Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, May 13, 1845, Image 4

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    Oiligtation Eittre:7
noonE,jutozgEgs & CO.'S
Arrangements for 1845.
Patent trot Air Cooking Stones.
T ul I: 5.1.:,,....r having entered into the stove bus . i.
„,,,..., i n pit t_burgli, respectfully inform: the pub.
lie that he intends rarer in,„ it on in Its various b ranches
at the warehouse No. 124 WOOD STREET, above
Filth street, whore he will be prepared to supply
purchaser, with any articles in his line. In additina
;to other Stoves which he will have on hand, lie hat
obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's
Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. Tl . i stove is pro
"Nock Pon or Old Line of Liverpool PacA el x." ; neunrcrl superior to any other now in uTe in the Dotted
0 ... !
States, it is more durable in its construction, and bet
-1!„---Sa.i.liug from Liverpool on the lat and 16th t
I ter adapted to the 114 e of baking, roasting and cooking,
each month. 5.- 1 ,
as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in
p E rtsoNs desirous cf sending for their Friends the stove; and it is groat saving Of fuel as well as
1 ROW nailing in any part of the"Omo Comx THY,” labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup.
can whike the necessary arrangements with the sub- I ph all detnandi if possible; I have five different sizes,
scribers, and have them brought out by the above well 1 and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to
known fhverhe " Line of Packets," w hi r l , s uit fr"m sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about
LI V ER.POOLcrunctually on the Ist and I fith of evety . this city; all put in use within six months. Being a
month; also I,v MST CLASS AMERICAN snips, sailing ! ware that the People of Western Petinvlvanin hare
from there EVERY' SIX DA Vs, during 1:145. Atel j hnet, nutt:ed upon by the introduction
n ' ew and high
vs att.?, arc dotormined not to depend on any Liverpool I iy r,,,,m•nended st,W(_.s w hid) were badly constructed,
Heave or Agent, to see the, p,mpie's interest taken ; and iin , i, r; qoeufnibni am! become useless. I Sto ve , r Wit
care of, Mr JAMES D. ROeliE, one of the firm, is there. , to persons , %ishing to procure thr. Ilot Air S the
who will remain and see that every thing connected ptivikge of using it a sufficient length of time to prove
with their business is executed with p r omptitude and its tuperior quality before I ask them to purchase.
Persons tiotifving me from a distance by letter, can
Should the persons tent for decline coming eat, the have stoves lott. rip at any time, as I have wugons to
money will be returned to the parties here , without any curry them out; I the, therefore invite Farmers and all per
deduction, on produCing the Passage certificate and sonc-tonotne and . judge for themselves; also to try them
prove that it it to your advantage to have one.
Thu "Block Pall or old Line ef Lirrrrool Pork- u „orders will be promptly attended I() by the col ,, cri.
ct.v" comprise the following tnngnificent Ships, vii: All orders
" O IFoRD.
." Ales rEZUMA, " CoLUMBUN.
With such superior and unequalled nrrangemeras,
the suhscribers confidently look rorldvnrd for a ConiTtol
ance of that support which has been extended to them
so many years, for which they are grateful.
Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives,
ran at all times obtain DI afis al sig,la for any amount
drawn direct on the
3 +,- ,
• ,k ,, ..4-4ALA1...4:11
licmittan.ce. to and Pascoge from Great
amain and Ireland, by the
A Is° en
Messrs. PRESCOTT, GROTF, Aura & Co., BAN tans 1
Lrespos ;
whirb will be paid on dernan.l at any of the Banl:ii,
or rivir firanehris • in all thi , principal Town: Thro , , gli
Apply to, or nililre:c ( if k.1,-,,,,., 7 ,,,t raid.) i
N, 3.';) Fulton s t ., N,
or P , 1 , -%Ki.:I,V & miTcli EL,
Smithtliei.l greet, near :ill), and Penn street,
oct 15-d&wt 1 HP/
ritßimira h.
Tapsecrtt's General Emigration Office.
76 South St., corner of 3ra IL - 71 L(171 C, New Yorl,
. _
1t0tT.,4 Iht*
t _ 4.4415!tt
Agent, Canal Basin, rittsbultzh, pa.
P r. RSO NS tibout sending for tl:cir friv.h,l4 in az-\
p art the Ott, Cou NTR V, an. re , p , cLitifly In
formed by the SLI: , SCIiber, that lilt-, same
charricteri:o,l their lai
1gen:oo 012 p 41.0 \ ;II be coimiolcd Ibr,ougf ,
P. 1M 1 II':
The QUI:1 - ::N OF TII I, 1% . ES F, 1 f.?..in tons 111-110'n
" HOTTINCirER, I 150 " ..
" HOCH ESTE, It, 1 0;lfl ~ ..
nl ISCI T . S,
•' .•
‘• S I 1)1H )NS, 1150
1 '' •'
" SHERIDAN, 1050
1). - M ''
'' GARRICK, I0.:0 " ..
WiliCh Cat/11(71CM% 1111• I 111 , 1f,Illrir-ent Fiiip, boin iz ~,m - manded
manded by kind and exprrienc e d man, and titled op
in the be,t po,:Aible manne r for comfor t and conveni
ence, are well known to surpass any oilier Line of
In addition to ire al.ove , plendal Line Inc .111,eri
linra ar e agents for the. St. George's Line c I Line r .
pool Packets, and Tht United Line of Liverpool
Making a , hip from Liverpool ece t . tir o ri v
possibility of delay is th ,, ref iie lnecluJed. M IV Top
newt (one of the firm) persorndly i:nperinted i ihe
departure of Cf.:Sig& 1 at I.lVerrioo]; Sllnl , l' it no
therefore, that the Stlbwrihers girt ran , , to giv 4:11
faction to all parties 'Alio inny acrid f
for their r,
fiiend s
through diem. In all cases w nen thu:e =ont I r de•
cline coming, the full attiuunt of money paid (or rcN
btigo will be rerund,(l.
Those wi,:hing to remit FTllllll`y t., any pail of Grea.
Britain or Ireland can be suppli.l with , h-afts for any
umouat, from „f:1 upward:, payable at sight in all the
principal towns, wir horn discount or any other char ,,•.
Application.if by letter (puss paid) will meet immedi
ate attctantion by arldi easing
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, or
76 South street, New York.
Agency in Liverpool:—
William Taparntt or 15 G , ree Piazza and
Geo Rippard & Son. 96 IVateiloo Roud.
jan 6
irm Revived.
T HE subscribers be leave to inform the friend.:
and the public, in general, that they have entered
into partner4iip for the purpose of cominning the man
ufacture of l'lmghs, Corn Shelters, Plough Castings,
Stovei, Hollow ware," and all hinds of Casting at the
old and well known e. striblishment
Mr. McFaden respectfully solicits a return and con
tinuance of the pm ronage of the friends of the old and
former firm of •' Evans aid McFaden," t‘hilst Mr.
Evans also solicits a continuance of the patronage of
the frienis of the late firm of 0. 0. Evans & Co.
feb .15-dtf
- To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
Till subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making busine.l. in Fourth street. Opposite the
Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker
lit:an. Having been foreman in some of the moat
fashionable hoot shops in the I:nstern cities; and hav
ing furnished himself with the best French and Ameri
can calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busines s to
merit a sham oC public patronage. To those gentle
men who have kindly patronized him he returns his
sincere thanks, and can is ith confiden ce appeal for
the goodness of his work an 1 knowledge of his [nisi
July 24—tf.
JAllitS6)curciliiii, ______
Corner of Libcrty all 4 Factory streets. Fifth IV New Oil Store.
PLUSbn /gh , ard, J 011 N I\i'MA ST ERS, ,J a., AGE NT.
-- 1 1 - :;11.1:1i in Slier 111, Elephant, Seal, \Vitale, Lard
Al ANCrFAC T U 11 E R of Mar: iO,lll Fire Proof I_, Tanners' and I,lD!'el-A Oils. Sperm and Wax
ij ch,,,,, t ,. Iron Doors. Gride s and lißncs; Iron Candies; Spirits of Turpentine, AVhite Lead, &c. &c.
Doors for Bank Va , l/1.3, Canal and Rail Road-Irons, N. 1:. Corner of Hand and Libel ry streets, Pitts
together with every description 01 Smith work.
litirgh, Pa.
mar 3,13 m
Rs:Fut TO—M Allen, James May , William Holmes, -
Samuel Chinch, Lewis Hutchinson , Lorenz , Sterling A LLEN lill.AMEll, Exchange Broher, next
S, Co., Julio Irwin & Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen , ri.. door to the Exchange Bank, between Wood
'and Market streets, Pitt.,,burgh, Pa. Guld, Silver,
A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corne r
of Front and Ferry street and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight
tict4. and M. G. BEALE. Jr .
No 74, Wood street, are AE , , , qit.4 fur PittslorrEb; and chectics on the Eastern cities, for sale. Draft s.•note ,
'denim BRYA N and MILTENBERGER. St Deuis, and bill , . collet It'd.
Mo., to either of nihorn orders may be addressed.
Pittsburgh, March 8.1815 d Iv
IVII). Bell & Co.,
Improved Shutter Fasteners. John D. Davis.
F. Lercrize.
HE subscriber has invented and manufactures a l j. Fainter &
a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of ' Joseph Woociv. cll.
malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind i
.Taines May,
new in use in this city, and, he believes in the United I, Alex . r ramon - (-0, ? r .,
States. To be had at any of the Hardware stores in ! John H Brown & i 1-I " ) 'riPhid•
the city. and at the manufactory, Smillifi. , id st.. can. James M - Candiess.
~t, Cincinnati. 0.,
nor of Diamond alley. J. VOGUES. '
J. R. WDonaid. ', St. Loot.. Me.
) %‘',,, H. Pope, Esti., Pres't Bank Ky ; Loui-ville.
jan 1 I-dly.
ILock anot perepr Itarittlltctarl..; .
I Con'' OF IsT (1,14 Ft:RftY 1 . 1 6 7u.iffil ! PI 5 7 511.FRG11 .
, . , . .. ,
To No. 19.4 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FIFTH' TJAN , INC, removed my manufactory from Rirroing--
_ 4_l ham, and located St nt the ithove sranA, I would
- - respectfully' invite ray friends and the public generally
to lavot me with a eall. for any attiele in my line, viz:
Patent Lever Locks, Cabin dour Bolts,Knob,
do Latche4,
Mot rise, t, Mo'rtioe
Store door, Shutter Fit , teaings.
Tobacco, Fuller, Timbe r and Mill Screws,
Housen Screws for Iron Works.
In nddit ion to the nbove articles I intend to manu
fitrture and keep a supply of Ita t the t. and Monkey
Wrenches, to,,t Stocks, Taps and Dies, for Stearn
Bout purposes. Together With n variety of articles
not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re
duced prices.
Locks renaired and Keys fitted; also, Iron and Brass
Tut fling done in the best manner and at the shortest
not ice.
Orders addressed ro the manufactory or to Mr R.
tr. Poohles, Hardware :\ forelemt. Mutket street,
Pittsburgh, „ill he tliarilsfullv received and meet with
prompt attention.
der 1-odtirn JAS. PATTEIZSON, Jr.
No. 144,
JCorner of Wood s/reel and Virgin Alley.
['ST received and far sale, a large assortment of
fresh Drugs Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs,
&o. which have been reeentlyselected, and purchased
with consid , .'ruble care for Cash. The follow in; com
prise part of the stock just received:
Gum Camphor, Spirits Turpentine,
Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish,
Rot. Sulphur, 'White Lead,
Casto r Oil,
Red "
Gum Arabic, Lithnrge,
Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil,
VI Manna,
Wait inn Red, Eng.
Ginn Opium, Spanish Brown,
Gum Aloes,
Chipped Logwood,
FlorCtimomile, Cam wood,
Jujube Paste. rustic,
Nic Wood,
Herd Liquorice, Brasill
I,igizorice Ball, etto,
Pow'd Ginger,
Nutmegs. Oil Vitriol,
With a zcne t a l 13, , ,0rt meat too numerous In
which will lie sold for Cash at a small once on
Eastern prices.
17" Dr W1t1A,14.11 KFIIR will give his attention to
thecom2oundi ng wf Phyqirinn',proqrriprions. n 73
VI-holes:v.lo Druggists, Grocers, &c.,
%IV (t
, ) ,, i t 1 , , , 1 I
f i t
F e i
rr, c o n sult i ng rilc rg their own, INn a
,4 n d
great th e i
.. ir t i ter t :
1,). purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye IVonrals in the
Eastern market.,, whole and in sticks, and getting
them ground and rhipl4,l at the Fraeklin Alanofocto
7' I em l rare this oprormM:v 10 recommend the , r.Y. Secu"•l street.
1:,• ‘ i i . co.,ki ng Slove.; I have used the 11111. 1 you lea !It Is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that
qi ro t mo con=manly 1111 summer, nod I Mimi say it is ' Di lugs and spices sold in the East, arc lower in price
_l-11111 article. I helir ve it is superio r t o any other than whole, of coarse the profit and cost of grindin g
t 4 ~, WM' in use in this city. Th e oven lcikr . , well, I most be made up by adulteration; dye woods have a t
nd i: 1 o-,:o ormei,-!i to 1,;ilio four la: ,f, I ,, ilyes of I,romi . I '"t 1 5 per conr, and in some cases 25 per cent. of
I 11 11 , tine 't it 111 ,, ce . .tlis VerV , trlC ,l l{ltr, and it re,pii t e; water added to them. Now wnter, dust, cornmeal
•ry littlo coal, I think thorn worthy the attention of all stns n" , --d meal are Ide"iy lucre, and we run cat
i , wish a zww sn , s . ‘ , ; 0, sorb I would say, try them thorn in their purity, if so it plea,:os en, withoutp:iv
r3.l ! 1,, , ‘ , ;:',t tiley are.
o r 1 I -,; ,' I
i:) : : a /-77,, r price with freiLl;t and pi ernium added
~ ,k , ..Cr ATIII:IV I' ATPI C K. Cinnamon, A ll , pire,
Nutmo:;i. Gum , ' ie. f.:roond
n , mzot.,
Gem As,lloj,-,
(3tire Ile ~,
Guns r;,,,n1—,,,,
ri,,,,,0 s t „„,,
1,,,, D } ,,
1,,,ii, s.
f. , ,,,,,,,,1.
10,-.. ~,,i Mare, Fit stir,
G,:n Sc.ononv, Cam Wor,d.
1 lan :,1i).',.., Brasil Wood
.11",ingion Ifouse,Strt, 19, 1111.
ii. 1)ox — Sir: I have in use one of Hath
:in.,a'..ll4it Air ('ookitti: Stores, which I got from you
ist Spying - . It atioid: me much pleasure to recotn-
Mend it fir its rarellenre. So liar as my knowledge
extends. I hire no hesitation in saying it is the best
, tove now in it•te. I need not partilarize its
;but iiou'd adi nll cid:posed to pos c c u f , t+ an arti mer cle its of
the hind, to adopt the best method of sati.ftleg them
sel,es, that 14, in tr% it; and I doubt not thou will be
, atistied.
Tem7wrarre IToNsr,
Sop!. 19, 1811.
Mr. lt. D.i\ -41 'irc--Sir:-1 Lave hail in L 1,2 fur fi‘e
monriN, orw II ll.it Cookin.f; StoreA,
an.l 1 hoer m.! ,, iU11i.,n in , t It 11; it I, the be_st stove
kinds cooking,it is calcu
lated to ilo at tlii• ..a•no Ii!no,
nt (11 , 1 tOTlirod, it an nliji•ct v.Ln 'he illicit
who good stove.
\S V.IRN En.
I' tTI::\T 1)01'13LE NPRIAt; TItUsS.
,3 :uublt•
'nor:!hr.r the
11,1 or P , ir! , :ro, IdriL +ll-wi carrru!-
Lime Wourl, chipped,
. • ..., . , o.ritt•er of I .i. lents, La. Pepptlr,
&c. &c. &c.
nev u. fa ::0,1 to _i.e relief, din. M. , I e.4.c, has port ed The Proprietor it ill not Jeal in any of the articles
, i•-ce...‘t .i in e.. r,^ a p•Tinanent cure.
he grind. a. a grinranty that all tho articles intrusted
1 his improv. ii I ru.s li:•••. heen .oli , mittt il to the most Ito II irn :hail remain as pule a.; , n-hen sent to him.
..111i I'olll moi•hr r. ot the medical protes-d , m, who. at. I N. 11 .—Lard Oil coantantly on hand.
I.`l fair trial arid examination, have concurred in Imo- . MI) t!tl-tf.
mairfAing it an important discovely, particular ly ;18 it ;
:id Mit: id 150.10 n. atiOlSlOlent no till' "...lit of the rOan . !
rill Oa. itlid of be.irin g with certainty upon the point
,rhea. the pi os•Lit. is r‘viil,ti. w I hoot admitting of it
ch ance ro ri; u.:•••
of n:t.ift intr hy anv aenion ~r •
~ ,, , ,,i—.1,i,,,, 7 i—l",—the miter <pring, a ne, In n-. n.ery
elasti,-, (nib ; gi.ing.b y a hieh an ttingnntnent every move
mem it W rononn.latenl.
The seller itn,...7 atal imminent tl noc• - nn ~ bfa 4-.. , ,,
rp. , 01 upon tient m.no nit:nn en.,;,....ne aii cornplaio..,
5t,,,,,g.,' i.
, ///ers,,,, need nek ~f. be epprebend.,l I,
pe i •rirts M, j! 1 ,erne,O ILI. ITOOrOledi I cuss. and the !Mil iet)l
in - n' cherish a confident 1,1n;14`, 11,1 in ~, ,, , ,!.1 . ,,,e r of
Ilse iro ~ t ino or o r netnn urn never Le.nne, parreoted to
Tr HE stmscruttErt 11. AS .IPST lu:cf.:lN-ED
prim-Ad e in Ihe ~:nl!lnte,t nleeree. that nhe W.:ended
hiA annual sopp!v of Landreth's Gard en Seeds,
ring Cr operir.e. ~ i'd grad nal CON' rart. anal a perrne
consisting in part of the following kitirh— o f the last
~,0 . r., , ,, he effected, when the Ttuss may be ‘ll-pena
year's growth, and warranted genuine:
ed with altogether.
. I ragas,a Egg, Plant, Paz snip,
I li , *ft iixs may he vet-, prope r 4 termed, Dr L 17\ iieet.,,
Endive, Peas,
Dis• compol:ND sp . '', l Nri . 1
IZ l SS; the springs i Fi ent, , ,
Kale, ropper,
bein g 2in number, the inner and the ‘,ter. the latter Leek,
Pumplsin, Broccot i,
Icing oven the former. The exterior -pi innz, I. three n
' I.,tittuce, Radish, Itorecole,
times the length of the interior, upon the end of the I w,,,,,, meih,„, idi,,barb,
(:altba go ,
hitter dm compress or eliptical rad or block is fa -ten
' Musk - Salsafv. Carrot,
ed, is hich rests upon the ritlected part. '
Cu "' i n a nasturtium, Cauliflowe r , S tinaCh,
small adjusting screw, which passes du ough the 01/I.l' ,
Squash, Celery, Okra,
spring, immediately over the pad or bhark, and is
Tomatoes, Curled Crees, Onion,
rotated to bear upon any pant of the block, so that the 1 T .
tamp, Cucumber. Parsley,
pressure can be made to act immediately upon or over j c ore,
Mustard, (white and brown,) &c.,
the rupture with the degree of fin ce or weight which
&r.. &c.
the case tnny require. The whole apparatus ia in ad-
Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and
itisted as to fit tiny peculiarity of form. at the same
time so flexible as to ()erasio n neither inconvenience I (lower
if. 7. Orders for seecla, shrubs. trees &c. from gar
nor uneasiness to the wearer,wilile following his usual
lenses and others will be received and promptly at
aviicat ion..
tended to.
The following, dis•inguished members of the .lied- tended
18.1 Liberty., head of ‘Vood st.
Teal professio n have borne ample and unqualified te,ti- feb 11
rnony to the palliative and corm ire value and irnpor-
tanee of Dr Landis' discovery: George B [get foot, M
D., and John L Adee, M D.. of Lancaster; Ge o M'
AD A iliti 3c NI CST E EN,
Clelland, Al D. Professor of Surgery in the Pennsyl
No. 17, Fr Oh st red
,bettreen Wood and Markel,
vanin and Jefferson College, Ural Samuel Al'Clelland,
11 AV.1. : !Ids day entered into partnership for the
NI D., Process it of . I natorny in the F.antecollego; Sam
manufacture of all hinds of Gas-fittings; also,
net Martin. M D., l'n,fes:so r of Anatomy in the Penn-
srl , aide College, &c.;James APClintor:k. AI D., fro- all hinds of Brasa and Speiter Coatings, and Brass
lesser of Surgery in Vermont Co
1)., Professor in the lleg,e, &c.; John 'Wilt- fittings in genet el.
bank, Al D.. and W B Grant, M
In thus presenting ourselves to the public, we shall
Pennsslyania Colleg e; Henry O Patterson, Al D., make it our particular study tu give general satisfpa
tiON to ell who may lease to favor us with their
Pi ofessor orm ateria Mediea inn the Pennsylvania Aled
ical College; to which we add with pleasure the re.- I trotings.
All orders executed at the shortest notice, and on
pectable HUMPS of S Snyder, M D., J K Neff. M I.) ,
C L Baker, M U., and Henry Carpenter, M 0., of the most reasonable terms.
fel) 10-tf
-____ --
II II MeCt:LLOUGH having purchased lie paten ,
right for making and vending the above 'CRUSE, is
prepared to furnish them to all who may be afflicted
with that disease. Ile in also prepared to fill all or
ders from Physicians and Drug g i s t s , and solicits their
patronage. Ile will attend to applying the instru
ment; helieving it to be superior to anything, of the
kind ever invented. He has pm the price so low that
i t is withi n the reach of all. The testimonials of the
eminent Phy.drians, whose names are above append•
enl, are deemed sufficient recommendation:.
11 11 :11'CULLOUG11,
Cur. Fourth & Wood strects,
rub t27,1k tv v
Spring Fashions,
(Observe Y dime Front.)
Tin , proprietor would return thanks to his nume
mint customers and the public for the liberal patronage
licqtowied, and would inform them that he has received
the Spring Fashions for Hats. direct from New York ;
which he is prepared to supply them with onthe most
moderate terms. Not wishing to pufrmy establishment
into notice, but would say to all who wish to get a
fashionable, swat and durable Hat at moderate terms,
tit give me a call, and examine my splendid assortment
of I fats and Cups.
No. 102, Wood wtreer, third door ilolll Filth street
- - •
W F.have received, and will hereafter keep cor
standy on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink,
in litrge and small kegs, which we will be able to sell
cliA,per than it has heretofore been sold in this city.
Orders front the cetintry accompanied by the cash
(TN ALT. CA stE) will be promptly attended to.
.1y tf Office of the Post and Nianufacturrr.
r IH E subscriber having sustained a very heavy
_lt loss by the lute Ere, is constrained to call upon
ell who know themselves to be indebted to him to
settle their accounts as soon as possible. He hopes
this notice will be promptly attended to, as it is neces
sate he should have funds to recommence his business.
He does not wish it to be understood that this no
tice is intended fur any of customers who were'
sufferers at the late lice.
r• •.,_u .
CROP OP 1844..
t 's .'ir\— '—'—'.
- I\l St°'
\.;(' nc.: '
rr- I ) v
y ....:„..,.....„. „,..-
- _......,....0.--
(Recollect, Yellow Front.)
To Printers
M. IiANE, Jtt
r4 zsziitsuiv6z., —
At O. 49,s Libekty St.,
ESPECTFULLY invites the eitly attest on
1.10 his friends and all who arc about supid 2 ,ing
tlemst 'yea %vial
C 1 . 4 TIIIIN G ,
rn Id present stock, which he has purchased in the
This stork is large, and comprises
Of Fashionable and New Style Goods,
in his line of Business. The very liberal patronage
Given to the subscriber, enables him to employ per
sons emnpetent to cm and make work is such a style,
as will be SURE Ti) PLEASE, and at least
than they can 0t1 ,,- Wi.se suit themselves. A glance
at the (;.rod s and Prices will sali,dy tiny good judge
that he can gut
(mad , or nomads,) than are to be found at any whet
escddiAtnent, particularly articles of a superior
Where a Goon DREss COAT fur from
$9 to 9 and $lO, of any fashionable color,
1!; Made to order at the same rri , :es.
for from s 3 to $3 50, Lunt $1 and 5 dollars—fine
qualities in proportion. Fr emdt and English Cloth
And ready made for from $l2 to 14, 15, and 13 dol
lars. A great variety of
17M811 3 1 - 53 AMD ITESTNDTTI
Of the most elegant and varied style--a lunge assort
ment on hand. Every description of
For front 2to 3 and 4 dollars. Alio, a general va
riety of other SUMMER WEAR, kith a gametal
stock of
TENDERS, and all other articles in the Clothing
spent in lool,ing throu g h the fluory of this establi,ll
- will be I,,, tter spent, aupl save more money titan
could he saved by looking through half the 'Allot shorn
in the city,
Walk in at 49!
You will bo :11ro to get exactly what you want
:ornetbing better.
LC , bat mai,es !out teeth so unusually _, hititi
Quiith Josh's dulcinia to him tether night,
To make vourn lank so, with a grin, lolled Josh,
I've bought you a bottle of Thorns both Wash,
'Tis the he,. t now in lir:l', SO the gentle!folks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others :may.
But to IIf,V V II the best to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine.
1 ben try tiosgreat tooth wash,
The ! leaberry tooth wash.
And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is rot fine.
Having tried Dr. Thoi n's Tea Berry 'Tooth Wash,"
and become acquaireA-dwith the ingreifients of its com
position, [cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest,
as it is uric of the most pleasant tooth washes now in
DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842.
I take pleasure in stating, haying made use of
'•Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the
bestdentrifice s in use. Being in a liquid form it com
bines neatness with convenience. 11 - bile it cleanses ---
the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its El Ty Goods.
perl'ime yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable.
1 K. LOG.-k N, & CO., cornerof Wood and Fifth
J. I'. TIIIII - ETTS, :Ai. D. d, • streets, over John D. Davis's Auction Store,
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound. have just received another supply of fresh and season-
Tea Berry Tooth Was and have found it to be an able Dry Goods, which, added to their previous assort
extremoly pleasant dentritice, exercising a most salu- meat, (all of whi c h hav e been purchased very low in
[try influence over rho Teeth and Gums; preserving i the ea: city,) enables them to offer great induce
those indispensable membe rs from premature decay, ! mews to those wiThing to purchase at wholesale or re-
preventing the accumulation of Tartar, arid purifying ! tail for cash. They have now on [laud a large assort-
the Breath. Havingthoroughly tested its virtues, we me n! o f
take pleasure in recommendin g it to the public, belies. French and English Broadcloths, all colors;
ing it iii be the best article ofthekind now in use. do Cassimeres, plain and Fancy;
IL Ronr,R Ts( ).\-, JAMES P. BLACK, Sartinets. Bloc, Blue Llik, Mix'd and Fancy;
R. H. PEEPLES, CIIAS'.B.SCULLY. j Summer Cloths, Gambroons. Plaid Linens;
C. DA R RA6 'H.
WM " .11 ' C AA' DLESS, I Bleached and Brown Linens, Drillings;
J. M ,If ()Unit E AD, JAS. S. CR A P7'.
Satin, Cashmere, Valencia and Marseilles Vestings;
H. L. RING 1- I*AL7', L. N. JOHNS.
Linen Sheetings 5-4 and 8.4, Checks;
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, A poth- Bleached and Brown MusliFlA, CaliVaBS, Padding; i
ecary and Chemi-q, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; ! Fancy Prints 6{ to 25c.; Fine Ginghams;
and by all the principal Druggi s t s , and at Turtle's ! Hosiery. a very large assortment and very low;
Medie'al Agency, Fourth st.
seP I A splendid aiisortment of Spring, Shawls;
An assortment of Parasols;
Aind it gene r al assortment of cther goods usually !
found in a Dry Goads Store, all of which will be sold 1
low fo r Cash.
[U" N. 13. Large additions expected on tire
p I
Ist of ! .
T HE subseribe r offers for side i-i
•large and splendid asort ment of
PIANO FORTES of ditTerent patterns, wart anted to
be of superior en kmanship, and of the best materials:
the tone not to be exceeded by any in thorium' ry.
Cerner of Penn and St. Clairstreet...-,
opposite the Exchange
Fancy Hardware. Just Received.
HE Subscriber re.pectfidly informs his friends
and the public!, that he is now opening a fine as
sortment of Fancy house -furnishing Hardware, con
sisting in part of
Table Cutlery, Britannia table and tea spoons;
Herman silve r tea and table spoon.;
Britannia Te a Sett., Collor. and Ten Pots:
Suga r Bowls and Crea n Jug:, (seperate,)
Japanned Tea Waiters, Bread Trays;
Silve r Plated and German Silver framed Castors,
with 4, 5 and t; bottlr
Britania framed do, Silver Plate Candlesticks;
Brass do., Snuf f ers and Tines;
Fire Irons in setts and single pairs;
Fire Fenders, (of vai ious size.%)
Chimney Books;
Solar Lard Lamps, Britannia and Japanned hand
(Window and Curtain Bands, Glagg Curtain Pi n ,
for hiindg) of all the various sizes. With a variety of
other articles too hurn , rous to mention, nll of which
will be offered at unusually low prices.
frou,e-turniAing Wareh OS. ouce, 104 Woo d sr.,
mar 17.
Removal by Fire.
E. SELLERS, has removed his Ding Store to
• the head of Smithfield 3 trpet, No 125. 11 a vino
by the active exertions of many hind ft tentlQ, succeed
ed in saving a portion of my stock, arid having goods
on the way, from New York. Philadelphia and Bulb
more, I shall be prepared in a few days to serve my
city and country friends as usual, and shall be very,
thankful in this time of need, fur their custom.
ap 11.
sriumn AND-sntiF.rt
...lantana = tE . ompanits•
'ho Girard Life Insruranec, Annuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital paid $3OO 000—
_ Charter
T"'s COMPANY &Teets insurance on live* title
er during the life of the applicant, for a specified
period. It idso grants annuities and endowments, and
is further empowered to receive funds on interest and
to execute Trusts and manage Estates, either from in
dividuals. Courts of Justice or Corporations for the
true and faithful performance of which the whole cap
ital is pledged. Premiums of Insurance are very low
and every facil;ty is offered for affecting the same,
and every policy of Insurance for life is entitled to a
Bonus of the profits at stated periods thereby, combi•
Ding the advantage s of a Mutual Insurance, with the
security of a permanent Capital.
As the public attention has not been much direc
ted to the subject of Life Insurance in this city, the
follow ii instances taken from the records of the Com
pany will show its beneficial operation.
Policy No. 485.—A man who bad insured his life
paid his premiums for 3 years. amounting to $ll 80,
when lie died, and his wife and family received from
the Company $lOOO.
Policy No. 546—The insured paid 102 per annum,
for two years, when his decease occurring, his family
received $5OOO.
Policy No. 230.—The insured paid but one premi
um of $22 50, when his decease occurred, and his
family received $l6OO.
In case of the death of the party insured, the amount
of the policy will be paid with the utmost promptitude.
In order to extend the practice of Life Insurance,
in this city, and the west generally, this Company has
appointed the subscriber their agent, who will attend
to any business connected with the objacts of the Cor
poration. Fur further particulars apply to
Office in Bakewell's Law Buildings.
Grant st. Pittsburgh
mnr IR-33m
American Fire Insurance Company
OlNcs. zn Phil odelihio, No. 7'2, Walnut st ;
Wee of Agenc 11 in Pittsburgh., No 2, Ferry st.
«'±t. DAvirisos, President, FRED. FRA
an LEY, Seey.
' PHIS old and well establish oql Compy continues
.1 to moko li ,, urance on Baildings, Merchandise,
Furbitto e and property, not of an extra hazardous
character, against In.'s or damage by Fire. Posseess
lag an ample paid up Capital in addition to its unde
termined premiums, it carers one of the best indem
nities against 16ss by Film
Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its:
neighborhood will be received and risks taken, either
perpetually, or fir limited periods, on favorable terms l
may 2, Iti .15.
Fire and Marine Insurance.
T EI E undersigned hiving been appointed an
Agent of the Spring Garden Mutual Insurance
C.,mpany for this vicinity, is now prepared to take
I For, Marine and River I i , ki, fur any length of time
i and at the (.11,1!"Mtity rates. Wall Paper.
Fourth Street Road, Pittebergk.
Ibis Institutioncombine s the mutual insurance 1
principle, with a joint stockcapital p
v aid in. ' T SHIDLE manufficturesPAPEß arid d
BORDERINa keeps constantly for
o a share in ins profits, and do not incur any
Persons insuring with this Company are entitled ; • sale , WALL
respo n .. every description. He has now on hand, a large and
t splendid assortment of Glazed and Common Paper,
sibility beyond
farceth amount of premium paid.
, ~ •
Application isks may be made to the unde r . %smelt he offers to sell for cash or barter, as o w e f
signed at his warehouse on 2d st., between Smithfield not lower, than they can be bought for of any other
and Wood sts., or to Mr Samnal Herron, at the office house west of the mountains Also, a superior lot of
of the Firemen's Insurance Company, corner of sth Glazed Green. Paper, colored on one so
both sides,
' and Market streets, entrance on Fifth st. !expressly for Window Blinds, t)y the of
or single,
, piece. A liberal discount to those who purchase to
I 111:1:, 5-tilm JAMES %V. BURISRIDGE.
srll amain
ap 18-3 m.
, ---
Insurance against Fire.
rri 11 EC i ; icons' Mutu3l Insurance Company of Peon- l nAVING saved a portion of tneir stock of Wail
_L s',lvaoh, located in the City of Philadelphia, i Paper from the fire, have for the present retains
wi!l I r:,ure a,zain A loss or damage by fire, houses 'ed to the second ?tory over James Wilson's Hat store,
and Store:, cith,
kr pe f rpcbra h lly ;li o e r `or
j household any"gmood"esd corner of Wood
d st. and Diamond a The factoty,
o Periodoi tir t e • a ls n o nd s t in 7 ar s es o an m d e g L otids generally, on the moat i
i t m ou ac c h hed iner a y n a d n they still scotuarinmuea tiongmpanuf:C art
liberal terms.
1 that they will bo able to supply those who may give
A pplwalioni made to the Agency of this Company, ' them a call . y
17-tf .
in liorke's Budding_ on 4th street, between Market '
[la' Entrance through Mr Wilson's store and from
an,l Woo.l, at the office of Eyster St Buchanan, will Diamond alley.
meet with prompt attention. These are becoming quite ,
Ireyent. JAS. W. BUCHANAN.
apr 30-(111,
Contracts for Rebuilding.
T HE undersigned is desirous of obtaining em
ploment in drawing Deeds, Bonds, Mortga
Articles of Agreement. &c. ges,
Anti tt give particular attention to the prepara
tion of contracts for the rebuilding of houses destroy
ed by the recent tire, and pledges himself to execute
the same with neattiess and accuracy, and upon the
most moderate terms.
He may be found O; the Office of the Clerk of the U
S Circuit Court, new Court House, north side, up
rip 17-Im.
Select School for Boys.
L• W LLI A MS, will open a Select School fur
Boys, in the Section-rourri oldie First Pres
terian Church, Pittsburgh, in Monday the 7th of
April next. Entrance on Sixth street.
Teem;:—Primary Class, $6 per scholar per quarter
of 11 weeks.
14nr Clans,
Senior CL~se,
Re•:. D. Elliott, I) D.. Rev. D. 11. Riddle, I). D.,
Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. I)., Hon. Charles Shafer,
Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., Charles H. Istaell, Esq.
march '27-1 vd.
J. S. Gwynn°,
LTAVING been burned out, may be found at Messrs
Parry, Scott & Co.'s warehouse, 103 Wood st.,
until lie can make further arrangements.
One dozen of Letter Coping Pressrs for sale nt n Cutlery, Surgical Instruments and Edge
low ' , lice, being the sole remains of his stock and i Tools.
titres saved. Persons wanting the article will confer! ToIIN W. BLAIR, having made an arrangement
a favor by purchasing,. ap 28 tf id with Thomas M'Corthy, Cutler, he is now pre
ipared to furnish all articles used by Dentists, Sar
geons, Saddlers, Tinners, Tailors, and Shoe makers, lit
the shortest notice on the most reasonable terms.
I Any orders left with John W. Blair, No 120 WoClld
street, will have immediate attention.
-- ap 12-tf
Turning and Sawing.
T HE subscribers having commenced the TatriOpgis
and Sawing business on a large scale, witleati.:
vantages superior to any establishment west of the
Mountains, ore prepated to execute all orders in their
line with neatness and despatch. And they are deter
mined to offer to their customers better tern than toy
other establishment in the City. Call and see..
Fifth street, between Wood
& GUGERTZ, and Market, opposius
Exchange Bank.
Damaged Cutlery.
D E RSONS having Hardware ur Cutlery in a dam
aged state, can hare it ground. polished and re
paired in a neat and substantial mariner by the sub
scriber. Any orders left with John W. Blair, No. 120
Wend street, will meet with prompt attention.
an 2ti—tf. THOMAS McCARTHY.
John Cartwright,
C UTLER and Surgical Insti ument Manufacturer
No 1.10 Wood street, two doors frutn Virgin al
ley, Pittslutra, Pa.
N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment lf
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's,
flatter's, Hair Dresser's arid Tanner's Patent Shears
Saddler% Tools. Trus-es, &c. jo 24.
p ab t 2botr*lntnbi)
Produce, Forwarding & ColistisiOli
Merchant, •
Also, Agent United States Portable Dont Line Depot,
[37"Liberal advances made on consignments, Whoa.
Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans sad
Temple; Heald, Woode ord & Co.; Seidl &Thompson,..
William WKnight & Co.; Cha P
sA i
T. B. de W. P. CONOVER,
Wholesale Dealers In Rests, Shoes, Boa.
nets, Papa Leaf Bats and Caps,
THEY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that
they have a splendid assonment of the above
Goode, and are still manufacturing largely, which they
will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or approved
aug 9-tf
A RE now receiving in addition to their former
Pl_ stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND
which they invite the attention of Western Mercbaata.
ang 6-ly
_ ohn D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and Sthats., Pittabitribt
TS ready to receive merchandize of every de:tett:4kt"
On consignment, for public or private sale, and
From long experience in the above business, natter
! himself that he will be able to give entire eatisfactiot.
to all who may favor him with theirpatronage.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THORSDAYS, of Dr,
' Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittiburghmanufacturcd articlaa,new
and secondhand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,atearlygas light. atigl2—y
No. 47 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
ESPECTFULLY invites attention to his present
11. extensive and well assorted stock Mcluding all
the various articles in his line of business. Frequent
additions will be made to the goods, now on hand, by
fresh Importations from France,• during the active
business season; and the American Paper and Borders
i n store, having been manufactured by careful and com
petent workmen, are probably not surpassed in style,
finish, or brilliancy and durability olsolork,
The liberal patronage with which the eatabliehtnetll
has hitherto been favored, is duly acknowleged, an
its continuance respectfully solicited.
1,77-eA handsome assortme n t of beautifully painte
"Transparent Window Shades"just rec'd, and fur sale
at prices suited to the state of times.
Rags and Tanners' Scraps bought at the highest
market prices.
B p 16 tf
RIGBY takes this method of a9noune.
ing to his friends and the public, that since the
fire he has taken a part of the warehouse or F.
Schweppe, opposite the head of Wood in Liberty st.
No 182,at which place he is now receiving, and will
soon hare openod , a general assortment of China; Glass
and Queenstrare, to which he respectfully invites the
attention of his former customers. [ap
, For Coughs! Colds !! Consumptions;!!
E l
"K.— THIS pleasant and certain eure fur
coughs and colds goes ahead ofsallibc
reparatio i s
now or ever offereit tii
the public. The p use of it is so great that the proprie
tor has same e Acuity in keeping a supply for the in
creasing demand. Medical agencies, griceries, drag • .
; gists, coffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats keep
a supply on band. It is called for every where, and
will sell in any place. The reason is this: every one
who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks Sod
themselves cured, as it were, by msgic.. Xersoa6 at"
a distnnce, by remitting the money, post psi& itiThe
subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the stick
5.} cents; 5 sticks for 25 cts; and at wholesale by Wl'
THORN, Druggist, 53 Market at, where a genets(
assortme nt of Drugs an'd medicines may always 'be
nov 28
Hotel and Boarding Homo. .
IIE usbcriber respectfully informs his hien&
and the public, that he has opened a Hoiel aad-
Boarding House, corner of Sixth street, end Cherry
alley, where travellers and others will be accommoda.
ted on the most reasonable terms. The house it
spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex
pense, and every arrangement is made that-will ec-
Imre the comfort end render t.ntisfecticn 10 boanisKas
and 'wizens. A share of public patronage Is redpice.
fully solicited.
ap 22-If
Cotner of Si. Clair and Pena streets, Pilisburgh.
T FIE proprietor begs leave to return his mostgrate.
ful thanks to his friends and the public for past
favor-, and hopes by attention, to merit a continuation
of their patronage. The Itou ,, e is pleasantly situated
neat the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel
ers, and u large room for public meetings, dinner or
supper parties.
Always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with.
the choicest the market win afford. Oysters and
Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, recOveli eye.
ry day during the season. The greatest. (Are has beibni
taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A vane ! .
ty of newspapers are regularly filed in the establiih.
P. S.
a 13A Hot Lunch served up every tiny at 11, A. M,