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A .„, ~„( _ . - \ , tt. , ,;.- 47. ••t%, , fb. ,- g 3)-- • , .,. 0 • ,11‘ ° ,.. 4: * t '- ~1 “II e *. 1 64 '' 44.: - , 4 7 •-", '4' , ~. i 4 1 '.," 'y.L.,%,,,e, att i l,f7Yfr,,'S. ,#‘ to , ' ,r e'..y- ''' ;'',,y, ,- - 1 - -• 1 ' *..' rti "' -•I, .. , ' .r. 7 f Y.' -` s esl i. yse" . ..' -5.4 ra '`" . ''' ' ~,•....... -, ..• 1.1 ' .4 , 1•• <, ~ ..L.: .t rt• t..••• ••• it - ••• 4 ••• " ii-, d,. i . . -. _ 1, s•'l,, . 1111811113 • r, ) • -; . ,u 4 -• A 1 - .. n',A,~., ~. 6 I . i s 0 ' .- . •z• . „ .; . =NM PITTSBURGH POST. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY - =47i L,XONTO,PFERT. GCLatjfittl6ti MATGitersigitit, raorsimas AND NDrrous. THURSDAY MORNMO:f:i To Nesyspaper Publishers The type on which the Daily and Weekly Morning Post was printed previous to getting our new dress is offered for sale. It is Nonpareil and Brorier, and good condition, as any one can see by looking at a copy of 431 e paper!of last week. It will be sold cheap for cash. neeting of the County Committee of Correspondence. Pursuant to notion given, the Democratic County Commit tee of Carreepondence met at the St. Charles Hotel, on Sat urday, December Ist, 1855, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Actor mule &scum - ton. the following resolution, offered by B Biddle Roberta, Bs+, was adopted Rooked, That the Democrats of the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships be requested to assemble at their several places of meeting, on Saturday, Decetabor 15th, ISM, and elect Delegates to meet in County Convention on the Wednesday following, (the 10th Mst,) at the Court House, in the City of Pittsburgh, at 11 o'clock A. H., for the purpose of selecting Ddegatea to attend the Democratic State Conven tion, to beheld at Randsburg, on the 4th of March next. The fullowing.reaolution was unanimously adopted Resaral, That Ho'Huinks Of this Committee be naddereci to Messrs. &salon-Sktrki;stie gentlemanly proprietors of the St. Charles Hotel, for their kindness and liberality in fun cashing us with so cumfurtable and convenient place for our m-oeting. ' - AML W. SLACK, Chairman. N. 11—The ttme.s of meeting, heretofore appointed— the Townships from 9 to 6 o'clock, P. XL, and the Wards of the two Cities and the Boroughs from 6 to' o'rlork, P M. Ttti " old Post " will tell " Smith Snooks where it is on the Mayoralty question in a few -- 1 }aye. We have a great many columns of adver tising, but we speak just as we think on all sub jects; and no reasonable advertiser desires us to do anything else. NEBRASKA DEMOCRATIC Bird B. Chapman is declared elected delegate to Congress from Nebraska. It was a warm con test, but the Democracy has come out ahead. The Cleveland Plain Dealer says, Crow. Chap- Marl, crow:" Nebraska is Democratic. That is the right way to begin a new State that has ter ritory enough to mako a mighty empire TO oirirstr BEICILIBE RS When we purchased the Post we did not pur chase the old accounts of the former proprietors, and have now no interest in them, and no con nection whatever with the parties who are seek ing to collect them. We understand some have been sued who owed nothing. It is easy to make defence where such is the case. But we wish snbscribers to understand that if we owned those accounts we should take a different course with them; but we have nothing to do with them. The books are not with us, nor any of the parties who kept the books at that time. We have no complaints against us for improper bills, and do not intend to have : and we hope the course that others may take, with whom we have nothing to do, will not be visited upon us. pi T.TBBITILGII PRICE-CURRENT This stiteittObtt the first number of a new weekly paper, called the Pittsburgh Price-Current, will be issued. It is edited by Joseph Snowden, Esq.. who was formerly an editor, and is well and favorably known to the business men of this community. This new paper will be devoted to commercial intelligence, and the business inter ests of this cityrand of the country generally and from Mr. Snowden's experience, intelligence and industry a good paper of that kind may be expected. It may not be complete at first, but will soon become just what is needed in a large and thriving community like this. In other cities such publications are well sup ported, and are deemed of great utility, and we believe this new enterprise will meet with similar KANSAS AND REEIDED. The state of ostfaitn . 3 in Inests ts—b somewhat alarming, if the late accounts are true. The free state men seem resolved on bringing the question involved to a speedy issue. It is easy to do so if that is their wish. The laws of the late session of the Legislature are stringent, and place every man there who openly opposes the introduction of slavery into Kansas in the posi tion of a criminal. Those laws were to go into operation in October last but up to this time they have been a dead letter over a great portion of the territory. Where the free state settlers are much the most numerous, very little effort will he made to enforce those laws. In districts where the pro-slavery men prevail they may be enforced. But there are few such districts ac cording to late accounts. The free state men are all:armed and prepared for a bloody resistance if the execution of the laws is attempted. Gover nor Shannon has resolved to enforce the laws. We see not how he could do otherwise. His offi cial oath requires it. They are laws, however unwise and unjust they may be. Vet a clear ma jority of the people are resolved to repudiate and resist them. There is a fair chance for a civil war. The first attempt to punish an offender for a violation of the law will be resisted, and a general war throughout the territory may be the result. Thus is a revolution begun. And it must cer tainly he admitted that it is an unnecwary revo lution. It is now wall known that a majority, and a large majority of the people of that terri tory are opposed to the Introduction of slavery, and to those laws of the late legislature. What more is needed then than that they wait till an other legislature is to he elected, and then turn out in all their force and elect a legislative to undo the evil work of the former Repeal every act if necessary. That is the remedy. But to choose civil war and a revolution to an easy and peaceful remedy is not the way to ob tain justice, or secure the sympathy of the pee ple of the north. It is certainly unfortunate that Mr. Reeder .was ever sent to Kansas as its governor. His course throughout was an ill-advised and unfor tunate one. He called a legislature together, giving certificates of election to most of its mem bers. He fixed its place of meeting at Pawnee city, on his own land. He addressed a message to that legislature, and he vetoed one of its ear liest acts. He thus recognized it as a legislature having the power to enact laws, and it was such. After doing all this we find him next declaring that it was not a legislature because it had re moved to another place. And yet after that he vetoed another of its acts, thus recognising it as a legislature still. He was then removed. He then counseled resistance to those laws, and got himself informally elected as delegate to Con gress. He is now at Washington to claim his seat, leaving to his deluded friends in the terri tory to fight the battles of a civil war if the quarrel comes to that unfortunate result. Mr. Reeder's mistakes have done much mischief. The wrongs and rascalities of a Stringfellow need never have led to a resort to arms if the free State men had been guided by wise counsels. We hope yet to learn that there is no danger of bloodshed, but the late accounts look ominous of evil. Should a war commence there, it might extend beyond the limits of that territory. PA-ILIC BENJAMIN'S LECTUHE.—The lecture of this gentlemen on ,Tuesday evening was attended by a large and fashionable audience, notwith standing the attraction of the opera and other places of amusement. lie has been induced to give a lecture in prose to-night, which is said to be very amusing, and we have no doubt will be largely attended. FINE OYFITERS.—We are indebted to Messrs. Holt & Maltby, for a can of their pale oysters. This firm is always prepared, during the season. to furnish dealers and families with bivalves of the very best quality. Their establishment is on Wood street, under the St. Charles Hotel. - , , . ' • . , 0,1 DECEMBER 6 - . 4 ,t • c r • ' 4l t " • •%, fi 'o+7' 4 t . ..1 . ' 4 •te" VPr 1 !..4. 7 - At • f : • - • - t.4‘. THE NEWS The lindw Nothings were defeated in the char ter election at Springfield, Ma-92 :3 Ansel ?help - a, jr.; the democratic candidate for Mayor, being elected by 200 majority. r •- • The comptroller of the city of New Yorl4has submitted to the COmmon Council his estimates for the expenses of the city for 1850, Makinethe tax levy, exclusive of the receipts, from other sources of revenue, $6,475,000, an increase of $632,000 over last year. It is said the deficit in the Poatoffice Depart ment for the present year will be about two mil lions and a half of dollars, or some three-quar ters of a Million more than last year. There has been added during the year some 3,700 miles of road service to the operations of the Depart ment. The Hon. John M. Butts, of Virginia, in reply to an urgent request of sundry citizens of the town of Triangle, in Broome county. N. Y., con sents to the use of his name as a candidate of of the Know Nothing party for the Presidency, though he frankly confesses that he thinks his nomination a highly improbable event. The residence of ex-Governor Hunt, at Lock port, N. V., was discovered to be on fire about 11 o'clock on Friday morning, and notwithstand ing the efforts of the firemen and citizens, it was entirely consumed. It was completed during the past yeir, and cost about $lO,OOO. There was no insurance upon it. The fire was the result of an accident. George W Matson, Chief of the New York Police, was removed from office on Monday even ing by vote of the Common Council, on the ground that he was born abroad, and had never been naturalized. The persons most indefatiga ble in investigating the nativity of Mr. Matson were Alderman Briggs and a man named Branch, both prominent Know Nothings. Mr M. has proved himself an excellent officer, and it is a pity his nativity should so militate against him : but an alien cannot hold the office of Chief of Police in New York. A German red republican named Hasseruk, (editor of a paper in Cincinnati) who not many years ago tied to this country on account of civil and religious persecutions, has commenced a bitter crusade against those who differ with him in opinion. In an address recently delivered in Quincy, Illinois, against slavery and Jesuitism, ho was eo bitter in his denunciation of the South, and the professors of the Roman Catholic reli gion„; that a great portion of his hearers, be coming disgusted with his fire-brand harangue, refused to let him proceed, and the meeting broke up in a row. It is strange that men who are themselves the victims of persecution should not have a little charity for the opinions of others. EIWTORS OF TUE PITTSRFRIIII MORNING POST.-I have observed in your paper this morning, December that the citizens presenting petitions for a repeal of the High School Law, enacted list session, find much difficulty in obtaining signattims. You will be kind enough to inform your renders how many tax payers asked by petition for its enactment. Yen have expressed much dislike to what you call the Missouri ruffians in Kansas, but little indignation againsi the robbers at home. Our school taxes may pay ycht for the one, but not for the latter. I would respectfully ask the informant for the Immo of any tax-payer who refused to sign. .k SCBSCRIBE.R. December sth, /855. We publish the foregoing communication With out endorsing its sentiments. It is true that the school taxes of this city have been n good deal increased, but the schools nt the same time have been much improved, rind Pittsburgh i• now placed upon an equality with other large cities in its system of public education. Tax payers may feel the burden somewhat : but we know of no security for good order, prosperity and public morality so efficacious as a liberal system of pub lic education. We have much respect for the opinion of •• A Subscriber," bat on this subject we time differ with him a little; at the same time itasuring him that we have received no pay Oireithirgiae of the question, and pay taxes as well as he does, though not so much We are unable to say whether there were any petitions sent to Harrisburg asking for the enactment of the present school law, but we know of some very heavy tax payers who were decidedly in favor of it, and like it yet THE MAYORALTY' We received the following communication at a late hour last evening, from the hands of an old democrat. We have not time to say more than promise that if Mr Long is elected to the re sponsible and honorable office ul map.r. he will make a model officer: For thr hthlburgit Mortung Po, As the period is approaching when our citizens must again choose a chief magistrate for our city, I would recommend to their earnest consid eration the name of Mr. Samuel A. Long. Of his peculiar merits and fitness for the office there can he no controversy. Although fresh in life, he is well known to the entire community, hav ing been born here and early identified with the enterprises and interests of the community. His probity and intelligence are recognized, and of ford ample guarantee for his asefulncsaao public officer. Ills numerous friends having been unceasing in their efforts to induce him to allow his name to be presented as a citizens can didate for the mayoralty, we understand he has consented that his friends may use his name ask that he be formally introduced before the public for that office. He can be easily elected and would reflect honor upon the city and care fully guard her important interests. Bring him out. A DEMOCRAT. WHY THE PRINTESII OF VIE MESSAGE IS DE LAYED.—The President's message—for the first time in many years—is to be read to Congress in manuscript. Heretofore it has lieen the custom to hove it printed, and just us 1..111 n• the clerk commenced reading members were supplied with copies, so that the reading by the clerk was a mere form. A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing from Washington, on Monday evening, gives the following reasons fur its delay : ••Many circumstances, and among others postpone ment for arrival of the Atlantic. have delayed the completion of the President's message this year. At 10 o'clock thin morning the copies had not been com pleted for Congress. For that reason and others nu copy of the message or abstracts of it will he pre pared for any newspapers, not even the Union. This can be relied upon, and notice to this effect has been given by Sidney Webster, the President's private secretary, in reply to inquiries addressed to tile President of the l'. S. DYE'S BANK NOTE PLAT/. DELINEATuR is one of the most complete works for the detection of spurious and altered notes we have ever seen. it contains a complete description of every bank bill in the Union, and by comparing any bill in your possession you can tell whether it is genu ine or bogus. Mr. John W. Thompson is the agent in this city, who will call upon our mer chants and exhioit a copy of this valuable pub lication. AN EFFECT OP TUE 1141E80DR-I BORDER TROr- BLEB. —The St, Louis intelligencer, November 30, says that a distinguished clergyman of St. Louis has received a letter from a friend in Baltimore, from which the following is an extract : " I believe I told you we had a non-resident's interest in your State. In Rails county we own about 4,000 acres of land. I have had serious thoughts of making it my home, but your people have behaved so much like eavageB that I am scared out of it. I am a slaveholder, but I have no idea of such proceeding. How is it that your people are so blind—to say nothing of what is right * * * * Have you not in St. Louie and in each county, some few at lease, who could be induced to give utterance to a rebuke of the ' borders' who make such wanton war on liberty, and even on de cency, &c." ag''Sever and Ague 1 -.4ohn Ward says: "I re commend 'par BITTERS at, a remedy for Paver and Ague. I was not only cured by it myself, but three of my friends &lug on Wylie eared Were Blau cured. One of them, Who rune on the river, had the Chi for three mouths, and sap. the HOLLAND BITTERS was the only thine that aid him any good." ~ t C., T ION!—Bo careful to ask for Boerharo'r Holland Hitters. The great popularity of this medicine b., induced many imitations, which the public should guard against pur cliadrig. Oa- Bold etsl per bottle, or mix bottles for $5, by the pro prietor. BENJAME PAGE, Ja. A 00., Mannfoktartag Pharmaceutists and Mende* J'lrtebursl4 Pa.; E E L; & 00, corner of Second end Wood streets; an. Druggists generally decs .....y,=.ro., . 'l.,‘ • • y ~•~;~. -• • Later from karissis..The McCrea Trial...A TillEitTlf.FOHltTil . COMOREffii. Bold stroke against Lynch Lawyers. Duriligilte_trial„.of .3 eCre f - / -*"-- c " liir - 44U791Ca•r'' ' ' W •''''w' ksir ' ieres -4 Cl "l4 lr,.Dec — ember 4 f. " .4e-i 7r'• 7 j c--i;7..H;e l - *Ming in 4-,eaverrworth city, Before Le submitted a resolution requesting — the w President to compte, of the United States District Court, a inform the Senate wliethiltildegasleceived any evi moflon was made to discharge the Clerk of the dance of such resistancoo thlr - 41 - 011, of the laws CpUrt and strike the names of two of the attor i n g a r iaal37 . os t a „ tth erequ i r iitatimeOl e e m ilit ary neis from the roll, on,lhe grptifi.fbafttiey 1 10 - •yfforeVfie - tliteuti.:o:: o s rtristora : . ...;,tif law and bon, concerned in 6 ftiet:lilidelptio#, and.' : outrite : ilrder ifie:thatBrdh;ity al 80, tilay became before upon William I?hilhia, lik tiraylj4 litr -;P ~hillips ;the Sajnite; land kilso tyipiesutiany order which he was a member of t P liiii and ii6loniell to the *ity,haie isstild f4,thiiiitriplexinent of military force freesoil party. He*,,s - rMixed bfri gang of 'the In that' toryz,"The lution lies over. -• Mr. Adams submitted a resolution, which lies over, laile'and order " Pio-slavery men, carried across ' the Missouri river ' tarred, feathered, rode on a for the election of officers of the Senate next Monday - • Mr. Bell offered a resolution, which lies over, refer rail, and sold at public auction to a negro. . ring all privet - el:Ms on the calendar to the Court of D. Scott Boyle, the Clerk of the Court, and Clnims. Mr. Adams gave notice of a bill to amend two attorneys, bearing the names of. David. J. „' the eaterallzatiomlaws. The Senate then adjourned. Johnson and James M. Lyle, joined the gang, l Howe—The House resumed voting for Speaker. and took an active part in the business of lynch- , Richardson had 72'; Campbell, 48; Fuller, 21 ; Mar ing Phillips. The name of the freosoiler who shall, 25 ;. Banks, 32;Pcinnington 9 ; Thurston, 2 ; had pluck enough to move the expulsion of these, i llowartr,.. ,24 and Havens, :Mace,'Andrewey Oliver, rascals from the court is Thomas Shankfland. .••A •, WPeolerißwdon, 6iddine, Jones, (of Pennsylvania, ) i Volk and Ready onscaeh, .111_is„pecessary to a correspondent of the Tribune says that the Court at first appeared to be-offended at' the motion, i 01 The ballotings , were resumed, and the 11th and and ruled it out, on the ground that no affidavits , 12th were had with a choice. On the last ballot had been filed to prove the allegations. A few the vote atoood Richardson 73 ; Campbell 75 ; days after Mr. Shankland renewed the motion,' Banks 12; Pennington 0; Valk 5; Thurston 2; and produced the requisite affidavits, made by scattering 7-110 being necessary to a choice. men of responsible character, (among them Jo- Thirteenth Ballot—Richardson 74; Campbell 79; seph W. Baker, an esteemed merchant,) who wore }hulks 9; Fuller 21; Marshall 22 ; Pennington 7; on the spot when the abduCtion of Phillips took Thurston 2; Oliver, Valk, Ready Hoffman and place, and saw the Clerk and the attorneys in Stephens, each. one vote. the act of participating in it. Fourteenth Ballot—Richardson 74; Campbell 81 ; Banks 8; Fuller 21; Marshall 13; Pennington 5 ; tin the presentation a .the motion and stela Banks 2; Smith, of Alabama, 9; Whitney 3; 7 sits, a lawyer by the name of Rees, of the scattering. Stringfellow stamp, made a raving and bluster- Fifteenth Ballot—Campbell 80 ; Richardson 74 ; ing speech against the motion, but to no purpose. Banks 8; 'Fuller 19; Marshall 6; Pennington 7;• The papers were entered on the record by order Whitney 9; Smith, of Alabama, 9; Puryear 2; of the court. Mr. Shauklaud appears perfectly Thurston 2; Nichols I ;.Oliver 1. 110 being neces cool and imperturbable, in spite of the threats of nary to a choice, there was no election, and the personal violence which are flowing iu upon him. House adjourned. We shall look for the decision of the motion with [SECOND DESPATCH.] efill.ll9. ... ~... considerable interest, as this is a case in which The members of the House, other than those the impartiality of Judge Lecompte is put to a. voting for Richardson, are sadly perplexed as to rigid test. We learn also that a motion has been their course to-morrow. The speculations are It tes made for quashing the indictment against M'Crea, rim, and the politickui t s are intensely excited. i that Mr. Campbell cannot be on the ground that the jury who found it were gen er all y ad mi tted . elected, and hence the friends of Banks, Fuller and not eititen• of the county. Pennington congratulate themselves that their can _---.........,,.,.,,, didates may severally loom up in large proportions, ,hall in a few days publish some extracts trim uur exchange paper , , showing what folks think shout the J't. THE LATEST NEWS ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE llstivAx. December 5.---The steamer Africa ar riveil this mi,rning, with Liverpool lutes to the 24th. The London papers have abundance of peace ru mors : among the rest, one that the Prussian envoy had an interview with the Czar, and obtained consent that Prussia shall inform the Western Powers that he is willing to treat for peace. The rumor is con sidered doubtful. It is also reported that Gen. Can robert has concluded a treaty with Sweden. to take effect in the spring, when that power is to co-operate, by land and sea. This tumor Is also doubtful. There have been no actual hostilities in the Crimea or Asia. It is rumored, however, that the allies have determined upon the bombardment of the Russian position at SebastopoL The King of Sardinia is in Paris. The main feature the intelligence brought by the Africa is a report which is probably premature that tlen. Canrobert has conclude/a treaty with Swe den which binds that power to join the Western Al bailee in the spring, and to aid the war by land and sea. The Allies, it is said, on their part, are to restore Finland to Sweden. ft is also rumored that Den mark will follow the course taken by Sweden and Norway. From the Crimea the intelligence prciient, na fen• hire of importance except an intended bombardment of the I,,,rth cute of getw.topol by the Alib- The dilliculry beteleen i;reve - e and the ['oiled Stu,, heel AC:LIC44. The ,deamAip Ariel from New York arrived at Havre on the 19th. and the Hermann reached youth aaiptun on the F.. 1.10 day. 1.1.,th the Mitt, and the Itn.sians are tin under over, but the former are POII apprehensive of an at tack from the Russian=. It is reported that the contemplated tionsbardment of the nottli ' , Me of Sebastopol is to compel an erne nation 0, that the allied fleet eau winter in the harbor. The town 01 Marionpnle on the north coned of the one of Azof was bombarded Ity the Allies on the ::9th of itstober, and set on tire. In the midst of the w sanit, the Austrian merehants boisettl the Austrian tla,tt over their warehouses. when the firing conned. It it , rumored that Gen. Wrangle menaces the allied position in the straits of lenikale- The Allies 1111V(130,u00 troops there. and are expecting large re inforeentents. A large Allied r,,rta has euxbar4a at Zaps/lain, and F:11 led we.rw mrd. Their destination is not k n own. Nn later intelligence iteii been received. “finer Pemba', vtimivaril had ranched Okum. Atluiiral6 Mende . and Penaud with part of the allied fleet were in the tiny of Kiel. An allied steamer waR watching for an American clipper, it plowed t he :n Thu Baltic wtth a CHAIN Of revolve,. ~,ntradiets the st4l in the Lon ,l o n Times Canr"beres treaty n ith Nwr.lan and Denmark'• a.lhepion to the Allies. It a, ratu,,re.l that there I, n ,Ittip.taition on the part 1 Itat.sta to make fart It.tvanre. toward., pearc, win •h tats er, ouriel4terert untmurtriod. It is contident/y reported that the Pruaalan envoy ti. ct. Petert.turg visited the Czar while at Nicol:tied. alth n view of maiming him to recognise certain conditt.m• for peace negotiatione. and that the Czar listened lavoruhly. The Prussian cabinet made known the Czar's view• to the Westura Powere, who de clared them in:mil - if-tent but Artesia and Prussia are twill proceeding. and the Court at Berlin !FAR! lazing the greattiet effort- to Induce the Czar t,, consent term, of peace. Int eontinua{lon of theta negetia. duns offered some hope or chance or peace. Henry Latwucheri, has Goon appointed Secretary of the Colonies. Thirty-four hundred of the Manchester operative, were on n 'trike. but 'whoring peaceably. The Landon Titne; city article say, that the Eng h o b funds had opened firm on Friday, hut clotted dull. The King of Sardinia had met with a favorable reception in Peri.. The Pope'a 'Nuncio left the city on the same day in order to avoid meeting him. It reported that the Emperor had invited the Pope to toTti4e the expected royal infant. All the French gun b • oate and mortar ve.iPelr were wintering at Cherbourg. A despatch fri,m Berlin states that the Russian loan from Germun capitalists had been concluded. Letters from tit. Petersburg state that in conse quence of facilities afforded by poet, it la believed that great quantities of linseed will be exported overland, and that the general exports after Decem ber would be •ufticleut to reuse is rally In the rates of exchange. tires, tunnt it 'les of sulphur, saltpetre and other euntro6an.l art.-leg continue .eat us or the frontier from Menelr The Czar arrived to St. Putersbyrg on the 19th ult. There is a prospect of tho Sound Dues Convention opening at Copenhagen on the 20th November. Rus sia is the only power that proposes sending a special envoy. The other governments will be represented by their resident ambassadors. LATEII BY TELEGRA Sahli - day, No vember 24.—1 t is confidently stated that Lord Palm erston has determined upon the immediate dissolution of Parliament, and that a new Parliament will be vaned together in February. Th. London Post denies authoritatively the alleged Swedish Alliance, rind says that there is no prospect of any such alliance at present. Lady Emmeline Stewart Wortley died at 13eyrout on the 20th inst. Sir Colin Campbell returns to the Crimea at the end of his leave of tibsen,e. Cosssilisaas*. NoNetuber 13.—Gen. Canrobert is expected here to-morrow to remain a week. The last acrounte from Asia represent Omer Pasha as expecting a haute. 6eneral Mouravieuff having detached a division of his army which was making forced marches for lintel. TURKEY. Letters from Constwutinople describe a bad state of affairs t bore. Murders and robberies occur In the open streets, and there is increasing fanaticism against Christiana, and espe civll)• against the French. Thu allied commanders had called on the Turkish government to prevent further outrages, un der a threat of taking the police regulations of the city into their own hands. Pwinfurcenwun of troops hail been rent to Srrnitossa where further disturtwuces were apprehended . The Spanish government is reported to be unanimous lu favor of ,wining the alliance, but It is deferred for the present. WASHINGTuN CITY, D9Clallher 5. —ln the U. 8. Supreme Court to-day the following eases were hgard No. I, U. S. Appellants vs. Pearson Breading; the argument was concluded by Attorney General Cull ing for the Appellants. No. 3, White, Stevens h Co. plaintiffs in error vs. Paschal Itosa's administrators; argued by Benjamin for plaintiffs, and Miles Taylor for defendants, and submitted on printed argument by ,Imavier, also for defendants. No. 4, Thos, Bar nard's heirs, appellants vs. Chester Ashley's heirs ; argued by Lawrence A Crittenden for appellees, and submitted on printed argument by Pike for appellant Steam Fire Flutf,n! , ElPOsion• CINCINNATI, December 6.—The bofler of the steam fire engine exploded this afternoon, at the corner of Sixth and Vine streets, while on trial before a Com mittee from Chicago. The engineer was killed, and two others were wounded. SAyANNAH, Pecember s.—The city election yester day reenited in the election of Mr. Anderson, the American candidate for mayor by 24 majdrity. ' Ton Democrats and two Americanp were plecte4 Aldermen. BOSTON, December &.—The steamship Canada, for Liverpool via Halifax, sailed at ten o'clock this morn ing, with 125 passengers and $lOOO in specie. 1 • , • ro.,t , ,-;=.4. „i t j.og • AtZt `4. BY TELEGRAPH. ARRIVAL OF TIFF AFRICA FROM THE CRIMEA TIIE BALTIC iiREAT BRITAIN' Pltt •••4.1A RUSSIA DENMARK From Washington Savannah Election Departure of the Canada. ~.~, 7,:". . ' ' 4 '.v but no figuring now can elect either of them. It is understood that Wm. M. Merrick, of Wash. ington, has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the . 8. Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, and A. U. Seaman is appointed Superintendent of the Public Printing. Latest News from Karma. Sr. Louts, December 4.—Accounts from Kansas state that an officer of the military organisation of free State men was raptured at Atkinson, and written orders to burn the town and murder Laughlin were found in his possession. Most of the male people had goad to Lecompton under orders of the Governor. A request was sent to Weston for assistance, and a party left lest night. A despatch from Jefferson city says that no elec tion for Senator will take place this session. Thu Benton and Atchison men cannot fuse. The .Illinois Democratic Central Committee have called a- State Convention on the Ist of next month. ST. Louts, December s.—The Kansas Free State papers givc the following account of the difflenition in the Tett , ltory A . young man, 22 years of age, named Dow, While at a blacksmith's shop, whore several naiads had congregated, was deliberately shot by one Coleman.. An attempt was mado to arrest the murderer, hot through the aid of his abettors he es caped into Missouri. A meeting of the citisens was convened upon the spot where the murder was com mitted, and enquiry made into the facts of the rase. They pronounced the act a cold blooded murder on the part of Coleman, and charged !lagers, Barkley, 'Moody and Wagoner as accessories. A series of resointions were passed by the committee appointed to investigate. Still ft:Wher search was made to find out the offenders and to devise means to bring thorn justice, Sheriff J onesEMIL/web Branson, at whose house Dow lived, for, e security of the peace, but w hil e pro c eeding to otupton he (Branson.) was rescued by a party of his neighbors. Sheriff Jones has sent to I.awnee Mission for aid, declaring that the ilovernor had assured hint of the assistance of 10,000 men, if needed. ad- Dl'Laitee Celebrated Liver Pill■ la! , ra04.,1 among the most main remedies of t.llll day. That it a ill care liver COMPIZIO, tick beitinehr., and dyspepsia. Is os., twytmd a doubt fitnad the following tastimony from a In Pit Y. awn lady and gentleman of our 00 - n eity Nisi Y. c, Au4Clut 3 . /842- NI, and qrs. Williams, tio. US Seventh street, testify that :lie) lave both boon suffering with the liver complaint for about Live years, during which time they have spent a large atie.iiiit aQ money, and tried many nemedles, but to no pur pc... Ylkisily, haulage Dr..licLane's Pills, they purchased toot boxes, which they took according to the direettores ar rompanytng each box; and now pronounce themselves per cstrpd of that distressing dLecase. I. S. 'no attire rexparl.y, also Dr. Irlezte's cele• heated V,,rix4ie., 4tad at all rempertablo Dreg .iturea in Ws my, 04 Purrbe.. mall please be cemful to mak kw, and take ...ne but Dr. ii'Lene's Lire, Pals. There are other Pllte, purporting to be Wren Villa, now before the publk. Also, to NILO by the sole proprietors, PLENUM' MOS, Successors to J. KW A Seel dew) No. 00 Wood street, corner of Fourth 44- Saud.' Naraaparilloorwltirmtigation and ex 'raiment hait denaCructralal up.p the condition of the 1 , 1 depende the health of the taaly. Consequently, when dme.teo In the shape of &Tanta, Erysipelaa, ricers, CUL..., Is/ 14.111 , .11e, Liver Oomplaint, Lc., appear. It is at onto evidmat that ihe ar,retirs lute trons have borome inert mod impari tow here been .mgenderod to the bled which are working their way to the surhwo na,N.i.aPaitlLLoi le ex preset) prepared to rerowly curb eweav e nod 11111311.4.1 br at ..teCe resorted to It will gently etimulate the !Unctions of the stomach and bowie to regular and healthy action, and without nausea or purging expel therefrom all deleterious ercumulations, purify the bhxxl, equalize the curulation, promote pen - Oration. Improve the appetite, impart true and rigor to tier system, and gradually but slimly eatirpute the disease, causing all analghtky °immanence@ to disappear, and hawing the skin perfectly smooth and aexible I.ropared and sold by A. &D. SANDS. Druggrata, 109 Fill tub St.r.rt, New Tort. Sold eLlso by FLE3ll:iti BIWA.. Pittsburgh. Ps., anal by Druggists generally mut= :I to tke- The Great Calttarala Platxt.--Canchata law, the great medicinal barb of California, U a new and invaluable additlou to our Pharmacopoia. A fluLimon, Req.. author of " Life in Califbrula," Hon. J. C. Jones. long a r,sulent there, and other eminent travelers, testify to the wonderful snores* with which It is need by the native. Se a cure for Pulmonary and RlWain Complaints. By combining It with Lirersual and Tor, the best remedies. for Coughs, Colds and Catarrhal affection known, prior to the addition of this Plant to our Herbarium, a medicine hat been pro dneed, which, if we aro to believe the testimony of scores of valeerent patients. will cure Cbarumption ibteV; in its earlier stages. We refer to DR. RCSIERS' SYRUP OF LIV ERWORT, TAR AND CANCHA LAU() A.. me public art not naked to take Its virtues upon true. The pamphlet in the hands of Agents explains the phlloeophy of Its operations, and Kises the proofs of Ito 111210112411 Fur sale, wholestle sad rvna, by It. E. SELLERS ..r nor and Second et rs•ot. by HENDEBSoN & BRO, Liberty street; IL P. Aell WIRTZ, and BECHUA3I & McKENNAN, Allegheny City. nov3o:dawlw tar From the IF. York National Monitor of February 24.—liforax Vanolf—Dr. Curtis has done more to ameliorate the condition of humanity &filleted with lung complaints, than any other practitioner of medicines that has struggled with the eecreto of the moteria medico, fur the last century, by the invention and perfection of an instru ment that will convoy to the lunge a medicine in the ehapo ut a highly Medicated Vapor, which acts directly on the disease, and not, no hitherto, by sympathy. num° who aro troubled with diseenen- arising from disordered lunge, will 'observe their Interest" by giving the iiygean Vapor a trial. tttution.—Dr. Cuang 11110.1 NA LI) the original and unly genuine article. nov2&3wdsw .tom' EkateholorPa Hair Dye.—.. Why has no one succeeded In making a-Yellable Hair Dye, except Batchelor Because they would avoid the carve, the thought, the time, patience said labor necessary. Others, by short cute, would soy a reputation they cannot WIN; and by certificates of feed chemists, and urwepaper bravado, tight their way to notori ety. But "industry has its reward." Witness the Invincible reputation of EtATCITICLOR'S Halt Dye; made and sold, or applied, On nine private rooms,) 393 Broadway, New York. Sold, wholesale and retail, by Dr. Out. H. KEYSER, lift Wood stmt. deckdaw 4 4" Hats I IlictiP lalWe have received nur Pall style of SILK LIATII, which will ba found, on inspection, a neat and good article. A good fiat for $2, and an extra one for f 4 Call and sew. MORGAN d: 00, UM Wood et, Next houee to the new Presbyterian Church, peps One door from Sixth street. ad-Call at No. 164 Wood street, and ex amine our stock of SOFT LIATS and WLYTNII Caps. Just re ceived, a large lot of Shanghai, Celoatial, and other styles of Cape, whiah'we will sell low fie cash. lamas di Co., 184 Wood street; win dip- Balla of a Thousand Flowers, for beautifying the Complexion, end medicating all Tan, ite ms and Partaimas from the face. Bold at Dr. Herszit's, 140 Wood street. *ISO WILLIAMS & ALLEN, SUCCESSORS TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURERS OF Chilson Furnaoes, Wrougbt Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings RiZ" W. dr A. will contract for Warming and Pantiles ng by Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilson's Furnace, Church es, Schools, hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Dwellings, Court Rouses, Jails, or hotels. No. 25 HARM MM, Plttsburgy '; ; JAMB HLAKELT, ELIMPEAVAGMT AND CONVEYANCER, Corner Seventh and Smithfield eta., PITTSBURGH. la. Passengers brought from the old country to Pitts• burgh, and moneys remitted to Europe. Luov27 Ohio and Pennsylvania llantoalit tv(U:,:,i:CrlvßM:GiaY: glar. Tyr. FAST Taol leaves at 230 A. M.; throtlgh to CineinrA In 13 hours and 40 minute*. Fare, V. 31/4 .Thstet loaves at 8 A. M. Javiiitas Tsatirlediia,4^3 T 1640 Tr..inT',ll t4ka coiijiectimas atr,34,tilne au avoid der :I:pion. the direct 4onti , to Bt Locks is flow op4n, via Creetline and - IndlanapOlia , 100 mites shoiteethin via bliVelanttFirseilitss'&re from Pittsburgh to St. Loulm.l4B,ZO. Second class, $12,00. Connections are made at Alliance, sylth.th. Road to Cleveland. and at Mans field with the Road to Newark, Monroeville and Sandusky City. No Trains run on Sunday. Three Hotels connect at Crestlino. For particulars, see handbills. Through Tickets are sold to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Port Wayne, Cleveland, and eke pyinripal tiro:o and cities in the West. Tho'NEW smart Tor: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN bares Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 4:45 . P. M, and New Brighton_ at For Tickets and further information, apply.to J. U. CURRY, At the corner eke, tinder the Monongahela Rouse, Or at the Federal street Station, to GEORGE PARITN, Pittsburgh, November W.., 1856. Ticket Agent. OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, Continwition of the Ohio& Penna. R. ft TO FORT WAYNE, TRAINS CONNECT AT CRESTLINE, WITI3OOT DETENTION, WITII ALL TUC TRAINS ON TEE OHIO AND YENS, ROAD, and 11130 at Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad River and fake Erie Railroad. For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Office of the Ohbrand Pennsylvania Railroad Company In Pittsburgh, Allegheny City. or at any of the following points: Fort Wayne, Berlefonbitine, Cincinnati, Urbana, Ind=Rs, Richmond, Findlay. Persons deairing Tickets will be particular to ask for a Ticket by tba Ohio arid Indiana Railroad. Jaa H. B. STRA.I7OII.AN, Supt. MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. U) I ' "I OF PHILADELPHIA CIIAP.TIR PEIPPSTOAL—GRASTED BT TITZ SPATE OP PENNIIIINAPPLI, Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, ALAREVE AND INLAND 7'RANSPORTATION, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN ROURKS, Socreteu-y. GEORGE YOUNO, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. Aaron S. Lippincott, William B. Thomas, Mahlon tiilllngtam, William Neal, Nicholas 0. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, turin Rogers, Edward E. JOLIOEI, Joseph Belly, James P. Smyth. Aria- !Phis Company has been orgituir.ed with a Cull Capl tal, and the Directors have determined to adapt the Moine . to its available resources. To observe prudence in conduct iug its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of hoses. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, No. fiS Water street. J. N.EWTON JONES, Agent. The following well known anti responsible firms in Pitts burgh have autharizeci reference to them with regard to the stability and soundness of the bLiworscrunias' lwannanie CAMP AA T. Kramer & Ratan, Wilson, Childs & Co., George P. Smith & Cu., Gampton & Campbell, Jones, Tiernan & Co., ii. Childs & Co. nuv7 PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, coturint OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. AYL.9 D. IkrOul, Secretary. Q$ This Company make - a every imunmee appertaining to or connected etch LIFE DISK& Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and .RfARINE RISKS generally. And against Lova and Damage by Firo, and against the Perilll of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies leaned at tlo lowest rates oortidstent with eatery to all parties. DIRECTORS. Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, Jurors S. Boon, John Fullerton, John brAlptri, Famuel Welarican, William Phillips, James W. Hellman, John Scott, Charles diebutknot, 10400 P. Gauam, U. D., David Rkßey, James Alariduill John hruiu, Boutin N. Leq hlttuuttins. iieblT EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN 11. SHOHNIIERHER., President. ROBERT FINNEY. Sectstsry. C BATCHELOR, General Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. DITSECTOIM J Li. Shoenbarcer, J W. CIS" C. W. Batt be'lLA W. K. Mirka , ' ha= AI. Pennock . , T. B. Oixlikes W. W. Hartlw; — ` ' IL D. Cochran, IL T Loech, Jr.. John A. eunghoy Ovurge 9. Belden, S. S. Bryan, David MsCamll.a.. AM - All L. anstainnd by pudw insured under polities Issued by tins Company will be liborally adjuated and prompt ly paid at Ito 01 , 1F7etl, No. 99 WATER STREET. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY (IF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM HAtiALEY, Preeident. &CRUEL MARSH - ELL. Secretary. OFF/C.R. 94 Miler tend, between Marla( and ;Prod .{ants. ZIW /mums HULL AND CARGO RISKS. un the Ohiu and >tuisczilyyl Rivers sad tributaries . Insures agalust Liss ur damage by rritY. AI., against the Perils of the Sea titi4 Inland Nailustion and Treine;Arhittßia William Bag&ldy, ii o ' . ...ril Floyd, Jaineo M. Coops, Swanel M. kler, Samuel ltti, N% Minna Bingham, 2,1 ' . '",, bun lap. Jr., John S. Dilworth, Isaac NI. Pennock, Francis Sellers, S. Ilarbangt, J. Schoonmaker, Walter Bryant, William S. Hays. John Slaipton. [ilec2l PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smnhtleld Streets, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 8300,000. 41". Inman, Buildings and other Property against Loss or Damuige by Fire, and the Perlin of the See and Inland Navi gation and Transportation. DIRECTORS. Wer. F. Johnston, Rody Patterson, Jacob Palmier, A. A. Carrier, W. SPHlltitock, Jas. P. Tanner. tivorga W. Saitth, W. S. Haven, D B Thud. I. skier Nprool. Wade ILampteu, Li M. Long, A. J. Jones, ° J. U. i01:101, 11 . R. Coggsball. OFFICERS. Prerlikril Hon. WM. F.,JOHINSTON. V.A. President PATTERSON Nees, and Trresurer.A. A. CARRIER. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. Zi-FLOUR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES In either of the two Cities. tlananta may be left at the mai. or In bole at the atoms of LOOAN. WILSON & 00-, 5. Wood great. BRAUN A REITER, eon Liberty and St. Clair ntreeta P SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TERMS: CAER, ON DELIVERY. jy2.o BRYAN, KENNEDY & CO. WILLIAM HUNTER, DEALEIt EXCLUSIVELY LN FLOUR AND GRAIN, , No. 299 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. /far Coaara_wrt.r Ractivnta the BEST BRANDS of PENNSYLVANIA, 01110, INDIANA and MISSOURI, SUPERFINE and EXTRA FLOUR, Which wUt always be wild at the Loweat Cash prices. tapll WILLIAM B. lI,AYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS, LARD LARD. LARD OIL. DRIED BEEP, SUGAR-CURED and CANVESSED HAMS. A large stock alwaya on baud At No. 297 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. British &. Continental Exchange. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, RUBIDIUM CO. CO. ON THE UNION BANK, LONDON, Iy SOM or fa 4N - A UNCIAL*. tRi - Those Drafts are available at all the principal T.,. of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND, and - the CON TINENT. We al. drew &OWL Bate on M. A. Orunebaum & Bailin, FRANKFORT A MAIN, Which serve as a Remittance to all mute of GERMANY, SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons intending to travel abroad may procure, through In, Lettere of Credit, on Nvkils4l Bogey cur ha xiblialned, ea needed, In any part of Europe.. Couxorwite of Ms, Notes, and other securitioe In Europe, will receive prompt attention. • Wrird m IL WILLIAMS & CO, mh2l Wood, corner of Third street. PEKIN TEA Irg, 38 WSW etieSt, • giir GREEN AND BLACK TUB, warranted to give sat. Wu-Um. BUM. OHM/NB. (101ong-50, 62, 75, and finest Young Hyaon-50, 62 75, mad quafitY 8 1 iii lb iltV'e '184 11 4t 1 it lb; flat 8118 1 1 01 5 1 -50 , 76 and Iniihrial and powder - 50 j Vib. ' 82, 75 and $1 it 115. 11 4 teen and Black Teas of a ll grades put up In metallic packages expressly for the trade, and wlll be sold at the lowest prim. COFFEE—Prime Java and Rio Coffee, green and roasted SUGARS—Lovering's Crushed and Pulverized Sugars; and prime N. o,Bumw. Baker's Brom+, Coma mid Choco late. h a r49 l . 8. JAYNE& ~..----........- 11.uAVE YOU TRIED WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION ? 1 or, try It, and you will never be without it. Be sure to ask for WRIGHT'S PREMIUM K.S,THARION, Or you may get a wortbkas article. Bur sale by all Draggirta. 25 cents per bottle Wedern_ PePOt, Dr. KEYSER, R. E. SEJr.i? : • ,t W., and JOHN sew 3416 „ r `l7lr• '44 MIMI EIMMEED Springfield, REFEHENCES ROBERT GALWAY, President. I=l RETAIL PRICES. BEIM Oxr e 4th tnet.;Til Et:Peter's nrcL, by fey. E. 3L Van Dolmen, ENOCH ROBINSON, Jr, to Miss 401718.11 8., eldest daughter of Warren Billings, ofibis elty/I>, jp*Mli*R*SitlifENTS. ito.AAK E th(i- - '.fAistinguished Literary&tided, delver a LECtIME: before the lonngliten's Library AttiO . an44Wpublle generally, on TICURL- 4 0.47: .E ENOO, fiaceßthar MASONIC TALL:' Kubject—Aantaickstsst, or Amusing traits of National Character. In_ Doors open at a 34 o'clock ; Lechtre to commence at 714. Tickets, 25 cents; to he had at the Book and Hnslc Sloss, Hotels, Library Room. Lecture Committee, and at the JOHN 114 WM: 'lf. ximArv, E. H. TRIM, HENRY WOODS, JAMES BUCHANAN, Colamitfi.E; AT A MEETING 6f the-Tnigteee - oT the PITTSBURGH DOLLAR SAYINGS INSTLTUVAIIi, . held .Docember.Bd r -18650d ,, their - BifilinetiOneer - fro". 68 - ' "Tenth street, the first semi-annual dividend was declared, at the rate of Six per cent. per anntun. ~ . ' . ' At the same time the following persons were elected a Committee of Investment, or Directors, for the ensuing Bil[ months: Isaac li. Pennock, Alexander Bradley, John H. Shceriberger, N. Grattan gurpby,. Henry L. Ringwalt. .. deeo:lot CHAS. A. COI/ON, Sec'y and Treasurer. LO. FOX, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER, No 45 Diamond alley, second door from Wood., street, keeps constantly on hand a good assort._ ment of ROOTS, SHOES, CONGB.ERS GAITERS, TYES. kc, de Mak. Ps order to tit the feet, Keeps none Lilt the beet workmen, cuts the beet stock, and menufactar.3 all his BOARD OF TRADE.—The regular month ly meeting of the Associatlou will be held at their. 'looms, on FRIDAY, the 7.th lost, at P. 31. A resoluttaii will be uttered to change the hum- of the doily meeting. All the members are requested to attend. derti . J. P. BARR, Secretary.' BOOK SALE—On day De cembereveninc BOOK Saturday 0, at 0% o'clock, at the Commercial Sales ROOMS, corner of Wood end Fifth streets, will ho sold—A large-col lection of valuable Booki, lahluding many standard authors - In various departments of literature, among which aro, Wa. verly Novels, 6 vole; Say's Political Economy; IfonarChsof Europe; Dick's Works, 2 vain; British Poets, 9 vole Mrs. la/mm(1'11'8 Characteristics of Wooden, fine engravings; Life of Ilev;It. Blalt; Percy's Belton - es ; Ancient liontance and Poetry: Plartrial Half Honrs,2 vols; Geological Observer, by Be Lu Becht); Dunlap's History of New York, 2 vets; Band Book of Needle Work ; - Drees as a PhletAitt Landscape Oal• lery ; Stewart's Lectures; Somerrille's Physlc7d.Geogmpkry; Lardeche's Lilo of Napoleon, 000 'plates; Life of Gen. Gull— World of Industry and Art; audits of Slavery; splendid Family Bibles; Fox's Book of Martyrs, &c. Catalogues ana now ready, and the books arranged for evrosthittriou. demi . I'. D,CVS, Auctioneer. Q UNDRIES--Gold Pens, Eleetro-MtAnetia . 1..7 mactunctionstrunidt.Sparks, (for glazierental n6ut.. tars,) POrtelfenitaleallllchrist's Unequalled Interline Ra zors, Military Detain, Regalia, Jewels, Enriblenis,-Diads . ; Door, Number anal Pew Plates; Table Cutlery, Sayer Spoons, Forks, .6c. Jewelry, Watches and Clocks. 69- Watch Repairing at the old established house of 'W. W. WILSON', doc 6 corner onlarkeeand Fourth eta. .111 FRAILS .FRESH DATES; 200 boxes new Fir ; 300 drums do 20 math Seedless Raisins;jitht rec'd and for sale try dal) REVIIKR ANDRRSON, 39 Wood n. 55CASES PRUNES, in jars; 50 boxes do . . 25 half bows do 25 qr. do do Just received and fur solo by dee6 BEYAIES & ANDERSON 50 BOXES LEMONS just received and for .ale by Edec6) EIMER &; .LNDERSON. ALCOHOL 40 bbls for sale B. A. FAIINEMCK & decd oornor Eire and Wood eta CHLORIDE LIME--30 casks for sale by deo; B. A, PAiLnISTOCK A CO. BWE MASS-100 lbs for sale by' . ..1.) deed B. A. PAHNESTOCK At CO. WOOLLEN SILAIVLS—A. A. 3 7 .1" -- Aso - s& have Just opened over 1000 new and handoome Woollen Shawls, which, with their pritvioas large Itatitatmeni, col:tan - cite an immense variety of gyie, stdiedlb every taste. decti MERINO PLAIDS:L—Iust opened; 2 eases of One Merino Plaids, and selling at !victim that - that:a them the most desirable Deem Gots% in the market. deed A. A. MASON A . CO.. • AWFUL DISCLOSURES, by;Maria Monk, of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, of afontrtal: ronthitang, maoy the:Monte ntyk:i.r berm .published. New edition. Ror ale by B. T. C. MOROAN, tied; No . VA Wow at. YOU canbe thnrongllty suited with Ambrc type,* ur Dliguerre.typ,,, CATIr r o'S, 76 r, 4r 1.1, 4., optiosite Waking & en.'n ‘1,6 TE\ YEARS among the Mail Ba . gs, or Notes from the Diary of a Special 4,uonf iirthe Pad. to D. - liniment, by T. itulbroux; with illustrations bf Darley. itexpiveil in advance of all others. The Widow Bitdott Papers; Crotchets and Quavers. by Max Maretzeitt The Discarded Daughter, by Mrs. lionthworth; ennui. of Clifton, The Deserted Wife. 1.; . . Klosterbeim, by TimAs Dr QuilteuY; _,. . !Dirtier.' Atory Roo k(No. In) for Dereniber. Just received and for sale at W. A. MIDE-N.SZNNEY & Fifth 4., opposite the Theatre. TRNBELL'S EYE- BOTTLES- • 1 Just p.relved a large supply of thee.) celebrated Bottles. All of Turnbull's preparations can always be bial at my store. .108. DLP TING, der&_ corper Market and Diamond. I, 4 l Xeirl'ENttbrl'—.The people are rushing to th. ENTERPRISE, 74 Fourth street. fur l'irduros cu. 54) cords. and upenusis. der!. R OLL BUTTEII--2 bhls prithe for sale by lIENIIN IL GOLLISE, 1) RAN S-50 bushels fur sale by .. ders /MN cotrass. TTOBRIDGEM. - 114)F P .. . f ; . _p rol , Lsa i s — w i ll be r. , eeired by tap thard of Directors 01 the Ohio and FoonEllvauta Do'.. read Company, addrsett to the under 41"ued- i adl noon on TiLURSDAY, December 17ith,1855, for 7.am:thing the materials and erecting: the superstructure of a doultle-track Railroad Britlgu, with wide side-walks for foot passengers, arrows the Allegheny river, at Pittsburgh. The tads are to be at a fixed price taer lineal foot, for the length .tt the superstructure, to include all materials and workman ship, to complete the Bridge ready fur use, with a double nark; the Company furnishing the, raffroal iron for the tracks, and the contractor all other materials. The Bridge will have seven spans, and its whole length will be about twelve hundred feet The masonrywhich is kir.the mast permanent character, is in a forward ' state, the piers being fifty feet long and ten feet thick on the top; and ibis eastern abutment and some of the piers being now up to the coping. The superstructure wilt be required to be com pleted by the first of September. 106. Bids will be received for a " Burr Bridge," with beery arches, connterbraced with iron rods; and also for a " /Imre Bridge," or any other well tried phut, presided the bidder will secure the Company against all claims for patent rights. Plans and epetrillattiona will be ready for inspection at thdCompisztre dike, In the city of Pittsburgh, on and after the 17th lost; and further information may be obtained from S. W. ROBERTS, Chief Engineer. The Mini of Dikeetare reserve the right to am• tract for the work in such a way as they may deem belt far the interests of the Company. W. ROBINSON, Jr.. President. Pittsburgh, December 1, 1a.55--(deaddl NOTICE is hereby given to all perAons in tetvoted, that Letters of Administration upon the "date of CHARLES SI LIIHRIIORN, late - of Pitt township, Allegheny county, deceased, have been canted to the un dersigned. All pervious indebted to said dwastlent will make ps)meut. and those having claims against the tumid will pr.oent them, duly authenticated, to us for settlement. JOHN HARRISON, Put Township, USTA E THU:1131,199 Penna. Avenue, Adners of Chas. Silberhorn, deeiL. • UNTRY PROPERTY 'FOR SALE BLARF.LY have foraales A Farm of 141 acres in Adams township, Butler county. Also, one of 180 acres near Apollo, Armstrong County. Also, one of 304 acres in Versailles tp., Allegheny county. Also, one of 40 acres in Plum tp_ Also, one of 110 acres in Patton tp, do Aim, one of GS acres in Robinson tp, de Alm, one of T 5 acres In Plum tp., d a Also, one of 118 acrin in Plum tp, do Alm, one of 110 acres In Plum tp., do Also, is beautiful piece of land In Pitt township, containing Pi acres, within four miles of Pittslairgh. 3}4 acres, with suitable buildings for a suburban midtown, In Allnertrville, within fifteen minutes' walk of the city. Also, a Farm of 130 acres in I'ersalll.„ township. Also, one of 156 acres adJoining . tlidsbove farm. 100 Building Lots at the and of the now bridge at Shot pshoirg, lying between Shaipsburg and Stowortstown. The above hap. and Lots are very desirable, and worthy the aiteution of tboso ',Wiring such property. Pleaso call and get one or our Registers. deolaisw CITY PROPER'PY FOR SALE-BLAKELY & haye for sale the following desirable city property, iiti : A House and Lot on the North Common, In Allegheny city. A Lot of tiround on Carlton street, to litrminghatri, and two Dwelling Hones. A Lot of tironnd on Pennsylvania Agenue, and seven Dwelling Houses, . A well established (licensed) Wholesale Liquor Establish ment on Liberty street, Fifth Ward; lot 25 by MU '6A deep, with Warehouse, Dwelling House, ,tc. A very fine Cottage building cal Robinson stmt, running back to Ann street; lot 27 by 100 Poet. Four Lots of Ground on Quarry street, 25 by 1:00 feet. One Lot of Ground on Liberty street, FifthWAN. One Lot and two Dwelling Houses in Lawrenceville. Call and get one of our Registers , with full descriptions. deokOsw O"R4MUSIC—The Opera of La Som nambula, by V, Benin!, complete, . _ with Italian and English words, and. , _ a ' 21 .4 1 rt Plano accompaniment. Price, g 2. - Also, the renewing pieta from the above Opera, separately: As I view these scenes so charming ; eh t don't mingle ; Sounds so jcifttl; use gun o'er stealing Oil! lope, me thy'poler ; Oh I I cannot give expression Take now this ring—vocal duett; Phantom chorus, "When daylights going." Also, arrangements for the Piano of ttse fasorite airs of this Opera, by Wallace, Beyer Hers, The above for tulle at the Ntiolc:Bfore of dec4 4 6 1P1 m..ELLort, 81 Wood st. • - ENGLISHPapers by the Atlantis—Lo ndon lllustrated News, Punch . . Times, and Bell's Life. Professor Hare's Great Work, 1 volume, 460 pages, with Illustrations. The Widow Bediat Papers, illaitrmod, Cultivator Almanac for 3441. Cro6teta rind .0 2 1 j4vern7 - by Mai 3. 1 a .- asek. Caste—a story of iteimbit.—. E qua lity . iiirgnAw e -:'.meat of uew Juveniles received. Gilt Books, Annuals, Prayer Books, Bibles, &c, &c flit the Holidays. Subscriptione received for auy magazine or periodical pub lished in the coUntry, at a fibers.' discount from publishers' prism Harper's, Putnam's, Galley's, Graham's, and all other S.I magazines suppled at $2,60, free of postage. dec4 H. MINER fi. 00., a 2 Smithfield et. QHEETING MUSLINS— One particular brand, the pre-eminent merit of which has been estab ed by long experience, and is now universally acknow ledged. The choice cotton from which they are made, their freedom from imperfections, the firmness and smoothness of their thread, and the general excellence of their manufac ture, render them unquestionably the oaoat serviceable, du rable and economical Sheeting ever offered to the pnblia To be had at the Housa Furnishing and Mourning Store of BROOKS a COOPER, dec4 No. 75 Market street. A. A. CARRIES. .... . • • • olre• S• CARUIta' A, A, FAIAXIII . 1,14 dr"eltiaw. Corlitr V i:tdritt: Smilhfitid itreettiPatigigt, A G E*""11 T ,- STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND IMMUNE inroundpipt vtko OF ILARIIISMIELO. .GIRABR' PYRE AND MARINE 1619.14)1AP1PE CO. or PHILADE4II4, , CAPITAL' 4 3 0 6 00.00, INSURANUR COM'Alifr op THE V A c!,Viri//:;;24. ' wzonzerzn; r•' • CQNPMCTIMIT:- ' 7 rirmrAL LIPS latifitraANCE CUEMPAIVIr HARM:MD, CONN. • ' mr) CAPITAL AND ASS'Erg..s2;o4,4B6. - • ETNNS & CLARK'S , fIANOS.+—FRESIt ii wrocK.—}r. KLUER.ainto, hare.; • - now on- ths way,. and partly received, a complete and choice stock of PIANOS front the ftletapior,NUNNS rink. They are proVided with all theists and Amportent' means whisk distinguish Nouns & Clark's Piano - Laboteeil others, the Overstrings, Pell7Core Ha ' French 4l 1. Grand Action, etc. Every Plana Yokil ll ?ocrin.44 ;With , the Privilege to the purchaser -at taunting the Aetna proves In any way defective. ( • ' 1 . t.. 4; Teinitaend frOm Stiputosit, Cumnscurt, - „lsinverabarl9,.B66.; , • ,,, '-' l, Messrs. IL Kleber 411r6.; Piastarr4l-4?eptlMer{::AinEde; me to thank you mast sincerely for the inagisithantOtatur , •"4 Piano of Messrs. a s & Clark's manufacture, artrlck , 13 7 'lave teen so. kiad as to low= ion dine: Icreetrreipdriez-.? . concerts in . your city . ." Thie.eopeittinstruindat hootio . , at ,teFt, very beet ever made in ,Anie ; tuni , tor .irtreetneskand-, ; power of tone, •as well as 'solidity of constructiouLleatea. nothing to bo desired. Lreallyeongeetubitelteorw.-I.P' er, who shall be so happy as:to lessens vint'il Wins 'l4l worki of American industry. With heintY-41,Illiett-Rt'V.;,..; happiness, etc.. Your-obedient torten,; ' • !dunce sisexii*,„ o , ra. sole agengfialiWarks:ketak's-mitthariallanta at - &LEDER IrAft . Xettreti;eigtAt the ()olden • 4. IL "51 451 - - - . - naafi OY The subscpbeire,hae , established Book Aging i'hund subi_ turuish. any book or publication at the retell price,freaef L A. postage. Any parsons, by forwarding the suliseriptwri . p., l , of any ofthe 9.1 3 .F1L1 - "g..orra r Rich ea tlaspertSlaudeV i llEv 4 nam's, Graham's, Ira*, Issille'sliuddraikdi‘ldll the magazines for 00 ye it A nd q of either - Washlngton, - dankson or,Olaty; or, if taeribligto,; and asl Magazine, they wilt receiventopOtedther :the three pintralts If subscribing Co $6 worth of 31ageminee,,..!: I all - Ahree portraits will Le emit gratin', 111, !VdO - Ortii*Cfli*. 'thbad who mar winn it. • -• . r in' Win' • Envelopes of every description and size - o , guitntitics ftunished. . Ewa Presses, Dies; d'iseat:trrbrila. Every desoriPtiOn of Engraving ottorecrifed~Ftttt t; neatness and - despatch. Views of 'BullEngsi. 174, 6 17.. 1 r Mi Headings, Views at Machinery, Book nstrations, Ceutincatca, Bashaess Cards, tic. All 'orders sent promptly attended to. Persons nishintvitis - orthetrun . ' - tan, engraved, can send a daguerreotype or aketch-of.:tina-,..-;. , .. budding by mail er empress. Persons at a distance having saleable artielarfflohldlgal ; to their advantage to address:the. a l alcriteralasim'lnout+ act us agents for the sale of the satire. , BYlt4 B. PATEW.4-1" ZO South 'lldrd street; Ehl.lo' Doilecdswly _ ROTT & CURTIS, Den iv% Red E4iite;-:..,if; SBt. Anthony Alia AlinnesetalenDntlr•` /mit , ud I.ld throughout the TerrtOry, .Aioney loanlod, merits poade to the beet advnutagt4 and Land , werrants.leati; , tel. Also. Agents ter the sale of Lote.la tier town - of BT,I- mixt), anmAesfront St. Anthony, _and hatuturta_ , tax:le the Falls. The surrey of the great Pacilio ._ crosses the Mississippi at this point, aid the laaktetntlSAttfr. .1 111 vantages itpossesses ass place of ha:sinew vill:n4e. 4.1411.6.. of the largesi cities in the Northwest • • • Ex.:(lorerner Ihunsay,Minneseta. - • , llon. Wm. U 11oWi, Chief Justice of lion. S, Meeker. lion. R. AL Rice, Delegate to Coogr, liollingehead A Decker . , Attorneyp,i4bigi . :.:,.,:„ 3 31essra. Dorup Oaks, ll:lnhere. `"' I t y l . 7 'Bei. T. M. Fullerton, Register if U:: A LEXAN.GER W. FOSTRltAttecitittor,stri. • , Cbutsellor lasif find Solicifcii fxr Chancemi Agent • 11- 3ur procuritig Bounty Laud ad, raliksiona, and, hr 'imam of Claims in Great I;iFitOan 21,4 /rola" 45eC011eCtiOWM40 in this end Opining eimairearEo'''', Wee of deccitehts Bottled: neat Attila lentgl44 - maid , thihlt leased, gjati rents collected: tiOnOSH inyeste47ato Mortgoor or other security. Titles examined afatlite plffmta °glee on Folltail street, few_.s6ol:l9,aboTalimithtlelit. Pittnburgli, Mani. 28, S*.jtalatasevi Aw. Foti.T.E , , Notary Pirblic,AiidLto*-41:, aosa;ofter for tho Slates of RennpaohNeurnimP:•:--ii• aro, Connecticut, Wisconsin , Now York; Illichigtu3, l lnwn; ' ().d6furnla and Virginia. 44- Deeds drawn, and cohnoviedinonta and Probblateii-`- , ?! ,1 for record or nee in, nay of the above named Mhuiesivid and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, Numb 213 . /5645-,iinbeSibm) QTATEMENT OF TLIE LI the PITISBURGII TRUST 0331PANYreipitre&W,:i tegnited t Charter: DR. .., • . _ _____.l , Lt...... To , Diacounta, Notca and Bah at Raciange.. ' :'...l.Fgapp 0.5 .. „ 1 , limn an Land • __-_• $ 4, ;0 . .4 -)• •"- - - Cash dun by )3441c,a find namikenc ,• • - - ' • '-• subject to check__........_..._..:...65,571 19' ' ()minty Elands Barkking House-- V.:pause amount_ By Capital Stock..., tR. • "040.53 Cranth duo to ;I,,k; *. e . ,;;;; SiLl ---- ------ —.4213146"3° 1 , 1 , 1 :, ,, P 51 *". ........ • —4 , counts and Premiums reee s— Contingent .... .17245'2:1.:1 Iddividnal Depotdts, .... ~,4 1)„ ,P 184 ' 404 Individual Deposits on ... Interest acoannt. 1::191,1100 D.- . Pittsburgh. Dec. Ist, Igsf.,—(ilectil lITESTERS EXCII &ME—ROTEL, • y r it ENT, and the PURNlT.DREanertniMitb.; sALE, with a lease of the premlsolfor „„, scriber now offers far zeal the Hotel, which he-haiWeetilgilif---.:.±-• with a continual increased business for , the histiltYntrivi; known as the WESTERN 1175.CIIANGErn , titiutteil • Market street, above rifteenth, PEILLADELP is. ::. • large and commodious, flee stories ittigki:llnd haa:acconanne,-- &dons for about-one Mittdred andilftYlcalgeoisi SWIM, ;. for nearly sixty Horses. It to consktercel one ' flea beat hotel stands in the street; is convenient to - the Tarlonsßalt• reads Depots, Markets, &c., and it being extensively known, its med unnecessary to eve details in an advertlsementi e as pertioris wishing to purchase would undoubtedly amt',; satisfy themselves of its advanMes. • ~Particulars tan be hadby ,wridnito, ar tallinean, the 'subscriber, on the promises. deadlw JrOBEPII4ATErthAIt.,,. EEP your head cool, anti froe frotridlittoacri 'dandruff, and the enalikkee from dlseteseyif yentwish t., preserve your hair. noststextx OIL 13-thErietit:thiar' . you ran find to accomplish these objects. It -le-likewisireni excellent article for softening and hotruillYin Mltt Inlft•-• Price 25 team per bottle. hold by S. L, Cil " er4 53 Market attest C , 0F li —530 bags pritno Rio Cdreelanding and'for solo by (deci) mum & 11.10METSON. , A — LCdllOl. - -10 bbls - Fletcher's 76 0- 41Widt In store and for sale by deal 3 IXIMER IticEkllSON. ,, i' 2 TTERRING-50 boxes Scala wormg.:fix„,,,„ sale by Idea] Id4ligalt BUTTER -3 bbls prime Roll Stain by tdect] • MILLER ,It ILL--- Sperm, Winter Bleached ; NJ No. 1 Lard 011, in store and far sale by deed MILLER & S COTCH ALE-6casks Scotch Ale landing and fousale by [deo4] MLLE.& & - rucurawilt., , TOBACCO-120 bores ss, 88 iind'illbalea4-• X Twit, "Grant's," "Russell & itoblAsots'!,,FV. fankoo Doodle," and other favorite Aram* army:wai( - 1 for solo by [deol] MILL% DICAZTSONV ODFISH-10 timms " Gaud Bank 1-Cort.' fish fur 1440 by [der-i] 'MILLER ,lI , RICKETSON. -- • -- - - SQUARE BROCIIE SON bave Jug pileue4samo flow saml very *table Icroche Shawls. -t FINE FiIENOR WOOLLEN Loma —We have }list received a lot of tho above bre, double centered, high colored Long • r• - • dec A. At KABON 4155. • DARAMETTAS AND CO , l 3 VAGS7.soolieees; •i • of the above Jost received, lachattiriiik large to Broinx cud other desirable colors, tdee4l , ARON Co.& ItA r alltE, ANTIQUE prices. received, 20 earton4 of Chak Triamoings, at rkcluccdr; . • [decd.] 1..A. , 31•A1iC0/ &CO.' utacw4EAT 'FLOUR-6o Baas, g9ed article, for sale by filurn, 31sta .ll auNTEIt. THE puet—m.HESE N.& CO.' base now on bend, and are constantly inceiviriZat:No.-; of DET TII`TII street, opposite the Custom.Mattilei Dinh Supplies : ' RE OYSTE, WILD GAME, and FISH, which they • are selling at the LOWEST ATARKET RATES. The ytep, ore forwarded to acconunodate. They also oath' , to -maks— known to the citizens of Allegheny City, that ;bey hare; - opened a Depot at the .133 1 / 1 1hTT HOTEL, on Yadnal street„ where the above articles can always be obtajAe&. idee3.lll. -pumps ohoold not detnr . yon.. Cnaco Omni IL) out the finest of Itlurres by his Mammoth Light, in cloudy waithea. gizy.7P gourth street. • desalt V g A i SUION4ILE MATS AND OAPS, AT Lowllms„,4., WILSON & SON, No. CO Wood 'street, resliostagltik the public that they have a large Assortment of the, latest styles of Bat, and (Spa, whicti Wiey will sell • etloep,, prices for cash. N. 8.-Just received, t ;kips style of Ladles' Riding rats and Caps. [uovlo] T. WILSON & BOIL HAM MERINOS—A very large tort mein of the above goods, of every grAdo, ;embed Oda day by [deel) A. A.,14.4690N,A(C0. -AND WARRANTS.,-,The highest market' J.l, _price paid for AS Sit and 12 Acro land Water rants, of the late Code. Also—Tor 8d and AGO Born Warrants, Limed icaderibs - to! 384.0, geP9LApply acVF to RLAEXIX nacsarr, cornor of Seventh andSmledleddsm, UNDRIES-401 dozen Pepper Saucer, 30 dozen Cane3p, sunned: 10 mats Dates; 5 cases Prunes, in glass „tars; inn received end i F t. sale by [noT/221 REntalt & 21,-MDIIIIBOI.I. lata JR SALE, VERY CHEAPA. BAJIW ING LOT IN ALLEQUE:VY CITY, 24 &et by 100. .&.• guod bargain can he bad by applying 150011 at the of thew ss jyl2:tf- MORNEW -.YOST LOTLO FOR SALE—A goodßunDLN4a Leer.. 24 fret front on Carson street by 100 feet 13:;), dopth, i lk Birmingham, will he sold cheap, Eingarti of • • • GEO. Y. 0,112,1108 E, e the cake of the Mortal* poet: . SILK pixSll, for Cloak-Trimming, for sale at So. .91, Wood street [deal) J. WILMS* & SON. bbls Sweet Malaga ituitave'd and fur ago by. KED, a LaDEBSON- • I . MASON d co. have received anothEr 'Dr apinadld lot of Wool Blankets, of tits mast' aPproTed-s mai.. aid in all size'. upoteat \ ..',.... ~ ji, • 443,3081.1i5z - : gR g. 2, ..00 /.4,006 ba. /, 5.c: ~ 4.53
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers