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' 4 : ,Jll,O _ - WEDNESDAY SIDENP9 FOR PRESIDE NTt JAMES BUCH_ANAN, - Buchanan and Breckinridge Club of legbeny County. ° A meeting of the Executive Committee will bo held at the office of Bioko & Magee, No. 11:4 Fifth street, MN 'COM . . NESDAT) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. JOAN BI- IRWIN, President. Democratic State Central Committee. The members of the Democratic State Central Commit 5.. will meet at Henry Grote. Hotel, Harrisburg, oo Wednee day, Jane 25th. at 2 o'clealk, P. H. J. W. FORNEY, Chairman. TDE DEDDIMATIC COHlarrrEE 09 CORRESPONDENCE met at the St Charles Hotel, on Saturday, June Rat, in pursuance of the call of the Chairman. in the absence of the Chairman, ilon. C. BHALEIt wait ap pointed Chairman pro fem. On motion, it .vas Rader:4 That it is inexpedient to change the time pro Aortal), fixed for the meeting of the Convention, to wit: "ad day of August- On motion of Oul. James Faßebury, seconded by R. B. Roberta, Frq.,it was Rewired, That we recommend to the County Convention the _propriety of changing the manner of voting for the nomination caudidatea, by voting rim voce, instead of 'mark ing, as baretufara. C. SEALER, Chairman, pro Jon N. M'Curny, Secretary. The .Pool was the object of general attention by its contemporaries yesterday morning. The Dispatch had an unusually long leader siting our tic' ice to the adroit manner in which the Demo cratic platform could be interpreted if one was so diaposecl. It leaves us just where it found us, however, perfectly well assured that the great principle for which the Democratic party con tends is that the people of each State and Territo ry shall determine all local matters, including slavery, for themselves. That is the "popular sovereignty " doctrine for which the Democracy will ever contend, and against which the oppo nents of the Democracy are so bitter'y contend ing. That is the issue fairly stated, and it is clearly expressed in the Cincinnati platform. So much for the Dispatch. The Gazette has only four articles directed at the Post, at least we counted but four ; but we see no occasion b., re ply to them for the present. The subject , of which it speaks, however, will not be forgotten. They will be referred to hereafter. Bitt,the Journal is especially ferocious at the " Old Post." It first says " the Post is the special organ of Mr. Buchanan in this county. - That is its language ; and then, for the sheer purpose of contradicting itself, as it does every day, it adds the following : "rho Pittsburgh Pose has abandoned the Piebald Demgcracy,repadiated the "Unterrified," disgusted doubtless by the Cincinnati 4stform, and has voluntarily become the mouth piece of Americanism or Know Nothingiem. - Now, which of those two statements does it want its readers to believe? They cannot both be true. One or the other must be a falseh.)od. Will the Jrzysnal man explain ? DR. S. S. Force has been distributing through our city for a few days past, an advertising shcet, the "Medical Exponent: on the first page of which, almost the , first paragraph ie as follows: IRS*" "SPECIAL KRTICE.—There is no person, of whatever Ilaltateent kern the office of Dr. S. S. Pitch, practising medicine or lecturing, wlntris nowt or ever haa.been, his partner or professional associate —no one who represents hint or his office. His treat =careen be bad only by application to him nt his office," &c., he. "To THOSE iNTERSETED.—As I have heard of sev eral instances of persons traveling through the c,un ; try, representing themselves to have been either partners or pupils of mine, I would say that I have never had any partner in the practice of medi, or any students, except my nephew, Calvin M. F.teli, A. M., M. D., who has been with me for several years, and is now my assistant and associate. We sympathise wjth Fillmore, do we ? Do yon believe that, neighbor? Indeed you do not, and did not when you wrote it: You knew it was not true. We have said, and yet think, Fillmore will poll as large a popular vote as Fre mlutt. Call you that sympathy The assertion that we justified the assault on Sumner is equally false : and equally intentionally so, We condemned it as pointedly as the 'Jour nal; and at the'same time condemned that non resistant principle, openly declared, that invites 44 provokes such assaults. But all this is well zoom a n d was fully explained long ago. Let nOiiherti men show a little of the spirit of their fittlters4hen such assaults are made, and there will soon - be an - end of them. That is all we ask. Does any northern man ask less ! . .. ' .10Ex VAN Buns is about to bo married to a and beautiful heiress from,Sontli Carolina. ~~ .~ OP PKRISYLVANLL VICIO PIiSBWENT, JOHN C. BRECENRIDGE, op KENTooEcpr', MOORATICSTATE. TICKET. coma coloiles= o . l .:. mambas SCOTT, 07 oomaiica. AVISDITOR 01INCLILL: JACOB FRY, Jr., Morrrarem 00. EIVIINKTOR 0IISZILIS.; TIMOTHY IVES, Ponce Ooh' BEE reading matter every day on first page ALL SPEAK AT ONCE It so happens that we have before us bi al manac for 1853, on the cover of which we Sod this card: We are not left in doubt at whom the thru-t in the " Dar SPECIAL NoT/CE " above quoted is levelled, for on the same page of this paper, wider the head of "CACTION—A CARD vicOM THE EDITOR," Dr. CALVIN M. FITCII is named in o.manner which would lead those unacquairted with the facts to suppose that Dr. S. S. Fitch had never known aught of this Dr. C. M. Fitch, and thought himself doing a service to the c,ta munity in cautioning the public against him. The same article alludes to Dr. C. M. Fitch as having succeeded in confusing the public mind by making unauthorized use of my name," &c., &c. Now, we know that Dr. C. M. Fi•cl's skill in the treatment of pulmonary and other chronic affections, is such that he would he lab to wish to confound himself with any one else. And we know also that in all hie adver tisements or cards, which we have ever seen, Dr. C. M. Fitch has considered it his interest to state explicitly, in order avoid confusion, that he had no longer any connection with Dr. 8. 8. Fitch. The glaring inconsistency, therefore, to use no hen]] er term, of this latter gentleman,' hardly requires ()comment; and we do not wonder that Dr. C M. Fitch should have expressed himself both sur prised and grieved that his uncle should have allowed himself to be persuaded to such a course. Jealousy of his nephew's skill will be received by the public as a poor excuse—poorer, if pos sible, than his alleged wish not to be confounded .with him. But we can assure Dr. Fitch Dr. C. M. Fitch, we of course mean— that he will experience no injury from attacks like these, for we are confident that ho possesses too much dig nity to be betrayed into passion, and can well afford to bear the petulence of age or jealousy, while his professional reputation is too firmly established to be successfully assailed. " Let all this pass for what it is worth. We main ly desire to call attention to the fact that sympathy for Millard Fillmore, and admiration for Millard Fill more find utterance in the Pittsburgh Post ."The Post is the special organ of Buchanan in this county, and is t`m paper that justified the attack on Senator Sumner by a cowardly assasin from South Carolina. - -Pitisburgh Jov rtl at. The above extract from the Know Nothing or gan of—this city will serve as a significant proof that our neighbor is in utter despair, and seeks to relieve himself by numerous false charges against the Post. Thou shalt not bear &lie witness against thy neighbor," in a com mandment that he cannot observe in such trying times as these. 4.", ... , h ~, _ .r` 7 ~.~.a.,- of Ur Pittstm/120.19p1ia,1 ,„, rkom the Interior. WILLIAMSPOHT, June 20, 1846. Dear Post:—#p the season for departuo4. the opilressitte*t of the cities ip at hanit and perso.ls about thnake alttp (4)l.esixons'ef ob taining all the in ormlitionTavaoblekin order to scent e the mosOapikin;ess anecomfort, it will not 1 e amiss 16 speak 'Witte town of Williams. port, recently visited by' - some of our citizens, and to add our testimony to the opinion gener ally entertained of it, that it is one of the most delightful izdand towns in Pennsylvania. It is beautifully built on the west branch of the Sus quehanna, contains about six thousand inhabi tant, is shady and cool in summer, possessing every variety of scenery, mountain and plain, hill, river, rivulet., garden,. field and wood. It has a most enterprising population, and as hos pitable as- those who would lay up treasures in heaven and men's hearts by selling all they have to give it away, whether to the rich or poor, to the needy, seedy and greedy, and all who feel feedy or thirsty. Fathers and mothers residing in Williamsport are mostly blessed with families of sound sons and beautiful daughters, and such is the proverbial liberality of the place that re spectable, decent and deserving young gentle men seldom have to ask twice for a wife, and in several instances have been paid for taking a damsel off the old folks' hands. Williamsport is now one of the most extensive lumbering depots in Pennsylvania., perhaps in the United States. There is an immense boom stretching from Perkins' Mills several miles up the river, for the purpose of catching the logs that are " driven " by the raftsmon from the pine forests above. This boom is mostly the result of the indefatigable enterprise of one man, Major J. El. Perkins, who deserves to be called the pio neer of the lumber trade in this part of our State. After. a great deal of opposition from croakers and drones, he succeeded in getting a charter for a company called the " Susquehanna Boom Com pany,- in the winter of 18-10 and 1850, and has since had the pleasure of seeing, though at a great pecuniary outlay, the work of his hands prosper amazingly. This boom is capable of holding about 60,000,000 feet of lumber, or :100,- 000 logs. The logs are cut and hauled to the bank of the ergeks in the winter, and in the spring are rolled into the water and floated down the river by a red-shirted regiment of Young Americans. The effect of this is to bring into market the lands on all the small tributaries to the West Branch of the Susquehanna, extending over a space of nearly 200 miles. In the imute • diate vicinity of Williamsport there are fifteen large sawmills, five of which run by water, and the balance by steam. The largest of these mills runs one hundred and twenty-five saws, besides several cross-cuts, for cutting logs, and circular saws, for making laths out of the slabs, e d ges, and waste lumber. The capacity of this mill is over 100,000 feet of boards in a day. About 111111) men are employed at the boom and the mills, and 300 in the woods. The logs now in the boom are estimated to be worth $420,00 , . All the mills have been built since 1850, except three. About 40,000,000 feet of boards were shipped from Williamsport last year, mostly by the canal, paying a very handsome revenue to the State in the way of tolls, as may be seen by reference to the Canal Commissioners . Report of last year. The pine lands have advanced in value in the la it ten years from 50 cents to $2O per acre. It is estimated that the pine timber ou these lands will last for from twelve to twenty year's to come, and after it is exhausted there will be exhaust less forests of hemlock left, out of whit), to make a profitable business A ss is now done to some parts of New England where the pine is used up .I :JOKE 25 The above statement of the lumber we have principally through the kindness of 1). Clinton Lloyd, Eeq , who visited the principal mills and manufacturers with us, in person, and for the correctness of the information we can therefore vouch. Dickinson Seminary is located at Williamsport, and is beautifully situated on an easy slope at the rear of the town, and within a few bun fired yards of the Railroad depot. The school embra ces male and female departments, and was organ ized Sept. 1, 1846. The number of students last year was 419. There are ten instrucors. The principal is Thomas Bowman, D. D . a graduate of Dickinson College, a profound -,:hol ar. a true Christian, and a most agreeable gen tleman. The Seminary held its Commencement last week. lion. Andrew G. Curtin delivered a very fine oration, before a large and select au dience on the occasion. The building 110 feet long by 50 feet wide, and six stories high. The wings are each 7)1 feet by 14, and are each four stories high. The whole building is capable of accommodating 400 boarding scholars. It is pretty generally known that the United States Courts are held in Williamsport. The last term of the Circuit Court was held there by his Honor Judge Grier, beginning on the 111th inst.: several cases were disposed of. The case of Zebulon Parker for use of John Moore, Esq., vs. Wm. English, for iufringmeut of a patent water wheel, excited considerable curiosity, and was decided in favor of the plaintiff. A number of distinguished persons were at Wiliiamsport last week, among whom we were pleased to see in good health and spirits Hon James Thompson, of Erie, our excellent and agreeable Marshal Frost, and Mr. Sproul, clerk, who were gladly received by all their friends. PITT. S. S. FITCH - Democratic Meeting at Elizabeth The friends of James Buchanan and John C. Breckinridge,met at the Town Hall, in the bor ough of Elizabeth, on last Saturday, according to previous notice. And on motion, Col. James Scott was called to the Chair, and Robert C. Walker appointed Sec retary. Andrew Fife, John F. Richards, Gen. James H. Watson, Doctor James Powers, An- Drew McKihley and Doctor Jesse Penny were appointed Vice-Presidents. Oa motion of Doctor Jesse Penny, a Commit tee of five was appointed on Resolutions. On motion, the following Committee of Corres pondence was appointed :—Robert C. Walker, - John F. Richards, den. Jas. H. Watson. On motion, the following wore appointed an Executive Committee for Elizabeth township and borough, with the power to oall meetings, 6:e Andrew McKinley, James Irwin, Robert McKiu ney, Joel Ketchum, Thomas Calhoon, Samuel Scott, Thomas Douglass, John Mcllhinney and James Leech. Doctor Jesse Penny, Chairman of the, Commit tee on Resolutions, presented the following, which were unanimously adopted : WHEREAS: We, as citizens of this great Republic, have marked with pain and regret the rapid and fear ful development of those things which Washington warned us to avoid, and which he clearly foresaw would come upon us unless we were mindful of an admonition in which he said that "it was to him a matter of serious concern that any grounds should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discrimination: Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western, whence designing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real differ ence of local interests and views." Therefore, Reeolved, That we hail with joy and pride the action of the Cincinnati Convention, and that we feel assured that the nominees of that body for President and Vice-President will unite the strength of the great Democratic party throughout the Union. Resolved, That in the support of James Buchanan and John C. Breckinridge, we have a surer guarantee that we are supporting the Constitution and the Union, than if we wore engaged in the support of a party made up of the would be exciting isms of the day. Resolved, That in James Buchanan we have pre sented a candidate whose eminent worth has been endorsed by several national administrations, in en gusting to his guardianship important functions of the government of the United States, and that in all those he has conferred honors upon himself and his country. Resolved, That in John C. Breckinridge we have a candidate eminently qualified by the highest order of intellect, and by true moral worth, to fill with honor to himself and his country the place assigned him by our ticket. Resolved, That the Democratic party is the only one that extends the right of suffrage without pro scription on account of birth-place or religion. ARO emotion to print the proceedings, the meeting adjourned. rte . -"" "te i lw - ;." •-• ' a, -A 2 .34 4 -- ' -- , 0, -- - --- .- - 777. - - - - I -----,i.t.tiihnrgn morning Piiat.i A. Gopu, On..—See letter of..our. Washington :lip:Mr AsiirriwioN. correspondent. It contains one item worthy of ,siektme., 18V in„pgrese resumed—Political Speeches notice. Our readers Will remember that the '4 • [ Clayton's —Mr. Proposition—Return of Gen. telegraph told us that Whitfield was leading au :t3 Whiyield Telegriiphic Battle—Kansas Discus- army-of three hundred Missourians into Kansas, sion— Colfax' 8 Amendment the Army Appro- and that a battle had been fought anl another priation Bill--No further Legislation now neces- expected. Mr. Whitfield was in Washington nary—A Ratification Meeting—Buchanan and . City at the time. Who now shall believe aboli- Breckinridye—Political Campaign opened—Old tion stories about Kansas? The stories were de line Whigs. signed to influence the conventions ; and the dis turbances themselves were designed to influence the Investigating Committee while in Kansas. Now that the Committe ha 3 left there will be WASHINGTON, June 22, 185 G. As the two Houses of Congress are about to resume their regular daily sess . rons, and the con sideration of public business, your correspondent renews his periodical co mmunications with the readers of the P,,et The occasional sessions dur- ing the past three weeks, will now be followed by long and patient sittings, by a multitude of hour speeches, designed fo give direction to pub- lie sentiment during the Presidential campaign. The nominations are all made, the field is now before the political topographers, and multitudi nous reports of interesting and important discov eries may be daily expected. The country may, therefore, expect a very full development of the issues of the campaign in the House of Repre sentatives during the next two or three weeks. Yesterday furnished a premonition of what may be expected hereafter. Mr. Clayton's proposition, offered in the Sai -1 ate, for the pacification of matters in Kant-so, meets with little favor. Its effect would be to commence the organization of the Kansas Terri tory de novo, beginning with a census of its actual inhabitants, an election of a Territorial Legislature, the abrogation of many of the rows heretofore passed, and so on. It is an expeitent merely, to avoid the direct issue growing out of the treasonable conduct of certain abolitionists in Kansas, ignoring the past, and leaving the future open for a repetition of violence and law breaking. The issue has already been roc t in Kansas, quiet begins to prevail, and the Citated States authorities have maintained the super( ma cy of law and order. Nothing further is nt res- sary to be done. The Kansas Congressional Commission ha:: re turned, and a report may be expected at an (.Irly day. perhaps two reports—representing the ma jority and m,nority of the Commission. It is said, but on what authority I know not, that the report detailii.g the actual condition of affairs in Kansas will not sustain the exciting accounts sent eastward during the last three months. The withdrawal of the Commis-ion has also been the signal fur the discontinuance of the distur!ian ces themselves. It i net fair to presume that the presence of the Commission was the ocetts . inn of the disturbances? Au apt idu,tration of the true character of the telegraphic reports from that quarter during the last three months occur red the day of Mr. Whitfield's return to W ington. Simultaneously with his arrival he: e, a telegraphic despatch was received. announcing a terrific collision between a body of pro-sla,cry men under Whitfield's comma:A end the U S. troops under Col. Sumner, in which the foi,n e r were completely routed anil dispersed. \lr. Whitfield's first knowledge of this wei.derlul telegraphic battle reached him in the of Representatives. Some alto itionist had tn factured the story f , r effeet, without a de .t.nt regard even to the probabilities in the rate. Kansas will be the leading subject of discus sion daring the remainder of the sessii n: with out its constant agitation the Mark Re pub. can party could not hold together a single w, , ek. Tie amendment to the army appropriation bill, offered yesterday by Mr. C o lf ax , of bring the House to a direet ante on ttue of issues presented by that party. This itmeod meat, in effect, attic as the legitslit• lon of KIIIISII4 :ul , l ferbil. , the , , tnl l..yment United States troops or of the posse cum:- t a ws for the enforcement of its laws. A -tic and protracted struggle in the House to ty be expected over this autendmeot. If tilted in the House, it will lie rejected in the Senate— so its passage is impossible : but the Abolition ist• will then endeavor to kill this and all other appropriation bills, and deprive the government of the means of support A game of tlii , rt cannot succeed, but Ahroliti , :tne“ , , ren,iy ti. re. sort to the must desperate measures to sec -Tit phhli its ends. Thu Kansas question is imp r tant only in connection with the Preritleuti,l election. N., further n Id abs Mtety I necessary. The people of the Territory the power to make their own taws, and t. ..tar amt amend those already made, its their inter—:- may demand If any C`: 11111111 are unccm-•.'u tional, the Courts will so prmmuce them in time. When it p , ,stiesse• the re i nt.ite papa,, tion to entitle it to tiOrai-rion as a *-!ate, 11 • • net of Cougress only will he nt,:e•-•ln ise a convento n to form a State ro li d dt ,• Its admission then will meet >vitt) n t set iou position. The crisis within haunt- Mir Itit•:- I it has been transferred to the ilou,e L.; sentatives. The Democratic Ratification meeting in !his city, on Wednesday night last, was the la nest one ever held here, comparing in numbers .rich the vast out-pouring , of the people in the Ni rtb ern cities. Buchanan atd Ereckinridge liar , an e.t lard hold upon the Democracy .f the and upon conservative men everywhere, airs. be lieve that statesmanship and experience :n pub lic affairs are indispensable requisites for the presidential office. Even ;n those Spoil' States whose first choice at Cincinnati, wa. , not Mr. James Buchanan, his nommation, 1 1 ave satisfactory reasons for saying,has been reeeit with entire satisfaction and approval. It is ae understood by them that the real battle aglinst abolitionism is to be f ught in the Nara! ern States, and they were, consequently, not unwit tingly to make a graceful concession as to the candidate, in order that the northern Democracy might go into the canvass under the most fav ga ble circumstances and tinder the lead of a man of their own choice, pia position on the gi eat question of the day being the same with that cf . their first choice. The Know Nothing seceders, the seceders I' orn the seceders, and the lilaek Iti.publicans, have each presented their eandolaies Stockton Raynor will probably withdraw in fat or of I d more. Fremont and Dayton i, the fusion tii kin for New Jersey and Freni..nt and Johm..l,qi the ticket toe Pennsylvania. The calculation is ih at Fremont can carry the New England Stitt i s. i r. , ., and several other northern States on the strength of abolitionism shine. New Jersey and Pennst: culla is disputilil ground. Dayton is to carry the former and Johnston the latter. Dayton a' II not be run in Pennsylvania nor Johnston in N. r'w Jersey. They are each willing to sacrifice them selves to elect a Black Rep II blican President, and take the chancos afterwards. Fillmore is the southern opposition candidate. The Demo cratic party is the point cf assault for all these factions, and their apparent division has a corn mon object in view—the deent of the Dermicr.,tie nominees. Fremout's nomination has caused a good deal of rejoicing among the friends of Eil'- more here; it repels from the Black Republi party the more moderate anti-slavery men, who may now vote fur Fillmore. and his vote be ;hits increased. The Democrats calculate confident) that it will more equally divide the opposition vote iu ninny of the ni.rthern States, and give Buchanan and Breckinridge a plurality in several States never claimed for them. Mr. Fillmore cannot carry a single southern State. The Dem ocratic party must uverwbelm the combined op position. The old-line Whigs of this city held a meeting last night, to oppoint a delegate to represent them at the Louisville Convention. The Know Nothings made a preeoncerted effort to control its proceedings or break up the meeting, a mune. ment that seemed to he under the leadership of Campbell, of Ohio. The chairman refused to recognize any person who was a member of any other political organization, and in this way only were the Know Nothing rowdies choked Nil'. The same set of men attempted to interrupt the De mocratic Ratification meeting . last week. The object of the Louisville Convention is to consider what course the old Whigs should pursue. They do not propose to name candidates of their own and thus throw away their votes, but to adopt the best of the candidates already presented to the people, and to make their influence felt in that direction. There can be no question that they will decide in favor of Buchanan and Breckinridge, on the general grounds of sound conservatism and high respectability, disap proving of parts of the Democratic Platform. Hence the hostility of Know Nothings and Black Republicans here to this movement, MERCER. DEMOCRATIC CELEBRATION The Buchanan and Breckinridge Democratic Club of this county are making preparations for a grand celebration of the Fourth of July by the Democracy. That is right. The Committee should select a spot, and make all needed ar rangements at as early a day as possible, and make the fact known. Good speakers can be procured both at home and abroad, and a grand affair we predict it will be, if proper arrange ments are made. THE politicians among our opponents say that Johnston will yet certainly be put on the ticket with Fremont iii place of Dayton. =IC • n Ws call attention to an advertisement in our auction sales column, of Scotch Bottom Land for sale at..anctiou on Thursday next. Those who are disposed to go, can ride free in omni bu.sses to the ground from the corner of Grant and Fourth streets. The ground is to be sold in lots of from one to three or four acres, to snit purchasers. It is but two and a half miles from the city line, along the plank road, and offers every advantage for convenient and de lightful country residences. The soil is good. The terms are easy. THE Gazette insists upon it that the •' Repub licans " are going to get up a ratification meeting one of these days to bow-wow over tho nomina- Lion of Fremont. It must be rather a cool affair after waiting so long. By the way, suppose Dayton is withdraw❑ and Johnston selected for Vice President, will thee Gazette put up his name? Did not its editor say the other day that be would not? flow about that, neighbor? THE accounts from all quarters represent the crops as presenting a thrifty and excellent ap pearance, excepting only peaches, apples and corn. It is quite evident that the seed corn was damaged last winter by the severe cold. The farmers will probably take precaution here after to prevent a repetition of the injury. Seed corn must be housed in a dry and not too cold a place. WANTED.—The New York Herald advertises for a good, graphic, compact and complete his tory of the birth, growth, expansion, decline, collapse, death and burial of the late great Know Nothing party, for the use of all the political block heads of the day during the Presidential contest. US- Another Letter from Texas .Ifrur, ntioo Driglierv— Dear qtr.—There were several ases of rhinn met fiver in my mother's family at the time ar reveal...li the r ~11..1,1 in my le' air illy letter of .ricer 12th. att.!. a fen 'hank ailunntstered lu eis.'h ave prodin,al the desired ellect. thus dentunstrittlng the et w , Jf I • .ilebraceil Pill, in that dt.annu. ylulher 1,-,s not loon attic the nick head ache since she has evintneileivi taking [hear Pills. and as we have lint ten of Chem left. 3011 N . lll please antler dolat'v in Austin. Tatar. Purchasers will be careful to .k fur .11 - Lame': 611- 4,24., Ltper IV! , manufactured by Fleming tiros, of Pittte burwli. Pa. All other beer Lille, in i - ...sniiarisom are ;‘,irth -1,..,.. Lirrr Pills. also lain celebrated Veraittugs. eau now he had at all renpectable 6111, 'Liras. Sate geniethe sianaturo of FLEAII.NG BR• for ma.k by the 'lob , prrialotons, ' , LEMING BROS, Burca.sure to J. Kidd .4 Co, N, etreet, cot not of Your* i ia 4',ir Piles, neglected, often prove fatal; IMO ploCtlMll:liti 6,1 Abnut the pwrbf three bun,.a day oath DALLEY'S PAIN kATRACTuIt. It x.. eaten form the rectum, then ,14ert the Syringe." hll. .l dith Extraction, and zna,l -o.,I1) diacharge it as the %ping,- et withdrawn It n•eer lade la rare C41.8e of any n i ts of v”, , lt-ucy, nor to give entire enee instantly vu all, frelnenCy curing • by nun applicat ion ht., 610 known by the heat, itching sn-I pain of flu .t71,1e. Bleeding pil.% are caused I.lllt.tilrlo.l by the fn!lnnt the e I I. I,,Avela, which then preen the inte,ttbai light k bonen and ktiq.- tin. up Ow 20 the 1,1 w 4 ?Wing holt nt C.; • I '-we hug., w!“•ti n string Ia titli tight round it; nob and for Acroftilinin hann.tn and ',ten; pr•alin. a t SUppOrlttr. rind a . - ..mpr,se to We lvf min. is d tau w taw We -Alt o.• ,e tub it 15 011 t 1.11 , 1.0114 antl abdomen tot the tutturill I..ras t!..tt uu1.1.-rt the I,Aveln tvill I.• t,l -.11 tnA.,:o atid your n A., .1 I's. rly . In. cu,wi. It t Not grni“”c: ultbvtit pinto art-1 si4t:ainrin., C. V CLICK KNEE a CO, Mumoa.coln,.. 1., by Dr . OEO. II EEyEEE . Vt.A.l and by nearly emery myth th,111:11. ut l'thilo.l Stitt,. All onion, or lettt , r. for 10. hTulatout ot 1a.1,11,1`, to to. udattouttul to C. V. CLICK F.N Elf A Or. Now York, jr6ulA,A4w o - From a llialloguished Member or 7nr. LAIL ,r 1.1,F kT (PHATIIK ~r /I , ••• w. Den: fa :I I Lads ,inlont atta. 1.+11111144u. lln , 1:1,4 fur int‘erril nin:..l onlinarr i'111,111,1 Wlt ID Olt any intrnintinut ttontait. 1 Rut n Sint "I WIIITE ENT. I land not lils,l OAF that, 11,1111 1:4 L. NI 11,1 I is an itlitintit totally trilryta/ I has, rst rr 51511.., 1 attributn this rella in it, in a of this trash ins, uud 1 ha .. na invitation at saying that I conaisita ur 1.1 11tIENT us ' , fry valnahl, renawly int hilientnatic an, ta t, aim S..ry rrenartrally. V, T. NVILLEY Dr Me INIrRoAI. LI v, Pilib arid naetiovitto Dr. I So.ten 0-14 , 1 , rat.efl White Cirraseint, 4 ,, 1.dy under tlne ntlyers ui..n .4 Dr. I. Scott., r,gular 51,/bural grucluAto, nail Pl.t) a1ei..1.41 of ext,/anive prow tirs. N.,no gvnuine. rain P.ll prviusred by Dr. I. I.:Auk I'm, ThiJr,f, certify. That I ha,' the 11,ipc :or prepariligltataiei Improved Verwituge Mid 111111{1,M! Liter Ville Dr. 1. Seiith whe liar borne Ow hetet p tag and tiring may cirtionaltiitc last thirteen stare, mei that I belle', lir , has iinpr-ti-d thee, I matte the above mateinetit the Mere willingly it, I hat e interest In theta what,. or C. Me LAN E. M. it Dr McLane'r Imrrtovr.n Vennlfogo an.l IMPROVED Liver PICA, w .onipattb.4l Lp rertiflotte of C. Mel.rmv. fur sAle by PrnngnOw nod Merchnntx everywhere. kik:,). II K KYr l Eit, 140 WoO.I rt., Whohwale Agent. Dn. J. P. FLJMING, Allegheny, near KwDread Depot, je24.dawhpe 1 , 511,40t:de AgonL Time Past and Present.--Wr well remem ber, to the d ays of our childhood. cf witnessing the suffer ings of n lkdoved parent ne he grasped in agony the side of his chair. while enduring the torturing pains of the Tie Douloureux, and seeing the moistened cloth spread .aver his face to give momentary relief, and cool the fiery burning of the Erysipelas. But then no remedy was at hand; Kenne dy had not mule his MEDICAL DISCOVERY. At the presk out day, through the v.iwertul agency of this medicine, three diseases are comparatively but In name where used. One, two or three bottli, according to the severity of Cie case, will cure as surely as the earth revolves. or night succeeds the day. For 1111 111111101, It has provivl itself master remedy. and we Id 4 Mr. Kennedy god sped in hie , florts to relieve the sick. R. - See lung advertisement in another ...damn Sold Ivholenale and retail nt DR. OK( MO F. It. KEYSER'S, 140 eel street, sign of the ti,.l.len Mortar, and at .1. P FLEMING'S, Allegheny 41 - Prof. Dc Grath on the Weather--prof Do Grath wants all sufferers from tlo•effect, of the inclement w. miter lately, to call awl procure a Louie of into pleasant Electric Oil. It cures like magi I•rice 23. 50, um! $1 per 01.. Prof. De tiratli feehlt to be hie duty I.r 111111 M an,l t" the public to state explicitly, that the article oirern,l fvr sale by Mr, Anna E. Smith, called in her advertisement IN‘ctor Smith. A. E. Smith. Chontll, he., Sc., in not ii: ath's Ehx-trn 1)11.' mrs. Smith's pretensions to a knowledge of the prepare. trio of this celebrated retried), 1111504 from her connection with Mr. Lielutia IS. Smith, formerly engaged with Prof. Dr. Grath in keeping the books and correspondence of De Grath A Co., but 'toyer inetructod in the manufacture of the medi cine. Those parties hats neither the right nor the ability to make -Do Urath's Electric and no imitation of It can produce the wonderful effects of the original, as prepared by Professor De Grath himself. at his old arid well known e,etai lushment, No. 341 Suuth Eighth street, ladow Ch t. , nwt. Philadelphia in_ Druggists will address their orders to hitu For sale by 1. a. KEYSER, Pittsburgh, end all Drug myl2 itZs• We lutes Just received our Spring stock of Goods, consisting of Gents' Otter, Beaver and Silk Hats; Geut,' A ild Youth's wit Limn of oil colors; also, a large assortment of Spring styles of Cape and Straw Rate. Our Mends, and the public generally, who have sai liberally patronised T.lll the last season, will find fresh inducements to favor no with their calla Please do so, and do yourselves and us good 'Eric motto is : "Quick Sales and Light Profits." 'MORGAN k CO., No. 153 Wood street, Next door to the new Church, rny3 One door from Sixth stroet. illir-lirrom the N. York National Monitor of February 21.-11russn Vseon--,Dr. Curtis has done more to ameliorate the condition of humanity afflicted with lung aamplalnts, than any other practitioner of medicines that has struggled with the secrets of the mote is medics, for the last century, by the invention and perfection of au instru ment that will convey to the lungs a medicine In the shape of a highly Medicated Vapor, which acts directly on the disease, and not, as hitherto, by sympathy. Those who are ft-A.11,10d with diseases arising from disordered lungs, will subserve their interests by giving the ilygoan Vapor a trial. auction.—Dr. (juirrilt LITCLUIIa is the original aid only e mdse articb. ciovStkawdiii I , • ' • • • • , _, • - • , • - ,>r • 4 4. • 13121111 Cn . TEIA Augu,t 15, 1851 Hogk,titally y.Po: MEREDITH Si% HENEY !tiono.kyrowv, V K.•pt. 1555. A CARD. `l', S~"" 12aiding'11.11ustia Salop. , --Itia , a.Boston..reitrunipt ' of thirty years' standing, and is recommended by physicians. It is a sure and speedy cure for burns, piles, boils, corns, felons, chilblains, , :and old sores of every kind ; for fever sores, . Weeny itch, scald head,.nettle rash, bunions, sore nip ples,reeommended by ,imrses;) whitlows, st ies, r festers, Ilea bites,: spider stings, , lrozen lirabs; salt rhenin, scurvy, sore and practiced lips, sore nose, waits and flesh wetuads,-.lt is'a most valua ble remedy arid cure, which can be testified to by ' thousands who lave used it in the city of Boston and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no in stance will this Salve do an injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made from the pnrestmaterials, from a receipe brought froM Russia—of articles growing in that country— and the proprietors have letters from all classes, clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and others who have used it themselves, and recom mend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve is put in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, 25 cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors. Aberdeen, in Scotland, or else from the scattered fragments which the excavation of ancient cities For sale by B. A. Fahne3took & Co., Flem ing Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser and H. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & M'Kennan, Allegheny city. 4Q-Have You a Rupture of the Bowels? —I would most respectfully Invite the attention of those af flicted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid 50801 trueut of Trusses of various patterns, and to snit every age, applied and satisfaction guarantied In every case, at my °thee, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., sign of the Gulden Mortar. Among the Trusses sold by me will be found .Ifarah' s Radical Cure Truss; French Trusses, very light spring; Gum Eleatic Trusses C hildrens' Trusses, single and double; Umbilical Trusses, children? and adults Eberli's Eli ptic Spring Truss; Dr. S. S. i'stch's Suirporter Truss ; The price of Trusses vary from $2 to $3O. Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited by remitting money and sending the measure around the hips, stating whether the upture is on the right of left side. I also sell and adapt Dr. Banning': Lace or Body Bran, for the cure of P.alap ens Uteri, Weakness of the Cheat or abdomen, Piles, Chronic Diarrhoea, and any weakness depending on a weak and debili• Laced condition of the abdominal muscles. Dr. Filch': Abdominal Supporter; English Elastic A bdominal Bdts E.tastic 13dLt ; And nearly every kind of Supporter now in use. I also et,' Shoulder Braces of every style, for weak chested and stoop ohoolderod persons. Zastie Stockings, for broken and varicose reins. Suspensory Bandages, of all kinds. Synnyes of every earidy and pattern, and in fact every kind of mechanical appliance used in the cure of disease, DR KEYSER would state to persona in want of Braces or Tramss that he can often send to suit the patient by writing, but it is always better to see the patient and apply the Truss or Brace personally. Address DLL GEO. IL KEYSER, 140 Wood at.. Sign of the Golden Mortar. jullYttawly OLD ECLIPSE FREIGHT LINE. raiIIiWRWAPISSMga THIS LINE IS NOW PREPARED to bring all kinds of freight from New York, in three days, at j1,2k111 100 the., and from Philadelphia in 40 hours et $1 ? 100 lbs. RECEIPTS GIVEN FOR TIME WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. se_ No paper packages or small bundles received. Mark goods " ECLIPSE FREIGHT LINE." C. B. ALLEN, Agent, No. 2 Astor House, New York. .1. .1. MoKEEVEII, Agent, cor. Broad and Locust, Phila. For further Ulf . ..rotation. apply to W. B. BARROLL, Agent. No. 61Yourtli .3 Je24.1 al—Journal copy A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Corner FouriA and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh AGENTS State Mutual Fire and Marine Ineurane Co., of lARRIBISUItti. CAPITAL, 8350,000. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co PIIILADELYIIII. CAPITAL, $300,000. insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia WlNCiLeaTilii, VA. CAPITAL, 5300,000. . Commonwealth Insurance Company, 11A6 CAPITAL, $300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. HAI-MORD. CAPII 41, AA L 1 ASSETS, $2,154,459 Pennsylcanla Insurance Co., of PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL AND 5ur..5,1555, 8128,02.2 Wit. F. Join-ryes, President A. A. Cullum Peen tart'. dec I 4.daptll y S MUEL FA H N ESTOC , IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOl EIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, I'ITTSBURGLI, PA. 441" Tao subscri . her Is now opening a well selected I:wort :neat of foreign and domestic 'Hardware, all new t and will he wIA en as guest terns as any other house in (Ida city. Ile will always keep on hand s general assortment of it RDWARF., CTTLKIt V, CAIIPICSTERS' TOOLS, T'' a hich he rceipei thdly inviter the attention of pnrchnsera 01,26 SANIUF.a. FAIDIESTOCK. FORSYTH- & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERC FL AN T S, Dealers In Wool, Hides, Flour, BACON, LARD AND LARD OIL, 4~ - ANO PRODUCE CENIs7RALT.Y. No. 75 WATER STRSZT, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. Springer Blubaugh, Pitteb•b Geo. Wells, Wellsville, John Scott A Co., " Martin, It., a J ones, Caster CAL Dep. Bk. Koons A. Ilerstine, Phila. & I•ittoburgh. Burnet, Nesbit is Gurretson, Joseph E. Elder, St. Louis. Thomas A Greiner, Bankers, Holmes & Connell, Cincinnati. Salem, Ohio. I frbl :Iy] A. D. Bullock A Co. .7,10. It. hwss, Into of Ilumphreye, Ileffinank Koons, Ph lie D. W. t 17.astutt Late of Pittsburgh. KOONS & HERSTINE, FLOUR FACTORS, General Produce Commission 111 m chants, EigIiMMIEJME liaguloy. Woodward d Co. Phil Garrott. Martin .4 Co. ood A Oliver, Sitter, I rice A Co. Caleb C 'Pe A Co. Truitt, .irother A Co. •' J. D. Lohmor A Co. Cincinnati A. A. P.illock & Co. •• Tweod A Sibley, And Pittsburgh and Phil. Ja! tdspc6m WILLIAMS & ALLEN, MANUFACTURERS OF C H ILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. air W. & A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Main or Hot Water, Pipes or Chllson's Furnace, Church es, Schools, Hospitals, Factories. Green Douses, Dwellings, Court Houses, Jails, or Hotels. No. 26 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. apli ALEX. HUNTER, F LOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, D PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 299 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH da i.dapt, W. 11. SMITI.I W. W. R. 11UNTIIII SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS , 122 Second and 151 Front st., 1/J117:Om Pittsburgh, Ps. JAMES BLAKELY, EUROPE AN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, Corner of Seventh and Smithfield atreets, PITIIIIII3BOH. *3_ Passengers brought from the old country to Pitta burgh, and moneys remitted to Hurons. 1n0v47 JAS. COLLINS J. BANKS KNOX JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PEOPRIETOIL9 07 THE Pittiburigh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. REFERENCES; Prrtnnunan— Wm. Bag'ley k Co., Smith & Sinclair, M'Candleas, Means k Co., Pirtt.Angu.uts— Bagaloy,Wcodward & Co-, Wood, Bacon Co. INSURANCE! INSURANCE! Applies tion for Insurance tor several good reliable Insurance Companiee received by GEO. W. BUNN, at Ida Real Erdate Agency and Intelligence Offloe, on the north able of Ohio fourth door east of the Diamond, Am.roamarr Crrr. jag YOUNG HYSON TEA—I.O chests finest King Chop Young Upson Tea, at Tic. and $E Rt.; re- calved by P. It. D.RAYOi, cl4/0 82 Market agd 1 %mond. __~„^ OtisoCatt.44k - k*IBEFOSIgiat 14 ; - .3 11 4* Ao. BAAurth M 1 'IDLE BOOM, JCIMP.S' NEW ,_BUJLDIBO. IS NO from , W OPEN daily au 9 .ti o'clock ; o'cloWeditifsday and Satininy evenlngs, from 7 to 9 an ."•-•• feceised'Of all Sums not lest tlihp Otn Dal3 , thl Knkn dividend of the profits declared twicea'year, in June anti DeceMber. filtered was declared at the rate of six per cent. per annom,an the fleet of December; 1555. Also on the 3d oflune, 11396. Boobs containing the Charter, By-Laws, Bides end Beg' latfons, furnished gile, on application at the otice. .14raideot—GEORGE Al-BILEB. PICA PELMID&ML Hopewell Hepburn, John li. Shoeuberger, George it White, Charles Knapp,. William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, Jaffee W. Hallman, . Theebald Umbetactber, Alexander Bradlet, • Isaac IL Pennock, William Phillips, William J. Anderson. • TaIISTI6IS. 1=3:1 EMIZEIR EIMME3 Bryan, Kennedy 3 Co. Pitte"ll L. WiSmartt & Co. Bell & Liggett, J. & W. Rea, Nobly, Cosgrove & Co. •• Watt & Wilson, Fosdick & Foulds, Mello Litt Morrow & Gettler, J. S. Chenoweth & Co. " phla Merchants genet ally. Murphy, Tiernan & Co., Hampton, Wilson & Co., English & Richardson. Train, Brother dk Co., (fob= ~,~-Y . John G. Backeten, James Ilerdunin, Hill Bnrgwln, /James D. Kelley. , , Albert Culbertson, - i John 111. Hitkpittriek, `. rt I Robe Chester, ' 'John tt. 31'Cord, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. ?darsk.ll — , -- - Alonr,OA.Varier, • ' '''' '-'"A:.'lslrPolloar,"..a. John S. Cosgrove, Henry Id. Itingwalt, Charles A. Colton, - Hobert - Robb, E. G. Edrington, James Addle, Francis Felix, George B. &Wen, George F. 011Imore, Alei`ander 7indle; James B. !loon, William .8. Lively. - William S. Haven, Wilton Miller. Secrelary and Trearurer--CIIAELES A. COLTON. , jyl9:dly vlitifitits AND MECHANICS' FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO OP PHILADELPHIA. hos. TI OS. B. FLORENCE, Preo't. Eva. R. Iit.XEIOLD, Secretary. STATEMENT OF BUSINESS, From theist day of August to t). 31d day of D•>:., 1865 Amount received in Marine prernhuna $ 115,242 31 Fire 39.1ai8 82 Total premium, for ftro months CAPITAL INVESTED AS FOLLOWS Roods of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh 6's $ 78,721 fA Railroad Ronde, Coat 33,400 CA Loan on First Mortgage of Real Estate 59,050 40 " Stocks, Collateral 30,354 00 Cash In Bank andon hand 11,058 2.. 2 Capital subscribed, (payment not yet doe) 97;000 00 Premium Notes, not yet matured 66,147 81 Due from Agents, (secured by Bowls) 18,853 81 Expenses and Commissions 11,662 36 $408,161 13 Total amount of Losses Incurred, but not yet adjusted:— Fire $1,666 66 Marine ' 3,000 00 $4,668 MI This Company Insures Hull and Cargo risks on the Ohio and Mississippi tributaries. Insures against LASS or Damages by Fires. loss, liberally adjusted and promptly paid. ligszarcces—Hon. T. 31. Howe, Hem J. K. Moorbisul; James Wood. For Insurance apply to THOMAS J. IDINTSR, Agent, No. 90 Water at., bet. Wood and Market. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY; OFFICE, S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Philadelphia IQ- MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo, Freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes and Land Carriages, to all parts of the Union, FIRE INSURANCE ON MERCIIANDIZE generally. On Stores, Dwelling HOlate, Asset: of the Company November 5t1i,1155. Bonds, Mortgages and Real Estate .$101,020 91 Philadelphia City, mud other Loans 65,210 00 Stock In Banks, Railroad mid insurance Co's 23,000 10 Bills receivable 1801440 97 Cash on hand 211,825 09 Balances in hands of Agents, Premiums on Ma rine Policies recently Issued, and other debts due the Company ... Subscription Notes.— DIRECTORS. James C. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, James Trutt:air, William tlyre, Jr., Joshua L. Price, . . James Tennent, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. McFarland, Charles Schaffer, P.ohert Burton, John B. Semple, Pittsburg' D. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, WM. 1111.1tTLK, Predikrt. William Martin, Joseph IL Seal, Edmund A. Sunder, John C. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington Dr. IL M. Huston, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer blellvairt Charlee Kelley, U. Jon.% Brooke, J. G. illlboll, TA% C. RAMP, Tice President. llrcnr Ltinuss, b4,rentry. P. A. MAW:MA, Agent, Nn. 9. Water strftt, Pittsburg MARINE NSVRANCE. FIRE RISKS. 111RFACTUREHS' 11SURINCE cutATEIL PEEPESUAL—GIIANTII) Hi TIU VA.I2 nF RE , S9TI72cNT.A. Chartered Capital, $500,001). FLEE, ..1f..4/ILVE AND INLA.ND 17t,t.N. , IRDRTA TroN , AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN IOPORRS, S,eretary. ()ROME 17OUNO, Trvesur..r. TILIZCTOIIB. B. Thomna, Willimn Neal, Alli - .•d lieu lee .7. Aaron S. Lipptnoott Mahlon k, N leholn.a O. Tay 1.. r, Orrin Rogera, J.. 113 P. Sutton., Jam., P. Smyth. /1167•Tliin Company {1:13 beet, ergauived with a ett•th Cal, and the Inrert.,rs hart d,,tertnitied Cu adapt the ba•in to ita available msourees. To obierve prudence in ,I,t,ds tag Its affairs, with a prompt raklustment of loss,a. ttetough Oillce, No. 7C. Water street. J. NEWTON JONES, Agen The following well known and responsible firms ih Pitts burgh hare authorized reference to them, with regard to the stability and soundness of the Manufacturers' lusuranke Company. _ . Kramer & Rahm, George P. Smith & Co., Jones, Tierunn & Co., nevi PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE AND AIARIN INSURANCE COMPANY; CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Pres',Scut. Taos. Gmutatt, Secretary. r 3 Thls Company makes exery Insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against SWILL AND OARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivdre and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils or the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportarien. MMMiiiMEM CD= Robert Galway, Samuel M`Clurkau, Joseph P. Gnooam, M.D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, Mansfield B. Brown, David U. Chambers, Christian Zug, William Carr, Robert EL Hartley, Jas. D. MoHill falai" CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBUKGII. WILLIAM. BAGALEY,PmbIent. SAMUEL L. MARSIIELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, between Markt/ and Wood Weds. 4a- Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, .on the Olds and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Boa and Inland Navigation and Transportation. lEEE= William Bagaley, James M. Cooper, Samuel Rea, Robert Dunlap, Jr., IMISC M. Pennock, & Harbaugh, Walter Bryant, John Shiptou. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN EL SHORN - BERGER, President. ROBERT FINNEY, Secretary. C. W. BATCHELOR, Geneml Agent. WILL iNstuur. AGAINST ALL KINDS OP MARINE AND FIRE RIMS. EMI= J. EL Shoentego r, G. W. Cass, C. W. Itatchol r, W. E. Nimick, Isaac M. Pen h., T. B. Updike, W. W. Marti , R. D. Cochran, R. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Carmiley, George S. &Idea, S. S. Bryan, David M'Candleas. "AB Loesoa enietained by parties unwed antler poll,: issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and Komi ly paid at ita OFFICE, No. 99 WATER STREET. [jy.l l PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. AirsKusure Buldinge and other Property against Loss or Damage by Sire, and the Perils of the Sea and Inland N 11%{- gfalou and Transportation. El= Wm. F. Johnston, Risky Patterson, Jacob Patoter, A. A. Carrier. W. WClLutoek, J. P. Tanner George W. smith, W. 8. Haven, D. F. Park, I. Grier Sprott', Wade Hampton, D, H. Long, A. J. Jones, J. H. Jones, IL R. ersizsh, , C=C! President non. WM. F. JOHNSTON Vice President ...RODY PATTERSON. Seer and Trims. —A. A. OAKUM. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, Prtrastriton.—GFAMOE DARSIP., President; F. M GORDON, Swretary. Will insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and mimtv. MI losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Directors who are - Well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character wbiCh they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to ditlse who desire to be insured. Dtascross—.R. Hiller, Jr, C. W. Bicketson, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. H. Smith, C. Theisen, George W. Jackson, Andrew Ackley, James Lippincott, George Dantie,Jamet Arley, Alexander Nitpick, ThMae Scott. Sir' Office No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spann A C o ., up atairo;,) Pittsburgh. n0v24:1 y t. LTH INSURANCE COMMONWEI HARRISBURG, PENNA. Chartered Capital, $300,000. SkS. Insures Buildings and other Property against Loss or Damage by Fire; also, against Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. OrtmattlON CAMERON, President. BENJ. PARKA Vice President S: S. ceinunt, Secretary. k Agent, Fourth and Saiithfield. [Je23:6ln A- A. CARS! 4'4XT. LI44,IJORIOE 10 4 4 - , 4irtgrirn -to • '' ' Y ' , lk , -r; ._ • !• • - 4 7', • - - „ . T .: . . . . . 10 4 00 . 0,01 1 60 "Moisilifir - .. , L,:': iic al , gois , mtinlkt . sttAiretirm - , , St; euaribO i Velilcor t rwOSifillteliiti gla 1 &Oh to tie 1 .w L " 1- eie? , ,eVcPP,..4F,eer, , e,t VAteW gel .l e,,%tithati.t4ht " 1 010 41, « 4 : ince of w,. qt ij. tlitigAtlftVtefl.:o ll oce, ILOntwau tli ffOr i. ,„, ibis,pti*itoptc:iiii thhik,it marbtkustetrtetde , thev4 . tp!. 4nly mammary to oacertaintlar.exleteiticti:ot wrote MR/ta l i : 7 Btainitcli , ortowWiiiitrte t*iit. ti1t1ip01(4,;444,014:. : , gra cifid, - 1 tßi'disbis - dr tisillto eelk,p l i &e . e " 4; : the ,eterte—, r4tVelly 4 lhe:ei . oppe.: - Aeioetimoitti4 r *** Macao fa which they are embithjed,fram.rjoiklig,:i,„. hind Mel , 'tang , (4 gild? ii*etioiltq - . 0 tt . *744 .. .,,, - deadly ii it hottottith` th1i11144'#4:1004454;„,. Pep to” tailliione.'"Wki, ks "Caiiiipir Vial: . ,:;,;.fo':ts't and-spiel -If i K* ''' ' Inl 143."1 ton street, New York. ''. -"" ".": ~,,::,. i Bold Van err rt.''.A. TA.X.0.*1:141t1:#44:1111441, fo4it c f ta., and ktiitisietti f iliy. :. .-:, ~ •<•:-;144.1 1 k3- /Ur - Ah I 'Vie ll ij:k4o: l o:44l l *iiiiiit44., 4so; ferod to at:min:ml'am upon cold a whole whitathre'' to takinga altorvrotde 'Ult thld chief Wawa it him Axed Itaalfloyi;10 . 1 t 4 44" . L I VERWOII.T;TATI, AND' elaibllA.L.Aoll/‘,. the restilk is not merely a vrobability,;4ol, A cerfalnty,:. teaPiiiiio444 . Agents' possession , and advertiaeonerikpi thii : itneinesite partrnent, of Ma paper. ' ,• 1 ~__,_.: -.t.i;.“'..4 oi irir Fur sale, whoiesak tie.t.ttilafl, by'11..:•84, mlialat&RAPA' Ca, roruer Wood mid Seco4d stret9, , , ~:.:, .. .r .. ,,,5 , '4 . ,:t1, A.,...i' -,,, sAd f4l. by EfFANDERSON A I;ol.o.,Lilierty itiiiiTi4l,; , P," scuwAltv, ...I BECREMII & fiIcIiZNIVAN, Allegheny City. , iVrt:ttkla* . . Datehelor's Hair Dye -- Porfectliit.,ll attained by indolence and 'eties"; there Ls no ncrooslot - 0 - 4,fil vernal favor. Tbe'world will liOebe chtinnel indicated by limit...lora., Wiaestr - th r latflfulloied-7. fame oIItEIVIZAR'S HATA 140, 7 44bnOntclilirgYheti others slept, mistafned nces'to nature— Warranted not to Olsaynxtinype tilOSO WllO 'IWO It. Slade andeold, or applied aktitet. l og,Fa*il tory, 733 Broadway. New York. .$lOB,lOl 31 . 300,000 00 $ 08,151 18 Sold, wholesale nsid.retail,..by Dr. Gao. ' ls K1CT811111.0144 . wocsl street.je2Clwdime. 4 AP-Stockings and litosierypsilkiMiiiCrtt If you don't want' your . foot itinetted Witlllu4 and Ilhokit Stockings, you will take our advice itittize to CI: D4Nsi ner of Market alley and Fifth firma, flidiro of,d* elegant fine Stockings, that make your feet tee): nitei;iiiie comfortable. DALT also makes ariCeeija - Uttl*i*r - iekk* Ihrsiery that you can mention; et ,whopuiniultiidi ; tihr„4 , ,,,-..r. Remember the place, corner of garitit alley unit OM ,tree!. 4gY - W by w 1.1.1 you. Suffer, Panel 0440641V0Ug' "-- SO EASILY OBTAINED?—iIavo you,' Paii'hionidaidnig, 'llbenalatisna,NeuralgisißronnhitlaiGrOtrp, -- Stifflodittimatkt Met, Nuns, Sprains, or P,altts inazt.T . ,p V..of*freystem I You can be relieved at once toiliig tho ruosiLbe antlful of 011 Liunnentd, the," WinlerirAttartiLtininti2 . lo.4 . l Dr..bGNYIT, of Morgantown,. Ye.,- and for lain. Aisai ,* wholesale and retail, by Dr: KEYSER; JAS. P. FLEMING, near IL IL Depot, Allegheny. gen ad vertmernPo tin another colium of to:day?siatrOr. rralittalke - , . a- Call at No: 13 Woo 4 itt7.4lSystiattlt4_ amino our atock of a large lot Of Bhangbal,Oeleitialiittartiti**o which wo will Noll /ow fur wieb,-410Alpfk0 - 48_4 WONlStreot.. NOTICE.—In tho Court of Common-Pleas,- Allegheny county, N 0.256, October Term.-4851,- the matter ortin voluntary aastnment of igcCairt: * * Stevens. All parties interested is the above tuarigimieittjalti hereby not , fiell that the Antlitoet repctrt in the dlitt - putift of the fund in the hands of I:lei:try Latiabetioundgileevilaill been made out, and will remain at the attlaa or the AWltif,„ 114,. 157 Fourth street, Pittsburgh . , subject , to . eiaratusithial and exception, until the sth day, of July.naxt r whet( lnildrailiv port will bellied, uulegi excelitions ase truuhftheix*te Adel!) the sahl Auditor. AUG VSTIIS WASIaNGTONJ 11:25:24 43,856 i 6 100,000 CO $617,348 18 • • • Prtlsernanainiii247Bs6:±' DISSOLUTION OF 'PARTIVERS' , Tho intrtnership heretofore cslatinitebirean BLAIR and W. W. MAIITLY,-under tbatigYht.luatlinniAlt J.t \LES BLAIR 4 co, fa Has day diasalved-by,duatinor,kost-. tiara. The laudaeseaf the firm , alll. Da continued BLAIR, atyla a flnurettuaning the same.. : FroCONTRACTORS.. Seateir'pfdOpala vrill received until the fifth duY of JAIY. ge.,, the Grading and Masonry on Sidticals 16. 17" EMIR eit the 'East Liberty and PenO Plank Road. Applt to either of the -Managers. By the•Reant • ••• je2.s:2tw' Prnaldwittii _ - - 1.1%1E-10E- REASUREE'S - NOTICE.—:-T 11-0-31717 - 4 T 4 11i.,A.C.K11011.14, Tretwurer rd Allegheny cafirtlyNPtig onect•the.attentlou of idaYbia, Aldermen and BiWgeasek W. r the 101 l :wing Art of Assemb.y, which be is determined.. .W. '.l. enb,re, to the full exts at of -rho lsw t.. 4 . ,tig Ain „,,, neloti. , g fo 6 , ez. letftilttree ororpcnalfits in the aye, Phila. tf; . tirtp/iia end the county of 1 ~. Ailegheny. . ._......, .'' 9s...rioN 1. Ile it enacted by the Bene4e and .IfOreseef Rep- re...la/ie., of the Commonwealth of Penniyfianie, in %we si i.: eral Assembly met, and it ifrheretyenacted Urdu:cant** I y of the same, that from nut - Vallee the paskage-oflhiritif, ..., the Mayors of the cities of Philadelphte r fittsbninh and i: leglieny, the burgesses of the several barotighs of Allegheny county. as also the Aldermen of old elliss, minitp:juatlixt . It of the pears of mid county, shall make' .as tute,iu e ti t , . finder 'A csi h. un first Monday of April,Jtily,Qctober finfi'Jny. nary, iln , :eh year, of all the dries; forfeitures heed ifer;altifieleCipre# g by 0,,..,e, und e r the pe,isions of the several fete orAteeeit - - 7 lily', r this Commonwealth; to the roliPeetira.treasureti:er the said city of Philadelphia, and tmtinty , nf AMeghen}clilid - I •4 shall at the same time pay over to said treasurer the menet :: ~f octet tines, forfeitures and penalties for the use of saitifity .4 e.r county as the ease may be: and should any of' fiaid,,-bift ccre fail to furnish said statement, and pay-over said anibtiiit O CO collected and ear equlred Ile aforesaid, the party of of- fending shall fortbit and pay to the sald•city.of Yhdadah. a Chia or the county of Allegheuy, aa. the case may be, -the emu of two hundred and fifty dollars: telierOuzeie4 bylfts i onion er d..bt in the Cofirt of Ciiminott Kiwis,. in glib County 1 of Allts„,eheny or Philtulelph in, as the castimarbe4 - All'laine , ineon•ostent Is Ith the above ore heiebrretpeded:'- ,,, " '....';'- - i lihkillY;:k STONft , ; - ' "f st.e-tkcr of the Haase Of Representatives." WM. if.llitki!lfß,' i Fpeeker of the &nein: ' Approved the twenty-sixth day al April, Anna Domini, s on, :Itonsatul eight hundred and fifty five.. • • . .; .F t JA lid P01,L001t.. - 4 I'. B.—Those embraced in the publleladllst of the Idercllie tile Appetiser, are hereby notified that the perked:,eithle which they can settle their taxes will expire ow thofiriCrif July next. After that date thei will ke deattierlthecceid log to law.. 1.11051A5. nucsaLant; 'f..,1 Je24:2.daltw • _. County.Tretuntrern§ A • • GENTS wanted' . in every, OA of„ - the United States, to sell Iliglita.for several new. thitani pr Ned Inventioue. To smart 010113 *ft& a Alla/ capitai, the above offerer a chance to realiith from " - $11401.0 V 2009 year. For particulars address (with a stomp eneiwod. 11. LOW, 52 Washington streetatuston. • -: juts . F Ripon, Chil.ln k Co., Hampton tt. Campball H. Childa & Co. 1 011 RENT—Warehouse No. 66,i biOirrkid trot near Fourth etreet, occupied try NCO . - 40_1 41 Possession giver' immediately Fur terms BROWN a• suutPAtateTri No. u3'tioextylit.:3'. WE OFFER FOR SALE ABOUT.iF9RTY, tares id prime land on the old Weildirgliaa IteaSl, beau' lardy eituatod, width we 'would will in email lotg! to suit purchasers. It In ono of the prettiest locations; l)ifo country residences around the city, and will bo.soldlow s Io TIIOS. WOODS. No. 75 Four* at. UN J; 11 A' DRE D DOLLARS A YEAR. —For sale a two-stcrry dwelling Louse of roar app "• - and kitchen, spring /muse, Av.,. situate .ork .V/rginitistrea with large lot of ground of 061eet teet . frcint by .165-de6. fruit trees, Sc, The soil is good .and location pi..., Price $1,500. Terms $5OO In hand remainder at $l.OO • year. 8. CUTIIIII3RT dr BON, 51 lit - siker. ' je24 DRY GOODS AT REDLIO.ED PRICE, 1.5 A. A. MASON.itiC.O.. are now offering their itordense stuck of Dry Goods.comprising every . variety of _bilk shawls, mantilla; silk and straw bonnets, due dress goods, emb,roid °ries and t ri mmings, hosiery, gloves and mitts, donssetic and housekeeping goodeof every description; kn., ati.i at groitty reduced prices, No. -25 Fifth street. - • , JeZt*- _ Caps.l!Jaric Starling. Samuel M. Kier, William Bingham, John S. Dilworth, *anon! Belle', .1. School:masker, William B. Kayo. [decal FOR SALE very deeirablb - Coluitry Residence, mataininVMAeree,,beautilhiVeitie4ed ttie Ohio River, mid adJobylnirthetovrix of Iteaver.—trolltii. proved, nit) a good Cottage House and other buildinggg, forest shrubbery, do. • THOUS. VrOOD4.-. .023 - 75 Fourth strestt;- , QUGAR-40 . k. — ,o;:r--SOgat:f4 ,vde by Ista3L, ,TIRNRY COUNTRY 'SEATS' FOR SALE4In'.7.* handsomest locations on the Fourth StrearoaCth#4 tunes frOm.the city: NO* Is the nine" to bay' - - 7 ZniltdtkOr je23 711051A5. WOODS, 25 Fottrttilt.l: T_TOUSES FOR SALE—AII lescrAlit34';on woode Printed Land Itegiater,.wtdchls.givin.gral to oil who call at Nc. 75 F.ol:Lltra atreit. IY Tan ivltdit* Moose on n !eculation, call 'VIOLAS WOODS', ~ • 75 Fottrth street; Arrangement, • ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAI.LRAtia . - • S Bort est'andleast Ronlta so ell p o i nt , on the Allongheng River. TWO DAILY TRAINS leave ;Pittsburgh as. folloptav t . Morning Erpreis, at Ero'clbrk; ftir CLARION, FRANKLIN, RRINBANII, BRADrB-BEND, MAIIONING, RICIMERSBURG, BROOKYILLII, aid - all points Nord, al Et , taing,.,4o;ommodacion loaves at 5:45, st °polio ~..4kt l wirstations. • Fare to r- 046. - • .Ififttuilisse . Middlesex. ........ 751-Clarion . . ... 25. Sraicksbarg ...... ... . . 250 Pnatatairlatr.:. . a 25 Red-Bank ....... 225 Relmerilburg„....7.;„.so Ourlsville _2.75 }lnstat:rg." Adams.- ....... 00 Staid 1t1114,--.8i.,,-44=41.188 Brady'a Bend ...... 2.25 td01t0ning:.....;1:4.....;;., 75 Kellersburg 2 00 Bethlehem. . 2 ISCO Skannondale 3 25 Brookville Tickets to all, of: ibe shm - S,plases ma no procaina albs . Office, corner of Penn and Wayne streets, stulat•the.pePtt on Taylor street. . A. J. riQprza, Jen 3.ltperinsengent '.SATE FAIR:--The undemigiled ectittait tee, appointed to solicit anbscriptiOns, to 'sect* An holding of the State Fair at,kittaburgh, herebyazdhorise, JACOB GLOSSEIt, one or their ConindMe, to erdrept same, Mr. Siliii&Oßt• l / 2 rili eat- Op inthaerlbetaltiringttl e, present month. - N- O. -14113 .-PRY., N. BOLUS, • JOUN.OO • WILLIA i3.. VIM. JACOB o_xpafiwat, ammigir.„; IeFINED SUGARS-- fno. Loyeriovi otiothea , sogor; 1 : , 4 so 40 Stdivarra `!: A" 40 do; 15 du Lovefities 11110,pulv'd, • dot 10 do do round - do:- do; ' 10 do .1) el./LA/LA- -.otorviiishil for sale by 101_ MILLER kainiiHrfkllf- FR SALE:-Bedford De• Att .. A neat nod comfortable, two kt6ity ilwentliej cme. T ' a t t i ti g tt Y n e ;L 'ams no and feet frO kitchen. and Hsi, teu t w r i, I .rie.A.wtbet.4wta. Awr tine dadringa chow dwelUtkir-bqmoirlU Flew ittte,&l' - &al% 4 0 11 Wiltbel 01 a a4 AgrtSitaleriliak , UMW& ' 14 " • -9 %cues for sale by A CLISNESTOOK a CO IZESIEI 7 ::"; . 2..,':: - ' 4. l'i , if.l. - 1 - : ~ .4 . .4.."...# , t- -, :.. - i, .A c' :.•..--..`":,f -,',4::.;i:,,,,±:L5'..-!P?-7:`, i,'.,,,..'",.'4,;''''''''',, fi ~~"- f NEW ADVERTISENEM. Jimsa W.,III4IsTIN. freik and for solo by 1,144,1 ILEMIX-HA:OLLINS4' ITDLUBV,%',,SPEOMrii:Na Vtlk,* 'aticrtiilrthaa'br' <<::': ';s ''.: . - ;:':''.''.'-i.* . ;- 4,'.;',.' ,, i.: 7!,,i;_.-i-..:tt:::,7-:il.-7i v •i,2.:!•,;,;.:; -,-24. ,- ,•.A - ., , ,T. ' ,, 1.:: ,- . ,',..',72.?',:-?7::,17-." - s
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