fie littt~ Morning post. PITTSBIURGII, rA. 7 SATURIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23,1843 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADI COMMITTEF. FOR AUGUST. J. Cartahcra, T. .1. Bigham, Joshua I lannrt CORRESPON'OENTS in reference to communications which mny nppenr in this paper, we have one or two remark"; to make.— We will insert none without the name of the author be ing fitst made known to us, ntul when inserted, must al ways be taken ea expressive of •the views of the writer, and not the editor of this paper, unless the views so expressed are editorially remarked upon and approved. TIRE BRUWICTT.—Capt. Jus. Irwin, we learn; has aoki this well known and splendid steamer to Capt. W.`DIKAN. The Drunett, is at Cincinnati; she has been newly painted, and is now in excellent order, her furniture, bedding. &c, &c., are new and in quality, decidedly excellent. Capt. Dish, has much experi enced in steam boating—be has been engaged on the river for nearly twenty years, and enjoys the entice con fidence of the business men of :this City, Cincninati, LOll6lllllO and St Louis. The Brunett, will run reg ularly between Pittsburgh and Si Louis. M" The Steam Engine, Turning Laliev, Black emlth's Tools &c., together with the unexpired Lease of the House and Lot of ground, which have been ad vertised for some time pest, will be sold this afternoon at 2.o'clock, by P. M'Kenna, Auctioneer, on the premises, corner of Liberty. Front and West streets. 'The Cincinnati Enquirer of the 19th says, the clerk of the steamboat Express Mail states that the tiers boat of Captain Phillips—die Star Spangled Ilan &T—sunk at Devil's Island on the ni;lit of the 15th wit., in two fathoms water TILE Fourinnt.—We learn that Dr. George Hon of Bainbridge, in the upper part d this country, any s the Lancuter Republican, is about erecting a Tile Fe miry for the manufacture of tik. He is at pres ent busily engaged in erecting the machinery, and ex pects to be able in a short time to roll out one thous and per day. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the great advantage of fire proof roofs on the houses, will have an oportunity of taking their cheice (Ammer risk, as well as n(l:flowing where tile can Me procured. Tile, we believe, is admitted to be superior w either zinc, slate oe tin, or indeed any other hind of alucctiag stew used , of the fire proof order. Valuable Property in Ohio for Sale THE rubseribers, EXCOIIK.OI74 of Michael Tiernan, deceased., offer for sale two saleable Farms, in N..he vicinity of Mansfield, Ohio. us Beset died below, One Farm, being part of We East half of Sec. Nu 36. Township '2l, Range 17,, containing 100 tlett.A, of which, 150 ncres are cleared, fenced, and under plod cultianstion-74 acres is natural Prairie. well dialled and fenced. There is en the farm a new fog dwelling 'house, tore stories hi,h, 18 by 36 feet, completely finished, and a new frame burn 30 by 50 feet, with sheds nod umbuildings. lite farm is well watered. The ether farm adjoining. is part of the Sootii-enra immix. of Section 4s, Township 21. range 13, con taining 1.-10 acres, of which about 100 acres are clear ed, well fenced, and w a good state of cultivation. On it is a new flame dwelling house 18 by 24 feet, one and a half stories high, and a new frame barn com rOletely finished. This farm is well watered; has a lame aiming at ihe dwelling, and a stream of living water swatting tins:nigh the ClentlV. Both farms are well timbered and situated within 3 miles of :11ansGeld, the seat of justice of Richland co.. (lino. The Rail road from Mansfield to Sandusky city n u We Lake. will be finished tins fall, which will always afford a certain way t market, and increase the present value of the irropertik The firma /ill 'he r.IA together ar me paratels- as may amt the convenience of the purchasers, and a clear and indisputable tale will be given. App!ication can to , made to tile an.iers;goeti, or to C. T. Sherman, , Mansfield, who will show I.le property to any nue vti4lling to purchas.c. Terms—one-third down--the iroilarire in rtilnd menu at I, 2 and 3 years, wilt) intere.r..•run•d by lien UM the property. S. C. TIF.RNAN, nine2l4l&-w m .E.c s rs. of M. Tierha,z, det'd JEVP"Cieveland lierahl, publiAt daily and weehly (prune month, and Manville!! Shield red Banner, 1 IPOR SALE Fr lIE subscribers, executors of M. Tiernan, deed., °ter for sale the valuable property lying on the waters of Cross Creek, Brooke Cowley, Virginia, koewn by the name of Clarke's Mills. Tbr property contains Two handfed and fifty at re- , of Land, about ape hundred acres Of which arc tinder cultivation; a Meocliant inill,contani rig two rims of Burrs, and one rim of stones kr(' Count ty Wort:, with a gorply of v , at er throughout the year; it good saw mill, cooper shop, Miller's house, Btablitliz and other lox essaty out build ings, situate within a fir.t. rate wheat neighborhood— not exceeding of a mile from the Ohio river—and at it convenient distance, say between three andfour miles from either Welishurgh, Vu., or Steulx.nville, Ohio. ALSO. A Farm, beautifully and Conveniently sir Wi led adjoining the above property, containing Two blind red and thirty four acres; of whirl, about one hun• dred 'and twenty five rieres are under line cultivnt ion— with a comfortable dwelling house, burn, and other necessary outbuildings in g ood repair, and a never failing spring of good wat7 , r sear the door. The above property will be sold together or sepa rately, to suit purchasers, and it clear and indisputable tide can be given. Application may be made either to Seth Clark, who resides in Brooke County, near the premises, and who will show the property, or to the undersigned, nt Pittsburgh, Pis. If not din posed of previously n t private sale, the above property will be offered at public sale on the premises, on the Ist day of October next, at noyn, and possession given 6tl the lst day of April next. Terms—one-third of the purchase money will be required when possession is given, and the halanre Inn three annual payments, bearing interest and secured by lien on the property. S. C. TIERNAN, nug 6-fl&wts MORRIS JONES, 5 El :r ". ‘Vbeeling Times, Well,botg Trtin.wript, Steubenville Union. and Wri=hington Reporter. o ill please rniblifth till Bale, and solid bill to this PERSONS having rlitims against me, will E11en... , fiend them, dnring my aboenee, to my attorney, Ernest Heidelberg F:49., who i. authoriwd to adjust them according to my instructions Sole Leather. 500 HIDES Baltimore Sole Leather, 500 do. of New York do. for sale low by P. C. MA RTIN, eagle No. 60, Water street, Burnt District Lemons. BOXESry Cheats Marseilles Lemont% to arrive fur salebv P.O MARTIN, Su gilt No. 60, Woof. street Burnt District. Green Apples, 30 BARRELS gotsd Cooking anal Eating Apples for solo low. by I'. C, MARTIN, augi2 N 4 -60 Water et. Born( District. Dried Apples. 24 BUSHELS dried Apples T,r snit• low by I. C. MARTIN, No. GO Water nt , burnt district Now Wheat Flour. I. B .ro ß ril LS n . e t w nor l t v . : i c: e f at th iv at ..t e r x e t c r e e: ve i d 'a t a n r i d l y Flour, for 5a le A • G. REINHART, Nu 140 Liberty 4trtvt. by 44%20 MoRRIS JONES Notice 0. HOFFMAN Port of pittoburg.l). 2 FILET WATER IN THE CHANNEL. ARRIVED. Daily Beaver Packets; Daily Brownsville Puckers. Kinney, Wellsville; Allegheny Belle, Donna, Cincinnati; Belfast, Ebert, Cincinnati, DEPARTED. Daily Beaver Packers; Daily Brownsville Packets; Rambler, Mootley, Wellsville; Financier, Poe, Cincinnati. Beaver, W arren and Cleveland Packets and Stage Line. THE SPLENDID CA NA L PACKETS, Express & Telegraph, Leave Beaver daily, (Sundays expected,) at 1 o'- clock A. M., (on the arrival of the steamer Michigan from Pittsburgh.) and arrive It I ,Vturen next morning at 7 o'clock—connecting at Warren wilh Ned, Moore & Co's line of Stages, which leave Warren on the ar rival of the-Packet, end reach Cleveland before night. Fare through $4 50. Passengers paying in Pittsburghare entilledrochoire of berths on the Canal Packet, and seats in the Et 'Ago. For passage a7ply on board Steamboat Michigan, or to JOHN S DICKEY, Beaver. GMHA RION & Co., Pittsburgh. CLARK &Co., Beaver. Fur passage returning apply at the Stage offices of N El L. MOORE & Co., Cleveland. je2ll J & M 13 TAYLOR. Warren. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICIIIG.AI, IV. B. Boa ta,Ma.ter, ha. commenced her regolar daily trip., lenvinz l'ut.bnrgh (as bermo lore) at 3 o'clock. I'. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M. Pricesto Anit the timrs,and tbo.e whc hare no mone • carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will he opened 11 , 1 .40,,n na the weather %, ill pormil; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELANDM—FreI MEADVILLE., Pa., will imtne.liniely go into tion. Fur freight ur passage apply on board. or to G. M. HARTON, jaly 12 Water :o'l4l. CU'The Michigan is provided with I.: , .una' Safety Guard. 1845. 114W1IDAY CINCINNITI Th.: ?we(' and Splendid theamt r, U. S. MAIL MONONGAHELA, S rot. F., Muotur, 1111,1 commenred run. fling rrgolorly, rod will row lour to tun thr.rorti the n LAct,aecn ll'itt , rbeirgh and Currinnnri, /eating l'ittsinirgit err.. y Morobry nt lii o'clock. turd Cincronmai ( , -/ery morniou at Ow same boor. frvight or p.oorize nt g rly urn brifint. m2ti. _ _ Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. iIIE