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A Ut ~, i r 1,% .41: 1 1 ~.k '• ... • ,I , ...../ , 1 , ~..„ ,r, ,i ji 0 , 'I: 4 ,... , 7 ..., , „ , ~ • ~, J „„. 4 ,,, ,,,3 .. ft n i , - r 0 ~...;,,, .: .:",.., ~rit. n. 6 ,1'3 4, 1 . .0,,,„ r, 4 ~- ,‘ n y r e • .... ;1, ~ ' „-•.' ~. 4 ' , i/O . q. r.i: '7IV ; r ' 'q 5 : f ,a t":?, ‘1 .OP . ' r .... ' •••• .4 ' 6 6 Iv , t 1 1, '' 'V . te. • ' . , I rr' -? • ,/ .), ‘. ,-. ._ - . ,. .r.,„...;.. .„„ , , ~„*. . - , .- ' . 1 ' tlii.ffh + .l" - - r ‘ r. r- ,.* • f. :^ '''lLt i . t'M 4 . -7 .: , ." It ' • 'A. •r , --.: 4 ;,t,, ;; ' V .. •4:4 "• ~ . s,- ni;is,i. r , 4 f 4- ,_ ,< , r 's , ...*' ..._.. •7 ,4, • . - Pc.i: . -..'•.: i+,' •!' . ' ..' • i..-,.,. •••,.•:.. .. i. : ',.,.,:-.', ';' 4,l ‘fi - --. - :'.,' , '•,::,, ; • -.•.- • - • .• • r. •• F r e. • .k ~ 6 04:4' e' t ~ "4 1 `. 4 4 44'4' , =ME MOB PITTSBURGH POST. SATURDAY MORNING 1856. _ ONLY ROUTE wrrrt THREE DAILY TRAINS SPRING FLoWERS—No.III. FRoxt PITTSBURGH TO CINCINNATI BY CARRIE LAWREnCE arJiallor Brother. We have a brother bold and brave, Who sails far o'er the ocean wave. To whom for hie wife our dear sister we gave— Ourtoadly loved Sa:lor Brother. Ile has wandered many n mile at Fen, LITTLE 1111AAII RAILROADS. Where the blue WOVCS diwee and the billows VIA CIiESTLINE AND COLU3II3I.'S. bound free; But no suitor that roams there is braver than he, quick-o 1 Route front rettsburoh to Cincinnati. Our o wnliear Sailor Brother. oil V. Vail IM O Stet :men •n :111:1dd li: 11:,1 • at: I When the EtOrra.-king raged, our prayer did rise I:a:Ir./id. and 111.• I,nurinici•lotrtli • Ilotttr. titontivt it: , To the tiod WIN dwells above the skies, nn: A.-111, 0,10 toy t.. 11 and Xt.., turd Wbose ear ever hears his children's I ”.11,104 C,•Eltr,,l a. c.,1 , 11111 , 1, ani Con ittnatt. For our far-away Sailor Brother. ;st. Via Otltnt. anti Xtit, to Idtlitytttle Tilt. firm?: 1113111 iv, o. thy:..1:11;1“11 311 , i 1"11 , 41.11. till V. C. MAI: Ii....:00: 1 - 1 . 11 . 1111 • In Lai , rota- 11. ott•. • , r i d i :Ld , . no -tit, rout i• .t , ddtlt tii I.y tdt, duly 1,, pri id , I • i dk C.,1 , 1111/ , ‘ , htl.l tile 1,1111 , '11:.111. Tla• rodtd SIR I b•• Manufacture of Perfumery • t-i.a.lntati, , a o a.... a it tolot-to 1'0tad0..11,1.• We learn from a foreign journal that full I it•rtd.n. an p,..>.01 •_.•rl 111111' I „ I r I: , t!.. 000 gallons of perfumed spirits are yearly con- '‘" :•iimed by British India :tad Europe in ltitulating ' 1 " "' the ,one. One French house annually uses [Sr the di lidnitrittati told Indian/tr.! , Mighty thousatelpound , of oranze flowers, lIIOUSantI pounds of cassia flowers, fitly-three r,11,41e.5t rtndi.i m , • thousand pounds of roses, forty-two thousand Tiliti.r; DA I d 11No, 31A CO Lb V,1.',1%.3, pounds of jasmin blossoms, thirty-two thousand , pounds of violets, twenty thousand pounds o f \ • lilac, and other mbutoils plants in still IA,, proportions. Flower plants exist in the south t „,.. France, T , lrkey 111 Europe. Turkey in h...., 1. 11,-1, I•,k A. 31 In indin• N , ir is England NI OW . ell!tiVa;;oa. ruitinams, 111. tnnati. This Tram In Mitchim, I.‘vettiier r:cten , ively an ' produces a plant unrivaled in the Onistiito , ..: 1..7,11,t, tidit 1.1 itt+rtll. ,rt Lott. limes the prier ev,ii of French lavender ;TW se• he vault , Spot tt.it t•I I),r it , cultivation of rose=. Nor is this extem.dve use surpri.dtig, when Ave Itits; at 'I e•in<dler the quantity of flower , necessary to ''rits'!i produce an essence ; drachm of oetar of rose , lerr" t requires two (11,11S,Uld rove 'phi,. Vlow I ever, is nothing 1., j a smin ; th e price it, e. :rrr i HAW , . :,. lin, •st I. •lii. dittool, At sential oil is .C 9 the fluid ounce. Of there is a good d.?al of manufacture " dig 'l ii„ I, ti L a. Ev d t t .i.tl,.. ' with tie more expensive perfumes. The \ ) u; 0. i• ELIA )1,1 a rt. 1.11. leaf geranium rises ditty for the n'...; the ••pdr fame tq" the magnolia is superb, - say , 0 ,- ,* ie . : • • author: but practically it It 11 ,, 11-e to Ilit, Th.: t manufacturer. - from scarcity cf the plant and , ither came-: the purchaser, however, gets n Our prayers were heard through the tempest's noise, The stilling winds made our hearts rejoice. And soon was heard the well known voice Of our noble Sailor Brother. ir he is satisfied his es,nse of whn hag any right to complain" Thy .•; the. lily and the efzlantine evnp , rate client under any known treat meta, that they ar never u , +ed.—Jlen - Aants . .41.-Iyazrne fIONDITION ift .4 , ,TNA I NSI"It.INCI C•OIPAN Y. 11,v.Trow•.‘ .In,un, 1. 15.... pro , ..eutr , l t Nude kw. of Now Pertne.;,lv.)l.,.. F TAT F: N F: N T • Th• mtn, of tno 1. :ETNA IN,TE.INCI r J\IPA 1", 1..•3t,! . , The Capit.l..l it. Ft,. HIM it , I Tle.untret It •Itars paid up Aw FT` of the Gorr.priny en...b In hand and in PT.entx Tt tnlt $ 1.4.1.,h Pllll.llll nod Mtn f..r.1 C.1F1.1 In Ictnde , i . 141.1wir, ,ceiva!•l°. piiyabb• nt Bnr:k Inc•inle Item 1.. 7 it. 61•711i-4,1 Fta.te...f N C.lii .10 .1 , . MI1,111k1 .. 1:•1 , to 0. , .1.. ,ht , tho ...,110,1 by LV)O Sbart-fi Ilarttbr , .. an N.,. R. R. Ft Ftlart., Ilartb,l and 1.r0N1,.." - ,ro R._ R. Sbwk. p; Morn , ' ,Lll,l gwv - - nnte•bd 10 1 - , - .... ,Shar, I4o,ston :In I 'X 11. Sb.ck SMJ ~.o.rus Conn. IL,ver R. It. bt,,"k, pn Sham C.ll, FIT, Gam. StO. NI An. StnfT , rti Panti. fAJ Wa:,rt do. Far:ll & NT, .1 do. Ex , Lang, IV: do. do. .10. Iltf.l. C. If, I ISO 51u..5 2..1)0 Sharrot M..r. - hants' Ex. 11'k St., k \ ew zoo .btkaree N. , rth I:lrtsr Banx or k 4.0. n Shan- , Mechauil,' St.lc ICto N. Amor. N A 100 do. 1.1 . 1: A meld. a 150 do. B•li Itepuldi , Jo. N V 1 0 0 do. N 480 do. roadway N I coo do. IN‘opl , d) N V 1 200 do. l'u)or: 100 do. Hanover N Y. 11.1100 2.10 do. do. \.Y. tA, do !dew iddltan 2V Ytutrherr I),T'r do N V 21.)0 dn. Impord,..sdc Trad'n dn. NY. '2 1740 r>,l 1 Amer. En. .1... N.V. 11.41, 11 do. N .:.17 IX , (1.1. :" Torn N Y. 10.40, 100 do. N. V. lA, Inn. k Trust N.Y 100 Stmr., In 4 Tr,t • Stcx - k. Cir,intkati Share, Nl,ll. S Tradere' U.u,k Jorewy Cit.) Li AItII,ITIF- , ns”Lt Ci. 111.115 0: Leer, nn•: 11 t dur Tire Yu. In.urartee Cttntle.ny rr••.o,t. It• patron very sattsferrory coseht ion. of a tar,ew , rene.• .11 111.1.,..1 at the tenummtn a V11:11 , . /1 , 1 pvetent (Ili, Or Am, tl.tprestsion tit the statt•lnrt: 0.; •att They are either prime .11‘ i or cc. e•ks. r gn..01..m• Me and clean invost metal, t.eithug ult•tertte ruin root income. Th- entudar I Itasit utt Inch th- I t .. It. • valu e d, being itt4,l Inltrr,r. 01, Cttrnpany calif attention to the strength and ercu r.tt tt fleet from It. e. nitnnetl system til Agencies. hatetng MVOes of pretontiog n millyl phalanx .it it eynierf, which hat set•rlttsl. for flirt ty-t•t•etm rrurt. Inca reemltt to, te.,:klythien. anti Lulu:mt. to •r i••• enattles et t.• tmt., t•nr tth g•• att'r ; feturt usetultntst them has yet teen rearr.e.l I EIMIRI=II POVIC7I , , t >n i lug ne.arly na drArrlpti..ol. , f en uPuAI by II li. TrN-EITE. N. W. e,,r. Hurl and hII w PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THREE DAILY TRAIN'S Between Pittsburgh and Plillatielphin MitlLNINil NIA IL TItAIN iti, per rug„,i, ,„• r , s . ,„ , In ,„ it ,„ Philadelphia at 7 A. 31., and Philadelphia I .r p„„,.„ t I, it -1, I, 74i A. If. :tl. I ••r:.• , •• r r ,• • ••r•i•-:r r•• rlr'• rr TLIE FAST LINE leave. l'ltt.bnrgh bar 1'161.101.k'. „., .^..:34 P. M.,AndPhiladelphia fertlitt•linryth at 12,:t0 P. M .1 )1 THE NltillT E.X.l'l:Keixt TRU: , 1t5..., .... Philadelphia at All I'. M., and I . ltiladelphta for l'ltt.bur at 11 P. 11. BLAlttet ILLE ACCOMML)PATION TRAIN leaver Ito - ~. burgb da:ly, except Sundttv. at 4:ln • ,'CIVCk P. M. raw' r x 1.11,1 il lII,INT.tN'S ACtI,OIOIOLiATI9N TRAIN Iratvea Planta,. '. 