Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 23, 1845, Image 3

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    fie littt~ Morning post.
J. Cartahcra, T. .1. Bigham, Joshua I lannrt
in reference to communications which mny nppenr
in this paper, we have one or two remark"; to make.—
We will insert none without the name of the author be
ing fitst made known to us, ntul when inserted, must al
ways be taken ea expressive of •the views of the writer,
and not the editor of this paper, unless the views so
expressed are editorially remarked upon and approved.
TIRE BRUWICTT.—Capt. Jus. Irwin, we learn; has
aoki this well known and splendid steamer to Capt.
W.`DIKAN. The Drunett, is at Cincinnati; she has
been newly painted, and is now in excellent order, her
furniture, bedding. &c, &c., are new and in quality,
decidedly excellent. Capt. Dish, has much experi
enced in steam boating—be has been engaged on the
river for nearly twenty years, and enjoys the entice con
fidence of the business men of :this City, Cincninati,
LOll6lllllO and St Louis. The Brunett, will run reg
ularly between Pittsburgh and Si Louis.
M" The Steam Engine, Turning Laliev, Black
emlth's Tools &c., together with the unexpired Lease
of the House and Lot of ground, which have been ad
vertised for some time pest, will be sold this afternoon
at 2.o'clock, by P. M'Kenna, Auctioneer, on the
premises, corner of Liberty. Front and West streets.
'The Cincinnati Enquirer of the 19th says, the
clerk of the steamboat Express Mail states that the
tiers boat of Captain Phillips—die Star Spangled Ilan
&T—sunk at Devil's Island on the ni;lit of the 15th
wit., in two fathoms water
TILE Fourinnt.—We learn that Dr. George Hon
of Bainbridge, in the upper part d this country, any s
the Lancuter Republican, is about erecting a Tile
Fe miry for the manufacture of tik. He is at pres
ent busily engaged in erecting the machinery, and ex
pects to be able in a short time to roll out one thous
and per day. Persons wishing to avail themselves of
the great advantage of fire proof roofs on the houses,
will have an oportunity of taking their cheice (Ammer
risk, as well as n(l:flowing where tile can Me procured.
Tile, we believe, is admitted to be superior w either
zinc, slate oe tin, or indeed any other hind of alucctiag
stew used , of the fire proof order.
Valuable Property in Ohio for Sale
THE rubseribers, EXCOIIK.OI74 of Michael Tiernan,
deceased., offer for sale two saleable Farms, in
N..he vicinity of Mansfield, Ohio. us Beset died below,
One Farm, being part of We East half of Sec. Nu 36.
Township '2l, Range 17,, containing 100 tlett.A, of
which, 150 ncres are cleared, fenced, and under plod
cultianstion-74 acres is natural Prairie. well dialled
and fenced.
There is en the farm a new fog dwelling 'house,
tore stories hi,h, 18 by 36 feet, completely finished,
and a new frame burn 30 by 50 feet, with sheds nod
umbuildings. lite farm is well watered.
The ether farm adjoining. is part of the Sootii-enra
immix. of Section 4s, Township 21. range 13, con
taining 1.-10 acres, of which about 100 acres are clear
ed, well fenced, and w a good state of cultivation.
On it is a new flame dwelling house 18 by 24 feet,
one and a half stories high, and a new frame barn com
rOletely finished. This farm is well watered; has a
lame aiming at ihe dwelling, and a stream of living
water swatting tins:nigh the ClentlV. Both farms are
well timbered and situated within 3 miles of :11ansGeld,
the seat of justice of Richland co.. (lino. The Rail
road from Mansfield to Sandusky city n u We Lake.
will be finished tins fall, which will always afford a
certain way t market, and increase the present value
of the irropertik
The firma /ill 'he r.IA together ar me paratels- as
may amt the convenience of the purchasers, and a
clear and indisputable tale will be given.
App!ication can to , made to tile an.iers;goeti, or to
C. T. Sherman, , Mansfield, who will show I.le
property to any nue vti4lling to purchas.c.
Terms—one-third down--the iroilarire in rtilnd
menu at I, 2 and 3 years, wilt) intere.r..•run•d by
lien UM the property. S. C. TIF.RNAN,
nine2l4l&-w m .E.c s rs. of M. Tierha,z, det'd
JEVP"Cieveland lierahl, publiAt daily and weehly
(prune month, and Manville!! Shield red Banner, 1
Fr lIE subscribers, executors of M. Tiernan, deed.,
°ter for sale the valuable property lying on the
waters of Cross Creek, Brooke Cowley, Virginia,
koewn by the name of Clarke's Mills. Tbr property
contains Two handfed and fifty at re- , of Land, about
ape hundred acres Of which arc tinder cultivation; a
Meocliant inill,contani rig two rims of Burrs, and one
rim of stones kr(' Count ty Wort:, with a gorply of v , at er
throughout the year; it good saw mill, cooper shop,
Miller's house, Btablitliz and other lox essaty out build
ings, situate within a fir.t. rate wheat neighborhood—
not exceeding of a mile from the Ohio river—and at
it convenient distance, say between three andfour
miles from either Welishurgh, Vu., or Steulx.nville,
ALSO. A Farm, beautifully and Conveniently sir Wi
led adjoining the above property, containing Two
blind red and thirty four acres; of whirl, about one hun•
dred 'and twenty five rieres are under line cultivnt ion—
with a comfortable dwelling house, burn, and other
necessary outbuildings in g ood repair, and a never
failing spring of good wat7 , r sear the door.
The above property will be sold together or sepa
rately, to suit purchasers, and it clear and indisputable
tide can be given. Application may be made either
to Seth Clark, who resides in Brooke County,
near the premises, and who will show the property,
or to the undersigned, nt Pittsburgh, Pis. If not din
posed of previously n t private sale, the above property
will be offered at public sale on the premises, on the
Ist day of October next, at noyn, and possession given
6tl the lst day of April next.
Terms—one-third of the purchase money will be
required when possession is given, and the halanre Inn
three annual payments, bearing interest and secured
by lien on the property.
nug 6-fl&wts MORRIS JONES, 5 El :r
‘Vbeeling Times, Well,botg Trtin.wript,
Steubenville Union. and Wri=hington Reporter. o ill
please rniblifth till Bale, and solid bill to this
PERSONS having rlitims against me, will E11en... ,
fiend them, dnring my aboenee, to my attorney,
Ernest Heidelberg F:49., who i. authoriwd to adjust
them according to my instructions
Sole Leather.
500 HIDES Baltimore Sole Leather,
500 do. of New York do.
for sale low by P. C. MA RTIN,
eagle No. 60, Water street, Burnt District
BOXESry Cheats Marseilles Lemont% to arrive
fur salebv P.O MARTIN,
Su gilt No. 60, Woof. street Burnt District.
Green Apples,
30 BARRELS gotsd Cooking anal Eating Apples
for solo low. by I'. C, MARTIN,
augi2 N 4 -60 Water et. Born( District.
Dried Apples.
24 BUSHELS dried Apples T,r snit• low by
No. GO Water nt , burnt district
Now Wheat Flour.
I. B .ro ß ril LS n . e t w nor l t v . :
i c: e f at th iv at ..t e r x e t c r e e: ve i d 'a t a n r i d l y Flour,
for 5a
Nu 140 Liberty 4trtvt.
Port of pittoburg.l).
Daily Beaver Packets;
Daily Brownsville Puckers.
Kinney, Wellsville;
Allegheny Belle, Donna, Cincinnati;
Belfast, Ebert, Cincinnati,
Daily Beaver Packers;
Daily Brownsville Packets;
Rambler, Mootley, Wellsville;
Financier, Poe, Cincinnati.
Beaver, W arren and Cleveland Packets
and Stage Line.
Express & Telegraph,
Leave Beaver daily, (Sundays expected,) at 1 o'-
clock A. M., (on the arrival of the steamer Michigan
from Pittsburgh.) and arrive It I ,Vturen next morning
at 7 o'clock—connecting at Warren wilh Ned, Moore
& Co's line of Stages, which leave Warren on the ar
rival of the-Packet, end reach Cleveland before night.
Fare through $4 50.
Passengers paying in Pittsburghare entilledrochoire
of berths on the Canal Packet, and seats in the Et 'Ago.
For passage a7ply on board Steamboat Michigan, or
to JOHN S DICKEY, Beaver.
GMHA RION & Co., Pittsburgh.
CLARK &Co., Beaver.
Fur passage returning apply at the Stage offices of
N El L. MOORE & Co., Cleveland.
je2ll J & M 13 TAYLOR. Warren.
The well known steamer
IV. B. Boa ta,Ma.ter, ha. commenced
her regolar daily trip., lenvinz l'ut.bnrgh (as bermo
lore) at 3 o'clock. I'. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M.
Pricesto Anit the timrs,and tbo.e whc hare no mone •
carried free.
The Canal to Cleveland will he opened 11 , 1 .40,,n na
the weather %, ill pormil; on the opening of which
MEADVILLE., Pa., will imtne.liniely go into
tion. Fur freight ur passage apply on board. or to
jaly 12 Water :o'l4l.
CU'The Michigan is provided with I.: , .una' Safety
Th.: ?we(' and Splendid theamt r,
S rot. F., Muotur, 1111,1 commenred run.
fling rrgolorly, rod will row lour to
tun thr.rorti the n
LAct,aecn ll'itt , rbeirgh and Currinnnri, /eating
l'ittsinirgit err.. y Morobry nt lii o'clock. turd
Cincronmai ( , -/ery morniou at Ow same boor.
frvight or p.oorize nt g rly urn brifint. m2ti.
_ _
Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet.
iIIE <a ikn.l st..nincr
''Z' ( 'LA K I r. ir •c w
nn`nr.,l 1141 - tt :111.1 %In 1111,1- a rt
l'arket L. FS81:11(111 and 11 . 1-1 1,-
\G ,h r i n ,, z the 41.0a,r1 ,if 1 t;l5. For frcight or 1.4,, i ,ce ripply on Svtirri
Jan 30 .1. NE.VVTI)N .1(
Partnership Notice.
Fr Ell: iirl al‘l,lglil , l La • 11116 day no+.44H - IM , sI wit li
Jam 4, E. I.,•dii.•, and 4t h .,
manulac_t_we of iu lulu of
nug. 18, 18.15-auc,20!,,1
School Books, Slates, &c.,
Jus't' receised find %111 be e0I1414(Illy kept an
hand. A guf).l small a1...0cc ',tent .4 . the 1‘...t
and mot appropriate kind of Kho d Iftfolso. .r rising
paper, copy and day t0x.1,3 and lcdgere, Bad,. and
Tebianp•ods; .lioca,aud pencil., pforn
and wafers. I- or bale Ulvir fo,r rr.h or a4rplusrgi
Agent and l'orn Mf•rclo. N 9 Filth et.
re ' l ' Uper Ulu! CniSp.•l and l'AXintrV Catiwl
Till: '2O-I ,treiL.
Al l' it Pi! V, 'tV 1 LSON & ( itotre.sor. to
)lurithy & Cn ) their from.lt,
CliMorner- in !As.: - 1071 C, r 4 ,111110 ipt.l
- s< in tltrir old stand. No. 43 Wood .t lac OW 111th
of S rttembm next, with n -plrrolid "Limit. of Dl(c
4;00()S. almmt all of which will be rAltrely Heir.
They will be glad to .ett anti v.ito rutty %hot
this market to pumbutte l)ty Goodd.
[tug 6-d 1 in
s d m 131318. ut Y:Kt la Family Hour
111J11 jreq received ?lila tor wale ley
1)(,E, I.SI)N
aug 9 From street near Smithfield.
C 1 w' E E4;:i 11-:A11. wcrive.i and fur s tle
AOC. 117 B IL BI t 11)( W I LSON S (U,
Fr,ll. 11.,11
PI LI II St r, 1, mi.; th door be - h , tr oirrcl.
KENNri,v, ,1.11 Ole d11:11..., (d .
11 Seliof,l Nll,lldily, Lt
1111 g . 1 I d lm.
Attorney nt LR W ,
(31Ti'se in P n6,.•.. 101 ! , 11C1•1, n.'ar Nlot 1.0
311114. 19,15 z sly
Nai Is.
2 0 o; 7 s Ju niat a Nail. ; .1 1 - 7 11 . :7 1 A
chrarest and !wet BOOTS, SHOES and
1. TRU\6S. for Il.e p•ople, rnn he filund at.
10 O . i 0 ir 041 D STli E E 7
P,rtreern Fourth and 14,1,710,1 Alley,
an d Slpw s of 91 1 . 1%1.14. 4,1.4'S a.i fi1,5113 . 11 , 111108
The follcmitig a ',onion 11l los ci,soill11C111:
:1112113 and 11042, 1 • 0/1t,' Shoe ;
di) 110 I%IT , (10
11.1 (1 , ) Calf do
do do 1 . 11 , 1r,e Boots;
do do Kip do
du do Calf do
Ladle,: and Chihli on's Leather Boras and Shie s ;
(la do Nl,,rocco do do
do do fire Kid Slippor4 do
double and single iode, Plitsdoirgh make;
do do (jailer Boots of all kind-;
du du Kid, Jvlrersons and Buskins
Trunks of all sizes cheaper !ban ran I,e mirrhased at
any other place in !he city. Come and examine my
stuck; "IHE RAZOR STROP MAN" must and
shall be heat !!!
All of the above good,: have been Aelretrd and man
ufactured exprep,dy for the Pittsburgh Nlarket, and are
and shall be sold wholesole and retail, cheaper than
arty other place in Pinsbargh !! Came and , I`l.`
ring 21-3 t. J. MBA I.L.
Mons. Do Lancs.
2 PACKAGES Mons. Dc ',ni n e s ~1 superior ronl•
ity, in black, blue and very desirable fancy shades,
received-at the New Cash House.
Dr. George Watt,
Office, Ni. 77, Smithfield street, ❑ear Sixth,
aug '2l.
EV IS E D and corrected by A. R. Carson to whicl
added copious notes, &c, for vile by
stuf;.22 CllO.ll. KAY.
Bones of an Immense Mastodon foiind —On the
12th instant, the remains of an immense Mastodon
were discovered about 12 miles west of the village of
Newburgh, N T , by a number of workmen engaged in
digging out marl. The editor of the Newburgh Cou
rier, who in company akb Dr A .1 Prime, was pres
ent a hen this monster was exhumed, furnishes the fol
lowing interesting facts:
It is the fourth skeleton of the mammoth discover
ed in this comitry, and moreover, the largest, as well
as the only complete one. The skull alone weighs
700 lbs. The tusks are over 9 feet long. Across the
hip bones he measures about seven feet. The position
of the animal at death, was clearly discernable. Ile
had evidently become mired, and had settled down on
his htionches, with his forelegs spread out, and in this
posture he was found. Dialer the vertebrw, the con
tents of his stomach were found to the amount of sev
eral bushels, and consisted of leaves, twigs and frag
ments of the branches of the trees, crouched and bt o
ken up. As the remains were found imbedded in
shell marl, uII this was ent i rely evident. His imps an•
imal-ship has been visited by hundreds of per s ona, and
these who have seen the various skeletons heretofore
discovered, Unite in rept eseming this ns unquestion a •
bly the "old bull" of the herd. Here is a godsend for
the naturalists of our day. Another Aingular circum
stance connectril with this resin iection, is that while
the eXC,lVileioll4 were being mule a large tooth was
found, which is prt.r 'wired, by those who profess to be
Shined in sUell matters , tooth of
We obthined the durnensoons of some of iho lurger
hones, ..Inch nre H‘ follows:
Idstigth of the $l.ll, 3 feet 10 inches
Between the eyt.)-socketi,
%Vidal of otccipnt, 2 " 7 -
1:r:III of Tu.k.t. 9 " 4 .'
Citcumferen.a. of Tte.k4, 0 " 0,1
Staeildet Itlade , ,leng;h, 2 " 3 "
IV hitt' " 2 " 4
Length of humertt4, 3 " 1 '•
Nam. of bead of hurnecrer, 1 "
lA. sioneoui pr"er...t, bk. inme,2 "
'tV hole di tm. of l'elvi., 6 " 4 '•
Pei% ic la-fice—teeth diarn . 1 " 11 "
A vet411,111,1" , --,1 rn.,
Wr•i oi Iptmee,
t. .1% iipiinierit I? of vent age. 'this we
infer fnan t 6 enoltni.u, length anti site of the tusks,
and the fact Ilya son), ut thy b.)oef. which in )olinger
an mull itiv.eitcrate. -eetned In have growil ffrtnly
fzether. The, olooion is 111:v..1,r efff.fif filed by the
Ifel Of the (erell teeth in each row. 7be reroafflit,g
fee)ll are. hov)f),er. In Fi %late of pre/it:ISA( ion.
The tfo)l,, n. i. nlaa . ii , e lovgan to ertlltaf,l4. n.
414..,f1 ;‘,.‘ the Oil .tructs in it few hours fell
171,*,1 c...
IN, brut.. 1.1 V11.1 , T1 A, Up V. ill! lilt.
10,111.1 , 1 1.1.1 e "II flit' tllO.l-ur I'd :WWII right fort
Trw heiglith 0l the nnunal 111;:, one cite guril.
horn the 7114'11,4W, rnr•rrr.—lhr wrrlth 01 the hips Si:..
uhout .ecru •i•i, mid Ile pnihtilily viiiirhied tell
All of h.• long bone. b.vp been found except nue
of the !krnn',l ban...,f ( ) nod two
or th we I.i illl • [lb.. Ibe 101/0, , 111g Id a /ist, of
the I,llrM. fOUntl.
Stull nrnl lower j iw, thirty %••teLtm nr hod bones,
tun shoulder Llud. e, two for•• loc., entire, two
hind lop& except one boo.•. tw., Ion••• of the
tooze.•. (hyoid lroue•e) firois.t hone and rtimPot two
Ita•hel4 .11 Ow hones ot the &r., and Ow tail.
animal, 33 li•t.
P. NIL' 1,1" .tN Y.
‘Vo r. Lt of L.•nd mid
lap lorw.g.
11 - "te legs.
bind Irgfi.
Lark •rid
afiLl 11011C+,
Whole nurnGer rd piee , •• , A - bone..
'I he illorti,t I nt • , Klll. pet l eel 10.4 lite had ntvirent•
keen iejtartal w 111. IM , J , •. FO,O 01 tal, ribs had hern
one 01 which 11,4 10-aled. tlau were p-0.40
one II ttl nil healed remaining, htoge•
at hoth ecru.
A lamt ono fo , t lower than the bone. 4 the 3.1•..t0..10n,
..lon, in do. raJoJ wog' I.lm„{ n tuoth of a %Walrus, a
fort of n. 111, - I 1111,11.,1 tiaturaitAti, proi,ably, than
1.41 nlir
11 r 112) Ide vi01...1' (0 fin , r• 1,40 r. thrit tlm Ma.oo,lofl
wao not, (4 oft.ol 111..16011, an awnitiki,lan annual,
taut 4.1 inkrbaLly only n
I.lt. St 1,011, I[el•rnnr 1 , 1 t h r• I 4th snv
"Wt. have 11. setter from litYril tern tV,t‘ Inch 1111 , (Wit
Augustus C Dodge iv re-elected di.l..gate to Congrr...,
by about one thousand majority."
Steamboat Saa.k.—The VCamer Lynx struck a
rock about two miles below New Rostov, no iter way
Iron; Gulenn to St Louis, on Sunday week, and aunt:
to her g mirth, She had a cnrgo of wheat and lead.
It 1, believed the boat will not Le raised. Lots c)ot
known.—Ctn En 7., Aug N.
T.ir We learn from the Captain of the May.ville
Packet last night, that all was quiet nt Lexington on
Monday evening, and that C M Clay had determined
on removing the "Tian American" office to au ca 1 1 !
eine; nna i Com.. Ang O.
Valuable Water Street Property for Sale.
rip I 1 subscriber it anthor,sed to sell that very vela.
1 able of Ground adjoininr, the one on which
he re-ides on %timer street below Ferry starer, huvinr,
a Irmo. of 30 feet on Water street, and extending, back
160 feet to Front street.
fole indisputable. Tet m s
y 31) J. It. DAVIS, Alic Cr.
The Pocket Lawyer.
I,nw,er and Family Conveyancer.—
To %hall atiiitta itn abliiigrtl 1,a , , Dictionary
I. Dili, for t•alti by 17. IL IiAY.
fi 7fi, Nlarltrit titrpet.
Bnildidg Lots for Sale.
in Ilart'.l plan each 24 feet
Tin limo Lc 122 Wet deer. adjoining John IS But
ler ll , nr The ternrs will be liberal Illiquire of
1 4 1 OR SAL E—n good supply of 5 double purple
nor! yellow Carpet chain; bed cords and plough
Imm; matches; ww-hing tubs; churns and buckets,
and wooden bowls of all sizes; window sash find glum;
MI 1.111(14 Oftmckets; tin ware, nod a small assortment
of Dry (Mods. Ilatdwroe, and cheap Family 111cdi
cines. fir sale low and in nay quantity to suit custom
ors, or Cush or urploved Barter.
reP Cmintry Carrots, Carpet and Paper flags
Beeswax, &c. taken in payment.
THERE will be sold on the 23d tiny of August,
1845, by it ierder of due Orphan's Court, held in
the City of Pittsburgh, Ok the 22d day of July, 1845,
two Lots, on which is erected a one story dwelling.
stable, and well of water, well situated in the village
of Centreville, it being the balance of the E:-trite of
Nlai tin Sinellener.decensed, each lot 30 feet 6 inches
in front, by 110 feet deep, Numbered 22 and 23, on
the plat of said village.
Teims—Onedliird of the put-chase money in hand,
tint balance in two equal annual payments with inter
est—sail lots are subject to nn annual ground rent of
twelvo donut, and filters rents.
It. C. N ENV I'pitT , Administrator.
Salo to take place on the j temiees nt 10 u'cluck,
A. M. aug .5, 1845-tie
Carpat Chain, 6;.c.
nod Cum. Merchant, No 9 Sth st
nug22-d I w&, , , I t
Administrator's Sale
'Auction Sales.
Books, Watches, Dry Goods and Fancy
Articles, at Auction.
A '7} o'clock on Sainrday evening, August 23rd
at Dnvis' C'ommercinl Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth streets will be sold,
New and Second Handed Books.
Together with a general variety of Dry goods and
Fancy Articles.
nog 22. .lOIIN D DAVIS, Auc'r.
Dry Goode and Furniture at Auction.
IVILL bo sold at Davis' Commercial Auction
V V Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, on
Monday morning next, inst. nt 10 o'clock.
A general assortment of Fresh and Seasonable Dry
At. 2 o f clocli in the ofternoon; Furniture, Hollow
ware, Glaea•ware &c. &e.
ritsg22 JOHN D. DAVIS, Awe,.
One Lot of Ground and Double House at
Saturday evening August 23, nt 8 o'clock
cisely will be sold at Davis' Commercial Auction
Rooms, Corner of Wood nod Fifth streets.
One Lot of Ground, situated as follows:—"being
part of Lot No. 416 in Col. Woods' Plan," begining
at the corner of Virgin and Cherry alleys, thence along
Cherry alley sotithdy fifty-five feet, thence Westerly
twenty•four feet, thence Northerly to Virgin alley, fifty
five feet, thence easterly along Virgin alley, twenty
four feet to the :dace of begining. On which is erect
ed a Double Hume.
Terms, one half cash, balance in one and two years
with interest on the two last mentioned payments to
he secured by bond and mortgage on the proper-
For further pm-Oculars enquire of the subscri
be r.
Title. Indisputable
Three Lois of Ground and a Dwelling House at
ArlIN Snturdny, August 301 h, at 4 o'clock in the af-
IIUI ternnon. w ill he sold on the premkes, 3 Lnts of
Ground, situated on the bank of the Allegheny river,
opposite the old Toll Gate. nod adjoining Messrs ISI-
Genrev. Nino-shall and Wallace, Franklin Foundry.
Each IA is '2O feet front, nod extends back GO feet:
on one 4 which in erected a comfortable trick dwel
hog house, well furnished, and in g i tenantabk or
der. The title is indisputable, an he terms easy,
f f.
which will he made known at the . of sale. For
further particulars, enquire nt the Anction Room of
the subscriber, or at the residence of the owner, Mr.
George Mullen, Mulberry Alley, near Mr Shoneber•
get's dwelling.
Trunks at Private Sale.
17ST tereive(l nt Gimmerrini Au ct i on
• Itootn4 turner Of Wood and sth atm., a, a sm a ll
~f Lenttier Trunks of eat iuut descriptions.
Turning Lathes, Blorkxmilks' and Other Tools at
WILL Ire sold on Saturday the 23d inst., at
clock, P. M.. nn the premise.. on the corner
of Liberty. Front rind West streets. a large lot of Ma
chinery. Trod.. 11171011 g which are:
1 Steam Engulf:, Shafting arid Boiler; ^ Turning
Lehr s;''_ Benrhes; 30 !CIA of taps and
[hes; 10 and Bitts; 3 Drilling Braces; 1 Lot of
Patterns: .2Stoies and Pipe.: 1 Bering Lathe; 1 Rack
Lathe; 1 Small Lathe; I Screw Cutting Maelline and
Screw fates; 1 Grindstone; 1 Blacksmiths' Bellows;
8 Smut Machines, 1 Lot Office Furniture, togotherj
with a large lot of Tools of carious kinds.
Also. at the same time will ba .old the unexpired
lease. (which has six years to run.) of the lot of
ground with Entine shop on, same 17 feet long by
26 feet wide, with Blacksmith shop attached. The
tot is 105 feet 51 inches on Liberty street, 57 feet 101
inches on Front st. and 76 feet 101 inches on West at.
Terms at sale
V l 2
Valuable Furnace Property at Auction.
AT 10 o'cl.wk on Thursday morning the 4th Ser.
wither nest at the Auction Room. of John D.
Davis, corner %Vora and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
p i ,. w ilt he sold t lint very valuable propeny known an
ALLEGHENY FURNACE. situated on the Alight , -
v Riser about two miles above the town of Kittnning
in Armstrong count.; consisting of ONE THOU
SAND AND TWENTY ACRES r uod qunlity land.
all of which is suitable for cultivation lying in one
body, 80 acre, of which in river bottom. A blast Fur
nace with Canting House. Steam Engine and large
Iron Blowing Cylinder. Coal House and Scorching
Ovens; (Mc Mansion House, a number of Dwelling
!loosen for hands m.ith stables, Catpentet's Shop,
Blacksmith's shop, &c. The furnace and dwellings
ors pleasam!y situated on the river bottom which part
in all cleared and limier fence.
The hil:s a rouml cite formince contain inexhaustible
',notifies of Ore. Coal and Limestone, and much of the
laird in well timbered, affording the greatest facilities
for the making of Iron either with Charcoal or Coke.
This property offers many nth, antages to the Iron
Manufacturers being in the midst of a arich arid beau
tiful country, uff.trding, in thegreatent abundance every
description of supplies required ler the prosecution or
works of thin kind, and within :50 miles of the Pitts
burgh market, to which all the manufactured articles
can be shipped ut almo4 till sennotes of the year.
A pint of the property can be furnished to any per
non ditisirous to examine for themselves by appl,ing to
R. Borluman, Cincinnati. 'IV F Johnston,
Kittanning or the subscriber.
Title indisputable. Terms at Aisle.
jyIG-d&wts. JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
In ehe Cotirt of Common Pleas of Allegheny COUR
y, No. 105, March Term, 184.5.
SIIqIIM Ct. Cutter, by her next
friend, Samuel M'Musters, Libel for Divorce.
ra a viaculo tnafrimonii.
John M. Cutter.
To Jolla At Cstiltir, lie above warned rrlpondent.
Take notice. that whereas n writ of aliaa subpoma
sm. libel for divorce, nt the suit of your wife, Sarah G.
Cutter, by her next friend Sainsiel M'Master, was is
stied OUT Of the above Court, tested at Pittsburgh. t.,
the Hilt day of April, 1845 and returnable to the 3d
Monthly Jane, 1315; and whereas, on the return of
the said alias subpoena pion( was made that you could
not be found in said County; now you are hereby required
tobe and appear in your proper person at the Clout of
Conmson Pleas of Allegheny County,on the 4th Mon
day of Octolwr nest, to answer the Petition or libel of
your said wife, and chew cause, if any you have, why
she should not be divorced from the bond of matri
mony. ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Pittsburgh, July '29, 1345.
In the Court of Common Pleas for Allegheny
County, No. 105, March Term 1895.
Susan G. Cotter, by her next
friend Samuel NleMasters. Libel for Divorce.
arinrulo matrimonii.
John M Cutter.
The Respondent above named is required to false
notice that the depositions or witnesses, to be read on
the hearing of the above cause, will be taken before
Alexander Miller, Esquire, on Stout day, the 18th day
of October next, between the hours of one and six
o'clock, P. 111.,at his office in the City of Pittsburgh.
Attorneys for Libellant.
Pittsburgh, July 9.9, 1895-jy3o-d4w.
A DAY Book, belonging to John Dickson, wns
AL found bevond the Garrison and left at the Office
of the Pittsburgh Morning Pon where the owner can
have it by paying for this advertisement. augs-tf.
Salami - tic
1 °CASK'S Cleveland:ti F
,rv i r 1
( ( 1
2u by
a 1 1 ,41 2 No 9 ‘Vater At rem
310 BAGS Prim e Green Rio,
fur sale by M. B. ItIFEY & CO.
Nu 9 Watstr st
A uct ioneer
Real Estate
P. MTF.NNA, Auctioneer
r VT•K EN'S %, Auctioneer
Day Book Found
Valuable Hotel Property fey Sale.
Tit glib,dribet offers for sale bit very valuable
property, situate, on the corner of Federal and
ianbells reqq.. in A Itegheny City, steer the entl of the
Old Allegheny Bridge, known as the
The Hotel itself is a large, convenient and substantial
Brick building, occupying 44 fret in front on Federal
street, by 100 feet on Isabella street, and the exten
sive Stable, Carriage house, &c. occupy 4.2 feet in
front on limbolla street, by 68 feet back to Rose alley,
seperatcd from the Hotel only by Race alley. It was
built expressly for a Hotel, and possesses every con
venience adapted to the purpose. The house is well
finished and in excellent order and repair; the stable
is well and substantially constructed, and can accom
modate from 65 to 60 horses; the cartioge house is
large and commodious; and an excellent and extensive
Ice house is also built on the premises. The location
of the property is one of the best and most advantage
lous tint can any where be found; and it will present
many inducements to any person desirous of conduct
ing the business, or wishing to make a safe and profit
able investment of his money. The title (which is
fee simple) is unquestionable, and the terms will be
moderate and accommodating. Every information
will be furnished on application (if by letter post paid)
to the subscriber, on the premises. Possession given
at any time after one month's notice.
Allegheny City, Aug. 21, 1345.-Iwd&w
Valttablo Lands, Mills. &c, for Sale.
TOFFER for stile, on the most accommodating
1 terms, my FLOURING and SAW MILLS. with
from one to six hundred acres of land attached, sit
uate on the Loyalhantia creek, in Derry township,
Westmoreland county, Penna. The Flouring Mill is
in n state of complete repair, has two run of Burrs,
and a pair of country stones. The Loynlhanna is a
never failing stream, end the Mill Dam of substantial
Nib-work, calculated to last fcr ages. The-property
I will sell in whole or pnrts as may best suit the inte
rests and %lilies of purchasers. It is situated in the
midst of the finest wheat growing region in Western
Pennsylvnnin, and only 9 miles from the Pennsylva
nia canal at Blairsville; one mile from the borough of
Youngstown; one mile from Mount St. Vincent's
church and St. Vincent's Seminary, undone mile from
Uunity meeting house.
To a man of enterprise, this property holds out the
strongest inducements. The water power is abundant,
sufficient to propel a large amount of additional ma
chinery. If not sold before the 12th day September
next. it will then be offered for sale on the premises
by ',oldie anition. An indisputable title will be given.
The TERMS will be made known, and every informa
tion given by application to the undersigned by letter,
post•pnid, at Sterling Mills, near Youngston, West
moreland county, Pa.
Or to the subscriber. at hie office, its Bakewell's
Buildings Grant et.. opposite the New Court House,
Pittstmrgh, where a Dingram and description of the
property can be seen and terms mnde known.
E old and well known Ve
an Blind Maker, former"
if Second and Fourth sts..
cs this method to inform
many friends of the tact
t his Factory is now in ful
gyration on St Clair Pt.. near
. old Allegheny Bridge )
iere a constant supply of
Inds of various colors and
ilities, is eun.tsntly kept
hand and at all prices.
im twenty-cents up to suit
N. B If required, Blinds will be pinup an, that in
case of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be re
moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the same facility That any otho' piece of furniture can
be removed. and without an extra expense.
WILL open in a few days, the Magnificent Dio
rama of the Great Fire of Pittsburgh, by STA F
FORD & Co. Also, the Cosmoramic Views of the
Geographical Phenomenon of the Basaltic Caves of
Rug 18
DIE EI Vll thi. Morning, and tnnte etrectead to
day, nt COOK'S Literary Depot, Third street,
near the l'o:t Off - ice, and 1960 at BERFORD'S,
Indertit st. Alle;;;Pteny rite:
I n77litt'. Charneterm or Shakapeare, being Library
of Choice. Renilito; No 17.
The Farmer'. Library of Auguft—edited by J. S.
Sat PINEa. KTSubgcriptions received and pin& num
ber for
The Challenge's of Batlette, by Massimo D Azeg
to—tritni,lated from Leioer.
Amei icnn Whig Rmirivr for August.
Hunt's Merchant's Magazine fur August.
Knickerbocker rid
Le Roc Sanderlantra "Confessions of a Niaznetizor
Expcsetl - -in whiai iashown the folly and fakehood
of a recent pamphlet with the above title.
Fanny Camphell—“Tho Female Pirate Captain"—
by Livia Murray.
The Godolphin A rabaun, by Eugene Sue.
Living Age, No Cot
The Cottager of Glenburine, a Tale by Mrs Eliza
I lamliton.
Henrietta, by the author of Emily Mansfield.
Violn, the Redeemed, a Domestic Tale, by I'rofes
sor Ashby.
Cultivator for August.
John Runge, or the Holy Coat of Treeves. A new
We6t watd Ho! by J K Paulding.
Dan Darrel, who shall be Heir? and Secret Foe, by
Mi.= picketing. New supply.
Pictorial and Tragical Almanac.
Dtusicnl Higtory, by Geo Hogarth.
Travels in North American, by Charles Lyell, Esq.
Nichlet Abieolur Confessions.
r Also, the Eastern Papers of this ilreek.,49
aug P 2
Damaged Cutlery.
PERSONS having Hardware or Cutlery In a iiain
aged state, can have it ground, polished and re
paired in a neat and substantial manner by the sub
twriber. Any ordersleft with John \V. Blair, No; 120
Wend street, will meet with prompt attention.
ap 26—tf. THOMAS McCARTHY.
No. 1:?2 Liberty , two doors from St. Clair street,
ASPLENDID assortment of Fall and Wihter
Goods. The proprietor of this holy favored es•
tablishment annonnres to the Public, that he it prepa
red to make to order all articles in Lis line, at the
shortest notice, and in the must
Flavin_ secured the services of one of the BEST CUT
TERS in the city, he will in all cases warrant a good
He has a splen•
aid assortment
Of VARIED and rt.strr
Also superfine Blue, Black, Brown
and Invisible Green Cloths of all qual
ities and varionsprices to snit the purchaser.
Ile has a splendid lot of vestings of all patterns;
Sattinetts in great vat iety : Shirts. Stocks,
Bosoms, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sus
penders, and every other , article
which'be will self LOW
The proprietor returns his sincere thanks to his old
Coo.tonicrs nail the Public in general, for the very lib
eral manner in which they have patronized hid estab
lishment, nail hopes by sti ict attention W husiitess, and
'Jelling them Cheap Goods, to merit a cnntinuatien
of the same. C. M'CLOSKEY.
aug 20-6 m.
B ank Not an .41fxdiant.
Merchants firtriManufaedsrefs'Sefip :.. pop
Exchange Bank crip ll
Currency ..
Berks CotmtySerip .4.4..4 1
On Philadelphia -- —4 ;we*.
Nero York . / press,
Dolton. .
Baltimore - prem.
Gold, Preift.
Silver . pat
Bank of Pittsbur 'A....-. par
Merchants and Afatrufabtureri ° bank ... par
Exchange ,o
Do. Hollidaysburgh
Bank of Notti America - 4lio• ••—pott
Do Northern Liberties 6.1•••• ..... polo
Do Pennsyivania ... .., par
Conmercia 1 .gank of Penuayivania ... . a . ••••• • 11:181"
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank
Kensington bank
an u facturers and gee/taxies' ... par
Meekanics 7
Moyamensing 44,4. e .. A par
Philadelphia bank PH'
Schuylkill " 6
South tem..t• ..... ".... . i .1.6 Pdt.
Western " • .... ....int?
Bank of Pens Totonaltip
Girard bank Pat
U. S. bank and branch./ •
Bank of Cermantoteri
" Chester county . Fa'
" Delaware county .- • pat
" Montgomery county..., • ..• • •••••• .pat
" Nat thumberland pat
Farmers' bank of Bucks cotstly
Easton hank
Doylestown bank_ ........ • •.. "—pot
Friinklzn bank of Washington par
Bank of Chn mbersburgh.... .... ......... 1
°' Middletown
" Gettysburgh ...........• ...........1
" Lewistown .... .... .... .• • . ..... 1
" Snmpfehannaconnly.:, ... ... .. •.....2
Berksenunty bank. • -steno sale
Columbia Bankand Bridge Cosnpany.........par
Car/is/6 , bank It
Erie bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank . . .... I
" Bank of Lancaster ,pat
" Bank of Reading 1 Par
Harrisburg' bank ........ ....... It
Honesdale ".... •Iba, •11••••• I
Lancaster " .••••• ...—..... . pat
Lancaster Co."
Lebanon " .... .14
Miners'bank of Pottsville. ..... 411..44.• •••• ••••114
Mononeakela bank of Brownsville • ~ . ...pale
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company . 2
Northampton bank ....no sale
Towanda bank ............ . aid sale
lryomin g bank ........ -
West Branch b ank . ... _
York bank.--
- -
Belmont bank of gt. 11
Clinton bank of C01urcbue............ •.....• .1
Columbiana bank of New Li5b0n........... —.l
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier)....... -
( Warren, ea5hier)............n0 sale
Cineinnotibanks. ......
Chillicothe hank.............•.... .......
Commercial bank of Lake Erie.... • 1
Dayton bank
Prank/in bank of Colirmtis.... . 1
Parnters' and Mechanics' bank of Stenbensalt..l
Farmers' bank of Canton. a ........... 20
Massillon.-- . .
Mechanics' and Traders', 5
Mount Pleasant a. . a .4.. 44.• ........... /
........ ........10
..111 4.4. aa.. . .... .1 -
Zanrsrillt ..
Bank of
Stair bank and branches ............. -- • • ---- 1 1
State Serif . ... ........
All banks •
State bank
.. 14:. :a.. id
Bonk of Miltoit,
Mink of the Valley of Virginia. . . it
Bankof Virainia
Exchange bank of Virginia - •
Farmers' bank „r 4........ f
North-lVesternbank of - -par
M err hants' and IV echanics' bank of Pirginia:..prio
Bank at Morgantown. 'l.•d• /
Baliimnre City &mks J....A....a e. s -par
Al! other solvent banks.. s. ss —1
All solvent banks—
All solve .
SOUtd t " Aito - L - INA.
nlbanks ........ ss
Allsolverstbaras— r . ‘.......2
haßks .. .. ol• •.• v. .2
Cottairy bank/ • .....
New Orleans banks
Rank of 31. Clair St. Clair. a 75
Bank of Ilie Railer Raisin, Monroe, 15
PearmerT and Mechani& Bank, Detroit 60
Michigan inkuriince, Co. Detroit, 5
Oakland Connly Bank, Pontiac, . ... 15
T EFT at No. 96 Market sorer. on the evening
j of the 25th instant, ileum of Money, which was
supposed to have been dropped by some person while
in the store. The owner can have the came by cal
ling at our establishment, and proving the notes.
jy 30-tf BURROWS & TURNER.
11/Howie& packages received some time since Tby Clarkson '&
Co's. Canal Line, and not called
for, are stored nt the Ware House of the subscriber.
2 Bales and !Box. marked I. D. Roland, Pittsburgh; 2
Chests & 1 Box marked, P Ratzell Pittsburgh; 1 Box
marked Union Trading co., Lewisburg, Union co., Pa.
Aug , 2. JAMES MAY.
10 BB LS. No 9, !alp size; jest reeriverl and for
sale by J. & J. McDEVITT,
june 4 No. 224, Liberty street.
IN mita!' toxes, put up for Family use. on hand and
for sale by J. & J. M'DEVITT,
june 4 No 224 Liberty street.
To Let.
THE second and third stories of a warehouse OD
Wood street, 24 by 55 feet.. Separate entrance
in front on Wood street.
Sugar Cured Barns.
BEST quality, always on hand and for gale by
No 140 Liberty it:
No 2 Ferry strevt.