1)c Mail)) illorning Post. I=l ristsumffi, :sioNDAy. 11AltC)1 1G,1316 I'VP Vlt Pa t:a. Agent for country newApeners, is the Agent for the Pitl•horgh D•iily Morning fort. and Weekly Mercury and :\ tankiractiner, to receive stivettisernents Rn.l snherripiions. He Ilan offices in NEW YORK.. at the Cool Oilku, 30 A iin street, (ad joining the Tribune thrice.) BO3TON, No. I^_, Sta , e street. Pritc.AnEcruut, Kcal Estate and Coal Oilke, 59 rinoFlMet. BALTIMORE, S E cornet Baltimore awl Calvert .t., where our paper can be seen, and terms of nivel - t~ sing learned, . GOV. SHUNK AND THE RIGHT or VAT.—We clip the following From the Phlludelpilia Keystone ef the 4th inat "The IZightof Way.—The extraordi on ry demands made upon our Legislature for grants of rie.le of wny through our limits to corporations of other Slates. have opened the eyes of the eiticens to the positions that such grants will make them occupy. While the ex tension of the Erie Railroad Company will not, in It. self. be injurious, as we believe, yet the Ohio & Mary land Oomp thy has so little merit in its applcation, ea should induce our members sternly to resolve against any such grant whatever. Why shall it he givenf— Do other States give such favors to Pennsylvenint— We have yet to acknowledge the first favor of t his kind, and it seems to us little short of fatuity for Pennsylva• nia 4 t give, when she never gets au opportunity to take. Each Sra:e one the exclo,ive right of way within it. soil; it is part, nn essential part. of its sovereignty --mad State Sovervigoty is lessonctlhy vi ddiny a pot. lion of its elements. The course ot our worthy Guy. crone would seem to fubitl the lea that he will ever sanction such a snruifice of the State's property, and WC have abiding faith that the people, en misse, will su.tain him in preventing such usurpations. The Keystone editor, we doubt not, will bfi much mistaken if he expect! , Gov. SIIUNK to veto the bil l granting the Baltimore and Orin Rnilroad right of way to Pittsburgh, it passed by the Log,islatuie.— Guy. Stit.;:sig for several years wits a citizen of thi s city—lie it well informed upon this question—the fuels within his knowledge, we feel well assured, will in. duce him to look upon the measure as one of grea t importance, not only to the west, but to the entire State of Pennsylvania Guy. SIIIINK it a statesman of enlarged and liberal views, and we think the cdi for of the "Keystone" w ilt find that he cannot, and will not be influenced by narrow and setti•ti consider. anions. The Gosernor. sic are stoisfied, w it! riot be influenced by the chttnor of the l'hi!adelphia bond•l holders; he has sincerely sit heart, we believe, the hest interests of the tommotiora;lll. and sill do nol actcalculated to retard her ripidly increasing, periry. The maj .64. of the people of rhi'd lelphia, we believe,are sincere and hor.e.t in th-ir eipodtion to the "right of way" but the lectier• in thy ~, , ;hati ro, are deeply intelested in Inch"; the roa I to a !ermine. south of Pittsburgh A fee: fro-lilies in Vbiladelplria own all the lands near to l'alltyrilooo;11 und rhriring oriel; of course these lands would be gr eznl2, -increas -la3 is value if the road Should 110 hteritcri through them. In ounc!usion, we lyrae only 1. , expregri our regret that the editor of a Deuvrcret'e papor shorhl he found laboring to place the Executive .d hi± choice in a false position upon a aohj. yr whodi Ins created au =nit excitement among ih. ireop:e tirrougi.ont th bale. Correspondence of the "Moraine Pfaff:, lianisL , lrgA,M,,,l, I IIA, t 746. • This morning in the 1 - loose. n renelution wan an.,„„ led, making the "right of nay - the •adcr of tho ‘ t f ty: for to morrow.. The Lal incorpol,ttir.g the ••Goord;- I MN of the Poor" of the city of Pin Bourg h, war called up. Mr Wadsworth oponned its pa...age-11w Lill was postponed (or the present. Tire Committee on Ranks made a long report in gel - metier to the Lehigh j_ . . County Bank.—the committee recommend that the ! , a „ - u ono:rt.—By pansengei I in hint night's stage charter be annulled, for the reavons that the p rod hom Lexington, - lass the Ciacianoti Colon of the nine, of tire charter have not been ei•mpliel wiilt.— I 1:11 we loam that a refit had reached that place Two thousand copies of are report in l: :,g iisL and "' from Vetsuilten, to the etTeet hat T Waring hal thousand in German, mete ordered to be printed.— • been shot by some unknown pet non. The report unfolds a curious tale, Flmwirg up the : Came fr om the second story a widow, !aridk the top of "mysteries of finunciering." Mr !flotillas. of the cit. , read a bill in pisce,regulating the sale of oysters in tin head and rums out of his cheek. Ills life is din- the city and county of Philadelphia doing the sum mar months. FIRE AT TRn:nITUS, \ J.-00 Monday morning, Mr Wadaworth, reported u hill to pr , tent rite Boot the locomotive in which a fire kad been kindles! to prepare for starting welt the line for Philad and Shoemakers of 4iit,hurgl., Alli.ghenv ci.v and work 11160, caught fee while in the depot, and the flame, Allgebeny county, against doe competition of I were commonicwed from it to the tender, and caught made in the Western Penitentiary. I will rend you to the roof of the depot before alarm was given. The a copy of the bill to-morrow, lathe Senate quite a number of pet. , el cubing mound the boiler of the locomotive and the tented, and a great many p ; i.ons were pie i„te bills were iatro j e i wood work of the tender was much injured, hut not eel. so as to render them an .erviceahle. 1 hey came Mr Bi g l er reporte d it supplement to t h e act pro‘ . i.l down with the way train as usual. dine for the erection in thin commonwealth, of an A sy•l Ft RR AT Sit Vne lt , qC F.-011 the '23d tit., the woe"- Lam for the insane poor. len factor:, in Sherbruke, East Canada, owned by the MrSullira t a suppliment to the Little Schuylkill ! British American Lard- Company, and or-copied by Railroad and Navigation Company , whi c h w a s taken Mr Adam Leaman. by Mr J 1' Lee, as a knitting foe up and finally passed. tory, and by Mr Linea Scott as a plot mill ass burnt Mr Quay moved to proceed to the consideration of! to the ground. The whole lons was estimated at the New York and Erie Railroad bill. Mr Heckman! '$15;000 of %hid) le, than $2 000 in i inured. The called for the ot dens of the Jo); hit Q iti) then moved i greater lone in suffered by the land company, who lime to suspend tire rules, which reTtired a vote of two about $lO.OOO and have no itintor ince. The fire is thirds—tile in ;thus failed, nen, 17, nays 14. The nupposed to have taken from a stove pipe. The light Bill providing for an out-let L ink at Black's Eddy, aas wan seen at Plain, a distance of thirty then taken up and in now ( ato in the afternoon) omit.' roil. s. Dcsnr err Vir.E+.—The saw and grist mill and ;clock factory of Nlessrs. Sawyer, at Colebrook River . Con., was bortt on the 3 I; b mks and all loot, worth , !4000, no insurarre. At 1 tied eh on Featool ty moni rig, the steam boile r house connected with Mr. Moses Dan's ropewalk in Roxburry, Mans. was burnt nut: lons $3OOO not insured. Luther Stone', saw viii and hroom handle works in : Ctuslien, Connecticut, were burnt oame day. discussion. The Whig ConvenriJn as;ornble.l this afiernouo. George Darsie, E,q, nl Al!e:;hr.oy is •Presidri,t.— JAMES M POWEII,E-1,411 nicer - 1.411 c, Meri-er county, was nominated un the third ballot. As soon the utile result was announced. Mickle7 Dan Ma. gecko's, E.q. a Delegate from Cambria, arose and declared that he for one mould nut support the nomi nee, "no bow they could fix it.•' The convention then adjourned to meet to nisht at 7 o'clock, fur the pur pose of another disphly of pit!i!icul euon.slifb hig gery, in the shape of 13 tHICUMIJO resolutions which were already prepared. but i t consequence of the cx citement. it was thought best not to introduce them until the "refractory Itl , gutc." had cooled dots n. SNYDER. la haste, larch 1a46 In the House, today, atter the presentation of pe titions, the "Hight of Way" Lett van called up mei passed tint ough committee of the whole vnith Let tuds light amendment. Mr Huley then moved to take up the l'enti-ylvania Railroad bill, on second reading, which was agreed to. Mt Pir.irtt named to punt pour fur the purpose of ' , Tinting, the vet idlia that have been made, which wun tint ogreed to. Mr llmnsides mused to po..tpeue 1.7 r the it. pone of ma king Lod: bills the otdcr fot tiome fol 2. e day, which waa agreed to by the fellow Mg t.tet Ytia.—Messrs Arilvltvong . . na:micr, n,,a, Bler, Burnside, Connor, Duly, Dow:, F.oew, I'm non, FOl - Funston, Guilt. Haley, lluilowcll, Dill of Montgomery, II iodine, Huff [lan. Jocs, Jacobs, James, Keller, Koine. Kunkle, Ladley, Larkin, Nlat- Nlerrison, M'Crurte, Sl'Firland, Owen, Patter son, Mien, Bove, t, Sherman, SnOer,Steel, Stettler, Stewart of Lycomb.g, Taggart. Tice, Trego, West. Webb, Wilson, Wultoun and Worrell-47. ' Nors..—Messrs Bachman, 13a:ber, Bartholomew, Bighorn, Boughner, Brougk, Brackenridge, Bright, Baines, Burrell, Chestnut, Clark, Cochran, Cross, Donaldson, Edie, Elated, Fas,ett, Galloway, Gray, I faymaker, Hilands, Hill, (Fayntte,) Johnston, Knoa. Aleand, bl ltchell, .Murphy, 51'Abc,e. Jl'Clellaud, 91'• Curley,' Nicholson, Power, Fummy, (Franklin,) l'onieroy, (Mercer,) trice, Pider,Robicson,6arnuels, d2m Starr, Stewart, (Frautd4o,) 7bemaa, (Chester,) 1 loons., (Sustiocharma,) Wadsworth awl Patterson, Speaker, 46. Abeont, Messrs Bents, Campbell, Dean, Mageehan, Merrifield, Strouss, and - Von liar —7; roar friends of the bill and three opponents— Mr Burnside then moved to make both bill. the order of the day fur Monday next, the 16111 inst. Mr Bur - rt3l, moved to amend and to proceed to the considera tion of the Pennsylvania Railrt;ad bill, forthwith, which was dkagreed to—yeas 45; nays 45. Mr. Knox mused to s•ti ike the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road bill from Mr 13urnside's motion, which was lost, yeas 45; nays 50. The original motion which makes both bills the order of the day for Monday the 16th, was then agreed to, yeas 45; nays 45. The debate upon the several propositions referred to above, was of a very exciting character. CANAL NAYIGATION. — WiIh much pleamre wcgive !due to the following note (tom the excellent Super visor of the %Tester') Division of the Pentisylvenie Cane!: 'Freeport, March 14, 1846 Mr Bigler:—You will please state Cut the infoima• tion ef the public that the water will be let into the Canal at Leechhurgh, on Monday evening, the 16th init, and that the Canal will be filled to its propel bight without delay. Your , S S JAMISON, Surpetvisor. _ I ' IITSZUROH QUAKTIRLY 110 . 10v.—Wo have re ceived the first numberof this wink. edited by S. FLKX. ING, and printed by Messrs. Whit. ey. Dumars & Cu. We have not had dine to give it such un examination as would enable us to weak of the character of it, con tent.; we will notice it more fully after hosing lead it. It is neatly piloted, and is Certainly wind, inueli more thud the subscription p: ice, aLidr is one duller I er TEI.I uttA 1 , 11 ri.r it D wt . :Iv•Tnt.t.—A letter from C. Fleischmann, Erq., U. S. acting &ere. tnry of Leguton at the C.tort of Au.otia, dated Vienna, Jan 14, 1846, sn3 s '1 ant officially orritiaintrki with he fart, that Morse's sy.tern of Mtignetic Telegraphs will he urlopt od here. The Council has ilrcirlsil upon it. It will extend from here (Vienna) to Prague, a diatunce of nearly 320 English miles. Morse ' a ap paratus will be used fur the. important communica tions at the principal ststions, and Dam's (of Scotland) for the use of the Ilailteatls." Wa learn clame here that their ha, been great corn petition and great cri s oliA made in the highest quarters to Lave other s) stems adopted iu Austria. out the A merican has ttiumplted over all. rt)RIC ♦so L A fin. — Accordtng in u titatement pub. tithed in the St. Luti• • Republican. them hate been 30,433 hog. and 3,003 cidtle thitighterrti in St. Louie during the pt .sent packirg seutou. About 500 c.,tir a ill yetdie slat;litered, rntbinc a tend 0f:3,505 cattle, !nog of which arc pn purr bir the Eueith innrket.— The estimate for the previeut seutun was IC 000 tinge and 2,500 rattle. The uveract• of wei;:ht of trigs 01,0 year exceeds three of the Previi•tit serial-in by eertrly twctity-five percent. The whole nmotint Cro St. Louie and the points abort., an the Nlit,luti river. it set ci..wn at 101 500 hog. and 11, 5'2U Bergen of beef. The Repuldientibt edimaie 1. 1 somett hat higher than that gathered f,..muther but. P'c rircisu'ne it it as neat carii,t as it is to make it at piea,lo THE EA , ;L:AII CUR!, LAW Niontieal Herald that merniiig, iu (%ori.la arr ern qrneraily being calL•d for the pit nuns in Er,glarid Ore rel• ill,. cur :Avk 4. rills 13 :qll l l,treni 11. a < ing , ):ar 'au•r , ! tic S 1 at , ',-11 f ,11 k,t Lin; Curl. templ,,ted tep :al might be ho/,...fir141 to the American LOWVV, r, 9110111 d be brume i./ aiuJ that ~h at fr,on Cana.lu now go, iota . .1/ ..our duty per ,plfirt er Fly c. Hone.—Weli iv; voLN,lio.l ac;,o,inoi of Ow revoluti in in Yucatan, and their nettrig up as n govern meat independent of Mexico. The New Orleans Tropic now publi.heit it letter from Campearhy, in which it is proposed to odmit the peninsula of Yuen tan i nto t h e State,t, after the mariner of TC:titiC and little it ;;;;;.; five tree States! The letter odds:— floppy, very irtopv the revanv, ita having sr • cured a gold and true protection from the Unired States, and liberated themselves from the Unworthy and "rml•eniie government of Nlexicu. Yucatan nuw needs this game promotion. The Yucatecoes are nnx• ious to get it horn the States, arid we have determined to send a commit iee to %Vashingtun, so a s to t.ropose to the Co‘tannient of Ore U States to pro tuct us, nil give us an], in rase that Mexico shanikl once more at. runpt to rtrpose upon US. A Cenious cl.rinul Cu! low is sail to ex IA On the I::Lte. The Pea,entry who possess any !anti however small, never enter the church vithcot a no , rg,ay in their hands. Thus they show that they claim the consideration due to persons whn passess property in the parish (town.) Among the country people in the neigborhood of Hamburg, there is no garden so small as not to possess a place for the flowers intended for this use; and the plat is distin guished by the name of "the church nosegay." FAST Der.—The Governor of Connecticut has is' sued his proclamation, recommending that Friday' the 10th of April next, be observed throughout that State, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer. SMALL. Pox.—The number of death.; from thin ease iu Philadelphia, bait week, was 9, in N York, U and in Baltimore but 4. An Exenitss INCIDENI.—An Antwerp jouriudist AttlICS that he sent a reporter to litusttels foe the "king's speech," and whir a couple of carrier pigeons to bear back the document. Ac Mussels he gave the pigeons in charge to a wailer, and eared forbreakfast. He was kept waiting for some time, but a denclow fricassee atoned for the delay. After breakfast •be paid Ida bill and called for his p4;oons. "Pigeon,!" ejaculated the waiter, "you have eaten them!" Nttatal AGE STA r ice.—An oQicial report aLatet that since the fret of January 1849, no h•ss thatt one hundred and fifty-nine married women in France, have been legally charged with murdering or attemr ing to murder their husbands. Great Bight of Way Meeting. The ft fends of the right of way held a very large end enthu•ialtic meeting et Connelleville, Fay..itte County, on Saturday, the 711 i beton% The citi zens of Conneil§villo, Dunbar, SeMick, Tyrone, Bull§Lin, Pent', Franklin, and Union, were in attendance. lion Jolt§ FULLF:R, pie§ided, assi.ted by eight Vice Prelidetits. The following revolutions were ur.animnuitly adopted: Resolved, That we demand from the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania o consideration of our tights, by the passage of the Bill panting the right of, way lathe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Resolved, That we'virw, with surprise and regret. the hostile disposition which the citizens of l'l,iladel phiit hove manifested against Westetn Pennsylvania. as it must prove suicidal to themselves and injurious to the State generally. Resit/rot, That sound policy, on the part of Penns s3lvsnia, v nul t distant the comdruction of Roads and Canals, to attract as notch of the trnde and travel to pass through her territory as possible, and thus prevent similar improvements North and South of Pennsylvania. from monopolising the transportation of tonrot,;e and travel (torn the 'grtiat valley of the %Vest. Resolnr,l. That, an a hr;i,e majority of Sena torial 1) iet nro in favor of nrantiniz the right of way to the IlidtimAre nail Ohio Railroad Company. ou r Sena• or, the [lon Clot. lee A be ioidi acted tonne an honorable WWla for the 141,1111 p of ea id Res,ilred Th it Messrs Hill and Gallownv, of the House of itepoci.entutives. poi...wing our lull dencr, be instructed to make use of all honorable ro onions In iierrire the Sal 1 right of way through the leir Riney of l'eureiyivania on liberal and equitable feint. Resolved That we artirtwe of the ciorse by Mir county representatives on the subject 01 it, tight of way, as it i. in accordance with their public tleclarntions when catalniates before the proplr for election, uutl as u 0 contia incluctions have been given. Resoir,l, That we honor the flan Charles Gib bon. of Bliiiaelidik, and that we a:.' geliefory and 'deeply indebted to him for his honest, liberal and state,tnandiliosconrse in support of Ale right of way to the Baltimore and Ohio H u i! rend Com;,a,y . Reanireci, That I. meeting held in Bnio o t o w n , etie county, n the 14th day of February, at tel,kh Bailey pre-sided, was not a meriting of the rittron, of this comity, bat merely a Borough meeting "i-olitit the will of the rili.j , •lit y, nor even of ei respectable mi. nority, a, it regards numbers, was riot repress and that the Re•olution• of said meeting s hilli Id 110 the :mem ion of oar Ben resew m Rrrclr d That sew y the in., in 11, ,rnr,!,l rn..l.t of Of IHnh Il.pu•e•,n• retnien trd--a• an In•nit 1in,,A1,141 , and intevil ul Repre44,0•1.1,-9. fr ' esuir , • 7hnt if the ettlit•ntt of Phiholvlphie , !heir ufrpiq t.t 11, V.ra , . I.r eli• 1 1,15:011,1g to atne.t the plt•,oge of n Inu • Framing the right of may to he !tantrum,. and r Comp,.., tilt+ no'r•in7, rt - cornmond to the coiren. of this fo,trt of rrun.ylv inn, (in the fall 'Tiro 51 ) the 1 . ..m..5m of n nm,itogur-mrt., leazll.• :01 tl.t• cite of PIM nil Ihe , ii .• lle,t to ',MO !her roy Will umro art. • ntton to our iniet , stn, and uLticit %v 1,1:11 Civet ('oor, SOII4, in night ltitt At.d i.of a m , r-Tn•ur d ..r% A rnat4s daud r, in ih.•... Which will txplalr, n.i Johroo. 11.1 too t Inure And OW glory . Ef rtiti!l t 1'••n know• you once hod too n• his nok,' Rut (•iriuoe fiecid you ;Torn Anil lOU li..eet al every siriike. When hr . ,: VIILll:p1C(i IN your mt•h•is, Let ookin I pity in ilt your heart, But mind you 'Atilt your ainputiiiioo., With steel you make him .11/ For all his {LOB Dial usurpation,. Come Erlll ' ll 'rung, come make n yr... A holy vow of rrtrong, prutertllltl, And take an - mu h ),11%%11 , rod 4". . Or never Low in tame arrhyeeti in, To nny tyrant who ' ll invade, The glurioua aril that flow you cherrah And that a ith giant irreetratir And either contrat or you ' ll perri.h. An Irishman may hive a fault, But bitc,ely staml. in nme of clinger, Hr sings cirri drink'., he's and of malt. And shirrs it round with every stronger, But who C/1 , 1 say he Tins his post; And if compolled, ha oft retakes it, When dangers nigh he mikes He'd sooner perish than forsake it. Now Oregon is all nur own. And we are ready to MlllllO.lll We'll moderate the British tone, If they rnsleasom to retain it. 0m radientstm will give ns light, In emery net ion diet weneed them. They shine by day as well us night. ‘Vben burnished by the sons of freedom. J. 0 Sugar Hour! Molasses. BTILS iiugrir fluuie Mulasics, received for stile by •nnrlG MILLER Sc. arCNETSON. New Orleans Sugar. ri 11111)S Prim , Sugar, rec e i v ,l p r / str Nloll , mgailf`kl. 111 Grr 3ttle by marl G NI 1 LLER ICKE I SON. Loaf Sugar. 40 BU LS N. 2 3.3. & JSt .1 MOS 'kilning LoufSogar received pct. sty Miniungabele, tine for *Ftlo by KEGS 6 twist Tv!racrii, Jut 1111161• 5 brand, fur sole low, to iient, by Rye Wantcd. *) 00 0 Bl's lIELS 11,e wanted, sk hid; cash As s v will U. paid. by Fish. ifIFILI) llcnino rind Muckinel in gine, for solo marin OF FGHNf PURE AND BEDDING, Al 3l'Kenna's Nem Auction Rooms, No 11.1 Wood Wed, Third door from Fifth slreei, AT 3 o'oloc t in the afternoon w••ill be avid by order of Administrator, the fol:owing Tut of Houne• hold anti Kitchen Furniture, viz: Feather Beds and Bedding, Bureaux, Tables and Chairs, Bedsteads, Carpeting, 1 Brass Clock, 1 stove, 1 Saddle, Mattresses, Stands, Lamps, 2 kirds of clo thing, i Shot Gun, sett H arness, I cable, together with a variety of liitcher, Utensil•. mar 16 P MeKENNA, Auer. Lake Fish at Auction. WILL be added to the sale ut s 2 o'clock this af ternoon, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, C Barrels Lake retch in Pickle. do Lake Cod Flab . JOIIN 1). DAVIS, Auctioneer. liM=ll!3lgiM32 I=l ottEi;ON AND IRISEINILN iran•ail inns. 1200 1.414 Furii,i , e. Nirtni