44 ,,,... i .,.. k .. t ., I „ r . , - ,, 0 , Land. C11,.'..t., . and 11, dally at LI ..'clorli A. hi.. littto I'. 01.. and tr.lto P. M.t la N% ell.villa, are ...Id rot $1 n , .... ,n,,,, 0, 0 A 11,,,,, a file al...se tau, ronnect at I'lttftbnrgll with Ike Railroa 't . i .,, , . ~,,,,, ~.r . , ',.. 0 ,„ 0 „ i ~. to and 1r nu et. our'. Mo.. Alton. ttalona an I Clung ~ I i . f . , ,,. 0„.,,k.. t,4.a Mall, ,trod Akr.„; Frankfort, Levtugton mud L'netvillo, Ity., Terte 11,.,, . Tior ,,, m,. ~,.. i ~..,,,,,,,,, ~. T ~,,.. ~,,,, 1 .,,,,,...„ , Madvent. Lafayette and Indiattapoll.. Ind.: I:Ir - nano I. 1 , -. • 1 - 0 5 ~,,,. tool ( Icon'land at SAX) A . )1... , , ,, . and t/lI , XI I feu, Sprlngneld, lielletontaine, eandrot,. T-1 , 4 , . ilevel.‘• '• A ~,,,,. „, , t 0,,, „,,t, 1,10 f XL.. In A. M., and `,lO A. Id. U.'''' ! '... I."n 7 ril , '" ' Ml'''''''n on. I •I' '''''''''' " h '''' '" ' 'lron,. 1 , •,,t. I 'lnca,. tor Rock I -land and et. Lont. Iv ' I. with ltle Steam t . acttet Wmtn loan and to Non c ta.t.r.,,,. ... I „a . .: }• r Itock 1.1.tt0l at tot ‘• A. 71. and Illon I'. hl. F.- , e. 1.001., L .LEsviLbe and I:tie:x:lNX tvi. 1,.,. , n t o'ls A. SI t,tol v..:1.1 P. NI. Tllllol_loll TICKET:" can be Owl to or from .Itlo.t ol 1. , r....onter• I, st 1,..,11 , . r ,, ovi.t. iLtek I ..1:111•1 RAile , . I . above pla.ett. J .1 , 1, an i tbr'll , " ovt.r. 1110 CllOOOOll, Ail tn and Sr.l 1.- Far turther partlrulart, re.. handbill. at the .lilTer , ~ ~ t ~,,, ~,„ :.. or . .. ~,.. .:,,,. ~.„ 1 ,.„ , 10, „,. vis A. NI 'I .„ 't^r". - g 1 11. , 1 '• l'n'l"'"l.r" from " I° ' VIII. ' ', ill MIII ' hi- ' ''. lirstse at Oh. I,ktl. at 1. .2.10 ,tltit. evt•iolig, and by t• th IC ' I'. tatortest atnt to ,et enin , llll. , a, rout., ton i'llibtElolpl,a, 11, • 11 i , o„ no . 0. 0.00 0,,0 ot . no more, New York, or Bunton. TIIL.P6. M.hliii:, 1t.41. ,, .. • 11,... , 1 11, u,..11 t , t '1tv..1 , 11 , 1 and Cl !rag . Agent, Paxpenger Late., I . lol.lelphin FA lir- 11l Al'. I tt".'r. .1\ II 1 lA.` , t.I.A \ U. J. :tit:SKIM LN, . I tif.cl a Agent, re4ttenger I.ines, l'ltt.l.nrC . $J ~ 'l'. 1,:. ti,11.• ..$.lO it , 2l 0 ALLEGHENY VALLI:I( RAILROAD I It' - 1t.4 I: 1.1 d.. Is tlt/ ! s• •• 1,1.1 , 1itt IS 10 ! •tu —•' `in - 1,1 010th', Is 70 1 ':t. ~..... . , ~ IS k 1 UPLA PROM PITTSBURGH TO KITTANNINt °lb , . vote flu and aftor FRIDAY. January 2Z., 1.;)A, Frvight and L-i..r th, I.ruer. emogor 'rraio, will lay l'ataburgh a: 3,30 P M., etoppui: ..t arnving at Kittanning at 6:2.5 P.M. It-! . L01i.,13 Kittanning at 7 o'clo , "1: A. )1.. arriving at Pi: t,b:ti at 10 A. M. ,STAiSES WILL HUN FKONI KITTANNING, In lion with the Train.. for the following plat,: FAA. Clarion 2 Co: Ilradya Bend )lahoning. 1 70,K:d.11181:urg Bunt! 1111mge Saddraburg-. Pun xatnry ury Red Itehumburg Iteedaburg Adams. .... 2SO Bethlehem ..... .. . . 'l, . . . 11I,;..IN. FI.Li .;...1 - 4,1 . .. t :I.i. li.sid .“ . .. ,, (11:11.Kin1 , ..- ~ cars--eleNen feet inside -- w roomy Srettr, IlittatAllotl , .•IJ : Uttrr,, , ... ~.":111......1. roads. ...... .... 2 7b Nlechaineseure 3 00 Shannotehde ..... 2 0011.1 roo k, tile.. ... ..... ;: 0 Ity 11.•• ‘ohi.. owl Penn.,' var... Itailr..ad loos l'ittsh.r.:ll to t. I , nlitne. 100,..tiget . 0/111, , ,t o ith itailronits for 11].: .n .. Fare to Kittanning, 51,25. /1.:1f...1 1 ,, I 11,. s oils, 0 t•1•a1...1. ~.f ea, at Terre I, outs. Tickets to all of the above pia,. can be procured at the P.''," — ''"'"" ,-- c"'" wi th T. ,,, • 11 " , "‘• "" , i 11" I," and Ticket °like in the Depot on Taylor street. Baggage e).e...1. , -.1 to I mtiatiapolt.. thence to St. beds. Omnibit will leave the corner of 31arket and Fifth. And Trains leave Pittsburgh us follows: Plum nod Wayne streets, at 2::.:0 I'. M., in conuedtion with the Trams. . 1.,28] A. J. HOPPER, Sup :. Bi,T TRAIN leave, nt 2A. M. .iII.IIL. I F.J., I,t.r. :It S .1. M. jI.7JURE PASTE-271 ban. Just received and for sale by : EXPRESS l'ltoits Isavea et 3 I'. M. REIMER lt. ANDERSON. Passengers make close connections at Crestline far I adj. feb 12 No. 30 Wood street. itattlx , llll, and there make cloie c,,tinections with Railroad 131 I RONES% INSt RI: MENTS, t - i . w . s, Chi; far Vincennes, without a rimnae of airs; and at Vi.I3(I,IIICS take I he Ohio and MiAersisippj Railroad di re ct ( o r st. 1„,,i,5-eels, eels, Knives, ac., in great variety, for Sole bY', through in 27 hours; OM ttecting at i:tandeval with the 1111- fetil2 J 4 MP ' 4 _ l '', "AR D/Wr,., '_ ' nois Central 10.ilroad f, , 'sore, where first-ohms Ste:oners 200 EMPTT BARA E1.75, — f0 - rsitle h' I au.. 1,..., ..t n , ra a d l al tl i m p e ‘ s ,i,, be u, o h n ad th f e or k„ ll e e r tn ‘ r i , i h . i..s i , ,,,,, \ i ' l l c p k i s r , i t t v i e r i g , Nie , , w s i.4r- . R EY' AIER & ANDERSON, rub 12 No. 39 Wood street. 1 Fora can always bud at St. Low., steattlend for the Upper , , Mississippi. Illinois and Miasmas? rivers. 30 11IILS. BR. COFFE.E - BC - GAR, Just - ree r dand i This i 6 one hundred miles the Shortest route to St. Louis. No. 39 Woodstreet. for sale by REY NUM 2. A NDEitsoN. , FARE.—FIUST CI-645. feb 12 ' To St. Louis via Dellefontame and Futon 1 IQl.7OlllOE—b cases Sicily, loins?? stick,) for by To " ,' Columbus, Aeon, and Dayton J REY)IER a ANDEitsA - ,N 'r° a " Columbus, Cincinnati and Lawrence fob 12 No. 30 Wood street. ' _ burg 19 30 - ---- m....TE , D CLatB FARE. 12 0,.$ T KU SSES—I have on hand a Large assort- ' Passengers and Baggage transferred from Depot to Depot meat of Truss.. Those wishing anything in this lino or free er charg 'fit:kids, or further information, please apply e should call and examine my stock before Purclinsir, else. F Through where. .10S. PLEMINL. to J. G. CURRY, Ticket Agent, 0.. t P. Railroad Company, jr...12 Corner Diamond and Market street. corner office, Monongahela !louse. Pittsburgh, or to GEO. SJAM:UG AR MILLS—Of Dargee Forsyth(C c r l a u tt . KlN, Ticket Agent, Federal Street Station, Allegheny F.B M. WARD, maoultoore, for tan by Super. 1, nteadant O. & It. Itatirnbi- Libl2 Jura ISWIDROP. Y. 11.50141.1.1i1), Agent, Ktiebotigb Pa. lootib FEBRUARY 2J ONLY BOUTE WITII THREE DAILY TRAINS FROM' PITTSBFTWII TO DAYTON AND IN OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA : ,d 1 !ri,.l. and !•• =EI CENTRAL 01110 RAILROAD And but oni t !:.urge of Cars between Columba , 'ln., Baltimore. 151:11111O =IMO =BEI =MEM i , r ~:n ll'.': N.'.... w:',l I r L L., sl 7 1,...• !r,.. toot tit itti, It, A.. .rurD-1. ,, ••11 t..r lIMIMI $1,0i4,390 CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURG RAI ',ROA I), -•=-'fAC-T.,...=7. Ohio and Prllllwyil,Allin Rallrond, ,;e Jr I.i.IANCI. • - THE HkoliTt: : , T AN Ir Qt . iCEI.: , I Itlrl:TE To Cow.. , TILE PENNSI . I.I AN IA RAILIWAI ~,,,, :,.. 1.01, I , 1,1 l'l.l'.‘ 1.1.kM. 'll , , It ..i•• I- ~,, ii.. 1, 1 ,.• 1 1 , •:I. - ..11. ,,, 1tr0t a1....t r ~ r5',.... , TIII.r.;;I:AT i':.N rRAI. ;;tpri.E..• . 1.-t, thlrt .t:r• tt, tri «t. , rTI EttltA .lautatry 14:.e., the Tr.. «t, Ir,a R .- III. „ VIA ALLIANCE. I Tt.« 111,1.• att t It. tttipyivtltait It.riilr. - trol I. ‘.• tutx,...,. 1-111. Ihu.hu rcl: at Lau A. M and 4:40 A..)1..1,11 P M SF:C". 111111 Ii it 7.t,t , M mu l m 1. .1i l.k It AI rt.•,.1.1«.1 :it 1..... !A M.. •lort I. M n.l ',/ I P M.. ~ .1. 1 1,1111,7 thi II II nl, ITLI.«It , Rutin..., I ni I:•. A. I %A.-mt. I , ~1 ": • A SI 11 WI, Ipy THE \ ItoUTF. Ily t L!!!iln. TAII!• t.! l'111.1• ,!• •• • •••" ' 4 I"? 41-r, RAILROADS DIANAPOLIS INN ttt :2 , •t:• , ck .1. M. 1,1 t•t. I.ltv Lout:. al.ti rt) miutilt.tt It. no.t. N I. • 1.1.1,t• xpph oth. A';'.:•. T i. L••t =EMI J;‘, 7 4 - 4. v\- i,,•1 I !. MENEM 201 ttlti Pt, • I% r MEE= IM=EIIIIIII Titn. l!ii=M T 11 l 1 4 I 1 1 1 1 11 t ~,, £„ 1,1 I I. • I. t.ti• tick , .t+ n. .11" 1 41-ngl_llo.l.t ;n1 .1. 1.1:11A 1 1 . ,'‘ ll. - 1. I 'lt, vt-IA” 1. .1 A I • AgA, 01110 AND lIISSISSI PH RAILROAD 131;1) \.l) SEW AND DIREC RoUTE OPEN! Northern Illinois to Mississippi River, KANSAS AND ALL IiA , ,LI:OAD 70 THE N:,.91,7•11,T1 Chicago, Illurlinglon and Quincy UAILW).II I . •. FORMERLY THE , NI 'IV 'F,t;lin I th.. li! from TilliAttO TO 11l lt-tttge Th, Uuly Pirwt 14,1.• 1•) Qtrw - y. It t .rattttt., otint,lca, rt U.- Ci , ttrtt It ttt• . on.l 1Lr ,, 1.1 Al.l. it. SE 11,1 , 1 LI. 11, 1.. St. 1., tti-. n .l..ttur, tt Sprtg ll' . I ... MI i//:•11 , totll:tti. 1... .1 4 ( 41111,1. 14,:tr anti !till , and TrAll,Si!syttlg sir a: tiny .4 . 0. , pt.tto. :tag 1 rts.• . C :1:!. , .rn Crtitm 11, a Nd Zuk rS • %11..1.-1196 tar ,;.! IT •Ily Th, kr. :;01,:. IL ; IL; Lls :ii ,. 11 1.0C;;ILIOI1L IL/111 L'110.71111 II; I 46 - Hy this ar.• •ttr. • ..f tottliint; T 1... arr. , Ili. , ‘,llk .1.•! , y ~rl, , all t.l .01 1 tie r A R I.y t.. 1/00,41 ir,lll (la mg ,, , Sill 111,1•ill11,:. hut TI. REI6III .11.• ,N • 1 , , ,t,p . , NEW ANI) DIRELT ROUTE, ti, T n TI Stetibeni Indiana Etallromi =EMI lIIES=I r~ ..~, PITTSBURGH t'uNNELI,\ iLLI 'Vey Et a). ~ \~.y ~~1 T...~ 1' , • :111 ir F. , I 1., t ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD IHr. Great I. 11Itird NIMICS 3lrtil and Eli", silt • it Ili • !.1.,!i h. 7 IMMIIIIII! tt• ‘lt %. rt. tt, w h t!tt. ,•,1111.11 lIIIIIII=I .1t I Ts.'r M h. 1 A I . A all C.thir.l It M 1.”.• i 1,14 n tiott FRKI(;11T ‘•• itittehlJet averlt PLllnSel plaice 6, Plt tatiurg It. 1: ‘v , itt• • AM' X t1 , :kt,..1 ht).•rAlly, , t ,;11 .•r I I 111 I. NEE EMEIIMI Great American and 11 . S. Expread '" Mail Route. . CHIC Formerly Chicago and Minstsdlpi>l. CIIICAuO To in 1:' , Lou., Traom 'IV 111 / att, 1.4 In+ 1M) ,und e P. )1 1;41, at:.l i.utt4rarM • al.), ;on :ty- , ,•, A. M. 1![1,121; C• • At: ,11. , i:t clump . of cat, ..r th,. lipl,n4i,l•,iviLiner.4 I% I :11,1 Al. I , • ,it II e ••• • t;•. ,• lOW log the du , t ui.,. , id.ad, n r.11:1',111•1 r.,: Co.] :01-1 rein—lnd Irero efn.ctr, Cl : ride. T. , KANSAS am! NEBRASKA ilia in th , ton,gl,.n.Spli,.;t..qld, Ja t kAoutille. N, ,•a, end ~Ii polio. el, the m,— 5,,11 - 1, Knott,-,. t'uniberhal turd To 11114,S.• avers, 1,11• WV important eaViUg ID d,tance. being revelll) , lWl. i,•s loss to Si. thirty-seten mile. lens t o and fifty-eight mile less to 6pringlield, than by any r route. Through Tickets over this route can be procured at 11.0 various Railroad Ticket Offices in Nor lark, Benton. delphln. Baltimore, Albany. Buffalo, kr., and at all I,n -u sh Ticket Offices throughout the Saute, and in Chicago at Company's Office, No. ..P1 Dearborn street, opposite the 'Fr, moot 110W , 0-1111.1 at the Depot of the III:nous Central Ball road, foot of Water strew. Responsible Baggago Men will alw,,tet he at the Illep. , t.s of 'the various Roads going into Chicago, to Check Baggage througtilliv any point de,ll,l.in t h e line. R. I'. MORGAN, Jr., Superfnlen.lent. IL J. D. ..t;CIIERMKRHURN. . _ EMI RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE lOWA, AIISSOURI, NEBRASKA. I, A tt AA.L , CENTILAL T Tu.. t RA:LI.U.:D, E icy ~ l I'; ,'1 i.l 1;.. It 1j Fall Arralagesnrnt ,gl/ (It 14: I ~.: tile A rt. ,;;, tt =MEE =ME nu I :P.: , y. 411 1,11,k Olilt EN Dllll - i 1, Psi Pl\ 4 11 o V rl,Eai L 6House, 108 Iflsst sired, Paisburgh. All yrs, /11S fond of GOOD LIVING will plenty , s i ni.rivos. f Call and Judge for tho Always On hand., ' the be best of Oysters, Meats, diodes, fen, house ,mute Bread. 110, Custars, warm Corn Bread, ‘lii , l4 and Milk. Fried Mush, Wallies. Buckwheat Cakes, ~,,,•. Th. , iiiiilking sill be su.•ll us will gratify epicures. 4_o" Families soppily,' with Oysters at reasonable robes. 0ct . ...7,1f . ' tfore. (-101lNECOP1A OYS ' l ' Ett AND COFFEE ~ ill' •.. 1: f to 1.. 'ed SECOND HAND PIANOS. ki lii 4 USE, D. lIA RN A RD. PrioPtittirria, No.-10,11BI) St tiiiii, tt , i.t a' Itos.isrAiKl A oi•tavii Piano Forte, with iron frame, nearly 4 .,„ 4 I,,•tweeti Wo.al and Market, Pittsburgh. jm.19:13 us g ood An ties, for .•iii , i- - • "." ,‘ , I" •'", •' ' i in.. )Ittliogialiv ii vifaVti 1 . 0100, In lgald order 12 12 ENNI:T ALE.—W. D. ENGLISI.I., Sole do d , do do lOU Bottler of S?IITIPS celebrated liennett Ale ainl ......1.. ~0,..., t. '..4,- 44 4 , t . , lll,..bPsEoli WHITE w,PI s, .i, , PIANO . ... , TUOLS 011.,Try variety, at prices from f.. 5 to i...n. 1.„. ,,, ,•:u,. AL w, _ _. Porter , , ~ on teady rip.... 4 . uly. ai iro,li I. -1 11 . 1,1 Li , Walls 1 ri. es For talk 1 y CIIARLAITTE BLLINIE, 118 Wood st., Alan, x.ounnon Ale and in quart on, Cy- 1'.,, ~,, ~.,,,,, I ;,, tit. , 1....nt tilitt,n., wltil th,put , li. d i i ri i:, Second door above Fifth. pent I " ti "' ,- Th. , .thhth.,. of families, and the trade, in Sektipectroll) tipli ,, nisa AIIt L I N I.; It 0 l''l' E - ... _ _ __._ / 'I. , 4ItPETS: CA RPETSII-AT IIICALLIJWS--JUST RE- ~,dhite d , antLy „ ~,,.. • V . ; ~,.. A vti, and daily coining to Inlaid. a large and choice --- - A G (3 , .1 NI) ST. 1.0 /.. IS, liktorl' &, a ail 11. i>,,ih., in Real E,atte, I....rortlurnt 01 goods in the elapve line, including ATINERAL IYATER AND SAB.SAPA - Y,•ivet and Topostry Brussels Carpet, j_ RILL...Y.-B . IM. D. ENGLISH. Pitt. street, Is:low Peet , st. Antl,..to Fells. Iluil..xot.:i Terr,u pry. Lod kiii.ilit A iiilltiAli.i, il.iiiN it '.',. II i.: 1..il IS Three-ply, Superfine, Medium and is now tuanuee:turing and bottling the above beserisgen all ,oil et.; I Ott ,tl.;lt ,tl.. Ow H e rr,tt..t y. Nl.ple 10at,,,1, .1,4• d- how-priced Ingrains: an extensive scale. Ills articled are of the best qualq. auil - " . ++" , illiii.. - i:''rd. I iii iii, iiiiii... ii ilie I, at ail% ituti i ii.. iii.l Land N't in rant, io.•i- ~„, i .,,, tuella...On and Taperdry Ingrains. (a great Variety of pit- numufactured from the purest materials. vmtltly liiil. A 1... A,.•iii. f.r rir• rdo ..1 . I,te .0 th. town ..f ST. t,riiii,l Bussels, Damasks and Venitian [loll and Stair Car t 'dill,. G.'. Jodi, i win St. Aiiiii.ii , . ..:1,1 L•... 1 of nil, ',anon ~,,,, ' fIi,IiTITFICATE Fll.olll. DELAWARF ,- -- . 1 . ~. it , F.P.. Tii•• rtir , -y ef tie• gri'm Pie'ile leetiu.. l ' ALS'il-lleautiful pettier. of Oil Cloths, various tillrLlities rr fIE ADANIS EXPRESS COMP_klq -1-1 ''s the 'llstd - '''lPl'l 'd ( l'i'' l"'" I- ''''' l Ili " ''," m " . . 7. ,""' "' l- an I widths; Woolen and Linen Crumb Cloths; Balm.; Cocoa J,„ PITTSBURGH, ROCHESTER AND NEW BRIGHTON Snort:vs. Dthsw.turs, Marti/ 'ffith., 1854. .Ifr,srs. a A. 1 , 111..,f0, - „, the b.-Gc•ulleaten: I feel R i te be , eii"sei it theees-es as e I ), L , ' - t l'"''‘'''''• w,l' c‘u"''' 't '''"' Matting; List and rug Carpets: French Embossed and Vic- E.XPRESS.-For the especial accommodation of the !thee . • `'t th.• lar,o-Pd 4rties in Go N..rthoost. b•ria Inam , and Tat-le Covers; hoorah Rugs and lksir Maja, . population along the line of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rat:- tit dot ) Beets duty to ~ '-ou. as well as h - ., the public, tO inform yen of the errhhiecE, : t9 your mvaluable Yertalfuese had ou my .4 great variety. All other articles usually found Jo CuCal pet roail,botwetni Pittsburgh and New Brighton, Who. , intimate children .... . f ry fine wad [tn. eil_111: , :i sh • oti._ . tine_sliice, and I • ctilled F., 4; p , , rut, ltnno‘O. M illIt•..I.I. ,toreli colotuintly ou hand at 87 Fourth street, near AV,spd. lA:dinar. !Lad s ocial relations require such Agency. 1 ilt: 11..1, Si m 11. 1) elsii, clue! Justice of I,t/t,, , ,,,ta. Ni . D. A 11. lircALLum. ' ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY have ramie such arrange: In my t. ity physician, Do., ,r- .foh D. Perffien. Mkt an 11-4, J. )1,..•1er iout with the Inoinsal as to triable them to put a trusty ezzzainatien. he Ptnnannetsi the illness to arise from tae, lieu.ii. U. 1u. , ..1 0. 1. , 5t. 1. , C.,,..1...., --- :.:b ALB: BOOKS just received • I', .LlSSalagtr ou the ...coutua 4 dation Troin, who will tak.., and prescribed Falinesnmit's Vermiluge . After the child had 1a,., 11 ithisvie-ii.i .i.. 1‘,,, .„, r. Attoi Heys AL LAW. N Fi r .".':,. ,• DAVISON. 65 NI ARKET strait, near Fourth - . charge of all property and business properly eutrustoll to taken a few Incs, ho discharged, at the Ant operation, M., , ,ts it .ran .v4Pak, lt,ink.•re. Cliruifianity in the Republic; by Rev. aM. VanthiSen. PIETY-THREE OF THE Litee; P. 57 WORMS I' ever slew In lies. T 'AI. Fuilertee R.•,nster of U. S Land Ofti,-4,. bias. Ile will leave Now Brighton by the .Morning Truiti, The Gor.pel in Ezekiel, by it, t, t l,h r i e• D. D., Edinburg. remain in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City during the day bp my life. and in the einem of the day and evening he dins The Tea YEall , Ct'llilict, or We History 44f the Disrupt iou ch.rgvd beleven a quart and halts gallon of large worms, . attend to such COLIIMILISRHIS us may he entrusted to him, mud ,of tin- Church of Scotland; by Dr. Iluchouttn-filth edition, return b y t h e Evening Train, with his Goods and Coutrul, lie inza.:•diaiel a Y get well, and hose njoyed good health E n il n ' y ' as . e l this Lw ee h r a titilli g t7f l o e r li tl C e . to wi ela th og r o ' i thc dte 7 p elli nb i l 4 te." 4. I'S" F. 13 rovi'n's Essence of .lainuic a Ginger. „ ssssisurs ,.. T m s riot,. executed. All goods, Ac., will be delivered or called tor ESS.r..NCE in a pre parati ,, n iif 11 fillielal linivillite Alan,--a beautiful Story Illustrating the Times in the two color, within reasonable' distance, without extra charge; but to insure such delivery, the direction on pre ka- EBENEzErt. LIIBTZ. oxi • 5, , ,, .• ...1 .11117lry ,tau, ii , ..,. In, ;5 , 4,5 4liol•ra. ne, d , Tr hol, " f lb ' D' ru P ti " n-Ed-inbar g - S / X t. ' • ',cis:ly fur private houses, shonld be explicit. Sold wholesale and retail by all the prlnclpatdraggiste and ' s ' s ' s',L;sts'ss'sssusslislssV::;.S'ss's'lssls:sr"lt'ss,":.tsl,',lV,',.t,l:,7,.',li„,',ls.T,s;‘,7„ts's.`;:s's',.' ‘ i ' '.. ' Y ' egi k' d u it ' co l l ' i l rei e lr ein l iint ' t i' lltl . for Children-25 cents. -At Way Stations, all matter will be left with the Station country merchants throughout the United aim ejr44claw ,• The ne.st heauttful Psalm Book in print. ' Agent of the Itititroad Compeny, when the proper party Is y• a ----- • ,u,_,,A. .,_-_-- cholera tool smut., comp.a,nts. ,i i• ~.. oho Iv et, a,icon, T. lai Mins& , . i ' The Leek or Panllllll, with Sacred Harmonies. , tad at the Station on the arrival of the Train, to receive his uo tames, 5,115110. d td LI .1,1 , •tinand In et It. IIDItOOK AGENCY.—The stihseriberil • have c.o - ro, -a , rid e to p't tie . grnuite . Ft'L'tent•t, ana .1 Ni,. 1- t t , Itlakey's History of the Philosophy of the Mind. 1 goods. prrp;vel ,nods I • 1. . 1 , 1 ,,,,,, sss Is , isrsss , ss , is elss . sssss . ssi ieiinorie, Treatise on Punctuation. P The charges for currying packages, &c nail for services _i_.9 established a Book Agency iri PhßaderPhia, and will Store, N. F.. Calla , of Fifth used B illie i.trises. Phile...i. ... liliteaWay for 25 cents, 45 cis. 62 Cl a. mid $1,50 tar volume, re ndered by the Ide.tenger, are intended be within sea- furnish an ybook or publication at tho ,eta Peicesfree of Shia, nod ior side Icy all the r espretiiiiie Apotlieeeiii. in the Sr- , . 4 ' OIc16 ) J. S. DAVISON• mumble limits. When the nature or the business Is such as Postage Any Persons by ferwarding thesubScrzitio n Price United States, and in Pittsburgh by T RON CITY COLLEGE.-DAY .4ND EVENING CLASSES to admit of it, special agreementa will be merle. . of any of the $5 Itagtizines, such as limper's, elodey'a, Pet. B A. FAIINFSTOCIC A Co, HENRY It. IRVIN has bran appointed Messenger, and mines, Gruhanfti,..Frenic LeslieS Fashions, &e•, sill Tettilke i IN BOOK-KEEPING.-In all dolcirtments, including SCULLY & CO. will commence his duties on Monday, December 2.4, 1855. the magazines far one , year and a splendid Iltbogreph portrait, many new and highly valuable improvements, which are OFFICES AND AGENTS. l of either Weelangtote Jackson orOlay; Or, if subscribing to A iri in Allegheny by'not elsewhere taught. large classes attend evenings only 11. P. seTrwARTZ, Pittsburgh--64 Fourth street. as 2 and asl Magazine, they will receive a copy of either of to receive a thorough mercantile education- Lectures upon Allegheny City-Telegraph Office, the three portraits. `lf subtmribing to $,B worth of-Mar:alines, sew:olnd_ LEE A. BECtiIIASI '___ _ all the studies delivers,' to Evening Glam.'s- Arithmetic - - thirty ille--Captain Hay. all thres portraits will be sent gratis. viands furnished to (new syntein'i and its application to bunnies. Also, writing Sewickley Station-Mr. Mr; eughlin. these who may wish it. FORSALE DR VENT—A beautiful Country included in Gm Mercantile Course. or taught separately.Ruclaster-nr. 1-rhite. Envelopes of every description and sizelti large or smaß cent lit R0 e,,,,,, e tow e hip, aboutseven nailer from the Call for a Circular for fullparticulars at College Hall. up. I Beaver-Dr. Chandler. quantities farnisbeL Seal - Presses, Mee, Sc., sent to order. coy -con mining 0 15,111 '2.4 acres. Coal under the war n, rs,sie.s, the Poet Office. F. W. JENKINS, Principal liiien . • The iniproviinient , iiiiiimst of duelling house, bar uovl4 New Brighton-sir. Hoops. Every dcscription of •laimasing on Wood executed with Elldatla. spring henna!, tlln.—are all good and in first-rate 1 ---:„ , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, - Ocel ot keens Exeuxes Co.l neatness and despatch. 'Views of ~Bilildingi. ,Simer,por order, will watered with never-failing springs; fruit id the N Atx .A.L.1...\ .e.O FOR I' Eat U Alt Y.--LHarper's Piusburgh, Dec. 20th. h. 1855. I d, „,..., . H e edinps, Views or 11achiuery s no,,llijostrationo,,, , Certificutes, Business Cards; Ac. All orders sent by mall Choiertit qualities, rte. 3144,--aziue fur February-price M cents. 1 - 46ISSOLHTION OF CO-PARTNERBITIP-Thepaxtnership : p ro mptly attended to. rt=r3ODS Wishing sienna of their builds Price low and pa) . Inents reasonable. Apply to Bailee's Magazine for February-pice 10 cents. JL., heretofore existing between the underaiguod, under she Inge engraved, can bent; a daguerreotype or sketch of the fehiedaw 81. A K ELY & RICAEY. Peterson's Ladies' Magazine for February - price ll' ctn. name and style of SPRINGER ILULBAUGLI & Cal., in din- building by men or express. _ ... Limbo's N. Y. Journal for February-price 18 cents. ' solved by tanned consent. The htudness of the firm will he ; settled by either of the undersigned at their old atom', No. . to P ll ' i n eir °n :d at' vat a itagn iligtan to "- rul li" dr Yin ess g fia th l e ca tru bl b e scri arti "be ci rn, m v'esould-we flail d old it T i AVE YOU '1'111E1) Yankee Notions for lebruary-price 12 cents IGHT'S 1.111:1111:l KATITARION / Londile Illustrated News--price lei cents. Zs Liteety street The business will be centinued as for- act as eseinte for-the eale of the sane. 1 t ant. try t it,and you will never be without it. Frail supply of N. Y. Clippers, containing account of molly by Springer llariesngh, BYEAffi ik PIY:RCE, . Be sure to ink for Prize Fight of Walker and Hayes. 50 South Ilitrdlstreet, Philedelphia. 'WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KAT/EAMON, Godey expected this afternoon, with various new Books- • _.— .... Or you may get a wortbleni lu-ticle, nod for sale lower than elsewhere , at 1 - Pittsburgh, October 24, 1855. tra_ For sale by all Druggists. 25 cents per bottle. ja2l LAUFFER'S BOOKSTORE, No.Bo Fifth ra. i SALELPRIN'GTERanstrniKA.UGII, ' nc5 „... 2515dr ...1 3 „ .0 in wool, prwa,lo.,..id prod= sr.ray, No. 295 üb. T & Ali us I.hi iiiEß e "Fis Huß h a t. •61: ) , , s h . :: . : 17 , ~ , ; i s o a h n 1 / 2 ! Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. KEYSER., IL E. SELLERS & (XL, roil JOHN 11A FT. amain of the moat beautiful and unique SLEIGHS,--'- • Q PEDK,IIIR:HARBAUGH, Commission Merchant, Dealsr arty street. Pittsburgh. mega. perfect workmanship, sail beet metered, menu- have for sate arld.ketql constently On Tiii T REOEIVED--A fresh supply of all factu a red L and furnished in two days' time, by °cat I .44,1, a full supply or . FREER AND SALT J Dr. Jaynces Fetidly Medicines. and far safe by i BIGELOW & CO., STARCH - 10 boxes Wood ' s tare-h-,---f-Oraale NI illfE FINK, and aKetiler Natietiee..ue.ei.AEN NISH. fain Fl , .Elnrrnii; BROX. Ja4 N. 48 Drisinond alloy, Pittsburgh. by [dsofXl mum, lulu k HUNTER. ocillati I a 72 Nut:, ~F SAvl Gengrnl Pt.sengur Ageut sep7 Gf-ARTLEy d pox'S I'dTENT FAN BLOWERS. f.,r Foundries, Rolling Sill's, Smith Fires, de., pmemea July 17,1865. These FANS are made on an entirely new principle. and will run with lean power than any other Fan now in use. The blowing wheel is much lighter and strung, than that of any other, and from its peculiar construction is lelo liable to get out of order. The shafts are made of cast steel, and the Journals are parallel, running in MOSES F. EATON gun metal tinges. Agane for lifamativamers. No. DU Fourth stroet, novisdawif 17111slussgh. AIISCELLAN EOUS - - . r_ _ •-.. "_.-: _-•_ - . ..... _ CIIILSON'S PATENT .-;,;.-' '.9 F ARMERS'AND 'AIECIIANICS' LIFE, FIRE AND MAR.INE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Air Warming and Ventilating PITILADELPILIA. Furnace. Capital $300,000 Amount securely invested $200,000 This Coutpady effects Fire Lnsurance on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, go. :dame Insurance ou Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Rivers, Lakes, Canals. Railroadlt, and Land Carriage generally. Al6O, Insu lar], upon Lives; upon tlir most f.tvorable terms. DI It ECTORR. -- - - . rilllE FIi.:LNKLIN FIRE INSUItANCE TILE sul.g.crilser “ffer , 6.r tlio consider:itlon I 1.5 5; Y. if 1 SUB \ - , ..tte .1 1 mart-eon..--Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Tlart., Tablas ott trnthfs; so 1 en . lA, _ .1....5g- .ss tbtelf Agnet, .N 51515 1 ,1 Grant, •lacub ft. Ph. Richards, r!' • 1 AP - as U. Lewis„Adolpht Rorie, Land 5. Browne, .)lor.. ut any 'A p., ff , CHAS. h.. BA:gest:a, Preside*. - AIM ,Inn,•,” 511 Secretary. t'.. ... 4 .sr h.( roue to make meurance. perpetual or limited, on en ry wtrzn des. rlptten of property, in town and country, at ratan as low lure I.lc-gli Inc. andll.. ,1,1b11,1{. ,ctu izy. i c".pany have reserved a large Ct.atingent II r V0114..h. wills Ile., cnpiad and pri•11111.11.1115, safely ill,43Leii, tif • . t St all an ~. . n.lteat.vl I ford ample pr.Avetion to the asvmred. Atowta of the company. on January Ist, 1951, as 1.111 , - , t l stry.' ls ttg the d agreeably to ass Act of A...eusttly, were as follows, 55.55. I .5 . 1 1. )1.151,,,• $913.11., 118 F ,ll sf. f,tl 54,1117 75 ~It. is, r.. lettip,py L.04\111.1. MAMB ''' •etcako. 61,589 GO ttr.. 4 Cash, So 6.1,34 AS 51 Ifl 4 lllll, perl-,i 0,1•!, damp. unlo Ridly .Plll , •Lon, I t •.” th , on] • A..“1.1tC. tl And i. ,I 14th , 01 , , I . i n , 3;:i1 .$1,212.70S 44 A , - ?ince their ittroriatratiitn.;.eriod of twenty-ono yrarr. paid tit.aitrti Million Four IltindrklTta.a -t, It , ' 0 %. lt.olar,. by lire, thereby alturthug evidence of the 1.! 21,111.11 , , Litt ability and thspusition For on.. .u.; a „n,arm t- L l an to 41.-rd 'ta meet w ith pnn:p'tor,u all Al,:n:4 fl a b: -nt. : A. A . v. J. ,/ AR DIN Eli. COFFIN, Agent, I' NI• I ati.l , t , /I' r e •\ /11124 11 , 11h - ea:lt rtg . . Witty' nail Third eta. 1:p111 , 1., !li•' Io•IC.111 1111111 INStiIIANCE I {\S. OF I'yrr....4Bui:Gii, corn, of Fourth and 181= ill n. t!...• I Int. =MEE MIME GIZE tT IDISC()Vre:101: v mpi,l Y F.-1- D\ tlrio 1•12111.11 „i,.,,,, ” l A TATER cuRE, iNsTIT LT E, liand it., l' ,:. , ..50t.11 sAli .) ladvoien l'euu street and the jut.:, ; I Isk.'fi iit hl.O tae', iinuluate and l`ractitioa , in the (11-1 .:. ... . ..... .. . . _ , '''' Y S. ~..1.. of ile , hein . Allmintliai sod ilaniceopathic, awl I. i • I Inn I:. Inl '‘ n ' ' ' n. "-"'" '''''' ' '''' I ' I. ' ' lnn '' . 'n ' t .•• A.N.d Ain N. ars a succeasiul Ilydropathist, has spin a 1., dots • 1 .id.i. dI all) Ad... . . 11 ATER. CUR:- 11. the above locaLion. II I . In ' ln "1- I' ",..'.. II ' -I ,' l ' l ' '''',‘:'' 1 '''iii , I i ' ,: i'ri i Vi ii'' . Tle• p.ir:-.llv s ife. direct and immediate eifiict this .vvtetil 1:""1-. wit - '"' "` L'i '-'''''` l '" I '" " n ''''',. nn ' ln ''' " A ''' ',' lnn .. ' i , • . ' il ls tat .ill F. , ,- 1. niiil all 'hornets at me and chronic, mini , d ''''''' - n '''. '- " ''''' IA mild, gratelid and inviguratinz U. the weak and detuld :tied. ' I'i “In.'"' I Inn".-- In ' 'II Sir 0% Inn." I I ' ' ''''''' '''' ' , ‘,.1..,, ,t loculimi ly desArslde to families, who will be trciwiii !•.....,!.. , r ifolons erill.A.A.. A - 1 11. rid exi .r•.. 1 . at tiie.r homes I "' ' n '' n '''• I " '' n I "' I II '" ' 1 " ) ' '''' "'"' " ' I" '. ' n ' In . ' n• • All-pal:lie and ibineeopethie treatment will he rolulinis -1:, t•uC . 1 1 I.- I. e.-d stir, iesled: Lot, .titer long and thorntgh rep ll ' n ," '' ll '', " 'ln'', it ln in';'"l',“ln-." I •Ii i net Ulm'.. 1 , etice Doctor itArtx I Ives silecaled pref„rence to ilydroleithy, ' ' l ' ' - n I n n " ' n •.''''''' " 1 " II '' ' '''''' '' Inln ' n ' ' . ' : ‘11,..11 Ims. throug• out the old and new worla, proven -i . enoteintl. so , resi"..l in every form of disease, inclmting lII ' ,' n n ‘ n •'' I " n ' I , II- ''' In4rlnn ' ln ' I In- .1- ''''' I. In '' riirle• II I ANdiaunilitiou, Artaichitts, Dryapiliaiii„ Intlartunatory '" n ' n° ' ' ' ) ;''. ' ' ''' . 1.. , 51*S 'n ) "" ' ''' ''' '' '' ' .,' ati.i Chronic lthiainiatista, Asthma. Cutaneous. N,,,, , i6 n. 1 1.1 ' '" r- in le'. ii:i. ii''' i'ii I , " ii.'' iii '"i'... I , r, laseases.. •feiit 'mo m nads of coma fro highly reputable , tle• a.s -1 1 v., a r. , e 1 , .) oi xt steam , • al:lAeus of newly t, cry 111 tate in the Autos, can be exa.nutesi l• m i. in id Aid:, llisic, il;'..rt ' ill`` :l ' • t ( A stor ltsrtz's adice. The Reverend Clergy are lIIVII.Asti to It (-30.1..1 1...1 , ,1s 1.1)..._ii. ttlawt. al, Stitt. that , old :i..., , , ~,,„,,,,, , ..,. ~....„. Ciat hay.• duel:at, d 1i , ..1 4, PI .101, ;., t.v.• Neat , Adi ' 1 ,. , :' ,111 " , '" , ' it ' i . ' , " 1 " ,, r ,1 ng L..,1 i 0 the c.„...e. . ,. .„,..,...., 1 ~,... le- Acm -il 11 11.11 I'll It .al., .1 I.s Wlu .1 , . a.I .....!..•. - the. iAdi...ut th- tr-atneint, It is a luxury instead ot unplia ' n ' ' "h"- P.n.° I. 1n... . ' ,. ° "' ''" nn .' nn ; ' ''' ln , ' ' n l''' ' ," l ' ' 'Aut. as those itine•dramat...il aught suppose. ,' , : " n. ''' :, ii'''q ":. "ii'''.' ' ,', ii ' . . A. traILS,S-51i.esrs. Charles Rrewer, Waterman Palnwr. ' ''. '', ''' ' ,'''' '''''' '''' '", In ' yr. ~'e '''' -I In ' NV 1V %V.lsom IV 11. NVilliarns, Thoinpaon Bell, .1. It. W.•I -: ''' " n '' ' ''''' l '"' '' ''' ' nl ' ' n ' n ' ' 1 ' n ' l ' l ' ' P 111 ' 1I ''• ' .1.11. U. T. )orttan, 15 w. B. llolmea. E_ 11. English, R. M. =ME N is—Tl.. t C.o. • 11.,0•10. 11.-.• n:Llf au I. . m oi iolt oe• • t mor.• . , ur.• . n,q, .- V 1,4 1,, m,•• I , i•il . ,111- ail PIA NOS FOR Tin.: UOLIDAYS!—CUAR -4- Idr ,„i, by p r . ki 1:0 11. KEYSER. '.‘ i I lil •il••-.1 LdrrE BLI'ME. US WOOd street, has just ~,,,,, ttut:' ,o :.'." ved a cinuple , assortment of Cu 6t , it...?7„.,..".77 . 21V i r 5 t ceeei - 7 nn , l 7 , 4 octave Piano Fortes, of the latest; 7 ',i, • o l siyhis, and containing all the new improve- 7I , • 111“.11, Mlllt , Ilg which are the following: Full tinted limas XIV. style, earned lyre, legs, case, .tic. Full :ie.-I...Mine, with sliding music desk, do do Mom do do do do do 1..0ns XI V. style, do du do d) do do with pearl keys, do do ltounii rornm - si, tiontlit,i book and front. d,, pleas. Figoltre eoruers, finished back and front. ,t, plait, 7 , y ,wtar,, is it now scale. larger than any made Moe • Jo.eph ♦White's Carriage iteponii.ury. I I , In V 1111.,, lat.•ly t; DT, . I. r`r ...,tri.l.l i'.,. ..•t Ay 41 , 11. I- ' •• , I •••"- ' • ' r • 4 • „-- • Ono- mtreet-.. . r.ce 1.,1.. • a I - I'll ,1i17.E1) CAPITA $300.N.)0. 0 ." I n,nro a :Lod ,hor property against loha nr ciao, 1- Y ! I.y Eno. nod the peras of the-Sea and Inland Narlgutiout • a` Zh . an.l Tralo‘p, Lotion .ttt.t. t rr e tt.lt• .tt:ta:ttlOtit, itt • it. t. f up., .. arol th. oolaoe I 4y liennntly T. Flll.llll, 1. tinier Georg:. E.. It hire, A. A. Carrier, W. S. Haven, U. E. Ptirk, 11. P. co,t,;sliall. K!.l. Y. JOILNSTON, President and n. piddis 1,;.1 10. WV PATTERSON, Vice th" t'c , .. 1 A. ,11,1Tritiksiirer. s ,Isstsn,:d Secretary. .10c2ittr. z ..I tl, >'.' , ::.•• pr , •hour.l •:,. t: . ,••r• :111 kV , ' 4 ,1 r lIE l'N !TED STATES LIFE INSt. - %'C). • UITT A\o TitusT c ,, mpANN", Arno I, l to. Charter Per l' IT A I- $2.11P11.0.K./. .1/ Jrl of CheHtnUt MIT I , , Mok t. 1 ,1; • =MEM I, li• M. 1.! A N: : • p !' : =MEI , . a 11.3 , r.,11 i AI .s.and, et. r. "„. ,i,t t ...fib: A ya?.rl.-r t L I, It =fill 1;1_ to.IES. A.c. r:y nta•no, that om i 1,1,54 I ' INSURANCE lion. Tlmolas B. Florence, James E. Nenll, G , ' , , I gl' H. A !rma romr, Cl.arlea Dlligee, 131. P. .\ 11.1.8et.0. E. IL IlehMe old, ti. , r,e 1{ , •lm11,1. 11,11.. C. Brewster, Thomas Mnudertiel.l, I..nr . Leech. 'lllO}lAB B. FLORENCE, Presideut. i EDWARD It. I I i.LNIII , LL, Secretary. - ' ' 1.11T.5111. 11,1. T. M. J. R. M'Clintork., lion. I'. C. Sllllllll,l/, Col. S. W. Black, J. IL Guthrie, A. H. Wealniont. Thomas .1. Enq.. Col. J. Heflin Yobter, (,en. J. K. Minoriloiiit, It. NI. 10.• ididraider of the above Company in of the flout l'Orilltllll, die rare and uriuKunJ privilege of Fire, Mill ion I lien thin., .ili•vatial 'tending are nsgociated in its Man , aztintint., and iiiiiire.ste.l ax 61.1•Ck110 1,1,8 . ITi jMAS UNTER, Agent, I .1)-27 NO. in/ NVOint straet. • Nl'lll F. J ,hrwton Wllintr,k. U. M. 1..2. IMIIIIIII:1 Painter. Jarn.•oi NV I 111-: ID)NI IA RD AT PUILADELDII A h.. 11 Iv. lln,;:•y ph.. , 1 Crncri.4 - 11. /1-,1 , r.,— W. Thom m. o ry/r—James M. D , wry, I). _ . =Ell I.:. ARNOLD. Ig.nt. n.krl7 y A.. 74 WEsTERN INSURANCE Cl)il'ANY, Pity ut'in u.—t }T R UE DRESIE, Preti.leTtt; F. 3i. TN. ',....rotary CAPITAL, fi:',Wl,ooo. nil knoll rat roilvs, FIRE and M ARIS A.; 1...., viol • A 11.aii , :1Ole• (iittiruiihity. nine :ri d. lertriiiii•it, hi • • lir, ity. t" nutintnin th.• chnracti., ..rh•ritiv: Oh., Is , iA• . . tut att--K t:i or. Jr.. C. \V. Ittrkot.tott i! Jr., N 1 II Nutt It s . I Itu, n, I 11. Lutputt , t. ttoor..to I,tirtste, Janie, It AAI.,. 11,11i.1 4 :eilt. P A T- I H1P..., N. , . l'2 Watt, t 4.4 of Sparttz:d. Co.. up st.tart.) t; y Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution, .1.. r, I V. E. , fr' f4rM Slror. NEXT Mo.E. li, THE PITIYEURE.II BANK, d . Ts Now ()PEN d:IiIV fr,za 9 to 2 u'c1,...141: .1.. mt., ~,, 1v,........1ay an.: mamr.l./),e , mimp, from 7 to •., itAd than tlx.l tot.tiaro.l twle, p 1 .,. 1n Jun: tit-ttl.ar.-d at the rate of pt or Co- 'bat yr. Itytt..an - 1. ;Init. anti Rein, .tor n..!.,.1 ..11 nititlicauon at the o tik, Pr-rst, % KO Kt A 1..1.3 11C PaYSIDE NTS. IL. Shy, 01.....rgrr, Charlt, Knapp, rattan \lurithy, I,aa, M. PVII nn-k, Wllhana .1. Audorlon. =II IlltZnol . s.” I GeGrp. F.. : , .elden, R - 1111.,11 r. ILLS o, Alexander 'rindle. Trexisurer—CllAßLES A. C1.11..T0N underaicrital. having rtsittxi Idoet.ir Inatitn• ti n ml a itihaseil hix sucmasful treatment, as a tliortiugliiy ialutattail and skillful Ply- MET Chs.ri., T. ltus..ell, Joe. M'Connell, David Mint. Jahn C. Curti., Hobert Patrick, JL,ltn It. Livingston, John WI ight., W. W. Pstrtck, Mows F. Eaton, 0. Ortnaby Gregg. ..ctircaxw *.%,; NNE .:- , Z ., ..:'; .. ;?,;k!i . -:,5321 , 1,'1 . ! - f - '4'.:_'.,," , .:-.-7.:,:•7, , BANK AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock and Bill Broker, ulthv No. 92 Euarth st reed, alone W‘AXI. NOtl:3, DVaftn, Bonds. Mortaiages, and Loans on cottaterals, uegothited. Stooks hmglit aol sold on commission. Lana Wail:4o4 taught and sold. ular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Cop per Sticks. Ali communications attendod to promptly. Jon 19 IDIATRICKS & FRIEND, Bankers anal ra j_ changk• Bi "kers. and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ces, Silver and Bank Not roc Exchanges on the I.:ast ern and Kosher Cities constantly for sole. Collections roads in all the cities throughout the United States. liepoiots receive." in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood streets, L 3 110LMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Brokers. and Dealers In Notes, Grotto, Ai, opt ances. Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Da.st ern and NVesteln Cities constantly for sale. Collections made is all the cities throughout the Tinted States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper. No. rid Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. tjattikly 1 E. ARNOLD CO., Bankers and Es ‘.) . change Brokers, Dealers in Exchange, Coin, Honk and Time Drafts, Sc. Collections carefully at tend, d 4,. and prowed., remitted to any put of the Union. Sttk9.s bought and sold on commission. Rkii - No. 74 Fourth street, next door to the 'lank of Pitt* bur4l,. sei,l3 TOLIN WOODS, Banker and Exchange BrUhi•r, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bang bonght and sold on commiebion. CulleMiOni carefnlly attended tu. Interest raid iin Deposit. Fourth strut, nearly opposite the M. M. Cook. de, lb 7 lIUMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and nvab, m Note:,. Bonds, Stocks, R, Estate, Lc. ; No-75 E. unk strt.ct, J° t's CLOTHING STORE. JOHN N'CLOSICEIr & CO., FORMERLY OF THE CELEBRATED CLOTHING DEPOT ON I.IIIEILTS STREET, which has won an unlomuth , tl popularity tuvicr Go. name at the THitEE BIG hate, for the pluton, of acquiring more space fur their immen,e host tee,, retOOVed to the spacious builuing MI the CORNER OF DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, NVhere they have now the most splendid stock of CLOTHS IND READY-1L DE CLOTHING, That ho., rear Leen offered to the pabli:. Their principal object for this relauval, is to give them in•ie la. Mite; f,r THE WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to sell H..orls at the Lowest Eastern Prices/ Aml Hwy 0 iII hart - ant them to Le as good as any umniffac turcd Custom Work In the Best Style, AND 1:1 5 10 Tltu :1101:11.51' NOTICE. They hate in hand a full and Leantiful as,,rtment et CLOTHS AND COATINGS, pares, w , J.Ktxr; AND TIUSINE, GOATS. Our interests are identical with those of our cmtenierit, and ue leemre public that our fidelity hill not nutt in id! Order, we,may Le fAvdred no‘ST rwis—ri . TIIE PLACE, NO. SS WOOD STREET, . -- 1 .% .le,, our par "tis to r.u.kr.imul have i 0.11,C1 , 11 a all U,e Dl,ll/ , ,n ntreiq. I_ll.n :Lltellllol.l m .levotnd eXCILI-Sieely 01 the 11 , 1: • •• • lair 0.,,14 . 1“1.0 •1 1. ;11:1r..; JOHN SI'CLOSIiEY CO. ST UP:. 01111 . 7., SAY IMPTON 5 . ... CAMPBELL, ( late or the firm Wil,on C 0.,) hoh—ale „ i EN'S ANIS BOYS' CLOTH INO. adapted to the NA ester. Tr.'s, No. tt'. Third street, bs,tween Wood and Market, Pitts bor4h. A utonzst our stunk. w tuck in th,, hugest and moot tosuph•:. in 111 , country, wd: fond. at low prices.— etl'6 Clothing, of vvrry description; Hoc: do. A variety of Undershirts and Drawers: A fall rank linadkorelactS, Cravats, Neck Too and StArckls; A splendid assortment. of Fwispendort.; do. )hen'sinter osibry I do. do. Boys' do. Linen and Nluslul cliirts and Drawers; Canton Yla oriel do. du. Edas Ur ,a,11,1; PAul B. liudJara. Lox t J,Jt.on, Dry, J.ast.-6 Devrr us, Rill tam !SlcK A. 0 ,1 n. of goods Evittpted to Miners std Farnto - s . weitr ' Ste. Ako, Clubre.ll.. or all grtmine. ts..lVe rrivat, ma old acquaintancea, arid :Ll.l deadcri in oitr Loc. n and V111:111110 for tbClll , kly.2 , ‘Ve arc riow .• I ...pctiin t : our third tturt.l3 . . arid our crock in in Ii anti c,:ttpletc. Vt . arrholL, ou Third stravt_ half way brrivccu Wood and tlcr. I Market. atctll,:dast \N" CLOTIIINU STORE, N. 4 SislL _Li ,posit.. L. y.ju:.; , , •:.t..'..lL,litu.•ut, wilt,. he largo and rL,.irr I..oM:lw:a ..f 101 art. 1. 1 ,6 of wLirh hr w,wrwr,t, to lily in th.• city. and will sill it: the rno-.1. 1.1,0 public are ttqiu.. , ..te. , i to givt , huu tk ll .UlTit.Nlii:DiElt. 1 nsT ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS Al _L LovE PiiiiiTalllLS% No. 7.1 Market's:text, Pittaburgo. vin mi tia• Roe 11. e, Our liitE:ti DEPARTMENT 14 uniounlly full. mei c.wtain t•nILIC the rielie,t itrel uv,t desirable limits that we have ever liven able to oiler, such as Estra super auto; Fratch • lerinos; Cashmeres; 1-arnes: ; Stripes; Coburg's: ft. :NEEDLE best “.,,,yrtnient in the city. Collars, Chenuretts, Sleeve, ; I , l,uncluga. and inu,rttngt; Shawl., Cnstk laltmLi and ; Nesr ,tvle hnot.e. pled, Ctuhinere Moire Aut. Sts.ila.,Serape Silk. &c. Together w.th a large a..sortment of 3101.711...ND , t3 G../01) 4 of gat ds, ripuons. Our D,./.III.:STIC and IL /I.:EE FURNISILING M EST is well auppiied, and we feel confident that we run oftcr greater lnduceinent, now titan Vr.‘ hoverer loon al..e to ~tier before. We r,thcit au examination of our stock Is tore purcin/sing rteltrWliere, no all Wia find it to LIMN ll,till. t. 11l to. NV, will also i almost daily in the receipt of new :tndlth siral,lo Goods throughout the season LOVE (Formerly Young, Stevenson i nook :slat kat btreet, Pittsburgh. Pa. .1.5.m,.9 M. lilrki.:.t.rick .1.$!1,1 IJ. M'Cord, \Vali, P. MA,11.1.i1, A. Hoar) L. !Wig-wall, t, , ,rge It. Itiddle, J•tro," J:1110,+ Skittle. ANSION 110 U SE, GEORGE AUR.ENTZ, l'nortdo,x. No. 3W Lilrrtv street. ju-t • I 4.,11,:0r Depot of the L'entiBylvaida Itadruad, whidi nun:, tp, 1110,4 1101.1aU In the city tar passengv, art ,- via,: by 111.11 prOpritd, having, at considerable expense, tilted Alp. In ex, test the NIANSP , N llttUSi. would t a share of public rearm:Laze. There is nu:wiled spktidnl SFALILE and extrusive NVAGU.S to travelers and tf.ttlattir, I.nril , •r and Bar will be furnished with the best the Itlall.et via QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and t. 17 Clair streets. Pittsburgh. Pa.—Thr utuiersigntsi.:orinc , • ti of hotel.' having Liken this large and .01101 , • di u, IlUi til.. and having relittio , l it in maguiticent sty l, would i - estwtfully invite Ilia friends and the traveling pubi,c to gut, lulu a rail. -Assured. with the couvouieucu of the and his long expeirielue in tile busin e ss, n give cu:irs satisfaction, and his charges moderate. WM. C. CONNELLY. felc= 1001) INTENT lIOUSE, corner of Liber ty :tiatt tirtuit et,tets, near Ole Hailrond Depot. ji,o13:1) . JANIES SHANNON, Proprietdr. WILKINS HALL, W. C. GILLX6IIEB., y PROM 41 , 111. ilourth street. between Wood and spacious establishment has been heard by• the 1111.1 completely renovated. Ile is at all tOte s prepared to furnish every luxury that can be found in tic. ' beet rtstauritlit3 in the &ate. His spacious Par will always be supplital with the very best Liquors. Utuile of every description, in its season, can always be limed ." Wilkins I Mil. [apr7 . l W. C. GALLAWIEV. r‘ .4% Mum CLOTHING CuILNEL UY 1,101. 0 ND ALI.I DRY GOODS. HOTELS RESTAURANTS MEDICAL. AY ER'S CATHARTIC PILLS 7.:: ,:,,-..}',;: 4. . OPERATE by their ye o-svful intln 7 ;:; ' -''''''-ett''. --s-. ence on the internal, viscent,tto Pair, . . vse. the blood ilia! : din\ ulet aft Alai:l.46.oth r • . • • - 7.- ijit salon, They v.:move !beatifically , : e . le 't ‘•-; - tcrisumn, bow, to, liver sad onset ; ~ .' ~, e. .. 0.10.4 of the body, and, by maiming 1.... —,,,-''' - ,-* ` -,-- -' , their 'lrreketur action ter.ligalth, cur ;.' ''- , . . reel, wherever they exist, each d. ; tt • i ''''isi V i-este . lt„, rangmentit us are tbo first eansesol r„- . .'t , "'-' , 4 "--- - ' . dik te. Art extensive trial of their I ' t'''' • ' ' " • virtues, by Profe.ssers, Physicians and i - Patients, has Omen cures of dangerous dßeases almost be- e .' yond belief, were they noleubstantifited iry i versons 01 oneh is . evilted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of i'''..7 t out ruts. Their ceralliattes are published in my American l'' 7i . Alumnae, which the Agents below mined ore pleased to fur- rash free to all luquirinEe ! Annexed o e give Directions for their use intim comphilute 'Which they have beets found tot mute. Feu. Cceenvescs.s.—Take ono or two Pills, or such quantity l - 115 to gently move the bowels. Costiveness 19 frequently the , aggravating cause of Puss, mid the cure of eitettompltibt in i the cure of both. .No person can fool well while under a i costive habit of body. Hence It Should be, as it 'can be, - promptly relieved. Fos. Drsexesis, which is sometimes the cause of COATltife - I icrivs, and always uncomfortable, take mild dents-from one :4 . . to tour—to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy ant-. i,i' . thin. They will do It, and the heart-born, holy-burn nod ii- roar-bcrn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. Tatou it has '4 - gone, don't k islet w hat cured yeti. FOR A FOUL :serum, or Morbid Inaction of the BARR%‘ .3 , which produces general depression , of the spirits and bad .„ . „„Pl i '''l health, take from four to deist Pills -at first, and smaller "st i _ doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to L. the system. I' s ' Foe Nistvousxksis, Sick lincinsens, Noreen, Ftin in the ii, en e mrh, Back or Side, take from four to eight pills on going 'l to lied. If they do not operate sufficiently, take more the 4 nesi slay, until they do. These complaints will be swept out i ! from the system. Don't wear these mu' their kindred disor i-_,.. dors bemuse your stomach is foul. _ Ii Fur. SCROFULA., F:PYRII.Y.L.A4, and all Xmases of the St-in, 4 take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. 4.. The eruptions will generally soon begin to diminish and diet " : tt alio:sr, Many dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed h up by the purging mid purifying effect of these Pills, and • i, some disgusting &looses which seemed to satuinte the whale -venom have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to sod- ;3 ety forbids that you should parade yourself around the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your eye.' tem wants cleansing. To PURIFV THE Moon, they are the best medicine ever dis covered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will be wept out of the system like chaff before the wind. By this property they do as much good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they aro making every where. LIVER °mai ;art, JAUNDICE, and all Bilious Alec:dims, arise from some derangement—either torpidity, congestion, or obstrnctions of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate. the bile and render it RUM for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently undermined by no other cause. I mligestien is the symptom. Obstrcuitt tin of 'lie duct which empties the bile into the stomach, ranters the lite to overflow into the Maid. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Co. Lianas, or alteruately costiveness and diarrhea's, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor. low spirits, weariness, restless nessi sod melancholy, with sometimes inability to ;lap, and mesinses great ilrmodness ; sometimes there is severe pain ...,. in the side; the skis and the white of the eyes become a gritenhilt yellow; the stontach acid; the bowels sore to the tals; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious dim?. 'lt , ,A, 41y,ellt..ry. Se. A nmlikuu des: , of three or four POIN t..kon at night., followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these trou bles. It is wicked to suffer such pains when yon can cure them for 2.5 cents. Its EUXATI33I. ()OUT, and all Tofiammatory ..Fimirx„ tare rapid ly cared by the purifying effects of these Pills upon the blood, and the stimulus which they afford to the vital prin ciple of Life, Fur these and all kindrial complaints they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a Ih:otea P 11.1.. this is both agreeable and useful No Pill .n lo made more pleasant to take, and sertaibly none loss ban 01:12/i3 more effectual to the purpose kr la hich a dinner pill is employe I. Prepare.l by Dr..IASIES C. ATER, Practical and Analyti cal Chemist, Lowell, Mans. Price 2:a cents per lox. Five !..,..- 1 , ..r .il . Sold I,y 11. A. FAITNESTOCE vt CO., at wholesale anti re toil. by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and by all Dealer. eseryok !sere_- OCtG:4XDRIAW Great (~angij O Dr. gogors+ BWORT, Syrup 0f . !. 4 4? CARCHATAO* TOR TOR COTIPLETE CURS OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Asthma, AND ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAfI TS - TENDING TO CONSUMPTION! MBE abort Expectorant, prepared by an experienced J. Physician and Chemist, has now become a standard Preparation, and is offered for the compLETE CURE of those diseases of the TILIFIOILS and LUNGS, which, if neglected, usually terminate fatally in CON.- St MPT lON. It contains no Opium,. Cattnnol, or any mineral whatever, but Is com pos ed entirely of those Rot,!a, gerbs, and repetabler Sunces, which have a onset& influence upon the Lungs and their connected organs. Its immediate effect Is to allay. all Irritation, and gently remove the phlegm and other morbldaeore- Cons, from the Throat and air-passages, thus relieving The Cough, by subduing the inflammation and other motes which give rise to It. It to approved of and re commended by Physicians of the highest standing, and may be given with perfect afely to the youngest child or the most delicate female. Lose Man half a bade will generally cure any oral • nary COLO or COIUGH, by following the . directions. One bottle Is usually sufficient for a case of luting roma. A few donee will relieve Tickling Cs tha throat, or Hoarseness. One botge will effectually stop Spitting Blood. Three to Sin bottles only are required In Bronchi.. k its or A:alm:L. Your to Eight bodies will care any case of Incipi.! eat Consumption. One bottle is warranted always to do good, and satisfy the patient that he Is on the right road to a CURE. Judge now whether or not It to beat to use P. Certifi cates on his at the office from multitudes of restored tsuf ferers. A. L.SCOVILL & Co., Proprietors, No. 3(}.4 BaoADWAT, (cor. Duane ut St.) New - York. For Bale by all Druggista througho the Milted Slalom and Canada.% tte - For .ale, wholesale and retail, by IL IL SELLERS a CO., corner Wood and Second streets. hold mho by ILENDERSON & BRO- Liberty street; li. P. FCILWARTZ, and BECIO:LAIL & IIoILKIZIAN, Allegheny noralladaw INHALATION CURE OF ASTIM AND CONSURTION, NEW AND VERY WONDERFUL. - HYGEANA BROUGHT HOME TO THE DOOR OF THE MILLION AWONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent ly been made by Dr. Courts, of this city, in the treat ment of Consumption. Asthma, and all diseases of the Lunge. We refer to Du. Courts' LLTGESNA., OE LIIIALIXO Ilroselc Vomit AND Curast Scour." With this now method, Dr. C. hoe restored ninny afflicted ones to health; as an evidence of which, by has innumerable certificates. Speaking of the trmtment, a physician remarks: "It is evident that Inhaling —constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—the medicinal properties must come in direct contact with the whole wrist cavities of the lungs, and thus escape the ninny and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into tho stomach, and. subject to Ahe process of digestion." ; The Ilygeasui is for sale by all the Druggists throughout the country."—gear Pork Dutchman of January 14. The inhaler is worn on the breast, under the linen, with not the least inconvenionce--tho heat of the body being sudicient to evaporate the ilubL hundreds of cases of curet, ! like the following, might be named; One package of the tlygeana has cured mo of the Asthma, of six years' standing. J. F. &mammy, Postmaster of Iluncannon, l'n. I .m cured or the Asthma, Of ten years' standing, by Dr Curve' I lygearm. Alaraisorr liisree, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. of No. 5 flammond street, N. Y., wee cured of It Fever., case or Bronchitis by the Itygeana. My sister has been cured of g' distressin cough, o f several years' stranding, and decided to be incurable by the physi ciatia. She was cured in one mouth, by the,llygeana- , J. It. lisourrar, Richmond, Me. The lice. Dr. Cazzyza, of New York, testifies of our medi cine in the following lnguage: Now YORE, November 15.1854. Dear Sir—l think highly of Dr. Curtis' Bygeanu uS rem• edy in diseases of the throat and lurt.. llucing, tual . some opportut,ity to tcAtify its efficacy, I urn convinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and thodnhaling nitifficnti , ,n to the chast. ' N. ll.—Dr. Curtis' is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GRN iILNE ARTICLE; all others are base imitations, or vile lual ISJUBIetIS counterfeits. Shun . them as you would PJL,ON. /Er For sale by Dr. Den. IL Keyser, 1-10 Wood street; It. E. Sellers ,t Co.- Lee A. Ihr.kimm, Allegheny City;_ John Sargent, New Rri . .o.lton; a L. Raiser, Rochester. myldidawam :7!i.W:--•,*,o4''.e 1 § 'i4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers