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' • • 4 41 ''4, 7, 7 1 - ~ ,:f . ,e' J. 4 , , u4 ., 4!". 4' '', ". ' . . .. •, ~...... 4 , . • • .i•A —... ~.....:., • ,- )4 • , . ,•• •-•- .r,:. .4 . • : .:(,•• 4 '44 ' -,, t. . t.. • - . .'. I'' •'- '1 ... - • .i. ' - .4 .4 1 ,- • ...c 1- ~- f-:,4 1- 1,....f-A. - o ,' y,l'' , ." :,•...• . - ,i - •• -- '-: , , .',4• 2 ,'' * , ,,F , 1t.!. 0 -'14: 7 4-I•'.:l`'..- ,‘, ' • 441 ...... , ;44,. '. •- ...,..,.:.' , ..),i .4 s?'-': - 7 , 447- 4 .. , , , :hrl= 4 ~... ',. -'• ••' " - wo.. 4..-* .t , re - •,•• - • ..- - ts "'" cr , ' - 4 1 ; ' „ r" k 2 ' fg t's , V c-k!" _ „, A tte r. wit,Nikips.rvo ... ~.. =ail • r' MEI ..E and SCIPIOI., s-rovl:,l,q uunbor of manna. RI APPARATUS, for wormit.glnildirtg,.•t ; ai.o a.r evaporating, dryin factorioa, tanstetl.,s. WASH IItiIJSES, for 'hotels, public in stitutions or dwellings. WARM WATER. fur warming green -hods. inga, public or private. LOW PRESSUB.I. STEAM on an entirelay t nemp Thud p . forer above purposea, easily managed, 'team Inch pressure. OAS %YORKS, fur large towns cuittntetud fur. ROSIN, OIL. GAS APPARATUS for darellin.j , , to••tories public building*. dc. ROSSI,II:S DOT AIR GAS STOVE. KIDDER'S GAS REGULATOR, controlling the %apply awl improving the degree of light. SCREWING STOCKS and DIES, TONGS anti other tools tot Steam and Gas Fitters' use. IRON BEDSTEADS, oast, wrought and tubular iron, a ear he ty of patterns and atica. PENBUYN MANTELS, marbleized iron mantles and mlrrot marble mantles. ENAMELED GRATES AND FENDERS, uf home 11i.% east• etia manufacture. 11.1 T AIR AND VENTILATING REGISTERS, enameled. japanned, plated or bronzed. SPEARING TUBE CONDUCTOR PIPE AND TIN 11001 , - LNG. BRASS AND IRON FTITINGS of every da.icriptlun fur Coo and Steam.. Valves, cocks, teeg, eltriPTS, kr , every variety. BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS, or Plumbing. DATIL TUBS, NASD BASINS. WATER CLOSETS. LEAD PIPE and every variety of the best description of Plural er'a materials. FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, galvanized wrought iron till ••. for wells, Ac. MARBLEIZED IRON WASTI.STA ND TIPS AND BASINS. GALVANIZED SINKS AND BASINS. - GAS FITTINIS and materials in gteut variety. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PFNDAN'TS, 5.... torrid rn tinily now pattern , sod styloL 111 - C. , 11,1 1 - viTrawadu. RocilEsTEr. AND NF.W B1UO11•P IN EXPRESS.--For the reptwhil accolorn.lauun of the tar, population along the line of ti,. Ohio and Penuly I ,alt's 1;..•• toad, between PittaLut and New Brighton, WllO-., intitnaie wanness and eo,:tal telationt require auch Age. , . TIII ADAMS RSIPItErVi.. CoNIPANY lore° made such Kira, meat with the Railroad to to ettoble them to pot 0 trt. • 7tledselltt.7 on the .t• eon& etoti , t:oe Troia. who will • , itarge at all prop.tttc 11,1 hunthee, tooperle rtall • trim. Re will loot" New Brighton In the Poet 'email in Pittsbargh and Allegheny y du: log 'I attend to Rte. h eutulttl.iOnel as may l.e eotrueto.l t •i • oottan by oth' Evetia”, T 1 on. with too Wept, nod • ~,ons executed. All go, will Ix •1.1 vered •I in the two oltwet, Ilion reneontthle dottrtnee, wilhout et.tJ htvgy; but to en u re curls delivery, the dirtlll..l. t.,, 1... eitpeouttly for lA, ale Ivr.lrerlh sla.eld be et plal At Way Statton., oil Matt, will he 1011 stilt the SLALI.. I Agent of the ltailtv.od Company, olto the prota.r parti . not at the Station on the arrival ot the Trion, too ri.• :4*-ii.4:-.A.411, 4.4,0 Attip4P - ' IMI=M ' 0 :•• L n 404, • • • - ta, ' d at , ;‘«.• „fs. CEIAAAN EOUS. AMS & ALLEN 'V Viti4" big ,IViiirehouge 5 ;.0 R 5 IWNO, A STEAM 15 ALA RSET title 1:1, P T.NEr 1: ow . yEZ•TILATING on tu,gt ar to prov , . l ,40 public bnibling3, prila L - r, Alat and VENTILATINu FURNACE go o d s. 6rt m, 7.112 1.449.1117,13 ,Arrt.latg latu.kry.t.o.t. Ar and rendered by the orr inleitated le 14. N. 'thin sortable Ituuts. 41 111, :I, nsic, ti of the vistitee4 41.• bi admit Of It. sis l‘ 11l 4 , 110..1.• HENRY If. IRVIN la. been ni• -r. NI.. will co , OFF1.1.:&•4 mmon IlittNsl on Motets). 1:1, AND A(IEINTS. Pittsburgh—til Fourth street. Allegheny th4v—Telegraph taco. llaysville--Ct.ptain Lilly. Senackley Station--Mr. Ilslaughtm. Itnelieste . —Mr. V, hae. Beaver—hr. Chandler. New Itrighton—Mr. Hops. Ornel ADC., et). 1 l'ittnburgh. Den. j .1 ee tdr, Tu Ttios E IVliti have FERTILE 1.1)1i at n EA it 1'14141d ntel enny I,IIIA, yolifa.. tile 111. 1 ,7 ,, tt • dud GadC• mtpati_t. To. I,:t • - radeiodt.ltttett, t4•.1... Ito., are pvt, a., t .4 neok id $4 Itei , ~, t• th I1:Ik : 051 0 of tw,t It , pi.sithe in tle• The soil is rn andta.•t I . /••• r.1.111.,5e1i 1.1 1., • mg, as exam.... dl $l. -0 It AI.I. I.A tt, 1 t I tact n: t. le.• N Inch, on account of 1Nt..11.1y the I..tkr wart.. t. shortly Leconte ...ens , 41110 e The :".1.1t11.1.1, a:. / • It. It. [141.A.1.0.. L111,•{13 fh, ,, ,f1 %, both ts non under .• • stryetlon from Erie to 44 itlim I >I. en Iran 1.• nay. The Alleglietiy toller ttlr. c..latlaCtlng it wall New York and Pitt shot j. h. The 11.1- .1 it is of the rut t.tlu.tl.te Time 141• , 11.1 . •: 1.7.1, and warrantee deeds ate or., 11 pr.-acid. In• • AI./ substantial opport uu it y coin.- u: •. rartnitta. pr.. l id• • for one's children. er ittakttl4 au Mt.-W.111.11 1 pt.,. le I, jii - -7tittat. A new ern. , HON 1/1111 : ••1 y, and - etstinot but .4 I:: t 1,,1 um ,. coal Lams f.til he treble rte pre”ctit pro.. Forti.• Id c 1...4 421/141 tt, Alit. It Wt.... Id enquirers. Letters ansi44 , ..ri‘t Apply or aiddrnss CATEI.ft, t5..4 'y, 1114;'7" . at_ Pht. Full Information is .-ontastesi In the pamphlets. '7' 4,7 . - O. V. 51001 . . . . TIM/TT & CURTIS, Dealon , in E,tat SL Anthony falls. Nlinuentta Tel - 1"), and sold throughout the Terrnory. \l-"w' theta. matte to the head ad vantnne. ':o 1 Land 4Varrtiitt , .•- tesL Also. Agents for llae ml- .4 hint. in the •I CLOUD. 15.5 malt,. trout St. Aulhottt . a:,.1 Item.' .4 a kn., t• shore the Fall. he surrey 44 gr , l ~• Ito a rouses the Nitexia,.. T ll.l/1 th, 1101 Or. and the notteth•ip . vantages it ponsesives a, n Alin, of bunnies. nit, ma ke .1 of the Inrgest cities in the .• Ki-Dovernor Itsrue.•%, lion. IVIn. H. Welsh, Jusitce of Mlunes Hot, .1. Mee* r. llon. H. H. It e, Delegate to rong•rees. liollingsbesul A Becker. Attorneys et lx= Nlesers. Bortu,l traks, Beak-tv Rev. T. M. .I I: Land vfni a Iry DEth _ QUINCEY'S V111..t NIE:•• at, ' other new just i .t.. 1 0 • • Market. near Sth stteet. Do Quinoey's Nlemorials. Contributions to Literature . . one, hiographsc.d. l'hih•s•pt.s . el l'or• iral. .•••, 4 1 5 ;•. Gilman, D. D. Popular illstory of the 1:11,:l.sh Bible, I'..ustit. At [Lome and Abrad. ~ r 11,1ng,,L11.1 Th•hgton to Au, ea and Europe, by Margsrst 1 , 11 I let , K re , s. Power, a view of the Productive 1. , , , rce. .1 M...ieru and the &units of Laja,r, Capital end skt! , . LI Cim. Knight; numerous engravings The or tir...•ir for my Children. by Rerl iltngsley. ItyPL•ii3 same author. }Award Clifford. or Menton.. Childlus .1 fart. I • 1.. Juvenile; Motley e Dutch sod Wire's LARS of the A •ws A . . , •,.•11.1 .1 ,s hound the Wm Id, by Ids Iltlehr Th.. Queen • vrm, n. I Ilgion iu Common Life. by Our f'..alparat Ilhysiognomy. ercisea, and Letters to 11,.• yr, Health . tor I [nestle Economy out Itecerpt it n.h . the irrat I r The Wonders of ..34 - 14•0 , '. or 1 . nook Ilutuphrs) I, • • I Cornish At•oth<e^ery kh.y. who taught huleelt Natursl t loeophy, end eventually Isoame President ~t th• ~. ciety,) the life of n wonderful It. , y. w nitro b•r • trsted, onlyAhte.t's fear-mug 11to Th,ul4 • ing o Talk. ' Dirk u'+ Volk.•. for C, 1,1r..n • TEA LF-110SE—Blea , tied, unhlet,-,. mixed nettnn. beet Ene.lint) and Lie. _ elik., merino and 1.111111.• 11‘. Plank al L. 111_0111,k:1.D ap3o OIEC:LOVES--50 it,s. fl. r 1N tip 2V B A. FAH \l*loeK ACOMPLETE LIST IJI I.IAH A ZI N Ma). ; • alaXper'll new 11.,nthl) Magnin. I.lllnanlin tr. •ntrd) ker :N. w I ork 1/01114.1.101 - ooduoted 1., ChArle. Hodey's ha I,', d' , .l Water o:ulnas Amer . , ,41 ,tin Vetertiod' 4 Lad) s 4.0 •;14.20o.1•• Iledlorer Donor month Harper's St..) The Ningeurn The Schoolfellow 10 a 11..)• Yr rink Leslie's I url. Frank ti- of Enalli..n Yank of c.o. illuntrmtion Blackwood x Edrureurgh Nl,..gant , for Apr d Chamberr. J•airrial I.,ndou 11,1. Just reenived and for pule b) IV A i/ LDF.:: FEN 1.:1" my 3 h oploeole the I.• M A Frank F ! t . A k Z ! Crank Leslie's N Y Journal •• • Hod°. 'et Ltalicw' •• Graham'n Magazin, ' Peterson's aga •• 1 - odloti-t Mara: •• •• rlonaelaol.l NV 0n1... •• liarpt r's pi., 1,.• Piltnalle, Nisch/tr., • Yankee Notit Illackwood's Slag:vain, April. London News and Punch 1.. r April For sale by II MI N my 3 No Srmtlitfold err. , - OPENINt; this day, a large asgurtment Watcher. 6.014 from i re PO Silver Levert from $1 to Silver Cylinder , tret: $ 1 "• Rath oad T 112141 kinop..-r, FrEKlStlatil'is Cliforlarnelet . Frio poll DO. CO Sliver C.a.., Chalon, Watches repaired iu tin' 1,0 runner L. ray:, NV. IV VII LSI I'm, of Monet & 4111 rd. 51:71%. :3 WO 1., c... 11 , ndd nn-I Candle.. 241 Jn •-to - r do 1-eli4o MO keg* err 0,1 a, I -100 dot. Corn hiles No 1 mai 2 Itattlng 25 dot. Bed Curtin ‘1..) Bucket', iu d o Tubs In ,tore end I sale I I JOHN MooilllF.Al , FICESII PINE AP3 valses, tir,t PlaksOLl,JUst receiv ed per Elrrooss. and tor bale I. , ati2S ANDP.HSON, W.,0 I ot I:4lZa sso A WERS.nt —We have ow h t..and a I . all rtme of Muslin. Us k Thrl, °awe.. ri no, 811 k and Cotton Drawers of all sizes. at L lOU I.:ELD & SON. No. iu Wetal Ntreet ... . . . 01113 IN FOP '_ _.EY • S-300, of varlitLlS pattern-, 1...1 for sale by Lap2e)._. HENRY 11. CoI.I.INS TO LET—A large and commodious War, house, niLnated in one of the twat businesti squares ,-0 i tx.Yi street. Enquire of JOHN HAFT. JR.. eyal_ Corner of Sixth and Wood so_ , SZTEA - RIN CANDLES-50 boxes lust recd '--) 6 " for "lei') I.I,2a,:,I'ItINGER 11A1113AUGH. LA RD-37 - I.bis. vi arrive and fur sale by Nati SPRINGER lIARBAUCIi -Vj:3UU bark jot b. 0-qv,xl and 6,1. node by INE T - ABLE sill' FOR FAMILY USE ap2 RIMIER a ANDERSON _ . BEDFOlt1) NiINEItAL, WAT - Eit.--10 half bble, just reeelyed frank hole the z•prluge. and for sale br InlY s , LW l'APEit ILANGINC;S. Ekice-t. Plat. and 'I ale miry Patterhe .1f litllloaht vol, X, of nth manufacture, Nit n a /sTeat rarlety of Arnerles.o lilhal Paper and Borden F, reae by W. P MARSHALL A. CO. app Al' 11ood street .._ . WATER PlPE— StoneWater Pipei 1,.r ..b. by 1. 1 ;2 , . LIENRY H. PI if.i.p.ss _____ . AWN GIiASS.- 20 bush. of th. 2 A,41 syjtieh Mixed, for yards and pleasure Ja.a t (*ailed sod for sale et the Seed and Weill mre] sore.t if liita street aprl9 JAWS IV A 4`~~+~~ • •dt: .....11go 4' • • ✓ ~ • -1 , .0 ",‘.; ' NTIONS AND. 11,A.TENT l INV Y ESQ.: 1, .C . , * ,-I.lallitllL ' uit.l G. Tiort's "Patent Oil Ul d,s" .0 all the litelLM engines furnished the heat y.aor, Kurt to o 6rout.it 0.1 tiny appear to titre ghren entire 1101Infbet too 0,11" Mb have Ito hesitation to I . ,..auuar 4 . l i o K T hem at 1.1,1 e, and mticl. no:,.out 01 lat . " a1f01 , 11 , . ivy COO , 4I I IICIIIJO, 1./ :1,0 old !Lob i 4 mk.:l ally ,411.1 of uhl.h wc. tms Thu, vet tifles that the Oil Cup patented I.y Mr. Trots, 1..,11 its u•te ou our road for two years pout. 'We find it to be au e,,llolltit at and durable Oil Cup. and L ailr revouttnenil it ne ai . Ct It I EP, Foreman of Pitteburgh shop Central KR. N..rentlier '29th. 1554. T • M F Pares, Esq.: , mines t hat we have had in use the patent thltilobes by Moses F. Eaton. F.Bq.. ,•f Pittsburgh, and I,l'y much superior to any thing of the kind sec hioe env(' uriol. ALFRED TllOll AS, Trvasurer Ohio Tool Company. Columbus, Ohio, November ap24 -- [From the New York Scientific American.) Patent Finishing Plane. Title invention 114 tutendial fin use where it to desired to im part a fine, smooth, and glossy stpinee to the wood; but it :s applu•able, with advantage. to ell kind of CitTpenlfeei planes. The novelty consists in placing the cutting chisel, ur bit, in front of the wedge, instead of behind, as iu common planes; islet, iu applying a metallic mouth-place to the face of the plane, In front of the chisel, which month piece serves so the rest for the chisel, and confines the throat of the piano. But the mouth piece Is so close to the edge of the bit as to • prevent the plane from ripping or splintering the wood in the least degree Indeed, we In. , seen the implement a le le plied to the plaiting e.l wood against the grain, and trot.- veraely to the grain, 'caving the wood pertirtly outi...,th. • pervet is the op...raw.. or this in.trintent, that it may Le• idled to the rlatong ut veneer,..— with entire ell‘ -0 ii inri tt loch cannot betel) 1,. ti) the a oinnion Th.. I.,tallAr ai l'angt ...ill .4 :he 041,10 pie., bit. tort me.tcs affords a .outptere ~ti I liens beating for the lot thr r.. i••a4tl,. aud,t all I•• •••.k, •1 ••• .1 a cop uf double lot. ,I 1 unprvvr•no nt. •li•dt wit. 1 nil Its wa3 uto r . ery cftrpentrr ' s nn •• •1 chest is complete without it The 111 :0 Ot l'a , and hi. pate , t to .04 •1,1.• atoiars it.. racer ) 1. ISEv r.II‘TON, No 13 . ! First street, A,:erit I. , • the iintenticio I'ARI)--I request the attentitm _nL 11 ii , 114 , tlll.l I/1.'1.1111. to 111 y 4tot t it of SPRINtt AND St - .IINIEIt Iit)ODS, xri.„l, ilttutt .•.0111101Ittrt4, artt•tr .4 1,..11 tat 11 -1 tit co .41.41 It•rtatt putclott, I It4t, 14kett •vrt - t4l 1.4144 • • t•t4tn 4ltlt, 040 , 4 t•I FANCY CLOTHS o 14 Prone. Daltlin, Mutlterr,, Itrt .4 b tutti Ji li t , 4 Rh N.a . 1,111 tints of Ore*, AI, I 114 , .. 0144, ,t 4 111 , moot . •.1 to 14 . 1 , 4 tut; FANCY CASSIMERES, ut“, h vtuttr4.... • > 044. t t 11110.4 tttettiug tu the ountnter n , +••n. with it 11 11111t4 s t ItIo•L 144 - 4. .FiKtgrett at*, 141 , 10144 It, the I. 4,41 lt• ill.' 8t11131•t1 11", 1, Twin . ' ,h r rr . 11411, i'401•11 11, 611.4 I la .181,1 444 fitzurt4l (11 , 11. 41 4 ,4 4,1 It.trttettit. NI) 1'.•• t "It.; I.lll+t 11..41,1 an I 11{il 14 , 1. , till A ..LICA . to brand, 9111 41,1 thall latltert., I .411 -1' , 4 t. 14 att. 110.41 1.• ttuutt44 itrt•tit .44411 l'l.l I i• 41. tt 4,1414,1 1.• vtlttcl, I ttutt.t.,, 4. st t 1 1,1 I .11t, Dr.. Ar4-Itttn - 1.44 t,.... It . \441,111;1, t 14,,t. 11,111,1, t t l, 14. 4 1.., ,1:.14. 1.441 tl ITV ,trttttt au .1 Ltutt4 ...Is. toot.l. der tn. E W STORE. :V. 4 5.,/ The ..;:.., llt.rt Ln. ht. :o h, 1, 1 3, r arr,,y. ht-. col c.. wr.....lttuent of nrttel.vt of CI, IT 111 , b 1., la AlItA nt y St, 4.111 pelt... The 1,11.41.• Nee t I.lln ;utast! I) ANNUAL STATE)IENT ~1 t he i'..nnt I it,ty tutt, .1 .tot Jituttxt r Atatt then t 7.1.4 J nuthtry • 1 NY, ~1 r•tt..v.•l I. .t prt•mttatt , ttt. ri,tto th , yenr 411 T. t!... 1.41.11. ens", 0 adverthaniz, 1 ra....i..art 3. 1 . ••1.1. tatt., .• .••tntrtz: , 4,:rtlc• 4. , -4, Li - tt . NA'S:I4. P - 4; eanreaß, April 12, 18513. V 1.-rysslfully yours, • W. M. FABER A 01.. kngino Buildo CLOTHING .1 - 1..% lal./I..t.Nik/N I P•hrt• 0:1 i../1 11.. . U f DIN l':01.1.1er <l./ Vollctes burr•-;44 ,. ..1 . 11 ..t• • • Cat“ 1 ;' .1.. •••• lakrn, J. -1 s..t /..• • As,t: a, I Nl,,rty.age •u k irtos t •vt US. • ti) kaki othet 1.-• knolls '14,4 11.4,414., Rat.b. ar2.l 4 ....I. .2, . Prefa Lt.ffttot, ftut ott-rf , ft itrftlffmtato it. Of. I.l.aff I fstp: in trot linta • L: Vt.! •:15.• .1 5 i'11:1 1 1".• 1 1 1;:.1". ItAlt •,,rrs pt.'. , t..r 4 . . rrtsatl I.tl • Hi $.3 ptlr ropy. but w5ll I. 'WU "11..• ..t.f.1.1t•10-1 Lux Atic.. k mod .)111 furufmh .1) puhltho. nor ot p.ata,A. An, put - mm.. 19 tho suo.rrti.t...l , I.i Of MO f th. Sta 4 c.",,, C. 11.1 o) ft. l'utfmt Eraak 1... he • 111... v. the is..6fhtur. oue •••.f. fi.n.l of f tho 1 ,--. 1 • • • u no. -111..ug fo: su• a au! hichou'n hroittat. Antitoth the) 1.1, I. ht. uotgulAton. Awl . . ton 11, t o .t. thot ta.••, ; ... thn iw• t .1 ti. ... • • •• : ths In .• .. so-rnot loot dostralo.• in st, k ts th. ; • .....1,, ;no DBE,. to nlt os DEPA 1;111 }.\T •htn,t, s : ',ls .1.1.'. nod tfot • ;tow of olio.. y,t m n t h lux; It ft.,' t ..lorod 11..1r0ut..c. ,I 1.• • .1...np0r t'1,1.11 and Stripesl •• PIA.. el I ,IKNI 41.4 Plftol Ilia L - , ni tt 0ud....s harms saLothlo Krt. - los wool.l 111. ; .- - To Ist.sl Salk Flotto.,l II•ds-.. onr ....... 1 / 1 ,, I. odd,. 11,. subs. rthorn, . vo; n, .. , o e Cholla t An u .z.o.t. for tho nob o ot the eAt,,e• - .. HYMAN] A PIERCE.. II - lamet '. •• ilj•ifi lon 1 y Is , South Thud Atte. I. Plol•Li. li I n Al., T,Stlen, 11•111•1: , ..., Chadic, lA% ~, k, , 13 CSINESS! Iit'SINESS!! nll Alt Ls AND MANTLE.- Mill. I'It•;PEICTI }' , lt 'AL's—SA... LA, ii,g :•••• . our show I nod Ninlltir 11,.,111 IA •111,P1M..1 with a,• , • wo ale). .t will bows. of 3 ntortns. 3 run ••I shots, baud .... sty los ut (.:1- .K., ethellSßol - ,,, Molls. sok, lir,. ht.. Mo. •ot ••Woo, and all other goartng aud 0110ros coutolots Al.s• ; CloollllON La' t'• All .. 4; • saw ut111.2 good frame Itounes, IX, Or f t-4 of laud. PEW , . I••• , .. •• • N E11 , 1.}: M ~Illi A STEAM SAW MILL. rotualo on th e: Oluo rarer. o f .. :•.; Out mink •.1 Collum Flouustogn, strewn*, A. , . Mar A's, Oh milts Inelovf 4411.4•1ing Pt 4 n $1,:foo. passed 4> any .nook Most of thn Mount...on TANNERY YI/R SALE, ^Busts. at Moundsville, Ia . w It!, Ales, ft g.. .l tunsoetutent of M, IL IININt; I. s; If II ~ vats, shops, 0.:., all in good ord.. large ustolhoir how.. . . ET RN ISII/NU O. ILIDS• 11,,, of itr yowl, k.. Prior $4.3/00. . DOMESTICS. ni...'. S. CUTHBERT A SON, Id Nlarket .1 Prints, lituglotros, Lin oc ks, Nit 161.11.16. Thltins,k, K. 4 , . , ‘ . J ramt,e4\lllDelt.s, Cassiuteres, Cotton. Luton and Paul - J nu. 11. nowt', tate to 111111111:11 - V3 A, 110ffIllAtl A I. 04 41/1, Ili lIA, A.. Alto, °hot*, ll•sster), Ribbna aud ever} othot ..• D. w.. LAslist Late of r'lt4Buf;4l,- usually kept In a lirst,la. Dr) limn. HAMM , . 1,. V hl, , KOONS Si: HER STIN E, noliCit it Call and osansthatiott before purthasolos. ninon lo , as we fool conthlent ~,• loos nett, been ablo to ex hil.., 4, a dostroble slot k WV E itlurcrtiot:-, FLOUR FACTGRS - , 11..._ II) Formerly Young, Stet oust'. .1 Lot., 74 Markot street, Pittabut .:It, Pa AND Genelll Produce Commission Alei..hank.l gtar Ev.ry ript, •11 4.1 i.og•rn,ing ,tl,l . tAratp.... atrd a..mput. • u • •.! 11.•••, Nimilatp r). 111t.torgrA A. Ali tad, , , rent I, to tl,lr 11/ • t)'lw , ot ket, It 4,1 • r V4' hurl el and VS North Wit, 4 4.11 tHi --, , - rimApy, Pull. MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AU RENTZ ~ i.e rE rt Tt, l'ooritin , it. :s". ii-4.1 Liberty street. just (s-sob. 0, • l'oenenger Depot et the Penney h Atli!, 11.1‘01 . 1141,a. 'A 1114 /1 toot", Bagel. i W./. xiNi MI tl A. C., Phil., Breen. Kennedy A C.. rats 1, Genet( Martin A C... •• L. Wilmarth Ai O. a the most ,one. ident house in the t ity tor possengers aril A . , 11, VT, • lien ti. Liggett., .. ring by that nod. Slit,. 1 t $-.• A C., ~JL W. Rea- . The proprietor iltl, rag, at considerable elpenste, fitted 111 , , 11, e an.il.• nt ntyht, the 51ANSION MAW., would reepeet Caleb :• pe A .. •• i liagidoy, Cosgrove At %. " T (2 ruitt. !other A Co. - i Walt A Willson, lull) 5.,11.01 a share of publi. patronage. The. , I,* ottorhe.l a splendid STABLE and ext. 1.11,11".• NS A1i , 15 YARD. iitletd J„D. Leomer ACo Cincinnati Fosdick A lds, CUICitl. nti. A...•dlork A. C. •• M ',wiori..w A liettler, ink amide ac o commdti aon to travelers mid tetunstets IL. A o.+l A Sibley . , J. B. Chenowoth A Cu.•• Larder and Bar will be furnished with the lost the mut ken Tw And Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Merchants genitally. ‘ :. ' n "ff".l- iel.l•, - . jal olspctiro QT. CLAIR MOTEL. corner Penn and Si. Wl, NT E l)—Six good Olds, to do general I , 1..., Clair streets, Pittsburgh, l'a -The uudereigned form, housework. Tao or three K... 1 C.01. , 1 ,,, city mil lv of - Brown's 1101..1," loom,: token this large and comm. , -outcry. A Boy of 17 U, learn a trade: must be wall r e , one I Onus Huia., and having 'elated a in unuintli ,. eilt all le, nietide,i Also. places for four or five tints to do chamber , r ',you'd remits - tinily invite hi+ friends and t h e traveling 1.111.1, t11111,1g•11.4 , /11 work. Four Boys in stores..' to run errand.. to givegv lion a roll Assunsl. with the ..mretinons of tie. and five ta Kin Merl at any kipt.l of employment. o and lea long experience in the butane., Ar . .11 Eno A pp l y at LOWRIE'S Na a Intelligence offl.e • entire sationutlon, and hts charges moderate feb2o No 14 Yiftli tare. i fM/17,...' Ni N C CoNNELLY PRUSSIAN BLUE-15 cases for sale be GOOD INTENT 110 USE, .earner , j Li 1,,,,.. B. A. FAILNESTOCK A (X), ty anti Grant streets, near the Cal I , 1..1 I. rot .1,11 corner Vint and Wood sitseet. i Janl3 , 1 y JAMES 811 INNiLN. I ' .. 1.1 Isql Pr DRIED PEACHES. —2OO hush. Bright Halves Peach., m store and for sale by FORSYTH A SCOTT, my 1 75 Water street - _iw -.__ 1 WON. - KENNET ALE.—W. I). ENOLIi.i, 5„1,., 10,000 Bacon llama. Bottler of SMITH'S celebrated Kennett Ale owl 15,000 •' Shoulders. Brawn bloat. Also, Common Ale and Porter, in quart owl 10,000 " Sides, in store and for sale by pint bottles. FORSYTH A S(XYfT, The atn•ntion of families, and the trade, is i esia...trul y myl 75 W rater street DOTATOES-150 bus. White and Blue Ne- will. ited. null ) MI N 1 . : RA L WATER AND SA RSAPA i. shannocke for sale bv VILLA -MM. D. ENGLISH, Pitt ,t reef. below Penn, . sty] HENRY H. COLLINS. is [row froillutiuturlug aml hottlkm; the above bo, r PIK, on . _ _ nneXteue.e scale. Ilia articles are of the best , I naltts and IDOLL BUTTER--,., hi,' finefresh f 9 __s. '‘'l by my I HENRY Li. COLLINS. --• A A. MASON &CO., will open this morn- -1:10:S1E11Y AND GLOVES—Another very . lag 2500 of Bern,:o de Lames at 12; ; ;,. Alen, 40,.. l u re. , a 5.. . , , ,, !went of Summer Hosiery, Gloves and aids of Muslin de Lain, _0 ~,,. wort h ~,,,,. ,„, 1 ,*iitt a. r e*ety .lescript ion, just received by A. A. MASON A CO CITA LL I l':`' . .' -A % : .a. of ch,, S. - 1i C ,,, 0 .,. ., L I, ii , r . t . ; 4'3.1' j UNE MAO AZ I - N ES—.l net received an d -10 cents per yarl 1.... thai. I. ruler prices. „,,t for sale I, 11 11N13,R A: CO., No. 32 Smithfield strt.fa - • Harper + ilsoznie for June; AA A. MASON & CO., are now opening , 4 s Lady's Book for June; • some 600 cases of New Goods, Jost purchased at a Peterson's Magazine for June: t reat reduction in prim, and touch lees than the cost of in, Art Journal fur May. isolation and will be sold correspondingly low. myl All the NEW BOOKS published are for sal. by - _ Q Eii:IISOTAT-50Gashels of the cele- 11 . MINEK i co , tu)10 No. 32 Smithfield garret. L. 7 brated Purple CUB, one of the mat reliable and value- E Liu Potato' known, at 41 Fifth street. EERY -75 kegs for sale sp6:w JAM WASDBOP. znyu B. A. /A.WT••• Km. IW. ~ 7 ~ ,..' ~. _~,.... , LNSGRA FARmEE:;.. , A \ - 1, mEcliAmes, LIF E , 1 1;;I: AN , \i , s . I.NSURA ~ i.. C..NIPASI tit I PHIL IP.FLYIII.% ;.:t)0,000 , 1 7 .1:1) it t.'; f" . .. . . 111 , 11, • ‘11,1) . 57.400,000 4., ..rt,t , Fire, „:t. .:, . t:. SLY TP.AINF.! l•ro Cargo tsud •, ei.l( e ‘.) i - TO.V A_l D l6eurauce tiossis, by Rivers, . NAN. - i'.}l. , atid Land CAI flay, get..rally. Also, I tow. !, l.ss4-o, 01KM the 11101 t 111. , 01 . 1thh • 1,140 11. .it Thom. It. Plorrtn Jauu. Neall, 11. At Charlet, thug,. Ed 311,1.11et0n, E. IL Ileituhold, ti..erue I.lNi. C. Drew,ter Thula.. %unit M AL Ism, Leech. 46 It. YIA/IL ESC E. Pre,al,ut EDWARD R. HILAIDULP, Secretary. • VIITSBURGII REFERENCGS. Hon. T. M. Huwv, lion. J. It. Nl'Clitth.cl., Hon. I'. C. Shannon, eel. d. VV. Black, tiuttirie, A. It. WeakiMont, Kea{., Tholnhe .1. Koellfttl, NVilson M'easollem, Col. J. Heron Foster, then.. E. Moorhead. It M. 11:ddle. The character of' the above Co:olm.y is .4' the first lla . ut, and coattail,a the rare and uutr,ii.,l ot Fire. Marlls , and Inn tusurauce. lhuttletnen of elevittral ~tandut,... are a..,...isted iD its hid. I.4Afitirlit, and interested iv, StockliJldesa. 'IIIOMAS J. HUNTER, 4.-ent, Jr 27 So. Bu Water str.a.t. etIIIF, FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Prat(roita—Charles W. Ilan cker. Thomas Hart. Wainer, Samuel llraut, Jacob IL. Smith, W. Ell:hard, Mord,a..ti L/. Lear, Adolpht E. 'torte, Dal id S. Drum - tn., Mor ris Patter,on. CH Al. N. Ita.,Nch_Ex, Preshicat. ti. It.OI,RAR, COntitille to 111.1 k.• perp..t nal or limited, an every descrlpt . of property, en town and country. at rtilen low AA are consigtent with socurtty. 'rho Cut:111.11y ha , • reserved a huge CNtitilig'ent Fond, which, with their cspual and premiums, ,atfol) inve.L...i .1 ford ample protection to the tutured. The Aluats .31 the Company,JauwAry 111, ISM. LtA pm.b. 1611,1 34;1,..44tb1y tu an Act of As.oni , dy. welt. NA t Mow., Mk.fft4.s.k.gn . Real Estate . Terup,..i.tr) Cash, 1. 4; Ilwit ,11. , .111,1, .1 • ‘,..11t • .11, :ON I. 11111 11104•. I 1•• ISik. t 11 , 11111.1 , 0 !I . 1. aunt LnarU• Irl> til.4 arr..; rk,VII•• ..; tl, tv.irrLtstrtgr.<l.4 x. Li ~., rrr arr.l . .1. trr rritot with I,,nli.ttrzw.. 1.11 1.1..1, r.r.liilrl erri,4l apes rr.rrt l ,...or rrr Thil t pENNSVLVANI. INSMIANcE (2toi rANy. rrY Ir.rurr hr. Strritlirrol..l f•ri•-• A1."P11,,F/ CA PITA I orrurr tuil.illtrzr , v..l propert r •I.r•r .14 I rurrerivr Wu; r .1.4 i tiAt. k, '1 MEE l'nAnter, Seeley Wnde 11. It. 044:gstmll Itol , V I . A 1 - 1•}1.,)N. I' A A. and T I ra4,14 A r4strd I. 1 cam. r.•tur) THE 1.;NITE1 ) ST.II'FIS LIFE r. Ncii. AS]l lIY ADD TILT ,T , 1 \l. --Ch.wrt.l ki,C. 2 , IL. 1,n1 , - , • CAPITAL 15. • c,rnet Thud and Clt.•••lnta •1,. OFVICERS TIIE I 11.511: POMO , AT Pllll k !..t..1 P, r I. A Fu!.c.—. V. T1,..a,;••.•", it,11,11 111 •••-1 ,,, m, >Fel h.. 1 Pren.tell!-- A uthrt.s« V. Thot:ll..w: 55 ,v I'. )(WO, VI V yt K N. :3 P ,tth f•..t. tt•i, Yltt•burgla Dollar gaming• In•iltuito }OAT I? ilBY❑ l 4 o,fi N,.\‘ "PEN l n ilc fr,•tn I_ A w at!l7,lt o t• ...Is, i s It F . El= Hillwia. rl. • ! IL, IL r•Y‘. _ • • K IN 1) IS 1-(()K E : THE PENNSYIA A\1:1RA11.11011) 1(1 . 1•. 1 • A I,TIN 1,1 31,1. ..• - - t.4.4.14'• 4 41., • • 6 1.“.1 • nt. ..1 5.4,1 , •r,i a., / A .i trn•tr.l co;,:i 11(.)LNIES 4 ;•41\S. i; . I,aye 11,41r.r • i {hula A r; .5•1 •..1 /Van :re ta• koaarr , . 2 , 11 r • AL A "1 twa •201.11 it ...J. BM= f,e,,Lt4 !,;.1 1,. Ait N )I.li ,t 't 1,5 N.-•••• • • c...t•••• ••• ~•••1 7•1.• 1.. . 1.4110 Ell=ll9 mill; N 1 1 , •• it 0.1 ,alrl4ll. r‘.l-1 t , .t. /11*- th IIU.NI.I!N 111.14 1 1): , . 1, Kr to, .1.• You , t. 1.N% "1'1;1\1 , tohll,, hr ittivd) I . I i•,..u.T.• A. A. Arr.. ~ W 1•Aul It ! J.. 1 /M 1 ‘IL iirt, JA(114.11 111:61111 ei ,A saiu, sir ii 7240 ••• 11 A Itl.l, A `.l. ...• lIIII= =CM DRY GOODS HOTELS RESTAURANTS ;,1 y 0 .••••• PE_ 01110 AN!) PEN ::' , iSY I.l'A N: A i. \ i- , 1.:N0 I.:11 TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, EXCEPT st:, :‘, 11 A 1:+, . t Bow.. •••• .t 51' c - . . , • La.., lltil,nigl. h.r Crextlin. , at anal A. 11., 7130 A. M. , awl ,s 1.. NI 1.....10...1 l2l.' , (iiiii. lor html.ilre,h at 5,00 A. 31., 7;00 P. M.. LITTLE IVIIAIVII RA11,110A!,:. ~,,,1 1.!.!,4 , 1. NI. Th. Trains make do...collation/4 at CRESTLINE with VIA CRESTLINE AND COLLIBL , i. Traites for CoLUMBUS, DAYTON, CINCI:VNATI, BELLE : FON CAINE, INDIA N A.POLIS. CHICAGO, SAIN'r LOUIS, C'inrinnat , , , , , Quickest Route from Pal:burgh to i mat all points tin roans excening R e s t Slid 4i.)111h-Wf.o l CoNNECTINo at ClnChinati with C. 0. Iklail Llne Ftemn. rs, i through OH 10, INDIAN A and ILLINOIS. C.'lllialal lth./ [-,Xiagi.l.l , l 1t..ir ,,,, 1 , OM' .. ,1 3/ , ' , "i 4. i1-1 .. ! 'Flt.lt NS FRONI prrrssuitnit connect at Mansfield Clll with Railroad. nod the lawreneeliurgh Route. Connecting i .". Tiltili.4 on Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Road, fur 1 CAturibus and X.lillai with the Da),"o "mils N.", slid CAOO, TOLEDO and SANDUSKY; making as quick and Indiana Central Railroads. 1 st,re ,„n ne,tions to CHICAGO, a+ by any other route. Cote THROUGH TICK ETS, tia Columba.. and Cincinnati, to ' 1,,5-tionr are nods, at Alliatioe with Trains on Cleveland and I Lexington, Louirville, et. Loafs, ludintiapobr. S. ..r. l/;0 Pittditirgli 11.40, fir CLEVELAND, CIIICAfIO, DUNKIRK 1 tiolutubur and Xenia. to Dilyt , n, 1ndit...11..., Lnlayelle, nod lit:I. Fit LO. i Term Haute, St. Louis, .1,-...k.•. Pareenzeri leaving Pitt/dough. at 3 P. 31. fur Sandusky, TllO Lirn.r. MIAMI via COLUMBUS, con in , titte, will/ Toledo' and Chicago, have the benefit (if a night's rest, at the Covington and Lexington Railroad, the U. S. ;,.11 1.140 510.,,,ii the ollio anti Mirsirrippi Railroad, or d the , Nl ‘, x e n n is in th g .l . ‘l or Cleveland, and arrive in Chicago early next ... Lawreuri,biii.ji Louie, ,Rees freilltier no oilier rut, oin Trains East from Creatllne make close connections with gave. KS thilkillgli I icla.tA by till the atone C01a...i. CAII 01113 lx2 •fraitn6 on Pennsylvania Central Railroad for P/111,AUF. 4 prcured via Columbus and the Utile Miami Ballioari. The tout, from Crertluie via Columbus being the shortest Pill A. BALT' SluitE mid NEW rt./ILK. THROUGH TICKETS are sold to Columbus. Dayton, Clo t' Cincinnati, enables n I,r ;fors end :eft noted. Colin' - l i`" elnlnOl. I,,uirtille, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Belhuiwiulefoutainciki, ore certain, and pitarengerii have full tone for sneak lit 't:' c ," 4 „,,, ii.,..c , ii, , uuiL lona City, Duniintii, i., Forest and Bell u, efontalne route from Crestline. a da,tereas Cairo, and 1,,,ni,„,,,,, , , 4.p,,d u r.,,,,,,,ni, and anap,;hd ia avai con,. ci,,, i„ 5 ,, p i,,,, i:itg i,, ti t e h lt e l. 111., IN„,,t l:ort Wayno, Cleveland, and the prin. dirainir. illirongn tickets over this line may be had at all of the 113 the route via Ciilnniblis to Clnclunatl and 111,11+1001 0, 1.4 above inneem for Pittsburgh, Philialelphia italthuore and Ipareengerr rule o ver 1•.x.1. I allarted and ',month. 0, ill” \ow 1,,,k. Forert alt.i Rellelonlnitie tome, pftasengerr ride t.,1 the NF.W BRIGHTON ACCONIODATION TRAIN leaves new rouz,host ri.olo o t I 0i1... !It ighton for Pittoburgrb 017, A. NI. urni 114 1'.31. Leaver THREE 1 , .(H 11 llt AI NS, CIA L'ol.121M111:3 AND Pitteburgb for New Brighton, at D. 4 A. 31. and 314 P. \l. CINCINN.vri. 4 for ticket"; and further information apply. to A. T. 'inane Tr. ,t< li .i , er I'd t..1,,,i,411 at .i...) .....1....1: A NI. I . Pr .1.111:Nt:ON, at the corner tare, under the Alionongshela inc. C..l1:1111.0.1. Vents, Cincinnati. Iroirrvill., Et 1..a0r 11,,,,,, oi at the Federal etreet station. to 1.100. PARKIN, !I. xitott-1, arid 1 t .diuriapol .r. rte l i litil....iii,blll - 01 111.131.... Ti. , - ~,,.., . 4 ~.,„... .b.IIN KELLY, rn.senger Agent. il, ou arrlver at Cincinnati one hour and torty nitwit., in „, y . 1 ,, _I 11. Mt /ORE, Sup , 1 rei , atice of th e Ferret 001 Benet . ..L.lov note ' —___ Soon TRAIN lea". Pittrbargh at 7 - :i') o'..loik A. M. I, I:teatilne, C 01111111.114, Xt4ll/‘ and 011..1.111M. Ti,. 'hail. lirtnl:ot olnanaluil euly le. 1... , i0n C Ootd to o,:lunnl! I 'l+lllo' Ton: , leave, Iltl.O.ufell at 1 c., . 1.0 V. I' ',l i• 1 I e r ,..i1n it .C.4,,m100, Noon. Clueaffinli, Loul.vllle, F 1 I _ t o.. I Lexington and imilanat...,l,, via Lawrenceborgh hoot,. I TLC,, I/AI IX 'I ItAINI'. VIA CIJLUMIII:I. I.k \ rrIoN AND INDIANAPOLIS. 1 Frost T10.1..1 l. kit , l'lll.A.ill - 0. ill lint' .. 1.. i. A. M 1.1 I er-..a1i,0, Gamut.... ‘ono, Dayl..ill. 11,11..', 01.00. Lat,,,,tt• I'Terre. itantp. \ inn.ntl,••., : , 1 1.,00,,, C,0,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,tk, . 4 ' ~."1/50 Tama water Pittsburgh at 1.30 o'i lc. k A M t 1 Ci...,11iiir.c....01,11.0... Xenia. Dayttm, 11.1.1112,1,p4ih0., ( ..fl, ) .•iii Tr Ire llntite, I ow.m tier.: t Lan, Cal,. EviturrMe , l, . 1 . 1.101. '1 . 11..1N ii../0 . ....1 Pittrtmrch at .', , i'• - br k I'. , I t. Ceertline, Columbus. Nenna. Devon, I telinnutohn, Lam>, in Ter, I lout, %Ili- 1W , 0,11 St L.iill, (Ar t '., EVlLlirrillr. ,S, I ~ ..,. , .1 -- ~, tv, yonr IzekelK lln Columbus. mei T.ol q iii iii i .• 1.41.vr Gto,tunith 1.. r .N:. N !Ne. tIri•ANIA, t. I• Cll ,131. t. Im•lng th.• •I,.run 11,.. 1...v.1,11 %ft 7.4,1240 rg.lit laßAltrnt sort and Tl.n.righ Tlrkel•, pirrA.Arr hpid v I'•r.rr•)lr Anm l'.4llr.ntri k • A - nrr CURI .I*. TA Let at, I • •-:••rx: tot, I•11lK T...ket \ Ilttot.nctt •ti ,11‘1 , E11, ‘4,1,1,1 Ap-nt. 1). 6 1' ; NNI) MISSISSIPPI RAILROAI) Bitt).th (1.\170E alit4WW 6 1,11. 1.()i'1.", ~:;.. . 0 - , „ nd I. al. 400.41 a v....1101A ur. ‘1. , ! I: IT—V• no ,1 L.titr VtA ,11".• ~.1 nry.yiveo., ;• 141 IA •: 111.,u,..-.1 , 1 ~.. ~. sss, ‘• $ t*L• .$1 ,t I •E 1' •au.• !...11r , ..r • ' LA•scri,!, t air =IEZIN NENE MIEMIME FL/A..11; lialeeb,el••eeu rhiladelibtaladc Ylll.burtlt' L t•.n - 3'_•a+. Frt., st, —it•.\• •-A • 1141 t %1 A •t. paw 1 t .• as - A '.... • un. • t - 1 . • - • h '.14 • I I.', 11.1,1N01S t'l:NTI{.ll, 11A11.11()111 ,lIMTI‘G cur taunt t wtirti State• !twit anti In:npr e• 1 11 1 s--1-',11.11 TIIkIN - I.l\ 1 , 1:11 ot r l ~lnr.. H., 14 kl. v.U4 1,. :.• •. . • \I,- •. 14 44 v 44,1 , 1,•. 4.; • •4,4 , 1 44,4• 1,• 41, .1,4 , 4,1 .4:.1 :4,17 4 ,,4441,•.44 u• Il I 4 •,,• 4 1114 ALAI , L4rt I`. 11114 A 44 4, , . tIILEI 11l A \011 . •• 1,4.114 al na• 41 - H .t T:a;;.• :oar. t:I;;. gu 1.41,a • All I; -a; 1.. ; C•iik• V ',PK , :•1 iw.l o I y tht• trait; tah.• .•1 i•; • awl Mt.. I( ,an•l••ral, at, 1 .art pat .1 ; \ stvl 11n I` -I)tatn4r. ,) Ell- kr n opt...•/(v I.l.nque , , •I N. , ..fn Puckett 1.4 U:, trat•• t,r Chicuo , 6.1 At 7 A I. M • (lam the East end platen on the 01,1., rt s. 11 , Lowe 0111 .eve lisat mite. id 14.100, •11.1 to olgatt.,o r, :MI Cairo l• , rtr L , u lit, .10 art, o,‘ 10 adsau , • the taier route, tt, uth ttv ,• t Citsr”, Thatu.it, St. 1. ) 111. ante, oLit 1.. 1.41 at Ow 4,. &I' 1t.41..1. I.ll.l•Eugh.n.l N 14.1,, .Ili‘N t. 110 BiNGII ANI CO. A NSPOItT.‘ - N. )1 1.N.111 I.USI NI, Pl.', 1 lA\ AlaWigia • . -Th.• C,* it /i•pr 1 10 41. 0 r1)111 , , „ L,.1,111 , .4. New Yotii, sk the P lat. Nt or t„ o, part. tilitr latontl.lll Wny Frattrhti fs.staso ..tt .I..l.lintoan iittVittpt n PAILS LIN Ph\ \SILVA!, 1 ANAL BOATS, us h ~.,..or ontire satisfaction 111,NtIII/01 A t i., II I . Cannljtasio. !Also hIEICS IIt.INSPOR'rA'CION LINE. - Anti, I nttn,f;ir fa ant ot all.Sima pu t t P,p o rlos to Matt front F. 1.1. la eition, tat P0n...) Ivan.% Canal and Italifoadi. 111,o1U4ott Our e1t041.. of WWII, 011 rllllllO, ton 11 , /t.lli DAILY LINE, wlu, I, gives us e Cap. It) 1:4111 14 111101101 e 8.4.11 way W,. :own, ~or friends, and those ,itspospd to patrofff.... Stat.' 1111ploVi`IlletlIN. OW, will 141 110(111141, spared on out part to gOlleflll 1111t.igttet1011 10 tors4arthutr. Etta, and Weetern Freight , with promptitude dosAastpi, lUIfR A Nlll'OlEl.l.. coign y Canal 13asio, Pit taborgh. to THAxxoaaxrw T Luso if.xI'ECTEI) BOOK, ill , rotas, by Fr talltrif k Cozze i•• 11100 12/110. The 1114,0 will 110 doubt be the popular l , prioir, task, and is deatiuod to a large Mil, P1111111114(14)1. nous! that's by no afithor---a iletal Itllolll Id oatue—perpetratod tr. by Q. .by Doesticka, I'. It Just ieceived by W. A. OLLDENFENNEY in) l':Fi ft h it., opposite the Theater. - AUARDPNS LOT FOR SALE- -Containing xlz acres 1.t....,neat land, 111t1.11.11.41 OIL thr Nl,l t Chart-ter, Creek, In Robinson township. 4t„ii miles fro,,, i„ city , awl near Broadhead's Fording. The Land to adapted to Uardouing purpoives, as it lite , sloping to th, has comfortable Frame House 30 feet by 16. Ha and a half of high; a good spring of water at the done and a variety oi choice bruit Trees Just commencing t. boar. Price likai. For further particulars, apply to BLAK LY Jr RICHEY, heal Estate Brokers, feb2",' Corner Fieveuth and Snilthneld sit. FKESI.I SEEDS—Garden, Field and Flower coda,of Ow it at approve:l and rallui 1. 101,1,1, wlttritlisnic 111,d rolAll, at the Ou t 1001 AgliClllo,..l 11r, at,. 47 Nth alrrit, tats,o .1 A Kr , Af.lfif..p. _ LIODA ASLI of a good and uniforni yualit manufartuf ad I.y the Pennsylvania Salt Manilla, turtng Company at Turento nr, .41 it 1/.1 find fo l r 'I.E toile 3IING Bit, gromi Liallurea Specific ; 4 grime ltoo Darman But. liaio um. dl der; Wu tbs. Gum TraPeantb .1.00 lbs. NutmeP ; Concentrated Lye, a new article for making Soup; ~ue ?Quad worth tan of potash ; on hand and for sale by :uy3 ..FLENIING BROS.. A LOT OF GI — F.OU' tit), neer Bakerstown, _CIL will be sold vary low, tt applied for soon. It ixintaina ono-fourth of an acre, and la In a central v ibe,. Apply 1.„„„„Lam i t V. , 4 • ' l l 2;....A1f - - I Ohio and PCllllSylVallia Railroad. ARRANGEMEN T. 7 - 6 , 1 11• fit I • . 'I , . it •t 1 , han! , r,; c,r. t. ( .~~~. r ~ limb' IMMIZIE 1. i I ~ t r -i. MEE EINIII=M2IIIIII =TM -T i. i. Min I II ) I • uhf ts..k AI I RAILROA4_ SI M E;'f THREE TRAINS DAILY (EXCEPT EusDl,ll, CENTRAL. ROUTE NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE ()PE TfIR.OI•AU Lein ►llu.ob *0 ➢lli+lrrlppl River lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA ALL RAILROAD TO TIIF. MISSISSIPPI Chicago, Burlington and WOO(' y RAILROAD. FORMAN! Y TNC Clll 4 'so o AND ACIWILA, AND CINTNAL 111.111,1tT TRAeT I:AJLDOAD, 4 !41 I . LET ED. a u4l Tru ruu ti.e enre without ,iatuur r, cult: I 4 4. T 9 111:1 4 .1.1N 4 1 4 1% 4: 4 4, lows, chutig, •t “nly Ihr,t Route w 11nrlinoon, Quincy, Keokol,, oxattor, 11.104, kx, WRIA•I 10, Fm - t In. MolOrM, C. 011111,1 ill ktfi, rte, anti top oar ALL RAILROAD ROCTR tr , ut ChkaAgo 1. , v. lAAILI, 111•KAIIIII‘lon, Chalon, Deaktur, Cairo, SVnnp- Saph,t, and interna4lia htation4 th, , CA•ntral, IV,,t,rn, and Ohio ho and Themho.ippi HM lnrul.. • of Trw u• ,h the Mx... Li, rave Chicago on the arrlval Tr ,o trim the. En..t--avn , u th 4 all laying over at any of the I. iiiirlina - ton daily for P.aithern and C'..titn.l 40,1 Northern Nio.sourt—nuking the quickest and oso.d ~, : , i.• t , . r 1 .30 h ati the ttuttortatat Itotuutt tweet of 11.* I." n. U. ttlickl NWT, ,1 - 1111 !om forty to tilts :t. than !.3. othrr natty. The Itrattl. t trA , p0rt,71.4 au. %A). t• with the euSTINI.U.s .3i...,1b44.1 naing sha h.r.tt Ihtlirt.l In the Weell—Nt ., l •t— kettl ttalt the tietod modern 6...tholl•res 1111 d eirraut 11,W POE TER COMPLESZ CURS Or - Coughs, Bolds, Influenza, Broncluts, Spitting Blood, Asthma, AND ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAIN'S . 1 TENDING TO • I ; e.,..j........,,,...„0. - ... " . T ' Pbril abo cian ve ExPetiadcOht°remist,t. P luts reld now be by eo t' m n e en si e ta rien dl ee4 thoseL e tto s n ies , andoftsthoffeere..rdußfor the which, if neglected, usually ten:eh:tire fa a tall./ °"73d L a In .UNCU C RE O G N s'ut - i:,,, - aces, which haves et • eiRoa.HUSIFHT.EbsO,N.ed Ireconvewbutalns no Opium, C looser, or 1;., and gently remove the phlegm and other morbid secre. iPecale2rgtrifies.:nauL:eteuTedlaP:tethe:ffel;trigge to an allay d :le s ireir ll YW llts e t c , liens, from the Throat and air-passagee, theta relieving S., the Gough, by subduing the inflasunatlon and other .1 , calms which give run to IL It ls approved of and re- , RI SAY AND VERY WONDERFUL. commended beengdrvedenbyorpelcilrfectus o af% ty the to b th igh e "ye% et tan gen dlu etilt a l n o d e ; i ITYGEANA. i the mat delicate female. ' ; n/LOCGIIT ilOge TO THE DOOR of THE MILLION 1 attfrlCO A rLD ha or ii SO b r olllvil e One bottle la usually sufficient for a calte of Sufis.. lbjefollneorallwinYFMZZel'ordn I .: 1 I A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent- enaa. 1 t ati Zt nj,l",nencurnio'dileortb.YArtlilh.tiCts,'"'Lanu'd of Pi: '.:1:-,V,i..".1...1:1Z 4' t '"`" VI •t.r to . Lit Ct.tirts' IlrGaAtia. On INILLII:vo Brutes erAnfeozomr.deeeesnewillasrelleve Tickling iri the etfOra,) One bottle will etteethelly stop Spitting Illood. \, t e ..- e' !P1.,. - .1 . ^ . Well thud new method., le , Three to &i,e Lattice only are required in Bronchi. , ' ' ' 1 C. ,„. .... ~,,, . ~..T , .. ~. 1,, „,...10.. , ; .an enlen e• of I ties or Asthma. , , ' - a ;Co Ice ha.• I ,ii.“•a r lat., maul-d. :..sayslong -I' tt e Your to Eiger, banes will cure any case of Incipiee , • 1, ...theme L a 013 sedan raf=t.... -• It is evident that in'taltec e' ''''' ' l a '. • "cram:, d. ,• T` , ' I . --eoustuntl) breathing an a,frecable, healing rapor—tle eat Cone etneptiOne to-ccluol idoportha Lutist cot. in tiara COIitYCL Mites t:, One bottle is warranted always to do good, and satisfy 1,1 w SA.. erlel culture of the luny, and thus ese...pe the luau) the patient b other is on the right road to a CURE. I 'e —' eeeee ) "'"le* d ~, 1 laried 'e.g.. produced upon th em when nana1.....-11 Judge now wor not leis best to use if. CertlS '•" ' '''''' ' '.; ' tic the '''''‘'''''' ' I" ' ta..`".".11.....d . 01 fieet fe five Pe o,- "e or die'''E n `''' - o file at the o ffi ce from taigiltudes of restored se r •' 11.- - I k‘ l l -,-, a I'd , ' LIF-tit•• ''''''''''',, The It) yeses t. t.' .ale by all the Druggists througboct tnt fem .. il • • •••:, a ota memorizer 'neon Ito. A,'•'. s' co unt:, —_rew 1 erk Lharhutan 0/January 13. ' ".. 0 'th' °' L'"""'' . •r• 1 I."'"' 1 -`, - "' , ' '•the I ab..l , rof Isom on the breast, under the linen, w ith BROADWAY,LSCO ( TILL_ Thiari lk o Co., Proprietors, ~ ~ -1 -.40.—. 0- 00.0rist-"0 on t . out out tee le.un tuconrenteueo—the heat of the body bee,' No. so4 mar BO Nem - York.' '. , • ' - - '..-. 0 5 "'h both. and "I''' """ sufficient to e vaporate th, Scut Ilundnete of Men of card, ~. i-- - e.o . + • .1, ropiest II ,111 ) "' . lite th.' f.,1l ak lug, might be named. For Bale by an Droggials ihmughnut the United Etaini, . • I ;•• t •' •Is le' 'Sc ..'..m'.. .°...d '''".." • .ma pa, Lap: ot the Itygeana has cured me of the Asthma, --- .udCkun6dlA ' ~... e e -i . ~,,, i etr.....t.,-1 t• ,t 0 the. dltdCl• a d I , ' ,of ~,. ),,,..' ou.,.fing,. J. le Krseeeer, 4Qr )or 6BIC wholesale and retail, by IL X FELLERS X ~. postmaster of Dancannen, ea. CO . . ali w eer A n u c T r z• Wled .d antl l3Em eeco g n A d l, s t treeta. I I. a , .. k' d' ' 'Pitt, l. 1“ ILI, h. the ru r al dir. t 1 .. rum a t h e Mut, u , ~i. ,u y ,un. um', a l ,g , by D , le•ll also by ILENDERSON & BRIJ., Liberty etreer •It P. i. ~ t .......: - i•e-• er I , .•,0,,0n10n. n t ut•to.r.. , cum., II y,,,,,,, Manather Frivol, lineoklyn, N. Y. & IficKENNAN, Allegheny t ... 1.. ‘-;.•e.le• 1; e- .• 'l, i.el M."'"'" l Ple• ‘ I Mrs. Pict, of No 5 itainmond street, N. Y., wee cured of GAY. 00,5,1,6N11 f [...c0.... ~..t.. .4 r ~... I 4..1 1. oioa..oe f1 ,,r., Mai u..- ~ ..„,, rere ~.., ~,. broodetio by the nypabo. .., e q eto , ....ric _. lee ee.; c ••.'eel oeenef 1 . ' re' My sister has leen cured of distressing cough, of swverel The Greatest Medical Discovery - • - 1...-. ''. ,'5 ~ ,1., + 1 , - 3 I'.. 1- ' 1th ....-i.. . 0 ' ' • year.' stiordmg. and dechled to be Incurable by the pb,) rti• 0 F T 11E A. GE . „ re . , „,.1,1 5..,1. 1.1.. Ii• ro , ,T,tpeol, aoz by an) •' ,4 ' . ' cue „ . She was cored to one month, by the Ilygeema. • J. 11. Gatantar, .tit end, Stn.MR. KEN N,EDY, of Roxbury, has discos'- .h I u„.'. I•t• • t . ~, , tb., r nte ma bs procured at I t The Lee. Dr . CULltilat, of New York, testillaeof our meth used In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy , ~„ e .„ , .....: : , tot ~ d 1 ~. .0 ‘.v. ‘ , v l .- 1 " 0 ` . 1.1 . rifle In the following language. that cures emery kind of Humor, from th e worst Scrofula to a .... tee • . •••• A rtat,, natl.., co r ona rt. .., , ;re .... I ~..,•,..ot tiro state, and to thb ago at t.e 1 ,- k .„„. se.,_•4 think bi o ly of Dr . Coro ,. Ili g .,..,,, an . re . ~..i..tn, • tau, 1., o' , da.arl•o•rt. At - .. 4. ,13,,..t” the I. ' ' .43 is diseases of the throat and lenge Ravin cesi g bad mote Ile has treated It in over eleven hnneired cases, and never failed except in two Mee (both thunder humor.) Ile bee . , 11 .., et; t•''•l el I • 4 ' t'" Pl."'" ''' '''''/ ILO . ' ol.portunity to teeth" Its efficacy, lam markt that It Lou now in las tate,e-sion over two hundred certificates of its ewe mouth. , ...„ • .., e , , be.. .„ se 11 ,„, e 1.., le at d e , Le p ,. „, rpr7bb."ltoctletrouttburich',eete, loth the S y ru p and the inhalin4 value, all al t. l ttied within o,renr.t) nursing, , ri t : td ilv t g o o t t a ßoli ma ton. 1 ...i. „., 00, , 0 wage. to Lbs. I , hve".. , h.lL—Dr. (Nulls' llygoana is the ORIGINAL and ON t. l One to th re e p et it e , will c ure th e emelt hind of pinipl. aof ..i, ,ten,, , ..1 . n tie nue Ci Le:tiler. AItTICLE; nil others are base imlbatotos, or vile the r,,,,,,• 11 . Stith.. , \..P . SoKriploo 3 "" and talutiocs counterfeits. Shun them as you neut.! , it J l• .4. tibilM loilltatS,fere to three bottles will scour the artem of boil, roteo se gg- F e mi.. by Dr. Gee. 11. Keyser, 140 Wood street ; It ' ,I• L•rali Peeeetteer agent. 'tiro bottles are warranted to cure the worst ranker In the 1% E. NA ANIrI)IitM. l T IL 0 1.. TE , K. eelhes a Co.: Lee A. Benham Allegheny Three to five bottles ere warranted to rem the went miss 0 4 . ee , o ' mouth and stomach. benzene New Drighton; C. L. Rather, Rocheeiter. of erysipelas. iiiv w e e le:deletes I One or two bottles are MU ranted to cure all humor of the SATTUE ISFACTORY REMEDY —Front el"elf• d ewubottles axe warranted to ocure running of the ear and ensues of the country, north and south, the propre•••• blotrhos among the ham i' ll . t ' lla W-" as thme‘rollowdMitayg,'Urer"milatirPettooflLsucts.hPahunstl'esdatoetr un uu eZn t .:l - . ' nth F e ou n r Let t., E. a . x tettlee ere warraeted to cure corrupt and cull ed Vermifuge: ; Oue bottle will core seedy eruption of the eldn. Cifacessonce, Ala, April 19th, l'l-*. ' Tw o to three bottles are warranted to cure the most dee- Messrs B. A. PilinestocA cf eb.—l have heap selling lour (~,rate awes of rhetunatiere. Vet Mittel* in Lille place ler flee yt , Blll, and take pleasure to Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases stating. tor the information of the trade and of the pub!. : . , . ~, of nngwerm. 1, k 7; r " ~„," : „1,t , 7:7,,' . ' Ll ',„ l ' r nuu . " l-. l „, kn a n Z' o u o h ,: ' u ( the t te h o e ib m . e u ` t t e '„,...":, - ,:: ~ Three toTour bottles are warranted to cure salt rheum. . Yi,. , to eight bottles will cute the worst rose of scrofula. medicates vie have. I have also personal kieeelolge el e - A benefit in nla sy a expeneneed from the first bottle, and g'".l effects 10 °"h'r"' Caere under the treatment of u " a erfect cute 1e warranted when the above quantity is physicians, all of whom use it regularly, anti always fout.d , b t,,,,, - tt i.., be safe and reliable as a worm specific . low ::taut - ` mend it as one of the safest and best in the market. I , * Notdose, Woke so impneliible to those who have in vain A. eleuee s w KbeK. ; tried all the wonderful medicines of the day, OM theta coin- Prepared scel sold by 11. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., 1 nem weed gees. mg in the pasture, and along oldetone walla, uhto ceruer of Wood and First see, letteburgh ' ehoeld rum °veer hewer in the ienitem; Va it IS now a fixed ' feet. If you here a humor it has to ettert. There are no ifs nor awls, hums or he's about setting some cases and not your. I peddled over a thousand bottles of it In the vicinity of Boston. I know its effects In every ease. It has already . done some of the greeted cures ever done in 51aemehusette. 1 gave it to children a year old; to old people of sixty. I have seen poor, Orly, wormy looking children, who flesh was soft and flabby, restored to a perfect state of health by one bottle. To those who are entliect to a reli e feadhe, one bottle will always cure it. It giver) groat to arterrh and die repose Some who have been costive for years, have taken and been regulated by it. Where the body th sound it works quite way, but where there Is any derangement of the func tions of nature. it will cause very singular peelings, hnt you must not be alarmed—they always disappear In fecen four days to a week. There is never a bed result from It. On the ceutrary, when that feeling Is over, you will feel yourself like a new pinion. I heard some of the most extravagant encomiums of it that man ever listened to. No change of diet is ever necessary—eat the best you can get. I have like wise an herb, which, when simmered in sweet oil, dissolves Scroßgons swelling of the neck and under the ears. Price 50 cents. Price of the Medic' 1 Discovery $1 per bottle. Directions for ne.—Adu' , one table speonffil per day. Children over eight years, ...covert spoouful ; children from five to eight years, tereepeonfnl. As no direction cen be mule applicable to all oeuetitutiorue take euoegh to operate on the bowels twice a day. Mr. KENNEDY Epee pereonal attendance in bad cases of Scrofula. Sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr. KEYSER's, 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, end J. I'. FLEMING, Allis ebony. apl2:lydew - By ti.,.. pustqlget arr nut of making coon : r,t 1„... u I 4.41 , 11ved time, iii • tn.( .i.• t.I CU 1+,14 I. ekt,.l .I.li.hgrrt .4 by A ;14., ,be , 1,1 all r4•I (rum I.:Licarrtr, od k hArt•llll.,; nr 4,111 V.T: 4 I r rl.r- r I the, kn f.n.r, 4 r ark nr rtEln,ll t ti .•e 'Y ' ej^ T!,'m i.re•t Auurlr•n •nd C. b• 1%.1.111 it WI; •nd 31a11 Routc 13 NI: LES OF DISTANCE t•A ED, r 11 ,11-4 AID SA,:toktit. AIR LINE ILOVTE. pCfw CA! CIIICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, ALT AND n. Louis RAILROAD, Formerly' Chicago and •1+.1....ts 1A I Tit , TT:4llCitt; LI TO t T,nr li,t4t.t, Cat)., .1b•l thsbuy.le. n!ersift, I^eta-tw, kel rlot Ilk • r beni Illt. & Indiana Railroad z• : ...Lroattil I .. t.ultenrtst• • • , or,„ .t.t•ttt I •t•-.•t.t.....t.1 fmttllttleat, rot. , tt..t .t r trt, .•trt • i ml..tt nttrlrttll , l nu) rutttlti‘g kl t.st trio Fell ArrangeSnell'. \;,,N1,.%1, PAH Y I.IN 1.1 elegnnt and rut:ulna AteNsuaore, oanxikati•l• d Awl ‘,1111111../Atlng oaken, I e‘er) •ht) M F.N it Is P: talu GounoN. FAIRI . sir .14 , 1 1 .111 I,Ard, aO,l roach '.',hock the hal , . urx t wantoc—oonnecting with the 1 , 1”.1 t 1 11111 IS A. ll_ luxkiryt durst ouutioctlon with Tram, t•v nil the %WI, eitin—tliti. .4.1/tint:if; a eolufork.bk mad, and 634.3.1.1iy faltita •,1 trawl by railroad. air Faro na fileAp N hy nu y 1411, ILailrolul rout, 1,11 . Through and Lek,' Ttckota, sad furthor tfo uratation it.quirr JOHN J. lIOUSTUN, No. 111 'later street., Pittsburgh. 11E0. IV. YU LioN, ttuperintendent. I-. ID KA" ItNN Y, tietterni Agent. norl3 PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILI.I NRERWIIRAMW- RAILROAD. OPEN WEPT NEWTON TO (Y.EiN - ELLsviLtr. (My-eight miles from Pataburich, on the Yonglath:lieu) }toot' This hem tiptt,hutt. 11,3.1 1x n,,e open for the tratopt)rtn non of lu.neng,•rn 411.1 irekght. In c...ttnerth..n with the flu Ate:lnter Et q.IAN, from l'at.hurgh t. Couttellevtlle, duoly,i follow : Iho The FAIL' AS will leave her wharf, above eery atortlooll, at half-pint ti't o'rl,k, for Went Newhaa, ovntlectiug, thorn with the morn. ,ng Tr.uu ',using at for reaching thore at 930 A_ M., in tune for the Stage for Uulootown. Fare o , o.nurllsvkile $1 'lb ~ Fan, totf 2 2.5 A Train V 1 '.wen Comadlortile lin tuurniug, ut 6:15 lot.Wo-t Newton, alai countwt three with the .t.t011, , r I,llml nl ; lII.' w reach PlanbUrgil at l' M. Pare from Clqmollort11.• h , ,Itr2ll Vitro from Uniontown to I'm 'l,lllOl ...... L 25 The It ti Froight and Promettgor Et to If 'tette C. urllsrillo el 10,20 A. M., and returning u Srwton at :.t.30 I'. M., stoppmg at all It a) statioue G r I r.•,, sad pattuettgerv. Satumitty the train ), ill au oto, nut.* the log morning at tan k l'aAeengortt by the Saturday ..ft,tt,..a hoof fr burgh out by this arrangement go forward u about •nlay For further information, apply to the On ~Ed I /Wallah int 1:01,1. , 1N, or to the AgoD.ras W. Cat W A L ool Neo too tt a:,•l ll W uot.lo Amintaut E.oportutototel , ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM PITTSBURGH TO KITTANNING. Lower its follow,. No. 1, }Lipman, ELSO A. M., striving at Kittanning at 11 A. M. No. 2, Accommodation. 5:40 P. 51., arriving at Kittanning at 5:25 P. Si. Fare to Kittanning, $1,25 sTAiI WILL. RUN FROM KITTANNING, in connet•- ta.tt with tho Trains, for the following placee: S. Vaal. AB 313 1 •••,,1ng $1 7h I Brooktillm .• I-1 7fi lis,ltrady's Bend 2 25 Rot auk 2 251 Renneriburg 260 Ticketah , all of the 'due° places can be procured at the Office, cot to•r of Peon mei We)no atreeto, and at the Depot ai Ta) l• •r talt . l.l aim ihtte , a a ill leave the corner of Market and Mb, and Prot, /MI Vi roue utrat•ta. at 7.40 A. 31., and 4:60 F. 61., itt c. , nuertlon with Om Trout, A. J. lIOFFER, wet Superintendent LI ARM FOR RENT.—A small Farm, coil tuiniug 24 norm about one mile below the city, oppo•- , -do Manchester. There Van the premises, a large frame house nod stable, about 100 bearing apple trooo ; sopach • , berry and plum truce, grapee, Thls place uld suit KO( al gardener. For teems appy to • my 9 B. C. S J. 11. SAWYER, N 0.41 Wood et. fOR — SALE.—We offer for sale -- a . Farm of 119 acres, about 3 1 4mlles fronrtigan's Sta tion (on the Allegheny Valley Railroad). The tarprov•- D., ~., n stat 10 part ofa goe.l and roomy dwelling house, I . ..Lrai, barn, ar. 85 aura. of the Lind is hared and cultiva t‘d, balance timber. The whole la watered y excellent 4,14 `mil a RICHEY. - - DR. MOItSIOS 1 NVIGORATING CORDIAL, PHENOMENON IN MEDICINE. Health Restored and Lite .Lengthened MORSE'S h\VIGORATIN6 EUXIRt IT WILL replace weakness with. strength • incapacity with efficiency, irregularity indlorra end natural activity,.and this not only without hazard of reac tion, but with a happy effect on the.general organization Bear in mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, • finish with the nervous eystem, and t h at the parefization of the nerve of motion and sensation is physical death. 4k-vu In mind, also. that for every kind of nervous disease, the Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation know a. CURE OF NERVOUS DISEASES-, No language can convey en adequate Idea of the immedi ate and almost miraculous change which it occasions In the discard, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether' broken down by excess, weak by nature, or' impaired by sickneas—the unstrung and relaxed organization is at -once braced, revivified and built np. • The ntentaland physic.. °Ymptanui of nervous disease vanish together under its initn an.e. Nor is the effect temporary; for the Cordial prcepertlea of the medicine reach the oonstitution ltself, and restore it to Re normal condition.' • r LOSS OB MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness, rash of blood to the head; melancholy, debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of arlfsieitructioe —fear of Insanity, dyspepsia, general prostration, lrritabltd ty, n e rvousness, inability to sleep, disease incident to males, decay of the propagating functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, eel - Ist:pie ton, etc., from whatever camas arising is, if Were be any reliance to be placed on human testimony, aliedntely A GREAT MEDICINE FOIL FEMALES. The utipitrallibi effects of this great restorative In all c omplaints incident to females, mark a new era In the swims of medicine. I.,ltousands of stimulants have been inented thousiunis of ihvigorants ceucocted—all purporting to be epedlied in the various diseases and derangements to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, Who suffers from weaknees, derangement, nervittiness, tre mors, pains in the bark, or any other disorder, isiginer pe. cutter to her sex, or common to both sexes—should give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PERSONS, Or others, will find this Cordial, after they system.' a Incaot tie or two, a thorough regenerator of the d ore to be found the happy parents of healthy oil. spring, who would not hive been so but for this extraordi nary preparation. And It le equally potent. lig the ninny dieemes for which it is recommended. Thousands of young men have been reamed by using it, and not in a single it. stance has It failed to benefit them. PERSONS OF PALE COMPLEXION, Or consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a hoots , cc two to bloom and vigor changing the skin from n pale, y ek low, sickly color, to u beautiful florid complexion. TO TILE MISGUIDED. Three are some of the cad and melancholy effects proincei by early habits of youth, viz; weakness of the back and limbs, pains In the head, dimness of eight, loss of 11111sMilif power, palpitatlon of the heart, dyepepais, nervous irrita. billy, derangement of the digestive functions , general die Witty, symptoms of comiumptions, etc. Mentally, the fearful effect* on the mind are much to he dreaded. is es of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodluga, aversion to society, iielklistrust, love of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils produce.'. All thus afflicted, BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne cessery requisites to promote connubial happiness; without these, the Journey through life becomes a weer, pin;rituage—the prospect hourly darkens the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the weber:. choly reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with your own CAUTION! Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. futnre, all the genuine Cordial will have the proprietor i facsimile peeled over the cork of each bottle, and the follow• log words blown In the Ones; Dr. rtioraoa Invigorating Cordial. C. RING, Proprietor, The Cordial Is put up, highly concentrated, in pint tenths ice three dollars per bottle, two for flee dollars, six let weir, dollars. C. IL RING, Proprietor, Mi 2 Broadway, N. Y Vold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada and llu West AGENTS lIIHM=I =MEE =I tli ITAUN. Tll, IN 111, NI [M ♦ND 1101 . T11, I .1 .+. MRNMC • *7- •••• ' • . • ±\:j., ' r - • • .' • . ;.‘ ....... GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 110 Wood et. RUGS, No. tki Wood str.t.; R. E. SELLERS, Wood strt.t. Ilrrhtoy y RECK A 11M NPN NAN J AMES T. SAMPLE CO.; J. P. FLEKING. ~ ,out Cid Oldo-.J. D. PARK, Cincinnati. (Alll,llw y IN HALATION Pic tst orgh roa THZ (IRE OF ASTRIA AND CONSUMPTION, _ . F. Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger. 91ti t s ESSENCE is s preparation of unusual eacellence. In ordinary diarrhoea., incipient cholera, abor t. In all cases of prostration of the digestive functio,..A. It Is of iusttmable Talta. During the prevalence of epidens, :bolero and summer complaints, It is peculiarly efficacious: uo family. inilividual or traveler should be without it. Cortos.—Be sum to got the genuine Essence which is pre s pared only by F. BROWN, at his Drug and ' Chemical store. N. It. corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Oda, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries In the I ailed States, and in Pittsb B. h by B. A. FAILYIDaYBX. .t CO., SCULLY A 041. AO Allegbeuy by H. P. EMTWARTZ, sepecazudl t ßd A. BECKHAM. W. W W. WALLACE, STEAM MARBLE WORKS. 319, 321 and 333 Liberty street, -, Opposita Bulitbflekt street, PITTSBURGH, PA. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, and GRAVE sTONICS always unhand; Stone and Marble Curbing eta % Anita for Cemeteries, made to order. -; Furniture and Washatand Tops, and Imposing Stones mad.• by mechluery, in lees time and better style than can be don, by mere manual labor. Particular attention fa paid to the manufacture of MARBLE MANTLES, of whloh we have a large variety of beautiful pattern , . Builders and others are invited to erandne our stock, as c feel persuaded that after doing so, and learning our price., (Al 5 and npwarda) but few who are able to own a good Louse, will be wUling to remain long without procuring nue or more Marble Mantles. They require no scrubbing uot painting; are always neat; are an ornament toe room; are not liable to take lire, and rest but tittle mom than to good ...td mantle. Marble sold low to the trade. Hearth Stones made to order. our atork of Marble la the largest In the West, and being tmoeufartured by the beet wo:kmen, aided by machinery, is worthy of attention. Orders, widowed to me, at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, filled with despatch .__, W. W. WALLACE. QliuT MACIIINES.—LULL'S PATENT lAMB A.SICT MACHINES, need in 700 Mills In the It n et. They run light, clean well; are durable, and when t bay become smooth, the edge can be renewed 11 oracking tit- Burr. They have been used for Ave years In the City I :11, Pittsburgh, (one of the largest milli In the West,) and a c torrent tial to clean well. For runlet; see hated ills. ih.ory tilled at 319 Liberty street, Ittaburgho W. W. WALLACE. PO MILL OWNERS.—French Burr and Laurel Hill Stones, Belting Clothe, Mitt Spindles, Mill irons, Screw!, Screen Wire, Corn and Cob ctriuders, Cast Iron p ro of stain, &a, always on hand and made ttainder, at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pettus sPZ2 W. W. WALLACF.. SSTEAMENGINES AND BOILERS.L- Engines, with the Intact improvements, warranted beat quality, on band and made to order. Boilers of Juniata Iron, made on short notice. Orders filled with despatch, at 310 Liberty street, Pitudrergh, Pa. arerd W. W. WALLACH. PORTABLE FLOURING MILS. —The ' subscriber hoe ou hand, and is inannfaatitrig, Portable Mills, of an imppoved quality; they are very com pact, run light, grind Rat, (Rye to tifteen bus:bet, per hour.) eau be driven by steam, water or horse power, end wII po.o , a valuable acquisition to Iron masters, lumbermen and large stock fenders. Orders filled at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. mr.l3dlaw W, W: WALLACE. ---- • BEESON'S HYDRAULIC CEMFNT, OR WATER Lllll.l—The undersigned keep constantly on baud a large stock of this article of the best quality. The attention of Contractors and Builders of Naylpition Locks,. Aqueducts, Bridged, Reservoirs for Water Works, Ac., b) rm quested to this article. The weal known resistance and Me pervimumettiof water, characteristic of thlsHeMent, renders It ..f the Bratenecesaity inch streeturesetposed In the action water or damp. [apiltm] ENGLISH RICHARDSON. . CARPTS! CARPETS!!!—Superior quality Brussels, Canton Matting. l'• fresh "61AI at the Potash Street Carpet Stare. a +OS bL D. H. MaCIALLIAL .1" IDE ~- :...,, ,+ 4 , AYER'S C IiERILYOrTetA SAL; „Fon TICE RAPID CUBE OF OOLIG/D3, COLDS, 110AIU8E. i , - ,_. , ~ T', . ...., NESS, IiIIONCIIMB, WHOOPINO-MIUOII, CROITF', 1 , .- . : i• - • "0., • ','.•,,,_ *- i , e 4 : ,-. : ASTHMA AND CONBUIIPTION. .i B • 'Z'o' l ''' - •*, :),.ii.i'?v' af " 4',-...,0 ~Tuts liontmt - is. offered to the cam- r r . • • ' 'la -.,,' ;4: 1 .”a. .'untY with the rtailldence we feel In ~ ' , . • 4 an article which seldom fells to real. " .• ' . . ~- / - - • aired. Zio wide is the field of Its 716 - , . , le - . fulness, and en numerous the cases of I ; ':. -.-.:- • its cures, that almost every section of - ' lli W „eilll• offi •- ;;;;' the country abounds in persons, pub- . • ..., - - •i•• - ' l . o ''' ‘ holy known, who have been restored I • • from alarming and even desperate die- . • •' • .' eases of the lunge, by it. nee. When once trial, Its nape- , - ;,* 1,„. s„„, - riiirify over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent t- , a ...,.. , w es, , • ~', •• to escape observation. and where its virtues are known, the /......";^ '', '' .i ' public no longer hesitate what antidote tp employ for rho i itistressing and &mg.-roue affections - of the' pulmonary or- P%— - - sans, which are incident to our climate. .... . . _. . • , . , Nothing has called louder for the earnest I'M:o67ot meal- - -• . cal men, than the alarming prevalence and fatality of con- s, - mmptive complaint. nor has any one clams of diseases had I *: •,... s- "- • more of their investigations and care But as yet no ado. ' ; . •si , - , • .• quote remedy has been 'wended, on which the public could '' , • • i depend for protection from attacks win the respiratory or . . -, guns, until the introductiOn of the caisson' PECTOIiAL. . • • -•• • i•-• • This article hr the product of a long, laborious ,' and, I believe, F.' t '• . .-,.• succeesftil endeavor to furnish the oommnuity with finch a r '•e. - ',- • remedy. Of this last statement the American people are now 1 . . •thernselvetr prepared to Judge, and I appeal wttha,nildence to ( their declaim, If there le any dependence to be placed in ' • •. - what men of every class and station certify it has done for • • them: if we can trust our own seines, when we see dangerous 4 - 4,4 .•*•*-f 4 " : " - '", affoc , ions of the throat and lungs yield to it; if we can depend :""i * on the assurance of intelligent Physicians who make it their i. . . business to know—in.ehort, If there iffany reliance upon any- - thing, then it is irrefittably proven that this medicine does re- lieve and does:cure the clamor diseasesdesigned for. be yond any and all others that are known tomnkind If thb be , true, it cannot be to freely imbliehed, nor too widely known. The afflicted ehonld I. now it. A remedy that crireals price- ! lees to them. Parents should know it, their children are * priceless to them. Ail should know it, for health can be priced to no one. Not only Would it be circulated here, but t . everywhere, not only in this country; but in all countries. How faithfully we have acted on this conviction, ia shown in the fart that already this article has made the circles of the i , gkilie. The sun never ante 'on its limits. No continent Is without it, and but few peoples. Although not In so general r, use In other nations as In this, It Is employed by the more „di intelligent la almost all civilized countries. It is ratan- F .. = en ely employed in tsith America,-1n Europe, Asia, Africa, f Australia and thelar-off islands of the aro. Life is as dear 4 to Its p , twamore there as here, and they grasp at a valuable I . . • - . - remedy with even more avidity. 'Unlike must preparations „„ • . • of Its kind, It is an expansive compositionof costly material. Still it is afforded to the public at a reasonably low pnce, and i , , 1.• what Is of vastly more importance to them, its quality le • .s. ^ • • never suffered to decline from its original standard of excel- --'„" letice. Every bottle of this mei:Brine, now manufactured, Is L - ,.,:s as good as ever has been made hcrotothre, or as we are ca. 1 . •; . ilk ~ psi& of making. No toil or cost is spared. in maintaining V. ~„ , it in the - hest perfection which It iv possible to modem,. ~,, .- ,:. lfenre the patient who procures the genuine Ulna PEO- .:' tuner, can rely on having as good an article as has ever been ~'‘ ,-- had by those who testify to its cures, 1-• to, - By pursuing this course, I have the hope of doing sumo 1.,. . •., good in the world, as well as the flatlet - action of believing ic that much him been done already. .._•-• -Prepared by J. O. AVM Practind and Analytical ; • Chemist, Lowell, 141.8. .I, . r . Sold by 11. A. FAIINRSTOCR A CO., at wholceale and re- 1. mit, by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and by all Dealers 1 everywhere. alit:4=ll.w - tat Cangt '4tritam.. wit M. 120gere Syrup of - 411 11: r j I'r .I WO r I ; •, SANDS' SARSAPAR. IN QUART BOTTLES. Fbr the Removal and Permanent thee of all Diseases Wiling/ from a n Pupae Rate of the Blood, or fla. of the System. HEALTHdepends principally upon the condition of the blood—its oxidation by ita through the lungs, and distribution into the ergantr ab sorption, circulation, respiration, and secretion, constitute the phenomena of Life. Thum orgaua are imbued with wonderful sympathetic , affinities; if any-one of them to im properly affected they all become irritated and inflamed, the stomach gets deranged, pains of all kinds coma on, eve.. chilly in the head and limbs, accompanied with a burning heat, lose of appetite, extreme nervous debility, nausea, mor bid anxiety, depression of spirits, disturbed sleep, and India. position to make the Blight sot physical exertion. If the vital fluid betharged with. the elements of disease, sickness must be the consequence. It la then evident that a medicine Is needed that will cleanse and purify the blood, and such la SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. It assists digestion, creates ap petite, strengthens the system, and by removing the cause of the diaease effects a complete and permanent cure. The following unsolicited communication is one thousands that are from time to time addressed to Rom all quarters of the world, to which we invite attention Rion: LYNN CO., MIAOW TA-, March 14, Marrs..A. B. d D. Sands, New- Fork—Gentlemen: In the spring of 1863 I left Indiana with my wife and aeven chil dren Oregon, and arrived safely at Salmon Palls, Snake River, without any difficulty; at Oda plaos our eldest boy was seised with a swelling and severe pains in the legs, which dallzr grew worse, until his loge contracted and became B. 11l that be could not walk: we bad to carry him ha an about the wagon like an luflud.4 his moaning was dreadful, keeping us awake nearly all ' , night. We reached Albany on the 3d of October. completely worn out by fatigue; by this time he was reduced to a perfect skeleton. Here we were enabled to consult a physician, Dr. Bill, who honestly confessed Ito vould not core him, although he could give him medicine that. would relieve the pain. In this gency something remained to be done speedily, or death was inevitable. tieing recommended to try your Sarsaparilla. I procure d a b o ttle; tau - taking wine be appeared worse; but ~e rserer ing wi th 141 obtained a second bottle, which seemed l' o mu m e w ith the &name, and caused a marked Improve merit ; the swelling and pain in the legs were reduced, his appetite improved, and his color began to rehire. Thus en couraged, I purchased a third bottle, while taking which the swelling' in lei .cgs, broke, and soma pieces of bones' one eighth of an inch long came out; after which, his legs straightened and heated np. Ile 14 now perfectly recovered, has no appearance of being a cripple, and can perform moat kinds of common labor. All this has been effected, as many can certify by three bottles of your valnable.,Ea;parilla. of which, under providence, my son remains a its teatime. nlai. Yours,acernectanny, cuan Avis. glj, Prepared and sold by A. R. A D. SANDS, DI ' l 4 . 'all ate) Chemist.% lit) Fulton street, Nev. lurk. ...1,!.1 h:, 61 li A. 1 A nNmoCx. Fe co, nt.cm :Nil IMO& I i ;Isistrgbu mud tar by Dr so. uggista morally. Price $1 per bottle, or Ilk Ott ties IRO" .. '~-cv.3ist` ;ea t ; ..:..-..:,,',,.'.5:,..-:.,.:,:,., - ; :s • , :i. , ,!'' :. , t,.;,V, -1 )• ,_,-.•.': '.' , , , i . - ....' , J , ,1, -, v . ... - !:.,..N.7 5 ' / -.- --,--- • - • i • 4 f t ...• ,z.-.1- .. A' , ''':•:l) . _:,:•,:-.. , .' -,;''.,`:.?",',.:j..;,,-.i-,..n,-'':::."' _ 'w . . ' ".• . „ I.`: 1.• ; § \ z: 44.1' _„ 7 ~;; .. - ;•1 ; ? ':.*:. 7 4;,;.: 1 , , E,- ,, - , ; . ?...',, •-----:.- •+ t ••= - 1. "I; ~ :1;. ay ' i- ' 2 , , m- _. { ~. i " - ~. ~'„,-,; t:,,,, : ..,. : ,:,,,.., , ,•,, , ,,,,,_ ::;.,.,7,:ti-,'„:.,,,ET-;'.-li!,, 4c:*". % , MEE ~s. ~~- 't~Ky~. M` ~~,~., a ~. .x ~ r~yiY. " ~ . s;:'. • 72, ~~~} -~ :6. ~ ~ ~~~\ 2~~\ ,~ ƒ \~ \ ~~~{ .... _~`' a 4 ~~ i.'.7='.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers