Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, March 16, 1846, Image 2

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    1)c Mail)) illorning Post.
ristsumffi, :sioNDAy. 11AltC)1 1G,1316
I'VP Vlt Pa t:a. Agent for country newApeners,
is the Agent for the Pitl•horgh D•iily Morning fort.
and Weekly Mercury and :\ tankiractiner, to receive
stivettisernents Rn.l snherripiions. He Ilan offices in
NEW YORK.. at the Cool Oilku, 30 A iin street, (ad
joining the Tribune thrice.)
BO3TON, No. I^_, Sta , e street.
Pritc.AnEcruut, Kcal Estate and Coal Oilke, 59
BALTIMORE, S E cornet Baltimore awl Calvert .t.,
where our paper can be seen, and terms of nivel - t~
sing learned, .
the following From the Phlludelpilia Keystone ef the
4th inat
"The IZightof Way.—The extraordi on ry demands
made upon our Legislature for grants of rie.le of wny
through our limits to corporations of other Slates. have
opened the eyes of the eiticens to the positions that
such grants will make them occupy. While the ex
tension of the Erie Railroad Company will not, in It.
self. be injurious, as we believe, yet the Ohio & Mary
land Oomp thy has so little merit in its applcation, ea
should induce our members sternly to resolve against
any such grant whatever. Why shall it he givenf—
Do other States give such favors to Pennsylvenint—
We have yet to acknowledge the first favor of t his kind,
and it seems to us little short of fatuity for Pennsylva•
nia 4 t give, when she never gets au opportunity to
Each Sra:e one the exclo,ive right of way within
it. soil; it is part, nn essential part. of its sovereignty
--mad State Sovervigoty is lessonctlhy vi ddiny a pot.
lion of its elements. The course ot our worthy Guy.
crone would seem to fubitl the lea that he will ever
sanction such a snruifice of the State's property, and
WC have abiding faith that the people, en misse, will
su.tain him in preventing such usurpations.
The Keystone editor, we doubt not, will bfi much
mistaken if he expect! , Gov. SIIUNK to veto the bil l
granting the Baltimore and Orin Rnilroad right of
way to Pittsburgh, it passed by the Log,islatuie.—
Guy. Stit.;:sig for several years wits a citizen of thi s
city—lie it well informed upon this question—the fuels
within his knowledge, we feel well assured, will in.
duce him to look upon the measure as one of grea t
importance, not only to the west, but to the entire
State of Pennsylvania Guy. SIIIINK it a statesman
of enlarged and liberal views, and we think the cdi
for of the "Keystone" w ilt find that he cannot, and
will not be influenced by narrow and setti•ti consider.
anions. The Gosernor. sic are stoisfied, w it! riot be
influenced by the chttnor of the l'hi!adelphia bond•l
holders; he has sincerely sit heart, we believe, the
hest interests of the tommotiora;lll. and sill do nol
actcalculated to retard her ripidly increasing,
The maj .64. of the people of rhi'd lelphia, we
believe,are sincere and hor.e.t in th-ir eipodtion to
the "right of way" but the lectier• in thy ~, , ;hati ro, are
deeply intelested in Inch"; the roa I to a !ermine.
south of Pittsburgh A fee: fro-lilies in Vbiladelplria
own all the lands near to l'alltyrilooo;11 und rhriring
oriel; of course these lands would be gr eznl2, -increas
-la3 is value if the road Should 110 hteritcri through
them. In ounc!usion, we lyrae only 1. , expregri our
regret that the editor of a Deuvrcret'e papor shorhl
he found laboring to place the Executive .d hi± choice
in a false position upon a aohj. yr whodi Ins created
au =nit excitement among ih. ireop:e tirrougi.ont th
Correspondence of the "Moraine Pfaff:,
lianisL , lrgA,M,,,l, I IIA, t 746.
• This morning in the 1 - loose. n renelution wan an.,„„
led, making the "right of nay - the •adcr of tho ‘ t f ty:
for to morrow.. The Lal incorpol,ttir.g the ••Goord;- I
MN of the Poor" of the city of Pin Bourg h, war called
up. Mr Wadsworth oponned its pa...age-11w Lill
was postponed (or the present. Tire Committee on
Ranks made a long report in gel - metier to the Lehigh j_ . .
County Bank.—the committee recommend that the ! ,
a „ -
u ono:rt.—By pansengei I in hint night's stage
charter be annulled, for the reavons that the p rod hom Lexington, - lass the Ciacianoti Colon of the
nine, of tire charter have not been ei•mpliel wiilt.—
I 1:11 we loam that a refit had reached that place
Two thousand copies of are
report in l: :,g iisL and "' from Vetsuilten, to the etTeet hat T Waring hal
thousand in German, mete ordered to be printed.— •
been shot by some unknown pet non.
The report unfolds a curious tale, Flmwirg up the :
Came fr om the second story a widow, !aridk the top of
"mysteries of finunciering." Mr !flotillas. of the cit. ,
read a bill in pisce,regulating the sale of oysters in tin head and rums out of his cheek. Ills life is din-
the city and county of Philadelphia doing the sum
mar months. FIRE AT TRn:nITUS, \ J.-00 Monday morning,
Mr Wadaworth, reported u hill to pr , tent rite Boot the locomotive in which a fire kad been kindles! to
prepare for starting welt the line for Philad
and Shoemakers of 4iit,hurgl., Alli.ghenv ci.v and
work 11160, caught fee while in the depot, and the flame,
Allgebeny county, against doe competition of
I were commonicwed from it to the tender, and caught
made in the Western Penitentiary. I will rend you
to the roof of the depot before alarm was given. The
a copy of the bill to-morrow,
lathe Senate quite a number of pet.
, el cubing mound the boiler of the locomotive and the
tented, and a great many p ;
i.ons were pie
i„te bills were iatro j e i wood work of the tender was much injured, hut not
eel. so as to render them an .erviceahle. 1 hey came
Mr Bi g l er reporte d it supplement to t h e act pro‘ . i.l down with the way train as usual.
dine for the erection in thin commonwealth, of an A sy•l Ft RR AT Sit Vne lt , qC F.-011 the '23d tit., the woe"-
Lam for the insane poor. len factor:, in Sherbruke, East Canada, owned by the
MrSullira t a suppliment to the Little Schuylkill ! British American Lard- Company, and or-copied by
Railroad and Navigation Company , whi c h w a s taken Mr Adam Leaman. by Mr J 1' Lee, as a knitting foe
up and finally passed. tory, and by Mr Linea Scott as a plot mill ass burnt
Mr Quay moved to proceed to the consideration of! to the ground. The whole lons was estimated at
the New York and Erie Railroad bill. Mr Heckman! '$15;000 of %hid) le, than $2 000 in i inured. The
called for the ot dens of the Jo); hit Q iti) then moved i
greater lone in suffered by the land company, who lime
to suspend tire rules, which reTtired a vote of two about $lO.OOO and have no itintor ince. The fire is
thirds—tile in ;thus failed, nen, 17, nays 14. The nupposed to have taken from a stove pipe. The light
Bill providing for an out-let L ink at Black's Eddy, aas wan seen at Plain, a distance of thirty
then taken up and in now ( ato in the afternoon) omit.' roil. s.
err Vir.E+.—The saw and grist mill and
;clock factory of Nlessrs. Sawyer, at Colebrook River .
Con., was bortt on the 3 I; b mks and all loot, worth
, !4000, no insurarre.
At 1 tied eh on Featool ty moni rig, the steam boile r
house connected with Mr. Moses Dan's ropewalk in
Roxburry, Mans. was burnt nut: lons $3OOO not insured.
Luther Stone', saw viii and hroom handle works in :
Ctuslien, Connecticut, were burnt oame day.
The Whig ConvenriJn as;ornble.l this afiernouo.
George Darsie, E,q, nl Al!e:;hr.oy is •Presidri,t.—
JAMES M POWEII,E-1,411 nicer - 1.411 c, Meri-er
county, was nominated un the third ballot. As soon
the utile result was announced. Mickle7 Dan Ma.
gecko's, E.q. a Delegate from Cambria, arose and
declared that he for one mould nut support the nomi
nee, "no bow they could fix it.•' The convention then
adjourned to meet to nisht at 7 o'clock, fur the pur
pose of another disphly of pit!i!icul euon.slifb hig
gery, in the shape of 13 tHICUMIJO resolutions which
were already prepared. but i t consequence of the cx
citement. it was thought best not to introduce them
until the "refractory Itl , gutc." had cooled dots n.
la haste,
larch 1a46
In the House, today, atter the presentation of pe
titions, the "Hight of Way" Lett van called up mei
passed tint ough committee of the whole vnith Let tuds
light amendment. Mr Huley then moved to take up
the l'enti-ylvania Railroad bill, on second reading,
which was agreed to. Mt Pir.irtt named to punt pour
fur the purpose of ' , Tinting, the vet idlia
that have been made, which wun tint ogreed to. Mr
llmnsides mused to po..tpeue 1.7 r the it. pone of ma
king Lod: bills the otdcr fot tiome fol 2. e day, which
waa agreed to by the fellow Mg t.tet
Ytia.—Messrs Arilvltvong . . na:micr, n,,a, Bler,
Burnside, Connor, Duly, Dow:, F.oew, I'm non, FOl
- Funston, Guilt. Haley, lluilowcll, Dill of
Montgomery, II iodine, Huff [lan. Jocs, Jacobs,
James, Keller, Koine. Kunkle, Ladley, Larkin, Nlat-
Nlerrison, M'Crurte, Sl'Firland, Owen, Patter
son, Mien, Bove, t, Sherman, SnOer,Steel, Stettler,
Stewart of Lycomb.g, Taggart. Tice, Trego, West.
Webb, Wilson, Wultoun and Worrell-47.
' Nors..—Messrs Bachman, 13a:ber, Bartholomew,
Bighorn, Boughner, Brougk, Brackenridge, Bright,
Baines, Burrell, Chestnut, Clark, Cochran, Cross,
Donaldson, Edie, Elated, Fas,ett, Galloway, Gray,
I faymaker, Hilands, Hill, (Fayntte,) Johnston, Knoa.
Aleand, bl ltchell, .Murphy, 51'Abc,e. Jl'Clellaud, 91'•
Curley,' Nicholson, Power, Fummy, (Franklin,)
l'onieroy, (Mercer,) trice, Pider,Robicson,6arnuels,
Starr, Stewart, (Frautd4o,) 7bemaa, (Chester,)
1 loons., (Sustiocharma,) Wadsworth awl Patterson,
Speaker, 46. Abeont, Messrs Bents, Campbell,
Dean, Mageehan, Merrifield, Strouss, and - Von liar
—7; roar friends of the bill and three opponents—
Mr Burnside then moved to make both bill. the order
of the day fur Monday next, the 16111 inst. Mr Bur -
rt3l, moved to amend and to proceed to the considera
tion of the Pennsylvania Railrt;ad bill, forthwith,
which was dkagreed to—yeas 45; nays 45. Mr.
Knox mused to s•ti ike the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road bill from Mr 13urnside's motion, which was lost,
yeas 45; nays 50. The original motion which makes
both bills the order of the day for Monday the 16th,
was then agreed to, yeas 45; nays 45. The debate
upon the several propositions referred to above, was
of a very exciting character.
CANAL NAYIGATION. — WiIh much pleamre wcgive
!due to the following note (tom the excellent Super
visor of the %Tester') Division of the Pentisylvenie
'Freeport, March 14, 1846
Mr Bigler:—You will please state Cut the infoima•
tion ef the public that the water will be let into the
Canal at Leechhurgh, on Monday evening, the 16th
init, and that the Canal will be filled to its propel
bight without delay. Your ,
S S JAMISON, Surpetvisor.
I ' IITSZUROH QUAKTIRLY 110 . 10v.—Wo have re
ceived the first numberof this wink. edited by S. FLKX.
ING, and printed by Messrs. Whit. ey. Dumars & Cu.
We have not had dine to give it such un examination
as would enable us to weak of the character of it, con
tent.; we will notice it more fully after hosing lead it.
It is neatly piloted, and is Certainly wind, inueli more
thud the subscription p: ice, aLidr is one duller I er
TEI.I uttA 1 , 11 ri.r it D wt . :Iv•Tnt.t.—A
letter from C. Fleischmann, Erq., U. S. acting &ere.
tnry of Leguton at the C.tort of Au.otia, dated Vienna,
Jan 14, 1846, sn3 s '1 ant officially orritiaintrki with
he fart, that Morse's sy.tern of Mtignetic Telegraphs
will he urlopt od here. The Council has ilrcirlsil
upon it. It will extend from here (Vienna) to Prague,
a diatunce of nearly 320 English miles. Morse ' a ap
paratus will be used fur the. important communica
tions at the principal ststions, and Dam's (of Scotland)
for the use of the Ilailteatls."
Wa learn clame here that their ha, been great corn
petition and great cri s oliA made in the highest quarters
to Lave other s) stems adopted iu Austria. out the A
merican has ttiumplted over all.
rt)RIC ♦so L A fin. — Accordtng in u titatement pub.
tithed in the St. Luti• • Republican. them hate been
30,433 hog. and 3,003 cidtle thitighterrti in St. Louie
during the pt .sent packirg seutou. About 500 c.,tir
a ill yetdie slat;litered, rntbinc a tend 0f:3,505 cattle,
!nog of which arc pn purr bir the Eueith innrket.—
The estimate for the previeut seutun was IC 000 tinge
and 2,500 rattle. The uveract• of wei;:ht of trigs 01,0
year exceeds three of the Previi•tit serial-in by eertrly
twctity-five percent. The whole nmotint Cro St. Louie
and the points abort., an the
Nlit,luti river. it set ci..wn at 101 500 hog. and 11,
5'2U Bergen of beef. The Repuldientibt edimaie 1. 1
somett hat higher than that gathered f,..muther
but. P'c rircisu'ne it it as neat carii,t as it is
to make it at piea,lo
Niontieal Herald that merniiig, iu (%ori.la arr ern
qrneraily being calL•d for the pit
nuns in Er,glarid Ore rel• ill,. cur :Avk 4.
rills 13 :qll l l,treni 11. a < ing , ):ar 'au•r , !
tic S 1 at , ',-11 f ,11 k,t Lin; Curl.
templ,,ted tep :al might be ho/,...fir141 to the American
LOWVV, r, 9110111 d be brume i./ aiuJ
that ~h at fr,on Cana.lu now go, iota . .1/ ..our
duty per ,plfirt er
Fly c. Hone.—Weli iv; voLN,lio.l ac;,o,inoi of Ow
revoluti in in Yucatan, and their nettrig up as n govern
meat independent of Mexico. The New Orleans
Tropic now publi.heit it letter from Campearhy, in
which it is proposed to odmit the peninsula of Yuen
tan i nto t h e State,t, after the mariner of TC:titiC
and little it ;;;;;.; five tree States! The letter odds:—
floppy, very irtopv the revanv, ita having sr •
cured a gold and true protection from the Unired
States, and liberated themselves from the Unworthy
and "rml•eniie government of Nlexicu. Yucatan nuw
needs this game promotion. The Yucatecoes are nnx•
ious to get it horn the States, arid we have
determined to send a commit iee to %Vashingtun, so a s
to t.ropose to the Co‘tannient of Ore U States to pro
tuct us, nil give us an], in rase that Mexico shanikl
once more at. runpt to rtrpose upon US.
A Cenious cl.rinul Cu!
low is sail to ex IA On the I::Lte. The Pea,entry who
possess any !anti however small, never enter the church
vithcot a no , rg,ay in their hands. Thus they show
that they claim the consideration due to persons whn
passess property in the parish (town.) Among the
country people in the neigborhood of Hamburg, there
is no garden so small as not to possess a place for
the flowers intended for this use; and the plat is distin
guished by the name of "the church nosegay."
FAST Der.—The Governor of Connecticut has is'
sued his proclamation, recommending that Friday'
the 10th of April next, be observed throughout that
State, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and
SMALL. Pox.—The number of death.; from thin
ease iu Philadelphia, bait week, was 9, in N York, U
and in Baltimore but 4.
An Exenitss INCIDENI.—An Antwerp jouriudist
AttlICS that he sent a reporter to litusttels foe the
"king's speech," and whir a couple of carrier pigeons
to bear back the document. Ac Mussels he gave the
pigeons in charge to a wailer, and eared forbreakfast.
He was kept waiting for some time, but a denclow
fricassee atoned for the delay. After breakfast •be
paid Ida bill and called for his p4;oons. "Pigeon,!"
ejaculated the waiter, "you have eaten them!"
Nttatal AGE STA r ice.—An oQicial report aLatet
that since the fret of January 1849, no h•ss thatt one
hundred and fifty-nine married women in France, have
been legally charged with murdering or attemr ing to
murder their husbands.
Great Bight of Way Meeting.
The ft fends of the right of way held a very large
end enthu•ialtic meeting et Connelleville, Fay..itte
County, on Saturday, the 711 i beton% The citi
zens of Conneil§villo, Dunbar, SeMick, Tyrone,
Bull§Lin, Pent', Franklin, and Union, were in
attendance. lion Jolt§ FULLF:R, pie§ided, assi.ted
by eight Vice Prelidetits. The following revolutions
were ur.animnuitly adopted:
Resolved, That we demand from the Legislature
of the State of Pennsylvania o consideration of our
tights, by the passage of the Bill panting the right of,
way lathe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
Resolved, That we'virw, with surprise and regret.
the hostile disposition which the citizens of l'l,iladel
phiit hove manifested against Westetn Pennsylvania.
as it must prove suicidal to themselves and injurious
to the State generally.
Resit/rot, That sound policy, on the part of Penns
s3lvsnia, v nul t distant the comdruction of Roads
and Canals, to attract as notch of the trnde and travel
to pass through her territory as possible, and thus
prevent similar improvements North and South of
Pennsylvania. from monopolising the transportation
of tonrot,;e and travel (torn the 'grtiat valley of the
Resolnr,l. That, an a hr;i,e majority of Sena
torial 1) iet nro in favor of nrantiniz the right of
way to the IlidtimAre nail Ohio Railroad Company.
ou r Sena• or, the [lon Clot. lee A be ioidi acted
tonne an honorable WWla for the 141,1111 p of ea id
Res,ilred Th it Messrs Hill and Gallownv, of the
House of itepoci.entutives. poi...wing our lull
dencr, be instructed to make use of all honorable ro
onions In iierrire the Sal 1 right of way through the leir
Riney of l'eureiyivania on liberal and equitable feint.
Resolved That we artirtwe of the ciorse
by Mir county representatives on the subject 01 it,
tight of way, as it i. in accordance with their public
tleclarntions when catalniates before the proplr for
election, uutl as u 0 contia incluctions have been
Resoir,l, That we honor the flan Charles Gib
bon. of Bliiiaelidik, and that we a:.' geliefory and
'deeply indebted to him for his honest, liberal and
state,tnandiliosconrse in support of Ale right of way
to the Baltimore and Ohio H u i! rend Com;,a,y .
Reanireci, That I. meeting held in Bnio o t o w n ,
etie county, n the 14th day of February, at tel,kh
Bailey pre-sided, was not a meriting of the rittron,
of this comity, bat merely a Borough meeting "i-olitit
the will of the rili.j , •lit y, nor even of ei respectable mi.
nority, a, it regards numbers, was riot repress
and that the Re•olution• of said meeting s hilli Id 110
the :mem ion of oar Ben resew m
Rrrclr d That sew y the
in., in 11, ,rnr,!,l rn..l.t of
Of IHnh Il.pu•e•,n• retnien
trd--a• an In•nit 1in,,A1,141 , and intevil ul
fr ' esuir , • 7hnt if the ettlit•ntt of Phiholvlphie
, !heir ufrpiq t.t 11, V.ra , . I.r eli•
1 1,15:011,1g to atne.t the plt•,oge of n Inu • Framing the
right of may to he !tantrum,. and r
Comp,.., tilt+ no'r•in7, rt - cornmond to the coiren.
of this fo,trt of rrun.ylv inn, (in the fall 'Tiro 51
) the 1 . ..m..5m of n nm,itogur-mrt., leazll.•
:01 tl.t• cite of PIM nil Ihe
, ii .• lle,t to ',MO !her roy Will
umro art. • ntton to our iniet , stn, and uLticit
%v 1,1:11 Civet
('oor, SOII4, in night ltitt
At.d i.of a m , r-Tn•ur d ..r%
A rnat4s daud r, in ih.•...
Which will txplalr, n.i
Johroo. 11.1 too t Inure
And OW glory .
Ef rtiti!l t
1'••n know• you once hod too n• his nok,'
Rut (•iriuoe fiecid you ;Torn
Anil lOU li..eet al every siriike.
When hr . ,: VIILll:p1C(i IN your mt•h•is,
Let ookin I pity in ilt your heart,
But mind you 'Atilt your ainputiiiioo.,
With steel you make him .11/
For all his {LOB Dial usurpation,.
Come Erlll ' ll 'rung, come make n yr...
A holy vow of rrtrong, prutertllltl,
And take an - mu h ),11%%11 , rod 4". .
Or never Low in tame arrhyeeti in,
To nny tyrant who ' ll invade,
The glurioua aril that flow you cherrah
And that a ith giant irreetratir
And either contrat or you ' ll perri.h.
An Irishman may hive a fault,
But bitc,ely staml. in nme of clinger,
Hr sings cirri drink'., he's and of malt.
And shirrs it round with every stronger,
But who C/1 , 1 say he Tins his post;
And if compolled, ha oft retakes it,
When dangers nigh he mikes
He'd sooner perish than forsake it.
Now Oregon is all nur own.
And we are ready to MlllllO.lll
We'll moderate the British tone,
If they rnsleasom to retain it.
0m radientstm will give ns light,
In emery net ion diet weneed them.
They shine by day as well us night.
‘Vben burnished by the sons of freedom.
J. 0
Sugar Hour! Molasses.
BTILS iiugrir fluuie Mulasics, received
for stile by
New Orleans Sugar.
ri 11111)S Prim , Sugar, rec e i v ,l p r
/ str Nloll , mgailf`kl. 111 Grr 3ttle by
Loaf Sugar.
40 BU LS N. 2 3.3. & JSt .1 MOS 'kilning
LoufSogar received pct. sty Miniungabele, tine
for *Ftlo by
KEGS 6 twist Tv!racrii, Jut 1111161• 5 brand, fur
sole low, to iient, by
Rye Wantcd.
00 0 Bl's lIELS 11,e wanted, sk hid; cash
As s v will U. paid. by
ifIFILI) llcnino rind Muckinel in gine, for solo
Al 3l'Kenna's Nem Auction Rooms, No 11.1 Wood
Wed, Third door from Fifth slreei,
AT 3 o'oloc t in the afternoon w••ill be avid by order
of Administrator, the fol:owing Tut of Houne•
hold anti Kitchen Furniture, viz:
Feather Beds and Bedding, Bureaux, Tables and
Chairs, Bedsteads, Carpeting, 1 Brass Clock, 1 stove,
1 Saddle, Mattresses, Stands, Lamps, 2 kirds of clo
thing, i Shot Gun, sett H arness, I cable, together
with a variety of liitcher, Utensil•.
mar 16 P MeKENNA, Auer.
Lake Fish at Auction.
WILL be added to the sale ut s 2 o'clock this af
ternoon, at the Commercial Auction Rooms,
corner of Wood and Fifth streets,
C Barrels Lake retch in Pickle.
do Lake Cod Flab .
iran•ail inns. 1200 1.414 Furii,i , e. Nirtni <ohl
al the Riser, at r: - .31. U 11.. 3U 'ati•it Uara lion Store
nt :r3c. of N., I Lard aren.LinS G 1.4, but
the •s.e. Are few. Sales of A le.' bh!ll country ren
dered at A .51.) bushels of corn front store,
ht 4 lc.
And tea him Frain;!, ' Us a story.
NI I (.1.1.:Et R EtIcKETSON
Administrator's Salc,
ritiß RG 11 BOA RD OF ;RADE.
J. Marshall. R. 1101. J. M'Deviit
LOUI M'Lonc, Bennett, rirownsl,ine;
Nurth Queen, McLane. Wheeling.
&mats., Joiner, Nashville;
k, Parker, Cin;
Harlem, Cucothcia. Hanging Rod.;
Lake Elie, Boiep, Berm.r.
Mewnger, Lia Cord,
l'irc•usian, Bennett, Cio;
American Clot ke, Walissh;
Like Erie. Butes, Beaver:
Rhode Island, Dawson, Wheeling;
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
IVheeling—Per xtr Rhode Island; 109 pieces ba
con, 7 kegs lard. D Morgan; 7 Idols, tobacco, J
Dulzell; 4 do, John Aridity; 3 do, 1). LI eel) & Co; 15
sacks oats, 26 bbli potatoes, 2G do flour, G B Berry; 4
sacks meal, T Baxter; 9 boxes mdre, Mycr & Co.
13 Ws copperas, NrCriligt 87 i•acks oats, J & J
Dicknen; 134 bbls fhor, J M'Culley; 79 sacks barley,
G A Smith: 2 bbls butter, 289 pieces bacon, Bagaley
& Smith; 31 bbl. pork, 40 do 11 tor. 3 do, cluverseed,
31 sacks du, 4 bbls lard, 3 du butter, 5 kegs do.
3 Busldield; 4 lible butter, 17 rolls leather,
Church & Curothert; 22 bbls potatoes and hinter, S
kegs do, 1 sack, I box, J W Sell; 3 bbls pork, 2 kegs
laid, J Paintet & Co; 84 pieces baron, 1 chest, %V
How; 4 bales, 1 bbl butter, M B Riley & Co; 2 do
pork, 11 Guar: 20 du, piellt.,,C4, Devine & Martint j
10 Mils flab, G SI Hamm; 19 bundles paper, Luke)
Lumh; 4 do, Robert M Riddle; niNs apples, 59!
sacks feathers, owner aboard, 2 lib!, <lt icJ apples, El
Nadu-dip—Pr str 1:3?05 piece:
(121 tin.) Jordon S SO,; 123 ,11!, hides, A Loogitlit.;
•ricks t0,. , ,.1ar110.110vv n r.1 & CO; 0 biro cotton, J
W & 13i u; boxes Colemln & 4do
Logan & Fanned;; dJ. A Cuairron; `.240 nark.
shorts, (i Smilh; 77 reams purer, C H Finn; 400
h,lll I; 11!,414 tolitwro, Fins \ th &Co
A 200 n,ni pig mend, Sinwr,
S. Marrs; . 200 lAA. , Selier6; G 1 sacks mitt;
Puindexter & Cn.
The River continued to sweli until Sunday nhout
noon, it then comoiersced falling; the aggregate Of the
prevent swell, ie alh.ut 19 feet, but it mostly from the
Allegheny. The MottongoLela backing up vs for as
! h e d am , Th e tee and f1,p 0 ,1 wood came dots n the
Aileghen ! yeilierdny in go& at quantities, but no learn,
by a gentleman from Franklin, that the river had nut
bruken up at that place on Friday morning lair, and
the ice Wtl4 Et. , g enough to admit tentni to Cr,,,,
there NB, 01. , eou.idetulite ShOtt or , the ground. TL.
Ohio, it trill he pr Irt•lrril, i tr:OIA fit"' r.,
der it. itii i., tritg'it. for that hir . r.t CI /St uf
The Cumberland, at last dates, was at a very Lig!,
stage. "Die moat IVestei II 10,11 were .ill
The Inren.l ct rathrr 111./,1 err. ct oh
he stna!l running sirenna• i , llO 11/0 allr,heny at the
north, at~J south nn the :%liiivirg %Lela, by rtic!ting
lie snow, fitit aLicit thr earth wan
ed. The wrerl,rr;cs:rnl•rt, sns mild arid ple,,,tor
roe snow Its, entirely disappear( if sthi our wee t
1114. , ' 1 , 11[.f111 , 11q; Y Ur? Li'!
Tie illati.et.l: Z . ;,t,11.11,Ly
Flour Itmr.onetf at t , ;tt!:,4 114
e3.62@:J • 73 lrom wagon, yr:A : o u t arty tan
Concert of Sacrcd Mimic
Preskyfergaa CA• rck,Smg , Llielrl street
Choral Society of Pitt•loog.v.l.l EiYo th-o
1. lo Yt coo , ott Tuevlay everofo4, the 170) i 11%...
AO the ft Luce cloot , th, or: yytlich occo.l ene,d,,”
m:rcti m of roceJ Gore the post ul.ya,r, Sill Le pet
'locket% r2. - oct 4 . coon too toad la the MI/tic ttmi BOttk
trVl. Ulla at tin' atAtf.
1) BLACK ON B ‘11%;01
THE •t,l)•ter, a,ol sortln .I , cour.r, delivered he
lb, f(, John Ula. k. ) I), nn nettme,
.pt•t pub
11.11e,1 end ILK ogle et the 8...1: Stores. Price 12 1 2
mar 18 I
Dissolution of Partnership.
rrl I 1: partnerdrip of the irr.derrir.rned, hOrPt.r.l,
riLi4tlng Un.h., the firm u(Gn in•T < N i
Blarkmailh• was Iry morn it corrriend ort 11,
7th dcv of rot. in.,. The Crook., papers, note. and
account, of the lure firm tdr,e hor-n pl io d in ihe hrn , d.
of James GrArey, for oettlerrent and collection, rind :Ili
neerrunt.Rgnrnot the rail firm, vit:l ho Tr, eronted to hun
for oettlement nod satisfaction, he twiny folly tmthur
hied nod empowered for that purpose.
l'ittpburgh, Feb. H, 1616. JAMES KENNEDY
Blacksmithing Establishment
The untlerttigned 'Hs &iv inlo
partnership stiller the firm of I. J. GItIOEY, for
the pm rise of carrying on the Blank stn it hint bast ne.t s,
in the bilittlings of the late firm of Grarey 41:- Kennedy,
at the oarner of Water anti IVest ats., Pittsburgh,
here every thing in their line of business, will be
promptly attended tn. Stenmhant newt.. Cnnnl 'wt.
Irons, scc , made and finished upon the short eat. no
Pittsburgh, l'eb. 14, 1816. JUll •:-GiltlC:l•ii
ro.tired from iha ilia late firm of Grace, &
lionainly, 1 chid fully reconinv , n led I lie aid
and rEl' I On. to my $L1CC,615101'.4. 111,0 J Curs e ..
marßi Im. J ES KENNEDY.
Fancy Dry Goods at Auction thin day
AT McKenna's Aucii.m Room+ NI 110,
Wo t.l CrePt. 3ml door from stli. nil! le! i
day, .Moiiday. Match 16111, at 10 o'clock in the
noon. the balance of a stroll! Mock of I). Gomm.
among which are, Chintz,* nail Calicoo4, New
Fancy Silk Cravats and fucker 11,11,fp, Ladle, Fancy
Arm/MIS, Silk, Nteliim and Curran Shawl., Merin.;
11.14 e, Patent 'Fbrend, Spool Colton, Cu ilibric! M.lin,
Ginn Sioppendem Colton Flagg, Ca,inett and Cloths,
Table Cloths. Oil Clothi, de Luinee,
Lawns, Glove, and Merim op, £0
I'. McliENN.‘,
iron 16. • Auctioneer.
A. W 11.1.1
Wire 011 Fourth it, between Smith field and Grant
innr 14 die
FOR SALE-500 very handsome and appropriate
Blank Temperance Cot tifICSOOS, en very line pa•
per, for pict urn frames; 10,000 assorted Youth's Tem
petnnre Advocates, from Nu 1, up to No 76, March
numbers. An assortment of Temperance Journals,
and Hymn and Sting Books; Boy's Temperance nook,
Confessions of an Inebriate; Death by Measure; Tem
perance Almanacs for 184 G; a generallsosortrnent of
the Publications of the American Temperance Union.
For sale at the New York Retail Price-a.
marl 4 Gt for Amer. Temperance Union.
FOR SA LE 400 tuts of purple and yellow carpet
chain; 500 dez assorted Bxlo, 9x12, 10x12 and
10x14 window sash and glass of all sizes to auk, if
wanted; 6 gross matches; 100 wooden bowls, all sizes.
For sale io any quantity to snit. purchasers.
mar 11 and Commission Merchn . nt.
N 13. Parer and Ca rpetrags.
List Of Letters
/Op EM&INING in ate rOSL ()Mee. at Pittsburgh
March 45, ISO Peruse calling for letters
whose umrs ate on thia list, will please may they are
Agent George Anthills Hem y 2
Adam ; James 'A tilintny Mr
A herrn mbie Ano Anderson Mary Miss
Aiken C J Miss Anderson William
Adams Robert Anderson Margaret Mrs
Adams Elizabeth Et Anderson Joseph
Altaic William Rev Armstrong George Col
Allison James Arnold Henry C 3
Alexander 14'1111am Armstrong James .1
Alston Vs'llilam Armstrong Daniel
Anderson Maly Anne Atkinson C Mrs
Anderson Samuel
/3lJwin Beef tmln F
Ball Joseph P
Barley Russell A
Baron Enos
Ba Wl . ll Enos
Baird T LI Bev
Baines Joseph
Baldwin John
Bithiley Jeroll
Bale William
Barnard Daniel
/butter Charles W
Barker Peter
Barnet! Chance
Barrett line
Bastian William
Ballow John
Bell A
Bell Charles S
Bell Thomas
Reit Mercer
0,11 James
Bean Iluzla
Beck Julia
rtegnal Desk!
Bera David
Beatty John
Bennett Capt A
Beach Doet
Beadling William
Beecher John
Bennett Ebenezer
Bird Louisa
Bizze John
litany FJ f.
Blekett lsa de In
Riekly James
Bntiattat, David
fte:rant Mary
Bishop Hannah
Rickley John
2 BlshotT Michael
Blair Thomas .1
2 Black William
Bohn Michel
Bowers David
Bonder William
B , thwell Charles
Bunt bright EilLibeth
nonebrake Davit'
Brown James
Brown John
Bummer Litt rence
Bradley James
Emma Julia Mrs
Brunner Joseph
Brand Flamuel
Brook James
Brenner Joseph
Briggs William
Brainard F I.
Bradley Marsarrt
Broadruff Henry
Brennan Pierce
Itunnett Elizabeth
2 Butlin rl W
Bumbaugh Isaac
2 nulieler Peter
Runner A J
Bush Harvey
Butt's Enos
Burke Robert
Burns A lesandcr
Etats Sarah
Burke John
livnen Daniel
Butler Mary Jane
Burke Robert
Barnes Anne
Catehien , A p
2 (Wyllie Samuel
cauitield Catharine Collins W
Cain Henry Collins I.i:then:l
Cal harine Cormier W B
Calhoun Martha Cook John
rathoun John A Conway Frances
I [ ' Whoa° Ridhard Connell Samuel L
Carpenter Jane W Connelly Capt
Caldwell Joseph 2 Corry J
Campbell Daniel Con Midenda Miss
Campbell Charles Conner John II
7lianibtrs James Conner Mary Miss
Chambers Joha Campbell John
Chandler Luther Cornelius John
ChaTani Elvira Corcoran P Miss
Chesier Amos R Connolly William
Clarke Wiglam 8 Coot Satati G
Clange Lot el Correy C C
Clarke G W Cows:, Aleisrder
Clyne John Crocker William
Clark James Organ hairs
Oa , k Anne Widow Crinian Thomas
Clarke Lt dia Crittenden E W Duct
Cooper Sanwel Craig John
Corbran diary Crag ton A lice
Itu'iert Crees !leery
Coop, Jrrrrulah Crawford John
Con nr Samuel Cranford Mary
John C Credo er
Cribier Frederick Craft John
Ehsabern Contain Andrew
— itioliart Robert Jr Culler 8 Rye
Coffee Curne!lur Cutler Angeline Min
Darr Henry Dobler Jacob
Italsrli Ihickerly James
Dales Jam', C 2 Dorms John
Dabney Chia Dougherty hiictrael
Derry lion! Douglars Robert
Davis John Downey Venanah
Pali. Naory Don.lberty Phillip
Dueer John R Dowell W
Oculars IJnies Dougherty Plill ip II
Den niiion flueli Dowart Dare!
Derry Daniel R Dougherty Charles
Dean, /AMP! Dray° Icier
Dean F Drummond Henry
Dicky David With', James
Deming Cussed II Duncan Gray
DrAsiin Conirnle Dorn ing James
Dobbins Elsa N Deyer Sopeia
Milani.) , Fermata or Jai Dunlap Mary Jane
Donntiron diepbeu Dunean Ren.iiruin 8
Driogia,ii Thomas Duvall Wm
Dotes Calven ft Dukey Isaac
Ellis Ch inert .
Evans Albert
Evans Jane M
Evans Wright
Evans Evan
2 Evans Evait
re:l•ston vii W
Eleirle A
Eihnunds Henry
Surer Daniel
EniDen Sufannali
Elder Eainson
Finer Jarnea Font F
Fa:an Gat hri A Ford Atone It
Fairhurne %Viiliam Ecotone Lake
F.,ma Josrph Foster John Id
Prig lf Jonathan Freeman Hanoi
F. Isar Jaroh French Rebecca
re iidellar Henry Pearson Sansrici W
F , rirh, Missouri French Joneph
Fired Croce G French Sarah
Pielillngi litigli 8 Frerker k Bruaaaanaa
Flinn William Friend William
Frkon pwrph Franklin Alexander
Fleming Robert Franklin Margaret
Fii.icr A Funatnn Geor:e
Forman Hannan Fainter Amelia ,
Forailtri Ellen Faller W R
Foust Lila,
Galbraith Martha Glapey Richard
Galbraith Sarah Cordon James
Carlin William Gooch Charles L
Gahati Nary Coding William
Galienby Joanna Gott William
Carrily William Gordon Thomas
Carrßurr Platy Cold Joseph
Ghenoit 11.1011 2 Cribble Edwin
Garlick Thomas Grace W M C
Omit-rick Jacob Greer - !Mathew
Geary Evans Greer Edward
Gallaway Perelita Greer A it A Meseta
r; ilte.nle Jane A Greenlee Susannah 2
Go,. W A Ground John
Gilroy lidward Graver Prupentln
Comore Eliza Green Ephraim II
Gille.ple Mary Anne Cray James
Glichri.t Janice Grey Thomas
Gilchrist J M Graham Simla Mrs
Glazier Jo:m Guinn Eliza A
llnniCtoll Marla Hehalltman Hannah Miss
tilintla Michael 2 Ponsillinan Alacha L Mhz
liamo-tiv Mary Henry William
H .•• ft.r hard • Henderson Cassandila Miss
..!!' r, Hemline!! Adam
! .i' • ' , at Mary Mrs Ilemingrais Theodore
I. V , I aria ileortinion Inho
ii.ll. I; N Henry Itni•vrt
ilai I Stephen Heldersrand George
llorry J Hill F
Harry Jorenli M 2 Highlands John D
Haws l-aac 11111 William
Hatch 11 Holmes A W
Hatch Ruoell Hoffman i 'hark.*
Hayes lames 1' Holmes Mary A
//ayes Henry 1.1 Holmes Robert
Days C W Hopper William,
Haymaker Sarah Hume James
llosklnson Thomas Hullos Joseph
Honston Edward 2 Huffman Oliver
House Won Heddlesien Thomas
Horn Mary Frances Hunter Henry
Hoyt WI lam Thighcs Charlotte
Hughes Richard Hunter James
Hammett Isaac 2 HuliNts Nary A
Hughes John flughes John
Irwin Jane Miss Invillan C D 4- Co
Irwin TOMOS Ivory Jeremiah
!roan Jacob Inlay Mini
J ,
Jaynes Samuel Johnston Margaret
Jacob. Nathan R Jones alattnew
James Nancy Miss Jones David
Jennings J D 2 Jones Mary
Johnston W II Jones J C
Johnston Nine:) , Jones James
Keefauver Catharine King G S
Kennedy Mary Kelly John
Kale Andrew King James 8
Kelly James . Knox Jaunts
Kelly .Michael King James
Kelly Bach Rcv Kier John
Kerr Robert Kemberlin Joseph
Kelly Belinda Miss Rahn David
Kerr Jar e Miss ' Kuhn Eliza Mn
Kern , P . Krlpys Soloinon
Unity John - Little Jomph,jr.
Lament( A .." Ligget Dau'l
1 4 1 101E4e Jamb in Long L 8
Lamonee Marla Miss Lupton John
LaishlY P S Logan James
Lee Cbrhnopber Lyon John N
Leach Geo ii 4 Ludlo4 Jammu
Lanhanr Motley Lostetler Andrew
Lewis Ei W Little Margaret E
Magill Henry El Miles Jahn
Marks William billbarn Thomas
Magill Emily
.Miller John
_Harlan /tarry Miller George
Slattern lacoob Miller Jeremiah
Mason Charles Mitchel Marla 11114
Mack Thomas Miller Thomas 0 -
' Mason Archibald Miller Jahn L.
Marks Alike Anna Mrs Martin Jophna
Maberry Thomas 2 Morlg Jacob B
blaukey James H Moody J K
Marian Henry Morgan David
Macketel Hobert bloody James E
Marshall Robert Morris W A P
Marlin David M Moore George
Marlin C Myore Mary Anne Miss
Messick Lucinda Moore Margaret W
Messenheimer Susanna Moore Sarah Jane
Meredith Francis Mrs Moore William H
Mercer James Xort ow Joi n t
Mellon Henry Mullen A lexandar
Messick 8 Mrs Masten James G
'derrick Jobn Murray Andrew
.Merrett W C Murray Joseph
Idinely John
M'Aieer Catharine Miss M'Gralh John 2
lill'ilaxicr William 11•GInnIse Bernard
M'Bride rarlholomew M'ilenry * Nancy bliss
M'Clelland James lirliwaine Neal
%Mindless John Ill'lllroy Eliza Miss
M'Ciintock Robert brinlyre Joseph
al`Ceninry John M'Rre .Mary
M'Charte. Henry M'Kee James
M•Carty Den -a* M'Known James
M'Curty Michael bi'Kune Robert 2
bl'Auley Bonilla Mrs M'Kee Eliza Mita
ACCansiin Thomu - bi'Laughlin Bridget
M'Clain Daniel Ill'Cline James H
11'Creeri, A lex.imier billulleh Mary Mrs
111`Coy Saran J Arles lirlielmel /ant, 2
NreVlCiff.ll Mary A JIIIss il'xiehael John
M'Cosii Maul ew I PJIIIIIrn John
Jrnowch John M 'Ala n er A
ArDanald Agnes 111 n 111 'Milan John S
6l'Gre J.tines Il'Gllibons Isabella Mrs
le'Crath John
Semiih R bilhlJav Adam
Nelson War Neilson John
rxelTJohn al !Milne Sam'l
Newman Mary Noide Arthur
Nelson James Norten Aan E
Neeper Wm MetroLoa Jane E
Needy Alex Nlcholar H II
Overholtz Elizabeth Orr Ram`l
Orr Handrail Oliver Robert C
Ormca Jan A ol bony
Patrick Jaws Peaeock Wifflam
Paine Cha rles C Pierce Abraham
Pettit' J.iturts Peake Bethia Alin
Parkhurst Chariolts Phillips Thomas
Parsons R Pickering A
Parkisln J T Piper I:eitr H
Park Posey Mrs Prof& WHliaat
ratkrr Margsret Airs Price Folio
Patier.nn J W flyer 8 D ' 4
Peale A ngeline Miss Pratt J..hez D
Penner Mary Miss Posetilsrm James
Penthold James Tnisifer Sidney
Peeph • John 2 Prefer Devil Senior
Pearn William Powell David
Quigtcy )lacy' Quinn William 2
Bnok In A Rickells J W 2
Ramsey Wm Richmond) Mho
Ray Hiram Roden John 8
B• ndal' John T. Richardson I/42C
Barrenly !leery Ross hi W
Roads James Brook .Vr
Remick Jacob B Roberts Mien
Remly Mitchell Roberts 84ml
Reynold. Robert • Barney Ann
Reed W G Rockwell C C
Reed A P Rowan C
Reed Z. or klo.es Mrs Rowe Hannah Mn
Riefler Clinton Robinson John A
Reilly Mary Ann Rubinson ►lmgh
'linkmen Wm Robinson JOll4
R !ley Lawrence Rupp Sarah
Richard Ids Mrs Rally rfOrd Elizabeth 2
Rum, burnt. Rutledge J W
Rinehart Sat ah Richey James C
!Itchy Lawrence
Sacks John Smith William
Sanders Margaret NW Smith Patterson
Sanderson John Smith James S
Scott Alhert Smith Mary Miss
Scott Riehaid Smith Francis Mrs
Scott Walter Smith Ann Mists
Scott R X Smith Mary Mrs
Seltweigert M Rev Smith Anna Mr"
s.•lts John IS Smith Ann R Miss
.lelis John A M Seel Stephen D
Setae George Solomon Charles E
Seeley C W Spruce Henson
Shaffer Reuben tippler Joint C
Shields Ellonor E Miss Somerville David ki
Plieply John Stanford thomas F .
Shrtitier Henry Stephens James ti
Sharer Ann Eliza Mrs Stephens Jarcph
Shepltard Rebecca Mrs Stephens Francis
Slime John Stark Wm W
Simmons William Stewart James P
Sinclair .111111e5 L. Si [mote G
Sill John Stilly Jona 8 2
Simpson Martha Mrs Stubbs Richard
Saler William Stott William
/Merger Jacob Slurgeon John P
Sias Lover Sturgeon Jails Ann H
Sn”er John Sullivan Mary
Smith Philip Seaton &media*
Smith Simon
Tay/or John Troy David
Thompson W S Tomer 6 B
Taornas Edward l'odd Rebecca
Thomas Race Tomlinson John a
Thompson ['rands Tuttle . ) W
Thumb:ma James Troyer. Samuel
Tbornbarah Thome Townsend Samuel R
Tester William Tomlinson Amos B
l'boinvon Mary Tomer Jacob
Thompson Martha Trumbell Gideon A
Tyner William Trainer James
Tracker Goorze J Tomer Adam
l'obe:ratl refer
Vance Augustine
VoLitn John
Van Winkle Nichos'
Vandal-WI Joseph
Van Amc Mary E D
Wallace Elizabeth Reed Willson Caroline A
' Warner George Willson Mary
Wainwright Jcweph Willson J B
Wakefield J R Willson David M
Wail Catharine Willson David
%Varner Elijah winion .Va•la C
%Varner William Willson William
Waters Oren Winchester B
Wmition Jonathan Wiley Fredelick
Weaver J.,coh Wlckiine Thuinas
Wells Mr Wlll E
Web Eintda Wkkere Samuel
Walsh John Wiiiiii:s 0
Weaver Mr 4Vlllo•k John
Wells ti T ih•v.l Willis Chat ics Edward
4Velshhouse Henry Winsten Joseph
White A A 2 Wickerseni 4. M'Alastert
White Rachel R Woods John C 2
Whiltmore 4- Morey Woodbridge John bf
WVhiir• Ells:n:0 Mrs Wood William Darwin
White Walter Wright John E
Williams Eliza Wright James W Mrs
Williams Charles II Wright George ft
Williams Frances Mrs Wrlgnt %V W Doct 2
Williams U 51
Yetter Aaron
Young Susan Mlas
Young L
Young John Capt
Young J G
J A F.
Admr's of the estate of J W Downes.
AGOOD Journeyman Tinner; one or two good
Farmers, with small Families and several single
men to work in the country and at Furnaces, Brick-
yards. Scc. Also, wanted, several good white cooks
about gentlemen's Houses, Hotels,&c., in and around
Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, and the town and
coenttreround. B' Wanted, places for a number
of clerks, salesmen and warehouse men, agents, and
boys in stores, manufactories, Jur Also, for a num
ber of boys to hire oat and apprentices. Wanted,
places for a number of colored men and women, boys
and girls. OCrWamed to borrow on good security,
several sums of money and at different periods. All
Linde of agencies auended to for steam boat captains,
rind the public generally, for moderate charges.
Please apply at ISAAC HARRIS' Agency
marlo 6t. and Intalligeace (Meg, No 9, sat at,
-Pittsburgh Navigation and Firs luta
ranee bonipany.
Office, No. 21, MARKET STREET.
rri HE Citizens of Pirtgairgh continue to be offered
an opportunity to effect insurance anon their prop.
arty, by a Domestic Institution, located among them
serves, bared upon Domestic Capital, and conducted
by Directors, in whose prudence, integrity and geed
faith; .hey can readily ascertain, whether they rosy
repose that undo,bted confidence and security, whir*
should ever attend an insurance transaction.
To persons chose property has, already, be en
damaged, or destroyed, by Fite or Water, the adviser
rage of personally adjtt,ting a loss with an institution,
AT HOME, will be strikingly evident. To those 1 40
suffered by the Great Fire, this particular corporation
needs no recommendation. The prompt payment of
the whole amount of its losses—is F.ARL I' TWO HURD.
!MD THOUSAND DoLL A RS—is to them a sufficient
guarantee of future security.
Itis the part of all prudent men, however fortunate,
to anticipate calamity for the purpose of avoiding its
effects. To such as have hitherto escaped, as well vs
to those who have sustained los s , the facility of pro ,
teetinn and indemnity, offered by this iti,titution, will
be the strongest inducement to avoid the reflection&
and regrets which must he .:xperienced by those who.
suffer without hope of reztilution.
51. ALLEN, President.
ROBERT FIN N . ET, Secretary.
febl 8,16 m.
THE RITER3 WILt. RISE!! --And .8 HA IV will
continue to sell beef, pork, sausages and mutton, as
usual, at STALL Nu 25, at tha east end of the old
Court HOLM !!!
ROBERT SHAW talsed this method ~ f 'Armi ng
his old customers (ned invitin g the new) to a ram
specimen of beef and mutton, he will have at his sham-.
bles on
I Saturday, Monday and Tuesday Mornings.
Ho will be able to crock Pittobarch against the
world, with his divloy of beef and m a tron. Having
had his oxen and sheep fed , ”c.pre,sly fur this market,
and this season he feels ct,wrired that lie can go ahead
of anythioc, that may be ”ffered, for fineness and fat
ness, and is well calculated to please the most festidt•
ous epicm r.
The keeper; of llotel4 and Boarding Hnuoo3 are in
vited—thnie pctsu:is o lin are about to lurnii , h suppers
in honor of froliird'A pa trnn Ssir,t are invited--iteam
boat pro, ideNiand the public in general arc invited—
to come and see the fattest and belt beef and muuun
ever exlidnied in our market.
Hew 111 ch itge nothing, for looki:2g, et his stall; and
if any wish to BUY, they may rest a: A i re d he will not
charge above the common met ket re ice. It is not fur
the purpose of :rata/Win:: that he has made this ar
rangement, lint to show the world 'hot l'illsburgh is
not, nor should site he behind the world. Wits-should
Auction Sales.
JOHN I). DAVIS, Atictionrer, corner of
1... P Wood and Fifth streets. At It/o'clock on Mon.
day morning, the 16,h init., will be 501,1 an extensi*
assortment of fresh and seasonabl e Dry Gcod.r. •
At 2 o'clock. I'. M large a+sortment of Hnutn;
hold and Kitchen Furnitarr; among a Lich are Maho
nny Bureau+, Table., foncy :In•i common Chair+, walk
and wash Stand., high and low l a n ,. nr.d, tead ,, man .
tel Clock., Mattresies. Looking G;: I 33PS. Carpeting,
Fire Irons. Fender+, Window Blind+, &c. Also a
quantity of Q•teen , ,wate, ( - /lat.,‘ aro, white Rop e for
cables, Leather traveling Trunk+, Smi•lle+,
and Harneee, 6 boxco Va. Tobacco, 3 halfchests Y. H,,
Tea. &c.
At 7 o'clock, P. M.—A quantity of fi•le table Cut
lery, Pen and Ps:ckei Knives, Table and Tea Spoons
Razors, Scissors, Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Spectacles,
and a variety of lankvare; Gentiernens' fine call Bums .
Ladies' and Boys' Shoes and Borer, Fine Hats, Fan
cy Caps, ready made Clothing, Gold and Silver Watch--
es, fancy articles, Scc, marl 4
POPULAR Vegetable Phytiiulog;
The Yeeng Huusckeepet;
Canary Bird;
°osier.; fur vale by
43 Market street
righton Yarns.
50100 t) LheitriS tehatt r l. e 'r i i : rn, escorted
20,000,10 z runton yarn, assorted Nus., lung reel;
100 bales Batting.;
I,ooolbs Contlle-wirk;
1,000 Carpet-chain; for sale on nrcommodstink
terms by SlBftHty & Co,
morl4 57 Water st., Agents for manufactser.
FLOrlt—Patterson's extra. family Flour, constAnt,
ly on hand, and for sale by
N AIL 3-51.10 kegs, assorool size.. for safe by
M B RH &
57 Water st.
LINSEED 011.:=4 barrels per str abode Island,
for sato by 61 B RH EY & Co.,
marl 4 $7 Water pt.
rpOBACCO.-45 kegs, No. l Six Twist Tobacco,
11 for sale low to dote consignments by
M. B. RH FY Sz Co.
57 Wester strePt
DUW DEtt.-2000 keg+ Eleatty'A Fla.'. Powder, for
tede till vely accommudat - ng t rn,.
marl 4 M. B. HUEY & rn.
.1117'Such was the declaration of a gentleman on
Friday lint, after having used - Sellers' Cough Syrup"
for a di itressing cough, that made bon feel very ea,
comfortable through the day, and pint entcd him from
sleeping a great part of the night.
We do nct say that this Syrup will always cure, but
we Do say, that 99 persons out of every hundred who
have used it, pronounce it the beat cough mixture that
has as yet been offered to the public,. The Syrup it
put up in 25 and 50 cent bottle. , . and may be had at
the drug atom of It. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at.
mar 13.
To Persons wishing to coma:tense business.'
/111 HE subscriber being about to remove from the
city; whiskies to dispose of his stock of Groceries,
Store Fixtures, &c. And also to rent for the coming
year, the stand which he now occupies. The stock is
small, having been reduced tvitb a view towards change
of residence. The stand has an excellent run of cos ,
tom, and may be made to command a first rate country
business, being contiguous to the market and sevetah ;
country taverns. Any one e i-ping to embark in the
business, mu} have a bergin by artily immediately to
NO 25 Liberty & 3 Ferry st.
I'iit•burgh, Pa.
Charles M nays,
OM Nll t
`1.3 or o.h r ozs, to h.• to,o,ded or used in the_
suite of K-ntueliy, Indiana and Tcnnesve.
Office NO 811, Stuart's Boilding Fourth cree
maslQ dlv
Penn Insurance Company
THE thirteenth in.taLnrnt on tho stock of te corn
pony (being, $2,50 per shore( will be die on Set
orally, the t4th inst. 0• FINNEY, Jr.
marl'2 d4L Secretary,.
Fenn Insurance Company.
A“eventh dividend of ten per cent on all the adjus
ted claim+ against this company has been declar
ed payable on Monday next, the ICth inst.
marEl d4t
Dr. Win. M. Wright, Dentist'
w Office and Residence in Si Clair ft.
o o •
ea A few (hors below Liberty, near the
Exchange Hotel. marl 1
LET EVERY PERSON who is afflicted with Sick
Head ache. Heartburn, Vertigo, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia. Fevers, Pains in the side or back. Indigestion,
Colds, and in fact any disease which may require a pur
gative medicine, use Dr. Thompson's Anti. Dyspeptic
Tonic and Purgative Pill, and they will certainly give
almost instant relief, causing no nneasiness, sickness
or debility to the patient. Th.y being a cheap and
convenient medicine, no person traveling should be
without them. They are warranted to be composed
thoroughly and purely of the very best vegitable ingre
Price 2 cents per box. Prepared and sold. by tir
Proprietor. EDGAR THORN, A potheCory aid
Drugsint, corner of Penn sind Piust?dripi.
518 RHEY &Ca. •
.57 I Ynt•r •t