5 do Cherries do ,to do Blackberries do do 5 do Huckleberries do do 5 do Gooseberries do do d. , Pnv,rj caid Yirour iii rotrioa or cans, For col.' l'ay- liVXlEit 'h. ANDIVESUN, 0,, No 39 Wo street, opposite St. Charles Hotel. Double Bank MelodeM. Li HRO. have just received Li. a largo lot of • CA It ll ART'S liEli WYE NIELODFONS, F. .m the k.liglipti to yet i tk,r's tociory,tit.rhal c 4 Nwiham, N. V.. t..otiaprilliiig . 4 , .,, Galivcel, ocrull legs, with patent double swell. 5 do do do do. 5 du l'imuu ntylo, with double reeds nod double no,ll. Also n ' , LEN D pot: BLE BANK XELOAWN, L ‘$ at, Ewa rows of kept and coupling stop, Anishel in the toted elegatit'aud tatteird tittle. Tido is a very superior article, both iu tone and flirt iture, and we respectfully in vite the attention of purchasers and tie public inereetal to It.lir. Carthart invented and rtkOe . the 411 t 31elodeons, hue i4Gtrumeots ere looted tune .by other e4idc,:se, Tor hy KhEattli 6jero gur Ruth 5 ( 1 BOXES ORANQ.KS,jnat rnanived sand . S (or Wa by UKINIE.II 4 ANDEBOON. Jel6 ' • No. 39 load depot. - . CUNDLES AiND, SOA ho boxes Star Candles, 4'a, s's and 6'e; at do Osnamon mould - Candles; 25 do tan. German Soap; 15,10 N. 1 do' IN 0,, Su. 1 extra toothy Soar. In store and for sale bf folti FRASO A LS—We have jnat .ree'd another dm [rabic. lot of fine Parasols, oomprlalug Haar Turc Satia,Watered Silk, brocade, 'Satin, Black and cord Moire d.atlguo, do Ponld do Bole, Bordered du .1.11,wk do do Mack Plaid. &D., 4.. All of which we will utVer a& tedaCW Pr i M L tele A. A. MASON & CO. 1,1 ERRING--- • 30 Ws. Nu. I Dry 80,1 t llssrDo;i 20 V Lb's. No. I Just rucelved and for tale by J 93 MILLE ...I II an & d ItIE: Liberty at. y.a. - _ ASURANUE 1 INSURANCE! I—Applica ?lons fur 'asuman . ° fur sereral Food celiableflneninsice mpardes. received by GEO. W. 8L.N2.1.at Ms Real Mau Agency . and Ihtelligence Ofilee,"oit the - I:forth 'bide br Ohio Street. fourth dad oast of thb -Danhond, .10261531131?iY' . - - pOFFEE.,..l.so.bagsapriumatiPkoireevt , 31k,,,,it0.: • ' do. In store and far sale by MILLER &RI :. , CANTSM, Jfr/a No. 71 and 02$ Liberty greet. 0 , A CURE WARRAiaND BEWARE OF IMPOSITION .... y~' ~.. . . , ' - wil. • .:-..-,:, i ir ,.....: :, - - 1 , a ,-. urflo4 .1;. -- . N~JI ir : 254. PITTSBUItaIitOST. FRIDAY MORNMe FINANCIAL AND CQMMERCIA - 1.. Prrrostaum; July al, 1§56. Business continues very, dUll, 11Ini:WO are Without, any feature of peculiar interest to note, in the 'trans, actions of the past week. The weather bas been ex., tremely warm and the rivers so low &saluted to cause an entire. snspentsion of navigation. . R . urge , of budiess, however, is doin g 'on our railroads. Within the past three days we hays, had - copious showers of rein, which ,will'greaily improve the con dition of the crops, Which were' sueeringgrenfly from the -prervions three week? drought." Ilia:Money Market Isiditirities b9sy, but without su perabundance. Good paperia 'readily . diacounteOlbY,.- the Banks, mid there id natothels telling , outside, the, brtikers evincing- but littiordlapopifieti to ,purchasattar ... • . • - paper offered theta. The Nei, York' . 4'ficßinp ; Post a .fueaday. says : Ainney. appiers to be a:Wu:Rely abandants Without change in rates. The datuand, Is not, active froth .. !took houses, but thereappearpß t li intdo,ilquiry . . in other circles. Call loans arttluoted at 6 a 7 per . cent. First class of endorsed paper is negotiable at 7to 8 per cent.,Rll dates. The exports' and receipts of specie since Ist Jain nary list are as follairs;as givaa In Marie & ens's" eiroularl' 1856. ' 1855. Exports $26,957,060 $28,121,148 California rooeipts 28,2714993 22,698,949 Excess of shipments.-43,686;06Z $ 5 ,42 2 :1 9 This excess is more than made by what Is brbnght hither by emigrants from Europe and 'passengers from California. The stock market is dull, yet less so than yester.' day. There is a turn in the market, which has a bet ter look to day than Air some time past. There was only one "bear" seller on time of any consequence, and he was ready to sell anything. The bank weekly statement is tether *favorably construed. It has been noticed that several banks, have is very small amonntof speate in proportion to their extended business.. . In this respect the'several Banks—large °near— have been mentioned as having much, law specie than they should have. With loans to theeVentpf. $111,346,589, the movements of the Bank are closely, watched and scrutinized. 'the day , of, contraction is endeavored to be ascertained beforehand, if pos sible. The payments through the clearing hottee„to-any, agionnt to $19,1119 99 end batancea to 1,180,032'38. the balance in the Sub-Treasury this morning was $8,155,459 98 Gastonia receipts yesterday 87,497 10 Treasury do. ineludiag 859,000 from 140,547 28 • ' Treasury payments.... 133,885 94 Assay office do. ... 331 54 Paid on disimrsiugAdieeks 67,699 35 The weekly bank statement shows a further in erease of loans, accompanied, with, a large decrease of specie,. and a decrease is mama *Tooke. -We under stand, however, that.ho pantry hank balances have largely Increased, *tilt dui - city AgpoiAtgl4 ll3 re more largely decreased, The following , is the statement, as compared with the previous, weekly rutunt Loans. Bpede. Clrcularu.%polite: July 12...5110,Ka 494 ta 5 02 5 .121 July 28... 111,3484089 13 x 910,848 .927365A40 Increase.— $473,005 Decrease— $1,4 1 .E.,a 3 . SYST,OGN The shipments of gold hence to Europe, are likely to continu4and to an extent, beyond the amount coming -fit from Califtirititt and the' West. fix Cin- , cinnati, New Turk egotist* ls,'Ortflearn,Atisvit to. Piif; which Wady to increase the. hank deposits on western accounts. The banks are likOly to find their specie wilt downs little alLnext month, andiSeptem her will revolve with a brisker,. demand.for money, and a lighter accommodation. Thorp !behave finan cial araangements to make then,,ebonld be .yrise in time, that is beforehand, which is now, , The Stook Market la Philedelkhlkos TitesdaY t presented the sole lap:toping condition th at hai characterised it 'fiat a week' past, the Tancieli 'being almost hattrialy neglected, and but !title aatiilly be ing 'manifest -in the beat securities. Laterin the day, says the Philadelphia Tielelt, idespatches were received from New York, showing a decided sidi , anoe in the . Erie Stock, which gave some impulse to the market. The Thrum adds, "Mow long the improve ment will last, under the loss of specie. by the banks, and the almost certain continuance of tho drain upon our bullion, it would be hard to say; as stocks are eacrrfclie things, whoa the market G in the bands of a clique. The whole movement grows out of the Erie rise, which May; in a day or two, re cede. In such a state of affairs it is dangerous bu siness to speculate In stocks, and outsiders are gene_ rally viotimise L . do Snot look tor a tleneral or healthy rise 0.01 e t tlct kkta vial= weather Waver, and pot then for a permanent one. The movement is specie alarw all cautious dealers, and ea the, late. foreign news '}tows the contianattoe of the drain opon the Bank of England, our shipments will con tinue to be large. It is supposed that the Nittgara will take, to-morrow, about $BOO,OOO, and the' Per sia, a farorite steamer with the insufaneeconipanies, will take very nearly $2,000,000 on the 6th An, gust. Nearly two weeks wAll nlep . se berate another Califs pin ateaLiper will he due; acid so large adrain disturb the bank averages, andinduce a cuttaltmeet of the discount line, The detnand tor terruer_froin merchants will soon be huger than it now. is, and stook brokers will find call loans dearer and more difficult to obtain. Unless the Bank of England 404 further reduces her rate of intemot 4 i4P oaninidlook for large orders fig gill. 4%c,ni.ities t ma contraction tuna goon he the order of the day. In the mean while, any stook the will be but temporary." The Philadelphia Bafletin anew/noes that the Banks in that city have it in conteniplatlo.n to 4isoon tinue the receipts of tmovratit tiabds, and the plan has keen ccontnended. At Baltimore, on Tuesday, the Stock Market was steady and firm, with a fair anlouni-of business. The Cincitorti Opporer , city, ef „Tuesday, says : The Yfonej , Market' continues inlet and easy, and the supply of capital is in ezketas mi lb@ demand for „ businits st 3 . yery Attie first elassitapers offer ed in the'shitiets, where i6iti in demand at 8 to 'lit per cent. Thelianking 'Continue le draw on the Bust at-i premium, knd• tuf -New Arleats at 3 pram., wittionly a moderate demand, At 4oulaville Money market eontinues easy, with an improved dentemd .. and aluxndaut supply. Exchange firm, and demand equal to the supply. Laalii Wgsn,slTtl,7*TheArprbilig4ao Un ion thus remarks, and tootle MO warrants : ,_ Et CYJNO. 8 KLUB 9. 100 acre5...10,06 per acre ! so,9B . iier acre .80 acres—. 97 do' 99 do 120 acres... 98 do 95 d o 60 acres... 92 do 9-1 do 40 acres... 1,10 40 1,12 i do p ricio b ave advoced three cents per acre since our last report. It Is now confidently believed that the bill pendtgg before Congress to make land warrants receivable on realty - 00 !teetiuns of railroad grants, and at the public land sales, will become a law this season. This 'belief has catieed 'bidders to decline selling at present rates, ' and has given firmness to I the market, which makes the demand in excess of the supply, producing a donskinent Steady rise. Should the Market "%soh one dollar per acre‘—the Limit put upon large amounts lying in the market— the supply most he In excess of the demand. We advise all who have warrants to send them to mar- Act,ti) be suldMX the passage of the hill referred to, a s wFist.9cPitctikt,kriT.Mll be higher imtupdi atelYM.ktf,Pitrfliro 11.ri9d- A n iii e - tbi g.o f:th f ,htisiupssmr or„Atillulatelis Witte r aVititia:?iitiit take ifto. c;Oton !Veda 744alleliida t iiiitiOtiOie v ifipgifiliiite - grieiicy ' . iiikrcfeciAtieSitaffal tfiai Wait& IWAfi'oft, fittPa j n.blo. cure institutitlikritiltiviii itaiiii. B 4l4lPreelafikim from issuing notes the better tar that ootatiMitY• . 4 , 4 1 . 40 0.91".00, 4 0, , 1 1 e • , ' , • # ~"N ~kC ti. ;~` `' { "fit ry ~~. ~~ ' ,n s~ ! ~, n y =Y.. BF THE PITTSBURG/1 . 1d02,1412 1G POST. ME= One inaction Erre t gi l tua . . e.: a week. Two-weakeT.D...... . ..:4 al • .. T . r4 . ~ iont i..-..... Fedi. t00ntim.121.....L. Fivitinant -im.. . iti=l.77; 1:t, ono. ye - a - c. - ... .. 2 :- .. .7 81 ""ng 411r1X . iiii - IN , iew.. - -, ei taa, One sennre, PwAiroxii Marriage i}otial MIME= callfis-4.4.l", r , WE ,T VA)) lt t t itt i irr:4l 6 in ci anlit eA. Wititige,efAsidaeodsy i -says flimflam ..w.he,tuta ..j ust,re turned - by - railread;frents,lit., Lords, - informs , esibet InLinadYportitineef Indlansled aufferinese*tiefrieieilrenth. TreoB to belepecublaritYgthiii4S7aitW on that the,,earo.od. ' .gie4 , Mer iains..,44);titrregii ltu.in.tbeir4liktriblifion• She. traveler, thmegb the great cereal legions of the .Westpoften eopue en d_ --(leafy- upon .spots of a - few square aereiviebere th e lalthianceriir tiar'Vegetatlen, theAbitird and promutng ii..aidftlea of' the' cops JiidlOtieqiitit the land has been wateredby refresh 44; the 'whole autamar ;- while in contiguous regions the earth is parched- and dried, 14,,atii7aqt4il_ehily ea to give promise of beta meagre reward to-the labors of the m;. ; 14 ts' - . Our informant statea that in many sectien .„ •the corn , And iz imAtilinefernaith. re liflikflit yield ....cftheatktgo species of grainOe Ohio, ydiana and Illai* - silikamount to ataveYeiitikiTiltql, , ,,will be Atitertii=eattob as can be hopedLainefiA-- 4,4 4.I:IGUBT . 4.13 ff ...W We hare no sales to note, and, prkellAre alto, ,gather. nominal—The following. era,oar InsttAtiohnlons: Pmtrlaap.iBmla 3%; Pots 6%; 4 .BtualkAtakkok. - u t J.METSB, AND EGIIB,„We intrOW:4 beak( 1 4 Omani* onmestin. , Batter Ye 8119 to nomhan ll ,9A l 4 l2 c. V, lb, mitt,Eggattt : l3c.*don, the OnantitYq»4-0 se.c9N,7se saltx,:of Bonn/ have. MattPdeccensed; the . trfkusacgonafoodag up only 18,0001 M. amt.lt 'UMW. The Wasting are the ultra otoach 'day :4,7tursclny-4300 . shardderaand bams.l./@ll%,,tando-1008110. Pildroj-,- , 6080 DM shoulders and hamstriPleitind.ll34, 1000 . 11 et canvassed hams, atl24; 40003n5. alanddamatiln, and 3 tierces sugar cured hams at 14c,al1efirs cash; Aniarday... 4 00 0 Ins. ithouldersapd Inenalat.lll%@ll,34asashy, 8000 sides and hams at 11y, and 11%, caah;4*,lhec , Jihottldera, sidesturd name es 11 and 12,140;6 44 1 Me1l illikOured ba rns at 14 cent,. itor.day...Salas $3OO ahtallderozahles and Mons at 11 cents, 12 and 12c eats;: 16,000 Ms beim at 11%;" 3000 tbs. canvassed hams at 12 , A; and. 2000 Ihs. sugarcured hams ai 14% route. Teeeirty —Sales 10,000' lba shoulders end sides at 104411 and 12c., cash and sizkyclays; 3300 tbs. canvassed hams at 12c.; end 8 tierces sanas.nared hams at 14c. BULK IdEAT...Sales 26,000 iba. abauldara fatZiefloo days OIISESE:.-Thore is a fair demand, astEthaimpplyla about equal mit. .We-note sales of.l76.boxes Western Reserve at 9@O c. some at the latter Uwe was a very chalea. article. CE3lBNy.....Stdo 100 bble. delivered at VOA. bbl. , DBIED*UM....IVe:have nci. sales to note. Apples we quote nomthially at VI Truchas are scarce, and would sell at 15.2 =1;11,4.1 iti ' ' . ,4 .. i a.ri ..—.a es 8,000 c o mmon ma extra Bolivar at ~ v..: uti $4O. ,41'°,621::"Z' BE -CLAY... Sairl W tons at $l2 it totaleil:W.,a '-Alitillll....The sake foot up 809 bbls., ti.i 4 fiftliithif Taves -14144-4.15Vi1e. ittlf)ii r elli'''filitil ef6ii;ittiB,2b;"elAbla extra, from n7tlvit,tl $0F2 . *;.84„, by!, extra, from More, at KO @AI'S; 34 bbbs, family, from ; store, at $l. Rridoy--14 bbls. annalline; Boni wharf, at $.3; 160 bbia. extra, from wharf - turd depot; at" $0,501 36' bbb. extra:ll'6l44ot, at $6,62%; 30 bbla. extra, from gale, a SO,IB4'AW-bbla. superfine and ; extra, 1,4_ .46, 23 .,,n 1 U 1 f50,7c....- SaitlaY -438 ' bbla. extra, from_ store, at.s6;l6 and 60 tibia. supirtut and extra,' from are, at 0,1560,43: - i6,idaii--7:164w3. extra from wharf at $8,40; 129 Mb' iiirii t r iaM'alkail. $6,15 ; .21 tads. mxtra Ilfotify firma MoMmt-$7,261§57',/50; 12 bbb Ptirriluelt o M..dO• , 41:551 5 . , ,07k44 2 4Ve.. - .loo.4 4 4skititiPereno f"'' ",r 456 ' 4 10.4__ 148 4V 4, 44 P 411 # 9 °M l fi mtand wagon eit:so,7%;'l) , t... superune (min store at. $t1,28; 82 bbleemilli froMstor; etW734; 20 libli extra from stora'at so,62l6;,9olMls.idttra &amatory at SEA; 35 blda 9qq4 Pr In V I VPPIAIWI. 3 . at 8 7 25; 80 bfilikeXtSer.fixtat Mon at, $6,3216; 83 bids supardne and extra from wharf at $13,37%. - BYE 'FLOUR...Sqe J 2 bids. from store at $3,373.6 ii bbl iilighl.../ileMilleiitejaillutitoMit calla -- "IT ' e note vAlt : 11, 800.1ttuda.0*, to arrive , and , from stma, 14211 and 28e. Sib til inialt ‘ . ift;e, rim osnitVai 43c. Barley; sake 300 hul, &tau depot'. ar-ttec.' - iVitetit i W CAr orisilules of either old or pew; we quota skoptruq fitt r pfi6(gll46 74 • J lllO/1111113..?fliere lit no dotage in quotations of Sugar - and Slobiniev.the 'formai -la: sellitist to tefalVarteeituntry 'trada, at 93' Oa, the 140, and,lll@lol4o f . ity,the.bbl. MU the bitterat 5.5468e:0"gain Willi ba A wile Of 100 ptietasoniatihittltfituntrAribinederttOPAd.*-%11124, da l L C O r ''' e A.-, )I*.' for P i° '..' )4P ' e .s ' °z so. A ki." - 614 :ELIA43..,Sales greezt.taltect-ats.mrdo. otiy , trallo BD Bc. 40,46 at 17c. /14 1 / 2 6 ...8a1es from the scales ere . doll; toazla at from Si to $l4. There is but Little coming in. • LARD...We lase heard of ao sated .worthy • ot„,,SOAO; we therein% quote riombiatitll.34ol . 2c. for No. I. UNTAIS...SaIea.of , 1111,Lead at 1401,Bar.LISWSIOt Shot $2,12' sack; Sheet goßpt,F . .p.ig,ur.4.Bruss 29€kack4 Shoot Tin, I. $1.1,23 ead I. X. $13,25. ' ;01L.9:..131t1e.i2T teak: ituB; l 4d 0 bbls.. LAO. N O : 2 . at Pet, uyie, liknoßkiw4Atl4fglAs , t . .4. PIO iI.NTAL.-We hire no transactions to note. There It. no Otaingnin the marlsetialifith It : very nniet. 151tHOS...9alatof Wiesseml SALT...Regular sales are malting at, sl,gli for-40, 1 anti $1,75 for 4itra. ' '- ,TALLOW—BaIm. were mode at 10c., wh,lch.is Atli-fig:rove ment ma former tette& 4111810"...5a1es 150 bble. rtctined at 26(4137c. WOOL...We hare no transaction to note. • The tmotatisn are 3.3415 for common to fall bleed, atui454550.„f0r choice. Allegheny Lle:k Stook l!lnrhe,tt BEEVES...The antrket %cal fully supplied, and consider able of die stock offered •was thiu and of a poor qualily. Abont.AgOlfiladdtt-the: yards; iivivEraci ttaleewere Towle to betclunsi of .good . eagle within the utrige of aX44,34 for goud Medi= to choice. Setae extra choice were heat 43i @i434, but we could hear of no sales at these flguyes.. .lafe ride dowt SLUMP_ V 1•501 400 to 500 head offered; sates to ha chore at , . ...4 3 1‘../4' , 4 'Weight, and at $2,50@13 headtfoegOod tq _ t FOR SALE'.---: - A very desirable inuittry • Ittishlence, containing 63 Acres, beatitiMir dittitip.d 03 I t Rim, and adjoining the town of. Heaver—well ini. 'proved, with i good donne Maud and other butidingv— Gavin,. shrubbery, 4e. 'moos woo D -4 ,143 76 Roar& street. , . .. . RS. .S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S .S-AIR I l i_ - RE9TOTtER.. I -in unfailing restorer and proserred' otptethair end Right. It isnot a dyel The hair end 'whit ken howev,e r grny, are remixed to end preserved in their original , lth °otos) By Its use. wigs, spectre.* and 'say .ttaik's, wilOtooA 'mom extinct. Thd,liestpter ;Ili illikith Chbtilidialiamniii; not o n ly Ctiamiea di e hair, but inclines it, t. surti.gleing lt soniftv glossy and natural dpsrance. The ltestorer will strength= and, preserve 00 s t.,,andi rentotikand 'prevent- ithestliewi i ' triialfactid, genie' ididrud, scald-head; or en eruption of ~the akin, anti ; tiAl.littinniura perspiration:lS of the It Is ii*CsirEaiticute for =tint iP•tholicadli ~,. ,-,,-2 ... r.! :., ~ s.2i. tialiA bi .iOd,frWIDIG, Arno*, airitt: ' ' cor. of the'Dfel tindliackarst. ____ _ MILL AND CROSS-CUT:SAW In. Grass and Corn Scythe; ;.• '• ' ,Bellows and Vices; _ Pump Obnin ainrkixtnres; ' ' Hay and Dianura Rena._ Tniketimr,erttitalnuo• and extensive assoitiaent of Efardwaie,Just meshed and for .Ante low, et - Na. 88 Woodntrent, baNtreelattattiond and Fourth street, PittsburghL , TT NFURL THE GLORIOUS HON V /IPatriotic Siang; ecorda{b ~ { . E:-3 Mlel4 Written on the cmasion of a presentation V{ _ 9 stau4, o foreyllY:thg` Dinplostie Gremto tiro Chteago tight Gnat& Vine corn posed and, respectfully dedicatod to (*ph JObtell.Wynitui,by, Henry Bieber: ' Price 26 cents. The aboso iYI - No, 6s'iter" _ MONEY can be hid foi Th -i e tistd.s of City buelneee men, baving,fivinlonnte eiliodliettetuut Enquire Of - TH0114,131V1;t0D4 . , 13 , 1 CounnorekiNlioker;tSliintliftt, 1V - AND 8.. DINUiI.ENT-201Aedof-At ../.1 , fen's on hand and for sale by 7^:' P2l YLEMINO 4C -4, •:'." VLOUR . SDLPHYR-1500 Ibriirt - liiiid AL: and foredo by . 07 7 1 , Hillthl/41314"4 MONS —.50 boxes to arrive and foreale by AVOIMOSr• 0. 2 Mi.`:#104041,61e- PA .011-100 has. Rochester 1 ) 4111# 19reale , [jel4J 11E.NAY 17.,(X1L0W: TURPENTINE--20. barteia4gr. k. 7 sale bl Inki22 I J. $CIIOOJlb1A1;Eli DOZ. FRESH STRAWI3E.RRIES, Dottiest 6 do. do. do., to duo,. Jost received and far d° . HAMER .4 4,NDERSICkeigi No. 39:W00d st., opposite St. Charles Hotel, ACON-2000 lbs. Silos and Shotild&-s lj.for sale by DENNY R. col aNit 4 E H.RI NG- 71 160 boxes No. I just reesfolied JUIL laud for sale by NEY&IIIII. & ANDRILSON, N. ftli Wood street. - FISHING T.A.CK'LF...---11'you intend going to theliMantant atretons to pass 'Chabot weather, tan io, before leasing, and examine our stock of Fishing Tackle. tt is follland altaidetd; ItOWN & TETLEY, je,s) , 1.313 Wood moot . - (1 - LIAMPAOSF. -OW ET WINES. V. 115 bAslei.likAidek's" 4ts.ii6dlies.chaliquwne l 5 tip. .4%rratitye4lpn che iargattsmPagne Rine,-from - 164a rd n1VX1742161.4411 . ' o,4Thiliptiorte &ID sa lB=VaiiritstVAWAti: l Jalei. etirsieltut., lit:•;,lol.4eir t ficieLinnettCtims Jaat *doe Mr 4 Win . rate re. • I:J2r , • Bufixdr. & RICK.EIc3I3N, Jr 7 No& 721 and = Libert,e street. ._ _,,:..>:;. v..K. > _.~ti-air KcL ~'Z s~ 'Ci~y 4 - MWM --- MENEM •• • • ti non TWA; 0-----"rea a '• , 900 10tO I'l 00 I"2q -1410 - . 247 #6:Pr usive u thepaper,)— ~t 1 4r4P.OtiPel, TuriD.l; Ju
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers