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'4 ...r . . - ,J•Ni r. .a? - 1 44. .. -- ' 7-.. 1'.i.J 1 .!' ., ..1!" - I , Af •.-Z,. 7'7641414.0 . ~.>''' •., ; . • .. . , ~,- .., , 7. - 41 . ... , ~ i.. . ..,•,.- 1" _.14t., J'. • ...- •, 4 ~,, .1 . 1: , .... : .c: f " NAVN - .,,,,,,t ' • . , ,„_. .4,„,,,,, , k,,,r..e,,,.... : ', , . f .'' . 5„14, „ s '''li....-- , 4 ; ~ , - dt.t . .P. , : 0. - - -- .: .. , NTZ.:I .. Rey ,v, f •-• ~, ..„ , ~.., 1 T.... , :i 0 .7:: fi . •,,-:rici, _M!!a 'iaede43l . (austic - 4 17 =cei , fido 111 tai,A,Lototut dt AccibiTctomErix, ON SUE 110lL211-1478/ 00IINI8 OP WOOD AND STREETS. - 11031113.—Five Dollama year, payable suirtir in "rnnc'• MI Dollars invariably reOnirod if not. paid ;ruble the year. ifir Single copies, Two Otars—far sale h t the counter in the Office, and by tbe Newelloys ' THE SATURDAY MORNING POST Published Prom the same omce, on a large blanket sir. obect,r DOIX- 4 RS a year, in advance. Single copies, FM Ciri: Me paper will be discontinued, (unless at the discre tion of the Proprietors,) until all arrearagea are Psi& Aiir No attention will be paid to any order union bacon pealed by the money, or satiskictory reference in thin 4ty. 114- o,nnocted with the Fkitablishment of the Morning Poet is one of the largest JOB PILINTINO oFFicEs in the city, where all kinds o( work is done on the shortest notice, and tnoet reasonable tame PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTOILNILY AT LAW P 127514.11011, PUMA air °Bice in BAK EWKI.L'S 131.711JM S, ()rant tltreot, (nearly opposite the Court I lorw.) febElly CHARLES W. WINCIARD, ATTORNEY• AT LAW. EU EN F , ll URtl. CAMUIZIA COUNTY, PVCN.f. ItirAlso prattler. lu Iluutiagdun, Blair, Clearfield owl In diana counties. fel,l2:ly. ftbifgßTC. G. SPROUL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, oiract, Fourth etr,et, burgh. docll.ly TAMES A. LOW RI E, Attorney at Law, offic. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Mahan Stott Wield and Cherry alley. der_ll:ly JO.LIN - BATII.TON, -- Attorney --- and Counsellor at Law, office corner of Mirth and 1 rout streets, l'ltta bargh. je.3.ly _ _ 49LASS P. ROSS, Attorney at ljaw,NJ.l.o9 Potrth alrv•t, l'ittxburgh. 1, ur,s d , ,,r 1.K.1,w Mr. }Ldy Patterson 's Lfv..ry SLAW. Jot. DATRY2K M'K ENNA, Alderman of Third Word, alit, corn., yr ot and Fifth streem, (formerly occupied by Al lerumn I.,wts,/ where Ftll business pertaining to the of ioo of Al 1, rmsu an.l Justice of the Peace will be promptly attomit...l to. tobl:3lst HA IIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to 0. W. 161,11, No. 144 Smithfield ntroet. livurs from S to I o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. feblfi:ly SCOTT Dentist, Fourth street; t ive - doors s west of Market. tar Clahm bourn from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. doc2ol BUSINESS CARDS T 0 liN MOO it II E AD, IN' holesale Gruver and Couunildioll Morel:mut, h,r the .le of PIG NI ETA 1. and BLOOMS, and PRODUCE genorahy. No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ate2.l . _ irausx KILL... 1:11.0....1. .11. tuccrrsax, l'itteLorgh. MILLER & RICK ETSON. Wholesale G....-o -rnr.. Importer/I of BEA:St./IE4, WISES and SEG Allll, No. 172 °did 171, corner ~1 Irwin and Ltl..rty mr,otx, I i Its burgh. Ir.n, Nails, G.,itg,, Yana. Ac, c.,,c.antly on Laud. ir2o I=l T.DWAFLI, 171,•Ni • • - CURLING, ROBERTSON & l U., :`,lanu factarrrn of Cut. Prensed and Plain Flint warehouse No. 17 Wood ntr,n-. curlier ~f Frollt. I . lll.4o.tlrgit. /ar All other kin in el Glam.:an and Wind...A at low Market price. 2t1:11,11y JAVZS C. JuJrl,l J. runt,. . _ T EDLI E 5c U LAM, Sueoessors to Mulvany At manufacturers of Cut, 31,01.1 auil /lint and Pitney (A.lcirisl GLASSWA.ItE, and deals-rs in all Linde i.f Wlnitow Glass, Flasks, Vials and Ranee. 11are house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mhldl y 111M.SEN, Manufacturer of eviiry variety 0 . VIAL., lI , )TTI.F.S and Vt INI , OW 01,..113,8; black Port,r, Wine and Claret Kitties: DentiJohne and Carboys; also, Flint Glass to every variety. 1k arell.nse N 05.10 4 Second awl 1:1,3 First street, lit mk2S FR. DR AVO. Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer . in C,OUNTIIV PRODUCE, oilers for rale a stock of GROCETtIES, indected for family use. Spices every variety and the purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills. Alt., Dried Fruits. Foreign and Donn•stic Produce taken In nit hang, fur merchandise. I.E. D. has Iwocur"l a fall ass,rtutent of Lau , reth's war ranted GARDEN .SILF.D.i, and invites the attention of all in terested in rural affair, CONINIFSSION IiOUSE.—The subscribers bate openeti a lieu", for the above puriatme, at So. 17 Smithfield strr•rt, four doors above the Ni0n0,,,,,h,1a Ii aver. W. will parchame...r receive on COIL 3.1 . 11. i• tier tie. ott• eignmente 11.1 CON. CORN, OATS, BARLEY. FLAX SHED. SEED. 1111.1.:11 II AY. Bc. upon which we will make .dvAnc..., pure 1... at tiv .‘ , 4( market rate; for cash. 1. , :r.0 A Co. W. B. ENtil..lsll. I ItICLIARII4II:mt J I. _t- , .NET, TINGLItiII & RICII.IRDSON, F..rwardin , _La nail C0mm.•.7.) 11,. I..ant.t and a 11••1,...11: •kai• r. 14 FISII. UAL `._l!‘• atoi Oltar PIL•11, 1 . Cl. g•• 4../ ail, . War,. hcm9, former ip •coLpied I•y PaLrl.• • Ig•• •t. 14.:1ir.141. N • 110 Water and I,U First .trta-I. Pit tal•ttrtjl. 1••343 . __ -•• ATV,' ELL, LEE ,t 11 . 11 , .!e , a! , (;rw0'r , .. Prodnice and M., I:ft:lt.. And Li.Ntiern iei PittablirKh ‘1:111:11. 11•Ntor and YrAut ;11. JuliN W. BUTI.E.I: & (.().. an .1 r.a1:4n.1. BURGH m.tsrF \(.1.1•1:r= LEAD, No. 67 Front strret. IL I . ( /1.L.,1 F.nvanliny., and Comtnisnion Merdinnt, and air'• ink VLSI!. CEOCKSP., CUTTEK. SEEDS and I'it)IAJCP: gun. ranya, 26 Wood gtre,t. I'o talan . :ll nntre, WILLIA\I eAllit & 1_.1.1., (NV illiarn Carr, 1.,t,. .a . Li. , tl , ni , If .1 1 , 0., rlc C.J. j ,11”1,...1.. ti 1.. , GliiiS and dval...rs 11l F...1,.ru WI N 1 , ...-_ , a r...i P. t, \'. I,! K. , . tli.l ktonorrgahr•la and 1,.. t ,:1 .I \ VIII, k 1 . , N .!,..:4 C. annt. I. ,a 1 Bow, Lit., , ) street. I.tt nrOury,ll. la , y _ _ JOSEI S II ELENIING, t., L. Wil e.. 1 ..1 • • • ; 1,,k koopd ...gust-Inn ,. 0,, hand : . NI EL NIF:DfCINE L., d/.dl, and all hrt, else rwriddolnd Li.. I at candtdly ,dinv•uudrd nt ai hours. JOHN ri.OMINo . ..,11: TILE :VIM.; :,,uccese,ors to J. Md.! .4 . Di:U./W: 4 l'e. No. NJ •Lr,..:, Pattshkrgh. 17,tpriPtors of Ur r , •l..brato.l flip, I.l*r Pll.l, .f.c. fall) Tsueve,, , r ti 11. Life, . WO iL DEAI.Ett anti C , MMlooloN NIERCILANT, No. 13 , 1..1,r1) M-01 ,0,.k A. 8..... ii rnm,rk Itahm, Slam iLy. 11..r.3. A Ei.okpatrl. k. IW. (11.‘1)NN lc K., di...i.ior in Kentucky . Loaf TOB 1 CCO, RAU:, nini PAPER, No. 14! 11 ojd it. 3 ,01 . 1,10 w Sla . ,!! l'it:-!!!nrni! !nl'l2.!nll . Ike. The Il4lnot nntrkot pro e, in 4,41, p.. 1 for 8.14.. m. WA.LIVIP. 1141,11 AL- .. JuBl.l/1 6. 114;1ita. WP. MARSHA & 1 inp,rtars and thiniera in French anti American PAIR HANG ING:I, No. hi Wain! !dein . % Pittsburgh. agent for the ,I•ilirat,l niAgurartuieti anre Detiwurt Ca, Pa ang7 BT. C. and twat,. the , ( 1.11..:11.1 it NM. 111 ~ 1 School, >..C. lia1:11.1 , 144 4,1 I:lank Pttuttn. , Cap Pater, ,4••,, u to mitt rrt.tii. N. 10-i stl. below Faith Fl'iu; t..rd,lllgh. Alap - WAN fED-1'..c,..:r and 'l'atner,' 11 JOll N 11. MEI.LUL, VS lio of tle 101 , 1 liei:J dealer in SiltglCA!. NIENTS. 11.1 \ 1000K.ii and gTATIt iNER .1 d Pittsburgh. 141.1 PHILIP lit6T,l 1:k IV, LICHT J , alaON R EY:IIER A: ANDERSON, (sueeessnrs Gl A Cu.. who!, dealers iti 1:01t RHIN YKUITS. NUTS, sI'ICES. CoNFECrIUNAKY, No. 39 Wool are. t. • pp.isite the rit. Charles Hotel, Pitts btu-1;h. opt A TINDLE, Wholesale and Retail SA A DI.K. lIARNE.S6, TRUNK, VALISE and CARI'ET BAti lit Lik , AIai:KER., No. 104 IVood street, Pittsburgh. Jrahy NTE RPRI SE WORKS, NO. 136 Ruud street, third der 'bet. w Vii ea alley —lto \V N A T ET. LNY world cwt! the art ten ?p..rtauC men to their large easortment of 0 UN:2, RIFLES aml the largatst and best neleete.ll,l.,cl, ever open .;l iii this mar ket, toe.r.ther with a zerieral as..ortment of I lartiware, Cutle ry, Tools awl FislEit,r, Tackle. all L.I NII wit we uller at the lowest possible prices to cash purehattets, or for good al. proved paper. mitt 15 Noicril_wysTEßN poLief: AuENcy, No 11l Washington strtv.4, corner of Dearl,irn, CAOO, ILLINOIS. LI.LeN etnazirroa D. D. ROM; EP.£5. PINFCEItTON A CO. devote their entire attenthai to the transaction of a general detective POLICE the State.' of Illinois, IViaconsin, Slishigan and Mhl9:dtf STOVES.—To. 124 Wood street, above Filth.—We beg leave to call the Trado to our stock of Stoves, Hollow Ware and t.,`astinge in general. Having perfect ed every thing in our line, we can safely nay that we cannot be eurpassed n finish, fitting. and smoothness, by any in the trade. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call Iw rore buying elsewhere. fel4 GRAFF, AEI/OnER, & GRAFF. riIIIONIAS OLIVER, SADDLE, IlexsEss AND TRUNK MAN UF ACITREIt, No. 4 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. M. lam Clothing, 'Whips, Spurs. &e. oct6 WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JOHN M. ItOdERTS is now selling off his large and choice stock of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods at a very small advance on tint cost, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of an entire new stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GREAT BARG AINS should call early, lAA It Is. his determination to close out his present stock with out regard to fbrmer prices. Don't forget the place--ROBERTS.', 16 NTFTFI street, near Market. f..LG MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTLIA.I , k BRO., Fifth street, opposite Me- BOWS, iIATO a large stock of Men and !toys' CLOTHING on band, comprising some entirely now and elegant styled, which they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large and foshionablestock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. decl3:dly n. IaZFC6W IrtAALTIN L ATIMLAS oror.OE ALIaRT. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY-BIG SLOW & CO., successors to E. M. Bigelow, No. 4f, Dia mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh—CAßßlAGE?, 00ACIIES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, and every description of FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finished in a manner uusurpassal for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of worklututabip and durability of materials. *it_ All work ranted.vrar friovn TIN'rERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood 12.4 at., third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large a.. sortmeut of (PUNS', RIFLES and kt. - voLVING the largest and best selected stock ever opened in this mar ket, together with a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISIHNO TACKLE, all of which we offer at the kr. , AL prlc., to cooth purchasers, or for good approved paper. marl S JOHN H. IHONG THOS. h. 70000 THUNCIS L onto B: YOUNG & CO., No. 313 Smithfield street, opposite City Hotel, manufactureer of CA i • NET FUELNITTURE and CHAIRS, of ovary description. Wrists and workmanship werrantail. and sold A ;nine ,i prices. Care. taken in parking for land and water ea 104331. I=ZZ 10ittitliirti Pai)iiiiiitt. PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & 'IONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINCK" CORNER• OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER :NNUM VOLUME XIV BUSINESS CARDS Nolthor with my eye nor my faith will I trifle." • *Wig: • IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH BAD SlGHT.—Persons suffering from Bad Sight, arising from impaired vnoou, constitutional decay. ohl age, or other °nukes, would do well to cull upon Dr. G. SIIAW, PRACTICAL nPTICI AN, NI here they may rely upon getting Spectacles uutl , ,kl y adapted to the JUST WANTS OF THE EVE. Address, 2,t; Ylfth str,et, opposite A. A. Mas.m's, Pit!ql.orgh. S.—Teiescopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, And every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired ou the peemine.,. 4.E - Masses inserted In c , ld Frames. ISFss Any art2ele 11 , 4 appr..ved ut, exchanged free of ex pause. decT:ly NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE FAC- T.)1i1".-.J:qINSTISN. 111.111 I'i owner at I.l'beCC:l :111.1 Belmont street,. Alletilieny City. Ai .11,111 f ally inform their friends Find the public generally, that they bare COUllll,l,fi the mann et CARRIAGES, BA• I:OUCHES. AWAYS, PI taill•:S. SLEIGHS and CHA RIOTS, in all r variam, ef lintsll and prop.rtion. Wl_ All ~rde, he exe, itted w ith strict regard to dura bility mid homily liepairi , will al., be attended to ou the must rea.....nailde terms. Using In all their work the Eastei a Shaft. l'eles. and Wheel me ff •h-y feel eonfl. dent that all Nil,. tar, them with their pa:twinge, will be rertectly satished on is I h-.lr 5100 T k .•„ Puri baser:,Are t -bested to glii no a IN•fore pure ch.,wag elsewhere. ecitkly A & CO. have ~n hand, at thcir extetioivc CAHINI.I . and CHM It 31.ANUFAC , 'lt m 1 . tr. ~, I nitlatield street. In urge as,ortniont Fan:y no I I . IIIILI furniture, which y AI 11 15 1, nut I:, et than customary rates, Teruo, cash only. ells ARLES BARNETT, lIltR F. SIMER AND at.AcKsmlTti. Ln. et,t.l ¢ new and .Jzinraalious ::1101 , on VI Il 1:1' ALLEY, b t actin Third and Fourth n. t•. win re lia pr,.ared to d all his line with p".utipt,t u:l , . Hating had lung ~ xperience In the I ',int.., ht ',spec:fully solicits the pill,ll/.g•• of his old the public genorally. ftt2l JA ME6 )lItLLINIiEIt, Mononphela 111"1 . 4 Mill, would respectfully itaku - ni hen (tends and the the • g oinlic that hni u. w eatablision.tit is now in full : , peril and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and tili ts f .r PLAN hal LUMBER., with promptness, and at ,Nrcl 1:..ar.1 and Plank, planod on one or both sides, conetantl) on hand. Doors not Mouldings, of every description, wade to r end CArpentere would 1111 , 1 it to their advan aa, ‘ ail ue he c.o. now fartlieli theta with :a ril.ldbi.• of nark. • LIuLTON CAI: NVORKS, FOUNDRY AND 31.tt HI NE IP, strnnbr, Y. Unto—The •111!.'ribor tut. , •-... Into In. Lew rta,r.t t y orotiod. r ,, rras I V• 11.1,r, NI It• and rllwidy strt...t.S. a i.reitartt.l to Con tral for allk! all tor l'amugor. Flagg - mg, P Yrtotzlltt Platform, Gravol, Hand and all ot hor rxIA ions of l'A It Also, for I . :TRANI ENGINE,- I all nisrA, GEARING. RAIL. ItGA l'Az-'1 I NUS of ad d , orrlpttons. and all other work t, .tuldry a n d Mr.,131r, ;hop. Ch. F.. 1.11,11 of thy !htlertml I•artoo•mA are allanl ion, ti, ai :loll—rwmtl) front Marttorit man ufact.lra,-- . hyyp tlommttly. Informe.i and stiopt alt tr,dtt,ad, mod ,r Itilitr•oottitolt, ! W. NV 110111 COAL COMPANY having re ,•t•ttlly met in tramportnatr coal to t_,incm. o, dtAttrt.tl tlo. Matta tat tutors lu.o rnu.a C•an o,,aw ,1 I lolllt•liMia, take plen.l, to stating that Liar. a , •r" , • punt pals itatJUSI , I .1, N., ton J0n.... Agyttl >xt.l eltlllll.llY. L. ifUrII\ELI., Agent of 1.101.. Coal Ct•ttiptuy, Utmlound. Pit Rdmr.;ll. :17, I N',W). EVOLVEKS! /LEVU'S ER'S 1!----Just re -O.IONI. l.y XIP,III, thrtit fl,lll Ills m.wuia, tun•rs, a •Mmulrl wt....di- ...Ri k ': ,:•xit • .1 etts_f • IIEPIXAT I NG I I,to atyl .x Ito h Patrols, all ttf t. „•It we wall bell for Stall at ow loxt • the) ran 1.; nought in th.• city dk, P. Au.;,,,;. and Gailldr Ilia M L:111;1.: that lb, ..1 I 1 , ) i;wl.lotnitig their retti.iiitize at lame. than H. --n-q gic et.... a than. , t. ti Al• Lair•Prt.i....ol4g the tot. .ttel to ca_ al•ttitite at ,:lltad the triune,. . TETLEY, 1 011.1 * Ti.F.Ii.* 061 , EN s C... I i.tt.tlerS, 1,7 F•r-t t.ift7ll 1111.1t13 1, IN t.t. 11.1. i :t /1% . ‘IAIL:R. nll.l P•AiITEiL, c. .I. L. .I/ • (am l•ro. I I • th, • t • 11. AL}:.ll I.t. • • an n. : v- ..t. • : : 0001 it falt“lion Ito NA, ,rl.l et:t•ls 671 tiet: J VIE A , . • •ZT i.. Coml.. anti FA?, y y 11..crnitz•.. •r/1., II I. , ocorat,l nti•l kith • S W 1 L ER, tied livta ItAng..• T.n. It. n ..1 )1:•. a.:,•1 1:on, \Vitt: . id 1.n.t,141,/ llnte.l.. W 11 ITE, VENETIAN ILIND MA.NeFACTI. ILK. Lu , mn r r d 1 0. 10,11 Lt ti w 1. , rveu me IL, .1 1 A nd Inn, opened L., MANI/ NI A NV rAcT. , I, Y. n ,tree'. to.ar Int. li.-.-I '1..1.••rx. fie 11,, , All ••.1 • asof fa, /..11 ,111. AO Mt 1 AIN,' Ord, la 1,. IlLev. 04 11, 1.."61. : nt• H. work v.:Jo - 1a:4..1 to ,•: 10. ory 1 11:.•. , i• lotn I.t , 1.• r-at wra t, I) F. SIIOP F., Mc rH ANT . 1 . 1.13 rd _). 1,,.“1. I. 1:1;:i 1... t•r Inatrttotan.. titllnm 1-11.. - Is .. 5. —.l.l.lltuntir. /MM. he 15 titan ...ner It, Int :5,1. 1.1. tritqt.l. and 1(11 CRITIIo • IitA 5511101 41151 111,55' eta., nn.t.tef.n.'ll.tn • I:. •.t1 it rt.....t1:11 .. ..1 Up. lat. ('. 1 .5.51 i lat:u ni Inn), t., nrder on the .I.,:rte,.t npou rrito...ha' furl lix. p .1 ;Own) r.tarr.,l , :•l 1; , 10 tf 1 \ATUuI I II'ELt.'S ,u. }: V o lt S AN to .1. l).l.inllT • ni 1,1 ei,:tultret • a:. : . ~4 41 4.1) It 1.4,1 in y • 1. it 1i) 111 , 1. comp., t, eatder opelltleth MA 1.111/rt• (WWII) •ir xing, 1•1111 1 ,1 111111,51 a NS. .1.1.• proprietors rely upoti the intrinsic nsotas el the tt:. nip Mt d• g. n• I 1, •• 1 1 11.11. 1,11! 4 eontolent that its i , eaprions nod supetanity conthineii. . ver all others, ,111 _ v.. ji ~ tavorti e introdu. Goo • uI. vere ) . : •,,t, let, of ells_ trot) tte ales. i ,•r', r., receised i.e any itnele , r pattern, Jima the dies elect LI-In. , I. of the best material and tot orkinmethip. NitisES F. EAT , IN. Agent. ; N.. 1..! I - o•t sleet. P:todott.: • ra. )1 -- I , r I r . \ 'r , 'A ANTE! , 1111111 , 11.,1)•11 1•• • .111 m... for the 41k. I. I-. ,honi A liberal , .4111106.1(W Wll . l lw pad. l'APttitrEas (tv t Eft T 1 E I C Al E . GIIINDIEs, GIN, WINEs, iic. , ~., ~ : , —,: ty that Nl , sEs It. EATtiN, of Pdtratitrgh. I',iok appooded sole .12. e tit tot the sale of - Ilelt • DEALERS IN I. ,t timid stamp • tor tl, , sts:e ei 1 . 1•1111,11)alata, 1, ~ p t 1. , i ne 01.;t Monoutgalxela btye VI . li Ink yt 1 . 11)•• City ot Plohnielphet. t awl oho, for the Cot Jetotten...l of PEA.O 1.1 _‘N 1..) A I'l' L E BRA ND Y ; A. , ~ 1.0, . .i,,,•n:111, t , 1 1, Mahmong, Columbiana and rsou7 • o .1/0 'We 01 ,hi,,. Al..',': I . ataNY.llll HAM) STASI!' C••111 • ANI , BOSTON. 11.,11 1 .. it ECTIFIEIRS .47i D DISTILLERS. P. ) ch., A k; ,.,,t, W. WILLARD. C . ..)11.NER flit t , lt tilt ei El.! , AND FROST .;Titt) Nis. Dot•lot:gh, Nloy I A, Ih:,, kulylrd . - 0 1 ...T..1.. ii S ROVE FEM A LESEMI N A 111-'. A 1) VI D CAMPI3 E 1,1., & S P 1 .: 1 1; 1' s l i t ' .1 N R : ( 1 ; .. 11 . 1 1 :l A ) 1,- r. T_..l Th.. Tru-dtes of Locust tiro,. Episcopal Seminary of have asistalattst t,g-ther under the style ..I t AI F BELL Ac PGLIA WE ' , Mr the tea l ot a •cett e ral , WILLIAN: 11. CI. kllE n, having Levu compelled by protracted N Artetv and Dry t.'ossin bustiess, and au - m.tiothe t ,,e of • tli lie tith, to resign hie I Itarge as Rector of the saute, they plain owl Wovvtl Litte Gilt 11louldinirs. 101,1 U . 6 vs. Loco so fortunate ns to secure the valuable servkits of -- t ti , Cie Res Gretior T. I:ntra. of New York. for the sanie iiitalt \VA'I'CLIES AND J ESV ELI ', \ . -- J t , II - \ ' , .„ ,„d „,..1 , , k ~„,,,,..., ~„,., upon ~,, discharge 01 1114 au- M. lit 'BEATS, So. 16 Fl MI . reet, ,t now -1. 'orig. I lino. From the very high and flattering commendations i ,u au entire NNW Fr , d_i of Gold tad to,. I Patent 1.. ter. ,hich they have hail df Mr. limes., they have no doubt of his .Neete•t. le•pine and Verneal WATCHES, in open on.l loot , eo ton, t fitness for the work committed to him, and that to., , at.s, of the nest celebroted English an a Salto' " k t t " " they Ittlieve that under Ids trutongenient the Seminary can t e tt,e. Also, Gold Guard Pest mid Yoh Chain-. ,als, not fail to procure A large share of priblic foyer and support. K. rs. , Nliniaturt. Cases, Brocelet, Geld Pens an.d Cases , P ' ' " I Persons having ihinglit ,t rs or wards to edumte are partly. , ot. 'toothy. kg, lota.) illaill •••••..: a t,l Seal F. n ger R ln iV; uhrly desired Ito acquaint themselves xRh the advantages I •'l5l pits, Eor.ltiugs, Cud Pins. Studs, Sleeve . hoot'''. 6. ' 1" to hob this institution affords, both its respects its beautiful n silver Sp.tittte les. )1 , 11V ), .11 11 Plated Sp...ms., Knives and, , 11, a halfl salubrins position. two and half miles from the city; .l , s. Jet, Goad and For n ey iloods. Al.ll, a sir go tt " "ek `'l 1 and also the facilities for the thorough and refined education t I.' best BRASS CLuCE e nt all prices.l prosented in its efficient corps of instructonx The above stock hos purchasedeen purcosed direct from the East; l.lit colors ma y ho obtained on application to the Rector, or ,in manufactories. 111111 selected with great care for I h'' retail e;ther of the Trustees. I roar, and will be sold at a smith advance on cost. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaint: Gilding a , " I E. " I - erasing executed in the best manner, awl Silver Wa. , ""` I Josetry mode to order. JOHN M. 11.013ERTt t ti,pl7 Fifth street, next door to Mark ''t• I/.IIJ. .4.! v. •.1 • Vi,k• : • n, 41(lantIty 40 I • i'H A I • I ••,,, :to to- . t d,e.inn qa— :7 1 - I,lrd ~ t r•••• 1. nlty".2 rrsuußG 11. PA. - - • - J. & rr. tatouvr DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY.- C. DALY corner of Market all,•y and Fifth treet, Suds It ue..tistuu - y to contradict a report that has gained currenc • that he was selling off bi quit business. Ile net, had snc. intention. Ue informs the public that he still continue. R ' supply STOCKINGS. SHIRTS, DR AWERS. And all kinds of 11051 ER V. at its egtalilbibinent. its l•W -tory is near Ryan's ISuilding, on 1 , 11.711 street—open at all tones to the inspection of the public. He has, beside. the w,irk of his own manufacture. brought to the city the largest assortim•nt of Goods in his line ever brought to this r.4ty, which are warranted to be of the best quality, and - will Io".. sold at the nest reasonable prices. Ile ban but one t bales Room, at the corner of Market alley mud Fifth street. C. DALY, mhls Corner Market alley and Fifth NE"'INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If 3 rou want to help," find employment, buy or sell property, call at Lownies INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. cu stroet, near Market atroot. Legit/ Documents and Copying thine with neatness r and do,pateb. [tel6:ttl JOSEPH W. LQWBIII. ORSIIA'S LINIMENT—The best Li moot now In ow for sprains, bruises, etc., 12 doz. 3 usf received by JOS. YLAIMING, ap2s corner Ditinsond and Ithirket DIU METAL-194 tons good quality, n )Id recuiVed per stenciler Irene., and for sal. by ap2o P. M. DAVIS, corner Wood and Fifth or C. (I.I.IEMSE--Bayes' celebrated Grease for k_A Drays, (Sorts, Buggies, Railroa4 Cars, itc., in kiiss and bbis.. for tulle by apt)) HENRY 11. COLT eiOA_L WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty ti aree J tar. 01 land, with 250 of Call attached, and all ti• At im provements thereon ill strx., , ,sful operation. Said CM is nitrated on the Nonoogahele river, 34 tales above Pitt. burgh, and is supplied with a Pane House, Barn. T enant H saxes. Orchard, Ititilr".l. and n excellent harbor. VIA Wall Of Coal lel e feet thic n k. and minty( be sun ?asset! in quality. Fur further particulars apply to NICHOLSON PAYN E, Jet 2.ttf No. 23..5 Liberty it r net. A.LKEIt'b UNEQUALLED IN] )EL -11 have Just received a large er ? ply 0 1 this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the p repara tom. It is odered as the best Ink now in use_ In ~,i i cases the money will he refunded where it does not please, JOS. E r LF , M I / 1 (1, ap2b corner Diamond alley apd Market ne. " 3 / 4 -4 4* Z , 4 . 4 ; 0 - w 17'6' - 11121MEZI ' l4 tr. ===. I. 1..1,, NlatltastA-tur 1 . ..., 11.1 t.• 15,,.•1 .tr.oe. nu U, NIMIALP Ginson AIM CHI Fratm—,..or )1••ul• .r •;; I.• A r •• • • 4' ' • itt *•'• • 'l" MMiiM BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! NEW SCAL E-H. KLEBER & BRO., have juot received a small lot of NUNNS & PIANOS, provided with their IiEW SCALP. This is their latest, and undoubteilly the MOOT IM PORTANT improvement its yet made to the Piano Forte. The POWER of the instrument is ahnost DOLIBLIiID thereby; Will ill ',Oita of volume, evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpass 'anything as yet produced in the shape of a Plano. They posse,. all the inlvanta4.7o of the Grand Pianos, with out any of its disadvantages. We now challenge comparison with the instruments of any other maker in this country, ronlident that every tininiassed Judge of the article will at oi • admit their superiority. The public In respectfully in vited to call anti examine these superb instruments. 11. KLEMM h BRO., Sole agents for Nexus it 'Narks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. No. 3 Fifth streat, next door to Masonic Hall. I'. —Splendid wisortnient of the above shortly expected for the .inpring spa NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. Ti. 3IF.LLOR has Just i oeeived &even more of '• • CHICK ERIN(/' SONS' 1; PIANO FiIIITES, and corn- • 1.1 ,, ted the Stock. selected for Spring - Sales, of THIRTY-FIT K sad splendid - I Oct rum, nut. of every variety and style, manufactured by the lle....rs.Chik.keriugs,kitoston,) from the plat:.•••-1 SI X "FA v t., splendidly fain hod Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, well av their 11111.13 awl inimitable Grand out l'arlor not Porno.,. EN FRS PIANO FORTE In this lot Is of tin .r N eCA I.E. with their I A'rENT IKON FRASIES, and PATIONT ACTION, and are LA ,uly warranted to the I 1.1,1...5et by the insnufacturers, but by the subscriber, to ICY"' nil respects WI perfect as /11 , 1trIIIEWIlt 11 can ho 1111.1 r, 11. - gait I•. Mat. vial and Workmanship. PI:ICES 1N I A MADLY Tit 5..t311'. as in Boston, at the 31,,tufac:ory J , iIIN 11. NIELIAIII. Ku tii Wool street, betty yen Diruuond :Lllcy and Fount struut. Agual for Clarkormg k ricous,l3,stuu, for l'itteburtrb arid IVt...tero Penna. mll2B Ew SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. 11 O1AI:1,01TE BLUME h. jot I turthsr supply ..f 11a11.4. Day,. ti t'.. S. 0101 1.1.• Ill . 0 11 bridge And cmp...nation troftrltlipl. and with repssat- inc Grand Action. A. a proof of the superioritY of Giese Pianan, in the ful 1, wing i•xti act of a report at Gus late " Mechanic's Fair " at histon, in competition with the celebrated maker, Julia.. kering, who wax Prt•idrut of the Association: •• ci.,•,1.1,10 Mechanic's Association red thin diploma, with a stirs Medal, to Gullet, Davin et for the Lest Grand ['lama Forte contributed to the Pik hl- Idii 0 of flab). J IN AS CHICK KKI NG, l'resk " I h.. had al." ,no of Id, Grand, on exhibition in ',talon with D. a co.) rt , commat,,., J Webb, 11. K. .I,n Lange. sit) ..1 the Grand •' tu bona, it is - I, 1, j 01111 d, full 1111 , 1 wodl L‘111H111,1; a capital instrument, Wl.l 1, Si Oil 1,1111 , 11.i011." The o• halve , are 11414•1•• with full Iron frame, circular I. ale, dating, desk. en .. are made to stand in any climate. Ili addition to the above, the subscriber has meet, l'iatios from Ilaumgarilten & Hines, Hamburg; A. W. Ladd A Co.. BoAttlll. and other good makers., at pticein from V.J.iib CIIARLGTTE OLUNIF, Jot 1 118 Wood street, N It. Pianos taken in exchange at their full value . Ahab. er lIIV mlen of the celebrated Ilamhurgh Pianos in ex. A,(1.41 in several weeks. FUUR.TII STREET CARPET STORE. ". D. . 1 / 4 . 11. rticCALLUIII, O-N - S 7 Y UURTII STREET, 6 EAR WOUL).II4 Tne attont i..n ct purchaa. 3 1, r.pe, tinily invited t, our preaet, Btucl . ar4octed for SPRING tucludlng Peed gnallt) relveta. Engltatt and Tapuatry In lit u., ia tu,d Tavestrv, grains. Crenilla and finalr firtlasela, I kteper. Medium and Lou tare and Su per. 3 Ply. Prlred I agrai.. 1/nts)rut Extra rrills.l and Da.uaaL: Hall and Sta. r . 0. , Fl o or hi Clothe, from 2 to 24 test wide, serious atol hrf -ea: Tables Oil (loth,: rraush Printed and 1,•......xx0d Ilan,. mad Tshle Covers: eauton and 0,4 , /0 Slat- Ilso,tll Dour )tau.: Stair ito , le: Lint, Rev, slut I i'urpot•: suotl.to with exsry variety rd' W ,Loo shad.-n. tins, eu/ Buff liullatz.l, itc.. 41. t.; all of whlch "ISt rrd at sal.. at vary morlsrats rats,. yj Do or a.lao prspar-,1 to furnish 11.A1:111S(JTON'S tu M4NSFIELD SEIVIINARY D Allegheny County Normal School. Intirr fr.,n the ray, near the junction t t ie N o bicAti•ion and ll'arArngran K r, .111, M. A. k Prinopnl r:..l.l)hry EV :( NI.. 1 . 1,4 14111,7nt,-4 rugrutg ald,roogimd. m.ttriutraide:ot, will re,pt-ti ••••11k4Lnry 11/14 N4ll.ital N1,L.41 Tv.,11,11... FS ‘l. tur Ilah .kiri! wl 1,411 art. re- A amit.tti Carna t it t a tau. ballad in (C, 4131.11iy H : t a.p, t rtt.tt.-tt.t. rt. all Z. , tAttatta.-4 :u Hitt t t - ,AI • ..f It , vt,t t tt IN Alt\ ANCE: tttaitttn, La.lottg. aud Lai t :ltt a • .. .S.IO 00 latstato Ittan . . VI W ta alltrt) Tttat hat,. , tr tL. M. tlastrlttg ta Ittt t itaryt 1.4 ttalcilittg. tatts •tottr Nor:tail at any ittne.a.talt t ant"itut ttr the dine ..fl a tt,rt , L., Hu re .111 b.: .I.l'h Trrtu. Ito. Art ti Trz. tl further LuldtudttE..n altlrt-sel .1.11 M. KERR. 1 1 111.1.urgll I'ATENT - lIA:CD STA M I'. The Attotst FR,%NKLIN \ sTA,NtIt ts,),NIPAN V." !dung., It pr.par...l 1,. 1 -1. r 1.. pul.d. :t ?taint. tt 11.1, .11 pr.. •11.. kind 1., to. 1.11.1‘. I •-, 5t....n0...tn. 1.. no t. r . . 1 111,1 1. ,•t ll• II NI.-1.41.61 , n1., 1.1 • • v., att.! In tVI /.1 Hi OW • .4.111, I ' MAI., it instrlot.,t " - ;••-: 01 , thing, Jur. r•tarup ix ott:ilre ant uther iu the marhet, nil to and L• oh) , tu•n• I nnotwtt•lt a cJ nrnutlt La. , ...rt. ,; • t.• 1,1,.•5• • ti• ,•••:t. , Ii pt,' , 11.. wilt, I, fru:Lr 11.0. vatalrlurtiod I It ~.(1«rod ..ne.-11,t1 . ; I hi. I,tml ,ogt 0t1,4.r. 4 _ I Pll, 01 r .ii In wII r utru , ti,t4. it th Irw. Ilable tit .1 IfiEMIZI= 11=1 TILEODIJELg 11. ',THAN wevi lm-411.Jm7ri_d 91HE CEYLON STRAW lIATLThe atten -1 tion of the pn Llic is requeeited to our entirely new sly lo of STRAW HATS, just received from the Importer. erembinlng the many qualities which have been au long wonted to make the Straw Hat suitable in every way as a Summer llat. It is the only Straw Hat which the rain or damp weather well not affect, either in the brim or crown, being so heralded as to prevent the possibility of it to any way. I offer this entirely new style, called the CEYLON HAT, .liee Irving it to ho the Straw Hat that will give the wearer e, ti re satisfaction. Ch ARLES H. PAULSON, 73 Wood 'lt., my:10 next door from the corner of Fourth. MOSES F. EAT I / 4 AGENT FOR THE & Purchase of Patent Rights. And Dealer In every variety of MECHANICAL AND maim PATENTS. Office and Exhibition Room, No. 139 FilisT s vast-r, near Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. ordcrs for Patented Articles of every desrription prwmptipettemefNTED.i to. gyrp ' A WORT ELY OF ATTENTION!—FOR BALE.— -A new dwelling house just finished, two „r ar e, a rranged ',with hall, two parlors, dining room and kitchen, three chantbers, good cellar, bath re.nm. Sc., a hp dr nt in theyard, au d good stable. Thu lot lima front 0120 feet on Carrel street, sthegheny city, by 100 feet deep to hed lw ..treet. Price $1,400. Terms--$OOO in hand, remainder n .me and two years. S. CUTItBERT k BUN, Al Market it. WRIGITfigMIUM KATHARION cools the head, P aremoves all symptoms of Head. • Persons using HATELAILION Are never liable to sun-stroke. WRIOHT'S PItEMIUM is the moat valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Ilnir in any requireil form. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER and It E. BBL. EBB CO.,at 25 cents per bottle. angle A. LARGE BRICK HOUSE plqasalitly situ ated in Allegheny city, with lot ofworld 30 feet front on Bank lane, by 150 feet deep to al5 foot ley. The house la well built and.finished in modern style:, portico in front, hall, twe parlors, dining room, kitchen. 7 chambers, hrhunt, paved and gravel—yard, shade and fruit trvoikcellar'slirublwry,&..,all.in-complote order, for rule by atTB OICITHBERT. & 80,41 ik,K it. .IV,; y nf i,.'i,.p~~?r' ~~+!s'e:,.•;v:~-..sr—'zs;~`M~r~:..?' : r'~`.z"iF"~~ : j ~. . , F .. ~. ~~ F..- . . .. _ .. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY• JULY 1, ISSE► VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE EIGHTH WARD Oli nu: CITY OS' PlTTSlllittllll.—Twelve lots fronting on Bluff street, which is an 80 foot street, overtaking the 'Mononga hela river; each lot having a front of 24 feet and averaging from 110 to 176 feet deep, fronting on a 24 foot alley, Also, twelve lots Immediately in the rear of the above, having a front of 24 feet each on Locust street. and running Meek wa 24 fool alley. Locust street is aCO foot street. Ten lots fronting on Bluff street, now in tile city trirt, imniediedely adpining the above, only divid,..l by Millen. berger street, which Is a 60 fora street and also the ray no,, Those lots aro 24 feet front each and avemging from 07 n. 148 feet deep, running hack to a 15 foot alley. Ten lots in the rear of the above, each lot baring a front of 21 feet Olt Locust street and running bark SO feet to a If. foot alley. One lot on the corner of Vanbraam end Forbes street, 29 fort front on Forbes street, running back to St. Patrick's alley 120 feet which is a 24 fiat alley. Three lots. 24 feet each, fronting on Forbes street, rnti. Mug back 120 feet to St. Patrick's allev. IN ALLEtIIIENY Aloe, two too story brick houses and lots. with back buildings, each with a front of 22!,, • feet. on Federal Street. Jost shore the North common; running back 117 feet to a , loot alley. Also, n Shoal two Ahoy brick house awl lot frantic; on H.hinson street, on the North side near the canal, 15 f•--•t front on Robinson street, running back 72 feet to n 4 hot alley. Also, my dwelling house and ground attached, on tier of Saudiutk,v street taut the South common: this fr. • • on the caninion 00 feet, 210 feet on Satultio . ;y Street feet on Water street. This property is too well h.. ;wed uuy particular ilo.Critition, sn thiaso who want to Per chase will 'all and are for themselves. I will barter or exchange for ray property in Pittsburgh or Allegheny city, one thousand acres of land, cut up Into small tracts to suit purr timers. This lac i is ilitliatral ui Ft enklin and Tyrone townships, Fayette colitity, State of Pro Toy Ivania. The Pittsburgh and Con nelsvillie Itailroind runs Si t e miles through this land. faces the Youghiogheny river. and is Just Oft) mile, flow Pittsburgh to Miltenis, ger's Station, and Is ill not be mere than one atilt a half ~r two hours ride in the ears. as soon tls the road is finished from West Newton to Turtle en ek, which will be completed by July. or A ligust next. This hail isle. situated that there is note of it more th, two miles from laylon Miltmiberger's Station., and a gloat portion of it covered with the tin at timber. One slooo, th , best building stone, ore or glassehouse sand, and hag, locust thither. For particulars Inquire of the subscriber in Allegheny atty. BORti F. 651 LT EN It Eat; Kit. rLEGA Nl' ILLusT D RATE NATIONAL WORKS. now published iu nnnibeo-- .11oree's General Atlas of the World. containing parent) Maps. drawn and engraved from tt k, Intern ant beat Sotto., ties. with Descriptions and Statistical of all Nations to the year 1a56--to be completed in tha - ty-three semi-monthly' parts, each containing two Inapt. Cyclopedia of il.aigraphy, otilloracinit n series of original memoirs of the most distinguished ton - sons or all tines-ilitiStraled With CO. "vend city...raring!. sad 9.S 61.0 el Palrmis—to b•• oonipb•bsi in twenty the , : parts. Itepul or A inerican lety In the it.,,,t Wm./on o :don—with twenty one portnot4 of distingundidd 11,1114.1.. LO be completed in twenty-one parts. each b. ...IL t. 1411 porixan of some n 'led b e auty of tlo• time of Wast.• ira,;tdri. Works of the British Plegs, selected and ehronalogical:3 arr./Atrial from Ben Jon"... to Scott, with biographic./ aro] critical notices of each: by Dr. Arkin and orliers;—to completed In forty-seven parts. each (onridning two steel pLn y. W. A. UILDKINYENNEV & CO, Filth 4t., Theatre Agents for the Pub's. GENTLEMEN desirous of purchasing a really handsome C./ iI."NTRT SEAT, will please exam nie the followmg acres of choice land. In lino state 0 cultivation. 4 miles from the city. rtijuitani: the residence of . A new brick dwelling house, will hall, to large parlors, al: by 34 feet dining roan. and kitchen banibers: a nursery and finislasi attic.: a I,oreb alone the kitchen, and a portico in trout of the h o use; a pump of gruel water at the kih lien .1... r. and a spring convenient tenant home , of 4 rts,m.s. eurdage hutae.?CC.: large orchard, grapes. kr. The above property only acetic to 1 , 0 10,11 to be apprehisked lunnediatets"seasion ean be had. d. LUTIII.{.ERT d SirN, Heal EAU} , Agit , . !d1 Market street TOWA AND .MINESOTA.—Farm of 41)0 mires near foyers,'lle Station, flmlp 111111,1iiil A Farm in rolling prn4n.. LIMIT timber Farm near Iturlm gum, 190 acne impn , seiL 140 item+ 6u.• Pr'kin' . tr'irlaland !tear St I nail, Mit...sous 33i bits in Weld. st Paul. As., I. r sale by S. CI THISEhT & MA_RS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAM REFrokKR.—An unfailing ristr'ret and p; exert et et the hair and so.rivt.. It it not 0 dye: 11, hair :tot .hie. svers, however gray. ore restore,/ to tiroil preserve,/ in thew writ:oval life odor' By its use, w, 141,1.1.wien awl gi.V .JI loomo•• Lentov, t •I Zyl rbalssurtztn. rod only eleanrveri the hair/ but Ito ;t 1.• givir;4 it a ,011.. to toy soil natural ,Ippe.u.r.ot , . The Kostoret will etrendthen and preserve the .010,, oil tint prevent dizzoresv, hen.: he. .rut 5. denrlrorT, wriddhearl. or any ornirtion lire nod tirittur.Li perypirutionn 1,-4.1 I u ...:rain cut , for cdtarr:• In Ihe head D RAT T'' 11it.GERRE0T I'ES A.n AM- Ole isuch Kneritt en.t.telit:llol:l Wry .ebtrill,i. in tiler) kind tit Littnyettr Ruth/ NLi AS rl!l'ItTll otier.d. Parintilnr niter t ,, ,, paid ns the time of cuing le nm. h term than Ihtuirerre , i)pus. Pi. tniii3 iif hit) in either at the itbiite hanirid et) 1,'.. A. 1.... 1 , .• ••1 veiy 1. Witrentitt-r1 em iividernie (tar nt.ittri 01, I'LEAAK. the Stnrkhrd(lrr - s of the 01,i,, _LI and I..linos-Is...is Railroad l'ornpariv. 1.0 are hereby notified that the Direr bit. of Ow Oh; sad Peones atom Railroad Cvuiprily, u are SI v &ler.. have mitered Into ntwvitten urreernent nit WO, mid I tolisua And Von NS $3 HO and Cher a>. puretottive of .‘1 - tho 111 Ohio, I tb•luinit ntl for t iitation. uud. r iiatne of the YltUlill gii. Fort \ aa.: ago Railroad Company, and that ti 1111.4.(10 t.. :aka cunauloraiillll and decide upon the iuloption or lop•. I tot, Agreement iif rmnaololation, will W held in the Citt ot all on the errund day of July. lbual at of tlin Company at the hone of 11 o'clo,k, A. M. of that day. Pitteburgli, June lid. J. I'. II . .t. [lOll'E LANDS FUR SA Un itoringtieitt otter, Fa no!' the following lands 1, at, i Pil.l.thurgh, April 29th, 1866. tiixinne It. WRITE, OLIVER W. 11AAAs9, Oxo. S. SELDIN. • ,r , , .. ;'•.et'l FLE \ II \ 11 . ..i I .1 ao ‘tali• lowa. - ILO urn-, wij-dnlno. Ito , - U, , C,,UNTY —Two P.Pt ay, trio tn.-n.• tr,•,, ino• lir, tract, throo ,ro pr.: $....•1 it. r t'..Lar - Two Irit rt. tra. t., lir 2411 3. tru , t. ;Irv.; at I ti to. tine 11/ art c tract:4 On., Cat 2titi tra.i t i tno 1... , la, six 12it rt. Int.:tit...ay a. r , tract --all tit A.l altl . Liar ti. W/.:43UTIA , III—Thr , sOacre 11.1,1, throe :..ire Ira. :•, uu tit a t -311• 1 , 1,4 I I t A 1. 11 13 ' )-17 Itit'lll.\ FINE l'EAS.—Ito) half clie,ts fre,ll ;reoti 101.1 Itisek Just ris.ov Oil 11 t " t ip nraiiitial with I.trat are Mr our retail tt tat, Rail will 1 , Aiil.l at a small atlrancio ou cu.t. S. JAIN 1.11 .11 Pekin Tett Starr, N:' :;`, 10111 s• FOR HENT.—A Nery desizable tw,?--: .- Lortul. Imum, situated ullSinmod u • 11 , 11; ,ut1111;•lit stroot., Nu. 137. Im-taluitt, six Si, /' tai L.' tII all In g.-1 ;;r•de.r. I.,':m . ItLA6ELY •k 111;f111-.1. A A. m As() N & cu., will open this Iflttrll- • iog IN:aa) et Berage du Dunes at Ala, 400 I of NI nal to de Lines at 1244 c.. worth 11.51.. mf 1 SE.NEGA ROOTI y -8 sucks for Bale b B. A. FAIINESTIWK tny24 career Iltr4t and Wlorl rarnnot. I_IIEIIEOII.I I MINERAL IV.ITER. in oak up and Moll,rry packager., Just rrrrlvr,l ft,ll trout thr ...Truitt... for mis 16. n 142.8 MINA:IIE4 It — MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORER ER Zylol.rtbr mum. to lot had only of jrn .loti. FLEMING. c,,r. Diane , tl and Mar!, t at LINENS.—We hove just receded three more CA.s of the boat makes of 1,411 Lawns ul orrery grade—warrautol all purr lb< A .4 NI A SON r'rt 01A10'. 1 , ,5-1,50 bus. White and Blue ,Ne sbnunocks fur sale by P nlyl DOLL BUTTER-3 Libls. fine fresh for sale by myl 111:NitY If. COLLINS. CH. A LLIES—A. A. MASON & CO., are now recotving some 400 pieces of rich Chalties al :, and 10 coots per yard less than former prices. 10)1 TOBACCO. —75 half boxes favorite b ran d s for woo by finy6l JoIIN NIO0)lt111,:A1) 10 DOZ. CORN STARCH, fresh : 1,, - Farina, (11ecker'd). Rectived by F. li. Mt A Vo. joi BLUE MASS-150 lbs. fur sale by B. A. FAIINFSruCIs A Co joi Corner First mot W... 1 Stn. -1.4 DIP SEEII-50 0 bushels fur sale 1/ j,..e. B. A. FAUNESTheIi a Cu Po r CLAY-20 tons Cupley's Put Cla — y fur Rule by 1 my22l J. 6.C.1ii , 0 , ,,4 AI: ER. - - THE GOLDEN GUN—At the Enterprise Works, No. 136 Wood street, will be found n splendid assortment of POCKET AND TABLE OUTLERY, Of the very hest makers. Guns, Pistols, Porte Mummies, Powder Flasks, Razors, Razor Strops, Percussion Caps, Shot Pouches and Bel s. REVOLVERS AND RIFLES of tdl kinds and patents. • Repairing attended to at short notiee. Look out f, th sign of the GOLDEN GUN. RoWN & TETLEY. my 23 • No. 136 Wood street NEW A. MASON & CO. will open, in the next few days, upwards of $20,000 WORTH OF NEW DUI GOODS, Just purchased at the large public sales in New _ ENGLISii LAWN ROBES—WO English Lawn Robes Just received from the large Auction Bales in New 'York, at one-half their valu. A. A. MASON 0 CO. A A. MASON & CO. will open, un Mon. A day, June 2d. 30U cases and packages or Hks enuals, Dress Good, Embroideries, White Goals,jus purchased at the large public salve, at about one half th.i yalue. Jr. FINE BLACK SILKS.-A. A. MASON CO. have just received, per Express, 'Ai pee. plain Black Bilks, very line quality and rich lustre. N. , ' very elegant pieces of Moire Antiques, at low priees. —T—"--CL},CTIC PREPARATION Easmortment on hand and for etalc by my -4 FLEMING BROS. CORN STARCH—A fresh supply of this favorite article, on hand and for sale by my 24 RIMMING BROS. SALT- -50 small s idaTable'Salt 50 n rt pittir. ri, OACeit'eddbY - (MOO' DRAVO• " . r • ~ ••• 4 -• • • •' -•- ••••• 4.4 tit• • t ,ffl ATISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE: ,t 4 A I I. 11 4,\ RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Firth Street. I . IIE ,tile-eriber, haring enlarged and fitted up In hi SP 11 1 101 S Fl MITI RE I\ IHEROINS, L tH , :r AA!) V.ILI'A 11/. I: A 1,1,;77,,5.1 T, Lb ti I ••toirt nll.l tL , littilit t to purvlinain4 II I:3 , it 4..' I %V 1: I. I. A> ri RT 11. E I: It I. A S II S Ith A:: Ir) ru, 1:0: ,, E1V(H11) P.\111. 1 111 SFIT'tS %%Oh eucli I.4zrktrl OAK C 1-1 A3IRE It SETTS, New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &c. AU of which ho offers by retail, at W [DILE:SALE PRICES. tn.. Every article warrunte.l to give ratisfar twit, or the , u.w . y ref outlet). H. 11. RYAN, No. 31 Fifth str e et. 'EDMUND WILKINS, •• • • . - . ' t 1., • 'l l 4 0 • - : 1•7 EAGLE .MARBLE WORKS .1.11:A1)ur W 001), ON IA BRRTY SKEET, and at the Cert. towy r; t.. Pittsburgh. Pa. tz,otonentr. Bar al Tdzolodonos, Mantel (a Dlr.. And l'ior Tall - T,.,p+.lN. fOa Panela and undo To drd , r, vartety, Nlantrencing o Ina tA. •a - nanton . .al and. plain. watch durable, and 1.1 , ,1s ad I at fr-ins, t...•p1 per f,..4 laa . n onraga - I prat tieally m tbia GurinO . .a 10 - thir ty ~trs. taen:ydireo ,d which have 1 , 4 , 1/ in this City. ‘,l”. h 1,1,,l tutllfarot oetrx,ra . . I will mak,. new doeIJIIK. al, ',Malt any work In toy line at rens Joabla ;aims. 131=1 j• 1 1 y TERRA (14TA OR STONE WATER PIPES, PRICES fnan 12 to per Foot %LS 4'll EM:R PEARL STARCH l'ot Salt Whol,.ale at Alnuttfacturerw COMMISSION MERCHANT, A, St 1. , SI KR CHEESE, BUTTER, SFEHIS. FISH, AI:DING, AND C t3INIiz:LuN .311..E.CLIANT Fi..nr, Grain, lined Frnn, Lard, But \%nlihni th. 1 110,1 t Oa. I Snt.Aran4 , n, %.1). DttAl.. \I. 3 H. hAnk. U./ A II A. C... l'Ast..n Aio. NVlleennir, •. . . .. PEKIN "I'EA SIOII,', :NO. 3S FIFTH STREET; FUT:SiI TEA6.—A ch-ire lot firsh Ur, n and Illa.k T. L j”.t ret ,inoml .lirt,t from the Importer, wim•lt *ill in , r.-; my'b) &JAYNES • COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT rill I E ti!,,lersig,ned (wi‘h a view f rent iv t., r il••• viclll.ly. • tliq ,• 11111 SE AND 1:1 hr• lirw oittr• 1 , ion Ow Lai., 11:11 t• i•ix . thi• i•,i Tlii• li' f•et 1r Ir. , . 1. i.r ..11 1: lar.f, • •11r111.1•••ry, i• 1 ii• • run 301., astiti,vrii, 11,i• 4.. 1, , t. 11 , 111, t ntl , l 40, .•-1. rilrii Cuilal Thor , Rl,' C I,OIIIS. Mit • - arri•t. Th.. ht.— I. built in ,• • iiart1t,.41.,..1 11 1:1 :wit 1,11 a h„rl. 1111 lt _• , . , .1 - ,•cllt I.i.rgi• fir tii•i .• A I • xitti•r. a i•i•ti•rn. l 11.`1,1,4 1 1 hi. y LA111 , •,. 6 frig. 1114 1.z.tt1111; . 111 turd healthful 1 t II•• I ri t I. , 1 :1 tltt. It.th ttl ,!c, if rittittirt+l. 1,111.3 W. tl. LE-SLIE. It; t N... 4 Firth etre...l o 31edals anti e Diploinas A R 'l' if R ' rm,nt Ai:•TiO• ,•11-,•nt tin omit, nit Jars. 'leery I litilty thi Ageat this iiity nu tretiteru Pennsylvania fi the emir of the alieve art at h, China no gtnnninwar.. Weis! st.. Pittsburgh . . Pt , where in also kept rho awl giant jars at It n. prlen, with larg etol and corks. reedy fitted fr nit - awl...ries awl ,rt moot of Chi urt, Glass eud Quitentiimvei adt , t 4 t't ,, I the non!. of private ixmilien. Ito el keepers. sti•itin hits! and 16110 i rY n/f'rehltU I all at nwelerat, priers. jel7,lni REMOVAL. HENRY 11. CiiI.LINS FRANK VAN GORDER IIAS REMOVED tii 7`i MARKET keret, in hit old prepared to eintiply hit ru•tenier, and the g•iiiiraliy with anything they neod in the Way a (Doves, Ilienery and Faa. y - It.aketillter the so.. Market 6t. S:ay _ D lVlDEND.—Citizen,' Insurance Cuinpa ercsi.kal ati.l Iltrectoret thl4 ronitatO ha e tlom hay tleclartal aelni.annual t ivil , lls lef ohs ter Al.trc, up , tt the Capital t-i—ek. Ftve .1./Ilara In auk, poy able t,, the Shocklatldt.r. or I heir hull revreeentotive .. , all thAlar ore: itch to the, stotit on and alter the Sid inet :3ANIVEL 1— )lARSLIELL. :tart .11.11.17th,155R. _ _ OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of the NIOILNING POST, a largo quantity of OLD TY Int. Machinhits and mho, wanting uucb an article can get a large stuitilylly eon. Mitt TATE PAIR—The undersigned Commit t•..•, appointeil to solicit •iilist . rit.tiona, to recure the billing of the StAll‘• Fall - at l'itt..itatr,,h, hereby xuthurisc GLOSSER, on, iif their iiinict the 5111110. Mr. Ii WSSER will tall an itatiaeribta, (luring the presilit antntli. ftil..)lEs, .1, rliN S,CI/StlltoVE, WILLIAM hi. HERSH, JACOB LOSSk: 0 , 1711 n Woe. TII7EMATTER OF TUE ASSIGN I 'flu , creditors Of II ugh D. King are hereby notified the an,lertegued auditors have romplet,il their report, die NI ENT 01 , 111. , G1.1 K I NO. t'''oting the balance -in the hands of William P. 881.11.11 A.-,glvi,; that said relmsrl call be examined by persons ill ested. at the office .4' 1101313 & 11'CONNELI., and that the same will be flied hi the Prothonotary's °lnce, ell the eighth day of July next, unless the calllN shall be ex• ,-; , tc‘i to. TIIO3IAS NrCONN&LL, J. E. BILOY, Jitie• 2101. 141i= je '2,7:3tittltert FIRE WORKS—Roman Candles, assorted Sky Reeketiu f-om one ponnil to one untice; Pill Wheals assorted: Serpents, Chasers, Stan, Wheels, Torpe does, Fire Crackers, ..tr. ;lust received and for sale by REIRLIER & ANDMIS()N, „15'26 N0..d 9 WoodaL,QppostLe SL Cherlesgotel. ARll 41[,-10 bblti. No: t; . , - - • 10 do. NO.2ol3, B 4tret:m l dikir &ashy SPR2G/38 114411,4113911 iNS—A genes ,~ ~. rT~~~ , ems ♦. ~'~;;, =ES CALL AND EXAMINE A1.1. , 171 , it1g $:50,000 Worth, 1%1 TAM' ‘l, Rod. I. )\t" PRICED great vat i.-tp From twu to Fix inch caiit•rc Mrl=l HENRI' U. C CLLINS, FORWARDIN , i AND AND PRoDUe P:s; ER!, LI.I '5 11001 , I'ITT,BI rum. ij JAMES A. FETZER, 1"d1: T:I E SALE OF tcr, Bao.n. ah , l l'r duce generally. %o. S 9 Water Street, PrMIsI'EGII, FOR. SALE Awarded. _ .y. ~, ~ ~ "_. r 4. 1.. I PITTSBURGH POST. T EY.gDAY MORNING - - FURTHER FOREIGN NEWS! . 1 6 1 t 44P"--\ 1k() BY TIIE STEAMSHIP ASIA NAVAL ARMAMENT FOR AMERICA The following may or may not have reference to the American disputes, but it is generally re garded here as a denfonstration against the United States, and certain of the lower order of presses exhibit an unseemly amount of exulta tion thereat: The ships-of-war Nile, 91 guns, 'Capt. Mun dy; Shannon, 51, new screw frigate; Plyades, I. Capt. crEyncourt, and Cossack, 21; Captain Fanshawe, have been telegraphed to propose with all possible despatch for foreign service,—desti nation supposed to be a rendesvouz on the coast of America. All the commanders of the gun boats at Portsmouth were also called to the Port .'a.linirars, on Tuesday morning,—it was rumor ed to receive instructions for active service at telegraphic notice. When these vesseb% sail (bete will be upon, or on their way to, the North American ttrol West India station the following fleet Nile 91. Powerful 84, Bescowen 70, TIM 'meows 72, Pembroke 60, Cornwallis 60, ury sins 51, Amphiou, 34 ; Vestal, 2G; Irudyce, 26; Termagant, 21; Cossack, 21 : Pylades, 21 ; A rac h Te , I i,4 ; Mslnnen, IT ; Pnlcon, IT : Arches ; Mariner, 12; Espiegle, 12; Arab, 12; Dar ing, ; Buzzard, 6; Argus, 6: Scorpion, 6; Hermes, 13. The 12-gun sloops are fitted with the new • long 32's,' and the 6.gun steamers' gam are all of the new long range. If the pin beat...) be taken into account, about 80 of the new guas may be added to the computation. The light squadron of despatch-steamers and gun b iats, under the command of Captain Watson, in the Imperieuse, of 31 gnu, and comprising of the first named class the Wanderer, the Victor, the Ringdove, the Lapwing, the Pioneer and of the Intrepid ; and of the second named the Star ling, the James, the Beaver and the Drake ar rived at Falmouth on Sunday to fill up with coal and provisions, in consequence of a telegram from the Admiralty to that effect." t TEE ENGLISH PRESS ON TEE DISMISSAL tIP MR. CRAMPTON. . [From the Times, Jane 12.] What, then, is to be our course in aisitnation so difficult and so novel? Shall we meta* Mr. Dallas, because the dismissal of NIT.. Crampton bas been accompanied by much conciliatory language, and some real and important concessions? We apprehend this question will be best answered by another. Has Mr. Crampton been guilty of such mi,cooduct as authorizes the American govern meet in dismissing him summarily and at once from his position as Minister at Washington ? The English government must fairly decide for themselves upon the guilt or innocence of their accredited servant. In such a decision they are liable to be misled by two very different Bets of e,m,iderations. The pride of consistency, the natural wish to maintain a position once taken up, and the praiseworthy desire to protect the agent whom they have trusted, all point one way; while the love of peace and the anxiety to avail themselves of the proffered settlement of the Central American question tend with equal force in a contrary direction. Al l the advice we can offer is to weigh the matter fairly and dispassitmately, without fear or favor—ti decide justly and act resolutely. If r. Crampton be entirely innocent—if the charges preferred against him by the American 4-,vernuaent he nutrue—if in the judgment of his tirial superiors he still be worthy of their con ictonee, nu consideration whatever should induce than to submit to the insult offered them in his I , m-ou, an , ' to retain at the court of Her Majesty the representative of a country which has so far f,,rgotten what is due to the dignity of her repre , ative. It', on the other hand,•the American govern rit shall succeed in proving either that Mt: Cramptun has misrepresented the weight of the evidence ag.iiin't him, or has been guilty of the Prevarication charged upon by Mr. Clayton and Mr. Crittenden, we trust that no false pride, no unuillingness to admit the possibility of hi;,3 hav ing been in the wrong, will prevent us from ao ,iiiieseing in an expulsion which he will then have most richly deserved, though it may have I .ee a inflicted for very different purposes than the indication of national honor. We are strong, and it is the privilege of strength 1111: it reed stoop to no injustice and`no meso n Pti , -- that it need fear no misconstruction from vier ling to reasonable complaints, and shun no eu.,equeuee trout resisting unreasonable aggres- the Nloroing Star, .t7,1 , 11,u's organ, June 24.] For what object are .we to be exposed to the r.rif of this fratricidal conflict is there any inciple or interest involved? None what ever. The matters in dispute about Central America, Mr. Dallas is vested with absolute pow- ett- t arrat ge, by friendly negotiations, or if that by the arbitration of an impartial umpire. hy, then, are these great nations to be flung into a mad whirlpool of strife and blood, out of which no human eye can foresee when or in what thoy will emerge In order 'to sate the haniir of Mr. Crampton, and of a reckless n ;ministration which has thought fit toidentify itself with his escapades and blunders! And who i, this personage, fur whose sake we are esp.:Rid t submit to such prodiginus sacrifi ce? Ife is a fourth or fifth-rate man, the son of I,,ird Clarendon's medical attendant in 'lre by dint of that system of patronage and farovireisin which is the curse of our cowl- try. lio' been pushed into a position for which, according to the unanimous testimony of all who ltuoiv him, he is utterly and notoriously unfit—n . . man who, after obtaining the legal opinion of a gentleman whom he himself describes as of the blithest reputation, professional and political, telling lihn that the American law against enlist ment is ..3u carefully and stringently drawn as to rosier it impossible to evade it, and warning him that." the least to be apprehended" by any one attempting to do so was "a prosecution," posts off to Nova Scotia, with this document in his hand, to prepare an elaborate and widely ramified scheme of operations, expressly for the purpose of attempting to do the very thing which his legal adviser declared he could not do with out exposing himself and country to danger.; a man who, at a most critical moment in the poli tical relations of the two greatest nations ; in ,the: world, thrusts into his pocket a despatch receiv ed from the foreign secretary, making a proposal of vital Importance to the peace of both coun tries, without looking at its contents, and which he does not discover until about three months afterwards; a man who makes a broad, delibe rate assertion in a diplothatic document, as to the opinion expressed to him by a distinguished statesman of another country, on a mooted point of territorial right, which that gentleman, sus• mined by the corroborative testimony of two or three other gentlemen of the highest character and position, flatly declares to be utterly and absolutely false. And this is the man, to save whose dignity we are called upon to be ready, if need be, to be prodigal of our blood and treasure I But if the people' of England really wish to be saved from a doom so calamitous and so ignoble; let them meet at once and protest; and should there be no other remedy, let them hurl from power the blundering administration that threat ens to expose them to this bitter humiliation. From the European Tlmen,..lnuel4.] EXECUTION OF WM. I'LLILER, Inuring the whole of. yesterday the railway trains poured in their thousands of souls who were this morning to be spectators of the dread ful tragedy, which was so early to be enacted. They were not to be deterred from witnessing' the execution either by wind or weather, and although the rain descended pitilessly the greater part of the day, accompanied by convulsive gusts of wind, there. was no lack of eagernese' displayed to be present on the mournful occasion. The elements lent a melancholy air to the intend ed proceedings, and the pervading..gloom was only relieved by the copimotio.u,of the visitors who were endeavoring to secure favorable spots of observation. As night came on all the approaches to the gaol became more crowded than 'tiering thiafternon,„ and up to .the dawn of deld morning here wab no abatement of the internatinutnifelifni all diy. 3 Tem aixioi in..the...nutd, rain sulksin Here they derkneagor 4flkera44Bo; Pleff4loßoSitinnaikta it woko,tjane44l3l9.4.AbsOPV/Attr'44X 44* o'6lO43Vitne;niorning ttkerelinte4lot 101Ntkan 2%- t IMMO IP ec - . ,I. Rwang NUMBER .'229. JULY 1 GREAT BRITAIN =BM EirrEK OF -AD NiY~ • - A 4 liati*BY i , il4g., l4, l l 3L&LFAI'll:p4" 4 F AY Out 'LviessviNosT - mun, on 1 One sqintrt one insertion •4. • $ - Do. eueth additktiiit inKeeil o o , • ,i. , • Do. one .•. . r .... •„„ ... , ........ 1 74 D o: two tweet:A..- - 800 Da. three .week5.......;.;•-•••-. ,, e- , l••••• •, 4,00 Do. one m0nth...... ....... 00 Do. two months •• 7 00 Do. three ... 800 D° ' f 4 7, A9itlt lll ‘ ...... t. . . Do. Mx mouths • ' 00 Do. one year .. 18 00 Bti.uding UnNEor-l!rt per os 'CUANGLASCLE AT et-unman: • One agnate, per annum, (esuluelit of the paper,) 20 00 Marriage noticed, 60 centlit Doittbitiolbtitiatitainld• 000 persons present, whd'exhAticfithe.intmost decorum and regularity. rrery, available inch of ground was occupied hoth . infronefilia'aratiffif the the gaol. Precisely at the hotli'llpildifilid" for the exeution (eight o'clock) thh' culprit np peered on the drop. He looked exceedingly Welk ,40 and had passed an excellent night." • . It had been announced that heitatiur the multitude on the. scattold„anet.44.... ea t i ga anxiety was apparent as to the terminal' et mtg..] servations. He did net,-howeveri Say,anythinv: He was accompanied by the and sheriffp.qba . piai t4 .- the other officials tom ected rwithitte prisont 1=.5 was dressed in the prison dress-- - ; •-a'snit!oft rsyr None of his relatives were present, hat-M*,i,lif.' his friends of' the turf were witnesses of the sad - spectacle. Upon the unfutunate man'eaPptalf anoe„,, the cap was,placed pv 4 e;r his face by ttmith, . of Dudley, who performed thbt , clittieo of.exiMV, tioner, and the rope having been adjust/ad in Jtri instant the earthly career of the' greatestLifinfi.. pal recorded in the annalsof history wascat.feptik, , He made no confession; even yesterday he de sired that the visits of Mr. Wright, the Priiiitri philanthropist, should be discontinued;ll,,heinjp;, alleged that he did not desire, to be induced*); disclose the the truth of the offence - Witir'WhinteVT . . was charged. As Palmer is now otootere4 with 4 the dead, his name, is.asmoiated with crime , otr - • -the deepest dye; . wikbe'sPalich at for centuries to-come. , . •.. 7 . : " NO.P4a, ut 44FE l l'qc e ,f' n be 1 0 3 ParPliall CALIFORNIA. -- • • - :c . s V MMART Cill'VOliTtlttilTS:l4E*JV 4'..-' At no time singe Ate acquisition of'id.gainiti;- - " -'.,,--,-; ..,5 have such a number of wonderful events:Aeons , red, or so much intensely eieiteklsuldie-feellixt .„ known, as duting a period iniTbruestlikffig i- 'AS - „Ti -, *4 , ,.. fortnight. The ten.days preceding :t : - '. 4 ? =4 l the last - steamer. gave these sAfftlftieActicefc o,ri a gia d but their after deVeloprtiMiCh*exhibiteki '. an immensity not yet at•its ultiniiiini7fc*Winat: tire throughout the State have_beiti'regaided , as comparatively unimportant iti view of , tlio one absorbing fact that by authority of the people a igreat revolution has begun attended by acts that assure us of the accomplishment of refortes, which none can say we have not needed. . • -. . EXECIITION OF CASEY AND 0011. A. On the day following the sailing of-the• last steamer, May 22, the funeral.ofi Mr. King took place at the Unitarian ... church, amidst the most . profound sorrow, Participated, in by a.dense mul titude of citizens, and - thciutinds Warti mento and other cities of the-interior... While the solemn obsequies were being pegorinedoz. different and more dreadful , scene was enacted at - - - the Rooms of the" Vigilance Committee:`' The opportunity bad been Midsen''to .iiitecute' the murderers,Casey and Cora, and -this proceeding was complted before the crowd, had time to as- • seruble in its vastness around the building,, from . the windows of which hung the head otendets. The conduct of the Committee ha time carrying out their retributive necessity, and-in all: else they have since done, was marked by the'af44- est decorum and serious determination..., Previous to the fatal Moment - of the'Sieentibli, the prisoners were offered an - oppiirtatititio speak, to the people in the street. then Casey addressed them for ten minutes, ; vrildly...*Trolng his innocence of murder: Cora. made no 4,f0.4 to speak, but stood unmoved' while Casiy`liattVi - g.i. speaking : The execution took place at'2oiillikikgi-..slC,lt i rites before one o'clock ; and. at 15 ininutesltS4d4o;?.',.. 7 ?4 the two bodies_ were taken down, and charge of the Coroner. All this while a Stioftg,stWt - guard, armed with muskets, revolvers and Satreftl.Vi_. was stationed on every street lending to the Coto niittee Rooms, find the outside spectators pre served the utmost order. The friends of Casey took his body, laid it in 4 , state," and followed it, to the number of four or five hundred, to the grave. Ile had no rela tives here, but leaves an aged mother, who re sides in New York. Corn's body was given to Bella Cora, who was married to him just before his execution, and on whose account lie killed Gen. Richardson. She displayed tbe greatest devotion to him, and attended him with-many signs of mourning to the cemetery: .-. TESTIMONIAL. TO MR. NINO'S FAMILY. Great liberality is being manifested FAMILY...._, citizens of California in behalf of the family of Mr. King. In Sacramento $3OOO has already been subscribed. In San Francisco $20,Q00 will be raised, while from many of the interior towns considerable sums are nroinised. The funeral of Mr. King was the most ceremony that ever transpired in the State. Every association and profession was represent ed, and every honest grade of society joined in the procession. At the conclusion Of the leading movements of the day, the Committee discharged their cannon into the bay, and stored away many of their small arms and accoutrements, still keep ing, however, a strong guard at and near their rooms. Tho crowd dispersed to the various localities offering facilities for small groups to talk over the probable course of the Committee in future. ESCAPE OF NED 11.GOWAN For several days the Committee deroted their time in endeavoring to effect the arrest of Ed ward McGowan, a notorious accomplice of Casey, and who, along with him, had been indicted for the murder of Mr. King. Their efforts to bring him to justice—the scaffold—have not limit suc cessful, and it is probable that he left the Coun try upon witnessing the fate of his confederate. The Committee quietly proceeded in their work of inquiry into the conduct of certain lead ing characters who have had mach tie do with the management of elections. After - Close, yet quiet investigation, it was determined that the well known Yankee nullivan and Charles. uane, Billy Mulligan, Wooley Kearney, Martin Galla gher, ,Wm. Carr, John Cooney, and Edward Bul gar, should be taken to the rooms of the Com• mittee. Their arrest was effected without disturbance, though in the case of Duane and Mulligan a dis position only was shown by outside parties to interfere to procure their release. During all this while reports were circulated that Governor Johnston RAS about to call into requisition what ever means he might discover to suppress the revolutionary organization, but hi has taken no such steps. When these rumors were prevalent, unbounded excitement prevailed, and word came from Sacramento and other,plsces that thousands were ready to come to the assistance of the. Com mittee and their friends. surorns OP YANICEN SULLIVAN. - Early on Monday morning, June the Ist,. the city was stirred into a wordy uproar by the an nouncement that Yankee Sullivan had cemmitted suicide the night before, in his cell, at ti; 'rooms of the Committee. This was true. Flehaitsev ered the brachial artery of the left. arm with a . knife which was taken to his cell. with,food.- Ills • body was carried away by the eorimer,' tun in quest held, and he was buried witliCut cd4 dis play. lie made a confession 'wittl regard to the election frauds. The arrest orSnlliYan, caused some wonderful derelopments cone,erning the in genious system of ballot-box stuffing, which has for a long time enabled the rogues of, this:city to elect whoever they pleased;to office:v .4 6f public trust. On Monday, the 2d inst.,.the_pppenekts of the Vigilance Committee endeavored to hold `a ~ great g mass meeting, to .denounce Andt "Violence, and sustain law and .order." But the affair .wss w. boisterous failure.. • All the influent,, presses in 'th e. ...hay° endorsed the action of the Vigilancedotitn4ttee , and the intelligent country peopleare.a.nnotincing their aOpr,oval by holding mectingsa.Scl adopting 8Orksi.):110 and dignified resolycs. The minem too; are favoring the new movement, and everywhere the cry is heard. Letrts rid the State of official corruption,:rxrifY the .cities, and enforeC, good eiti?entatin),... • .•. ---.----- TUST..reoew an ed d.for . slide) * Lauffer, No. If r pito*, et. . Price. ~ is4 l ite chief; by Capt. Mayacllcidv. • 4.112•14 Th e l calp figAters, do, 40 .--.....-.. 112. N oak-Manics of Tlautail life ... . . . ... dii , ..1 1 4.; - , 10 la i rac Cuti„sge poildt„s•— _-,• ..... •----. ------ At ?Nary' Lady Her OwriZboemaker ' " . - Umky's•Latfadloolctir Ju1y........:.;,.-...,.ad,tC) Itallotes Magazine fer Jul{ : „,,,_„,, Id ' '-' , /ii,iedd Notitiini for Stay'••• ,- --, , r-•. , •-- , 44,44, arahapilsMwitae for dk4Y,,---;-,g•-•• , .. ---- , ,7, PLI72. Tales, by Mabrill • . • '9O - -, My.ElpmfaertatrandMouriL..s. , -...,....,... b - 4A:86 AU kiudict and •AtiagErnaY f; sale OM 'At Lauf 'tars tkid: Sic 'No: 7,7 Poutihiti , ` , - --,,,,, ~, -.N jal9 Vatars TRI(X)PIEMOUSIWeIeYON i S -LI )44%= , -NeavAtirlsat# l lC lta P h ' r p 644 ,Lyon on lust rwspiby F , twitsb . -01,-,..v., , , , „4,77.,,, ..tArdit . W - 410M7 , MKTG. Caragt7a4„ 1;.L.f 032 d. ',,- , F,R,T, jliaikAio . IN . -,..--- - Vaters' 4- • 4 tailiothiiVOTikrifk : WM , i liite mid i. '403t2 5 anlta 4:bgttlt apoji*.T. ~,giaos..-.: l ),v4itku, je2.6 corni)r.mapet , .% att 4 4Abs: Denuond. 1f,..i:&;.--r4.- , ar.-- ..1 ,, ,1.,t0V .1.--h!e' .!:, •-;`,.'oA--,-..-"" ~,:% t ,.,, ''...."4., ;;;::.'-:.-Z.,: NEE NORM =OM . i ., ~.~.... . ~ ;:,', . '4' , 4 .. c.~4'~'u4'.'~4'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers