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A.• ~... . - t .§..,- ~ ~.. • •.-. 7..inz•.:7•.1 . 4 - 0144 4- 4- - x..V. , ' r‘.',,,.:t,,;-o'.-•,,r-f•.e-;;1'.4-I.F.Arkit,-..-...,..i2°.:41.':=5-441-i7.1'4.-4•742+4:14?1'A*.7 '''''-.. -- Alic - '-..•`.1"-... - ...":•". , ,-„ i —~,r , - - 4 ,..1,1 4 4 , 0A-....,..... , . • • ~- - -- .--z...• - • ------ Lr- • -...-- . z.''-'-'.'f.•-i‘•."!!'"'..Z.V,K.-..;,......`"..".",f4.:4',.-.A.--1;•.4-':-..-4-- -:-".•"---,' 4. - ' • . rJitbutl MONDAY MORNING I,lllt PRESIDENT: JAMES 'BUAA N (St(Streetdr,st, en the CH Nat larK N nhon.) DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET AI.N COIIMISIOoNER, E SCOTT, or COLVMI.IIA cll AIIIOTOR GENCRAI., I=l:MMili= r.VEYoR 4.1:211514..1.: TIBIOTH Y IVES, Ponca COUNTY Democratic State Central Committee. The Democratic State Central Comtnittee of Pennsylvania will meet at Pittsburgh, at the St. Charles Hotel on Momlay, the 2titli of May, at 10 o'clock A. M. Important business !Molly Fe cure a general attendance. .1. W. Chairman. hOTIC F. At the suggestion of many Democrats, I r - speetfully request all friends of Mr. Buchanan (not delegates) who design attending the National Convention, to meet at Wilkins' hall, above the Mayor's office, on Monday evening, the 2tith, at 7k o'clock, to make arrangements., Sc. SAM. W. BLACK, ChM - 2'n County Committee. WE publish to-day the speech of lion. .1. Glancy JonPS in the llon , e of Representatives in reply to Mr. Fullet's attack on NIT.. Buchanan Mr..lones . speech is brief, strong. an .1 eonelivive in its refutation of the false allegations of Mr. Fuller. It will he fund on the first page. Alit. BUCHANAN'S NOHIPiATIHN. Could the choice of the Immiterittie ennilidste for the Presidency he submitted to the direct rote of the Democratic voters of the enuntry there no doubt that Mr Ituchantin would iitiottnee competitun - tl !e , I•$ one. There never ha. been n time when the v,•ice and choice of the people were 5o clearly made known in advance of a Presidential nomination. From all part. , of the country public Sentimont Las f. , Und utterance in some form or other, and it i , manifest that to every section of the Union the great Pcnns Iva nian would bean :,eeeptable ‘‘andidate. Per,on al preferences may have bcen et pre, , ,ed f o r oth ers, but to him there are no objections express ed. Of his capacity, hi, integrity and eminent . , fitness for the high office no one entertains a doubt. He has been long tried and never found wanting to any duty, or failed of its fulfilment to the satisfaction of the country. There is m , man now living whom the whole nati,n has ha: a better opportunity to know and to•appreciate lle was in the public servive in re-ponsible sta tions before one 1011 r or the present generatii Were horn, 311.1 111•• !Mille 113 , 1 , e,31 rallilliar to them from their childhood. Yet in all that long period no political ollense has been laid to charge. If he Ii been oppoted it trio only on account of his unwavering Democracy, and of the ability with which he illustrated its cardinal principles. Few public wets have eve' preset v ed so spotless a reputation as a man, or so cleat a record RA n statesman ; and few have haul such ample opportunity to acquire wide and varied experience and intelligence in relation to all our public affairs. In his long and di-6 nguiffieil career he hat; committed no mistakes, made few if any personal enemies, and has inspired every where, at 113111 e 0011 a broad, the mo,A, e ntire cordial respect fur his character and n o t a man in the land who can doubt that Mr. 13noYanan t ....Irtasideta the affairs of the country wisely, prudently, and with an eye single to its best interests and holm]. Whatever difficulties might arise during his ad or ministration either in our liiroign relations domestic affairs the Whole nationW OULI rely With confidence upon his ability, prudence and patriot ism to guile the State iiriyht That confidence in ruler, strength. is entinently safe oma. Mr... Buchanan is now sixty-fiNe years of ov,v, and tour years hence he would be deemed to old for a nomination. .\,.u• 1.1 hi. hie acknowledged fitncao it would be most uoM. , t that he be crowded aside to make way for thoee fifteen or twenty year, younger. who. however worthy, ran afford to wait. Nor- i , Mr. Ito. ulinan's time. Alai it the The oi.l Krastone State ,to 0,1 eteadily and tirr.v in the I , emeeratie tanks al. I faith that some •eeni t. , cem.!der that .-hri..ate. whether jumtly ait by or not. Ilvr have been postponed again and again, and ,h, has been patient and furbearing. But there a limit to forbearance : and to .et aide her f vorite son now, at hi, age, with his flaws-, mot with the fact that Penn,ylvania has uoVcr for niahed a candidate, would, in our humble e,t, mutton, be to approach imprudently near to that limit. We do not intend to intimate that tta electoral vote of Penusylvanit cannot be , ccurt•i to some other candidate. Hut in a time liise the pre.e"• when the integrity 4.f the Union, th safety ,t the roustihri,n, :an , l the peace ,•1* II! country are ihv”lvel in the content, it most unwise to venture upon any exl,critoel.t Mr. Buchanan as fully repre , ents, and clearly identified with, all the principles or otir party as any man in the nation. Anil it would he most uncalled for and unjust to give the high office to any individual, however deserving, for two terms, on any alleged special issue. to thi exclusion of Pennsylvania's distinguished aci! favorite son forever. And it would be equally unjust and unwise to prefer another twenty year.- younger on any such untenable grounds. The two-thirds rule might operate well in some instances, and we would not urge its abrogation at this time. But if its operation is to exclude all hope of ever elevating to the presidency the must prominent, able, long-tried and faithful men of our party, the sooner it is rescinded the better. The manifest injustice of such a result would soon produce a wide-spread ilissatisfar tion. But the rule need not produce such s 11. salt. A spirit of conciliation could pres ers Lie rule, and yet prevent its destroying the hopes of the friends of our most eminent men. Anil that is needed now. And what would a spirit of con ciliation effect. It would concede that this is Mr. Buchanan's last opportunity, while the other prominent candidates have promise of suc cess in the future. It would concede that the old Keystone State, one of the "old thirteen," and one of the largest and soundest Democratic States has now a claim that it would he neither nor politic to ignore. The eminent films. of the man this State presents all will concede On these grounds our candidate should be nomi nated with a degree of unanimity that wool, leave no bitterness behind, and that would pie sent a firm and united front to the lee of ea tiveism and abolitionism. Policy, expediency, availability :-lituld all he considered, just so far as is consistent with a strict regard for the preservation of our princi ples. And we think they all point to Mr. Bu chanan as the man for the time. It seems to be generally conceded that Mr. Buchanan would poll a larger vote than any other man at the North, and as large as any one at the South. Unquestionably he would receive thirty thousand more votes than any other in Pennsylvania. And if it is asked what democrat would be most likely to secure the electoral vote of New York and Ohio, could any ono hesitate for the answer': With Mr. B. as our candidate, not more than two States of the whole Union need be fully con ceded to all our opponents, whether they support a single or separate tickets. Massachusetts and Vermont are hopelessly given over to isms: but in all the other States a triumph of our party and principles might be secured by placing in nomination the strongest and most available MMM I ME I t . ' man. Such ail_ glipplktilic triumph this year I would .tettle forever the isms and issues that I now agitate the country, and threaten its peace, and i-ecurity.ip Shall we turn aside from so nobiii; national andiifiatriotin a purpose for any other enmiderations whateveo And it seems to be the general belief ithat with the Pennsylvania statesman as our banner hearer that purpose could be More surely accomplishe I than with any other. That such would he the fart in re gard to the three great states, New York, Penn sylvania and (Milo, ii.ei o ran be little doubt. We would not in the slightest degree disparage the merit.: and claims of any other, , , but simply insi,t, a- is our right, that policy, expediency. justic , point Mani festly and c'. early 1.. James Buchanan as the proper candidate for thi- cam MAY -t ,molt outrages as that committed on Senator Sumner a few days since. We hope both Houses of Congress will act promptly upon the subject, and deal with the offender as he deserves. No Senator, no Representative is safe if such out rages may pass unpunished. Freedom of speech may often be abused, but there arc other mean , o f redress than the cane, the bowie knife or revolver: and the Senate Chamber is the last place where such disgraceful scenes should occur. The whole nation is degraded by it. The latest accounts received Make it out a worse affair than it was at first represented. So much fur that side of the matter. Now for the other. There are some limits to the liberty of abusive language, whether uttered in regard to States or individuals. Be low we publish extracts from Mr. Sumner's speech as published in the New York Er , niu . They certainly show that he observed no limits of propriety in his abusive remsrk.. Sen ator Butler is Mil enough to be his father, and is noted for the urbanity of his manners. Ilere is what Sumner said of him anil of his State: With regret, T come again upon the Senator iron 5..011 Carolina, ,>lr. ILutler,i who omnipresent in this flelsate, overflowed with rice :it the simple sug gestion that Kansas hail applied for admission as .rate and, with incoherent phrases, discharged the loose expectoration of his speech, now upon her rep resentative. and then upon her people. There was no extravagance of the ancient parliamentary debate shish he did not repeat : nor was there any possible tea iation from truth which he did not make, with o much of passion, I KM glad to add. as to save him - rem the suspiciol, of intentional aberration. But the Senator touches nothing which he does not It s ligure---with error, sometimes of principle. some times of fact. Ile shows an incapacity of accuracy. whether in stating the constitution or in stating the law. whether in the details of statistics ur the diver sions of seholurship. ILe enema ope his mouth, 100 out there tiles a blunder. But it is against the looatile of Kansas that ihi sensibilities of the Seoator are particularly aroused Coming. :Is he a1111 ,, ,it1. c , , •' from a state - - aye sir 1,411 South Carolina tie turns with lordly iliseosi from this ueuly f0r111 4, 1 OolllLlMllity, WlllOl he will not reeogni-e even as Priy, 1,1,11 title doe, he inflotze in this egotism Ilan he read the hist, y of "the state" which he rep, '' Illeenonot surely have forgotten its s imhceility hamelo! front slavery. confessed throughout tiff. Revolution. followed by Its more shameful assump lions for slavery e cannot have forgotten its wretched persistence in the slave trade as the wen apple of its eye, amt the condition of ltd partieimi Got in the Vnion. He cannot have forgotten its con siiitition, which is republican only in name, confirm jug o n ly in the hauls ‘'f the few, mid found ing the qualification: of its legislators on a " settled tr,,holl estate and ten nognao , . - And yet the .fro ator. to whom that "state" has in part committed the guardianship of its pool name, Instead of moi. ink with backward treading steps, to cover its nakedness. rushes forward, in the very ecistacy of madness. to ex pose it by provoking a comparison with Kansas: . It was such language that stung the South Carolinian to madness, and the result is known TILE ASSAULT ON S UMNEIt We hate already declared our detestation of IVe are glad to learn that it i: at 0n....e proposed to so amend the rule: of the Senate as to pre vent any Senator from using ancit insulting and aintairr7.-4....,:naze in debate hereafter. Triegraph Conwrollgistion .111,1 I•01.11'Vi Telegraph Company" are about. line lo the Unien Telegraph The lea,e i• f. , r ten year , , and the latter eerperall guaranlee , to the -toe kliehlery rf the firmer I dividend equal to r , to lit per cent. Thi gratifying news di the titockholder. of the P . N 1. Line. and we have ii tilt it prove a good inve,tment to the 11,)5..L.uN L. 1).‘m.4..,. is 14,1.1.‘ng :it the St rharic , Ile is on wny t.. the Convent:,l that i , ping to make fl II rnUld !'lunar here, kw:: I f,.r the lIIMMIE=IIII3 t',l .I,lm N% r,otey rtrrive.l 1 wa y t„III t'. nvonlit.n. NuTnernu" uthlr al-tk nrri. r,l N CALANII .11. NE.. With hi , arr. ved iu t 11,4 elty on Saturday evening. and 111 the St f“r tt any L„ way 1.. C!ii.innatt 3 ,, delegate 1.. ti t'•.n,rnti. , n. Ile brilitz , rnc , uraging new- !r,,i Washington as tii the I,r.spects an's nomination ILL'', PA rKsTAsi. STAMP seems likely euper,ode all other+ in use. It is not liable get out of order: ie far cheaper than any in it, !Intl i- Ike ,ffivenietit, !iTilple uNeful any Sc.. La‘ .ern Ilatnn, : Fj,r strUel, 11,11 . ‘Vtrt..‘l, Nieent for the Patentee, m them f‘.l- the -mall •tain of live dollar 1 . ,11 . 11ELL 1N,T111.1.4 aml , f minstrel- will be in our city On e,ini and give e.,neerts here. There nr favorite performers of vocal and in•trittnent. music . and they haven high reputati. , n for slid and generally draw crowded houses. QUIIE tt number IA 41elegtttee ttt the l:inein nazi Canvention arrived in this city an Saturdiiy The State rentr3l i'minnittee meet. to-day at the St. Charles, and to-morrow roost at the Penn sylvania delegation will leave for Cincinnati. CoL. BmcroN less nut yet declined to run for ;overnor of Nliesouri. Ile takes time to con ider. CEMENTS.—Take of the best glue four ounces; of isinglass two ounces ; dissolve these in mild ale, over a ~l ow tire, in a common glue kettle, to the consistence of strong glue, when one ounce and a half of well-boiled linseed oil must be added, and the whole well incorporated by stir ring To increase the strength of the glue, mere isinglass may be added. This cement is applicable to the joints of wood, in every branch of manufactures; is also to joining earthenware, 01111:1 and glass - care being taken to press the parts well together, and to allow them sufficient time to set. The cement, when cold and made into cake,, awmtnes the appearance of India rubber, and like it, it+ ebotic. It may, at any tirne, be dissolved in a proper iron or glazed earthen vessel, putting in a little mild ale, to prevent it burning nt the bottom of the vessel. To cement leather together, for har ness, bands for machinery, &r , apply the ce ment while hot, laying a weight upon each Oint. Let them remain for six hours before using, and the joints will then become nearly as firm as if made of one entire piece of leather. • This is formed by adding a solution of guts ammoniac in proof spirit, some isinglass, and uniting the 4 in a gentle heat. This cement b much employed by entomologists, in joining the dislocated parts of insects, for which purpose it is exceedingly convenient. The joints of stentn-pipes may be fitted by placing between them cloths coated with a mix ture of wheaten flour and the whites of eggs, made in the cold. This lute is hardened by the hot vapors. Flour paste may be much improved in strength, by incorporating powdered rosin while boiling. This paste binds t: glass with great firmness. Its binding quality may be improved by stirring in a small piece of wax. It is said that a paste composed of bean meal and water may l rnipb , :•ed in closing letters, and that such In zns, .• sot possibly be loosen ed by directing tk :f boiling water upon them.—Pen GENERAL ASSEMBLY.—The new school branch has resolved to hold its next meeting at Cleve land, Ohio; the old school assembly at Lexing ton. Kentucky, at the same time. Different Destistis of the two Brothers, 1 i • ' - 3itilift - Dratfff Frantic Fremont. The subjoined we clip fr,iii: the Munlyorwry i (Ala.) Mda: If Cob Frem.mt w ), not born in Charleston, he was carried 'Vire at a very early age by his mother, and he . certainly redeive 1 there the edu cation which fitted him far anecess and distinc tion. Ile was the protege of the Ladies„Bettev olent Society . of Charleston., some members of which found the family in great need and aided them. Young .•': C. Fremont was discovered to have talent, and by the interest of these same ladies, became the beneficiary of it charity scholarship in Charleston College. Ile was graduated there with distinctions, having shown as we always heard) decided mathematical tal -1 ent. Subsequently, through the influence al -1 ready mentioned, Mr. Poinsett was induced to Iget him an appointment as a teacher of mathe matics on board a 11:111,11111 vessel, thence he was transferred to the corps of Topographical Engineers; not very lung after married a (laugh er of lion. Thomas 11. Benton, and began his brilliant and rapid rise. Every one knows his subsequent story. Col. Fremont had a brother Frank, a year or two younger, who went on the stage very early. Ile was a bluff -looking, hearty fellow, seeming very nitwit more like a mao destined to military leadership than his brother. For some little time, Frank untie a sensati•in, :111.1 got to be called the Charleston 11,-eills "-1111 t . gradually came to he considered merely a bderahle stock actor. After he had been on the stage some years, he married in New York, as well as we recollect. Somewhere about 1835 :19, while playing an en gagement at Buffalo, N. V., he got into an abolition riot of sonic kind, and while fighting :allantly fur southern principles, received a wavy blow on the head, which affeete‘l his hraie. "rota this Ire never recovered—the injury finally ettled upon his lungs. and he died of consump. lion. Ile continued to play, we believe, up to a few days before his death, which we think occurred in Colombo-, tin , in 1` , 39. At any rate, the writer of this found him there, k with some lit !r trouble, as he was playinz under an 41. , suiii,1 tinnie.l having been charged with a message t, him by his mother, who, it may be remarhe I, was a q uiet. melancholy woman, greatly devote , to her sons. It is a little striking that these two brother b,.rn and reared on , lave soil, should, by th merest accidents. both have been so nearly affec led by Ahol tionism, per.onally. The one i , knocked on the head and "tlone for" by ftmati ci4m, while the other makes a name infamous which had else been truly famous, by giving his influence to the miscreants who wage an unholy war upon the institution of his own section, and of a people who raised him from his and placed him on the high roil to fame and boundless wealth. If he e'er thinks of hi, ori gin, he must see the depth of an ingratitude al most sublime. The Polgoned Valley of Java. It ig known TO the tluern Ipa , •r Valley; an,l colloisitig ' , nth which Ita , l I mile tor the puriiii.e, the party shortly reite it with it coniple el I„g.. ~,me fowl the purpose of making , mne experiments. aerixitm nt the 111,110.11111, the party di,nte rl tool seraint•lel up the -lie ~r the Lill. n tam, of 11 q uarter of it mile, with the ass i.,1 .I the branches of tree+ and projecting not.. heti few yard, from the valley, a ,lro Vrt- ex iwrieneed; but uti uppruft. • thri margin. the ine,iiivr•nivniii• wait fiitid. The viilley is i d nt a mild iu eiretimfer rare, of in “rill thirty feet length. The bottom of it appears to be fiat, without any vegetation, and a few large ,1 , 1111 . - scAttered here and there. Skeleton , : of human Itriitgq, tigers. bens and .kern. and Oil other .ort , 4 of will atiimahi, l'iy about in The grounT on which they lay at the bottom o f the vale appeared to he a hard, vittply pub,danee. and n. , vapor WOO p-r,,iv,d. The ;Mei , were ,• ,, vered with vegetation. It WAS 110 W pit/posed 10 enter it, and each of th , party having lit a iiigar, managed to gel with, twenty feet ,r the bottom, where a sickening. nauseous smell We, xperienced. without any difficulty of breathing A dog was lipw fastened at the end of 3 trtilltb , .., and thrust to the bottom of the valley, while some of the party with their watches ' in their hands, observed the effects. At the expiration fourteen sc - off!, the dog fell off his legs, with• ttio - riissef or looking around, and cont . :toted lit Mg 014 eighteen niin , " , .l. The other dog 11.•55' left the ty and went to his compatoss., on reaching him lie was...disci - veil to stand quite no , tionless, and at the end it ten t.4 . C....11 , 1• fell dot , n. he Deter moved hi, limb- after, MO died at th, end of seven minutes A fowl VMS 110 W (1171W11 ' WhiA di , l In 3 11:inutc and a half tilt ti' opposite sole i f the %odic, to that which wa , visited, lay a hutnislt %keletou, the heft I on the right Mill. The effect of the weather 11,, lileached the biines it: white as ivory. This sea prolia'dy the remains or some wretched relic ' hunted towards the valley auil taking she!t, there, unconscious of its character. Ir known that very deep soundings wen uin le Lc the North Expedition lty ih•w cdt,tri‘:tiv . e. inNented (dent th. lead wan eqrtiel down fAthout. , • hart: two rnile.- • an I :lour will, fall of the bot tom drought up. 1114eet-..... the evtronw-t lour, I in the t I. which •llowr.l they had heel, mire mod the enortnoti , pre--ur a nd e r which I hvy Im I their )4t.11114 1,111.1Ve I \fatty tnly dunk td de a ,11,covery n i•iit it witi , me m'. L ir Lieu! tury tea tile .if the tvlk gr•tilll to I:uHlnu I Tilt' del.. acy -I the ..11.1`e were Irnwu tip •tve til!lt W:k 4 th e line tii,. telegraph.. ral to .li-tnnl, A l'Entt lilt KATI! -- It hat I,r gent: man ~rould remain under the cur-. , ,.t n ii-,gre tile breath when by wing the /fahn an.f 17,,,ters n dentifrice Ni 0111,i nut un render it sweet but lenre the teeth white :0 , nl Laver' Ninny person , .lo not know their I,re'll id, and the •-thje.•t , delicate their frieto will Cr 1111•011011 it Pour a -ingle drop „i t •• our tooth ' , rush and wash the too tight itml morning. A tifty cent bottle will In a year. 'chi+ er} - papal A 14: VTI L CtiNl l• LE DIN may ea s ily Le ac quired by slog the Rahn Thowand tr ers.- It will remove tan, ptinplex, and from the skin, leaving it of a soft and r,;:--it hue. Wet it towel, pour on two or three drop , ;ma wash the no, night and morning. kVINti 14: E ~Y -Wet your shaving-brush in either worm or cold water, pour on two or three drops •• halm of ti Thousand Flower , , - rob the beard well sn I it will make it beautiful soft lather touch facilitating the operation of shaving. Price only fifty cents. For sale by Fetridge & Co., proprietors; and It. Fahne stock & Co., Fleming hens., It. E. Sellers Co., Dr. U. 11. Keyser and 11. Miner tc Co., Pitts burgh ; and Lee & Beckham, Allegheny city. 4,4 - Canker In the Mout 11 and Stomach Al mention of this. we iota in. we h... MS.) It mother ex •• from this, U thid. deliver as." Rat ninny Mt, sun fend, turd Still nth outlining. from tins mturful can, Prir mit us, kJ :ill laud ness, to tlgg,St. 11.0 1{,..11 , 11 y 1134 I °rod caAiw of long coutuoram and of It moat aggravated nature. Why then--wrilii•fril ow It not tire pat ' Mrs Mary t•Unith, of Itrrelitiin Mass, wan,' trod after an illiream of four :than, Mr• 51.11 Roxbury. Maria, ass ilermeil of the use ti, I Inurs by this trouhro—three hnk" made her pilioortt Chester Alorae.iir 111,1 I , y the rthi of throe bottle.. The two taller wn ath withru throw of Mr lierrnody'-r lwlimutory. and when n inao'n own neighbors praise 111111, It us mit with out ranee. Atsr So long ailverlinement In aniabor colintin :Silt wholesale and retail at DR. 111101111 K 11. K El : 4 1111'. 140 51,,01 street, sign of the Nlortar, and at .1. I ELAN I NO'S, Allegheny niy•2:l SIB er DI-The Long Looked For Specific I. Pettit,- wiry Dineues is f and at lust ! A Dian must doubt Ow es 1- dence of his senses, and all !minim integrity. beb.r. , In • rnu reasonable question the arre pro,f advanced o, la, ~1 Dr. ROO EltS' SYItUP tile 1.1 VERIVOKT, TAR, A NI , • 1 \ A LAO VA, as an anti-febrile and tome medicine, ahielt at olive rtAllieS Mil Pulmonary inflammation. rxp..l4 the . I Om disease. and build, up and strengthen,. the 53,. tern. The beads of our the Clergy, the Faculty, and of all 4.1/16..., },avg., over their on n its powerful and In the pamphlet to be had of the Agents, as well as in the columns tho r11111j,• preßo, the most poelti, 0 and eat,- factory evidence will be found. See advertisement. 44 , For sale, wholesale and retail, by K. N. SKI.I.F.RS Cr., corner Wood :UM Second streets. Sold ids., by HENDERSON A BRO., lAbiTty stroot; 11. I'. SCHWARTZ, and BECKHAM A WRENN AN, AllegbenT City Sair-Front the N. York National noraltor of February A.—II YGLAN V AMR- —Dr. Curtis has done more to ameliorate the condition of humanity afilletod with lung complaints, than any other practitioner of medicines that has struggled with the secrete of the ~term mrdiro, for the last century, by the invention and p,'rfection of au instru ment that will convey to the lungs a medicine in the ~hale• of a highly Medicated Vapor, which acts directly on the disease, and not, as hitherto, by sympathy. Those who are troubled with diseases arising from disordered lungs, will ratifierve their interests by git ing the Myriam Vapor a trial. atutiam—Dr. COM& iIIrOLANA is the original and only genuine article. nov2B:2wilaw i: *. A. 1, 4 • $ . 4 1 . . . .: ...,, k • '4... ..;" i' :l 2 `,...is "•.•$* ......-4'." - „, . • . . ~- ..;~~ ;~ Fi r .."4. 0,1 ,*4*- rf t t'..tt unit) Evvrtliii. y . , w VI 7 t: 4,7-4,, EINE •- • " lIMMI a . Ask any one Who has ever used DR. MILANEIS CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, pravarrlst by ii„ Wt Lure pi,i, regi.iii„i- our spring etch of 6,e,..L FLEMING BIWA, what they think of them' Ninety •ione corasisttng of Gents' tittei, Beaver and Silk Hats; Gents' and in a hundred will tell you they are the beat pin. for Liver Youth's soft Hats of all colors; also, a large, assortment of Complaint, Sick Hamlin los and flystioßsio that they have spring styles of Cam and stmer hate. Oar (rim* ...dui., ever nacil. Le.t.l .l i e full. whiz f Mt one .•cntli 111,111usp•ct- pulitk generally. who ha., so liberally patronised Its the able Cll.Zenfl: N, , YORK. August ;!, 8,, , ,._ , . l i liiataeasi c i l n, e itt but fre_li inducements to favor uSullth , t hei r ca 5. I ,ea.... , ,10, t. ,, , mid do yourselves , an , d us . good. I di. iii I.) cei iify tliid 1 lice , been sell , ring from a pain ~,,,,,, and ~,f t..i. crying l Our motto is : - Quick Sides mid Llght‘Profits. in toy tifde and Menet for a It.. . MORGAN & CO.. No. Ib4lV,atalstrost, Many remedies came to !hewn liedon, that my liver was Next door to the new Church, atlected. I immediately C0111111.:1...i. I used:, DR. 11'1,1N E'S • ELKBII ATM) LIVER Pi M.:. pi, pa, Iby FLENI!NiI m3:l One door from Sixth street. -- IBIS. ~f Ilittshurith. owl 111.. 1.. m ;It ti I ha, -,• t•ilom have At t} - I,l;hy will you Suffer, wars ItELIEF CAN BE -patty given toe more relief Hine oil the other inedi , iiie. I S. l EASILY oBTA I NElll—liat t• you a Sure Throat, Quinsy, e taken put together. I urns to A ,Ituryoyalit 1. con. Eh, uta.ti ism, Neuralgia, Brunch itie, Croup. Stiff Joints„Frest him; atter examining We 1,1 , 10115, he 11.th . .• , 1 nie cc. 1;;1.Q, Burnet. SpraillS, ~ 1' l'aitlS in any port or poor system? lice the it.e of Dr. Iti'Lane's fills: , W. that they a ould t. I- Yen ;on be relieved at mice by .using the most hmutiful of W. I'llll.l I'S. all Liniments, the - White t.treassion Liniment," prepared No 2 eoltunbla Pl^e`'• by Dr SCUTT. of Mc.rgttilt..,ll, 1 a.. and for sole ,heat., , ti chasers will he careful to ask for Dr. M Lane', (We- %holes:de and retail. by Dr. KEYSER. 140 Ward street, and ate.' 1.1,r I'dis, nottinfactur..l by Fleming Bios., of Pitts- JAS. P. FLEMING, near It. It. Depot. Allegheny. Set. ad ugh, Pa All other Liv,•r Pills, in comptrison, are worth- vet tßenterit in another column ~f to-day's paper. linar4:lm r w , Dr. )1 . 1,{1..4 gellllill. Lit, Pill.l, Itirlo his celebrated - - - PITTSBURGH, MAY 12th, 1856. ermilloge, ritil noes be hod at all respectable drug stores. u I .;-,., -r.„,r At a meeting of the Commissioner. of the FITT& one gennitit , a Blued the ~I,4ltature of FLEMINti 1;111)5. liL Bill! 1111100 E COSIPAN V, 'told on the 10th lust, on MO- A 1...., for .1. by the sel.• proprietors, I tam of George W. Jackimu. Esq , it IVlLei F LEMTNO BROS., RE:3OIAm, That Books for Subscription to the Capital Stock of stud Coinpany Ire re-opened at the following times Aucceontora to J. Kidd A Co., I and places: niy2.l.d•w I No. an Wont street, corner of Fourth. At AL Charles Hotel, Pittsbutgh, on 19th and 20th May. - At Jarrett's tavern, Kass legion r0ad...... ......2l et .. 411-Look Well to the East.--Mosktrcrows. At Alchwlttnil's store. Stettin...lllo r0ad.........22. 1 'a., arts 2O. IS,:il; —Tills i. le estate t hat . 1., 11, • , .arty part At t , i. tn r, t.. , ..n ‘ t i l w it an, n i . ll , N i ,..1: , 1: 1 7 .. trv i 0.......• • • • • •••—.. 24th f Lou year my health begon to decline, tut t., several 111-suisio• Thal ,{lo7(ALlder McKee, Stones Chess and Jae. nonths 1 lial frequent 11,,,,,,h,,,, f, n , I h, L,,,,,. teal TrIINVICk. 1., appointed 10 reerite subscriptions nt the above ..ugh, pain in the stile and dimildel. and ~, a t delality. lit 1i11i . 1'11 i 1y11 i 1, 1 !,..,.', 11 e 1 u t , i 1 i 1 ii '! u n . , , ......: , , snnnioi .1. ~ ,n4i hert, my friends, as well . my. , If. 11, , ,,,z1it I wa ,, bir it , tc- i . V i 'l i e l- ii ' i. " e " i l , l n' sie l e ` i ; aii l iu • l e i t: o : e e . i i;l y g,.. , an t ii C•aisitinption After tiyuic . it , e a, ; m e ans a . t he c i ~,, JAII ES WOOD, Chairman. .Reel, I consulted Dr. I. Scott. who preset thed it i• I i,.. A. A. LONG. SN'relltr). i tuyl4itulyllt—cliCi ilc LANE'S 1311'ltitt Eh LIVER PILL,. teiliii, - 111. i. , 1-• 1.•1',I my hemorrhages, cough. pout in the side, it, • ~ wt., SHINGLE MACHINE. -iug to. Di---1 Li- r. 11. - 1"- I 1 - , "-"i one 1 ". "f lietidall's Patent I ill Plto V E D 'win, I felt like a ilea man, and through their infliien• - e I I _ ou P ble Acting River Si- Shaver. L. now restored to excellent health. No latignage is strung rl l lIE attenti,m of Shingle itml Lumber niough to express ray' gratitude to Dr. Set.tt , for reetittintete ling to me McLANE'S INIPROV 113 VER PILLS, and I s -i- i ,,,,1 1 : 1 . :,` I :::;,,," 1 1 ,":,: i ,: i k :::, i ". a ,; l .,,,,"' Li p ", u 'LL dl i r Z t 7it o t " pu t","i c '::. - ~,,, ~11, C..11fi,1,111•••, re.,111111.11c1 111011 1 , them, r.ilitilmi 1) the fir;/ “ 1 „I 0 „1, pc ~,,,1 ~,,,hiu, e .t. ,,,, , for . k u v i nt , . id .fflieted. A. C DORSEY, Shaving Shingles. Various euttnivsald Sewing machines hare been invented I.ll‘ or, n Late Should of Nionougltlui county. 3a. : . for7.:ti(;gSlting v les, but It is a well known fact that Shin - Dr. n Lie's IN11•11.0iLto Id, Cr Pills and 111PROVKI , Vvrini- '! a ,.,., ~01 or sawed a•russ taw grain ate quite ton, (tansy fur ode, uls, I:t I. Scott's Celebrated M bile Circassian Lini. 1 itading Alvin Nunierotts inventions have recently ap. "u'ut ' l a ""'"1 solely under ii"' "al'ery'ai."' ""'r I S'.'" ' I, . 1 1: ' ,.:1: ‘ . 1 .1 f . ' aLrlgilk.'qein..iftamvitinlgt:i'ra,%d,`,,'..ref":,* thna,veetta,',..ldb-or'Areiri, a ' , ..,:ulttr N1 , .1a al Plulnat'' , and I'l!) . "!!".i!‘" " 4 ''‘l'll'lll'Prn r- 1 abaft consults of /dating trout the !Went Diu block hut one Dn . . None ,:ent,ine, only At pi epared by lir . I :',..1 lACo , ! shingle, winch ,libat invariably runs off. This difficulty is I entirely obviate Bank Place. Mot guntoe I, \ irgium. N EWS FRIINI THE FOUNT 1 IN 11E1 D' I KENDALL'S MACHINE, I. ' k " Nr ‘' W' • "-, 5.. 1' 1 Id . IS.:;: ' IV ha lk ti rat splits from the side of the block t$ piece thick This is to orrtifv. That I have examined the lbsupe f..r ', enough for two shingle..., which is separated in the centre, preparing Meletikea Improved Vei inuage and I mgr...., d , mei by means it ...Issue guides etch part Is CUMllleteal Liver Pills by Dr. I. Scott. all., lola lawn In the baba of pee ! through a pnar of approximating knives, which completes paring and lienng my original inothei nes in toy office daring , the OPtlaDoli; LIMN IlitalllCing la , / shingles at every revolt , toe last thirteen years, end that I believe he ham improv , mi tarn (thn. I 1,1011, the alone statement the more willingly as I i This Inn , WM , Ni ill rive and thieve front the block three M.D. halt' no interest in them whatever. C MrLANE, . Lliottettlill elliiiigi.•A p er hour, tif imiturni tluckness a by nd taper, an d innaaynn ~ , ,,a . I skiperulr in solidity end durability tu those made hand ur Dr. Mciane'll IMPUOVED Vet flange any other preens „ . Pills, turompanied Li) rerbfb ate of C. McLane, or /OLIO by ,, A i.il operat Ilona are by no moans COlllilled to pine anti other Druggists and Meirliantr every a here I soil wool, bill works (0 . g oal FL11V8.11111440 oak, walnut, Will ' •yery ' tiler ti' arripti Ilk of tinki.'u . that eau 60 split. Du. II EU. 11. KEY:St:a, I.IU W,,,,.1 at., 1T1t,.1,,,A1e A t .tott. , 1 'Cane workings of t 4 machine can be examilierlat 11. 11. Da. ./. P. 11,1011 NO, Allegheny, neer Railroad Depot. , Itynn's Furniture Buildings, Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Wholesale Ave I. eiy • 2:2.ll.se by. 'Po timber ownem, slintgle dealera, and men of entscprime, this opens a 11. , V nold for speculation, as there is no similar .414 • Mortification, the instant a plaster is applied. kovenlion extant. art Ce 11 1 ,.. KIP! vigor fl given by DA LLEY'S PAIN EN : 'fl . machine o,,uipi. but a email mimics, Is of durable cure TI: ACTOR'S tralvame , n,t,,. and ~,, . .I,t Ow ',art. are 0 , - Z tr :,:":::::,' yd,'..,TtL:r„',l:,'",,,l.,;,,",'„l:"ld„rise,d f a r U ,: n l , 6 t Y d' ; ' ,., c01ni...•...1 tbry a ill ,mei he rertored to their natural ....I,w; ! 2..,,ki00 shingl, tea day, with about throe horse power 1,01 if so, the • „Magi... int - Item... will be nentrale..l :DA ' F., right of traitor),l . r . .. ran Lines, inquire al N 0.31 Fifth lo 1.. r tau ti beat a ill lan not pas -, .eon a liereN, I Ito. tin cr 'i ll_ .'" o.ltrilatIlle.44'1::.;')1.111fi:14'11.11Illioll Will be forwarded by letter, sake Is• 1.0,1 Om and new [bah will ref molly Is . g , aket ated. . abet kleeirtal. 1 rula:tt:2lnl AItuNIBANI KENDAL'.. l'olStlN FlUt)l INSECT:, I;Evrii.vs AND PLA N I'S I. tendered yule barnilees by rubbing ill instantly a cinanlilN ! SAM ILT I. I, FA II NESTOCK, of DA LLEY - S PAIN E N TRACTOR, and after it h. swollen. IMPORTER S - . DEALER IN ...1 ti,..1 mpote els I eild. 1 , .‘ ell Ili. 11, Ilk,' (MI Voila,. lutl , Ler), it will thrt , lly taint. f..1it5010.., ..1 metamorphose the ' 11 1 ( )1t E I . G ' N A NI) 1)0M IiSTIC ~,—...inti.•,,, ,. At the. t.ittg, ~c 1.4,1 MIA rebel 111.irtil i the instant it belches you the twin ',lan. 'lle late. , id ! HARDWARE. ,r,„...L. also are as pus ...lily neat ru11Y.4.41. N""" g"'"'"" ‘vah""i a '''''.l °al" .mgr s."-1 la‘"*l ' ""I' ' No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond , 41 of • II EN la ' DA MA , : V, Manufacturer. alley - and Fourth street, C. V t.:I.ICI,EN El: x. CV., llhumfaclurent. 1 P.l 7' TSBITEGII, P.A. Sold at '...... o.fila pet box by Dr. UP.O. II K I , :YSEI:. I 1.. I W.. nl 01 rovt., miol 1 , 3 11011.11 y . very dealer in no.t. it..•-. Ce Tur subscribe: is now opeumg a well selected armor t -1111,,u,41...t. U.! Epinal 5(.41, All la .lern ...• lettet, 1 .„ . : /•0•111. of tortagn mud domestic liartia,re, all new,and will be lorination •a - advice, te. In A./Alt.-1 , w.! 1., C. V CID:R.I . :NI A ' • .1.1 ... . g.sil terns as any . other house in this city. 11,.. A t'. , 1.. Nes lok I, ' " j I"'""'" 1 a ill alaaya krep .nt hand a gr.naral assortment of _ Air - Sands' Sarsaparlila.--P,rsona long sill.. t 11.3 RD \V A RE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS ' TOOLS, Ac-, r.l who, Lase t ainly tried IRMO' eipwila..ti rt , ei al, li• .. a.. V. high he respectfully it., 'ars the attention of purchaser, diseas, are but to , Hp( to give say to damp Indency, and re . ritlk t:, SAMUEL WAIINESTOCR. , --- Ittekutsli mil Lope of core Ere: when a remedy that has ! HE N Rh 11. COLLINS, ~.,,,, 0.,...,„1. L. 0w..•1.,1.1tin their reach, they t x, Lain, : t.h ' it Is id . no use. nothing a ill,wo [II , . Thin Is a Or., than I Produce and Commission Merchant, teary, it ii n witt .. - ritice of health, the greatest of 1,..p„ ! No. :27, "eVood Street. rat blearing.. such 111 “liiil feelings les nikar:y 01d... 1 n ,, , ,,,,, PITTSBUIViII, I'd. .Ilikilig snit .ern frorn F. l ilflllil,i II:. IWO. and et UPI. , e ii: sense, srlaing chit Ily from the ti,ligUrlllN; and often re ~,, , 1,i,,. 1,,,,,,,,,,f [6,, rnsA,l.l.-a L t Lill. sew who ate Ili, sttla - ted aroma . from their letharzy an I resort to SAND, r. IHSIPA RI 1.1. A. they will tier ••,,. t 1 ta - .• In ti,':,,.u o th , II ding ..u/.1 n Its : .•1 Ibis lifanlllllg t ometly i tt,l o-01,1 A It S It t , AS, I t s I , rtlgc.L... Fulton It toot. Sow I,llt. Ell=lll I,l,4o.4mgvttormny oe- Prot'. De Grath on the Weather--Pr Ir,ltit3 illni:llert-rri ,!Tort.. , .t I h .•liir,”l mill, I.• .41.•11.1.a•ar.• a boltlt. ••C !its ~•1•••‘...t•.1 111_ 1••• Grxth f...• 114 it t.• his duly t., I 1 1.,1 Lk, t..>tat , • exp6,ll, , 111. it ti, f-r i .10. It, Nit , Aunt, Sutttli, Itt It. t t.l tt-• mettt D.. t,•r nukith. A. E. entail. ('hem St ~ A•., ••Ia• kit al h . , Fnertl " Suoth . l p..1.4.n0i0ntl 1 ,, a ktt.LLvtedge the tit.epar, L .f I hl..••lebrated teteely, ,t.rtsee frill her ..1F1F... I it Ftt. Ir. tl:4lltki B ;Itottt, etteite.e , : sett It Pr. t r4t)4 it. Ite. L.ks eael eel...mil, ~ t t.l ttt .IL:t eel melt ted tat the ItiaolltnelFll , of lln FI.. • F• 11.• I.4lttle. IF•tith., the rzOtt ft, the At.; Itt to IF. tk, '• IF! F. • itliFtAti.lF ~ 1 tt • Ow -wt. Re. the ..t ,Lt ee kl !I I'iL IL 111,0 t. 1,..,11. -LI ht. .4.1 Ate) na. II I -.IA. 11:01111. .Eightll ,11. v 1 , 1. ,k ttly_llrugostm 1:1 3.1.1r. , 5011wir t. , 1.. m Y.,1 .1. I.y li.l.:1, 1 1 , 111. I.ru In, I.! Ch runic Olarrh n• a ttto ,•••1 laical...A a reelpvt au x.. 11,40% ..111,i• ateedful ,11....nne 1 , , u. 114: laF II k 1 I 11./LI. k. NI , PATTI:I;i N 1•• 11.mth4 k ot:Ns,t, t. , any L.rw ni kl,nl l / I .l:Lg th, -:al CAI 1 - 1 -Te pre,eut milhwith.sh I , ar hul 1.. mek Lt I=l ttP_ at $ll., rl..t.•t, I:F:NJAMIN PAGL J. l'itarm,ctitt•Dl nud ellvintat, LERS & C.i , rortwi of g0c...1 .‘ll , l W 1,1-11Gzigip ,noralk SE- lint clielor's flair I/ye -- P,r-fti.verance, 111.111.1 r, mil.l iwriment. twi•tity yt pt 1 11 n. 0.1 vr t ttp. upvil the top,st nitaid It, hit tam.% where Imitators hilly V it•H, Intl lift Nopl.Fitt:. gvy umy i.„t arrt•st its otiu,ird way t- ut lade and or appleel. kill 1111 h: pri‘ate r..,en, BATS'IrEL4 11 . 1 g, SVareroonni,2:r3 Broadway, New e L. 11i, wholesale an I retail, I,y ler. , 110. li. Karma, 140 1213'.13.1..11 04 - Cold at No. 161 Wood •treet, and .tir et.wk Sot , [,E , lint WINTER CkF^t. tt huge 1.4 Celentinl,and other titylen t Cwt., mlticli we will moll lon for miti. blett,Ltri & Co., 164 taro., ortlit PEKIN TEA STORE, Fit ESII clioiee lot fresh (keen null filoek Tens. Jost rocetvod direct from the importers, whirlt wilt I.e sold wholesale mn.l prices lower Ilottt TO INVALIDS. EXTENSION OF STAY VINDING it impossible, from the seouniu latilig "sleiummis upon his attontiiiii, to leare I'U ts horgli ra issrly as he Wit deisigtieth DR. CALVIN M. FITCH, ' =MIN 11 ul amend him nppointinnut in thin city till Ell.it, uNielf .onipaulkle with otli,nrrungonientn, until the , 11. th (411Whe, uli,re ho cony In onisnltuti dnilc (Sabbuth ox-op tin!) at his .111111 at the ST. CLAIR lIOTEI., C“rti, ~1" Penn awl St. Clair erteeLe, tentrante• ..n Perm el otii lh, 114.0rn al TEN TO FOUR, r. , r PC I.eloN A1:1 CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, Iu th.• tlitt.ta of which the empl.lynten lof A l' PROI'RIATE o...ucut6.nal anal Mtrhanical Itt•na.4ll..a autl Ikalat.lks lien g.iveu him a degrao of .c,an whk4.ll can never atterol a partial imperfect [detriment a th.uw filistintle and iintitierfots diseases; and (rnt ample expel letive, dITCII feels himself citify justified iu asserting. tlidt when disease is so far tul‘tineed that the ninnyr 1111,11.1 tali, 114. alTerti relied I II FITCII may able lie ronsolted for CAl'Aßltll, either in the heat! or thrailt, with the use of local itptilleations, by means throat and nasal syringes, together with the ohs,. vatic,. of iiiressary general ineasurea, enables him hi retie, e in clews ”ftentinn'n a a year's standing. Ur may he con t ile~l for Chronic Inflainniat inns of the Stomach and newels. and for Fatal& Diseases, which the employ inent of appropriate mirhauical appliances, ...I alike hnu to treat with alataat nnif.rtn tillecostl. DR. FITCH will Is• assisted by his associate, DR J. W. SYK ES, who will Ito witli him after the loth f Ma), and with whose assistance he hopes to attend to patients from a distance, with ions de ay than hiss heretofore been unavoi dable. Should BR. FITCU be under the uaxnsi lc of Irxc ing .11 the lot of June, Instead of remaining till Ow 12th. the appointment will be eonrluded bo DR. SY K ES, will remain until Saturday evening, July 12th. To artsanmodato hit fury using and extensive Western practice, DR. C. M. FITCH will open in June next, a porms• neat °dice, at BUFFALO. New York, where he will la., alter leaving Pittsburgh, and where all communications will here after he addressed. • _ DR. CALVIN M. FITCH wi,llea it express]) met, that he has no longer any bunion:el connection mai. In. S. 5.1 , 1112,11, and would yell attention to the CARD which he found himself called upon to publish Immediately on his r turn from Europe, having reference to the course win, I Dr, S. S. PITCH was unfortunately persuaded to puma,. Jur wg DR. C. St. FITCH'S Abseil, to, laide desiring to consult DR. FITCH, nhutsl.l call as early us possible. S U lIIRSIIVELD SON. MMER GOODS- No. 7e Wooi snierr i Will open THIS (Wednesday) MORNINO, their new stock of MEN'S FURNISIIINU OOODS, SUMMER SEASON, That arrimi by the buiS steamers. _~ r~ . Y s:. ~. -. r ; rk .". • ••. e . 4,4 t. t 11,1,1 I•t Ziti FIFTH STREET CEEB! F ; ,;? 4*.a • - = z • FS r' 'N F -ejf 4.e. ; 4 1 - - • - 're ,„, - - p , • • ?; 4, , . , • trzt-t5104,- 4 Y.0 1-7 , z4-0111011krotrot).4-- -Y` -441400.4"'it`rr A CiUt_ D MIMES= FORSYTH - & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 11 V, C 11, A N 'l' S , Dealers In Wool, Hides, Flour, BAC ,, N. LARD AND LARD OIL, 41 2 - A UESERALLY.—fi:O No WAlntt :STRhET, PITTSEWRGII, PENNA. . . . ~ 1 .1 Inger Hart...n.411. l'I;Isl.li Geo. - Welli., Wellsville, 010... - M. Martin. 11.11 .1..n.--02.1.01'1 Cit. HI, Ilk. l Koons & Hemline, Phila. 11..., I. a Co., P 4 , IKIII,OI. KU Ilet• NOII , IL .t llarret..son. .1,...•ph r 1'1.1.1.:1 1,11i4. Pil:k. 11,‘ , 1113. , AC ii Ici n. r. Hanker". I iolnim /c Connell, Cincinnati. Sal. tu, .11.1.. itel,llyl , S. L. Bullock & Co. - - NV I. 1.4 1J 1 A AIS .6z, - ALLEN, M AN U ACTU ItMS ON CH I LSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, 4SD FITTING u ENEKALLY, Per Warming and Ventilating Building*. 4 Ad - W A. atl I :vita - act for Witrtinuir and Ventilating ..; 11.4 Ni or anti, l000l", I 1.,"pil Factor - los. lionsWi, 1 urt Jails, or 11, Iris. N'. 51ARICET STIOWT, RAG WILLIAM B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BIM 11111 S, SIDES AND SIIORDERS, I LARD DIU SUOMI-CI:RED and CANVASSED HAMS A lArg, ,to.k ithra).4 Pq hAntl No. '497 Liberty Street, ITITSItURII 11, PEN Isr A PEARL STEAM MILL, A1.1,1 , ;(11IENV. iter FIAIUIt DELIVERED T 9 FAMILIES In either of the ts'o , 11RDSn•. noly Itt tho Nllll, or in Lars It the store,' of I It: AN, IN A t:k , W, mtroet. 1,1( ACS A REITER, Cot • Lindy end St. Clair sh 6eta. 11. I' SCHWA 1C1'7., Drugost, Allegheny. TERMS: t'.1911, ON DELIVERY. BRYAN, KENNEDY & CV ALEX. HUNTER, lIIMMIEM 14 1 LOU R. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, A 21' /) PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 299 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH do 'UK KERR & HUNTER, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, —AND -44-ST EAM BOAT AGENTS, - 101 No. '27 Give, between Pine and tHive SAINT LOUIS, 610. JOHN COCHRAN Sr, BROS., fttle2Mapc - 1 y.l MANUFACTURERS OF IRON RAILINGS, VAULT DOORS WINDOW SHUTTERS, W 1 N DOW JU AR DS, &c., Nos. 91 Second st. and 56 Third street, prrrstwituii, PNICNA. W. It. SMITH W. W. MAIR . 30S. It. HUNTER SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, lA' II OL E SALE GROCERS, Second and 151 Front st., Pittsburgh, Pa. JAMES BLAKELY, ELROPEAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, Corner of Seventh and Smitlifield street!, PITTSBURCIII. en_ l'omongors brouktht from tho old country to Pitt,* tourgh, awl moneys romated to Ituropec. I nov27 AS. l'ol.l.lNr, JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants PROPRIETORS OF TUE Collin.' pitt aiburgh, Meadville 4. Erie CANAL LINES. • Nov. 114 Ant) 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA REFItitNNCES PITTSII UllO U M . In. }Lumley & Co.. Murphy, Tiernan & Cu., Smith & Hampton. Wiiaou & Co., Candle., Moms h Co., Englialt & Itichardnon. Putt it , . LPHIA— Woodward & Co., Truitt, Brother * Co., Wood, Bacon & Co. ffeb4B NVESTRIIN INSURANCE COMPANY, I MAY 6, 1856. I) — _ - --z s — p Tut , : DtßEcrolcs OF THIN iii.impk.siy HAVE UrY this tin) dedBred a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share on the Capital Stock, psyshie to Stockholders on or after the IStit Wet. Ituyl,'-hrt Y. M. tIORDON, Soc'y. TILE AMERICAN MACHINE STAMP peculiar advantages over all °Went in use :— lnt. It is always reedy for use, being compact, the ink and stamping pads being combined. 3,1. A perfect impression can be made by a mere boy. 3d. The impression can be put on the exact spot desired. Railroad and Banking Companies, Brokers, Insurance Cotupanlss, Postmasters and in fact all business houses, will find this stamp invaluable for marking Nottll,Checke, Cards, Letters, Tickets, Wrapping Papers, Ir. Orders received at W. S. lIA myl4 I milt Stationery Wareham, Market at., oar. 2d. .4." . N.. "THE MEItCANTILF, AGENCY, 59 Fifth t street Masonic lien, will rem.," on the 14th Instant, kill iSie corner of Wood and Fifth etc. ovfettie Flanking house of I It.4atrick A Co. Bee oar advertisement below. THE MERCUTILE -- AGENCY, PITTSBURCIIi • . Established in New York, Jane, 1841— , Pittsburgh Mart:ll4 , li 839, POP. THE PROMOTION ANT' PROW . PION OP TRADE llsving Branches and Associate Offices In NEW YORE B. DOUGLASS A Co. BOSTON Rusrad& & Co. PUILADELPIII A B. Donal-Ass & Co. BALTIMORE J. D. Pawl & Co. CHARLESTON B. Dnuateas A Co. NEW OIt.LEAN 4 B. Mamas & Co. RICHMOND hurt & Bern. CINCINNATI B. Bemuse& Co. B. DdeaLits & Co. ST. LOUIS .......... houstass & Co. CHICAGO B. Dosaws & Co. - - - This institation supplies (to subscriber, onlyjall necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, &c.. of Mor s haute, Trio:lois, Manufacturers, Puhlie Companies, dm., throughout the United States, their Territories, and Brithsh North America. It Ia a valuable auxiliary to Importing, Shipping and Commission Merchants, as well as Jobbers and Manutactorero, apd to all partisis baying , Tium Exchange, or dispensing credit. The collection of debts lu the States, Canada, Ac., attended to with promptness and fidelity. Tennis made known at the office. B. DOUGLASS & CO. Subscribers to the Agency who have ocatakat to travel through the Staten are furnished with introductory letters to the various oflicen, where they can obtain information without extra coat aprthlm FARMERS AND MECHANICS' FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. Ilos. TIIOI3. B. PLORRNOE, Preel. El e. R. Ilcmsoce„ Secretary. STATEMENT OP BUSINESS, From (heist day of August to the 314 day of Dm., 1855 Aninnut received in Marine preminme $ 68,242 31 6' NS 39.1108 32 Total premiums for live months CAPITAL . INVESTED AS PITLIAJWS : Bonds of Allegheny Comity, Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh Vs • .$ 78,1'21 fin Railroad Bonds, Coat 33,100 OU Lew on First Mortgage of Real Mrtate 59,950 00 Stocks, Collateral ' 30,384 tril Cash In Batik and on hand 11,032 22 Capital subscribed, (payment not yet due).......... i 17,0131 00 Premium Notes, not yet matured 68.387 31 Due from Agents, (secured by Bonds) 113,8e'S 01 Expenses and Commissions 11,662 311 $409,151 13 Total amount of Losses Incurred, hut not yet adjnettel:— Fire .. 1,6&1 Marine 9,000 00 $4,666 66 This Company Insures Hall and Cargo risks on the (Ado and Mississippi tributaries. Insures against boas or Damages by Fires. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. ltsdosseacre,—llou. T. M. Howe, lien. J. K. Moorhead, James Wood. For Insurance apply to THOMAS J. IiONTKR, Agent, No. 90 Water at., bet. Wood and Market. SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, (*Tier., B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Philadelphia. Sir - MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo, Freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Rivera, Canals, Lakes and Land Carriages, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE ON MERCHANDI2E generally. On Stores, Dwelling 'louses, &c. Assets of the Company November 6th, 1865. Bonds, Mortgages and. ..... -.4101,020 Pioladelphia City, and other Loans 86,210 90 Stork in Bank., Railroad and Insurance jen. 23,000 10 Bills receivable..._.....-..188,440 97 (hush on band..........._...28,826 05 Balances in hands f Agents,. Premiums on Ma rine Policies recently hatted, and other debts due the Company 93,889 98 Subscription Notes 100,000 00 William Martin, Joseph IL Seal, Edmund A. Sunder, John C. Davis, John D. Penrose, G;orge G. Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. It. M. HII3II/11, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer MelDula, Charles Kelley, IL Jon. Brooke, J. U. Johulkot, lIIMESII Taos. C. Mimi, Vice President. limns LTLUURN, Secretary. P. A. AIADKIRA, Agent, No. 95 Water street, Pittsburgh. ILINUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COllrY, OF PHIL ADELPIII A. CHARTER PIII.FETUAL-6iLAIVELD BY TUC lITATZ OF PENXBILvkmi. Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND LVLAND TR.A.N.YPOUTATION` AARON R. IJPPINCOIT, President. ORRIN ROGERS, Secretary. OEORAM YOUNG, Treasnror. DIRECTORS. Aaron S. Lippincott, William D. Thomas, Mahlon Gillingham, William Neal, Nicholas G. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, Orrin Dogma Charlug J. Fields, John P. Simons, James I'. Smyth. iffirThis Company has been organized with a Dish Capi tal, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources. To observe prudence in collate T ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Pittsburgh Office, No. 76 Water street. - J. NEWTON JONES, Agi at The following well known and responsible Arms In Pit t+ burgh Isere authorized reference to them, with regard to t stability and soundness of the Manufacturer? Insnran, Company. linnmer & Rehm, Wilson, Childs & Co., George 8. Bmith & Co., Hampton rk Campbell, Jones, Tiernan A Co., H. Childs k Co. nov7 ll= Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, AGENTS State Mutual Fire and Marine Insuraue Co., of HARRISBURG. CAPITAL, 5860,000. Girard Fire and Marine Ininrance Co., of PIIII.AIALPHIA. CAPITAL, 1300,000. Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia WINCILESTE.B., VA. CAPITAL, 19300,000. Commonwealth Insurance Company, liAit HISBURti. CAPITAL, $300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Inauranoe Co., HARTFORD. CAPITAL AND A=TS, 52,154,489. Pennsylvania Ino lITILIIOO Co., of PITISBUItOIL CAPITAL AND ASSET,N, N0r.5,1856, $129,05113 Wm. P. Jounssos, President A. A. dAc CAA pc.l y . LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. THOS. GRAHAM, Secretary. AGI-This Company makes entity Insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE 1118K8. Also, against MILL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Blianwippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE BIERS generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. .J. BANKS KNOX ,• - • DELAWARE MUTUAL DIRECTORS. James 0. Hand, Theophilna Paulding, Jame" Traqualr, Wllllam Byre, Jr, Joshua L. Jansen Tennent, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. McFarland, Charles Schaffer, Robert Burton, John B. Sample, Pitti•burgir D. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, • WM. MAJIMPLT, President MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. I=l3 A. A. CARRIER &. BRO., PITTSBURGH DIRECTORS. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Clurkan, Joseph P. Gazsam, 31. TA, John Scott. • James Marshall, David Richey; James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph B. Leech, John Ihdlerton Mansfield B. Brown, David 11. Clambers, Christian Zng, William Carr, Robert H. Hartley, Jae. b. McGill. fablft . . . - CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. 'WILLIAM BAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, Wigan Marla! and Wool streets. Allir Insures HULL AND CARGO 11,1810, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by HRH. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIEII6CTOEfI William Bagsley, James hi. Cooper, Runnel Boa, Robert Dunlap, Jr., Immo 11. Pennock, Harbaugh, Walter Bryant, John Bhipton. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. SHOEN'BHHOKR, President. ROBERT FINNEY, C. W. BATCH= eneicii agent. WILL iNsuits. maAnsraT ALL KINDS OP MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. DIRICCTOBI3. J. 11. Shoenberger, G. W. Ciao, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nimick, Isaac M. Pennock, T. B. Updike, W. W. Martin, R. D. Cochran, R. T. Leech, Jr., Jobn A. Caughey, George S. Seidel; S. S. . _ David APCandlau. ~ ~.±. k -, Air- All Loewe captained by 'tartlet . ' [aided under' poi:ldea boned by this Company will be liberally, adjusted and prompt ly paid at its OPPICE, No. 99 WATER STItEIiT. L.ly'll PENNSYLVANIA INSIJICANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH.. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, AUTIIORIZED CAPITAL, 1300,000. 4W-insure Suldinge and other l'lnperty against Loge or Lawny by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navi gation and Transportation_ DIRECTORS. Wm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier W. birClintock, Jas. P.. Tanner, George W. BMlth, W. S. Haven, D. IL irk, I. Oder Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A.. 7. Jones, J . H. Jona, 11.. , R. Combs& OVPICERS. Praiden/ Hon. WM. P. JOHNSTON, Vice President BODY PArrEJABON See) and 21Pisi..--A. A. CLUMIZIL 7; ;' ~~7"-r' ; NEIV-..ADVERTISEIMENTm - • • A iii,torrEgy. D, Superfutsodeld's (Mimi Pittsburgh, lfiy S 4 j t t ' • 10:1, ALLISOHEN Y VALLEY RAILROAD. MILT? RE I .t.'„ •••., • ENCAMPMENT, at TARENTUM, tuay.. , 2l, ZS and 29 . 1 • ' EXCURMON TICKEITI to Tsrentutil and retina for sale I 1 • at THE DEVOT, on Taylor street. Fare rje.. itt32it A. J. I.IOPpER, Sign. Fresh Arrival or Salt Oysters. JUST received at STEINRUCK'S; No. 111 Wahl street, where ail the delicacies of the season can tee Lad, served up in puy detilrulAnstyl, lin IA also In daily ,•• rdeelbt of New Potatoes, Feast Wetter.. Prows, Shad. Bea Se Bass, and s great variety of Lobo Fish, a Web will he sold " - to (smitten, !lute's, and restsorauts, Oil Me must reationaltio •—• terms. Just revelcoal, a large and tine Tot or temons, Oranges and -'' Pine Applen. F. STMII4I2I.:CIi, '4 luylba „ Na. Ili Wood atzert. 1 - - l'' -- "The Campbells are CoMiug.” THE MODEL TROUPE OF THKWORLD. 4 • FOURTEEN PERFORMERS, FOR FOUR NIOHTS, commencing. ou WEDNESDAY, • ' May 28th, ut 999 MASONIC HALT/ ;' WEST & PEEL'S old and original CAMPBELL MINSTRELS ; antler the dlreotion of the world-renowned MAT. PEEL - New Songs, Chormaa, Operatic Burlesques, Dances, , witlol-1 tie ei r e r uted Fparticulars ws bills of the day. T'ickete 25 rents. iny2o . LARUE TRADE SALE OF SUMMER ti CLOTHING.-011 WEDNESDAY MORNIND, 'May 28, 4i. sr. t 0 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner pf Wood and Fifth strects, will be 801d,wtthm Menne; a very ~ii extensive stink of Stu 'inter Matting, comfit - Ling.: 400 pairs 4. fancy and plain ,swim.-re pants; 800 pairs satineit, tweed, and jean do.; 2uo pails cottutiude nod tidal do.; 400 silk; 5 cashmere, satin and casiimere vests; 125 Idarseillaise and other light do.; WO tumor cloth, tines cotton end , summer cloth coats; 20 dos. Mei white shirts, linen Isismiut and col- Ai mars. ALSO-10 pieces super black broad cloths; 20'pieces fancy and plain summer pant staffs; super satin vesting% satinetts, tweeds, patent thread, spool cotton.. silk twist, &c. ed The attention of - the Trade is invited to the above, which 4 can be examined on theday previous to sale. Tertio Cash i —par funds. my2o P. St. DAUS, Auct. MACKEREL, HERRING, 1). FRUIT, &e. AT AUCTION.—Ou TUESDAY HORNING, 27th inst., at 11 o'clock, at the Commercial Sides Moms, corner of Wood unit Fifth etreets, will be sold: S 3 bids Mackerel and Herring; 20 sacks Dried Peaches and Apples; lidatforns ; scales. my 213 P 131.11Atlft, Auct. ORANGES ---200 boxes in prime order, just k received and for auks by RHYMES. & ANDERSON, I wy2C No. SO Wood at,, opposite Charles Hotel. QYRUPS-IUO doz. Lemon Syrup : doz. Strawberry do; 5 do Pine Apple do; dirltaspberry dot jest remised 15E1 bIER & ANDRItSON, No. 89 Wood street. .4108,101 31 .. 300,000 00 103161 13 nd for mile by nay 34 SU U Alin-10 bide. extre. powdered; 10 do. granulated; 10 do ernslged, just received and fur Ben 11E1'.5.1E1t k AN DERtON. Ne. 39 Wood mt., Opnoelte St. Claarles Hotel. MOLASSES ---3U bids. N. 0, just reeeivedt and for ;We by SPRINOB . II DARIBAUQH, uty.ll NU: ?X liberty street. UG AR CURED C. HAMS-10 tierces, justf, recelyed ®d for sale by • t my2B ___SPRINGER llARBitaill, 1 L ARD OIL-1O bbts. No. 1; - lo do. N 0.2: in store and for satoly , to -6. 3PIUNUELL-11-4.ItHAIIOU. OOLIVE SOAP-25 boxes - just received and for sale by my** S PRI bld ER lIARRAUGII._ GGERMAN SOAP-10 bouts justreceirede end fur Kale ley ruyal SPIIINtkEIt DRY HIDES-200 prime to arrirelnd for eale. by tuy2o srinNor.H. ILARI)AWIff. WOOL --The highest market.. prir:e, cash, r0,...„. :. m id by SPILING.ER 11.41aUkUtiali. 1- .• • • irc,i ) ,-, ; . nir2B •_. No. 29N 01)Crty bi- t •• V.,,,,,.. . , • • BACON -300 pieces received imd.for en by uly26 11k.N U. COLLINS. CHEESE -200 hostsprime nesrAV. Cutting Chectia, !waived awl fur aala u 551.4 3 111NRY . It. COLLINS. a $817,348 16 AtrESTER.N INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Y Pertsoutiou.-o.FAlifitt DAIISIE, President; F. hi • QoanoN, Secretary. Will insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and hiAItINE,.., t Alt lowest will be liberally lidinsted and promptly paid. A Dome institution, managed by Directors who tiro well) known in the community, nod who. are determined, b i promptness and liberality, to malnntin the character whir they have assumed, noolferhili the best protectiOn to those.,„ . . who desire to be Insured. „, Dinstcrotts—R, Miller, Jr., C.W. iticketsott, 'J. W. llntlorg N. Dolmen Jr., W. 11. Smith C. Hansen, ileorgelY. Jackson:s Andrew Ackley, James Lippincott, tloorgu Deride, Jamb Me:4 Auluy, Alexander X hoick, Clionifis Scott. Air Office, No. 92 Water street, (N'arabout , of P.'llong 4 Co., up stairs,) Pittsbnrell• - tiorl:4ly Q QI11..:1131EIL PAUL JONES FORSALE.--.1 1,7 The undersioted offer for sale, the Una steamer PAUL. JUNES, ea one now Mai at the u hart at PittsburKh. 4' „ The PAUL JUNES 14 ono year and four pluntlis old-4 4 length lau fmt, twain 3S feet., hold tip feet, ow, ruginet , A , cylinders '23 Melina in diameter, .7 tort strolkii.. he is ltd 'complete order and wall found.in alt rustiest& gba cabin of the most upprovoi style., and lilted up ip tlor,:tpost elegm4 mminer. The PAUL JONES will 1.. Cold on the following terms:—y; one-lifth mill, balance 4,8, 1•2 and lh mouths, with ins terra and approves! security. If said boat is uot sold a(.i private dale ballet' the lst day cif .11dy next, she will lie 1,4,1 at velar auction, and hold on that day. NE Any person having classes against the PAUL JO. .ti , w itl, forward them to the atoteridgmhl for settlement eiong vs N I the balance of the eLlitelit, ns ,soon ny a ist boat is told. W. A. CALI/WM.1,1, Tnigters hlAjlli IitTERLIML ) ; E=l N EW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! I Va1:a1...n.1 Lily in Mexico; 1..:, A lahriel Fel o*. e . . , . The ,Psr.owgrasa Papers, or Living on tln.y Country: , .)3 Fty.1.1 , . t„.'„atytts. •I'l F.,111111 (or thy SO4 . 11l1; on ex"llent Wok.. .1' . • • l'lonhostan. Ly q. h. Phtlatnlyr Ih.s+.llekd. Mn YarYt Maitland, I.c Sunny tilde; written by lberselti Al Mane and -Abroad; by Margaret Fuller•Lhali. I. . Ihe Munsby Papria--Irtsh I.:Atoms—by .Ina. Brot&gluunt ~ .„ - MAGAZINES ItLITIVEIi FOR Am& i Harper's NOR Monthly Nlagyjne. . (./GtiGGG'S Illu..aratml A InYtkela Monthly MagNZIII, / . ' 1•rIPI,4111', Ladit'S' NIIEII.IIIO Aingtaill, t 7- . I Lludyy's hall) 's Hook-47.4%1.0m. and steel engraving,/ - , , • Itallou'd Dollar Monthly Mat.Twitit.,tya iry 10 yt, Inlslir',l Nos,' York Journal. ; School hooks 1..1.1. r itr.buttly no hand anti for sale by • W. A. tlll.l/EN FEN NI±A" A CO., i„,.24_ Filth st., outsiolle the Thyatre. J '.- - MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR - .. 8 1 . RYMTORblit.—An unfailing restorer and prerrerve - -- of the hair and sight. It Is not a dye! The hair sat will .. ' •, kers. however gray, are restored to and puitegved iiii thei • original life color I By. its use. wigs, opectacies and graf ; Lahti. will soon become exthwt. The lleatorer•ttsertwith . the Zyloltainatunni, not only cleanses the hair, but inclinel tt to curl, giving it aeon, glassy and naturalappetwancei The Restorer will strengthen and preserve the sight, an remove and prevent dizziness, betulache, sentrt. dandruff; scald-head, or any eruption of the skin. and all unnatural perepirations of the head. It is a etrtalu cure for cataro in the head. I Sold by JUS. FLEMING, Druggist, r. , nir24 esir. of the Diamond and Market be. '3 TWELVE HOURS 1. IN ADVANCE OF. THE MAIL ow- TILE?. EASTERN DAILIRS aro regularly reccivis twelve hours in advance of the Malt, and delivered to soli scribers at the following rasa: 1: Philadelphia LEDGER, 10r. per week. New York Daily TRIBUNE, 16e. per week. e e HERALD, :e " :7 " TIMES, e w z‘ ,Q3-ir Leave your orders for tlidse, or any other Easter papers, at 71 Fifth street, for my 24 ROCHELLE OCIIRE—S casks just ree'4.ll sod for We by Ituy24] 1 0 LEMIN6 BROS. .=f, BALM 1000 FLOWERS-5 gross just rc mired, and for sale by. Erny 24) FIRMING BROS. .75 BAGS PRIME RIO COPEBE ; 20 " Etxtra Old Lagnayrk 10 •° Old, Java 20 pockets French Java 2 bales prime Mocha 10 bags old Maxicalbo Selected expressly for my retail business. my% F. It. DRAVO, No.l Diamond. NEW TEAS—Direct from the Import 100 chests choice Y. 11. Tam; ~ 100 . Ookings and Chains;i 20 " flue Haigthili Breaking ; .. 20 " " Souchong; 5 " Chang Peko Plower& j i...." lem now receiving weekly iota of freob Teen. - ...1 my2l F. It. DRAVO, No. 1 Diamond. `!, XTKA FAMILY FLOUR-50 bbls. choici Juin received, and for sale by mpg EiPKINGER lIARBAI7OII. Nicaragua Naps. , NVIIOLESA_LE AGENTS I'OR THE MAII Q NICARAGUA, J. R. U. CLARK & CO„ No 71: Fifth litreut. who will furnish them at the pfiblishers' loxq . mit wholesale price. At retail, 17 cents, or three for $l.. Dealers and others will please send in their orders. tuysl:ltdaw Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel M. Kier, 110 LT'S PATENT HAND STAMP.-Thy subscriber, Agent for the "FRANKLIN lIANK S'fAMP COMPANY" of Buskin, Mass-. is how prepared 61 otter to the public a Stamp which, for all practical purpueel surpasses an of the kind heretofore offered to tae publio Fat Batltowls . Poet-offices Public Douses, Steamboats, trf Professional men foe stam ping; their library, Druggists lei' printing their own labels, and all ilermiutile tuen for stamtv, lug their envelopes, and In fzict in the Cultilsr4 pity who wants a Stamp for marking Litton, Clothing, &e.le this is Jost the thing. k This Stamp Is unlike any other in the market, and is not. open to oldectloue reasonably urged +limiest other articles the kind offered to the public, which facts are established examination— let. It is offered for about ono-half the usual reed of others?- . '2d. Being more simple to its construction, kis less to get out of order. SI It is more compact, easier operated, and mom certaiin . of- nuking SSELYSCS nitearamoss. The proprietors rely upon the intrinsic merits of tK4i Stamp tbr its general adoption,foellug confident that itir , t cheapness and superiority combined, over all others, , give if a favorable-introduction. The public are Invited to call and see the operation the variety of styles of electrotype dies. Orders received for any style or pattern, end the dies eliti - 5 4 7. trotyped, of the best material and workuutuship. MOSES F. EATON, Agent, No. 119 First direct., Pittsburgl , Pa. N. R.—AGENTS WANTED Immediately to imovses for tfo'' above, to whom a liberal CalUlluintiloS Pratt, paid. CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify that MOSES F. EATON, of Pittsburghl ...,..,,,,, Pa., is the duly - uppoluted Sole Agent for the sale of " Patent hand Stamp" for the State of Pennsylvania, (exceptlA lug the City Of Philadelphia,) and also for the Conntiee Athialtalit, Trumbull, Mahoning, Columbiana and JeffersonO. , . in the State of Ohio. • FILLINIIN Mann SrAtxr 0011 PANT, Respos, Mass, gy their Agent, W. 'WILLARD. Pittsbirgk, Huy' It 1820. (lute) frn ' William Bingham, John & Dilworth, Frauds &lilacs, J. Bchoonmaker, WlMasa B. Hays. SUGAR --20 bbl-. brown Coffee Sugar. 20 do A., Just received and for sale b1;t7:„ rcul RHYMER & ANDIMSON, No. .%) Wood it. f-- - - ,:f:0- ~,,.4,.:a,-,4,-..:,, : t,., . ..4.•. - :,;, . . A',,,,c. ,-• . '', ::, :.--:- n7: 4 :.'f , •:- , .. ,- ,::_ ;4k.:,::,= -. 7,, 1 .. - 04,,;,i ~,-,- ...f•-•::- . 41i.i-,, ' ',.,:;%4'!=:;. - S; " g4.1.-4`4tl' MEE • ~- - • -•• •.'t; IMMgI RICHARD SHANNON. 1 ADDER.--43 casks for sale by myB B. A. FARNIRMCK A co. ACE.-200 pounds for sale by, A , A. FALINESTWK CO. ouruur first ant Wuud au* .... .„, ... ... ..-;!-......'4.1F]:.'.• , '• . -." - Ii...7:?,•;71' .'-''.::....f--:-..-'-';l:'F.,.:',:i;;;',lt'. •*".` Tdt ',•‘, ,~ ter - '}• a: e.. ,r MECO • 4,4 Ott x . --'"4-*".'" ; 7 ; • I • _ . t ___.. ..•'.:;..'i ,- •.1';',. , :' -, ,, ~ . "':;1. . .,-- , o,i'- . ". . . - , . .. . MEM . F ,)*; 1?.1=4'.:'• ~.,-, i ‘t:;.,_,.i...,17. . ._- , '.':;1., 4 . ':: 7 . 1 .' ,.-,- •• .it. .4;'::,,'•,:..,..Aq;.,,Y.'.,1,-',9Y..i,z'', - ' 6 _ , ? v.,: . , ~ ~ , y .~ l . . ...y:Y. • a,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers